#Compulsive Behaviour
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hong-kong-art-man · 5 months ago
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The Trend Of “Travel Light” These Days: What Is The Minimal Way Out Of The 9 That You Prefer?
Travel is a big gift that keeps us on receiving. We are exposed to great scenery, cultures and people. It rewards us with beautiful photographs and memories.
Crazy shopping while travelling can be a kind of “retail therapy”. But, if this is how you fill most of your time and then carry many heavy bags back home for things which you do not really need, such compulsive behaviour can imply that you are emotionally in trouble.
I used to misconceive travelling as an activity of vanity. I tried to impress my friends in other countries that I had taste, got money to spend and could be a well-dressed person. The moment that I stopped caring is when an awakening emerged from myself. The truth is that simplicity is the vainest form of sophistication.
The expressionist painter Hans Hofmann said, “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” The new trend of travelling is “travel light” which means to travel with a minimum load or luggage. People regard backpackers as those who travel light. There are ironically many backpacker shops in Hong Kong which try to induce the wants rather than needs of backpackers. Goods are too abundant.
Thumbs up to the wise people who can “travel light”. I used to carry 3 or more suitcases, backpacks and shopping bags abroad. I even brought towels, hair dryer, hangers, shoetrees and teddy bear with me. I have made a pinky swear that I will not do such a stupid thing again. The recent fad within the travelling culture, out of the blue, is to be minimal. We want a hotel room to look neat and tidy so that we do not have to elbow our way to the bed, especially in a tiny Japanese cubicle. When taking a trip, you should look inward for spiritual happiness and not look outward for shopping jubilation.
How to travel right?
The simple answer to take just a few lightweight, quick-drying and adaptable clothing items. Also, Iimit yourself to one pair of shoes.
A said, “Remember to limit yourself to a small suitcase or backpack, and a sensible packing list! Then, you will not take a lot of things to travel! ”
B said, “I bring old or unwanted clothes with me. After use, I leave them in the hotel room.”
C said, “Why don’t you guys ask the hotel to do laundry for you?” We laughed, “Hotels charge a lot!”
D said, “I choose the hotels which have public washing machines. This is why I usually take only 3 sets of clothes for travel.”
E smiled, “I am hardworking. I hand wash clothes in hotel bathroom sink.” I asked, “Will it take many days for clothes to dry?”
F said, “Come on! You can buy disposable briefs or knickers! Now, shops like MINISO or  Mannings sell disposable cotton underwear. They are comfortable and cheap.”
G said, “In many countries like Korea and Japan, you can rent clothes and such clothing rental companies will deliver clothes speedily to your hotel! Renting clothes is greener than buying them and this is a good habit when travelling overseas!”
H said, “Technology made it possible to have ‘quick dry’ clothes which can become dry within a few hours. I always pack clothes for 2 to 3 days and can repeat them!”
 Finally, Mr I said, “My way to travel light is simple. I wear a pair of jeans for the whole journey. If the weather is cold, I shall wear one to three windbreakers and they can be as warm as a coat. A windbreaker can also protect you from the wind and rain. Windbreakers can be dried within an hour after hand wash!”
The world is getting smaller but people are richer. Travelling is no longer a big deal. People travel more and more frequently for many reasons, including for vacations, to visit family and friends, for business ,and to be alone for a few days in order to escape the stresses of daily life. There is no need to create “a home away from home”. The hotel room should be like an unadorned room in a monastery!
A journey outside Hong Kong can be very simple, but people like to make it complicated. I heard friends indulgently taking 5 meals a day when travelling. I guess their stomach would be heavier than their luggage. Hunger is a bottomless pit. Life is simple and “travel light” is simply a simple truth.
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lu-you-xin-wen-115581100?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
How to choose a good quality luggage https://youtu.be/OcWtfNjvldQ?si=MODSmUsPIaRnBSQG   Acknowledgement-RTHK
Luggage packing tips https://youtu.be/BBzLD5lDBvU?si=-hE3KQfiYUUO88k6   Acknowledgement-dontkjoanne
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sublimati0ns · 20 days ago
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daily koss #13: hot mess aka they’re bad at this aka I can’t even label this “low-effort” or “shitpost” anymore 🥲 … bsky
I imagine they both like and yearn for physical intimacy, but are insanely neurotic about it… I love them and I had fun colouring this/// (also I know I forgor KO’s arm decal I just got too lazy to draw it… I’m sorry for taking your drip king…)
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fairycosmos · 3 months ago
god i want to be a better person
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
Part of harm reduction is recognizing that abstinence or sobriety, whenever these terms are applicable, is not the inherent goal for so many people. Forcing complete abstinence or sobriety can absolutely be detrimental, which is why we must not idealize either one or force it on people. It should be an option, yes, but that does not mean it is the only option or the only option worth pursuing.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months ago
I just know Rafe, as a man with psychosis and so much guilt and regret who was almost definitely forcibly sobering up and going through withdrawals, being in such close vacinity to a giant golden cross that HE STOLE from a church did *something* to fuck with his brain
Like he's not religious, he doesnt believe in god or anything, but I just know that sometimes he compulsively prayed to it about his "sins" and prayed for Barry to forgive him (what did he do wrong? he doesnt know, he just feels bad not being near him), and he absolutely started hearing "angels" and feeling flames lick at his feet and hands after a while as part of his usual rotation of hallucinations
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 days ago
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mephostophilis · 1 month ago
so for the first time in my life i’ve started tracking all of my vices and christ it’s a bit eye opening
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 2 months ago
thanks for replying!! how will you know if you don't feel for her anymore or if you do want to cheat? how do you tell the difference between ocd and your gut telling you that you don't want this anymore?
Anon you and me both have that question! Lololol.
As for the cheating one (not necessarily the most healthy or helpful way of dealing with it but I haven’t started seeing my OCD specialist yet so I don’t currently have the tools I need for it) I’ll normally just talk to my gf and say “I’ve done this or thought this does this mean I’m cheating on you?” And everytime she says no. My GF is very very very patient and mental health informed so she’s good at let me talking to me about my obsessions and being logical about it which helps. But again I have the bad habit of asking the same question over and over again.
As for if I don’t want to be with her anymore. I normally try to sit down and be like okay. What am I feeling. Why am I feeling this way. What would I change if I could. What would my life look like if I broke up with my gf, is that what I want. And if I don’t know I’ll either go to sleep (number one coping strategy lol - but also I’m unemployed and on disability payments so this isn’t something that’s accessible to everyone at the drop of a hat) or try to distract myself until the feeling passes. Sometimes talking to my gf or mental health team also helps. Not acting in the moment and just letting myself sit with the feelings is always very helpful though.
Hope you have a great day! ♥️♥️
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pynkhues · 2 months ago
I've been excited for this podcast but this is actually so terrifying for me, especially combined with some of the fans' behaviour on sdcc. I wonder if amc is prepared to secure their actors' safety, they didn't seem to be doing very good job last year. I feel like they at least should instruct actors on how to interact with fans. Because Sam and Assad talking about fans giving them their underwear...yeah no. I love that they're so eager and naive but these things can get ugly very fast. There was a fandom where two main actors had to stop sitting next to each other and doing interviews together because of the aggressive rpf shippers who kept analyzing their every single interaction and shamelessly asking them about it. I'd hate if something like that happened in iwtv.
There's a group of Lestat haters that are absolutely psychosexually obsessed with him and I don't get it. The man is nothing like Lestat, he's a shy nerd who loves the books and farming, why anyone would get so viciously fixated on someone like that?
Sorry for venting into your askbox and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it, I feel very dejected about all of this :(
I mean, I wish I could say that I was surprised, anon, but this fandom has pretty clearly got serious boundary issues and a desire to stamp on the social contract that used to make fandoms real communities. I don't know how much of that is a result of the escalation of fan entitlement over the last decade (of which I think personally social media has played an enormous role in), that sense of parasocial attachment, or that certain toxic behaviours (and in fact, behaviours indicative of personality disorders i.e. stalking and harrassment) are not only enabled, but encouraged by groups of fans in a flurry of mob mentality, and that the effect of that enablement and encouragement emboldening some people to actual dangerous or criminal behaviour (the case of the Nicki Minaj stan showing up outside the Dua Lipa stan's house recently springs to mind).
It does seem to be endemic in a lot of fandoms right now, which is kind of nuts, because it's never become an issue like this in fandoms that I've been in before (although it has always been a part of fandom - the stories of peak Beatlemania fandom are genuinely insane), but I think the world's feeling like an increasingly hostile place in general right now, and the internet really has its roots rotting in the soil of it. (I've genuinely been thinking lately that I'll see the death of the internet in my lifetime, if not in the next few years).
But yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry, it's awful, and I'm glad the podcast has made a statement, and seem like they will be deeply filtering the questions Sam sees. Like you, I hope that AMC gets better at protecting the cast too, but for now, all I can say is that I'm really glad he's not on social media.
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blvqebird · 3 months ago
People never do something just once. They might try to excuse themselves, to say they lost their heads in the moment, but you can be sure they will repeat whatever foolishness they did on another occasion, compelled by their character and habits. Like moves on a chessboard. Words mean nothing. Words, are a smokescreen. What matters are the actions. The effective truth is the actions people show you - those will always reveal the truth of who they are. Actions speak louder than words, but patterns scream the truth. Watch what people do, not what they say.
Robert Greene-The Laws of Human Nature, Chapter 4, The Law of Compulsive Behavior
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b-blushes · 8 months ago
achievement i have made this year: i used to physically shake like a leaf teeth-chattering style when replying to comments/talking to literally most people on here, and now i can just. say things? waow........
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lesbianwyllravengard · 2 years ago
So funny to me when I'm explaining to my parents the habits I have that are a result of my spiralling anxiety and paranoia and my father goes "yeah I do that too, that's normal" as if we're not literally both diagnosed with OCD and our actions are very much not normal
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crabanarchy · 7 days ago
I must be a workaholic cause im the only one who can work a hol lic this
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eggtrolls · 2 months ago
how many languages do you know?
Good question! This answer definitely depends on how you define “knowing” a language. If you’re being a true tightass, one; if you’re like Pit Corder, who’s been dead for 35 slutty, slutty years, eleven.
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ink--theory · 2 months ago
Boss decided to give me and my pa the rest of the week off cuz he saw some suspicious looking cars while on his way to work and he doesn't want us caught in any sort of mess out there
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anzfaulkner · 11 months ago
Ok yk what I think I need to run a poll I need to know what the pipeline is for ppl who like went to public school or didn’t have many friends or smth & basically had zero exposure to what is & isn’t socially acceptable until eventually branching out social circles and learning more
SO HERE IS THE QUESTION maybe this is actually a natural human experience maybe im just fucking autistic idfk. All I know is I’m still incredibly fucked up from smth that happened a decade ago and I’ve never bothered asking if anyone else has gone thru smth like it
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