#Consciousness matters
maxgicalgirl · 7 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months
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in my wtnv era 10 years too late but uhhhh trying to figure out how to draw the guy nonetheless
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wigglebox · 4 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 5; Cursed or not
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eamour · 5 months
the bridge of events.
something that most of us eventually do or have done is try to "fix" a certain situation in our physical worlds. we have encountered something very unlikable and therefore want to "un-manifest" it by thinking of a way to do so. however, that's not your job. moreover, that's not your GOAL.
the "bridge of events" refers to the lined up situations you will have to experience or go through in order to reach the physical fulfillment of your desire. it's an unpredictable process that describes how, when and where you will receive your desire in the outer world, basically the "bridge" that's between your current and your desired reality.
disregard the bridge.
can you decide the way in which your heart's desires are going to come to fruition? most definitely, you can. but you don't have to. see, you don't have to come up with a detailed solution on how an unfavourable situation is going to change to a favourable one. you don't have to mess around with logical possibilities and realistic outcomes. actually, you don't even need to be bothered by it. you do not need to worry at all.
concentrate on the destination.
you only need to be concerned about WHAT you want, nothing and no one else. you need to focus on what's at the end of the line and fixate your mind on it. nail your thoughts on the version of yourself who HAS and IS what you wish to have or be already, and don't care about the obstacles in your reality. don't "reason" your way into obtaining your desire. go to the end and make sure to stay in alignment with that version of yours. dwell on that version. be it, be the end, not the bridge. do not wait or wonder. enjoy your desire. experience it in the mind. within an infinite range of realities, your desired one already EXISTS!
renounce all circumstances.
if you witness something that brings you off track or just generally throws you off your path, what are you going to do?
exactly, you are going to dismiss it. it's entirely up to you if you use a different term to deal with the outer world — such as ignore, renounce, abandon, neglect, reject, refuse — as long as you do not accept it as true.
whatever happens physically is none of your concern, none of your interest and not worth your time, energy and attention. do not let it get in your way. do not let it affect or influence your new, freshly established assumptions. because the undesirable reality that's currently being displayed isn't the reality you want to begin with. the reality you are manifesting ISN'T the one you are experiencing right now! it has nothing to do with you. you are not obligated to accept or associate yourself with it. it holds no truthfulness, no rightness, no correctness and definitely no realness. and remember: it does not serve as a form of validation either!
do not interfere with the physical. do not intervene. do not take action. withhold from any acts that do not take place in the mind. leave the world as it is, as the old reality doesn't reflect your new one anymore.
consequently, feel the way you would feel and then let go of it. you want to distance yourself from the story that's no longer yours. you no longer identify with that version of self anymore.
"the display of the old story and its circumstances isn't an invitation to return back to it."
persist in imagination.
let it come to pass. let it unfold in your reality. simply persist in your newly chosen reality. select your desired reality every day and don't stop. accept it as true, as correct and as real. your imagination is your confirmation. your imaginative acts are your source of validation. so have faith and trust yourself.
the thing is, if you continuously persist in your desired outcome, you are going to walk the bridge one way or another. your desire is going to announce itself and you will acknowledge it — there is no way around it! it WILL show up, and you WILL notice it. you HAVE to. that's the law!
with love, ella.
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rabbitprayer · 6 months
May I never justify, minimize, call for, or celebrate the death of any person or group of people again, for as long as I live!
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most of us have heard of the red car game. you’re on a road trip, you’re bored, you start looking for red cars to do something.
and then they’re everywhere. you notice them nearly every few minutes.
there aren’t suddenly more red cars now, of course. you were seeing them already, but you weren’t noticing. you weren’t looking.
I am noticing things.
there is a plant I notice everywhere now, a small bushy plant in suburbs, along streets, by shops on the highways. dwarf umbrella bush is what the internet tells me when I look for it’s name. I did this because I wanted to know why,
every time I ever saw it, every place,
it was always dying. always the leaves turning yellow, the branches small and scraggly. inside out - nitrogen deficiency. their soil drained.
I am noticing how many of these landscaping plants are yellowing, how small and sickly they look in just a few years. I am noticing how often the grass outside the house is replaced when it once again turns brown and dry, how the type never changes and the cycle starts again. I am noticing how the unmowed, unkempt spaces on lakesides and roadsides look more alive than this. how the preserve I grew up next to was miles of “messy” unmanicured nature and the ground was covered in leaves instead of grass and there was life.
I am noticing the birds that come by the lake. there was a flash of blue wings and red chest - eastern bluebird, male, relatively common. I had never seen one before. there is a family of ducks that appear every spring; i cannot say if it’s successive generations or different ducks, but I can always look forward to ducklings. there are little brown birds with white heads whose names I do not know - are they some kind of piper? why don’t I already know?
why is it so hard to learn about my native plants (accurately, that is)? why are so many gardening sites littered with people who think a plants value is based on how pretty or useful it is to them, who think a tree shedding leaves is “messy”?
why is knowing about the world we live in so… odd? why is it a hobby and not vital knowledge? I learned about polar equations. I taught myself about mycorrhizal networks and species of insects.
(did you know there are shiny green bees? a special species of wasp pollinating figs? that white flowers bloom at night for moths? do you know? have you looked?)
I cannot look at a lawn and see life anymore. it is a wasteland, devoid of life, dying slowly itself. everywhere is grass, grass, doused in water that runs over into storm drains, soaked in fertilizer and pesticides and a hundred other poisons and sending one clear message:
this is a place of death. life is not welcome here.
I do not think I could live in a city. too loud, yes, too busy, yes, too many people, yes, but the plants would bother me. a tree allotted only a convenient square, surrounded by dead stone and metal.
a forest cleared for this, for burning asphalt streets and racing cars and shops whose bathrooms are “for paying customers only”.
this is a place of death. life is not welcome here.
and now I am noticing.
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ahappydnp · 7 months
i hope dan meant it when he said he's drilling the message into his brain. i hope he knows how much he matters and how he is also so critically important and it's absolutely not just generic positivity. hope he realizes how many lives he has spectacularly and irrevocably changed for the better.
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aznisure · 1 month
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“whats with the robe?” “i find its easier to get people to accept what i am when im shaped like their idea of it, ive also grown fond of this form over the recent centuries”
or, the twins meet Death
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liesmyth · 11 months
would you be able to give examples/explain more about how race only impacts gideon in the tlt-universe? not being facetious or condescending, genuinely asking. thank you!
Hi anon! If you mean my tags to this post, I wrote
#earth conception of race doesn't impact any character in the series except the canonically brown main antagonist
By which I mean my Worstie and main antagonist of the series, John Gaius (PhD).
I don’t think TLT as a series engages with race in any especially meaningful ways. It’s set in a post-Earth society with entirely different social norms, and there’s no concept of race and ethnicity within the population of the Nine Houses. Physical descriptions of the characters are scarce to say the least, and they rarely spell out the kind of features that suggest specific racial connotations, because the POV characters don’t seem to think it’s something worth remarking upon. iirc, it takes until halfway through HtN for the narrative to confirm that Harrow has brown skin.
[See also Tamsyn’s GtN characters description post. It quotes passages from the book, and you can see how minimal the descriptions are, and she repeats several times that her characters’ appearances are up to the readers’ interpretations. It just doesn’t seem to be a big concern of hers]
Then there’s John, who grew up in twenty-first-century New Zealand and IS explicitly Māori in a way that absolutely impacted his character arc. It's not A major theme of his Nona chapters, but it’s there if you read between the lines. The boarding school he went to, which IRL had a high percentage of low-income Māori students on scholarship. The depth of his climate anxiety, his uncompromising “Nobody left behind” stance before the cryo project was halted, and his fervent hatred of ‘the trillionaires’ afterwards... these are all informed to some extent by his background as an indigenous man imo, and so was the global reaction to his developing powers. The “We were going to put you fellas in jail, weren’t we?” the way his initial attempts at publications are all flat-out ignored by the scientific community and dismissed as culty gimmicky faith healing until he leans into it.
John being Māori is just one of the many pieces of his backstory, and far from the most impactful to what eventually went down, but my point remains that he is the ONLY character in TLT whose racial background 1) affects his story arc and 2) is relatable to the audience. Everyone else is ten thousand years removed from Earth, and I’m just not very interested in using racial identifiers when exploring these characters and their dynamics, because the characters themselves don’t care and neither does the narrative.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 months
On the topic of good horror books
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is beautifully written and has plenty of things for your brain to chew on, both while you're reading, and after you've turned the last page (and yes, there is mind fuckery that progressively gets worse in a good way)
I first read it roughly three years ago and I still think about it to this day and want to re-read it
i actually read the haunting of hill house this year!!! it's legit one of the best haunted house and unreliable narrative narratives i've come across, and there's just suck a flow to the writing and a charm to the characters (between all the fucked up shit i mean),,, i think i binged the audio book in one or two days and just. immediately restarted it because i was simply Still Reeling and not ready for it to be over.
i would also highly recommend 'we have always lived in the castle' (also by shirley jackson), which is more murder mystery than haunted house but still has that kind of uncanny, 'something is clearly wrong here but we simply must get to brunch' tone that makes hill house so compelling. i think shirley jackson just slaps in general, would love to know what her deal with fucked up houses is but i'm willing to continue on in ambiguity.
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fansblogs · 1 month
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i’m a dying orphan child and i need more fankel interactions
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hedgehogcryptid · 1 month
One of the things that get me about the ending of utrh is that it shakes the very foundations of what Batman was supposed to be. The fact that he choses to attack Jason, save Joker, and leave Jason for dead goes all the way back to once upon a time to make it so that little eight year old Bruce is standing in an alley seeing his father get shot and deciding to protect Joe Chill once his mother starts screaming. It doesn't matter what version of him you go with, if the gritty "I Am The Night", or the more compassionate version of him who wants to prevent what happened to him from happening to anyone else:
He had a miraculous second chance to redo one of the tragedies that marked him and he fails to either avenge the wrong done against his family or prevent any sort of future harm from befalling the innocent.
At that point it's made clear that whatever Batman was supposed to be, he's failed at it
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alchemyofmaya · 8 months
In the mind Matrix — the Neocortex is responsible for being able to look at the bigger picture — to think, learn, analyze and decide, rationally beyond subjective perceptions in the current moment.
‘Wake up Neo’ — awakening is about clearing yourself of all the projections and beliefs imprinted upon your subconscious mind, so your conscious mind (the ego) can make logical decisions that align with your highest path.
Free yourself by educating yourself, by continuously learning and growing, by opening your mind.
Ignorance is not bliss.
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dreamerrenchanted · 5 months
explaining my "god" theory 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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godliness is a divine and powerful energy within everyone that connects us to a higher state of being. it is the essence of our existence and the driving force behind our thoughts, feelings, and actions. having a connection with our godliness means that we connect with the infinite power and abundance of the universe.
it is THAT connection that allows us to tap into our own divinity and live a life of infinite possibilities. everyone, including you, has a unique capacity to become one with the divine, to embody god, and to experience true freedom.
BUT, THEN HOW? .ೃ࿔*:・
at the end of the day, YOU are god, YOU truly experience reality and you are the one at the end of the day that gets to control your reality.
you are the one who's in control of your destiny. you're the one who determines how you react to situations, who and what you give your attention to, and how you choose to experience life. you are the one who gets to decide what to focus on, what you want to bring into your life, and how you want to live.
if you truly believe that, then you understand the power and the responsibility that comes with it. because the world doesn't revolve around anyone else than you.
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columboscreens · 1 year
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therealmackenson10 · 2 months
If you have the time please check out my latest single. Now streaming on Spotify.
Napoleon stated, “History is a lie agreed upon.”Once you do your own research, you will see that what we call history has been re-written to fit a narrative. Break free and free your mind.
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