#Compensation for unfair dismissal
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just-relations · 4 months ago
Understanding Compensation for Unfair Dismissal in Australia
Employment unfair dismissal is a critical issue that affects many workers across Australia. If you've been terminated from your job in a manner that you believe is unjust or unreasonable, you may be entitled to compensation for unfair dismissal. This blog aims to shed light on what constitutes unfair dismissal and how you can seek the compensation you deserve.
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What is Unfair Dismissal?
Unfair dismissal occurs when an employee is terminated in a harsh, unjust, or unreasonable manner. This could involve a lack of valid reason for the dismissal, failure to follow proper procedures, or discrimination based on age, gender, race, or other protected attributes.
Who is Eligible for Compensation?
To be eligible for compensation for unfair dismissal, you must meet certain criteria:
Employment Period: You must have been employed for at least six months (or 12 months for small businesses with fewer than 15 employees).
Covered by National Workplace Laws: Most employees are covered under the Fair Work Act 2009.
Not a Contract Worker: Independent contractors are generally not eligible.
How is Compensation Calculated?
Compensation is typically calculated based on several factors:
Length of Service: Longer employment periods may result in higher compensation.
Loss of Earnings: Calculated based on wages lost due to the dismissal.
Behaviour: Any misconduct by the employee can affect the amount.
The maximum compensation is capped at 26 weeks' pay or half the amount of the high-income threshold set by the Fair Work Commission, whichever is less.
The Unfair Dismissal Claim Process
File an Application: You have 21 days from the date of dismissal to file a claim with the Fair Work Commission.
Conciliation Conference: A voluntary meeting between you and your employer to reach a settlement.
Hearing: If no agreement is reached, the case proceeds to a formal hearing.
Decision: The Fair Work Commission will make a binding decision on the case.
Why Choose Just Relations?
At Just Relations, we specialise in employment relations and have a team of experts ready to assist you with your unfair dismissal claim. We offer:
Personalised Consultation: Tailored advice specific to your situation.
Experienced Advocates: Skilled in navigating the complexities of employment law.
No Win, No Fee: We believe in our ability to win your case.
Facing an unfair dismissal can be a daunting experience, but you don't have to navigate it alone. Understanding your rights and the process for claiming compensation for unfair dismissal is the first step towards justice. Contact Just Relations today to discuss your case and take the next steps towards resolving your employment unfair dismissal issue.
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thankskenpenders · 8 months ago
Part1: Thank you for the reply! Sorry if I keep pushing the subject, but what I don't understand is Penders' disdain/hate for Chronicles. For someone who always boasts about his contributions to the Sonic IP, one would have thought he would have been elated to be the inspiration and starting point for what would become a plot and setting of the IP's core media, games. Plus, you said it yourself, to everyone's knowledge (Even Penders, maybe?) they were seen as fair game at the time of production.
Part2: I would understand if he was asking for acknowledgement/compensation, but his ownership claims seems to be made out of malicious spite, rather than a proper sense of injustice. Like if DC would have dressed Superman in a red & white costume for a few issues after the Fawcett case (I know it's not exactly the same legal case). But why do you think he acts like that? I would love to read your thoughts as you are one of the few capable of reaching unbiased conclusions when it comes to him.
So the thing with the Sonic Chronicles case is that by that point Ken had discovered Archie had lost his contract, cooked up the story that it never existed, and started filing for copyrights for his work. As such, he argued that Sonic Chronicles taking inspiration from his work was an instance of copyright infringement. In his eyes, Shade literally is Julie-Su, and the Nocturnus Clan literally is the Dark Legion, just with the names changed, and if he never signed a contract then that stuff wasn't fair game for other Sega projects to touch. To him, it wasn't uncredited inspiration, it was theft.
The case was dismissed in court because the Archie v. Penders case to determine who actually owned the copyrights for his work was still ongoing, and then by the time that was settled the statute of limitations for the Chronicles case had passed. (In basic terms: it had been too long since Sonic Chronicles came out to sue over it.) So it ended in a stalemate, with both sides still arguing ownership, and Ken would only be able to revive the lawsuit if Sega did something new with Sonic Chronicles or those characters - a sequel, a port of the game, Shade appearing in new stories, etc.
Since then, it's basically turned into a game of chicken with the copyrights. Ken believes Sega has just washed their hands of Chronicles because they don't want to deal with the legal trouble, which is honestly probably true. Meanwhile, Ken has been testing how far he can push his claims of ownership over Shade before Sega does anything, such as when he announced that Shade NFT that declared she was literally the same character as Julie-Su. (Or at least it would have if he'd ever released it.) If Sega doesn't do anything about it, then they're at risk of forfeiting the copyrights, which Ken will take as a sign that they've fully abandoned Sonic Chronicles as their property and therefore he can do whatever he wants with its elements.
So, basically, yeah, he's still just bitter and spiteful over the plot of Sonic Chronicles being based loosely on his Knuckles comics without his involvement. And to a certain extent I'd get that. Comic artists and writers are paid in table scraps and get no benefits, then they see the companies who own their work turn it into billion dollar movies and video games and mountains of merch, and they don't see a penny of those profits. They don't even tend to earn royalties off of their comics' sales. It's unfair. But while I think he deserved some form of credit and maybe some form of compensation, there's a difference between adaptation and inspiration, and Ken's just being a copyright troll here.
There's immense irony in Ken believing that Bioware's homage to Julie-Su should be seen as the same character as Julie-Su in the eyes of the law, while he's out here publishing a comic featuring K'Nox, The Legally Distinct Character Who Is Totally Not Knuckles. Also, like, one of his pet characters has always been a blatant homage to James Bond. He was out there basing Archie Sonic stories on Star Trek episodes and Superman comics and shit. My favorite Sonic story of his literally just ripped off the plot of "For the Man Who Has Everything." I don't see him out here cutting Alan Moore a check. He's nothing if not a hypocrite.
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formulatrash · 1 year ago
I was working on gaining experience in motorsport but now I don't want to anymore due to the news. I have been torn up about this since it was announced. Am I even safe working in this industry? Is it only a matter of time?
I think there are two things to take from this: even in an organisation as closed-ranks as Red Bull, this was investigated. And although it's depressing to see many people either expressing disbelief or seeking to discredit the victim, there are a much larger number of people outraged. Not just that it happened but with the entire process, including the way it is being played as a political trophy within Red Bull as an organisation and the wider reaction of Formula 1 and the FIA.
In every industry, there are imbalances in power that lead to exploitation. Ableism, racism, sexism and homophobia go hand in hand with unfairnesses like nepotism and favouritism. Some industries, especially those that people really want to work in and where there are limited opportunities, have it worse - you see it in acting, in games, in music, in motorsport.
Nowhere is safe from the structural inequalities that frame the world. In any job you'll be in some level of danger. That's not intended as a blanket scare or as some way to minimise or dismiss the specific (and extremely unpleasant) case being brought this week.
I definitely have experienced sexism and outright attempts at exploitation/abuse in motorsport. A man who's still a popular pundit spent several years lying to me and even though I'm really not this naiive, somehow convincing me to exchange lewds. Another one who's in a senior editorial position routinely sends me obscene messages. Men from teams and championships and heritage programmes have tried to get me to fuck them and I'm not young or hot or particularly desirable - it's just that I was there and a woman and so it's almost seen as obligatory that they do it, so they can dismiss you as a slut.
I wrote a little about this when the Mazepin thing came out a few years ago. It resonated with a painful number of women across motorsport, I got hundreds of messages after it was posted.
But. This is being taken seriously. There is a clear level of discomfort within the wider paddock about Horner's presence - some of that is political, it is in the teams' interests for there to be disruption at Red Bull. But a lot is clearly pretty visceral horror and anger at both the reputational damage to the sport and what's happened.
Do not let the fact that there are gross people out there deter you from a dream. Do let yourself be angry about it and mould that anger into a toolkit to address it. Look out for the people around you, try to promote positive workplace cultures, call out unpleasant behaviours, especially in scenarios where you are relatively unaffected. (eg: if you're a straight woman and someone says something gross about a gay man, if you're a white person and someone says something racist, etc)
Motorsport needs good people to work in it to change. It needs you far more than you need it. Don't let it reverse or exploit that and you will have a level of power that constitutes safety because you won't let it damage you for the sake of getting something it isn't offering. (If someone is behaving exploitatively then they are not giving you anything, they are trying to see what they can take)
It's been a shit week. I feel awful for the woman who's been doxxed, robbed of compensation and had her career ruined. Who's being discussed and discredited by the paddock, by journalists, by the most toxic fans. In a just world, people would be protecting her but that would need the population of all those groups to change significantly.
So don't let it put you off. Let it make you keener to displace them.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
on the shroud parents helmet thing, I'm pretty sure Idia's mentioned before that his ancestors (including his parents) use magic tech to deal with their curse and the blot or something like that. In which case, my theory is that's what the helmets probably are?
It does make me wonder then, if the curse also transfers to whoever marries into the Shroud family - seeing as Both Mama and Papa Shroud wear the helmets.
[Referencing this post!]
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Oh, thanks for reminding me of that lore. I went back in the main story to double-check the details!!
In 6-42, Idia actually says that his dad and grandma (not his mom) use technomantic devices to enhance their own magic. The reason for doing this is not to better handle their curse or their blot; the Shroud family curse is such that their bodies naturally burn blot (in which case, they wouldn’t need additional help burning through it unless maybe they were very distraught (as emotional state contributes to blot) and/or accumulating blot as a magical byproduct at an extremely rapid rate like Idia did before his OB).
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So it could be that Grandma Shroud and Mr. Shroud have low levels of magic and felt that they had to supplement what they were able to do via other means, OR they have pretty normal levels of magic but needed or wanted their magic enhanced for the sake of performing certain tests or procedures. The latter would compensate for general STYX staff having low levels of magic (a safety precaution to minimize the blot they accumulate). The same is not true of Idia, who is magically inclined enough to attend a prestigious school, so we can infer that low magic levels don’t necessarily apply to members of the Shroud family on staff.
The curse seems to only be applicable to those in the Shroud bloodline; it originated as a means of punishing the first head of the Shrouds for rebelling against the Jupiter family. Not only was the first generation cursed, but it extended to their descendants. (If we think about it, the Shroud blood thins with every subsequent generation so… either it’s possible the curse wears off once the percentage of Shroud blood drops below a certain number, or the curse is such that even a single drop of Shroud blood dooms you.)
Pulling in outsiders that marry into the Shrouds seems… logistically dubious (even if we dismiss it as “it’s magic, so it doesn’t need to be explained”)?? Like, how does the magic for the curse even know when the marriage is technically “official” and it’s time to inflict itself on the spouse… Because laws for marriage change all the time, not to mention a couple could still be in love and have kids without technically being married. Would the S/O be cursed even if they don’t produce a child with their Shroud partner or never hand hold get physically intimate? Is just loving a Shroud enough grounds to be hit with the curse? But then how does the curse define “love”? What if they fall out of love or divorce/break up with a Shroud, is the curse revoked? Or is the S/O just kind of screwed? Why would the Jupiters even weave the curse to punish people not even remotely related to the original uprising? (It’s still unfair that the Shroud descendants also get cursed, but at least it can be argued that it follows the theme of “the sins of the father are the sins of the son”.) To hurt the Shrouds more by dragging their romantic partners down with them? But isn’t the original curse enough, why rub more salt into the wound? If you make them afraid to get close to people because the curse might pass to them, then doesn’t it defeat the purpose of continuing the line and thus prolonging the curse? Am I boring you yet 😂
Curses have rules and conditions outlined (like when Vil uses his UM) to govern how the magic behaves and how/when it releases. If the Jupiters spun such an elaborate curse to cover all their bases, we might need an attorney that’s well-versed curses and blessings on the case/j
To close off, I’ll share a funny idea a friend pitched! They said that if the helmet is really what Mr. Shroud uses to enhance his magic, then Mrs. Shroud must have decided to also wear a helmet to be supportive of her husband’s decision and/or to be a cute matching couple 💕
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fangirlstorycreator · 1 year ago
KK3 Terry Silver X Reader
Context: Damsel In Distress! Your in a dangerous position, and Terry comes to help you 💚 Part 2/2
Contains: S#xual content, female oral receiving, s#xual intercourse
You were just popping out to get some cash, so you could get something nice to wear for this evening. You were looking forward to going to the night club with Terry and John....especially Terry. There was just something about him that attracted you to him, he was charming, handsome, understanding to you, and damn his eyes were so blue and deep you could drown in them.
No! Stop it Y/N, he's one of your bosses! Stop thinking that way! You try to focus on anything else other than Terry, and thankfully that's when you reach the card machine. Popping in your card, you knew how much to expect since Terry and John had given you a BIG raise. There should be £2.500 in there, so let's have a look. You pressed bank balance.....but there wasn't £2.500 in there......there was £22.500!!! What the f#ck?!?! Taking your card out and redoing the process all over again, the same amount was still there! How?! This wasn't your money?! And how the hell did this get into your bank account?! You walk away from the card machine with shaking hands, and call the only people who might have some knowledge of this, Terry or John. John wasn't answering, so you call Terry. "Hey Y/N! Hows it going?"
"Hows it going? Terry I think you and John have MAJORLY over paid me, or something else is wrong with my bank account!" "What do you mean? You should have over 2 grand in there shouldn't you?" "Yes, I have WELL over 2 grand! There's £22 thousand in there! I don't know where that came from or who's money it actualy is-I-I think my heart is beating so fast it wants to leap out of my chest!" "Woh woh ok calm down Y/N, I know what this is from" "What's it from?" "This is your compensation money" "........huh?....." "You remember your gym boss, Martin, firing you? Well technically that was something called unfair dismissal. Something I used as a lawsuit against him" "Oh god no! Terry you didn't! I told you I didn't want to deal with him again!" "I know, and that's why I dealt with him instead. It was easy, he cracked like an egg when me and my lawyers approached him. This is all legally binding, and you got the compensation you deserve" At this moment you are utterly speechless, you don't know weather to be angry, impressed, thankful? Your completely stunned. "Y/N look, I know you didn't want to go through that. But I know a truly kind hearted person when I see one, and none of what happened to you is anything you deserved. He's paid the lawsuit, your rid of him AND you have £22 thousand to use however you like!"
"I've.....I've never had this much money before Terry, I.....I wouldn't know where to start" "Do with it whatever you want, enjoy it. You deserve it, honestly you do. Are you alright now?" "Uhhh, yeh I guess" "Alright then, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing. I'll see you tonight, I'll pick you up around 9. Buy Y/N!" "Buy Terry" The phone call stops and you stare down at your phone in pure disbelief, Terry managed to do that for you? And now you have and extra £20 thousand in your bank account.....what would you do with this kind of money? You decided to go across the street and have a drink in the coffee shop to think things over, and to calm your nerves too. You have a long think about what this money could do for you, and once you've finished your drink, you have a plan. You go to your landlord and pay the rent he wants, even without this £22 thousand you can now pay your rent and live happily with the pay rise. And once you've done that, you head to the bank and make a savings account to put the money in there...but not all of it....You put £18 thousand into the savings account, and keep the rest for yourself to splurge. You've never splurged before, and now you have an opportunity where you can! You were going into town to get something nice to wear anyway, so why not make a day out of it?
And there would still be plenty left to use for going out to the club tonight, so that's exactly what you did. You bought any essentials you needed, along with some lovely clothes and a few things to make your home look a little nicer. You also treated yourself to a nice lunch while you were there, and the last shop you were in, you were trying to decide which outfit to wear for the night. Silver or Green? They both looked lovely, and made you look fantastic. In the end, you went with the silver outfit.
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So once you got home, you unpacked all the things you bought, including the gorgeous outfit for tonight too. You checked your online banking and saw that you still had over £1000 to play with, so money was no object tonight. You spent the rest of the day doing your usual things, and before you were ready to go, you made sure you ate a decent meal to keep you going while you were out with Terry and John. You hadn't been to a club in a long time, and you just hoped it was going to be fun. The last time you went there, it was too loud, the floor was sticky and some random guy tried groping you. Hopefully with Terry and John along, there wouldn't be any issues. Later that night, just before 9 o'clock, Terry pulled up outside your place to pick you up. He looked so chill and relaxed in his normal clothes, it made a nice change seeing him in a shirt and jeans. He was sitting in his car when you walked up to him.
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You smiled when you saw him, but when he saw you....he was mesmerized. "Y/N you look....just wow!" "Aww thank you Terry" He got out of the car and opened your side door for you, he was being such a gentleman to you. For a boss, he treated you very well, a lot better than other bosses you've had in the past. "Thank you Terry" You say as you sit in the passenger's seat, it seems Terry is still looking at you in a really interesting kind of way, almost like he doesn't want to look away from you. "Are you alright Terry?" You ask him as he still holds onto your door. "Yeh yeh I'm fine....you do just look....you look beautiful Y/N" You were stunned, that was so sweet of him to say that.
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"Your so sweet Terry" He gives you a calm and warm smile as he closes your door and drives you to the club. When you arrive, this club looked so lovely, and also very expensive. Thank goodness you had money to spend in hear, it looked like you were going to need it. There was a queue that's stretched across the street, this place was not only new, but very exclusive, you wondered how you'd get in. But when you and Terry got out of the car, Terry offered you his arm and once you took it, he lead you straight to the entrance. "Uhh Terry? What about the queue?" "Oh don't worry about that" Terry greeted the bouncer, and he let you both in straight away, before anyone else who was waiting. "Why did he let us in?" "I'm a VIP hear Y/N, so I can do that, and get the best drinks and seats in hear too. And so can you because your joining me tonight" "Wow, VIP....I've not been with a VIP before" "Well tonight that will change" Terry lead you through the club where there were lots of people dancing to the music on the dancefloor. Terry waved to John in the distance, who appeared to be sitting in a booth that was designated for all of us. And when we sat down, we had table service as well. John said "I'll have a negroni" Terry looked at you and said "What would you like Y/N?" "Could I have a raspberry daiquiri please?" The waiter nodded with a smile. "And I'll have an old fashioned, thank you"
The waiter left, and came back with your drinks a few minutes later. Your raspberry daiquiri tasted amazing. "Cheers guys! To a great night" John said raising his glass, you and Terry raised yours, clinged them together and began the lovely night in the new club. A few hours had passed, the drinks were flowing, the dancing was still going, and all 3 of you were having a great time together, it was like hanging out with friends instead of work colleagues or bosses. You weren't drunk or tipsy, just enjoying the evening with Terry and John, you even shared a dance with them on the dancefloor a few times too. Terry more than John, he seemed to love dancing with you, and the feeling was mutual, you did think he was very handsome and lovely after all. But he was one of your bosses, so those thoughts were pushed to the back of your mind whenever they came up. You shouldn't be thinking that about him, and there's no way it was reciprocated...was it? It was coming up to 1 in the morning, and John had seemed to find a lady to hang out with. He came up to you and Terry while you were dancing, he told you both "Hey you two! I'm going to head back to Maya's place. You guys gunna be alright?"
"Yeh we're good John, I'll look after Y/N. You uhh....enjoy yourselves..." Terry said with a cheeky wink. John just smirked and waved you both goodbye before he headed out of the club with a beautiful young woman with him. "John's got lucky tonight, good for him" "Yeh, he doesn't get lucky often. I bet he's going to have a great time with her...if you know what I mean?..." You giggle as he laughs, you know exactly what he means. "Are you thirsty Y/N?" "Yeh, I've had too much alcohol though. Just a diet coke or a water would be nice, I'm going to check the time on my phone at the table" "Alright, I'll be back with the drinks" You and Terry head in diffrent directions, and you get to the booth, taking out your phone to check the time. This was late for you, but you didn't feel too tired, a bit hot maybe. Your just checking to see if you got any texts when out of nowhere, someone grabs your shoulder, pulls you back and slams you against the wall. "Ow! Who the f#ck-" "I knew it was you! You little b#tch!" You can't believe it, but it's your ex boss Martin from the gym! What the hell does he want? And how dare he lay his hands on you and hurt you? "Get the hell away from me! That really hurt!" "Do I look like I care? Your stupid little friend Terry stole money from me!"
"Stole? He said he filed a lawsuit against you for unfair dismissal" "It's the same thing!" "It's your own fault, you shouldn't have been so rude, and you shouldn't have fired me. What you did was technically illegal, and Terry just followed the law and brought justice to where it needed to be" "I don't care about the law! I care about MY money! Your going to transfer all that money back to me, or else!" He pushes you against the wall, pushing your shoulders harder, and hurting you more. "Get off me!" "I'm warning you! If you don't give me back my money, I'm going to-" He's suddenly stopped by a large hand behind him, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him away from you, it was Terry. He checked you first "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" "I'm ok, he was threatening me. Trying to force me to give the money back" Terry rested his hand against your cheek, it was so warm and soft. "I'll take care of this, ok?" Terry turns back to your ex boss, keeping him against the wall. Terry was at least 6ft 3, your ex boss was 5 ft 8 at most.
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"What the f#ck makes you think you can lay your hands on Y/N?" "She's got my money! That YOU helped her take!" "I filed the lawsuit, I made you see how much of a b#stard you are, that is not her fault! You think you can just waltz in hear and assult her?!" "I'f that's what it takes! Stupid b#tch deserves a good punch to the face!" Terry wasn't going to allow him to speak to you like that, one quick strike, and Terry has punched him in the stomach, making him fall to his knees. "Y/N, stay hear. I'm going to remove this piece of sh#t" "But Terry-" Before you could say anything, Terry grabbed him and began leading him outside. You couldn't let Terry get hurt, you knew Terry had skills in karate, but neither of us knew if your ex boss new how to fight. You ran outside to try and stop this, but when you got out, you didn't see where Terry went. That was until you hear fighting behind the club, you run as quick as you can to see Terry beating him up. "You son of a b#tch! You stay away from her!" Terry shouts as he kicks him in the groin. He falls to his knees, groaning in pain, but he looks up at Terry with a smirk. "I want my money back!" "Well though sh#t! It's not yours anymore!" You can't take this. "Terry!" You shout as you run over. "Terry please stop!" "Y/N! I told you to stay inside" "Terry, please just leave him, he's not worth it" You instinctively take Terry's hand, anything to help him calm down right now. He looked like an angry bull. His eyes soften when he looks at you, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. But it seems that your ex boss wasn't going to give up. He's as quick as a bullet when he leaps up, grabs your arm and pulls you closer to him. But before he can hit you, Terry intervenes, pulls you safely behind him and grabs your ex boss, leading him away from you.
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"DON'T YOU DARE F#CKING TOUCH HER!!" You have never seen Terry this angry, he punches your ex boss right in the face, then his throat, winding him. Then a kick to the legs, and one last kick to the face, knocking him out cold as he falls to the floor. But Terry wasn't going to finish him off, his main priority was you, and he was with you within seconds, looking so worried and checking your arms and face for any injuries. "Are you ok? Where did he hurt you?" He asks in a panicked voice. "I'm ok Terry" "B#llsh#t, he grabbed you. Where is-" That's where he sees the hand mark on your arm, red and it looked sore. The adrenaline was flowing through you, so you didn't even realise he did hurt you. "That mother f#cker!" "Terry! Terry look at me! I'm alright. It's not that bad, and I think he's in a worse position than me. It's probably just going to be a bruise, that's all. I'm ok" Terry was still on edge, but knowing that your ex boss was unconscious, and you were not very badly hurt, did slightly ease him. "I am so sorry he did that, I should have stopped him sooner" "You didn't know he was going to be there Terry, you did help me, it's alright now" Terry gently held your arm in both his strong hands, and he very sweetly kissed the area where you were hurt.
"Do you need anything?" "I think I just want to go home now" "I don't blame you. Let's get your things and I'll drive you back, it's quite late anyway" You both grabbed your things and Terry drove you back home, the tiredness was starting to set in now, and whilst you were in the car, you could now feel where he grabbed you. It had indeed turned into a bruise, but you were trying to hide that it hurt, you didn't want to worry Terry anymore. When he pulled up outside your house, you offered him a drink before he went home, and he said yes. You didn't think he actualy wanted one, but you could tell from the look in his eyes that he was still worried about you. So if he at least saw you safe in your home, that might ease his worry. You let him in and you both walked to the kitchen, where you say "What can I get you to drink Terry? I've got some-" "Ice?" "Huh?" "Do you have some ice?" "Uh yes, I'll just grab some" You take your ice cube tray out of the freezer, and that's where you turn back to see Terry with a tea towel. "Thanks Y/N. Now, let's get this on your arm" he says as he puts some ice cubes in the tea towel. "Oh Terry that really isn't necessary" "I wasn't asking Y/N" He sounded firm, but he was still kind about it, he was just worried about you that's all.
You smile and he gently holds you arm with one of his hands, and the other carefully places the ice on the red areas. "How long has it been hurting?" "It's not hurting" Terry just raises his eyebrow at you. "Alright, fine. Just since the car ride" "Why didn't you tell me in the car" "Because I didn't want to worry you Terry" "You got assulted tonight Y/N, the whole situation has worried me" You look down a little embarrassed, you didn't like that this whole night was ruined because of you. Terry could see that in your eyes, and his hand reached down to lift your chin, looking you deep in the eye. His gorgeous blue eyes are sparkling, it's so hard to look away from him, not that you wanted too. "Nothing that happened tonight was your fault Y/N....he was in the wrong, and he got what he deserved" "He deserved being beaten up?" "Anyone who puts their hands in a woman like that....deserves no mercy.....I promise I will not let anyone do that again" "You can't promise that....I'm not your burden" "..........I will not let anything happen to you.........." Your cheeks burned, your heart fluttered and the tention between you both was electric. His eyes lingered on your lips, and yours his. His lips looked so soft, so inviting.....you simply couldn't resist.
You lean in and press your lips to his, and he kissed you back just as needily. He was an incredible kisser, so passionate, so perfect, like his lips were made for you. His hands slowly moved down your body, feeling your curves and moving himself even closer to you as the kiss deepened ever second. There was no turning back now, you needed to feel him, touch him! Your hands pulled at his shirt and you pulled it off over his head, revealing his incredibly muscular chest. He had this little bunch of chest hair inbetween his biceps, ooooh it was like icing on the cake. Pulling him in by his neck, you start kissing him again, and he simply cant keep his hands off you.
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His hands move down to your hips, right before he grabbed onto them and lifted you up like you weighed nothing. Legs wrapping around his waist, and not breaking the kiss, he leads you over to your bedroom and lies you down onto your bed. Your legs don't let him go though, that's where you wanted him. He kisses down your neck, collar bone and chest, gently biting at your shirt to pull it down, revealing your breasts. He cups both of them, giving each one plenty of attention with his magical tongue, sucking and swirling each nipple to make your back arch in his touch. Your moans just spur him on, and he looks desperate to kiss every inch of you, which you were more than happy to let him. He really took his time, removing each article of your clothing while leaving a trail of kisses in his wake.
He finaly reached your underwear, which he decided to remove with his teeth while making a low growl...holy sh#t that was such a turn on! Taking your leg over his shoulder, he leaves open mouth kisses and runs his tongue down the inside of your warm thigh.....slowly making his way inbetween your legs. A gasp escapes you when his tounge starts making little circles in just the right place, he definitely knows what he's doing. He is gentle at first, letting you get used to him....but then his speed gathers....and he adds a finger....then another....And before you know it, your hands feel like they are about to rip the bedding, and a groaning scream bursts out of you like a firey blase! Your lungs feel like their practically burning when your orgasm rips through you, your shaking uncontrollably, no man had made you feel like this! Let alone through full sex! He had only used his mouth and hand! You were desperate for more! You close your eyes and catch your breath, as Terry slides his way up from inbetween your legs and lies right on top of you, resting comfortably inbetween your legs. His mouth finds yours again in a desperate embrace, he is hungry for you, desperate for you, and he was going to show it in any way he can. Pulling one of your thighs up around his hips, he slides himself in, despite his reather girthy size. He was definitely the biggest you had ever had, and holy sh#t it felt amazing!
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Back and forth, back and forth, he grinds his hips against yours, making you feel every inch of him. He was only in for a few seconds and you already felt like you were close, but Terry wanted to take his time with you. He'd go at just the right speed to make every second build and build with deep s#xual pleasure, it was like sleeping with a god! His hands held you close, he kissed and sucked at your neck when your hand ran through his beautiful brown locks. Even holding onto his magnificent lions mane as his pace quickens, hardens, bringing you closer....and closer to that sweet, sweet release. He was close...and so were you, you could tell he was trying to make it so you'd both c#m and the same time. Giving you one last breathless kiss, he leans up and thrusts deep! And hard! And your legs buckle around him, your screams feel like they could make the walls vibrate! Even leaving scratch marks on his arms and back from the intensity of that whole moment. His moans are making you feel even more turned on, and your both in pure bliss from that whole experience. Breathless and smiling at eachother, he leans down and kisses you sweetly, my god he was just so f#cking amazing!
You were both exhausted from the hours of s#x, that once you both had finaly c#m together, you both fell asleep in eachothers arms in your bed. The next morning, you wake up in your bed when the sunlight shines in through the window. Your a little dased, not remembering how you got to bed last night. You remember the club, dancing with John and Terry, the fight with your boss and then Terry bringing you ho-........Ohhhh......It's then that it comes back to you, and sitting up in your bed, you slowly turn, to see a naked Terry asleep next to you in your bed. With his lower body covered with the quilt, but his chest is on full show. Your cheeks are burning again, you remember....everything! You simply can't help it, you do a little celebratory quiet scream and cover your face with excitement! You actualy managed to land a guy like Terry! You landed Terry! Ooooh this was amazing! You can see him start to stir, so you quickly and quietly lie back down and face away from him, in hopes he will think your still alseep. He fell for it, but you weren't expecting what he was about to do. Half asleep, Terry looks over at you, then reaches over and cuddles up to you, holding you in his strong arms and holds you against his chest like the big spoon!
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And if that wasn't enough, he kissed your neck before he snuggled back into you and fell back asleep! He was sleeping soundly, but you were lying there in pure happiness and excitement! You slumped into his embrace and he just held you closer, this was amazing and you were so relaxed. Sleeping with Terry was one of the best nights of your life! But this....this moment right now......nothing is ever going to top this...
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trump-executive-orders · 1 month ago
Reinstating Service Members Discharged Under the Military's COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate
Issued January 27, 2025.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose and Policy. On August 24, 2021, the Secretary of Defense mandated that all service members receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The Secretary of Defense later rescinded the mandate on January 10, 2023. The vaccine mandate was an unfair, overbroad, and completely unnecessary burden on our service members. Further, the military unjustly discharged those who refused the vaccine, regardless of the years of service given to our Nation, after failing to grant many of them an exemption that they should have received. Federal Government redress of any wrongful dismissals is overdue.
Sec. 2. Redress. Consistent with the policies announced in section 1 of this order, the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security, as appropriate, shall take all necessary action permitted by law to:
(a) make reinstatement available to all members of the military (active and reserve) who were discharged solely for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and who request to be reinstated;
(b) enable those service members reinstated under this section to revert to their former rank and receive full back pay, benefits, bonus payments, or compensation; and
(c) allow any service members who provide a written and sworn attestation that they voluntarily left the service or allowed their service to lapse according to appropriate procedures, rather than be vaccinated under the vaccine mandate, to return to service with no impact on their service status, rank, or pay.
Sec. 3. Additional Agency Responsibilities. (a) Nothing in this order precludes disciplinary or administrative action for conduct that is proscribed by chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 801-946a).
(b) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall report to the President through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs on their progress in implementing this order.
Sec. 4. Severability. If any provision of this order, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and the application of its provision to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months ago
I suppose it’s only customary, you let me rant about dyslexia, so is there anything you’d like to rant to me about? :D
idk if this is really what you're after but. im just kinda having a difficult time lately
ill put it under a cut so you can choose whether to read it or not, i wont be offended if you dont. its a pretty big trauma dump so dont put yourself through it if you're not up to it
finding out i have chronic pain has kinda turned my whole life upside down and im struggling to come to terms with it. realising that for most people it doesnt hurt just to walk for more than 10 minutes really sucks. thats so unfair. i cant go anywhere or do anything without being in pain and its fucking exhausting. and on top of that i have autism and adhd, and pain makes my sensory issues and executive dysfunction worse, so its even harder to do things
ive been held to such a high standard my whole life and been made to feel like im not good enough but im literally fighting against my own body and mind to do anything at all. i had to get good grades in school and help take care of my sister and provide for all of my dads emotional needs because he doesnt have any friends and help out around the house, all while i was sharing a bedroom with my kid sister as a TEENAGER which meant no privacy or alone time ever but im not allowed to complain about any of that because my mother is a single mum of three working part time, and my older brother is disabled.
BUT IM DISABLED TOO AND HAVE BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME and did i get any accomodations??? no. so i just had to over compensate for all of that to the point where i feel like im constantly performing my own personality all the time. and i dont know how to ask for help because i never learned how to do that and i was praised for being independent and never asking for anything. so my whole personality is "person who never asks for anything ever" which fucks up all my relationships. but whatever, at least i was easy to raise and a pleasure to have in class
i have literally been pushing through mental and physical pain my whole life thinking everyone else was doing the same thing but they're not. and that recontextualises a lot of stuff that has happened to me and explains why i feel a lot more traumatised than i 'should be', because having people dismiss and ignore your pain is fucking traumatic and thats been happening to me for 21 years.
sorry for all of that i just. needed to get it all off my chest. its been swirling around in my head for weeks.
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akajustmerry · 1 year ago
Fuck, that sucks so hard about your job. They're idiots to let a talent like you slip through their fingers. Do you think you could apply for compensation for unfair dismissal?
thank you ❤️ I spoke with some lawyers but the redundancy makes it really tricky to prove unfair dismissal (which I think my employers knew). it sucks but I'll be okay. I'm privileged to have a good safety net.
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just-relations · 6 months ago
Understanding Unfair Dismissal Compensation and Genuine Redundancy with Just Relations
In the world of employment, unfair dismissals and redundancies are unfortunate but not uncommon. At Just Relations, we specialise in helping employees navigate these challenging situations, offering expert advice and representation. Whether you’re seeking unfair dismissal compensation or wondering if your genuine redundancy was unfair, we are here to guide you through the process.
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What is Unfair Dismissal?
Unfair dismissal occurs when an employer terminates an employee in a manner that is harsh, unjust, or unreasonable. This could include situations where there was no valid reason for the dismissal, or if the employee was not given a fair chance to respond to the allegations. Employees have the right to challenge such dismissals and seek compensation through the Fair Work Commission.
Unfair Dismissal Compensation
When an employee is found to have been unfairly dismissed, they may be entitled to compensation. Unfair dismissal compensation is designed to cover losses suffered by the employee as a result of their termination. Factors such as lost wages, the time taken to find a new job, and the overall impact of the dismissal on the employee’s livelihood are considered when determining compensation.
At Just Relations, we help employees fight for the compensation they deserve by:
• Assessing your case: We review the details of your dismissal to determine if it meets the criteria for an unfair dismissal claim.
• Lodging a claim: If you have been unfairly dismissed, we assist you in lodging a claim with the Fair Work Commission within the required 21-day period.
• Representation and negotiation: Our team will represent you throughout the process, ensuring that you receive a fair outcome, whether that involves compensation, reinstatement, or another form of remedy.
Genuine Redundancy vs. Unfair Dismissal
A genuine redundancy occurs when an employee’s position is no longer needed due to operational changes within the company, and the employer has followed the correct procedures, including consulting with the employee about the redundancy. However, not all redundancies are handled fairly, and in some cases, what is presented as a redundancy may in fact be an unfair dismissal.
Signs that a redundancy may be unfair include:
• The employer failing to consult with the employee before making the redundancy decision.
• The position being filled by another employee shortly after the redundancy.
• The redundancy being used as a cover for terminating an employee for reasons unrelated to genuine operational needs.
At Just Relations, we specialise in identifying cases where redundancies are not genuine and may actually be a form of unfair dismissal. Our experienced team will help you determine whether your redundancy was legitimate and, if not, assist in pursuing an unfair dismissal claim.
Why Choose Just Relations?
• Expertise in Employment Law: Our team has extensive experience in dealing with unfair dismissal and redundancy cases, ensuring you receive expert advice and representation.
• Tailored Support: We take the time to understand your specific circumstances, providing personalised support throughout the entire process.
• Commitment to Justice: We are passionate about ensuring employees are treated fairly and will fight for your rights in cases of unfair dismissal or unfair redundancies.
Get the Support You Deserve
If you believe you’ve been unfairly dismissed or if your redundancy doesn’t seem genuine, don’t hesitate to reach out to Just Relations. Our team is here to help you understand your rights, guide you through the process, and ensure you receive the compensation or outcome you deserve.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit Just Relations today.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
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Hospital staff embroiled in a privacy probe involving the Princess of Wales will likely be facing disciplinary action, an expert has warned.
The Mirror revealed an investigation is underway at the world-renowned The London Clinic into claims Catherine's confidentiality was breached while she was a patient in January.
At least one member of staff was said to have been caught trying to access the 42-year-old's medical notes.
The future Queen had abdominal surgery at the London hospital in January and stayed for a fortnight, as she recovered before returning home to Windsor.
The allegations are the latest blow to hit Catherine, whose absence from public life over the past two months has led to wild conspiracy theories on social media about her whereabouts and health.
Now, an employment expert has outlined the likely next steps for accused staff, while a data protection expert has suggested Catherine could well claim compensation.
Employment partner Tracey Guest at law firm Slater Heelis told the Mirror:
"Any hospital employee who has accessed Catherine's private medical records, without any proper work reason to do so, is at risk of being dismissed due to gross misconduct.
Previous cases for dismissal relating to confidential information have held that it is important for employers to have policies in place, which make it abundantly clear to employees that unauthorised interference with computers/accessing confidential information unnecessarily will carry severe penalties.
No doubt all hospital employees will have been given contracts of employment where confidential information is a key term.
And it is likely that the hospital will have policies in place to make it clear that unlawfully accessing patient confidential information is likely to amount to gross misconduct."
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The next steps to follow will depend on the alleged employee's years of service at the clinic. Tracey continued:
"If an employee has two or more years' service, the hospital will need to follow a fair procedure prior to dismissing an employee, otherwise they will be at risk of a claim for unfair dismissal.
This means that the hospital should require the employee to attend an investigation meeting, where the allegations are put to the employee and the employee is given a chance to respond and put forward any explanation/deny the allegations.
If the Investigating Officer decides that there is a case to answer, the employee must then be required to attend a disciplinary meeting.
The employee should be advised in advance in writing of the disciplinary allegations against them and warned that a possible outcome may be dismissal.
The employee should also be given the right to be accompanied to the disciplinary meeting by a fellow employee or trade union representative of their choice.
If an employee is dismissed, they should be given the right to appeal the decision."
It is likely that accessing medical records without any proper work reason is also a breach of data protection, and these allegations would also be discussed with the employee concerned, Tracey explained.
Meanwhile, the employees' alleged actions causing reputational damage to the hospital will also be assessed.
"Given the publicity surrounding this matter, this allegation would be genuine and could provide a further reason to warrant dismissal for gross misconduct (subject to the findings of any appropriate investigation and disciplinary)," Tracey added, before suggesting:
"Any employee involved in accessing medical records without a proper reason to do so may be best advised to resign, in order to avoid having a dismissal on their records."
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The clinic's boss said that all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken when looking at alleged data breaches.
Al Russell, said in a statement:
"Everyone at the London Clinic is acutely aware of our individual, professional, ethical and legal duties with regards to patient confidentiality.
We take enormous pride in the outstanding care and discretion we aim to deliver for all our patients that put their trust in us every day.
We have systems in place to monitor management of patient information and, in the case of any breach, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken.
There is no place at our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues."
It is a criminal offence for any staff in an NHS or private healthcare setting to access the medical records of a patient without the consent of the organisation's data controller.
Looking at somebody's private medical records without permission can result in prosecution from the Information Commissioner's Office in the UK.
A spokesperson for the data watchdog said:
"We can confirm that we have received a breach report and are assessing the information provided."
Jon Baines, Senior Data Protection Specialist at Mishcon de Reya, outlined what this would mean and suggested that Catherine could claim for compensation.
"Any investigation by the ICO is likely to consider whether a criminal offence might have been committed by an individual or individuals," he began.
"Section 170 of the Data Protection Act 2018 says that a person commits an offence if they obtain or disclose personal data 'without the consent of the controller.'
Here, the controller will be the clinic itself.
"Although there are defences available to someone charged with the offence — such as that they reasonably believed they had the right to 'obtain' the personal data, or on grounds of public interest — such defences are unlikely to apply where someone knowingly accesses patient notes for no valid or justifiable reason.
Mr Baines explained that an offence is only punishable by a fine.
In England and Wales, although the maximum fine is unlimited, there is no possibility of any custodial sentence.
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"A further area of potential investigation for the ICO will be whether the clinic itself complied with its obligations under the UK GDPR to have 'appropriate technical or organisational measures' in place to keep personal data secure.," the data expert continued.
"Serious failures to comply with that obligation could lead to civil monetary penalties from the ICO, to a maximum of £17.5m although, in reality, given that such civil fines must be proportionate, it is rare that such large sums are even considered by the ICO.
Individuals, such as - in this case - The Princess of Wales, can also bring claims for compensation under the UK GDPR, and for 'misuse of private information', where their data protection and privacy rights have been infringed."
Mr Baines added:
"Whatever the outcome from the ICO, anyone working in an environment where they might have access to personal data, particularly of a sensitive nature, should be aware that there are potential criminal law implications arising from unauthorised access.
Any organisation holding such information should ensure it has appropriate measures in place to prevent, or at least reduce the risk, of such access."
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Earlier today, a health minister said police have "been asked to look at" whether staff at The London Clinic attempted to access the Princess of Wales' private medical records.
MP Maria Caulfield, who is a nurse serving as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Mental Health and Women's Health Strategy, said there could be “hefty implications” if it turns out anyone accessed the notes without permission, including prosecution or fines.
When questioned whether it should be dealt with as a police matter, Ms Caulfield told LBC:
“Whether they take action is a matter for them. But the Information Commissioner can also take prosecutions, can also issue fines, the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), other health regulators can strike you off the register if the breach is serious enough.
So there are particularly hefty implications if you are looking at notes for medical records that you should not be looking at."
Reassuring listeners, she also told Times Radio:
"For any patient, you want to reassure your listeners that there are strict rules in place around information governance about being able to look at notes even within the trust or a community setting.
You can't just randomly look at any patient's notes. It's taken extremely seriously, both by the information commissioner but also your regulator.
So the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), if as a nurse, you are accessing notes that you haven't got permission to access, they would take enforcement action against that. So it's extremely serious.
And I want to reassure patients that their notes have those strict rules apply to them as they do for the Princess of Wales."
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Kensington Palace refused to confirm what Catherine was being treated for at the time of the announcement she had surgery but later confirmed the condition was non-cancerous.
An official statement read:
"Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales was admitted to The London Clinic yesterday for planned abdominal surgery.
The surgery was successful and it is expected that she will remain in hospital for ten to fourteen days, before returning home to continue her recovery."
The Palace also raised that they wanted to keep her health concerns private, adding:
"Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter. The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate.
She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private.
Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness' progress when there is significant new information to share.
The Princess of Wales wishes to apologise to all those concerned for the fact that she has to postpone her upcoming engagements.
She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible."
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As speculation has swirled regarding the Princess' whereabouts, Catherine was most recently seen stepping out in public with Prince William for the first time at the weekend.
The couple, dressed in sportswear, were spotted walking with shopping bags at a farm shop close to their home on the Windsor estate.
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year ago
Definitely director's commentary that you would have for Tonight, tonight the highways bright
Thank you for your ask! I figure I'll talk about how I introduce Nancy and Jonathan in the first few paragraphs of their respective first chapters.
Under the cut: discussion of the first couple of chapters of the story, including of a sexual relationship between a seventeen-year-old and a thirty-seven-year-old who's also his boss.
Before Nancy had started dating Steve, she’d assumed that all parties were like in the movies: wild and free and full of possibilities. Barb had laughed at her when she’d talked like that. Even the most popular kids, she’d said, seemed to do nothing but drink cheap beer and screw in the backseats of cars. Not exactly glamorous.
Of course, Barb had been right. Nancy had been to a handful of parties like that—pretty much all of them thrown by Tina Cline, who planned them like battle campaigns—but most of the time you were lucky if the beer was cold, you had a dry place to sit, and nobody there actively hated you.
Nancy's chapter, of course, begins with Barb, and an early-high-school memory of thinking that there had to be an amazing party happening somewhere, if only they could be invited. Her disappointment at the reality isn't a big deal by itself--plenty of parties are just kind of whatever--but Barb's opinion hangs over everything, and Nancy is dismissive even of the parties that are objectively enjoyable. She's just not in a place where she can see the good in things.
Case in point: tonight, she and Steve and Carol and Tommy were driving out to the old Byers place to get loaded and see if the Ouija board was still painted on the wall. On a Saturday night. And three out of four of them were seniors. They were supposed to be having more fun than anyone in this dead town, and this was the best they could come up with.
Nancy is also so angry and so brittle that, even though she knows how gross this activity is, it doesn't occur to her to suggest something else or beg off. I also wanted to establish very quickly that nobody is living at the Byers house and make the reader wonder where they all are.
To make matters worse, Steve’s parents had, in a rare gesture at discipline, taken his BMW away for the weekend because he’d flunked a chemistry test. Which was bullshit, because they ignored Steve doing worse stuff all the time, and she knew for a fact that Steve had at least tried to study, but more to the point, they were all stuck cruising around Hawkins in Tommy’s pickup. Which meant that Tommy and Carol and Steve were all crammed into the bench seat up front, and she was folded up in the jump seat.
My vision of Steve and Nancy's relationship for this fic kind of came from the horror movie Midsomar, where the grief-stricken heroine clings to her disinterested boyfriend because she's too numb and depressed to move on. Steve is just canonically not as much of a dick as the boyfriend in that movie, so he's really trying to be a good boyfriend to Nancy, but he's still way in over his head and internally a little uneasy about their relationship. Nancy, for her part, does care about Steve. She notices that the academic part of school is genuinely pretty miserable for him, and she feels indignant on his behalf that his parents are being unfair and unhelpful. Yet, emotionally, she can't truly connect with him.
“You okay back there, Wheeler?” Tommy asked, grinning broadly in the rearview mirror. He was obviously embarrassed by the truck, a rusted veteran of actual farm labor belonging to his grandfather, and he’d been needling her all night to compensate. “Got enough room to stretch out those looong legs?”
I see the Hagans as being farther down the social scale than the Harringtons (who are high society by Hawkins standards) or Carol's family (I headcanon that her dad is a doctor, so not as flashy as Steve's folks but very respectable). They're not poor or struggling, but they're more working-class and things are less fancy. Because Steve, Tommy, and Carol are the kinds of friends who make fun of each other, Tommy knows it's possible they'll go in on the truck. He likes Nancy a little bit more than she believes--they have some overlapping defense mechanisms and he has an appreciation of her more unhinged moments--but they're in the habit of picking at each other and he does think she's kind of a bummer a lot of the time.
Nancy had come prepared for this, of course. “This” meaning both Tommy’s dumb jokes, and the shitty twelve-pack of Miller stowed inches from her feet on the floorboard. She drank from her flask: a birthday present from Steve, filled with bourbon from her parents’ liquor cabinet. Her dad was a Scotch man, and fell asleep after very little of it, and her mom preferred wine. They wouldn’t miss it until Christmas, which was about six weeks away.
Steve got her that flask and was kind of like "is my girlfriend a sophisticated party girl, or does she have a problem?" But he didn't know what to do with the second possibility, so he ignored it.
“I’m doing great,” she said, completely deadpan. “This is a great truck, Tommy. So comfortable.”
Nancy's not afraid to be a Mean Girl among Mean Girls! Part of this is just a way of adapting to her clique, but this kind of sarcasm is also more comfortable for her than more sincere forms of interaction.
Gloria’s side of the bed was empty when Jonathan bolted awake from a dream about the old house, almost an hour before his alarm was set to go off. The room looked unfamiliar for his first few seconds of consciousness: the blue roses climbing up the wallpaper, the white wicker rocking chair piled high with discarded blouses and slacks, the gold-framed Sears portrait of Gloria’s daughter Sherry in her Easter dress on the vanity. He’d woken up to the same view for the past six months, but on mornings like these it still felt like waking into another dream.
I wanted to establish a few things here.
First, Jonathan is living with a girlfriend, not his dad, and she is way, way too old for him. She has a name that peaked in popularity in the late 1940s; she wears blouses and slacks; and she has a daughter. This isn't just a case of him, say, meeting a twenty-year-old at work and connecting over common interests; this woman is old enough to be his mother, she has way more life experience than he does, and they don't actually have much in common.
Second, the apartment is a pleasant space. It's not super-fancy, but Gloria has chosen a soothing color scheme and has obtained some basic working-class luxuries. This a relief to Jonathan, who is coming off of months of sleeping in Lonnie's dirty house, a hospital bed, or his own deteriorating home with Joyce.
Third, the apartment cannot be trusted. It feels unreal to Jonathan at first and, although that's caused by his nightmare, he's also not really safe there. Gloria is exploiting him emotionally, sexually, and financially, and she won't even keep Lonnie out.
Fourth, he's having repeated nightmares about the house back in Hawkins. He's doing better than he was a few months ago, but he's still not doing great.
He felt the sheets where Gloria had slept, soft and still warm, until his heartbeat slowed and the room began to look real again in the gray morning light. Then he rose from the bed and padded into the kitchen, where Gloria stood at the counter, drinking a cup of coffee. She was already dressed, in an orange blouse and pleated brown slacks, with her flossy yellow curls held back with a tortoiseshell clip.
“Do you like it?” she asked, turning to smile at him. She fluffed her hair. “I was trying to copy Princess Diana.”
Princess Diana would have given birth to Prince Harry a couple months before this chapter takes place, so she would have been very present in magazines at the time. Gloria's imitating one of her longer-haired moments, post-shag but pre-High-1980s-Big-Hair.
“You look nicer,” Jonathan said sincerely.
Gloria didn’t look much like Princess Diana, any more than he resembled Michael J. Fox. She was thirty-seven to Diana’s twenty-three, and short and sturdy where Diana was tall and angular. Even her blonde hair clearly came from a bottle. But he preferred her sunny, laugh-lined face, the kindest he’d known in Indianapolis. Diana looked so bored and uncomfortable in photographs, anyway; Jonathan always thought of “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now” when he saw her face in the magazines that covered the coffee table. Maybe she’d like the Smiths if she heard them.
Jonathan doesn't kid himself that the age difference isn't significant, but he is not very clear-eyed at all about other aspects of the situation. He feels like the oldest seventeen-year-old in the world after his experiences, not someone who needs protection, even though his grief and trauma and unstable material circumstances make him more vulnerable, not less. The good news is that he's feeling better enough to take an interest in music again, which is a fairly new development for him.
Gloria giggled and reached out for him, catching him around the waist and pulling him close enough to smell her orange-blossom perfume. He leaned down and kissed her scarlet-lipsticked mouth.
“You’re way too sweet,” she told him, as he pulled away. “Are you hungry?”
“Not yet,” he said. He went over to the kitchen table and took a seat. “I’ll eat something at school.”
“Oatmeal Creme Pies are not a breakfast food just because they have oatmeal in them,” she teased.
This is supposed to be really uncomfortable because (kissing aside) it's reminiscent of Jonathan and Joyce's breakfast interaction early in S3. Not that caring whether someone eats breakfast is the exclusive province of mothers, but she is old enough to be his mother and he almost certainly wouldn't be living with her if he had even one parent looking out for him.
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sublimeobservationarcade · 1 year ago
Australians Are Really Dumb
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Australians are really dumb if you go by their behaviour over the last 20 years. They have bought the whole anti-union narrative spruiked by conservative politicians like John Howard, Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and their ilk. These guys demonised and attempted to criminalise unionists and their ALP mates. The whole anti-Bill Shorten campaign painted Bill as some union crook – for which there was no real evidence. Despite this voters bought it hook, line and sinker. Now, we are where we find ourselves with record low wage growth over decades. Unions stripped of power by laws. Labour hire companies ripping off workers. Workers with bugger all rights. Big companies lording it over little workers with no bargaining power.
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Shabby Australians Deserve Qantas
Qantas has finally been pulled up by the High Court of Australia – after the unions took them on and fought their appeal against the wrongful dismissal of 1, 700 baggage handlers during the Covid pandemic. Australians didn’t stand up to Qantas, the Coalition government backed them with billions of tax payer’s money, whilst Virgin went down the gurgler. Australians have become pretty shabby people, sitting back and watching workers being shafted by Corporate Australia and not saying boo.
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Alan Joyce has been an absolute disgrace, as Qantas CEO for years and years. Under his leadership this once great company has become a vampire for shareholders. Sucking the life out of long serving staff and treating its customers like shit. “ "It now stands their actions against these Qantas families as the largest sacking in Australian corporate history that has been found to be illegal," Transport Workers' Union national secretary, Michael Kaine said in the minutes after the landmark verdict was handed down. "These workers have been put through hell. Their families have been put through hell. Their lives have been dislocated, some of them forever … that's the consequence of this illegal decision.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-14/qantas-workers-high-court-illegally-sacked-twu-compensation-bill/102848854)
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Qantas flying off with your money
Joyce Took Australia On A Joy Ride At Our Expense
Australians are only just waking up to the litany of unfair and low life actions taken by the airline’s management and board. Joyce has walked away with $24 million in bonuses, after destroying the culture and reputation of a once mighty business and brand. Australians and Qantas shareholders should hang their heads in shame really. We all sat back and watched the destruction of people’s lives and livelihoods. What for? All for money, of course. We have very few standards of morality left in this nation, especially after a decade of Coalition governments under the guise of liars like Morrison and leering scumbags like Abbott.
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Dirty Deeds Done In Australia Think about Robodebt and the disgraceful and unlawful scheme of these same jokers. Vulnerable people, wrongly accused of owing thousands of dollars, killed themselves. Ponder on the billions of dollars going to companies like PwC and KPMG, who have been taking the Australian people for a very expensive ride. These are Coalition initiatives and trends massaged and mined for every penny possible. Insider mates getting all the plumb jobs and big government contracts without the normal scrutiny that the public service would be under. Opaque transparency in shady town. Stuart Robert and Alan Tudge have scarpered already to avoid taking any responsibility. Marise Payne has likewise ducked out of the building, just in case people are actually held accountable. I would not hold your breath, however. Australia is a white collar crime and corruption Mecca. Only poor and powerless people get prosecuted and go to prison.
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Neoliberal champions who led us where we find ourselves - ripped off by our own economy! Governments Need To Get Back In The Game Of Building Things Will Australians awake from their slumber and pay attention to WTF is going on? Neoliberalism still haunts the halls of power and politics, despite having delivered zero results for the majority of us. The ALP needs to get its head out of its arse and stop playing it safe. The ALP still sucks on the teat of neoliberalist economic beliefs. The housing crisis is a direct result of government neglect in this regard. The market will not take care of everything – that is complete bullshit. Pull your finger out Albo! The housing fund is a cocka-doodle crock of monetary madness. We need governments to get back in the game of building infrastructure – like houses where the working poor can live. It is an emergency and the market is not going to magic up a shit load of social housing.
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Richard Goyder Must Go Goyder must go, as he has been the enabler in the whole Alan Joyce disaster. Qantas has been accused by the ACCC of selling seats to 10, 000 customers, which had already been cancelled. This could cost the airline a fine of $250 million. Australian must get back to holding Corporate Australia accountable for its actions. The LNP anything goes days are over. Australians would be best served to remember who has led this trashing of our standards. John Howard used to boast about making us all shareholders. Well, the vast majority of Australians are not shareholders but we have been screwed by Corporate Australia. High prices and rising inflation have been caused by a profit-price-spiral. Record profits have been announced by Qantas and the banks. The duopolies and oligopolies means that they can set the prices in most markets. The ACCC has failed us in terms of protecting competition. Our governments have been asleep at the wheel or looking the other way on the back of grift and graft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQKnazRIEc8 Australians Are Not What They Used To Be Australians are only really arcing up right now because airfares are really expensive. Self-centred shabby Aussies did bugger all when Joyce was sacking airline staff left, right and centre. Neoliberal economics has pervaded the leadership of our nation and gutted things like mateship and social justice. People are just out for what they can get. Scumbags are the new normal downunder. You know unions have done a lot for this country over the journey. Apart from protecting the basic rights of workers, they have been involved in preserving things like our historical buildings, anti-apartheid campaigns against South Africa, fighting for equal pay for Australian women, and getting equal pay for Indigenous workers on cattle stations. “In January 1965 the North Australian Workers’ Union lodged an application with the Arbitration Commission to delete the provision of the award covering workers at cattle stations that prevented Indigenous workers from gaining equal rights. A campaign of public pressure in support of the claim for wage equality was launched across the country. The Cattle Producers Council submitted a series of racist arguments to the Commission, degrading the contribution of Indigenous workers to the industry.  In March 1966 the commission handed down its decision in favour of equal wages – but in a racist insult to Indigenous workers, deferred this equality until December 1968. Indigenous pastoral workers took action, demanding equality immediately. “ - (https://www.actu.org.au/about-the-actu/history-of-australian-unions) If you have ever lived or spent some time in regional Australia you will well know the heightened level of racism in these communities. Not everyone, of course, but far more blatant expressions of racism than in the city are frequently voiced. You have to ask yourself why is Queensland, especially in the regional parts so racist and anti-union? A history of blackbirding – the indented servitude or enslavement of First Nations people – exists there. The current folk are the descendants of such people. The Lutheran German migrants and other European migrants are well known to be anti-union on the basis of their experiences in their old countries. They hand these attitudes down to their progeny for better or worse. Interestingly the polls predict that Queensland and Tasmania will be bastions for the No vote in the October referendum on the voice to parliament for Indigenous Australians. Two states where massacres of First Nations people were prominent in our history. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. ©WordsForWeb
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dndlaw · 6 days ago
Newry's Best Solicitors: Legal Advice You Can Trust
Newry's Best Solicitors: Legal Advice You Can Trust
Finding the right solicitor is essential when dealing with legal matters, whether personal or business-related. In Newry, skilled solicitors offer a wide range of services, from property transactions to family disputes and criminal defense. A good legal representative not only provides expert advice but also ensures your rights are protected.
This blog explores the various legal services available in Newry, what to look for in a solicitor, and how professional legal guidance can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Why You Need a Solicitor in Newry
Legal issues can be complex, and even minor cases require professional attention. Whether you’re buying a home, drafting a will, or facing a legal dispute, having an experienced solicitor ensures you navigate the process smoothly. Here are some common situations where legal assistance is invaluable:
Property Transactions – Buying or selling property involves contracts, negotiations, and legal paperwork. A solicitor ensures that all documents are in order and that the transaction is legally binding.
Family Law – Divorce, child custody, and financial settlements require careful handling to protect everyone involved. A solicitor ensures that legal rights are upheld while minimizing emotional stress.
Criminal Defense – If you face criminal charges, expert legal representation can make a significant difference in your case.
Employment Law – Whether you’re an employee facing unfair treatment or an employer managing contracts, a solicitor helps resolve disputes efficiently.
Personal Injury Claims – If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, a solicitor can help you claim compensation.
Wills and Probate – Planning your estate and managing inheritance matters ensures your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone.
Qualities of a Reliable Solicitor
Choosing the right solicitor is crucial for achieving the best legal outcome. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a legal professional in Newry:
1. Experience and Expertise
A solicitor with years of experience in a specific area of law is better equipped to handle your case. Look for professionals who specialize in the legal issue you need help with.
2. Clear Communication
Legal jargon can be confusing, and a good solicitor should be able to explain complex issues in simple terms. Clear communication ensures you understand your rights and the legal process involved.
3. Reputation and Client Reviews
Word of mouth and online reviews can provide valuable insights into a solicitor’s reliability and success rate. Checking testimonials from previous clients can help you make an informed decision.
4. Transparent Fees
Legal fees should be clearly explained before you proceed with any case. Some solicitors offer fixed fees for certain services, while others charge hourly rates. Transparency in pricing avoids unexpected costs later on.
5. Local Knowledge
A solicitor familiar with Newry’s legal landscape and court system will be better positioned to handle local cases efficiently. Local expertise can be a significant advantage, particularly in property transactions and dispute resolution.
How Solicitors Can Help with Different Legal Matters
Buying or Selling Property
Whether you are purchasing your first home or selling an investment property, legal paperwork and contracts must be handled correctly. A solicitor will conduct property searches, review contracts, and ensure a smooth transfer of ownership.
Divorce and Family Law
Family disputes can be emotionally draining, and legal intervention is often necessary to reach fair agreements. A solicitor can help with divorce settlements, child custody arrangements, and financial disputes, ensuring a balanced resolution for all parties involved.
Employment Disputes
Workplace issues such as unfair dismissal, discrimination, and contract disputes require legal intervention to ensure justice. Solicitors assist employees and employers in resolving conflicts while protecting their rights.
Criminal Defense
If you are facing criminal charges, whether minor or serious, having a skilled solicitor can impact the outcome of your case. They provide legal representation in court, build strong defenses, and negotiate for reduced penalties where possible.
Making a Will and Estate Planning
A will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. Solicitors help draft wills, manage probate, and advise on inheritance laws to prevent disputes among family members.
Personal Injury Claims
If you have suffered an injury due to negligence, such as a car accident or workplace incident, a solicitor can help you seek compensation. They gather evidence, negotiate settlements, and represent you in court if necessary.
What to Expect When Working with a Solicitor
When you first consult a solicitor, they will assess your case and provide an overview of your legal options. Here’s what you can typically expect:
Initial Consultation – This is an opportunity to discuss your issue and determine the best legal course of action.
Case Evaluation – The solicitor will review relevant documents and gather necessary evidence.
Legal Strategy – A tailored approach will be developed based on your specific circumstances.
Ongoing Support – Whether in negotiations or court proceedings, your solicitor will guide you every step of the way.
Final Thoughts
Whether you need assistance with buying a house, resolving a dispute, or handling a legal matter, having a trustworthy solicitors in Newry is essential. Experienced legal professionals ensure your rights are protected and help you achieve the best outcome for your situation.
By choosing a solicitor with the right expertise, clear communication, and a strong reputation, you can navigate legal challenges with confidence. When in doubt, seeking professional legal advice is always the best course of action.
If you’re facing a legal matter, consider consulting an experienced solicitor in Newry today to get the guidance and representation you need.
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louisegornalla · 7 days ago
How to Choose the Right Law Firm for Your Legal Needs
Finding the right law firm can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Legal issues vary in complexity, and having skilled representation ensures the best possible results. Whether dealing with personal injury, business law, or family disputes, choosing a law firm that fits your needs requires careful consideration.
Understand Your Legal Needs
The first step in selecting a law firm is identifying the type of legal assistance required. Some firms specialize in specific areas, while others offer a broad range of services. Common legal needs include:
Personal Injury Claims – Compensation for accidents, workplace injuries, or medical negligence.
Family Law – Divorce, child custody, and estate planning.
Business Law – Contracts, disputes, and regulatory compliance.
Criminal Defense – Legal representation in criminal cases.
Employment Law – Workplace rights, unfair dismissal, and discrimination claims.
Choosing a firm with expertise in the relevant legal area increases the chances of success.
Assess Experience and Reputation
A law firm’s track record provides insight into its ability to handle cases effectively. Consider the following when evaluating a firm’s reputation:
Years in practice – Established firms have experience handling various legal challenges.
Case success rate – Firms with a history of favorable outcomes demonstrate strong legal skills.
Client testimonials – Reviews and recommendations offer firsthand insights into the firm’s service quality.
Industry recognition – Awards, accreditations, and rankings indicate a firm’s standing in the legal community.
Researching these factors ensures that you choose a firm with a strong background and proven results.
Check the Firm’s Resources and Team
Legal cases often require extensive research, expert witnesses, and strong courtroom advocacy. A well-equipped firm should have:
A team of experienced solicitors with specialized knowledge.
Access to legal databases and industry experts.
A history of handling similar cases successfully.
Strong administrative support for case preparation.
A firm with ample resources can handle complex cases efficiently and provide comprehensive legal support.
Evaluate Communication and Client Support
Clear and responsive communication is essential when dealing with legal matters. Before hiring a law firm, assess how they interact with clients:
Do they explain legal terms in a way that’s easy to understand?
Are they accessible via phone, email, or in-person meetings?
Do they provide regular case updates?
Is the initial consultation thorough and informative?
A firm that prioritizes client communication makes the legal process smoother and less stressful.
Compare Legal Fees and Billing Structures
Legal costs vary depending on the firm and case complexity. Understanding fee structures helps prevent unexpected expenses. Common billing methods include:
Hourly rates – Clients pay based on time spent on the case.
Fixed fees – A set amount for specific legal services.
Contingency fees – Payment based on case success, common in personal injury claims.
Retainers – Upfront payments for ongoing legal representation.
Discussing fees in advance ensures transparency and prevents misunderstandings.
Look for Professional Accreditations
Accreditations and memberships in legal organizations indicate a firm’s credibility. Reputable law firms are often affiliated with:
The Law Society
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
Chambers and Partners or The Legal 500 rankings
These recognitions reflect a commitment to high ethical and professional standards.
Personalized Approach and Case Strategy
Every legal case is unique, and a tailored approach increases the chances of success. During an initial consultation, ask:
How does the firm plan to approach the case?
What strategies have worked in similar cases?
What challenges might arise, and how will they be handled?
A firm that provides clear and personalized legal guidance demonstrates a genuine commitment to achieving the best results.
Why Reputation Matters
Selecting the best law firm UK clients trust ensures top-tier representation. A well-respected firm has built its reputation on successful case outcomes, client satisfaction, and ethical legal practice. Checking independent reviews, asking for referrals, and researching past case results help in making an informed decision.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right law firm involves evaluating experience, reputation, resources, and client service. A firm that aligns with your legal needs and communicates effectively improves the chances of a positive outcome. Taking the time to research and compare options ensures that you receive the best legal support available.
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The Importance of Employment Lawyers in Ottawa
Employment law is a complex field that affects both employers and employees. Whether dealing with wrongful dismissal, workplace harassment, or contract disputes, having the right legal guidance is essential. In Ottawa, a city with a diverse workforce and numerous industries, navigating employment-related legal issues can be challenging without professional assistance. This is where employment lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring fair treatment and compliance with legal standards.
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Understanding Employment Law
Employment law governs the relationship between employers and employees, covering aspects such as hiring, wages, benefits, and workplace rights. It also includes protections against unfair treatment, wrongful termination, and discrimination. Both employers and employees must understand their rights and obligations to avoid legal disputes and ensure a positive work environment.
For employees, understanding workplace rights is essential for protection against unjust treatment. Experts at Leckers Law explain how issues like unpaid wages, discrimination, or harassment can impact job security and overall well-being. On the other hand, employers need to ensure their policies and practices align with legal requirements to prevent costly lawsuits and maintain a fair workplace.
When to Seek Legal Assistance
There are various situations where individuals and businesses may require the help of employment lawyers in Ottawa. Some of the most common reasons include:
1. Wrongful Dismissal Claims
Employees who believe they were terminated unfairly may have grounds to file a wrongful dismissal claim. Lawyers can assess whether an employer followed the proper termination procedures, including providing notice or severance pay.
2. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Harassment and discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability, or other factors are illegal. Victims of workplace discrimination may need legal representation to hold their employers accountable and seek justice.
3. Employment Contract Review
Employment contracts outline the terms and conditions of a job, including salary, benefits, and job responsibilities. A legal expert can review these agreements to ensure they are fair and comply with employment laws.
4. Severance Package Negotiation
When an employee is let go, they may be offered a severance package. However, not all severance agreements are fair. Legal professionals can help negotiate better terms, ensuring employees receive the compensation they deserve.
5. Workplace Policy Compliance
For employers, staying compliant with labor laws is essential to avoid legal disputes. Lawyers can provide guidance on workplace policies, employee rights, and best practices to prevent potential lawsuits. Hop over here to learn more. 
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The Benefits of Hiring a Legal Professional
Navigating employment law can be complicated, and legal expertise is often necessary to achieve the best outcome. Here are some benefits of seeking legal help:
Expert Advice: Legal professionals understand the intricacies of employment law and can provide clear guidance tailored to each case.
Negotiation Skills: Whether negotiating severance packages or resolving workplace disputes, lawyers advocate for fair treatment and favorable outcomes.
Protection Against Legal Risks: Employers who consult with lawyers can prevent legal issues before they arise, reducing financial and reputational risks.
Representation in Court: If a case goes to court, having a lawyer ensures strong representation and the best possible defense.
Employment law is essential in protecting workplace rights and ensuring fair treatment. Whether addressing wrongful dismissal, workplace discrimination, or contract disputes, employment lawyers in Ottawa provide crucial support. Both employees and employers can benefit from legal expertise to resolve issues effectively and maintain a fair work environment. Seeking professional legal guidance can make a significant difference in achieving the best outcome in employment-related matters.
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abhijeetmeenarajput · 12 days ago
What Are the Key Highlights of International Employment Law in Denmark?
Denmark is known for its strong labor rights and well-structured employment regulations. Whether you are an expatriate, an NRI looking for job opportunities, or a company hiring employees in Denmark, understanding the legal framework is crucial. Below are some key highlights of Denmark's international employment laws and how they impact foreign workers.
1. Employment Contracts and Work Permits
In Denmark, employment agreements must comply with local labor laws. India for NRI helps NRIs navigate employment laws and ensure compliance. Work permits are required for non-EU citizens, and employment contracts must specify working hours, salary, and conditions of employment.
2. Working Hours and Leave Policies
Danish law enforces a standard 37-hour workweek with generous leave policies. Employees are entitled to five weeks of paid leave annually. If you face disputes regarding employment benefits, you can file a complaint against public authorities for resolution.
3. Minimum Wage and Salary Regulations
Unlike many countries, Denmark does not have a statutory minimum wage. Instead, wages are regulated by collective bargaining agreements. If an employer fails to pay fair wages, NRIs can lodge a complaint against govt employees or seek assistance from the Danish Labor Court.
4. Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination Policies
Danish employment law prohibits discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, or religion. If an employee experiences unfair treatment, they have the right to seek redress through the Directorate of Public Grievances, which ensures compliance with labor rights.
5. Occupational Health and Safety Standards
Employers must provide a safe and healthy working environment. In case of negligence, employees can file grievances of public authorities to demand corrective measures and compensation for unsafe work conditions.
6. Termination and Severance Pay
Danish law ensures that employees receive due notice before termination. Severance pay varies based on tenure and contract terms. Unfair dismissals can be challenged, and misconduct by officials can be reported under misconduct by Government personnel to seek legal action.
7. Social Security and Benefits
Employees in Denmark are entitled to social security benefits, including healthcare, unemployment insurance, and pension schemes. Issues regarding social security entitlements can be addressed through strengthening of machinery for redressal of public grievance mechanisms available to foreign employees.
Denmark's employment laws emphasize fairness, worker protection, and compliance with legal frameworks. For NRIs working in Denmark, understanding their legal rights is crucial. If you face any employment-related challenges, India for NRI provides expert assistance to resolve employment disputes and ensure legal compliance.
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