#Comics as literature
nando161mando · 11 months
oops! it seems i tripped and dropped several million free books, papers, and other resources
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countzeroor · 4 months
Book Review: Making Comics
When I was in college at Clackamas Community College (where I also met David, one of my co-hosts of the Anime Explorations Podcast) – one of my campus jobs I worked was in the library, where I worked the check-out counter. As one of the classes that was thought (occasionally) was Comics as Literature, a selection of graphic novels were on reserve at the front desk, and during terms where the…
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that-butch-archivist · 5 months
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source: That's Ms. Bulldyke to You, Charlie! by Jane Caminos
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amphibimations · 5 months
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gleafer · 5 months
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When a certain someone keeps dropping into the shop too often and a demon has had enough.
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dearsaintavangeline · 14 days
tim drake explaining why he should be robin:
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ayilings · 10 months
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they get groceries and krill someone
based on this meme
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flowrrs4u · 1 month
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aqua-regia009 · 1 year
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Illustrated by Bernie Wrightson (American, 1948-2017)
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maireyart · 7 months
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"But I..." starts Obito. "Zip it," Kakashi wills Obito's mouth to shut. "Now go." I love how the fandom has gotten excited about Kakashi edo-tenseing Obito! ❤️ While everybody's discussing the possible sick angst of it (and a bit of fun, too), my brain has supplied some outright crack..... I'm incorrigible xD Thank you @malifiquemakes @hairybeardtongue @cool-thymus and @badninken for the new brainrot 🤭
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lemonsprite · 1 month
𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 || 𝐋𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 (𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞) 𝐱 𝐆𝐍! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Summary: he’s so sorry!!
Word count:
Warnings: angst I suppose <\3 (but also comfort) and not beta read TT I have horrible grammar
A/N: needed to put a break in bc this bitch is too long!!!!!!!! I want Hugh Jackman on a primal level
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Logan’s back was killing him. He was hunched over a barstool, currently nursing a Pilsner while drowning in self pity- not like he had much else to do at the moment.
“I’m cutting you off man, you look like shit.” Remarked the bartender, looking down at Logan with sickening pity. “Go home.”
“Don’t have one.” Logan bite back, his voice no louder than a grumble as he sulked. That was a lie. He had a home, with Charles, and Scott, and Ororo, and a hundred other mutants but all of that was a faraway thought for Logan. No, all he really cared for right now was how much he missed your warm bed. He missed his home, your home.
The bartender raised a disapproving eyebrow at Logan and he could tell when he wasn’t wanted.
Groggily and very drunk, Logan stood from the barstool, holding onto the counter of the bar for help as he made his way to the front door, the bright illuminated ‘open’ sign causing his eyes to squint and the already tell tale signs of a killer hangover tomorrow to kick in.
Outside was dead silent, even the crickets seemed afraid to chirp in the presence of Logan as he stumbled his way down the street to an old rain rusted payphone, covered in shitty aged graffiti.
The humid summer air stuck to Logan’s skin, and he slapped at his neck, attempting to kill a pesky mosquito as he fumbled for his wallet.
Logan’s leather wallet that was held together by a single string only contained two things.
One- a very very expired drivers license, and two- a crinkled old Polaroid of you, smiling happily five years ago when you and Logan first met. On the back, scribbled in almost illegible chicken scratch was a slew of numbers, numbers his shaking fingers began to dial on the old payphone.
Logan brought the receiver up into the ear, doing the old song and dance when it came to shitty pay phones like these before the robot operator instructed him to say his name into the phone.
“It’s Logan, sorry to bother Bub… I know it’s late.” He mumbled quietly into the receiver, playing anxiously with the long coiled line of the phone.
Patiently he waited for one second, then two before the stress relieving sound of a click could be heard from the other end.
“Is everything okay Logan?” You asked, your voice soft, half asleep, and full of worry.
Logan paused for a moment, thinking over his next words as best as his intoxicated mind could.
“Yeah… yeah there’s just a lot goin’ on right now and I dunno…” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Just needed to hear your voice…”
He leaned against the phone booth, the receiver tucked securely into his shoulder as he realized how utter pathetic he must’ve looked currently.
“Where are you? Do you need help?” You questioned, your voice writhe with anxiety and he could hear you throwing on your bath robe and slippers, grabbing your car keys and unlocking the front door.
Logan felt horrible for crawling to you, begging for help when he was the one to push you away in the first place but another, very drunk, selfish side of himself yearned to hold you in his arms and sleep in once more on your queen size mattress.
“Nah. I don’t need help.” Logan finally decided, his voice a mixture of gruff stoicism and… something else.
There was a small pause. A moment of reconsideration.
“I’m at the phone booth across the bar.” He admitted, voice low and slightly embarrassed.
“I’ll be there in five.” You reply sternly, the phone line going dead with a familiar disconnecting click.
Logan couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his lips. Even though he’d never admit it, some old still hopelessly in love part of him was happy to know you’d still be willing to drop everything at two AM and hunt him down at some dingy dive bar.
True to your word, within five minutes, Logan heard the noise of your old car approaching. The headlights illuminating the cement and causing Logan to squint. You pulled over, stopping a foot from the phone booth.
The cars window rolled down revealing you, your hair still tousled from sleep and your bathrobe barely clinging to your shoulders.
“Get in Lo’… you can spend the night at my place.” You frowned, pursing your lips as you gestured with your head for Logan to get into the passenger seat.
Logan’s usual stern expression melted away upon seeing you for the first time in what felt like forever. Your anxious expression matching his as he climbed into your car, feeling himself melt back into the seat like he’d never left.
“Lead the way bub.” He hummed coarsely, the seat creaking under his weight and his muscular body taking up a large portion of the cabin.
Now thoroughly sobered up, the drive home was filled with awkward silence, the tension so thick you could cut into it like butter. The roads were dark and your eyes stay glued to the road almost as if you were ignoring Logan’s presence.
The cars headlights cut through the dark, illuminating the deserted streets as Logan tapped his fingers against the edge of the window, his heart tight with a mixture of anticipation and nostalgia.
Logan stole glances now and again at your face. Taking in the familiar lines etched into your skin and the way you pursed your lips when concentrating.
“Been awhile since I’ve been here huh?” He asked, attempting to break the awkward silence as his chair creaked in protest when he attempted to lean back.
“Missed you Lo’.” You said softly, almost quiet enough for Logan to not hear. “I think about you every day… wether your alive or dead… happy or injured and bloody…”
Logan bite his lip, taken aback by the sudden sincerity of your words, not expecting that much vulnerability from you. He glanced over, his eyes meeting yours before quickly returning to the dark pavement road.
A cold pang of guilt curled in his stomach as he swallowed.
“Bub…” he started, clearing his throat gruffly. “I… didn’t want you to worry about me… y-… you know I’m always fine…”
Logan stumbled through his words, finding it tough to even wrestled them out of his throat.
He could see you thinking over his words, biting at your lip as you gaze turned disapprovingly towards the road. You obviously disagreed with him but kept your words to yourself as the drive continued on.
Eventually your car pulled into the driveway of your small home. Pulling the keys from the ignition, the engine putter to a stop as you climbed out of your car, slamming the door shut in a way Logan could tell was venting your anger.
Logan followed, standing quietly outside the car and staring up at your house just now realizing how much he’d missed all this. The familiarity of it all.
His keen senses picked up the scent of your home. A mixture of you and old wood. Logan shove his hands in his pockets and looked up at you with a strange combination of trepidation and anticipation.
“Come in, I’ll get you something warm to drink.” You offer quietly, fidgeting with your key ring to unlock the front door.
Logan followed you inside, his steel toed boots thumping against the hardwood floor. He took in the sight of the place, the walls and shelves filled with small trinkets and photos.
His gaze lingered on a photo of the two of you. It was an old photo, taken back in the early days of your relationship and something tore at his insides that night coming back vividly to him.
He cleared his throat and looked over at you, his face a mixture of emotions he couldn’t bother to hide at the moment.
“Still like the simple stuff huh?” Logan asked, his voice gruff but softer than usual.
“I like that photo.” You respond simply with a shrug, moving to the kitchen to grab two mugs.
setting the kettle on the stove and filling it with water, you dig in a nearby pantry, pulling out two bags of camomile. Logan was touched you’d remebered it helped him sleep better at night.
“I’m renovating the guest room Lo’ so uh…” you paused nervously, leaning against the kitchen counter for better balance. “You could sleep on the couch or um… my bed if that’s okay with you… although if you remember the couch is uncomfortable at shit.”
Logan took in the slight anxious tremble of your voice and attempted a smile to ease your worries. “Are you kidding? I’ll never forget that couch and I have the back problems to prove it.”
You watched you silently for the moment before continuing quietly.
“I’ll take the bed.”
“Good choice.” You complimented with an awkward smile, grabbing the steaming kettle and filling both mugs. “Do you still like milk with yours?” You asked absentmindedly, digging around in the fridge of your kitchenette.
Logan nodded. “Yeah same way Bub.”
He leaned his back against the counter, his gaze still fixed on you. This domestic scene felt surreal- you preparing tea for him, the soft electric hum of the fridge, and the intimate simplicity of it all.
Memories of exact copies of this night came flooding back to him. Countless nights of late-night conversations and cups of tea.
Once finished, you pushed the perfectly steeped cup of tea towards Logan, his fingers brushing against yours before taking a sip and glancing at him from across the kitchen.
“I’m worried about you Lo’.” You admitted quietly, staring at him from over the rim of you cup.
Logan took a large swig of his drink, using it as an excuse to avoid looking at you for a moment. When he did, he met your eyes, the worry in your gaze mirroring his own.
“I know you are.” He grumbled, voice stoic. “But I can handle myself Bub.”
“If you can why call me at two am!?” You bite back, glancing at Logan as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth.
Logan sighed heavily, his gaze dropping to the mug in his hands. He knew you had a point. He knew he wouldn’t have called if everything was fine.
He took another sip of tea, the warm liquid soothing his gruff throat.
“It’s just… been a tough couple of weeks.” Logan admitted, voice suddenly quiet as his fingers traced the handle of his mug. “Just needed to hear your voice is all I guess…”
You glance at the tiled floor, thinking for a moment before speaking up.
“Why did you leave me Logan…” you asked quietly, forcing Logan to address the one question he didn’t want to consider.
The question hit Logan like a ton of bricks, the familiar shame and guild washing over him like a cold wave.
He looked away, jaw clenching as he struggled to find the words. He didn’t want to hurt you… didn’t want to bother you with all the issues that entailed loving a mutant. He didn’t- couldn’t hurt you.”
“It’s complicated.” He muttered, avoiding your gaze. “You’re better off without me, Bub.”
You frown at Logan, obviously taking offence to his words.
“Oh really?” You asked incredulously. “Am I better off tossing and turning every night worried that the next time I’d see you would be in a casket? Am I better off crying every night left wondering what I did wrong for you to leave me- to leave us?”
Tears began to fall from your eyes and roll down your cheeks, too preoccupied to brush them away.
Logan flinched slightly as your words struck deep. He could see the pain carved into your face and the tracks of tears caused by him.
He placed his practically finished mug of tea behind him, the soft thud of the porcelain echoing through the small kitchen. He took a moved, closing the distance between you two as he looked down at you with a mixture of sadness and regret.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He whispered, taking a deep breath and fighting the lump in his throat. “It’s me bub, im the problem.”
You refused to look at Logan, your eyes glued to the floor.
“I didn’t want you to leave…” you admitted quietly. “…I miss you.”
Logan let out a deep sigh, his heart feeling heavier than his weary shoulders and each syllable that escaped your mouth feeling like a swift dagger to his conscience.
His voice barely above a whisper, Logan answered. “I know you didn’t want me to leave. And I miss you too. More than you know.”
He reached out, hesitating for a moment before gently, very gently touching your chin, turning you face towards him.
Logan’s heart ached as he saw the tears on your face, his calloused thumb trying gently to wipe them away, a slight tremble in his hand.
“Why are you crying over a knucklehead like me Bub?” He soothed, thumb tracing your jaw. “I’m not worth these tears.”
“I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you Logan.” You admitted solemnly, leaning into Logan’s touch. “And… and you left me in the middle of the night without so much as a goodbye… I thought you’d gotten hurt… o-or worse…”
Logan’s breath caught in his throat as he saw you nuzzle into his calloused palm. The raw emotion in your voice slicing through all previous walls he’d constructed around his heart.
He closed his eyes for a moment of solace, his rough hand cradling your face.
“I’m sorry.” Logan said in a broken whisper. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
The words came out like a prayer, filled with longing, guilt, and a drive for forgiveness from the only person Logan ever thought really mattered.
A moment of silence passed, Logan’s apology sinking deep into the walls of the kitchen until you spoke up.
“Can you stay till next morning Lo’?” You asked, voice scratchy from crying and shouting. “I’ll make bacon the way you like it… all crunchy n’ shit…”
A small smile tugged at Logan’s lips despite the heaviness in his chest. The mental image of you cooking breakfast for him in the early hours of morning was more comforting than he’d care to admit.
“You remember the way I like it huh?” He askedC his heavy voice tinged with the slight hint of humor.
“Never forgot.” You replied, giving Logan a sad smile as you stepped away from his close proximity.
“Anyways… it… it’s been a long night we should get some rest…” you suggested, gesturing with you head to the bedroom down the hall, a place Logan was all too familiar with.
A wave of nostalgia hit Logan like a truck as he entered your bedroom. Memories of many sleepless nights filled with you in his arms were seared into his mind.
Hi eyes flicked around, taking in all the subtle changes since he’d last been here- the new pillows, the different floral bedsheets, but beneath it all it was still the same, it was still you, it was still home.
You sat on the edge of the bed, kicking off your slippers and removing your socks, tossing the clothes somewhere on to the other side of the room like you and Logan used to do every night before having fun.
Logan shrugged off his shirt, revealing his scarred tanned chest as he climbs underneath the sheets and duvet, settling in next to you, your back facing to him.
This routine was all too familiar to him.
Logan wanted to pull you closer, to hold you against him but he hesitated, not sure what your boundaries were at the moment. Logan yearned for your touch, even though he’d been the one to walk away.
“Can… can you hold me Logan…” you asked quietly, your voice resounding in the silent bedroom.
A wave of relief washed over Logan as he shifted closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his chest, his nose burying into your hair inhaling the familiar scent of you.
“Yeah.” He whispered, his breath tickling your ear. “I can hold you.”
Logan could feel the tension leaving your shoulders as you melted into his touch causing him to hold you closer, his arm instinctively wrapping around your tummy.
He’d forgotten how much he missed this, the simple pleasure of having your back to his chest, your warmth in his embrace.
Logan nuzzled his face into your hair, breathing deeply. “God I missed this.” He murmured, voice filled with regret and relief.
The room was dead silent, all except for the quiet ticking of a nearby wall clock.
“Can’t you stay Logan?” You asked into the silence of the room, your voice barely above a whisper. “We can continue where we left off… I still have all your clothes in my closet.”
Logan’s heart clenched in his chest, his head and heart at war within himself. The temptation was strong, painfully so. But the guilt, the knowledge of what could befall you made him hesitate.
“It’s not that simple bub.” His voice rough as he muttered quietly into your ear. Logan’s hand, however, betrayed him as I gently caressed your hip, calloused thumb tracing patterns into your skin.
“Logan I’ll be good.” You pleaded quietly, leaning into his touch. “I won’t do anything to make you leave me again I promise.”
Your raw emotion sliced through any remaining restraint Logan had. He could feel the guilt and love for you wrestling for dominance in his chest.
“You were never the problem you understand that don’t you?” He said, voice low and deep. “It’s me- not you- always me.”
He exhaled sharply, fingers digging into your skin as he held you impossibly closer.
“You’re making it hard to resist Bub.”
Logan could feel all remaining defences crumbling as you turned in his grasp to face him, one of your hands cradling his jaw as he looked down at you.
“I love you Logan.” You whispered.
“I don’t deserve you.” He muttered, voice breaking. “Never did.”
“Say it back.” You pleaded, leaning your head on to his chest as sleep threatened to take you. “I need to hear it.”
Logan’s chest tightened at your request, knowing he could never deny you, could never hold back the words that were on the tip of his tongue.
“I love you. Still. Always.” He said, burying his face in your hair once more.
You hummed in contentment at his answer, happy to finally hear what you’d be needing for months. Comforted by the closeness of Logan, your eyes fluttered close and before he knew it your breathing had evened out to a slow steady rhythm and you were fast asleep, nestled in Logan’s arms.
Logan stayed awake for a while longer, content to listen to your slow breathing and quiet heartbeat. He held you close, glad to feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest.
He didn’t deserve this, didn’t deserve your love after all he’d put you through. Your words ‘I love you’ echoing in his mind like a burden but also simultaneously a comfort.
But Logan couldn’t deny how good it felt to be back again, to have you in his arms again, and the sense of peace that washed over him you laid together.
He knew the sun would rise soon enough, and he knew that this time, he’d stay.
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reparrishcomics · 1 year
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( Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / RedBubble / Buy Me A Coffee )
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 99
[After Alfred left his wealth to Dick]
Dick: You all get something, so fire away.
Tim: Dick, your friendship is gift enough for me.
Damian: Friendship is crap. I want a Ducati Monster 821.
Dick: Alright, Damian gets a motorcycle.
Jason: Oh cool, I want a fast sports car.
Dick: Come on, you can be honest.
Jason: I want old, expensive books. I'll send you a list.
Dick: There you go.
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that-butch-archivist · 5 months
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source: That's Ms. Bulldyke to You, Charlie! by Jane Caminos
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amphibimations · 5 months
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prokopetz · 1 year
I think the idea of recency in media is relative to the medium. For a video game, ten years ago is ancient; for a TV show, ten years ago is a bit old; for a novel, ten years ago is piss-all – and at this point you may suspect you've spotted a pattern, whereby how old a particular piece of media needs to be to qualify as dated scales with the age of the medium, but not so: webcomics are younger than any of them, yet a webcomic from ten years ago is probably still on the same story arc.
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