#City Development
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So i'm working on a project that involves looking at people's opinions on public transportation, and something that keeps coming up is that a lot of people like the idea of public transportation but ridership is at the same time low, so I wanna figure out what stops people from riding.
If you could reblog this for bigger sample size that would be so so appreciated
#public transportation#city development#urban design#walkable cities#public transit#busses#trains#streetcars#metro#subway#poll#civic engagement#research#academia#opinions
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The Magic of Street-Side Trees. Beauty, Coolness, and Urban Prosperity.
The beauty, coolness, and urban prosperity brought by street-side trees.
Trees lining urban streets are integral elements of the urban landscape, serving multiple ecological roles and socio-economic functions. In general, incorporating trees along the roads in urban areas can elevate the aesthetic appeal, regulate temperatures, and foster prosperity growth. And if our goal is to enhance the role of cities in driving economic growth and fully utilizing human resources, then we must prioritize making tangible improvements to urban environments.
Trees are crucial components for creating appealing and hospitable urban environments that enhance citizens' psychological and social well-being. They play a vital role in reducing air temperature and humidity, which helps alleviate the effects of heat waves and global warming. Trees bear witness to the history, culture, and identity of cities, which they preserve and pass on to future generations. In addition to their undeniable beauty, trees are valuable allies in the fight against climate change.
They provide a range of local benefits that are often ignored beyond the global role of absorbing carbon dioxide. This article aims to increase awareness among readers about the importance of trees for cities and the planet. It seeks to motivate all of us to value, preserve, and protect the urban tree heritage through a participatory and accountable manner that involves citizens and institutions.
Street-side trees are more than just beautiful to look at. They are an essential resource for cities, providing numerous benefits to residents' health, well-being, and quality of life. In their article on Monocolo, Paolo Massi and Giulia Papaleo highlight the main advantages of trees in urban areas. La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana
Among the benefits that trees bring to the urban environment, we can mention:
Trees perform ecological, social, and economic functions that contribute to the well-being and development of cities. They help to reduce air pollution by capturing particles, filtering harmful gases, and producing oxygen. Trees also absorb carbon from the atmosphere and store it in their wood, making them beneficial for climate change mitigation. Additionally, trees create shade, cool the air, and reduce energy consumption for cooling buildings. They prevent flooding, improve water quality, and increase biodiversity by providing shelter and food for many species. Trees enhance the urban landscape, mitigate noise, and even increase the value of properties.
Moreover, they promote physical and mental health by stimulating physical activity, reducing stress, and improving mood and concentration.
Therefore, roadside trees are a valuable resource for cities and their inhabitants. It is critical to protect, care for, and increase them through various means, such as public policies, private actions, and guaranteed maintenance over time, recognizing their fundamental role in the quality of urban life so that maintenance, which develops jobs, in particular, is 'guaranteed' over time,
Urban forestation and eco-neighborhoods.
Urban forestation refers to designing and creating green spaces in urban and peri-urban areas to incorporate nature into the landscape. It is important to both develop new green spaces and enhance existing ones.
Eco-neighborhoods serve as an example of sustainable and livable urban environments. They are designed considering the environment and the health of their residents. Sustainability principles are followed to improve the landscape and economic assets of the urban context. The design of an environmentally sustainable neighborhood aims to reduce its environmental impact during construction, throughout its life cycle, and even during decommissioning while prioritizing the comfort of its residents. These neighborhoods are built to improve people's quality of life by emphasizing energy conservation, renewable energy, environmentally friendly materials, reducing water and waste consumption, and promoting sustainable mobility. They are tangible parts of the city that contribute to the well-being of its inhabitants.
In addition, urban forestation is another example of how urban environments can be made more livable and sustainable. We can seamlessly blend nature into the urban landscape by integrating street trees, gardens, and parks. They represent elements of nature that help purify the air we breathe, capturing pollutants, storing carbon, and mitigating the climate of cities.
In summary, street-side trees are not just a decorative element but a proper green infrastructure that improves the quality of urban life. Therefore, It is vital to encourage planting, caring for, and preserving trees in urban areas, with the participation of government institutions, businesses, and residents, in order to achieve a shared vision to promote sustainable progress.
🟠 Italiano
Gli alberi sono elementi essenziali per creare paesaggi urbani attraenti e accoglienti, che favoriscono il benessere psicologico e sociale dei cittadini. contribuiscono a ridurre la temperatura e l'umidità dell'aria, mitigando gli effetti delle ondate di calore e del riscaldamento globale. Essi sono testimoni della storia, della cultura e dell'identità delle città, che conservano e trasmettono alle generazioni future. Alleati nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, oltre alla loro innegabile bellezza offrono una serie di benefici locali che spesso tendiamo a trascurare (al di là dei benefici globali di assorbimento dell’anidride carbonica). Questo articolo quindi ha lo scopo di sensibilizzare i lettori sull'importanza degli alberi per le città e per il pianeta, invitandoli a conoscere, apprezzare e tutelare il patrimonio arboreo urbano coinvolgendo i cittadini e le istituzioni in un processo partecipativo e responsabile.
La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana.
Gli alberi sono una risorsa preziosa per le città, non solo per il loro contributo alla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici, ma anche per i molteplici benefici che apportano alla salute, al benessere e alla qualità della vita dei cittadini. In questo articolo del Monocolo gli autori Paolo Massi e Giulia Papaleo, vogliono illustrare alcuni dei principali vantaggi che gli alberi offrono alle aree urbane e alle persone che le abitano. La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana
La magia degli alberi lungo le strade dunque non si limita alla loro estetica. Gli alberi sono elementi essenziali per il benessere e lo sviluppo delle città, in quanto svolgono funzioni ecologiche, sociali ed economiche. Tra i vantaggi che gli alberi apportano all'ambiente urbano, possiamo citare:
Riduzione dell'inquinamento atmosferico: gli alberi catturano le particelle sospese nell'aria, filtrano i gas nocivi e producono ossigeno.
Mitigazione del cambiamento climatico: gli alberi assorbono il carbonio dall'atmosfera e lo immagazzinano nel loro legno, contribuendo a ridurre l'effetto serra.
Regolazione termica: gli alberi creano ombra e rinfrescano l'aria attraverso la traspirazione, diminuendo la temperatura e il consumo energetico per il raffreddamento degli edifici.
Conservazione del suolo e dell'acqua: gli alberi riducono l'erosione del suolo, aumentano la sua capacità di infiltrazione e ritardano il deflusso delle acque piovane, prevenendo le inondazioni e migliorando la qualità dell'acqua.
Incremento della biodiversità: gli alberi offrono rifugio e cibo a molte specie animali e vegetali, arricchendo la diversità biologica delle città.
Valorizzazione del paesaggio urbano: gli alberi creano scenari naturali, armonizzano l'architettura, attenuano il rumore e aumentano il valore immobiliare delle proprietà.
Promozione della salute e del benessere umano: gli alberi favoriscono la salute fisica e mentale delle persone, stimolando l'attività fisica, riducendo lo stress, migliorando l'umore e la concentrazione.
Gli alberi e le aiuole a verde lungo le strade sono quindi una risorsa preziosa per le città e i loro abitanti. Per questo motivo, è importante proteggerli, curarli e incrementarli, attraverso politiche pubbliche e azioni private che ne riconoscano il ruolo fondamentale per la qualità della vita urbana affinché la manutenzione, che sviluppa posti di lavoro, in particolare venga 'garantita' nel tempo.
La forestazione urbana e gli ecoquartieri
Con il termine forestazione urbana si intende la progettazione e lo sviluppo di aree verdi urbane e periurbane, facendo della natura un'importante protagonista di questo paesaggio. Chiaramente è importante non solo progettare e sviluppare nuove aree verdi, ma anche rivalorizzare e riappropriarsi di quelle esistenti.
Certo! Gli ecoquartieri sono un esempio di ambienti urbani sostenibili e vivibili. Sono quartieri costruiti nel rispetto dell’equilibrio ambientale e della salute delle persone che vi abitano. Sono conformi ai principi della sostenibilità e puntano alla valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico ed economico del contesto urbano in cui sono inseriti. La progettazione di un quartiere ecosostenibile punta a ridurne l’impatto ambientale: dalla fase di costruzione, al ciclo di vita, fino alla sua dismissione, senza mai dimenticare il comfort di chi lo vive. Si tratta di vere e proprie porzioni di città edificate con l’obiettivo di innalzare il livello di qualità della vita e sono realizzate ponendo l’accento su: risparmio energetico; uso delle energie rinnovabili e di materiale ecologico; riduzione del consumo di acqua e di rifiuti; promozione della mobilità sostenibile.
Inoltre, la forestazione urbana è un altro esempio di come gli ambienti urbani possono essere resi più vivibili e sostenibili. Le alberature stradali, i giardini e i parchi urbani rappresentano degli elementi di natura che contribuiscono a purificare l’aria che respiriamo, catturando sostanze inquinanti, immagazzinando carbonio e mitigando il clima delle città.
Come si può notare, gli alberi lungo le strade non sono solo un elemento decorativo, ma una vera e propria infrastruttura verde che migliora la qualità della vita urbana. Per questo motivo, è importante promuovere la piantumazione, la manutenzione e la protezione degli alberi nelle città, coinvolgendo le amministrazioni pubbliche, le imprese e i cittadini in una visione condivisa di sviluppo sostenibile.
images created by The Board Behind © 2023
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Give color to the city to celebrate the joy of living.
I appreciate your kind presence and attention on this matter. Thank you for joining us today.
⏩ The Board Behind
#the board behind#sviluppo sostenibile#urban environments#urban tree heritage#ecological restoration#social growth#economic growth#city development#well being#urban living#urban life#heat wave#heat islands#sustainable progress#social innovation
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Civil engineer: density won’t break Atlanta’s infrastructure
FEB 5, 2023
One of the biggest fears Atlantans voice about urban density is that it will cause too much of a strain on our infrastructure systems. It’s a claim that pops up often in public comments — whenever we discuss allowing apartments and duplexes into single-family home districts that currently exclude density, neighbors push back with warnings that the water, electricity, and sewage systems will be strained to a breaking point. To get some facts, we turned to Griffin Wasdin, a licensed Civil Engineer.
Is urban density in Atlanta a danger to our infrastructure systems?
[Wasdin]: “Honestly, density is the best thing for infrastructure, especially LINEAR infrastructure. Infrastructure is designed for long term durability in 15 to 100 year replacement cycles. Remember how your parents used to check that your shoes had room to grow in? Civil engineers do that with sewers and power lines too. Each urban block requires a minimum investment in asphalt, piping, sidewalks, power lines, transformers, telecom, etc, so each block is (almost) a fixed cost. More residents on a block just means more efficient utilization of this expensive upfront investment.”
“It is also important to remember that City of Atlanta’s population density is about 50% of the population density in the middle of the 20th Century when the majority of our modern infrastructure system was developed, so in many cases, today’s ‘increased urban density’ is simply returning to the infrastructure system’s original design conditions.”
ABOVE: The under-construction Front Porch project on Auburn Avenue will add density (formerly this was an empty property), and it’ll do so without putting a strain on infrastructure. It’s an efficient utilization of the expensive upfront investment in infrastructure that’s already been made in our neighborhoods.
Some people claim the old pipes in their neighborhoods can’t handle more stress; is it true?
“Strong Towns estimates that the typical North American urban neighborhoods could increase density by a factor of ten without impacting the existing sewer lines.”
“Fun fact: the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association (formerly the Cast Iron Pipe Research Association) gives out an award for water mains that provide service for 100 years. They started giving out the award in the 1940’s and in the 1990’s the added a sesquicentennial award. Augusta, GA has at least one pipe still in service from 1859. Infrastructure done right is durable and resilient.”
What about our water and sewage infrastructure – can they handle increased density?
“A recent Strong Towns podcast touched on the issue of water supply versus demand, versus capacity. Modern pressurized water systems are designed to deliver high volume water service for fire fighting which is far, far greater than what is required for drinking water; yet another example of how existing infrastructure can easily accommodate infill development and higher density.”
ABOVE: From northgeorgiawater.org, Metro Atlanta’s per-capita water usage is declining
“As for modern urban households, they use dramatically less water and energy per person, which means our aging systems are actually increasing excess capacity through efficiency. According to the Metropolitan North Georgia Water District, per-person water usage today (99 gallons per day) is down 50% from 2000. Our current Metro region’s wastewater treatment capacity (697 million gallons per day) exceeds the 2050 projected capacity needs (667 million gallons per day).”
And electricity? Can our grid support new density in Single Family Home districts?
“Electric utility service operates similar to the principles described above but with some caveats and nuances. Like water and sewer, intown Atlanta’s power delivery infrastructure was originally built back when our neighborhoods were 50% denser, so there’s some built-in capacity as we crawl back to historic population levels. Power-delivery equipment is installed in 20-40 year replacement cycles, so system planning engineers often oversize new equipment to leave a healthy margin for growth.”
“Unlike water and sewer, household power consumption doesn’t follow a clear downward trend. Downward consumption trends from increasingly efficient fixtures and appliances can be counterbalanced by new energy hogging technology like electric cars that system planners in the 1950’s would never have anticipated. Efficiency gains from modern heat pump AC systems and triple pane windows is offset by a long term change in consumers’ preference for increasingly colder indoor air temperatures.”
ABOVE: From the U.S. Energy Information Administration, multifamily homes are more energy efficient.
“The one ‘trend’ that is certain in residential power consumption is that multifamily homes will always be more energy efficient that single family homes, and really, it’s not so much a trend as physics.”
“Multifamily homes tend to be more compact which results in a smaller space to heat or cool, and the presence of one or several party walls shared between units results in a lower heat exchange surface area with the hot or cold outdoor temperature extremes. Multifamily homes tend to be newer and built to a higher quality standard than single family homes, so their scant exterior walls tend to be better insulated (“better” here carrying a lot of water considering many historic Craftsmen and Victorian-era homes are completely uninsulated).”
This was reposted from our ThreadATL.org site
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this is so funny
"but uh when we advocated for indigenous sovereignty we thought you guys were just going to make a big park or something"
"fuck you. ultradense housing that bypasses your stupid zoning rules"
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Resilient cities as a driving force of economic development and fighing inequalities - 2nd Azerbaijan National Urban Forum.
The 2nd Azerbaijan National Urban Forum is organized by the government of Azerbaijan in collaboration with UN-Habitat. It is preceding World Habitat Day. It will take place in the cities of Zangilan and Baku, from 29 September - 1 October 2023.
Urban planning and city development play a crucial role in driving progress towards achieving sustainable development. Given the ongoing global urbanization trends, the significance of these development agenda items is further reinforced by specific challenges and opportunities faced by each country. The Republic of Azerbaijan represents one of such countries. As it actively supports and promotes the localization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 is considered a vital component of the country's post-conflict socio-economic reintegration priorities. The New Urban Agenda, offering an action-oriented universal framework for sustainable housing, holds great value in this regard. Collaboration, experience-sharing, and learning from each other are essential for the success of national and sub-regional sustainable development efforts.
To highlight the importance of sustainable urbanization processes, the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in collaboration with UN-Habitat, will organize the 2023 Urban Week. The Urban Week will commence with the 2nd Azerbaijan National Urban Forum (NUFA2) on 29 September 2023. NUFA2 will bring together a diverse range of urban stakeholders and participants, both from Azerbaijan and internationally, over three days. The forum will be held in the cities of Zangilan and Baku. While NUFA2 aims to discuss emerging key urban challenges, ongoing projects and the vision for the urban future in the Republic of Azerbaijan, it will also show-case international experiences in the related field to stimulate local action. Given the global importance of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation, NUFA2 will be focusing on the role of urban productivity and economic growth, hereby fully deploying the potential of the SDGs and the NUA for economic resilience and transition to a circular economy. Urban week will continue with World Habitat Day, which will be held on October 2 in Baku.
The event will bring together a diverse range of national and international urban stakeholders. The forum will address key emerging urban challenges and showcase international experience focusing on the role of urban productivity and economic growth, hereby fully deploying the potential of the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda for economic resilience and transition to a more sustainable urban future.
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CDA Electric Town Car, 1975. The Copper Development Association Inc. we very active in the promotion of the use of copper in the automotive industry. They built a series of prototypes including this city car that was designed from the ground up to be electrically powered.
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modern college au where model ivan comes home late after photoshoots and listens to till's demos for hours on repeat to wallow in his agony (the songs are always for mizi)
#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alien stage till#ivantill#(implied)#i have a lot of ideas for this au actually lol im just now posting about it#pretty basic stereotypical stuff whatever i just find it funny#in this au till is pretty underground as an artist and a musician#mizi sua ivan and till knew each other since they were kids but eventually all 4 had to separate#ivan tried to take till with him when he had to move to a bigger city for opportunities n stuff but till refused (insert meteor scene)#so they haven't seen each other for years til college#ivan still secretly keeps up with tills music and development though and he gets emo about it late in the night. as one casually does#SUPER CORNY STUFF SORRY#my art#para.art#para.mp4
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"If we let that get in the way of stopping the gods—" "We won't. We cannot." DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD (2024)
#rook#davrin#lucanis dellamorte#dragon age#da4#datv#gamingedit#dragonageedit#daedit#dailygaming#videogameedit#vgedit#rook mercar#datv spoilers#userkarlo#userfelassan#reggie.gif#+++#the face economy of this gifset could power a continent#davrin's BREADTH maker i am actually so unwell#and the strands of hair that fall over lulu's shoulder are so gentle honestly#also davrin and lucanis' begrudging coworkers relationship is acc one of my fave dynamics in the game tbh like they're so funny???#and it just makes me laugh to think of how lucanis sees a rook mercar that saves minrathous and romances davrin#ismeria ditches his city for hers and then gets entangled with his Rival on the team and they develop this whole co-leadership thing#even tho ismeria tries not to show favoritism to davrin in Work settings the ENERGY around them is off the charts#god they must be INSUFFERABLE to lucanis at first LMFAOOO#it's fine they all bond over being weapons forged for someone else's cause and end up being willing to kill/die for each other or whatev
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I finally finished the Metatron boss sprite for Malison! The biggest sprite finished for the game yet, but not the biggest boss sprite of all by a long shot! That would be Asmodeus, the demonic counterpart to this battle.
I will be working on Asmodeus tonight on my stream, check it here - https://www.twitch.tv/frankiepixelshow
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Exploring the Future of Saskatoon's Green Spaces: CALL TO ACTION
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Anyone got a story where Amity Park becomes independent without the rest of the USA noticing until some hero stumbles upon (or crash lands in) it?
#dpxdc#dcxdp#dp x dc#danny phantom#amity park#sovereign state#like maybe they don’t live in a dome but it takes Effort to leave and so they started just doing things more locally#bonus points if#a) Tucker is still the mayor#b) Danny runs the space program and manages the town satellite they used Axiom to put up to still receive news#c) the town dismantled the GIW when they realised that the US Governmant didn’t give a shit#d) Amity Park is a safe haven for supernaturalists but it’s still Bermuda Triangle Vibes#e?) can Amity Park also develop a city spirit? I think it would be neat#f) Sam is a non binary goth#coin flip how things pan out with the Fentons and Phantom#open secret? good reveal? are they eventually like those older folks you just got to redirect because of their obsession? dealer’s choice#lol
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