#which having a space you know will publish and engage you on does
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I've been excited for this podcast but this is actually so terrifying for me, especially combined with some of the fans' behaviour on sdcc. I wonder if amc is prepared to secure their actors' safety, they didn't seem to be doing very good job last year. I feel like they at least should instruct actors on how to interact with fans. Because Sam and Assad talking about fans giving them their underwear...yeah no. I love that they're so eager and naive but these things can get ugly very fast. There was a fandom where two main actors had to stop sitting next to each other and doing interviews together because of the aggressive rpf shippers who kept analyzing their every single interaction and shamelessly asking them about it. I'd hate if something like that happened in iwtv.
There's a group of Lestat haters that are absolutely psychosexually obsessed with him and I don't get it. The man is nothing like Lestat, he's a shy nerd who loves the books and farming, why anyone would get so viciously fixated on someone like that?
Sorry for venting into your askbox and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it, I feel very dejected about all of this :(
I mean, I wish I could say that I was surprised, anon, but this fandom has pretty clearly got serious boundary issues and a desire to stamp on the social contract that used to make fandoms real communities. I don't know how much of that is a result of the escalation of fan entitlement over the last decade (of which I think personally social media has played an enormous role in), that sense of parasocial attachment, or that certain toxic behaviours (and in fact, behaviours indicative of personality disorders i.e. stalking and harrassment) are not only enabled, but encouraged by groups of fans in a flurry of mob mentality, and that the effect of that enablement and encouragement emboldening some people to actual dangerous or criminal behaviour (the case of the Nicki Minaj stan showing up outside the Dua Lipa stan's house recently springs to mind).
It does seem to be endemic in a lot of fandoms right now, which is kind of nuts, because it's never become an issue like this in fandoms that I've been in before (although it has always been a part of fandom - the stories of peak Beatlemania fandom are genuinely insane), but I think the world's feeling like an increasingly hostile place in general right now, and the internet really has its roots rotting in the soil of it. (I've genuinely been thinking lately that I'll see the death of the internet in my lifetime, if not in the next few years).
But yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry, it's awful, and I'm glad the podcast has made a statement, and seem like they will be deeply filtering the questions Sam sees. Like you, I hope that AMC gets better at protecting the cast too, but for now, all I can say is that I'm really glad he's not on social media.
#i do think there is a contingent of people in every fandom who struggle to separate the actor from the character#but i think the compulsive hate/psychosexual obsession sam gets from some people is compounded by other factors tbh#honestly i don't think that gossip blog is helping with anything either#i had a bit of a scroll through it a while ago#and i'm sure it was started with harmless fun intentions#but it's really giving a platform to some pretty insidious takes and behaviour#like it's giving a platform to cyberstalking if nothing else#which sure maybe people would be doing anyway#but it goes back to that enablement and encouragement really#which having a space you know will publish and engage you on does#anyway#i understand the need to vent anon#and i'm sorry i wish i had better things to say about it all
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Superb Owl Party 2025
Welcome to my Superb Owl party! Greetings owl!

Please enjoy these poorly made posters - with typos and all the skill of a middle school art student.

You are invited to your neighbor's annual Superb Owl party where you will meet the guests of honor who are vying for the title of Superb Owl.

Is that that a football or an owl's egg?
Remember, this is a human party and you should blend in. Do not unalive any guests.
[Yes. I know sign has typos. But it has GLITTER! A bloody stupid vampire made the posters.]
Now it is time to vote for the owl that is the greatest owl of all time!

Let me introduce the five contestants in the 2025 Superb Owl Contest. @herpsandbirds Paxon - I hope you approve!

Angelina - Stygian Owl
Angelina was a classical opera singer with a vocal range of four octaves. She became the lead singer of the metal band Talons of Death. The wildly popular band recorded two gold albums: Prey for Mercy and Night Screechers. Stygian owls have golden yellow eyes which glow red in low light, earning the nickname the devil’s owl. When not on the road with the band, she teaches music in local public schools.

Benjamin - Spot-Bellied Eagle Owl
Benjamin works for the United States Postal Service. He delivered bills and junk mail. Years of dedication, hard work, and attention to detail advanced his career. Now he works in the Dead Letter office deciphering illegible handwriting on envelopes in the Great Lakes district office. He enjoys chess and reading spy thrillers and murder mystery novels.

Bunny - Screech Owl
Bunny was a child star actor in popular nature shows, including Into the Wild with Jack Hanna. She was the runner-up for national bird of the United States, just behind the bald eagle. Today she models for Audubon and Birds and Blossoms. She creates mixed media artwork and builds avant-garde nests that are shown in art galleries around the world.

Jared - Spectacled Owl
Jared is a respected pundit and scholar of political science and philosophy. He is best known for his work on Foucault’s panopticon and state sponsored surveillance to control citizens. He’s an outspoken political activist. He enjoys world travel and eating exotic foods. Recently, he wrote a dystopian science fiction novel and is waiting for a publisher to pick up the manuscript.

Nigel - Great Gray Owl
Nigel is in his third term as Prime Minister of the Parliament of Owls. His passion for serving owls and other species led to a life-long career in politics. He works for a better world for all animals and plants. His actions center on legislation to protect migration routes, conservation of wilderness habitats, and protection of endangered species. He enjoys touring the national parks and vacations in a cabin at Lake Tahoe.
Who is the superb owl! Please vote! Does anyone know how to create a poll? Please vote in the notes. Thanks!
Note: At the hospital were I work, the social wellbeing committee is having an office decorating contest for the Super Bowl. I work as an admin. assist. in a department currently has two people - myself and my boss. The office has space for 12 cubicles, and I'm the only one working here. The boss is only at the business offices one day a week, otherwise she's over at the main campus. To complicate matters, the office is locked on both sides and very few people ever come in. [Technically, my position is part of the administrative team, over on the main campus, but I never see anyone. Only one admin. assist. works with me remotely.] So how do I: 1) participate in social wellbeing and engage with coworkers, 2) decorate an office that is isolated from the outside world, 3) cleverly mock a sports event, and 4) be my true weird self? I choose the Superb Owl Party!

To make the decorations visible for people in the business center campus, I put the decorations in the hallway. We have a big white board that isn't attached to the wall. I put the posters on the white board and slid it out into the hallway! Then I notified a few people in other offices, "Hey, I decorated for the super bowl. Come over and see." And then I put out a little basket with a pen and sticky notes for people to cast their votes. At the end of the day on Friday, Bunny was the winner.
#superb owl#super bowl#office decorations#owls#stygian owl#screech owl#spot-bellied eagle owl#great gray owl#spectacled owl#what we do in the shadows
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Yule Ball [PT.1]
Summary: Your husband is teaching his snakes to dance. You decide to meet them on this occasion formally.
Word Count: 1733~
A/N: This was longer than I expected and I also meant to publish this after You but I finished this one first. Enjoy! I know I did.
“The Yule Ball has been a tradition conducted before the formal beginning of the first tasks in the Triwizard Tournament,”
His deep voice echoed throughout the expansive space as he walked around. Each Head of House was assigned to teach their students the waltz for the Ball. His Slytherins didn’t know that though.
“On Christmas Eve, we and our guests take time to gather at the Great Hall for a night of respectable frivolity by engaging in a dance,” Severus announced, the students groaned, “We may loathe to participate in such an endeavor, however, as a member of the House of Salazar Slytherin, I expect every one of you to be on your best behavior,”
“At the end of this session, you should be able to not stupidly slither and slip across the Great Hall,” Severus said,
You laughed.
Your laughter easily echoed in the hollow expanse of the room. Their attention suddenly turned to you by the entryway. Despite their whispers, you could hear their words. Who is she? What’s she doing here?
Severus turned. His stoic facade was unchanged in your presence.
“You sounded like Minerva just then,” you said, walking over, “She said something about her Gryffindors becoming a babbling bumbling band of baboons,”
“Did she?” he remarked, “How would you know that?”
“I was there lurking in the hall,” you answered, standing by his side, “They said that you may need help teaching your Slytherins to dance,”
“You know, Albus,” you dropped names, “And, Minerva.”
“Those two meddling…” he sighed, the students watched on, “They sent me an incentive as if I need any,”
“Oh, so, I should go?” you walked towards the door, but one of his arms pulled you back, “See you want me here,”
“I always want you, my dear,” Severus said. Your cheeks heated up at the compliment. He whispered into your ear, “You know that,”
“I did bring gifts,” you remembered, pulling a pouch from the pocket of your robes, “Your favorite dark chocolate and gobstoppers,”
“You are an angel, my dear,” he said, raising a palm, “May I?”
“Later,” you said, and pocketed it, he nearly pouted, “For dessert after practice. You, Mister, have students to teach,”
“Shall I introduce you?” he observed them, silently squirming in their seats from curiosity, “I think we tortured them long enough,”
“Was it truly long enough though?” you chuckled.
He offered his arm to you, which you gladly accepted, as both of you faced the crowd of curious students. Their attention was focused as Severus commanded the room.
“Slytherins, quiet!” Severus bellowed, “It gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you, my wife, Madame Snape,”
Among the possibilities, their Head of House married was not one they considered.
Their voices were in an uproar of surprise, disbelief, and shock, especially a platinum blonde-haired teenage boy you knew from description as your husband’s godson, Draco Malfoy. Your ears could hear a faint There’s no way, even father doesn’t even know from his mouth.
“It’s nice to meet everyone,” you gently smile, and silently hope that they calmed down, “I thought you should get the courtesy of meeting me first in private rather than amongst other students at the Yule Ball,”
They were speechless. You were nice. The exact opposite of their Head of House.
“You’re going to attend the Yule Ball?” one of the girls dared to ask,
“Yes, I will,” you answered, “Barring any conflict of schedule, I should be there,”
The girls giggled. You were glad.
“Does this mean I can wear my wedding ring more often?” he asked you, lifting his left hand to gaze at it, “I did forget to remove it today, though, I don’t believe any of them noticed,”
“Or they were too afraid of you to say anything about it,” you answered, and exchanged knowing looks, “And, do wear your ring I’d love to hear, and for you to see your other students’ reaction,”
“That can be arranged,” he agreed, and turned to the students, “To resume our activities,”
They sighed. They thought your presence would be a sufficient distraction for him to forget about the task at hand.
“We will be teaching you how to waltz,” he started, “We shall demonstrate, and then after you will pair yourselves,”
“My lady,” Severus formally bowed and offered a hand, “Shall we?”
“Oh, am I part of this?” you teased, acting as if you wouldn’t take it, “Why, I’d be honored, good sir,”
His gentle but firm grip guided you to the center of the floor where every student could get a good view of what both of you were doing.
“Face your partners a foot apart, hold her hand then place the other on her waist,” he emphasized, doing so, “Not anywhere else,”
On the swish of his wand, the pin dropped and the turn table started to play the music.
“The steps are quite simple and gentlemen do pay attention you will be guiding the ladies,” he started the box step, which you just mirrored, “Do imagine you are creating a box on the ground. Your left foot forward, the other to the side, together, back, and repeat,”
“Ladies, you mirror what your partner is doing. If he steps, forward you step back,”
With you in his arms, his stern appearance disappeared. His body relaxed, movements fluid and precise as both of you seemed to glide across the floor.
His students watched in awe and amusement as both of you passed by. There’s an intimacy in the way he moves you, and in a single moment, they catch a glimpse of a smile on his face unexpectedly twirling you around.
“Show off,” you whispered,
“For you,” he quietly said, “Always,”
Your cheeks heated up at the statement.
It wasn’t long until the music and both of you stopped. You both bow to each other after as he addressed his students.
“Find your partners and don’t dally we don’t have all day,” he instructed, as the boys started to stand, “Those who find themselves with no partners will start with one of us and then will switch to other students,”
They quickly partnered up after that.
The older girls were afraid of being partnered up with him. The boys, however, would gladly be partnered up with you.
“You will get a minute of detention for each time you step on her toes or mine. Trust that we will be counting, and,” he warned, “Should I hear any sound of pain escape her lips you will be in detention for the week regardless of the number of times you stepped on her,”
“And should any one of you succeed in not stepping on my toes,” you added, “You’ll get to try the other candy I brought back from America,”
Their eyes lit up in anticipation at your words. They became a bit scared but eager not to mess up as the first young male Slytherin came up to you.
“Hello,” you introduced yourself, “What’s your name?”
You both exchanged pleasantries as he placed the appropriate distance and hand on your waist before the music started.
“You’re more likely to mess up if nervous so relax,” you said, as the music started, and you saw Severus glaring at the student in your arms, “Talk to me about anything to take your mind off it,”
“Oh, Professor Snape is the most…” he started to ramble off.
His feet did brush yours from time to time but no real painful step landed. Once he started talking about your husband, and the subjects he liked, he relaxed and the steps came more naturally.
“Excellent,” you said, “Now do that at the Yule Ball and you’ll be fine,”
You and Severus managed to dance with half the class before the bell rang to their relief.
There were some unfortunate enough to have two left feet which caused you to yelp effectively earning a week of detention. Others would be in detention for half an hour at least, and two hours at the most. Those fortunate to get it right were rewarded by the stash of no-maj candy you brought.
“Thank you, Professor Snape,” one student said, the other followed, “And thank you, Madame Snape!”
Slowly, the students thanked you and your husband and waved goodbye as they ran to the hall on their way to their next class.
“Must you give the whole stash?” Severus asked, the other pouch given away, “They’ll be insufferable for the rest of the day,”
“Those were extras. I refilled our stash at home,” you said, which caused him to perk up, “Don’t worry,”
You started to walk toward the door to leave but his arms wrapped around you, and refused to let go.
“Where do you think you’re going?” his lips at the nape of your neck, “Hmmm?”
“Leaving,” you said, “We’re done, aren't we?"
“No, we’re not,” he kissed your shoulder, and with a swish of his wand the music started again, “May I?”
His hand offered once again which you didn’t hesitate to take.
“Always,” you said, as he guided you once again, “You are and always will be my first and last,”
His defenses shattered at those words. His lips curled into a smile. His hands pulled you closer than you could ever be. His scent, the musk of old leather, fresh parchment, and sandalwood engulfed your senses.
In the emptiness of the room, there were no words exchanged. There was only the two of you against the world. Your feet followed his in harmony. Your robes and his flowed behind your backs.
Forward. Side. Together. Back. Again. A Twirl that caused you to laugh. Warming his heart.
So lost in the moment, both of you didn’t notice Draco and his friends enraptured by the intimate performance.
Once the music had stopped, you both briefly pulled away and bowed but after he’d recovered, he pulled you in.
“Sev, what—“
His lips fell on yours gently together. Rough but warm against soft and supple. His arms were around you, protective, possessive. You lean into the comfort of his touch. A soft moan escaped your lips.
“I love you,” you said, as you pulled away.
“I love you too,”
#severus snape#severus snape x reader#hp#harry potter#severus snape fanfiction#snape#professor snape#hogwarts#fanfiction#snape x you#severus snape x you
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And you know what, I'd be so bold as to say that a lot of witches need to learn how to advertise ethically and effectively! Even folks whose services are 100% legit and genuine can be (or come off as) extremely shady. It's a problem! You don't have to be an expert or anything, but understanding what makes a good product listing and how to ethically advertise your goods and services is absolutely critical.
Having done marketing and advertising work for a Major Company with Many Advertising Regulations, these are the extremely basic hallmarks I look for in a good advertisement or product/service listing:
Language is clear and concise, focusing on the specific product or service in question *
Language is engaging but not inflammatory **
No typos, misspellings, or grammatical mistakes
All products and services are clearly described, and the consumer knows exactly what they would receive if they were to purchase from you
If applicable or possible, at least one quality photo of the product is provided (more than one from multiple angles is preferred, but one very good photo is sometimes enough)
Provided images appear legitimate (not AI, not stolen from the internet, etc.) and product descriptions appear to have been written by a real person ***
Prices are clearly stated and appear fair when compared to other sellers offering similar products and services, or which are otherwise explained (for example, if prices are unusually high, it may be because the seller only has limited stock or is providing a unique, high-effort service; this should be clearly stated in the listing in a simple, matter-of-fact tone)
The method of delivery is clearly described, including delivery timelines and whether tracking will be provided
If not provided elsewhere, or if it's a long list of available products/services, contact information and instructions are provided somewhere obvious and easy to access for questions and concerns
Disclaimers are clearly marked, and the consumer's rights are clearly explained (for example, if it's a commission for a custom spell, could the consumer publish the spell instructions on their blog, or is it for private use only?)
The refund policy is clearly described either in the listing itself, in the sales terms, or elsewhere on the page (so long as it's easily found)
It isn't explicitly about listings, but one other big thing I look for is whether the seller has a presence other than their shop or marketing space(s). This could be social media, a physical location, or a personal website. Basically, I want to see that they're obviously a real person doing real work in the field they're selling in, not just a grifter cashing in on what's popular.
I wouldn't buy cakes from someone who isn't obviously making cakes. Why the hell would I buy a tarot reading from someone who, as far as I can tell, has never done a tarot reading except in closed DMs when paid to do so?
* If you're advertising a specific product or service, the post, listing, or whatever else should be focused ENTIRELY on that specific product or service. Avoid extolling your virtues in excess.
What I mean is, your listing should not be 65% sucking your own dick about how long you've been doing the thing you're doing and how great you are. It should be about the product or service, not you. The place for that (and it does have a place, imo) is in a masterpost of services, a pinned post about yourself on your blog, and/or in the "about" section on your website/sales page.
** I mean inflammatory in the way of pushing the reader into a heightened state of emotion. These listings are purposefully manipulative, intending to take advantage of particular types of people. It's not an uncommon tactic, but it is a pretty scummy one, especially in spiritual circles, which attract non-experts who are desperate for relief, comfort, and results. Consider this example:
A listing for a tarot reading about future love saying, "Discover the future of your love life!" would be generally fine. A listing saying "Your love life DEFINED!! Once in a lifetime LOVE!!! SOULMATE CONNECTION? Is HE the ONE? Don't be fooled by NARCISSIST SOCIOPATHS!!" is inflammatory, intent on targeting a specific type of person who is likely to fall for the urgency and the particular language used here. You see the difference, no?
*** There are always cases of folks who aren't so good at words or taking pictures or who aren't using their first language and so forth, and it's important to take that into consideration. But for the most part, even those cases stand out from the bullshit artists, whose only goal is to take your money and run.
#aese speaks#witchblr#witch community#spell services#tarot services#paid services#full on taking a bat to the wasp nest here#FUCK grifters all my homies hate grifters
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Hello! I adore your blog and your yaps so much I’ve been following you for a few months now and I first wanted to tell you that you do so much good! So, a huge thanks to you for using your platform for trans topics/Palestine/as well as fandom etiquette/awareness and for just being amazing!
All things aside though, I do have a question! I was wondering what your opinion on @the-dead-gay-oscars was. I stumbled upon it recently and felt kind of an icky feeling about it, because it just feels like another way of comparing fanfic to mainstream media when fanfic isn’t really meant to be like that? It’s also putting a bunch of fanfic out there for people to vote on/critique publicly, and I cant find whether or not the fanfic writers are asked for permission for their fics to be included in such an event- especially when I know a lot of people have boundaries over that kind of thing. I just wonder if it brings back that almost expectation for fanfiction to be like published modern literature/movies. I doubt anyone had the intention for it to be like that but I just don’t really like it?
Idk, it just left me feeling weird about the whole thing, but maybe I’m being over dramatic and critical over something meant to be fun, which could totally be the case. 😅
Anyways, thank you so much for what you do! Have a nice day!
hiii !! first of all!!! thank youuu 😖😖🫂🫂
and yeah,,, not a fan. idk if this mention tags them and if it does, sorry!!! just some gentle opinions 😖
idk like,, "best" categories in fandom really ick me out. and i think it can be very discouraging to others? like how does the voting work? do they select nominations and then others vote?
oh you've said they do! so yes, then it turns into "oh my work wasnt as good as the one that won" etc etc - i just think there's better ways to show appreciation than creating more pedestals in a fandom that already has a massive issue with idolisation, imposter syndrome, etc etc
and whether the authors are asked permission or not is irrelevant to me (actually,, probably worse if they are and agree in my mind)
idk. good concept, poor execution that i personally think is just discouraging and competitive when this space is for everyyyyyyone to create and enjoy without worrying whether you're better than someone else or the "best" etc etc. and yes, 100% brings expectations.
i get it was for appreciation, but i dislike the notion when really you could just comment on a fic and say you liked it, and then make a post recommending it, or rec it to your friends etc etc. you know??
we don't need awards and competition, we need community and an encouraging space where everyone feels confident to engage and write and draw and edit and do whatever it is that they do without worrying about whether they're the best at it or if they're as good as someone else
unless i get best rant poster. then it's okay. (I'M KIDDING THAT WAS A /J. THAT WAS A JOKE.)
#asks#IF THIS TAGS YOU IM SORRY#but also not really because i do hope this is constructive criticism
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Hi all! I’m just out here being three weeks late with my 2024 Writing Round-Up, and thank you so much to @monbons, @forabeatofadrum, @confused-bi-queer, @rimeswithpurple, @nausikaaa, @prettygoododds, @ileadacharmedlife, @artsyunderstudy, @best--dress, @j-nipper-95, @roomwithanopenfire, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @imagineacoolusername, @mooncello, and @thewholelemon for tagging me! I hope I didn’t miss anyone, and thank you as well to everyone who’s been tagging me for Six Sentence Sunday and WIP Wednesday this month. Without getting too much into it, I am BURNT. OUT, and it’s making me retreat from even the things I enjoy the most, like writing and catching up on everyone’s beautiful fandom works.
But, I’m determined to make this round-up post, even if it takes me a couple of days to put together. There’s a lot here! Almost all of it was from COC, which I was hellbent on finishing this year, and did! Here’s the list, in chronological order, of all published writing for 2024:
The Field Trap, 1/2 (5272, M) This has been sitting unfinished for a bit, but I do anticipate it being completed. I discovered a real love for Watford-era fics toward the end of the past year, but it probably all began for me two years ago when I wrote Field Trip of Dreams, the prequel to Field Trap. At any rate, I haven’t forgotten the fic, and Field Trap may end up with an E rating in the second chapter.
Time Will Lie Down and Be Still (26,201, M) This is the fic I’m most proud of this year. It’s the result of my COBB collab with @rimeswithpurple, and it’s been such an inspiration to work with Arianna! I highly recommend the experience :D This fic has 3/5 chapters published so far, and I’m getting there with the 4th. I’ll share that Arianna finished the art for Chapter 4 the other day and it is STUNNING, so I need to get my part done! For anyone who doesn’t know, the fic is a retelling of the movie Practical Magic (I’ve never been able to get very far in the book, for whatever reason, so I wouldn’t count on the fic lining up with it). This one is close to my heart for many reasons, but I’ve especially enjoyed building Dev’s character and his relationship with Baz.
Absolutely everything else I published was for COC, and I’ll put it below a cut due to length. Thanks to everyone who read my work this year! As always, the output of this fandom is just incredible, and I’ve enjoyed being able to take it in as well as contribute a little myself. Happy New Year, everyone!
Something Old (1146, T) Simon finds something unexpected while clearing out space in the wardrobe.
Chosen (880, G) Agatha and Simon have just begun dating and Philippa attempts to engage her in a little friendly roommate squee. Agatha isn’t quite so sure.
I Hate You, Never Leave Me (2339, M) Simon and Baz have found a new and better way to settle their differences, by getting each other off all over campus. Will it evolve into anything more, however? (I love this one, honestly. Might have to someday write a more extensive version)
Greek (1565, T) Simon has to keep a very close eye on Baz in Greek class, for reasons.
Let Me See You (1205, T) Simon is the one to find Baz draining a deer in the forest instead of Agatha. His reaction is not what either of them was expecting.
Truth or Dare (2608, T) Does what it says on the tin—the gang play a game of Truth or Dare, and the dares reveal a little more truth than anyone expected. (Definitely not a groundbreaking take on the prompt, but I never really tire of reading truth or dare fics, and hoped readers would feel the same :P)
Gently, Gently (668, M) Simon and Baz spend the morning in bed, skiving off class and not regretting it at all. (I came to realize that an embarrassing number of fics I write either start out with the boys waking up in bed or that is the entire premise of the fic. “Waking up” is a weird fetish to have, but OK me, I guess)
Looking for Knives, Looking for You (1181, T) Baz reflects on all the wounds he and Simon have given each other over the years. (Despite the vicious sounding title and depressing summary, this one was meant to be sort of cute and sweet)
Hold You Safe (1015, G) At the start of Eighth Year, Dev and Niall’s relationship is still very new as they get some bad news from home.
Dinner (Guess Who’s Coming) (3525, T) It’s half term, and Baz’s parents want to take him to dinner. They invite him to bring a friend, but unfortunately for Malcolm, he pisses Baz off first, and Baz decides his guest will be Simon—the Mage’s heir, his family’s mortal enemy, and Baz’s undying secret crush. (As with nearly all my COC offerings this year, this fic was knocked out during my lunch break the day of, and it shows. It really could have stood to be longer and more developed, so maybe I’ll revisit it one day, since I did like the premise)
Stay with Me (878, T) It’s Eighth Year and Simon gets home late and injured from a mission. Baz arrives at a resolution. (I was a little baffled to get a comment about the Mage already being dead, since this fic takes place during the school year and makes mention of a very much alive Mage in multiple places. It was more of a statement than a criticism though, I think.)
A Charmed Life (1449, E) Baz and Simon have an utterly normal morning getting frisky in bed. (Again. Huh.)
A Horse Named Jane (736, T) Simon has that song stuck in his head again. The one Baz can’t stand. They work out a (sort of) compromise.
Sour and Sweet (3060, G) It’s Baz’s birthday and Agatha has just given Simon his walking papers. Oh no :P However, the breakup does little to lift Baz’s spirits. (This one has two chapters and filled two prompts, sour and sweet, natch. Chapter two’s summary is: Simon decides he needs to make something sweet for Baz’s birthday, even though he’s two days late and doesn’t know how to bake. Well, he’s got magic at his disposal, so things are sure to turn out just fine. :P)
Punk (828, T) Baz is making Simon join him for lunch with Fiona again, but Simon figures he’ll debut a new look & attitude. Will they actually make it to the restaurant? (I really enjoyed writing this one. Simon being frustrated with Fiona’s behavior and still being silly with Baz about it was just a happy place for me)
Surprise (733, M) Simon and Baz are engaging in one of their classic Mummers’ House tiffs. What will happen? :P (I did write a little surprise into this one, but it was very much in keeping with some of my favorite themes)
Cast in Fire (791, G) Simon comes to Watford and learns about how his roommate will be chosen.
Fluff and Nonsense (1627, T) The prompt is ‘fluff’ and did I once again take the opportunity to write a light-on-plot secret relationship fic about Watford-era Simon and Baz being cozy and silly in bed? Yeah, I might have. Simon is going home with Baz over the Christmas break. Not a lot going on here, they’re just really comfy and in love.
Pieces of Me (1557, M) Baz has been having nightmares. Simon comforts him and encourages him to open up.
The World Was Open (956, T) Agatha and Niamh attend Simon and Baz’s wedding, and Agatha overhears another guest making a snide remark.
Find Me (2374, M) Eighth year at Watford was unremarkable, and Simon and Baz last saw each other when they graduated. Seven months later, Dev and Niall drag a pining and protesting Baz out to a club for a night of drinking and dancing, but there’s a familiar face behind the bar. Simon Snow is serving drinks, and worse, he’s flirting with a Baz lookalike. What will happen :P (This was yet another fic that could have been developed a little more, but I was still happy with the result overall)
Warm Spell (1795, M) Goatherd Simon has been almost-encountering a beautiful stranger for several weeks now, but one hot summer day, they finally meet.
Lost and Found (575, G) The boys go shopping together and Baz temporarily loses Simon, but it’s all pretty plot-free :P
Truce (1101, M) Simon pesters Baz while he’s trying to study, and needs to learn a lesson. Will they be able to call a truce? (This one was where the trouble began—I changed my settings to allow comments from unregistered users, because I like to fuck around and find out, I suppose. And find out I did! Luckily, the rude comment I received took aim at some writing element that didn’t even make sense for this particular fic, and I quickly realized it was a bot. Not long after, I started getting comments on other fics as well, all very nonspecific to the fandom, characters, and genre. I’m so sorry because I know it upset a few readers who were very kind to clap back and reassure me, and I changed my settings back so that it wouldn’t happen again.)
Savour (1189, T) Simon has been away on one of his missions for the Mage, and Baz has been awaiting his return by leaving out plates of food in their room every night. (Bot’s review: “the worst fic in the fandom”. It’s not even the worst fic in my own oeuvre, so joke’s on you, guy XD)
We Were Always Together (2239, T) During cotillion class, Simon is forced to dance with Baz. The horror! (I flipping loved writing this. Full on had a blast and Would Write Again)
Let It Snow (925, M) It’s almost time for Christmas break at Watford, and it may not turn out as the boys planned. However, thanks to a spell gone wrong (or very right) it may yet work out for the best :P
Always (551, G) It’s Christmas Eve and Baz has just finished putting the kids to bed. Simon is putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree.
Something New (990, T) Simon and Baz have a little tiff near the end of eighth year, but it’s not fated to last long. I’ve written a lot of secret!relationship Watford era fics for COC this year, some that could go together and some that were in separate universes. It’s been so much fun to write about the boys sneaking around, but this is…something new. :P (In which I was very pleased with myself for how I wrapped things up in accordance with the prompt. I really, really enjoyed COC this year :D)
Thanks for reading! I’m sure most everyone has already made their own round-up posts, but consider these no-pressure tags and hellos: @valeffelees @stardustasincocaine @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @c0nsumemy5oul @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @tender-ministrations @basiltonbutliketheherb @ghostpepperworld @larkral @letraspal @cows4247 @fiend-for-culture @palimpsessed @hushed-chorus @shrekgogurt @raenestee @cutestkilla @drowninginships @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @beastmonstertitan @ic3-que3n @supercutedinosaurs @stitchy-queerista @alexalexinii @asocialpessimist @shutup-andletme-go @prettygoododds @ivelovedhimthroughworse @j-nipper-95 @wellbelesbian @bookishbroadwayandblind @orange-peony @papierhaikuphoto @martsonmars
#snowbaz#baz pitch#simon snow#year in review#coc 2024#carry on countdown#carry on countdown 2024#cobb#Cobb 2024#carry on big bang#wow I’m even tagging these late#my brain has been mush lately#eep#72327 words in 2024#40854 for COC alone#31473 words of other writing
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Pitfalls of Pictures
As polar fandom works its way into ever more serious circles, from social sharing to published works, I thought I might share what I've learned about copyright and using pictures you find online.
Copyright belongs to the person who made the image. This means the artist or photographer in most cases. The photographer is the one who opened the shutter, not the owner of the camera.
Copyright, in most places and cases, lasts for the life of the creator +70 years.
Many Heroic Age polar images are therefore out of copyright. BUT WAIT. That's the photo. If you find it online, it's been digitised by someone. The copyright of the digitised image legally belongs to whichever person, or institution, digitised the image. Therefore the same Ponting photo can be copyright SPRI, Getty, RGS, or Anne Strathie, who scanned it off an original print she bought on eBay. Print: uncopyrighted. Scanned image: copyrighted. Even though the picture is the same, they are discrete things.
A lot of polar photos have been digitised by educational institutions or regional/national archives. They have to balance their mission to drive engagement with the necessity of licencing fees to fund their work. Everyone has a different way of doing this, so it's worth your while to learn the policies of wherever you found the photo.
For the most part (BUT NOT ALWAYS!) so long as you're not making any money on the image or using it to further your career (i.e. just fangirling) you're probably OK. People generally only bother to rally the expensive lawyers when there's cash involved. However it is always worthwhile to check, because there is nuance.
Posting an image which has not previously been public onto a public website (e.g. Tumblr) legally counts as publishing it. If you've been given permission to access it and/or make your own digital copy, that does not necessarily mean you can share it online. There may be different rules around publishing it vs having it, even for free.
Example: In 2014 I photographed all the negatives of Meares' Siberian photos at the BC Archives. I wanted a proper scan of a few of them, for an article I was co-writing at the time. I was allowed to take as many pictures as I liked with my own camera for personal use, and was charged a small fee for the scans. However, if I were going to publish any of them, I would have to fill out paperwork with the BC Archives and pay another, much larger fee. In 2023, I learned that the BC Archives had changed their policy: one needed only to credit the Archives for the photo, with their specified text. I finally got to write my post about Scott's ponies and throw in the photos for free. So keep up to date on usage permissions, too!
Downloading an image and sharing it amongst your friends, via email or messaging or some other closed network, without posting it on a public platform, is not the same as publishing it. But your friends need to be clear that they can't publish it either.
Going into the code of a photo site to find the high-res version of an image? Technically no one can stop you.
Publicly posting that high-res image, which the image holder has buried in code so that people can't distribute it? Not OK.
Printing off merch with that image and selling it as a side hustle? WOW VERY NO.
There is another slightly hazy area called 'transformative works' in which you can take a copyrighted image and change it enough to count as a new image. I don't know if there are any hard and fast rules on this – and they probably vary by jurisdiction – but as a rule of thumb, you're generally OK if no one in their right mind would mistake your image for the original.
I don't think any of us want to raise the ire of the heritage bodies which feed our passion for this stuff, so please make sure to stay on their good side! Photo archives take space and refrigeration and expert curators, which are all very expensive, and this is generally paid for by licensing the photos they keep. (The photo library at SPRI, for example, is the only part of the institution which makes any profit.) So please play nice!
I am far from being an authority on this, just sharing what I've learned over my 15+ years of working with polar photos on and offline. Please research your specific cases, and add anything to this post which you think may be relevant!
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Fanworks vs. Published Works
Okay, so, I was on Reddit and there was this discourse of fanfic v. published work, and how the lines are beginning to blur more and more, particularly among readers, and how dangerous this is for fandom spaces because fanfic is not designed for the same sort of engagement one has with a published work. They look similar and feel similar, but equating them can be devastating for fanfic writers, particularly if people start reviewing and critiquing fanworks the same way they do published works.
The comparison on that subreddit—which I had never encountered but might well have been around forever and new to no one but me because sometimes I do live in a cave—was that fanfic is like a potluck. And I love that because it's 100% accurate.
At a potluck, you make something for people to enjoy out of love. It’s really shitty to go to a potluck, then walk up to someone who made what you believe is a subpar casserole and start in like you’re a food critic. You’re missing the point of the potluck. And you’re kind of a dick.
In a restaurant, the rules are different, just like in the publishing industry. You select a restaurant, you pay for a meal, and if the meal isn’t to your liking, you can leave the restaurant a review on Google or Yelp or the platform of your choice (assuming you didn’t just throw a tantrum in the restaurant itself, but that’s another discussion). And sure, YMMV from other diners’ experiences, but even if everyone loves this restaurant and you don’t, it’s perfectly acceptable to leave a subpar review listing the reasons why it didn’t meet your standards. It’s fodder for future diners to consider at this point, less for the restaurant itself. The way book reviews are meant to be for readers, not the author. The author will see it, they might get annoyed, but unless they want their career to go up in smoke, they won’t respond. Just like restaurant owners who go nuclear on bad reviews, word spreads when someone can’t take criticism.
And no, it’s still not cool to critique someone’s potluck dish even if that person is a professional chef. They still elected to invest their time, talent, and creativity to bring that dish to the potluck and are getting nothing out of it but the satisfaction of their dish being enjoyed. The potluck should be a safe space for everyone—the chef knows to expect unsatisfied customers at work; when they’re at play, when they’re relaxed and enjoying something with a chosen community, it’s really shitty to start acting like a customer in the restaurant. You don’t have to love what they brought but keep it to yourself and go try something else.
As a published author, it bothers me a lot more when people invade my fanfic space to be critical than it does any of the 20+ works I have for sale on Amazon and other vendors, and this is why. Fanfic is more personal because it’s unpaid labor created out of love and a desire for community. It’s not a commodity, and treating it like that is how you murder joy and, for some creators, sometimes the drive to ever create again.
So don’t be a dick at the potluck, okay?
#fanfic#creative writing#writer stuff#on writing#fanfiction#fanfic writing#fanfic authors#discussion#publishing
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RE: This ask on fanfic, fandom, and lestappen
(preface with, I love fanfic and fandom, and I've written for very big and small)
I have never experienced such bad fandom etiquette as I have with 1633. I wrote one multi chapter fic for the ship and 99% of ao3 comments I got were people asking when I'd publish the next chapter, which has always been a big no no in fandom. I deleted the fic because it felt bad that people didn't want to engage with what I had written, but, just ask about my update schedule. Also, people changing the date of their published fic to be more recent, so, it appears at the top of the 'recently updated page'! I have never seen this in any fandom before now! AO3 isn't Instagram! If you tag correctly, people will find your fic if they want to read it.
People are pushing 1633 constantly in very public spaces like Twitter, Insta and TikToK, where we know these drivers have accounts and look at comments/posts about them or on their own posts. Just today on Twitter I see Dan Howell (which what a fucking weird intersection of my past and current interests) being asked at a public panel about lestappen, just because he's mentioned liking F1 in the past. I know it gets easy clicks and engagement because it is popular. But, it's so far removed from behaviour that was ever considered acceptable in fandom.
I remember, back in 2013/14 there was a huge backlash to people bringing up fictional ships to actors/writers. There was discourse after every Supernatural or Teen Wolf fan forum/con panel when someone would inevitably ask about Destiel or Sterek. People would argue whether fanon and ships were appropriate to ask the real people behind the show about.
RPF is fine, I have written, currently write and will continue to engage in RPF spaces. But, there are boundaries that you must keep if you are going to engage with it. Tumblr and AO3 have always been considered locked fandom spaces. If a person goes onto these sites and searches themselves out, that's on them. But, it's implied in fandom that you keep to just these spaces or private chats
(personally, I'm sad I just missed out on the livejournal days... I got into fandom when everything was being moved over from there and fanfic.net onto ao3)
I understand younger social media users are used to an algorithm finding content for them. And on sites like Tumblr where the algorithm sucks or ao3, which doesn't have one. You have to search out the content you want yourself. Liking and kudos isn't enough, you actually have to engage in meaningly conversations and comments if you want to make friends. That can be scary! But, it's a soft skill that is slowly getting lost and with it fandom etiquette is going down the drain.
This is like...one of the last big serious ask I want to reply to on this topic because not everyone agrees with me (which, fine), but OP you put a lot of time into typing this up so I will honour that.
I think fandom, much like a lot of other things nowadays, have become less about fun and more about hitting a certain number of likes and interactions. That's why people push Lestappen on other social media even though most of us have explicitly said "can you not, thanks". The changing the date of the fic to push to an 'algorithm' infuriates me and is a personal pet peeve of mine. There's one that's doing that now on the Lestappen tag and I've point-blanked refused to read it literally BECAUSE of the date changing. People will read your fic if they want to, constantly pushing it to the top of the 'Date Updated' list does nothing except piss people off.
I will say I think the fictional ship discourse of 2014 was maybe driven in part by the fact that being gay was still seen as something much more 'novel' than even now. If we think about when marriage became legal in the US and all that...I still think though that it shows a level of self-awareness and self-regulation that we've lost in fandom. As my partner and I often to lament to each other, we've become so individualistic that people have lost the concept of shame. It's an idea that YOU are the exception and something should cater to YOU, instead of the other way round. In the case of fandom, this comes out as people acknowledging fandom etiquette in an abstract way, but still logging into their twitter account (WITH THEIR FACES ATTACHED! WHICH! THIS IS A TANGENT BUT IT BAFFLES ME! WHAT HAPPENED TO DIGITAL FOOTPRINT!) and posting about RPF. Fandom is not an abstract entity, fandom IS the people that interact with it–from authors to artists all the way to those who consume the content.
Also, I also JUST missed out on the lj days–the great migration was happening just when I was getting involved in fandom and I can't help but feel like I missed out on something special.
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AITA Harry Potter Fandom Edition
Or an etiquette guide I wish I'd have had when I started reading fanfiction two years ago. Please feel free to add to it, as I'm sure it's missing a few things.
I track the fanfiction I read on goodreads (or other book tracking app). AITA? Sorry, YTA. Fanfiction should not be tracked in the same place as books. It's not professionally published, and you should not treat it as such. Authors do not want this, most fans do not want this. Fanfiction already exists in a sticky legal area, do not put it at risk by treating it as if it were a book.
I rate the fanfiction I read on goodreads or another public site. AITA? Sorry, YTA. Fanfiction is a GIFT. Imagine you go to a picnic where everyone brings a dish. You love potato salad, so you put some on your plate. However, you take a bite, and this is the worst potato salad you've ever had in your life. What do you do? You move on right? You ignore the potato salad and eat the macaroni salad. When folks are discussing the picnic, you say you had a lovely time. You don't bitch about the potato salad, you just say to yourself "hmmm, that wasn't for me, but look, there's a whole buffet of things I do like." This is fanfiction. You try a fic, and you don't like it? Oh well. You move on. No one forced you to read it. You don't review it, you don't rate it. This was a gift to a community, and you are not the intended audience. Move on.
I bought ATYD on etsy or another website. AITA? Yes, YTA. Fanfiction cannot be sold. You can bind it yourself if the author gives permission for this. You can give it to a friend (100% free, no money/trade, a true gift). You can print it out, three hole punch it, and put it in a binder. You cannot sell it, buy it, or bind it if an author asks that it not be bound.
I asked the author if I could bind a fic for personal use, they said no, but I did it anyway. AITA. Yes, YTA. What you do when no one is watching tells a lot about who you are as a person. If an author asks that their fic not be bound, respect their wishes. They wrote the fic as a gift to the community. Don't shit on their gift by not honoring their wishes.
I steal typesets from creators and then sell my binds on Etsy, AITA? Yes, YTA. First, you put fandom at risk by doing this. It's illegal to sell fanfiction. Second, you piss off binders that share their typesets for free, and they pull their typesets which then limits access for people that ethically bind. Just don't.
I steal art from creators because they post it, and I don't give credit. AITA. Yes again, YTA. Most artists are more than happy to give permission for their art to be used in personal binds, but give them the benefit of granting permission for the gift they've given us. If they are ok with their art being used, give them credit in the typeset.
I use AI for writing prompts, help with my outline, character art creation, and help with dialogue. AITA? Yes, YTA. AI does not belong in creative spaces. All AI use involves theft and tremendous ecological burdens. There is absolutely no place for AI in this space.
I put up a patreon to release my fic (or release it early) to paid members only, AITA? YTA. Charging for fanfiction is illegal and puts all of fandom at risk. If you want to do this, write non-fandom works.
I don't read WIPS, AITA? Hmmm, this is a tough one, I guess your NTA, but if no one read WIPs, we would quickly lose all our writers. Writers thrive on engagement. Sure they are writing for themselves, but hearing from readers, knowing that people are excited to read what they've written and want to read what is coming, motivates them. Reading WIPs nutures the fandom and encourages the interaction between writers and readers that leads to amazing fics.
I don't leave comments, AITA? Yes, YTA. If someone took the time to write a fic, and you took the time to read it, you owe them a comment of at least "Thanks for this!". Writers LOVE comments. They are writing for themselves, but they are motivated by your comments. They wrote a whole fic that you devoured, you've told all your friends about, you made a tiktok video about, and you've personally bound. Tell the author how much the fic meant to you!
If an author doesn't update, I send them a message and try to pressure them to update, AITA? Yep, again, YTA. Comment on their WIP how much you love the fic, tell them all the things that made your toes curl when you read it and made your breathing speed up. Tell them what you are hoping happens or dreading what comes next. Tell them you appreciate their gift! Do not bully them. It's never ok.
I fucking hate femme Sirius, and I make a point to bitch about it every time I see him. AITA? In extra bold letters, YTA. Not every fic/art is for you. Scroll on. You want masculine Sirius? He exists, go interact with his writers and artists. Quit engaging with the content you don't like. It might be a little known fact, but the reason you keep seeing it is BECAUSE you keep engaging with it. Quit. It's that easy. Engage with the content you want to see.
I ship shame the fuck out of jegulus because I'm #TeamJilyForever, AITA. Yes, YTA. See above bullet point regarding femme Sirius. Again, quit engaging with content you don't want to see or don't like. It's not for you. I don't particularly like a lot of stuff, but that just means it's not for me. There's no ship shaming in fandom.
I post 2 sentence plot bunnies, personal head canons, or trope ideas and then accuse others of plagiarism when I find a fic with something similar in the wild, AITA. Yes, YTA. First, you did not invent the only one bed trope or the sick fic. Anyone can and should write about any trope they want. You also aren't the only person that posted a plot bunny of "Marauders Coffee Shop AU, and Remus is a chronically ill barista that serves Sirius his morning brew". Unless someone is directly lifting words from your published fic or extremely detailed plot points, let folks write their own spin. If you really have something you don't want to see others write about, don't put it out there for folks to see. (This one might be debatable, but this is my take and mine alone. I definitely do not mean it's ok to plagiarize. Just don't be an asshole on either side of this one, ok?)
Whenever I see a post/video with a personal head canon or plot bunny, I ask the creator for recs, AITA. Yes, YTA. Most of these creators have a whole playlist of recommendation videos or entire spreadsheets of recs. They are just putting out a fun idea, quit flooding the comments with "any recs bestie?"
I see creators/writers/artists as my personal service providers, so I feel entitled to ask for recs whenever I want, AITA. YTA, read the room. These are people with real feelings. There should be a give and take relationship with these people, not a continual take and take on your part. If the video is about recs, fine, ask although honestly, learning to search on your own would be best. We really need to quit burdening these creators with the labor we should be doing. But also, start seeing these creators as people with feelings, not just a service provider at your beck and call. Some of these folks are fighting for their lives daily, being slammed in comments, and are hanging on to this fandom by a thread. If a post is about something completely unrelated to "recommendations," it's probably not the time to ask. Instead really listen to what they are saying and engage with that in an appropriate manner. Show them appreciation, and if you don't enjoy their content, move on.
I don't search for fics on my own, I just ask creators, AITA? Yes. YTA. Ao3 has a robust search engine that is easy to use. Watch a TikTok to learn how to use the search feature. ffn is a lot less search friendly, but if you search reddit or tumblr, you can find what you are looking for. This is a really important skill to have, and I promise if you learn it, it'll only benefit you. I am likely twice your age and have figured this out, I promise you can do it!
I kink shame, AITA. Yes, YTA. Just don't read or engage with the fics you don't like. No one needs to know, it's just between you and your Ao3 history.
I leave public bookmarks where I rate fics and leave reviews, AITA? Yes, YTA. Again, fanfiction is a gift. No one wants your review, least of all the author. This is not a book you paid for. Mark your bookmark private and then you can leave all the info you want.
I like to make posts/videos about the fics/characterizations/art styles I don't like, AITA? Yes, YTA. Make all the videos/posts you want about the fics/characterizations/art styles you LOVE. Tell the world, we want to know! But quit slamming creators that offer their best to us just because it's not for you. You are not the intended audience, so keep it moving
I make videos/posts about fics/art that I didn't create and never encourage folks to go leave comments for the author/artist, AITA? Unfortunately, yeah, YTA. You might not intend to be, but this one is easy to change. You want your videos/posts to succeed, of course you want engagement on what you post. But it's really easy to encourage those that like what you are posting to comment on the original. A lot of authors specifically see engagement about their fic on TikTok but have very few comments on the actual fic. It really shouldn't be this way.
I only read the BIG fics, AITA? You know what, you do you, boo. I guess your NTA, but you aren't supporting fanfiction in a constructive way. Maybe you only have 2 long fics in your for the year and so yeah, you want to read the hot ones, I get that. But if no one reads the undiscovered, the hot ones will never become hot. We have a handful of great authors that get recommended 90% of the time. That recognition is well deserved, I love them too. But we have so many great authors that aren't getting recommended, and those hidden gems are undiscovered. If you have the time, use the search and try to find the next fic that makes you stay up til 3 am to finish. They are out there, and they aren't just the ones you see all the time (although read those too, because they are awesome!).
I went to Universal, did a studio tour, and keep buying official merch. AITA? YTA. There are many videos about this, but you cannot keep putting money in jkr's pocket and expect this fandom to thrive. You cannot "reclaim" something that still financially benefits jkr. Trans rights are human rights, and this fandom, specifically the Marauder's fandom, is supposed to be an inclusive place where ALL are welcomed. When you do these things, you create an unsafe environment for all. The last few months we've seen many writers and creators leave the fandom because of this behavior specifically. Do better. (If you are going to do these things, please take fuck jkr out of your bio because you don't mean it).
There are so many more unspoken etiquette rules that I've missed. This is not meant to be all inclusive, just a random list of the top issues I see and how you can become NTA in this fandom. Some of it isn't intuitive, I admit to being guilty of some of these early on. However, when you know better, you do better.
#fandom etiquette#marauders#marauders fandom#femme sirius#harry potter fanfiction#aita reddit#fanfiction binding#ship shaming#fuck jkr#dead gay wizards
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Shelley Parker-Chan for Locus Magazine
Locus Magazine's March 2024 issue had a long interview with Shelley Parker-Chan! They talk about their inspirations, the writing process of The Radiant Emperor duology, exploring gender in their books and how writing fanfic has shaped their writing (among a lot of other things). I was finally able to get my hands on the magazine and wanted to share some favorite quotes.
Check out more quotes and how to buy the magazine to read the full interview: Shelley Parker-Chan: All the Others
On their origins with scifi/fantasy
My mother was such a stereotypical Chinese tiger parent: 'You have to study really hard, get great grades. But then she also loved Star Trek. So we’d spend a lot of time watching that together at home. That was a formative part of my childhood, to the point where I wanted to be an astrophysicist when I grew up. I was obsessed with the stars.
A lot of the themes in science fiction/fantasy really spoke to me. Robots! I love an awkward robot - Murderbot by Martha Wells is one of my favorites. As a slightly awkward, possibly on-the-spectrum child, I really identified with robots, and the Spocks of the world.
On writing and fanfiction
Action/adventure plus relationships has always really interested me. Obviously, back in the day, nothing was really queer, so in my teens I gravitated towards Japanese manga and anime, which had more queer themes. Especially in the online spaces, people were writing fanfic, so I started writing it, too.
I never did any formal writing classes outside of fandom and fanfic - that was where I learned to write. I think the number one Most Important Thing was that fanfic was a place where you could write and find acceptance and enthusiasm. […] You could express very upsetting desires, and really explore aspects of sexuality, personality, and problematic relationships in a way that other people would read with an open mind and greet very enthusiastically without judging. No one said, 'Well, this is not the correct moral lesson that we want in fiction!’ Which is a response that has increasingly popped up in traditional publishing.
On exploring themes of gender in The Radiant Emperor Duology
There’s a lot of trans issues and gender exploration in the books, but I didn't want to make it too close to contemporary life because then it’s not fun for me. I like exploring those issues from a step removed, allowing for people with many different identities, for instance, to project themselves onto a certain character. Like, a eunuch - no one has a eunuch identity these days. But any kind of gender nonconforming, nonbinary, trans person - I've had many trans women write to me and say they enjoyed reading a character like that. If I had written an actual trans man character in the book, that would have narrowed it down a bit.
I always think that my main goal as a writer is to explore characters. But I don't start with the characters. I start with a theme, and the theme was gender and being oneself in a system where a rigid gender binary is enforced. It’s about the performance of femininity and masculinity. Not that I put it in so many words- ‘I want to write a book about gender!’ Its about people exploring, expanding that, confronting that, battling the binary in their own ways. What does it mean to be yourself when that self is in opposition to what people say you should be?
About the characters of TRE
All of the characters are either queer or they are really engaged with the concept of how to be themselves when the world is pressing afainst that. I do have a straight female character, Madam Zhang, based on a famous nineteenth-century female pirate in Southern China, who ran rhis mercantile empire. […] It was said that her background was a courtesan. So I was like, ‘Oh, I’ll take that character – a woman in a very male world who uses femininity as a weapon. But, knowing she can never rule herself, she has to work through men.’ That’s one character who bounces off of gender in an interesting way, and then I could have her in dialogue with other characters.
There’s a genderfluid character, my main protagonist Zhu, who used the performance of gender kind of like a superpower. She can move in and out of identities and doesn’t feel particularly wedded to any of them.
Then we have a nongender-conforming – but straight, I guess – man, Wang Baoxiang, who does not conform to society’s standards of what it is to be a man, and that impacts his identity in a certain way. His self-esteem is very damaged, and he often feels like, ‘I was born in the wrong time. If I had been born in a different time, my version of masculinity would be recognized.’ Through that character, I was thinking fo the way in which Chinese traditional performance of masculinity, for instance, is not recognized here in Australia as masculine - it's seen as feminine. In Australia. we have a certain white, sports-playing, particular idea of masculinity - It looks like Chris Hemsworth. If you do not look like Hemsworth, it you're a little Asian guy, your’e inherently seen as feminine, no matter now masculine you feel.
I have a eunuch character, someone whose gender has literally been ripped away from them, and that kind of reflects a trans experience – someone who feels they are intensely masculine on the inside, but the entire world sees them in a different way. Then you feel the need to perform, in order to seen to be the way that you feel you are. But this character, in trying to be the most manly he can possibly be , starts to adopt all these toxic masculine traits, and, in a sense, kills a lot of his own honest desires in pursuit of performing this ideal of masculinity.
About their next book and future aspirations as an author
I'm going to write a secondary-world fantasy. I've never built a world from scratch before […] It will feel pre-industrial, historical. It will be very kinky and - what are the comps? So far l've been saying, 'It's Foucault's Discipline and Punish meets Simone Weil's Gravity & Grace with a side of of Kushiel’s Dart. There's a lot of kinky BDSM in a world like that. One of the joys of fan fiction was people were not afraid to create these worlds where society is completely based around kink concepts, so I'm building a world around kink concepts here, and that’ll be fun.
I'm a frustrated romance author, so I really want to write some romances in the future - straight up. None of that politics stuff. none of the adventure, only the relationships! I'm not fast enough to write category romance, though, that's for sure. I'll have to stick with fantasy romance so I can do one every two years.
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@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @piterelizabethdevries
"I've always been a big fan of Ke$ha. The music of her early years was like a gateway for me letting myself to like Top 40.
I was a huge fan of her aesthetic of this flagrant shameless image... it was fun, it let you feel like being broke and young and partying all the time was aspirational.
It felt like a pass not to care about the world. At least as long as her music was on.
But then, years pass and it comes out that all of those party girl songs were made during years of physical and emotional abuse by her producer, that the party girl image was a construct that she didn't really have control over and maybe even didn't really like.
And knowing that in a world where otherwise I would still play the hell out of those Ke$ha early years music, it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.
I want to go back to the way her music made me feel in 2010, just unapologetic and dumb and glittery, but even though I want to, I can't.
Because now I know the circunstances under which that music was made.
And if you watch a piece of media, had an emotional reaction, whatever it was, and then learned that the context involved a certain level of exploitation, it changes the way you view the media, wheter you want it to or not.
Maybe Harper Lee's old age and deteriorating mental state were exploited by her publisher, in order to knock out a quick sequel to an American Classic before the door closed.
Maybe Ke$ha's party-girl image was carefully crafted by a sexually abusive iron-fist producer who had 100% control of her public image.
Maybe a lot of the art you consume, or even that you love, only exists because a person or people, or an entire island nation, were exploited by more powerful business interests.
But, that's capitalism.
Profit driven exploitation doesn't always have the last word.
Ke$ha's still locked into a contract with the label that enabled her abuser, but at least he's not there anymore?
And there are elements of the Hobbit Law that are up for repeal now that Labour is back in power, particularly the bit about outlawing collective bargaining, which to me is the most heinous part.
But these are only half measures, particularly the Hobbit Law repeal, which itself is no guarantee. I reached out to several people affiliated with the various New Zealand film guilds, but none are making comments to the media about the law until the law gets repealed.
If it does get repealed...
If you discover that a brand or company, like a bank or something, did something bad or unethical, it isn’t surprising. People just kind of shrug and go, yep that's how banks roll.
And maybe you'll close your account and go to a different bank, but the reality is that you probably don't care enough to even do that much, because unethical multinational corporations doing terrible things to people in the name of profit is just, kind of, the world.
You don’t have the brain space to care about all of them. We pay monopolistic cable companies for internet access, we have 401ks run by morally bankrupt hedge fund managers that we will never know, we still buy IPhones, we still buy cheap clothes while paying vague leap service to the knowledge that people are being exploited somewhere so we in America can boss Siri around.
In some ways we engage with a multitude of brands and corporations every day that someone, somewhere is getting exploited by, often cruelly so.
But media is different. Media is personal.
Media is designed to provide an escape, to stir emotions, to inspire.
The film industry is by no means the industry with the highest incidence of sexual harassment, but people care more about it when it gets exposed in the film industry, because the film industry creates media that hits emotional nerves.
And then when we find out that something we loved was made by someone who said or did bad things, it's like betrayal.
When people ask wheter is moral to separate art from the artist, or in this case, product from multinational conglomerate, what they're really asking is:
'How can I go back to consume media like I did when I was a kid? When the most context I had or cared about was who the author of my favorite book was, or why I like this actor, or what Ke$ha's real name and birthday is.'
But as an adult, you're expected to be an ethical consumer of media.
And it's somewhat inevitable that some people resent that, because consuming media the way children do is comforting.
Consuming media like The Hobbit as an adult is complicated and in this day and age, it's hard to do so innocently.
And I totally understand wanting to return to that innocence, and I don’t really have an argument against that worldview other than... that's adulthood."
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New SuperCorp Story By Wttboz and WarLord1981
Title: She Looks Good on Paper
Rated: M
Summary: What do you do when you love someone who is broken? What happens if you're broken too? Post cannon Lena and Kara love each other more than life itself. Unfortunately both were wracked with guilt and trauma from the previous year. Needing space and time to heal, our girls separate. Poor communication leads to poor life choices and further increases the distance between them. But Lena has always been Kara's biggest protector and when she sees her once again spiraling, she has no choice but to do what she does best, protect the woman who protects everyone else.
Chapter one: The Engagement
"It is at moments like these that I know what my purpose is in life. I am here to love you, to hold you in my arms, to protect you. I am here to learn from you and to receive your love in return.I am here because there is no other place to be."
~ Nicholas Sparks
Lena Luthor, Engaged
by Kara Danvers
CatCo worldwide media is pleased to announce that Lena Luthor, our former owner and CEO, has announced her engagement to Diana Prince, the Amazonian Princess known as Wonder Woman. I was invited into Lena’s Metropolis home to discuss how they met and what led to this momentous occasion.
After leaving National City a year ago, Lena returned to the original headquarters of L Corp where, finally, she was treated like the hero she is. She explains that less than a month after her arrival, she teamed up with Wonder Woman in order to bring down a rogue Superman, who at the time was infected by a rare form of Kryptonite that turned the Metropolis Marvel into a wild beast. Wonder Woman fought him to a standstill and Lena dosed him with a cure, once again proving what an outstanding paragon of hope she is for humanity.
Miss Prince admits in her own words that she was completely smitten by Lena, and announced her secret to the world six months after meeting L-Corp’s CEO. “In order to advance our relationship and trust in one another, I thought best to come clean with the world and with my Lena.”
Lena and Miss Prince have struggled to keep their personal lives out of the press, especially after Lena’s narrow escape from Wonder Woman’s greatest foe, the Cheetah just last month. The Amazonian teamed with Supergirl in order to save the day and shortly thereafter, Lena was caught with a very large, very beautiful diamond on her left hand, even though no official announcement had been made.
The engagement, both women said, was very private, done on the balcony of Lena’s condo at sunset, which Miss Prince said was the perfect time of the day.
The two women are rarely seen outside one another’s company and Miss Prince admitted to having an office at L Corp, so that she could “protect what is hers.”
They seem wonderfully happy and safe, is the opinion of many of their fans on the streets of Metropolis.
No date has been set for the nuptials as of the publishing of this article…
Diana sat rigidly in her chair as she fumed over the article. ‘Kara Danvers has been a thorn in my side since Superman’ The Amazon thought, her memories turning to the constant comparison being made between herself and Supergirl in print and by the talking heads on TV. The headlines swirled in her head.
*Supergirl 1, Wonder Woman 0 in Battles vs. Superman*
*Lena Luthor Found: Supergirl and Wonder Woman Save L-Corp CEO*
*Supergirl Spotted Visiting Luthor Children’s Hospital in National City and Metropolis: Where’s Lena’s Hero?
*Diana stood up from her chair, her irritation forcing her to get up and move. ”She wrote the article like a little girl, swooning over her hero.” Diana rolled her eyes and tossed the magazine onto the table. “Of course she had to make sure that she was mentioned in an article about our engagement.” Diana snarled as she paced around. “I’ve got Justice League duty tonight. Bruce was sending up some tech manuals for some new drones he is testing in the field. I’m going to head up early and read something better than this drivel.”
Diana stopped walking and made her way over to Lena, who was engrossed in a medical journal. “I’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully early.” She bent down, leaning in for a kiss, her lips were met with Lena’s cheek as the raven haired woman turned her head at the last moment.
”Was the article really that bad Diana? Or are you just aggravated that Kara wrote it?” Lena asked with a slight challenge in her voice.
“At least I didn’t keep my secret from my best friend for three years, sweetheart.” Lena’s attitude deflated and Diana headed to her study to change and activate her private teleporter.
‘Why do I let her talk so badly about Kara’ Lena thought as she wrapped her arms around herself tightly. ‘I hate that she does it and yet I don’t say a thing, or when I do, Diana uses the same argument every time.’ Lena scrubbed her face and reached into the drawer of the heavy oak end table drawing out a brown leather planner. Its pages were covered with ideas and dreams, important dates were circled, she flipped through to one particular day. ‘PULITZER’ in blue ink, the day Kara had finally told her the truth, the day she’d decided to latch on to her anger. That was the day she’d decided she didn’t deserve Kara, didn’t deserve to be happy. Years later after everything they had gone through, Kara had wanted her to stay, had wanted to try, but Lena couldn’t forgive herself and moved away. She’d started dating Diana and weeks later the news broke that Kara was dating Gayle Marsh. The headline still hurt everytime she thought about it, “Supergirl and Psi, Pizza and Potstickers.” Lena knew Kara had waited for her, but most likely gave up when news about her and Diana broke. So Lena settled into a life and a relationship she didn’t really want. The temptation wasn’t right in front of her anymore, but her heart was still in National City. She was sure Kara was dating Gayle because Lena was no longer single, which is when her resentment of Diana started. Though she would never admit that to anyone, other than herself. Her fingers continued to flip through her book until she reached the back cover and pulled a wrinkled picture from a small pocket. Soft sobs escaped her mouth as her fingers drifted over the image. ‘Kara.’
Finish reading on AO3
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for your anon concerned about tokenism which is a very important thing, it truly is. but what made me go easy on myself was realizing that fanfic is kinda not the place people should go for when looking for rep? now let me explain. it’s not that fics shouldn’t have rep, or that fic writers are exempted from having to incorporate it, because i don’t think it’s neither here and there. that’s not the argument we should be having. we should have rep in proper media, in things that actually make an impact in the world. that’s where the rep should happen and we should advocate for that etc etc. we also should be mindful of what we consume and how we do it and see if we only engage with cishet westernized stuff. but aside from that, if people are demanding from fic writers those things it’s kinda weird to me. like, my dude, you love the whitest, most cishet work of all times and that’s fine with you, but this random writer from xique xique bahia (brazilians will understand my joke) has to know all the intricacies of being a teen in the 70s in wales? or else they’re not doing a good work? like, maybe…! go read books that are diverse and engage in those fandoms too. a lot of HC are just like that anon said, so widely spread that just makes sense. desi harry is very dear to me. even if i also vibe with latino james. idk man, i think we can call off straight up problematic stuff. racist stuff. but if you go into fics trying to be educated maybe open a proper book and like, don’t expect fics to be a manifesto? i just want to see gay people kissing. and i think that’s the gist of it, i read books, i study, i educate myself so when i go into fanfiction im expecting to have a good time. i can also find amazing political stuff in it, but i don’t demand an academic work from writers. but some people are so braindead nowadays that the thought of actually opening a book and studying it too time consuming. so, anyways, yes please don’t be racist don’t be weird don’t be creepy, but also guys, maybe y’all should take fanfic less seriously and engage with other things outside of fandom.
the beauty of fanfiction is how chill it is !!! which is something that's been lost recently with all the moral debates (noisy jegulus haters, i'm looking at you and frowning) !!!
i'm doing a lit + pol degree, and that really shows the difference for me. yes, whilst i read these works for university i'm picking apart everything, i'm cross-referencing it with the politics of the time and how they've developed, at the back of my mind i've always got this idea of representation.
i don't with fanfiction. because that's not the point.
fanfiction is the a FREE and OPEN resource. we don't have to worry about whether publication companies find value in our ideas, we don't have to worry about whether our words hold as much worth as others. we just Write.
people get too concerned with the morality of fanfic, they expect perfection from people Doing A Hobby. and i get it, i get where frustrations come from, but at the end of the day this is a bit of fun.
and yes, diversity is SO important but at the end of the day, fanfiction is already the most diverse form of media out there. if you want deeper explorations, either write them, or take your frustrations out on the core material that fandoms are derived from. take your frustrations out on the fact that we have to add diversity to fandom spaces because it's not in original media.
fanfiction is fun, it's a hobby and i am getting So So So tired of people nitpicking and deciding what words have worth when that's the exact reason i criticise official publishers.
BONUS YAP: "i think that big authors needs to step up and-" NO ‼️‼️‼️ just because they have more hits does not mean fandom etiquette doesn't apply. just because their works have more kudos does not mean they owe anything !! maybe stop putting people who are Having Fun with a Hobby on a pedestal to be your moral light.
IT'S ALL SO FRUSTRATING IM SORRY. every time i open tiktok it takes a year off my life because it's not even FUN anymore 😭 why are we policing everything
#this sounds like me denying diversity doesnt it?#which isnt what i mean#i just mean like... fanfic authors are having Fun#and they're criticised for not doing enough#when it isn't their fault that they've been put on that pedestal#and fandom is already diverse#i think we just need to stop nitpicking and enjoy it#bc fandom is meant to be fun#and if we want diversity we need to create it instead of whining or take it up with the big people#take it up with jkr idk
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I find your thoughts on fandom interesting, and in general, I'm really glad to see more discussion of the bad shit fandom can/is doing to young women in radblr spaces. But I mean this as an honest question: Why do you consider fandom not challenging writers/readers such a problem? These aren't professional writing spaces, and the vast majority of fanfic writers don't intend to go into them. Does an artistic hobby *need* to challenge its participants to be worthwhile? I mean this all really genuinely, especially as someone who *does* work in the arts and *does* actively want work that challenges me, and has traditionally prided herself on it -- are these inherent moral goods? Am I a reasonable standard to expect of other people? Is engaging with boundary-pushing art a requirement of healthy maturity? Why? Is, say, a human rights lawyer who spends her free time watching trashy reality shows blighted, somehow, by that fact? What about a cashier who watches the same stuff because she's genuinely not interested in anything else? And, given the vast majority of readers of actual books basically read the way fanfic-only readers read -- the same genres, which use well-worn tropes -- do we think fandom is actually keeping its participants from more worthwhile experiences? (I suspect you might argue this is dumbing down the publishing industry, which I would really disagree with, as someone in publishing -- I know we can all point to Ali Hazelwood or a million YA books that advertise with tropes, but I really can't emphasize enough that this has been the case since modern publishing began, and I think pinning "so-so prose that's The Same Old Shit" on the current young female writer cohort borders on sexism, tbh.) I've been thinking about these questions a lot lately, and I just don't know the answers. My gut wants to say yes, it's good to present challenging work to people, especially women, because art is a key part of the human experience, and can effect all sorts of societal things. But also ... I know very little about the environment, including my immediate natural environment, and if I'm honest, I'm not really inclined to learn. I'm sure learning about it would effect all sorts of change in my life and concept of self. But I'm probably not going to do it because I have a limited amount of time and I'd rather give it to other things. Is that better or worse than engaging with challenging art? Is it better or worse to be me than the woman reading the same old tropey fanfic in her free time? I think what I WOULD argue is that, specifically, fandom as it is reinforces patriarchy and induces a lot self-destruction and alienation in young women, with particularly vile effects on young lesbians, autistic women, etc. But if it didn't do that....would I still have a problem with it? I don't know. But it's interesting as hell to think about, and I'd love your thoughts on it.
hello nona :-) many interesting points, much to consider
>Does an artistic hobby need to challenge its participants to be worthwhile?
no. I’m sure there are plenty of people who enjoy crochet or knitting or something like that for the sake of it or to de-stress. I’m sure there are also plenty of people who write and draw for the sake of it with little interest in grinding for improvement. that’s fine. the problem is when you have people who replace reading and personal edification with endless fluff + pointless indulgence.
reading... things... that are above your level, that actually make you think, is how you increase your vocabulary, your linguistic competence, your critical thinking skills, your ability to express yourself. difficult and complex texts present you with opportunities to broaden your perspective. they stimulate your mind, present you with new ideas; they can help you grow as a person in ways that the Same Old Shit simply won’t/can’t. it would be like benching the bar every day for 10 years straight and expecting to get stronger... I presume. I don’t lift weights.
as I said previously, I don’t think fanfic is going to destroy your brain, but if you read nothing but fanfic, that is on the same level as (or maybe worse than) reading nothing at all. of course I’m going to be critical of a community of people who humblebrag about how they can’t bring themselves to read 25 pages of literature in an academic (non yaoitastic) context.

ya ya it’s a joke they’re joking very funny, but do you see people of other creative pursuits or hobbies joking about how they can’t bring themselves to focus on a piece of actual literature or nonfiction? how they have zero interest in anything outside of anime boys kissing each other? it’s a sign of intellectual stagnation (and eventual regression imo).
I watch a lot of shitty youtube videos, but I acknowledge that they are basically a waste of my time. meanwhile you have post after post singing the praises of how culturally important and worthy of respect Our Beloved Fic Writers are in spite of the fact that their work is, by and large, completely self-indulgent shit! there’s just so much potential that isn’t being tapped into & so much complacency... it’s very frustrating to me. I find it dishonest. red white and royal blue is not going to change the world... lol
for the record, yes, you are right, lots of Real book-readers also read mostly self-indulgent shit. genre fiction is far more popular than anything else... and I don’t care for booktok either. in fairness, literary fiction isn’t always good, and I’m sure there were many women who read nothing but terrible pulp novels 70 years ago too. that doesn’t make fandom any better! not to say this is all women’s fault - I just have zero frame of reference for how “cultured” men may or may not be, and I don’t really care either way. I focus on fandom girlies because they’re what I know, & I want women to be... better, or at least more interesting. this is, of course, sexist by definition. I hold myself and other women to higher standards. I will admit to that. I’ll also admit to the fact that I do not care about men or what they are writing or reading and would not give a shit if they all became illiterate thoughtless slugs. it is what it is.
truthfully, I have no interest in moralizing any of this. I just find it depressing! it’s resulting in more and more women who cannot relate to and have zero interest in anything outside of the narrowly defined fanfic bubble - so, more and more women who can’t relate to me or what I care about. I’m selfish, and I think it’s unfortunate that there are so many young female writers clearly capable of writing something interesting who nevertheless restrict themselves to lowest common denominator coombrained garbage because it’s what’s easy and popular.
do we have a responsibility to pester random strangers about their amateur fanfic? naw. who has the time? all I know is that conversations I’ve had with my female friends about our original works or other women’s writing have been vastly more substantial and enlightening than any argument about who tops or bottoms in supernatural... imo. in my opinion
re: the environment and social responsibility, I also have no interest in debating what matters are the most important and whether you have a personal, moral obligation to educate yourself about them. I recognize that we all have a limited amount of time and energy to dedicate to something which is admittedly fairly peripheral to most people’s everyday concerns (such as... paying the bills). then again, so is almost everything.
at the end of the day, I just think it is an awful shame that some women would - and they freely admit this - rather turn their brains off and do nothing, think about nothing, read the same shit over and over, watch the same shows over and over, draw and write the same things and dynamics over and over... than do anything else. anything different or thought-provoking or uncomfortable. it is a loss for the breadth and the depth of women’s contributions to culture as well as their empathy and intellectual curiosity.
obligatory food analogy: a little bit of junk food won’t kill you, but if that’s all you’re eating, you are probably not... doing... well
and that’s not even getting into the social contagion present within fandom re:mogai, relationships, and gender identity shit (which I would say probably has a lot to do with the underdeveloped critical thinking skills and worldviews of girls who read nothing but fanfiction). I would love to come back to that at some point, but I think this post is long enough, so I’ll just put a pin in it. there’s honestly an insane amount that I have to say about common talking points regarding the value of yaoi/fanfic (in terms of how they portray Marginalized Identities and Relationships and how it supposedly helps women navigate their own trauma through a proxy or some shit like that) oh god this is a horrible run-on .... that’s all for now! send post!
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(this is not to fix or invalidate how you feel at all!!) but my jaw dropped seeing that there were hate threads?? on the dramione reddit i see laoha constantly mentioned in a "what will fill this laoha shaped hole after finishing", "where else can i find platinum tier banter like this" way and not one bad word to say. i'm so sorry to hear there was hate and that it affected you, your writing comes across so confident and well-seasoned but ofc you're human too. keep on rockin pac!! we ADORE you!!
Oh, geez. Fandom-ancient discourse under the cut.
For anyone who's newish, back when laoha was publishing (end of 2019 to end of 2021) it was a thing on Facebook and Reddit to have several threads a week soliciting negative comments about specific fics. It was often phrased as a question like, "Which fic did you DNF and why?" or "What turns you off of a fic?" but sometimes it was more like, "I hated [whatever fic], does anyone else feel the same way?" And then people would proceed to drag the shit out of works and writers. I was by NO MEANS the only person impacted, although I may have had the highest ratio of hate to actual readership. Writers made it super clear that it was hurtful, that they no longer felt able to participate in fandom spaces because of the negativity, entitlement and cruelty, and people would tell them to grow a tougher skin. I mostly stayed out of it at the time, because discourse is always awful and pointless and I'm a pretty small potato in a spectacularly huge fandom. Also, it's the internet, and effective moderation is hard work. Thankfully Reddit made the decision to ban those threads, and hopefully it's become a more welcoming community as a result. Which is really my entire point. There is a human being behind every single fic a reader encounters, whether it's the top-fic-by-kudos masterpiece that nothing will ever equal or a palate cleansing speed read or whatever. Overwhelmingly those people are also readers who often want to engage in the community aspect of fandom. At that time, human beings who wrote for fun in their free time were going . . . this is incredibly hurtful, please stop, and some readers were effectively saying, on a constant basis, fuck you, shut up and give me more 100k+ fic written exactly to my personal tastes. Publishing my wildly uneven first-ever novel-length work with an unpopular Hermione in that climate was not a great experience for me, and it took its toll. Enough time has passed that I've mostly been able to sift through, take what helps me and leave the rest. Like: I will NEVER write miscommunication again! I'm also SO grateful to hear that some communities have chosen to take responsibility for shaping not just the tone but the values of their spaces. It was the right thing to do and too long in coming. Hopefully new DHr writers feel embraced and supported if they choose to engage in fandom social media. It should be fun. I honestly don't know what any of us are doing here if it's not.
That is not what you asked for, anon, but there you have it: ancient discourse that I hope has become irrelevant. I'm so glad to hear people are being kind!
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