#Chloe rants
mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
“Goth girlfriend,” rant
I’m so fucking tired of these basic ass dudebros claiming “I want a goth gf,” but throw a hissy fit as soon as they figure out that they have to listen to actual goth music and not some basic rock music like Deftones, which don’t get me wrong I love Deftones too but I do think it’s quite hilarious whenever I see men claim that love goth girls but get mad when they find out that that they have to actually commit like most men.
When I say commit I mean accept the fact that we don’t look like fucking e girls you see on TikTok.
You don’t want a Goth girl Greg, you want a e girl.
Goth music is goth culture!
Goth is a music based subculture!
Not an aesthetic.
I’m a Mall Goth and Vampire Goth but at least I know that Goth comes from a music background and not some fucking fashion statement.
Rant over.
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chloethehorrorbabe · 1 month
Unpopular opinion:
Horror movies that relay on gore are lowkey pretty lame.
There’s nothing scary about gore. It’s just gross.
If you’re watching a slasher or body horror that makes a little more sense to have blood and gore, but horror movies nowadays are always gory and I have a lot of friends who don’t like gore and don’t wanna see it.
And of course you got the horror bros defending it like “omg horror means gory and bloody!”
Like no.
Horror is so much more than just blood and gore.
If someone doesn’t like to see gore, that doesn’t make them less of a horror movie fan.
People just don’t wanna see it and they are valid.
That is all.
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spookyanimelover97 · 16 days
What is with anime and incest?!
I have been a anime fan and manga reader for as long as I can remember and I have noticed a common issue: the Normalization of incest.
Like what is it with anime’s obsession with incest?!
Like these animes had soo much potential to be amazing and yet they just had to ruin it with Incest!
And I have seen alot of anime bros defend it to claiming it is “Japanese culture,” SINCE WHEN DID DUDEBROS ALL OF THE SUDDEN BECOME EXPERTS IN JAPANESE CULTURE?!
I don’t know anything about Japanese culture, but sitting here and claim that Incest is a part of “Japanese culture,” is the most insulting and racist thing ever!
My point is, this is, if there is any incest in Anime or manga, they will immediately be dropped.
Fuck you.
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killerwizrd555 · 1 year
I was talking to my dad about working wages, right. I was bitching about how if I'm at work at Jersey Mike's I'm not going about and beyond for customer service. I'll do the job I'm getting paid to do and that's it. cause the thing is, I'm not making my life and my mental health so much harder for a non living wage. a wage that can't sustain me. and then my mom chirps in and she says "but you have to earn your living wage" and my dad starts saying things like "you have to be worth your living wage" and I'm like. so you're saying my inherent worth is tied to how much I can make. my worth is tied solely to my productivity. my worth is tied to how good of a cog I can be in an absurd pointless arbitrary STUPID machine. THAT IS FUCKED UP
I should get a living wage no matter what, we all should. we shouldnt have to fear being out of a job and therefore not being able to live. our quality of life shouldn't rest on the shoulders of our finances like what the fuck I hate capitalism so much
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tsunamiholmes · 2 years
My Tumblr likes? I think you mean scrolling through in a panic because I KNOW I saw a post about that thing a few days ago but I didn't reblog it because I didn't think I'd need to find it again but NOW I REALLY DO and wHY DO I LIKE SO MUCH STUFF-
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chloecat48 · 2 years
The guy says he has some feelings for me, but also maybe has issues with his ex, then he takes pictures with me putting his arm around me and then tells a random stranger that we have no future.
I haven't have these sort of feelings for a guy in over 5 years (no joke) and i'm really starting to miss the whole "i dont need no man" vibe i had going on about 5 months ago.
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fishyupmywishy · 26 days
I’ve been seeing some fics/ideas both on AO3 and on here where Chloe is in an abusive/toxic relationship and Red saves her from it. No hate to those bloggers/writers (I’ve read one on AO3 and bookmarked it immediately cuz it was so good) but it seems extremely out of character for Chloe to ever be with someone who would mistreat her.
From what we’ve seen in the movie, Chloe doesn’t hesitate to fight against someone she believes has done her wrong, and she’s clearly strong enough to fight back so there’s no way she’d let someone overpower her. Plus, her parents literally have the most perfect love story ever, she knows what pure romantic love is supposed to look like, and she would back away as soon as she realizes that it wasn’t the perfect picture her parents are.
So, I suggest, instead of making Chloe the helpless maiden, let Red be.
Red has been sheltered since the day she was born, and she has absolutely no idea what love is or how it’s given or received. Any idea of love she has is from her mother, who, evidently, manipulated her and emotionally abused her. She’s seen to want love, so it makes sense that if it came in the form of pain, she wouldn’t know how to react to that because she’s finally loved, even if it’s not ideal.
Chloe, being the charming knight she is, would swoop in and save Red from whatever misery she put herself in to just be happy for once.
And then they live happily ever after.
The end.
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makiruz · 23 days
Wait, wait, Andre Bourgeois, the corrupt major of Paris, gets a redemption? And that redemption involves shipping his only daughter to live with her abusive mother and replacing her with his wife's bastard daughter?
Seriously why do the creators of Ladybug hate Chloe?
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goddess-lovers · 1 month
glassheart as became one of my favorite ships
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celestialdaily · 2 months
The celestial object of the day is Phobos!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
It's Mars's largest moon with 21 km (13 mi), it orbits Mars at only 6,000 km (3,700 mi) and it gets closer by 1.8 meters every year, at that rate is expected to collide with Mars or form a planetary ring in about 30-50 million years!
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mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
The fetishization of Goth people/women
I saw a post about this and I have to speak up.
I am so fucking over the fetishization of goth people especially goth women.
Like don’t get me wrong, I’m all for sexual liberation and for looking sexy and yes I tend to be a simp when it comes to goth men and goth women, but this whole “I want a goth girl to crush me,” is getting ridiculous. I get it’s a joke but still, it’s old and annoying. It’s one thing to have a crush on a goth person, but the whole sexualizing thing is old and annoying.
Goth is more than just “looking hot,”
That’s why miss the early 2000s.
I miss when goth people were considered the “weirdos,”
I miss when goths were feared in a way.
I feel like back then people didn’t try so hard back then too.
Say what you want about mall goths/emo/scene people but I feel like back then they didn’t try so hard. They just did what they wanted and I freaking miss that.
Nowadays everything is a competition.
Everything is sexualized and fetishized and I am so sick of it.
Again, nothing wrong with wanting to look sexy, but the sexualizing and fetishizing of goth people especially goth women is so tiring and old and it needs to die especially the whole “big tiddie goth gf,” thing.
Just stop.
Let’s got back to the gritty weird grimy side of goth because that’s what I wanna see.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.🖤🥀🦇
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chloethehorrorbabe · 3 months
Why I don’t like Borrasca
TW: sexual assault and trafficking⚠️
I knew as soon as meatcanyon and wendigoon covered this story there was gonna be some dudebros coming at people who rightfully hate this story.
The amount of plotholes in this story really stick out to me so much and the fact that it’s disturbing just for the sake of being disturbing pisses me off.
Like I really don’t understand.
Like don’t get me wrong, it drew me in the beginning because I liked the scene where Sam, Kyle and Kimber are on their bikes and riding to a treehouse because it felt very Stephen King in my opinion.
I especially liked how in part 1 and 2 when they were kids and the dialogue felt very kid like which I appreciated for some reason.
But then we get to part 3 and 4 and this is where everything starts to lose its touch.
It was extremely rushed and the big reveal that this town is basically selling the women into sex slavery and trafficking makes me sick.
Like what?!
“And then they raped all the women! Concentration camp! Ohhh!” Like come on.
When we get to the big shocker, it’s not even scary it’s just gross.,
Ugh like adoption exists! Why was any of this shit happening? They did all this because of some people are infertile and you need workers or something? What the fuck!
Also if Sam kept Borrasca in the back of his mind and he was pretty much obsessing over it, why didn’t he keep on investigating? Like seriously it was so easy to get up there! But it takes Kimber to do further investigation when he easily could’ve done it even without her getting kidnapped.
And don’t get me started on the incest.
Like I know they don’t know this, but Kyle and Kimber are literally half siblings and you decide to me them DATE?!
And don’t me started on that edgelord ending that terrible sequel.
Such a cheap edgelord mess.
This had the potential to be great, but it flopped so hard and I’ve seen people crown this story as some golden classic. Ugh.
Oh and reveal of his dad being a part of it did absolutely nothing to me and him being a perverted creep to this daughter disgusts me.
Not to mention selling her.
I’ve seen a lot of sexual assault survivors speak their minds on this and I have to agree with them.
Boo to Borassca🖕
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spookyanimelover97 · 3 months
The dudebros in the anime/manga rant
Ohh these people.
These people ruin literally everything for anyone who is a woman or AFAB.
They complain about literally everything.
They automatically assume anything is terrible or not real anime if the fandom is full of women or teenage girls and we all know if teenage girls like anything, society deems it terrible like the MHA fandom or Shojo anime/manga.
They literally only care about power scaling and “omg this main character is goated but can they beat goku,”
I’m over these people.
Oh and they throw a hissy fit whenever they see women and afabs simping over anime/manga male characters but do the same thing with female characters with unrealistic body portions.
“What’s your favorite anime,”
“Oh uh I do like Naruto,”
“Oh god you like it because it’s popular,”
“No I’ve been watching it since 2002,”
“What’s your favorite anime?”
“I really like Ergo Proxy,”
“You don’t like the popular ones? You hipster!”
It’s like you can’t fucking win in the anime/manga community as a woman/AFAB.
I have a female friend who’s first manga she ever read was berserk and dudebros literally look at her like “OMG she knows that one?!”
Like why can’t dudebros just leave women alone?
I’m sick of it.
That is all.
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kistune-sakura · 20 days
Terror Twins 💜
I love them
credits: WWE Tiktok account
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salfishersimp2 · 9 months
I am here today to talk about marinette's school.
So, obviously, its a rich kids school
Lets go through the list
Chloe - daughter of the literal fucking mayor and a celebrity (i cant care enough to remember what her mom does)
Adrien - model and son of (apparently) Paris' only fashion designer (have you seen any other posters with other models in that show? Yeah, me neither)
Marinette - daughter of the owners of a very well known bakery (we're not even gonna mention how many contests she's won, and my girl designed an album cover for jagged stone, but thats out of topic)
Alya - daughter of the chef who works in the mayor's hotel
Sabrina - daughter of a police officer (idk about police ranks and shit but i'll bet my ass he makes a good amount of money)
Juleka - daughter of Jagged Stone (if he pays child support, there's no way a rock star like him is giving little money to raise his children) (oh yeah and THEY LIVE IN A FUCKING BOAT. That cant be cheap)
Alix - daughter of a guy who is in charge of most things at THE LOUVRE (he works there, and it seems like that to me)
Mylene - her dad starred in a movie, i am pretty sure thats not something that happens every day
Zoe - again, step daughter of the mayor, daughter of a celebrity
Kagami - i'm not sure what her mom does but the point is she's rich (i love kagami so much but i havent watched mlb for years and im only getting back to it now, what kagami's mom does is not important)
Thats as far as my memory goes, i don't know if we've seen the rest of the class' family
Plus, i think at least 2 celebrities have been to their school one day or another, i could be wrong tho
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slut4els · 2 months
i actually hate decknine sm cuz how are u gonna reduce it to "high school sweethearts" like max didn't do all that for nothing. for both friend or highschool sweetheart choices fym were???
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