#Committee of experts on public administration
unpublicserviceday · 5 months
(9th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - Economic and Social Council.
Institution building in fragile and conflict-affected areas
- Expert panel moderated by the Vice-Chair
- Interactive dialogue with CEPA members, Member States, United Nations system and civil society organizations 
Adoption of the report on the 23rd session
- Moderated by the Chair
- Informal report of the working group on the United Nations Public Service Awards
- Presentation of draft report by the Rapporteur
- Review of recommendations and matters to be brought to the attention of the Economic and Social Council Adoption of the draft report on the 23rd session
Closing of the session 
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) is a UN technical advisory body that studies and makes recommendations to improve governance and public administration structures and processes for development. It assists ECOSOC by reviewing trends, issues and priorities in public administration, notably in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and progress reviews of the SDGs.
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration will hold its twenty-third session (CEPA23) at UN Headquarters in New York from 15 to 19 April 2024. The theme is "New governance insights to advance the SDGs and eradicate poverty".
Watch the (9th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - Economic and Social Council
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good-old-gossip · 3 months
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US President Joe Biden’s administration has said it is “deeply concerned” about recent reports of Israel torturing Palestinian detainees in a military base in the Negev Desert, but those comments have been criticised by a leading rights group that says Washington should have information about Israel’s detention conditions.
“The fact that the US government appears not to have information from the Israeli government on detention conditions and torture allegations is remarkable and wrong,” Sarah Yager, Washington director for Human Rights Watch, told Middle East Eye.
Over the past several weeks, several US media outlets have reported that Israeli detention centres have been using torture on Palestinian detainees, with the focus being on the Sde Teiman detention facility in the Negev Desert.
Most recently, the New York Times published a three-month-long investigation into the treatment of Palestinians at Sde Teiman.
The report found systematic sexual abuse and torture perpetrated against detained Palestinians, with one account of that treatment revealing one detainee “died after they put the electric stick up” his anus.
Middle East Eye reported back in March on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians from Gaza detained by Israel, many of whom spoke of being electrocuted, beaten and subject to mock executions. MEE reached out to the State Department for comment on these reports, and a spokesperson said: “We are deeply concerned by these reports and are looking into these and other allegations.” Yager said that the State Department and the Biden administration’s response to the reports show that they think they are being vocal about the allegations of torture.
The human rights expert said that HRW itself has not yet verified the allegations at Sde Teiman, however she noted that allegations of torture by Israel “are nothing new”.
The rights group Public Committee Against Torture Watch has reported on 22 cases of detained Palestinian children, of whom 64 percent were physically abused by Israeli forces.
“Human Rights Watch has found that discrimination pervades every aspect of the Israeli carceral system,” Yager said.
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John Nichols at The Nation:
Donald Trump has made no secret of his determination to govern as a “dictator” if he regains the presidency, and that’s got his critics warning that his reelection would spell the end of democracy. But Trump and his allies are too smart to go full Kim Jong Un. Rather, the former president’s enthusiasm for the authoritarian regimes of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Turkey’s Tayyip Erdoğan, and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán suggests the models he would build on: managing elections to benefit himself and his Republican allies; gutting public broadcasting and constraining press freedom; and undermining civil society. Trump, who famously demanded that the results of Georgia’s 2020 presidential voting be “recalculated” to give him a win, wants the trappings of democracy without the reality of electoral consequences. That’s what propaganda experts Edward Herman and Frank Brodhead once described as “demonstration elections,” in which, instead of actual contests, wins are assured for the authoritarians who control the machinery of democracy. The outline for such a scenario emerges from a thorough reading of Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership, which specifically proposes a Trump-friendly recalculation of the systems that sustain American democracy. The strategy for establishing an American version of Orbán’s “illiberal democracy” is not spelled out in any particular chapter of Mandate. Rather, it is woven throughout the whole of the document, with key elements appearing in the chapters on reworking the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Federal Election Commission (FEC). In the section on the DHS, for instance, there’s a plan to eliminate the ability of the agency that monitors election security to prevent the spread of disinformation about voting and vote counting.
How serious a threat to democracy would that pose? Think back to November 2020, when Trump was developing his Big Lie about the election he’d just lost. Trump’s false assertion that the election had been characterized by “massive improprieties and fraud” was tripped up by Chris Krebs, who served as director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the DHS. The Republican appointee and his team had established a 24/7 “war room” to work with officials across the country to monitor threats to the security and integrity of the election. The operation was so meticulous that Krebs could boldly announce after the voting was finished: “America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too.” At the same time, his coordinating team declared, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” This infuriated Trump, who immediately fired the nation’s top election security official.
In Mandate’s chapter on the DHS, Ken Cuccinelli writes, “Of the utmost urgency is immediately ending CISA’s counter-mis/disinformation efforts. The federal government cannot be the arbiter of truth.” Cuccinelli previously complained that CISA “is a DHS component that the Left has weaponized to censor speech and affect elections.” As for the team that worked so successfully with Krebs to secure the 2020 election, the Project 2025 document declares that “the entirety of the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee should be dismissed on Day One.” The potential impact? “It’s a way of emasculating the agency—that is, it prevents it from doing its job,” says Herb Lin, a cyber-policy and security scholar at Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation.
This is just one way that Project 2025’s cabal of “experts” is scheming to thwart honest discourse about elections and democracy. A chapter on public broadcasting proposes to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting as part of a larger plan to upend NPR, PBS, and “other public broadcasters that benefit from CPB funding, including the even-further-to-the Left Pacifica Radio and American Public Media.” More destabilizing than the total funding cut that Project 2025 entertains is a parallel plan to end the status of NPR and Pacifica radio stations as “noncommercial education stations.” That could deny them their current channel numbers at the low end of the radio spectrum (88 to 92 FM)—a move that would open prime territory on the dial for the sort of religious programming that already claims roughly 42 percent of the airwaves that the FCC reserves for noncommercial broadcasting. And don’t imagine that the FCC would be in a position to write new rules that guard against the surrender of those airwaves to the Trump-aligned religious right.
While project 2025 seeks to rewire the FCC to favor Trump’s allies, it also wants to lock in dysfunction at the Federal Election Commission, the agency that is supposed to govern campaign spending and fundraising. Established 50 years ago, the FEC has six members—three Republicans and three Democrats—who are charged with overseeing the integrity of federal election campaigns. In recent years, however, this even partisan divide has robbed the FEC of its ability to act because, as a group of former FEC employees working with the Campaign Legal Center explained, “three Commissioners of the same party, acting in concert, can leave the agency in a state of deadlock.” As the spending by outside groups on elections “has exponentially increased, foreign nationals and governments have willfully manipulated our elections, and coordination between super PACs and candidates has become commonplace,” the former employees noted. Yet “the FEC [has] deadlocked on enforcement matters more often than not, frequently refusing to even investigate alleged violations despite overwhelming publicly available information supporting them.”
John Nichols wrote in The Nation about how Project 2025’s radical right-wing wishlist of items contains plans to wreck and subvert what is left of America’s democracy.
See Also:
The Nation: June 2024 Issue
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Los Angeles is close: understand how the financing of sports in Brazil foments Olympic medals
Little known, the system supports high-performance athletes began to be structured at the beginning of the 2000s
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It’s almost a tradition: during the Olympic Games, questions about Brazilian performance emerge strongly on social media platforms. Commonly, complaints about the structure and salaries athletes receive become important. However, the right information about how this system works did not get the same attention.
That’s why Brasil de Fato interviewed experts in sports financing to explain how the transfer of public resources to high-performance sports works.
The current public funding system for Olympic and Paralympic sports was developed almost entirely during the first two governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party), between 2003 and 2010. The mechanisms that allocate most of the resources are Brazil’s Lottery Law, which sends money directly to the Brazilian Olympic and Paralympic committees and also to the confederations of each sport; the Sports Incentive Law, a mechanism similar to the Rouanet Law, which allows companies to make tax waivers to support sports projects; and the Athlete Scholarship, a monthly payment to athletes who achieve certain results, starting with youth sports.
There are also budget resources from the sports departments of the federal, state and municipal administrations. In addition, in 2008, a sui generis program was created to support the careers of high-performance athletes, the High-Performance Athletes Program (PAAR, in Portuguese) of the Armed Forces. It provides that athletes with a chance of winning medals can apply to join the Army, Navy or Air Force to take part in military competitions. For the athlete, this guarantees income, retirement and use of the Forces' facilities for training.
“Looking back over history, we can see that, over time, Brazil has been expanding and improving its participation in high-performance sports,” says Fernando Henrique Carneiro, a researcher at the Group for Research and Sociocritical Training in Physical Education, Sport and Leisure at the University of Brasilia (Avante/UnB, in Portuguese).
“So much so that in Tokyo [Olympic Games, in 2021], the country had its best results, which was very much the result of what was being built up for the Rio 2016 Games cycle. Over time, the Lula and Dilma governments have been structuring public policies for the sector,” he explains.
Continue reading.
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darkeagleruins · 3 months
WEAPONIZATION: Biden's DHS sought to declare 'being conservative' a public health emergency to justify mass surveillance of Trump supporters as recently as 2023.
Internal documents from Biden’s DHS reveal a disturbing strategy: targeting Trump supporters as domestic extremists. This revelation, forced into the open by America First Legal's litigation with Richard Grenell, highlights Biden's misuse of federal agencies for political purposes.
On September 19, 2023, the DHS announced the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group. However, AFL and Grenell sued, alleging it violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The settlement requires DHS to wind down the Experts Group within 30 days, cease future meetings, and avoid reconstituting the group in a manner inconsistent with FACA or the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
Highlighted by AFL, one document from the Brennan-Clapper intel group asserts that:
“most of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president.”
This paints a significant portion of American citizens as threats to national security based solely on their political beliefs. The group’s strategy to label Trump supporters as domestic terrorists is a blatant and illegal power grab designed to silence opposition.
Other documents expose plans to classify Trump supporters, military personnel, and religious individuals as potential "domestic violent extremists." Under the Brennan-Clapper committee’s approach, DHS should profile people in the military or with religious beliefs, tagging them as having “indicators of extremists and terrorism” to justify spying on them.
Still more documents reveal that the advisory committee discussed ways for DHS to increase efforts to collect intelligence on Americans, including attempting to “get into local communities in a non-threatening way.” By the time the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group was announced in September 2023, the Group had already been meeting for as long as four months. When it held a discussion on “Collection Posture and Associated Challenges,” a Group member complained that there was “no mandate for state and local partners” to collect information, resulting in “limited access in I&A.”
These documents prove the Biden administration is leveraging federal agencies to target and intimidate political opponents. This weaponization of government power is a clear violation of democratic principles and threatens the foundation of our republic. This discriminatory profiling undermines freedom and equality, casting suspicion on military service members and religious individuals, leading to widespread abuse and mistrust.
Shockingly, the documents reveal the DHS Intelligence Group's planned to require Americans to report their neighbors to the federal government. They discussed reclassifying political dissent under the guise of “public health” to give them more power to spy on Trump supporters more easily. They even planned to encourage “mothers and teachers” to report perceived threats. This tactic, using public health as a cover to silence political opposition, creates a culture of suspicion and fear, where neighbors spy on neighbors, undermining trust within communities further dividing the nation.
The group discussed the current threat landscape, domestic terrorism strategy, collection posture, and associated challenges, civil liberties and privacy challenges. Concerning the efforts to collect, it is interesting to see how we have collected and reported since January 6th. Support for this mission set has varied but changed after January 6th as their mission to combat domestic terrorism gained departmental and political support. This context shows how the DHS Intelligence Group was pushing to expand surveillance and intelligence collection efforts, using any pretext necessary to justify their actions.
The Group noted that the “See Something, Say Something” campaign after 9/11 fell short because “Americans have an ambivalent feeling of telling on each other.” The problem, as one attendee phrased it, is, “How do we get into local communities in a non-threatening way? How do people safely report a concern about their neighbors?” Where DHS lacks capabilities and cannot convince mothers and teachers to report their own children, one contributor suggested turning to corporate America as a resource.
Biden was forced to dissolve the unlawful DHS Intelligence Experts Group, stacked with deep state partisans like James Clapper and John Brennan but I have no doubt the effort to target Trump supporters continues in earnest.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Calls for justice filled Bay Street Sunday afternoon as dozens of people rallied on the steps of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office headquarters after a video went viral showing the arrest of 24-year-old Le'Keian Woods. 
Woods' arrest on Friday was caught on video by a bystander showing multiple officers standing and kneeling over him. At one point, an officer picks Woods up and slams him onto the grass.
Moments later, officers lifted Woods up, revealing bruises and blood across his face. Woods' family accused the officers of punching him during the incident, causing his facial injuries, although this isn't shown in the arrest video.
The family told First Coast Newsthat Woods, his uncle and his friend were pulled over for not wearing their seatbelts as they were on their way to Woods' grandmother's house.
The Sheriff's Office says the incident is under administrative review.
USA TODAY noted the incident is the latest case of alleged police brutality, where encounters with police over traffic violations have turned violent or even fatal. Recent studies have shown racial disparities in policing and experts have said Black people are disproportionately stopped or searched by law enforcement across the country.
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During a rally Sunday afternoon, Woods' mother, Natassia Woods, spoke to the crowd describing how hard it's been to get an update on her son's condition. She told First Coast News her son's attorney, Harry Daniels, told her that Woods was going to and from the hospital to be treated for a concussion. 
“I’m at a point now that I just want answers for my son," Woods told the crowd. "I want justice for my son. No one should be beaten like that.”
Natassia Woods isn’t the only calling for those things — as she was surrounded by dozens of people with signs and posters.
“We were definitely outraged," said Mary Dennis, who attended the rally. "When I saw the video, I just couldn’t believe that it took that many people to take one person down.”
Woods' mother said she did get a chance to speak with her son, but it was a painful conversation.
"When he called me from the jail, he said, 'Mama, what happened to me?'" Natassia Woods said.
"He didn't even know he got beat like that. He didn't even know that stuff had happened to him. He did not know that he had got beaten that bad."
The Sheriff's Office shared the following statement withmedia on Saturday regarding the incident:
"The agency takes all allegations of inappropriate use of force by JSO officers seriously. As such, this incident is now under administrative review to determine if the involved officers violated any JSO policy. Because the matter is currently under investigation, the agency cannot comment further about the incident until the investigation is completed.”
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The Jacksonville Community Action Committee, who organized the rally, called for three things in light of Woods' arrest going viral on social media.
One, for the officers responsible to be held accountable. Two, for the Sheriff's Office to get rid of the gang unit. Three, create a public safety committee made up of community members to review public safety policies.
“Why can’t the city have an institution that can hear the voices of the community in a controlled way that can affect policy in a positive way," said Michael Sampson with the Jacksonville Community Action Committee.
Woods is being held on charges of armed drug trafficking, possession of a controlled substance and resisting an officer with violence.
Police shooting: Jacksonville state attorney deems officer justified in shooting of Jamee Johnson
Attorney Dexter Van Harris represented Woods in court Sunday morning. Van Harris told First Coast News the judge found no probable cause on two of the six charges he is facing, and his bail on the other four totals about $170,000.
Woods' next court date is scheduled for Oct. 24.
Woods was previously arrested and faced a second-degree murder charge in 2018 for an attempted robbery at a Tallahassee apartment complex where his roommate was fatally shot, according to The Florida Times-Union.
Traffic stops across the United States
A number of high-profile cases of police brutality have begun with traffic violations. Traffic stops are one of the most common interactions civilians have with police and while a majority end uneventfully, experts have said people of color — particularly Black people — are disproportionately stopped by police, USA TODAY reported.
These encounters can quickly escalate into violent, and sometimes fatal, incidents. Hundreds of people, including Tyre Nichols, Patrick Lyoya, Daunte Wright, Jayland Walker, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland and Walter Scott have been killed after being stopped by law enforcement for traffic violations.
Police pull over more than 50,000 people daily and more than 20 million motorists annually, according to the Stanford Open Policing Project. Officers generally stop and search Black drivers at higher rates, the study found.
Daniels said Woods' case "bears a striking similarity" to the shooting of 22-year-old Jamee Johnson in 2019. The attorney represented Johnson's family in a federal lawsuit against the city of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.
"Johnson was also pulled over for an alleged seat belt violation before being fatally shot by (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office) officer Josue Garriga," Daniels said on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday.
Garriga was one of the officers involved in Woods' arrest, according to a newly released arrest report.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 8 months
Interplanetary Federation of Education (IFEd)
Mission Statement: IFEd is dedicated to fostering excellence in education, promoting collaboration among planets, and ensuring educational equity and community engagement.
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The IFEd is structured consists of a panel led by an experienced Chairperson and comprising representatives from participating planets, education experts, community leaders, and youth representatives. Policy advisors ensure alignment with interplanetary governance, while a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Officer fosters equitable representation. The Secretary-General manages administrative tasks, committee chairs lead focused sub-committees on key aspects like charity assessment and resource allocation, and an advisory council, including seasoned educators, former members, and individuals with historical knowledge, provides valuable guidance.
Resource Allocation Committee
The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) is tasked with overseeing the distribution of resources to schools based on their charitable contributions. This committee is responsible for evaluating and quantifying schools' public service, research contributions, and donations. It utilizes a weighted system, considering factors such as the size, quality, history, and prestige of each school to determine tiered contribution levels. The committee establishes a fair and dynamic framework, ensuring that schools with varying resources and capacities can actively engage in meaningful philanthropy. The RAC plays a crucial role in fostering equity, accountability, and continuous improvement within the interplanetary education system.
Quantifiable Metrics for Charitable Contributions:
Public Service
Volunteer Hours: The number of volunteer hours contributed by students and staff from elite schools to community service projects. This metric reflects the direct involvement of the school community in public service.
Community Impact Index: A standardized index that quantifies the tangible impact of community service projects initiated by schools.
Public Research
Research Publications: Research publications produced by schools that directly contribute to public knowledge, address societal challenges, or provide solutions to community issues.
Innovation Index: An innovation index that assesses the level of creativity and novelty in research projects undertaken by schools.
Public Charity
Monetary Donations: The total amount of monetary donations made by schools to charitable organizations, community projects, or public welfare initiatives. This provides a direct measure of financial support to the community.
Scholarship Funds: The establishment and contributions to scholarship funds that support underprivileged students or those with exceptional talent. This metric reflects a commitment to fostering educational opportunities within the broader community.
Material Contributions: The value and quantity of non-monetary donations made by schools. This includes items such as food, potions, elixirs, medicine, technology, and other tangible contributions that directly benefit the community.
Resource Impact Assessment: Evaluates the impact of non-monetary donations on the community. This assessment could consider the essential needs addressed, technological advancements shared, or improvements in the quality of life resulting from these donations.
Tiered Contribution Levels:
Tier 1 Contributors
Size: Large student body and extensive facilities.
Quality: Renowned staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and high-achieving students.
History/Prestige: Long-standing history and high prestige within the interplanetary education system.
Contribution Requirement:
High contribution requirement due to the school's extensive resources and capacity for significant impact.
Tier 2 Contributors
Size: Moderate to large student body with well-maintained facilities.
Quality: Competent staff, good facilities, and academically proficient students.
History/Prestige: Established history and a positive reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Moderate contribution requirement, reflecting the school's capacity to make a substantial impact.
Tier 3 Contributors
Size: Varied student body size with adequate facilities.
Quality: Capable staff, functional facilities, and engaged students.
History/Prestige: A decent history and a respectable reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Moderate to low contribution requirement, considering the school's balanced resources and potential impact.
Tier 4 Contributors
Size: Smaller student body with basic facilities.
Quality: Developing staff, basic facilities, and a growing student body.
History/Prestige: Limited history and reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Low contribution requirement, recognizing the school's developing status and potential for growth.
Tier 5 Contributors
Size: Small student body and limited facilities.
Quality: Novice staff, basic facilities, and entry-level students.
History/Prestige: Recently established with minimal reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Minimal contribution requirement, acknowledging the school's entry-level status and the need for gradual growth.
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kodoandsangha · 5 months
Project 2025 and how they're going to strip healthcare from everyone
I know everyone is focused on Gaza. The genocide happening there is unconscionable.
But, back here, in the States, where most of us live, there's this. This is the plan starting January 1. This is just ONE section - Health and Human Services.
I'm currently involved in a grassroots project to present the entirety of the 923 pages in this form to get the information out. Their plan is literally Gilead.
I want to be clear that nowhere in their policies, goals and rhetoric does it account for what happens to all of us when these things happen.
Scary vague thing:
Investigate, expose, and remediate any instances in which HHS violated people’s rights by:
Colluding with Big Tech to censor dissenting opinions during COVID
Colluding with abortion advocates and LGBT advocates to violate conscience-protection laws and the Hyde Amendment
P. 488
Public health entities (CDC, NIH, ACL, OASH)
Can’t prescribe any behavior (meaning masking/quarantine would never have happened) (454)
Can’t use fetal cells for research (454, 461)
No mask/vaccine mandates in hospitals (475)
CDC - No data collection on gender identity (456)
Medicare - No national coverage determination for Gender Reassignment Surgery (474)
Allow discrimination
in healthcare
Reverse ACA’s prohibition on discrimination against gender identity and sexual orientation in health programs/activities (475)
Withdraw Ryan White guidance (aims at reducing barriers to HIV care, medication, and support for transgender people living with HIV) (485)
OASH will withdraw support for gender-affirming care (490)
Allow LGBTQ folks to be discriminated against in healthcare (remove Biden protections - 495) and intend to have the DOJ bring the discrimination protections to the supreme court (496) which could potentially set a precedent.
In adoption (477)
Possibly take children away from LGBTQ couples if they didn’t conceive them? “married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them” (489)
Prioritize faith-based education programs & grants (that don’t acknowledge LGBTQ folks’ existence) (480, 481)
Reproductive rights
CDC - Implies the Division of Reproductive Health and the 6|18 initiative will be cut (454)
Fewer doctors trained in abortions - Make abortion training opt-in rather than opt-out in all medical schools (485)
No “approved curriculum” or “evidence-based lists” in Teen Pregnancy Prevention or Personal Responsibility Education Programs (477)
Deal with STDs and unwanted pregnancy by focusing on abstinence and strengthening marriage (490)
Remove the experts - Install pro-life advocates in the Health Resources & Services Administration advisory committee (who makes the mandates around abortion) and cut ties with American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (484)
eliminate the HHS Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force and install a pro-life task force (489)
Foreign aid - Require foreign non-government orgs to certify that they wouldn’t perform/promote abortion as a condition of receiving funding. (493)
Remove protections from the woman and enforce protections for born-alive infants (including criminal consequences) (474)
Make it harder for people to understand how/where their protected health information is protected (rescind guidance - 497)
Drug/contraception access
FDA - Reverse approval of chemical abortion drugs (458)
Limit pills to 49 days gestation, in-person dispensing, report all adverse events (459)
Reduce access to contraception - Allow insurance providers to morally object to providing contraception on nonreligious grounds (it’s already allowed for religious grounds) (483)
Male condoms will no longer be mandated coverage (485)
No more Ella (week-after-pill) in the contraceptive mandate (485)
Make access harder - Withdraw OCR’s pharmacy abortion mandate guidance which prohibits discrimination when providing abortion meds (496)
Prohibit abortion travel funding (eliminate the section 1115 waivers that allow funds to help cross state lines) (471)
No abortions for refugees (478)
Government funds
No funds for Planned Parenthood (471) 
prohibit family planning grants from going to entities that perform abortions or provide funding to other entities that perform abortions (491)
Cut up to 10% of medicaid funds from states that require abortion insurance coverage (CA, IL, Maine, MD, NY, OR, WA, Vermont, Hawaii, Connecticut) (472)
Track every abortion in every state (455)
New mission statement “furthering the health and well-being of all Americans ‘from conception to natural death.’” (489)
Require health care workers to report abortion pill complications (459)
Use AI to detect fraud (463)
Lots of regulations impacting healthcare system reporting/fund-access/insurance pool etc.
Would be good to get someone in healthcare to analyze, I’m betting these gut the ACA
“Separate the subsidized ACA exchange market from the nonsubsidized insurance market” (469)
Eliminated programs
Medicare Shared Savings Program (465)
Inflation Reduction Act (465)
Add work requirements and lifetime caps (468)
Eliminate benefit requirements/mandates and middle/upper income recipients (468)
Cut up to 10% of medicaid funds from states that require abortion insurance coverage (CA, IL, Maine, MD, NY, OR, WA, Vermont, Hawaii, Connecticut) (472)
Child/family welfare (some overlap with lgbtq, copied in here)
Combine child support with visitation support court (implied via example, 479)
Prioritize faith-based HMRE (healthy marriage & relationship education) programs & grants and don’t pressure them to conform to “nonreligious definitions of marriage” (480, 481)
“in cases where the father or mother does not make a sincere or serious effort to be involved in the child’s upbringing, termination of parental rights for children in foster care should be swift” (482)
Eliminate the Head Start program (482)
Potentially (implied) cut programs related to bullying prevention, children’s safety, health disparities, early childhood support, poisoning and SUID prevention. (486)
Take children away from LGBTQ couples if they didn’t conceive them? “married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them” (489)
“Rescind legal analysis that authorized HHS to impose a moratorium on rental evictions during COVID” (492)
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
by Dione J. Pierre
Across the US, dozens of college student groups declared solidarity with Hamas on Sunday, cheering the Palestinian terrorist group one day after it invaded Israel from its enclave in Gaza and murdered hundreds of Israelis and took dozens more captive in a shocking surprise attack.
Scenes of Hamas terrorists abducting children and desecrating dead bodies have circulated worldwide and invoked global outrage. However, several chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at places such as Brown University, the University of Maryland, Tufts University, and the University of California-Los Angeles have described the attacks as a form of “resistance,” demanding others accept “our right to liberate our homeland by any means necessary.”
Additionally, 31 student groups at Harvard University issued a statement blaming Israel for the attack and accusing the Jewish state of operating an “open air prison” in Gaza, despite the Israeli military having withdrawn from the territory in 2005.
“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” said the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee. “In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel’s violence.”
Responding to the statement, Larry Summers, former US Secretary of the Treasury under the Clinton administration and former president of Harvard University, criticized the student groups for justifying terrorist violence and called out the school’s administration for not disavowing support for terrorism.
“The silence from Harvard’s leadership, so far, coupled with a vocal and widely reported student groups’ statement blaming Israel solely, has allowed Harvard to appear at best neutral towards act of terror against the Jewish state of Israel,” Summers tweeted on Monday. “I cannot fathom the administration’s failure to disassociate the university and condemn this statement.”
Public intellectual Robert P. George, in his own statement said, “31 — yes 31 — Harvard organizations have declared that the murders, rapes, kidnappings, and other atrocities committed by Hamas against innocent people are in now way the fault of Hamas but are rather entirely the fault of…Israel. Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia.”
On Monday, Columbia University students issued a separate statement accusing “fascist, racist, and colonial Israeli governments” of oppressing Palestinians and violating human rights.
Asaf Romirowsky, a Middle East expert and the executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, told The Algemeiner that the statements issued by anti-Zionist college students  are “morally obscene.”
“Cheering mass murder in the name of de-colonialism should be the final red line exemplified by the latest student groups who ‘hold the Israeli regime responsible for all unfolding violence,'” said Romirowsky. “Endorsing horrific mass murder is reprehensible on every level, and if we do not isolate these actions and comments, Islamic antisemitic terrorism in the academy will proliferate and rot our institutions of higher education.”
Follow Dion J. Pierre @DionJPierre.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Last year, the White House struck a landmark safety deal with AI developers that saw companies including Google and OpenAI promise to consider what could go wrong when they create software like that behind ChatGPT. Now a former domestic policy adviser to President Biden who helped forge that deal says that AI developers need to step up on another front: protecting their secret formulas from China.
“Because they are behind, they are going to want to take advantage of what we have,” said Susan Rice regarding China. She left the White House last year and spoke on Wednesday during a panel about AI and geopolitics at an event hosted by Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered AI. “Whether it’s through purchasing and modifying our best open source models, or stealing our best secrets. We really do need to look at this whole spectrum of how do we stay ahead, and I worry that on the security side, we are lagging.”
The concerns raised by Rice, who was formerly President Obama's national security adviser, are not hypothetical. In March the US Justice Department announced charges against a former Google software engineer for allegedly stealing trade secrets related to the company’s TPU AI chips and planning to use them in China.
Legal experts at the time warned it could be just one of many examples of China trying to unfairly compete in what’s been termed an AI arms race. Government officials and security researchers fear advanced AI systems could be abused to generate deepfakes for convincing disinformation campaigns, or even recipes for potent bioweapons.
There isn’t universal agreement among AI developers and researchers that their code and other components need protecting. Some don’t view today’s models as sophisticated enough to need locking down, and companies like Meta that are developing open source AI models release much of what government officials, such as Rice, would suggest holding tight. Rice acknowledged that stricter security measures could end up setting US companies back by cutting the pool of people working to improve their AI systems.
Interest in—and concern about—securing AI models appears to be picking up. Just last week, the US think tank RAND published a report identifying 38 ways secrets could leak out from AI projects, including bribes, break-ins, and exploitation of technical backdoors.
RAND’s recommendations included that companies should encourage staff to report suspicious behavior by colleagues and allow only a few employees access to the most sensitive material. Its focus was on securing so-called model weights, the values inside an artificial neural network that get tuned during training to imbue it with useful functionality, such as ChatGPT’s ability to respond to questions.
Under a sweeping executive order on AI signed by President Biden last October, the US National Telecommunications and Information Administration is expected to release a similar report this year analyzing the benefits and downsides to keeping weights under wraps. The order already requires companies that are developing advanced AI models to report to the US Commerce Department on the “physical and cybersecurity measures taken to protect those model weights.” And the US is considering export controls to restrict AI sales to China, Reuters reported last month.
Google, in public comments to the NTIA ahead of its report, said it expects “to see increased attempts to disrupt, degrade, deceive, and steal” models. But it added that its secrets are guarded by a “security, safety, and reliability organization consisting of engineers and researchers with world-class expertise” and that it was working on “a framework” that would involve an expert committee to help govern access to models and their weights.
Like Google, OpenAI said in comments to the NTIA that there was a need for both open and closed models, depending on the circumstances. OpenAI, which develops models such as GPT-4 and the services and apps that build on them, like ChatGPT, last week formed its own security committee on its board and this week published details on its blog about the security of the technology it uses to train models. The blog post expressed hope that the transparency would inspire other labs to adopt protective measures. It didn’t specify from whom the secrets needed protecting.
Speaking alongside Rice at Stanford, RAND CEO Jason Matheny echoed her concerns about security gaps. By using export controls to limit China’s access to powerful computer chips, the US has hampered Chinese developers’ ability to develop their own models, Matheny said. He claimed that has increased their need to steal AI software outright. By Matheny’s estimate, spending a few million dollars on a cyberattack that steals AI model weights, which might cost an American company hundreds of billions of dollars to create, is well worth it for China. “It’s really hard, and it’s really important, and we’re not investing enough nationally to get that right,” Matheny said.
China’s embassy in Washington, DC, did not immediately respond to WIRED’s request for comment on theft accusations, but in the past has described such claims as baseless smears by Western officials.
Google has said that it tipped off law enforcement about the incident that became the US case alleging theft of AI chip secrets for China. While the company has described maintaining strict safeguards to prevent the theft of its proprietary data, court papers show it took considerable time for Google to catch the defendant, Linwei Ding, a Chinese national who has pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.
The engineer, who also goes by Leon, was hired in 2019 to work on software for Google’s supercomputing data centers, according to prosecutors. Over about a year starting in 2022, he allegedly copied more than 500 files with confidential information over to his personal Google account. The scheme worked in part, court papers say, by the employee pasting information into Apple’s Notes app on his company laptop, converting the files to PDFs, and uploading them elsewhere, all the while evading Google’s technology meant to catch that sort of exfiltration.
While engaged in the alleged stealing, the US claims the employee was in touch with the CEO of an AI startup in China and had moved to start his own Chinese AI company. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.
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unpublicserviceday · 5 months
(8th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - Economic and Social Council.
Public sector workforce matters
- Expert panel moderated by the Vice-Chair
- Interactive dialogue with CEPA members, Member States, United Nations system and civil society organizations 
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) is a UN technical advisory body that studies and makes recommendations to improve governance and public administration structures and processes for development. It assists ECOSOC by reviewing trends, issues and priorities in public administration, notably in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and progress reviews of the SDGs.
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration will hold its twenty-third session (CEPA23) at UN Headquarters in New York from 15 to 19 April 2024. The theme is "New governance insights to advance the SDGs and eradicate poverty".
Related Sites and Documents
CEPA, 23rd session website Watch the (8th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - Economic and Social Council
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militantinremission · 9 months
Reaching beyond their grasp?
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Israel has made clear their intention to kill as many Palestinians as possible, before appropriating Palestinian Land, Oil, & Gas Fields. The picture above, is an Ad from a Real Estate Developer promoting Israeli 'Beachfront Houses' in Gaza (Seriously!)... Since Oct. 7th, over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed, & over 50,000 have been injured. Gaza now resembles Dresden, but Zionists insist that "From the River, to the Sea" is Anti Semitic hate speech. Israel is losing face w/ each passing day, & they're taking America & The European Union w/ them. Experts on The Region point out the economic toll that Israel is paying for their blitzkrieg on Gaza.
Scott Ritter points out how 300,000 IDF Reserves & their Support Staff are no longer contributing to the Israeli Economy, but are draining it. The Houthis have effectively created a blockade in The Red Sea that is costing Israel Billions. Hezbollah is doing Real Damage in Northern Israel, while Turkey & Iran remain X- Factors. Benjamin Netanyahu & his Cabinet seem oblivious to Current Events; their actions imply that they have a Right to continue the ongoing carnage. The Biden Administration is caught in a conundrum- they want Israel to scale back the assault, but they're obliged to show solidarity w/ The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The result, has Biden Staffers expressing dissatisfaction w/ Israel's asymmetrical 'War Campaign' in Gaza; while they continue to supply Israel w/ 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'.
The Global Community is holding The U.S. responsible for 1,000lb & 2,000lb Bombs, along w/ White Phosphorus that have been used by the IDF to kill innocent Palestinian Men, Women, & Children. In effect, America is Israel's Partner In Crime. Mainstream Media focuses on the Israeli perspective of eliminating Hamas, but are they? We hear very little about IDF casualities. Last count, Israel claims 1,593 injured; but the Israeli Newspaper, Haaretz says that number is far off. Using Israeli Hospital Admissions, Haaretz discovered that the IDF averages 60 wounded per day. They also discovered that 10,584 injured were admitted to dozens of Hospitals across Israel; the 3 closest Hospitals to Gaza accounting for roughly 3,000 admissions alone- nearly double the Israeli claim.
According to Limor Luria- Deputy Director General & Head of the Ministry's Rehabilitation Department, 'nearly 60%' have severe injuries to their hands & feet; including those requiring amputations. The Associated Press says the total of IDF deaths since Oct. 7th is 153, but The Israeli Military reported 420 Soldiers killed. Luria warns of a looming Mental Health Crisis among IDF Soldiers; some IDF Units have refused to engage. Netanyahu says there are 36,000 Hamas Soldiers; I believe THAT is his threshold for a Cease Fire. He has already displaced nearly 3 times as many Palestinians as The Nakba; roughly 90% of Gaza has been displaced. Netanyahu's actions have set Records in the number of Hospitals/ Health Facilities, Mosques, Churches, & Schools destroyed in a Conflict. He's also responsible for Record Setting deaths to Medical Staff, Journalists, UN Staff & other Aid Workers. European Leaders have straddled the fence, but Leaders in the Global South have condemned Israel's 'War' as an Ethnic Cleansing; some have called it Palestinian Genocide.
Attempts to silence naysayers are not working; Israel is losing The War and The Narrative. People are learning about Zionism, & how it differs from Judaism. Groups like AIPAC have incredible influence, but The Global Masses aren't intimidated by their threats. Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) have played a major role in demystifying the distinction between Judaism & Zionism. Their 'Not in Our Name' Campaign reverberated globally. As The Masses rose up- demanding a Cease Fire in Gaza, We saw a global pushback from an assortment of Power Brokers in Business, Media, & Government. Their efforts were fruitless, but it revealed the global reach of Zionism. What was most revealing, is the prominence of Christian Zionists. They don't just outnumber Zionists, but ALL European Jews.
These Christian Zionists are mostly Evangelicals in The Bible Belt, but they are not limited to one denomination or region. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, & Hal Lindsey (The Late Great Planet Earth) are well-known preachers of Christian Zionism. Joe Biden (a Catholic) & Donald Trump (a Presbyterian) are also proud Zionists; this may explain Biden's reluctance to slow the flow of weapons to Israel... I was surprised to learn that Theodor Herzl was a student of Christian Zionists, & not the other way around. Men like Baron Walter Rothschild, [British Foreign Secretary] Lord Arthur James Balfour, & President Woodrow Wilson were all Zionists; that may explain why Herzl & Co. proposed the idea of a 'Jewish State' specifically to Balfour & Rothschild. While Christian Zionists go out of their way to support Israel, their reasons can be viewed as Anti- Semitic.
Christian Zionists identify w/ 'The Children of Abraham' through Spiritual Ancestry (as it relates to Acts: 34,35). They subscribe to the Theory of Dispensationalism- the brainchild of John Nelson Darby, in the late 19th Century. Darby is described as a former clergyman of the Anglican Church of Ireland, & a Bible Teacher... Dispensationalism deals w/ the Rapture, & the 2nd Coming of Christ. Followers (Dispensational Premillennials) believe 'The State' of Israel is a necessary step in this Prophecy. The (so called) Chosen People are defined as: Those who rejected Christ. According to the Prophecy, a number of these 'Ethnic Jews' (160,000?) accept Jesus/Yeshua as Christ & are Saved; The rest are sent to The Underworld w/ All of the other 'Sinners'. Both Sides use it to their advantage. Zionists ignore the Christian motivation to deal w/ Europe's 'Jewish Problem', while Christians ignore Zionist duplicity (as allowed in Bava Kamma 113a, 37b) & The Talmud's description of Jesus/ Yeshua as: 'The Son of a Whore/ Harlot' (Sanhedrin 106a,b & Shabbat 104b) & a blasphemer (Sanhedrin 107b[Sotah 47a], Gittin 57a, Shabbos 104b). Christian Scholars like Dr. Ken Matto condemn the notion of a 'Judeo Christian' narrative as oxymoronic, & they think Dispensationalist Ministers are grifters.
Orthodox Jews condemn Zionism as heresy. They don't see the need for a 'Jewish State' before the return of the Melekh Mashiak. Leaders like Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, are the latest generation of Orthodox Jews that have been on the Front Line contesting the validity of Zionism over the last 120Yrs. Orthodox Jewish Scholars have pointed out that Theodor Herzl, David Ben Gurion, & Benjamin Netanyahu aren't practicing Jews; they're Atheists. It appears that 'Radical (Revisionist) Judaism' is a Zionist Agenda to influence World Opinion regarding Ashkenazi claims to Biblical Israel (Palestine). Their philosophy lines up w/ Nazism more than Orthodox Judaism, & their methodology is pure Colonialism... The Rothschild Family used their personal finances to lay the foundation & infrastructure of Israel. We also know that European Jews in Palestine were supported by Jewish Mobsters, like Meyer Lansky's National Crime Syndicate. They supplied Settlers w/ cash, smuggled in weapons, & possibly taught them Intelligence tactics.
Lansky was a Master at blackmail, bribery, & extortion. In addition to compromising Police Officers, Judges, Politicians, Business & Union Leaders; he 'persuaded' J. Edgar Hoover to ignore American Organized Crime for decades. The U.S. Government sought Meyer Lansky's 'Intelligence gathering' services for O.S.S. operations during WW 2... We see Lansky's tactics currently being used by Mossad. If you believe Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad Agent (One of MANY) tasked w/ putting prominent men & women in 'compromising positions', you can understand the Pro Israel stance of World Leaders & Captains of Industry... It's almost comical to remember how crazy We all thought Skinheads were, when they declared America is a Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupied Government). In hindsight, we cannot deny the degree of Zionist influence in Entertainment, Finance, Government, & Mainstream Media. Scott Ritter points out that 400 of 418 Members Of Congress & 95- 98 Senators are 'bought & paid for' by AIPAC... Everyone else gets 'Primaried'. Rapper/ Journalist, Lowkey pointed out Rupert Murdoch's multiple connections to Israeli Intelligence Agencies (Mossad, Shin Bet, Unit 8200). His Media Outlets & Journalists regularly walk in lock step w/ Israeli Agendas... He's not alone.
It's no surprise that Mainstream Media has been less than critical of Israel's blatant War Crimes. Their Reporters & Contributors repeat Israeli talking points. Meanwhile, Sean 'Diddy' Combs & an ever expanding list of literal Bad Actors have taken precedence over the mess that Benjamin Netanyahu has made. The Zionists have a habit of using morally questionable Black Men to deflect any attention on them. Bill Cosby was a proxy for Harvey Weinstein & Les Moonves, R. Kelly was a proxy for Jeffrey Epstein & Prince Edward, Johnathan Majors was a proxy for Dana White, Ezra Miller, & Danny Masterson... Bibi's politically finished, but he's not going down alone. Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholtz, & Emmanuel Macron are All 'Damaged Goods'. Volodymor Zelenskyy is probably the only Leader on thinner ice; most Experts on Ukraine expect a 'Fall from Grace', sometime after his Term ends on May 21st. He's literally a Dead Man Walking.
American Zionists went to great lengths to support Israel, to the detriment of America's National Security. Joe Biden wants an $880B Defense Budget, but The U.S. Navy is being outmaneuvered by Houthi Rebels using 'swarms' of $2,000 drones. Scott Ritter has insinuated that Russia has copied British Underwater Drones, & passed blueprints to Iran. It's likely that Houthi Rebels will also have these designs; how many drones will it take to disable a $30B Aircraft Carrier? Sabre rattling w/ Xi Jinping & Vladimir Putin is Keyboard Gangsterism... These Days, The Military Industrial Complex is as broken as the American Economy. It looks like the Israelis are giving Dispensationalism the Taste Test- let's hope that they don't set off another World War in the process.
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Christopher Wiggins at The Advocate:
In the aftermath of Tuesday’s presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s running mate, Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance, made a series of controversial, bigoted, and inflammatory statements during an interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. Vance doubled down on debunked claims about Haitian immigrants abducting pets to eat them and falsely linked the migrant community to rising rates of HIV and tuberculosis in Springfield, Ohio. His remarks have since drawn widespread condemnation for their harmful, fear-mongering nature.
During the interview, Vance insisted on the veracity of a discredited conspiracy theory circulating in Springfield that claims Haitian immigrants have been abducting pets for food, a laughable claim Trump made during the debate. Local officials have already said that “no credible evidence” supports these allegations, but Vance continued to push the narrative. “We’ve heard from a number of constituents on the ground… saying this stuff is happening,” Vance said. When Collins pointed out that officials had found no evidence, Vance responded, “They’ve said they don’t have all the evidence.” Collins pressed Vance on his responsibility as a public figure to avoid spreading misinformation. “If someone calls your office and says they saw Bigfoot, that doesn’t mean they saw Bigfoot,” Collins asked. Vance, however, stood firm, responding, “Nobody’s calling my office and saying that they saw Bigfoot. What they’re calling and saying is we are seeing migrants kidnap our dogs and cats.”
Vance’s continued insistence on pushing the discredited claims has drawn sharp criticism from immigration advocates, who accuse him of stoking racial fear and division. Vance escalated his claims by linking the supposed arrival of Haitian immigrants to a rise in infectious diseases in Springfield, including HIV and tuberculosis. “Communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town. This is what Kamala Harris’ border policies have done,” he said, without offering evidence to support his claims. Vance’s comments tap into a broader, troubling pattern of discrimination that Haitian migrants have faced for decades. Historically, U.S. immigration policy has treated Haitians disproportionately, often in ways that are harsher than those directed toward other groups. According to a 2021 U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants report, Haitians have frequently been misclassified as economic immigrants rather than political refugees, even when fleeing violence during authoritarian regimes, stripping them of asylum rights and leading to mass deportations. One of the most egregious examples of discrimination occurred in the early 1990s, when Haitians attempting to flee their country were subjected to HIV and AIDS screenings by U.S. authorities. Even as the HIV epidemic was waning, Haitians who tested positive for the virus were held to higher standards when seeking asylum. Many were sent to quarantine camps in Guantanamo Bay, where they lived in squalor and were denied proper medical care, the report notes.
This history of associating Haitians with disease resurfaced during the Trump administration, when Title 42—a public health measure aimed at stopping the spread of communicable diseases—was invoked to justify the expulsion of Haitian migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. Vance’s claims that Haitian immigrants are responsible for a rise in HIV reinforce these historical stigmas, stoking xenophobia and racial fear. Public health experts have widely discredited the idea that immigrants are driving HIV transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV and that effective treatment can suppress the virus, making it undetectable and untransmittable.
Racist pathetic excuse of a human being JD Vance now implies that Haitian immigrants are “spreading HIV” after his cat-eating hoax claim went up in smoke.
See Also:
MMFA: Right-wing media are celebrating JD Vance for his racist lie that Haitian immigrants are widely spreading disease in Springfield, Ohio
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House Republicans are moving to effectively strip security clearances from any intelligence or defense official who signed on to an October 2020 statement that raised the question of whether the release of Hunter Biden's emails was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
As part of a much-larger bill funding US defense, Republicans on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense proposed prohibiting any funding to grant, renew, or maintain a security clearance for any official who signed the statement.
More than 50 former intelligence officials, including former CIA Directors Mike Hayden, Leon Panetta, and John Brennan, signed the letter raising questions about the then newly published New York Post story concerning emails from Biden's laptop. Politico reported at the time that the letter was provided to the publication by Nick Shapiro, a former top aide under Brennan.
The letter did not propose any evidence of Russian action or even explicitly suggest that Moscow was behind the story. Rather, the letter said the circumstances surrounding its publication raised significant doubt.
"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal Attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," they wrote in the letter.
Twitter restricted sharing of the New York Post's article, an action that has been widely criticized by its new owner, Elon Musk, and scores of Republicans.
Years later, The Washington Post commissioned two security experts who verified thousands of emails from the hard drive that contained copies of Biden's emails, photos, and other messages and that was left at a Delaware computer-repair store.
Rep. Betty McCollum, the top Democrat on the defense-related appropriations panel, slammed Republicans for including the provision in the bill.
"Is it the role of this committee to ban individuals from having security clearances for signing their name to a letter — expressing their opinions as ordained in the Constitution?" McCollum of Minnesota said in her opening remarks. "Section 8150 does just that."
The inclusion of so-called policy riders in much-larger funding bills is commonplace in Washington, especially bills funding US troops and the Pentagon. While some of these policies become law, many are often stripped out when the Democratic-led Senate passes its own legislation.
McCollum added that Republicans were setting a dangerous precedent if they wanted to plow ahead with their proposal.
"If we want to take this committee down a road of punitive action, I have plenty of members of the Trump administration who I think should never hold security clearances again based on their actions surrounding January 6," she said.
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tieflingkisser · 5 months
Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or Rapes
A special State Department panel told Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the U.S. should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. He has not taken any action.
The incidents under review mostly took place in the West Bank and occurred before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. They include reports of extrajudicial killings by the Israeli Border Police; an incident in which a battalion gagged, handcuffed and left an elderly Palestinian American man for dead; and an allegation that interrogators tortured and raped a teenager who had been accused of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. Recommendations for action against Israeli units were sent to Blinken in December, according to one person familiar with the memo. “They’ve been sitting in his briefcase since then,” another official said.
The revelations about Blinken’s failure to act on the recommendations come at a delicate moment in U.S.-Israel relations. Six months into its war against Hamas, whose militants massacred 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 240 more on Oct. 7, the Israeli military has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians, according to local authorities. Recently, President Joe Biden has signaled increased frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the widespread civilian casualties. Multiple State Department officials who have worked on Israeli relations said that Blinken’s inaction has undermined Biden’s public criticism, sending a message to the Israelis that the administration was not willing to take serious steps. The recommendations came from a special committee of State Department officials known as the Israel Leahy Vetting Forum. The panel, made up of Middle East and human rights experts, is named for former Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the chief author of 1997 laws that requires the U.S. to cut off assistance to any foreign military or law enforcement units — from battalions of soldiers to police stations — that are credibly accused of flagrant human rights violations.
[keep reading]
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feminist-space · 1 year
"...The planned HICPAC revisions would water down infection control protections, particularly for aerosol transmission and multidrug-resistant organisms.
Most immediately worrisome is its conclusion that plain surgical masks (aka “baggy blues”) are equivalent to N95s and provide adequate protection to healthcare workers and patients. There is abundant evidence to the contrary. This from the CDC:
[Graphic showing that N95s lower odds of getting covid]
It is clear that N95s offer far better protection against aerosols, such as from Covid-19 and other inhaled pathogens.
More than 900 experts in infectious disease, public health, industrial hygiene, aerosol science and ventilation engineering signed a letter to Mandy Cohen, M.D., the new CDC director, explaining how the new draft guidelines weaken protections for healthcare workers. They state, “Surgical masks cannot be recommended to protect health care personnel against inhalation of infectious aerosols.”
The experts’ letter was coauthored by Lisa Brosseau, Jane Thomason and Peg Seminario, among others. Seminario was the director of occupational safety and health for the AFL-CIO from 1990 to 2019.
The CDC responded to Seminario and the experts’ letter only now, a month later, and just before the scheduled Aug 22 meeting. The agency offered no substantive or specific rebuttal, but spoke of its dedication to “improving healthcare quality” and commitment to “to transparency, communication, and stakeholder engagement.” It also claimed that the CDC is meeting the guidelines for transparency required by the Federal Advisory Committees Act. The letter is not yet publicly available.
HICPAC’s proposals also fail to include ventilation, UV disinfection and HEPA filtration, all essential tools against an airborne pathogen.
There are many concerns regarding HICPAC’s process, as well.
Meetings did not include experts in aerosol transmission, ventilation, occupational health and worker protections, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (part of the Department of Labor), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (part of CDC which researches worker health and safety) or representatives of healthcare workers.
Lisa Brosseau, an expert on respiratory protection from infections at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and a retired professor, expressed outrage at HICPAC’s process: “Why are they not consulting with all the people and all the stakeholders? They are not, and that's a sort of basic expectation of a federal advisory committee.”
Brosseau was equally critical of the committee’s literature review, saying that it was “cherrypicked” and “the most ridiculous literature review I've ever seen.” She concluded, “I think they were hoping nobody would notice” how the review was manipulated.
While HICPAC suddenly (Aug 15–a week before its scheduled meeting) invited public participation, it has not provided meeting notes, minutes, transcripts or a draft policy beyond its bullet point slides.
Thomason said HICPAC is “weakening existing guidance for infection control and not following the science that has been built over the last several decades about aerosol transmission.” She added that, in their goal of providing more flexibility, “They said to employers, ‘Here are the minimal standards, and you guys figure out what you need and want to do.’” They are proposing minimal crisis standards of care.
Brosseau added, “Being in health and safety, I know where that goes. It means you get nothing, workers get nothing, no protections. You don’t leave it to the employer to make decisions about workplace hazards.”"
More in the article:
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