#Compromiso Social
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Fallece Jorge Lanata a los 64 años: legado y enseñanzas
El periodismo argentino despide a Jorge Lanata, fallecido hoy a los 64 años, figura emblemática de la comunicación que marcó un antes y un después en la forma de ejercer esta profesión. Su trabajo, caracterizado por la independencia y la confrontación con el poder, inspiró a varias generaciones de reporteros y dejó valiosas lecciones que trascienden fronteras. Jorge Lanata inició su carrera…
#Compromiso Social#comunicación global#denuncia periodística#independencia editorial#innovación mediática#investigaciones de corrupción#Jorge Lanata#legado periodístico#Libertad de Expresión#periodismo argentino
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Biblioteca Popular de Jujuy: 125 años de historia, cultura y compromiso con la comunidad
Biblioteca Popular de Jujuy: 125 años de historia, cultura y compromiso con la comunidad Celebran 125 años de la Biblioteca Popular de Jujuy, resaltando su rol cultural en la provincia y su apoyo al patrimonio histórico de Jujuy.
La Biblioteca Popular de Jujuy celebró recientemente su 125° aniversario, un acontecimiento que reunió a autoridades provinciales, municipales y a miembros de la comunidad. El gobernador Carlos Sadir, junto a otras autoridades, destacó el rol de la biblioteca como una de las instituciones culturales más antiguas e importantes de la provincia, un verdadero emblema del patrimonio y la cultura en…
#acceso a la educación#acceso a la lectura#acceso gratuito#actividades#ad honorem#apoyo estatal#Autores Jujeños#Biblioteca Popular de Jujuy#Carlos Sadir#colección de libros#colección documental#compromiso social#Concejo Deliberante#conciertos de coros#Conocimiento#conservación#COVID-19#crecimiento intelectual#Cultura#digitalizada#Educación#empleados#espacio de referencia#estudios#eventos culturales#festejos#formación cultural#fortalecimiento cultural#hemeroteca#histórico edificio
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Nuevas empresas se comprometen con el cambio cultural contra la violencia machista
CR Informativa | [email protected] San José, 10 de julio de 2024 – En un paso significativo hacia la seguridad y el bienestar de las mujeres, las oficinas centrales de Centenario Internacional S.A. en San José y el salón Yuly Peralta en Sarchí han sido habilitados como Espacios Seguros para Mujeres. Estos espacios, previamente identificados, brindan refugio y ayuda a mujeres que…
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Marketing social empresarial para la seguridad infantil
En el marketing social empresarial para la seguridad infantil, se destaca el caso de “Safe Kids Worldwide” (Niños seguros en el mundo) que es un modelo de colaboración, donde participan distintas empresas. Los comienzos Todo comienca cuendo el Dr. Martin R. Eichelberger, un cirujano pediatra del Children’s National Hospital en Washington, D.C., se sintió profundamente conmovido por la cantidad de…
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Tres universidades de Tarija apoyarán la Cumbre por la Sostenibilidad de la Reserva de Sama
Las universidades Católica Boliviana, Privada Domingo Savio y Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho se unirán a la Cumbre por la Sostenibilidad de la Reserva de Sama, que se llevará a cabo el 10 de mayo. En el acto oficial de adhesión, participaron rectores, autoridades y organizaciones de la sociedad civil. El objetivo de la Cumbre es alcanzar un amplio consenso y compromiso social para asegurar la…
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#Acuerdos intergubernamentales#Agua#compromiso#Compromiso social#concienciación#Conservación#Cumbre#educación#gestión#investigación#Mecanismos financieros#participación#Recursos hídricos.#Reserva de Sama#sostenibilidad#universidades#Uso Racional
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Para fomentar mejores empresas, anuncia Luis Nava la estrategia “Contigo sin Límites”
Con el objetivo de impulsar las buenas prácticas en las empresas queretanas, el Presidente Municipal de Querétaro, Luis Nava invitó a representantes del sector a participar en la convocatoria “Contigo sin límites” que brindará distintivos a quienes destaquen en aspectos como la igualdad de género, el cuidado al medio ambiente y por su compromiso con las y los trabajadores y que en suma, procuran…
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Desigualdad social, de la queja a la acción
Desde 2006, Catalina Hornos trabaja en la Asociación Haciendo Camino para ayudar a las familias vulnerables del norte de Argentina, donde la pobreza estructural y la desigualdad social son desafíos significativos a enfrentar.
A los 21 años, mientras terminaba su carrera de psicopedagogía en la Universidad Austral, Catalina Hornos viajó a una escuela de Añatuya, Santiago del Estero, para realizar tareas de orientación vocacional a alumnas de una escuela albergue. Lo que no sabía entonces, era que conocer esa “otra” realidad sería transformador. Eso fue lo que la motivó a convertirse en un puente entre para llevar allá la ayuda que unos tienen y otros necesitan.
Finalmente terminó instalándose seis años en Añatuya y en ese tiempo acogió a varios chicos que, por distintas situaciones de violencia habían tenido que ser separados de sus familias de origen y no había dónde ubicarlos. En el podcast de Construyendo el Futuro, un espacio diseñado por Grupo Mirgor para fomentar el diálogo sobre los distintos aspectos que afectan su negocio con referentes y especialistas en los temas relacionados con la actividad de la empresa, ella comparte: “Ellos se convirtieron en mi familia, me eligieron como mamá y yo los elegí como hijos a partir del vínculo que habíamos generado”.
Un granito de arena
Hornos volvió de Santiago del Estero a los 30 años y con siete hijos adoptados, a los que tiempo después se sumaron los tres biológicos que tuvo con su pareja, que a su vez ya tenía una hija.
Hoy radicada en Buenos Aires, es Psicopedagoga, Psicóloga, fundadora y directora general de la Asociación Civil Haciendo Camino, que desde 2006 acompaña a familias vulnerables en las provincias de Santiago del Estero y Chaco a través de 12 centros de Desarrollo Infantil y Fortalecimiento Familiar. Además dirige también el Hogar María del Rosario en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Según Hornos, aunque la asociación Haciendo Camino no puede transformar por sí sola las estadísticas de pobreza y desnutrición en Argentina, sí tiene la capacidad de generar cambios dentro de cada hogar de las familias que acompaña.
En su opinión, la situación estructural de la desigualdad en la Argentina no va a cambiar, “a menos que logremos una articulación de verdad con el Estado”. En el Norte del país las carencias en cuanto a vivienda y servicios se pueden ver.
La paradoja de la desigualdad
En la Argentina, país al que el resto del mundo ve como una reserva de alimentos para enfrentar la crisis global, la pobreza es un problema estructural y uno de los aspectos más críticos es la inseguridad alimentaria. Ese es uno de los problemas principales, según Hornos.
Otro de los dramas que provoca la desigualdad, dice la especialista, es la falta de agua potable, “porque es difícil recuperar a un desnutrido si no tiene ni siquiera agua limpia para beber”.
La lista de carencias se hace interminable y se pueden sumar la falta de acceso a la salud y la educación, que hacen mella en la violencia intrafamiliar propia de años de generaciones abandonadas a su suerte.
Hornos sostuvo en el podcast de Mirgor, que cree que si se llegó a esta situación es como consecuencia de “las políticas de Estado que no se implementaron o que fracasaron”, pero agrega que “también como sociedad fracasamos, porque todos somos parte de esto. El Estado está conformado por gente de nuestra sociedad y refleja lo que somos”.
Mientras tanto, Haciendo Camino sigue adelante con sus programas de apoyo, acompañamiento y talleres de oficio, entre otros. “Si podemos cambiar el principio de la historia, podemos cambiar toda la historia”, asegura Hornos y deja una reflexión: Si lo podemos cambiar es porque un poco de responsabilidad tenemos, sobre todo en exigir que cambie, y comprometernos con eso.
Originally published at https://tecnoreporte.com/ on February 01, 2023.
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Felicitaciones de amigos a mewsuppasit y tul_pakorn por su compromiso
saaakkkyyyppp ig stories “Welcome to our family Tul Pakorn ❤️ Mew Suppasit”
silamom ig stories
jessjpp ig stories congrattt
daymayday ig stories “I AM SUPER DUPER HAPPY FOR BOTH OF YOU. tul_pakorn mewsuppasit
porschapiwat ig stories “Congratulations to both of you”
P' Aom ig stories Congratulations to both of you. Such a cute couple
Davikah ig stories Congratulations. Love you both
lilyypantila ig stories Estoy emocionada desde el día que Mew me lo contó. Y por fin llegó el día. Felicidades, hermano.
yiwyiww ig stories Congrats to both of you nakaa 🤍💍✨
Nuiclub X 24oct2024 Congratulations!!!!! @ octotul เกียมตัดชุ�� เกียมยกน้ำชา
itscharlotty X 24oct2024 OMG!!!! CONGRATULATIONS NA KA!!🥹🤍🫶🏻 ฮือออออออออตื้นตัน ดีใจจจจจจจขอให้ชีวิตคู่มีแต่ความสุขรักกันตลอดไปเลย🤍
มิวตุลย์ #MewSuppasit #Tul_Pakorn
#mew suppasit#tul_pakorn#mewtul#Absence_MV#Absence#ช่องว่างหัวใจ#ตุลย์ภากร#มิวตุลย์#มิวศุภศิษฏ์#octotul#tul pakorn#Mew Suppasit#mewlions#MewSupasit#MSuppasit#suppasitchannel#MewPressconAbsence#ABSENCE MEW SINGLE#Press Conference Opening Single MewSuppasit “Absence ช่องว่างหัวใจ”#Felicitaciones de amigos a mewsuppasit y tul_pakorn por su compromiso en redes sociales
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«Por decirlo sin rodeos: entre la ideología socialista del anarcosindicalismo y el anarcocomunismo (que nunca han negado la importancia de la realización personal y la satisfacción del deseo) y el pedigrí esencialmente liberal e individualista del anarquismo personal (que fomenta la incapacidad social, por no decir directamente la negación social), existe un abismo que no puede salvarse a menos que se ignoren totalmente los objetivos, métodos y filosofía subyacente, profundamente distintos, que los diferencian. En realidad, el propio proyecto de Stirner surgió en un debate con el socialismo de Wilhelm Weitling y Moses Hess, donde invocó el egoísmo precisamente en contraposición al socialismo. “El mensaje [de Stirner] era la insurrección personal más que la revolución general” —observa James J. Martin con admiración—. Una contraposición que persiste actualmente en el anarquismo personal y sus variantes yuppies, a diferencia del anarquismo social con sus raíces en el historicismo, la matriz social de la individualidad y su compromiso con una sociedad racional.»
Murray Bookchin: Anarquismo social o anarquismo personal, un abismo insuperable. Virus Editorial, págs. 92-93. Barcelona, 2012.
#bookchin#murray bookchin#anarquismo social o anarquismo personal#anarquismo#anarquismo social#anarquismo personal#anarquismo individualista#ideología socialista#socialismo#individualismo#anarcosindicalismo#anarcocomunismo#liberalismo#stirner#max stirner#weitling#wilhelm witling#moses hess#egoismo#james j. martin#yuppies#individualidad#compromiso#sociedad racional#comunalismo#teo gómez otero
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Esa mujer, de Rodolfo Walsh
Esa mujer, de Rodolfo Walsh fue escrito en 1965 y publicado por primera vez en la revista Primera Plana en 1967. Se trata de un relato basado en hechos reales sobre el destino del cadáver de Eva Perón, la esposa del presidente argentino Juan Domingo Perón, que fue secuestrado y ocultado por los militares que derrocaron a su marido en 1955. El narrador del cuento es un periodista que visita al…
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Cuaderno de Viaje, Escuela para Territorios libres de Violencia de Género de la Universidad de las Américas (UDLA)
Equipo Gestor Cuaderno de Viaje Durante el verano del 2021, el Programa de Intervención Comunitaria desarrolló la Escuela de Monitoras, iniciativa que busca formar a mujeres con trayectoria en trabajo con comunidades y grupos de mujeres, creando un espacio de encuentro diálogo y construcción conjunta. Como parte de ese proceso, se invitó a las participantes a registrar su propio proceso en…
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#ética profesional#ética profesional y responsabilidad ciudadana#Comprometido con los valores institucionales: compromiso comunitario#compromiso comunitario#diagnóstico y vinculación#formación universitaria#gestión local participativa#innovación e investigación#la equidad#la equidad y la calidad de vida#la Misión del programa es: contribuir a la co-construcción de escenarios de vida más justos y equitativos#línea de intervención comunitaria#levantamiento de información diagnóstica#organizaciones sociales y comunitarias co-produciendo conocimientos#para la trasformación social enmarcada en espacios locales.#permanente diálogo#Programa de Intervención Comunitaria#que promuevan el desarrollo de personas#transformación social
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Instituciones de primera respuesta se unieron a marcha para repudiar la violencia contra las mujeres
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¿Por dónde empezar a recrear una sociedad?
Nuestra sociedad, dormida en la ilusión y perdida en sus valores, necesita salir de su estado vegetativo, casi comatoso al que los parásitos de la política nos han llevado. Hemos de generar una visión de nosotros mismos, para poder asumir como misión los cambios que necesitamos para mejorar, para poder avanzar de nuevo, para recuperar la vitalidad perdida. Una sociedad, y más en un territorio…
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#cambio#compromiso#contrato social#corrupción#incentivos#legalidad#libertad#orden establecido#respeto#sociedad#temas importnates#vertebración
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Roberto Ángel afirma Abinader crea nuevo precedente con la política social en la región Sur
_Encabezó este domingo las jornadas de inclusion social “Primero Tú” en Juan de Herrera y “Cerca de Tí” en Sabaneta, de San Juan, así como la inauguración de un Paseo de los Colores
San Juan- Roberto Ángel Salcedo, director de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia, destacó este domingo el impacto de la política social del Gobierno en el municipio Juan de Herrera, en otras comunidades de San Juan, de la región Sur y demás provincias del país, y afirmó que el presidente Luis Abinader crea un nuevo precedente en la solución de las necesidades más prioritarias de las poblaciones más vulnerables.
Este domingo fueron beneficiadas miles de personas con los servicios ofrecidos a través de las jornadas de inclusión y asistencia social "Primero Tú" y "Cerca de Tí".
Al dejar iniciada la jornada este domingo en el Centro Educativo Profesor Leonidas del Carmen Sánchez, Roberto Ángel dijo que el ofrecimiento de una multiplicidad de servicios en este municipio es una ratificación del compromiso del presidente Luis Abinader de "seguir trabajando por y para la gente" más vulnerable y que vive en condiciones de pobreza extrema, darles acompañamiento y atender cada una de sus necesidades.
Manifestó que estos servicios seguirán ofreciéndose, no solo en Juan de Herrera, sino en cada municipio hasta abarcar a toda la provincia.
Precisó que durante las jornadas de inclusión social se da un seguimiento sistemático y se beneficia a toda la poblacion, desde los menores de las casas, las embarazadas, jóvenes y adultos mayores hasta a los envejecientes de todo el país.
Roberto Ángel afirmó que en estas son atendidas las necesidades prioritarias, pero también las más urgentes, como son la formación y la capacitacion de los jóvenes a través del Infotep, el ITLA, el Ministerio de Trabajo, con su programa "Dominicana Trabaja", Promipyme, y de las Escuelas Vocacionales de las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional, para que puedan contribuir con el desarrollo económico y social de sus comunidades, sus provincias y de todo el país.
El funcionario, al citar los distintos servicios ofrecidos en las jornadas de inclusión social Primero Tú, reafirmó que estos seguiran ofreciendose en Juan de Herrera y toda la provincia, porque San Juan es prioridad para el presidente Luis Abinader.
Al concluir su discurso, Roberto Ángel recorrió y supervisó los servicios ofrecidos en las aulas del plantel escolar.
En Juan de Herrera, las palabras de agradecimiento por la jornada Primero Tú y el programa Cerca de Tí en el municipio Juan de Herrera y el distrito municipal Sabaneta, de San Juan de la Maguana, las expresaron los diputados Nidio Encarnación y Frank Ramírez y la alcaldesa de San Juan de la Maguana, Hanoi Sánchez.
Otras jornadas Primero Tu
En la presente semana, la Dirección de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia también realizó jornadas de inclusión social “Primero Tú” en las comunidades Hacienda Estrella, en Mendoza, Santo Domingo Este, y en el municipio Nizao provincia Baní.
Cerca de Ti
Durante la presente semana, mediante el programa Cerca de Ti, la Direccion General de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia entregó miles de raciones alimenticoas crudas a personas envejecientes de Sabaneta, en San Juan de la Maguana,, en el centro Educativo, Concepción Bona, del distrito municipal El Carretón y en la Escuela Basica de Villa Fundación, en el municipio del mismo nombre de la provincia Peravia.
Paseo de los Colores
Roberto Ángel Salcedo dejó inaugurado el Paseo de Los Colores número 31, de más de 312 metros cuadrados, en la verja perímetral del centro educativo Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, ubicado al lado del parque Duarte y del Museo Orlando Martínez, en la ciudad de San Juan de la Maguana.
En la exposición artistica, desarrollada a través del propgrama Dominicana Creativa y Cultural de Propeep, se resalta la fertilidad del valle de San Juan, provincia también conocida como "El Granero del Sur" y "Tierra de Dios".
A la vez se exponen aspectos de la producción agrícola. la herencia taína con las efigies de la reina Anacaona y el cacique Caonabo, asi como de Olivorio Mateo Ledesma (papá Liborio).
Autoridades presentes
Roberto Ángel Salcedo estuvo acompañado, ademas de los diputados Frank Ramírez y Nidio Encarnación, de la alcaldesa Hanoi Sánchez, de la coordinadora de Gestión Presidencial, Ana María Díaz, la directora del programa Dominicana Digna de Propeep, Madelen Díaz, y otras autoridades locales y provinciales, entre otras autoridades.
#Roberto Ángel afirma Abinader crea nuevo precedente con la política social en la región Sur#_Encabezó este domingo las jornadas de inclusion social “Primero Tú” en Juan de Herrera y “Cerca de Tí” en Sabaneta#de San Juan#así como la inauguración de un Paseo de los Colores#San Juan- Roberto Ángel Salcedo#director de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia#destacó este domingo el impacto de la política social del Gobierno en el municipio Juan de Herrera#en otras comunidades de San Juan#de la región Sur y demás provincias del país#y afirmó que el presidente Luis Abinader crea un nuevo precedente en la solución de las necesidades más prioritarias de las poblaciones más#Este domingo fueron beneficiadas miles de personas con los servicios ofrecidos a través de las jornadas de inclusión y asistencia social “P#Al dejar iniciada la jornada este domingo en el Centro Educativo Profesor Leonidas del Carmen Sánchez#Roberto Ángel dijo que el ofrecimiento de una multiplicidad de servicios en este municipio es una ratificación del compromiso del president#darles acompañamiento y atender cada una de sus necesidades.#Manifestó que estos servicios seguirán ofreciéndose#no solo en Juan de Herrera#sino en cada municipio hasta abarcar a toda la provincia.#Precisó que durante las jornadas de inclusión social se da un seguimiento sistemático y se beneficia a toda la poblacion#desde los menores de las casas#las embarazadas#jóvenes y adultos mayores hasta a los envejecientes de todo el país.#Roberto Ángel afirmó que en estas son atendidas las necesidades prioritarias#pero también las más urgentes#como son la formación y la capacitacion de los jóvenes a través del Infotep#el ITLA#el Ministerio de Trabajo#con su programa “Dominicana Trabaja”#Promipyme#y de las Escuelas Vocacionales de las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional#para que puedan contribuir con el desarrollo económico y social de sus comunidades
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El papel de las redes sociales en el SEO local
Cómo las redes sociales impulsan el SEO local En el competitivo entorno digital actual, SEO local se ha convertido en una estrategia clave para las empresas que buscan conectarse con sus audiencias en casa. Esta guía completa profundiza en la relación simbiótica entre las redes sociales y el SEO local, revelando cómo las empresas pueden aprovechar estas plataformas para aumentar el conocimiento,…
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#alcance#autoridad de dominio#búsqueda local#clientes locales#compromiso#conversión#enlaces entrantes#Google Maps#Google My Business#leads#local#marketing en redes sociales#marketing local#motores de búsqueda#negocio local#optimización de motores de búsqueda#optimización de motores de búsqueda local#posicionamiento en buscadores#posicionamiento en Google#posicionamiento en motores de búsqueda#posicionamiento local#posicionamiento SEO#presencia local#ranking local#redes sociales#SEO#SEO local#social marketing#social media#social media marketing
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ella es mi fiesta — jude bellingham x hispanic!reader.
la conocí una mañana para una fiesta de enero / nos ennoviamos en marzo / el compromiso iba enserio.
summary: while on vacation, a young man around your age approaches you at a new year's day brunch. you give him your socials, unaware how you were about to change each other's lives.
wc: 3.3k
warnings: love at first sight, young people in love!! no nsfw for this one, but i do have to warn some sentences in spanish but that's normal in my writing atp.
A/N: AAAA i'm so anxious to post this, i hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did writing it !! xx also idk how to write the summary for lengthy fics rip. this is going to be two parter btw !!
now playing. . . ella es mi fiesta by carlos vives
You remembered the day so vividly.
Cold January morning. Seventeen year-old you spent the winter vacations in Germany with your family. Though most of your clothes were of neutral tones, your sweater and lipstick were a matching shade of cherry red. The New Year’s brunch party was in full swing, but all Jude could do was watch as you struggled a bit with the German when asking for the reservation you and your loved ones held. His face, and subsequently his whole being lit up when he noticed you’d soon occupy the booth next to the one he was sitting with his family.
Jobe perked a brow up at his seemingly irrational reaction, turning to look the way his brother was. “Which one do you fancy?” He leaned in to whisper with such a childish manner, but at the end of the day, he was sixteen. Jude only sighed, replying in a low tone, “The one with the red sweater and lipstick.” He’d also come to notice the way your nose and cheeks almost matched that tone. Was it the cold or just makeup? He didn’t care, and his heart only melted further. He couldn’t hold it anymore, he had to talk to you. He felt you drew him in like a magnet.
You spoke quietly with your family, noticing them hungover. The menu for the pre-paid brunch looked particularly appetizing, eyes carefully scanning each option with your brain sending signals to your stomach about the idea and taste of each one.
“Hello, excuse me,” The voice made your eyes tear themselves away from the menu, thus stripping your mind from the fantasy of filling your stomach with food after hours awake without any. Your family was looking straight at you, and you tilted your face towards the man standing rather nervously in front of you.
You were taken aback for a second, straightening up in your seat. This man was bold, you could tell just from the fact he approached you in front of your family. “Happy new year to you all.” He greeted the rest of the table politely, confirming once more chivalry wasn’t dead. Your family replied positively— due to the fact most were still drunk— before busying themselves. You knew very well they were eavesdropping, just doing so in a classy way.
The young man, you could guess he was around your age, shifted from one leg to another. “I��m Jude.” He introduced himself, stretching out a hand. You were so used to the two kisses on the cheek, but you still stretched with proper grip followed by a similar introduction.
“Uh, I know this might be weird but can you give me your Instagram? You’re… gorgeous.” He was forward, but there was still some reluctance in his tone. You let out a tiny gasp at his words and just nodded, taking the phone he handed out to you and typing the user.
“Here you go. It was nice meeting you, Jude.” You smiled warmly, hanging back the phone. Jude thought he could’ve had a stroke right then and there, but he nodded and smiled back, “You too. Have a nice one. The food here is amazing.”
You waved Jude goodbye as he departed with his family, and the gossip started as soon as they crossed the door on their way out. Your brother recognized him, your cousin thought he was a whore due to the amount of followers he amassed, and your grandma thought he was extremely handsome. But all their opinions fell on deaf ears, you accepted his request. For a second you thought he was going to leave it at that, but the texting started almost immediately.
Jude had come to learn you were a year younger than him though you shared a birthday, that you were on vacation with your family around the area but soon were to return to Spain to celebrate día de reyes. He’d also come to learn he couldn’t tear himself away from his phone after you’d cheekily asked him for his number— you asked if he could fill out a form for school and sent in the empty contact information fields. Your wittiness grew to become one of his favorite things about you.
The texts turned into calls that took entire nights, the calls turned into incessant FaceTimes, some for the silliest of things. During mid-March happened the first turning point in which your relationship blossomed. The first long weekend you got away from school Jude flew you in, eager to spend those three days by your side. He received you at the airport with a bouquet of tulips, the flowers you adored to keep around once they were in season.
“You didn’t have to!” You whined, finally letting go of the constricting hug he was keeping you in.
“Nonsense, it’s the least I could do for my best girl.” Jude kissed your cheek gleefully, taking your luggage in tow before heading to the vehicle.
You greeted Denise rather shyly, but she was kind and welcoming, joking how she missed having a female companion to games. Growing up in a house with men, you were glad you had enough knowledge to comment on the match with her, sitting at the VIP area of the stadium. You didn’t want to be obvious by wearing his jersey, but wearing it on the trip back home would make your chest swell with pride.
Borussia Dortmund had won the game spectacularly, and it was the first time you’d find yourself cheering for another team that wasn’t your Madrid. You expressed how proud you were of him during dinner with Jude, but you’d noticed he was a bit quieter than usual. Knowing him enough that something might be wrong you just pinned it to exhaustion. But the idea never left your head.
“Ay no sé,” You looked back towards the door, afraid someone might come in and catch you actively gossiping with your best friend about Jude. “Maybe he’s getting cold feet now that I’m here, I told you; you were wrong.”
You knew very well there were bets placed back at home if Jude was going to ask you this weekend to be officially his girlfriend. But he was suddenly so distant, giving lukewarm touches before retrieving to his room in the middle of a movie. You sat staring out the window in the dead of night, legs crossed and pulled towards your chest. Your best friend started berating you, giving out excuses to feed the false hope.
You shushed her yapping by a weak knock in the door. Another one followed, this time with bravery included. “Te llamo ahora,” You hung up, taking slow steps towards the door. Jude stood on the other side in his pajamas, and the temperature in the room rose. He was seeing you in yours, even though you’d FaceTime at night a hundred times. “What are you doing here? You should be resting!”
“I’m so sorry, I can’t wait anymore.” He breathed out. He was holding a gift bag in his hand. “May I come in?” You nodded, swallowing hard before closing the door behind him.
“I was supposed to surprise you tomorrow with brunch, just like the day we met. The day I confirmed love at first sight is real because I experienced it with you the moment you walked into the restaurant.” Jude started, almost rambling. He was extremely nervous.
You stood there, dumbfounded, listening to him go on. “But I can’t take this anymore. The nerves won’t let me sleep.” You cracked a smile, noticing the way his bottom lip puckered out slightly.
“C’mere, Belli bear.” You stretched your arms out, pulling him into a hug. His taller frame draped over you in the darkness as he hid his face in your neck. You swore he could hear your heart pounding against your chest.
“You’re the woman of my dreams, baby.” He muttered, his hot breath hitting your jaw. “Do me the honor of being your boyfriend.” His empty hand cupped your face once he pulled away, and the only thing you could do was nod, left speechless.
The situation was something straight out of a fantasy, something you could only dream of. This man was a star, rapidly becoming one to watch when it came to European football. “What is it? You’ve never been this quiet before.” He teased, leaning in. His nose brushed against you, and you gave the confirmation by closing the space between you.
Your knees felt weak, it was the sweetest kiss you’ve ever shared with anyone. From the moment he had the bravery to approach you in that packed restaurant, you knew Jude was special. If it was any other guy, you wouldn’t have accepted doing long distance in the first place.
“I got you something.” He whispered against your lips once you’d pull away from the kiss. He removed his hand from your face, to reach into the bag. A jewelry box and a card. You inhaled at the jewelry box that creaked open, your eyes landing on the gold chain. “Read the card first.”
Song lyrics. ‘ I want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck, chain ‘round my neck. Not because he owns me. Because he really knows me.’ Your eyes trailed back to the piece to notice a heart pendant with a J engraved on it. He watched you quietly, eyes dissecting your face for a reaction.
“You’re kidding.” You covered your mouth to let out a muffled squeal, throwing yourself in his arms. Jude had to stifle a laugh to avoid waking up his family, holding you close. He inhaled your scent in, and thought he was done for. “I love it, Jude. Thank you so much. Now you didn’t have to!” You let out a teary smile. The sweet tears rolled down your cheeks and straight into his gentle thumbs as he cleaned your face.
You carefully closed the box and placed it inside the bag, placing it at the nightstand. Jude watched your movements with a puzzled look before you tugged him down for another kiss. He let out a muffled noise of surprise, but held you against his arms while your own tangled around his neck. Your bodies stumbled around the room like two drunken fellas before landing on the bed.
You yelped, accidentally biting his bottom lip. He sucked a breath in, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the tiny accident, face hidden in his chest to avoid waking anyone up. “I think we should call it a night… boyfriend.”
Jude was bound to protest, but a yawn interrupted his claim. The exhaustion slapped him across the face all of a sudden. “Fine… girlfriend. Just one more kiss.” He complained, leaning to take your lips in his. It was short, since he then focused on peppering kisses all over your face. You giggled, and Jude’s stomach bubbled with euphoria from hearing your laugh.
“Go! Your mum will kill you!” You struggled as you tried to shove him off, and he kissed your forehead before retreating back to his bedroom.
You laid there, speechless. Your face plastered the huge bright smile, and you couldn’t help but reach for a pillow and cover your face as you let out a loud squeal.
The past year you’ve spent in a haze. And it was a good one. You finished school with exemplary results, Jude surprised you both at the graduation ceremony and on your birthday. But you had also spent the past year selling Jude the idea of moving to Madrid, your home city, and playing for the team of your dreams and hopes. He laughed off your insistence, but still listened to your rambles about the club’s rich history.
You could remember vividly how he woke you up one morning, insisting it was urgent. “My agent got a call.” He started. He sounded breathless.
“¡Buen día para usted también! Let me guess,” You rolled over to lay on your stomach. “Man City? Chelsea?” You scratched your stomach, staring at the ceiling, neither option interested you. It was barely seven AM on an early May morning, a Saturday to be exact.
“No.” You sat up at the gravity of his voice. “Real Madrid.”
You gasped, and Jude had to tear the phone away from his ear as you screamed and shouted. He waited for your outburst to end, smiling nervously at his teammates who passed by and heard the noises. He recognized the bed creaking a little too well.
“Okay I’m so sorry,” You exhaled, laying down on the bed. Your dog had started barking at your door. “Tell me all about it. I won’t give you my opinion since you know I’m biased.” You laughed breathlessly, kicking your feet back and forth.
Jude smiled. Even when you were far away and busy juggling university applications and a job, you were present for everything. Having your hardcore madridista family cheering for him during each game. Same thing happened the other way around; even when his career was at an all time high, he was there to listen to anything you told him. His family regularly asked about your wellbeing, and when you were going to visit. But most importantly, you were there for him unconditionally through the lows. For the last game Borussia Dortmund had lost the league. To comfort him in your chest as he cried his frustrations out, having helplessly sat on the bench due to injury.
Knowing he had to say goodbye to the club he’d grown up into the man he was without the title he realistically dreamt grasping.
But suddenly the end of May edged in, it was hands on to help with the move to Madrid. You had to hide the fact you were elated for the lack of distance between your residences— he was just a few minutes away by car. Still, Jude was acting a little weird. Denise was tense, sure, but he wouldn’t let you help pack his things up from his room. You blamed it all on the move, but the anxiousness and need to know only grew when June edged closer and your family was acting strange too.
Your mother talked to you a little too much for your liking, rambling on and on, while your father couldn’t help but stare at you with a certain nostalgia in his eyes. Yet again, without finding any plausible explanations to anything at all, you blamed it on your upcoming birthday.
Or dare one say birthdays.
Jude insisted on a date night before heading to the shared birthday party your family was hosting. He’d even buy you the cutest white mini dress for the occasion. He was receiving a pep talk from Jobe once you got there, both his parents checking in if he was sure of the decision he was going to make. He swallowed hard when you called him, voice full of enthusiasm for the evening that awaited you.
The way his face lit up, accompanied with a dashing smile, let his family know he was in his right mind and making all the right decisions. After his dad and brother gave him a tight hug wishing him luck, his mom gave him a kiss on the forehead and off he went to the car.
“Happy birthday amor! You look amazing. Can you believe it always rains on our birthday?” You greeted him with a kiss. Jude kissed back, but didn’t respond verbally in the same enthusiastic tone you had.
You felt something was off, his music selection wasn’t the best and he was barely talking to you. Until he let out a sigh, “Pull over.” He demanded, not looking back at you.
“What? Jude, what’s going on? Do you feel sick?” You took a turn into a street you knew would be empty, stopping the car and turning to face him. You cradled his face in your hands, checking for his temperature. Jude stared at the gold necklace, the engraved J you wore religiously giving him courage.
“I’m sorry. I can’t wait anymore.” The words drowned your mind in the characteristic sensation of a deja vú, and you were back in Germany, staying in the guest room at his old apartment. That seemed light years away considering how much had happened in the past year.
How much you’d grown by each other’s side.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to get through dinner like this, the nerves are killing me.” Jude breathed out, and for the first time that night, he met your eyes. The song playing was soft, a shared favorite for lounging and doing nothing together. “When I told you you’re the reason I believe in love at first sight, I meant it. In the same way I know that even though we’re young, you’re the one for me. No one will ever measure up to the woman you are. Allow me to keep growing as a person and football player by your side.”
Never in a million years you would’ve expected for him to pull out a small red box from his pocket. You instinctively covered your mouth at the diamond ring shining back at you. “Do me the honor, even if it’s ten years from now, of being your husband. Will you marry me?”
Now it all made sense.
The white mini dress he bought, the way everyone was acting for the past week or so. How Jude offhandedly mentioned he would never be able to top his birthday gift for that year. It clicked.
But it didn’t even take you more than two seconds after you'd connected the dots to nod. The tears pricked your eyes, and once again you found yourself speechless. Jude’s eyes widened at your physical confirmation, but you noticed the fear in his eyes hadn’t dissipated. “Yes, Jude. I could’ve easily said yes a year ago, too.” You let out a teary chuckle as his chest deflated in relief. He slipped the ring on your finger before taking your face tenderly in his hands.
He was crying.
“You make me the happiest man on earth,” He exhaled before sharing a kiss. Slow, oozing with passion. Your tongues shyly tangled, exploring each other’s mouth. He wanted you to cross over and have you sit on his lap, but a call interrupted the moment.
“You still want to have dinner… fiancé?” You asked, nose brushing against his. You saw as he beamed, and before he could capture his lips in yours, his stomach growled.
The two of you howled with laughter, as you returned back to your seat and shifted the gear to start the journey to your reservation. You spent the evening going through your wedding Pinterest board, heart drumming against your chest at the prospect of having to use it sooner than you could’ve expected.
You drove back to your home, getting greeted by your dogs at the door before the pseudo birthday-engagement party was in full swing. Your whole family made a surprise appearance, when you thought only those nearby were attending. Some of Jude’s teammates from both Dortmund and the English national team also surprised him, all of those you were acquainted with.
It was bizarre combining a birthday party with your boyfriend already, but having your engagement mixed in was another level of crazy. But one look at Jude— seeing the way he brightened up at the sight of you— made you believe everything was going to be okay.
The cake had a number 19 and a 20 candles on each side, each of you blowing your numbers before kissing. You shared the first piece for good luck, and it was the first moment of peace you’d gotten since you arrived.
“We’re getting married in the winter.” You declared with a low voice. Jude perked a brow, questioning the decision. “You have the Euros during the summer. There’s also the Olympics. No one will be able to attend.”
“Shit, babe,” Jude exhaled. “Six months to plan a wedding?”
Now that he said it out loud, it did sound batshit crazy. But wasn't the whole situation just that? After quickly sorting out your thoughts you still remained confident, feeding him a piece of the dessert. “It’ll be something small, intimate. Trust me on this one.”
Jude’s eyes softened as he shook his head, taking the spoon for you to scoop a piece and feed it to you. “I’ll always trust you with everything and anything.”
#𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼✽ — writing !#jude bellingham#jude victor willliam bellingham#jude bellingham x y/n#jude bellingham x you#jude bellingham x reader#jude bellingham fluff#jude bellingham fanfic#football x you#football x y/n#football x reader#football fic
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