#Cosmic Mysteries
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trendtracker360writer · 2 months ago
Silver isn’t just for jewelry—it’s a game changer in space optics! It boosts light reflection and helps us uncover cosmic mysteries. How do you see silver shaping future space technology? Dive deeper into the topic and join the conversation at www.SilverWars.com.
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years ago
Unveiling the Dark Universe: Exploring the Secrets of Dark Matter and Dark Energy With Euclid Space Telescope
The Euclid space telescope, named after the Greek mathematician Euclid, has begun its momentous million-mile journey from Florida to explore the mysteries of the universe. Weighing two tonnes and part of a $1 billion European Space Agency mission, it was launched into space aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral on July 1, 2023.Euclid’s primary objective is to observe and…
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vmantras · 22 days ago
The Great Attractor: The Cosmic Mystery That Pulls Galaxies Across the Universe
Introduction Imagine a force so powerful that it pulls millions of galaxies, including our Milky Way, towards it at an incredible speed of over 600 km per second. Yet, despite its immense gravitational influence, we cannot see it. This mysterious force is called the Great Attractor, and it remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in astrophysics. What is the Great Attractor? Why is it…
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essayboardorg · 3 months ago
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trendstorm · 7 months ago
The Future of Fast Charging | Charging Phones in Under a Minute
Discover how scientists at CU Boulder are revolutionizing energy storage! By understanding how ions move through tiny pores, they’re paving the way for ultra-fast charging in devices like supercapacitors. This breakthrough could drastically improve the efficiency of energy storage in everything from smartphones to electric vehicles, even power grids. Learn how their research updates Kirchhoff’s law and what it means for the future of energy storage!
Source: University of Colorado at Boulder.
#energy #supercapacitor #universityofcolorado #trendstorm #fastcharging #energystorage #techinnovation #smartphonetech #battery #quickcharge #fastcharging #fastcharger #futuretech #electricvehicles #sustainableenergy #techbreakthroughs #mobilecharging #nextgentechnology #nextgen #charging #energyefficiency #techadvancements #batterytechnology #superfastcharging #physicscommunity #cuboulder #kirchhoffslaw #powergrid #renewableenergy #futuretechnology #advancedmaterials
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prosegalaxy · 11 months ago
In the vast expanse of stars and galaxies unseen, Two hearts met, their love an adventure begun, entwined in cosmic dance divine, as they soared through time. In nebulae's embrace, their passion ignited, while exploring mysteries that lay hidden. A tale of love and adventure, eternal in the cosmos vast, two souls forever intertwined, transcending space at last.
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sci-fi-space · 1 year ago
“Three Body Problem” by Derek Tsang (S1 E4)
“Step into the unknown with Episode 4 of ‘Three Body Problem’ - ‘Our Lord.’ Uncover the secrets of the San-Ti civilization and the Oxford Four’s struggle against an impending invasion. #ThreeBodyProblem #SciFiSeries #Episode4Summary”
S01 E04 “Our Lord” The episode opens with the aftermath of Jack Rooney’s death, leaving the Oxford Five now the Oxford Four. The group is struggling to cope with the loss and the realization that the virtual reality game they’ve been playing is far more than just a game. It’s a recruitment tool sent by the San-Ti, a civilization on the brink of destruction, looking for Earth’s brightest minds to…
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jambandatl · 1 year ago
Red the Healer and the Dawn of Aussieville: Spawn of Chapter Six: The Gathering Storm: 
Dreamland Adventures As the dawn broke over Dreamland, casting a golden hue across the realm, a sense of foreboding permeated the air, the calm before the gathering storm. The land, still reeling from the skirmishes and victories of battles past, braced itself for the confrontation that loomed on the horizon. Among the ranks of the enemy, a new threat had begun to manifest, one that hit close to…
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mysteryfleshpit · 1 month ago
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It's here! 150+ Colorful Pages of Flesh Pit material to create and run a visceral adventure for you and your fellow squad of Park Rangers. Build out your own custom characters, select from an arsenal of questionable Anodyne-provided equipment, and encounter a robust bestiary of antediluvian macrofauna and geobiological hazards. Get it here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/498633/mystery-flesh-pit-national-park-the-rpg?affiliate_id=4581853
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allengreenfield · 1 year ago
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mexicanistnet · 1 year ago
EHT's global collaboration unveils magnetic fields and particle dynamics around M87* black hole using circular polarization. This breakthrough sheds light on matter consumption and jet formation, showcasing the consortium's pivotal role in unraveling cosmic mysteries.
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gkonboard · 2 years ago
Embark on a thrilling cosmic journey with us as we explore the Supra Thermal & Energetic Particle Spectrometer (STEPS), a crucial component of Aditya-L1's ASPEX payload, and discover the secrets of space particles from the Sun before it reaches its final destination at the L1 point!
#SpaceExploration #SolarProbe #STEPS #ASPEXMission #AdityaL1 #SpaceWeather #Sun #CosmicJourney #L1Point #SpaceExploration #SolarParticles #STEPS #BeforeDestination #ASPEX #SpaceWeather #Sun #SpaceScience #CosmicMysteries
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legionofmyth · 2 years ago
Coriolis: The Third Horizon - Talents
🎲 Unleash character talents in Coriolis: The Third Horizon. Elevate your tabletop RPG journey now! #CoriolisRPG #ThirdHorizon #TabletopGaming #ArabianKnightsInSpace #FreeLeaguePublishing #SciFiRPG
Coriolis: The Third Horizon [PDF]Unleash character talents in Coriolis: The Third Horizon. Elevate your tabletop RPG journey now! Embark on a thrilling Arabian Nights-inspired spacefaring adventure with ‘Coriolis: The Third Horizon,’ an enthralling tabletop RPG masterpiece from Free League Publishing. Set in a richly detailed universe where ancient mysticism intertwines with advanced technology,…
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that-wildwolf · 6 months ago
hey, remember being 18 years old and playing mass effect for the first time and it's got this like intense aura of being very small and very insignificant in a very big, very empty galaxy? remember playing mass effect for the first time and everything all of this is so new and mysterious, and it's 2am and you're sitting in a dark room in the light from your tv and you're playing through feros for the first time and you feel that this is someting very old and very ancient and you are somewhere you shouldn't be and you don't know what's going to happen or where you're going but you keep on. there's a tingling in your stomach and you're playing mass effect for the first time. the thorian is a milennia old sentient plant being. the rachni queen is old and telepathic and a hive mind and in pain. sovereign is an ancient machine that has not been built but is, and has always been, and this is something so alien and so unlike and beyond anything your human mind can comprehend, and this is something unexplainable and huge and as uncaring and indifferent as the empty galaxy around you. you're playing mass effect for the first time and you're walking on the surface of an almost completely empty planet with nothing but your two companions silently walking beside you and everything is so huge and empty and silent and you're so small and insignificant and it's so beautiful and so scary and you feel like you are on a rollercoaster about to drop down. you are playing mass effect for the first time and you're playing the mission on the moon and you stop and just look up at earth visible in the sky. you know this. this is home. you are playing mass effect for the first time, and the galaxy is so big, and you are so tiny, and everything is about to change for you.
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shyblacksheep · 8 months ago
Turning a Pokémon OC into a PMD OC:
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sharksfrommars · 18 days ago
I imagine the Mystery Shack is like the house from House of Leaves
seems normal, except the geometry doesn’t make sense, and the more you think about it, the more the house pulls you in and drives you insane.
except, with the mystery shack, the insanity it pulls you towards is the INSANE SAVINGS TO BE FOUND AT THE GIFT SHOP! NOW ONLY $100!
Stan wouldn’t even notice. Oh, there’s a room here that wasn’t here before? Guess that makes sense. There are more windows inside than outside? Saves on the Electricity Bill he doesn’t pay! The strange incomprehensible pull one feels to find out about and become one with the house? Maybe that’s just what owning a home is like.
dipper brings it up one day, only to be met with a noncommittal shrug from Stan
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