#azula centric
ocymoron · 2 months
Zuko who’s feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled when he’s finally back in the fire nation, back in the palace. And like, he’s trying to figure it out and eventually comes to the conclusion that he misses uncle, misses family. So he does as canon zuko does and visits but oops, Iroh doesn’t want to talk, and he makes that very clear every time zuko visits until he just stops visiting.
Zuko, who still wants for a family, spends days reminiscing and brooding and gets desperate enough to try and rekindle the old relationship he had with Azula. Before she started bending and Ozai got his grumby little hands on her.
Azula is.. entertained by his attempts to bond. And that’s it, his pathetic desperation is only amusing to her, it definitely doesn’t fill her chest with the uncomfortable warmth that she only remembers feeling when she was young and weak. She is so deep in denial it’s insane, cause she keeps using that excuse as they do, slowly, get closer and closer to how they were, and keeps justifying her indulgence with the same old excuse.
Of course, Azula is not one to trust so easily. Years of unofficially being the Crown Princess and being educated on the ruthlessness of the political landscape that makes up the nobles has perhaps made her the littlest bit paranoid. And a part of her can’t help but see Mother in Zuko, can’t help the instinctive bitterness that swells up in her throat each time they exist in the same space.
So she sets up a test. Zuko seems so very devoted to being a better brother, has the same look of something she doesn’t want to emotionally touch that Mother had when she looked at Zuko. Traitorously, she wonders if his devotion to her extends to the same extent Mothers did.
Now, obviously, she can’t tell a ridiculous lie like ‘Father’s found out I lied and he’s angry enough to kill me and I’m just sooo scared zuzu~.’ Because they both know she’s still the favorite and, even if his mind seems to get more delusional by the day, Ozai would never kill his prodigy daughter over a little lie.
But she can fabricate one that seems like something he’d do had she actually been found out.
She times it perfectly. Zuko enters her room, mouth open and no doubt about to go on another rant about some stupid play, but stops dead on the sight of her.
There is no greater liar than Azula, so as she carefully checks the burns marks in the mirror she put on her own arms, high enough to hide, she makes sure to tense and freeze up slightly as she makes eye contact with Zuko before, very obviously, forcing herself to relax.
She stays silent as she puts on salves and creams to help it heal and prevent scarring, pointedly not making eye contact with him again and keeping her back to him. Projecting shame and vulnerability that she’s never let him see before.
Zuko unfreezes right as she finishes and storms up to her, hastily grabs her arm with a gentleness that contradicts his urgency, and asks, no, demands to know who did this. His expression is so.. sincere and genuine, so open. It makes her sick. But she’s never given up on a plan just because of her own pitiful emotions, modify them maybe, but never abandon.
She keeps her eyes low and to the side, glues them to her burn, and purposefully crafts her face to something resigned and resentful, inflects her voice with just enough bitterness as she snaps at him, defensive. “Who do you think, dumb-dumb?”
He pulls her into an unwelcome and skin burning and itching and crawling ants under her skin— a hug, he pulls he into a ridiculous hug before she can sneak a glance at his expression but the tense, resigned set to his shoulders gives her enough of an answer.
He loves her enough to care and comfort but his loyalties still lay with Father. She understands better now, on how close she can allow him, puts him just a bit higher than Ty Lee and Mai. It might be foolish but a small part of her was hoping for more, was hoping for the same love Mother had for him, the one she tries so hard for from Father.
She lets the hug drag on few a more seconds and then shoves him off, orders him out and away. Turns her back to him, again, and tugs her sleeves down, dismissive and guarded. She’s only made eye contact once and is staunchly ignoring him now so she doesn’t catch the hard, protective glint in his eye, doesn’t see the way his expression is blank of everything but determination.
She goes to bed and tries to ignore the traitorous thoughts that keep her up, make her question her loyalty and wonder if anything about her is true and real, that whisper in her ears and sound suspiciously like Mother as they condemn her to her fate as a puppet for her Father.
She wakes and gets ready with her attendants like normal and acts perfectly fine because she is her Father’s daughter and she is nothing less than perfect. The attendants shift and glance at her and each other with uneasy eyes, as though daring someone else be the first to speak.
Her oldest attendant informs her of the news. Firelord Ozai is dead, throat slit in his sleep with his arms charred, hands practically gone. His vocal cord was cut, they say, that’s why no one heard him scream. They sound muddled and distant as they speak and she gets tired of the droning that worsens the tight feeling in her chest, sharply raises her hand for silence and tries to ground herself. The looming dread won’t leave her no matter how hard she tries, someone snuck in to the palace and her father is dead and oh fuck, she’s the Firelord now.
Zuko meets her for breakfast, an incredibly early breakfast and shoots her a strained smile but his posture is all wrong, not enough grief and anger and too much pride. The realization hits her quick and hard and she just barely stops herself from dropping her bite of food. He he’d barely reacted and had left so quick because was planning on killing their fucking dad, planning on assassinating their Father in his sleep, a death without the honor of combat, the opportunity to fight for your life. He had to watch their Father bleed out, had to sit and wait before incinerating his arms, all because he allegedly hurt her.
It is too overwhelming of a realization for breakfast so she pushes it aside, gives a small nod and ignores him the rest of the time. She lets the small thought that Zuko is far more like Mother than she expected linger for a moment before banishing that one too. They both ignore the empty seat at the head of the table.
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eponastory · 5 months
I love Azula. I believe she is one of the best characters in the show. So, here is an Azula centric chapter for you guys...
Warning... it may or may not cause you to tearbend.
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Because I did some tearbending while writing this.
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So I have an Azula centric oneshot idea which is very weird and absurd, even awful but i want to share with you guys for learning what you think about it. İt's a plot i choose for the Azula Drabbles and Oneshots collection but if you're interested you can s use it.(which everybody gonna hate this plot I'm sure since it's really awkward)
So I'm thinking of a game specialized for firebenders but azula would change that rule to no bending. İ haven't decided all the rules since i hate all the ideas came up to my mind but I'm still working on it and trying to not doing it very childish or mature. Like a game for 13+ audience. İt's a team game and all the teams consist of two players. Teams would be Azula-Zuko, Katara-Aang and Sokka-Toph
Gaang tried to fight against Azula but she won because she was waiting for them and used some traps to catch them. İt's a bending special traps, for example katara can't use water because Azula blocked her bending ability with an wolfbat poison she added Katara's bending water while fighting with her. Which makes Katara's aura unbalanced and she can't can't use her bending until using an antidote, she don't have to use antidote but that way she can't bend water 72-80 hours. But of course they don't know this because it's a fact Azula learned from a royal poison expert(ozai requested it and he even let the expert use non-lethal poisons on her for immunity) and it's not a common fact. Like it's actually normal to not know it. And Azula refuse to give them antidote if one of them leaves.
Azula threatened the gaang while she fight with them, she said Tohoku-one of the Earth Kingdom citys i made up- is under an invasion and it started now. She acts like they're the reason of this occupation and wouldn't let them go until she take what she wants.
The deal is if Azula wins, she gains a trip to the sprit world which she has some future plans for it, but if gaang wins, she will say stop to Tohoku occupation. So with this antidote thing and stopping occupation things make deal seem more acceptable.
Either way Azula wins or lose, she will gain something that can be useful for her future plans. Even if she not wins something because she lost the deal, at least she had chance to using and improving her poison making skill which she's not using since a little kid.
İt's not actually in a season but i guess i can use early episodes of season 3, Mai and Ty Lee won't be around since Azula wanted it to be a sister-brother bonding activity and she needs them for taking information about one of her future plans. So Mai and Ty Lee is in city and they try to reach secret archive.(it includes all fire lord's yearly summary's and Azula thinks she can use it to finishing this war) She don't want to spend time with searching some secret archive that doesn't know is it real or not and she also wants to spend time with his brother. She really cares about him but she can't admit it.
Zuko will be a part of Azula's team, not gaang. Azula actually cares about him because he defended her against Ozai after coming back and Azula start to think maybe Zu-Zu is not so bad as she thought. And she won't admit but she miss teasing with Zuko like the time when they're kids. And of course she also thinks he would be an important ally because enemy Zuko really annoys him. Also she has a little regret for not helping him while banishing thing. She is not a heartless monster and she knows it's her mom's fault, not his. And burning his face in all their people is even crossed Azula's line.
And of course Zuko don't know her plans, he just think she's trying to catch the Avatar but surely he suspect Azula's planning something. Just Azula is so good at covering her secrets.
İt's supposed to be an easy with little plot oneshot but it turned into some short story.
İ hope i can explain it what I'm thinking about and thanks for all of your ideas! İ normally don't ask too many questions about plot because I'm always think it's more easy and fun to write what you think at moment. But since I'm trying to be a better writer, i started planning and editing stuff.
Please if you have any questions about this oneshot's AU ask it and I'll answer all of it. I'm having a really important exam on 17-18 June-i'm preparing this exam since last year- and i may not be able to write a lot, it's been 4.100 words but it's waits for writing. İf any of you guys have any ideas to improve this plot or fixing plot holes, please let me know.
Also if anyone's interested with writing this weird thing then i would love to read it!
This is the part where i stopped writing.
"I really just want to talk. And I'm here with only good intentions. The best option you have is listening to me."
Azula slightly waves her hand in the air, then she speaks one last time.
"Or I'll make sure they know this situation happens because of the Avatar. İt's all your choice."
The waterbender pauses for a while to consider her options, knowing if she doesn't make a quick decision, the entire team will be captured because of her. Without the bending and weakened by the poison, she'll only becomes a burden to her team. She sighs deeply before speaking in an exasperated tone, it must make her feel helpless to think about the possibility of not being able to waterbend again.
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
I need writing prompts my dudes
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Trick or Treat! Share a snippet, headcanon, art, or vibes with your followers, then pass it on. 🎃
Thanks Anon!
Here’s a snippet from my Firebug WIP (an Azuls gift fic for @krastbannert )
Azula’s eyes widened from her kneeling position on the platform. Her throat was raw from the chase through the woods and she was still breathless from the sudden launch through the air. All the same she found her voice enough to speak, “What did you say?”
The shadowed figure cleared his throat, seemingly somewhat taken aback by the shift in her demeanor, “It’s the dry season,” repeated the low voice, a layer of incredulity coloring his tone.
“No,” Azula’s insistent response came by no bidding of her own, “before that. You called me something. Say it again.” The princess was in no position to make demands. Surrounded. Bound. On her knees. But she demanded all the same. Not that it mattered if the shadowed figure complied with her or not. Azula knew what he said with the same certainty she knew that the sun rose and set each day as it had for an eternity and would continue to do so.
She didn’t need him to say it. But she wanted him to all the same. It wasn’t something she ever expected to hear again, but all of a sudden it was something she didn’t think she could live without. Like the air in her lungs. Like fire in world. Azula shivered. “Say it.”
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linkspooky · 17 days
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New chapter of my Azula redemption fic up on Ao3! Here's some early concept art drawn for the fic by @ oakyvii!
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prodogg · 8 months
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”Read this and tell me what you think should be done, Azula“
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latuarts · 3 months
somehow it became more hard to find azula centric fics that i have to use her popular ship tag but even that most fics still focuses on other sibling
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wileycap · 4 months
I haven't got the spoons for writing anything long, so I'm just throwing my ideas out here in little snippets. This little snippet turned out a bit long, but...
This is super dark. I've tagged all of the dark stuff, and if I've missed a tw, please tell me. I don't think I did. There are no graphic descriptions.
ATLA AU: Aang defeats Ozai. Aang loses everyone.
Aang has just defeated Ozai. He looks out to the horizon, and sees a number of airships crashing down. He mourns the possible loss of life (even though he can see many crews huddling on the tops of the airships, surely there were some who didn't make it) but ultimately, he's at peace with it.
He sees one particular airship go down rough. Well, he thinks. Time to go rescue people.
He secures Ozai to the rock and even though the man is a monster, he promises to come back and that the former Fire Lord will be treated humanely.
There are bodies in the wreck, and he offers some words to Agni on their behalf, because that's who he is, and he remembers that Fire folk need to be guided on their way to the Sun. He remembers the words from a hundred years ago like yesterday, because for him, it was. Well, yesterday and a year.
But when he finds three bodies, huddled close together with a burst steam pipe near them and the room slowly filling with water, Aang finds that he doesn't have any words at all.
He takes them from the wreck and lays them out on the beach. Sokka must have been holding Suki and Toph close, and from the shape of the bent metal sheets in the room, he could guess that Toph might have tried to cushion their fall with Metalbending. But he'll never know for sure.
If they'd only had a Waterbender. The boiling steam could have turned to a cool mist.
Waterbending takes his thoughts to Katara. She or Zuko weren't anywhere to be found. Were they gone, too? If they weren't, how was he going to tell Katara that her brother was dead? And Toph. And Suki.
He sits by the bodies on the beach for a long time. Eventually, some of the surviving soldiers approach him.
He gives them a short speech. He brings Ozai out to them. Ozai is still feeble, and babbling commands to kill the Avatar, but as Aang had hoped, he can't inspire fear or respect without his bending. His soldiers refuse to attack Aang.
A few of the airships can still fly. He orders a crew to fly him to the Fire Nation. He has some kind of inkling that that's where Zuko and Katara might be - he tried meditating to see if he could connect with Katara the same way he did when she was captured in Ba Sing Se, but the grief is still too near. And in any case, ending the war is most important, and to do that, he has to go to the Fire Nation.
Ozai stays on the bridge with him. He thinks its good for the crew to see him, to lose their fear of the man. A voice inside him whispers that it's good for them to see that Aang could do it to them, too.
He quashes it. It's the grief and anger talking. He tries to meditate, to center himself, to let himself feel all of his grief so that he can begin the long journey to overcome it. But the meditation doesn't help, and he can't even cry.
They reach the Caldera.
He finds the Fire Lord sitting on her throne, alternating between laughter and tears and screaming and whispering. Crying for her mother, screaming for Zuko, laughing to her father that she did it, didn't I do good?
The duel is short. The Avatar State allows him to overpower Azula with ease. Her energy is bitter and twisted and wrong, but he untangles the knots and removes her bending. Curiously, Azula doesn't even fight it very much.
The screams and laughter and sounds don't stop. But some sages and ministers and a few guards come in, and he centers himself, meaning to explain to them that the war is over, when one of the sages asks him if he knows any Waterbender healing.
He's happy for a chance to help someone. He tells them that he isn't as good as Katara, but he knows the basics.
Prince Zuko has been asking for Katara, they say. (None of them knew the name of the Waterbender who came with Zuko to challenge his sister.)
Aang's hands are very cold. He tells them to take him to Zuko, immediately, and to bring pure water.
Zuko is lying on a bed. His chest is as crimson as the covers. His breathing is shallow. He keeps rasping out Katara's name until he sees Aang. Then he tries to say something else.
Aang tells him not to speak, and gets to work on his chest, but he doesn't have Katara's skill (why didn't he train more, he asked himself, and even when a fair little voice tries to tell him that he had his hands full with learning three styles of bending simultaneously as well as everything else that had happened) and the wound is severe.
Prince Zuko dies in the early hours of the morning, and Aang stands there with his hands dripping. Blood and water.
He still can't cry.
Then one of the Fire Sages in the room asks him if he knew the Waterbender who came with the Prince.
He asks them where Katara is. They show him.
His fingers are numb, but he cleans the blue necklace as best he can, even though the ribbon is almost burned to nothing.
The wind is picking up.
He asks them what happened. A sage timidly and hurriedly starts explaining. The two rode in on a sky bison, there was a duel, Zuko dove in front of Katara, and...
Wait, he says. Where is Appa? Where is the sky bison?
The beast was slain by Azula, the sage says, and continues his explanation like that was a footnote, until suddenly he can't breathe and the wind is turning into a storm.
As the sage chokes, Aang tells the others to take him to Appa, now. He needs to see.
They had dragged Appa into a stable. There's black on the white of his fur.
He stares until he can't look at Appa anymore, and then he turns around and looks at the quivering sages and ministers instead.
It was once the Fire Sages' duty to serve the Avatar, he says. You will serve me again. And together, we will remake the world.
All of them bow.
They ask him for his commands.
The reply is spoken by a thousand voices:
"Bring me Azula."
In Ba Sing Se, Iroh looks out to the city. Children are playing in the streets. Vendors are serving food at no cost (he might have indulged in a dish or two). Ba Sing Se is free, and he is happy.
And he still can't shake the feeling that something is horribly wrong.
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azulasmommykink · 4 months
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter III - Corridor Encounter
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa – but Azula x Mai in this chapter | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
Azula is not in the habit of questioning reality, but she wakes up and stares up at the ceiling like it’ll tell her if last night actually happened.
Did Mother give her an Agni-dammned handjob?
She woke up with a raging hard-on, something normal at this point, and the memories of lingering scent, lingering touches, of a person that shouldn’t be there. It’s not her first sexual experience, Azula’s not quite a virgin – well, she is in the more “traditional” sense, fooling around with Ty Lee but never going all the way with the non-bender omega. She went farther with may, but as a proudful alpha, she’ll never admit those… tendencies out loud.
She’ll also not rub one first thing in the morning, those early craving are soothed on their own, no need of her assistance. She’s all soft again by the time she’s on her morning training clothes, which’s great, there’s no need of a princess to walk around with a visible erection. 
Filled with hormones or not, Azula’s above such carnal, dirty little things.
Dressed in her usual trousers and chest wrappings, and covered with one of her many silk robes, the princess makes her way to her favorite training courtyard. Or she tries. First, she smells the strong, musky scent of another alpha. With a sharpness of steel that tells her exactly who it is. Then a hand, followed by flowing clothes, grabs her arms. She has been jumped times enough to know it's better to be pliant and let herself be pinned to the wall. It’s not like she likes it or anything.
“Do you not have better things to do than jumping on unsuspecting alphas?” It’s mostly a snarl. “The sun has barely risen.”
“Perhaps I do,” where Mother’s voice is soothing, Mai’s breathtakingly sensual. “Like fucking you against this wall.”
“I have a schedule, I’m sure you don’t fit in its current slot.”
“I can make it quick.”
“I thought you had better stamina.”
“I can make yours quite short.”
“We established I last longer than you.”
“I’d like to test it.”
“Would you now?” Mai responds by undoing her robe’s knot. “Do you think Zuko would be happy that you’re about to suck off her little sister?”
“Don’t talk about yourself in third person, it’s weird. And we’re not even engaged, she won’t mind it at all. Also, who said I’ll suck you off? I said fuck you against the wall.”
“I have more important things to do than be your fuck buddy,” like finding Mother and questioning her what the fuck last night was about. 
“Sure,” Mai’s well-kept claws leave pink trails down Azula’s stomach, it makes her hiss and immediately rise to a half-mast. Mai knows her a little too well. “Then why are you hard?”
“Barely hard,” Mai moves her hands up again, they’re the adequate size to perfectly cup her breasts, Azula might or might not be sensitive to someone fondling with those. “This is not fair.”
There's a small lift of the corner of her mouth, it’s a smirk in Mai’s body language: “Such a whore.”
“I’m a young alpha, and you’re groping me, that’s all.”
“Groping you?” Her left hand moves south, gripping firmly her now fully hard cock. “This is groping.”
“Just get on your knees and suck my cock.”
“I intended to fuck you,” her fingers hook on Azula’s waistband. “I guess sucking you off will have to be enough.”
“And I’m the horny one.”
Mai doesn’t answer, pushing down her trousers to her knees without saying another word. Her cock’s heavy enough to be weighted down when she’s up on her feet, but not so terribly weighted down, it almost points straight forward. 
Mai’s long, slender fingers wrap around her girth, fingertips overlay each other. Azula appreciates the length of her fingers (specially when they’re inside of her, she’s proud but not proud enough to not allow herself to be touched in all pleasurable ways. That’s definitely why she let Mother touch her…) Azula relaxes against the wall, also braces herself for what she knows will be an intense session of Mai trying to suck her soul out via her cock.
Mai, the stoic, expressionless alpha (more of a role model of Fire Nation alphas than she has any right to be), kneels in front of her with golden eyes full of lust. She looks quite pretty when on her knees, not so subtly smelling in Azula’s scent like it’s fresh air after years suffocating underground. Her nose traces from the hilt of her shaft to the tip and down again, she licks and sucks on unfairly sensitive balls. She licks slowly up, she takes some sweet time licking the extremely sensitive cockhead. 
It’s fascinating. Azula thinks, to watch how Mai takes all of length into her throat.
She covers her mouth to muffle her moans, her other hand tightens in a fist – Mai bit her cock almost hard enough to draw blood the one time Azula tried to hold her head without permission. Azula’s self-control is commendable, even more so when you consider what she’s going through, and she keeps her hips as still as possible as Mai performs one of her cocksucking shows.
And the nonbender alpha looks up at her, keeping Azula imprisoned in their eye contact, something that only adds to the pleasantly experience of getting a head in a public space.
(Azula knows she’ll think about Mother in that position, on her knees and looking so pretty it hurts, taking her in like she was made for it. )
“Such a good cocksucker.”
Mai rolls her eyes, but sucks her harder and she can smell the fellow alpha’s arousal scent. It’s a shame the princess won’t be able to do anything about it, since she’s running late already with this small encounter. Mai sneaks her hands up her tights and then gropes her butt, pulling her closer, pushing her cock even deeper. Azula doesn’t try to hold back much as the alpha works the muscles of her throat around the thick shaft invading her throat.
The continuous intense sucking sends Azula over the edge quicker than she’ll admit.
Nai swallows every drop of cum, she always does. She eases Azula out of her throat, licks to make sure it’s all clean and nice. She gets up, smelling like an alpha needing of release soon. However, at least she understands that making Azula ever more late to her training isn’t good.
The princess reaches to one of Mai’s flowing sleeves: “Meet me later.”
“Will you let me fuck you?”
“Maybe I will. We will see.”
Azula knows she will, at least when they do that, she can fully ignore other thoughts, not that Mai needs to know that.
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blorboazula · 5 months
where's the Azutara or Maizula "Good Luck Babe" fic?
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loiseau-lyre · 2 years
New chapter of Black Sun or The Taste of Ashes . (Chapter 41)
Azula makes an unpleasant discovery. Meanwhile, Zuko is forced to admit he's been running away from reality for too long and decides to take action.
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phtalogreenpoison · 1 year
also i just read the 17th chapter of While Mighty Oaks Do Fall and oooohhhh that fic makes me insane like zuko is so pathetic i just want to wrap him in a blanket
also there is that sweet sweet azula content where she is just portrayed so well and with nuance
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did-we-imagine · 1 year
Fanfic recommendation :
"Long Intervals of Horrible Sanity" by CaptainLaserBeam
In an alternare universe where the fire nation won, Ozai leaves Azula as a broken puppet fire lord to be the Phoenix King. Truly alone and forgotten by the only person she had left, and plagued with her hallucinations, she decides to recreate a family for herself...
PS: I am not the author. Just to make sure it's clear.
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ljf613 · 2 years
2 for the fic ask game if you’re up for it 😊
2. what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
Without a doubt, You Can Lead An Ostrich-Horse To Water. This is a fic that hit so, so close to home, and I had to dig really deep to get to it-- but at the same time, once I finally decided that I needed to write it, it was probably the easiest thing I'd ever written. The words just poured out of me.
Ask me about my fics!
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autism-swagger · 2 years
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I thought about Azula for too long and now I’m sad
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