#its fine- he melted it down and it all got a little better cause subconsciously he thought of it as like- a release
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rotteneldritchhorror ¡ 7 months ago
I just know Rafe, as a man with psychosis and so much guilt and regret who was almost definitely forcibly sobering up and going through withdrawals, being in such close vacinity to a giant golden cross that HE STOLE from a church did *something* to fuck with his brain
Like he's not religious, he doesnt believe in god or anything, but I just know that sometimes he compulsively prayed to it about his "sins" and prayed for Barry to forgive him (what did he do wrong? he doesnt know, he just feels bad not being near him), and he absolutely started hearing "angels" and feeling flames lick at his feet and hands after a while as part of his usual rotation of hallucinations
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winchesterxxi ¡ 4 years ago
Urges of the Subconscious (Din Djarin x Reader) | PART 1
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Gif by @keanurevees​
Rating: E (Explicit)
Type: Smut
Pairing: Din Djarin x AFAB!Reader
Summary: Stationed in Tatooine for the night, courtesy of Peli Motto, you and Din are forced to share a room. Thinking that it was more than obvious that the two of you weren’t together, you both expected to find two separate beds - that didn’t quite happen. Sleeping next to the person you’ve been having dreams about for a while now leads to some unconscious shuffling closer to each other - culminating in quite the interesting morning.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: One bed trope, SMUT (wet dream, rubbing, blindfold, nipple play/breast play, fingering)
A/N: I haven’t written for Din in so long, god, I missed my favorite bucket-head. This is also a long one because my gears are oiled and working, so bear with me. Also, part 2? 👀
Buy me a Kofi!
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When Din had told you that there was a fault in the differential and exhaust manifold of the Razor, you knew that meant a trip down to Tattooine. You weren’t particularly excited about it – the scorching hot weather mixed with the sandy landscape always made you feel gross and heavy, sensations that you weren’t particularly fond of.
The child on the other hand, at the mention of a need for repairs, cooed in excitement, eager to encounter his adored Peli Motto, who he seems to have absolutely smitten. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, it was nice to see the kid being in someone else’s arms without fearing for his life.
Down on the rocky ground in front of her secluded shop, Peli looks up at the shadow that suddenly allocated itself in front of the sun, only to adjust her vision and catch the Razor Crest slowly descending closer, until its landing skids contacted the red ground and the large cargo ramp started to lower itself.
Into her vision came what she secretly nicknamed as “The Space Family”: You, with the baby in your left arm, and the imponent Mandalorian just a couple of feet behind, a gothic painting, some would say one that was slowly making their way towards her.
“We brought the Child!” You amusingly exclaimed, grinning as her smile immediately grew and the child was already trying to wiggle out of your embrace.
“Easy there!” she exclaimed as the child cooed and babbled in her arms, content with the reunion
“How much do you want for it?” she asks you “Just kidding. But not really.”
“The kid’s still not for sale. But I have a few repairs that need to be done.” Din intervenes. You know he isn’t being purposefully stern, but the man could sure use some lessons on loosening up and being able to understand a joke.
“Always a pleasure to talk with you, Mandalorian.” Peli greets with an expressionlessly sarcastic face that falls upon her as soon as she looks up from the child  “Point me in the direction.”
After a close inspection alongside the Mandalorian, they both returned to where you and the child stood before he reached for Peli once again and you laughed at his tiny attachment problem.
“ I can get you out of here tomorrow at around noon.”
“Noon? Peli, we can’t stay overnight. People need us.”
“People can wait. Can’t they?” She asks the question in a higher-pitched voice directed towards the kid who she bops in the nose before turning back to you and Din. “And sure you can! There’s a small holsterly just a few miles down the sand, an hour walk and you’ll be fine.”
“We only have credits for the maintenance.” Says Din from your right side.
Peli is about to throw a quick answer, as she always does, but something stops her. She closes her mouth and looks down at Grogu, who happily jiggles the tiny ball between his fingers. She smirks and looks up at you two again, adjusting the kid in her embrace.
“Tell you what. You let me take care of the kid for the night, you two go and have some rest, Maker knows you need it… and the maintenance is on me.”
“We’re not leaving –“ the Mandalorian starts but you quickly cut him off, placing a firm hand on his whistling bird, settling him.
“Wh- What?” He shakes his helmet in your direction.
“Come on.” You tug him along your side, heavy beskar boots reluctant to move, as you wave back at Grogu and Peli who is smiling like two children who will, more than definitely, be up to no good in the following hours.
But he knows better than to make a scene with you when you are playing nice. So he waits until the pair that was left behind to be out of sight to pull you by your elbow to face him.
“Are you out of your mind?”
“No, but we are almost out of credits.” You reason with him, picking up on his sentence. “Din, she did a nice thing… not all people are out to get you.” Your voice is calm, and it takes all of your strength not to reach out and touch him, maybe caress the helmet of his cheek, or his hand. But he’s who he is, and you don’t want to cross any lines.
His towering figure lets go of your elbow and he walks ahead through the sand, talking over his shoulder.
“This is the first and last time we’re doing this.”
You grin and bit your bottom lip behind him, feeling victorious from having him wrapped around your finger in situations like this, before speeding your own stride to catch up to him, feeling the heat reflected on his beskar hit your skin.
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It was a small inn, there was no doubt, more like a one night resting home for the looks of it, the offer ranging little above a few sleeping quarters along a hall and a shared bathroom at the end of it.
Once unlocking the wooden door, you and Din stepped into the now moonlit room, which ended up being more spacious than anticipated.
With Din closing the door and locking it once again, your eyes scan around the carved walls and the big window, the tapestry on the floor and then – the bed. The only bed. Not even a couch on the other end of the room. Only a bed.
Din seems to have noticed it too as you feel him come to a halt right behind you, helmet turning to scan the room.
“Why would they give us only one bed? I specifically said it was a two people bedroom.” You can feel his aggrieved tone sip through the helmet, frustrated with the situation.
“Two people. Not two beds.” You scoff and he looks at you, causing you to look away and avert your smile from his field of vision – how unskilled Din was with such mundane tasks always amused you. “I’m afraid this one’s on you Din Djarin.”
You walk over to the bed and start to peel the layers of your leather uniform, down to your undershirt and panties.
“Woah, what are you doing?” Din asks you, turning his helmet away once his helmet falls upon your bare legs.
“Getting to bed. You should too.” You state in a deadpan voice, before sliding your legs underneath the cotton sheet and laying your head in the fluffy pillow – something you haven’t had in months.
“No, yeah, I can see that! But I-… do you… Are you…?” he stumbles over his words, awkwardly still standing in the middle of the room at the bottom of the bed.
“Din, rest. Come on, it’s not every day you have a real bed to lay on.” The man huffs and walks over to your opposite side of the bed, before pulling the covers back, getting ready to seat down, before you shoot up on your elbow.
“Aren’t you going to take the armour off?”
“Why would I? Hostile planet, unknown people sleeping next door. Peli might contact us at any minute.” He has a big list of reasons, and he could more than definitely go on, but something in the way you are looking at him through the visor stops him.
“Din. Nothing bad is going to happen for one night.” Your eyes were honest and they pierced his soul melting his insides and kicking his usual hunter instinct out the window.
Not being able to resist, he drops his shoulders and sighs, before reaching for his chest pauldron and unclasping it while you grin victoriously.
“The helmet stays on.” He warns you, while pieces upon pieces of beskar and leather fall to the ground, placed against the foot of the bed until he is in nothing besides his fitted undersuit and beskar helmet.
Reaching for the covers once again, Din finally sleeps into the bed and as soon as his back hits the mattress he releases a quiet grown and you chuckle.
“Better?” you ask him, face turned his way and cocking your eyebrow up.
“Better.” This time, to your surprise, he’s the one that chuckles, the vibration of the modulated sound going straight to your stomach.
“Goodnight Din.” You whisper, turning your back to him and placing your body in your preferred position to sleep. With one look at you, the only nothing he can now see is the moonlit outline of your curves as your ribcage rises and falls at the rhythm of your quiet breath.
He’d be damned if anything happened to you. For as paranoid as he was the possibility of someone breaking in at the dead of the night and harming you, stopped him from turning his back to you and instead, settling with his chest up to the ceiling, helmet turned in your direction.
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For the first time in Maker knows how long, both you and Din managed to sleep during a full night with no sudden wake up calls or alarms beeping around. It was nice, he had to admit. So nice, that his body got a little too comfortable, his hands in his slumber reaching for your body and your own figure, unconsciously draw to his embrace let itself be held by him during the long hours of the dark – none of you being aware of such.
But somewhere along that time, in the wee small hours of the morning, your body rotated in his arms, back to his slowly moving chest and his hands, unbothered, had to keep touching you, they had to make sure you were there, hence gently palming your right boob.
It wasn’t until you felt an involuntary squeeze of his bare hands against your tunic, a definite sleep spasm that you were pulled awake and made aware of the situation.
Heat flooded your whole body once you realized the compromising position you both found yourselves in. Gently humming Din’s name, you don’t dare to move his arm, being very aware of his hunter instincts.
“Din.” You repeat again, this time louder and the man behind you hums. At the same time as the sound leaves his lungs, his fingers squeeze yet again. You suck in a breath and bite your bottom lip, preventing any sort of moan from escaping.
Din groans once, the sleep still gripping his system but he must’ve soon realized where his hand was, forearm trapped beneath your weight as he quickly pulls it away, sitting up straight in the bed.
“Kriff. I’m so sorry, I didn’t intend to-“ His chest is rising and lowering heavy, and you can see a hint of the red skin that heats on his neck and upper chest.
“It’s alright, I know.”
A heavy silence hangs in the air, you having since sat up in bed, back against the headboard, only your breathings and and heavy tension floating in the air. You were pretty sure your cheeks were still pink, as they still felt hot.
“I don’t want you to think that I wanted to do anything to you. I would never.” He says, coming off harsher than intended. It’s not that he didn’t want to be with you, Maker, he did, he had fallen head over heels a long time ago… But, maybe you didn’t feel that way. You were too good for him, anyway. A puddle of light in his life that he didn’t want to corrupt with his own being.
“Would it be so bad?” You whisper, afraid that he really didn’t want anything to do with you, slightly hurt by the words he’d just said.
Silence remains and you look to your side only to find the beskar helmet turning in your direction, your hopeful eyes and hung mouth pleading for a genuine answer.
Feeling bold, you reach for his bare hand that rested against the mattress and hold it up to where it was before and he is silently following your actions, but you can feel his muscles tensing at your actions.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” His voice is strained as he looks away but dares not to move his hand.
“Din. Please.” You whisper in a broken voice and that’s all it takes for his helmet to return to face you.
“If I start, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop.”
“I don’t want you to.”
There is a moment there. One of silence, but that was heavy with unsaid words. A look into your eyes was all it took him to pull your hips gently down and lay you back on the soft mattress while his body shifted to be above you.
His rough fingers gently tugged at one of the straps of your tunic before pulling it down and off your arm, same as with the other one that followed, leaving the thin fabric still splayed over your chest, from where he could now see the hard buds straining through.
Your breathing deepened and you could feel heat pool at your core, shifting your thighs closer together, an action that didn’t go unnoticed to the masked man above you as your knees brushed his crotch.
“Mesh’la.” He whispers, looking down your body, his erection pressing against the fabric of his confined pants.
Putting all of his weight on his elbows, the Mandalorian slides the fabric of your tunic down, revealing your swollen breasts, courtesy of the arousal he was fabricating in you. His fists curled at the sudden need that he had, one that he couldn’t fulfil if there was the possibility of you seeing his face.
Sitting back on his knees, he reaches out to the floor on his side of the bed, where he remembers to have discarded his armour and other layers the night before. When he sits back up, you can see that he is holding one of his undershirts, the one that went directly under the leather layer, made of a soft black fabric.
He motions it towards your head as if asking for permission to put it around your head and all you can do is nod while bitting your bottom lip, eager to give in to the pleasure he intended to deliver.
You lift your head from where it was resting against the pillow and his gentle hands tie the fabric around your eyes, making sure that it was tight enough for it not to slip, but not too much so that it would hurt you.
In the darkness that you found yourself surrounded by, all your other senses tingled in anticipation, especially your touch and hearing as from somewhere lower above you, a hissing sound filled the air, followed by that of metal being placed on wood.
Still sitting on his knees, his eyes could now see you in all of your glory, without the darkening of the helmet. And you were a sight to behold. Hair splayed around your head on the pillow, lips parted in anticipation, breasts aching for him. To the latter he gave in first, lowering himself to attach his lips to your left nipple, his breath fanning over it for a moment before diving in.
You suck in a sharp breath and moan at his action, while one of his hands finds your free nipple, not wanting it to go unattended.
“Din, that feels so good.” Your head lifts up and then drops with a small thud against the pillow taking in shallow and quick breaths as his fingers and tongue continued to tease your sensitive buds.
His mouth and hands were equally skilled, the latter, rolling your bud between his thumb and forefinger, as quick jolts of pain and pleasure rushed through every nerve in your body.
He stayed there for a long time, switching sides every now and then, mouth sucking and tongue lapping and brushing against your nipples.
He sucked and moaned around it every time his tongue stroked the tip of your nipple and your hands fumbled between grabbing the sheets below you or his soft hair, body arching up wanting more. More of him, more of that sensation, just more.
With your tunic still draped over your torso the one hand of Din’s that wasn’t supporting his weight travels down to your core, thick fingers brushing against your clit and soon after trailing a path up your dripping slit, moaning when his digits became wet.
“Did that make you wet, cyar’ika? You like it when I play with your nipples?” his husky voice sent waves of arousal up your body.
“Yes, Din, you’re so good at it, please.” You reach your hand down to palm at his erection “I need you, please.”
Gently he grabs your hand from his crotch and places it down next to your head. “Next time. We need to get going in a few if we don’t want to burn under the midday sun. But I can still make you feel good.”
You moaned at his willingness to prioritize your pleasure over his, going as far as denying himself of an orgasm at this crucial moment, which would have him frustrated until the next time you could be alone together again.
His lips return to your nipples and, at the same time, he slides two digits inside your aching cunt, the warmth and clenching around his skin making him whimper around your nipple, making the pleasure skyrocket on your part.
The outer rim of his free hand now rested against the mound that was free from his mouth’s hold, as his middle finger flicked up and down against the tip of your nipple, making you cry out in pleasure as it synched perfectly with his ministrations against and inside your core.
It was all too much, and tears pooled at the outer corners of your eyes, leaving an eventual wet trail behind as they ran down your cheeks, until being soaked by his shirt that rested around your eyes.
Your body convulsed under his frame, arching against him as a wave of white pleasure washing over you like never before, the joined ecstasy of his two places of stimulation pushing you with full force over the edge you were chasing.
Din rode your high until he felt you could no more, never for once slowing his movement in between your legs as your cum dripped down his fingers and into his palm, and making the most of your sensitive nipples by bringing both your breasts together with his large hand, positioning them in a way that both nipples were almost touching, allowing him to lick and suck at the two simultaneously.
Once your body is spent and limp, chest rising and falling trying to catch your breath and trying to drive some oxygen up to your brain as you felt like being high, Mando finally lifts his face up to your own and, for the first time lets his lips latch onto something other than your chest. The kiss is deep and wet, his tongue roaming your lips before exploring your mouth.
Din then sits back up on his knees, chuckling as your head followed his once your lips parted, not wanting to separate just yet.
His bare hand reaches to the side table where he’d laid the helmet and puts it back on, coming away from straddling you and rather returning to his side of the bed, pulling you in by your waist to his side and sliding the shirt up from around your eyes
He watches you smile, still in the aftereffects of your orgasm.
“Hey.” You muse up at him.
“Hey.” He answers, the helmet preventing you from seeing the lopsided smile that adorned his beautiful face.
“That was…”
“I know.” He completes your thought.
“Was it so bad, after all?” You close your eyes as the question leaves your lips, the exhaustion of this morning activity starting to wash over you.
“Not even close.”
As if on cue, the first ray of sunshine makes its way through the window glass and you know that it means you need to get dressed and out of this place. Din notices it as well, patting your side before slinging his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up.
“Come one, mesh’la. We need to go.”
“I know.” You groan up to the air. “But this is so comfortable.”
“The faster we get there, the faster we can go into the Razor and the closer we are to putting Grogu asleep.” He tells you, hands on his hips, a teasing tone on his voice and damn it, he got you good.
“I hate that you know me so well.” You huff with a smile, crawling up to his side of the bed so that you’re on your knees on top of the mattress, still, he towers over you.
“Can’t wait to know all of you.” He whispers as his helmet comes closer down your face and his hands travel to your waist. He then gives it a little squeeze before patting your ass. “Come on now, let’s go. I have a feeling someone is waiting to make grabby hands at us.”
“I was about to say you have a stationed ship waiting to take off, but I’m glad to see you have your priorities straight.” You muse over your shoulder, walking to the small bathroom adjacent to the bedroom.
As you go, Din stays behind adoring the view of your hips swaying and ass jiggling as you walk.
“Oh, you have no idea.”
He really couldn’t wait to know all of you.
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@blondekel77​  @pedrobreakmyback
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kunimikat ¡ 4 years ago
hi! i'm having a hard time mentally lately and i recently found out that i kind of erm,,,,, when my mental health is really bad my brain is like "no!😀" and skyrockets me into absolute baby mode and just want cuddles and love and i feel really lonely and don't talk a lot. bokuto is my comfort character so if you woudlnt mind could you do some headcanons or whatever you want- about him helping? feel free to ignore this i know it's a bit strange💔 but i thought i'd throw it out there :) 💞
I really hope it gets better for you, I hope my shitty HCs somehow makes your day a little better. Lots of love 🥺🤲❤️oh and this might’ve come off more angsty but I promise I put fluff at the end. And listen to this while reading cause it just makes this- 💔🦟🦗🦟🦗❤️
Requests are open! And if you have requests like this I’m happy to do them :)
Also proof read but still might be mistakes.sorry, there might be some triggering things in here, but there is nothing crazy so I think it’s ok 🧍
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Before you guys even got together he’d always check up on you.
To the point were he subconsciously did it anywhere, and anytime
He’d give you small owl knickknacks or a snack before school started, or when it ended. Making sure you ate something that day.
Or he’d just try to make you laugh as much as he could during then
But sometimes he’d drop everything, and just give you a tight hug. Anywhere, no matter who it was in front of. Holding you close to him, not saying anything but you could hear him tripping over the words he wanted to say but just couldn’t.
He could tell it was a bad day where you’d come in and just sit on the benches or bleachers with both in mind but staring at the bright fluorescent gym lights. Where you’d just zone out mid-conversation and look at your feet or phone in disinterest. When you’d throw in a sarcastic self-deprecation joke when someone would ask if you’re ok.
Or when you’d have days where you’d stay up studying, doing your homework, and not sleeping for who knows how long when you come in with the energy drink in hand. Or the days when you’d get nothing done, and just sleep everything away and just deal with it the next day.
It didn’t take a therapist or a mastermind to tell you weren’t ok.
The nervous tics, the small lip bites, the impulsive “Let’s do something and think about consequences later!”
Bokuto knew he was just like the latter but at least it wasn’t all the time, so when he saw his bestfriend and crush slowly killing themselves mentally (and maybe physically, he was hoping not), yet cracking jokes about it the next second. All he wanted to do was run in and kiss you until all you felt was loved.
He just wanted to see you happy again
He felt like fainting everytime he saw you giggle or laugh at his antics(knowing Bokuto that has probably happened)
Or when you and Ahgkaaashi would hang out with him at the Owl section of the Zoo and pick out your favorite ones
When you two would try cooking some dish either of you couldn even try pronouncing and it ending in a mess. One he didn’t mind cleaning up when he got to talk to you throughout the whole time.
The times you’d have to turn in your work a little late because you were helping Bokuto cope after losing a game, which he felt bad about but you brushed it off with a genuine smile saying “I can’t leave poor Akaashi with Bokuemo for the rest of the week can I?” “H-Hey!”
When you and Bokuto would hang out in the bird themed cafe on the end of the street from school. And just be yourselves without having to impress anyone.
How you excuse yourself from the group of people you barely knew the names of, to go cry in the bathroom then come back as if nothing happened.
Times where you both forget your in highschool with insecurities, voice cracks, stress, and having to make a decision regarding the rest of your life by the end of it. And just laying in some random parking lot, staring into the blaring street lamp light and the stars behind it.
Bokuto loved it when you didn’t use the jokes to cover up how you felt. Or how you jumped to another subject when he would ask. When you tell him everything you’re feeling.,
The confusion, the way you didn’t know why your mind worked the way it did and why you felt horrible all of a sudden but fine the next.
You wanted it to stop, to have an explanation for the way you think and why. Yet now you’re telling no one, and clearly holding it in. Bokuto was now watching you letyour emotions eat you alive from the inside out.
He just wanted the you he knew. The you that he had so many fun memories with. Not the forced persona you played when you needed a cover up for how you truly felt.
This wasn’t the way he wanted to confess but it was getting all too much for Bokuto to watch,
Bokuto’s tears were streaming down his face as he had you held out in front of him. His body was trembling and his grasp was so shaky it was easy to break away. But you knew you could ever do that to him, or yourself. He clenched his jaw , not being able to lock eyes with you, a painful tug at his heart everytime he locked eyes with your hopeless look. You felt tears brimming your eyes yet you didn’t even know why he sat you down here. But you felt it was your fault, so immediately you let out a ‘Sorry-‘
Instead of an answer Bokuto pulled you toward him, pushing your head into the crook of his neck. You let out a choked noise as surprise, instinctively wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Why...why’re you saying sorry Y/N? I should be saying sorry for not helping you, I-“
Bokuto lost his breath for a second as a silent sob wracked his body, bringing you closer to him. Tears were falling down from your eyes but you could barely feel them as they became a stream.
“Y/N, I love you, I love you so, so much. Why are you doing this to yourself? You know you could come talk to me, I-I’m not the the best therapist but,-“
He let out a shaky breath, pulling you back out to look at you directly. You squeezed his arm that was holding you, reassuring him you felt the same way, but also to go on. Puffy eyes and a tear stained face looked at you sternly. “Please, please don’t keep these feelings to yourself Y/N. It hurts, it hurts me so much when I see you like this. Especially since you feel like you can’t come to me. I-, I-“
Bokuto bit his lip, clenching his eyes tight, forcing the tears that were already threatening to fall out. “I don’t want to see you like this. I love you, I love you.”The only thing lacing his tone is the sincerity in it.
He says it again to make sure you understood every word that came from him. But he didn’t need to. His grip so tight on your arms it almost hurt. But in a way, you didn’t mind it as it showed you how much more serious this was to him.
“You have me, Kaashi, the team, and honestly anyone! We all love you and what you have to say!”
You both give small shaky laughs, despite the situation, the tension slowly melting. He wipes the tears that were flowing down your cheeks, kissing each one after he did. You held each one of his hand. Squeezing them to give yourself courage, and to know this was all too real.
“Bokuto...I’m so sorry to you and everyone else. I- I locked myself away because I thought I would be bothering you and everyone and could just get over it then push the feelings down. But now seeing you...seeing you so much...pain, someone I love hurt because of me. I...I really realize how I was affecting everyone.”
Bokuto tried denying but you shook your head, your eyes that were looking down were now up at him.
“I’ve come to reality especially after seeing you like this Bo, I love you too, and I want to make it up to you this whole week! No, month...year? Whatever. I’ll be better for our future. And you know what, why don’t I help you with that math homework so we’re both gonna get better at something by the end of the week!”
Laugher filled the once cold room with a feeling of warmth that you couldn’t explain. Bokuto leaned in and gave a small peck. You were about to give a small hum in happiness. Until he pulled far back away from you in panic.
“I-Is something wrong Bo? Does my breath stink-“
“N-NONONO NOTHING LIKE THAT. ITS JUST...I just kissed you without asking...a-and I read in a magazine you’re supposed to do that or your crush won’t like you back!”
But you interrupted it with your laughter, holding onto to one of his shoulders to not fall over. He had a confused look on his face as he fidgeted, not knowing what to do. “Y-Y/N! What?”
“You’re so stupid Bo,”
And like that you pulled him into a kiss, one he quickly melted into. He made a small surprised noise, but that was the only noise of complaint. The kiss turned into Bokuto giving you pecks all over your face. A giddy feeling in your stomach with each one. Between the kisses you say “Y’know I’m surprised you decided to sit down and read a magazine without testing on the real deal.” His face has a small flush, instead of saying anything he just kisses you aggressively all over, causing you to reel back and laugh harder. He pulls away from the assault and grabs your hand. He leads you over to the couch and hugs you as you both flop onto the couch. You looked at him confused, “Bo?”
But he just turned the TV on, clicked through the channels, until he found one he liked. He looked over at you excitedly, “Let’s cuddle and watch the movie I was talking about last week!”
The genuine excitement in his voice was all it took to have you wrapped around his finger. So now it was getting late and you were falling asleep to Bokuto gently rubbing his hand in circles on your back. And his faint smell of cologne luring you to sleep.
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Hey! Sorry if this is on the shorter side, but I tried packing as much emotion as I could into it to make up. I hope you enjoyed this, cause I added a few of my little issues into it so I hope you don’t mind. (Also along with some people ik) I really hope it gets better for you, hopefully by now even though this came out late (sorry really busy this month for some reason🧍) if you need anyone to talk to I’m always open to hear❤️..
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trulivin ¡ 5 years ago
All I Want
A/N: Surprise surprise! I actually finished another request yay! So here you all are my JJ people. I would like to say this is a little deep I’d say. There is mentions of rape which was a little hard to write, and it’s centered around anxiety. 
Both of those topics are serious matters of discussion and if anyone is in need of help speak up. It’s best to be heard and get help with whatever situation you find yourself in. 
AND y’all I do NOT hate Drew whatsoever. He played a great Rafe. Honestly, love that man as much as Rudy (ok maybe not that much), but just wanted to point that out. It’s just the character so don’t give me shit about hating on Drew for all you Rafe fans out there lmao. 
To the nonny who requested, I hope this is what you were looking for! As always please send feedback! Comment, like, etc. I’ll get another request done at some point so keep baring with me please.
JJ x Reader, Outer Banks
Warnings: mentions of rape and anxiety
*Credits go to original owner!*
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It was a particularly warm day on the Cut when Y/N, JJ, and Pope were going to make a grocery delivery to the Figure Eight. Kie was off with John B and Sarah doing something probably more fun than delivering groceries, but Y/N had been kind enough to offer Pope some help, dragging her boyfriend along. JJ complained the entire way to Heyward’s. 
“I don’t see why we have to help,” he whined as Y/N dragged him along. “It’s a perfect day to go surfing.” “Which we can do afterwards,” she said, tugging him along by his hand. JJ groaned, but ran into Y/N as she stopped. The tan girl turned to face him, placed both hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, and looked up at him through her long lashes, a hint of mischief in her eyes. 
“If you would stop complaining, we can do more than just surf later,” she drawled, standing on her toes to whisper in his ear. JJ practically melted as he felt her lips brush his ear and trace his skin. He leaned down trying to steal a kiss, but Y/N slipped out of his arms and ran down the dock with a giggle. “Seriously?” JJ called after her, jogging to catch up.
Y/N and JJ had been together for a solid two years. John B never would have thought his best friend would be able to hold down a relationship for that long, but alas, the blond proved him otherwise. Of course the crew had the no-Pogue-on-Pogue macking rule, but did it really apply to Y/N and JJ? They had been friends long before he met John B and the rest of the crew. 
Kie knew the moment Y/N’s feelings changed from friendship to romantic, and John B knew he’d never seen JJ so smitten with someone, so the rest was history. 
“Hey, what did we say about PDA?” Pope groaned as Y/N and JJ approached the boat. “That it’s perfectly okay as long as we aren’t groping each other?” Y/N offered with a smirk. Pope rolled his eyes and JJ let out a hearty laugh as the two climbed on board. 
“As long as it doesn’t stop you from making these deliveries,” Heyward commented. 
The four worked as a team, loading all the groceries on board. Finally, they got everything packed in and were off to the other side of the island. Y/N watched the homes roll by and slowly transform into huge mansions. She wrung her hands a bit at the thought of entering Kook territory, but pushed her nervousness aside. 
“You’ll be okay,” JJ said, coming up beside his girlfriend. He knew she struggled with a bit of anxiety, and it didn’t help when Kooks would mess with her. 
Y/N shot him a small smile as he wrapped an arm around her. She leaned in a bit and listened to his steady breathing, matching her breath with his. A wave of relief washed over her and she felt herself back to normal. 
Y/N absolutely hated this about herself. No matter how many times JJ would tell her that’s what made her who she is and how much he loves her because of it, Y/N would still find herself shying away from help. Of course she let JJ help whenever she was in one of her spells, but she had always been reluctant. Her anxiety made her feel weak, and the Kooks could practically smell it on her. 
That wasn’t to say she couldn’t throw a punch and handle herself in a fight. She was a Pogue after all. But, Y/N had never been a fan of small spaces and seemed to be nervous over small things such as social interactions. Somehow, some of the Kooks figured out she was never good when she was cornered either. 
The Pogues were always careful not to leave her alone when any Kooks were around despite her protests. That just made her feel even weaker when she had personal bodyguards, but they still wouldn’t listen. JJ was the most concerned. She knew he meant well, but he would lose his shit if anyone laid a hand on his girl. Especially now that he had the gun. 
Y/N really did appreciate her friends’ efforts to keep her safe, but it still annoyed her a bit. Yet, what could she do? Her friends were the closest thing to a normal family. 
Sighing a bit, Y/N and JJ went over to help Pope dock the boat. “So most of this stuff is going to the club house so Y/N can come with me,” Pope said sorting through the bags. JJ gave him a skeptical look, grabbing a few of the resident’s orders. 
“I’ll be fine JJ,” Y/N said. Pope shot the pair a glance, deciding it would be best to let the couple work out the situation. “What if we made two trips and you can go with me?” JJ suggested, failing miserably at hiding his concern. Y/N rolled her eyes, “Seriously, I can take care of myself. Besides I haven’t had an anxiety attack in like years so I’m fine.” 
“I just think it would be better if you were with me,” JJ shrugged. “Quality couple time.” 
“As if you two don’t already spend every waking moment with each other,” Pope muttered under his breath. JJ shot him a glare. 
“Pope is right,” Y/N said, starting to get irritated. “It doesn’t make sense to make two trips when there are three of us. The club is kind of far too.” JJ studied her for a moment realizing she was genuinely annoyed with him, so he let up. “Fine,” he muttered, situating the bags on his arms and hopping off the boat. “See you ladies later!” JJ called over his shoulder, his voice returned to its normal goofiness. 
Y/N grabbed the rest of the bags and followed Pope off the boat as well. “You know we are just trying to look out for you,” Pope started. Y/N rolled her eyes a bit. “Look I get it, but I’m not weak. I can take care of myself. Pogue-style, baby,” Y/N replied. 
Pope laughed a bit and nodded in agreement. “You sure can throw a punch,” he said causing the girl to smile. “And you rival JJ in the craziness a bit.” “I do not!” Y/N laughed, playfully shoving him. The two went on like this bickering back and forth as they made their way past one of the tee boxes. 
Unbeknownst to them, two Kooks watched as the Pogues made their way across their golf course. “Hey, hey,” Rafe said, smacking Topper’s chest and pointing to Y/N and Pope. “Shiiit,” Topper said watching the girl and boy. “Yo, when did Y/N get hot?” Topper commented. “Bro she’s always been pretty hot for a Pogue,” Rafe responded as he started walking towards the pair. 
“Hey!” he and Topper called. Y/N’s face paled immediately as she heard the sound of the infamous Kooks. Pope sucked in a breath and said, “It’ll be fine.” “Yeah after they caved your face in last time you were here,” Y/N hissed, turning to face the boys coming towards them. 
“What’d I say about coming back on our side of the island?” Rafe snarled, reaching Pope. “Oh so you want to go pick up your own groceries then?” Y/N stepped up in front of Pope. She may have anxiety, but she sure as hell wouldn’t let any Kooks walk all over her friends. Topper smirked and stepped forward too. 
Y/N did her best not to suck back as two Kooks towered over her, but Rafe caught her flinch a bit, a wicked smile curving up on his lips. “Where’s blondie, Y/N?” he smirked. “Not here to protect you?” 
Pope shoved him back away from Y/N who now seemed to be at a loss for words. No she told herself. “Get your nasty Pogue hands off me,” Rafe snapped, lunging at Pope. All the groceries were spilled as Y/N was knocked out of the way. She hit the ground feeling the side of her face scrape on the gravel.
Y/N groaned in pain, but pushed herself off the ground to see Rafe and Topper shoving Pope around. “Get off of him Topper!” she screamed, jumping on his back. The Kook easily shoved her off as he and Rafe kept messing with her friend. His nose was bleeding and he was covered in a can of beer that Topper thought it would be funny to dump on him. 
“Stop!” Y/N screamed again. “What, he your boyfriend now?” Topper mocked. “No wonder Sarah dumped you! Jackass,” Y/N snarled, shoving him away from Pope. Rafe stopped punching Pope in the face and stood up. Pope lay on the ground groaning in pain. 
Topper’s face went dark. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed. “When did you get a mouth on you?” Rafe smirked again slowly approaching Y/N. “It’s kinda hot.”
Y/N gulped and felt her legs subconsciously back away. She felt the walls begin to close in as the two boys stalked towards her. “Please, don’t,” her voice cracked, giving her fear away. It was like a feeding frenzy for sharks. Y/N turned to run, but Topper caught her before she could get anywhere. 
“Get off!” Y/N yelped, as she struggled with her back pressed against his chest. “You’ll pay. You Pogue’s took one of us, so we’ll just take you for an even trade. Seems fair? Right Rafe?” Topper said. “No,” Pope tried getting up but Rafe punched him in the face again before turning back to Y/N.
“That’s right Topper,” Rafe grinned, “I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind.” Y/N was still flailing as she felt the walls begin to close in every step Rafe took. 
“Please! Just let me go!” she felt tears burn in her eyes. “Now now, don’t cry,” Rafe cooed, brushing a stray tear from her face. The wall was right in front of her now, sucking her air out. Y/N began gasping.
“I haven’t got laid in awhile,” Rafe said. Y/N’s stomach dropped to the ground. Even Topper seemed to release his grip a bit. “Wait, bro--” Topper started. “Might I remind you Topper,” Rafe cut in, “Her idiotic boyfriend put a gun to your head, and that long-haired surfer friend of hers stole your girlfriend.”
Y/N let out a choked sob. “Please,” she flailed again, but Topper still didn’t let go. Y/N literally screamed as Rafe grabbed her hips, allowing her to shirt to ride up a bit, his hands grazing over her exposed skin. “Stop!” Pope jumped up, but was shoved off by Rafe. “Dude seriously. This isn’t cool,” Topper cut in, releasing Y/N. Rafe ignored him, pulling Y/N up off the ground and digging his hands into her waist. 
“Pretty hot for a Pogue,” he whispered in her ear. Y/N’s eyes were watering as she took shallow breaths. Y/N let out a blood-curdling scream as Rafe placed a chaste kiss on her neck. She fought, scratched, kicked, flailed, trying to get out of his grasp. Her lungs burned and she felt like she was being crushed. 
As she tried to let out another scream, Rafe clamped a hand over her mouth and she felt like she was drowning. “Dude!” Y/N faintly heard Topper. “Rafe, c’mon man! Let her go!” Pope yelled, struggling to get up. 
In a matter of seconds, though, Rafe was ripped off Y/N. “Get the fuck off!” a familiar voice shouted. But, it wasn’t the voice she was looking for. “Rafe, what the fuck?” a girl’s voice shouted. Sarah. Y/N was sobbing and trying to take in air, but she couldn’t stop trembling. 
“Hey hey it’s okay,” someone’s hand was on her back. Kie. 
“Bro! Bro!” there was a lot of shouting. 
“John B! Get off, you made your point man!” 
“Let’s go!” 
Y/N saw two blurred shapes running away from them. A familiar figure approached her. “JJ?” she gasped. “No, no, it’s me, John B,” he said. Y/N flinched away and started crying harder. She just wanted JJ. 
“No hey hey you’re okay,” Kie’s voice rang out in her ear. Sarah knelt down on her other side and helped her up. Y/N’s lungs were on fire and she still found herself being suffocated by the walls. “Where’s…” Y/N gasped, more sobs coming out. “I--I don’t know, but we should get back to the boat. He may be there waiting,” Sarah said rubbing her arm gently. 
Y/N cried harder, collapsing into Kie. John B went to help but the girl shot him a look telling him to stay back.
“All...” gasp. “I want…” gasp. “JJ…”
With the help from Sarah, the girls managed to get Y/N back to the boat with John B and Pope trailing after them. JJ was not back yet. 
Y/N collapsed onto the ground in a corner, jumping away from all of her friends who were trying to help. As they tried approaching her slowly, all the girl felt were the walls getting tighter. Sadly, none of the Pogues really knew how to help her besides JJ. They had never seen her in this particular state.
At this point, Y/N was struggling for air as if she were drowning and was on the verge of passing out. “Guys, guys, back up,” Kie said. “We’re making it worse.” 
“But how are we supposed to get her to stop?” John B snapped, running a hand through his hair. “Where the hell is JJ?” Sarah said looking around. 
The group all tried reassuring Y/N from a safe distance, but nothing seemed to work. 
“Yo! You will not believe how well these old guys tipped!” the voice they were all waiting for yelled on the dock. 
“They gave me like--whoa what happened? When did you guys get--” JJ stopped in his tracks at the sight of all of his friends circled around his beat-up girlfriend. What the hell? Why’s her pretty face damaged? He started fuming. 
JJ immediately shoved past Pope and Kie towards the girl in the corner. 
“Hey! Hey! It’s me,” he said, not hesitating as Y/N tried backing away. As if something in her mind clicked, her body went limp as JJ pulled her into his chest, leaning himself back on the wall. Her breaths were still straggled and she was still trembling but she quit fighting. 
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ said softly. “H-hey,” she tried taking a breath, but it caught in her throat. “Shhhh,” he held on to her tighter, wrapping his arm around her head and putting her ear to his chest. “Listen to my heart, and breath with me.”
The Pogues watched silently in awe as Y/N began breathing normally. 
“Good, keep going,” JJ encouraged kindly. John B had never seen JJ this way, but he really saw how close the two actually were. He pulled Sarah tight to his side. 
“You wanna tell the group what we’re gonna do when we go full Kook?” JJ asked, glancing down at Y/N before looking up at their friends. He felt Y/N flinch after he said the word Kook. His gut turned at the thought this was brought on by a Kook. 
“Never mind,” he said quickly. “Tell them about that dream you had of us. Off the island.” He knew his friends were studying him closely. They’d never really seen this side of him. He was always coping with his own problems in his own way, but this was how Y/N got to see him. JJ let his guard down with her the most. And while he loved to joke around, get stoned, wasted, and all that, he was still human. 
Y/N slowly nodded, her breaths becoming more even. “I--I had this dream,” she started with a shaky voice, “JJ and I were in a uh little house, away from here.” 
Sarah clung to John B as tears welled in her eyes as she watched the girl in JJ’s arms. She always saw Y/N as this tough Pogue who wouldn’t take shit from anyone regardless of her own problems. She never knew Y/N struggled like this, and it broke Sarah’s heart. 
Kie had a faint idea of what Y/N was really struggling with but she had never seen her friend in this state. The sight of her, curled in JJ’s arms, trying to talk about something that was for certain extremely personal between the couple, made her heart break as well. 
“W-we had a little house, and two blond headed boys running circles around us,” Y/N cracked a weak smile as the group let out a light laugh, the tension finally breaking. “And you,” she raised a more steady hand pointing at John B and Sarah, “you two would come over for dinner with your girls and we’d watch Kie and Pope on the news being superstars.” 
“That sounds wonderful,” Sarah smiled. 
Y/N, at last, took a deep strong breath. Color was already returning to her face as she slowly regained her composure. John B and Pope went to untie the boat and soon enough, they were on their way back to their side of the island. 
JJ didn’t release Y/N, but looked to Pope for answers. 
“What happened?” he tried holding in his anger for Y/N’s sake. 
“We were taking the stuff up to the club and Topper and Rafe came up,” Pope said slowly. JJ felt Y/N tense under his arms and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. 
No one dared speak a word as to what happened next. 
JJ got the hint, though. “Then?” he pressed. 
“R-Rafe,” Y/N started, and he was shocked to hear her talking about it. “No, no, you don’t…” the words died in JJ’s mouth. “He, he tried--” 
JJ knew immediately. Y/N felt his body go rigid and didn’t say the words. She didn’t even want to think about it. “I’ll kill him,” JJ hissed. 
“John B about did,” Kie said. Sarah seemed to be looking away from them. Y/N knew what she was thinking. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” Y/N said softly. Sarah turned to her with a sad look on her face. “But he’s my brother,” she whispered. Y/N shook her head, “He’s not you Sarah. Stop beating yourself up.”
“This is how it is for us Pogues. We’re all a little broken somehow. Well maybe except Kie,” Y/N chuckled a bit, leaning back on JJ who was still seething. Sarah gave her a small smile and sat down by John B’s legs. “Anyways,” John B continued, “Kie, Sarah, and I were getting ice cream by the course, and heard Y/N scream so we came and helped.” 
JJ stood up completely knocking Y/N over. She shot him a glare rather than going back to hyperventilating. “Pope! Turn around! I’m going to rip his face off,” JJ snarled. “No,” Y/N said, standing up facing him. “Just forget it. Don’t give him the satisfaction.” 
JJ stared at her in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?” he was trying not to yell at Y/N. However, the girl just stared at him with a raised brow. JJ stared back. 
“What is going on?” Sarah asked. 
“Shh, they do this all the time,” John B replied. 
Soon enough JJ broke his gaze and sat down pulling Y/N back into his arms. Y/N had a triumphant look in her eyes as they continued on. “Oh my god,” Sarah laughed. 
“Shut up,” JJ mumbled resting his head on Y/N’s shoulder. 
Later that night, in the Chateau, Y/N and JJ were curled together in the small bed of the guest room. “Are you okay?” JJ finally asked after hours. Moments like these were saved for behind closed doors and just the two of them. 
Y/N thought for a moment and then nodded. “I am now,” she said in the darkness. His arms gave her a little squeeze. “But, how,” JJ hesitated, “how can you let me hold you like this after what happened?” he asked shyly. Y/N rolled over to look at him in the darkness. 
JJ’s eyes were swimming with concern. She pressed her lips to his, savoring his warm breath and body before pulling away. His kisses were always soft and sexy at the same time. 
“Because you’re you,” Y/N answered, resting her forehead on his. “I’m still a guy,” JJ muttered. Y/N let out a laugh. “You don’t get it. You’re the only one I want. You’re the guy who knows me the best. You know how to deal with my problems. You’ve known me since we were literally babies. Sure, we’ve known John B for a long time, but he doesn’t know me like you,” Y/N said. 
“But--” JJ started but was cut off. 
“JJ, you’re the one I’m in love with and have been since as long as I can remember. I trust you with my life. Yeah, you baby me sometimes, but I’ve accepted that’s how it comes being with you.” 
“I love you too,” he whispered.
It was JJ’s turn to place a kiss on her lips. She sighed, content at how soft his were. Their lips molded together like two puzzle pieces as he pressed his body closer to hers. She let her mouth open as he ran his tongue over her lips resulting in a low moan. His hands tugged her waist and pulled her on top of him just as they did plenty of times before. 
This time, though, it wasn’t like they were going to have sex. It was more of a tender kiss. A declaration of their love for one another as cheesy as it sounds. 
Eventually, they both turned up for air, and Y/N fell back next to JJ. He wrapped his arm around her again as she rested her head on his chest. “We’ll get out of here one day,” JJ said with a promise in his voice. “I won’t doubt that,” she smiled. “But I’ll kill Rafe first,” he said. Y/N laughed a bit again. 
“No you won’t. Then you’ll go to prison, and I don’t want you to go to prison. Besides, Rafe is always tweaked. Everyone knows that,” Y/N snorted. “Well I’m always smoking weed,” JJ offered. 
“Aren’t all the Pogues though? There’s a difference between weed and cocaine too.”
JJ groaned causing Y/N to let out another laugh. “You’re always so optimistic.” 
“Yes yes I know,” Y/N giggled. “But I know you love it cause otherwise you would’ve dumped me a long time ago.” “I would never dump you. You’re too good for this place, Y/N” JJ mumbled squeezing her again. 
Slowly but surely, the couple then fell asleep, content and safe from everything the cruel world would throw at them, in each other’s arms.
Not really sure I like the ending but it is what it is I suppose. It’s more about the story in the middle. Plus I really don’t think I’m good at writing endings so yea. Enjoy m’dears!
2K notes ¡ View notes
pabosontheloose ¡ 4 years ago
Work For You (Baekhyun)
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WC: 3.0k
TW: None? Neglect?
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“Baby?” Baekhyun’s loud, cheerful voice rang throughout the apartment, the sound being followed by his shoes clunking on the floor as he took them off. 
“I’m in the kitchen!” you called back, one hand still stirring the hot milk inside the pot while the other was turning off the heat. From behind, Baekhyun came up and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his chest against your back. Immediately, his cologne filled the atmosphere, easing your shoulders as he planted a light kiss on your cheek. 
“Hey Cutie, whatcha makin’?” he asked into your ear, eyes peering down at the pot that had steam emitting from it.
“Some hot chocolate, I figured you’d want some after a long day. Go sit.” you asked, to grab the two cups that were on the counter. You can hear the little claps of his hands behind you as he moved to sit on at the table. Unbeknownst to you as you were carefully pouring hot milk into two mugs, he was sitting with his cheek resting on his palm, eyes hooded and lips pulled into a smile that he couldn’t stop if he tried.
He was silently observing you move around. His heart was pounding in his ears as he watched you simply place the pan into the sink and grab two spoons from the rack. When you turned around, he grinned and reached out to grab one of the two mugs in your hands so you can settle down on the chair next to him.
“How was the studio?” you asked. Your legs came up to cross themselves under the table, carefully blowing on your beverage to cool it down. He went to stir the chocolate in his cup before looking at you.
“We’re planning on recording a new solo album. We sampled a few sounds today. At some point Chanyeol came in to help out. My ass is so sore from sitting all day.” he whined a  little, lips pulled out into a small pout before he carefully took a sip.
“Oh a new album? That’s so exciting! What’s it about?” you asked, leaning in. He made a motion of zipping his lips and locking it with a smile, shaking his head.
“I can’t leak that information baby, tsk tsk, you should know better than that. Let’s go cuddle on the couch.” he went to stand up and followed you to the living room where the two of you turned on the TV and set it onto a random show. Although neither of you were paying any attention as little kisses were stolen from time to time during the conversations that were had.
From: Baek the loml 💓
- Baby do u think u can bring some lunch to the studio today?
- Manager is having all of us stay late today 
- And i wanna see your pretty face before it gets dark outside 😍
From: You
- You’re just using me for my incredibly amazing cooking at this point 🙄
- But sure
- What do u want to eat?
- Also im bringing u a salad
- Bc whenever u prepare for a new album u keep saying u need to stay in shape for the performances
From: Baek the loml 💓
- Anything would be fine
- No cucumbers in the salad tho pls
- im not dating u bc of your cooking
- Its bc of your 🍑
- 😜
From: You
- extra cucumbers in the salad got it
- see you in a little bit!
When you arrived at the building, security allowed you to go in and the receptionist directed you to the room that Baekhyun was working in. When you arrive at the door, you can faintly hear the music lulling in the room. The rhythm of it was soothing and you were just tempted to open the door and listen but you knew he was excited for this album, so your knuckles came up to the door and knocked.
Immediately, the music was turned off and you can hear someone getting up and rushing to the door. 
Baekhyun’s face lit up once he saw you and urged you into the room, giving your cheek a lingering peck. You greeted his manager who was sitting on the couch going through some of the music sheets. He got up and greeted you back then headed towards the door, saying he needed to go talk to someone regarding the tune of the song and lyrics. 
You settled the bag onto his desk as the two of you sat down. He immediately went to grab the utensils before chowing down.
He, as he said, came home late that night but you didn’t mind. He did let you know about it anyway, so you were able to sleep soundly knowing he was working hard for his fans. 
Several days after that were just the same. He was held back until around the same time as last night, but you had nothing to worry, he sent you a message to let you know. When he came home, he answered your conversation pieces with little hums here and there to let you know he was listening, but you knew he was tired. The shine in his eyes wasn't as bright as before. So, you found a way to fizzle out the conversation by saying you were going to brush your teeth for the night. When you came out of the bathroom, he was already knocked out on the bed. It was endearing to see him curled up, one arm stretched out to where your side was. You carefully slid next to him and could feel his hand grab onto your side as tightly as it could in its subconscious state.
This cycle continued until the “I’m going to be home late” messages stopped altogether. You just went about your day working and then cleaning the apartment before shooting him a couple of messages asking if he wanted you to bring anything so he stays healthy. He responded to the ones he could and then it was just you for the rest of the evening. No message from him about when he was able to come home.
This continued onto the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
At some point, your inbox was just a string of messages from you, and a few responses here and there. But it didn’t discourage you from worrying about him. The way the door of the apartment opened later later during the night, the way he’d silently peck your cheek before moving onto the shared bed and immediately falling asleep, the way the bags under his eyes slowly got more and more prominent; Noticing all of that, and more, made you uneasy. Your brain was throwing up signals to talk to him, reach out to his members, anything to make sure that he was eating well and taking breaks.
Your messages were always read by him, but never replied to. The meals you left in the microwave for him stayed untouched and on better days they were eaten but not entirely. 
This is okay, he’s going to be okay, just a few more weeks until he finalizes the album. Just a few more weeks until he’s able to come home early. Just a few more weeks until he can be in your arms again. You deal with this even if it’s difficult because you care for him so much. 
You tried to ignore the loud silence of the apartment with him being gone for so long. Even the noise from the TV didn’t block out how alone you feel. You’re staring at it but the show isn’t registering, too deep in your thoughts, too tired yet unable to fall asleep until you know he’s home safe. 
Yes, you realized that he hadn’t invited you to the building, but after several weeks of not letting you know if he’s okay or if he’s been taking care of himself, you had to see for yourself. You’ve had enough of feeling his back against your own during the few hours of sleep he got when he came home, enough of sleepily watching his figure leave the apartment in the early mornings. 
And it was a good day today; your design was chosen at the company you work for which was going to take your position to a new step. Also you were the 100th customer at a new coffee shop close to the apartment, so they gave you an extra cup of coffee and pastry on the house. You wanted to share the news with Baekhyun, so why not drop in to see him.
“(Y/n), what are you doing here?” was the first question that left his mouth when he saw you, eyes widening a little bit to make sure he was seeing right. His hair was all messy (you suspected from running his hair through it while trying to figure something out with the songs and schedule but you didn’t comment on it) and he looked a bit irritated. Your head tilted to the side in question as he looked over your form standing in front of him.
“I just wanted to drop by to see if you were okay. We haven’t had some time for ourselves in a while, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” you gave him a smile. One that would usually have him melting just at the sight of it. 
But he didn’t melt. Not today at least. All he could think of was that the song had to come out perfectly and your presence here was at such an inconvenient time.
“(Y/n) we haven’t had time because I’ve been busy. I’ve told you this. I can’t make a mistake on this song, okay? Please go home, I’ll be back later.” he tried to brush you off and went to shut the door but you stopped it with your elbow, causing him to look back at you. 
“What time?” you questioned, keeping your voice leveled. You weren’t mad at him, but a little bit in disbelief. Here you were trying to make sure he was okay, (clearly he wasn’t since he looked exhausted as hell) and he was trying to push you away.
“What time will you be home?”
“God, I don’t know (Y/n). Late. Please don’t wait up for me.” he sighed, scratching his temple in frustration. The action causes you to sigh too before finding the words to speak up.
“I just wanted to make sure this album wasn’t destroying your health.” you mumbled, your words not coming out as strong as you had hoped it would. He narrowed his eyes at how you phrased your sentence.
“No. The album has to be great. It has to be up to my standards. And right now, it’s still missing something. I was just about to figure it out until you interrupted. Please go home. We can talk about this later.” he replied. You let out another hard sigh before lifting your hands and giving him the coffee and pastry that you got.
“Here. I got a free order earlier and I wanted you to eat something since it didn’t seem like you were eating much at home. I’ll see you later.” you grumbled as he took the food. When he did, you quickly turned around and headed towards the elevator. Just before the doors closed, you could see him still standing at the door, staring at you, as if something clicked in his head.
You didn’t see him attempt to take a step towards the elevator too but his manager called him back into the room to finalize the lyrics. As he sat down, he opened the paper bag to see his favorite little pastry cake, and noted on the details of the cup that you got his order just right. 
It was as if something knocked him on the head for him to finally understand the position he left you in for the past several weeks. He finally got a clear look in the mirror to see how dark the bags on his eyes had gotten and how his hands slightly shook when he set an alarm for 6PM on his phone under the note “Go home to my Baby”. That day he ordered a good meal during lunch, ate it all, and the thought of coming home to you gave him the drive to complete the lyrics before he was rushing to get to his car at 5:45.
Even if he knew he was in trouble, he still found the shocked look on your face amusing (and really cute but that’s for another day when you’re not passively mad at him) when he came through the door an hour later, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand while the other carried a bag of take-out.
“Okay, I’m not home as late as I said I was going to be, but, I got us food.” he held up the bag, and with a smile, “And this, for you.” he held out the bouquet. You got off the couch to grab the flowers to place in a vase as he sets the bag down onto the coffee table. 
The silence radiation off of you made him nervously chuckle.
“Good news, I finally nailed the song. It’s at Baekhyun standards now. Now we only have to worry about the scheduling for after it’s released but that shouldn’t be a problem.” he tried to cool you off with a few laughs here and there but when you gave nothing back, he started to worry.
“Baby?” he began, “I’m sorry for pushing you away earlier. I realized I was an asshole the moment that elevator door closed.”
“Baekhyun, that’s not the point. The point is that you got so far into your work that you start to neglect everything around you and yourself.” you finally let out after all the weeks of keeping it in for the sake of his work. He silently stared at you, the look in his eyes made you want to engulf him in the tightest hug but you held yourself strong.
“I love you but it was just so hard to see you work yourself so much for this particular album.” you sighed. You don’t notice it but the corner of his lips slightly curled up into a smile as your sentence reminded him of why he worked so hard.
“I haven’t seen you tire yourself out so much before and I was truly scared that you might pass out from the lack of sleep. What makes it so different from the other albums? It’s going to turn out so great because it’s you who made it and your amazing fans will give it the recognition it deserves and why are you smiling when I’m trying to be serious?” you asked him, voice exasperated from trying to keep your thoughts straight but seeing that smile on his face brought back the warmth within yourself. 
“(Y/n), I was gonna keep it a surprise for when the album releases, but now is a good time too…” he started off, grabbing your hands and immediately intertwining with your fingers as a way to start his apology. Your eyes looked up into his in anticipation, waiting for him to continue his sentence.
“I dedicated the new album to you.” the little grin that graced his face after he said that made your heart drop.
“What?” you managed to work out, feeling mist start over your eyes as you waited for him to confirm his sentence.
“The new album that I’ve been working on...it’s dedicated to you. I’m really sorry I haven’t been giving you the attention and love you deserved. I was too focused on trying to make the song perfect so that you’d love it. But in the process of trying to make you feel appreciated through a song, I forgot to appreciate you in real life.” his voice slowly died down towards the end of his sentence. He was going to continue but before he could you launched yourself at him and buried your face in the crook of his neck. The little sniffles he heard was enough to let him know that he was forgiven and he quickly wrapped his arms around your frame, holding you closer than before.
“I’m sorry I got upset, I-”
“No baby, you don’t have to apologize at all. You’ve been trying to take care of me all this time and I took that for granted. From this point on, I’m going to give back to you as much as you give to me.” he was planting kisses on your forehead as he spoke, making sure you understood him as he spoke softly to you. 
Sometime during this intimate moment, he had brought the two of you to settle down on the couch. He held you by your waist on his lap, your thighs on either side of his while you were still hugging him with your face to his chest.
“Since we’re here now, is there anything I can do to make it up to you, Love?” he asked once you pulled away to look at him. One of his pretty hands came up to caress your flushed cheek, resting his thumb there for a second longer, further adding onto the intimate moment you two were in.
“Can I hear the song?” you asked, eyes batting in hope that he’d give you a small version of it but he only chuckled, the other hand squeezing your side as he shook his head.
“Oh baby…of all the things in this world that I can give you, the song is the one you’ll have to wait for.”
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brain-amoeba ¡ 5 years ago
I already get a good vibe from your profile oh my god- could I have narancia trying to tell his crush he likes her thank you ❤
hello! thank you so much, i’m so happy that I've passed the vibe check!! here's some orange juice for you! i based this off the song bombastic love by britney spears, so read the lyrics or give it a listen! 
bombastic love . (narancia confessing to a fem crush)
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narancia was always a late sleeper, usually the last of bucciarati’s gang to dredge his way out of the bedroom while still wiping the sleep from his eyes. when he started waking up later and later, though his dedicated capo started to worry. 
“narancia--” bruno set a firm hand on his shoulder, causing the shorter man to jump before facing his superior. “b-bruno! is something wrong?” he asked, doing his best to sound alert and awake, despite having barely woken up but a few minutes prior. “narancia, i know you like to sleep, but you’re mistaken if you don’t think i haven’t noticed you waking up later each day. i’m sure you--” 
“bruno, it’s okay, i’ve just, uh, been heading to bed a little late these days. and i know, i know, go to bed sooner. don’t worry, bruno! i’ll be up and at ‘em tomorrow for sure.” narancia interrupted, not giving bucciarati the slightest chance to lecture him for something he just wouldn’t understand. bruno furrowed his brow, giving narancia a warning glare before walking off with a sigh. 
 no, of course he doesn’t understand, because bruno’s not the one seeing visions of you taking his hand while lying under the stars in his sleep, no. bruno’s not the one dreaming of you cupping his cheeks before going in for a kiss, whispering sweet nothings he would do his damndest to remember throughout the day. of course he doesn’t understand, so narancia gave him the most half-assed excuse he could understand--get off my back. 
when it came to you, narancia had only thought of you as a friend, a damn good one at that. you two had amazing chemistry on the battlefront; it was almost as if your stands were tied to each other by the red string of fate. he wasn’t the only one who took notice of that of course. hell, even bruno would be impressed by how well the two of you worked together which is why he started partnering you up on missions more and more. narancia hadn’t really realized, though, that the more time he spent with you--learning about your favorite color all the way to how you ended up alongside him in passione--he developed feelings for you. he simply brushed it off as the fact that since he worked with you the most, you became his closest confidant. 
his subconscious was desperately trying to get a hold of him, trying to make him realize not to compromise his true feelings, the fact that he and you should be--
“nara!!” you eagerly bounded up to him, greeting him with the bright smile he loved so much. “o-oh, y/n! what are you up to?” the faint blush on his cheeks deepened the longer he looked at you. your voice lingered in his head, and for the first time since meeting you, narancia felt nervous around you. why? why now? 
“up to finding you, sleepyhead! i just got this from bucciarati-” you waved a manila folder in front of him which ended up snapping him back from his thoughts--all of you, of course. “oh! what’s this?” you gave him an exasperated look as you landed a playful punch to his chest. “all that sleeping is turning your brain to mush, nara. what else do you think it is?” you waved the folder around again, this time a little too wildly, and its contents fell to the floor with an almost inaudible thump. instinctively, both you and narancia dove for the papers; however, when both of your hands met, he mindlessly entangled his digits with your own smaller ones. “n-nara, it’s okay, i got it--” 
“OH, Y/N, I,” he coughed, trying to calm the rising panic in his voice, “I, uh, didn’t even realize i did that! d-don’t worry about the papers, i-i got it.” his lean figure visibly trembled as he quickly gathered the folder messily, clutching it tightly before his chest to keep the slipping papers from falling once more. “narancia, are you alright?” you asked, noticing the flush coloring his cheeks and the sheen of sweat accruing at his brow. the soft pads of your fingers ghosted along his arm and made all the hairs on hid body stand on end. “y-yes! yes, y/n, i’m fine! don’t worry about me, just a little, uh, sleepy.” 
you blinked at him while trying you hardest not to break into a fit of laughter. “narancia...you’re sleepy?!” narancia took a step back, now holding the folder with two hands. “uh, yeah, i think im g-gonna go splash some cold water on my face,” he took a few steps in the other direction before spinning right back around again, “oh, right! y/n, don’t you need this folder?” 
you barely had a second to even register all that transpired within the last 5 minutes, the sight of the folder being thrust back in your direction snapping you back with a start. “ah, n-no, actually, nara, bruno told me to give it to you. he told me there was something in there he wanted you to get a chance to look over before i did...something about needing you to devise a plan on your own so you can start taking the lead a little more, i dunno.” you shrugged, giving him an awkward smile before you stepped back. “well, uh, i think i’ll leave you to your planning, nara. come get me when you’re done, okay? i’ll just be in my room waiting for you.” before he could say another word you hurriedly found solace in your bedroom. 
you hadn’t noticed the burning in your cheeks and the faint tremor of your hands, but they became achingly apparent the second you shut your door behind you. was nara always that cute? your mind was racing, going a mile a minute. even when he was acting like a total klutz, you couldn’t help but subconcsiously admire the way his raven hair messily framed his face--youthful, yet prettied with age. the way his hand felt around yours lingered on you like a phantom, causing you to slide down your door like a lovesick teen. have you always cherished him this much?
meanwhile in the bathroom, narancia splashed his face with freezing cold water nearly 5 times. what the hell was wrong with him?! first those damn dreams, then the way the heat in his cheeks would radiate to his reddened ears when your visage hung in his mind, now the tremble of his voice? “merda, narancia...pull yourself together!” he cursed under his breath. as he crashed back upon his bed with a groan, his violet gaze met with the folder lying limp on the bedside table; of course, he forgot to even see what the hell bruno’s deal was. taking the lead? planning without his partner? it made less and less sense the more he replayed your words in his mind--though, that could be because he was too focused on remembering the harmony that was the sound your voice. 
with an exasperated sigh, narancia sat up and leaned over to snatch the folder, emptying its contents carelessly across the bed. “cosa diavolo sta succedendo?!*” in his tremblng hands was--bruno’s credit card? and with a note attached: 
i see the way you smile aorund y/n, the way you lose yourself in her gaze and your undeniable dedication to her partnership. i think your oversleeping will resolve itself once you finally take the lead. 
take her out tonight--that’s an order.
narancia nearly fainted. too much was happening and too many thoughts raced into his mind as he struggled to even hold the card still enough to remove the sticky note. “so a date..he wants me to ask her on a date--” 
narancia’s head snapped to the doorway, and seeing your figure frozen in the doorway made his blood run cold. when the hell did you get there? “y/n! wh-what’s up?” he asked, the tremor of his voice only making your own panic worsen. “uh, i came to see h-how you’re doing, but...who are you asking on a date? i-if you dont mind me asking!” your heart pounded in your chest as your mind pleaded not to hear another girl’s name, not to hear anyone but you. narancia glanced back to the note-- take her out, that’s an order--then back to you. “uh, y/n...” he set the card aside, getting up to close the distance between the two of you, then gently held both of your hands.
 “n-nara, i--!” he shushed you, thumb gliding gently across the back of your hand. “y/n...i’m going to take the lead now. i’m going to make sure you never have a doubt in your mind about my next move ever again!” with newfound confidence he gave your hands a careful squeeze, before continuing, “y/n, cara...well, there’s no better way for me to say this, but,” your heart burned with desire, trembling body nearly melting as narancia took you into his surprisingly strong embrace. 
“i love you, y/n. and i want to show you just how much i love you...how does tonight sound, carina?”
*what the hell is going on?
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creative-frequency ¡ 5 years ago
Inquisitor!Cal Kestis x Reader: Bright Time
Word count: 2321 Pairing: Inquisitor Cal Kestis x Reader Notes: Thank you all for the support and the lovely messages I’ve been receiving concerning this fic. You guys are definitely what has kept me writing since I never would’ve thought anyone else would be interested in this Inquisitor AU. So, thank you ❤️ This is the third part of the series!
Previous Part
My Writing Masterlist
It’s been another tedious week in Fortress Inquisitorius. Each day has been filled with dull tasks, really making you work for what they pay you. In a sense, you’re glad that there is no shortage of work but still time has moved extremely slowly. You’re anxiously waiting for any sign or a message from a certain Inquisitor.
You haven’t heard of or seen Cal ever since the day you fixed the melted control panel of the door to his quarters. Just thinking about the incident makes your blood boil and the Inquisitor will certainly get what he deserves. Somehow, one day. The details are still a little unclear, but you’re determined.
In the tranquility of your own living accommodations, you can finally strip off the dark overalls and faintly ponder the fact that it’s the only outfit Cal has ever seen you in. The uniform isn’t exactly complementing. Though, he didn’t seem to mind on your last encounter.
You sigh and toss the clothes to where you’ll to pick them up again in the morning, which means in eight hours – a luxury, really, in the light of the recent week.
As you slump on the elevated mattress posing as bed, one of your most faithful engineering droids rolls into the room.
“What’s up, MK?” you ask without getting up to look. Your back muscles are crying a symphony at finally relaxing on a soft surface.
The droid makes an uppish beep and you roll your eyes. This one has a handful of a personality.
“If it’s that important, why didn’t you say anything earlier?” you question, full-well knowing the MK droid will be galled by your lack of interested in its business. It lets out a series of drills, which sound a lot like scoffs for a being that has no respiratory channels.
“A message?” You frown lightly and get up to your elbows. A bad feeling creeps into the back of your mind. “Let’s hear it.”
The MK droid boops coolly and plays the recording.
“Hey, uhh, I think there’s a busted light bulb in here? Can you come and fix it today? Thanks.”
You freeze, blinking and staring at the messenger. You only just got away from work and now he wants you to go over to the other side of the base and urgh.
That kriffing stupid Inquisitor.
Ten minutes later you’re dragging your feet, once again wearing the stupid overalls and carrying a small toolbox. Fixing a light bulb shouldn’t be a big deal. You’re as equally vexed about having to get up as you’re anxious about getting to see Cal.
There has been no shortage of subconscious reminders about the last incident in his quarters and the more you try not to think about it, the faster your heart beats. Getting worked up about having to go and do your job doesn’t really help but at least you feel better when you think about all the ways to tell the stupid Inquisitor off. How can he be one of the Empire’s finest if he can’t even fix a kriffing light.
That inconsiderate man-child and his stupid pecs. If he weren’t an Inquisitor, I swear I’d–
It’s so late that the hallways are mostly empty save for the guards that you greet with yawns and earn a few sympathetic nods in return. If Cal isn’t wearing a shirt this time, you’ll give him a good old slap across the cheek, to hell with the consequences.
That perv might actually like it if I hit him. Oh, for kriff’s sake–
By the time you reach the right door, you’re positively fuming.
“How many Inquisitors does it take to switch a light bulb? Oh, I don’t know? None, since they have nerf shit as brains and can’t even– oh, hi. Ahem.” You settle the most perfectly neutral look to your face and hope Cal didn’t catch you muttering to yourself.
He gives you a cursory glance from your head to toes. At least he is wearing a shirt, even though it’s a very snug one.
“Come in,” he says.
Cal’s timid smile and casual tone set your cheeks alight and heart fluttering.
You clear your throat. “…Thanks.”
The sound of the door closing surges you into a mild inner panic but you draw in a breath to hide it and put the toolbox to the floor. Cal stays skulking by the entrance as you look up to find the target, eager to be on your way before he can think of anything reckless like the last time.
“Which one was it?” you ask slowly, craning your neck. All the lights seem fine and staring at them is making you see stars.
“The one in the middle,” Cal says and nods towards the culprit.
The light is as bright as the others and your eyes are starting to water from looking at them. You turn to Cal – his smile is nothing like timid anymore. It’s downright impish.
You should’ve known it was a trap.
“What’s the meaning of this?” You try to hold back the exasperation in your tone but it’s difficult. “Cal?”
The Inquisitor holds the eye contact and shrugs. You’re about to open your mouth to give him an earful when a loud crack makes you jump and you turn just in time to see the bulb explode into millions of tiny pieces. The shards scatter all over the floor as you instinctively hold your arms up to cover your face from the shrapnel, but not a piece even touches you.
The energy that was pouring into keeping the light on, no longer has a proper outlet and the fuse blows with a loud pop. You’re standing in the middle of the now dark room with the idiot Inquisitor.
The emergency lights near the floor cast an eerie red light and you can just barely make out Cal’s silhouette. Your eyes will need a moment to adjust to the darkness.
“Happy now?” is what you eventually set into snapping out at him.
The fuse box is in the hallway, but to get to it you need to find a way past the Inquisitor.
“Did you plan this?” The bravery falters in your tone. You swallow.
“Not really,” Cal says but you don’t believe him. “Hold on. Don’t move.”
Light clatter of glass against the floor echoes all around you and while you don’t see what happens, you assume that Cal just cleaned up the mess he made.
“Right,” you sigh, gather the ripples of your anger, and start walking towards the exit in resolute steps. Cal doesn’t move a muscle as you march past him. You’re almost to the door, already heaving out a relieved breath but come to the realization that you’re no longer moving.
In fact, your feet are taking you backwards. You yelp in surprise and almost get knocked over when the back of your legs hits the sofa in the middle of the room. You take purchase from the furniture to stay on your feet. Your eyes are steadily becoming acclimated to the darkness and you can see Cal’s silhouette coming closer.
Your blood pressure will lead to an early retirement at this rate.
“You need to stop breaking stuff to get me here,” you whine, “I’ll give you my personal comm frequency.”
“That’s not very exciting,” Cal huffs amused. He is standing right in front of you. The scarce light reflects enough from his eyes to hint where you should be facing.
“Well, sorry for not living up to your standards,” you quip frustrated and barely manage to finish the sentence since Cal’s hand comes to rest on your neck. The careful touch makes you quiver and your heart beats a mile a minute.
The breeze from Cal’s shallow breaths hits your skin as he leans forward. You would be lying if you claimed you were not waiting for this. He is smiling when your lips touch and you sink to sit down on the sofa back.
At least the door lock is fixed now.
“I’ve been, mmh, thinking… about you,” you confess even though Cal tries to make sure you can’t waste your mouth on talking. His lips move down to your jaw with a thoughtful hum and start trailing down towards your neck. It’s difficult to stay still with your already precarious balance.
“Glad to know I’m not the only one,” Cal husks.
His hands come down to rest on your waist and before you can reply, your world revolves again with a yelp as your back softly hits the sofa cushions. Cal climbs over and lifts you up to straddle him. Faintly, you register that the sofa is really large and comfy, and this man is done playing around.
Cal’s lips find yours again, more demanding and eager. He starts unzipping your uniform and thrill shoots up your spine. A pleasant haze is starting to settle into your mind and you have to strive to keep your wits about you.
“I don’t suppose you have any more requests when the light is fixed?” you ask as you let Cal do his thing with your work overalls and pull down the part covering your upper body. You’re still wearing a tank top underneath it.
“Mm. I want a kitchen droid,” Cal replies and plants his lips onto your shoulder. Pushing your nose into his hair makes you giddy and you don’t at first realize what he said.
“Huh? A kitchen droid? Why?” you fumble to question.
“The meals in the commissary are horrible,” he simply says and continues peppering your exposed skin with kisses. You can’t argue with that point.
“Mm. I’ll see what I can do.”
You ease yourself better into Cal’s lap, perfectly accidentally grinding yourself against him – to which he responds with a grunt and furrowed brows. It’s music to your ears.
Cal stops and straightens up, hands still somewhere around your middle body, rudely interrupted from hiking your top up. Even in the dark, you can see the warning in his eyes and it sends your pulse flying.
“Look. Do you want me to hold back or not? ‘Cause I can’t if you–”
You grind yourself again against the growing hardness in his pants and cut him mid-sentence.
“Who said anything about holding back?” you purr in a bit too seductive tone.
You hide your devilish smile by taking the turn to kiss the side of Cal’s neck. He groans again and you can feel his body going slightly rigid underneath you. Serves him right to taste his own medicine. Stupid Inquisitor.
“Alright. You asked for it,” Cal coos gently. His grip on your waist tightens and he throws you to your back on the sofa.
“Oh!” you yelp but quickly regain your stance even though your positions have been reversed.
You kick your shoes off and wiggle down the overalls with Cal’s help. Gripping his shirt hem, you yank the piece of clothing up to get it off. If you’re going to do this, you deserve to get a glimpse at how well his training has paid off.
When you reach his pants and open the zipper for access, the fervent undressing slows down and molds into a make out session. This time horizontally, on the sofa, with the Inquisitor on top of you and your legs tangled with his – and hands in each other’s pants. It’s hot and messy and you can’t see a thing, but who needs eyes when his fingers dip inside you and it feels so good that you want to cry out loud. The hums and moans Cal makes against your mouth as you massage him drive you deeper into the moment. With each passing second you fight the regret about still having your underwear and top on.
You’re feeling so dizzy and elated that you’ve completely forgotten who you’re playing with. You’re in the den of an Imperial Inquisitor. The kind of who is not known for his mercy or empathy.
“You should stay for the night,” Cal utters suddenly.
In a motion so quick and nimble that you didn’t think you’d have it in you, you’re up and away from Cal’s arms, heart drumming in your ears and panicking. Every breathe is a drag and your hair must be in upheaval. Your underpants are uncomfortably damp and the room feels chilly when Cal’s body is no longer warming you.
“S-stay? You mean like… I, uh, wouldn’t want to impose… on your…” Your eyes skim the Inquisitor’s almost naked frame in the dark. “Hospitality.”
Cal straightens up but you bounce away from the reach.
“What? You’re not imposing. I’ll make you coffee in the morning,” he says slyly, clearly not understanding what is going through your head.
You almost give in. Your very soul hurts as you shake your head. If he wants you to risk life and limb and stay, he will have to do better than high-end coffee and what presumably would’ve been the beginnings of amazing sex.
You grab your overalls and almost fall onto your nose trying to put them on as swiftly as possibly.
No, this is bad. Worse than what you should get yourself into.
“So, uhh, sorry! I’ll fix the bulb tomorrow!” You snag your shoes, tugging them under your arm and take the toolbox from the floor. With a free hand, you fumble for the button to open the door before Cal can retaliate. What were you even thinking? People who get too involved with the Inquisitors disappear and you wish to keep existing.
“Wha– Hold on!”
“Nope. Bye!” You wave as you tiptoe into the hallway, praying that it’s empty. It’d be fun explaining to a Stormtrooper why you’re barely dressed behind the Inquisitor’s door.
Cal stays sitting on the sofa in the dark, looking after you, pants halfway down and utterly confused. He cannot comprehend what he did wrong.
Tagging (please lmk if you want to be tagged or not! I probably forgot someone cause I couldn’t find the list anymore OTL): @europhiacs @froyuhh @sinner-effy @droidrights @annoyedguildmaster @mysteriouswritingzonthewall @boxfullofcats @maulblr @sevansheart
472 notes ¡ View notes
scriptaed ¡ 5 years ago
bygones of the sun. 04 (m)
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genre: angst/fluff/smut || dance captain!hoseok, bad boy!au, uni!au
pairing: reader x hoseok;
length: 4.8k;
synopsis: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the risen sun has gone into hiding—because perhaps its shadows have out-shined its own radiance.
a/n: a repost of my old fic!
You [6:36 pm] I won’t be in class today, sorry…
Hani [6:38 pm] Wait, what? Are you sure? We have a test coming up soon...
Hani [6:39 pm] Is everything okay?
You [6:40 pm] Oh yeah, I’m totally fine. I just got a cold over the weekend.
Because of a certain someone, you cough into the glaring phone screen which buzzes with yet another incoming text.
Hani [6:40 pm] Ay… why are you always so careless about your health.
Hani [6:41 pm] Alright, well, make sure you get lots and lots of rest!
Hani [6:41 pm] Don’t worry about today, I’ll head over tomorrow to hand you my notes.
It’s times like these that you wonder what you had ever done in your past life to be blessed with friends like Hani and Junghwa, but considering how you’ve also been cursed with the boy that is named Jung Hoseok, you’re not sure if you’ve once led a courageous or cowardice life. Nonetheless, you smile to yourself in bed, stricken with a cold only you and him know the cause of, and you plan to keep it that way.
You [6:43 pm] Thanks, you’re the best. Tell Junghwa I said hi and that I’m sorry!
Hani [6:44 pm] Oh, don’t worry… I will… and when I do, you’ll hear her screaming from all the way back home.
Snorting at her remark—which is hardly an exaggeration—you toss your phone to the side of your bed and plop back down to sink into the abyss of your mattress and, hopefully, slumber; but unlike the wishes you’ve planned for your progress towards recuperation, sleep does not come to you as easily as you had hoped for it to. And it’s not because of your constant blowing of nose, only to have it stuffed again the second you lie back down, or the shuffling in bed to stimulate some warmth into your freezing hands that keeps you up, but it’s the flashbacks of that night from just a couple of days ago that continues to burn in the back of your mind and keeps you awake.
“What’re you talking about?” you scoff. “Me? In love with you? There has to be something wrong with you.”
“Really?” his vacant hand cups his chin in thought as the other handles the steering wheel with utter ease, and even though his carefree stance should be something to worry over, you can’t help but admit how oddly enticing he looks; one hand on the wheel and another running through his drenched bangs which framed his facial features, including his sharp jawline and the bump of his Adam’s apple, everything from his relaxed posture to the dark look of his eyes when he whips his head to throw a quick glance—or more accurately, a smirk—strikes an urge of desire you ironically want to disown. Allured by the glow of his honey tan skin and the soft, red lips of his under the streetlights which zooms past through the night sky looming above, you’re just barely able to catch his next words. “Then explain why you’re always staring at me like that.”
“Staring?” you subconsciously blurt out until you’re finally able to register his question, eliciting a frown from you. “I’m not staring. What is there to stare at?”
“Well, apparently, there’s me,” he quips. “What? Too handsome to look away? Should I wear a mask next time?”
You scoff, mouth gaping and eyes shifting between the cocky boy and the streets, “I can’t believe you… do you not know the concept of decency?”
“There’s nothing to be decent about when I’m just stating the truth,” he chortles with a shrug.
Narrowing your eyes at him, you’re shocked that someone as prideful as him actually exists in the world. So in a rage of a fit, you open the front glove compartment only to be shot down with yet another surprise waiting for you, which happens to be a box of… condoms.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter under your breath, cheeks burning and eyes widening when you finally acknowledge the things the boy next to you is up to in his free time. Your attempt to be discrete about your findings coming to a failure when Hoseok catches a glimpse of you and cackles in response.
Slamming the compartment closed, you opt for your wet flip flops, slipping it off and tossing it at his head; right before it hits your target, Hoseok spots the flying object in his peripheral vision as he catches it in mid air and tosses it right back at your side of the ground. Your loud sigh becomes apparent as you watch the slipper flop right back onto your foot as if nothing had happened in the first place, but none of your actions occur without a consequence as the car thrillingly swerves side to side throughout it all and elicits a shriek from you while you push your back into the seat and your hand reaches for the grab handles hanging from the ceiling.
“Hey, I’m trying to get us both back alive and in one piece. I don’t think I need your dirty slippers for that,” he quips with a smug smile tugging at his lips.
“Then at least drive with both hands…” you mumble, hesitantly crossing your arms in fear. “I don’t want to see my life flash right before my eyes again.”
He looks over at you with a quirked brow, “you mean like this?”
You should’ve known better than to trust the renewed version of Jung Hoseok, because the next thing you know, the car sways sharply left to right and right to left as you shoot the mischievous boy a death glare. But contrary to the spite you’re trying to channel into your glare, what you find yourself and your panicking heart isn’t anger or frustration or any of that; instead, you find yourself flooded with warmth and endearment, because the boy you’re staring at brings you back to the times when you held nothing but admiration and adoration towards the renowned dancer.
Because he’s smiling again. No, not one of those smug smiles or smirks that he likes to put on in the presence of the public, but one that had been long buried underneath the ever growing shadows of the nightly phase of his demeanor. His grin spreads from ear to ear, revealing his perfectly aligned teeth and scrunching his eyes into slim lines which resonates with joy and nothing but joy and careless of the dark world surrounding him.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe under my hands,” he firmly states once the car fixes itself back into its lane amidst the empty streets of the night, looking over at you with a smirk only to crack up back into a full out cackle at the sight of your glare.
Safe under his hands, you mull over his words, it’s ironic how you felt the exact opposite around him.
But at this very moment, when your glare turns into a gaze and you can’t believe you’re actually staring at him in utter adoration, what you find yourself looking at is the boy who likes to have fun and never once cares for what others thought of him. And although you don’t like to admit it, but you find yourself falling all over again. As the car rolls along the bridge, the highway filled with cars coming into full view right underneath, your wall crumbles one by one and brick by brick. You don’t know if it’s just you and your hopeless thinking, but you like to think each and every time the street lights shine upon his sun kissed skin, a little part of the old Hoseok reveals itself in both his laugh and smile.
It’s ironic because you felt the most unsafe under his hands; as if your determination to disprove everything you once thought was wrong, that your feelings only belongs to the old Hoseok and not the new, only seems to be knocked down day by day. The longer you stay to watch the moon pass by the radiance of the sun, the more you find yourself squinting and looking away in both longing for the past and security of knowing you’re safe. Because unbeknownst to him, you’re everything but safe under his hands.
The low tone of his voice is enough to snap you back into reality.
“So what?”
“So…” he repeats. “Are you going to explain to me why you’re always staring at me like that?”
“Like what?” you scrunch your nose. Ah, the new Hoseok is back within the blink of an eye. “I’m not staring at you.”
Hoseok turns to raise a brow at your less than convincing claim, blinking at you with those dark, alluring eyes of his and a jump in your chest traps a gasp in your throat. Slowly averting his eyes back on the road, a smirk adorns his tender lips as a chuckle escapes from the back of his throat.
“Alright, if you say so, love.”
You roll your eyes, “well, let me ask a question then. Why are you even offering this bet when you’re not even gaining anything in the first place?”
“What do you mean? I can get you to shut up about the past me,” he says with the tap of his fingers against the steering wheel, and when you look over, you notice both his hands clutching the wheel unlike before.
And even though it’s something any decent person would do, you find yourself melting into a puddle of an unknown, undiscovered mess, because as much of a tough front this boy likes to put on, there’s been several times tonight where he’s shown the softer side of him; when he wrapped you in the warmth of his sweater, out of courtesy and respect for the vulnerable you in a see through white tee, and when he teases you in his car but nevertheless complies to your requests because of the fear which radiates from your shaky breath, everything he does might be overlooked by others, but you notice the underlying tone of it all.
“If that’s your goal, then you’re going to have to make this bet with every girl in this school and have them all swoon for you in the entire school. It’s not like I’m the only person who’s still talking about the old you—”
“Oh, but you are,” he reaffirms. “I don’t think you hear about the old dance captain around campus anymore, do you? In fact, I’m sure everyone thinks Jimin is the captain now—”
“That’s not true,” you blurt out in a louder voice than you meant to, biting your bottom lip and lowering your volume, “no one says that. Your position as the captain is indisputable…” Seeing the quirk of his brows at how positively you’re speaking of him, contrary to your past, irritated tone, you clear your throat, “...or at least it was. I-I don’t know. You’re probably not as great as you used to be anymore.”
“I guess you’re right. Jimin probably is way better than me by now,” he snorts at your remark, shrugging. He doesn’t have to say anything for you to notice the downturn of his lips and the way he presses them into thin lines. Everything he says doesn’t go without any backlash, and you know that… or at least you’d like to think that maybe, just maybe, a part of him longs for the bright lights on stage and the loud cheers and whistles from the audience. You’re about to apologize for your rash words when he turns his head to glance at you with those dark, brown eyes of his, and you’re suddenly stunned still. “...but that brings me to my second question. Why are you so interested in my past?”
“I’m not,” you defend yourself. “I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m interested, but rather… curious. I’d be fine getting on with my life without knowing your past.”
He presses his lips into a line, the adorable dimples appearing to contrast the smug look on his face, and nods his head as if there isn’t a word you say that he actually believes.
“What?” you breathe. “You don’t believe me? You actually think I’m that obsessed with you?”
He cinches his brows and glances at you with a suppressed smile, “I was just wondering, and don’t take this to heart, but were you one of those girls who liked to watch me during dance practice?”
“W-What?” your eyes pop open and your breathing gets caught on the knot in your throat, because technically speaking, you were indeed one of those girls.
Hoseok only chortles at your response, running a hand through his hair and returning them to the steering wheel. “As a way to thank you for spending so much time to support me from the back, if you really want to know why I quit dancing and left it all behind, long story short, everything we did tonight explains it all.”
“... I don’t get it,” you furrow your brows.
“Tonight was fun, wasn’t it?”
You bite your bottom lip before reluctantly admitting, “...somewhat.”
He rolls his eyes at your response, a scoff leaving his lips as he leans his head against his hand, propped against his side of the door. “And did those people in the library have any fun? Do you think people stuck in dance practice and pulling all nighters every other day have any fun? Don’t you think those people want to have a life too? Doesn’t everyone want to have fun?”
You frown at his explanation, because quite frankly, that’s the dumbest reason you’ve ever heard of. If someone really loved what they were doing, they’d be committed enough to bypass all the struggles and time crunches to do what they loved. And you firmly believe dancing is, or was, exactly just that for Hoseok. This doesn’t sound like the actual reason behind his absence in the club, no, this sounds like an excuse.
“That’s bullshit. I don’t believe you even for a second,” you spit, shaking your head as he raises a brow at you. “You liked dancing too much to just leave it like that.”
And before you know it, the car comes to a stop; the engine purrs into silence and your house lies right outside the passenger window as Hoseok takes a deep breath and sighs, leaning back into his seat while tiredly running a hand through his hair.
“You were asking why I’m making this bet with you, right?” Hoseok cocks his head at you, leaning it against the window with his eyes peering down at you.
“Well, turns out you’re not the only one trying to find out about something,” he states, tapping his fingers against the gear stick, “because it seems like to me, you know a lot more than you let on, and I’m interested in finding that out.”
Your eyes are locked with his, the two of you challenging each other in a silent feud against whatever the other is trying to hide, but when you finally spoke, the duel comes to a temporary end.
“I guess we’ll just have to find out then, because I don’t plan on ever falling for someone like you.”
Hoseok just chuckles at your response, reaching his hand out towards you for you to shake with a wink, “alright then, Ms. Inexperienced, I guess we’ll just have to see who’s the real heart breaker.”
A buzz vibrates against your head and snaps you out of your daydream as you grab your phone and try to fan your burning cheeks with your hands.
Junghwa [8:11 PM] Y/N!!! How could you leave me alone with Hani?!?!
8:11 pm.
You suddenly jump out of bed when your eyes pop open, your mind dizzy at the rush of blood flowing down to your feet and running wild at the sight of the time brazen across your phone screen. You just spent one and a half hours daydreaming about your time with the one and only Jung Hoseok. And the more you reminisce over his last words and the flirtatious wink he gave you, utterly confident that he, in fact, is much more “experienced” and “active” in the sexual side of his life to be the true heartbreaker—as if that’s actually a good thing—the more your cheeks scorch with heat and you can barely breathe in the musty room of your house.
Another series of buzzes vibrates against your hand.
Junghwa [8:12 PM] Just kidding~
Junghwa [8:13 PM] I heard you’re sick, so Hani and I are coming over to your house in ten minutes with food!
Junghwa [8:14 PM] Prepare to binge watch some dramas!!!~
Of course your two best friends would be kind enough to bring over some food for the bed stricken one, or perhaps, Junghwa’s last text confirms their true intentions of catching up on some dramas only you had subscription to. Whatever it is, you change into a pair of shorts and tee when you spot Hoseok’s sweatshirt draped over the armrest of the chair by your desk, the only sweatshirt you have available in the house, as the rest are in the washers.
You’re not really going to wear his sweater…are you, you question yourself. It isn’t much of an exaggeration to say that it’s literally freezing outside, and walking out in a t-shirt would practically ensure you an even worse cold to come—something you can’t afford considering the upcoming tests—so without much thought and lots of curiosity, you throw on his sweater only to be bombarded by the pleasant scent of him—Old Spice, clean cut and fresh with the tinge of cinnamon and peppermint.
And as if right on cue, another notification comes buzzing through your phone.
Ew, Hoseok [8:17 PM] I heard you’re sick?
Ew, Hoseok [8:18 PM] Want me to come over with some food?
No, the last thing you want is for him to come over and catch you with his sweatshirt on.
Ew, Hoseok [8:19 PM] I know you’re reading this, and I know you aren’t going to reply. So I’ll be coming over in fifteen.
In fifteen? Aren’t Junghwa and Hani also coming over in ten?
Your eyes widen and your feet begin to scramble out of your house when you realize your friends are going to somehow bump into Hoseok, a situation which you don’t want to explain to your friends about regarding how and why the infamous Hoseok is in your house. But after texting several times to both Hoseok, who only reads your texts but mischievously refuses to answer, and Junghwa, who probably doesn’t even notice the vibrations of her phone in her back pocket, you figure you have to stop Junghwa at school, because there’s no way Hoseok would listen to your pleas—especially when all he’d be busy doing is smirking at the way you’re wearing his sweater. And now that you think of it, there’s something else you have to take care of at school, too.
Stumbling into the familiar halls of your school, you’re fortunately able to encounter your two friends laughing and skipping down the halls right off the bat.
“Oh, Y/N! You’re alive!” Junghwa chimes, running to you and preparing to pounce only to have her motions halted by your arms which grips at her shoulders.
“Hey,” you breathe and smile, completely out of breath.
“Why are you in such a hurry? Do you miss us that much?” Junghwa giggles, tilting her head to laugh at your disheveled state. “We were on our way, you know. Sorry for being, like, two minutes late.”
“No, I-uh, actually,” you manage to say in between breaths, “have something to do.”
Hani comes walking up from behind Junghwa with raised brows, “what’re you doing here? I thought you were sick?”
You glance between your two friends, trying to formulate some sort of excuse as to why you had ran out of your house with your red nose and flip flops—especially in this freezing weather. But as your mind scuffles for an explanation, you find yourself staring at the three very people you’re looking for as a side mission—Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung; other than explaining what on earth you’re up to at school, there’s a scolding waiting to be let out to those three boys milling around at the end of the hall.
“I have to do something really quick… I don’t think I can hang out tonight. Let’s all crash at my house another day, alright?” you mumble, walking past your confused friends before whirling around to wave them goodbye. “I’m sorry! Really! Let’s watch some TV tomorrow! And don’t go to my house tonight!”
“Y/N! What’re you talking about?” Junghwa calls out to you.
“Where are you going?” Hani questions.
“I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything tomorrow!” you apologize, giving them one last wave and turning around to jog down the hall until Junghwa and Hani shrug it off and turn down the opposite side of the hall.
As you jog down the familiar pathway leading to the dance club’s practice room, Taehyung is the first one who catches sight of you with pleasantly surprised eyes, the other, however, stare with frightened, wide eyes.
“Oh, Y/N! You’re here!” Taehyung chirps, waving his hand at you.
Crossing your arms and letting out one loud huff, you stand before the three, completely unamused by their welcome.
“Haha… Y/N… you’re here,” Jungkook smiles weakly.
“Yeah, welcome back,” Jimin mumbles with a shaky, hesitant laugh.
“Wanna help us with some boot camp paperwork?” Taehyung asks and the other two shoot darting death glares at him. “Wait, what?”
“No, I don’t want to help you with ‘paperwork,’” you tap your foot against the ground. “Because last time, paperwork meant spending time with a certain someone and not actual paperwork!”
“Y/N, we’re sorry!” Jungkook drops onto the floor along with Jimin, the two of them grabbing your arm and pleading for forgiveness as Taehyung cluelessly joins them. “We’re desperate to have our captain back! The boot camp and showcase are coming up, and without Hoseok, we’re barely getting enough sleep for preparations!”
You roll your eyes, “you could’ve just told me and we could’ve figured out some plan, because literally nothing came out of yesterday. He ignored me every time I brought up the club.”
“Oh…” the three of them throw shifty glances at each other, unsure of what to do now that their last resort has gone to waste. “Well… will you at least forgive us…?”
Pursing your lips, you shrug before attempting to turn away only to have the three of them pull you back around.
“We actually brought someone here for you!” Taehyung blurts out and you quirk a brow. Jungkook and Jimin follow along with Taehyung, placing their hands on your shoulder and gently ushering you towards the entrance of the practice room.
And to your surprise, the first thing you see elicits a flash of memories rewinding up from present day all the way back to that one regretful day where things could have changed drastically; because standing right there is the previous dance captain, not Hoseok, but Keiko.
“You’ve wanted to ask her some stuff, right? You’ll forgive us now, right?” Taehyung begs, swinging your hand back and forth.
Glaring at the three boys staring at you with wide eyes and pouty lips akin to a puppy, you take a deep breath and sigh. “I was just joking around. I’m not that mad at you guys, and I don’t actually need to talk to her—”
“Hello,” the girl greets enthusiastically with her sleek, velvety voice. She glances over as she goes over her usual stretching routine. With her short hair which brushes just a few inches above her shoulders, you can see the toned muscles of hers from under her black sports bra and above her black leggings. If this is the girl Hoseok is rumored to have a crush on, utilizing you to elicit some jealous response from, then you aren’t too surprised. She’s perfect and intimidating in every way… except for when she speaks, because the moment she welcomes you, an outsider of the club, you’re reminded of the bright smile Hoseok had once welcomed you in with. “Is there something I can help you with that those few gentlemen can’t?”
“Oh, um—”
“Go on, go on, we believe in you, Y/N!” the three boys from behind you whisper before gently pushing you into the room and closing the door shut behind you.
You’re just about to whirl around and give the mischievous boys a good smack on the back when a raspy chuckle comes tumbling from Keiko’s lips. “Ah, don’t mind those boys. They’re a little bit out of their minds right now because of camp preparations. I’ve heard things are going a bit rough around here, so I decided to drop in and help,” she smiles at you, “but I see things are going better than I thought now that you’re around.”
“Ah, no… I don’t really do much…” you press your lips shut and hide your fidgeting hands behind your back.
She raises her brows curiously, “oh? Well, they seem a lot more cheerful around you. It’s almost like they’re around Hoseok—”
“That’s,” you nearly cut her off and she glances at you with wide eyes, encouraging you to continue. “That’s… actually what I wanted to ask you about.”
“Well, then ask away.”
“I-um…” you beat around the bush, gulping when you notice how her eyes never left your shifty ones. “I was just wondering what happened to Hoseok.”
“What happened to him?”
“Why he left… or why he’s not dancing anymore,” you reiterate. Peering up at her, you find Keiko staring blankly at you as if looking for an answer to a question the three boys have probably already asked her several times before.
After a deep breath, she sighs, “I don’t know. You’re going to have to ask him that.”
“Are you still in contact with him…?”
“...yes,” Keiko replies after a few seconds of silence.
The clock ticks in the background and you’re not sure if the pounding of your panicking heart echoes along in the thin air. Everything about her intently watchful eyes and her short answers tell you there’s something wrong about this entire situation. Whether you’re invading personal privacy or she’s uncomfortable with this topic, you’re unsure of; but there’s one thing you know for certain: the transition of her mien between warmth to cold tells you there’s not much to prod further.
“I mean… can’t you ask him what’s up? Or help him with anything…?” you hesitantly ask.
“Are you one of those girls who used to watch him dance by the door every now and then?” Keiko suddenly questions and you look up at her with wide eyes. “Do you know him personally?”
“I… sort of do.”
“Well,” she tries to explain, “there’s not much I can do, really. I can ask him what’s wrong, but what do I do after that? He’ll come back when he’s ready. If he’s truly a dancer, then he’ll eventually find his way back to the stage. I don’t think he needs anyone to remind him or push him. If he’s ready to move on, then shouldn’t we, too?”
She’s right and Hoseok’s right.
Maybe you really are the only one buried in the past. Maybe you do need to move on. Maybe you’re the only one stuck in the shadows of the passing sun, a bygone which has yet to be seen in the near future—or perhaps, a bygone long past and set and carved and etched into history. And if you don’t move on from the past and into the present, perhaps you’ll just become another bygone of the ever rising and setting sun.
Everything she says points in that very direction, that you need to move on and stop fiddling with things of the past. But when she speaks her next few words, there’s a hint in her voice that tells you otherwise, that tells you to hold on because there’s no one but you who can.
“But hey, who knows. Maybe he really does need someone. Maybe he needs you. I hope you’ll stay by his side, and when the time really comes, when he needs someone to hold onto for dear life because time just never seems to stop and all he needs is something steady to hold him up, I hope you’ll be that very pillar he needs to bring himself back up onto his feet and finally confront the past the both of you so want.”
She walks her way to the door while tying her hair up, allowing the boys to enter the room, but not without grinning at you with an edge of hope etched into her statement and leaving you cluelessly behind. 
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mrsmaybank ¡ 5 years ago
Gas Station Girl - Spencer Reid x Reader - CH 3
Spencer Reid’s first impression of the Reader is mixed. She’s “audacious, promiscuous, clever, and troubled.” and there is so many things Spencer would like to do about it.
A/N:I’m writing a Spencer Reid x Reader multific! The series will be intense and 18+. Age gaps, Explicit sexual content (dom/sub dynamics/kinks), angst, family issues, dark themes including: violence, suicide, murder, death, blood, and drug use and addiction. (Chapters will of course have trigger warnings depending on the content) HIGHLY recommend you listen to the playlist as you read! 
A/N2: This chapter is the most wholesome one in the whole series! Other then the kinky smut LMAO. No for real though, this is as fluffy as it gets. Next chapter gets um... well you’ll see! 
TW: Language, Age gap, use of ‘Little Girl’ as pet name, explicit sexual content (light degradation & unprotected sex), mentions of death, smoking weed, mentions of violence
Fic Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WYosdR6Tz4y9lsmUghoMU?si=ZvyS_2oqSDW95PxULRs2fQ
The seconds of ignorant bliss after opening your eyes for the first time since a night of horrible decisions didn’t last as long for Y/N anymore. Pains and aches serving a reminder of all the apologies that were owed from her. Instant dread and distaste for confrontation swirled in her stomach. Ah but she deserved it all. The night was blurry, but from recollection, it was only Teddy. He’d dropped her off home, she remembered that. From where? Who knows, but it probably didn’t matter. Teddy’s services didn’t really warrant (nor did Teddy want) a heartfelt, apologetic phone call she decided. Instead a simple, “thx” text sufficed.
She stepped out of her room, pleased with the sight of her roommate rolling a joint on the kitchen table. “Good fucking morning.”  she meant it. The weed would ease the sting of the bruises and busted lip.  
“Morning.” Kena said, licking the joint to seal its precious contents. “What the fuck happened to you last night?” making a face of amusement.
The friends bursted out in laughter in unison.
“Got my ass beat.” Y/N started telling the story as Kena lit the j. “Remember ‘Record Shop’ Dude’?”
“Do I remember? You guys fucked for like a week straight. Thought you guys were gonna get married.” 
“Well,” she couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, “Apparently he has a girlfriend. They’ve been together for three years.” 
Kena passed her the joint laughing, “Apparently.” she watched as her friend inhaled the smoke, “I’ll never understand why you don't fight back every time. I’ve seen your left hook, it’s deathly. It’s like you like getting your ass kicked.” 
Y/N finished the joint, putting it out. “Yeah, I get off. Masochist, remember?” she said in a serious tone. Kena understood the satire of her response. 
“What’re your plans tod-” she was cut off by her phone ringing. She saw the unknown number and smiled putting it on speaker for Kena to hear. “I’m fucking broke!” she shouted as Kena laughed. “You can’t scam me! I don’t have any fucking money to steal!” 
The line went silent and they awaited the confused stutter of some telemarketing con artist. And a confused stutter came. 
“Y/N? It’s Spencer.” he paused, “Spencer Reid?” he paused again. Perhaps she’d forgotten him.  “Dr. Spencer Reid?” 
“I know who you are.”  
Kena looked at her friend in confusion, but she was busy replaying the events of the previous night. Spencer had called Teddy, from the parking lot of a shady...her memory stalled, liquor store. 
“Holy fuck I’m such a piece of garbage.” was the only thing her subconscious could render. 
“I am so fucking sorry. Holy shit. Thank you for last night, dear fuck. I’m sorry about that. And for screaming at you! I didn’t have your number saved.” 
Spencer lightly sighed. She remembered. “It’s okay. How are you feeling?” 
“Uh, great.” she stammered, “I’ve woken up a lot worse.” 
Spencer could hear the slight embarrassment in her voice. “Good, good.” he took a deep breath, “Well I was wondering if maybe I could take you out to lunch? We’ve only ever spoken in parking lots.” 
Kena opened her eyes in delight, mouthing “Yes!”
Y/N couldn’t contain her smile, “I’d like that Dr. Reid. Pick me up at three?” 
“Sure little girl. See you soon.” Spencer hung up and Y/N melted. 
Kena screamed, “You’ve been fucking a doctor?!” 
“No.”  she smiled a devilish grin, “But I’m about to.” she sang, practically skipping with joy back to her room. 
Spencer hadn’t gotten a good look at the complex in the dark, but now he could see it in its full glory. Beer bottles and cigarette buds littered everywhere, sulky characters loitering at practically every corner, and a reek of marijuana. Not his personal idea of home sweet home. 
He watched as the girl he was waiting for exited from apartment 209, looking just as wild as ever. He wondered if the disheveled look was intentional or if she always looked so crazily hot. His eyes continued to follow as she walked down the steps and into his passenger seat. 
“Hi.” she said, eyes wide and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was blushing. Y/N didn’t seem like the kind of girl to blush. 
“Hey. You look nice.” he started to pull out of the parking space. 
“You don’t have to say that you know. I don’t look nice. I never look nice.” she sighed, “Truthfully I hate the idea of looking nice.” 
Spencer was amused with her little ramble, “Why?” 
“‘Cause nice is what you look like when you’re going to church. Or brunch. And I don’t do either of those.” she said plainly.
“What’s wrong with brunch?” he questioned smiling.  
“Nothing is wrong with brunch.” she paused for a minute, deciding whether or not to tell him all the atrocious memories she had in connection to brunch. He only asked you about fucking brunch. Don’t reveal all your baggage already. Don’t be a dramatic bitch. Just say your vegan or some bullshi-
“What are you contemplating on telling me?” 
Her mouth gaped playfully. “Fucking cut the profiling! Three minutes in and you’re already doing your weird government shit.” she remarked, teasingly defensively. 
Spencer laughed, “Weird government shit? Really?”
“Yeah.” she pursed her lips, “I said what I said.” 
“It’s psychology, not weird government shit. It’s analyzing body language, and speech patterns and-”
“I get it. You’re fucking smart.” They pulled out to a red light. 
“You’re smart too.” 
“Thanks Doctor.” she smiled, it did make her happy to hear that. “So where are you taking me?” 
“You’ll see.”, and see she did. As they got out of the car, Y/N couldn’t stop smiling. At first it was the way Spencer’s hand found hers, but then it was the sight. The restaurant was placed under the biggest trees she’d ever seen, with ivy hanging just a couple feet over her head. It was illuminated with lanterns and tiny hanging lights and she felt like she was in a fairy tale. It was beautiful. 
“Hey Spencer?” 
“Yes?” he said approaching the hostess, “Table for two, Spencer.” His attention shifted back down at her. “This is the prettiest place a boy has ever taken me.”
He smiled, “Yeah? You like it?” The hostess led them to their table and they sat. “A lot.” she giggled and Spencer swore his heart would explode. The sound was just too adorable. 
“So Y/N, where are you from?”
She was a little surprised at the question, almost like nobody had ever asked. Had she ever been on a date? Like a proper sit down date? 
“New York City, originally. But I uh, moved around a lot as a kid.” 
“Tell me about that.” 
“You really wanna know?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he questioned. 
“Okay, fine. I used to live in this beautiful townhouse in Manhattan. I had a pink room with a huge bed and canopy. A gorgeous chandelier, this vanity with all my tiaras, and my dolls! Oh my god, those dolls were so fucking pretty.” he listened intently, relishing in the way her eyes lit up in a way he’d never seen. 
“And then my dad died.” the glint of joy in her eyes was gone. “When I was seven. And we moved to West Virginia, living with my grandmother, until she died!” she let out a small laugh in attempts to keep the mood up. “Then we were living in this mobile park, which wasn’t so bad. Creeps and meth-heads came and went, but overall not a horrible place to grow up. It’s where I met Teddy, you know him.” 
He nodded his head, still listening to every detail of the story. 
“After my mom got remarried, him and I decided we wanted to go to California. This was supposed to just be a pitstop, get our shit together, you know? But we had a falling out, and he went without me. Came back when his brother got cancer. Then after Casey died he came back to D.C, got me to enroll in school with him And uh, now I’m here. I go to Washington Uni, by the way. Major in Journalism.” she ended shyly. 
“I’m sorry about your dad. And your grandma. That’s a story.” 
She nodded her head. “Its okay. Better place, you know?” How about you?” 
“Well, uh, I’m from Las Vegas. It’s been just me and my mom for a while.  My childhood was a little weird, graduated high school when I was twelve, then I-” 
“Hold the fuck up, twelve?” he nodded. “Holy shit. You’re one of those freakishly smart prodigy motherfuckers aren’t you?” 
He laughed, “IQ of 187, not to brag.” 
“Oh fuck you, you’re totally bragging.”
“You got into Washington, you did well in school too.” 
“Yeah uh, despite the shitty childhood school wasn’t really ever an issue. My dad was a Senator, George Y/L/N, in New York. He had a lot of random contacts. When we moved to West Virginia I got to go to some snobby private school ‘cause his friend was a board member. Saint Matilda Preparatory School. Top of my class.” she smiled, “Not to brag.” 
“You’re definitely bragging.” he teased.
Scoffing, she said, “I didn’t drop my IQ number, so you’re still the gloating one here.” 
“I didn’t think you were a high school drop-out.”                                                “Aw Spencer really?” she said sarcastically. 
There waiter came and took their order, but neither of them really cared about the food. They stayed there talking for longer then the restaurant would’ve liked, telling each other their craziest dreams, wildest experiences, bad decisions, and nothing and everything. Before they knew it, the restaurant was kicking them out. They walked back to Spencer’s car, hysterically laughing at the disdained waiter who had to so awkwardly ask them to order something else or leave, Y/N clinging to his arm. 
“Nobody’s ever done something like this for me before.” Y/N said as Spencer got into the drivers seat. 
“What do you mean?” Spencer turned to face her. 
“Picked me up, taken me to a pretty restaurant, paid, opened doors for me.” her eyes locked in his, “Listened to me talk for so long.”
“I could listen to you talk forever.” he grabbed her face and kissed her. The kiss was nothing like he’d expected. It wasn’t an aggressive make-out fired by lust, it was a kiss of passion and dear affection. 
They began to drive in silence. Not uncomfortable Awkward silence, more like enjoying each other's company silence. That is until Y/N did something Spencer should’ve seen coming as this was the same girl he’d met at the gas station. Her hands were inching their way up his leg to his crotch, teasingly slow. She scanned his eyes for some note to stop, but it never came. She palmed him gently through his pants, watching him struggle to keep his eyes on the road, as he twitched under her touch. “Fuck.” he sighed out quietly, “Stop.”
“Take your shoes off, get in the backseat.” he turned off the main road, driving down a more secluded street until he found a tiny spot almost completely hidden by trees.
“Take your clothes off.” he still hadn’t made eye contact with her since telling her she was smart. She did as she was told, taking off her top and shorts as fast as she could. Spencer got out of the driver's seat and got into the back passenger seat, only the middle seat separating them. “Come here.” obeying, she did. In only a bra and underwear, she crawled into Spencer's fully clothed lap, as he grabbed her face and kissed her. Her barely let her move, wanting to be able to explore her mouth freely, She gasped for air, whispering a small “Oh fuck.”
He tightly gripped her jaw, toying with her bottom lip as he spoke, “You have such a dirty mouth.”
She smiled more poisonously then he’d ever seen, it was mischievous and seductive, and it made him crazy. “What’re you gonna do about it sir?”
Now it was him smiling as the small girl looked up at him with big eyes, “So many things.” He started to kiss her again, this time his hands going down to tease her clothed clit. She moaned into the kiss and rocked her hips down harder into his hand. “Please?” she moaned again.
He moved her panties to the side, sliding a finger through her wetness, “You need something don’t you?” She nodded her head.
“Well, use your words.”
“Touch me.” she got closer in his ear, “Please.”
“What’s with the niceties little girl? You don’t want to be touched, no, Good girls like to be touched. You, you are a desperate little slut, hm?” His fingers dipped into her with no warning, curling immediately, “You want to be destroyed.”
Her hips bucked almost instantly as she cried out, “Yes. I do.”
“Beg for it.”
“Sir,” she opened her eyes to lock with his, “Please.” Spencer continued to curl his fingers while still rubbing her clit, and her moans and breathes got sloppier and louder.
“Please!” she whined. “Please sir.” He couldn’t contain a small laugh, “No.”  
“This is a bit pathetic even for you, no? You’re here naked in my lap begging for me to let you come.” She nodded her head. “Oh but I’m sure you’ve done worse haven’t you love?” She shook her head. As badly as he wanted to lecture her about lying, he could feel her tighten on his fingers. “Can..” she stuttered in between moans, “Can I? Please let me come?”
“Awe, good girl asking for permission.” he pulled his fingers out, “No.”
He slipped his fingers in her mouth and watched as she sucked them off. “Figures you’d be good at that.” he unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants and lied back so the door supported his back. “Come sit on it.”
Her eyes opened in delight as she crawled over and did as she was told. He watched in awe as she sunk herself down onto him, clenching as their thighs met. He let her think she had some control, eyes never leaving her as she bounced and moaned. “You’re such a good girl baby.” He could see her teetering right above the edge, and seeing as he was so close as well, he gave in. “Come for me.” and with that, she did. Practically screaming as he fucked up into her through her orgasm, pulling out and finishing himself.
He hugged her into his chest, whispering small praises and delivering soft kisses to her sweaty forehead. She made small circles with her nails on his arms, “I fucked a doctor!” She giggled. 
Spencer broke out into laughter, “I fucked YOU.” 
“We fucked each other.” They laid there for a moment, Y/N practically melting to the feeling of being in his arms. It was too comforting.  
Eventually, Spencer began driving back to her apartment, loving every moment of her outlandish singing and dancing in his passenger seat until he parked to drop her off. 
“You’re a very special girl.” Spencer said as she smiled.
She took a deep breath, “Spencer, I fucking like you. A lot. I can’t remember the last time I had a good time like this that I wasn’t fucking high or drunk or both.” she continued to ramble, “And I guess what I’m just trying to convey is-” 
She was cut off by Spencer crashing his lips to hers. “I know what you mean.”  
She smiled and gave him one last peck on the lips, “I hope I’ll see you soon Dr.” 
“You will.”
As she walked back up the stairs to her apartment, Y/N only had one thought. How am I gonna manage to fuck this up? 
Taglist (Comment to be added!):  @generaltheoristexpert @psych0crybaby @areallyusellesblog @arctic-duchess
@chevyimpala00067 @georgia4287 @purpleraindrops @drreidshands @must-be-a-weasley-92 @gabbie-is-sad @willowafsi
83 notes ¡ View notes
queenofanime ¡ 4 years ago
The Gold Watch
(Haikyuu x reader)
Part 1 
Part 2
 "I suppose a million words would not bring you back. How do I know? I tried. Neither would a million tears, I know because I cried."
Somehow, after begging, have coach Ukai's patience thrown out the window, and begging some more, Hinata managed to convince his team and Nekoma's team to join in a shared jogging routine through the forest. He had claimed it would build good sportsmanship with the rivalry cats and it would be a fun adventure. Out of everyone, the least excited was Kenma, obviously. He couldn't understand why he had to socialize with people and on top of that, run!? But after a long talk with his captain Kuroo and the constant pestering of Hinata and Lev, he caved in. 
"Okay, listen up!" The commandant voice of Daichi sent chills down everyone's spine, "The marathon consists of running through a small town outside Iwate Prefecture, surround the beach, go through the forest, hike a small part of the mountains, and finally return to a cabin we have rented. Don't get lost and be aware of others, understand?" With that being said, both crows and cats started to jog as a group. 
The town was a happy hug of houses that had expanded as the years went on. Rustic cabins dotted the grassy hills as trees stood up like spikes, zigzagging the border of brick roads and unpolished homes. Rivers streamed through deep valleys. The sun was bright and warm and with the help of the cold light breeze, it created a perfect balance. Even though it was a small town, one could feel the joyful spirit of the people. Everyone was actually having genuine fun, well everyone except for Kenma. He was hungry and sleepy and spent. 'Why the hell did I say yes!?' He could have spent all afternoon playing games and watching movies in his comfy bed, but no, here he was senselessly running. Hinata must have read his thoughts though because he started to slow down and made his way to the gloomy teen. 
"C'mon Kenma! Cheer up, this will make us better players!"
"I don't care about volleyball as much as you do, you know" 
Harshly, Hinata stopped in his tracks. Worried he had offended the red-head, Kenma stopped as well.
Hinata's eyes were now focused on a small iron gate trapped between two small houses. It looked ancient and neglected. The iron was rusty and parts of the design were missing and covered in moss. Kenma deadpanned. It had only taken about 2 seconds for Hinata to get distracted by something else.
Turning to face Kenma, Hinata spread a wicked smile that reflected pure evil. 
"This gate leads to somewhere" 
"We should go through it" 
There was no way in hell Kenma was entering that place. Most chances pointed to that place being hunted. They would probably get lost anyway.
"W-what? Why not!" 
"The others are getting ahead. Stop wasting time"
"And I thought you didn't want to run anymore"
Now that's where Hinata got him. 
"I mean, this door just happens to lead to the forest and it seems it passes directly through the mountain. We could easily avoid half of the route... But I guess since you don't want to..." Kenma could easily see Hinata was trying to manipulate him, and that caused him to anger, but what truly boiled his blood, was the fact Hinata was succeeding. By now the others had gone ahead. Letting out a sight, Kenma caved in for the second time. 
"Ugh fine"
The evil attitude melted away by an excited one. Without even realizing it, Hinata jumped as his eyes light up. 
Was Kenma going to regret this decision? Most probably. 
The gate, in fact, leads to a wild garden. It looked abandoned and poorly maintained. All different kinds of flowers and bad weed were growing and stretching through the ground. Some birds chipping through the sky only made it more mysterious. The great weather completely disappeared when entering a more secluded part of the forest. Little sound in the bushes could be heard and the feeling of being watched was starting to become nerve-wracking. Both males walked a couple of meters further until they made it to a small opening. 
"What in the...?"
A small broken playground stood in the middle of the landscape. It had long been forgotten as wildflowers tried to reach the structure. The slow creeks of the swings, rusty and weathered, sent shivers down both spines.
Subconsciously, all of Hinata's memories of his childhood came flooding back; the once yellow metal of the swings was now a brown-beige and barely visible through the patches of moss and vines. What had been a place of joy, of peace and tranquility, could be the set of some horror movie.
"Maybe we should head back, huh?" The worried voice of Hinata could eco through the wind and into the trees. 
Now it was Kenma's turn to be distracted. His yellow eyes were looking directly at a pair of glowing blue orbs. Both teens swallowed hard. A siamese cat was watching them every move. A small bird agonized between its teeth and claws. The cat studied Kenma from hair to toe. The boy was captivated by the animal. It looked clean and by the looks of it, it probably had an owner. 
"We should follow it," Kenma said while pointing its finger to the creature. "Unless you got cold feet?"
Hinata wasn't going to let Kenma win, he was the one that decided to come in the first place and he wouldn't back down. Putting his arms at the back of his head, Hinata started walking casually. 
"You are right, we should follow it."
They made their way through the forest while following the cat, that by now had already devoured its lunch. The scenery didn't get much better either. It looked more cynical as the characters entered further into the forest. By now, the sun was beginning to set, and they weren't even close to the feet of the mountain. Both Hinata's and Kenma's feet were aching and they were starving. 
"Some shortcut this turned out to be," said Kenma ironically.
But both stopped when they saw a small light coming from a house. The property was surrounded by a lovely garden that stood out from all the wild grass. It contained Roses and Tulips and Orchids and Berries. Soon a soft melody started to play. It came from inside the warm house. The teens had made it this far, why turn back now? The glass door was unlocked and from the outside, one could see the cozy living room. It was surrounded by elegant ornaments and delicate objects. It had a western taste rather than oriental. The fireplace illuminated the sky and beautiful paintings of women hanged from the wall. The music playing was provided by a classical record player. It was opera and it was sung by an angelic voice. Everything was so magical that both males entered unaware of the crime they were committing. 
Kenma and Hinata were beginning to settle down on the couch when suddenly a husky voice came from another room.
"Who goes there?"
Realizing they were trespassing, panic starts to flow throw them. Jumping away from the couch both Hinata and Kenma sprint to the door, however, on the way out, Kenma stumbles with the carved wooden table that was holding the record player. Both he and the object fall to the ground. The record player makes an infernal screeching when it hits the floor. Startled by the commotion, Hinata helps the boy get up and both of them run as fast as they can without looking back. They ran all the way to the iron gate and headed for the beach. 
When they get near the last part of town, they hear their names being called. Everyone from the Karasuno and Nekoma's team is looking for them.
"Hinata!! Kenma!!" the shouting intensifies. 
Soon both make their way to the others. Tsukishima is the first to notice them. 
Both captains were extremely mad. 
"It is already nightfall and you two decide to just disappear! Where the hell have you two been!?"  
After a long chastise from both Kuroo and Daichi and some hugs from Sugawara and the others, every member heads to the cabin. 
It is only at that moment, Kenma realizes he is holding a gold watch in his hand.   
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captainseaweedbrains ¡ 5 years ago
Prompt: this bag said it would keep my food cold for 3 hours, it lied.
Thanks for the prompt, friend! I hope you like it. It was a lot of fun to write! :D 
Can be read on Ao3: x
Katniss and the No Good, Lousy Rotten Day
Katniss was having a no good, lousy rotten day and all she wanted to do was crawl into bed with three bottles of wine and pretend that she didn’t get chewed out in front of her whole department and had her budget threatened. That her car didn’t die in the left-hand turn lane on the busiest intersection in town. And that she most definitely didn’t catch her no good, lousy rotten boyfriend cheating on her in the supply closet with one of the interns. Nope. None of it happened. Today was fine.
“Rough day?” Peeta asked when she limped in through the door, her hair disheveled and her pants soaked because—oh yeah, she fell in a puddle when her heel broke stepping out of her Lyft, twisting her ankle in the process. Such a great day all around.
Grunting, Katniss hobbled over to the kitchen table, the closest piece of furniture near her, and collapsed into a chair. Her ankle throbbed. Her ass was sore and wet. But most hurt was her pride. It had taken a beating like no other today.
No good, lousy rotten day.
“Rough day?” Peeta asked again from the couch, watching TV. From the sounds of it, he was watching some cooking challenge show. She threw her broken shoe at him because he sounded way too smug for someone who clearly had eyes. To make her day even worse, she missed him by a lot and hit the sole lamp in their living room, causing it to fall off the side table and crack in half. “Waita go, Everdeen,” he chuckled, shaking his head. She groaned in darkness now, the only light now coming from their TV. She couldn’t even aim right today, her one natural gift gone. Destroyed by the day’s shittiness.
No good, lousy rotten day. 
Peeta patted the spot next to him on the couch, his smile welcoming under the TV’s light. She considered hobbling off to her bed and telling him not to disturb her, but she really needed her best friend’s comfort after this hellhole day. His arms were open and she hobbled right into them, resting her head on his shoulder, his hand rubbing circles up and down her arm, like he always did when holding her like this. Her eyes closed at the touch, his hand bringing on a familiar warmth only Peeta seemed to emulate. He didn’t ask why she was wet or why she threw a shoe at him. Years of friendship didn’t require instant explanation. He knew she’d spill once she had calmed down enough to explain without getting super worked up again. Sometimes that took minutes, other times hours, but she always told him everything eventually. 
She was so lucky to have him here.
They sat together in darkness, their bodies pressed together as they watched TV. Katniss was right. He was watching a cooking show. It wasn’t the type of thing she’d pick for herself to watch, but watching Peeta watch it was something else entirely. He always denied doing it, but he liked to list back the recipes the contestants spoke of, like saying them aloud will help him commit it to memory, and critique certain techniques he didn’t agree with. Peeta was an intense Food TV junkie and it amused her to no end how seriously he took it.
Tonight as he parroted back the recipes, she focused on the way his deep voice reverberated, the way his free hand would motion to the TV in exasperation because a contestant thought it wise to use the microwave instead of setting a low flame. Her arms tightened around him, content. Nothing was better than familiarity on a no good, lousy rotten day and next to her family, she knew Peeta best. He was a constant in her life and she was so grateful for it. At least some men could be depended on. 
The show switched to commercials and he looked down at her at last, his eyes asking if she’s ready to talk. 
She was.   
Katniss extracted herself from his embrace, a bit reluctantly because her damp clothes caused a chill and Peeta was her infinite amount of warmth. “Why waste money on a heater when I have a Peeta?” she used to tease in college when they were living together in the world’s shittiest apartment, barely scraping by. Everything used to break down and both their families were tight on money to just loan out a couple hundred for repairs. They had to make do with what they had and most times in the winter, it meant huddling together in the same sleeping bag for warmth.
“So today…” Peeta started for her, twirling a bit of her braid around his fingers.
“...was the shittiest of shitty days to have ever shitted,” she finished sourly, always one with her words. 
His eyebrows knit together in concern, a frown tugging at his lips. His silent concern was enough to break the dam and she went on to explain how both Snow and Coin chewed her out in front of the whole department, questioning if she was even qualified to lead a group of its size. Then when she tried defending her reasoning, they casually mentioned budget restraints and perhaps cuts would have to be made for next fiscal year in order for the company to stay afloat. 
“And then my car died at Six Corner on my way back from their office,” Katniss continued, feeling more lousy as she went on. “I know you kept telling me it was a death trap on wheels and that I should have gotten a new car years ago, but please don’t tell me ‘I told you so’ because I don’t think I can handle that right now.” At this point, Peeta had retrieved her emergency stash of Ben & Jerry from the freezer and she was stuffing her face into the double-chocolate brownie goodness with agusto. 
“It was the worst,” she continued, mouth full of ice cream. “All these cars were blaring at me and flipping me the bird, like I purposely let my car die in the left-hand turn lane! Don’t say anything!” she snapped, pressing a sticky finger to his lips. His eyes widened at the touch, but he remained the good listener he always was, letting her blow off steam and stuff her sorrows with ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.
“But that’s not even the worst of it,” she sighed, blowing at her bangs that desperately needed a trim. “Cato cheated on me.” It was hard looking at him for that. Peeta warned her from day one not to get involved with Cato, saying he wreaked of sleazebag and booze, but she just shrugged his concerns off, wanting something entirely different from her failed relationship with Gale, and she was far too into the crazy sex they had to pull the plug. Cato was the rebound mistake she let linger for too long. And now she got hurt because of her own stubborn stupidity. 
“Katniss, I’m so sorry.” Much to her relief, it sounded like he truly meant it. His deep voice didn’t seem to carry any contempt toward her and he reached over for a hug, pulling her close. Her arms instinctively wrapped around him, her face pressing into the crook of his neck. Peeta gave the best hugs. His warm, strong arms easily encased her, reminding her of being wrapped in a really soft blanket, and he always smelled faintly of foods—sweet sugars or savory spices, it didn’t matter. He always smelled of it and she loved that about him. A little taste of home. 
His large hand rubbed circles on her back now, not saying anything else as she sat there in his arms, the cold from the ice cream container numbing her still damp pants. They sat like that for a while, his TV show returning and ending. Another episode started up, but Peeta didn’t push her away. He never did. Even when she dug her own grave, Peeta was climbing in next to her, offering a hand of support.
“It’s stupid,” she mumbled dejectedly into his shoulder, his shirt soft against her cheek. “I knew he was a jerk, but I didn’t think I’d care this much, you know? Why do I care this much?” 
“I think we naturally expect the good from people,” he said quietly, still rubbing her back. “It sucks when we’re proven wrong about them.”
Maybe he was right. Maybe she subconsciously expected Cato to be a semi-decent guy and not cheat on her. Was the bar really that low for her now? She tucked her head back into his neck, needing another moment of this before facing the reality that yeah, her standards in the past few years have really gone down.
“Hey, Katniss?” he asked after sitting like this for a while.
“Can we move your ice cream? I’m all here for your sweet fix and hugs, but it’s getting a bit cold down there.” And in true Peeta Mellark fashion, he was able to get her to laugh on one of the worst days she’s seen since moving back after her bad breakup with Gale. Teasing if he wanted her heating pad to warm him back up, she moved the melting ice cream on the coffee table and smiled at him. 
She was so lucky having him in her life. He’d been such a constant in her life, always caring about what was going on, offering his advice where he could. She’d done a lot of shitty things in the past, some even toward him, but Peeta never held it against her. Even when she rightfully deserved his anger, he was still there. After all these years. Ready to lend a helping hand.
This was why she loved him.
Wait, what? Her eyes widened in surprise. The thought had come so quickly, but it felt natural to think. Like it’d been sitting there, deep in her head, for a while. Of course she loved him. He was her best friend! She’d told him “I love you” countless times over the years, most being when she had food coming her way, but this felt different, staring at his white bluish face. This felt like the other love. That love. The one she remembered feeling with Gale and before him, Thom. 
She chewed at her thumbnail, her eyes darting away. 
This was bad. Really bad. This was how her and Gale had started and that went south fast. They weren’t friends anymore, the breakup was so bad. If something like that happened to her and Peeta… She wouldn’t know what she’d do without him. Without his kind words and affectionate gestures. The idea was hard to swallow. 
“Feeling better?” he asked, smiling a little, unbeknownst to the world shaking revelation happening in her head. His hand squeezed hers in good spirit.
Katniss looked at how his hand rested over hers, her tiny fingers peeking out. Her pulse quickened. Like the dam he helped open earlier, it felt like something else had broken inside her, flooding her with emotions she didn’t even realize she’d been feeling. His hand felt so nice resting over hers like that, and a small part of her wished he’d take it and press his lips to it. Like the gentlemen did in those silly period dramas he was always having her watch when it was his turn to pick a movie out. Would he be weirded out if she did that to him? Just picked up his hand and kissed it? 
Stop it! her mind screamed, resisting any urges of kissing her chapped lips over his hands. Friends are off limits. These things never end well. 
“Katniss?” he asked, that concern back in his voice and—okay, yeah. He really needed to stop talking so she could process this flood of emotions.
“Hmmm?” She looked up at him, her eyes still wide.
“Are you feeling better? Do you want me to order a pizza? I’ll even order your nasty pineapple pizza, if that will cheer you up.” God, could he please stop? He never let her put pineapple on their shared pizza unless she really needed the pick-me-up. He really was too much. 
“Mhm,” she smiled a bit too brightly. “Sounds good. Love pizza. You know how pizza makes me horny—I mean happy! Pizza makes me happy!” Now he was looking at her like she’d grown another head. “Pineapple pizza is perfect, Peeta,” she breathed. “Thank you.” 
He still looked at her strangely, but shook his head in amusement at her weirdness and shoved at her playfully before getting up to go order the pizza.
“Mind if I talk about the betrayal I felt today?” he asked from the kitchen, the sounds of drawers opening as he looked for a pizza coupon. 
“Bold word to use on a girl who found her boyfriend in the supply closet with the barely legal intern,” she said, her voice sounding high-pitched. “Can it top that?” 
“Absolutely.” His head popped out from the small service window dividing the kitchen from the living room, his phone pressed to his ear. “This bag”—He held up a purple lunch bag she recognized from his many online purchases—“said it would keep my food cold for three hours. It lied. It wasn’t even two hours and my smoothie felt like it’d been baking in the car. You can bet I gave them a strongly worded review and—hi! Yes, I’m calling to place an order.” He smiled that charming smile he always wore whenever they went out to eat somewhere, despite being on the phone, and god. She knew he was handsome, but how had she not noticed the dimples in his round stupid face before?  
Katniss leaned forward on the couch, her hands pressed to her forehead, and groaned. She was totally screwed.    
Stupid, no good, lousy rotten day.
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lady-oceana9518 ¡ 5 years ago
Spa Day (A Charlastor Fic)
A/N: Apologies for the long post! I haven’t figured out how to add a “Read More” link on mobile. Also, I wrote the majority of this after a couple of margaritas😆 But am really happy with how it turned out! I hope y’all enjoy the fluffiness!!❤️
It was an early morning at the Hazbin Hotel, and Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, and Husk were already awake and busy moving furniture around the foyer. Charlie was so pleased with the progress her tenants were making with their rehabilitation that she decided to organize a spa day at the hotel! Needless to say, she was very excited. They had rented several specialized tables for massages and facials, and were repurposing the hotel’s softest armchairs into manicure/pedicure stations. There were also a multitude of folding partitions that the crew used to separate each station, for a little extra privacy.
Just after she and Vaggie spread out the last partition between two massage tables, Charlie stepped back to admire their handiwork, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand as she did so. She smiled, satisfied and excited for the day to come. However, her grin faltered as she realized that something, or rather someone, was missing: her beloved mate, Alastor, better known as the Radio Demon. She had no clue where he was and hoped he was alright. After a few moments, though, Charlie shrugged and turned back to the rest of her friends. Alastor had a habit of coming and going as he pleased, especially when he decided to go on one of his “hunts”, but she was sure he’d turn up sooner or later that day.
“Alright! Gather around, everyone!” Charlie called, beckoning the others over to her. After finishing up the tasks at hand, they approached her, awaiting what she would say next. “So! Like we discussed before, here’s how today is going to go. Niffty will do manicures and pedicures, Angel will give massages, Vaggie will do facials, and Husk will supply everyone with hot tea and/or champagne. But remember, no more than one glass of champagne per person! I’ll be helping each of you as needed and making sure that everything runs smoothly. Any questions?” The others shook their heads. “Alright! Let’s head to our stations and get ready!!” With that, Charlie pranced off to direct their tenants to their desired spa service, while her fellow staff members walked to their respective stations at a more sedate pace.
A couple hours in, their spa day was going perfectly! Soothing soundscapes serenaded the hotel tenants from speakers placed strategically around the lobby. Meanwhile, Vaggie applied a moisturizing mask to the face of an anglerfish demon; Angel used his many arms to massage knots out of the back muscles of a tall, red-skinned demon who he seemed quite taken with; Niffty excitedly conversed with a black-furred hellhound as she painted her nails with an iridescent silver polish; and Husk carried a tray containing mugs of chamomile tea to a few demons relaxing on one of the lobby’s plush couches.
Sighing contentedly, Charlie was about to make another round to check on each of her friends’ progress when she heard the front door creak open ever so slightly. She turned around just as none other than Alastor stepped surreptitiously into the lobby. He looked uncharacteristically tired. That, coupled with the fact that she hadn’t seen him since the previous afternoon, made her think that he was either hunting, putting other high-ranking demons in their place, or both. Even though his clothes looked a little rumpled, which was also unusual for him, he had obviously taken care to remove any bloodstains from his previous activities, whatever they were. Charlie smiled fondly at him. He knew that she was a little squeamish (as funny as that was, seeing as how she was the Princess of Hell) and she really appreciated the effort he put into being more thoughtful and sensitive.
“Al!” Charlie exclaimed, all but running over to her mate and giggling happily as she wrapped her arms around him. “I missed you,” she murmured in a softer tone. She took a few moments to lay her head against his lean chest and savor the sound of his strong heartbeat, then peeked up at him with an adoring expression on her face.
The Radio Demon chuckled, then placed a soft kiss on her forehead and nuzzled his nose against hers as he returned her fond gaze with one of his own.
“Well hello there sweetheart. I missed you too,” Alastor replied in a low tone, the usual radio feedback gone from his voice for those few moments.
Charlie felt her cheeks flush at their close proximity and his sultry tone of voice, which only caused her mate’s trademark grin to stretch wider.
“A-are you feeling alright? Did your...hunt, or whatever, go well? You look a little tired, Al,” Charlie inquired, cupping his face with one of her hands as her brow furrowed on concern.
Alastor chuckled, closing his eyes briefly as he covered her hand with one of his own and leaned into her gentle touch. “Not to worry, my dear! Got into a bit of a skirmish with Vox but all is well now. Your ‘deer’ Radio Demon showed him who’s really in charge around here.” Alastor purposefully pitched his voice down an octave and his gaze toward Charlie turned half-lidded. He was doing his best to fluster her as he loved seeing her reactions, and he definitely wasn’t disappointed.
Charlie blushed even more at that and had to turn away briefly until she could get her complexion under control. Once she regained her composure, she turned back to her mate with a bright smile and an idea that would hopefully help him relax after the stressful night he’d had.
“So...I know I mentioned that I’d be organizing a spa day for our tenants since everyone has been making such great progress!” Alastor nodded along, gazing attentively at his mate with his usual grin in place. “The thing is, though...all of the other staff are occupied with giving treatments to our residents.” Charlie began to get a little flustered at the thought of what she was about to ask Alastor, but soldiered on anyway. “Um...I know you’ve had a stressful night, what with dealing with Vox and all...so, is there anything I can do to help you relax? A massage, maybe...?” Charlie trailed off, gazing up at Alastor inquiringly with her naturally red-stained cheeks colored an even darker red by her prominent blush.
Alastor’s eyes widened a fraction at his mate’s forwardness, though the rest of his expression remained unchanged. “Why, Charlie, my dear! So forward today!” He laughed to himself, then leveled his mate with a warm gaze and took one of her hands in his own. “You know I’m not one for such...intimate activities,” At that, Charlie’s demeanor deflated almost imperceptibly, though she strived to remain considerate of him and his preferences as far as physical touch was concerned. “But! If it’s you who will be doing the massaging, my dear, how could I ever refuse?”
Charlie’s grin returned to its usual brightness as she grabbed Alastor’s hands in her own and began to pull him toward the hotel’s grand staircase. “Great!! You’ll be relaxed and recharged again in no time!! Since there are so many demons down here already, would you feel a little more comfortable if I gave you your massage in our room?”
Alastor’s gaze softened as he wrapped one arm around Charlie’s waist and pulled her close to his side. “That sounds wonderful, sweetheart. Thank you.”
With that, the pair began to climb the staircase to their suite on the top floor of the hotel. Angel caught Charlie’s gaze as they passed, and he gave her a wink and six thumbs-up when he caught sight of her and Alastor nestled so closely against one another. Charlie blushed slightly but nonetheless gave her friend a subtle smile and thumbs-up of her own.
Once Charlie and Alastor entered their tastefully-decorated suite, Charlie closed and locked the door behind them. “Now, when people get massages, they normally remove their shirts to give the massage therapist easier access to their back. But if you don’t want to do that, Al, it’s perfectly fine!! Just undress to your comfort level. Or not at all! Whatever you want to do.” When Charlie finished speaking and finally turned around, however, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. There was her devilishly handsome mate laying shirtless on their bed. He was stretched out comfortably on his stomach with his eyes closed serenely and his head resting on top of his crossed arms.
“I’m ready when you are, my sweet,” he all but purred.
“O-okay!” Charlie squeaked. She scurried to their en suite bathroom to grab a bottle of coconut oil and returned to the bedside.
With a snap of his fingers, Alastor turned on the same soothing spa music Charlie had playing in the lobby, as his mate warmed some of the oil between her hands. She began massaging his back in broad strokes, then decided to focus on his shoulders where she felt the most tension. Alastor groaned softly in pleasure, already feeling himself melting beneath her attentive hands.
After spending about 20 minutes loosening the knots in her mate’s back muscles, Charlie instructed him to turn over so she could work on his neck muscles with the aid of gravity. Alastor sighed, a content smile stretching across his face as Charlie’s nimble fingers massaged the back of his neck. A few minutes later, she pleasantly surprised him by reaching up to massage his scalp, followed by his soft ears. She rubbed them from their base to their furry, tufted tips, delighting in the soft moans he seemed to subconsciously utter.
Deciding that he had reached his limit, Alastor gently but firmly grabbed Charlie around the waist and pulled her on top of him.
“A-Al...?” Charlie questioned with curiosity as she glanced up to see his eyes closed and a soft smile on his handsome face.
“Shh...let’s just relax,” Alastor murmured as he wrapped one arm around Charlie’s back and carded through her silken hair with the fingers of his opposite hand.
“Mm...alright...” Charlie mumbled with a yawn, snuggling against Alastor’s lean but firm chest and already beginning to drift off.
Just as they were both about to fall asleep, Alastor whispered, “Thanks for looking out for me, doll. I love you.”
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hanawrites404 ¡ 4 years ago
Wynne's Diary - Oopsie with Lucio
When people used to hear someone talking about Lucio, they could not help but feel uncomfortable and stuffy, and I can totally understand why.
Lucio was known for making rash decisions and was quite infamous for it because the choices he used to make were always very devastating and disadvantageous to so many people. Like how he started a plague causing millions of people to die, not to mention he made a deal with the Devil and caused chaos everywhere.
People hated him a lot and always thought negatively whenever Lucio was mentioned in a conversation. Even his mother didn't like him so much. Asra, Muriel and Julian had bad blood with him while Nadia and Portia were generous enough to tolerate him.
I on the other hand, had a different story.
Words of any kind truly cannot describe how I feel about him, but unfortunately this is the only way I can convey it to you, which is why I am going to narrate you an incident which happened to me when I was a 5 year old living in the palace happily.
I was a carefree girl at that time. Stress, anxiety, depression. These words were meaningless to me. There was nothing which was holding me back from running around the palace, sliding down the stairs and plucking out the beautiful flowers just to mix them with bath foam to create 'potions'.
Not even my father could keep me in discipline. Maybe he just never tried to. He let me have fun as much I wanted and if someone asked him why was he letting his daughter cause mischief, he would always give them a shrug and an idiotic smile.
.......I love my father.......he is the best..........
Anyways, one day such happened that I was dancing in Lucio's room by myself. I was in such a good mood that day that I was subconsciously jumping on his bed and toppling every chair in his room that I failed to notice a vase on one of the tables and accidentally smashed it into smithereens.
"Oh no!!" I gasped and covered my mouth, my happiness melting away for panic to displace it.
"What was that??!!" I heard a loud voice from the corridor. They sounded awfully familiar to me and their tone was that of surprise and threat. I panicked even more and collapsed on my knees, holding my head in my hands and hiding my face down, shivering from fear.
I heard the door burst open and there he was, a long sword in his hand. It always terrified me to such an extent that I used to cry whenever I saw the weapon. But now he was here, with the sharp weapon ready to kill anyone at sight.
Until he saw me......
"Winnie!!" I heard Lucio throw the sword away as he lifted my smaller self up gently and then settled me down on his bed.
"Winnie.....Winnie....Winnie look at me" He kept rubbed my shoulder, calling my name softly. I still had my face hidden in my hands, afraid to look at him in the eye.
What if he got mad at me and punishes me for breaking his vase? The vase looked pretty expensive and Lucio would be furious if he found out that it was me who broke it.
"Wynne.....please look at me......I am not here to hurt you" he pulled my hands away from my face and cupped my cheeks to make me look at him. He had a soft smile on his handsome face, making me ease up instantly and blush.
Did I mention how handsome he was looking at that time?
Wait, I did......Oh well. Seems like a mere compliment was not enough to describe his beauty that it had to be written twice.
"You are alright, aren't you? You didn't hurt yourself right?" There was concern in his tone as he lifted my limbs up, checking for wounds.
"I'm alright Lucio" I told him. He then led out a sigh of relief and smiled at me again.
"I'm glad that you are not hurt" he said and I too smiled at him.
He then keeps a steady hand on my head and ruffles my hair, making me giggle.
"You scared me there for once. I had gotten really worried that the shards of the vase must have hit you or something. They are quite sharp you know" he eyed the vase on the floor which were into smithereens now.
I felt guilty by seeing what I had done to the vase. Lucio must have liked it so much to keep it in his room and not anywhere else. It must have costed millions.
"But it's good to know that you are fine" he grinned back.
"Yeah......" I nodded slowly.
Suddenly out of nowhere, Lucio hugged me close, the smell of burnt wood and sweat hitting my nose.
Sure it sounded gross but it didn't make me uncomfortable. Rather it felt homey as it ensured me that Lucio was there for me, comforting and nestling me in his warm and welcoming embrace.
"Thank you Lucio......I really needed it" I told him, wrapping my tiny arms around his torso as much as I could.
"No.....Thank you Winnie. I feel less stressed now. The training sure was tiring today, but hugging you made me feel relaxed"
He caressed my hair, tangling them in his fingers lightly. They slipped off easily as Papa had combed them nicely without leaving any knots in the morning.
"I am happy to help you then" I had forgotten of whatever happened before and grinned at him. He too beamed at me and had started attacking me with kisses as I laughed wholeheartedly, and that was the last thing I could remember of that incident.
A very simple and sweet moment the others would say, but it had a deeper meaning for me.
People who made quick assumptions about the story must have thought that Lucio would have cared more about the broken vase and not the shivering girl beside it. However, it turned out to be quite the opposite of it.
Lucio never talked about the vase in the first place. He never called out its price and never boasted about its beauty. He never cared about the vase getting smashed into pieces when he saw me. And from that very moment, I had got to realise that what people usually thought about Lucio was not always right.
People who think that all Lucio cares about are materialistic pleasures, they are totally wrong.
Because Lucio cares about me.
People who think that Lucio was always ready to sacrifice people just to get what he wants, they are wrong again.
Because he was hesitant to surrender me to the Devil when I was wounded.
People who think that Lucio is manipulative, cruel and insensitive, they are brutally wrong.
Because he was kind and generous to me.
I know that him treating me well would not make him an overall good person, but it did made him better than what he earlier was.
He learned from his mistakes and never did them again. He thought twice before acting upon a situation, and he put his people above him rather than thinking of himself as his first priority.
He had changed..........
He was not the old Lucio anymore.........
It surely took a lot of time for me to develop a sense of kingship in his heart and mind, but its fruit definitely came out to be sweeter than what I had expected.
People had actually started to think of Lucio fondly and actually praised him, and you can't imagine how happy he was to get to know about this. He was literally jumping on his feet like a child that day.
It was the colours of our hard work and dedication towards Vesuvia that it became a better place than what it previously was. Many things changed and people were really happy about it.
The Lazaret was not a gloomy place anymore, the flooded districts were repaired and the coliseum was not a place to be afraid of. It had rather become a gathering place for the people to celebrate their culture and sing folk songs and dance like there was no tomorrow.
Vesuvia was literally glowing. It's true beauty was finally reaching out to the world and there was nothing for us to hide anymore. It was like Lucio and Vesuvia both were linked together.
Because when Lucio changed, so did Vesuvia.
And all this realisation came to me because of an oopsie. That one little oopsie I made when I was a little kid.
Something which I was of afraid of but instead went away teaching me a great lesson to remember forever and forward it to the future generations who will come to reside in this beautiful city.
Thanks Lucio..........
For having such an unbreakable faith in me........
And for making Vesuvia greater than it ever was............
The end...........
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21-torpedo-salvo ¡ 4 years ago
tentacles/science mishap Freehoun
The testing had gone awry. Damage to the pheropod, accidental though it was, had caused a discharge of pheromones that quickly permeated the lab with a decidedly odd scent. It was different from other odors Gordon knew the pods to create-- it was heavier, making his tongue tingle as he inadvertently inhaled it, and floral. Bemused, he squeezed the misshapen pod once more, puffing another blast of that scent directly into his face.
What the hell was he doing. Coughing, he shoves the pod back into its enclosure and hastily makes for the sink in the back of the lab. Warm heat was starting to seep into his skin, offsetting the cold rush of water as he splashes it copiously over his face and eyes. Once he was sure he'd gotten the worst of it, he stepped back.
The floral scent would not leave his nose. In fact, he caught himself inhaling deeper, guided by some urge. How much of that stuff did he inhale?
Was the pheropod damaged or just different from other pheropods? The Vortigaunts had never mentioned an effect like this. The longer he stood here, thoughts racing, the worse it got. The heat was starting to crawl into his belly and between his legs, which inadvertently made him think of Barney.
The door to the lab clicked open. Gordon whirls around to face it, feeling parts of his body lurch to answer. Fabric tears as extra appendages sprout free, too impatient to go beneath the hem.
In the doorway, Barney stands, hand still on the knob and blinking rapidly.
"Uh... Is this a bad time, Doc? I figured you could use a bite to eat, but I can go, if you want..." Barney says cautiously, eyeing the tentacles poised in the air. "Did you spill some perfume in here or somethin'? What's that smell?"
Gordon stares at him. He slowly raises his hands, asking for Barney to close tbe door. Step inside, draw the curtains, he's got a favor to ask.
The windows are covered with soft clicks. Barney turns to look at him, eyebrow raised, a question plain in his expression. He leans back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
"You are okay, aren't you, Doc?" Barney asks slowly.
"I'm fine," Gordon replies. "I did something stupid. I accidentally squeezed a pheropod in my face and it's... having an unusual side effect."
As he speaks, he watches Barney start to palm himself, broad hand sliding over the crotch of his jeans. He squeezes and gropes himself through the fabric, but judging from the still-focused expression on Barney's face, it's subconscious.
Gordon struggles a moment, hands waving. The he continues.
"Pheropods aren't supposed to affect humans like this, or at least, they haven't until now..."
"You're not human, though," Barney replies, head tilting.
"Look at you, Barn," Gordon replies crossly.
Barney looks confused at first. He grinds the heel of his palm down against his junk before abruptly stopping, face burning as he realizes his actions.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Didn't even-- well, shoot, Gordon," Barney says, eyes wide.
Gordon feels the tentacles under his clothes writhe. There's one starting to crawl down into his pants, seeking the pit of heat growing quickly between his legs. His hips jerk as he feels the rounded edge prod at his cunt.
He watches Barney push off from tbe counter. He swaggers toward Gordon, his eyes gleaming with a familiar determination. At least one of them has made up their mind-- and Gordon is inclined to agree.
"We might as well own it," Barney says lowly. "Kiss me?"
Gordon makes a whining sound at the proposition. Eagerly, he grabs Barney's arms and pulls him close, meeting him halfway for the kiss. A change in taste is immediate-- the flowery scent has become a flavor, hanging off of Barney's tongue as it licks into his mouth. Strong hands crawl all over his frame, peeling off the shorn clothing and fussing with the button of his trousers.
His back arches as his errant limbs start to move, freed from their prison. Nimble orange tentacles wrap around Barney's arms and thighs-- muscle memory, he realizes with embarrassment, but he quiets tbe urge to haul Barney into the air. He wanted to keep kissing him even as his teeth grew sharper, his tongue thicker.
"You're holdin' back," Barney whines into his mouth. "What's with the self control all of a sudden, Gordie?"
Barney reaches a hand between Gordon's leg. A shudder runs down his spine as he grasps the tentacle there, which had started to move, and slowly removes it.
"Is it 'cause you're touchin' yourself?" He asks thickly. "Here, I have a better idea..."
Gordon feels himself go lightheaded as Barney pops the end of the tentacle into his maw. He sucks on it obscenely, tongue sticking out and saliva pooling, until the tendril responds.
Panting, Gordon starts to strip Barney free. He feels his body tremble with unbidden power as he goes for his pants-- instead of rolling them down, the fabric shreds, rendered useless by burgeoning claws. His human facade was quickly melting, inhibited by the pheromone.
Barney moans around the tentacle. Gordon pushes it in deeper and can't suppress a groan at the sensation. When Barney tries to speak around it, he hefts him into the air.
It's a couple more moments of face-fucking Barney, suspended in the air, before he deigns to withdraw the tendril. He revels in the sight of Barney panting open-mouthed, tongue lolling out.
"You look... so fucking hot," Barney growls. "Let me put my face between your legs. Please. I want to eat you out so bad right now, Gordie," he says, and wiggles his hips.
Gordon gently pries open Barney's legs. His cock hangs heavy between them, clearly erect and growing harder. He lets a tentacle toy with his balls, rolling them over the pliable tendril. He smiles as Barney bucks his hips involuntarily.
"C'mon, Doc," Barney whines.
Gordon likes watching Barney from this position. His skin is flushed dark all over-- excitement and arousal, presumably, with a needy expression. His throat warbles with every mewl and moan brought on by Gordon's gentle teasings, tentacles rubbing warm circles into sensitive flesh.
Carefully, Gordon draws Barney closer. He can feel himself drip from between his legs, already soaked. His tentacles tighten on Barney's frame.
"Can I tie you up?" Gordon asks, eyes lidding.
Barney keens at him. "'Course," he says roughly. "Wanna eat you out. Please, Dr. Freeman."
Fuck. Gordon shudders at the title. Quickly, he wraps Barney up with the rest of his tendrils. He ties his arms to his sides, wrists crossed behind his back, but keeps his legs decidedly spread. Then, with great care, he slots Barney's face between his legs.
The effect is immediate. A hot tongue thrusts its way past his cunt, lapping superficially at the fluid before touching skin. Chapped lips wrap around his clit, suckling gently before the tongue takes over. Eventually, Barney pushes his way deeper, nose burying into the hair.
Gordon leans over onto the desk, a low moan escaping him. He feels possessed by the need to-- to do something, anything, to abate this heat and leave his mark. Static fills his head as Barney really starts to move, obscene noises leaking from his mouth.
He withdraws tentacles from Barney's cock. He still rubs carefully at his balls while other tendrils grope and squeeze his rear before pushing inside. They're already dribbling an orange slick that stains the skin, glittering as it dries, and there's little resistance in stuffing Barney full.
Barney's moans are swallowed by Gordon's cunt. He shifts his hips down, knowing he's practically smothering him, but he's rewarded by his cock jumping and hips jerking. Any words he says turn into sweet vibrations, an intense sensation.
Gordon moans lowly as he fills Barney up. Tactile feedback from his tentacles always feels strange, but informative, and he can feel every twitch and spasm of Barney's muscles accommodating. The slick makes the journey easier, and gradually, he inserts a second tentacle.
"Gordonnnn," Barney moans, voice pitching. "Gordon, Gordon..."
He pushes in and out of Barney in time with his chants. It's not long before he's grinding across Barney's face with the impromptu rhythm, surely covering him in mess, but all he gets is another lurid moan.
It's not long before Gordon is falling out of tempo. He fucks Barney hungrily, tentacles thrusting deeper inside on every pass until the crescendo of heat in his belly suddenly falls. Beneath him, he feels Barney cum against his face, cock twitching with every spurt.
They slump down over each other, panting and spent.
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perditaalottachocolate-blog ¡ 5 years ago
Thinking Out Loud (1)
Hi @janaikam ! I’m your @mlsecretsanta​ ! Here’s a little gift to make the year 2020 happier and brighter! A big thank you to @goblin-alchemist for betareading this! Stay tuned for more chapters!
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Summary:  When Ladybug and Chat Noir meet for the first time, they seem to click perfectly, their teamwork seamless as if they could hear each other’s thoughts. Or maybe they can? Is this just a kind of miraculous connection or a bond of a totally different type? A ML Soulmate AU.
AO3 / fanfiction.net
[*Ladybug’s/Marinette’s thoughts*]
[Chat Noir’s/Adrien’s thoughts]
*I’m scared.*
Chat Noir froze for a second. Was that his thought? He heard the voice loud and clear, just… without the contribution from his ears. 
He shook his head. It was probably just all the excitement from getting a miraculous and a magical makeover in the span of half an hour. He’d have to ask Plagg about that. Maybe it was the little sprite trying to communicate with him after the transformation? 
Chat felt a little sting of shame that he hadn’t been listening more carefully to the kwami. As much as he seemed to be a natural at this, there were probably some things from Plagg’s tutorial that skipped Adrien’s attention.
Oh, well. No time to dwell on it now. Stoneheart was about to pulverize the redhead reporter with a soccer goal. Acting purely on instinct Chat threw his baton, extending it at the last moment. The goal bounced off his weapon nicely, missing the girl by centimeters. 
Oh, shit.
That one thought lit up brightly in his thoughts as stone fingers closed over his body and he found himself in rough clutches of the monstrosity. 
Never in her life was Marinette as scared as in that moment, on the roof of Parc des Princes. How did she get roped into this mess, playing a superhero? She’d always been a walking disaster. How could have she believed for even one second, that she could help, make a difference for the better? 
She should just run away, before the supervillain gets wind of her melt down. She should return the earrings to Tikki. She was not cut out to be a hero. She was just plain, silly Marinette. 
The boy, Chat Noir, seemed to be born for the job. Confident and cocky, he gave the impression of someone in control, who knows exactly what to do. He’d be fine. In fact he’d probably be better off without her, Miss Madlynette Disastrous - Clumsy failure. 
She was about to turn around and flee when...
Oh, shit.
The voice in her head wasn’t hers, but the comment was painfully adequate. Chat Noir just got trapped in the granite fist of Stoneheart. Weaponless, as his staff had just helped to protect Alya from being crushed to death.
She needed to help. She had no idea how, but she couldn’t just stand and watch. She threw her yoyo at the villain hoping it would know what she needed it to do.
That settled it. The Bug Lady was crazy. Not only did she pull at his tail, which felt much more than pulling a leather belt should have, but she basically threw him under the bus, or rather back into the stone grip of Stoneheart. And then she jumped right into the villain’s other hand. Only…
*This will work. I’ve got it. It’ll be okay.*
There was the voice again, no longer scared, but confident and soothing. Chat Noir gave in and simply observed as the insane yet effective plan came to action. Soon, he found himself on the ground again, accompanied by a tall boy who was no longer made of rock. 
*We did it!*
Maybe the Bug Lady was crazy, but she was awesome at it! If only he knew her name.
He smiled. It fit her.
Marinette simply couldn’t believe this was her life now. She was chasing after Alya, who was chasing after Chat Noir, who was chasing after a giant stone monster, who held two of Marinette’s classmates hostage. 
And she had been right the previous day. She had caused yet another disaster and thanks to her incompetence now there was not one, but a whole army of rocky monstrosities roaming over the streets of Paris.
She felt as if her feet turned to stone as well, set in place, while she watched in silent horror as Alya disappeared under a car thrown by a Stoneheart’s minion with such ease, as if it was merely a toy. She could only see Chat’s legs dangling pitifully from another Stoneheart clone’s fist. 
So this is how I’m gonna die?
Marinette clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. No one would be dying today. Not if she could help it. She dug the ornamental box from Alya’s bag and slipped the earrings back into place. This time it was as if the world just clicked. 
The day just kept getting weirder. First day of school turned out to be a minefield. Thanks to Chloe’s efforts he seemed to already have made an enemy out of a cute black haired classmate. The whole gum incident made his stomach twist into a tight knot, the disgust he’d seen on Marinette’s face sinking deep into his very bones for some reason. Almost as if he could hear the profanities that she was too polite to utter.
Although he did befriend his seat buddy, Nino, they never made it past roll call. Who knew the stone giant he encountered the day before was another classmate of his, and that he’d turn into stone so fast? The luck of a black cat.
Maybe he shouldn’t feel this way. After all Ladybug did save him and Chloe from certain death. And then she got rid of the swarm of butterflies and challenged the madman who took on the name of Hawkmoth. Well, he might not have been the only crazy person in Paris.
Minutes ago Chat had assured Ladybug they were going to make it. They were needed for the job, and the girl had more than enough wit to come out victorious. So it was probably too late now to question her sanity. She just went on with a crazy scheme of hers, dancing on the top of the Eiffel Tower. 
And Chat had no idea how to fix this mess. A scene straight from a King-Kong movie with a stone monster and a petite girl in his grip, tens of meters above the ground. Painfully cliche and even more dangerous. 
*I need to make them kiss. And then catch the akuma.*
There was that voice again. Not his, but his at the same time. An idea, a solution, a string of instructions at the edge of his subconsciousness. Chat stood to attention before he knew it. How the heck were they supposed to make the akuma and his victim kiss?
And then Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around Stoneheart and pulled. Mylene’s lips clumsily landed on the rocky face, performing a very sloppy and possibly rough smooch. Stoneheart froze loosening his grip on Mylene and on something else.
Wait, what?
*Now for the akuma*
Right, the akuma that was hiding in the crumpled object in Stoneheart’s fist. Well, he wouldn’t be a true cat if he didn’t have a solution for that. Chat swatted at the falling thing with his staff, sending it straight to Ladybug. She caught it and broke it as if she’d been doing this her whole life. A butterfly, freed from its confinement, took flight into the Parisian sky. 
Chat drew a breath of relief only to tense again.
*Oh, no. I can’t catch them both.*
The boy returned to the scene below their position. Mylene and Ivan were falling off the tower. It was time to act.
“Chat Noir, you take care of Ivan!”
How the hell was he supposed to do that? She was the one who could magic out a parachute. He could only destroy things.
*Use your power to shape the metal. That’s still a form of destruction.*
Well, here’s an idea. Too bad Chat had to busy himself with cataclysming poor Eiffel Tower’s construction to ponder upon the fact it wasn’t his idea at all. Or was it?
Ladybugs. Ladybugs everywhere. The hum of little wings sweeping over the city and busily restoring things back to order. For Marinette it was exhilarating. She wondered how it must have looked from where Chat was dangling, holding onto Ivan and waiting for the magical insects to take them down.
It’s beautiful. Amazing really.
Ladybug thought there must have been a better way of putting it. She giggled under her breath.
”It’s miraculous!” she exclaimed.
There was one more thing to fix. She straightened out the crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Mylene. The girl’s eyes lit up in comprehension, as Ivan mumbled a promise under his breath. She hugged the suddenly shy boy, or at least did her best to hug as much of him as she could reach.
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Ladybug cooed. “They’re made for each other.”
Just like us two!
She sent Chat a long searching look, but he just fixed her with a cheeky grin that fit him so well. Ladybug felt the beginning of a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Her earrings beeped in warning. 
”Uh, oh,” she grabbed Chat’s paw. His ring beeped as well. ”See that? Time to split. See you soon, Chat Noir!”
The dork bowed like a knight. ”I can’t wait, my Lady.”
My Lady. My Lady. My Ladybug,
The words echoed in Marinette’s ears as she made her way back to school. She couldn’t shake them off, as much as she couldn’t get rid of the warm, fuzzy feeling that dwelled in her stomach.
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futurewriter2000 ¡ 5 years ago
Thieves - pt. 3
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A/N: So I wrote this on my phone because my comouter is broken. Until then I have my undepending phone with me... Hehe... But dont worry. Tomorrow my sister is working so that means I can steal her comluter for a while. Yas. Note to self: Never drink coffee next to your computer.
A book was placed in front of you. Below it caused a thud and above it spread dust. Firstly, you observed it. Despite the sound it emitted and the weight you logically concluded in your head, you hoped for a nice, thin book. You laid your head on the table just to see how that hope would disappear.
You could say you were mortified.
"500 PAGES!" you shouted at your roomate as you lifted the book in front of her. "YOU THINK I HAVE TIME FOR 500 PAGES!"
"It's 494 pages plus 3 pages of foreword."
You stared at your roomate and with a blink of an eye you repeated what you said. "500 BLOODY PAGES!" you lifted the book under her nose and she laughed.
"It's not that lot once you start it."
"Marilla..." you put your hand on her shoulder. "You know I love myself a good book but 500 pages of boring, useless details that can dig me a grave isn't my type of genre." you continued to look at her with empathic eyes but she only rolled hers and walked away, leaving you and the 500-page book standing alone.
"What is your genre, little Bee?" an arm wrapped itself around your shoulder, squeezing you tight. "War books? Spy books? Stolen books?" he winked. "Books about everything?Oooor..." he was now standing in front of you, close and steady. His hand went up to your loose strand of hair and tucked it behind your lovely ear. "A book about a handsome British man." he proudly puffed out his chest and grinned.
You wrinkled your nose and took a step back. "All is nice until a book about an obsessive stalker comes at me." you clashed with his shoulder and walked away.
When you entered the class, you believed it would be over but for him but it never was. He sat on the chair in front of you and sat opposite of how he should. His arms were laid on the back of the chair, his eyes wondering on yours. "I would hardly call myself a stalker, let alone obsessive stalker but if I am being frank with you- can I be?"
"Oh, please. Dont hold it inside just for me." you rolled your eyes.
"I would much rather be an obsessive stalker of that fine young woman who owned this book in the past. Merlin, the way she looked." he bit his fist and let out a pleasing groan.
"You talk about my sister?" your mood dropped and so did your tone.
"Yes. She was fun and gorgeous and sexy and talkative and trusting and- and just wow." he swooned and twirled on his chair meanwhile just that caused something ugly to form in your stomach.
Jealousy?- Of course it was jealousy. How can it not be that? - Even if she was long out of Hogwarts, three years to be exact, students and professors continued to swoon over her like the Gryffindor in front of you. You never liked Sirius, in any sort of way that would make you want to date him or even hold hands with him because to you, he was just someone with good genes and ignorant personality. Yet, when a handsome boy talks to you, the last thing you would want to hear is how your sister is much much better than you. In beauty and intellect.
But in a way.... That's how you always felt.
You looked down on the parchment that was laid in front of you and let your mind wander.
Sirius waited for your snarky comment or any kind of teasing remark but nothing came. His eyes glanced up at yours and he knew- he just knew you were sad. Plain sad. Has he offended you? Even if he planned to, he didn't mean to cause you that much hurt. Just some teasing as both of you were used to.
Your fingers tugged on the edge of the paper and you bit your lip subconsciously. "Yeah." you replied with a shallow voice. You took a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah she is." and with that you packed up your school supplies and sat at the other corner of the room, far away from the reminder.
He looked at you confused. He couldn't know what he could hit so close to the middle that made you walk away.
The class was close to the end and the teacher decided to give the results of your exam taken last week. You weren't surprised to get a good grade but at the same time, you were sad.
What had happened to you? All your life you have been rebelling towards your sister, trying to get out of her shoes, trying to run away from all the pressure your parents put you through because of her. You've been doing nothing but complain about her. Of how she treats you, of how different she is with you then with others.
And this grade? This great mark you got from the help of your sister... It only made you feel like a hypocrite.
So as you were packed back in your dorm with nothing but a pack of books in front of you and another, only one book, your sister's book, beside them, you decided to make a decision.
You grabbed that one book and without any look in the mirror you went to the Gryffindor tower.
You knew the password. Your cousin is a Gryffindor, your whole family was. He was the same age as you and another acute reminder of how you stand out from the family.
You walked up to the boys dormitory and searched it whole until you found a certain name written on it. You raised your fist to knock and with all the bravery you could manage, you did.
A boy, a mixture of black and hazel, opened those doors and smiled at you. "Hey there, (y/n)."
"Hey, James." you smiled and felt yourself grow nervous. He always did have that affect on you.
"It's good to see you. What can I do for you?" he leaned on the door frame and curved his lips into a smile.
Merlin if you had a penny for each time he made you melt inside.
"Uh, well... I'm looking for Sirius."
"I thought you would sooner or later." he chuckled and opened the door wider. "Come in."
You nodded with a smile and entered the room. Four heads, eight eyes were now all on you.
"You know Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew." he pointed at each and you smiled at both of them. "And our lovely malodramtic Sirius Black."
"How can I forget the culprit?" you narrowed your eyes jokingly at him and shook your head. He only rolled his eyes in return.
"I thought that was water under the bridge."
"Not yet." you simpered and took a few steps forward. He stood up frkm the bed and started making his wat to you. The two of you met in the middle, only a few feet apart. You tugged your sleeves under the book your were holding and yet again, bit your lower lip subconsciously.
He looked down at the hidden book, furrowing his eyebrows. "What's this?" he then pointed.
"A book." you finally showed it bare and with no sleeves covering it.
"Thank you for that observation." he rolled his eyes and showed his birght teeth in a smile. "I mean why are you giving it to me? Are you giving it to me?"
"Yes." you said fast and pushed it at his chest. "Take it."
"It's not mine to take." he lifted his arm above his shoulders.
"It was a week ago." you continued to push it at his chest.
"Can we not do this here?" he said and nodded at the door, gently supporting the book with his hand.
You sighed. "I don't want it, Sirius and I bet you want it more as me." you spoke clearly with a sharp tone. The book was now at his hands and with a wave to the other boys, you left the room.
'I don't need her book. I don't. I can make it without her. I can make it better without her.' your thoughts ran through your mind over and over again. You don't want to feel so small everytime your perfect older sister is there or even slightly mentioned. It was so... so wrong for you.
"(y/n)!" someone shouted and you turned around to see the same boy running towards you.
"I told you, Sirius. I don't want the bloody book!"
"Can we stop about the book for a second?!" he stopped in front as he always did but this time his hands were firmly placed on your shoulders. "What's wrong?"
And at this point you wanted to collapse in those gentle arms and tell him you were far from okay. But he was a stranger and you don't trust strangers.
"Nothing is always something, (y/n)." he simpered and you smiled as well.
"So he does know my name." you tried to avert the attention to another subject than your emotions.
"Took me a while." he smiled and offered you an arm. "Want to walk."
"Oh, you're walking with me alright." he took your hand in his and pulled you with him.
"This is abduction." you tried to get your hand out of his but he only took your arm and interlaced his fingers with you.
You blushed at the action. You hated your hands for some odd reason. They were never much for ring wearing or fancy handwriting but with his hands, they just fit so perfectly and the feeling was ever so warming.
"Is it?" he glanced at you with that infamous smirk of his.
"Yes." you tried to hide your blush yet the smile was illuminating just that.
"Then why are you walking with me?" he continued to smile so lovely at you. He noticed the two burnt cheeks just as the castle lights shone on them and that made him satisfied for pressuring you into a walk.
"Because?" he kept doing the same gesture. They way his eyes leaned on you and his smile caused a feeling abrupt in your heart. You stared up to those light eyes that transformed so dark at when the light was at its worse. So many thought ran through your head that all you ever wanted was to make sure they were somehow true... But then again... He said it himself he'd prefer your sister over you. Not in so many words but he said it.
You pulled your hand from his grasp and tugged it under your crossed arms. He looked confused for a moment, sobered up from the spell your touch caused him. Why would you do that? He loved holding your hand, it was... Nice- in his own words.
His hand now felt cold and alone, so he put it in his pocket. "I have to appologise to you about this morning." he swayed on his feet lightly. "Whatever insulting I said, I didn't mean to hurt you and I definetly didn't mean to make you want to give your sister's book to me."
You looked up at him, again with those doe eyes that made him feel.... Nice. A gentle laugh left your lips and you began to walk in front of him, walking backwards. "So you appologise for something you said but not for something you stole?" you quirked an eyebrow and he snorted at the irony.
"Stole? I have no clue what you mean."
You backed away to his side and walked his pace. "You didn't say anything insulting to me this morning. I just... Drifted at the mention of my sister.." you said intentionally.
"Your sister?" he asked, unsure if he heard you correctly.
"When it comes to her I just become so... On edge." you shrugged, avoiding his eye contact.
And for that moment of silence Sirius could feel himself see a different person in front of him. Not this overly-confident small Hufflepuff who kneed him in the crotch and stole his leather jacket but this- well, he couldn't find the right words to describe that person at the moment.
"I don't understand. I remember her coming to your classes just to check up on you and yell at this Slytherin for bullying you..."
"Yeah, I like that sister too but you know most of the time all I hear were her ugly remarks about me and how I am doing everything wrong over and over again. To see just how much my mom prefers her over me, how she spoils her, loves her, praises her... It's like this cage I can't get out of. She's different towards me than she is with anybody else, Sirius. " you now stopped in front of him and looked up." But you like her, the whole world likes her and she is this perfect beautiful witch, contrast to me. "you looked down on your sweatpants and hoodie. Just now you remembered your hair wasn't all tidy and bewitching as well.
"What are you talking about? You're just as cute as her."
"Cute, Sirius. Not beautiful." you let it leave your lungs carelessly.
"You were beautiful on that Hogsmeade trip." he took your hands and stepped closer. "The jeans, the yellow bold top, the oversized sexy leather jacket." he was now close as you smiled.
He was almost leaning on your chest, his warm breath touching your skin and his hands gently put on your waist. It was almost euphoric.
But it just couldn't get out if your head. "I'm not her, Sirius." you stepped away.
Sirius felt his breath fade away. He didn't know why he held it in at the first place. It was surely not because of the moment that happened between the two of you just now was "nice" but something else- something he didn't want tovend the way it did.
He watched you leave with your grey hoodie, your sweatpants and two-coloured socks standing out in the night of all of it. Few more seconds and those bright-sock feet disappeared around the corner.
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