#the board behind
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cross-border-communications · 8 months ago
An Explosion Of Creativity And Dynamism With Gloria Slaves At La Via Dell’Arte — Colleferro
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The mural, originally a painting, stands as an iconic centerpiece in the third edition of “La Via Dell’Arte” in Colleferro. This vibrant work of art, created by the talented  Gloria Slaves, exudes creativity and dynamism, capturing the essence of the festival. The mural not only highlights Slaves' exceptional artistic skills but also embodies the spirit of innovation and passion that defines the event.
Click below for more 👇👇
⏩ The Board Behind
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paintedcrows · 4 months ago
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In my heart, Dipper grows up to be the most cringe fail "influencer" alive
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slavhew · 9 months ago
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two guys enter a closet
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months ago
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The Charcuterie Board, as designed by your votes! Thank you to everyone who participated; this was a fun challenge!
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cross-border-communications · 9 months ago
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Europe has formally adopted the first regulation on nature restoration, a law that sets measures to restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 to their original state.
The Nature Restoration Law establishes specific and legally binding goals and obligations for all ecosystems, from terrestrial to marine, freshwater, and urban. The regulation aims to mitigate climate change and the effects of natural disasters. The new rules will take effect immediately, with binding targets rising to 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050. Reforestation, reclamation, restoration, and securing must be carried out by all Member States with national plans that must demonstrate the achievement of goals by monitoring progress based on common biodiversity indicators throughout the Union. The regulation sets specific requirements for different types of ecosystems, including agricultural land, forests, and urban ecosystems.
Among other things, the interventions will include the net maintenance of urban green spaces, an increase in the butterfly population, an improvement in the stock of organic carbon in the mineral soils of cultivated lands, and an increase in the proportion of agricultural lands with high-diversity landscape features. There will need to be an increase in the population of wild birds and a reduction in concretization. The restoration of peatlands as ecosystems with a high capacity for CO2 absorption, the planting of three billion trees, and the transformation of 25,000 km of rivers into free-flowing rivers are planned.
Learn more in the link in bio by @mezzopieno-news
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L’Europa ha adottato formalmente il primo regolamento sul ripristino della natura, una normativa che pone misure per ripristinare almeno il 20% delle aree terrestri e marittime dell’UE entro il 2030 per portarle al loro stato originale.
La Nature Restoration Law stabilisce obiettivi e obblighi specifici e giuridicamente vincolanti per tutti gli ecosistemi, da quelli terrestri a quelli marini, d’acqua dolce e urbani. Il regolamento mira a mitigare il cambiamento climatico e gli effetti dei disastri naturali. Le nuove norme entreranno in vigore immediatamente, con obiettivi vincolanti che saliranno al 60% entro il 2040 e al 90% entro il 2050. Riforestazione, bonifica, ripristino e messa in sicurezza dovranno essere realizzate da tutti gli Stati membri con piani nazionali che dovranno dimostrare il raggiungimento degli obiettivi monitorando i progressi sulla base di indicatori di biodiversità comuni in tutta l’Unione. Il regolamento stabilisce requisiti specifici per diversi tipi di ecosistemi, inclusi terreni agricoli, foreste ed ecosistemi urbani.
Oggetto degli interventi saranno, tra gli altri, il mantenimento netto degli spazi verdi urbani, l’incremento della popolazione di farfalle, il miglioramento dello stock di carbonio organico nei terreni minerali delle terre coltivate e l’aumento della quota di terreni agricoli con caratteristiche paesaggistiche ad elevata diversità. Dovranno aumentare la popolazione di uccelli selvatici e ridurre la cementificazione. Previsto il ripristino delle torbiere quali ecosistemi a forte capacità di assorbimento di CO2, la piantagione di tre miliardi di alberi e la trasformazione di 25.000 km di fiumi in fiumi a corso libero.
Fonte: Consiglio Europeo; foto di Stein Egil Liland
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meirimerens · 11 months ago
youtube shorts is just tiktok without being on the app the amount of "i'm a [qualification] and [misinformation]" could make one turn their skin inside-out in protest. "i'm a board-certified OB-GYN & it's only been about the last hundred years that women have actually experienced menopause. We didn't live long enough to experience it" how can you be so incredibly wrong about something so integral to your practice. King of the Hittites Hattusilis III was told in 1250 BCE that his sister was too old to reproduce at age 50+. Aristotle wrote in the 4th century BCE that women stopped menstruating between ages 40 to 50, common menopause ages today still. i cannot begin to tell you how 4th century & 1250 BCE don't really count as "the last hundred years" unless that -s is doing a lot of heavy lifting. waiter waiter more misinformation laws.
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jesterjaxx · 4 months ago
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comic from a 2 month old conversation about Duntrent's first kiss being a shotgun to share a hit
Bonus Duncan when he gets home:
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clockworkreapers · 22 days ago
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80's slasher AU when?
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vinceaddams · 5 months ago
If I may ask (and you're willing to share) what kind of surgery did you have?
Hysterectomy! I got my referral letter for it sometime in 2021, and then after the initial consultation they said I should get a surgery date "sometime this spring" and that was two springs ago, so it's about damn time.
Amazing how teeny tiny they can make surgical wounds nowadays! There's 4 and they're less than 1 cm each.
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caelanglang · 9 months ago
Wip Jail!
In light of the cover reveal for @bsdcafezine I thought I’d share my struggle for it xD
When I first jumped into this piece I kept reassuring myself that I had a cheat brush to help me with the light effects… but as seen in the vid that brush did not give the effect I wanted so I manually did the shadowing and worked on the light from there on orz hhhhhh
The rendering took a while idk why procreate sped it up so much 😂
My lineart process was all over the place,, I kept jumping between different characters orz
and yes I replaced Tecchou with Sigma because one of the contributors said their favorite was Sigma so I added them in instead,,, sorry for the lack of Hunting Dogs here TT
I struggled with choosing a font for the text too… only to resort to writing it o n my own lol
Thank you for watching!! <3
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gender-trash · 1 month ago
as a kid i had a very particular media diet that caused me to seriously overestimate the likelihood that i would, as an adult, own a house containing a secret passage, but even at the time i had this vague sense that secret passages were too exciting to be that common, that adults were simply too boring to put them in---
and i mentioned this to my mom and she was like "oh, your grandparents' house has a secret passage in it, i'll show you next time we're there" very casually
you see, the second floor of my grandparents' house is basically two garret bedrooms and a large landing (which i believe was previously used as a sewing room, but when i was a kid it mostly contained bookshelves and random furniture). on the stairs side, the dead space between the bedroom wall and the outer wall, under the slope of the roof where there's not enough height to do anything else with it, is done as a random little storage cupboard. with a similar random little storage cupboard off the stairs on that same wall. what i didn't know was that the stairs cupboard and the bedroom cupboard are actually connected, so you could e.g. crawl into the stairs one and emerge from the bedroom one to scare the shit out of your little brother, if you were my mom.
and unfortunately this completely destroyed any intuition i had for the popularity of secret passages because apparently ANY house, no matter how seemingly boring, can have them! you never know!!!
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cross-border-communications · 7 months ago
Fuja83_luxury_fashion_illustration. Digital Artwork  - Fuse Design Studio
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Uniqueness is what we are.
-- Aphorism by Rosanna Marani’s book in Playing with Words by Rosanna Marani
-- image: Fuja83_luxury_fashion_illustration, digital artwork ©, by FuSe Design Studio,  @fusedesignst
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L’unicità è la nostra verità.
-- Aforisma di Rosanna Marani in Giochi di Parole di Rosanna Marani #tidolamiaparola
-- Nella foto: Fuja83_luxury_fashion_illustration, digital artwork ©, by FuSe Design Studio,  @fusedesignst
⏩ The Board Behind .
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lizzybeeee · 2 months ago
Southern Thedas:
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The Veilguard:
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change-name-later · 1 month ago
I like the realism this show has sometimes. For example. Just like real life construction companies. They also take a stupidly long time to complete building something in this world.
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victimized-martyr · 1 year ago
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Sorry I never gave a proper update on tumblr——
here’s some brainstorming doodles from Keo and me on the white board and some examples Keo made in my notebook. I won’t forget it, one of my harshest note was “NEVER draw Kenny in 3/4!! Trey hates that!” 🤣 The story leads stressed that Trey is very particular with acting decisions and poses, most of which don’t translate into the animation. It’s for him at the editing stage, to “make his voice sing”. Getting into Trey’s head, funnily enough, requires FEELING. Feeling what he’s going for in terms of delivery, to learn what not to take literally in his script (when trey says “kathleen kennedy is like terminator” it’s not what you initially think it means), what emotion or gesture to put in to elevate a joke, to get the message through. It’s so fascinating!
In short, I didn’t make the cut. I was “too fresh”, and needed more experience with the technical aspect of storyboarding…. but I was complimented by Keo for my intuition, something that can’t be taught. I was over the moon when I was told I got the style of the show, whereas other trainees with 10+ experience couldn’t. Some of them tested but don’t even watch the show!! That’s crazy, but I guess that’s to be expected. My knowledge of the show and deep love for the characters got me this far, but I need to work on my actual story boarding skills (keo said my struggles are in composition and scaling) to stay!! 💪🏼 I’m taking this… as a not yet, not a no. I’m already on their radar, in their database, I’m incredibly lucky I got to make my THIRD connection in the studio, I just need to work on myself until I can arrive. I’m so grateful for all the support from friends family and industry moots to get me this far, it’s only the beginning of the year but I don’t think anything could top what happened to me this March!!!!!
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foxsfiles · 1 month ago
Milchick is so interesting. Like he presents as if he is so fully 100% in alignment with the company to the innies. He enforces their rules to the extreme. He functions as their chief disciplinary. And then we see him trying to relate to natalie and discuss the deeply unsettling paintings he was given. “Because i’m thinking our experiences have been similar in some ways.” It’s really the only time we’ve ever seen him show any sort of reservation in regard to the company, and she just ignores it. So he does too and just moves on. I need to know everything about him i need an entire show just about him. I’m obsessed.
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