#Chief Information Commissioner
rightnewshindi · 2 days
नगर निगम ने सूचना देने में लगाए एक साल नौ महीने, मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त ने ठोका 25 हजार का जुर्माना
#News नगर निगम ने सूचना देने में लगाए एक साल नौ महीने, मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त ने ठोका 25 हजार का जुर्माना
Shimla News: आरटीआई के तहत मांगी गई सूचना देने में देरी पर आयोग ने नगर निगम आयुक्त पर 25 हजार रुपये का जुर्माना लगाया है। इस मामले में चमन लाल गुप्ता ने शिमला शहर में पार्किंग नीति की जानकारी मांगी थी। उन्होंने आरटीआई के माध्यम से शिमला नगर निगम द्वारा ढली से आईएसबीटी तक उपलब्ध कराए गए पार्किंग स्थलों और पार्किंग नीति के तहत तय की गई दरों की जानकारी मांगी थी, लेकिन शिमला नगर निगम के सूचना आयुक्त…
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫
𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 "𝐺𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟". 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑓𝑢𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ♥
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛 𝐹𝐵𝐼 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑗𝑜𝑏 𝑏𝑦 𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑑𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑟. 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟?
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This chapter includes the topic of stalking and some swearing. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Your head was already hurting the morning before you got on the jet back to Quantico. Throbbing pressure in your temples and stiffness in your neck after a strenuous mission was common. Nevertheless, the failure and the resulting frustration largely gnawed at you and increased the additional pain.
You could not believe such a wrong game had been played with the entire crew. As soon as you arrived in Michigan and the encounter of the local police, they lusted after a dying gazelle like a horde of scavengers. The chief police commissioner was only out for triumph in making headlines, rather than catching the perpetrator, focusing on the victim and their survival.
All the information and files created were unsorted and a sheer disaster, taking you numerous hours to rummage through and filter out the most important points for Spencer and you. Forensics had not photographed the body from every angle and even moved it beforehand, so there was no original picture showing the woman in the position where she was found. All the evidence was flawed and incomplete.
Nevertheless, you managed to create a profile that was most suitable and customized for the murderer. Based on your profiling and the plots of the murders, it was quickly determined that notorious serial killer Jacob Sykes was involved.
For the past five years, the FBI has been frantically searching for him after he went into hiding. Sykes had seventeen women between the ages of 20 and 35 on his conscience, with whom he always acted the same way. Raping and killing them with short, straight cuts on both sides of the neck at the main arteries before dumping the bodies near children´s playgrounds.
The number of reporters at each crime scene was exceptional and nothing you had ever seen before. They ignored the distance behind the tape and disrupted the collection of evidence with screams or angry shouts. The press did not hold back on comment, leaving a bitter smack of tasteless speculations and insults directed at the BAU.
It took an immense amount of self-restraint for you to get the press to walk away without getting physical.
"Hey, how is your head?" lost in thought, you were startled by the suddenly appearing voice. Looking up from your paperwork with slight irritation, you launched a half-hearted smile at the figure, who has flopped down in the seat across from you and held out a water to you.
You hid yourself in the back corner of the plane on purpose, making yourself small to isolate yourself from the rest of the group. You just wanted your peace so as not to transfer a bad mood on your team but your best friend did not let herself be shaken off. Never.
Emily knew you were particularly struggling with the case. Five months after joining the BAU, you first heard about it from Rossi and have been obsessed with solving it ever since. Why was uncertain, but disgust was written all over your face every time his name came up.
"As if someone had taken my brain out and replaced it with jagged rocks"
"What do you think of pizza at my place after we call it a day? Would probably do you some good," she grinned at you while you gratefully accepted the water and the painkiller, which she also held out to you.
Actually, it was clear to you that you wanted to crawl into your own bed after the harsh days and sleep until you woke up on your own. But you could not refuse anything that she wanted from you and so you agreed.
"I am in, but please give me a moment alone," the black-haired agent nodded and locked her eyes with yours, silently and dreamy before caressing your cheek tenderly and getting up to go back to her seat.
"Y/n," she managed let a tentatively whisper past her lips. You carefully turned your head back in her direction, letting your chin rest on the palm of your hand while waiting for what she had to say. "We will land in a few minutes. Make sure to take everything with you"
While the whole team walked through the hallways of the BAU to the elevators, you hurriedly ran up the stairs to the second floor, where your shared office was. You hated elevators. They were too narrow and it was understandable that you did not trusted the squeaky mechanism of the cables. Also, you felt uncomfortable between the metallic walls of the cabin.
You were always faster than everyone else when you took the stairs anyway.
Two other agents opened the big glass doors before you entered the office; all emotion draining from your face. You stopped strictly in the middle of the office and ran a hand through your hair in confusion. You stared at your desk in silence, not quite sure how to react to that.
"What´s that crap?" you barked your question to Morgan and Reid, whose footsteps and chatter you could already hear behind you, irritated. They, who entered the office´s right behind you with the girls shortly after, were slightly startled by your angry voice. Everyone looked at you questioningly before you pushed aside and allowed them to look at your workspace, which was covered with flowers and chocolates. "Did one of you pranksters order this before we left? That is not funny"
"Seems you have a secret admirer," your work colleague proudly walked over to you in amusement and laughed as he gave you a slight punch on the shoulder. Morgan lifted the bouquet of bright red roses up while JJ grabbed the box of heart shaped pralines and disappeared to her desk.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance and buried your arms under your chest. You watched intently as Derek looked at each rose from all sides and tugged at one to pull a white envelope from the thorny stems. "Someone left you a note. Read it!"
"Can you guys stop meddling in private things?"
"They can not, Em. It is their damn job," fed up with today, you snatched the little card out of Spencer´s hand, which he was holding out to you and fiddled at the little heart sticker that kept the whole thing locked. Before you got the little piece of paper out it´s packaging, you looked intently at the two boys who were standing at Emily´s desk, grinning. "If that is a shitty joke by either of you, I will kill you."
As your gaze got lost in the individual letters and the maze of scrambled words spiraled into a text, your jaw dropped to the floor. Disgusted and confused, you felt your heartbeat spread through your body. Blood pounded in your ears and your mouth went dry.
In a haze, you turned your head vigorously in every possible direction. The world spun around you, scanning the entire office for suspicious people who might be looking at you, wanting to catch the moment of a first reaction to their message.
"Y/n, is everything okay?"
Your gaze quickly wandered in the direction of the black haired. "No," you answered shakily and she was able to filter the strange tone of anxiety and fear out of your voice immediately. Emily´s eyes were fixed squarely on you, her eyebrows raised high while her lips pressed into a thin line. 
Approaching you, she lowered her glance to the card you were squeezing tightly in your fist. With her fingers, she pinched the last corner that was sticking out and genly pulled it out of your palm so as not to accidentely cut you.
<I am obsessed with you, darling.   I want you to be mine and only mine.   Let me under your soft skin, let me know everything about you.   Let me feel every inch of your small body, let me get high on your vanilla frequence with the powerful note of jasmine flowers and the fruity nuance.   Pretty soon you will be all mine>
It was to be expected that she would read the letter aloud in front of your team. As she did so, you drew closer to her private space, no longer feeling secure. You nervously stroked the goosebumps on your bare arm and followed every movement that happened around you while racking your brain for a clue as to who this might have been but came up short.
"One study found out that in random samples, the lifetime prevalance of being a victim of stalking is 11.6% and rising. Women are affected up to 6% more than men," the words flowed from Spencer´s mouth. A small voice in his head rebuked him, but he resolutely brushed it aside.
Sooner or later, you would be faced with another gift from the unknown person so it did not help to wrap you in cotton wool.
"Does not help, Reid!" as suspected, none of the teammates standing around you were happy with this fact, but more like fire and flame. You were the youngest on the team and automatically unleashed a protective instinct in every single person.
"I will tell Hotch," JJ immediately tossed the chocolates in the trash can, glad she had not began to eat any of them yet. Maybe they were poisoned or laced with some deadly substance meant to hit you. With a quick walk, she disappeared up the stairs and walked straight to Aaron Hotchner´s office to inform him of the incident in great detail.
"And I will take this to forensics. Maybe they can salvage some fingerprint so we can catch the bastard and I can-" Morgan kept his remarks extra vague so as not to completely upset you. But it was already too late for that.
You were beyond insecure.
The answer from the unit chief about further actions was not long in coming and appeared a few minutes later in form of a briefing. The message to the team was very short, telling everyone that they would have to wait for the forensic evaluation, but that you still needed to be kept under surveillance.
"We can not just ditch it and wait," Derek shrugged in frustration as he complained about the lack of action. His arms were tightly crossed behind his head, staring intently at Hotch. When it came to you, he tended to be quite protective, almost like a big brother, and the unit chief understood him, really. You were his responsibility. "The guy is talking about her perfume in detail. He is around"
Unfortunately, Aaron could not contradict the statement, but it annoyed him not to know what else he could do. He had no traces. Nothing of any importance. The only thing that promised a little beginning was the shop from which the flowers had been sent by courier, which might offer a promising clue.
"Prentiss, Morgan. Drive to Achara Florist on Richmond Highway, the flowers were ordered from there. See if you can find out anything about whoever placed the order," both nodded in agreement and slid back with their chair to get up. The individual documtens that they had placed in front of them until recently, were stacked in the middle of the table before they left the room. "Hotch, what can I do?"
"You are staying. As long as we do not know in which direction this is going, you are safest here,"
"But that is my.. whatever. I should be there. After all, I am the only one who this stuff is dedicated to!" you scolded while helping JJ sort the papers into a file and put the chairs back at the table. You knew Aaron was just as concerned as anyone and preferred a safe option; you were in no good constitution to talk him into changing his plan now.
It was useless.
He gave you a warning look that silenced you. Snorting, you handed the last papers to the blonde and looked demonstratively back in his direction. It was not a comfortable silence that stood beween you, but better than bickering with your chief.
Without a word, you turned away and left the conference room. The case was nerve-wracking enough and dealing with a weird guy who seemed to have been watching you for a long time was pushing your limits so you used the path to your desk trying to cool yourself off.
A gentle dance of two fingers on your shoulders snapped you out of your daydreams and made you startle in your chair. You had been absorbed in the case of Jacob Sykes for hours. Well, actually you only pretended to work hard on it.
You had been shuffling files, moving them from pile to pile and made some drawing that had absolutely nothing to do with the case. Totally bored, tired and with your thoughts somewhere else, you were ready to just go home and forget the days events.
But you had to wait until you could mark the day as over.
"Nice doodle. Desk work is no fun, huh?" Morgan asked, snatching the piece of paper away from you all while walking through the aisle of your individual desks to his. "No, but do you like my drawing? The thing should represent you" you asked back and he gave you a confused but smirking look as he lowered down on his chair.
"Hm," he said, staring at you until you averted your gaze and looked at the raven haired. Her leather jacket was slightly soaked, her straightened hair had turned into loose, frizzy curls, although the weather forecast had predicted a sunny day.
This was a welcome change as there had been an uninterrupted heat build-up since Monday last week, making it impossible for you to concentrate on any work. Not that you did not like the sun, but you liked rain a lot more.
"Did you find out anything?" you leaned back in the chair and tilted your head, resting the back of your head on her midsection. The addressed just shook her head and gently brushed a lost strand of hair from your forehead. "The shop was already closed when we arrived. We left out contacts there, hopefully we will get an answer tomorrow"
You closed your eyes with a sigh. Your frustration was clearly visible on your face. Emily waited for a few seconds but you did not reply to her answer. She knew you wanted to mumble something back and curse.
"You can all go home," you looked around, slightly frightened, and tried to find the voice of the male figure in the much too large office until you got stuck on the railing of the first floor. Aaron Hotchner stood alone on the narrow balcony-like platform and looked down at his team. "There is nothing more we can do today"
It had not surprised him in the least that you did tried to get out of the FBI building the quickest and that you did succeeded in the end. You did not need to be told twice. Jumping out of your seat, you packed up your stuff swiftly and almost ran out the office, but not without giving JJ a hastily big hug.
Laughter broke out and Emily had closed her eyes, shook her head and obviously resisted the urge to roll her eyes before trying to catch up to you. Aaron did not mind, he already noticed the tiredness and tension on your face this afternoon, which had worsened with the passage of time.
"Hey Serg," you greeted the black cat, who jumped off the scratching post and reared up in front of you with expectant eyes as only cats can and made the appropriate noises, showing you that he was happy. Even before you stepped into the hallways behind the young agent, he snuggled up to your lower leg and made you smile. "Aw, did you miss me?"
While Emily disappeared into the bedroom to get rid of her wet clothes, you sat cross-legged on the floor and dealt with the young cat, who meanwhile began to purr loudly under your touch. He enjoyed the closeness and absorbed any negative feelings you felt that day.
As if in a small bubble, you forgot everything around you and only noticed the vibrating of his small body under your palm and the gentle tapping of his paws on your jeans. His fur was fluffier and softer than usual as he snuggled up to your outstretched hand, gently scratching behind his ear. "Unbelieveable!"
You heard the black haired bleating and looked up at her as she almost jealousy leaned against the door frame. She was now dressed in sweatpants and a simple black top, which subtly emphasized the muscles in her upper arms. These were locked tightly under her chest, her lips curled into a soft pout. "He gets more attention from you than me. And he is a cat!"
You giggled and shook your head before you took him in your arms and stood up carefully. Sergio mewed softly as you cradled him in one of your arms like a baby and nudged his nose in amusement. Slowly taking your shoes off with your heels, you walked over to Emily while being busy scratching the cat´s white belly.
You glanced at the taller woman as you invaded her personal space and watched her get visibly more tense and nervous. A mischievous grin spread across your lips, carefully hiking your eyebrows. "Purr for me like a kitten and you will get all the attention you want," you winked at her, smirking widely.
She swallowed hard as the blush rose in her cheeks. Uneasy, she closed her eyes to steady her rapidly beating heart, slowly licking her lips as she felt your warm breath brushing her thin skin. How she would like to just grab you and kiss you, but she tried to keep her composure. The cold that hits her skin shortly after you crept past her made her shudder and left her with a gentle tingle in the pit of her stomach. It snapped her out of her thoughts and brought her back to the cold reality. Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself away from the wall she was standing against and walked over to you where you already sat on the couch with a slice of pizza and a glass of wine.
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604to647 · 3 months
Third Time's the Charm
5.3K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!Reader
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Summary: After two failed attempts, Tim finally takes you on a first date.
Warnings: Mostly fluffy with a wee sprinkle of angst/anxiety/insecurity (on Tim's part), soft!Tim, nicknames as usual (Shutterbug, one [1] baby, one [1] sweetheart), drinking/wine, kissing, allusion to smut.
A/N: Another instalment of The Rockford Portfolio! As always, these one-shots can be read as standalones, but if you're curious, this one takes place right after Marine Attraction (and I guess almost a year before Husband Material?) I hope you enjoy as we continue to jump around on the timeline of this couple's relationship!
Photography inspired dividers by @saradika-graphics 📸 Series Masterlist
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Detective Tim Rockford doesn’t get nervous.  Not after more than two decades on the force, facing down dangerous felons and seeing the seedier side of life in LA.  In his line of work the difference between nervousness and nerves of steel was often a bullet.  Detective Tim Rockford doesn’t get nervous. 
So understandably, it took him a moment or two to recognize the feeling vibrating throughout his body, but undoubtedly, it’s nervousness.  Big, bad Detective Tim Rockford is nervous for your first date.
It’s not even regular first date jitters, where one is unsure if the spark will be there or if the evening will be full of awkward pauses; you and Tim have talked on the phone or texted everyday since the Grandma Ursula verdict and the conversation is always easy flowing.  He finds you to be smart, funny and oh so very sweet – he’s positive that chemistry won’t be a problem with you. 
The fact that this date has been over half a year in the making isn’t even what worries him.  He might be concerned about the propensity of reality to rarely live up to expectations after a prolonged build up, if it wasn’t for the fact that everything about you that he’s gotten to know so far, has surpassed the you he’s been imagining in his mind for the last seven months.  Fantasy has nothing on real world you, of that much Tim is sure.
No.  Tim’s nervous because he’s not even sure you want to go on this first date with him anymore.  Not when this is actually the third attempt at a first date, with him having cancelled on you twice already.
The first time, he had caught you right as you stepped out the front door of your building, technically before you left for the restaurant but not until after you had spent an inordinate amount of time fussing over your outfit, hair, make-up and internalizing your friends’ pep talks (Tim didn’t know about this last part).  The beat cops had brought in a perp late in the afternoon on some misdemeanor, who upon offered a deal to avoid a third strike conviction, had started spilling information about everyone under the sun.  When the detective in the interrogation room heard the names of several people connected to Mr. Pie, she had immediately called upstairs to Tim who didn’t have a choice but to ask you if the two of you could postpone.
The second time, the two of you actually made it to the restaurant.  You were sipping on your pre-dinner drinks while perusing the menu when the call came in from the precinct that the Chief of Detectives, under fire from the commissioner, was at the precinct and had called everyone involved in the Pie case in.  No explanation or details.  Or exceptions.
You had been more than understanding.  According to Tim, shortly after the closing of the Grandma Ursula case, the long hard work of detangling and dismantling Mr. Pie’s large criminal network had begun, and to the frustration of many (or so it would seem), even several months later, the police had made little headway.  You assured Tim there was no need for his fervent apologies and refused his offer to pay for your dinner when you said you were happy to stay and have a meal by yourself. 
Now, a full month after the reading of the Grandma Ursula verdict, Tim is finally taking you on a first date (again).  He chooses a different restaurant this time, determined to erase any memory of his first two disastrous attempts to take you out, hoping you won’t hold the outcome of your first two first dates against him - though he would honestly understand if you did.  Tonight has to go perfectly.
Turns out Tim had nothing to worry about.  You meet him at the new restaurant looking radiant and in a perfectly good mood – no hint of snark about his two previous (failed) attempts to take you out; he should have known – you’re too good natured and frank for that type of passive aggressive behaviour.  In fact, you seem positively giddy – complimenting him on his restaurant choice and assuring him sincerely how much you’ve been looking forward to this.  Your sweet disposition puts him at ease faster than the whiskey he orders when you’re finally seated.
Tim can’t take his eyes off of you; it’s not just that you look beautiful tonight, because you do – hair and make-up soft but sultry and an outfit chosen (for him? He can only dream) to flatter your alluring figure, hugging your curves in all the right places.  No, it’s not just that.  It’s the brightness and charm you exude in even the tiniest things you do – from the way your eyes twinkle when they dance over the menu, and the musical lilt of your voice as you cheerfully ponder the myriad of options you’re interested in trying, to the way your fingers curve around the stem of your prosecco glass when you give it a little swirl before bringing it up to your perfectly plush lips.  You’re just so effortlessly graceful and at ease, quiet confidence emanating from your very being.  Tim thinks he could get drunk off of just being near you.
And that isn’t even the best part about being with you.  Tim finds it so easy to relax around you, both of you taking natural turns carrying the conversation that never stops flowing – you talk about everything: hobbies, work, what you love about the city, what you hate about the city, the latest NY Times Connections puzzle, and what feels like everything in between. 
Turns out you know a little (lot) about wine (something about a college wine tasting course that you flunked and you’ve been trying to redeem yourself ever since) – Tim sinks back comfortably in his chair and listens to you talk about tannins and noses and oak barrels like it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever heard, gladly and with genuine curiosity handing you the wine menu to pick the bottle for the evening.  He watches with amusement as you cross reference yours and his menu selections with the wine listings, brow furrowing in adorable concentration as you take your charge seriously.  He likes this about you – that you always seem to care and take care.  When the Barolo you choose is uncorked and poured, Tim finds it washes over his tongue wonderfully.  You chatter on about how it’s a wine that’s bright and firm in its acidity, but known for a subtle complexity despite its lightness in body, all while floating delicate floral notes.  Tim smiles to himself and wonders if anyone’s ever studied the correlation between wine characteristics and the people that choose them; he may very well be indulging in a glass of you.  Your enthusiasm catching, he thinks you might turn him into a wine guy just yet.
Are you talking too much?  You’re talking so much.  You can’t help it; not only does the conversation flow so easily with Tim, but you’re just so darn nervous to finally be going out with him.  You had thought it terrible luck that your first two tries at a first date had to be cancelled and in truth, worried that Tim might not think a third try to be worth it.  After all, it had been seven long months of no contact while the Grandma Ursula case finished up – perhaps, there wasn’t enough interest or incentive for him to try and force something that didn’t seem to be happening quite as easily as it should. 
But maybe what they say is true and the third time really is the charm.  You’re sitting across from one of the handsomest, smartest men you’ve ever met and having the most wonderful time.  Tim’s company is beyond pleasant; he’s far more interesting and charismatic than you have been imaging for all these months.  And attractive, sigh.  Not only does he look sharp and striking in his perfectly fitting suit, but his dreamy eyes light up whenever he’s listening to you and his velvety baritone voice makes everything he says sound practically hypnotic.  It takes everything you have not to drool and gawk at the way his black rimmed glasses sit on his strong nose and frame his perfect face.  So you talk and talk and talk, hoping you’re not making a fool of yourself.
The Barolo pairs perfectly with the mouthwatering food served by the restaurant; when the waiter brings your plates, you amuse Tim when you ask if he would mind if you take some photos.  He amuses you right back when he asks why you don’t use the flash since the restaurant is so dimly lit – he settles in, grinning at you like a love sick fool as you espouse the evil of using flash photography in restaurants.  Tim thinks he could listen to you talk about anything at length, but when you go on about your newly reignited passion for photography, the way your face lights up with pure joy cements it as his favourite topic of yours.  It reminds him of the first he met you.
Near the end of your meal, Tim’s about to reminisce about how the two you met at the aquarium when his eyes are drawn to a figure crossing the restaurant dining room; he forgets what he was about to say and just stares at the man who goes outside to take a phone call, hissing as the door closes, “Shit. Buchanan.”
“What’s a Buchanan?” you had watched Tim’s expression change, but instinctively felt that you shouldn’t turn your head to see who or what he was looking at.
Looking back at you, Tim feels a tinge of regret that he’s about to let work intrude on your time together once again, “Delroy Buchanan.  He’s one of Mr. Pie’s top lieutenants, but he’s rarely even seen.  We’ve been trying to track him for ages, but he’s always managed to give any tail the slip – that is if we can even find him in order to put a tail on him in the first place.  I can’t believe he’s here.  I wonder how long he’s been sitting in this restaurant and I didn’t even know,” Tim’s kicking himself, but it’s not really his fault – Buchanan’s table must be on the other side of the room somewhere behind the bar: a blind spot.
“Do you need to go?” you ask softly, your face falls slightly for a second before you recover, not wanting to make the detective feel bad.
But Tim easily catches your look of disappointment, “No, no, of course not.  Do you mind if I make a call at the table?  I need to try and set-up a surveillance team.”
You nod agreeably, “Do you want me to watch the door?  You don’t want him to get spooked if he sees you, right?”
Tim regards you with a stunned expression for a second, astonished at how your brain is already two steps ahead of his.
Shrugging, you grin, “I mean, you were on TV during the Grandma Ursula case?  You’re kind of famous, Detective Rockford.”
“Ah, I see now.  You only agreed to go out with me for the celebrity treatment,” he shoots back, but he’s smiling as he ducks his head down and faces away from the door as he calls in to the precinct. 
Over the next few minutes, you overhear a few murmured words from Tim’s conversation but mainly concern yourself with nonchalantly watching the front door – you pretend to take photos of the restaurant’s décor, you peek over the dessert menu you’re supposed to be reading, you feign scrolling through your phone.
When Tim gets off his call, you’re pleased to report your observations: a sharply dressed man, who by the description you provide is, in fact, Buchanan, came back into the restaurant less than a minute ago and is sitting with his back to you at a table just on the other side of the bar.  He’s in Tim’s blind spot, but you can see about half of the back of his head easily without craning your neck.  His table has been cleared and he’s sitting across from a pretty brunette girl wearing a red Diane Von Furstenberg patterned wrap dress.
Tim is speechless, he doesn’t even know where to begin with you – your observation to detail is one thing, but it’s the effort and earnestness you’re putting into his work, work that’s interrupting your date, that he can’t quite wrap his mind around.  How are you real?
“Brunette, you said?”
You nod, confirming the hair colour of Buchanan’s dining companion.
“Hmmmm… not his wife then.  Buchanan’s married to a blonde, although he’s supposedly in the middle of a divorce,” Tim muses.  He knows he should feel guilty about letting the job intrude on yet another first date, but he just feels so comfortable around you that he’s instinctively falling into his habit of thinking out loud whenever a case picks up, “I wish we had a clue as to when he was going to leave – the surveillance team is on their way, but if the timing is off, he’ll see them.  It might not even matter though.  The street outside is pretty empty – not a good place to start a tail, too easily noticeable.  Buchanan’s been too much of a pro at evading us so far, we can’t afford to lose this opportunity… fuck.”
Near the end of his rambling, Tim notices that you’re not looking at him anymore, but have a sort of far off look in your eyes.  Double fuck.  Of course he’s boring you with this cop talk.  And moreover, likely offending you too – you’re probably thinking that his work has ruined a third (and probably final) first date attempt.  He can’t blame you, of course – no one wants to be made to feel like less than a priority, and while that’s certainly not how Tim feels about you, he knows he’s doing a terrible job of showing it.
Before he can apologize for his work barging in on your date yet again, you stand and move past where he’s sitting.  You give Tim’s shoulder a little squeeze as you walk by, “I’ll be back.  Just going to use the restroom.”  Then you’re gone, without having heard any of his apologies.
Well, that’s it, thinks Tim, miserably.  You’re probably halfway out the bathroom window by now.  That or texting your friends to plan some kind of exit strategy emergency text that you’ll deploy when you return.  Disappointment and defeat claw at his chest.  For seven months, the memory of you had carried him through some of the harder days and disheartening lows of the Grandma Ursula case.  Like a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel, the memory of you had motivated him in the darkest hours of the investigation, offering him the hope that there was something good waiting for him when he finally put the case to rest.  Now all his yearning and anticipation had come to nothing, the potential of what could have been evaporating before even fully taking shape.
Tim’s in the middle of contemplating if it would be more preferable (less pathetic?) to finish dinner here by himself with a few more whiskeys than he had planned on, or deal with the looks of pity from his colleagues and join the surveillance team on their mission tonight, when you slide back into your seat across from him, positively beaming.
If Tim is surprised by your return or the ecstatic look on your face, it’s nothing compared to how unprepared he is for the words that come spilling out of your mouth.
In a hushed whisper, you excitedly share the information that’s almost bubbling out of you, “Ok!  Listen to this, Detective Rockford!  They’re done their dessert, but Buchanan always has an after dinner Irish coffee, so you’ve got at least fifteen minutes before they leave.  They’re going straight to the marina after this - he has a slip there that he keeps under a different name so his wife can’t get it in the divorce!!  It’s number 55, cause that’s the last World Series the Dodgers won in Brooklyn.  That’s where Buchanan’s from, did you know that?  I bet you did.”
Tim did know that, but how did you?!
You continue on cheerily, “Anyways, Buchanan’s supposed to meet someone aboard his sailboat tonight, so he’ll drop his girlfriend off at the Marina Plaza Hotel first and he’s promised her that the meeting won’t take longer than an hour.  Sorry, I don’t know who he’s meeting!  I didn’t ask – I thought that might be too suspicious.”
You’re finally finished, looking a bit flushed with pride and excitement, patiently waiting for his response.
“How did you learn all this?” You couldn’t have been gone more than ten minutes; Tim knows seasoned detectives that wouldn’t have been able to obtain the amount of information you just did after hours of interrogation.
Cupping your own face in your hands, you lean forward with your elbows on the table, eyes crinkling with elation, “Oh!  I made friends with the girlfriend in the bathroom!  I was watching their table for you and when I saw her get up, I decided to follow her – her name is Angela and she’s really nice.  And Buchanan’s actually quite good to her despite, in my opinion, dragging out divorcing his wife for a bit too long.  Anyways, I asked about her lip combo and we got chatting – I told her I was on a first date with a super handsome and charming guy, and that I was crazy nervous because I liked you a lot but had a suspicion that you were married!” You drop your mouth open comically, pretending to be aghast.  “She told me that sometimes married guys aren’t that bad and told me alllll this stuff about Buchanan, included how he always treats her super special on their nights together – which is how I found out about their plans tonight!”
As he listens to you reveal your methods, Tim is completely dumbfounded.  Tim’s so used to his work and his (some would say) unhealthy dedication to the job pushing people away (or worse, eliciting a morbid curiosity, as if his cases were some kind of sick entertainment), he never imagined that you might be any different.  But here you are, not only completely understanding of how his work is integral to his life, but carving a space for yourself around it and through you own initiative, gone out of your way to help him.  He’s amazed by you.  Grateful for you.
“I love you!” It slips out before Tim can stop it, “Oh, wait…” he’s about to start stuttering when he hears your laugh, light and melodic.
“I know what you mean,” you grin, pointing at his phone to encourage him to relay the information you gathered to the waiting surveillance teams.
I don’t think you do, Tim thinks, glancing back at you with reverence as you go back to studying the dessert menu.  He sends out the information obtained and a few directives to the team lead, getting an affirmative that a secondary team will set up at the marina while the first team moves to a spot enroute in order to be less detectable when they begin their tail.  Satisfied with the updated strategy, Tim turns his full attention back to you and the date – committed to letting his colleagues handle Buchanan for the rest of the evening.
After the waiter leaves with your order for the crème brulé, Tim jests, “Just for the record, I’m not married, Shutterbug.”
Giggling, you let out whoosh of air, making a silly whew sound, “Good!  Even though Angela made it sound like it wasn’t that bad, I don’t think I want to share you, Detective.”  Your eyes twinkle with playfulness, but you’re not lying.
“And you think I’m super handsome and charming?”
“Undoubtedly.  That part I was very honest with her about.  And the fact the I was nervous too… because I liked you so much,” you feel vulnerable admitting so much on first date, but it’s been seven months of putting your feelings for this man on hold, daydreaming about him and questioning sometimes if the connection you had felt with him is even real – you don’t want to waste any more time playing coy.
“I was nervous too,” confesses Tim, “also because I like you quite a lot, but mainly because I think I really fucked up this date before even going on it.”
You tilt your head quizzically – you can’t imagine Tim fucking anything up; he strikes you as being beyond competent at anything he deems worth doing.  You feel lucky that he’s made the effort to try and repeatedly take you out despite being obviously incredibly busy.
At your silence and confused expression, Tim presses on, wishing to apologize since he didn’t get a chance to earlier, “My cases take up a lot of my time. I work a lot - too much, probably.  I'm out of practice when it comes to making sure it doesn’t overrun my personal life, too.  I’m sorry that it keeps taking over our dates.  I promise, when it comes to you, work isn’t my priority.”
You’re so touched by Tim’s sweet words.  You can’t imagine feeling resentful of Tim’s commitment to his job and you want to make sure he knows that, “Don’t be sorry.  Your love for your work and the care you take to do it well so that the rest of us can be safe is one of the things I like best about you.  You make me feel special just by making an effort, Tim.  You don’t have to be worried about me feeling like I’m in competition with your job.”
“There’s no competition, Shutterbug.”
A warmth spreads throughout your chest at Tim’s quiet declaration; almost taken surprise by the surge of affection and desire you suddenly feel for this man, you try to cover up with some lighthearted teasing, “Besides, this was fun! Can we work cases on all our dates, Detective?”
“I’ll take you on as many dates and work as many cases with you as you’d like, Shutterbug.”
Damn it, you smooth talker, you, Detective Rockford.  It’s ludicrous to be expected to fight your attraction and hunger for him if Tim insists on being so darn charming.  So, you don’t fight it.
Staring into Tim’s deep chocolate brown eyes and seeing the gaze of longing reflected, you sigh and drop your eyes to his perfectly kissable lips.  He watches your tongue dart out and give your delectable upper lip a barely noticeable little swipe and suddenly he can’t stand it either - another minute passing without kissing you just simply will not do.  Tim leans across the table, barely able to conceal the shiver of delight that runs up his spine when he sees you leaning in to meet him; when your lips touch, the bright spark that ignites warms you where you connect until it converts to a low humming current that runs through your body, resting and collecting between your legs.  Tim’s mouth is plush and inviting, and when you press your lips to his, he matches each brush of your pillowy soft lips with a deeper, hungrier one of his own.  You can’t help but let one low moan escape your throat, and when your mouth opens to make the corresponding ‘O’ shape, Tim quietly licks in.
Maybe it’s a bit much for an over the table kiss in a fancy restaurant, but this kiss has been a long time in the making, packed to the brim with months of longing and hopes finally realized; you can’t quite bring yourself to care if people are staring.  This is the perfect first kiss with the perfect man.
So lost in this, your earth shattering first kiss, Tim doesn’t even notice Buchanan leaving the restaurant hand-in-hand with a giggling Angela; persuaded to part from you only by the unceremonious arrival of your dessert.
Afterwards, Tim offers to walk you home from the restaurant, rather than take a cab – you eagerly accept.  The normally easy twenty-minute walk takes well over forty-five.  Walking with your fingers laced through his, you pull Tim this way and that, pointing out all your favourite neighbourhood haunts that you want to introduce him to.  Tim can’t stop smiling at the way you want to make future plans with him.  He agrees to it all.
You can’t go more than a couple blocks without kissing him; Tim is such a good kisser.  His lips molds perfectly to yours as if he was made for you, and his talented tongue sends a tingle down the back of your throat that radiates all the way to your fingertips with every exploratory trip it makes into your mouth.  By the time you’re a block away from your building, you’re positively dizzy with want thinking about what else that tongue might be capable of.
When you reach the front door of your complex, you shyly slip your hands under the front of Tim’s suit jacket, feeling the hard wall of muscle underneath, “Detective Rockford, thank you for a wonderful evening.” 
“Pleasure was all mine, Shutterbug.  I can’t wait to do this again.”
You glance up at him and find his expression tender, but his eyes dark; it emboldens you.  Grabbing on to the lapels of his jacket, you use it to pull yourself up so you can whisper low into his ear, “Normally, I don’t invite guys up on the first date, but technically… this is our third first date, so…”
You let your voice trail off and look at Tim, searching his eyes and pleading with your own for where you hope you both want the night to lead.
Pulling you close and pressing his forehead to yours, Tim grins, “Every detective knows that even good rules can get tossed out on a technicality.”  You giggle at his corny cop joke and kiss him hard and fast before practically dragging him inside.
You stir in the middle of the night to the low vibrations of Tim speaking in hushed tones on his phone behind you, already missing the weight of his arm around your bare body that you had so comfortably been sleeping under.
Finishing his conversation, Tim hangs up and returns to curl around you, arm snaking around your waist, his wide hands coming to a rest just below your naked breasts; you shift back against him and murmur with a smile, “Did they get him?”
Tim presses a soft kiss to your hair, grinning at the intuitiveness of your question, “No, not tonight, but yes.”
You turn in his arms, intrigued by his answer, and open your eyes to a sight that sets your heart a flutter: Tim is positively beaming.
“Okay Detective, tell me the good news please,” you grin right back.
Tim can’t contain himself - he’s more than pleased to share the good news with you, especially since you played such a crucial role in tonight’s win, “The teams successfully put a tail on Buchanan without him knowing – they went to the marina just like you said.  The second team staked out the meeting at the slip you told us about and you’ll never guess who he was meeting with!”
“Who?” you wouldn’t have the faintest idea of where to begin guessing, but you play along - Tim’s excitement is rubbing off on you.
“The Accountant.” Tim says this with such gusto that you can’t help but giggle, happy for him.
Tim’s heart soars at the sound before he continues, “The Accountant handles all the money and books for Mr. Pie.  He’s even more elusive than Buchanan.  There was a handoff on the boat and the second team followed the Accountant to a drop site afterwards.  They let him make the drop and then took him into custody right after.  Now we know one more location that Mr. Pie operates out of – we’re going to stake out that building and figure out what they do there before arresting everyone inside.”  Tim looks positively gleeful at the thought.
“And what about Buchanan?” you can’t help it, you’re invested.
“Oh, we let him go back to hotel; first team is all set up on the same floor - he won’t be able to make a move without them knowing.  We’ll let him go about his day a little bit tomorrow before we pick him up.  Didn’t want to take him and The Accountant in too close together in case it spooks Mr. Pie.”  Internally, Tim is grateful for the misdirection tactic; it will eliminate any connection that the intel came from Angela, therefore erasing the role you played in tonight’s operation.  Not that he isn’t eternally grateful for your help, but he doesn’t want you formally involved in any of his cases again.
“Oh, that’s good.  I’m glad that you let him have his night with Angela.  You won’t have to take her in, will you?”
“No, she should be okay.  You care about her, eh?”
“She was nice!  I liked her.  Plus, if I got to have my perfect night with my “married man”, she should at least have hers,” you quip.
Tim laughs, giving you an affectionate pinch on your hip before his expression turns sincere and his voice drops, “Thank you so much, Shutterbug.  None of this would have been possible without you and your help.  I can’t thank you enough for… caring about my work.  For giving me another chance.  Just being you.”
He looks at you so intensely and with such devotion that you find yourself warming beneath his gaze despite your current state of nakedness.  Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, you do a mini shimmying dance of victory in his arms, “You’re welcome, baby.  Now tell me, is there some sort of rewards incentive program for helping out handsome detectives with their cases?”
“Oh yes.  You were automatically enrolled when I took your phone at the aquarium…” he grins, playing along, “… for that, you earned a date with said detective.”
“Right, very good prize,” you wiggle a little more before pressing yourself against Tim’s hard, bare chest, “… and for helping with the surveillance on Buchanan tonight?  What did I earn for that?”
Tim’s eyes sparkle devilishly and he lowers his lips to your ear, voice low and husky, “I think you were paid in two… no, three orgasms for that, sweetheart. We’re all square.”
A little gasp escapes your throat, Tim’s words taking you back to your marathon sex from earlier this evening.  Images of naked limbs and sweaty bodies entangled, Tim’s beautiful, girthy cock barely fitting in your hands, and his face buried between your legs flash through your mind.  You suddenly feel very flushed, fresh arousal starting to coat your inner thighs again. 
You extract the hand that’s pinned from beneath Tim’s side and make a peace sign with it, holding it up so Tim can see, “Two, Detective Rockford.  I believe I helped you apprehend two criminals tonight: Buchanan and The Accountant.”
Tim chuckles at your triumphant grin, realizing that he should probably get used to this: the perfect woman, always two steps ahead of him, outsmarting the famous Detective Rockford at every turn and reducing him to a puddle at her feet every time.  The two of you have only had one date, and he’s already head over heels for you.
Rolling you onto your back and looming his big frame over your welcoming body, Tim concedes happily, “You’re right, Shutterbug – I owe you one.  You intend on collecting right now?”
At seeing you adorably bite your lower lip bashfully while nodding with eagerness, Tim gives the thin sheet covering your naked bodies a quick flick of his wrist so it flies up, quickly diving underneath and letting the fabric float gently over his head.  As he kisses his way down your body, he grins against your warm, soft skin when he hears your squeals turn to moans above him.
Yep, best third first date ever.
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. they come home to find you asleep on the couch while waiting for their return.
CHARACTERS. ayato, diluc, childe, albedo, alhaitham.
GENRE. domestic fluff.
CW. mentions of sharing a bed (but nothing suggestive), reader gets carried bridal style (diluc), reader calls childe 'ajax'.
THOUGHTS. this mix of characters may seem random, but they just came to mind when i first thought of this concept. also, because sleepy reader supremacy !! <3
✰ masterlist.
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☆ AYATO . . . lets out a fond sigh at the sight of you. He has told you before that the piles of paperwork on a commissioner's desk varies from day to day, thus there is no set time when he'd come to bed — but you didn't listen, did you? "How stubborn," his chest rumbles with a chuckle, his tone leaning more towards endearment than anything.
You sure are an exquisite one. He'd be lying if he says that stubbornness of yours, paired with your adorable face as you sleep, don't enamor him in the slightest.
Ayato can already feel the tension in his muscles melt in an instant, as if your mere presence becomes waves that wash away the burdens of his mind. With a loving sigh, he tucks a stray strand of hair that has fallen over your face, "I'm truly lucky."
He'd really hate to disturb your sleep; but he thinks sleeping in his embrace on a bed that is much comfier than this couch is a better suggestion, no? People sleep a bed for a reason, after all.
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☆ DILUC . . . dismisses a worried Adelinde who informs him of your obstinacy to wait for his return. "It's alright, I'll take care of them," he shakes his head before carefully scooping you into his arms. If Diluc were to be honest, he already expects this from you ever since you've expressed your desire to greet him home even after his dealings with notorious organizations at night.
He often tells you to prioritize your sleep more — but as he holds you like this, Diluc can't help but feel a tinge of appreciation, albeit melancholically.
"...You're back?" You lift your head groggily, shaken awake by Diluc's movements as he moves up the stairs with you in his arms. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head with a hushed noise, "Shh, go back to sleep."
He feels undeserving. You're too good to be true; so, the least he can do is to be as good to you as you are to him.
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☆ CHILDE . . . tucks himself beside you, one arm lazily thrown over your body to bring you closer. "Ajax, you're sweaty," you stir in your sleep with a whine, recognizing your lover's warmth instantly. He puts on an offended frown, "I just got home and this is how I'm greeted?" Yet, that frown melts away in a second as he peppers your face with little kisses in between playful giggles. So much for being offended, huh?
Engaging in battles often leaves the Eleventh Harbinger with a hunger for more; he wishes his body is as cooperative as that mindset of his — but when he is with you, he can feel all that physical strain gnawing at his muscles washed away just by holding you like this.
Screw going to bed. Anything can be a bed as long as he has you in his arms, right? He's totally right on this one.
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☆ ALBEDO . . . maneuvers his way quietly to you without a sound. A ripple of guilt swirls in his chest when the Chief Alchemist realizes that you've fallen asleep whilst waiting for him to return home. He contemplates waking you up, but he suddenly halts upon seeing the expression on your face — and Albedo can't help but smile fondly.
Whatever could you be dreaming about? He wonders. In the end, Albedo decides to take a seat across the couch, but his gaze not once leaves you. He feels like he can paint you in his mind again and again without ever feeling restless; and exactly that, he does until he, too, slowly drifts into slumber.
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☆ ALHAITHAM . . . places his coat on top of you as a temporary blanket. "Your mulishness really knows no limits," he crosses his arms against his chest in exasperation. Alhaitham isn't someone who is fond of such romantic sentiments like foolishly sacrificing sleep to wait for your lover — but the gentleness in his movements, like the mindful hand of a researcher holding a fragile relic, as he takes off his coat to settle it over your figure almost proves otherwise.
Funny, Alhaitham isn't even trying to prove anything; see it however you want, but he doesn't want to be seen as a romantic whatsoever. He is just looking out for his partner, that is all.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @tsuk4sa-yug1 @hcikazu @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearcalis @leon-to-sayaka — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, oct 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
UNRWA has been caught stealing and then selling humanitarian aid that came into Gaza that was intended to be given to Palestinian civilians, UN Watch reported on Wednesday, citing reports published by Palestinians in "an UNRWA-related chatroom."
The Watch report also claims that those who report UNRWA's actions with the humanitarian aid "face reprisals."
According to the report, Palestinians claimed that staff working for the UN agency “have their homes full of aid.” Additionally, a UNRWA warehouse chief sold 50 cartons of food for $5,000.Top ArticlesRead
Items such as pampers, canned sweets, and tissues were sold at a UNRWA school door. This comes amid statement by UNRWA Commissioner-General Phillipe Lazzarini, who was quoted in the UN Watch report saying “there is more food available… it still does not mean that the food is accessible” as he was calling countries to increase direct cash assistance to Gazans.
Looking closer into UNRWA's exposure
Former UNRWA employee Haitham al-Sayyed ran the chatroom that exposed the agency's theft and selling of aid. The UN Watch reported that he had "created several chat rooms for staff and educators to share posts, many of which feature antisemitism, incitement to hatred and Jihadi terrorism" during the near two decades he worked for the agency.
However, today, he disseminates information about UNRWA salaries in his chatrooms, which the Watch also reports that thousands of UNRWA employees were celebrating Iran's drone attacks on Israel.
72 notes · View notes
elena-mayfair · 1 year
Fighting fear
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Paring: Batman/Bruce Wayne x f!reader Genre: Thriller, mystery, with elements of slow-burn romance Warnings: rating T+/M, disturbing images, strong language, violence, depictions of illness, depictions of trauma, depictions of mental and physical abuse, lost of angst Summary: You wanted to close your eyes and disappear. Disappear forever. Push away the thoughts of the nightmare that was yet to come, dismiss the memories of the nightmares that were yet to haunt you, forget the deep blue eyes and the wandering barely perceptible smile you were destined never to see again, erase the feeling of safety and inspiration you were never meant to follow. You longed to escape. To disappear. To start all over again somewhere else. To become someone else. Word count: 18.2K Note: Some gifs are not mine, credit to the authors.
Series masterlist
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For the past few months, Gotham citizens had been living their lives under the fear of a mysterious criminal who, through sophisticated psycho-control methods involving unidentified chemicals, had led to the deaths of twelve people and the suffering of at least another eight. Twenty people. You heard that right, twenty people fell victim to a madman who swore a vow to first do no harm. Can the people of Gotham finally live peacefully or is horror only about to come? This is Summer Gleeson, GCNN's news.
Doctor Jonathan Crane, head of the psychiatric ward at Eliot Memorial Hospital, has been identified as a criminal alias Scarecrow. Investigative reporter Vicky Vale is currently at the scene. Vicki, how dramatic is the situation?
The situation is truly horrific, Summer. I am currently outside the residential building where Doctor Jonathan Crane lived, and inside which the police have discovered a chemical laboratory, as well as eight more victims that Doctor Crane has been holding captive and torturing. Eight of Gotham's citizens, seven adults and a child had been imprisoned, subjected to physical and psychological torture, right in the center of one of Gotham's most secure neighborhood. The madman's victims were found in various physical states, ranging from mild to critical, which only suggests that Scarecrow had been committing these atrocities for a very long time. All victims are currently being transported to Gotham General Hospital. Among the victims was Matt Bower, known to police drug dealer working for mob boss Salvatore Maroni. Police and emergency services are currently working on securing the building to reduce the chemical hazard. Commissioner Gordon refused to comment, but we are all probably wondering what involvement Batman had in this discovery and where Scarecrow is now?
Thank you, Vicki. Where is Batman? And what connection does this gruesome discovery have to the late evening chase that ended with a shootout on the Metro-Narrows Bridge? Witnesses have reported that not only Batman but also his known associates, Nightwing and Red Hood, were involved. GCNN investigative reporter Jack Ryder is on the scene. Jack, how is the situation on the bridge?
Pretty typical for Gotham, Summer. Bridge is currently out of service and will be closed till midday as stated by the fire department. Scraps of a wrecked van, bullet shells, damaged pavement, nothing Gotham hasn't seen before. Three criminals, apprehended after a dramatic chase, were already handed over by Nightwing to the police, represented by Sergeant Rene Montoya, who declined to provide further explanation. Based on witness testimony, I was able to determine that the chase originated near Arkham Asylum and initially involved only Nightwing and Red Hood. Witnesses also informed that the criminals had a hostage, a woman, but her identity had not been established. Was the woman an accomplice or another victim? We will get to the truth. The people of Gotham deserve it.
Thank you, Jack. Despite the late night hours, we attempted to contact the Chief Executive Officer of Eliot Memorial Hospital who refused to comment. Shameful behavior in the light of current events. We do not know whether the Doctor's practices were known to him or not. However, we did receive a brief phone call from an Eliot Memorial Public Relations representative, who informed us that all ties between the hospital and Doctor Cran had been severed with immediate effect. But how much does this change in the eyes of ordinary residents?
Doctor Crane is the second medical expert in recent memory who, instead of protecting human lives as he swore to do, has chosen to cause harm. Most recently, Doctor Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkahm Asylum who is now widely known as Harley Quinn and associated with the Joker's criminal activities, is currently detained in the institution as a patient. She will face charges of attempted murder and armed assault. Unfortunately, Doctor Crane, or as we should be saying, Scarecrow is still at large. Was he involved in last Sunday's failed assault on the Gotham Medical Society? How long did his crimes go unnoticed? How long will it be before Batman manages to stop him?
"You shouldn't be watching this," Red Hood snatched the remote from your hand and turned off the TV, "enough of drama for one evening."
"Gotham's media works shockingly fast," you muttered then added quietly, "and I should, it's my fault."
"How is this any of your fault?"
You sat down heavily on the couch, threw the jacket off your shoulders, and accepted the glass of water he had handed you, quickly finding his way to the kitchen. Despite his commanding physique, two guns strapped to his belt, and face hidden under a red helmet and the hood, his presence filled you with a strange sense of safety. Still, within your apartment's four walls, the masked man somehow appeared incredibly surreal. You smiled amused, despite your weariness, as you watched him roam around your apartment.
"Something funny?" he glanced at you.
"I'd say make yourself comfortable, I'd offer you water or something hot to drink, but I don't think you'd take it," you scoffed, "can you even breathe under that helmet?"
"Outstandingly well!" he took off his jacket and removed his gauntlets, "you'll need something stronger than water." Not waiting for your permission, he once again headed to the kitchen and began looking through the cabinets and drawers. "You're not a tidy type, are you? I know someone who would get a heart attack seeing this mess."
"Relative tidiness. No one usually goes through my cabinets."
"There's always that first time," he sassed, "the first time to be caught in a shootout, the first time to be kidnapped, the first time to discover that your friend is a sociopath!"
"That's the second,"" you corrected him somberly.
"Damn, you're right! There is Harley Quinn! You don't have a good grasp on people, huh?"
"Thanks for reminding me."
"No problemo!"
"What are you looking for?" you followed him curiously as he went through cabinet after cabinet, and drawer after drawer.
"Your common sense," he quipped, "I was hoping you stored it somewhere."
"Very funny."
"But seriously, chill out. You're not the first and you won't be the last to get a knife between the ribs from so-called friends," he turned to you and although you couldn't see, you were convinced he was smiling under his helmet, "I need a clean towel."
"You're going to take a shower?" you put aside your glass to get up from the couch but your body refused to cooperate. The adrenaline that had kept you on high alert completely disappeared leaving you sore, drowsy and completely exhausted.
"Just tell me where," he placed his hand on your shoulder gently forcing you to sit back down.
"In the bedroom, in the dresser by the wall," you instructed, "right-hand cabinet, top shelf."
He nodded and disappeared into the bedroom only to return a moment later with two clean towels.
"Where do you keep booze?" he asked, folding one towel next to you.
"The cabinet next to the bookcase," you pointed to a corner of the living room, "you should find some whisky there."
"At least for alcohol you have good taste," he chuckled.
"It's not like I'm drinking a lot."
"You'll start."
"You sound like you want to tell me that shit like it's going to happen again!" you eyed him as he paced around your apartment collecting things one by one. A bottle of whiskey was placed on the table in front of you right next to a clean towel, followed a moment later by a clean glass which he filled with whisky.
"Somehow it's hard for me to imagine that you'll suddenly stop getting into shit, as you called it," he placed the sanitizer, lighter, needle, and thread in front of you, then returned to the kitchen, "trust me, I've seen it way too many times!" he chuckled as he rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands thoroughly.
"That too," wiping his hands dry he returned to you, "but that's not what I meant. I was talking about that raging fire that burns in your eyes. Believe me, we've all seen it," he sat down beside you, "he's seen it too, more than once," he unfolded a towel on the table then placed a few cotton swabs on top of it and soak them in sanitizer. ""You blame yourself for what happened. You blame yourself for what happened to Quinn. You blame yourself for what Crane did to those people," he heated the threaded needle with a lighter then wiped it thoroughly with the cotton swab, "it won't leave you. It will haunt you and keep you up at night. It will feed that anger," he put down the needle, disinfected his hands and wiped the needle again, "anger at the world, at him, at yourself, at what happened to you, at the violence you experienced," he pointed to a glass of whiskey, "you will need this."
"I don't follow," fatigue slowed the mind, causing confusion.
"You have a fucking hole in your shoulder!" he pointed again to the glass, "drink up. It's gonna hurt like a bitch."
"Wow! Wow! Hold your horses mister!" you flung and moved away from him instantly, "it's just a small wound! It will heal on its own! There's no need to…"
"Shut up and let me patch you up!" he snapped at you, "you didn't want to go to the hospital then we'll take care of it my way! Damn, and here I was thinking that after tonight we have some trust between us."
"You said it yourself that I don't have a very good grasp on people."
"It's a little too late to change that," he snarled, "drink up and give me your arm."
"Have you done this before?"
"The charms of this job."
You downed the contents of the glass in one sip, closed your eyes, and stretched out your arm.
"Not so fast," he scoffed, "one more."
You did as he ordered. Ignoring the glass, you took a deep sip straight from the bottle, feeling the scorching liquid spread through your core. You took a deep breath, downed another and stretched out your arm again.
"Well, now that we've covered painkillers…" he knelt down in front of you and gripped your hand securely above the elbow immobilizing it. His strong hand steadied you painfully but the pain was nothing compared to the burning sensation of the sanitizer on the wound. You hissed in pain. "Hey, you took a cut you'll take the stitches," the feeling that he was smiling continued, "ready?"
"No," you took another swig from the bottle.
"Stay still," he ordered before piercing your skin with a needle. You cursed viciously but he only laughed. "You'll get used to it. But if it makes you feel better, I know someone who patches much better and much more gently."
"You couldn't take me to him?" you breathed through clenched teeth.
"Not this time," he quietly answered while pulling the thread across, "he'll come, you know that right? He'll come and he'll be fucking furious."
"Who? Jonathan?"
"I meant Batman but that one too," the needle pierced your skin again, "he's going to huff and growl. He'll probably tell you to leave town. Tell him to go fuck himself."
"I'm stupid but not that stupid," you snorted through the pain.
"He means well you know…" the pain in your arm faded despite him continuing to stitch, "I should tell you to let it go. That you should seriously, get out of Gotham and not look back. That you should fuck this godforsaken city and whatever is keeping you here. Or rather, whoever," he freed the end of the thread and placed the bloody needle back on the towel, "but I know you won't do that."
"You say this as if you know me."
"I know him and that's enough," he tied the knot and stood up, "he's an asshole and a self-righteous hypocrite but he means well. He will try to push you away. Something tells me you won't let him."
"I am so confused right now…"
"You'll get it. Eventually," he snatched the bottle from your hands and screwed the cork shut, "I'm taking this with me," he quipped before heading for the kitchen to wash the blood off his hands and put his gauntlets back on.
"Thanks," you muttered glancing at the stitching, "for everything."
"Burgers, remember?" he threw his jacket over his shoulders then reached into his belt pocket to pull out a small device to hand it to you, "do you know what it is?"
"A motion sensor…" you examined the tiny device closely.
"Yup! If you agree I'll install one at the door, one each at the windows and two at the balcony door. Batman was right. If they haven't caught him yet you'll be the first one Crane comes after," anxiety crept in, "each of us has the ability to remotely disable the sensor if needed. But if someone else tries to enter your apartment we will know. I'll also leave you this," he handed you a tiny switch, "should you want to leave. You can't be a prisoner in your own home. Although I wouldn't recommend wandering around the city as long as Crane is out there."
"Do it," you closed your hand over the switch, "you think he…" you didn't finish. A cold shiver shook your body at visions of what could happen.
"I think he'd be a fucking idiot if he tried, but we don't want to risk it."
You watched as this curious man roamed your apartment installing sensors. Red Hood, they called him. Adequate to his appearance which should make you frightened and yet did not. He was the only one among them who hid his entire face under a helmet. He was the only one among them who carried a gun at his side. He looked more like a criminal than a hero, and yet to you that's what he was. A hero. A man who risked his life to get you out of the trouble you had put yourself in.
"You carry a gun," you noted as he crouched down to install a sensor by the frame of the balcony door, "it's…. odd for a hero."
"Heh, I'm no hero," he chuckled dryly, "I carry guns cos they are damn effective! But rounds are nonlethal. Batman's rules."
"Hey, I'm not judging! Psychopaths and murderers, would it be a crime if the rounds were lethal? Cops have no problem with that."
"We're not cops," he walked over to the window in the living room, "and believe me, you don't want to bring this subject up in front of Batman." He installed the last sensor and returned to you. "All set. I gotta go. You'll be alright," Red Hood crouched down to level with you and the image of a keen gaze immediately popped into your mind. "After I leave you're going to be scared. For a while at least," he dropped the sarcasm while something familiar crept into his tone of voice, the empathy and compassion so reminiscent of Batman, "and that's alright. Everyone gets scared. Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave," you listened in silence, "and do yourself a favor and get some sleep."
"I'll probably gonna sleep for two days," you smiled faintly, "thanks again. You say that you are no hero, but to me, this is exactly who you are. Hero."
"Damn! Just stop! You making me blush really hard under the helmet," sassiness returned.
"I'm serious!" you laughed as he got up, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and headed toward the balcony.
"So am I!" he opened the door, "burgers! I'll hold you on that!" he stepped outside letting the icy air into the apartment.
"Hey! Red Hood!" you called out after him, "you saved me today. At least tell me your name."
Red Hood stopped just before the railing, holding a grappling gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, turned and looked at you as if weighing his answer.
"I'll wait for him to tell you that," he answered finally then fired his grappling hook and soared into the air.
Tim and Damian knew that Batman had appeared on the Arkahm grounds. They heard the frightened whispers among guards, heard the taunting laughter between inmates once the information reached them, saw his signal displayed on the computer screens embedded in their gauntlets. His appearance was always followed by fear. It always stirred tension. Not only among those who had reason to fear him but also among those who worked alongside him. They expected him to appear at any moment, to emerge from the darkness, as it was in his habit, measuring them with a stern look and demanding an explanation. They expected him to call them in awaiting a report, demanding a detailed account of past events. Yet it did not happen. The certainty of him watching them from the shadows made them even more uneasy.
Tim lost the trail of Crane faster than he would have liked. For several long minutes, he followed him through the dark corridors of the Asylum, retracing his moves, tailing his footprints leading through Intensive Treatment, past the office that Strange used, down the corridors of the block to the Visitors Center entrance. The trail stopped. He hacked into Arkham's CCTV system and traced his escape route to the point where he rushed into his car and drove off into the night. He had his registration and the brand of his car. He could have followed him. He could have followed him to Gotham and tried to pick up his trail in the city's winding streets. Instead, he decided that at this point a chase was not the best course of action that he could take. Damian didn't need help, of that he was sure, and yet he should check on him. Nightwing and Red Hood were in the town while their comms were silent, a fact that bothered him deeply and formed another path he could take. Finally, the most important thing remained. Strange.
Weighing his choices, he ultimately determined that at this point the most important thing was to find the answer to the question why? With that in mind, he returned to the building to head straight for Hugo Strange's office. He did not expect to find anything evident there, but his detective instinct did not allow him to ignore the probability of discovering new leads. Even if the probability was slim. Ensuring that no one was around he picked the lock and stepped inside.
Stacks of papers, documents, and files perfectly sorted and buried in numerous drawers told him nothing more than what he had already suspected. Strange masked his operations effectively. To a cop or a regular detective, it would have been proof of his innocence, proof that he was an outstanding doctor who, as the transfer papers told him, had returned to Arkham to care for the most challenging patients. Among the records, he found psychological profiles of Two Face, Joker, Riddler, Mad Hatter, and Poison Ivy but also more unusual ones. "PM-X1, PM-X2, PM-X3," read the files of unidentified people as one by one he pulled out folders to study and scan the documents. Statements and reports he was unable to link to anyone he knew detailed the tests and results conducted on voluntary subjects. Vague, incomprehensible, written as if in cipher, ensuring complete anonymity and the inability to link them to him. "You're clever Strange, I'll give you that. But I'm genius here…" he tucked the scanned file away to reach for another. "Project Manticore… what is Project Manticore?"
"You should know that you won't find here anything that can be used against me, Robin," Strange stood in the doorway and measured Tim with a superior gaze.
"And you should know better than to come back here!" tucking the folder behind his belt he adopted a combative stance, "just give up Strange. We both know you're not a fighter."
"No need for violence boy. It's not like I'm gonna fight you. That would be utterly pointless."
"Let me guess, you gonna stall until your goons show up."
"My goons?" a mocking smile twisted his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Quit playing games Strange! We have them in custody!" he clenched his fists trying to control his emotions, "the back of the building is riddled with bullets that were aimed in our direction at your command!"
"Prove it," it sounded like a challenge Tim couldn't meet, "prove it. You have nothing boy. You are smart, I presume the smartest of them all. I'm assuming you've already managed to hack into Arkham's CCTV system while trailing Doctor Crane. And if you've already hacked into the CCTV, you must have discovered that the cameras at the back of the building as well as those in the corridors leading to the back exit don't work," he calmly and confidently revealed all the potential vulnerabilities he had long foreseen and eliminated, "you have nothing. Even the files, which are probably already on your computer drive somewhere, pose no threat to me. So why don't you politely give me the file you hid behind your back and in return, I'll tell you where you can find more evidence against Doctor Crane?"
"You talk too much."
The shadow behind Strange's back suddenly took shape as a glowed hand emerged from the void grabbing him and slamming his head against the wall. Strange's face twisted into a grimace of pain, but the groan that should have followed did not come out of his throat. Instead, a malicious grin crept up his face again.
"Where were you taking her?" Batman asked in a chilling voice emerging from the darkness.
"Ah, Batman… I should have guessed that birds don't fly on their own."
"Where were you taking her?" Batman repeated the question with emphasis while pressing his face harder against the wall. The glasses on his nose cracked.
"Do you really think you're going to get the answer to that question out of me with violence? Batman. Emotions cloud your judgment. So unlike you."
Tim stood stunned watching as Batman bared his teeth in rage and, grabbing Strange by the halves of his lab coat, lifted him off his feet to slam him against the desk. The wood shattered into pieces as he lunged and, pressing him to the ground with his boot, growled again.
"Give me something Strange before I send you back to Black Gate!"
"On what charges?" he coughed when Batman's boot pressed harder on his throat.
"The list is long…" he snarled menacingly, "Cadmus, Strange. Talk! Waller assured the Justice League and the President of the United States that the project was closed definitively after the first trials!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Detective," Strange dismissed stubbornly evoking even more anger from Batman. He grabbed him again by his coat and slammed him violently against the wall only to repeat it again.
"I am not playing your games, Strange," he gruffed dealing a punch to his stomach, "talk or they will send you to Black Gate in pieces!" his fist crashed savagely into his face as drops of blood stained Strange's coat, "you tortured her!" another blow shattered the glasses on his nose, "you tortured others like her!" Strange spat blood as Batman's fist hit his ribs painfully, "talk!"
"Batman!" Tim jumped to him catching his arm and preventing him from dealing another blow, "that's enough!" he looked into his enraged eyes, "not like this."
"You can't touch me, Batman," Strange groaned, "no amount of brute force can make me talk and you know it. Just as you know that you have absolutely no proof except the words of a woman who can so easily be dismissed and declared insane. Pitty, to what madness Doctor Crane can drive a person."
Tim tensed his muscles but Batman was stronger. With one sharp pull, he yanked his arm out of Tim's grip and, clenching his fist, delivered another punch. The wall next to Strange's face crumbled. Chunks of concrete scattered all over the ground.
"Next time it will be your face," it was a promise, "stay away from her."
On the other side of the ward, in the darkness of the long-unused corridors, Damian was finishing up his crackdown on Strange's thugs, those who, in a glimpse of sanity, had decided to escape. "Fools," he scoffed stalking from hiding the last terrified man cowering silently through the darkened corridor, "you think you will hide? From me?" His cawl read his accelerated heartbeat, over 120 beats per minute pumping adrenaline through his body. His eyes read his every faintest twitch, every rapid movement of his head, every drop of sweat running down his terrified face. Part of him immensely enjoyed the little game he played with them. He was better, smarter, more cunning, superior in every possible sense. They were hardly prey who, out of fear, tried to flee to the shadows and hide in the darkness. But he knew the Shadows, he was raised by them, shaped by them, the Shadows served him.
"Not so brave when you're not hiding behind a machine gun…" he quipped, eyeing the man's reaction. He jumped up spooked raising his fists to his face defensively.
"You're not Batman!" he shouted into space, "show yourself you fucking psycho!"
"Awh, big talk, that's cute…" he swooped over his head silently, holding onto the ventilation shafts hanging from the ceiling.
"I'm not gonna go to prison! Fuck no!"
"Behind the bars of a Gotham County cell, you won't be so snarky."
"He made me do it!"
"They always do…" situated just above his head he prepared to jump, "tell me why? What did Strange want from that woman."
"How the fuck would I know?!"
"Wrong answer."
"I'm just a gun for hire! Come on man! Tell your boss that I run away!"
"He is not my boss…" he growled through clenched teeth, "what is Strange doing here?"
"I don't know!"
"Wrong answer again," he could have taken him down at any time but he enjoyed it too much. He reached into the pocket of his belt and pulled out a birdarang, "all your associates are down. You are going down too." He threw the birdarang straight at the man's feet.
"Where are you!?" the man shouted in fear, "Where are you!?"
"Here…" a low voice emerged from space, followed by a blow, and the hollow sound of collapsing body. The shadows betrayed him. The shadows did not belong to him but to his father who embraced them long ago. Batman stepped out of the dark and, without even looking in his direction, said, "You were playing with him. You could have eliminated him three minutes and seventeen seconds ago."
"It's called intimidation techniques, Father. Something you should know very well," he snarled, jumping off the vent and landing next to Tim. Tension hung in the air between them.
"Report," Batman ordered standing over them and glaring menacingly.
"In the driveway in the back ten thugs. Unconscious, disarmed, restrained, ready for transport. Two more in the eastern part of Intensive Treatment, four at the entrance to Holding Cells, one in the restroom in the west corridor, and this one here," Damian reported.
"Crane got away," Tim began, "I hacked into the CCTV system after I lost track of him at the main gate. He took his car and drove off. Given that we know his registration, where he lives as well as his office and workplace locations I decided that trailing him was pointless at this point and chose to investigate Strange. He is a much bigger threat."
"Not exactly."
"What aren't you telling us?"
"Crane is the murderer we've been looking for," Batman began, "he won't go home because his house is currently being secured by Gordon and his men. He won't go to one of his offices or the hospital because he knows we're monitoring them. If he doesn't attack again tonight he will hide somewhere, wait and strike again. But this time it won't be a stealth attack."
"I should go after him…" Tim clenched his jaw suppressing his anger, "I decided, I decided that…"
"You made the best possible decision based on the information you had," he interrupted him, "we'll talk about it at home. Both of you, you are dismissed. Go home."
"You are not going with us?" Damian asked.
"No. I have one more thing to do."
You stood on the balcony calmly smoking a cigarette, watching his shape fade into the distance as the dreadful meaning of his words began to creep in. A slowly increasing fear seemed to be looking at you with green venomous eyes from every dark corner of the surrounding city. He was there. You knew it. You could feel it. He was watching you. He was furious. But so were you. The soreness and weariness of your body, the mental exhaustion, the heavy eyelids, and the numbness of your muscles could not subdue the rage you felt. "I've seen monsters. You're not one of them. You are their victim." Batman's words echoed in your mind.
"The accomplice or another victim…"
"His victim…"
You closed the balcony door with a slam and made sure the sensor was on. You crossed the apartment checking each window and making sure the red light was steady. You turned the bottom lock on the front door and, just to be sure, inserted the key into the top one, turned it, and left the key inside. You were tired. So very tired. The weight of the past day's events was slowly beginning to settle in depriving you of that little bit of strength that kept you on your feet, pushing into your mind thoughts and feelings you didn't want to face. Not yet.
You stripped off your clothes, all of them, from your underwear to your skirt and blouse, but instead of throwing them in the laundry basket you folded them into a garbage bag, then another as if trying to hide your shame and disgust, and threw them in the trash. You needed a shower. A long shower that you didn't plan to get out of for many minutes. Maybe even hours. You needed to wash away the nightmare you had experienced. Needed to wash away his toxins. To wash away him. Tears ran into your eyes but you swallowed them. You couldn't fall apart, not yet.
Before you headed for the shower you lit another cigarette and sat down in front of the computer. You needed to endure for a little longer, you needed to do one more pressing thing before your mind completely crumbles under the weight of your emotions. The light of the screen blinded you, hurt your tired eyes but also brought a much-needed brief awakening. You inhaled the smoke deeply, opened the WORD document and, with a heavy heart and strong determination, tapped out a few important words.
"This is the right thing to do…" you tried to console yourself however the heartache was weighing down. "The right decision…" you inhaled again, opened the email, typed in the recipient, added the attachment and, with a heavy exhale, clicked send. "Now I can fall apart."
You didn't cry. The pain of the decision you made was nothing compared to the overwhelming feeling of helplessness gripping your body and mind. A numbness shutting out your sense to the surrounding safety of your own home, binding you in a cage of your own thoughts. The softness of the carpet under your bare feet did not bring a feeling of comfort as you headed through the bedroom to the bathroom with a dragging step. The warm light of the wall lamps did not bring a smile when you faced your own reflection in the mirror. A bloody wound on your arm covered with three black stitches was the only trace of comfort remaining on your body. "It's funny how a wound can bring comfort," you scoffed somberly while sweeping your eyes over your naked body. "What have I done…" you ran your hands over the traces of your mistakes. The red marks around your breasts were painful to touch, the scratches on your arm barely visible formed a path to the redness on your neck that slowly began taking on hues of purple, yellow, and green, the sad face and dark circles under your eyes revealed complete exhaustion, a nervous breakdown lurked behind them. You raised your hand toward your face to brush away your falling hair and paused to stare at the dried blood on your palm. You touched the wound but it didn't hurt. Not as much as the imprints of his hand on your neck. Not as much as the breaking pain in the back of your head. You looked your reflection in the eyes. "Is that what I wanted?" you searched for the answer within yourself, "is that what I deserve?" tears came to your eyes, "what now?"
You wanted to close your eyes and disappear. Disappear forever. Push away the thoughts of the nightmare that was yet to come, dismiss the memories of the nightmares that were yet to haunt you, forget the deep blue eyes and the wandering barely perceptible smile you were destined never to see again, erase the feeling of safety and inspiration you were never meant to follow. You longed to escape. To disappear. To start all over again somewhere else. To become someone else.
"The past has a habit of following us wherever we go…"
His words invaded your mind, concealing all the glaring pain with a thick shadow, and even though they seemed sad to you at the time now they brought a strange sense of solace. There was no way out. Escape was not a solution. You couldn't. Part of you knew that the only path you could take was through fear and horror, through anger and pain, toward a hopeful future. You couldn't turn back. You had to find the strength within yourself.
You let the warm water run down your body, wash away the cares and worries, hide the tears that began to flow down your cheeks, to take away the weaknesses and fears that tried to take over you.
"Fear, if you let it, can be a paralyzing force, can be the thing that sabotages your every move, your every plan. But if you take control of it, it can become one of the strongest forces driving your actions. It's all a matter of choice."
You stepped into the shower whole and, slowly changing the temperature to cold, watched as the remnants of blood flowed from the cut on your arm, from the wound on your hand, from the cut on the back of your head, running down the drain along with all your despair. Your body trembled under the icy stream but you clenched your teeth feeling as the pain gave way to determination.
"Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave."
You clenched your fists breathing deeply. Trembling from the cold, you closed your eyes and sank deep within yourself, searching for the strength that lay dormant. Looking for that spark that guided your steps, that energy that seemed to bend reality to your will. It was there. Weak and stifled. Barely shimmering under the weight of reality. You reached for it.
"It always comes down to the choices we make. Do we let it control us, or do we control it."
You breathed deeply. Tears stopped streaming down your cheeks. The stinging feeling in your heart disappeared. You felt no pain nor cold. Blue sparks danced faintly over your arms and everything that was painful disappeared. All that remained was an unshakeable determination, a burning anger, a hope that perhaps a path through the nightmare would lead you toward a better future. Toward something good.
Bruce cursed under his breath upon seeing the parted curtains and their complete absence in some of the windows, promising himself that the day will come when he will bring it to her attention. Although he knew that the height of her floor provided a measure of privacy he felt that she should be more careful. He looked away when she dropped the towel, waiting longer than necessary to return his eyes to her windows. The light in her bedroom was still on when, wrapped tightly in a warm fluffy sweater, she opened the window to let the cigarette smoke outside. Wet hair fell over her face but she seemed not to care. She leaned against the sill and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. From afar he could see the exhaustion on her face and the sadness in her eyes, a sight that burdened his heart. He longed so badly to go to her. He wished so much to take her in his arms and hug her, to take away her sadness and pain, to make her feel calm and safe, to cradle her in his arms until she fell asleep. He couldn't.
"It's all my fault…" the painful realization struck him again, "I should have told her. I should have stopped her. I should have protected her…" She looked in his direction, and even though the distance separating them made it impossible for a moment he was sure she was looking straight at him, that she could see through the darkness and fog and was gazing straight into his eyes. The illusion of her frail smile played on his imagination.
"I want to believe that in this vicious rotten world there are still people who care about the well being of others."
The memory of their first meeting still lingered vividly in his memory. Completely random, two strangers in a big city, and yet at that moment neither of them realized how close they were to each other. Her effortless charm, genuine smile, and the sparkle in her eye captivated him. Her brightness shattered his darkness, and although he didn't allow the thought at the time, at that moment she took possession of his heart.
For months he denied himself acknowledgment of this feeling and yet it was there, guiding his actions, with each passing day bringing him closer to her. No matter if by day or under cover of the night, he felt connected to her. Like two souls lost in the ocean of life who finally found their way to each other. A way from which he had to turn back. There was no place for love in his life. The burden of his life would destroy it. He longed for it but knew he couldn't have it.
He zoomed in on her face, watching as she raised her head towards the night sky and sighed heavily. The burden of the past day was dragging her down. The weight of everything she had experienced, everything she had seen, everything he had discovered. The memory of Crane's apartment crushed his heart as he angrily clenched his hands into fists. "I should have protected her…"
"Life is like poker you know! Sometimes a hand is dealt poorly and you have to wait it out. And sometimes you just go all in! We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real greatness is what you do with the hand you're dealt."
The memory of her smile and the spark in her eye once again shattered the darkness that lingered over his thoughts. She didn't know it, but that day for the first time in a very long time he felt close to someone. Unknowingly, she wove with her words the silver thread that connected the two of them. Every day she drew him closer to her and he didn't try to stay away. "I should have..." Silver tears ran down her cheeks and she didn't even try to wipe them away. In her eyes he saw determination and strength to face the painful reality. So courageous. So naively idealistic. She reminded him so much of himself just a few years ago when life seemed simpler and the mission had not yet left its mark on him.
Mission. His dedication and the sacrifice he had chosen to make years ago. His whole life.
"Let's be open with each other. No secrets."
If only it was that simple. Even though the mission had become his life years ago, and all his attention and dedication was focused on fulfilling it there was a part of him that wanted it badly. Faint and repressed, barely breaking through all the regime he had imposed on himself but it was there. It surfaced sometimes when together with Damian he watched movies, when along with Tim he discussed the latest technological trends, when alongside Dick he worked on repairing equipment and modifications to the vehicles while discussing his friend's problems, every time Jason showed up at the mansion. That fleeting sense of ordinariness when, in Alfred's company, he sometimes opened a book to read to the accompaniment of classical music. Yes, in those moments he was himself, in those moments he was just Bruce. If only she knew how many moments like these he experienced in her company. If only she knew how many times he felt just Bruce when she was close to him. If only he could tell her how much he treasured those moments, how much they meant to him. If only he could tell her the truth.
She closed the window, turned off the lights, and, burying herself in the black sheets, she closed her eyes. He knew she would not be sleeping peacefully that night. He suspected that the nightmare would wake her once or twice in a cold sweat with her heart pounding in terror. His heart was aching to go there, knock on her window, take off his mask, kiss her, embrace her, and stay with her until the dawn of day. "She'll be better off without me. I won't ruin her life…" he sighed heavily suppressing the feelings inside him allowing cold logic to take over.
"I'm not a good person, Batman…"
She was wrong. She was so very wrong. It was he who was not a good person. "I condemned four lives for this fate. I will not condemn her as well."
He jumped off the roof and soared into the night.
On the other side of the city, below the rich mansion built on a hill, the night was slowly drawing to a close with each safe return. Alfred observed with a wary eye the boys' behavior, listened to their conversations, assessed situations, and drew conclusions. The most important thing for him was that they all returned uninjured, unharmed, and in relatively good spirits. No matter how many nights he stayed awake awaiting their return, no matter how many times he saw how highly trained they were, his heart always fluttered at the thought that any of them could get hurt. Too many times he had seen them on the brink of death.
The first to return were Damian and Tim. Their hung faces and focused gazes told him a lot and the conversation only added to the facts.
"I should follow him…" Tim repeated to Damian, "I should know better."
"Father should tell us everything, provide all the facts and details instead of withholding them from us!"
"Bruce is always hiding something from us."
"If we knew everything the situation would have turned out very differently. Don't make a martyr of yourself, Drake. It's beneath you."
"Alfred!" Tim turned to him putting down his equipment on the big workbench, removing his mask, and unfastening his cape, "if I could ask you for a strong coffee and some carbs. Work for tonight is not finished."
"Are you going to track him?" Damian threw in a surprised question, "I'm sure he's not going out of town. He has a reason to stay here and carry out the plans Father thwarted for him today."
"That's precisely why I need to find him before he attacks again!" he took off his gauntlets and sat down in front of the computer, "we know the registration of his car, we have his facial recognition, we know all the locations he has gone to in the past. With the help of the city's surveillance cameras and by using the triangulation of our satellites, I can still find him today and stop him before he strikes again."
"Timothy, he's only human. And the whole city already knows what he did. He'll hole up somewhere and wait out the first storm before he makes another move."
"All the more reason to find him now."
"Master Timothy, I understand that the conversation is about Doctor Crane," Alfred began calmly, "given the evening's news I take it that Master Bruce's assumptions were correct and that unfortunately, Doctor Crane managed to escape."
"He did not manage, Alfred," Tim corrected him quietly, "I let it happen."
"Master Timothy, I'm sure we'll find him in no time but I insist on a decent meal and an adequate amount of sleep. The past night was intense enough for all of you."
"I'm fine Alfred, we are all fine…" Tim wasn't listening as he activated the tracking system and entered the data into the computer.
"A few thugs with machine guns, hardly a challenge!" Damian added smugly yet Alfred could clearly see the fatigue on the boy's face.
"I insist."
"I need a few extra hours…" Tim ignored his pleas. Taking control of the city's surveillance systems and synchronizing them with the satellite he set the target, "and coffee."
Before Alfred had a chance to issue another argument the cave filled with the growling sounds of motorcycle engines. Nightwing drove in front and Batman followed closely behind. They parked and, without exchanging a word, walked through the cave to approach the same table and remove the equipment. It didn't take Alfred more than a few seconds to assess state of their minds. Bruce was furious while Richard, by contrast, seemed restless to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Jason?" Bruce asked noticing his absence.
"Master Jason has not returned to the cave," Alfred replied.
"Maybe he's still with Y/N?" Dick suggested.
"He isn't. I've been there," he cursed quietly which he didn't usually do in their presence, "call him up," he ordered to Dick.
"Maybe you should…"
"Just do it!"
"Listen, man, I get that you're pissed and all but…" Dick snapped meeting his stern gaze, "I'll call him up."
"I've set the CCTV cameras to search for Crane's car registration and for facial recognition," Tim didn't hesitate to inform him of the steps he had taken, "I've synchronized it with our satellites and set the scan field to Gotham, Bludhaven and Metropolis. We'll find him before he makes his next move."
"Well done Tim."
"I'm also uploading to the computer scans of the files I managed to find in Strange's office," he continued, "and then there's this," he handed him a folder labeled Project Manticore.
"Let's hope letting Crane go is worth it," Damian glanced at the caption, "Project Manticore…" he mused, "a hybrid, a chimera, a legendary creature being a fusion of a lion, a dragon, a bat, and a scorpion."
"Deadly and stealthy…" Tim continued.
"A weapon," Dick added walking up to them, "Jason will be here soon," he informed feeling Bruce's stern gaze on him, "first Cadmus, now this. Bruce this is getting bigger by the minute."
"What is Cadmus?" Damian asked curiously.
"Something that to Justice Leauge's knowledge should not exist," Bruce muttered flipping through the files.
"Father, I think in light of tonight's events we would all appreciate more transparency on your part," Bruce's menacing stare did not work this time. They were right, and they knew it.
"Cadmus was a secret government project designed to counter and control the expanding power and numbers of metahumans in the world," Dick began the explanation, "using highly developed technology and with the help of scientists of questionable reputation, they conducted research and experiments in order to create an army of metahumans in the service of the government."
"The practices and intentions of those involved in the project were extremely unethical, bordering on criminal activity. Some joined the project voluntarily when a well-timed persuasion was applied to others," Bruce continued, "the good and safety of humanity was just a fancy slogan they used to cover up the drive for power and the arms race in the form of superhumans. Justice League led to its closure and complete dismantling."
"Apparently not," Damian scoffed.
"Strange's attempt to extort Y/N now makes total sense and explains the complete lack of any trace of her for roughly four years," Dick began to connect the facts out loud, "no records of where she worked, no home address, no activity on social media, not even a credit card transactions! They must have been holding her somewhere! The question is how she got free. Did she escape or is she a manticore? If Cadmus has resumed their activities we must…" The words caught in his throat as the sudden realization of his own carelessness struck him. Bruce's cold gaze rested on him while his stone face masked the rage boiling beneath the surface. "Bruce listen…"
"Jason assured that none of you knew about the files," he growled through clenched teeth.
"Fine, I knew! Jason lied!" he sighed in exasperation, "you can get angry if you want!"
"I knew too…" Tim added quietly.
"We all knew. Big deal," Damian huffed.
"I clearly told you that I do not wish…"
"Okay man, stop! Just stop! Yeah, you told us and so what! That's what we're trained to do! That's what you trained us to do!"
"She jumped in front of a gun and made Jason fly with the power of her mind," Tim recalled their first meeting.
"Father, surely you weren't expecting us to stay away when you were getting increasingly involved. She's not exactly an ordinary dame."
"We only did what you should have done a long time ago! But since you decided to be a stubborn ass…." the growl of an approaching motorcycle drowned out his words, "we only did this because you refused."
"We needed to be sure that she is one of the good guys. Especially since she kept getting herself into all kinds of troubles."
"A coincidence that should have long ago aroused your suspicions, Father."
"We couldn't just let go and let you…"
"It's called privacy."
"You gotta be kidding me!" Dick couldn't hide his frustration, "she ain't just some chick that you are hanging with to keep up the appearance! Dude! I saw you two! Half of Gotham's elite saw you!"
"And we all interacted with her," Tim remained calm while trying to reach Bruce with logic, "after the incident at the Amusement Mile, she stopped being the woman who caught Bruce Wayne's attention and became the person of interest for Robins, Nightwing and Red Hood."
"Not to mention the Joker and, as it turns out, the new supervillain, Scarecrow," Dick continued, "you have no right to be angry with us."
"I have no right?" the illusive composure faded into an increasingly gravely voice, "I have no right?"
"You went behind my back despite my clear order. You violated my privacy. You've carried out an investigation which I did not want to do due to my personal reasons," the muscles of his shoulders twitched in tension as he approached Dick, "has it occurred to you that maybe I didn't want to know? That if I had cared to find out everything about her in advance then I would have checked it out myself?"
"Imagine that it did! That's why we didn't tell you anything about it until today!"
"Bruce, it was a right thing to do," Tim kept reasoning, "I'm sure some part of you knows that."
"First you follow her despite my direct order. You get Damian and Tim ivolved," Bruce aimed a furious stare at Dick, "and now this. And you have the nerve to tell me that I have no right to be angry?"
"So what now? Are we grounded or something?" Jason sneered joining them, "for fuck sake, man! Listen to yourself! We're all telling you that we did what you trained us to do, that we did the only right thing that could be done, that fuck, I don't know, maybe we wanted to make sure that you stubborn, all-knowing, self-righteous ass won't get hurt and that we won't get hurt in the process! That maybe we do give a fuck!"
"Master Jason…" Alfred tried to calm him down.
"Nah, I'm sorry Al but he gotta hear this!" Jason was boiling, "you always know best, huh? You're always right and your reason is always the most valid! You give orders and expect us to follow them like good little soldiers! Newsflash asshole! Some of us are fucking adults and the fact that we are here is our fucking choice!" he stood between him and Dick and pointed his fingers at his chest, "you insisted that you wouldn't do a background check on her and man, I get that, I totally do! Good for you and all! But you have no fucking right to be all pissed!" Bruce remained silent clenching his jaw in rage, "if we had listened to you your girl would have been long taken away to fuck knows where! If we had listened to you we wouldn't know shit about Cadmus! If we had listened to you we wouldn't know that Hugo fucking Strange is back in Gotham! If we listened to you we would have jack fucking squat! So why don't you pull your head out of your ass for a change and admit you made a mistake! 'Cause thank you would probably burn your throat out," he huffed heavily while Dick's hand placed on his chest held him back.
"Jason is right Bruce," anger blazed in their eyes and the last thing Tim wanted was for them to start exchanging blows, "you should tell us everything. This wasn't just your personal case. This is a case that concerns all of us and which you have made personal." He got up from the computer and walked over to them focusing Bruce's angry gaze on himself, "you taught us how to be a team and despite your best efforts we are a team."
"A team that worked extremely well despite the fact that the leader chose to keep it in the dark," Damian joined them standing next to Jason, "I'm sorry Father but you failed. Out of all of us, it shouldn't be Todd giving me the talk on how to be part of the team only you," despite the visible tension Bruce's gaze softened, "but don't worry. Even without you, we did just fine. Grayson is an outstanding leader on the battlefield."
"We've got Scarecrow on the loose, Strange and Cadmus to investigate, and whatever Project Manticore is," Tim continued calmly, "we'll all be working on it whether you want us to or not."
"Don't forget Luthor's investigation in Metropolis," Damian threw in and, upon seeing the surprise on his face, added, "Kent has super-hearing. Honestly, Father, you shouldn't be surprised."
"You heard them," Jason growled relaxing a bit, "stop bitching and start working with us instead of against us."
Bruce remained silent for a moment. Sitting down heavily in his chair, he looked at all of them closely and at each of them individually. For most of the day confronted with his mistakes, all day analyzing every wrong step he had taken in the past days and even weeks at this moment he could not help but feel pride. So different from each other and yet so similar. They had been through so much together, so much had divided them and yet they chose to stay together. As a team. As a family. Perhaps one of the few things he did right in his life was to bring them together.
"Hey, don't rush it, man! Let it sink in!" Jason snarled, "I have almost a full bottle of fine single malt in my trunk! You with me Wing?" he turned to his brother.
"Damn, and just like that you talked me into it!" Dick smirked, "let's get changed and head out."
"You're right…" Bruce finally spoke, "you're all right. I'm sorry."
"Wing, hold me I'm having a heart attack!"
"I don't know when but Y/N…" he stopped his words, "I care about her and yes, I took this matter personally. I focused on myself and let my feelings overshadow the greater picture."
"Emmm, B? You sure you're feeling alright?" Dick quipped helplessly trying to disguise the amusement appearing on his face.
"It's not just about your commitment. You made the right decision, and I thank you for that…" he rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head but the boys only came closer like curious children awaiting a good story.
"Go on! Don't stop yourself," Jason grinned, "tell us how badly you fucked up."
"Badly," he scoffed, "I fucked up badly."
"Let's guess," Dick wasn't about to give him the chance to back away, "you wanted to do things your way, at the same time trying to fight off the obvious feelings you have for her…"
"Explaining to yourself that the mission is everything and that you need to stay away…" Jason continued.
"Justifying your own behavior with the need to protect her…" Tim threw in.
"Yet simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to stop her from delving into our world," Damian pointed out.
"And thus falling deeper and deeper into the loop of your own lies, so contrary to your intentions…"Alfred remarked quietly, standing next to him and leaning against the computer.
"And now everything that happened today is your fault," Dick concluded, "from whatever you discovered in the Crane apartment to everything that happened in Arkahm."
"And of course you blame yourself for it, cos that's what you always do."
"That pretty much sums it up…" he sighed heavily, "now she is in danger because of me."
"Bullshit!" Jason sneered, "dude we all know how much you love to mope and suffer but she is not in dager because of you! She did this all by herself!"
"Besides, there are four of us against Carne!" Damian quipped with a smug, "at least until Mother finds out. Perhaps she won't kill her when she finds out that you brought a woman into the house."
"Damian!!!" all four exclaimed simultaneously.
"What! All I'm saying is nothing but known facts and an expected sequence of events! Aren't we all thinking that?"
"No one is talking about bringing her home, son. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the reality that her involvement in the Cadmus case as well as the fact that she is the most likely Scarecrow's next target makes her our priority. My priority."
"Oh here we go again!" Dick rolled his eyes, "Bruce! For the love of god!"
"She's not gonna stay away. She's hell'a stubborn just like you, man."
"She will need our help. Perhaps help of Justice Leauge," Tim reasoned, "even if you want to, which we all know you don't, you can't just stay away from her. You can't just leave a meta-human alone without oversight."
"Simply put, you are fucked!" Jason snarled, "so stop with all the bullshit excuses which lead us all to this place and fucking talk to her! If she has any sense left she'll tell you to go fuck yourself but hey, at least you could try."
"You should tell her the truth, Bruce," Dick encouraged gently, "the whole truth."
"That's gonna be a disaster," Damian scoffed.
"But we're all okay with it," Tim assured and the others nodded, "it's the right thing to do."
"Master Bruce, I'm afraid that boys are right," Alfred spoke up, "if you think about her as seriously as we think you do you should tell her the truth. And if not, you should stop deceiving the woman and meddling in her life. Socializing publicly with you does not go unnoticed."
"Boys, I appreciate but…"
"Just sleep on it!" Dick interrupted him, "let it sink in and sleep on it."
"I have to check on her."
"She's fine," Jason cut him off, "she's numbed herself with a few deep ones and I patched her up. Surely she'll have a nasty scar but she'll be fine. I installed motion sensors at the windows and doors."
"You did all that?"
"She allowed me! So you can go to sleep. No one will enter her house and if the sensors get turned on we will know."
"Thank you, Jason."
"Just doing my job."
"See!!! Teamwork!" Dick gushed grinning, "TEAM-WORK! We discovered the killer's identity, saved seven innocent victims, discovered Strange's involvement and saved an foolish idealist from serious trouble! TEAM-WORK!!!"
"You did a great job. I'm proud of you boys."
"Well fuck me…"
"No more keeping us in the dark, Bruce."
"Your transparency will save us a lot of work, Father."
"I will do better," a frail smile affected Bruce's face, "you have my word."
"Damn, enough of these feelings! I'm starting to feel uncomfortable," Jason snapped as he grabbed his jacket to head out, "you with me Dickie-bird? I think our job is done here."
"Jason, stay for the night," Bruce stopped him, "this is your home too."
"Now you're just making things awkawrd on purpouse."
"Your bedroom is always ready for you Master Jason."
"Damn you guys… I'll stay if Dick stays."
"I won't let you finish that single malt alone little-wing," Dick smirked.
"No loud music at night, gentlemen."
"You got it, Al!"
"And no hangovers at the brekfast table!
"Yes, Alfred!"
"And no…"
"Sure thing, Al!"
A deep gloomy night descended over Gotham. The lights had long since faded from the surrounding buildings, leaving the city illuminated only by street lamps and the shining glow of the full moon. Gotham seemed to spread its veil of stillness and serenity but it did not reach you, it did not soothe your nerves into sleep. Interrupted sleep brought no rest. Haunting images pulled you back to lonely reality time and again, with a racing heartbeat and cold sweat. The pack of cigarettes grew emptier with each heavy sigh and each quiet curse. A faint tears running down your cheeks seemed to chase after the lonely raindrops trickling down the window panes as you got up once again to gaze at the moon. "Are you there?" you wondered, "are you watching me?" you asked.
In silence your thoughts seemed to scream louder, in the dark your fears seemed to stare at you from every corner of your home, at night you couldn't find solace. Letting slowly smoke out, you regretted that you allowed him to take that bottle of whiskey with him. "He knew what he was doing," you scoffed sourly to settle for a glass of water and return to bed. Behind closed eyes, you could see a clear picture of all your mistakes and when sleep finally came you could feel them all over again.
The white light once again blinded you hurting your eyes. The chill of the sterile surroundings brought a shiver to your skin while the sight of countless closed doors filled you with doubt.
"I see curiosity is eating you up," the man walking in front of you noted. He wasn't tall but his posture seemed to fill the room. His prying eyes glanced at you over his glasses but betrayed no emotion. His perfectly balanced words reflected a high intelligence that left you feeling small. "Soon the entire compound will become your new home and all these doors will be open to you. But first, we must clear the formalities."
He led you through a wide, empty corridor toward a small office, and once the door closed, he took a seat behind the desk and pointed to the seat opposite him.
"Professor, I was told that the facility is designed to develop and discover abilities in people…" hesitated, "that are gifted."
"Meta-humans is the proper term to describe someone like you. You'll learn everything, but first the paperwork," he reached into a drawer and pulled out a file of documents, "a few signatures, declarations and you'll be part of the program."
"I'd like to know exactly what the program is before I sign anything," you set the pen aside and flipped through the thick folder.
"I'm afraid I won't be able to reveal the details until you have signed the declaration of will," there was something unpleasant about him, something that made your skin crawl, "you must understand that the program is highly classified."
"What if I won't sign?"
"You will sign," he smiled tinctively, "after all, no one forced you to come here. Curiosity won't let you leave now."
You picked up a pen and pressed it against the first page only to stop for a moment and leave a single black dot.
"It says here that I waive the right to adjudicate my own will…" you uttered, "this is illegal. I'm sorry, but I can't sign this."
"Don't you want to discover your abilities?"
"I want to but…"
"Don't you want to find out what you can actually do?"
"Of course I want to but it doesn't feel right."
"Don't you want to know if you could save them if you only knew how?"
"I do…"
"Then sign."
You pressed the pen to the paper again but a trembling hand objected. They knew. How did they know? You were a nobody, and yet they knew. You dragged the line and gasped in shock. The black ink spread across the paper covered the entire page, spread across the desk, over the chairs, over the floor to reach the walls and cover the white underneath the implacable black. You jumped away from the table frightened, knocking over a chair that seemed to disappear silently under the black surface. It surrounded you on all sides and only the professor's face, twisted in a sinister smirk, seemed to be staring at you in a frozen expression.
"You remember…" from the darkness came a low deep voice piercing the void, "you keep coming back to the same memories," distant but close, coming from every direction and yet seeming to be right next to you.
"I know you…" you whispered into the void.
"Yes, we have met before."
"Morpheus…" you uttered silently as his name felt familiar and strange to you equally, "your name is Morpheus. And I'm not supposed to know that."
"For the convenience of this meeting, you shall know it. Just as you shall know me," the blackness parted revealing a statuesque man of skin as fair as marble and eyes as deep as depths of the endless starry abyss of the darkest night.
"It's a dream…"
"It is. Yet it is also a memory. A memory that you try to conjure in dreams but you can't."
"You can control it…"
"I can," he moved closer to you as if drifting carried by the darkness itself.
"You control all dreams and nightmares…" you uttered yet your lips did not move. The stars in his eyes glowed pale, "why do I know this?"
"Because I allowed it."
"Are you a god?"
"Who are you then?"
"The concept of my existence will not be conceivable to you at this moment," his lips moved but his voice seemed to echo out of the abyss beyond time and space, "I am no threat to you."
"Why are you here?"
"You need help Y/N Y/L/N," the breath of the universe swept coldly over your skin, "you keep coming back to the same dreams, the same memories, that you cannot escape from. You can't move past them. I find you here every night. Every night your memories create a new nightmare. This needs to stop."
"If you control the dreams why do you let it happen?"
"I am here now, am I not?" the endless black of his eyes deepened, "I have stepped into your dream once again and chose to reveal my presence to you."
"Will you stop the nightmares?"
"Then why…"
"Be quiet," he interrupted you sternly, "you must understand the exceptional nature of this moment. Decades passed since the last time I resolved to interfere with a mortal's dream. Yet my siblings ensure that your desires are pure, for most of the time at least," the marble face seemed to brighten in a barely discernible smile.
"Are there more like you?"
"Is that the question you want to ask?"
"I guess not…" the galaxies in his eyes mesmerized, "why me? Why are you helping me?"
"I get curious when a magic user emerges in the mortal world," the stars glimmered intensely.
"Say what?" your lips moved but no words came out. Yet he seemed to hear your thoughts.
"You are not a meta-human Y/N, not in the way humans understand it. You are something else. But you already know that. You have always known it. Your mind tries desperately to remember but it can't." Slowly he moved his eyes toward the professor while the stars in his eyes dimmed. "These humans. They have wronged you. They hurt your body, soul and mind. They have taken your intentions and perverted them to suit their needs. They violated your will. Your memories are full of pain and suffering."
"Will you show them to me?"
"I could send you all the memories at once if I only chose to. I will not do that. It would be pointless. Your mind would surely collapse under their weight," out of the midst of the darkness he reached out a marble slender hand towards you, "Instead, I offer to guide you through them. I can help you remember."
Although your hand trembled you reached out to grasp his. The blackness around you faded away. Golden grains of sand appeared as if out of nowhere enclosing you, dancing and swirling around you, blurring the image, lifting you above the nonexistent ground to spread into nothingness a moment later and reveal a new image, a new dream, a long-forgotten memory.
It felt as if the memories in your head blended together just like the colors of unsorted laundry carelessly thrown into the washing machine. The past far and near clashed together to create a new distorted reality. The space around you appeared white and sterile again, like the one from your horrific memories, but at the same time obscured and dimmed much like one of the rooms in Arkham. There was no blinding white light, no heavy metal doors, no machines, no cables, tubes or monitors. Only a vertical bed with wide safety straps so reminiscent of the one in Crane's lab, only a single metal frame with a narrow beam of light aimed straight at it.
"I don't remember this place…" you said silently as the darkness around you formed a shape revealing his figure, "I don't remember this."
"You do remember. After all, we are in your memories," he replied softly.
"You created this?"
"I merely took what you had hidden deep at the bottom of your consciousness and brought it to the surface," he explained, gazing not at you but into the space in front, "this memory, this dream, were particularly difficult to retrieve. They ensured that you would not remember it."
"Who did?"
As if in answer to your question, the door to the room opened letting in a sliver of light that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Professor Strange, assisted by two stout, strong men, stood a short distance from you and fixed his displeased eyes on you.
"I should have known there would be trouble with you," he clicked his tongue, "but the intrigue of your abilities doesn't allow me to simply write you off," he came close enough for you to smell the starch on his apron, "your insubordination, your defiance of orders, your deliberate sabotage of your training, and your stubbornness. Why do you resist when you saw for yourself the consequences of such behavior?"
He waited for the answer you should have given but couldn't. Your mind could not recall the event while your body seemed to remember all too well. Your muscles tensed as if in anticipation of the pain that was about to come. Your heart sped up as if in premature response to the distress you were about to experience. The headache attacked without warning piercing your head, cracking it, penetrating every thought and memory, shattering them into the thousands of pieces you were so desperately trying to put together.
"Big mouth and snarky words won't do you any good," he mocked, "we have ways to control the likes of you."
You looked at Morpheus horrified as two men came up to you and grabbed you painfully, one by your shoulders to lift you off the ground and the other by your ankles. You called out to him but he only watched everything with a marble emotionless face, only the stars in his eyes seemed to dim in sorrow.
"Make it stop!" you shouted to him as they pressed you to the bed, "I beg you! Make it stop!" you cried as they twisted your wrists to strap them down, as they grabbed your ankles to steady them, "Morpheus please…" you stifled as they forced a rubber guard into your mouth while fastening the last strap over your forehead.
"Insubordination we can correct, painfully," Strange smiled wryly, "how long you suffer depends only on you," he moved the metal frame closer directing it straight at you and activated the switch.
Your body shook in convulsions as the red laser entered your pupil piercing into your brain. Muscles contracted rapidly, bending your limbs at an unnatural angle. Breath caught in your lungs for a moment only to escape with a desperate panting. A cold sweat coated your skin soaking your clothes, blending with the warm trickle that ran down your leg. Red was penetrating through your wide open eyes, burning holes in your brain, distorting your consciousness. It was erasing your identity, turning everything that was yours into a blur. One by one, thoughts disappeared from your mind, feelings got erased leaving you hollow, leaving you numb. Anger, rage, frustration, will to fight, fear disappeared one by one devoured by the red. You felt nothing. You thought nothing. Only the brightly electrifying energy continued to simmer in you trying to protect the essence of your being.
The pale full moon light crept into Bruce's bedroom chasing away sleep bringing with it the chill of reflection and analysis. For few long minutes he laid with his hands under his head staring at the sky outside the window as if waiting for a signal to brighten in the sky, waiting for the needed distraction, for a way to escape his own thoughts. But the signal did not light up. "I wonder if she is asleep…"
For a moment he considered getting up and returning to the cave, to plunge into work, work out, to drown out his thoughts with the sound of punches, to turn emotions into the strain of muscles and tendons and the rush of doubts into a cool sweat on his body. Clear the mind if only for a moment. "Pointless…"
He got up from the bed, reached for his laptop, plugged in the flash drive he had taken from the cave earlier and hesitated. For so long he had resisted the information he could have at his fingertips. For so long he had fought off the temptation to learn everything he could about her. He wanted to savor every moment with her, to discover her, to learn her, to get to know her, as normal people do. He enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly good. She brought a smile to his face in the most effortless way. He wished he could preserve this moment. He wished for the illusion of normality to last.
"Delusion… naive desires…" he opened the file folder once again confronting himself with his mistakes. "There is nothing normal about me or her. We are far from normal. I was a fool…" reaching agreement with himself, he dragged his finger over the first folder and opened the file. Her entire life unfolded before his eyes.
School. Family. Friends. Retained in a few words and pictures found in the government institutions' records. Date and place of birth, age, height, hair color, eye color, parents' names, birthmarks. An ordinary girl from a small town, with an ordinary life, a good life. "She was born in Europe…" he paused at the information, "then moved to Bludhaven when she was only a child. She never mentioned Bludhaven. Why?" He trailed his eyes over the story of her life. "She was hospitalized, twice…" he opened the hospital records, "a broken leg and arm the first time," the image of her climbing trees entered his mind, "and neurological problems the second…" he frowned seeing the date on the file, "she was so young." Minimizing the file littered with medical details, he returned to her story. Elementary school, high school, college, first job at a far too young age. "Computer sales…" he chuckled quietly seeing her picture in a blue polo with a company logo. She looked like a sweet, innocent girl to whom nothing bad could ever happen. He opened another folder filled with photos. Mountain trips with her parents, her first bicycle, an adorable biscuit golden puppy that surely brought her a lot of joy made him smile fondly. Graduation, her first boyfriend, the academic year inauguration, concerts, parties, her first martens and leather jacket, "rebellious," he scoffed amused. Each photo depicted her happy and smiling, full of joy and passion for life which he continued to see in her eyes despite the passage of years. "What happened then?" he clicked through a few more photos, screenshots from social networks when in love she posted heartfelt lyrics, photos where she smiled joyfully in her boyfriend's embrace, posts where she uploaded clips of Linking Park and Thirty Seconds to Mars in anger. As the years passed, darkness crept into her life but she seemed to retain her smile, especially in those moments when Harleen accompanied her. "How did you get here…" his nature and curiosity took over as he closed away the years of her youth to display her adult life. Happiness seemed to vanish as she stepped into adulthood. Maturity reached her too soon. "She fell in love again…moved out from home before she turned nineteen… moved away…" he swiped through not so distant facts, "traveled the world, worked abroad, got engaged…" he frowned pausing at the photo. One look was enough for him to know everything. She loved him dearly, he loved only himself. "Why did you end up with someone like that?" he moved through the records of her life and smiled involuntarily seeing how short the engagement lasted. She returned to Bludhaven, resumed work, bought a new car and "…suddenly disappeared…" he mused over the fragmented story. "What happened?"
High walls surrounded the compound on all sides obscuring the greenery where twelve young people trained fiercely in the brightness of the morning sun. Men and women, all dressed in military style sweatpants and gray T-shirts, divided in pairs punched, kicked, flipped and knocked each other to the ground.
"In combat, you cannot rely only on your supernatural abilities!" a tall, muscular man with thick but snow-white hair roamed the field peering at them with a sharp eye, "your abilities are your weakness! Your abilities are your disadvantage! The first thing your opponent will use against you!"
The blows fell one after another, brutal, painful, aimed deliberately and precisely, drawing blood and marking bruises, twisting joints and straining muscles. But they kept fighting. Someone grabbed his partner's arm hard, bent it in an unnatural direction breaking the bone with a snap. A cry echoed through the walls.
"Hesitation means death! Death is a mercy given to the weak and useless! You are meant to be strong! Better! We don't train you to fight! We train you to kill!"
You watched everything as a movie projected in front of your eyes. Faces contorted from pain, blood stained shirts, sore bodies and despair in the eyes of those who were praying for death.
"Attack to inflict pain!"
The bones in your body creaked opening long-forgotten injuries, wept in forgotten pain.
"Block to maintain the advantage!"
The pain pierced your muscles like a memory hidden beneath the surface of your skin.
"Strike to kill!"
A shudder ran through your body, convulsions twisted your insides as if trying to fight off the poison that seemed to consume you entirely.
"He trained us…" you whispered, "he was merciless."
The sun illuminating the greenery beneath your feet dimmed as the shadow surrounded you with a warm, soft veil.
"They wanted to make us into weapons…"
"I know," Morpheus spoke softly in an eerily human voice, "I was there. In every dream and every nightmare you have dreamt while being here."
"They promised help and guidance but instead tried to use us, weponized us against those they deemed a threat…"
"The pages of human history have been marked by many like them."
Someone broke under pressure allowing his emotions to take control of his body. Applying superhuman strength, he struck his opponent breaking his neck in the snap.
"No powers!"
"Apologies, sir," the man leaned his head as he put his hands behind the back to stand at attention, "it took over me."
"I have no interest in your apology," with a heavy slow step he approached the terrified man, "you are a soldier. Soldiers follow orders. If you are incapable of following orders you will be useless in the field." In one swift motion, he drew a narrow long sword from behind his back. The steel flashed in the sunlight. Blood gushed widely staining the green beneath their feet. The man fell inertly to the ground.
"No one touches him! Back to training!"
The blackness swirled around you while the golden particles danced as if carried by a nonexistent wind.
"Are you ready to move on?" Morpheus asked while watching your furious gaze.
"Yes, please."
"She disappeared…just like that she disappeared…" Bruce leaned back in his chair and stared at the computer screen. "No one disappears overnight." He opened the files again and carefully traced the events of her adult years convinced that he had missed a detail. He had not. The few clicks and fractions of a second required to run his computer's systems were enough to fill his mind with countless questions. "Jason left something out…" He typed her name into the system, combined it with facial recognition, and personal information to momentarily display endless information about her. All aligned with the ones on the flash drive, all merely confirming and duplicating facts he already knew. "Something is missing…"
A part of him didn't want to dig deeper, but it was too late to back out. It was in his nature to investigate, to find the truth, to look for the smallest, least significant details, to see things that others could not see, to piece together the tiniest facts into a previously unknown truth. He could not back down now.
With a few clicks he changed the scope of the search, typing in the names and details of her parents only to freeze in stillness once the computer displayed the results. His heart ached with pain but his mind understood.
The gold dust settled, the blackness thinned to reveal an environment so familiar to you, one that you so desperately didn't want to remember. The brown wallpaper on the walls you had long planned to replace, the brown rug under your feet that should have been vacuumed days ago, the warmth of the yellow ceiling light that could not hide the surrounding decay. You were home. A purple cashmere sweater hung on a hanger just as it always did. Funny pink slippers were placed at the entrance in the same place they always did. A pleasant scent of apples and cinnamon lingered in the air, barely covering the foul odor of sweat, sourness, and death that wafted through.
"I don't want to be here…" you whispered in a trembling voice as tears came to your eyes, "please…" you looked into his endless eyes but his sombre face remained unmoved, "please take me away from here."
"I will not do that," he replied in a stern but warm voice, "this is where it all started. This is where you need to be."
"I can't, I don't want to…" tears slipped down your face, "don't make me."
"I would not force you even if my power allows it," compassion reached from the depths of the universe, "there is nothing wrong with being afraid. There is nothing more human than to be afraid. You tried to control your fear, you tried to get rid of it. You have allowed him to exploit that," he extended an open hand to you, "the time has come for you to face your fear."
You took his hand and allowed yourself to be led down a narrow hallway toward a darkened bedroom. You wanted to close your eyes and not see death standing by the side of the bed. You wanted to close your heart and not feel the pain tearing your soul into a million pieces meant never to become whole again. You wanted to close your ears and not hear the weak voice you would never hear again. You wanted to run away but his cold, steady hand kept you close.
"Y/N?" your legs buckled under you at the sound of the forlorn voice. Your throat tightened painfully straining breath in your lungs, forcing tears into your eyes but you only exhaled deeply and forced a smile.
"Hey, Mom," you let go of his hand and walked over to the bed, "how are you feeling? Have you slept at all?"
"I'm better," she lied. Eyes veiled with fog, a tired face, and a limp body disappearing into the folds of the sheets betrayed more than you wished.
"Mom…" placing a hand to her forehead, you brushed away her sweat-damp hair. She was cold. So very cold, "I'll make you some tea. And I'll open the window for a moment, it's terribly stuffy in here."
"How was work?" she asked, continuing the game of pretend.
"As always, all good," you pushed aside a bowl filled with black and yellow liquid, "did you eat anything?"
"I can't stomach the food…"
"Mom you have to eat. You take morphine, you can't take it on an empty stomach."
"I can't eat…" she said weakly, " I vomit everything I eat."
You took her cold hand feeling as painful realization tried to extinguish hope. Hope that everything will be fine, hope that the next operation will fix everything, that you will travel over the sea next summer.
"Don't worry my star," she smiled faintly, "this will pass."
"I know Mom," you sighed heavily forcing a smile, "they just have to cut out that fucking tumor. I'm sure it's pressing on your stomach and that's why you can't eat. They'll cut it out and everything will be fine."
"Exactly," she wanted so badly to believe it, and yet something seemed to hide behind her eyes, "I need you to pack my bag and call an ambulance," she had never asked before.
"Something's wrong?" your heart leaped to your throat.
"I feel that I shouldn't have been discharged from the hospital. At least at the hospital, they would give me an IV."
"You're right. At least your body will strengthen before the operation. Wednesday isn't far away," you helped her up and held her steady making sure she would not lose her balance, "we need to change your pajamas."
"I don't think I'll be able to stand up," once strong and full of life she now seemed frail and weak, "call an ambulance. Get my papers ready. You can drop my bag off later."
"Got it!"
Even though it was only a memory you played your part just as intently as you did on that day, feeling everything just as strongly as before. Panic when she couldn't stand on her feet, worry when logic took over from false hope, determination when you gathered her things and helped her get dressed, composure when the paramedics helped her sit in the wheelchair and carry her out of the house for the last time.
"You'll see, they'll patch you up and you'll be dancing again," you smiled as you hugged her one last time.
"Drive home carefully," she uttered her last words of concern letting go of your hand and disappearing inside the ambulance.
You stood in the middle of the street for a moment watching the ambulance drive away. At the time, you still believed your words. At that moment, you rejected the possibility that it might end differently. Full of belief and hope, unaware of the nightmare that was about to come just two days later.
"I never saw her again…" you wanted to cry but couldn't. Locking your emotions deep inside you, you chose numbness. "She didn't get to live to have surgery. Two days later, at five-thirty in the morning, she died."
"People despair when Death comes for them, comes for their loved ones," Morpheus spoke softly, "They fear the Sunless Lands. They deny Death. I have always found it strange. It is as natural to die as it is to be born and yet some seem never to accept this fact."
"Death leaves scars that never heal," you countered, "it leaves a void that we desperately try to fill. We wonder if we could have done something more if we could have prevented it somehow."
"There was nothing you could have done."
"You're wrong," you glared at him angrily, "if only I had known how! If at that moment, I had known, understood my abilities! Maybe I could have saved her! Maybe I could have healed her! Maybe she would still be here!"
"It was her time."
"Fuck that! She was too young! She was supposed to be with me until old age! She was supposed to be with me when I would get married! When I would have children!" anger burned in you igniting your blood, "she should have been here!! But I was afraid! I was afraid of my abilities! I was afraid of the fact that I was different! I didn't understand! I tried to suppress it inside me! If only I wasn't afraid! Maybe she would still be here!!!"
"Your mother got what everyone gets. A lifetime."
A quiet knock at the door pulled Bruce out of his deep thought. For a moment he wondered if he had misheard. The night was deep, everyone in the house should already be asleep or at least pretending. But the knocking repeated itself. He didn't want to answer it. He regretted staying home instead of leaving for the city. He needed this moment to himself, he needed to think, he needed to be alone with his emotions and nothing was more conducive to thinking than the lights of Gotham scattered in the darkness of night like millions of stars in a black sky.
"I know you're awake," Dick's quiet voice came from behind the door, "I saw the lights on in your windows. May I come in?"
"You may," he replied reluctantly, convinced that even if he hadn't answered and given permission he would have barged into his bedroom anyway. Dick had no hesitation to invade his personal space. He didn't even manage to turn off the laptop screen and he was already closing the door behind him. Dressed in loose sweatpants and an old Gotham University t-shirt, he minced barefoot across the soft carpet and, if it weren't for his height, imposing build and two whiskey glasses in his right hand, he would have looked just like the kid whose years ago crept into his bedroom when he couldn't sleep.
"I thought you might need this," he smirked innocently placing the glass in front of him.
"You know I don't drink."
"A glass of good single malt to calm the mind never hurt anyone," he glanced involuntarily at the computer screen, "you read it."
"I did," Bruce pushed the glass aside and locked the screen before adding in a serious tone, "your investigation was incomplete."
"Oh, it was complete, trust me. We simply decided not to include certain details," Dick replied observing him closely, "you wanna talk?"
"You sure? Cos you kinda look like you do," he smirked.
"How's Jason?" a quick change of subject seemed at this point to be at best a failed attempt to slip out of an uncomfortable situation.
"He's asleep. Drinking more than half a bottle by yourself after an intense night of ass kicking and car chasing will do that to you."
"You got him drunk pretending that you're drinking," Bruce glanced at him with amusement in his eyes.
"Indeed I did!" he grinned, "he needed this more than I did. And pretending to drink after years of observing how you do it was way to easy."
"I'm glad he stayed the night."
"I'm glad you asked him to."
"He should move back in."
"You should ask him."
"I should."
"Maybe that's not the only thing you should do, If you know what I mean." Silence fell as their eyes met again. Bruce was struggling, Dick could see that clearly. Unused to talking about feelings, he needed it so much and at the same time shied away from it so much. Without a word, he grabbed a glass and, crossing the lavish bedroom, sat down in one of the large, comfortable armchairs, waiting for Dick to join him.
"Maybe I should…" he sighed as Dick sat down on the bed opposite him, crossed his legs and took a small sip from his glass. Despite having a quarter century behind him, he still looked uncomfortable drinking alcohol in his company.
"Take your time, we still have a few hours before dawn," he smirked.
Turning the amber liquid in his glass, Bruce merely stared at the moon outside the window silently informing him that he would rather be in the city right now, would rather chase villains through the dirty streets of Gotham, would rather glide between buildings, sit on the roof and listen for trouble than have to confront his own feelings.
"It won't light up, you are stuck with me," he quipped forcing his attention back to him.
"Am I that obvious?"
"To me, yeah you kinda are."
"I don't know what to do…" Bruce finally said fixing his gaze on him, "for the first time in a very long time I truly don't know what to do," he sighed heavily while warming the golden liquid in his hand then hesitantly took a tiny sip closing his eyes, "I fucking don't know what to do."
"You care about her."
"I do."
"And you are so in love with her."
"Love is just a brain chemistry. A mixture of norepinephrine, dopamine and…"
"Bruce, seriously? I swear if I keep rolling my eyes like this I'll totally get to see the back of my skull!" he snarled then added gently, "come on. Let's be real for a moment. I've seen you two together. Even you can't hide your feelings that well."
"My feelings for her don't matter," he sighed while his tired eyes grew dark, "and I know what you're going to say. I've heard you before. But what happened today is my fault. I should have stayed away from her but I didn't. I should have warned her, protected her, but I didn't. And it is because of me that she got hurt."
"A few scuffs and bruises, she'll be fine…" he paused seeing the expression of pain on his face, "Bruce, what happened earlier? What did you find in Crane's apartment?"
A moment of silence preceded the answer. A moment of long silence that screamed a thousand unspoken words and concealed emotions. A silence that Bruce needed and Dick was willing to give him. A silence of quiet understanding. A moment of support.
"He hurt her," Bruce finally said, as he set his glass down on the coffee table to stand up and walk to the window, "He violated her. Perhaps at first with her consent, her willingness, it had to be..." he trailed off recalling the scene, "but the fact is that in his apartment's air, I discovered chemicals sufficient to rid her of boundaries and alter her behavior." The recurring images caused him pain but he needed this moment of honesty. Dick was the only one he could talk to about it, the only one he could really open up to, the only one who really understood him. "I think they got close before Crane discovered the transmitter I gave her, before he became violent. I found a dent in the wall and traces of blood on the floor…"
"Bruce, you can't put this on yourself. I know it's personal but still, she made her own choices."
"I knew something was wrong about him. I suspected him for a long time. I knew they were close. She told me that," anger tinged his voice, "I should have prevented her from being alone with him. Instead, I drove them both to his house! To the house where he tormented people! To the house where he hurt her! I drove them and left them there!" he looked at Dick with anger burning in his eyes, "you want to know why?" Dick remained silent, "because I chose to do so. Because I deemed that her friendship with him was my best chance to find out the truth. To expose him! Because I chose to use her relationship with him to solve this case."
"I understand that you blame yourself, but…"
"I don't blame myself. I despise myself. I will never forgive myself for this."
"It wasn't you who put her in danger!"
"But I didn't do anything to stop her."
"Your presence in her life changes nothing. The situation with Crane would have turned out exactly the same if you hadn't been there. Probably much sooner. And it would have ended much worse."
"That doesn't justify the decisions I made."
"Bruce, you're only human. We all make mistakes."
"I made a cold calculation, I made a decision that led to her harm. This is not a mistake. These are consequences."
"And now what, you're going to distance yourself from her or push her away like you usually do?"
He remained silent.
"The situation is different. You can't ignore the fact that she's meta."
"She's not," Bruce denied immediately.
"She's not?
"I verified that theory when we were in Metropolis. Or rather, Clark verified it. Her abilities are most likely magical."
"Damnn!" Dick gasped, "well that's an even bigger problem. With metas we have some experience but we have never trained magic users."
"And we won't."
"You're right. We are definitely not equipped for that. Good thing we know at least three, maybe four people who are more qualified for the task than we are. Zatanna would be the best here, although Constantine has an advantage over her due to his wide range of abilities, but I know there's no way in hell you'd ask him for help. Doctor Fate is definitely the most powerful but he doesn't seem like a people person to me."
"We won't train her, period. Neither we nor anyone else.
"You can't be serious, Bruce!"
"I am."
"No, you're not! You're just a stubborn dumbass who can't deal with his own feelings!"
"Why does she keep getting into trouble…" he sighed as if to himself, "why can't she just let it go?"
The gold particles swirled and fell around you for the last time revealing a void in nowhere, a vast and infinite blackness in which the sky and the ground seemed to melt into one. You couldn't feel the ground under your feet, yet you stood firm. You didn't feel the wind blowing, yet your hair waved around your face. You couldn't see the sky above your head, yet the stars seemed to spread against it, shining as brightly as the ones in his eyes when he appeared right in front of you and gazed into your soul.
"Now you know everything. Now you know the truth," he spoke in a deep, low voice.
"I don't know whether I should be happy or sit down and cry…"
"This is what you wanted, is it not? This is what you desired."
"And now that I have it I don't know what to do."
"What you do depends only on you. Your feelings are yours, as are your memories and experiences that have been taken from you and now are yours again. Your decisions, whichever you make, will also be yours. So will their consequences."
"If that was supposed to comfort me then it failed," you scoffed.
"I am not here to comfort you Y/N. That is neither my function nor my role," the black of his eyes deepened, "still, you should find comfort in the fact that there are people in the Waking World who care about you. You are not alone as you seem to think."
"You know who he is don't you?" you asked certain that there was no need to say his name.
"I know."
"You've seen his dreams."
"He doesn't dream like ordinary people dream every night. His mind is highly trained to avoid distractions as he sees dreams. But, yes. I have seen his dreams, rare as they are."
"Who is he?" the question snapped out.
"That is not my truth to tell," a shadow of a smirk ran over his marble face, "trust yourself. Trust your instincts as you have trusted them so far, especially now. Now that your consciousness is free from corrupting influences."
"Trust yourself…" you repeated under your breath, "how can I trust myself when I have no idea what to do!"
"You do know. You simply have not understood it just yet," the depth of the universe seemed to see into the future, "when you wake up, you will know."
"Will I remember you this time?"
"I don't think you will."
"Why not?"
"Because your future must be in your hands. Yet I can assure you, we will see each other again." With a wave of his hand, the dream faded away and disappeared.
You opened your eyes abruptly, welcoming the full moon's cool glow peeking through your bedroom window once again. You knew what to do.
Dick walked over to Bruce to hand him the glass of amber liquid again, which he accepted gratefully. Lost in his thoughts, he took a small sip and gazed back at the full moon in the cloudless sky.
"You thought about telling her the truth," he stated with certainty.
"It crossed my mind."
"Why don't you do it then? Think how differently today might have turned out if only she knew the truth!"
"I won't bring her into this life."
"Knowing the truth, she would know the risks and how to react in a threatening situation! She would know what to do! Hell, even without it, she acted instinctively. The transmitter hidden in her arm was a bit insane but an impressive solution you gotta admit that!"
"There is nothing impressive about putting yourself in danger for the sake of satisfying some senseless need to do the right thing," he growled angrily.
"That didn't just come out of your mouth," Dick scoffed.
"It's different and you know it."
"How is that any different!"
"I was an angry kid balancing on the verge of a mental breakdown who desperately needed to find a purpose in life! You were the broken kid whose world came crashing down and who needed care and guidance to not end up like me! Jason, Tim, Damian…"
"You are failing to make a point."
"We were all angry kids who needed to turn their grief and anger into something meaningful."
"And she is an angry adult who has had her will and identity taken away and who needs to turn her pain and trauma into something meaningful…" Dick interrupted him harshly before adding gently, "age doesn't matter here."
"I won't do that. I won't do that to her…" turning his gaze away from Dick he gazed wearily at the sky, "she deserves better."
"Bruce, for someone of your level of intelligence you are behaving like a complete idiot!" it was high time to abandon gentleness and strike directly, "she doesn't need your say so, she doesn't need your guidance to find the way to achieve her goals. The fact that she joined Cadmus is the best proof of that!"
"We don't know that."
"Fine. We know that."
"She'll find out the truth sooner or later, and it would be better if she learned it from you."
"Perhaps she won't," he so adamantly refused to accept the facts, "maybe today's situation will make her turn back from this path. She will choose a normal life."
"You really believe that?"
"That would be better for her."
"Sorry but that decision isn't yours," frustration slowly rose in Dick, "just as it wasn't your decision that I created the mantle of Robin, just as it wasn't your decision that Jason would adopt it, it wasn't your decision that Tim found us. Those decisions were ours, not yours!"
"I should never have allowed that to happen."
"You should have understood long ago what kind of impact we have on people, what kind of impact you have on people. How you inspire those around you."
"I have condemned your lives."
"You gave us purpose, strength, inspiration, the will to fight! You gave us hope…" Dick grabbed him by the arm and looked at him like a son looks at his father, "it seems you are thinking that you have failed us, but you are wrong. Each of us would be lost without you. We are here because of you. I am here because of you. My life crashed and fell apart before my eyes, but you gave me a new one. You gave me a purpose, a home, a family."
"Dick I…" his voice broke.
"Bruce…each of us had our own reason for getting into this life. And yes, we were kids but you seem to forget how many of our friends started out as adults. Ollie, Dinah, John, Barry even Uncle Clark. They were all adults when they decided to take on their secret identities. It seems to me that she is on a straight path to the same thing. The question is whether you will be there to help her and guide her as you have guided many before her. Not just us."
"She's already asked me that…" he sighed.
"She did?"
"Last night, just before shootout in Bristol," he explained, "just like today she dropped that she wants to come with me. She said she wants to help. That she could do more. That I could teach her how."
"What are you wating for then? You found a woman who wants to be part of your life. Your whole life."
"It's not that simple…"
"It is very simple Bruce. You are just making this so fucking complicated with your misguided sense of morality. She's a good woman, honest and kind with a clear desire to do good. She's obviously into you and she is obviously drawn to Batman. What's so difficult about that?" he blocked the window forcing Bruce to look at him. "Some perverted idea in your head, a flawed perception of love makes you think that you can't be happy. That Batman can't be happy. That the mission precludes that possibility. But Bruce, you're not thirty anymore. You have surrounded yourself with family and friends who day by day are proving to you that it is possible. So if they can be happy why can't you?"
"I guess…" he hesitated, "I guess I am scared," he finished quietly. "I guess I am simply scared."
"Hey, remember what you used to say to us when Jason was a kid?" a bright smile spread over Dick's face. "It's okay to be scared. Everyone gets scared. Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave."
A single tear glistened in Bruce's eyes as the pain on his face faded away overtaken by Dick's kindness. Perhaps he had not failed after all. Perhaps there was still a hope for him to have it all. He reached out and pulled Dick in a strong hug.
"Thank you my son. I needed this."
~~***~~ Author note: Phew! It's good to have this one finished, way too much angst am I right? But it was needed. A lot happened prior to that. We needed that moment of feels and emotions and struggles and all the angst in the world. I was hoping that I would get to the point in this chapter but as you see that did not happen. And I'm glad cos it would be twice as long. And I'll admit, it was really hard to write and even harder to edit. After eight years of working half-night shifts I switched my role at my company and suddenly I'm working regular nine to five. Let me tell you, my body is in shock and my sleep pattern is all over the place! But I am very happy with the change! Just gotta align my writing with my new reality, no more writing in the night. I'm starting to write the next chapter right away cos I know exactly what will happen. For now, I thank you for reading my Dear Reader and till the next time.
~~***~~ Tag list: @mrsgrahamsdesign @theclassicvinyldragon @blondwhowrites @batgirlspain @hangmanscoming @julesjewelss36 @cherryflavoredcoke @grandstrangerphantom @maripositanoctruna @pluckastarfromthesky @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away @pirate-with-internet-connection @ooldcardigan @amandarobertsboyce
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mariacallous · 3 days
Adams, a former police captain, is at least the second New York mayor to be criminally charged while still in office, and is the first official in his administration to be charged as a result of multiple pending investigations that have ensnared the New York Police Department and the city’s top schools’ official.
It was previously known the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office was investigating Adams for potentially conspiring with the government of Turkey to funnel illegal donations into that campaign.
The New York Times on Monday reported that prosecutors had submitted grand jury subpoenas to City Hall, Adams, and his campaign in July demanding information related to five other countries: Israel, China, Qatar, South Korea, and Uzbekistan.
Adams issued a defiant statement Wednesday night after news of the indictment broke.
“I always knew that If I stood my ground for New Yorkers that I would be a target — and a target I became,” he said.
“If I am charged, I am innocent and I will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit,” said Adams, who after working in the Police Department served as a state senator and Brooklyn Borough president.
In a video statement later, Adams said, “I will request an immediate trial, so New Yorkers will know the truth.”
There are multiple federal investigations into Adams and people affiliated with him and his administration.
On Tuesday, city Schools Chancellor David Banks told Adams he expected to retire at the end of 2024.
Banks’ surprise announcement came weeks after federal authorities seized electronic devices belonging to him, his brother, Deputy Mayor Phil Banks, and his fiancee, Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright.
Another Banks brother, Terence, is being investigated by the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office in connection with the allocation of city contacts worth millions of dollars to the companies who received them after hiring Terence Banks’ consulting firm.
The same federal prosecutors’ office is investigating whether James Caban, the twin brother of former New York Police Commissioner Edward Caban, exploited his ties to his brother and the NYPD to benefit his nightclub security business.
Edward Caban resigned as police commissioner on Sept. 12, a week after his own phone was seized by federal investigators.
Three days after Edward Caban resigned, Adam’s mayoral counsel and chief legal advisor Lisa Zornberg resigned, saying she had “concluded that I can no longer serve in my position.”
Last Friday, federal investigators executed search warrants at the homes of Thomas Donlon, the acting NYPD commissioner.
Donlon, who is a former top FBI counterterrorism official in New York, said this week that the investigators “took materials that came into my possession approximately 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department.”
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michichi69 · 1 year
MAAF & The Stolen Generations
It’s NAIDOC week y’all which has reminded me of that busted ass comic page, ‘MAAF’, specifically chapter 9. For the most part I’m sure this comic is a cool exploration of Indonesia and Australia but chapter 9 (in the author’s own words) includes a part regarding the Stolen Generations wherein, “Yolngu (Australia) became white and lost his memory”. I may sound a little harsh towards this author but I think they did have good intentions and poor execution of this concept. For context, I myself am the grandchild of a stolen child and so I do take issue when this subject is handled poorly.
Warning: This may include the images and names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have since passed.
This is a fair warning that this will be long but I’m going to share some information on the subject to hopefully convey my grievances with the comic chapter. This will be upsetting and triggering at times so keep in mind this involves the kidnapping and abuse of children. To start, below is a summary of the philosophy behind the Stolen Generations.
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This image shows how the Stolen Generations was intended to work. You take an Aboriginal child from their home who has a white parent, referred to as the dated terms ‘Half-Caste’ or ‘Half-blood’. Then that child goes on to procreate with a white person to produce a child with more ‘white blood’, then that child is usually taken themselves and repeats the process until you end up with a child who is of ‘white blood’. This process was often referred to as ‘breeding out the black’ or ‘breeding out the colour’, which was heavily based on blood quantum and phenotypical features. Western Australia’s Chief Protector of Aborigines (1915-1936) and Commissioner for Native Affairs (1936-1940), A. O. Neville (also known as ‘Mr.Devil’ by Aboriginal people), is pictured below.
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He is quoted as saying:
"[T]hey have to be protected against themselves whether they like it or not. They cannot remain as they are. The sore spot requires the application of the surgeon's knife for the good of the patient, and probably against the patient's will."
This epitomises the justifications of ‘biological assimilation’ that the orchestrators and supporters of the Stolen Generations often used to continue this cycle (officially) for almost one hundred years from the mid-1800s to the 1970s*.
(*Indigenous children were also unofficially wrongfully taken by child services and placed in white homes or institutions beyond this date, I recommend watching After the Apology (2017) for some of this.)
But where were these children taken to exactly?
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They were called missions and were typically Catholic but could be run by other Christian denominations such as Lutherans. Children essentially grew up being forced into practising the religion of the institution they were placed in. The abuses that happened in these institutions were prolific and entailed the attempt at a total loss of connection to Indigenous families, cultures and languages. Specific examples of the conditions of many of these missions include stories of harsh abusive punishments, maggots in the food, and sexual abuse. Many children were taken in infancy or at very young ages, some taken directly from hospitals they were just born in, either never knowing their families or knowing very little of them and being subjected to these abuses their entire lives leading up to adulthood.
I would recommend watching The Rabbit Proof Fence (2002) for a little more of an introductory ‘visual example’ of how missions typically looked and ran, albeit much more watered down than what the lived reality was. For that, I suggest seeking out the stories of former stolen children.
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Now maybe just with that background you can see my grievances with chapter 9 of MAAF but I’ll just spell it out. I take major issue with depicting Australia as literally turning from Yolgnu to a white man as a result of the Stolen Generations - taken children were and always will be Aboriginal and taken children still always belonged and continue to belong to their family’s language groups. Tangentially, just to cover all bases here, I also take issue with implying light skinned Aboriginal people aren’t Aboriginal because of the same history but MAAF quite literally TURNED A YOLGNU MAN INTO A WHITE MAN? As stated by the author themself - so I don’t believe they were making an astute commentary on how really light skinned Aboriginal people will always be Aboriginal, I think instead it’s exactly what it looks like. I can’t control what content people choose to make, and I’m not necessarily totally against using the medium of Hetalia fanworks to discuss historically sensitive subjects either. However, I will just say this - Please consider the work you make public, because these sensitive issues have affected real people who might come across that work. I've seen a similar handling of Canadian residential schools in the Hetalia fandom which was a very similar concept to the Stolen Generations in Australia, and of course, these depictions have also fallen short by depicting this as a literal 'white metamorphosis' of Indigenous children. To convey just how much this has bothered me, chapter 9 of MAAF is frankly my version of one of those probably well meaning but still super insensitive 9/11 America fanfictions that just come off gauche. I suppose I just hope people now have the tools to look at these depictions a little more critically than the fandom historically has?
Anyways, that's mostly it. See ya. EDIT: Some text got lost when I copied it over from another document so I've added the missing text again. EDIT 2: I've also seen a lot more stuff from MAAF and the artist even regarding some questionable choices regarding the interpretation of SEA Indigneous peoples and North American Indigenous peoples, so yeah, MAAF and the artist themselves probably aren't the most reliable sources out there in terms of the interpretation of Indigenous peoples GENERALLY speaking... 😅 ANYWAYS - Thank y'all for showing interest in this post, I'm very passionate about sharing information on the Stolen Generations and hopefully using my unique perspective for some good.
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readingsquotes · 3 months
Brianna Villafane was in Lower Manhattan protesting police violence in the summer of 2020, when officers charged into the crowd. One of them gripped her hair and yanked her to the ground.
“I felt someone on top of me and it was hard to breathe,” she said. “I felt like I was being crushed.”
The New York City civilian oversight agency that examines allegations of police abuse investigated and concluded that the officer had engaged in such serious misconduct that it could constitute a crime.
Then last fall, the police commissioner intervened.
Exercising a little-known authority called “retention,” the commissioner, Edward Caban, ensured the case would never go to trial.
Instead, Caban reached his own conclusion in private.
He decided that it “would be detrimental to the Police Department’s disciplinary process” to pursue administrative charges against the officer, Gerard Dowling, according to a letter the department sent to the oversight agency. The force that the officer used against Villafane was “reasonable and necessary.” The commissioner ordered no discipline.
Today, Dowling is a deputy chief of the unit that handles protests throughout the city.
His case is one of dozens in which Caban has used the powers of his office to intervene in disciplinary cases against officers who were found by the oversight agency to have committed misconduct.
Since becoming commissioner last July, he has short-circuited cases involving officers accused of wantonly using chokeholds, deploying Tasers and beating protesters with batons. A number of episodes were so serious that the police oversight agency, known as the Civilian Complaint Review Board, concluded the officers likely committed crimes.
...Caban has his own history with the disciplinary process. Over his 30 years on the force, he has twice been found by the CCRB to have engaged in misconduct, making him an outlier in the department.
... [Caban] gave one of the department’s top positions to an officer who tackled and shocked a Black Lives Matter protester with a Taser in the summer of 2020. Tarik Sheppard, a captain at the time, was heading to a disciplinary trial when his case was retained a year later, with no discipline given. Sheppard is now deputy commissioner for public information. He regularly appeared on television this spring to talk about the Police Department’s response to campus protests over the Israel-Hamas war.
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terriwriting · 1 month
It has been well documented that Edmonton criminal defence lawyer Tom Engel has been targeted by individual Edmonton police officers in the past because of his persistent public criticism of the police service.
Now Engel says his social media posts are being formally monitored by the Edmonton Police Service. And he believes the same is happening to posts and public comments of other police critics.
Through a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy request, Engel obtained internal EPS documents that show Deputy Chief Kevin Brezinski, who is now Alberta’s ombudsman and public interest commissioner, ordered a special EPS unit to monitor Engel’s social media accounts after he released the names of officers who were involved in the shooting death of a civilian.
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Scotland Yard could be called in to investigate an alleged breach of the Princess of Wales’s private medical data.
The world-renowned London Clinic in Marylebone where the Princess of Wales underwent abdominal surgery in January, launched an investigation amid allegations staff attempted to access her private medical records.
After The Mirror’s world exclusive was picked up around the world this week, sources have said tonight that “up to three people” could be involved in the alleged accessing of Catherine’s medical records.
In a further bombshell, it can be revealed that the alleged breach took place after the future queen was discharged from hospital on January 29, as social media exploded with outlandish and hurtful conspiracy theories relating to her surgery.
Sources said the criminal investigation, described as “unprecedented” and now being run by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), could run alongside an additional probe by the Metropolitan Police.
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Accessing someone’s medical records without cause or consent can be a criminal offence.
If the ICO investigates and finds evidence that medical records were accessed illegally, it can take action, including prosecuting and fining the person responsible in court.
The development came amid a new statement from the CEO of the The London Clinic, who said:
“There is no place at our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues.”
A source said:
“This is such a unique case that a police investigation could run alongside one by the Information Commissioner's Office.
The IOC will deal with anything as a criminal matter, which could end up in a Magistrate’s Court, but if there were further claims of wrongdoing such as a conspiracy to distribute illegally accessed information, then that could be a matter for the police.”
Scotland Yard has also been urged to launch an immediate investigation, alongside the IOC probe, over fears of a potential royal blackmail plot.
Dai Davies, the former chief superintendent and head of the royal protection unit, said:
“Anyone accused of this most serious breach of trust should be interviewed under caution at the earliest opportunity.
The implications for the royal family are far and wide, and there must be a full probe by Scotland Yard to determine if any further crimes have been committed.”
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The Met Police said it had not yet received a referral, but Health Minister Maria Caulfield said today that she understood “police have been asked to look at it.”
Speaking to Sky News, she said it was "pretty serious stuff to be accessing notes that you don't have permission to."
She added:
"I say this as someone who's still on the nursing register, that the rules are very, very clear for all patients.
That unless you're looking after that patient, or they've given you their consent, you should not be looking at patients' notes.
So there are rules in place and the Information Commissioner can levy fines, that can be prosecutions, your regulator.
So as a nurse, my regulator would be the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), can take enforcement action….and can strike you off the register if the breach is serious enough.
So there are particularly hefty implications if you are looking at notes for medical records that you should not be looking at."
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Asked if the police should look into the matter, she said: "My understanding is that police have been asked to look at it - whether they take action is a matter for them.”
Fears that the King’s private medical information had also been compromised were dismissed tonight, after Charles spent three nights at the hospital during the same period as the Princess of Wales after undergoing an operation for an enlarged prostate.
Sources confirmed bosses at the hospital had informed Buckingham Palace that the alleged breach being probed did not involve the monarch.
Charles and Catherine were discharged separately just hours apart on January 29.
The King was subsequently diagnosed with “a form of cancer,” announced by Buckingham Palace on February 5.
Senior bosses at the hospital notified the IOC within 72 hours of the alleged breach of Kate’s records, in accordance with the watchdog’s guidelines.
Despite global speculation over the nature of the princess’s surgery, which has sparked wild conspiracy theories across social media and international news outlets, Kensington Palace has gone to great lengths to protect her privacy.
The palace said when Catherine was admitted that she would spend two weeks in hospital and not return to royal duties until after Easter as she continued her recovery at home.
Sources suggested the princess may decide to join the royal family on a scheduled walk to church on Easter Sunday, but no decision had yet been taken.
As the crisis intensified today following The Mirror’s revelations, Al Russell, the CEO at The London Clinic, added:
“Everyone at The London Clinic is acutely aware of our individual, professional, ethical and legal duties with regards to patient confidentiality.
We take enormous pride in the outstanding care and discretion we aim to deliver for all our patients that put their trust in us every day.
We have systems in place to monitor management of patient information and, in the case of any breach, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken.”
The General Medical Council (GMC), which regulates doctors, also said patients must have confidence that their personal information is protected "at all times."
A spokesman for the Prime Minister said:
“Clearly there are strict rules on patient data that must be followed. I think we all want to get behind the Princess of Wales and Prince of Wales and we wish her the speediest of recoveries.”
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
Over 500 children have been killed in Gaza in the last week and over 2,000 maimed, many with life changing injuries. Nobody can claim they do not know what is already happening or what is about to unfold. The cutting off of food and water to Gaza is a major international crime, which the western proponents of the “rules based order” universally refuse to condemn.
In both the UK and the US there can be no more stark illustration of the lack of any kind of meaningful democracy, than the fact that there is no major political party that opposes the genocide – despite massive public opposition.
The bought and paid for media and political class in the west are extremely nervous, throughout the western world. Now they have come to the final genocide for which zionism has always aimed, they face a good deal of popular resistance.
Throughout Europe there is a massive gap between the zionist unanimity of the politicians and the much greater understanding of the Palestinian situation among the general public. Tellingly the response by the zionist political class has been a wave of outright fascist suppression.
In France, Macron has made all pro-Palestinian demonstrations illegal, but as so often the French people are not standing for that kind of authoritarianism.
In the UK, the police have adopted the cowardly tactic of arresting a couple of individuals, one in Brighton and one in Manchester, for pro-Palestinian demonstration. Under Tony Blair’s notorious draconian “anti-terror” legislation, they could face up to 14 years in prison.
The young man in Manchester was arrested on the precise site of the famous “Peterloo massacre”, which generations of British people were taught at school was a terrible crime in breach of the rights to freedom of speech and assembly. Let the irony of that set in.
You can go out in the streets of the UK with an Israeli flag and yell that you want every Palestinian to be cleansed from Gaza. That is not illegal. If you say the Palestinians have a right to resist their genocide, that is illegal.
That appears to be a genuine analysis of the law in the UK, France and many other western countries.
That is intended to terrify all of us. It will not work.
The European Commission has been ferociously zionist and gung-ho for this Palestinian genocide. It displayed the Israeli flag on its Berlaymont headquarters. It has taken a side in the most ferocious way.
It is therefore deeply sinister that the European Commission is actively working to shut down pro-Palestinian information and comment on social media. The European Commission has written to all major social media organisations and is able to threaten them with massive fines if they do not remove information of which the European Union disapproves.
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The notion is plainly nonsense that through the fog of war the European Commission – which is 100% parti pris – is qualified to say what information is true and what information is false, and what comment is legitimate.
Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner in charge of this operation, is a former chief executive of electronic companies – and defence contractors – Atos and Thomson. He has no genuine interest in freedom of speech, and is engaged in a process of silencing dissent for military aims, which is quite simply fascist.
We are witnessing almost all western governments deliberately facilitating massacre, ethnic cleansing and genocide. We are witnessing almost all western governments turning on their own people to crush dissent at that complicity in genocide.
This feels not so much like the week that western democracy died, as the week it was impossible any longer to deny that western democracy died some time ago.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Continuing with the crackdown against the deposed Sheikh Hasina regime, the interim government of Bangladesh on Tuesday (August 20, 2024) sent former Education and Foreign Affairs Minister Dipu Moni for four days remand. This is part of the widespread reconfiguring of the police department in a bid to instil confidence into the law enforcement departments.
Ms. Moni who became the first female Foreign Minister of Bangladesh in 2009 is being investigated for alleged involvement in a case of murder in Mohammadpur neighbourhood of Dhaka. She was arrested from the diplomatic zone of Dhaka on Monday (August 19, 2024).
For several years, Ms. Moni was the face of Bangladesh’s diplomacy and global interactions and was known to be close to Sheikh Hasina.
The administration led by Nobel laureate Prof. Mohammed Yunus also responded to growing public demand and announced that the families of those killed or injured in the anti-quota protests that led to the removal of the Awami League government on August 5, 2024 will receive financial support.
“The government has decided to set up a foundation to take care of the wounded and the families of the deceased and wounded who participated in the student-led revolution in July-August 2024,” Chief Adviser Prof. Yunus said on Tuesday (August 20, 2024) announcing the relief measure for those affected by the violence by law enforcement agencies under the Hasina-led government.
Two weeks after being sworn-in, the caretaker set up consisting of “advisers” has been grabbing headlines for the widespread action that it is pursuing for cornering the notable figures that were part of the Hasina government.
The law and order situation in the capital and nearby areas continue to remain uncertain because of the evident absence of police forces in the crowded areas. A large number of police officials are yet to report to work after they played a visible role in the violent crackdown against the protesters. This week, 73 police officers have been promoted with additional responsibilities. On Tuesday (August 20, 2024), 25 Deputy Commissioners, the chief administrative officers of the districts, were transferred. The administrative and police-related changes are expected to remain on track for the coming days.
The interim administration is under visible public pressure to take action against the Hasina-led administration’s top officials who are mostly in hiding. According to available information, at least 41 former Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Awami League government are being investigated at the moment while the administration here has declared that Hasina and several of her top members of her law and order team would face charges of crimes against humanity.
Three cases lodged in the capital’s Jatrabari area on Tuesday (August 20, 2024) have levelled murder charges against Ms. Hasina, her sister Rehana, son Sajeeb Wazed Joy, and daughter Sayma Wazed. Jatrabari and Uttara neighbourhoods of Dhaka witnessed some of the most intense protests by the students and civil society which was met with police action. Demand for action is high against the former Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan who has been seen in viral social media videos inspecting video recordings of police action against the protesters.
The capital of Bangladesh is yet to fully recover from the strife that reached its peak when Ms. Hasina had to flee to India on August 5, 2024. The metro rail network, parts of which faced the brunt of the protesters as it emerged as a symbol of Hasina government, is yet to resume. Similarly portions of the elevated highway, that had made traffic within Dhaka easier is yet to be fully operational as cautionary measures remain in place.
In the meanwhile, the U.K.-based acting chairman of the opposition BNP has called upon his supporters and the media to describe Ms. Hasina as an absconder from justice. In a video message issued from London, Tarique Rahman called upon the people to avoid the “trap laid by the defeated dark forces” and said, “Do not hurt the weak, do not break the law. Let us build a new Bangladesh that will be based on non-discrimination and avoid the cycle of revenge and vengeance.”
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dailyp1anet · 2 months
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By Lois Lane, Senior Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: 00:06, 11th November 2013 | UPDATED: 00:45, 11th November 2013
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WHERE IS OLIVER QUEEN? © The Daily Planet: James Olsen, Photographer.
THE booming Seattle based Queen Industries confirmed rumours today that their Chief Executive Officer is missing. In a media release, Queen Industries spokesperson, Wayne McLaughlin and Metropolis Police Chief confirmed that the CEO is missing. McLaughlin spoke outside of Queen Industries last night to set the record straight on the rumours that had been circulating since last Tuesday.
It is confirmed that Oliver Queen went missing last week, leaving no trace of his whereabouts. His board met last week on the cusp of making a decision to oust him as CEO until they learned that he had gone missing. The Coast Guard is remaining tight lipped over what took place on the Queen Industries yacht. McLaughlin said "It is with deep regret that I can confirm that Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Industries, has been missing since last Sunday night. His yacht was last seen departing Hob's Bay and towards to the Delaware Bay area. If anyone has any information on Mr Queen's whereabouts, please contact the Metropolis Police Department or Police Commissioner, David Corporon."
There were no witnesses or survivors to the incident so evidence is being gathered in the form of collecting the yacht and having forensic analysis team look over it. The Queen Industries yacht was last seen leaving the docks and travelling from Hob's Bay towards the Delaware Bay area. The yacht was collected nine miles away from Metropolis, bodies were recovered from scene and none of them were identified as Oliver Queen. Metropolis Police Department are treating the scene as suspicious and have yet to confirm if the infamous CEO is being treated as a suspect.
Scientists are describing the events that took place as incredibly rare. The twenty three people including the yacht crew were pronounced dead at the scene. From early eye witness reports at the wreckage, the yacht was struck by what appeared to be a meteorite. NASA has been asked to pinpoint the origin of the meteorite and expeditions have begun to collect the fragments that are now located deep beneath the Delaware Bay area. The DEO has deployed a team of investigators in partnership with S.T.A.R. Labs to further understand this incident.
Police Commissioner, David Corporon, will be holding a press conference later today. With details of what took place are expected to be released later this week.
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The Ford government could be facing an additional ethics complaint into the controversial Greenbelt land swap as another political party is preparing to ask the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario for an expanded inquiry.
Integrity Commissioner J. David Wake launched an inquiry into whether Housing Minister Steve Clark traded insider information on the Greenbelt deal before the announcement was made public — an accusation that the government has strongly denied.
The complaint was mainly based on allegations and evidence provided by incoming NDP leader Marit Stiles who pointed the finger at the CEO of the Ontario Homebuilders Association, who previously served as chief of staff to Minister Clark. [...]
A similar request to investigate Premier Doug Ford alongside Minister Clark, made by Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner, was declined because the complaint didn’t include evidence for the commissioner to act on.
Fraser said the Liberals are trying to avoid a similar fate. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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she-is-ovarit · 11 months
UK police report domestic abuse victims to immigration, shows data
43 police forces referred people who asked for help to Home Office in last three years, finds watchdog
Domestic abuse victims are being reported to immigration officials when they turn to the police for help, according to data published by an independent watchdog. The 43 police forces in England and Wales and the British Transport Police have all referred victims or survivors of abuse to immigration enforcement in the last three years, prompting urgent calls for reform of the system. The threat of being reported to the Home Office is often used by the perpetrators of domestic abuse to control their victims, according to the domestic violence commissioner, Nicole Jacobs. One of those targeted by David Carrick, the Metropolitan police officer who was jailed for life after admitting to 85 serious offences during a 17-year campaign of attacks against women, said he had threatened her with deportation.
Jacobs said the practice of reporting victims to immigration enforcement stopped people from coming forward and allowed perpetrators to evade justice. She said: “At the point when victims have come to the police for safety from abuse, they are met with what many fear most: contact with immigration enforcement. Migrant victims have told me that this plays into the perpetrator’s tactics of control. “This data shows there is not a single police force where migrant victims are treated as victims first and foremost. This must change now. Only with the introduction of a firewall can the victims and prisoners bill ensure justice and protection for all, not just some, victims.” Jacobs has written to the home secretary, Suella Braverman, calling for a firewall to stop police and other services from reporting complainants to immigration enforcement. Police made 537 referrals to the Home Office for immigration investigation in relation to victims and survivors reporting domestic abuse from April 2020 to March 2023, according to the figures obtained by the commissioner from the Home Office. According to a report published by the commissioner, police officers called immigration enforcement in front of one victim, when she reported her ex-partner.
The report says: “This was the first time Lucia sought support from the police after three years of being in an abusive relationship. She felt let down by the police and fearful of removal from the country as a consequence of having reported the crime. The perpetrator continued to harass and threaten her. “Lucia contacted her caseworker, extremely distressed, saying she did not want to have any contact with the police. As abuse escalated again, her caseworker tried to convince her to make another report, which Lucia opposed as she was more afraid of deportation. Eight days after the police report, Lucia got an immigration enforcement letter.” The immigration enforcement letter led the woman to withdraw from domestic abuse support. The commissioner found that no enforcement action such as detention or removal was made in the three years to March 2023. Jacobs said: “That no immigration enforcement action was taken against victims shows us that this practice is serving no one, but the fear it instils creates a high cost to the safety of victims and the public.” The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) guidance to forces says they may share basic information, including an address, with immigration enforcement if they suspect a victim or witness may not be legally residing in the UK. The NPCC said, however, that officers did not routinely investigate victims’ migration status. Jacobs said she wanted the government to amend the victims and prisoners bill when it returns to parliament in autumn this year. Imkaan, a charity that focuses on addressing violence against women and girls from ethnic minority backgrounds, has reported that 90% of women with insecure immigration status who experienced domestic abuse had their abusers use the threat of their removal from the UK to dissuade them from going to the police. In the UK, call the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247, or visit Women’s Aid. In the US, the domestic violence hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). In Australia, the national family violence counselling service is on 1800 737 732. Other international helplines may be found via www.befrienders.org.
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