#Digi-Battle Card Game
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These images are placeholders until I photograph or scan my cards
Curiously, while Roachmon is listed as Bo-23 in every list and image I can find online, my Roachmon card is numbered CP-17. Similarly, Elecmon is supposed to be Bo-61 but mine is CP-33 I'm not sure why this is - I cannot find any information on it.
If you know why, please do let me know!
#Bo-59#Bo-75#Bo-78#Megadramon#Tuskmon#Cyclonemon#Bo-81#Floramon#Bo-82#Mushroomon#1999#Digi-Battle Card Game#DigiBattle Card Game#CP-17#Bo-23#Roachmon#CP-33#Bo-61#Elecmon#Hyper Colosseum#Digimon TCG#Digimon#Digimon Hyper Colosseum
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Pickmon BT5-003

#pickmon#bt5-003#chibickmon#yellow#digi-egg#lv2#in-training#minor#uncommon#Ryodan#BT-05#booster battle of omni#battle of omni pre-release pack#digimon card game fest
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Do you see my vision? Not just chosen children, but chosen Navis too!
I don't have too much of a plot yet, but, in typical Digimon fashion, a group of kids (Lan, Maylu, Dex, Yai and Chaud) get pulled into the Digital World against their will to save it. The difference this time is that they already have digital companions who get some major reformatting when entering the Digital World! The PETs get turned into Digi-PETs, but still have the ability to upload Battle Chips to give the Navis-turned-mons special attacks, kinda like the cards in Tamers. I haven't designed Digi-fakes before, but I do know I want the Navi-mons to get unique new evolutions despite their rookie forms being pretty normal.
I do have some reason when choosing the Digimon forms, (despite my Ghost Game bias...)
Megaman is a Gammamon because it has multiple evolution branches, including a dark form, much like Megman. Very simple explanation.
Roll is a Cutemon because it is a bunny, and is pink, and is cute. End of story. (I didn't want to use Lopmon because it wouldn't make sense without Terriermon.)
Gutsman is a Sunarizamon because I liked how bulky and ground-based it is. It also wasn't a partner Digimon, to the best of my knowledge, and I was trying for a bit of variety.
Glide is an Agoramon because I think it would be funny to have instead of a fluffy bunny knight, to have a fluffy bunny butler. Angoramon can also fly, and is big enough to carry people, which I think Yai would use to her advantage.
Protoman is a Gaomon because Saver's Gaomon won me over with his 'sir yes, sir!/yes, master!'s. (I had to doodle my point which is why ProtoGaomon gets a whole page to himself.)
If you want to talk to me about this idea, please do! Use the ask button or if you really want to, DM me. I really don't mind.
#lynx's art#crossover#megaman#rockman.exe#Digimon#Gammamon#Gaomon#Protoman#Battle Network#Lan Hikari#Gurimon
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The Chosen Children/Digidestined (and Digimon Kaiser/Emperor) in Digimon World: Digital Card Arena/Battle video game
Since they are holding those cards, I could imagine them doing Card Slash/Digi-Modify in Tamers AU.
#Digimon World: Digital Card Arena#Taichi Yagami#Daisuke Motomiya#Yamato Ishida#Iori Hida#Takeru Takaishi#Sora Takenouchi#Jou Kido#Joe Kido#Miyako Inoue#Koushiro Izumi#Mimi Tachikawa#Hikari Yagami#Ken Ichijouji#Digimon Kaiser#digimon emperor#Digimon#digimon world: digital card battle#video games#Digimon Adventure 02#davis motomiya#matt ishida#tai kamiya#tk takaishi#yolei inoue#izzy izumi#kari kamiya
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digimon card poll! (updated for accuracy and now including alt-text!)

#digimon#tcg#poll#digimontcg#digibattle#card game#apologies for misinformation on previous version of this poll#i was tired when i made it#and thankyou to rukmau/sky for politely checking me in the tags
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Game Spotlight #3: Digimon World (1999)
Today is a special day and as such it is is only fitting that today marks the first Acquired Stardust Game Spotlight brought to you by me, Larsa. What makes today special? Well that’s because it’s August 1st, better known to many fans around the world as "Odaiba Memorial" or more simply "Odaiba Day", a day which marks the 24th anniversary of the chosen children, the “Digidestined”, who first made their way into the digital world. No matter when you became a fan of Digimon this date holds a deep meaning to all of us in the Digimon fandom for being the day that the original chosen children started their journey.
“ ! “
This is a universal day we in the fandom celebrate the world over and it is an eventful day like this that puts on full display how caring the Digimon fanbase is of the series. Whether you can visit the man made island of Odaiba in person on this day or you are browsing through your social media apps embracing the meme this is our day fellow "Digi-fans". Digimon is the franchise that kick-started my imagination and truly meant the most to me growing up as a child back in 1999 when "Digimon Adventure" first aired on Fox in North America. It is no exaggeration to say years in my childhood that Digimon was very much my life. It was what I most often thought about when I would daydream at school, or soccer practice. I would even find the spare time as a child to desecrate an innocent sheet of paper with my personal crudely drawn original Digimon. ( We all did this am I right? ) As a way to make me happy with my childhood obsession the first home console game that my older brothers bought me was Digimon World for the original Playstation. The game blew my mind with how large it felt at the time and as a result was what largely consumed my summer vacation that year. I happily say that this game has been an absolute adventure to revisit to this day~!

“ This was innovative at the time! “
Digimon, shorthand for " Digital Monsters ", started as a virtual pet toy created by WiZ and Bandai in the year 1997 as the more "masculine" companion to big sister toyline " Tamagotchi ". These new Digital Monsters weren't just adorable pets wanting for you to take care of them they were born fighters and you the player would tame these creatures from birth to battle other players of the game through connecting devices. It turns out many children did become tamers because the Digimon v-pet toy was an instant hit selling many toys right away. Immediately after the launch of the original toy-line it was clear that Bandai was very confident that they could shape Digimon into a successful multimedia franchise. The Digimon toyline was quickly followed up with a more expanded toyline, magazines, manga, trading card game, and several video game projects - the first notable home console video game release being "Digital Monster Ver. S" for the Sega Saturn in Japan. The first globally released Digimon video game would be "Digimon World" for the Playstation console and this game was developed alongside it's own sequel "Digimon World 2" in an ambitious project by Bandai to ensure in their minds global domination.

“ Digimon World “ was originally was released on January 28th in the year 1999 in Japan to a successful launch. The following year it would be first released in May to North America(NTSC) and shortly afterward in July to European(PAL) regions. Both of these version would both go onto be big selling hits on the console earning the Playstation's "Greatest Hits" label in North America and likewise "Platinum" status in Europe because quite frankly Digimon was that big of a deal already. By the year 2000, it was clear outside of Japan that Digimon would not just go down as another another contender to Pokemon’s reign. The Digimon series had become a champion in it's own right establishing itself as a rival even for Pokemon at the time. Digimon World was the first Digimon video game most of the world experienced. So the question is after all this time how does the game hold up 24 years later? Was it worth the hype in a crowded platform like the Playstation?
“ Sidenote: They were pushing the original Digimon TCG “
“Welcome to The Digital World “
The Digital World is a vast and mysterious place that exists both within our world and outside of it. You insert the Digimon World disc then go through the Playstation start up sequence where you are greeted by that haunting yet relaxing boot up sound of the console. After a brief load time you are shown in wonderfully aged FMV from a typical afternoon of the year 1999 in Japan complete with children battling virtually through the Digimon V-Pet toys. Before long the battle between the two players go from toy to imagination in our main character's head, daydreaming of the fight between two Ultimate level Digimon: the proud MetalMamemon and the imposing MetalGreymon. After the cut-scene you hit start to officially start your own journey to the digital world albeit an unintentional one for our avatar as they are forcefully whisked away into the Digital World itself through their own V-Pet toy.
“ MetalMamemon wants to fight! “
Once the scene finishes playing then you are confronted by Jijimon, an elderly wise Digimon who asks the players some background questions which determine your starter Digimon. You see depending on the answers you gave Jijimon you will receive Agumon or Gabumon as a companion both Digimon whose potential take different shapes. After being introduced to your partner you are then given reason for why you were brought here to the Digital World: it turns out maybe you really do just love Digimon so much that it made you a chosen child yourself? At any rate you the player are tasked by Jijimon with the serious task of rebuilding " File City ", a village where Digimon used to live in peace with one another until recent times where the formerly peace loving Digimon fled the city after having forgotten their own past. As you guide each new Digimon back to the city you may uncover the truth behind the current ongoing mystery of File Island. Those who re-join the new File City will offer something helpful to the city whether it to run a Bank, Item Shop, Clinic, or much more. Ideally you will help the village grow from its humble roots to a true city but it won’t be easy, tamer.
“ Becoming Garurumon is gonna be tough... “
The game truly begins now as you are set on a journey to explore File Island, a wondrous land of mystery with many different ecosystems filled with many diverse Digimon and just as many wires emerging from the soil unlike anything you may have seen before anywhere else. And now with this journey comes responsibility - while your primary goal for being here may be to help File Island at large your more immediate task is to care for and raise your Digimon properly. It is up to you the player to decide how you raise your digital partner as each day passes by in a linear manner through morning, day, dusk, and dawn cycles. It is at this point you can immediately with courage choose to venture outside the city into the unknown or spend some time building the combat stats of your Digimon partner at The Green Gym section of File City. At the gym you can put your Digimon through a variety of training tasks which is typically focused on increasing one stat at a time primarily. These stats are known in the game as HP which effects how much damage they can take before fainting. MP which determines the amount of points how many combat techniques your partner can use in a battle. Off(ense) which is the stat the game uses to figure out how hard a Digimon hits another. Def(ense) which works as the opposite, this stat determines how much damage a Digimon takes from being hit in which the higher def means less taken away from HP. SPD which determines how often a Digimon attacks with a technique (this caps at 300 SPD), how often a Digimon guards against an opponent's technique, and how fast your Digimon's Finishing Move charges through their own actions. And last but not least is Wis(dom!) which can give your Digimon the ability to listen to more commands in battle. Each training session causes an hour to pass by in the digital world but this is time well spent because these stats are the key to success in combat.
“ Yup, it really won’t be easy. “
If you raise your Rookie-rank Digimon improperly they will eventually become a rather weak Champion-level creature known as "Numemon" hardly fitting for the moniker at first glance. However if you raise them well they can become something greater through digivolution and every Digimon has multiple evolutionary branches which are driven conditionally by how you raise the Digimon whether it be through hitting stat thresholds, battles, the amount (or lack of) care mistakes, techniques learned, or even body weight. The game even has additional secret methods of reaching digivolutions that may surprise a player the first time playing and even longtime players who have yet to experience everything the game has to offer in their time with it. You may not always get what you want through Digivolution without proper planning so keep that in mind.
Outside the city you may run into hostile Digimon that can quickly become challenging for your partner had they not been prepared properly for the dangers of the wild. Once in combat you have to leave the battling to your Digimon partner as you stand on the sidelines making commands or supporting them with various healing items. It is at this early point you learn that you cannot directly control what your partner does in battle you can only offer them orders to influence their behavior in a battle system akin to something known as an "auto-battler" today. Your partner when they achieve victory can learn techniques from their foes, obtain items, and Bits (currency). On the other hand your partner can fall in battle and for each time they fall in battle they will lose a heart which will result in them passing away upon losing three hearts. Between any battles that can occur your digital partner needs food, they need to use the bathroom, and your digital partner needs rest. Every time your Digimon uses the bathroom outside of a stall or porta-potty it will result in a "Care Mistake" which the game will remember for that Digimon's lifespan through an in game counter.
“ Forget it. This dino is more cuddly than any wolf. “
I mentioned lifespan earlier, right? Well every partner Digimon generally needs to be cared for with love before unavoidably they pass away sooner or later. And when that time comes Jijimon will be there to reincarnate your partner Digimon into a Digi-Egg where they start life all over again. Due to the nature of this game you form a bond with your Digimon that you may not find yourself having with other similar monster raising video games such as Pokemon. The time you have with your Digimon in the Digital World is fleeting and it's quite sad. As a tamer it is with love inside of your heart that you must juggle that fleeting time between making your buddy stronger and spending their same limited time saving the Digimon outside the city alongside the player. There is a real somber feeling when you know your Digimon might be on your last day as you run a frozen tundra for the final time at night knowing it might be their last one with you. Everyone who has played this game enough understands that heavy feeling and it is that feeling which drives you to do better for your next partner.
“ This land is labeled correctly. “
This game world has its own logic and rules that are rewarding to learn to get past the harsh difficulty curves. And now with that being said it is this same "gameplay loop" which I laid out in detail leading up to this which would often overwhelm me as a child. Many times I would aim for my Agumon to become the mighty Greymon only to get another alternate digivolution like Monochromon instead of the one which I planned for. This would happen to younger me even with the official Brady Strategy Guide by my side because a guide can only help you through so much - this was a game you had to experience and learn yourself back in the day to get the most out of it.
“ Time flows differently here! “
The Digital World in this game is all about discovery. Often you may have no idea what to do next exactly if you are playing the game blind though with enough discovery you will figure it out. You may find that next Digimon you need to bring back to File Island in a place you never thought to check. You may even find a random item on screen you have walked by hundreds of time without ever having seen before that hundredth visit. Digimon World balances elements of a pet-simulator, and maybe more impressively a world that feels like it is really one of a kind. The environments in this game are beautiful, populated with all kinds of digital critters, and accompanied by often fitting ambient sounds which fit the atmosphere the game presents to us. There is nothing quite like walking through File City at nighttime with your Digimon partner as that lovely song plays away in the background. Composers Koji Yamada and Yuko Ishii outdid themselves with this game’s score, most songs being geared to the environment at hand and some others geared towards pulse pounding combat as your partner is locked in a fight for survival. For example the musical themes of Factorial Town feels daunting and mechanical in nature. We now live in an era full of "open world" video games everywhere and yet sometimes Digital World feels more alive to me than even some modern AAA offerings. It says a lot about a game’s quality when it can stick with someone positively years later.
“ Make the right choice. “
Speaking of the way the game looks all together it is a pretty nice looking game for the Playstation. It is the first time that the original Digimon which famed Digimon designer Kenji Watanabe created were being presented in a 3D environment within a video game. These 3D models are a huge leap in technology over the V-Pet sprites and these over several dozen designs really shined in this iteration of The Digital World. Often the monsters in this series are known for looking "cool" such as Leomon so it is worth mentioning even the cuter designs like Monzaemon look absolutely adorable in this game. The graphics, soundtrack, and presentation of this game are pretty strong in my opinion.
“ This chart helps you raise every kind of Digimon available! ”
I truly appreciate this game even more today then I did in the year 2000 when I played it for the very first time and there is so much more that I could muse over with this game. Now with all this being said there are many bugs and glitches in this game so be warned this gemstone can be rough around the edges. Overall I will cut myself short to say proudly that this game stands up to the test of time and the influence of this game is felt to this day. Worth mentioning that "Digimon World: Next Order" serves as a true sequel to this beloved PlayStation title and yet as good as it may be the new title does not replace the original game. I'm urging anybody who has not played this game yet to seek it out and give it a chance. Better yet find the Digimon World Randomizer created by the game's devout community which adds many features and fixes nearly every game bug, all things in service of making the experience even better. There is even chatter from the current producer of Digimon video games that we can expect either a remaster or remake of this beloved title someday. Which makes sense considering Digimon is even more popular globally than ever now. No matter how you experience this game it is worth playing for any Digimon fan even just one time.
Digimon World is an incredible adventure worthy of being called stardust.
-- Larsa
#Digimon#Gaming#Video Games#Retro Gaming#PSX#PSOne#PS1#Bandai#Acquired Stardust#Game Spotlights#Bandai Namco#Odaiba Day#Digimon World#Game Recommendations#Playstation#1999#Digimon Day
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 8
Hmm this episode was just okay. There were some really nice animation moments, but it kinda felt like there was a lot of drawn out fluff. I still enjoyed myself, but I spaced out a couple times so I guess it didn't have me super gripped.
Impmon was a fun little asshole in this episode. It's funny how he doesn't ever really get the reactions he wants. Renamon just kinda ignored him and Guilmon is too innocent to realize he's being trolled. Love a goofy villain who's bad at being evil. (I'm sure he'll get something darker to do eventually tho)
Terriermon has such an interesting personality. You would think such a cute little guy would be nice and affectionate but instead he's very blunt and says whatever's on his mind without much care for other's feelings. The way he inappropriately reacts to things yet seems to have a sort of wisdom...neurodivergent digi? (he does kinda look like autism creature lol)
The fact that Guilmon has a hobby of burying and digging up his food makes me think of enrichment for a caged zoo animal...at least he can technically leave
This episode did a really good job of making big digimon actually big! Adventure struggled with that at times (Greymon's size in the movie vs. the anime for example). I feel like showing off the hugeness of digimon and making them feel intimidating is all about the angles/perspectives they're "shot" at. Devidramon and Growmon felt properly intimidating in this.
Asanuma-sensei's JP voice is very monotone. She kinda sounds dead inside. She also barely reacted to a giant goth dragon flying inches from her head lol. I'd be screaming and peeing my pants and she was just like "what was that...?"
It's hard for me to not read "Grow" as grow...I get that it's from "growl," but that romanization is confusing out of context...
Takato being sucky at strategizing with his cards felt relatable to me lol. I'm bad at strategy games...
Seeing Guilmon digivolve for the first time was exciting and I look forward to seeing more Growmon in the next episode. I'm not super bothered that his design didn't change much. It's just annoying that digivolution is so inconsistent and sometimes they look completely different and other times its more gradual. Also, wait...when he was born Takato's digivice had to scan the drawing of Guilmon but this time it just kinda happened. Hope we get an explanation for all this eventually...
Speaking of unexplained mysteries, Culumon randomly shows up right as Guilmon is digivolving and his head lights up. The timing was suspicious, but I have no idea what the connection is yet.
I don't really get why Renamon and Terriermon couldn't have helped Guilmon with his fight. Renamon was like "that's Guilmon's prey..." which sure, makes sense with Ruki and Renamon's style of battling for power, but what was holding Jian and Terriermon back exactly?
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Case 33 - A Digi-Girls’ Battle
[AO3 version]
I’m always behind on everything. Hikari-chan can evolve Tailmon past Adult level without Jogress. She doesn’t need me…
The boys are always one step ahead of me too…
“School is starting soon… I don’t want to go to the third year!!” Daisuke shouted, whining. He was dramatically laying on the seat from the karaoke booth, “I’M NOT READY!!”
“Why are you making a fuss about it?” Ken complained, with a tired gaze, “We have more important problems than school grades.”
“You’re not worried at all!? This year we actually have to plan for AFTER high school!” Daisuke snapped, “IT’S! IT’S…!! COLLEGE!! THE FUTURE!! AND I’M STILL NOT SURE WHICH ONE I WANT TO ATTEND YET!!”
Tailmon commented with the others in the booth, “It’s strange seeing Daisuke, of all people, be concerned about his future.”
“True true,” they all replied with a nod.
“If I want to open my own ramen business I need to know what to do!! What if I skip college…?”
“You’re not planning to do that, are you?” Patamon asked.
“No, but… Uhh…”
“Daisuke-kun, you’re just starting the third year not becoming an adult…” Takeru tried to calm him down, with a pat on Daisuke’s head, “And most importantly, Ichijouji-kun is right about this not being a big deal right now.”
They all turned to Ken, who was also fussing with something else, except in silence.
“I know…” Daisuke frowned, “Ken is just…”
“... I’m thinking about how to end this already” Ken reiterated, “I can’t allow more people to be part of this game, or even… Let my stupid mistake as the Kaiser keep affecting other people and digimon.”
“You ok, Ken?” V-mon asked, frowning.
“Ken-chan is busy,” Wormmon replied quickly.
“Hey, you can share that burden with us” Miyako walked to Ken and put her hand on his, while he was holding the laptop’s mouse, “We’re here for you.”
“Miyako-san…” he blushed a bit when his eyes met hers.
“And we have Noel’s help too!” Daisuke added with a grin, “Noel can use his tricks and bang! Find them!
“... I don’t want to rely on him” Ken replied quickly, “Relying on a phantom thief…”
“Sometimes our allies come from unexpected places,” Takeru mused, “Like you”
“I agree,” Iori added, “And we can solve this main case quickly if we work together.”
“If Iori-kun says so…” Ken chuckled.
“I see someone smiling~” Daisuke teased him.
“Thanks, everyone” Ken’s tension has passed and he felt more relaxed on the seat.
They all giggled.
“With Dominimon’s help now we can beat stronger enemies!” V-mon looked at Armadimon and Patamon, “We wouldn’t need to worry about keeping Imperialdramon as our trump card.”
“V-mon,” Takeru interrupted him, “We need to keep Imperialdramon around, because they’re our strongest digimon evolution.”
“Huh, what do ya mean!?” Armadimon squinted his eyes, “Patamon and I are strong too, dagyaa!”
“Takeru-kun didn’t mean it as an insult,” Ken explained, “If you take a look closely at each Jogress evolution we have… Shakkoumon is our best defense, Imperialdramon is our best attacker, and Silphymon is our best support.”
“True,” Hikari agreed with a nod, and the others just watched Ken’s explanation in silence.
“So we should leave Dominimon to be our defense again,” Tailmon mused.
“...” But Miyako dropped her smile at that mention. She took her coat and Hawkmon, then walked to the entrance of the booth.
“Miyako?” Daisuke frowned, “Are you leaving right now?”
“Yeah, I promised to help at the store today… Sorry, I have to go now.”
Miyako leaves the booth with Hawkmon, and sighs. Back to the group, Hikari gets her coat and Tailmon.
Daisuke panicked, “Hikari-chan you too?!”
“I have to talk with Taichi about something, sorry.”
And she left as well.
“... You didn’t leave because of your siblings, right Miyako-san?” Hawkmon asked her, being clutched (gently this time) in her arms.
“No, I… It’s hard,” she frowned, “Iori and Takeru-kun got Shakkoumon to evolve, and I’m not sure if… If Hikari-chan and I can evolve Silphymon too.”
“And besides, Hikari-chan can evolve Tailmon without our help too, so… I guess we should focus on something else, right…?”
Hawkmon felt something was odd, Miyako didn’t like to feel she’s a burden to the others. She always wanted to be useful for everyone, and that’s why she’s still focusing on helping Koushiro with Chosen Children-related projects, like maintaining the network or helping to develop a new app to connect with the digivices and phones.
She hadn’t thought about what to do for herself yet. She was thinking about the others first. And with this, she didn’t find what stuff she wanted to do now that she had graduated from High School.
I don’ t think I’m needed anymore…
Miyako wandered aimlessly until she witnessed Lune and Lunamon nearby. Hawkmon raised an eyebrow when he and Miyako saw the girl trying to hide from something or someone.
“What are they doing, Hawkmon?” Miyako asked.
“I have no idea…”
“Hurry up, Étoile…!!” Lune whispered to herself, “You have to answer my calls…!!”
“They’re getting closer…!!”
“Oh shoot! Let’s go Lunamon,” Then she and Lunamon kept running away.
Moments later, Miyako and Hawkmon saw Soleil and Flaremon a little lost, as if they were searching for something. The girl considered going to ask him what he and Flaremon were looking for when he received a message from Koushiro.
[A fragment has been detected, it’s near your current location.]
“Maybe they’re looking for the shard…” Hawkmon mused.
“Makes sense now!!”
It was Hikari. But just as she was getting closer to Miyako and Hawkmon, Firamon and Soleil turned in their direction and attacked the girls. Hawkmon and Tailmon evolved immediately into Aquilamon and Angewomon, protecting them.
“W-what is your problem, you jerk!?” Miyako hissed.
“Wait, there’s something strange with them…!!” Angewomon blocked Flaremon’s fists with her bare hands.
“Huh?” Hikari frowned, and then her sixth sense felt something eerie coming from Soleil. She grabbed Miyako’s hand and dragged the girl with her, in silence.
Aquilamon then headbutted Flaremon, throwing him on the ground, and then the bird digimon attacked the ground, causing a thick cloud of dust to cover their strategic retreat.
“Why are we running away!?” Miyako asked, but Hikari was still guiding them all to a safer spot in the area. Once they stopped, Hikari took a breath before explaining her actions:
“I… I sensed something wrong with Soleil-kun.”
“What was it?”
“His mind was stolen.”
“Stolen?! H-how?!”
“It doesn’t matter now, we need to contact the others,” Hikari said, while watching their digimon regrouping with them.
“Right…” Miyako replied in a nod, and the girls grabbed their phones.
It was when Miss Espimon sent them a message:
[Chosen Children, please help us! A human turned into a Rafflesimon and is going on a rampage… making… making every boy in town into her pawn!! Noel is a digimon,[] so he escaped, but… Soleil got caught and Flaremon is acting weirdly too!]
“What the…” Miyako squinted her eyes, disgruntled, “what is this, a S※per S※ntai plotline now!?”
“... All boys in town huh…” Hikari mused.
“Noel is not human, so he’s safe,” Hawkmon mused, “But I wonder what she means by Flaremon acting weirdly…”
“Maybe… Something else is controlling the digimon?” Miyako mused.
“... Dracumon” Tailmon clenched her fist.
“... We should warn the boys,” Hikari said with a serious tone. Her grip on the phone was firm, and then she started pressing the buttons on her phone, writing a message.
Miyako nodded and dialed Ken’s phone number instead.
Lune was still trying to contact Noel, but no success. He didn’t answer her calls, and she was starting to believe he got hurt or even brainwashed as well. She spotted Daisuke and the boys came out of the karaoke bar, with the goggle boy looking completely upset with something…?
She approached them, for a second,
“Motomiya-kun, I need your help!! You can talk with Étoile right--”
But Lunamon got in front of her, with a serious gaze.
“Don’t trust them!! They…”
Then, Daisuke (?) tried to catch Lune and Lunamon, but the digimon headbutted him and the others who tried to catch her partner.
“They were caught too!!” Lune gasped.
“Let’s get outta here, Mizuki!!”
“A-alright!!” and then they ran away again.
They are chased by the boys, until a blue hand and a yellow paw grab them and drag the girls into an alley. When Lunamon was about to snap, Patamon covered her mouth.
“Huh? Weren’t you too brainwashed…?” Lune asked, confused.
“No,” Wormmon said in a whisper to the group of digimon and Lune, “Something happened to them when they were inside the booth.”
“Yeah” V-mon shrugged, “A dude entered the booth with a… weird scale-petal-or-something.”
“And then that thing spread to our partners, dagya.”
“Ken noticed them and kicked us and Iori out of the booth in time!!” Patamon added, “But Iori got caught later by a strange girl with a fake shard.”
“...Kayono…” Lune clenched her firsts, “Is there anyone else that did not get caught besides you four?”
“We didn’t hear any news from Miyako or Hikari, dagya” Armadimon replied, “Maybe…”
Lunamon bit Patamon’s paw, angrily, “Aaaaah I’m tired of playing hide and seek!!”
“Aaa-aaah, my paw!!” Patamon cried, but not loudly to not catch attention from their human partners.
“Wait, we can deal with them” Lune glanced at the digimon, “But not Soleil, maybe if I get to work with Yagami-san and Inoue-san… ”
“What do you have in mind?” Wormmon asked, shyly.
“Ok, hear me out, Wormmon I need you to...”
The zombified-sorta 02 boys walked around, looking for Lune. Then, they spotted the girl at the entrance of the alley screaming: “MOTOMIYA-KUN AND BOYS, COME CATCH ME!! ~ ♡ ”
They ran into her direction, and she entered the alley… In which they were surprised by a sticky net falling upon them, dropped by their own digimon from the top of the building,
“MOON NIGHT BOMB!!” And then Lekismon dropped her sleeping bubble bombs on them.
They fell asleep and collapsed on the floor. Lekismon wiped her hands with a smug smile on her face.
“Right, now let me check your pocket, Motomiya-kun” Lune took Daisuke’s phone from his hoodie’s pocket to check the phone list when she noticed a new message in the inbox, “Oh? Well, this saves me time to contact them…”
She sent a message to Hikari’s number, then she tossed the phone to V-mon, who caught it. Lune then turned to the digimon quartet “Keep an eye on your boys. I have to get back my partner-in-crime now.”
“Oh yeah,” Lekismon cracked her knuckles, “Time to save those dumbasses from some awful b--”
Lune left the alley, screaming from the distance to Lekismon, “What are you doing?? Let’s go, Lekismon!!”
“D-DON’T LEAVE WITHOUT ME!!” Lekismon hissed, but followed Lune anyway.
The digimon looked at each other and shrugged.
“I got a message from Daisuke-kun’s phone but… It’s not him” Hikari said, looking at Miyako.
“Huh?” The other three blinked.
“It’s from Lune-san…” She explained, “They all were caught. Except for their digimon…”
“This is no good…” Miyako frowned, “If this Rafflesimon is stronger… We only have Silphymon and Lekismon to fight them…”
“We… We will manage to solve it!” Hikari said, trying to calm down Miyako, “Besides, Lune-san might know something…”
“Yes, we should not lose our hopes yet!” Hawkmon added with a smile.
“Hmm… What did she say, Hikari?” Tailmon asked.
“The message says to meet her at the ferris wheel area. She got something to ask us to do.”
“Uh, sir” the eyepatched Impmon asked, glancing at the masked person, “Why are we letting that chick run amok? And why are you targeting that girl with a Lunamon?” he pouted, “Rafflesimon probably got that detective brat you’re soooooo interested in!!”
“... Because she’s connected to Arsenemon, that’s why. I have to make that dirty digimon to pay for ruining my plans.”
“Yours…? I thought they were ‘ours’ -- Me and Naito included!!”
“Ah, right right. ‘Our’ plans.”
He didn’t sound happy with that. But why…?
Meanwhile, Hikari and Miyako just met with Lune at the ferris wheel area. They were still trying to avoid being caught by Soleil and Flaremon, or cross paths with Rafflesimon.
“Lune-san!” Hikari exclaimed, she and Miyako plus their partner digimon ran in the girl’s direction, “What happened to Soleil-kun?”
“...” But Lune did not want to answer that, she immediately changed the subject, “Your friends were caught by… A friend of mine, Kayono.”
“A friend?” Miyako raised an eyebrow.
“Look, we were classmates in middle school. She liked to flirt with boys. She hit on someone I liked. We had a fight, and then we never talked after that ever again.”
“So… That explains why she’s targeting boys,” Hawkmon mused, “Rafflesimon can turn her enemies into servants by shedding her scales on them.”
“But why is she targeting you then?” Tailmon went straight to the point.
“...” Lune felt hesitant to answer that, “Your friends, Motomiya-kun and the others are fine. Lekismon put them to sleep and their digimon are watching them for us.”
“You’re hiding something here,” Tailmon squinted her eyes.
“I don’t need to tell you anything else!” she snapped, “Just… Just help me to beat her and get Soleil… Youta back.”
“We will, we need to save Daisuke-kun and the others too,” Hikari added with a serious gaze.
“We… We can do this” Miyako said, but deep down she was weak and insecure. Silphymon cannot evolve, can they? Would Jogress work if she is feeling bad like this??
Hikari-chan can do this alone, Tailmon can evolve further, without Aquilamon and me…
“Rafflesimon is a final level digimon” Lekismon said, “We could get a chance if you distract her and let me use my bubble bombs on her.”
“... Ultimate level means we’re at disadvantage” Tailmon mused, “Silphymon and Angewomon are perfect level, and Lekismon is adult level… We would have to break the mind control and ask Daisuke and Ken to use Imperialdramon against her.”
“But if we can’t do that…” Miyako whispered, “It’s all game over for us…”
“We have to try!” Lekismon stomped her foot on the floor, like the bun she is, “This isn’t time for showing weakness!!”
“We couldn’t contact Étoile too” Lune sighed, “We will have to ask Miss Espimon to help us too.”
“Ken-san had direct contact with Noel-san though,” Hawkmon added, “But she sent a message to Hikari-san and Miyako-san to warn us about Rafflesimon.”
“Oh right!” Miyako then grabbed her phone, “If we get Arsenemon to help us, maybe we have a chance!” and she dialed the phone which Miss Espimon used to send the message.
She managed to call Miss Espimon but not Noel, sadly.
Suddenly, Rafflesimon was informed about the whereabouts of Lune, from one of her brainwashed-servants. The vile girl switched forms, back to her human form -- neck length brown hair, deep pink eye color, and a few strands of her hair were tied with a crimson ribbon.
She was called by the same boy who was Daisuke’s friend (Matsuno Takato) and he whispered to her something:
“Your former friend, Mizuki, was spotted at the ferris wheel.”
“Oh? This makes things easier for me now~ Good job, Matsuno-kun~”
The masked faux Kaiser came in, with Dracumon next to them.
“I don’t know what Mizuki had done for a gentleman like you to ask me a favor, but I want a date in return~”
“... Sorry, but I’m not interested in going on a date with you,” the other said, calmly, “And your trick cannot work on me.”
“Hmph, fine. I have Youta-kun already!”
“I’m only interested in one person and only one person: Ichijouji Ken-kun.”
“Alright, alright~ I will punish Mizuki for getting involved with the famous genius boy for you.”
“Geez, why is Noel-kun not answering!?” Miyako pouted, looking at Miss Espimon, “Is he brainwashed too and you’re avoiding telling us?!”
“No! He’s not!” Miss Espimon was there now, and she hissed at Miyako, “He… He suddenly stopped responding. That’s all.”
“I’m concerned…” Hikari frowned, looking at the girls and their digimon, “Why wouldn’t he answer us…?”
“It’s not something to worry about,” Tailmon said with a serious gaze at the girl, “at least not now.”
“Yeah, Tailmon is right,” Lune nodded, “We got more problems to deal with, we don’t need more things to care about here. Étoile can handle things by himself pretty well.”
“We need to attract Rafflesimon and distract her to put her to sleep and snatch the fake fragment from her, correct?” Hawkmon was recapping the plan, to be sure everyone understood it.
“Yeah!” Lunamon replied with a grin, “A good dose of my sleeping bubble-bombs can hit even a Final-level digimon for a few minutes, heheh!”
“I can’t believe we can’t get more help for this…” Miyako muttered to herself, she was a bit tense… Going against a strong digimon enemy with only a Jogress digimon, an Adult-level digimon and Miss Espimon sounded quite tricky.
She was about to suggest to Hikari ditch the Jogress and focus on using Holydramon, but Hikari herself put a hand on Miyako’s shoulder after noticing Miyako spacing out due to stress.
“We can’t use the Jogress if you’re trembling like that,” Hikari’s voice was soft and calming. It relieved her heart somehow. Her hand on Miyako’s shoulder felt warm.
“I always worked as Soleil’s support in battles and missions” Lune said, and although she looked serene outside, inside she was unstable like stormy weather, “I’m not a good fighter. But if we manage to break him out of this we could use his power to beat Rafflesimon.”
“We’re not powerful like Imperialdramon either,” Tailmon added, “But if we combine our forces we might make the difference.”
Make the difference…? -- Miyako thought, frowning -- Yeah, you say it so, but Silphymon cannot evolve… And if we’re fighting a Final-level digimon… We need Ken-kun and Daisuke’s help after all…
“I thought you girls were a little more tougher than those birdbrained dudes” Lunamon shrugged, “Mizuki, we’re in real trouble without Noel’s help after all.”
“W-what do you mean by that!?” Hawkmon snapped, and it was really really rare to see him do that, “Of course we’re strong enough for that! We just don’t go recklessly into battle like you’re implying here!”
“Geez, you’re implying we go recklessly wrecking things?! We got a nerd on our team, you know??”
“Why are you trying to pick a fight with us?” Tailmon stared at Lunamon with a murderous gaze. You don’t mess with Tailmon or her friends, including her jogress partner Hawkmon.
“I said--” Lune covered her partner’s mouth.
“ENOUGH!” Miyako shouted, making everyone look at her, “I don’t understand you at all! You ask our help and now you’re--”
“Lunamon does that when she’s nervous”, Lune explained. “It’s a bad habit. Sorry. Lunamon, please apologize now.”
She uncovered the digimon’s mouth, “Sorry, yeah… I’m concerned about us not being able to pass by Flaremon.”
“Like… he’s just standing in front of us right at the entrance.”
“And you didn’t tell us this whole time!?” Miyako hissed. But she took her digivice and glanced at Hikari, “Hikari-chan!”
“Ok, Miyako-san!”
Hawkmon evolved into Aquilamon. Then, the digivices’ colors changed, becoming a matched pair and then released lights which formed the Jogress Holy Ring for its execution -- Aquilamon and Tailmon turned into light beams and waltzed in a helix shape. Once the lights hit the Jogress Ring, Silphymon emerged from its top.
“We have to stop him as well, Lunamon!” Lune said, grabbing her digivice.
“Righto!” Lunamon nodded.
Lunamon evolve to… Lekismon!!
Flaremon was still acting strangely, of course. Silphymon could deal with him as they’re a Perfect-level digimon too, and Lekismon would’ve been able to use her sleeping bubble-bombs on him. The lion-man digimon dashed into their direction, ready to capture the girls when Silphymon kicked him with one of their bird legs, forcing Flaremon to step back.
“No, you won’t!” Silphymon (Aquilamon side) said, seriously.
“Get out,” Soleil said, “This is about Master Kayono and Mizuki.”
“Huh??” Hikari and Miyako then turned to the other girl, who bit her lip.
“Soleil, wake up! She’s using you!!” then Luna snapped, “You’re better than this!”
“Now, Lekismon!!” Miss Espimon whispered to the bun digimon.
“Moon Night Bomb!!”
Lekismon threw a few of her hypnotic bubbles from her gloves at Soleil and Flaremon, but the lion-man digimon destroyed them with lion-shaped energy waves concentrated from his flames -- the Crimson Beast King Wave technique.
“W-what!?” Lekismon gulped.
“Try again!” Hikari suggested, and glanced at Silphymon, “Help Lekismon, Silphymon!”
“Alright!” Silphymon said with their dual voice.
“You shouldn’t get in Master Kayono’s way…!”
Flaremon then used his purifying roar to stop Silphymon, and said technique was burning the opponent’s with its shockwaves. Oddly, Flaremon didn’t seem to be using it fully… But why?
“You can’t be serious, Youta!!” Miss Espimon snapped, “What’s wrong with you?! I thought you were helping us against the bad guys?!”
“I will do everything for--”
“ENOUGH!!” Lune shouted this time, “I won’t run away this time…!! If Kayono wants to hurt me, then better she do it by herself and not by using you against us!”
A woman’s laugh was heard, and then… The girl called Kayono appeared alongside the masked faux Kaiser.
“Oh it’s you. ” Miyako gritted her teeth, “Of course it’s you playing with innocent lives again…!!”
“Kayono!” Lune said with a confused face that the girl seemed normal, but she couldn’t spot anything like a shard in Kayono’s hand or attire, “Please get out of this…!!”
“She won’t hear you,” the fake Kaiser said, “The experiment had been a success. Now, after all the trouble you and your precious Arsenemon friend had caused to me…”
“I won’t let you hurt Youta, my friends or me!” Lune said, enraged. She was so sure about what to do now… She had to save Soleil at all costs.
“We need to take the fragment off Kayono-san so everyone get back to normal right?” Hikari smiled at Lune, “Then… Let’s go, Miyako-san, Lune-san.”
“Alright girls” Lune smirked, “Leave Soleil and Flaremon to Lekismon and me.”
“I bet you can’t find it,” the faux Kaiser shrugged.
“Say it once we obliterate you, faker!” Miyako clenched her fists.
Kayono hmphed, and then switched forms to Rafflesimon again.
“With a weak digimon like yours can you beat me??” Rafflesimon scoffed, “Pathetic you have been siding up with someone like Mizuki.”
“Oh shut up for a second!!” Miyako hissed, “Silphymon, time to snatch the shard from that annoying brat!”
“Espimon, can you detect where it is, please?” Hikari asked.
“Right!! Searching Mode… ON!!”
Miss Espimon’s eyes flashed and the light coming from them scanned Rafflesimon’s body. But the digi-cyborg flinched once discovering where the fragment was!!
“What’s wrong?” Miyako asked.
“It’s… inside her body…!! The fragment was inserted inside her body!!”
“... She’s right,” Silphymon (Tailmon side) affirmed with a nod at Miyako, “My visor caught the signals coming inside that girl’s body.”
“B-but how can we get it now?!” Miyako panicked, “There’s no way we could… We could solve this by ourselves!!”
“Miyako-san!” Hikari glanced at the other girl, “Hang in there, please!”
“Do anything with them,” the fake Kaiser said, then he turned back, “I will look for Ichijouji Ken, my worthy opponent.”
“!!!” Miyako’s eyes widened, she felt afraid of whoever that person wanted to do with Ken. If she couldn’t beat Rafflesimon… She would never save Ken, Iori, Daisuke and Takeru…!!
“Ah, I can bring him here” Rafflesimon smirked, “They’re part of my hivemind, I can--”
A sphere of energy was shot from Silphymon’s hands (by Aquilamon side) and made the villainess turn her head to the small jogress digimon in front of her.
“How dare you!!”
Flaremon was already facing Lekismon in the background, with Miss Espimon’s assistance. His speed was somehow better than Lekismon, but the warrior bun refused to give up on it. She and Lune had to stop them!
“Soleil, snap out of it!!” Lune shouted, desperately and her voice quivering.
But now the boy was not answering her anymore.
“Mot Bomb!!” “Tear Arrow!!”
Oddly, this had some effect on Flaremon. Lune whispered “It’s working??”
“We won’t let you touch one single finger on Ken-kun!” Miyako shouted, making Hikari blink.
“Tsc, you can’t beat me, I have an army. What can a single pathetic girl do against me?”
“Silphymon! Get her back to normal!”
“Alright!” Silphymon (Aquilamon’s side) replied, and nodded. Then, they went directly to attack Rafflesimon with a Dual Sonic technique -- crashing their speed into a shock wave in her direction.
That attack kinda made a scratch on the opponent, somehow.
“It’s working?!” Miyako gasped, “Then…!!”
“Ballet Gun!!” Rafflesimon fired her long sleeves against Silphymon, who dodged for a single moment from the rapid fire. Except she was smarter and was positioning the flower reflectors to ricochet the projectiles onto Silphymon and the girls.
“W-what!?” Silphymon said in unison. Then they got hit, “OOF!”
“Silphymon!” the girls screamed.
“Ugh…!!” But the jogress digimon refused to give in right now.
“How stubborn you are! But it won’t last!” Rafflesimon scoffed again, then aimed at the girls. She shot against Miyako and Hikari.
“Miyako-san!” “Hikari!” Silphymon gasped, the two sides of the composed digimon were in shock. Then Silphymon dashed into their partners, and tried to stop that shot with their bare hands.
Miyako was petrified, but Hikari shoved her to the ground. Hikari was definitely sure it would hit her, so she closed her eyes and hoped for a miracle. Miyako was still in shock, wishing desperately that she could do something. This was resonating deep down in Silphymon’s core.
It was when… her digivice and Miyako’s threw beams of light on Silphymon. And thus…
Something unexpected happened.
Silphymon, ultimate-evolve!! Valkyrimon!
A beam of light surrounded Silphymon and then other two lights in red and pink danced in the shape of a helix as the digimon jumped into the red Jogress ring. From there, a gorgeous androgynous-looked like figure with a golden bird flying around them -- Valkyrimon -- came out of it.
Valkyrimon threw an unerring arrow at the projectile, destroying it, before it could reach Hikari. The girls looked in front of them, at their majestic jogress.
“Silphymon… evolved…” Miyako was in awe, while Hikari was speechless.
“Huh… You’re definitely different now, got a growth spurt?”
Valkyrimon paid their blabbering opponent no mind.
“I can get the fragment out of her body,” Valkyrimon (Tailmon’s side) said, “But might be a little trickish.”
“Can you?” Hikari asked.
“I’d love to see you try then!” Rafflesimon laughed, “Ballet Gun!!”
The next set of projectiles were fired against the gallant warrior, who did not move until the next instance. Valkyrimon smirked then dodged the projectiles while they fired more arrows against those, destroying them before they reached the reflectors or the others. Meanwhile, Lekismon and Miss Espimon kept using all the brute force they had to exhaust Flaremon and make him devolve.
It seemed like their strategy was working. And Lune kept noticing something happening with Flaremon -- he was restraining his attacks. The attacks used by him were getting weaker and weaker. Was he resisting… whoever was controlling him?
“Impossible!!” Rafflesimon gasped, trembling in fear
“We will end this right now!!” Valkyrimon (Aquilamon side) shouted, and then wielded their sword.
“Wait, don’t tell me they'll--” Miyako blurted out, eyes widened once she realized what this could mean.
Valkyrimon dashed into the speed of light and slashed Rafflesimon in an instant. Kayono felt something inside shattering, and thus the cold as if she had gotten ill. The evolution has done and she returned to her original form, a single human being.
Is she dead?
Everyone glanced at the fallen girl being caught by the radiant warrior, gently.
“W-what did you… do…?” Kayono used her last strength to talk.
“You gotta be kidding me!!” Miyako snapped, while Hikari was just in shock and her hands covering her mouth.
Soleil suddenly felt dizzy, and he walked until Lune, falling in her arms. The spell was undone, but at what cost?
“GAH, YOU KILLED THE HUMAN!” Lekismon and Miss Espimon panicked.
“It’s okay,” Valkyrimon turned to the others, and with Tailmon’s voice, they said, “We know what we’re doing.”
“W-what do you mean!?” Lune babbled, also terrified by that move.
Valkyrimon then started to glow, their hand was put over the girl’s chest. Slowly, the wounds and cold pale skin started to get more vivid again, pinkish and warm. Kayono then opened her eyes, confused about what had just happened.
“W-what… How…” Miyako exclaimed.
“I see…!!” Miss Espimon said, stroking her chinless face, “Valkyrimon can resurrect the fallen with their powers. So they killed the human for a few seconds in order to destroy the fake shard inside their body! Huhu, that was a gamble!”
“That’s a relief…!” Hikari smiled, then her muscles relaxed after that tension caused by the fight and by Valkyrimon’s risky strategy to beat the case.
“Ugh… My head…” Soleil opened his eyes, slowly. He didn’t realize he was still in Lune’s arms though… But the moment he noticed it… she embraced him in a hug, “W-what??”
“Don’t dare to do something that stupid again!” she said, hugging him tightly. But her voice tone was threatening though. Hikari looked at them and was quite confused by that behavior.
“Uh, guys…” Lekismon interrupted them, pointing out to Flaremon, who was still acting weirdly.
Flaremon tried to attack them, only to get Valkyrimon stop him at the speed of light, and kicked him away from the others.
“Flaremon… He got possessed…!” Soleil said, staring at his partner. The girls and Valkyrimon looked at the beast man digimon.
“Possessed!?” Miyako repeated, “Like… the same time Daisuke was used as a vessel for a creepy digimon?”
“Hmm… So you’ve noticed it.” Flaremon said, with a strange voice instead, “Seems like the Kaiser-guy failed… Again.”
“Huh, so you’re affiliated to that jerk too!” Miyako clenched her fist.
“Seriously, if you want someone to make a job for you… Do it yourself.”
Flaremon (?) was about to attack when…
Arsenemon appeared and used a shield field around the kids and their digimon to separate them from Flaremon (?).
“Ah, here you are… Arsenemon.”
“Excusez-moi, but I did not come alone,” he snapped his fingers and suddenly HolyAgemon emerged from a portal.
“HOLY DISINFECTION!!” The surprise-attack from the angel digimon hit Flaremon, who expelled the digimon possessing him out of his body. Flaremon reverted back to Sunmon due to exhaustion though.
It was the same digimon who had attacked Daisuke once.
“IT’S THAT GUY AGAIN!?” Miyako exclaimed. Hikari only gasped in silence.
“Kh… Hahaha… You have the guts, Arsenemon” the digimon vanished like dust, but their voice echoed, “We will meet again!!”
“W-where have you been!?” Lekismon snapped, her pout should tell she was mad with him.
“I was doing a little more research on our opponents, pardon mademoiselle.”
“Who’s that digimon, Arsenemon?” Valkyrimon (Aquilamon side) asked.
“Our biggest concern, mis Digisauveurs. I suspect they might be behind those attacks and using humans for that mischief.”
“HolyAngemon is here but…” Hikari turned to the flamboyant phantom thief, “Where’s Takeru-kun and the others?”
“I left them in a safer place, considering the faux Kaiser was looking for monsieur Ichijouji.”
“Alright,” Miyako said, “share the information with us all. Let’s meet in that safer place you mentioned.”
Meanwhile they talked, Soleil took the weakened Sunmon from the floor and smiled at him, “I thought I’d have to lose you again…”
Hikari heard him, and went over, “Are you okay, Soleil-kun?” In the background, Valkyrimon jogress reverted into Tailmon and Hawkmon.
“Yeah, sort of” he answered, softly and differently from his usual snarky remarks.
“You seem like this wasn’t the first time it happened,” Tailmon approached, “Could you explain?”
“... Right, I’ll do it. We will do it,” he replied, looking at Arsenemon and Lune.
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I fell behind on reading Digimon Liberator so I caught myself up by reading part 1 and 2 of chapter 8
I gotta say... this chapter kind of sucked? The previous chapter set up the 3v3 between the out-of-control NPCs and Shoto, Owen, and Close: Owen specifically brought up that in a 3v3 you only need to win 2 out of the 3 matches so it was fine if Shoto was the 'dead weight' of the team and took a loss.
Chapter 8 part 1 starts with the final turn of Shoto's battle and he takes the win. Owen also won his battle, completely off-screen. Close, who is the focus character of this chapter, now has 0 stakes for her battle. When we finally turn our attention to her, the battle is already halfway through with her in what appears to be a losing position but both she and Owen know they have it
My only explanation as for why we need to do it this way is that Close is an exceptionally boring character. She's that sort of emotionless drone type character which carries an undercurrent of something deeper but like. She's not fun to watch duel. We need Shoto to be finished with his game so he can be the audience insert as they sell Close's toys, and can repeatedly go "woah what is that card doing?" So that Owen or Close can explain. It is not engaging.

And then at the end of the battle the takeaway here is that Shoto needs to get better at understanding gamestates and knowing how to navigate to victory. Ok. Whatever. Moral of the story read cards. Or something. They are seriously failing 'show, don't tell' in this.

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It's part of the playing field.

It's located in the bottom left corner of the field and consists of a spot for the Digi-Egg Deck and an empty spot to flip cards from the Digi-Egg deck onto face up (hatching).
Quoting the official manual:
Breeding Area
This is where Digimon hatched from the Digi-Egg Deck are placed.
Digimon in the breeding area can't activate any effects, and unless an effect is specifically meant to affect Digimon in the breeding area, they are not affected by effects from other cards.
Quote of the game flow of a Turn under the cut, if you want to know more, you can check the Breeding Phase.
Unsuspend Phase
Unsuspend all of your suspended cards.
Draw Phase
Draw one card from your deck.
If a player can't draw because there are no cards left in their deck, that player loses the game. The player who goes first does not draw a card during the Draw Phase on their first turn.
Breeding Phase
Players can do only one of the following:
Hatch a Digi-Egg
Move a Digimon out of the Breeding Area
Do Nothing
This can only be done once per turn
—Hatch a Digi-Egg
This can only be done when there are no Digimon in the breeding area.
Flip one card face up from the top of the Digi-Egg deck and place it in the breeding area. A hatched Digi-Egg card is treated as a level 2 Digimon.
—Move a Digimon out of the Breeding Area
A Digimon can be moved from the breeding area to the battle area if it has DP. (Digimon that don't have DP can't be moved to the batle area.)
Moving Digimon from the breeding area to the battle area isn't considered playing the Digimon, so On Play effects won't activate. It's possible for a Digimon to perform an attack on the same turn they were moved to the battle area.
—Do Nothing
Proceed to the next phase without doing anything.
Main Phase
The primary phase of the game.
During this phase, players can perform as many of the following actions as they like, in any order.
A. Playing Digimon
B. Digivolving
C. Playing Tamers
D. Using Option Cards
E. Attacking
F. Activating [Main] effects
End of Turn
If the memory counter lands on a number greater than 0 on your opponent's side due to costs or other effects, your turn ends and it becomes your opponent' s turn. (After all effects finish activating your opponent's turn begins. If an effect causes the memory counter to return to 0 or greater on your side, your turn continues.)
Sakuyamon BT5-044 Full Art by Tonamikanji from the Digimon Card Game Deck Box Set Beelzemon
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Digimon World: Next Order (PS4 Game)
I treated myself to some Digimon cards the other day. I used to love the Digimon anime when I was a kid, and if I'm honest I still do, I always thought it had more going on than Pokémon. So when I saw this game on the PS Store for a little over £2 I thought of all the fun things that game would entail: battles, digivolving, a few familiar faces etc.
Thankfully, I'm glad I only paid £2 for this, as this must be a record for how quickly I've deleted a game.
I started the game, girl gets sucked into the Digi-world, MetalGarurumon and Wargreymon are there already waiting to defend me from a menacing looking Machinedramon...first impressions are pretty good so far, pretty standard for any start of a Digimon story. Then the battle training begins, and what greets me? The clunkiest, dullest turn-based combat I've ever seen. I'm not a fan of turn-based combat in general, I prefer things to be a bit more realistic (outside of conkers who in real life attacks one at a time!?) and fluid.
This game may have been outstanding for as a PS1 game, but with what games are capable of nowadays, even is the last 2 generations of consoles, it's a big disappointment.
Overall, a very disappointing 2/10.
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That, for now, concludes my collection of cards from the original Digimon TCG.
#St-50#St-51#St-53#St-54#St-57#St-58#St-59#St-60#St-62#option card#option cards#digimon#digimon tcg#digibattle card game#digi-battle card game#DigiBattle Card Game#MetalEtemon#Digivice#Giromon#Myotismon#Gatomon#DemiDevimon
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I feel like I need to share this on my blog here, so here it is.
Three versions of HerculesKabuterimon and MegaKabuterimon cards, the first in each row being from the original Digi-Battle card game, the second being the alternate art cards from the current tcg's Classic Collection set, meant to resemble those from Digi-Battle, and the last being the regular art version of the Classic Collection cards.
I wish I had the red MegaKabuterimon card to make that row more cohesive, but from what I can tell, only Japan ever got a red Kabuterimon card with that posing, so this is the best I can do without getting a Japanese copy. It still looks good beside them regardless.
#digimon#card game#tcg#DigiBattle#herculeskabuterimon#heraklekabuterimon#megakabuterimon#atlurkabuterimon#excuse the glare#also the very used condition of the Digi-Battle cards
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Sign and Share this petition to have the new Digimon Card Game released in the West!
#digimon#digimon adventure#digimon adventure tri#digimon the movie#digimon tamers#digimon tcg#digimon card game#digimon tri#bandai#bandai namco#bandai games#bandai card games#digi battle#digi battle card game#hyper colosseum#digimon hyper colosseum
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[ID: two cards from the digimon playing card game, they are the same card but the first is in english and second in japanese. The image on the card is of Xiaomon with a paomon next to it on a digital colourful stage. Xiaomon is a white dog like digimon with dark pink floppy ears, dark pink legs and tail. Paomon is a white furry ball with dark pink ears. The text on the card reads: Digi-egg. Level 2 Xiaomon your turn while there are 10 or more cards in your trash, this digimon gains retaliation (when this digimon is deleted after losing a battle delete the digimon it was battling.) END ID]
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aaa thank you so much for this blog like seriously!! i dont have many friends to talk to about digimon and a lot of its fans that I met locally only focus more on the battling side (understandably so), like m man!! I just want to hold digimon hands ifjfkdndif you make me feel so ValidTM
(YEA... it rly do b like that out here since a lot of ppl wouldn't understand the want to smooch the Digis as it's very a big thing about just wanting to fight stuff, especially w/ the card game or the games in general mdkfkd
But I'm glad to hear!! Bc that's a hella mood n just... We just out here. Smooching these big lads, pals n gals n holding their hands bc they're all... Very nice. I only wish to make ppl feel seen n heard when I can NDNFMD
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