#Chemical Defense Training
defensenow · 3 months
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Roger Barel - My Thoughts So Far...
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Hiii everybody! I just wanted to drop a review/my thoughts on Roger’s route so far, this all about chapters 1-5. I’m anticipating a lot exciting events after his CE is completed, so I’m trying not to delve into my resources too much, which means I'm reading only 1 chapter a day. I think after every five chapters or so, I will write my thoughts about it. Spoilers will be included, they won’t be super detailed, but they are there below the cut.
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Okay so in short: I LOVE his route so far, it’s been great. I laughed pretty much in every chapter so far about something or another. Of course, this is just the beginning and I fully anticipate angst, heartache and drama. I CRAVE it. I haven’t really spoilers about his route, except for one and it’s pretty major, so I’m going to leave that out for now and circle back to it when I read it for myself.
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Roger’s Kate So Far:
I LOVE her. I mean I LOVE Kate anyway, but she feels very real to me in the outset.
She is very dead set on NOT falling in love. All she wants to do is survive Crown and get out of there, and it’s nice to see that sense of urgency from her. Not to say that she doesn’t have that desire in the other routes, because she does, but I feel like she really stresses that point in the first five chapters. And understandably so, I mean she’s living in a castle filled with men who kill for a living, and it’s emphasized how she hasn’t laughed/smiled once since coming to the castle, or has barely eaten anything. So, seeing her undergo that stress (poor kid), is refreshing in a way because I feel like in other routes Cybird just glosses over the toll that would take on someone.
She’s a drinker (HELL YEAH). She’s gotten wasted twice so far in the first five chapters. The morning after’s were quite adorable (at least I think so.)
She wants to get stronger and become a fighter because she wants to ensure her survival, so we see her taking self-defense lessons with Roger and Ellis, in order to better herself. And I don’t about you, but I STAN A QUEEN WHO CAN FIGHT. So, I’m excited and I can’t wait to see more from our precious Kate.....
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Roger So Far:
So…….I never expected a part of Roger’s route to tackle the fact that he doesn’t believe in love. I don’t know why??? But when I learned that we were going that route, I was happy with it. It’ll be interesting to see how his mind and heart is becomes convinced that love is more than just a bunch of neuro-chemicals and physiological reactions. He is brutally upfront about his lifestyle choices and beliefs - I appreciate that. For example, he’s just like when I get the urge to fuck, I fuck. Of course, he has stipulations to that - both parties mutually consent that they fuck only one time (with Kate being the exception to rule for an entire month as long as she keeps quiet to the others about it).
To be honest, I didn’t like this rule because I feel like it hit too close to home with Jin’s rule with women he get’s physically involved with. (FOR THE RECORD: I’m not comparing the two guys. I’m just saying it reminded me of it.)
Moving on, I just wheezed for a good moment when he compared Kate to his family’s corgi - Ale. Like he’s not saying it to be mean or derogatory, just the way describes her getting worked up, depressed, digging her own grave, etc. It was cute and hilarious. Loved it and I LOVE ALE!
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Roger’s Relationships With Others:
Nica: Chapter 1 had me in tears when Roger interrupted Nica’s hitting on Kate. His face was priceless and then to be stuck with Victor as a tour guide. Cherry on the top. Gold star for Roger. C’mere Nica, I’ll comfort you…..
Ellis: He drinks with Roger along with Jude, and he helps Roger with Kate’s self-defense training. I’m sure they’re going to be more involved. I expect it because in Ellis’ Blind Love route, Roger says that he betrayed Ellis’ cursed predecessor and that’s a reason why he’s like a big brother to Ellis. He also wants Ellis as his assistant as he feels that he’s too good for Jude, which I think most of us knew beforehand.
Alfons: Well…..we know how “well” they get along. I was dying in chapter 4 - I think it was - when Kate, Roger and Al are on a mission. They’ve determined recreational drugs are being used, so they’re going to go break it up, and that’s when Al & Roger get into this squabble outside the room they’re supposed to being busting into about whether or not it’s okay to use the drugs or not. Al of course, doesn’t see the big deal with it since he is a firm believer in escaping reality, and Roger basically tells him that when a person runs from reality instead of facing it that it just leaves them more empty - Al is just over it and is like you make me want to vomit in his dead pan face. Poor Kate is like ‘we can’t be doing this right now’. Proper school boy frenemies these two are.
Jude: He’s been featured a lot and that’s because his route should be dropping next (fingers crossed), but he is also a Roger drinking buddy and in the Past Records event, Jude & Roger agree to be drinking buddies in hell together…..if there is alcohol in the after life. Of course, he sees Roger quite a bit for injuries he gets, and when Jude asks why Roger is even bothering with Kate, Roger basically tells him that she is trying to survive, and it’s appealing to him. “A small dream, a goal….even small things to survive somehow. Isn’t it the same for you, Jude?” Jude lore??? More on that later in a Jude dissection I’m writing.
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Notable Things So Far:
Roger treats the Crown members in exchange for their blood samples. We learn this in chapter 5 when he treats Jude.
Roger’s father doesn’t have a problem coming to the castle to have his son dog sit. I thought this was interesting. It doesn’t seem that he fears the cursed on the whole, and I’m sure that’s due to his knowing Roger is cursed. That’s nice. He seems like a supportive father (I HOPE I’m not wrong.)
Roger create’s a Robin Growth Chart - this is to help her become strong and survive, but also to teach Roger that romantic love is something that is true - not just a biological concept. He’s already noticed a change in his HR (heart rate), when Kate is around, so I wonder how long it’ll take for him to fall.
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Favorite Scenes So Far:
Nica losing Kate to Roger.
Ring wondering if Kate and Roger are together - OMG I WANTED TO GOBBLE HIM UP!
Jude’s reaction to Ale jumping into his arm. So DAMN cute!!! Okay, so I am a cat person, but I’ve been dog sitting for one of my BFFs for the past two weeks (I love her), and I was reading this scene as her poodle was curled up next to (like she literally is on top of me every chance she gets), and Jude said: “…..Whaddya doin’, don’t jump on me, it’s hot.” Then he starting grumbling to Kate and Roger about holding onto Ale better, and asks if they were abandoning their duties while Kate’s like: “Oh, ….Jude please hold it more gently.” LMAO. Just picturing him holding this doggo awkwardly was the funniest shit ever, and adorable and we have the same doggo energy. Love them, but don’t jump on me please.
The self defense class with Roger & Ellis - I’m not sure if many of you know, but currently Ellis is my #2. I ADORE him. He is twisted and precious and I love him, and I get just as excited when I see him on the screen as I do Jude. Him sparring Roger just squeezes my heart so much.
Any scene with Roger and Al. Love it.
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K, I should go translate or do something more useful........
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republicsecurity · 7 months
The Evolution of Conscript Protection: Mandatory Introduction of Armour Suits
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In this paper, we examine the historical trajectory leading to the mandatory introduction of armour suits for conscripts serving in the Security Forces, Life Guards, and Paramedic Corps. The Conscripts Rights Organization (CRO) played a pivotal role in advocating for this measure, primarily to ensure the physical safety and well-being of conscripts during their service. While the introduction of armour suits offered enhanced protection, it also came with certain drawbacks, including increased training complexity, conditioning requirements, and the imposition of technological interfaces such as Heads-Up Displays (HUDs) and mandatory helmet usage. Furthermore, the influence of defense contractors in driving this development is explored, shedding light on the economic interests at play.
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Conscript service has long been a hallmark of societal obligation in our dystopian reality, with individuals mandated to serve in various capacities for the betterment of the state. However, concerns regarding the safety and welfare of conscripts during their service have persisted, prompting calls for enhanced protective measures. The Conscripts Rights Organization emerged as a prominent advocate for conscript rights, pushing for reforms aimed at ensuring the physical integrity of those serving their mandatory terms. One significant outcome of their advocacy efforts was the mandatory introduction of armour suits for conscripts in key service branches.
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Historical Context:
The roots of the mandatory introduction of armour suits can be traced back to a series of incidents highlighting the vulnerability of conscripts to physical harm during their service. Reports of conscripts sustaining injuries or even fatalities in the line of duty sparked public outrage and prompted demands for better protective measures. The Conscripts Rights Organization, galvanized by these events, began lobbying for comprehensive reforms to safeguard the well-being of conscripts.
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Key Drivers:
The Conscripts Rights Organization identified several key drivers behind the push for mandatory armour suits. Foremost among these was the imperative to minimize physical harm and casualties among conscripts. Armour suits offered a tangible solution to this pressing concern, providing enhanced protection against various threats encountered during service, including ballistic, chemical, and biological hazards. Additionally, the CRO emphasized the principle of conscript rights, arguing that individuals compelled to serve should be afforded adequate protection as a basic entitlement.
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Challenges and Drawbacks:
While the introduction of armour suits represented a significant step forward in conscript protection, it was not without its challenges and drawbacks. Training conscripts to effectively utilize and maintain armour suits posed logistical and resource challenges, requiring additional investment in training infrastructure and personnel. Moreover, the conditioning required to acclimate conscripts to the use of technology interfaces such as HUDs and helmet-mounted communication systems presented psychological and behavioral hurdles. The imposition of strict protocols regarding helmet usage, particularly during public interactions, also raised concerns about the erosion of individual autonomy and privacy.
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Influence of Defense Contractors:
An often-overlooked aspect of the mandatory introduction of armour suits is the influence of defense contractors in shaping this development. As providers of advanced protective technologies and equipment, defense contractors stood to benefit economically from the widespread adoption of armour suits among conscripts. Their lobbying efforts and collaboration with governmental agencies played a significant role in driving the policy agenda towards mandatory implementation.
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The mandatory introduction of armour suits for conscripts represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of conscript protection and welfare. While aimed at enhancing the safety and security of individuals serving their mandatory terms, this development also underscores the complex interplay between societal obligations, technological advancements, and economic interests. Moving forward, it is imperative to strike a balance between ensuring conscript safety and preserving individual freedoms and rights in the context of mandatory service.
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dballzposting · 7 months
It's just that well simply put Gohan didnt have any time to himself ever. There was always bullshit happening. Then Goku died and Goten was born and Gohan had to keep his mother from falling apart and his baby brother healthy and happy. And it's rewarding work. But yknow
When he wasn't tending to the baby or helping with other domestic chores, he was in his room studying. It's nice to learn about the world he fought so hard to save. It's also nice to not have to have a relationship with his body (as with fighting) so that it's easier to dissociate from all the bullshit. Academia was a lifeline out. It was also a definitive "good" thing to be doing. It was also an escape. And also a source of the stress that he's so accustomed to. And yknow. Maybe the letters started to dance on the page after a while. A life unlived will find life in other places. Maybe the historical figures were his friends. Maybe he memorized chemicals like one would memorize constellations. Maybe different mathematical functions began to represent and facilitate different experiences of emotion. You know how it is
I mean maybe not. Maybe he got out enough and was present enough to not dip into that. If his time alone was really that needed, then I imagine that he would get angry if interrupted; but I don't imagine that he snapped often when his mother called him to attention or when his brother needed something from him. I think that he finds fulfillment and peace in his family and he wants to be there with them. But I think that he also finds habits of repression or self-denial.
I'm not saying that he represses all of his anger, because he doesn't. What he does repress is infinite amounts of survival rage. What he doesn't repress - and what seems like he's not even aware of when he expresses it - is sharp annoyance. A mild example would be when he snapped at Goten for bothering him during his training, which was super funny. A more poignant example is Every Time Somebody Insults his Great Saiyaman Persona somehow. First he was interjecting into his classmates' (strangers!) conversation to correct their misnaming of the new hero, and he didn't seem to notice how rude his tone was or how surprised his classmates were. Then later he stopped two reckless drivers, and they made fun of his goofy persona, and Gohan (without resistance) just threw a petulant fit - and he did not seem to notice how he was Destroying The Road by stamping his foot.
My favorite example was when Krillin told him he looked dumb. I should probably get screenshots. Gohan's Eyebrows Twitched and Reared like Rattlesnakes. And his passive aggression was enough to constituent manslaughter. Masked behind saccharine positivity. It was a vile display. What do YOU know about Fashion, Quiverin..! (<- What we sometimes call Krillin in my house becasue he's always cringing and quivering and being fearful lol.)
OK I didn't get screenshots but I have this timestamped video from the youtube.
And it makes sense that Gohan is super defensive about The Great Saiyaman. It's the first thing that he's gotten to do/be that was up to him.
I understand that Bulma designed the original get-up, but it was still collaborative; it's not like when Chichi dresses him in what she can afford to buy or make, or when Piccolo dresses him in what he himself likes to wear. And Gohan picked the name. He picked the poses. He picked the voice. He picked the personality. He picked the role.
You know that Oscar Wilde quote that goes something like "give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth"? Yeah. There's madness behind that mask.
It's also a very significant time for him because he's for the first time having the opportunity to associate with peers in a consistent way. And he wants so bad to be "normal" and that's also why the mask is so integral and alluring. And he wants to be a normal bloke and make normal friends, but at the same time, he's out of practice without really realizing it; he hasn't come to terms with how in order to make friends, you have to put yourself out there. He thinks that he can simply make friends while hiding himself and lying about everything. And when Videl starts trying to figure out who he is and pry the mask off, it's a horrifying inconvenience. And Gohan just isn't in the habit of receiving well others' companionship, having lived isolated for so long; when Videl makes him teach her how to fly, he's nice to her, but you can tell that he just wants her to leave.
Her insistence on drilling into him is why they become friends and eventually marry, though.
He seems like an optimistic fellow, and his appreciate for life must be sincere, as his history necessitates it - if life sucked, all of that would have been for nought. But remember, for a good seven years it was just him, his mother, and the new baby. No drama or adventure to bring him out into the world. No friends his age that he could connect and evolve with. Just him up there on Mt Paozu stagnating.
There was definitely a lot of goodness and happiness and stargazing and lovely dinners and hanging out with dinosaurs. But there was also a lot of boredom and avoidance and why-is-the-baby-crying and mom-please-put-the-wooden-spoon-down and mom-please-stop-crying and can-i-have-the-time-to-study-unbothered-please and an undercurrent of feeling bogged down that really isn't apparent until you get out and get moving.
Gohan never says this outloud or thinks this definitively, but it's a natural truth, like the wood that a house is made of - he is going to do everything he can to be a good brother and to protect his baby brother. And it's a given, too, that he'll do everything it takes to keep his mother sane and happy, because everybody else shies away from her, and it's SORT OF Gohan's fault that Goku had died, and he very much wants to give back for all of the nurturing that his mother has given him.
And when you want to be a force of Good that badly, it completely turns you away from the parts of you that may be Bad, and encourages you to be afraid of certain feelings or needs.
When Gohan snaps at people out of irritability or defensiveness, it really seems like he doesn't know that he's doing it, and it comes out in the way that a hurt child may just act out. Everything else that is ugly about him just gets buried deep. And that makes him a weirdo. That's what it seems like anyway
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tanadrin · 11 months
on reflection, i think there's a symmetry to, say, doctors who are willing to refer patients to osteopaths or other ""holistic"" healthcare providers and the susceptibility of engineers to certain kinds of crankdom (of the "i-disproved-relativity-in-my-garage" type). both are forms of scientific training of a sort, but they're heavily outcome-focused and not theoretically focused. in large part, this is good! you do not as a doctor need to have a robust theoretical defense of every treatment you provide to patients, and it would be impossible to do so, because medicine is a huge and complicated subject. you do not, as an engineer, need to have a subtle grasp of theoretical physics to build a bridge; you just need to know what the latest developments in bridge-building are.
but it means in both cases you can have people who are skilled in their field, or who even excel, but who don't understand very well why certain techniques work. and in the case of alt medicine, where there has been considerable work to try to obfuscate or deceive people on how shaky the theoretical basis for their techniques are (stuff that literally if you remember your high-school physics and biology at all will make you go, "wait, there is no plausible mechanism for this, that's not how any of this works"), doctors who do not have time to read studies on RCT trials of every type of medicine they have ever heard of will blithely recommend stuff to patients that's actually complete horseshit, especially if the culture around them has been normalizing that woo as part of "holistic" therapy for the last hundred years, spurred on by alternative medicine practitioners and a public with a fear of needles and ~chemicals~ that medical practitioners have not done enough to allay.
it does not help that medicine only emerged very recently from being about 99% bullshit. like maybe at the end of the 19th century at best medicine was starting to be put on a broad-based empirical and theoretical footing--before that it's truly insane the stuff that wasn't just considered perfectly normal medical practice, but was considered serious Science. i mean, this is why we developed double-blind studies in the first place--because theoretical explanations of medical treatments are still necessarily often secondary to the process of finding ones that actually work, so we need really robust mechanisms to avoid confirmation bias or outright charlatanry. and while mainstream medicine is far from perfect in this respect, "alternative medicine" is all far, far worse.
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Australian Pokemon
Another set of fakemon from my Goorda region based on a mix of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Previous posts: single stages, non-natives, regional standards, creepy lines, regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, starter variants, starters.
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Plat, the Land Flounder Pokemon, poison-type. These fish Pokemon have adapted to life on land. They bury themselves under sand with only their eyes exposed. When something steps on the hidden Plat, it uses the razor-sharp edges of its fins to inject poison into the prey.
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Plat evolves to Plumerang, the Sky Flounder Pokemon, flying/poison-type. Unlike the landlocked, ambush predator Plat, Plumerang has learned to fly through the sky by spinning its body in a strange, looping motion. They chase after flying prey, using their razor-sharp fins to poison them. When the poison causes the prey to fall out of the sky, Plumerang will descend on them. Humans in the past trained Plumerang to act as living weapons.
Plat and Plumerang are based on flounders. Plat is also based on the stonefish, an extremely venomous Australian fish that is easy to step on due to its camouflage. Plumerang is based on flying fish and boomerangs. Much like how Plumerang was used as a weapon, boomerangs were originally invented to act as weapons. Their name comes from "Pleuronectiformes" (the flounder family) plus "flat" and "boomerang".
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Tormite, the Termite Pokemon, bug-type. Tormite live and work in giant hives made from soil blued together with saliva. They mix together explosive chemicals in their abdomens. They can release these chemicals from their rear ends, spending them rocketing mandibles-first at enemies.
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Tormite evolves to Myrpaga, the Army Ant Pokemon, bug-type. Myrpaga are the primary defenders of the hive. They create tubes out of dirt and plant material glued together with saliva. A Tormite sits in this tube, which is used to fire it at threats to the hive as a living missile. Myrpaga's antennae contain lenses that it uses to help aim.
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Female Myrpaga evolves to Myrmartill, the Walking Hive Pokemon, bug-type, if said Myrpaga levels up when the trainer has 5 Tormite on their team. Rarely seen in the wild, Myrmartill only appear when the hive has to relocate. It carries the hive on its back and defends itself with twin turrets that fire barrages of Tormite at enemies. Nothing will get in the way of Myrmartill as it looks for a new place for the hive to live.
The Tormite line are based on ants and termites (which I genuinely thought were related to each other. Turns out they aren't) mixed with military technology. Chemical weapons are commonly used by ants and termites in defense of their hives. Tormite is a living rocket-propelled grenade and takes influence from the bombardier beetle. Myrpaga and Myrmartill are based on army ants. True army ants are native to South America, but a species with similar behavior is native to Australia. Myrpaga is a a soldier holding a rocket launcher while Myrmartill is a mix of armored troop transport and artillery cannon. Tormite comes from "termite", "torment", and "torpedo". Myrpaga comes from "myrmex" (Grrek for ant") and "RPG". Myrmartill comes from "myrmex" and "artillery".
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Sparquoll, the Sparking Pokemon, fire/electric-type. When Sparquoll runs, sparks are released from its feet that leave a trail of embers in its wake. It will climb trees to shock bird Pokemon out of the air, then finish them with a burst of flames.
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Sparquoll evolves to Sparkinina, the Sparking Pokemon, fire/electric type. Sparkinina has a unique organ that functions both as a flame sac and generator of electricity. This allows Sparkinina to produce both intense flames and powerful electric shocks. It chases down prey and immobilizes it with electric shocks, before dealing a fiery bite as a finishing blow.
Sparquoll and Sparkinina are based on quolls and Tasmanian devils, carnivorous marsupials that are related to each other. Spark can refer both to fire and electricity, so a fire/electric type seems like a fairly obvious combination. Their names come from "spark", "quoll", and "purinina" (the Palawa Kani language word for Tasmanian devils). Also, Sparkinia learns Twister as a shout-out to Loony Tunes.
I have some more fakemon in the works, so another post should come out within a few days
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rivangel · 2 years
"it would take a very specific combination of events to witness Levi cry" - can you elaborate or maybe conjure such a sequence leading to witnessing him cry? i feel like if anyone could do crying levi justice, it's you gee.
//ocd symptoms
he HAS to be at his wit’s end. completely broken down by grief to the point that there's so much of it that he thinks he's feeling nothing when he's actually overwhelmed. he has slept eight total hours the last week. he's been drowning himself in work as a result...
perhaps getting chemical burns and sores on his hands from cleaning obsessively—something that helps him unwind at good times but becomes his enemy at the worst because it never feels like enough. he's up at night sweeping the same floor he swept that day because the thoughts are out of control, because he himself has lost control.
(I personally headcanon him not with contamination-ocd but he likes to clean and his anxiety factors in. patterns and perfection give him a sense of comfort and control when it's bad and he feels the need to do more. taps the doorknob after he's locked it, taps his teaspoon a number of times against a cup of tea he made because otherwise his mind is convinced it's poisoned; if he doesn't buckle and unbuckle each one of his ODM belts before going out to training somehow everyone he trains with that day is doomed to die... for examples.)
the point is the habits appear when it gets bad. you notice these. trying to confront him on working/cleaning too much in efforts to steer the conversation into the direction Levi has been dealing with for a week or so now makes him snap at you. normally, Levi isn't the type to raise his voice in spats w you, and the last thing he really wants is to hurt you, but he's being petty to try and push you away. so you don't have to deal with him, to see that he's weak, and he's extremely stubborn about his own independence. asking if he needs help makes him feel pathetic, and so he reacts defensively.
the bottom line is that he hurts you. you choose to give him space, which only gives Levi's grief and self-loathing more room to fester. he's ashamed, and he's so sorry, but he doesn't know how to fix it. his common insecurities become world-ending for him.
and it's probably a minor inconvenience that makes him crumble. he accidentally drops a dish or he folds a piece of clothing wrong the first time and suddenly it's all coming down on him.
thing is, Levi still won't reach out. no matter what, he wants to take care of himself on his own, and refuses to burden anyone because he's supposed to be strong. it infuriates him to be pitied, even though he's in desperate need of comfort.
it's sometime at night when the normal workday is over. you see him again by some obligation like delivering him some papers to sign, and he's of course not any better, but stone-cold and silent. the bags under his eyes speak for themselves.
if you try talking, he's just going to be distant, and angrily confronting him on his recent behavior just confirms what he's been thinking, so he wouldn't argue this time; he comes off aloof and vaguely disinterested when he's really devastated until you at some point leave.
i feel like to get Levi to cry in front of you, you treat him with a silent act of kindness without him asking. like you put away some dust rags he left sitting out for his convenience, but that's not where they normally belong, or you spot an empty teacup on his desk and take it to the sink to be washed.
he's going to glare and ask why you did that, he didn't ask you to, when he really means he doesn't deserve it. instead of arguing or consoling, you plainly ask if he's eaten dinner or not... something so mundane that makes it hit him how bad he's gotten and how much you care.
and he has nowhere to run. no work or errands and he doesn't have the heart to snap again. all that's left to feel is horrible. he swallows visibly... and you coexist for the next few hours, making sure he showers and eats by setting out fresh clothes and making him something. you give him the option, that's all. there's a hard lump in his throat as he stands under the shower spray—he's holding himself together by a thread.
it's really when there's no distractions left, and it's dark. you sort of coaxed him into bed by being there with the sheets untucked after he's out of the shower. you might say, "Why don't you come here?"
and so he lets him do what he needs. climbs into bed and lays with you there in the dark. he feels your steady proximity for the first time since he's been feeling so anguished. meanwhile those familiar dark thoughts are urging him to get up because suddenly he could swear something hasn't been cleaned or something's just the tiniest bit wrong, and he can't stop thinking. but you're right there.
he's actually silent in the embrace you brought him into, which he didn't agree to nor disagreed to. and suddenly the levy just breaks. like the dam that has been cracking over weeks crumbles, and throaty, near-silent sobs begin to wrack his chest, and then his shoulders.
in the dark, with someplace to hide like under the covers or with his face in your neck, he cries. and before he can remember how urgent it is to pacify himself, your hand sinks into his hair and you bring him closer... and you say something, like, "It's okay... I'm right here," and then he's bawling. after so long pushing you away, he's suddenly clinging on as if begging you to stay. they're ugly sobs that are loud enough to hear from the hallway even as he muffles himself in your neck. you comfort him almost wordlessly by stroking his back and telling him to let it go, that you can't imagine how hard it's been for him, and telling him everything he's needed to hear the whole time without realizing it.
tldr; i think he'd have to be overwhelmed... at his very wits end. only when there's no possible way to deal with it by himself anymore and he doesn't let himself break. he just shatters.
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| levi masterlist | main masterlist |
🏷: @ackermendick | @midtwenties-angst | @sckerman | @halloweenmedic | @katty | @jayteacups | @notgoodforlife | @peace-for-levi | @chaotic-nick | @b-o-n-e-daddy | @levisbrat25 | @oh-my-bakura-akefia | @happybird16 | @svftackerman | @galactict3a | @s0levis | @rouge_variant | @sparkywrites25 | @levisgreyeyes | @go-bonkers-go-foolish | @clusiesuzie | @that-1-levi-and-bkg-simp | @littleagxs | @spouse-of-the-rulers-of-hell | @rmylovely | @oldtownwonderland | @youre-ackermine | @mokkely | + link to sign up
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thebearme · 11 months
got any zoey headcanons?
YES!! imma bout to go off-
Zoey is Korean-Russian. (Dad is Russian and mom is Korean.)
Was a military kid so she hopped to place to place but when her dad was home the arguing would continue. Eventually leading to a divorce.
Her pet hamster and cat kept her company during these times.
Miss Puffy Cheeks (the hamster) is unkillable. Kid Zoey would make up stories of MPC being a tough, resilient military hamster that has a secret life outside of being her pet like Parry the platypus. She finds it silly now but she still can't figure out where MPC goes when she's at school.
Zoey lives with her dad. (she was always a daddy's girl even if she hates to admit.)
Zoey was a quiet but kind girl when she was younger, always a people pleaser and it only got worse in the beginning of high school.
She always got bullied by the jocks of the school for being a push-over, pick-me girl and a quiet kid.
One day they put gum soo far up in her long hair the next day it was ALL cut to her shoulders length.
Later she dyed her brown hair to red. (Cuz red looks cute but also because it gives her SOME control in her situation.)
When I think of Zoey being into indie stuff I think of arty tiktok. (like arthoe, indiekid, vintagecore suff like that)
During All Star Zoey was the girls counselor (by force) and a couple counselors (by force). By the end of it she got sick of being everyone's therapist. She LOVES helping her friends but it gets hard to do so when you have no choice.
Zoey's favorite time period is the 50s, as well is Vito. (the ONLY thing they have in common)
She's also go on dates with Svetlana. (🏳️‍🌈lesbeans)
Zoey also does Svetlana's makeup sometimes.
Zoey likes putting stickers on things and people.
In MZC team (Mike, Zoey and Cam) Zoey thinks she's the mom friend. (everyone is the mom friend.)
In a High school au their friend group is literally JUST Ned's declassified survival guide.
Btw Zoey and Mike are the types of mfs to instead of dancing in the prom they will dance in the rain outside together. (I watched too many 00s 10s Disney shows.)
Cause Zoey was a military kid she had trained with her dad in self-defense. (This is where commando Zoey came to be!) Even though she never uses it, it's still a useful skill.
Zoey is sumwhat able to catch up to Manitoba pace when they hike together.
Jo hangs out with Zoey and Svetlana, they go to the gym together.
Sammy and Zoey are friends and go to the same school (Zoey is two grades ahead.) and they spend lunch together sometimes. (depending if Amy kicks Sammy out from her lunch table.)
Zoey's cat (Fluffy) has beef with Mike because he thinks Mike is taking his mother from him. (Her attention whore cat.)
She does NOT like conflict. Zoey will have a panic attack if people argue in front of her, let alone make her choose sides.
Zoey takes a major in psychology and a minor in fashion.
Zoey and Brick are classmates and great friends.
Brick and her have a lil side project where they make outfits for Dekota size. (she really appreciates it.)
A little silly thing Zoey does when she's bored is that she draws on her or others skin. Mike tends to have the most drawings on him (hands & arms) it grounds him and also because her drawings are cute. She doesn't draw on Cam because he's to afraid of the chemicals in the markers or pen.
Zoey hates the idea of choosing sides so much after she finishes college she moves in with Mike. Not smart financial but at least she won't have to tell one of her mom or dad that she chose to be with the other parent instead of them.
Zoey has a little bit of strained relationship with her parents.
Mal and Zoey would ✨lovingly✨ beat each other up. They're ADHD VS AUTISM incarnate. (Mal hates mfs with red hair and pronouns!! /j)
Zoey is Molly McGee on adderall.
Her and Gwen would get tongue piercings together.
Zoey has a granddaughter relationship with Chaster, a good one but she still try's not to upset him anymore then he already is. (btw no one has told him that Zoey is half-Russian and none of them plan to.)
Zoey take more years in college later and became a teacher; I imagine she's Mille's teacher. After the TDI reboot Mille comes back to class feeling guilty that she couldn't finish her thesis paper about people her generation's psychology but made a backup paper about her own insecurities. And of course Zoey completely understands and tells Mill it's ok to feel insecure but make sure to keep yourself in check so that insecurity doesn't turn into judgement for others problems and trauma. (this one had abit more projection in this. superiority complexes in Gen Z's that "aren't like the others" virus is a real problem man.)
(Because I aint planning to re-re-redesign Zoey.) take a list of songs that give a Zoey vibe.
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Touchdown! Alien Rock Returned from Billions of Miles Away!
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After traveling billions of miles to Bennu and back, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft released its sample capsule toward Earth’s atmosphere at 6:42 a.m. EDT (4:42 a.m. MDT). The spacecraft was 63,000 miles (102,000 kilometers) from Earth’s surface at the time – about one-third the distance from Earth to the Moon.
Traveling at 27,650 mph (44,500 kph), the capsule pierced the atmosphere at 10:42 a.m. EDT (8:42 a.m. MDT), off the coast of California at an altitude of about 83 miles (133 kilometers). Within 10 minutes, it landed on the military range. Along the way, two parachutes successfully deployed to stabilize and slow the capsule down to a gentle 11 mph (18 kph) at touchdown
“The returned samples collected from Bennu will help scientists worldwide make discoveries to better understand planet formation and the origin of organics and water that led to life on Earth, as well as benefit all of humanity by learning more about potentially hazardous asteroids”
After years of anticipation and hard work by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security – Regolith Explorer) team, a capsule of rocks and dust collected from asteroid Bennu finally is on Earth. It landed at 8:52 a.m. MDT (10:52 a.m. EDT) on Sunday, in a targeted area of the Department of Defense’s Utah Test and Training Range near Salt Lake City.
Within an hour and a half, the capsule was transported by helicopter to a temporary clean room set up in a hangar on the training range, where it now is connected to a continuous flow of nitrogen.
Getting the sample under a “nitrogen purge,” as scientists call it, was one of the OSIRIS-REx team’s most critical tasks today. Nitrogen is a gas that doesn’t interact with most other chemicals, and a continuous flow of it into the sample container inside the capsule will keep out earthly contaminants to leave the sample pure for scientific analyses.
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defensenow · 4 months
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Do you think Sobble would be a good pet? 🩵
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By all appearances, a sobble would make a great pet (though perhaps inconvenient for some, which we’ll get into)!
As common first starter Pokémon for trainers in the Galar Region, sobbles are the perfect size for a pet and are very receptive to training. In many cases sobbles are trained to take part in pokémon battles, growing stronger as they become more experienced and evolve, but they themselves aren’t exceptionally dangerous. Their move pool is pretty limited, and like those of many of the water-type starter pokémon we’ve covered, isn’t going to be a problem aside from making a watery mess. Like usual, I’d suggest any prospective water-type owners to make sure everything important in their home is water-proofed to some extent.
There isn’t very much data about the behavior of wild sobbles, unfortunately. We do know that they have a fascinating ability to camouflage themselves: their skin can change color when wet, making them practically invisible (Shield). It’s unknown if this ability is primarily used to sneak up on prey, hide from predators, or some mixture of the both (as is the case with real-world chameleons). I would recommend giving your sobble a collar (or some other accessory) as long as they are comfortable with it, to make sure that you are able to spot them even when they are camouflaged.
The aforementioned inconvenience of caring for sobbles is their propensity for crying. Sobbles get scared and anxious easily, and as a defensive mechanism react to these emotions by crying. The tears that they cry are filled with a potent mix of chemicals, said to “pack the chemical punch of 100 onions”, which once exposed to the open air cause everyone around them to tear up and “weep” (Sword). It probably goes without saying that there would be pretty inconvenient in a lot of contexts. I would recommend making sure your sobble feels safe as much as you can to avoid being made to weep at any given time!
Overall, though, sobbles would make excellent pets, especially if you’re looking for a primarily land-based water-type pokémon!
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quaintbuilds · 2 months
The Kingdom of Mossland
KoM 2-9 | The Defense of the Realm
The armed forces of the Kingdom has been a long running and ever changing part of this build. A coastal fort was one of the first things I built in the city but it was very blah and I tore it down and put a scientific academy in it's place. But ever since then, I wanted some sort of structure that would act as the center of the Kingdom's defenses. Originally, this would have been a large fort guarding the harbor, but that area has been rezoned as part of the city. And then I realized I had never really expanded the Kingdom to the south and went looking around for some building inspiration, and I found the fort I had been looking for.
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Fort Maillard
Built on an island guarding the southern entrance into the city, Fort Maillard is the home of the Kingdom's armed forces. Here, soldiers are armed and trained to defend the realm from the hordes of zombies and skeletons that plague the land. The fort also is the home of the Officer's School, where strategy and command is taught through extensive wargaming (this was an actual thing in history, not just something nerds do. There is also a Royal Surveyors team that has a bitter one-sided rivalry with the Explorer's Guild, who have replaced them as the realm's foremost cartographers. But the most important inhabitants of the fort, are the River Watch. These soldiers are responsible for guarding the Kingdom's many rivers, and have earned themselves a legendary reputation as the shields of the realm.
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The River Watch
Responsible for the defense of the Kingdom's waterways, the River Watch have outposts and watch towers all over the Kingdom. Combined with their signature narrow boats, this network of watchers and boats allows the River Watch to quickly respond to threats all over the realm.
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Their boats have collapsible masts to allow passage under low bridges, and a shallow draft, to avoid grounding out in shallow waters. The boats are equipped with sleeping areas, and a small kitchen, allowing the crews to stay on the river for extended periods of time. The inspiration for these boats are the narrow boats common to the canals of England. I reeeally wanted a cool name for the boats and the group, similar to how the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones are called Crows, but I really couldn't think of a river themed version. The Toads? The Swans? They all seem kinda lame.
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The River Gates
The last thing I built was the river gates that guard the northern entrance into the realm's rivers. These gates are built into a cavern under the city and work together with the drawbridge to make unwanted passage into the Kingdom nearly impossible by river.
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I know this was a long one, but larger builds to flesh out the project was my goal with the whole "Season 2" thing. I also have a job that mentally drains me, and my willingness and availability to sit and play Minecraft is not what it used to be. But I still like playing it. I recently joined a modded survival server with some people for the first time, but they all gave up by the end of the first week, which really sucked, so I came back to my kingdom. I have actually been debating calling a hiatus (or just an end entirely) on this and starting a new project. I feel like a new build style would be nice to explore, but at the end of the day, I am just one tired guy who has to accept he can't play as much Minecraft as he wants to.
*Fun fact, Fort Maillard gets it's name from the Maillard reaction, which is a chemical reaction that causes pretzels to develop that brown pretzely goodness when they are baked*
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nullnvoid911 · 13 days
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A U.S. Marine assigned to Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense School conducts a contamination test during a field training exercise at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
Lance Cpl. Manuel Serrano / US Marines, May 12, 2016
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waffles-art-writing · 2 years
Music Is An Escape, So Is Touch - Ghost!Platonic x Fem!Reader (JOKER)
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Summary: The quiet night of finding a place to listen to your music by yourself, turns into a night of soft music and a comforting presence by the one person you would never expect.
Proofread: Nope - Well kinda… not really.
Pairing: Task Force 141!Platonic x Fem!Reader - Kinda more a Ghost!Platonic x Fem! Reder
WordCount: 2.8k
Age Rating: Any
Codename: JOKER. ( Part 1 - Part 2 )
KEY: Y/N - Your Name, L/N - Last Name.
Warning/Info: PTSD, smidge of trauma, Fluffy Fluff, self esteem issues and self image issues.
A/N: I would like to thank everyone who has shown interest in this little series! And for everyone’s support of my writing! It means a lot. :) also I kinda stick with the design of Ghost from the comics and stuff for this one. I may also draw something related to JOKER and the 141 if y’all are interested. :)
Taglist: @boogieman-23 (Tell me if you want to be in Tag list for this series)
You weren’t one to openly share your things, music, earphones or headphones, or anything really. Unless you really had to, like they were going to suffer without them. But when it comes to music, everyone kinda just looks at you like you’re some weird person when you say you don’t want to share. ‘What do you listen to preschool songs on loop all day?’ Your friends - albeit your ex-friends - would joke, causing you to curl in on yourself even more when it came to choosing music for a road trip, party, or a group study session. Which more likely turned into a bitch talk and boy talk get together, which you didn’t mind but it did affect your grades at times.
When it comes to the rare time that it is quiet on base, being able to be by yourself. Unbothered by Soap’s pestering or Gaz’s questions, or even Price requesting you to help train some poor sod who fainted when they saw Ghost lurking in the shadows. You were able to find a quiet spot, plug your earphones into your phone and just listen to your music. It’s almost like an escape from the hellish reality that is life, it allows you to block out all the voices in your head that tell you everything that is bad about yourself, nit-pick at everything you do.
Your footsteps are quiet as you walk across base, the night air cold in your lungs, it stings every so slightly, but it is soothing. Better than the burning fire fire that is crackling within you most days from the anxiety and the stomach churning memories of the day you ran for your life, silently wishing you could’ve just been shot there and then, and not have to deal with the prying eyes of every woman or man that works at the base you’re currently stationed at.
Your hands are burrowed deep in your hoodie pocket, wrapped around your phone and tangled mess of earphones, Price allowed you to have your phone for music while in the medical wing. Thankfully he didn’t mind you having it outside of that white tiled, chemical filled building. The same building you have silently committed to the ‘Buildings I will burn before I die’ list. It ranks pretty high.
You peek around the large building, looking to see if anyone is out and about, it’s spring, so it’s not too cold but still chilly. The floodlights are on, the bright light beaming down on a few people outside, some talking others playing a game of some sort. You couldn’t tell from the distance you’re at, you’re on the outskirts of the base, skirting around the lights and populated areas. You may have a scarf on to bury your face in but you’re not going to risk being seen.
You quickly make your way across an open area of the base, dashing towards the low stone wall that runs between the residential area of the base and the more tactical and defensive area. You see the small lights of the runway glow in the distance, a few military vehicles scattered around, one behind you thankfully. You sit on the low stone wall, your feet dangling like a child on a chair, swinging them slightly to keep the chill at bay.
Your fingers work on the tangled mess of your earphones, the rubbery cord becoming an annoyance. Your phone still resides in your pocket, waiting to be switched on. You sigh as you tug at the black and red cord, hoping you’re not damaging the wires inside. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, you finally get the cord untangled, sighing with relief when you plug them in and can hear the music easily.
“Finally” you sigh, tipping your head back, eyes closed. You lean on your hands, fingers clutching the uneven surface of the stone wall. Your eyes flutter open to look up at the stars, the shinny twinkling dots, they could’ve died but we just don’t know yet. The light from them still reaches us before the darkness of the night sky swallows them, drowning them in the dark blues and purples of space.
The music plays softly, drowning out the breeze, the distant chatter from the people outside, the crickets and other night animals that lurk outside of the base. You’re not really paying attention to the music, but more to the stars, trying to find the constellations that hide amongst the other stars. Your mind finally quiet, no inner voice berating you, making you want to crawl under a rock and die. Not making you feel like everyone is staring at you, looking down on you, making you feel miserable and lonely. Just peace and quiet, almost tranquil.
A noise, a sharp baritone noise sounds out from your right.
Fear bubbles in your veins, hands ripping the earphones from your ears harshly, causing a slight wince. You head snapping to the side, eyes scanning the darkness, hands pushing on the wall ready for your fight or flight instinct to kick in. Flight is almost winning when you see the outline of a figure, tall and broad, clearly powerful.
“It’s just me, Kid.” The Manchester accent of your Lieutenant pierces the night air, your lungs that were on fire now simmer down to a low flame, eyes once wide now lowered. Your hands loosen on the rocks, picking at the rough surface as you bury your face into the warm scarf around your neck. You sigh as you see Ghost’s boots enter your vision, warmth is radiating off him like a large fire, it’s comforting when you know who is next to you. “Sorry if I scared you, Joker.” The timbre of his voice sends a shiver down your spine, you just know he is looking at you with his cold and calculating eyes, a frown probably pasted on his lips under the dark mask.
“It’s fine…” You pause, breathing in deeply, trying to find your voice. “Just didn’t expect to see ya out here is all.” Ghost just hums in acknowledgment, the same deep sound rippling the air around you. He’s sitting next to you, his feet firmly planted on the ground, his arms folded as he leans into the metal side of the large armoured vehicle behind you two. He seems at ease, quaint, almost peaceful.
You glance up at him, he’s still stiff as a board, no surprise there. You look away, looking out over the runway and open space, your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, clearly seeing the faint outline of the mountains in the distance.
“What were you listening to?” The man next to you asks, his voice low, trying to keep the peaceful atmosphere around you. You glance over your shoulder at him, in question for a moment. The large man is looking at you, motioning with his hand to your pocket, to your phone. “Oh uh… nothing that you’ll know of” you mumble, trying to avoid having to share your music. “I’m sure I would’ve heard of it, at least.” He replies, he doesn’t sound annoyed, just sounds tired, you can’t blame him. So are you, you’re beyond exhausted, sleep deprived.
“It’s uh… it’s ‘It is so’ by Elevation Worship” you finally state, after checking the screen of your phone, it’s at the 3.36 mark, just over halfway through the song. Ghost tilts his head slightly, trying to decipher why you’re so closed off about your music, he’s pushing his own boundaries when it comes to you. Becoming more open, concerned, approachable.
“Haven’t heard that one” his voice brings your mind out of the dark cloud that looms over your head, the voice taunting you with insults and remarks about your music, saying no one likes it. “Not many have… at least I don’t think. I like it…” you state, bringing your knees to your chin, balancing on the wall with ease. Your phone and earphones are still tucked away in your pocket, music paused and waiting to be listened to.
“Mind if I listen?” He asks, adjusting himself on the wall to lean forward onto his elbows, trying to see your expression. But there’s no need. You look at him, face hidden behind the scarf - apart from your eyes up - your brows are furrowed with hesitation. “Wha-” you cut yourself short when you realise your staring at him, I mean he stares at you why can’t you stare at him? But it’s still rude to stare.
“I guess yeah, I just didn’t peg you to be into this type of music.” You mumble as you dig around for your phone, Ghost lets out a short huff of air. A chuckle? “Well I don’t know what it sounds like, so I can’t say anything.” Your face blanks when you realise that he’s right, if he hasn’t heard the song, he can’t have an opinion on it.
You tap your screen dragging the song back to the beginning, handing an earphone to Ghost, who in turn accepts. You pause for a moment, how is he going to put it in when he’s got his mask on? “I can uh turn around for you to put it in… yea I’ll do that” to stumble with your words, feeling horrible for giving it to him when he would have to lift his mask when he’s so careful that no one would or could see his face. A mumble ‘thanks’ comes from him when you turn your head away, your eyes skipping across the different stones you can see in the limited moonlight. The moon is only a quarter full, very little light is shining down on the earth.
Your mind is miles away when you feel Ghost tap your shoulder lightly. He’s been calling your name for a few moments now, he was worried you might have fallen asleep. You flinch and turn to look at him, eyes wide and brows furrowed. “You okay?” You nod your head, looking down at your phone and following the black and red cord up to where it disappears under the skull balaclava. “Just lost in thought is all.” You mumble as you fiddle with your phone, turning the music on and putting the other earbud in.
(I suggest to listen to the song: It Is So - Elevation Worship)
You sit there, eyes towards the sky, watching them attentively. Mind mumbling within your head as you get comfortable with Ghost’s presence, his warmth that’s radiating next to you. You hear him shift, probably just getting comfortable.
Ghost is content, interested in the meaning behind the lyrics. Slowly connecting the dots between the song and you, he watches as your eyes watch the stars. He has this little warm feeling bubbling in him, happy you’re not scared of him, happy to not hide in on yourself, happy you’re opening up to him. He’s happy.
You sigh as you pay more and more attention to the lyrics, your head dropping, eyes looking at your lap, tracing the camo pattern of your cargo pants. Hands fiddling with a pebble you found on the wall, trying to get your mind away from the tingling feeling that’s forming behind your eyes. Your eyes flutter close, a single tear rolls down your cheek. You're wishing, hoping, begging that Ghost can’t see it or hear how your throat is tightening and choking the breath from you. You don’t want to disturb the tranquillity you two have. But to your demise you sniffle.
Warmth envelopes your hands, not rough material of gloves but the rough calluses of Ghost’s hand. You turn your hand over, threading your fingers with his. His grip is tight as you feel him rub small circles on the back of your hand. He’s moved closer. His shoulder touching yours lightly, he could practically see you shutting down, curling in on yourself. Knowing how it is when you’re left to your own thoughts. He’s been there and done that many times. He doesn’t push you to do anything, just allows you to grip his hand like it’s your life line.
You turn to hide your face into his shoulder, your mind is taking in the lyrics and playing them through your memories, new and old. A small sob leaves you, your forehead is pressing into his shoulder. You’re beyond thankful that he’s here with you, supporting you in his own way.
Ghost stays quiet, allowing you to feel the emotions, he knows he could do more but he doesn’t know how. He’s stuck in his own mind more times than ever, he knows your pain. He’s taking a large step by holding your hand, especially without his gloves, knowing you just needed something to ground you past the music. His own chest aches ever so slightly when he feels you lean into him more, he adjusts slightly, letting go of your hand to tuck you into his side more. His hand coming to rest on your arm, keeping you close, he rests his chin on your head. Breathing slowly, silently encouraging you to match him.
Your hands grip his jacket, hands curling around the thick material. “I’m here kid, just breathe.” His voice low as he mumbles into your hair, you keep your face hidden in his shoulder, your breathing slowing as you focus on his breath. “That’s it.” You let out a shaky breath, not thinking about moving as you stay tucked up to him.
“Thank you…” you whisper, looking up at Ghost. He shakes his head lightly, his hand coming up to move some hair from your face. “I’m always here for you.” He mumbles, he dips his head resting his forehead on yours, luckily he’s just wearing the plain black balaclava and not the one with the hard skull. The skull would’ve hurt.
You stay like that for a few moments, listening to each other's breathing, foreheads pressed together. Your eyes flutter open meeting his, dark molten chocolate eyes surrounded by the dark greasey paint. You smile slightly at the feeling of his thumb brushing over the scars that paint your cheeks, his touch is feather light. “Don’t blame yourself alright? Or I’ll have to put you on cleaning duty for a week, copy?” He lightly sneers, his tone holding a hint of sarcasm. “Copy that L.T” you smirk. “Atta’ girl.” He quips, his mask shifting, eyes squinting slightly from his hidden smile.
The Ghost smiled, smiled with you.
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Incorrect Quotes Part 3 (feat. my Hufflepuff!MC, Ellie)
Send help, I can't seem to stop. That's waaay too enjoyable. MC is steadily evolving into a gremlin "The Polyjuice Plot" quest revealed her to be.
Leander: But what about Ellie?
Natty: Don't worry so much about her.
Garreth: I once watched her fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep casting Revelio like nothing happened.
Sebastian, Poppy & Natty: In our defense, we were left unsupervised.
Amit: Wasn’t Ellie with you the whole time?
Ellie: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Poppy: What’s your biggest fear?
Ellie [after clearing Aranshire from spiders]: I am incredibly arachnophobic.
Poppy *under her breath*: You don’t want spiders to get married?
Ellie: So, Poppy is no longer allowed in the Room of Requirement.
Leander: Why?
Ellie: Because I've caught her trying to train Nifflers to fight five times in a row.
Poppy *arms crossed and pouting*: You'll be thanking me when the third Niffler battalion saves your ass.
Ellie: Why would I need Nifflers if I have my Chomping Cabbages?
Leander [an avid fan of ferocious plants]: That's a good point actually.
[Someone's trying to trespass into Ravenclaw common room is becoming one of my favourite plots as well as Chomping Cabbages]
Ravenclaw knocker: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Poppy: Stepping on a Kneazle's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
[The door opens]
Ravenclaw students: How do they do that? First Leander, now Poppy. Who's next, Venomous Tentacula?
Ellie & Leander [who are already inside]: Tentaculas can't walk. Beware of the Chomping Cabbages!
Leander: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Ellie: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Garreth: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Poppy: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
[In the goblin mines]
Ellie, to Amit as they cast Disillusionment spell: First rule of battle, my dear friend... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Sebastian, somewhere in the distance: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Ellie: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
[After the quest in the goblin mines]
Duncan, to Ellie: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Ellie: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Everett: There are only eight planets, you Puffskein Dunkein!
Amit, appearing from nowhere: VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
Ellie, rolling on the floor and laughing: That's my boy!
Poppy: Ellie learned how to fold origami penguins from Amit the other day. I told her, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and she immediately cast Glacius on them.
Leander, to Garreth: If you see Ellie, give her this message *makes a neutral face*
Leander: She'll know what it means.
Garreth: Oh, and Leander said to give you a message.
Garreth: *makes a neutral face*
Ellie: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Ellie: Judging our life choices, I really hope we all make it to adulthood!
Natty: That’s a great prayer.
Poppy: A needed one.
Sebastian: A needed one indeed.
[The squad is bored as hell during History of Magic lesson]
Garreth: What is the most illegal thing you can do with one galleon?
Ellie: Exchange it for knuts, put them all in a sock and beat someone to death with it.
Leander: No more hanging out with Sebastian for you! He's a bad influence! You're grounded for till O.W.L.s!
Ellie: For till O.W.L.s?!
Leander: For till O.W.L.s!!!
Sebastian*offended but taking notes*: That's too cruel even for me!
Leander: Ellie, is this why you've been to Azkaban?
Ominis & Sebastian: You've been to Azkaban?!
Other students: Calm downess, relaxation, chill out and stop screaming...
Leander: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Amit finally snaps and commits a murder so that he can fit in with the rest of your friends?
Ellie: I’ve been going through this year assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to him.
Ellie: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I complete the trials, so instead I have Leander periodically send me howlers saying ‘we need to talk.’
Ellie: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Sebastian: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Ellie & Ominis: All the time.
Sebastian: Then you should be used to it by now.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
HAPPY CHANUKAH !!! Chanukah night 7 TONIGHT 🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎
◾️MORE SHIP ATTACKS BY THE HOUTHIS… a Marshall islands-flagged chemical tanker reported an "exchange of fire" with a speedboat 55 nautical miles (around 102 kilometres) off Yemen.  A speedboat with armed men aboard approached two vessels transiting off the coast of Yemen's Red Sea port of Hodeidah.  (AP) the Houthis launched two missiles at a commercial ship in the Bab al-Mandab Strait but missed, according to US officials. An American vessel intercepted another drone launched by the Houthis. (The ship that the Houthis tried to hit is the Ardmore Encounter tanker that carries the flag of the Marshall Islands.
Also reports of a shipping attack on the other Yemen coast near Oman.  Quickly becoming a major disruption to world shipping.
◾️THE TOLL… we previously reported on 8 lost in battle, two more are reported killed yesterday as well - the worst day since the first day of the war.  https://www.timesofisrael.com/ten-soldiers-including-two-senior-officers-killed-in-gaza-fighting-and-deadly-ambush/
◾️JENIN… (Arab city, West Bank, terror center)  Firefights with IDF forces still going on, day and half continuous.
◾️FALSE ALERT - MODI’IN MACCABIM REUT… siren alert malfunction.  Homefront Command is working to fix.
◾️INCREASING RESERVE AGE… the Ministry of Defense distributed a memorandum of law to increase the exemption age from reserve service to be raised in order to prevent damage to the IDF's combat capability in the midst of war. According to the plan, the exemption age will be increased by one year for regular soldiers, officers and certain positions. 
◾️GAZA, WEAPONS EVERYWHERE (no innocent / civilian spaces)… Lt. Col. Oz, Nahal's 931st Brigade: We entered about 500 houses in Jabaliya. In 90% of them we found weapons, inside wardrobes, in the kitchen, in UNWRA sacks and under babies' beds. There were grenades, weapons, guns, rifles, RPGs and many other weapons.  We arrived at the mosque, which apparently looked innocent. When we broke the door on the third floor, we were surprised to discover an advanced combat space there: they built a training facility there, like we train in the bases, they managed to build it in the mosque! We killed more than ten terrorists there.
◾️SOLDIERS MOTHER’S SAY… ( https://m.facebook.com/Mothers.Soldier ) "Our sons in battle, not Biden's son or Blinken's son - our soldier's life comes before the enemy's citizens.”  Ilanit Dedosh, mother of a commander in Golani "Don't be influenced by foreign considerations - bomb from above.” 
“We are in the most just war, against a cruel enemy who slaughtered, raped, massacred babies, women and hundreds of our brothers and sisters. We must trample him, and kill them to the last - and not stop until victory! We call on the IDF and the government - do not endanger our soldiers without a real operational need, do not put before your eyes any other consideration, not legal, not humanitarian or international pressure, Our sons are the ones in battle, not Biden's son nor Blinken's son, tell everyone in a clear voice - the lives of our soldiers come before the citizens of the enemy. We as mothers will not accept any risk to our soldiers that is not from operational considerations only. Loving, trusting, and strong - we are behind you! Fight until victory!" added the mothers.  “You promised that you would not surrender and that you would not change the plan of action, do not endanger fighters in vain!”
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