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mellozheist · 3 days
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Hi! I'm Melloz Heist (She/Her) A young Adult, a freelance artist from Thailand, creates illustration and animation, Fanartist I make silly Fan-animatic on Youtube If you're interested in commissioning me, Contact me on Tumblr/Twitter or Check out my Vgen! >> https://vgen.co/MellozHeist
My art tag >> #MellozH art
If you have a question, feel free to dm me
Don't be a dick, enjoy your stay :)
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talia-black · 2 days
What do the Harbingers think of Regrator's Darling?
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Background: She/Her pronouns. Darling grew up alongside Pantalone on the streets of Snezhnaya. When Northland Bank was established and Pantalone started making a name for himself, Darling was his loyal assistant. Years and blood, sweat, and tears later he is a Harbinger. The man who holds the entire economy of Snezhnaya in the palm of his hand, a loyal servant of Her Majesty of the Tsaritsa. So what do his co-workers think of his ever-present shadow that is more mysterious than the Regrator himself? (While she will be referred to as Darling instead of a name, whether Pantalone is a yandere is up to your own interpretation.)
About Darling: You wish to know about my wife? Our love has been blessed by the Tsaritsa herself. As we promised Her Majesty, it shall be as eternal as the permafrost that covers the heart of Snezhnaya and strong as the north wind. She prefers to remain estranged from public appearances and manage our collective interests at home. Any more information than that will cost you much more than you're willing to pay, Traveler.
Idle Musings: I wonder if she has received my gift yet? Perhaps I should return to Snezhnaya early and surprise her. The new dress I commissioned for her would be perfect for that ball in a few weeks.
The idea that the true power of a leader resides in the shadows is a time-tested truth. Unlike the gods who openly flaunt their hand, humanity knows to keep their cards close, lest they risk their own destruction. The Regrator's partner remains his ace. While he pursues his vision with the persistence and ferocity of a raging blizzard, she remains as unwavering and immovable as a glacier. I have only met them on a few occasions, but they have earned my respect. Mostly because they manage to keep the Ninth's more... eccentric tendencies in check.
Love is an indulgence seldom indulged in by the Fatui, let alone a Harbinger. One can only look to dear Rosalyne's tragic tale to see how such a bond will only result in regret and sorrow. But if any of my fellow Harbingers were to take such a risk, it would be the Regrator. What he lacks in warrior's honor he supplements in ardor and resolve. Aside from Childe, he is the most human of us all. And to crave love and be loved in return is the most human desire of them all. While I have never had a chance to become aquatinted with them, I have seen the changes wrought in the Regrator since their courtship was announced. Perhaps such happiness will be worth the inevitable agony of heartbreak.
Her? The Regrator's pet? I suppose she's competent, as much as a regular human can be at least. Anyone who can stand the Regrator's incessant ramblings and fits has to possess an unparalleled level of patience. I once approached her with an offer of being my assistant, though she quickly rejected it. Unfortunately, ever since the Regrator has gone out of his way to make the process to apply for funding ridiculously convoluted and I haven't caught so much as a glimpse of her since. Perhaps I should try and approach her again, if only to show that bespeckled fungi what happens when you take months to approve my proposals.
Oh, have you met Darling? She rarely sets foot in Zapolyarny Palace, and seldom speaks when she does. Such a pity. Her voice is lovely, and she brings a song that reminds me of my favorite solo. I would love to watch her perform, but that greedy crown never shares his treasures. A tragedy worthy of its own opera.
The Regrator's wife remains an enigma to even my intelligence attempts. In public she plays the part of a banker's wife to perfection; Hanging off the Regrator's arm, never speaking unless directly spoken to, and always has a soft smile at the ready. In private, the only thing lacking is that smile. The few times I've visited the Regrator's estate she has always been a marvelous host, and if the rumors are true, she is the reason the House receives such generous funding. While I typically do not take pleasure in lacking information, my shadows have never found any evil intent in her heart. I do hope to arrange more Harbinger meetings with them in attendance, as its been shown the Regrator is less likely to waste time with his pointless prattling when she is in attendance.
Those who know the Regrator's heart is as cold as the mora he covets would expect that any marriage of his would be purely transactional. Whether to bolster his image or gain an advantage over his competition, there is no tactic too underhanded nor too twisted to be ruled out. It is because of these assumptions I was shocked to find out his eternal partner was of no particular note in either the economic or social circles. I was even more surprised when Her Majesty insisted on being the officiant at their union.
Her? She's never made much of an impression. As intended I assume. She is more akin to a purse perpetually hanging off the Regrator's arm. Though if the opportunity were ever to arise, I would like to examine her to see what function allows her to stay in such close proximity to the Regrator for extended periods and not choke him on his own coin purse.
The Lady Regrator doesn't tend to be present for Fatui matters. From what I've heard she prefers to manage the Northland Bank's affairs from their headquarters in the homeland rather than "weigh in on decisions that ultimately have nothing to do with her". Most of the Harbingers and upper-ranked Fatui barely know she exists, but the staff for the Northland Bank actually have a great deal of respect for her. Ekaterina's spoken about how she completely reworked the bureaucracy of the Northland Bank to allow for clear-cut lines of communication, less paperwork, and overall better working conditions for all employees. You want my opinion? I've only met her in person on a handful of occasions. She didn't come off as particularly strong, but I'll reserve my judgement. I doubt the Regrator would ever entrust the management of Northland Bank to someone incompetent.
Who? Oh... her. She was beneath my notice for my time among the Fatui. The Regrator's little trophy wife. Tch, she could have been part of the wallpaper and I would have more to say about her. Although, I do remember a particularly amusing exchange between her and the Doctor. I didn't care much for the details of their conversation, but she managed to break my record for the least amount of time needed to make Dottore lose his composure. 38 seconds.
That the heartless, mora-grubbing, unsentimental Regrator would find a love worthy enough to be blessed by the Tsaritsa herself is unthinkable. Have I met her? Only when she is in the company of the Regrator. Otherwise she remains locked behind the doors of Northland Bank or hidden past the gates of the Regrator's estate. She has always been cordial, and on the rare occasion she is around the Regrator tends to shut up quicker which is always welcome. While her beauty is nothing compared to my own, it is greedy of that crow to keep such a gem to himself.
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court-jobi · 6 hours
The Bet
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((banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's work/characters))
Pairing: Hawks x reader (fem!reader)
Words: 4.2k
Rating: T
Warnings: flirty FLUFF hours, yall, quirkless!reader/Pro-Hero Hawks, tame dressing room shenanigans, light teasing, he fell first she fell harder vibes
Hawks loves a playful game, and you're a sucker for each and every one. Till now, you've taken his harmless flirting as just that, but it is starting to seep into you. You're a four time best-selling author– brought low by a boy calling you the most darling things… only today, you'd profit off of his attentions by way of a bet-- or was this just another way for him to spoil you?
A/N: this is one of the first Hawks ideas I had, based on the hc that he'd have an eye for fashion given all those gorgeous accessories he wears... pretty bird likes pretty things. gosh I just love this man. oh gosh, do I part 2 this one? Might be fun… and spicy…
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on Ao3
“Alright m’dear, I'm impressed,” your Winged Hero pins up his wings with a slow clap, “You win!”
As you’re stepping out of the car, suave cheers are the flirty taunt you hear over your shoulder– well, up on the lightpost. 
“Win?” you fire back to the source of shadow over you -Hawks- as he hops off and strides over to you, “-were we playing something?”
“The race,” he shares plain as day. “Thought I’d race ya back to the Commission's office, see if I could beat your- charming- chauffeur here since I was on my way too~”
Ah, so it was a one-sided game, it seems. The driver who picked you up from the conference center passes you, poorly masking his exhaustion at the flyboy’s presence at just about every turn. When it involves transporting you, the poor man knows Hawks won’t be far behind. 
It’s not like you encourage this behavior… but you don’t stop it either.
Between the two of you, the money on who could remain the most professional in public would sit squarely in your court. But to say it didn’t interest you, this mysterious focus of affection from the #2 Hero in the country? Well, riddle you intrigued. So you let him talk- as long as you keep your ironclad guard up, you tell yourself you’ll resist his teasing just fine.
You shoulder your belongings in order to follow the driver, but slow your pace for Hawks to catch up. He’s earned a bite, with those pretty eyes of his.
“And just how did you know I was even going to the Commission's office?”
“You really gotta start setting your calendar to ‘private’ if you don’t want me seein’ where you’re heading, lovedove.”
You really should be better about changing your working location on your calendar– because if it involves your contract with the Hero Commission, Hawks inevitably will see it. All in all, he's not wrong, so you can't really call him nosy when you've advertised where you'll be. He's notably observant as per his profession, and the dearly devoted attention is… sweet, in its own way. 
And the pet names. You’re a sucker for the pet names. How pathetic. 
You’re a four time best-selling author– brought low by a boy calling you the most darling things… There’s something oddly American about Hawks’ forwardness, indeed. There’s hardly an ounce of propriety on him. All gorgeous grins, fawning compliments spouting from his lips, and hearts in his eyes. 
“But!” Hawks sighs in faux dejection, “since you beat me here fair and square, I guess that makes you the winner this time.”
You bite the inner of your cheek, “And what have I won?”
“That's up to the victor- whoever got through all that traffic to the office fastest gets a favor of their choice. I bet a nice dinner out, buuuut I don’t believe you’ve decided just yet...”
“Don’t you have enter a race in order to win it.”
Hawks lifts his hands, “Nnnope~ I don’t make the rules, I’m just telling you what they are.”
How generous. 
“A hero’s favor: I’m speechless,” you fein sarcasm, but it comes out just as flirtatious.
Boyish charm on full blast, Hawks starts walking in reverse a few extra steps: to get a better look at you as you set each perfect stride forward. 
“So. What'll it be? Office hours with yours truly? New tablet? Maybe treat you to a subscription for those shnazzy glasses you like so much? I know a pretty neat brand deal who'll be happy to set you up~”
He’s laying it on thick… but from the back of your mind -the part you really try to silence while on the clock as a consummate professional- you throw Hawks a curveball:
”A dress.”
Hawks pauses and blinks, “Say again?”
“You heard me. I want a nice dress. I can't remember the last time I went shopping, plus I certainly don't have my wardrobe from New York– and there's a board dinner coming up next week. So, I'll need a dress.”
“Oh really?” Hawks comes to scritch at what little, tailored facial hair he has, “Done!”
Yes, you needed a dress. Yes, you have a particularly dashing hero willing to wine and dine and hold a childish bet as the excuse for him to buy it for you. Yes, you even have full plans to send some photos of the excursion to him as a little treat for his efforts.
But yes, you’re regretting everything. 
Taking a personal day, you drag out your morning routine to maximum enjoyment. A quick, efficient breakfast wouldn’t do today; this called for a home-baked casserole moment to start your time off at home. Light and easy, it held you over through some oddball errands, which you humored your friend back home with as you called her up on the way to the shopping complex,
“//It’s a blend of formal and not, here– like, you’ll have someone dressed to the nines in a full suit, then a girl walks up onto the train looking straight out of a k-pop video!//” 
You chatter away in your first language, brain taking a sufficient backseat from the Japanese your father raised you on. 
“//Yeah, I mean, I love the looks, it’s just fashion whiplash sometimes. There’s also an insane amount of hero merch- it’d put Iron Man to shame… Oh, for sure, you’d have a field day– and no bank accou–... you’ve gotta be kidding me.//”
Your bestie asks what happened on your end of the line; why your voice suddenly fell to a groaning whisper. 
Peeping down from the rooftop of the dress shop was Hawks– a pleased smirk on full display and waving, having lifted your sights with a little whistle that a bird a fraction of his size might have made.
Somehow, you knew better- hearing the utter tease in that bird call.
“//My god… I’m an idiot.//”
Hindsight working as it wills, you realized your regret at telling him where you were interested in going to shop around, and blamed your bogged-down memory that still failed to update your shared calendar and remove some pesky permissions for privacy’s sake. Can’t even say he didn’t warn you- Hawks teased you of it straight up.
These two slips combined meant you should not have thought any freedom would be yours when a muted flash of red rains a couple of stray, baby feathers atop you as you approach the storefront. 
“Hiya~!” he calls to your stunned face, which gives way to resignation. Tender, willing resignation. 
Hand shielding your face from the sun, you make out where he’s cocked his head at you and simply offer a little crook of your finger to make him come down. 
“--I’ll call you back~” you tactfully ignore all of your bestie’s spot-on assumptions that the fabled flyboy had arrived to collect on your winnings.
He was a grown man. Surely a picture to approve the purchase and details for wiring the money at checkout would have sufficed for this little venture- did he have to accompany you?
"Ahhh time for you to model for me, eh gorgeous?" Hawks croons once he arrives by your side.
Your gentleel, pacifying nature mutes the barest flicker of an eye roll. "Please don't make me regret this, dear."
"No funny business, promise," he held his hands out in defense. "A bet is a bet. You claimed your terms, I deliver. I'm just here honoring our deal."
You pause now that you were four feet from the door. For some reason, you felt a pang of nerves underneath your cool exterior. To double it, you were positive his attention should likely be anywhere but here. Seeing as he’s dressed down in street clothes settles that worry, but you still think he should surely be needed somewhere other than a women’s dressing room. 
"I never meant you had to be present for redemption, though."
“Course I do. Fine print; ‘must provide adequate supervision’. For posterity’s sake– you know how it is, dove.”
“Seems I don’t know a lot of these ‘terms’ when it comes to you…”
"Humor a poor, losing man's wish. After you."
You couldn't lie, Hawks was a pro at sweet talking and complimenting you- and seemingly only towards you. Press conferences and bathroom trips alike, he seeks out an opening to ask you something so down-to-earth that you never consider a chat with him to be strictly ‘small talk’. Truly it didn't matter the duration– Hawks flew to you like a magnet, but never carried out the same saucy line twice. It’s enough to make you think whatever’s happening between you is not something casual for him…
Not since the night you met, where talk between you lifted the persona of ‘Hawks’ and revealed the man underneath bit by bit. He shed that outer bravado almost immediately with you; you could tell that’s a rare (and perhaps dangerous) move on his part. 
To be true, you liked that part. That felt real. It was that rationale which you hung onto. Let yourself be tugged by the side of your brain that allowed Hawks to usher you into a particular formalwear shop you’d heard rave reviews from a coworker a few months into your life in Japan. 
This one-on-one time together could be a sweet fever dream– or a horrendous case of honey-dipped hives. You’d focus on the positives for now: so long as he minds his hold on your heartstrings, perhaps your new crimson shadow would prove your mistrusting gut wrong…
Hawks follows companionably behind once you walk in. His wings are shucked a touch shorter today, and elicit  a few double takes from some folks between racks.
You note the peeping and low gasps, and cast a look back to him as you turned a corner, 
"Second thoughts about a public appearance in daylight?"
Hawks grins back without missing a beat.
"Not a chance~ Wouldn't miss this time for the world." 
You start up the escalators and he keeps one step lower. Ever the faithful duckling, when you veer off towards the formalwear, a woman came right to greet you both– immediately recognizing the pro hero at your heels. After you assure her that you were alright managing on your own, you were happy to find Hawks mimic your reasoning when asked again– and kept the interaction short and sweet.
Then the teasing started.
‘D’ya like this one?’ ‘This would hug you in all sortsa good ways.’ ‘Watch out gents, here comes trouble~’
“Red would look stunning on you.”
You eye Hawks playfully– both at what he suggests and the proof that stems from below his shoulders: where he prominently featured the color on his person. 
"It's a better color on you, hon,” you hedge against his push for that dress. “Besides, I'm looking for length and cut, not just color."
Less than happy with your objectives, he picks one up anyway. "Sure about that? Give it a real look."
Red, of course, and while you nearly straight-up ignored the selection outright– you thought it over once you saw the dress he was referring to. From an exasperated cock of the head, you straighten up, consider, and hold it yourself. It wasn't bad, actually… The fabric was divine.
You ask for a couple sizes for him to check. Making out the Japanese characters on these tiny SKU cards was still hard to read, so you are genuinely thankful for his presence now more than when you came in.
"Hmmm…” Hawks put himself to work, but fell just as puzzled as you. “Euro sizes here, it looks like."
"Oh crap, that's right..." you mumble through the ‘dress math’ after a quick conversion chart lookup and notice they do have it in your size.
“I’ll– think about it,” you placate him. 
Hawks conveniently pulls out his phone and makes a note by your contact– listing your dress size ‘for future reference’.
He didn’t make a show of it, but wasn’t subtle with what’s on his screen, either… so you clear out your phone's notifications with thinly veiled sass and an overactive thumb.
"Are you blushing?" Hawks calls to break you out of your stewing.
"Hush you~" You pocket your phone again while he chuckles.
 "Okay okay, back to business. What about this one?"
A deep gunmetal floor length gown is what catches Hawks’ attention next. It’s downright elegant, but a bit over the top. 
"Hm, shame. I can see that one for maybe an embassy event..."
Watching Hawks peruse is amusing. He stays away from the flashy, multi-textured colors, but the muted metallics and jewel tones draw him to finger through racks consistently. More to match his suit selection, you figure. So, you entertain him when you circle back to the red dress in your size, and hand it over to him to carry. You ignore the way Hawks’ eyes light up and follow after you, humming some happy little earworm.
"Ooo~ what's this black one by its lonesome over there?"
By the off-yellow tag, he spots a factory sample: ideal length, asymmetrical cut, appealing neckline and just your type. Hawks couldn’t hide his appreciative look your way as he holds it out and imagines it on your body type.
“Well now, that’s cute~”
"Try it?"
You agree and read off the dress size again (more for your memory than his). For a second, you catch sight of the reverse side of the tag, and almost choke as you return to the few items he held draped across his arm, inspecting each of their tags as well,  "//Holy hell-//"
“Language," Hawks chuckles.
Your eyes fire humorously back at him, with a firm grip on the price tag of the one in your hand. 
"This dress -here- is over a thousand dollars!!" you stage-whisper.
 Hawks conspiratorially looks around, and matches your whispered tone, "--You're trying it on!"
"Keigo–" He reminds you, softer still, and relieves it from your hands to join the red one. "And you're wearing it. What else? You need more than two options." 
Avoidant of the pricepoint, you find one in a navy satin and another deeper purple number till you sit Hawks down forcibly on a bench outside when he proceeds to follow you into a room as a gag.
While the blue could use a different size, the black was your favorite so far. You’d be pleased that you won’t leave here unhappy, certainly, if you still weren’t so sticker-shocked. 
But then the red dress -perfectly hung and whispering to you-  reminds you he was still out there, waiting to see it.
"You still alive in there, sunshine? Haven't heard a peep in a while."
"What, you wanna see every one?" You fire back confidently, but with your pulse racing.
"Only fair. I'm here as a second pair of eyes."
"Hm. That's what I'm worried about."
He laughs it off. "Come out, I wanna see you."
So you slip out of your room in the black midi dress with a little shuffle of your hair, looking damn gorgeous and an ideal knockout in any professional circle. There’s a perfectly-structured, white accented jacket in your arm that you slide on and look across to a mirror. 
No second-guessing filled your mind at all when you took in the full ensemble. Pleased, you made your third immediate regret looking through the mirror’s forced perspective at the man sitting behind you.
Yes, Hawks -the #2 fan-favored Pro-Hero- is GAWKING.
"So? What’s the verdict?"
His eyes roam, but meet yours when prompted. "I .. didn't expect anything less than gorgeous on you, but... you are stunning."
The flatterer was present, but the undertone carried out from his compliment seems utterly adoring. Those golden eyes aren't far off from hungry, yet he respectfully rests his sights to your eyes more than anywhere else.
"Do you like it?" Hawks craves your opinion above all.
"I really do." You turn to the side to check your posture, and take the outer layer off again. "I'll have the jacket for other things too, if I go with this one. But I think the straps should be fine for Endeavor’s agency, right?"
"Have you seen Bubble Girl?" Hawks mouths off, now standing by you. "She's one nip slip away from an x rated advertisement."
"To put it kindly! No, this is- tastefully sexy." The backs of his fingers brush by your elbow. He takes care not to let the touch linger but enjoys the view all the same while he has it. 
You smirk back and feel great about your top choice. 
"--What about the red one?"
–and there it is.
You fix the jacket collar absently so it doesn’t crease, "Haven't tried it yet."
"It’s next, right?"
You roll your eyes. "You're incorrigible."
"I'm a man of my tastes~ and I have a good feeling about it."
So you change, with a few impatient remarks from outside the door. This one has you a bit more nervous.
The leg slit had you hot flashing on your neck and up your jaw– standing vulnerable in your stall. Checking over yourself, you’re suddenly aware of Hawks’ comments at the apartment that one night after he dropped you off from a spur-of-the-moment karaoke night. Something about the high cut that reminded you that Hawks was a leg man for sure, and he'd surely have a field day seeing a dress with this much skin. The sleeves were shimmering and gorgeous, and you felt comfortable otherwise. So... nothing left but to strut it out and get it over with.
Coming out, you could have snorted at the way Hawks melted. 
Wings drooped, the man slack-jawed and eyes blown into an awestruck stare, you feel 90% more proud. Sauntering to the mirror, you fuss over the look in perfect confidence now- spinning to give him the first once-over before you could get the first grand look yourself.
"I'll admit, good find,” you praise appreciatively, thankful he didn’t start howling the second you emerged. “You saw it first. Happy?"
Hawks is quiet for a beat but lifts to your gaze again shyly before looking back.
"Ah... You’re.. really beautiful. I mean, wow," he hides behind some propped up hands.
You smile and don't care now fast your heart flutters. The butterflies warm you all the same, in that special way he seems to bring out in you. What were once nerves turn to calm as he watches you turn and joins your side again, a bit closer.
A strong, soothing hand slightly correcting where the seam fell along your side, you kept your focus on the event itself and not on his touchiness. Much easier to do than reading into Hawks’ reaction and attention on you.
"It’s a little formal for next week, but... I may have to remember to come back for this one some other time. When the right occasion strikes." 
That decision seems to break him from his trance: "Oh no– you're getting that one, too."
You whip your head aside fast, "No way. Deal was one dress. That last one is already over 800- plus whatever the jacket was, technically-"
"I don't believe it's your job to worry about cost, sunshine." Hawks pockets his hands confidently, staring you down exclusively in the mirror’s view.
“You won. Winner called for dress shopping. You never specified how many.”
“I’m pretty sure I did name a one, singular event in mind-”
“Nonetheless, I am indeed the loser and therefore the payor of said bet.” Hawks fixes you a firmer look than usual. “I say you get both. Black set for next week, the red for… call it a rainy day.”
You believe his seriousness, but can’t shake a twinge of guilt at the cost. This was a silly bet; a saucy wager between two people that tests the waters of what you’d call this friendship… 
“Look– I’m sure money isn’t an object for you, but this would—”
“--be my pleasure.” Hawks won’t let you finish- “C’mon- When was the last time you bought something like this for yourself?”
Hawks holds you by the shoulders to turn back to the mirror. At your quick study over the red semi-formal gown again, you flip your sleeve cuff into place and miss the loving look he gave while pulling your hair back softly. 
His fingers return to your shoulders but with the gentlest, experimental touches to your neck in its path.
“You -my darling wordsmith- have, no doubt, the kindest heart I’ve ever met in one of the hardest cities in Japan. Those two things shouldn’t coexist in this kinda world, but you thrive in it. You’re… so good. You haven’t let the hard stuff touch you, even when you’re neck deep in it. Not only that, I’d say you're also easily the most resourceful mind PR’s had in years; hell, of any agency on the field. You’re brilliant, funny, and as I've so recently discovered today– downright gorgeous, no matter what you’ve got on.” 
His gaze separates in favor of fixing a portion of hair back into place– light preening, by his standards. 
“Gems like you come once in a lifetime; if anyone is that lucky to meet one nearly as great as you… they should consider it a blessing…” 
You hadn’t realized you'd leaned back into his space until you register his hand sliding down to caress your elbow, and his other fingers resting right on your waist. 
He tilts ever so slightly to speak towards your ear; his eyes meeting yours again, a sparkle in them that has you wrecked.
“You won a stupid bet, sure; but you deserve to be treated more often than once-in-a-blue-moon. Call me selfish for taking the role of the guy who gets the pleasure.”
Your polite smile turns lopsided, just listening to this rare show of heart. 
“Please let me do this for you, lovedove. Please?”
Sorry gut, you’ve been proven wrong. He’s a verified angel, and to be frank, you’re tired of avoiding the flip in your tummy when you see him. With Hawks pressed against your back, you’re not troubled by what fleeting intentions he may or may not have– not when you can see them plainly in that pretty face looking back at you. 
While your standards had always been on sharp lookout for the catch behind his behavior, what made Hawks’ company something you looked forward to was the heart behind the charm... that soft feeling you caught every now and then when you two spoke behind closed doors or in passing. He carried a depth with him, but also a lightness that seemed to shine whenever he took to your presence– like he was chasing after joy, not just chasing some tail. 
Perhaps that was enough for you to want something more than these quick interludes, and draw out this little dress date into lunch.
You nudge your head toward his. “Red, for a rainy day, huh?”
He nuzzles you back perfectly. “Mhm~”
“Rainy days call for rainy dates, don’t they?”
Interest lifts the hero’s wings, but he keeps his voice sure and calm, “Sure would be poetic~”
You don’t break eye contact with him in the mirror while you mesh your fingers with his on your waistline,
“Then I guess a certain someone should ask me. Get something on the calendar he’s actually invited to.”
Hawks matches his hold on your waist fully now, relishing the touchpoints he’s sharing with you.
“Now that sounds like a great idea, sunshine.”
“Maybe.. swap some time slots– over lunch?”
A soft glint in his eye, Hawks dips to give your shoulder a small peck, “Done.”
Happy with your bravery - as well as the amount of eye contact that will last you the next four to six business days- you finally cut away from watching Hawks in that damn mirror, and sway side to side enough to give him the hint you were ready to get changed again. Only before he steps completely away, you catch his wrist with a quick, blind question over your shoulder. 
“Hey– help unzip me?”
You’d zipped yourself perfectly fine… this was for him. 
A happy little exhale leaving him as he snugs back up to you, Hawks flares out his wings a bit as he catches that tiny zipper until it reaches your mid back right where you could normally reach- and then a tad lower. 
“There y’go~” Hawks murmurs to your ear again, “I’ll make sure no one catches an eyeful that they shouldn’t.”
You look back to him over your shoulder, “No one?”
An invitation offered, Hawks gives an appreciative glance down where your dress barely splits open.
“Not trying to jump straight to dessert here, yknow. Sounds like I’ve got a hot date.”
Chuckling, you finally twist and keep your new dress up by the front,
“You’re right– it’s not like it’ll be the last time you see me in this. You wanted dinner out, right?”
Hawks gave an agreeable hum, nodding along the way. 
You chip his chin toward you for him to listen,
“Then call me a sore loser next time, so you can collect~”
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protectorcraft · 27 days
hi! i do not have the energy or time to set up some fancy shmancy commissions sheet right now, or even a fancy graphic for what i'm advertising, but i do need money.
because i'm currently Unemployed. and i won't be able to get a decent job until i obtain my driver's license.
so, PWYW (starting at the low low price of 8 american dollars) Sketch commissions are available now! you can buy them at my ko-fi!
most of the info is there on my page, so i won't bore you with the details. if you'd like a drawing from me and don't care too much about polish, nows your time!
once i get comms set up proper, i may retire this option entirely. soooo not to fomo you or anything, but if you want it at it's cheapest, now's you're time.
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artyartpile · 5 months
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Commission done for my friend Asia uwu
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meownotgood · 2 years
I am requiring for you all to look at this beautiful art of me and aki that I commissioned from @meowzanin33 LOOK AT IT RIGHT NOW
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nocturnalfandomartist · 4 months
I'll save you...
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If Hyrulean soldiers are still enemies, perhaps Ganon's brainwashed the king again? Or maybe an Agahnim return? Surely Zelda's father being after her won't give her issues!!
theory: Link fell into the Dark World(?). IMAGINE she finds him and he's just a silly pink rabbit!
theory: zelda and link have... a history....
hc: zelda saves Link and echoes 500 flowers on top of him
@shekiahastronomer (Your tag since it's finished, as requested!)
did anyone else notice SHE IS WEARING HIS CLOAK!!!!! ;_;
I'm so excited for all the headcanons and fics and fanart about this!! Another new Zelda game so soon!!!!
do you have any idea how feral I am I have waited my whole life for this
Time Elapsed: 1 hour, 26 minutes
More thoughts and predictions to come, I just can't formulate thoughts rn
Program Used: IbisPaint X
Feel like commissioning something or just leaving a small tip to support me? Check out my Ko-Fi page! ₊‧⁺˖
✦ Ko-Fi
Guess what! I have a Twitter also! ₊‧⁺˖
⟡ Twitter
If you're interested in my writing: ₊‧⁺˖
✧ Ao3
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greypistacchio · 7 months
"Pieces Of Paper We Hold" (HuskerDust) is live on AO3!
hey hazbin fandom!! you might want to check out my complex and multi-layered fic for these two losers!! it explores the nuances of morality, sin, and redemption, as well as cool kink and some light BDSM between the ultimate otp.
read "Pieces Of Paper We Hold", a Hazbin Hotel post-season 1 HuskerDust fanfiction here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53795893/chapters/136163467.
before you proceed, find all trigger warnings, as well as the rep, below the cut.
featured below is commissioned art by @mothmanadjacent (MothMommyy on Twitter)!
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100% of the profit will go to a non-profit that helps SA survivors and victims of human trafficking. The sale will be handled by myself, and I will be keeping and providing receipts of ALL donations going to the right place.
You can find all the information about the charity sale here:
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If you're interested, please fill out the interest form HERE.
Alcoholism, alcohol abuse, drinking
Anxiety attacks
Emotional abuse*
Explicit sexual content**
Intimate partner violence*
Gun violence
Loss of a child
Non-con sex as a punishment*
Physical violence
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Survivor's guilt
Withdrawal from drugs
* = Challenged, not between the MCs (Angel and Husk)
** = Explicit scenes are cis-MLM, and they are clearly signalled with dividers so that readers who might be uncomfortable reading them may skip them
Ethnicities and race
Black character with vitiligo
Body diversity
Fat character
Developmental disabilities
ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
Cri du chat syndrome
Intellectual disability
Gender diversity
Non-binary characters
Sexual diversity
BDSM and kink positivity
Gay male MC
Pansexual male MC
Sex work positivity
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batfluffs · 16 days
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howdy! here are a couple of commissions i've worked on recently just to let you all know i'm still alive!!
a BIG big thank you to @scarecrow-prince , @five-crows-in-a-trenchcoat , @cero-sleep , and @barbelzoa (characters listed in order) for giving me the opportunity to work with your amazing character designs :D
if you're interested in ordering your own 3d model, you can check out my commission page here!! <3
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liscrispim · 1 month
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commission for @tahsta !! thank you for letting me draw your gorgeous character
ps: my commissions are currently open <3 if you're interested, check out the link in my pinned post!
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is-this-yuri · 5 months
hey yall, i'm sorry to be hustling again, but i'm having trouble getting the cash i need these past couple days. i was running around all week doing appointments and working on my disability appeal and picking up prescriptions, and spent almost all my money in the process.
i'm getting back into art making, so if you'd like to check me out @foogsfarts i'm going to be attempting to sell some of my art. my style isn't suited for commissions, but if you'd like to commission something, DM me at my art blog and we can talk. keep in mind i'm working off my phone while living in my car, so i have some limitations, but more stuff is coming in the future. it would be nice to be able to stream, but thats not an option for me right now.
if you're not interested in that, but still want to help a homeless guy out, i would greatly appreciate donations of any amount at these links to keep me going:
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tofupixel · 4 months
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TofuPixel Links + FAQ - Commissions Open!
🌟 Building a game: @wishlings 🌠
My Portfolio
Support me: Commissions | Tip Me | Digital Store | Print Store | Game Assets | Stickers + Merch
Socials: Twitter | Cara | GameJolt | TikTok
Yes you can use / cross-stitch my work for personal use! <3
🎨 Pixel Art Beginner Guide
Hello, I'm Tofu, a pixel artist based in England. I work full-time doing pixel illustrations or game-art. I started learning in my early 20s, so no it's not too late for you!
I run a 7k+ member Discord server called Cafe Dot, where we host events like gesture drawing and portrait club.
I currently have Good Omens brainrot so expect some fanart on this blog. I also occasionally do/reblog horror art so be mindful of that!
Due to so much AI nonsense on every platform, all my public work will be filtered/edited with anti-AI scraping techniques. Supporters on my Ko-Fi can see unfiltered work and also download it.
Want to learn how to do pixel art? Check my tutorial tag!
Other tags:
tutorial (not pixel specific)
my art
follow (artists i recommend)
🌟Free Stuff!!!
What app do you use? I use Aseprite on PC and occasionally Pixquare on iOS (use code tofu for 30% off Pixquare!! <3) Free alternative: Libresprite on PC
Why does your art look so crunchy / compressed? Glaze
How did you learn pixel art? I first started out watching MortMort and making tiny sprites. Then once I started getting interested in landscapes/environment art, I did many, many Studio Ghibli studies.
How can I also protect my art? You can use Glaze and Nightshade- Glaze protects against Img2Img style copying, and Nightshade poisons the data so the AI thinks it's the opposite of what it actually is. There is a lot of misinformation going around (likely from pro-AI groups) so do your own research too! If you're a pixel artist you can also tilt or blur your art after upscaling, which will make it near useless to AI models (or regular thieves) once downscaled again.
Feel free to send me an ask if there's anything you want to know! I am always happy to help beginners :--3
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snoobless · 4 months
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Commission for @sleepy-crows! Thank you so much! If you're interested in getting a commission for yourself, check out my pinned post!
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blossompigeon · 11 months
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Here are some of the doodle commissions I've done so far! All IDs for the bird species are in the image descriptions :) And a huge huge THANK YOU to everyone who has commissioned so far!
Are YOU interested in a doodle of a bird? I'm currently offering commissions via my Ko-Fi, where I will draw a doodle of any bird you'd like for $10! Check it out if you're interested!
Buy tytonidaeus a Coffee. ko-fi.com/tytonidaeus - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page.
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nocturnalfandomartist · 2 months
Why Sheik isn't in Skyward Sword...
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I needed to buckle down and do some comic practice :)
Program Used: IbisPaint X
Time Elapsed: 10 hours, 56 minutes
Handwriting Translation
Sheik: "Hero chosen by the sword... Your predestined path begins here..."
Sheik: "You must follow it to---"
Link: "Zelda!"
Sheik/Zelda: "LINK! How did you know it was me?!"
Link: "Why wouldn't I recognize you?! I've been looking everywhere!"
Fi: (mumbling) "the dowsing ability..."
Feel like commissioning something or just leaving a small tip to support me? Check out my Ko-Fi page! ₊‧⁺˖
✦ Ko-Fi
I have a Twitter also! ₊‧⁺˖
⟡ Twitter
If you're interested in my writing: ₊‧⁺˖
✧ Ao3
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0cta9on · 4 months
Stuck With You
length: +2k words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
(Author's Note: My first commission!! Thank you to f_r_e_s_h for purchasing a commission, I appreciate it a lot :) If you're interested in buying a commission from me, head on over to my ko-fi page!!)
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 A light breeze brushes past you, relieving you of your exhaustion for a brief moment as you watch the sun set below the city of Paris from the balcony of your hotel room. The 14-hour flight from Korea was hell, but the view alone made it all worth it. It has always been part of your bucket list to visit Paris one day, it’s a shame that you won’t be able to actually experience any of it though. With the International Summit starting tomorrow, you need to be extra focused on your work as a diplomat representing your country.
A cafe sits across the street from your hotel, beckoning you with its warm and welcoming light. You watch as the people inside talk and laugh about things you can only assume, enjoying one another’s company on this chilly winter day. A nice cup of coffee sounds great right now, but you have to be ready for tomorrow. But… It’s not tomorrow yet. The night is still young, giving you a couple hours to check out the cafe and maybe even explore the city for a little bit. You did all the extra work you needed to do on the plane, so there’s no reason for you to stay in your hotel room. After the summit is over, you’ll be on a flight straight back to Korea, and when are you ever gonna have the time to come back to Paris again? Besides, you’ve been working too hard for far too long, you deserve to have a small break.
Without hesitation, you grab your coat and exit your room, beelining it straight towards the elevators as you mentally practice the little French that you learned before the trip. With a resounding ding, the elevator doors open and you walk inside, only a couple floors standing between you and the City of Light.
The elevator shifts to a stop on one of the floors, opening to reveal a girl around your age wearing a mask and a cap pulled low over her eyes. Even with the majority of her face covered, you could feel the aura of elegance and beauty surrounding her. Her outfit isn’t anything crazy on the surface - a hoodie layered with a leather jacket and a clean pair of jeans - yet something about the way she wears it is so attractive. You wouldn’t be surprised if you find out that she’s a model for Paris Fashion Week, which coincidentally occurs at the same time as the summit.
“Hello,” you greet as she steps into the elevator. She returns your greeting with a simple nod, a small gesture that makes your heart flutter. You didn’t necessarily believe in love at first sight, but you imagine this is how it would feel like.
The elevator descends in silence, save for its mechanical rumble. Due to the nature of your job, you meet a lot of important people from around the world, so your conversational skills have naturally improved over the years. However, you suddenly find yourself tongue-tied around this random girl, not even a simple “How are you?” can escape your lips. All you can do is sneak little glances at her, but now you just feel creepy. Oh well, it’s not like you’re here to meet women or anything of that sort. You just want to feel some freedom for a little bit.
Suddenly, you nearly fall to the ground as the elevator begins to jerk violently. A hauntingly loud creaking noise can be heard from outside as the elevator abruptly stops its descent. The girl trips forward into your chest, and you instinctively catch her, holding on until the elevator eventually stops swaying.
Both of you share a huge sigh of relief. Even if the elevator stopped working, at least you're not plummeting to your doom.
“T-thank you,” the girl says, her voice trembling slightly. You meet her eyes for the first time, suddenly greeted by the most beautiful shade of brown you have ever seen. They’re invigorating like the strongest shot of espresso, sweet like the creamiest hazelnut chocolate, and warming like the first cup of hot cocoa in the winter. You could spend hours, no, years just looking into her eyes, getting lost in every flicker of her irises and every flutter of her lashes.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, s-sorry,” you stutter nervously, finally letting her go. You turn away from her, hoping she doesn’t notice the deep red in your cheeks.
She starts pushing buttons at random, but none of them seem to work, not even the one to call the firefighters. A wave of dread washes over the both of you at the realization that you have no idea how long it’ll take to get out of this metal coffin. Maybe an hour at best, maybe never at worst. With nothing else you can possibly do, you resign yourself to the ground, resting your back against the wall. This is what you get for trying to live a little - you get trapped in a box, forced to think about the consequences of your actions. All because you wanted a cup of coffee.
The girl sits across from you, tossing her hat and mask off in defeat, ruffling her silky black hair with her fingers. Your breath hitches in your throat - she is absolutely gorgeous. You swear you’ve seen her face before, maybe she’s a model for a high-fashion brand or the daughter of a rich CEO who ends up getting in the news for trivial matters. Either way, you can’t help but stare at her, slack-jawed in awe.
“Um, did you want an autograph or something?” She asks, her eyebrows raised in judgment.
You pick your jaw up off the ground, your cheeks burning red with embarrassment. “N-no, sorry, you just look really familiar. Have we met somewhere before?”
She chuckles lightly at your expression. “No, I don’t think we have. I’m Minji.” She reaches her hand out towards you in a friendly handshake, which you accept with a smile.
“I’m Eric. It’s nice to meet you, Minji.” The two of you share a laugh despite the unconventional circumstances. “Weird question, are you Korean?”
“Wah, that’s a good guess. How’d you know?” Minji tilts her head like a curious puppy, causing your heart rate to skyrocket. You can’t fathom how someone can be this cool, cute, and pretty all at the same time.
“Your name,” you explain. “I live in Korea for work, so I’ve gotten used to hearing Korean names.”
“Really? What do you do for work?” 
“I work at the embassy in South Korea representing my country. I’m actually in Paris for the International Summit this week.”
“Oh wow, that’s so cool!” Minji’s eyes light up with wonder, her smile making you forget about the dire situation you’re in.
“Hehe, thanks! What about you, what do you do for work?”
“I, um…” She hesitates, lost in thought. “I’m here for Paris Fashion Week.”
“That makes sense, you’re very beautiful,” you suddenly blurt out. Your eyes grow wide with shock at your own words. “I-I mean, uh-”
“No, it’s okay. That’s very sweet.” A light pink hue graces her cheeks as she smirks at you. “So, is this your first time in Paris?”
You let out a sigh of relief, thankful that she didn’t take your compliment weirdly. “Yeah, it’s my first time. I was gonna go out and see the city for a bit since I’ll be swamped with work for the next couple of days, but now I’m… here.”
She nods in understanding. “That’s what I was doing too. It’s difficult to find a moment to myself because of my job. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a ton of fun, but sometimes I feel like a robot following orders, not really being able to live.”
The space between you falls silent in contemplation. You know that feeling all too well. You love that you’re able to help thousands of people every day by being a voice for the people who need it, but work can often get in the way of what you want to do. When was the last time you spent time with your family? Or sat down with a good book? Or went on a date? When was the last time you were able to breathe?
“If you weren’t stuck in here right now, what would you be doing?” You ask in hopes that it will lift the mood.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Probably walk around and take pictures of all the pretty lights. Maybe get some ice cream if there are any shops open.”
Your ears perk up. “Ice cream? In the winter?”
Minji puts her arms up in defense. “Before you go judging me, just try it for yourself first, alright?”
“No, I like it too!” You exclaim, surprised that you found someone that thinks like you. “I don’t like waiting until summer just to eat ice cream. It tastes better during winter anyways.”
“Oh my god!” Minji jumps up in excitement. “Finally, someone who gets it! All my friends called me weird for eating ice cream when it’s cold outside!”
Enthused by her energy, you stand up to meet her. “They just don’t understand that it doesn’t melt as quickly so you get to enjoy it for longer.”
You suddenly find yourself inches away from her face, staring into her big, round eyes. The subtle heat of her breath brushes against your cheeks, warming your entire body. You would gladly spend forever stuck in this moment with her, watching the reflection of the universe in her eyes.
As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Minji pulls away, leaving you breathless. You quickly change the subject before the air between you gets too awkward to the point of no return.
“So… Paris Fashion Week. How’d you get involved with that?”
Much to your relief, Minji eases up, leaning against the wall as she turns to you. “I was invited by Chanel to come and watch their show, and I’ve always loved fashion so there was no way I was going to decline the invitation.”
“Oh, you’re watching the show? I assumed that you were modeling for them,” you say.
She chuckles to herself, blushing slightly. “Are you sure you didn’t break the elevator on purpose just so you could flirt with me?”
“N-no, I didn’t, I swear!” You stutter, flustered. Minji cackles like a hyena at your expression, causing you to keel over in laughter yourself from the insane sound coming out of her mouth. The sound of joyous laughter from two strangers fills the small elevator, unsure of how much time has passed or if you’re ever going to get out of there. You wonder what would’ve happened if the elevator worked normally. Would you be here talking like this? Or would the two of you go about your night without a single word shared between each other? Sure, seeing the streets of Paris would have been great, but would it have been as great as this?
Both of you find yourselves lying side by side, staring up at the bright fluorescent light, your stomachs aching from laughter. Despite it being your first meeting, you can’t help but feel like you’ve known her your whole life. Maybe it’s the same way survivors of a big tragedy bond through shared trauma or something like that.
“Do you really not know who I am?” Minji asks after a long silence. You rack your brain for any possible memories of ever seeing her, but only a faint silhouette appears in your mind.
“Sorry, I really don’t,” you answer. “Oh god, don’t tell me we’re old classmates or something. I would feel terrible if we used to be friends and I didn’t know.”
Her laugh tickles your ear like spring grass brushing against your legs. “No, it’s not like that. Honestly, it feels kinda nice that you don’t know anything about me. No expectations, no questions, no nothing. You just treat me like…. a regular human being,” she sighs.
“Now I’m kinda scared to ask who you are,” you quip, catching a smile from her. “Maybe I don’t have it as bad as you, but I can relate to you somewhat. There’s a lot of people depending on me to make the right decisions and if I miss up even a little bit, so many people get affected by it. If I get recognized in the streets, sometimes they’ll outright tell me what to do, talking about how their families would suffer because of me or outright threatening me to do what they want. It feels like I’m constantly walking on a tightrope being held by two sides that hate each other. No matter what I do, someone is always unhappy.”
Minji meets your eyes in mutual understanding. “That sounds really tough. I’m sorry, Eric.”
Such a simple gesture, yet one that you desperately needed. Talking to her feels like a massive weight is being lifted off of you. The amount of silent suffering you’ve had to endure over the years is finally being unloaded without judgment. With how many people’s lives you affect every day, you never truly realized just how lonely you feel. Thanks to Minji, you feel a little less alone.
“So, what is that you do?” You ask to lift up the mood. “I’ve been dying to know. I’m assuming you’re a celebrity of some kind?”
She smirks at you. “Have you ever heard of New Jeans?”
And then it clicks. You’ve seen her face plastered everywhere in Korea, billboards, ads, commercials, less than 24 hours ago you walked past her face in the airport right before you left. While you aren’t the biggest Kpop fan in the world, you would be lying if you said you didn’t have Hype Boy in your playlist for a solid month.
“Ah, so that’s why you looked so familiar. I’m glad you’re not a classmate I forgot about,” you joke.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we were friends in another lifetime. You’re very easy to talk to.” Minji meets your eyes, casting that warm smile that makes you feel at ease. You forget that you’re in this tiny box with no way out but patience. You forget that in less than 24 hours, you’ll be surrounded by the most important figures in the world, attending a conference that can impact billions of people across the globe. You forget about your feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and stress that you’ve been feeling recently. As you look into Minji’s eyes, all you can think about is her. Her kindness. Her radiance. Her laugh. Just her.
The elevator begins to shake around you, rumbling to life. Your eyes shut, bracing for impact, but all you feel is the gradual descent of the elevator before it lands on the first floor. You and Minji stand up, not a word exchanged between the two of you. Is this… it? Is it over? Are you just supposed to go your separate ways now?
The doors open to reveal the owner of the hotel on the other side, relief and guilt painted on his sweaty face. “I-I am terribly sorry about the elevator, are you two alright?” He asks.
As you reassure him of your safety, you notice Minji quickly slipping past, donning her mask and hat. You decline the owner’s offer of a free spa day and chase after her.
Minji is an idol. Intimidatingly gorgeous, held to an impossibly high standard that she somehow manages to exceed at every turn. Despite that, she’s also kind, humorous, and down to Earth, nothing like many of the celebrities you’ve seen on social media. Even in your brief meeting, she understood you. She wanted to understand you. You can visit Paris again sometime in the future. But Minji? You’ll never meet a person like her again.
You push through the doors, hit by the frigid winter air as a gentle dusting of snow falls upon Paris. Minji stands at a cross walk, her silhouette covered by unmistakable, and you quickly catch up to her. “H-hey, hi, um…” The words get caught in your throat as nervousness overwhelms you. Can you really do this? Would you be able to make this work with your busy schedules? Maybe, maybe not. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.
“Would you want to get a cof-”
“Yes,” Minji interrupts you, her voice lilting with enthusiasm. “I would love to have coffee. With you.” The snowfall catches in her eyes, glimmering with hope and excitement.
All the nerves you felt moments ago completely wash away, replaced by disbelief and an indescribable happiness in your heart. Minji intertwines her fingers with yours, warming your body against the cold as the two of you cross the street towards the cafe and the rest of your lives.
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