#Chloe Does Lucifer
c-k-mack · 2 years
Nothing more sensual than awkwardly running a martini olive all over your face
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moonlight12086 · 1 month
Why isn't there enough Lucifer fanart? Well, here I am 💥💥💥
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Series: Lucifer [on Netflix]
Edit: I realized that instead of writing Espinoza I wrote Esponiza, dyslexia is affecting me LOL
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thegroundhogdidit · 5 months
chloe: ever since lucifer learned about stan language he's been going around the office talking as if he's on twitter
lucifer: oof the callout, the tea is scorching
chloe: please stop
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not me stumbling upon an old unpublished lucifer wip, reading all 12k+ words of it, thinking "bitch where's the rest" and then realizing that i absolutely do not remember enough about lucifer to even think about writing the rest
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I wish so hard that they gave Father Frank more screen time. Those 2 minutes where he and Lucifer are playing piano is one of my favorite parts of the whole damn show. Just the fact that the Father is one of the only characters to actually treat Lucifer like a friend (or even just someone sane) makes him one of my favorite characters.
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amtrak12 · 11 months
Ah the existential panic of 'Is this chapter too long now?????': the only drawback of rewriting.
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ofqueensandwitches · 2 years
Me, watching the relationship between Haladriel: “Wow, they’re like reverse Deckerstar.”
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percentstardust · 2 years
now that i think about it, my lucifer will actually not want to be with chloe anymore since mine is always looking to gain free will from god. he would find out from his brother chloe was made for him and then he would just.....not want to be with her. he has feelings for her but god has yet again used his will to interfere in his life. he does not want that. he loves chloe but he won’t be with her because god did this and he cannot get past it.
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chloe-decker-lapd · 6 months
"Things hurt!"
Avis, darling, if it hurts to be human, then don't be. You know you don't have to be.
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
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incorrect-multiverse · 11 months
Lucifer: She does the detecting, I do the insulting.
Chloe: Consulting.
Lucifer: That too.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Lucifer (fox) x teen!reader - the meaning of Christmas
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For Tv Lucifer could you do no. 49 for teen Reader who's Lucifer's adopted child or foster child who was half demon due to a deal one of his demons made with their parent who then proceeded to use Reader as a sideshow piece because they could predict the future. If not your cup of tea it's cool. - Anon💜
49: “It’s the season of hope and joy.” “I have none of that.” “It’s okay, I have enough hope and joy for us both.”
Sitting on the chair, you rested your chin on your palm, glancing around the precinct.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Dan stopped what he was doing and looked at you, narrowing his eyes a little bit.
“Why not?”
“Lucifer is going to see it and open it before she does.”
Dan sat down in front of you.
You nodded your head, gesturing to the spot next to where your elbow was resting on the desk.
He smiled, putting it there.
“Thanks kid.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Sorry, sorry. Do you want anything while you wait?”
You shook her head and he got up and left.
You didn’t often speak to many people, and you were only helping the detective hide the gift for Chloe so that Lucifer wouldn’t ruin it like usual.
Other than that, you had absolutely no interest in getting to know or help anybody.
You sat lost in your own mind, looking into the future of people that happened to cross your paths.
Reaching out, you grabbed the box near your elbow.
“Come on, just a peak?” Lucifer asked.
“No, it’s not for you, go mind your own business.” You grumbled.
Lucifer tried to reach for the box again and you put it inside your jacket.
“Try to take it and I’ll snap all your fingers.”
Lucifer stepped back, raising his hands.
“Alright now, there’s no need for that behaviour.”
Lucifer sat down on the chair in front of you, pulling out his phone to scroll through it.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a bag of candy and held it out to you.
Taking it, you opened it to start eating them.
“Have you had a thought about what you want to eat later?” He asked.
“Well, you’re a growing demon, you need to eat.”
You said nothing and he sighed a little bit.
“Look at this.”
Lucifer leant forward and you did the same, looking over the screen of his phone to see what he was looking at.
He turned it around so you could see it.
“What am I looking at? I don’t understand.”
“There’s a tree lighting going on, there’s a few stalls and such, it could be fun. Perhaps get you acting like a teenager instead of whatever this is.”
“I don’t want to but if you insist then fine.”
Reaching into your pocket, you held out the box over the desk.
“From your ex husband.”
With that, you got up, making your way out of the precinct.
You reached for the handle of the car, and you pulled it open knowing full well that Lucifer would be right behind you.
Getting into the passenger side, you looked out into the snowy street.
Since Lucifer wanted to go to whatever this Christmas thing was, he dragged you along with him.
You stayed close by him.
“Would you like to try some of these games?” He asked.
“It’s a waste of time and money.”
Lucifer grinned a little bit at you.
“It’ll be fun!”
You narrowed your eyes at him.
Sighing, lucifer sat down on a bench, gesturing for you to sit next to him so you did.
You looked at all the people before turning to him.
He hummed, turning to you.
“I don’t understand why everybody is smiling and laughing.”
Lucifer smiled softly, setting his phone in his pocket before fully turning so he could focus all his attention on you.
“Well, there are many reasons humans enjoy this time of year.”
“It’s the season of hope and joy.” He said softly.
You furrowed your brows a little, turning your attention towards all the people passing by.
“I have none of that.” You mumbled.
Lucifer got up, walking in front of you he crouched down.
He offered you a warm smile, fixing your scarf for you.
“It’s okay, I have enough hope and joy for us both.”
He held out his hands.
“Perhaps you don’t understand it, and that’s okay. It’ll come in time, but for now, how about we make some happy memories to replace those horrid ones living inside your head?”
“What if I don’t like it?”
“Well, you can see the future, so, why not look into it?”
You thought for a moment.
It would be easy to just see the future, see if you would enjoy it or not and go home.
And perhaps there was a time you would’ve done that instead of being here.
But instead, you unsurely have Lucifer your hands.
“No, I want to stay.”
Lucifer stood up, pulling you up as well.
“You lead the way.” He beamed.
You looked around before grabbing his jacket, you began to walk and he followed you.
You walked up to the large tree, and you stood there looking at it.
You pointed to the tree.
“I want it.”
He laughed loudly, placing a hand on your head.
“Well, we can’t take this one I don’t think the detective would approve of that. But we can get our own if that’s what you want.”
You nodded.
“I want all the lights and everything else on this one.”
“Well it sounds like a day to remember. We’ll start tomorrow.”
You nodded and you looked up at lucifer.
“Can I touch it?”
Lucifer looked around before grinning.
“Come on then.”
He jumped over the railing, and he helped you over, taking your hand so you could both run over to the tree.
Lucifer let you go so you could walk up to it and touch one of the branches, examining it.
He watched as you seemed to freeze in spot for a moment, and he watched as you walked over, grabbing his hand and walking around the back of the tree.
“What did you see?” He asked.
“What else?”
You looked at him, and you looked down at your feet.
You shook your head but you smiled a little to yourself.
You knew what he had gotten you for Christmas, and you didn’t want to ruin his surprise.
But you had never thought about having another family, another father.
But that’s who lucifer was to you, he was essentially your father at this point by all means, he cared for you, let you live with him and he was trying to teach you how to live the way you were supposed to.
Lucifer smiled at you, helping you back over the railing before jumping over.
You looked at him.
“Thank you for being my father.”
He just beamed a little bit at you, gesturing for you to explore some of the stalls.
He was your new family, and you knew maybe now your life would be better as a half demon on earth
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janeway-lover · 6 days
the ninth (!) part of my princess/knight abbiel au this has gotten so much longer than i anticipated and i love it
Despite his initial protests, the genuine threat of losing his head is more than enough to encourage the royal physician to attend to Uriel. Once he's removed the lance and stitched them back together, they fall asleep, dreaming of a golden goddess.
Someone cleared their throat. Uriel sat up blearily, squinting in the dark to see who it was.
"I think we need to talk." They nearly fall out of the bed as the king steps out of the shadows.
"Your Majesty!" They scramble to stand, but he holds up a hand to stop them.
"Stay in your bed, you are injured." Hesitantly, Uriel sits back down on the bed. "It has come to my attention that you are...involved...with my daughter."
"That is correct, sir." Lucifer’s eyes narrow.
"I heard what the visiting prince said. Is he correct?"
"Prince Reginald is a liar and a cheat," they say with a scoff. "He knows nothing."
"Is he right?" the king repeats.
"Good. If you had dishonored my daughter, I would not hesitate to have you executed."
“If I had dishonored your daughter, it would have been on her insistence.”
“I do not need to hear more on that point,” Lucifer interrupts. “I shall…take your word for it.” Uriel has never seen the king look so uncomfortable. “Does she care for you?”
“Well, I certainly hope she does. Otherwise I suspect your dressmakers are going to be rather upset.” He just rolls his eyes.
“And do you care for her?”
“I do.” There is no hint of joking in their voice, nor in their eyes.
“She will not be allowed to marry a knight.”
“I had expected as much.”
“And that does not bother you?”
“We are not married now, and I still love her. Why would I be bothered if nothing changed?” The handkerchief Abby had given them is wrapped around one of their hands, clutched tightly as a precious thing.
“Hmph.” It takes all of Uriel’s self control to not laugh at the sight of the king pouting. “Has the physician cleared you to walk?”
“After a night’s rest, yes sir.”
“Good. Report to the throne room at midday tomorrow.” And with that, he turns on his heel and walks out of the room.
Queen Chloe, up until this point in our story, has not been mentioned because, unlike her husband, she is calm and collected and does not cause drama. (Well. Most of the time.) Right now, she is knocking on the door to her daughter’s quarters, politely asking to come in.
“Abby, let me in please.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Darling, you have to.” There’s a series of groans before the door is opened, revealing a rather bitter princess. “Thank you.” She is answered with nothing but a glare before Abby steps back to let her in.
“Am I in trouble?”
“Not yet,” Chloe says after some consideration. “But you might be.”
“Is it so wrong that I fell in love?” she asks as she flops down onto her bed, Chloe taking a seat beside her. “All they’ve done is kiss my hand, before you ask.”
"I was not going to ask," the queen says with a smile. "Heaven knows your father and I -"
"What, it is true!" Chloe laughs as Abby buries her face in a pillow and groans.
"I could have gone my whole life without knowing such a thing."
"How exactly did you think we procured so many children? Your governess did explain it to you, correct?"
"Yes, Mother, now please stop talking about it."
"Very well." The two sit in silence for a moment. "You know, your grandfather didn't approve of me." This gets Abby's attention immediately. She'd never met the man, as he died shortly before she was born, allowing Lucifer to become king, but she'd heard plenty of stories. Never this one, though.
"He didn't?"
"No. He thought I was too argumentative, that I wasn't composed enough to be queen. It didn't help that your father and I were constantly arguing."
"Father thinks arguing is fun," Abby counters. "That is not enough reason for Grandfather to dislike you."
"I was not like your grandmother; I did not fit the image he had of a queen and that was enough for him to disapprove."
"So what did you do?"
"The old man was a bit of a romantic. We appealed to him on the grounds that we loved each other, and he gave us his blessing." She fixes Abby with a look that seems to go straight through her soul. "Your father, though he would never admit it, is also a bit of a romantic."
“He’s trying to marry me off.”
“Because he didn’t know you found someone,” she explains. “He might be a bit stubborn at first, god knows that man doesn’t like to be wrong, but he wants what’s best for you.”
“Does he?”
“He does. We noticed, you know.” Abby looks at her, confused. “That you were happier. Your father was so confused. You were furious at him for suggesting suitors, but you’ve been happier than we’ve seen you in months. He thought he’d gone mad, trying to figure it out.”
“Good. It’s been too long since we’ve had a mad king.” Chloe just sighs.
“Do you love them?”
“Yeah. I do.” There’s a wistful expression on her face that’s so rare, and Chloe can clearly see it.
“And you believe they love you?”
“I’m sure of it. Uriel is - they’re wonderful, Mother.”
“Good.” The queen stands to leave, turning back to her daughter when she reaches the door. “The king wants to speak to you at midday tomorrow, in the throne room.”
“I don’t want to talk to him right now. Can’t you just tell him I’ve taken ill?”
“I said the king, not your father, dear.”
She hates that there must be a difference. When he must be the king he can not be her father, and she hates it.
“I will not be late.”
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 30 | lesson 32
normal and hard
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now idk about the rest of y'all, but it took me a minute to make this choice. i was stuck between not knowing and thinking that he won't. there's a slight chance that he'd tell them in the instance kayden hadn't tried to talk to him and explain, but they did
levi cares too much about mc to let anything bad happen to them. he knows that if he tells one of his brothers, they'll tell lucifer. once lucifer finds out, he'll be furious, and not only that, he'll be terrified
lucifer masks his fear with anger, like we've seen him do in season one of nb and multiple times in the og game. this also makes me really like the peacock theme throught his demon form; they're big ass, scary ass birds who try to show up other birds by flaunting their feathers to make themselves look better. but instead of lucifer doing it for mating tactics, he does it to protect himself and his brothers from any harm that could come their way
leviathan knows this. he doesn't want mc to get hurt, even with the possibility of him never seeing them again looming over his head constantly. he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he caused anything bad to happen to them, especially if it turns out that he had the wrong idea about their conversation with solomon and that all his anxiety was for nothing
also the clock ticking in the background during this scene ??? impeccable tension building on the game devs' part. we're running out of time to make pacts with everyone, and solomon and mc both know it
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goofy ass sticker chain 😭
mc 🤝🏽 me
blowing up people's phones when they ignore me or don't answer within 5 seconds
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see i was also thinking lotan
but what if it just means they're all gonna have a crying fest once kayden has to leave for good??
...it's probably lotan
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what if it's both? AND lotan? and a long awaited reappearance of henry the snake 🫶🏽
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baby no :((
i wish he realized his worth more, but removing yourself from a cycle of self-deprication and self-loathing is easier said than done
i think he's feeling guilt on top of his already expressed betrayal and self-loathing. he doesn't think he deserves all the care and patience mc is trying to give him, and he hates the fact that they keep trying to talk to him when he won't budge. he thinks they're wasting time by even trying to be around him because it "doesn't matter" when he's not around, or, at least it shouldn't in his mind
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this is even worse than what i thought initially MY HEART
and it hurts even more bc levi might not have been able to say this if he was face to face with mc. he's never said anything quite like this to them in all the screentime he's had when he's being vulnerable around mc
imagine if he hadn't heard the conversation between them and solomon? mc leaving him would've hurt so much more bc he wouldn't have had any proper reassurance from mc to tell him that they love and care for him as much as he loves and cares for them, if he even thinks they feel that strongly about him at all
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i guess it was lotan. well
also ending a lesson like that is insane but i digress
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me 🤝🏽 mammon
adhd twins
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THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS BACK i can die happily now
but why is she talking like chloe from miraculous ladybug (iykyk)
also we STILL haven't made a pact with beel after that hassle of an angel trial i'm sick
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
Disney Descendants Random Headcanons (Part 1);
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(No Kids/some kids Born Pre D1 Addition since I don't have the full list yet).
Let me Know if I'm missing any characters because I'm well aware I'm missing more than a few.
Akio (number 42): He is the son of Tomiko (from Elena of Avalor).
Ally: Her dad is Pinocchio, making Pin her younger brother.
Amber Dearly: She's a waitress but still does beauty pageant events when they're in season.
Anthony Tremaine: Jacob Lathyn (The Baker from Cinderella 2) is his dad.
Anxelin Fitzherbert: She's Goth.
Arabella: She's morally gray (and had ill intentions when she stole her granddad's trident).
Ariana Rose: Grows less jealous of Audrey over time and cuts contact with their grandmother. Is very popular in college.
Artie Pendragon: Somehow ends up with a pet dragon. No one knows how it happened.
Audrey Rose: Goes on to be the CEO she always wanted to be.
Aziz: He takes after his mother in looks and personality.
Bashful Jr.: He goes by Bash and is very popular in school.
Beezlebub (The Cat): Beelzebub is the Lucifer's least favorite kitten.
Ben: Likes building miniature models and wanted to be in a band with Ben and Lonnie when he was a kid.
Big Murph: He lost his eye as a kid when rough housing with the Gaston Twins.
Bobby Hood: He's Tiger Peony's boyfriend and a sports commentator at school.
Bobby Radcliffe: is a good friend of Artie Pendragon and is very shy.
Bonny: Is the medic of Uma's crew.
Carina Potts: Wears a cooking pot as a hat.
Carlos de Vil: He becomes Henry's mentor and gets Beelzebub back.
Carter: The 'nice' twin.
Celia Facilier: Goes on to be a very successful business woman (in whatever you think she'd go on to do).
Chaca: She's Li Shang Jr's girlfriend and Kuzco is very protective of her, much to her and his wife's bemusement.
Chad Charming: Redeems himself sometime after d3 and leaves to find himself.
Cheerful: Is emo.
Chip Potts: Babysat Ben a lot when he was younger. Has 13 siblings. He works at the castle.
Chloe Charming: Learned a lot of what she knows in ROAR from Lonnie.
Claudine Frollo: She had red hair and is left handed.
Clay Clayton: He's a party animal and is very hard to take out in a fight.
Crabby: is actually quite pleasant to be around.
Crocodile Descendants: They love tormenting Captain Hook and wrestling.
Cubby: He handles Neverland Academy's finances.
Danny Darling-Cooper: He's good at tourney and ROAR.
Derek: He's a selective mute and carries a bell around to get his friends' attention when they're arguing.
Derelict (Electric Eel): He's the friendly eel.
Desiree: She's one of the most wild pirate kids. Even when compared to her crewmates.
Diego de Vil: His most popular song is titled 'Kill the Beast'.
Dhandi: Is Jordan's adoptive older sister (since Eden is Jordan's bio mom).
Dizzy Tremaine: She joins Evie's business when she graduates and her jewelry becomes very popular.
Doc II: Goes by Raphael.
Doug: Evie helps him meet his favorite band (The Dragon Players) on his 21st birthday.
Dude (The Dog): He is jealous of Beelzebub.
Eddie Balthazar: He is always tired.
Eliza: She becomes more of a rebel as she grows up and is always backing Jane up when FG gets difficult (like most parents do).
Elle: She's adopted.
Emir (number 26): He's Aziz's younger brother and is a lot like his dad, personality wise. He does not like his mom's cousins.
Evie: She is Dizzy's half sister.
Finn the Mer-Boy: He works at neverland academy but also remains as Neverland's Protectors (kicking entitled tourist out when they cause too much non fun trouble/damage).
Freddie Facilier: Is banned from being alone with Jordan because those two are just as bad as Ally and Cj when alone together.
Gaston Jr.: He relates a lot to Luisa Madrigal. He also walks with a limp after a failed escape attempt he and his father attempted (he nearly drowned).
Gaston The 3rd.: He's the smart twin.
Gesundheit: Cannot for the life of him spell his name.
Gil: Has stolen a penguin from the zoo with Jay, Chad, Harry, and Carlos before.
Ginny Gothel: Is allergic to flowers. Her middle name is flower.
Gordon: Is a mechanic.
Hadie: Has a villain phase as a teen that no one takes seriously.
Hamish of DunBroch: He works with bears.
Hana: She is the royal party planner in her kingdom.
Hap: He's a hippie/hipster mixture and has a van he customized himself.
Harriet Hook: She has a hip high rose tattoo and broke Anthony Tremaine's nose once when she was 12.
Harris of DunBroch: Will not hesitate to bite people in fights even as an adult.
Harry Badun: He is a detective and has made it his job to make everyone behind the isle and every bad isle adult's lives hell. He will also make up outrageous theories to mess with people he doesn't like.
Harry Hook: Is good at art and has Dyscalculia.
Henry: He's a long lost de Vil.
Herkie: He has his dad's personality and strength but his mama's brain and kinda looks like a blend of his parents.
Hermie Bing: She has a variety of circus related skills, loves clowns, has a sweet tooth, and wears very colorful clothes.
Hubert of DunBroch: Loves reminding his sister of how she turned him into a bear all the time.
Hunter de Vil: His influencer career takes off when the barrier is brought down.
Ivy de Vil: She's allergic to hair dye and becomes a great model when off the isle.
Izzy: She's ROAR instructor at Neverland Academy.
Jace Badun: His mom was a strong woman at the Ringmaster's circus. He is the most exasperated person you will ever meet.
Jack/Korak: He prefers 'Korak' over Jack. He takes after his dad looks wise but his mom personality and fashion wise.
Jade: She has tons of scars from the crocodile wrestling.
Jake: Because of him, Princess Pirate, Finn, Stormy, Marina, Izzy, and Cubby all grew up.
James Brown Jr.: He works at a candy shop.
Jane: She's a big gossip and she and Carlos both bonded over this.
Jane Darling-Cooper: She's a teaching assistant at Neverland Academy.
Jay: He sleeps with a stuffed tiger but will deny it if asked.
Jenna: She's Aziz's oldest sibling and is the heir to the throne. She has a pet Elephant.
Jonas: He's Uma's cousin.
Jordan: She's the one who created the secret Agrabah Club at school (along with Aziz).
La Foux Doux: He's younger than LeFou Deux and loves puppet shows.
Lagan (Electric Eel): He's the mean eel.
LeFou Deux: He has a crush on Claudine and is the isle's Santa Claus.
Li (number 85): His parents took creative liberty with his name without checking to see if that spelling already existed.
Li Lonnie: She does eventually get her show. Her successful ROAR career probably helped (: .
Li Shang Jr: His music is decent but few people take him seriously because of the whole 'Lil Shang' nickname thing.
Lil Yaz: He died of appendicitis after d1. He was morally grey/apathic and had eyes for Quinlynn Hearts.
Lina: Jasmine was her favorite babysitter and she in turn, ended up babysitting the younger of Jasmine's kids when she was in Agrabah.
Lucifer: Lucifer often escapes from the saloon and gets on everyone's nerves.
Lulu Brown: She's much younger than her brother, Jim/James Brown Jr. and is a very good at ballet.
Mad Maddy: She has quite the sweet tooth.
Madam Mim's granddaughters: No one is sure how many there are or how they came to be.
Maddox Hatter: He's an inventor and is very close to Red.
Mal: She grows up a lot after the royal wedding and gets back in touch with her artistic side.
Marina the Mermaid: She's the swim coach at Neverland Academy.
Marya Rasputin: She's the doctor of Harriet's crew.
Max La Bouf: He works at Tiana's palace and often caters the events for his family and Ralphie's.
Melody: She's an environmental activist and the go-to cousin everyone talks to when they need someone who will hear them out.
Meriem: She and Korak are married now, and she's very into learning languages.
Mia: She is a sore loser when it comes to the fashion industry.
Miguel (number 44): He's a Madrigal.
Morgie le Fay: Morgie is just a nickname.
Opal: She's Freddie and Celia's aunt.
Othello (The Parrot): He repeats the things EQ used to say to Evie but is a very loving pet otherwise.
Pin: He's very smart and skipped a grade.
Pirate Kitty (Cat): It's Gil's pet cat (seen in a missing poster in d2).
Princess Pirate: Her friends now call her 'Princess' for short.
Quinlynn Hearts: She's the oldest Heart child and she had a crush on LIl Yaz.
Rafi: He gets along the best with his younger brother, Aziz, and works in the royal guard now.
Ralphie: He and Max are Pen Pals.
Rami: He's a party animal.
Red Hearts: Red is just a nickname. She's also in the school newspaper.
Reza: He is very interested in forensics and was adopted by Mozenrath and Sadira. He has two younger siblings and one older.
Rick Ratcliffe: His middle name is 'Perseus'. Yes, after the pug. And he has a habit of saving people from drowning/bodies of water.
Ruby Fitzherbert: She's shy and artsie.
Salima: She's a middle child now.
Sammy Smee: He's an inventor and a book worm.
Scarlet: She's Carter's twin and is considered the 'evil' twin.
Shy: His name is very fitting because he really is shy.
Sleepy Jr.: He's a gamer.
Snoozy: Snoozy is a night owl.
Sophie: She's Snow White's eldest child.
Spotted Hyenas: They like tormenting Gaston but not his kids.
Squeaky Smee: He's a selective mute.
Squirmy Smee: He and his brother look up to Harry a lot.
Stabbington cousins: They're only known by their nicknames by those outside of their family (and for good reason, since they're secretly Westergaards).
Stormy The Mermaid: She becomes a hippie when's older and mellows out.
The Sea witches: They're the daughters of Ursula's sisters.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins: They all have varying shades of red hair.
The Wicked Step-Granddaughters: The seven that are Drizella's are Hans' daughters as well. If any are Anastasia's, they're adopted.
Tiger Peony: She's a hippie vegetarian who's really into Tourney but doesn't play.
Tipo: He learns to cook from Kronk and helps him out with  Camp Chippamunka during the summer when he's older.
Tyrone (number 32): He's Tiana and Naveen's son. Lotte spoiled him, lol.
Uma: She gets her OWN sea phonies after d3 and she keeps her shark friends as well.
William (number 12): Wendy's oldest son and Jane Darling's younger brother.
Yi-Min: She's good at tourney as well as Swords and Shields.
Yupi: He is Kuzco's favorite 'nephew'.
Yzla: She's good at gymnastics.
Zam: He is the oldest of the kids in Yzma's family and has also caught his cousins doing weird things most often.
Zellie: She's the oldest of Flynnpunzal's kids.
Zephyr: He looks more like his mom as he grows up.
Zevon: His dad (and his siblings' dad) is Cedric from Sofia the first. His mom also accidentally turned him into a llama as a baby.
Zim: He still practices chemistry but the idea of being evil bores him.
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amtrak12 · 4 months
Sidebar: I unlocked a new character motivation while editing over lunch and I am still HUMMING from it. It got so unexpectedly, yet perfectly, angsty that I lost my mind. MY OWN BRAIN PUT THOSE PIECES TOGETHER! Yet I couldn't believe what just happened 🤯
Anyway, how's your guys' writing going? Just as good? I hope just as good. May all of you unlock new plot points today 🫶
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