#Colorado gay club shooting
lonetravelertheory · 2 years
The horrors I have to wake up to
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Hi friends. Due to a tragedy that struck in the state I call home a few nights ago, I've kept to myself the past few days. Below the photo, topics of shootings and anti-lgbtq sentiment are below. View discretion is advised.
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We lost people from our community, one that is often looked down upon and treated as if we are inhuman. One that has been targeted time and time again. These people had families, friends, and those who looked up to them. And it was taken away by someone filled with so much hate for us, but no change is made. My heart aches for their families. The fact that these are still headlines in 2022 is so absolutely harrowing and gut wrenching. It hurts even further that this has happened so close to home and to a vibrant and beautiful community that I am proud to be of.
This carnage has to stop. The bigotry must come to an end.
The families and the community need your help. Please bring attention and, if you are in a position to, donate to the causes below.
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geezerwench · 2 years
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Weird how that happened.
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grymoria · 2 years
Rant Blog: Club Q Shooting
I do not ever want to hear from any Conservative, Christian, Catholic, Republican, Right Winger, or anyone else who is homophobic or transphobic saying that the LGBTQ+ community is "grooming young people." Earlier this morning a shooting at a LGBTQ+ nightclub called Club Q happened at Colorado Springs that caused 5 people to die and 18 to be injured. The suspect was 22 years old.
The only one who is "grooming young people" are bigots into thinking that a certain group of people are terrible and deserve the hate they get just for their sexuality or gender identity. Hatred can cause violence and violence can cause someone getting hurt or worse. No one deserves hate for who they are especially if it doesn't hurt anyone in any kind of way!
The LGBTQ+ community deserve to be themselves and deserve spaces where they can be themselves without any threats of violence and Republicans need to realize that guns are doing more harm than protection. My heart goes out to all of the victims, family and loved ones of victims, and anyone who is in the LGBTQ+ community.
You can read more about the story here:
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callese · 2 years
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meekmeekyu · 2 years
bruh i can't belive what happened at club q, this is my first year of being a loud proud partnered lesbian and im just so scared at times it sucks :[
it just makes me not want to travel sometimes its so sad
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religioused · 2 years
Candle of Hope for Colorado Springs, Colorado, after shooting at gay night club.
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commiepinkofag · 2 years
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fiapple · 2 years
the fact that we as a community have to reconcile what happened in colorado on Transgender Day of Remembrance of all fucking days... this was so clearly targeted and yet so much of the reporting being done just skirts around the very obvious motive here. this was a hate crime.
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heejinsleftnut · 2 years
My new header. Like or reblog if you save/use.
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Colorado Springs shooting
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woadge · 2 years
When he was informed that his son had murdered five people in a gay nightclub, the Club Q shooter's father was more upset by the idea that his son might have been gay than by the fact that he had slaughtered innocent people. He said he was relieved to hear that his son wasn't gay.
Here's a digital piece I did for my digital art class; the assignment was to create a piece of editorial art, based on a recent news event. It's an AR-15 rifle system, covered in blood, with neon print carved into the side, reading "At least he isn't gay". Interpret as you will.
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cubanpetekotrb · 2 years
I don't know how my fellow Tumblr queers are feeling but this shooting of the gay club just feels like something, I don't know different in the way it is responded to by mainstream media.
It used to be like, "oh this is tragic but hey this kinda stuff happens here, thoughts and prayers" and that's it, let's move on to the next event. Now it looks like people are just SO sick and tired of this hateful rhetoric that's being blasted into any room by GOP/conservative people. They are calling them out, big time! The way the US midterms went is a big example of that.
Look I'm not from the US but my country has issues with this kinda thing as well. Hateful (powerful) people say hateful stuff and then try to thought and prayers themselves out of situations (or they try to gaslight the sh*t out of you). When a country as big as the US is moving towards not tolerating intolerance. And yes the US is not nr 1 in a lot of things anymore, but they do have a lot of influence on the rest of the world. So if this is not tolerated and dealt with differently in the US, then I'm hopeful it will have an influence in the way the rest of the world deals with racism, homophobia and misogyny.
Because I'm just so f*cking sick and tired of these right-winged racist homophobic transphobic misogynistic RICH white cis assholes running the show treating the rest like shit and getting away with it.
I think that's also part of the reason why a league of their own has resonated so much, people are tired of the hate and anger. They want to celebrate other people being happy and in love and relate to that. Feel the joy instead of the hate.
Anyways jeezzz just wanted to get that off my chest.
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thing4olderladies · 2 years
I'm so upset with what happened at the gay nightclub in Colorado. It's not all about me, but I think about people like me exploring something in themselves they didn't know was there or they'd denied was there. Then they find how much the world hates them. They, and shit it's "we", right? We're scared to be who we are. Out and open LGBT people are the bravest people in the fucking world. They know people what to kill them in the name of God, Trump, Fox News and that bullshit.
I'm not saying Jewish people or Black people aren't brave. I'm not saying they aren't hated. I'm saying a gay guy or a trans person can hide it. They shouldn't fucking have to, but they can.
I feel like a coward that I can't tell the Fella I'm attracted to women. I haven't told my friends. I haven't told my oldest and closest girlfriends.
I'm feel so angry and sad and upset right now. People were out to have a good time and some fucking hate-filled asshole couldn't stand it.
Fuck Anderson Lee Aldrich forever. Fuck anyone who thinks like him or thinks he's a hero or says drag shows are evil.
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v-v-x-x · 2 years
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Fuck you Taylor Greene! These Republicans are something else with this whataboutism. People were killed in a club and this is the first thing she thinks of? It's hard to know that this happened in my city and a people at my job were crying because they knew one of the victims. Once again Republicans want to be the center of attention all the damn time trying to prove just how "right" they are.
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Literally the Club Q Shooter’s dad is a mormon pornstar with a meth addiction. What even is this timeline anymore.
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