#Conservative Revolution
castilestateofmind · 4 months
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"In Tradition, every authority is fraudulent, every law is unjust and barbarous, every institution is vain and ephemeral unless they are ordained to the superior principle of Being, and unless they are derived from the above and oriented 'upward'".
-Julius Evola.
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chaoticflames · 1 year
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Ernst Junger
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andrewwhalan · 2 years
Cory Bernardi and Freedom of Speech
Cory Bernardi and Freedom of Speech http://wp.me/p1D1R7-fY
Much has been made of the recent comments by Senator Cory Bernardi regarding his book the Conservative Revolution (see the reviews and Twitter). All I will say is that I disagree with him. Based on his expressed values I almost certainly won’t read his book. And like Bill Shorten I can give personal examples! It won’t be long until comments are offered that Cory Bernardi is exercising his freedom…
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relaxedstyles · 2 days
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queercodedangel · 5 months
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This doesn't mean that there is no value at all in reforms. But it does mean that the benefits of reforms are fragile and can be reversed at any point because the fundamental power structures of class society are still the same.
You can earn as many rights as you want, as long as class society exists they are in the hands of the capitalist ruling class and can be taken away at any moment.
Read "Reform or Revolution" by Rosa Luxemburg for more on this topic. You can read it for free in the Marxists Internet Archive
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While white-tailed eagles, bustards and cranes were also all much more common than they are today, some other now-ubiquitous species were much less common before the industrial revolution. Rabbits were still mainly a coastal species except in lowland England, and roe deer were found wild only in the north of Scotland and Eryri (Snowdonia) in north-west Wales. There were no grey squirrels, and brown rats were only introduced at the very end of the period. On the other hand, red squirrels and ship rats were still widespread, and pine martens and “Scottish” wildcats were also found in England and Wales. Fishers caught burbot and sturgeon in both rivers and at sea, where they also pulled in plentiful amounts of tuna and swordfish, as well as now-scarce fishes such as the angelshark, halibut and common skate. Threatened molluscs like the freshwater pearl mussel and oyster were also far more widespread.
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greenhorizonblog · 5 months
Permaculture Homestead/Village Progress
I'm pleased to say that my permaculture homestead/village dream has now started to march towards reality.
I have been looking at land for sale and am in correspondence with both the chamber of commerce as well as the social enterprise network of my city.
It will be a CIC that will have a visitor centre for people to visit and for school classes to have field trips to learn about permaculture and ecology.
The food forests will be opened to the local universities for study and there might be an insect house, mushroom and flower farm along with a venue space for hire to host events, retreats and weddings etc.
We will be growing many heirloom varieties of as many vegetables and fruit/nut tress, berries etc as possible as well as probably keeping a few heritage breeds of sheep, ducks and chickens. Maybe a pony for the kids
All this, along with our house (which will be an off grid strawbale cob house) will most likely be funded by various trusts and foundations here in the UK that specialise in these types of projects.
I will be documenting everything and by the end of it hopefully have a full action plan for anyone who wishes to do the same, the plan will be free of course, I'd love nothing more than for many more people to do this. Wish me luck :)
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suffercerebral · 1 month
the same chronically online leftists who talk about "building community" as a blanket solution to every issue, but always bitch about emotional labor or unpaid domestic labor don't realize that a foundational aspect of building community is volunteer work. lmfao.
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traditionaldream · 2 months
What they are trying to do in Europe.
Iran before and after the Islamic Revolution.
Never again, and not in Europe
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castilestateofmind · 2 months
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"Myth is a reflection of the deepest layers of the soul. It is a cosmic mirror that shows us our place in the world and our connection with the transcendent".
- Ernst Jünger.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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relaxedstyles · 7 days
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Hi! I have been reading a bit lately about the Tate brothers and how what the left needs to do is to create alternative masculine ideals and figures. Is that our method of fighting this? Do you have any specific ideas about how that would look and how we should go about achieving it?
The thing is, an alternative masculine ideal already exists. There are strong and supportive men who are attentive and respectful partners and fathers, helpful members of their community, and many, many men who work the soles of their feet off leveraging their privilege to defend those who can’t already. These men are decidedly masculine.
At this point in time in society, there’s a shift happening. Feminism is gaining sway and the directionality of society is beginning to move against patriarchy. At the same time, the improvements that women are seeing in their rights across the board; to vote, work, seek equitable legal recourse and participate in society as a whole; are changing the role and position that men traditionally had in society. Since men were and are told that their role as a man is to uphold the patriarchy - to be the sole breadwinner or the dominant and domineering figure in their household, relationships and communities - this generated and generates a considerable amount of anxiety. What they are told is their role by patriarchal values and what the shift toward feminism represents are incongruous. and that’s weird and scary.
Grifters like Tate use (and deepen) that anxiety by presenting themselves and their image as an image of desirable masculinity. They then use that anxiety to make people buy into their scams. They, and conservatives like them, channel that uncertainty into projection; misogynist and sometimes even outright violent attitudes towards women and sometimes even other men they deem to have threatened their masculinity.
“The masculine ideal” is just an ideal. It is completely unattainable because masculinity is not a stable nor tangible concept. That uncertainty and confusion over what a man actually is is the exact reason why the rhetoric of people like tate/peterson/rogan (whatever) is so successful; all of these men are in a constant state of peril; the smallest thing could completely invalidate their entire identity in an instant. This is what it means to say that the patriarchy hurts men too.
The destruction of the patriarchy will fall on shifting societal attitudes to a point where it is abundantly clear to men that their masculinity is defined by themselves only. Masculinity is a socially constructed category with no clear boundaries, so If gender is an internal experience all it means to be masculine, then, is what men consider to be an expression of their own masculinity. There is literally no limit to what that could be.
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akonoadham · 8 months
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greenhorizonblog · 1 month
Permaculture World Villages Union
Couldn't you technically make a company/union, sell shares in that company for a set affordable price, and each person can only own one share so it's equal for all.
You then pool money
Buy up some cheap agricultural land
Build natural off grid homes
Build some extra to rent out to people who want to try out the lifestyle
Start growing own food via permaculture food forests
Start teaching principles to others
Host workshops, retreats, concerts, events and classes to make more income
Improve and rewild local habitat so local ecosystem thrives
Gain more traction and more people
Buy more land and build more villages
Company becomes a union of villages that are all connected, help and look out for each other
You live for free and can live in any of the villages you want all over the world
Share seeds and knowledge with all in company/union
Help locals in other countries thrive as well by teaching permaculture and community autonomy principles
Start building hospitals, schools and universities, free for people in company/union
Achieve world peace?
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Happy birthday girlypop who never said all that 🥳
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