#Cleaning Hacks
ineffectualdemon · 1 year
What's the stupidest neurodivergent cleaning hack that works for you?
For us we actually put clothes in the hamper as long as we have a separate little hamper for underwear
Apparently the act of seperating out the pants means both hampers get used correctly
I am both very glad this works and fucking furious about how stupid it is
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pacificnorthwitch · 2 years
ADHD brain hack: don’t clean the entire room.
Just pick up five things.
Five is a nice, round, attainable number. Your room won’t be fully clean, but you’ll have Improved the Space, even if only slightly, and it helps combat the “oh no I haven’t done anything today this space is getting gradually messier” feeling.
It also helps me when I’m having a REALLY hard time getting out of the “oh gosh where do I start there’s just so much” overwhelm because I don’t have to deal with ALL of it. Just the five easiest out-of-place objects. A pair of socks can count as two things if you’re having a bad day.
For example; I’m finally getting up to pee after willing myself to do so for like an hour. Already on my feet, so might as well put Shoes in the shoe spot, laundry in the basket, mug in the sink - that’s three things already! Toss a couple pieces of trash, and you’ve done it!! Every tiny bit helps!
For extra Modivational Juice, try to do this in a short time period, like while your water boils or you’re heating something in the microwave. The false sense of urgency gives me the Speed to get the five things done Fast!
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brattylikestoeat · 9 months
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heretohelpsstuff · 10 months
How to clean a depression room in the least amount of time.
You gotta eat and take your medication if you got it try to eat something with protein (I’ve literally eaten a plain can of beans before you don’t have to make it fancy)
Fill up a water bottle with some ice water (gotta stay hydrated through this)
Put on a outfit and put your hair up/out of your face
Put on some music (no slow songs you gotta be hype)
First thing is you need a clear place to take your breaks to prevent becoming overwhelmed (make sure you use breaks other wise you will burn yourself out and not finish)
Clear your bed off and stack everything that was there somewhere else (doesn’t matter where you’ll get to it later)
Make your bed (doesn’t have to have fresh sheets )
Breaks should be at least 10 minutes and you gotta keep drinking water and getting snacks (breaks can be longer but not shorter exercise some discipline so that when your timer goes off you continue working)
Now you have a place to rest and relax time to get to cleaning.
Grab all the laundry you can see and start a load this will run while you are cleaning don’t forget to swap it out.
Get a trash bag and get all the trash you can see (once you fill up one bag grab another repeat until you are satisfied)
Now dishes just take them out of your room and put them in your sink we aren’t gonna start them rn (if you are up for it you can soak them in hot water and soap
It’s already so much better time but you gotta continue
Now pick an area of your room (corner, floor chair doesn’t matter what)
Take everything off of it and sort it into donate/sell, trash, doesn’t have a home but still want it, and has a home (for this one just put it in the area it goes in doesn’t have to be clean you’ll get to it later)
Next wipe down/sweep the area
Put everything that goes there back
Repeat until you are satisfied with the areas of your room(remember to take breaks and swap out your laundry still)
By now your room is looking pretty good now it’s time to deal with clean laundry
It’s time for a folding marathon
I like to sit and watch a comfort show while I fold and in between episodes you put away.
Treat this like a long break and get a snack and drink some more water
Now you should just have your piles of donate/sell and doesn’t have a place
Pick which on you want to do first
For donate/sell put them into boxes that can be neatly stacked somewhere so it’s less visual clutter
For doesn’t have place you find a place where you think it should go (what ever makes sense in your mind is perfect don’t feel pressured to make it aesthetic)
Wow good job you did amazing it may not look like a show house but it is better and that all you need. Time to reward yourself for all your efforts.
Order food and drinks
Watch a movie (comfort shows)
Take a shower (you deserve it)
Do a face mask
Do anything that feels good to you
Remember this process can take one day or as many as you need take the amount of breaks you need but don’t give up
I can do this for more rooms if you would like.
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silver-raiyne · 2 years
ClickyClacky Cleaning System - good for anyone with depression, neurodivergence, executive function disorders.
I use this system to keep me on task and keep my house clean when my depression has gotten bad or when my PTSD/trauma brain causes me to zone out/forget to do normal daily tasks.
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The bins are separated into day, night, weekly tasks and color coded for easy reference.
Bracelets are made out of spiral hair ties, task tags are from the craft section.
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Pick a few from each bin and wear them on my wrist, the constant noise of them click-clacking reminds me to do the task - I remove each bracelet when I'm done.
It's a great system for anyone with executive function issues caused by neurodivergence, trauma brain, CPTSD, etc.
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diycraftsnmore · 1 year
🎥 ourhouse_tohome (TT)
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dollsonmain · 14 hours
Anyway, if you're not familiar with Spin Mop, which is viral and annoying and apparently not that great because the mop head can move in a way that you end up scratching your floors if you're not careful, it's a mop and bucket set with a pedal-powered salad spinner on one end of the bucket.
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The mop head spins freely, so when you put it into the spinner and push the pedal, that spins the basket and the head and centrifugal force slings the water in the mop head out into the bucket. It's very handy for making sure you're not flooding your floors which is important if you have a modern flooring type like luxury vinyl plank or are mopping hardwoods. It's best not to get those TOO wet. AND DON'T USE BOILING HOT WATER ON THEM EITHER.
PRETEND SPIN MOP because if I don't get it out of my system I'll be stewing about it forever.
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What I'm seeing all over Facetokstagram is people doing this:
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They say this separates your dirty and clean mop water.
This does nothing. You're still using one bucket of water both to wet and rinse your mop, and that bucket of water is going to get dirty. The only things being separated are the soon-to-be dirty water and whatever is spun out of the mop head.
This is stupid and it annoys me how much I see it online.
A 2-bucket system requires two, separate buckets.
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The rinse water would go in the Spin Mop bucket, and the clean cleanser water would go in the other bucket.
dip mop head into the clean cleanser bucket
spin off in the other/rinse/dirty bucket
rub on floor
dip and swish in the rinse/dirty bucket to rinse the mop
spin off
dip into the clean cleanser bucket
spin off
rub on floor
That's how it works. That's a 2-bucket system.
When it's time to rinse you dump out all the water from both buckets, rinse out both buckets, and refill both with clean water. Then you dip into the clean water bucket, spin off in the other one, etc. same as before just with no cleanser.
A proper 2-bucket method isn't perfect. I just finished scrubbing my kitchen floor by hand with The Walmart Brush (which doesn't require much water and that is why my buckets have so little in them) and here's how my buckets looked when I was done.
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Rinse/dirty bucket is blue, clean cleanser bucket is teal. It's not perfectly clean, the brush did carry some grime into the teal bucket after rinsing in the blue one, but this does demonstrate the why of a 2-bucket system pretty well. You're never dipping into a bucket of filthy cleanser water and then spreading THAT back on your floors if you use a 2-bucket system [correctly].
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renee-writer · 4 months
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luna--dragon · 9 months
Hey, does anyone know how to clean a super old plushie made of black fabric? Specifically an old Build-a-Bear Toothless, if that helps.
My boy has sat on top of my bookshelf for about a year now and unfortunately he's getting a little bit mouldy. I don't sleep with him and it's only really on his eyes and fins so he isn't a hazard or anything.
Using only water and detergent isn't gonna do the job but I'm worried that adding weak bleach or vinegar is gonna lighten the fabric. He's supposed to be a night fury, not a light fury.
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adhdemonstuff · 8 months
Y’all ever fluffed your pillows in the dryer? If not you should!
1. Take pillows
2. Place a tennis ball or 3 in socks
3. Place all in dryer for like 10-30 mins
4. Very fluffy soft dry clean smelling pillows.
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mopearound · 2 months
One bathroom cleaning hack I recommend for neurodivergent people is to
Use toilet paper to wipe dust off of surfaces.
It works really well because of how grippy the toilet paper is and you don't need to use a lot.
And after you can just flush it down the toilet.
Its what i do when i dont have time or have low spoons and i really need to take a shower/bath. I avoid bathing in a dusty bathroom if possible.
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trannyposting · 6 months
Dressing like a sexy vampire and cleaning the house is gender affirming care. Try it.
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heretohelpsstuff · 8 months
How to declutter and organize without being a minimalist.
Nothing wrong with minimalism but it’s not always reasonable to tell someone to get rid of everything they hold dear just for a clean house. Though it is easier to keep a space cleaner when things have proper places.
First the main concept I use is known as Swedish death cleaning (kinda intense name but it works). The basic idea is thinking about an item and what is going to happen to it once you die. Basically you think would my friends and family want and treasure this item or would it cause the a lot of trouble.
My vintage teddy bear collection. Family would probably want it and if not they are worth a good amount of money so they would get something either way. I would keep this.
My cardboard box collection. Family would probably immediately take it to the dump and it would cause them so hassle for little return. I won’t keep it.
There are items that have personal value and significance and you shouldn’t give those up just because people tell you to be a minimalist. But there are other items that won’t serve you or anyone really and you shouldn’t hang on to them.
Next idea is the find a place method (I don’t think I came up with this concept but I don’t have a good name for it)
Basic idea is you find a place for everything you can and if you have things left over question why it was last to find a spot. Is it because it doesn’t give you joy or serve you in a way that it would have an immediate spot set for it? Or is it because you need to find better ways to organize your space? The answers will lead you in different directions the first one you will get rid of that item the other you need to find a way to store the item.
To better store items.
Baskets and bins are a great way to pair like items together and it looks neater than just put in to drawers haphazardly (it also uses the fun bins and baskets you (or at least I )have collected finding them a space as well).
Items used regularly can be displayed or placed where they use so it is convenient. But if you never use your can opener it doesn’t belong on your counter it belongs in a drawer.
Make use of wall space and hang up shelves and hooks to display treasured items and use them for decoration.
Things that should never be kept.
Clothes that don’t fit (don’t make your body fit the clothes make the clothes fit your body)
Unsanitary or unhealthy items
Things that bring up bad feelings/memories
This is not how you get those pristine minimalist houses this is how you pair down without getting rid of everything. I always do this once a year and it gets easier each time because you begin to do it naturally throughout the year.
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The closet is the most useful and versatile invention in all of history. Got a cluttered room and a surprise visitor? Throw it all in the closet, and voila! Clean room. Got a yarn collection that you’re planning on using for projects, just not yet? Put it in the closet. Got jackets that are a pain to fold? Hang ‘em up in the closet and go about your day. That sweater you were given as a gift from your grandma and never wear, but can’t get rid of because of the crushing guilt you would experience if you did? Closet, babyyyyy! Gay? Get your fine ass in the closet with the Thirteenth Doctor and Dean Winchester! Depressed? Grab your blanket and curl up on the closet floor, we’re going to sit in silence in the dark until all the bad vibes go away!
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thesmolgoblingf · 4 months
There’s been a viral “cleaning hack” going around of keeping your toilet clean by putting fabric softener in your toilet tank.
Please do not do this unless you’d like to pay for a brand new truck for your local plumber. Fabric softener is bad for your plumbing (and your clothes).
Do not put anything in your toilet tanks.
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trashpandafeminism · 1 year
Hey there! I've just finished collecting my diary entries from the past four days and I wanted to share them with you. As some of you may know, I have ADHD and Autism sensory issues, and cleaning has been a challenge for me. But I'm happy to say that I've been making progress!
In this collection of diary entries, you'll find my thoughts, struggles, and small victories as I tackle the daunting task of cleaning my space. From dealing with sensory overload to discovering new cleaning hacks, it's been a journey full of ups and downs. But I'm determined to stick with it!
I hope my experiences can help others who are also struggling with cleaning and organization. And if you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you, please share them in the comments! Let's support each other on this cleaning journey.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates on my life adventures!
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