#Chauffeur Car With Baby Seat
babytaximelbourne · 25 days
Chauffeur Car With Baby Seat Melbourne
Are you trying to find dependable and secure child transportation in Melbourne? You only need to look at Baby Taxi Melbourne. Because we know how important it is to keep your kids safe when they travel, we provide excellent chauffeured vehicle services that come with specially made infant seats. We are providing chauffeur cars or baby taxi services for your cute child with safety features. So you can trust baby taxi Melbourne professional drivers.
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hvnlygrl · 7 months
summary: In which you sit in the backseat of your lover’s car, instead of right next to them.
cw: kissing, reader referred to as passenger princess in Suguru’s other than that no pronouns are mentioned, POC friendly, no skins tones mentioned!
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Picture this: you park in the parking lot of your local mall. You’re here to pick up your wonderful lover after shopping. As you sit and wait, suddenly familiar hands wrap around you and cover your mouth and you’re stabbed in the chest.
This is basically what Gojo Satoru feels like when you get in the backseat of his car instead of your spot, which is right next to him in the front passenger seat.
“You might as well as kill me.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, “Satoru.”
“Be honest, do you even love me?” He turns around in his seat, his cerulean eyes peeking over the rims of his glasses.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’m fine, I mean we’ve only been dating for 3 years and it’s fine if you want to throw it all away because you’re practically saying you don’t love me right now!” He’s voice grows louder until he’s practically shrieking, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Okay! I’m sorry!” You quickly get out of the car trying to hide your smile. You open the car door and get in and look over at Satoru to find him beaming at you.
“Oh hi baby!” He says way too happily and leans over to kiss you on the lips. Again. And again. And again.
“…Hello ‘Toru, how was your day today?”
“It was great, until my lover decided to stab me in the back.”
Yeah, don’t expect him to forget about this. He will bring it up to you no matter what
“Toru, what do you want for dinner?”
“To not be stabbed in the heart by my lover.”
No matter what.
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After fitting all of your groceries into the trunk Suguru’s trunk, he helps you close it and you both get into the car. Except you sit in the back seat.
Suguru didn’t even realize you were sitting back there, he was still just waiting for you to get in the front seat, and when you didn’t he turned towards you curiously.
“You’re gonna sit back there?”
“Not in the front seat?”
He hums and shrugs his shoulders and says, “Okay then, I guess you don’t want to be my passenger princess and use the aux cord huh?”
And that has you quickly sitting up and getting out of the backseats to sit next to Suguru in the front seat, who had a smile on his face the whole time.
“Changed your mind huh?”
“Shush.” And you lean over to kiss him on the cheek as an apology.
He grins at you before pulling out of the parking lot, one hand on the wheel, and the other intertwined with yours as they rest on the center console.
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Maki holds your hand as you guys cross the road from the restaurant you too stoped at for a date.
As you two approach the car, she goes to the passenger side to open the door for you, only for you to ignore the open door and open car door to the back seats.
You don’t have to look up to see the narrow look she gives you, before going over to you and standing outside the open car door.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Your eyes wide at her stern tone.
“Getting in the car?”
All it takes is for Maki to keep staring at you before you slowly get out of the back seat and and close the door before facing her and trying to cuddle up to her.
“So now you wanna be cute?” She says with a raised eyebrow.
“Aren’t I always cute?” You look up at her with a smile and she clicks her tongue before rolling her eyes and wrapping a hand around your waist before planting a sweet kiss on your lips
“You are. Bratty, but you are.”
You laugh and she smiles at you before guiding you back to your seat, which is right next to her.
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Megumi waits in the car as you say goodbye to Yuji and Nobara after watching Human Earthworm 4, which Megumi has no idea why it even exists in the first place, so he opted out to save himself from the horrible sight of that god awful worm thing.
Megumi is so focused on how pretty you look with the sun hitting you perfectly, that he doesn’t even realize that you’re sitting in the backseat until he sees you passing by the door to the front passenger seat.
You buckle yourself in and smile at Megumi nonchalantly.
“Hi ‘Gumi, how was your day?”
He freezes, staring right at you with a frown on his face.
“Good…what are you doing back there?”
“Hm? I thought I’d sit here this time.”
“Why though?” He questions, he looks to the empty front seat next to him. There’s no trash in the seat, and nothing on the floor too. Was the seat to far back?
“No reason.” You have a hard time hiding your smile because of the constipated look on Megumi’s face. He looks so focused on trying to find out why you won’t sit next to him, you accidentally let out a laugh and he’s whipping his head towards you and sees you smiling, before he lets out a groan.
This time, you let your laugh flow out freely from your lips and your moving to get into the front passenger seat, leaning over the center console you kiss Megumi all over his face.
“Sorry ‘Gumi, don’t be mad okay?” You say, still smiling into his cheek.
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sunraies · 1 year
If your taking requests could you write buzzcut Rafe cameron x reader
Rafe being wiped for reader + reader being his passenger princess
No one is allowed to drive or sit in the front except her. If his going to a party with his friends they need to sit in the back because the front seat is her's
And if he is ever looking for a new car she needs to go with him so she can pick the one she likes couse it's "there" car and his girl needs to love it otherwise it's returned before you can blink
I absolutely love this idea! I hope I haven't completely butchered it x
Passenger Princess
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings - Fluff, small moment of pain.
As requested above
Ever since your first date, Rafe didn't let anyone in the front seat. He would happily feel like chauffeur if it meant that the front passager seat was always yours.
"In the back, man," Rafe told Topper as he opened the passenger door.
"Wh. What?" Topper frowned, looking into the car and finding Kelce already sat in the back, who shook his head.
"Get in the back." Rafe looked at him like he was stupid.
"You can't be serious. It's just us three"
"It's my girl's seat"
"She's not even here," Topper protested and looked to Kelce for help.
"I tried, my dude. Just go with the crazy, "  Kelce shrugged.
"She will be later, and I don't want you musty ass on it." Rafe was deathly serious as Topper stared at him, like he'd grown two heads. "Get in the back or find another way,"
Rafe had offered them a lift to the main land as he was going to pick you up from a night out.
"Jesus, girl got you pussy whipped" Topper grumbled as he climbed into the back.
"How's that whiplash from Sarah feeling?" Rafe immediately shot back with a smirk as he glanced back in the rear view mirror.
The front seat of his car was truly yours. The glove box held your favourite hand cream and lip gloss, along with a few snacks. Which you happily munched on after Rafe picked you and Sarah up from the club.
You had been on the main land, celebrating a friends birthday. You had texted him that you were done way before the night was planned to be over. The crowded club, the music, and the lights all too much without him there. Even when Rafe arrived with Topper and Kelce, you just wanted to go home and what his girl wanted, she got.
"You good, baby?" He asked, glancing over at you as you had made yourself comfortable.
You nodded as you sat curled up his jacket while his hand rested in your thigh, his thumb gently stroking your exposed skin.
As Sarah slept in the back, you gently ran your nails on the up the back of his neck, lovely that his buzzcut gave you better access to his scalp. Your nails made him hum and smile.
"Thank you for getting us, handsome," you said softly and kissed his cheek as you leaned over the centre console.
"Of course, I would come get you, baby." He took your hand and  kissed your knuckles as he watched the road.
"Rafe, why are we at a car showroom?" You asked, as you sipped on an ice latte he brought you on the way.
He just smiled at you as he pulled into the parking lot. Every expensive make of car you could think of was there, all brand new and ready for Rafe to buy.
"Honestly, baby. Why are we here?" You asked, getting out of the car as he held the door open for you.
You felt very undressed in your crop top and shorts, while Rafe looked perfectly in place with his checkered shirt, chinos, and designer shades over his eyes.
"We are getting a new car, baby girl." He smirked and wrapped an arm over your shoulders as he walked you towards the showroom doors.
"Good afternoon, Mr Cameron. It's a pleasure to see you again. How may I help you?" A middle-aged man, in a perfectly ironed suit and tie, greeted Rafe.
"Help my girl with whatever she wants." Rafe politely shook his hand before resting his hand on your lower back.
The salesman was a little taken aback but quickly recovered and nodded before happily showing you to any car you liked the look of.
You loved Rafe's new car. It had all sorts of amazing controls that you happily played with every time you were in the car.
You loved the led lights on the floor and the way the speakers sounded. The heated seats and air vents were set just right for your comfort. It was so perfect that for the first week, you asked Rafe to go for a drive almost every day.
On a very hot day, you found a fault with it, but you didn't want to tell Rafe. You desperately tried not to wince every time you moved.
"What's wrong, baby?" Rafe asked, noticing how tense you were. You hadn't moved to play with the studio or grab your drink for a little while.
"Nothing." You smiled at him and played with his hand that had been in its normal place on your thigh.
Rafe looked you up and down before humming. Once it was safe to pull over, he did, turning off the engine and facing you.
"Something is wrong. What is it?" His tone was gentle but demanding.
You sighed, looking down at his hands. "You know. You know, I absolutely love this car, right?"
He nodded and gave you an encouraging look to continue, "But? I feel like there's a but there"
"But." You sighed. "The leather seats aren't the most comfortable with shorts on"
Most comfortable was an understatement, with the leather having been in the sun and you in shorts. It felt like the back of your thighs were on fire.
Rafe frowned before getting out and coming around to your door  "Get up, baby"
You shook your head, scared you would leave a layer of skin behind.
"Babygirl, I can't fix the problem if you don't get up," He said softly.
Moving off the seat was just as painful as you imagined. You winced in pain as you took Rafe's hand before looking to see the damage. Surprisingly, the seat was clear of skin, but damn, did you thighs burn.
"Jesus, baby," Rafe squatted down and gently touched your sore skin.
When you whimpered, he placed a gentle kiss on both before standing up. "Stay there"
He quickly opened the boot and grabbed the hoodie he always kept in the car for you. He placed it on the seat, making sure every bit of leather was covered before letting you back in the car.
Your plans for that afternoon changed there and then. Rafe drove right back to the showroom and demanded fabric seats in any pattern and colour of your choosing.
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Chauffeurs in Melbourne
Book Your Ride With Chauffeured Services Melbourne: 📲: 0432075518 📧: [email protected]
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
Heyyy! Hope you're doing great :)
Can I request a birthday special of how husband Chan treats the female reader on her bday? Like totally spoiling her hehe :)
Thank you! Have a great day!
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
Word Count: 737
Warnings/Tags: fluff, birthday date, husband!chan
A/N: Happy birthday, love. I hope you like the little something I came up with🤭🖤
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The morning sun hadn’t even broken the horizon when you felt a gentle nudge. Your eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep, and you turned to see Chan, your husband, with a smile that could outshine the dawn itself.
“Happy birthday, baby,” Chan whispered, his voice soft as silk. The room was still dim, but there was a flicker of excitement in his eyes that told you he had something special planned. You stretched, a content smile playing on your lips, and leaned in for a morning kiss, which he returned with a warmth that filled your heart with joy.
As you sat up, you noticed that Chan had laid out a beautiful outfit for you: a soft, flowing dress paired with your favorite accessories. It was your birthday, after all, and he seemed keen on making it unforgettable. 
“Get dressed at your pace,” Chan said, his hands clasped behind his back, trying to hide his eagerness. “I’ve got quite the day planned for us.”
After a long shower, you dressed and joined Chan downstairs, where the aroma of breakfast filled the air. The table was set for two, adorned with fresh flowers and your favorite dishes: pancakes topped with a generous amount of berries and maple syrup, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a delicate omelet filled with herbs and cheese. It was a feast for the senses.
“Everything looks amazing,” you said, taking your seat. Chan beamed with pride as he poured you a cup of coffee just the way you liked it.
Breakfast was a delightful affair, filled with laughter and plans for the day. Once you were both finished, Chan took your hand and led you outside. A black limousine waited at the curb, its chauffeur holding the door open. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“A limo, Chan?” you asked, a giggle escaping your lips.
“Only the best for my wife,” he replied, helping you into the car.
The first stop was a luxurious spa. You were treated to a couple’s massage that melted away any lingering stress, leaving you both relaxed. The scent of lavender and the sound of soothing music followed you as you continued to a manicure and pedicure, chatting about everything and nothing at all.
Lunch was at a quaint little restaurant by the sea. You ate outside, the salty sea breeze mingling with the aroma of the seafood platter you both shared. Chan raised a toast to you, his eyes twinkling with love and affection. “To my beautiful wife, may this year bring you as much joy as you’ve brought into my life.”
The afternoon was spent walking hand in hand along the beach, shoes in hand, sand between your toes. Chan had always known how much you loved the ocean, and the peaceful sound of the waves was the perfect soundtrack to your perfect day.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Chan led you to a secluded part of the beach where a blanket and a picnic basket awaited. You watched the sunset together, the world seeming to stand still around you, the moment filled with nothing but beauty.
But the surprises weren’t over yet. As twilight turned to night, you noticed little sparks of light on the sand leading away from your picnic spot. Chan nodded for you to follow the trail, which led to a small clearing where a projector was set up. “I thought we could end the day with an outdoor movie under the stars,” he said, his grin infectious.
You snuggled together under a blanket as your favorite movie played, the stars twinkling above you. It felt like the universe was celebrating with you, each star a testament to the love and care Chan had put into making this birthday the best you’d ever had.
As the credits rolled and you leaned against Chan, feeling the steady beat of his heart, you knew that this day would be etched in your memory forever—not just because of the grand gestures, but because it was a day spent with the one you loved most, celebrating not just your birth, but the life you shared together.
“I love you, Chan,” you murmured, your voice soft with emotion.
“I love you more, Y/nnie,” he replied, his voice equally tender. 
And in that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of you together under the vast, starry sky.
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do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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threezzyo · 4 months
໒‧₊˚ your little secret ∘︴fushiguro t.
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∾you were always a good girl, as a governor's daughter, but little did anyone know... it's only natural to have a crush on your bodyguard. 6'1", the biggest muscles you've ever seen, scars begging to be licked. months of seducing him leads to something you wanted, something secret between the two of you. daddy doesn't have to know that his daughter is hooking up with her bodyguard behind the scenes.
∾older!bodyguard! toji fushiguro x fem!brat!reader. modern au. word count- 3.4k ∾NSFW! MDNI! age gap, (17 years) reader is a senior in high school (19, early birthday). dark-ish content! brat taming. no use of y/n. toji is a bit harsh... kinda 'used' as a toy. (mentions of using as a sleeve) usage of brat, slut, minx, good girl (for reader) and daddy, oldie, mister (for toji). promiscuous reader. finger sucking. car sex. smoking. oral (m recieving) riding! pussyjob kind of. slight exhibitionism (in a parking lot where literally anyone can see them......) biting. lots of teasing lorddd. just filthy, depraved, NASTYY smut.
∾indi's notes: i am sorry for being so iffy with posting and i will also stick to a theme now lol 😜 divider creds to @/cafekitsune
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you were nineteen and hopelessly in love with your 36 year old bodyguard.
you had a student council meeting today, and was the last one to leave. toji fushiguro, your bodyguard (more like chauffeur) was waiting against the brick wall of your fancy pants school, cigarette in hand. he seemed to be texting someone, his mood irate.
“oh, y’er finally here.” he says in that rough voice you absolutely love. "took you long enough, brat.”
he pretends not to notice your skirt hitched up with your ass practically hanging out, or the two unbuttoned buttons on your thin white blouse that doesn’t do much to hide the lacy black bra you decided to wear.
it became a routine, before he picked you up, you’d unbutton your blouse a tiny bit and hike up your pleated skirt in the girls bathroom. maybe slather on some lip tint.
“i’m not a brat. and i told you i’d come out late.” you retort, skipping down the parking lot.
“unlock the car, oldie!” you yell, already reaching the expensive car he drives you around in. it’s yours, the porsche 911 carrera cabriolet, but why not let the handsome man drive it for you?
“tch.” he mumbles to himself, unlocking the car. "what a minx."
you were already nice and comfortable in the passenger seat when he got there, curled up on the fancy leather, your skirt riding up to your mid thighs. you were scrolling through whatever social media was popular, your headphones plugged into your ears.
what a typical high school girl.
he knows it’s wrong. he’s nearly twice your age, and you just turned nineteen, just a baby. and just because you’re the governors daughter doesn’t mean you were all prissy and proper, or sweet and innocent, you were quite the opposite.
even if your father paid a pretty penny to keep you out of trouble, a little extra cash from you was enough to keep him quiet. a man does what he has to do.
and unfortunately, your hedonistic lifestyle was gonna get your sweet father in trouble- and even worse, toji’s job at risk if he didn’t keep you under control.
“brat.” he leans over and snatches your headphones from the wire.
“toji!” you exclaim, irritated. “give them back, oldie!”
he rolls his eyes, throwing them in the backseat. “get them later. now shut y’er trap and listen to me.”
you grumble, falling back onto the seat. "i'm listening."
he takes a breath. "you know the election coming up, right?"
you furrow your brows. toji doesn't seem to be the political type. "yeah. papa's running for re-election."
his voice is low. "you need to keep a low profile. your father can't have anything tarnishing his reputation. especially his brazen brat. so, imma need you to follow my rules." his hand grips the steering wheel as he parks in an empty business lot.
"hey! i am not a brat!" you ripostes.
"oi. if your dad goes down, so do you, princess. i'd listen to me if i were you." he says, leaning in closer.
you scoff, crossing your arms. "fine. what?"
by crossing your arms, you slightly push up your lace clad bosom, easily seen through the sheer material of your white blouse.
his eyes flicker down.
like you didn't notice.
he rolls his eyes, looking back into the empty concrete lot. "y'er not going to go out for any party. y'er definitely not talking to any stranger. or any boys, for that matter. and you gonna have to start wearing something more..."
you grin. "more what?"
"more prudish." he grits, his eyes blazen. "can't have you prancin' around like that."
despite his tone, there's a hint of arousal in his voice, and he can feel the blood rushing right where he didn't want it to be. he clears his throat and tries again, "just follow those rules while i'm around, okay? it will make things easier for y'er daddy."
you roll your eyes, pulling your skirt down a bit and buttoning your blouse again. “just send me to a damn convent, then.”
toji grits his teeth at the girl's defiance. why does she have to be such a brat? and why did his dick twitch at the sight of her fixing her clothes? "don't be so stupid, girl. i'm just looking out for your safety, and if you don't cooperate, there will be consequences."
“consequences? like what?” you ask, your eyes wide and curious.
"like... being punished," he murmurs, barely audible. "if you disobey me or disrespect me in any way, i won't hesitate to discipline you."
you didn't realize how close toji had gotten to you, feeling his minty tobacco breath hit the side of your face.
there was an opening. and you took it.
"i wouldn't mind being punished.” you say with a sultry smile, giggling.
she's right there, forbidden fruit, so very tempting.
he really shouldn’t, but he did.
"you wouldn't?" he whispers, his voice hoarse with desire. "well, you better be prepared for anything then." he grins.
he swiftly unbuckled your seatbelt. "get in the backseat. you wanna act like a slut, i'll treat you like one."
you're pushed into the back of your car, toji following you. without warning, he pulls you into his lap, so that you're straddling him. "toji!" you squeal, eyes wide open as you drink in the lecherous look in his eyes.
"toji-" you're abruptly cut off by his palm.
"didn't tell you to talk, now, did i?" his shit-eating grin was so infuriating, but also so enchanting. "you gotta listen to me, sweet girl. i don't want a single word out that damn mouth."
you narrow your eyes, but comply anyways.
"good girl." he smirks, sticking two fingers in your mouth. "suck."
you looked absolutely bewildered. “to-“
he sticks his two fingers in your mouth, going down your throat and causing you to gag.
that look in his eyes, it was so lewd. it just made you more turned on.
your tongue swirls around his digits. you look like you’re pouting by how your bottom lip sticks out, lips latched on his fingers.
he could hear your sinfully wet sounds as you suck on his fingers, soft whines escaping your lips.
he slides his fingers out of your mouth, a little wet pop! sound.
“do the same with my cock.” he demands, pushing you to the floor of the car.
you’re on your knees, silently thanking the gods for this opportunity. a true blessing in disguise.
“gladly, toji.” you grin, your head resting on his knee. your fingers ghost over the tent in his grey sweatpants, eyes never leaving his.
he looks like a mess, his pants practically bursting at the seams.
“i don’t have all day, sweetheart.” he warns, pulling at your hair. “no time for y’er dilly dallying.”
you sigh, wanting to tease him more. he spreads his legs a bit further, and you pull down his sweatpants, before palming the bulge in his boxers.
“damn, daddy.” you giggle, tracing the wet spot. “all of this for me?”
“jesus, girl, you can’t even follow orders?” he groans, grabbing at your wrists and forcefully makes you pull down his boxers. his dick sprung up, nearly hitting your nose. angry, veiny, girthy. the others you've hooked up with pales in comparison to the older man.
you've never been nervous. it was big, too big. "toji, that.. that's not gonna fit." you mumble meekly, staring at it.
"fuck, girl, i know you've taken dick before. don't tell me you're tappin' out so early." he leers. "use your hands if it's too much." he gets comfortable in the leather seat, yanking you closer to the tower he calls his dick.
"daddy. you're so mean." you whine, your breath hitting his tip. "its so hot." he isn't having your shit. he just grips your hair tighter, forcing your mouth open with his other hand. he only pushes your head down so that your lips clamp on his tip.
"urgh- to-" the wind is nearly knocked out of you as he shoves his fat dick further down your throat. it's so messy, tears prick your eyes and your saliva mixed with his pre-cum trickles down his cock, dripping down his balls. now was the absolute worse time to have a gag reflex, stomach heaving as you struggle to open your jaw to fit all of him.
"ahf, to-.." your moans are muffled by his cock, whimpers and whines reaching his ears as you find the energy to bob your head up and down.
"fuuck. good girl." his grip on your hair loosens, allowing you to catch your breath as your mouth unlatches from his dick.
"shit, oldie, what the fuck?!" you whine, coughing into your school blazer.
"just giving ya a break." he's kinda nice at times, wiping away your smeared mascara. "but i'm not nice all the time. you're sucking me off, girl."
you shoot him a glare. "just.. don't shove it directly down my throat."
he chuckles, caressing your cheek. "hurry on, sweet girl."
you whimper, but you abide grudgingly. your sloppy mouth takes him so well, he lets out a low groan of satisfaction at the way your teary eyes make eye contact with him.
"fuck, yes, sweetheart." his calloused hands guide your head up and down as the slick collects and drips down his base. "such a good fucking girl, yes, mmh.." he's merely using you as a cocksleeve now, your tongue swirling around his tip. your nails make half moon indents on his muscular thighs, your staggered breaths hitting his trimmed pubes. your obscene sounds play like music to the older man, your teary, coy eyes glassy as he fucks your throat.
you lick the vein on underside of his cock, bobbing your head up and down, giving yourself a break by also licking the skin on his balls.
using your nimble fingers, you toy with the base of his cock.
“ah, to-ji, please…!” you croak, as his hips piston once more into your awaiting mouth, cum brimming in the back of your throat. you have no choice but to swallow.
the way your teary countenance and cum-dripping lips look to him is delectable. he laughs, throwing his head back as he comfortingly pulls your hair back.
“good girl.” he grins as he sees you wipe the cum off your lips. “you’re getting better by the second.” his expression was so pestiferous- he enjoyed seeing you cough, he enjoyed how you cleared your throat since it was so hoarse. he liked seeing you fix your messy lip gloss, liked seeing you sniffle as you rest your temple on his knee, looking up at him like a darling little kitten. begging for more.
you had never felt so needy before. blowjobs were something you just gave to get a feel for how big a guy was. and if it wasn't to your standards, you left disappointed but he at least got something out of it.
"sweet girl." his fingers toyed with your hair, as if to apologize and comfort you for the rough treatment.
"toji." you whimper, bottom lip sticking out. "please.. i want it so badly."
"ask nicely." he demands, stroking a strand away from your face.
"...please can you fuck me?" you repeat.
"again. use my name."
you groan. he's really making you work for it. "fuck. fuck me, mister, please!" you shift uncomfortably, finally sitting back up on the seat. "toji, pleasee." you whine, straddling his lap again, hovering over his semi-hard cock, while kissing his cheek. "need you so badly."
he chuckles, hands sliding to grip your hips, letting you kiss down his neck. "ah, little minx. can't say no to such a sweet request, can i now?" he drawls, calloused hands sliding down your skirt to squeeze the meat of your ass.
"ah... 'es, toji.." you murmur, kissing his lips. it was your first with him. his lips were chapped in contrast to yours. you tasted like your berry lip oil and his cum at the same time, and he tasted like cigarettes. your head was tilted, your manicure digging into his shoulder as you ravished his lips.
"you taste good, sweetheart." he purrs, guiding you as he maneuvers your thong off of your body. "i'll be taking this, by the way." he whispers, placing a kiss on your neck, stuffing your panties into the pocket of his grey sweatpants.
"t-toji!" you peep, eyes wide in bewilderment. "g-give them back-"
"nah." he sits you down on his lap completely, the base of his now rock hard cock teasing your aching, sopping slit. "ride me, girl. wanna see you try."
your face was even more flustered, if that was even possible. "whatever you say, daddy." you feign your confidence, adjusting your position.
he slides off your white blouse, unlatching your bra. "pretty little tits. wonder who else saw these, hmm?" he teases, tongue teasing your peaks.
"ah- toji! fuck! n...not so sudden!" you instinctively arch your back, nails sinking into his chest covered by his compression shirt. he simply wraps his arms around your waist even tighter, virtually feasting on your perky breasts. "toji! fuck, not there..!" you squeak, noticing the salacious string of of love bites dissipated on your neck, collarbone, and under breasts.
"mm.. nah. i like marking up my girl." he mutters, taking in your nipple in between his teeth.
"ow!" you yelp, tugging on his hair instinctively. "that hurt."
"oh, 'm sorry, baby. won't happen again." his sleazy grin says otherwise.
"toji, ah... need more." you whimper, rocking your hips against his cock, wetting the base with your arousal. "want you in me so bad."
his eyes were dark hearing your pleas, his fingers gripping the meat of your ass. "damn, nasty girl, begging for it? might just give you what you want if you promise to be good."
"please, daddy." you groan, lifting your hips up to hover over his dick.
"so impatient..." he sighs, pressing a butterfly kiss to the back of your ear. "go ahead."
you perk up at his allowance, gently swirling the tip around your dripping arousal, flicking your clit with it. "ah.. fuck!" you cry in excitement, sinking onto his cock, so fast, and you didn't even do that much foreplay to be this wet.
"shit, y’er such a slut." toji groans, feeling you engulf him, you feel amazing. "juust like that, baby, good girl." he presses a wet kiss to your nipple. "ride me, i want to find out how quickly you can cum.”
"t-toji, shit." you croak, feeling the slightly uncomfortable stretch. "wait, please, one second..."
"poor baby." he croons in your ear, stroking your hair softly as you bury your head in his chest, trying to adjust. "too big for you?"
"mhm." your sweet voice comes out muffled, relishing his scent. "can we wait?" you mumble. “let me get used to you?”
he barks. “this ain’t for your comfort, darling. you need ta be taught a lesson here.” his eyes flash with a dangerous spark. “y’er lucky i like you a lil’ bit, letting you ride me and all.”
you whimper, feeling more relaxed after slowly rocking your hips. “ngh- it’s so deep, daddy-“ you groan, finally finding the strength to bounce on his dick. “shittt.” you cry, feebly moving faster to chase your high.
“such a good little slut, hm?” toji chuckles, kneading your ass. “tight pussy for such a loose girl. doin’ daddy so well."
“fuck, fuck, yes!!” you cry. “ah.. ngh- daddy, so good, mmh..”
your mind was hazy, focused on riding him with all the determination you got. you lifted your hips and then sank down on him again, moaning his name over and over again. "t-too good, daddy...!" you whine, chasing your high with all your might, legs cramping.
you felt toji's hands twitch at the side of your hips, granting you some leeway by meeting your thrusts halfway, legs spreading a bit further apart. god, how could he have resisted your temptations for so long? he was so infatuated with the way you cried out his name, kohl smeared around your eyes. the lewd cherry on top was the way your tits bounced in his face, as he fucked you senseless.
"harder, daddy, please...!" you claw at his shoulders, nearly ripping the slutty compression shirt.
and harder he went, his hips slamming into your ass, feeling the slick from your wet cunt stain the expensive leather. you felt the car lurch forward. he made the car bounce over and over again, every time he pounded into your perfect pussy.
"you like it, baby?" he asks you, lips latched to your breasts. "dirty girl- hah- likes my cock rough?"
"yes, yes, -ahh- dont stop, please!" your back arches like cat, relieving your leg cramp by your impending orgasm. the bastard made it so much better worse by thumbing your swollen clit, your legs freezing, rendering you helpless.
"you're so sexy like this." he chuckles, seeing you're letting him throw you around like a doll. "taking me like such a good girl, seemed you learned your lesson, hm?" toji pinches your nipple with his other hand, slowing down when you spray all over his thighs with a scream of his name, soaking his grey sweatpants. "fuck, oh my god. " you cry, your orgasm lasting a lifetime, clenching onto him. he relished in the obscene squelch, toji's coil in his stomach was gonna snap soon. the sound of your moans fills the small space of the car, and toji can feel the vibrations of your pleasure echoing through the metal frame.
"daddy-" you choke, "cum in me. p-lease." you whimper, desperate for him, all of him.
"dirty, dirty girl." he sneers, roughly grabbing at your waist to hit into you deeper. "want to be a mom at 19? slut." he groans, when you pick up the slack, slamming your ass down.
"mhh- 'm on the pill, just- ah! please..!" you gasp, when you feel him thrust once more, a harsh smack on your ass ringing.
"take- it." he grunts, feeling his vision blur as he empties his load into your awaiting, perfect pussy. you feel so much of it, so much it's trailing down your thighs.
"ah..! toji." you whisper, eyes wide.
"don't give me that look, you wanted it." he snaps, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. "good girl." he adds, his tone slightly softer.
you don't say anything in return, opting to melt in his arms, feeling his cock soften inside you. "mmm."
he presses a kiss to your temple, "clean yourself up, brat."
you whine. "why am i back to brat?"
he rolls his eyes. "jesus fucking christ. clean up, princess. i need a smoke." he pulls out reluctantly, shamelessly grinning when he sees his cum drip down your thighs. you let him go, lending him a jacket to hide the wet spot you made on his pants.
he's standing outside, leaning on the dashboard as he's texting someone- your father, probably- taking a puff of his cigarette.
you dress again, fixing your skirt and retrieving your bra. you get out of the car, quiet footsteps approaching him, hugging him.
toji is startled when you suddenly appear beside him, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking up at him with that sickly sweet pout. he can feel her breath tickling his neck, and he takes another drag from his cigarette before looking down at you with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "princess," he says dryly, "what are you doing?"
he takes your silence as a hint to return your affection.
he puts an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and sharing some of his warmth as you two stand together under the setting sun. "we gotta go home soon, princess."
"don't wanna." you murmur.
"aw. c'mon, princess. y'er daddy's asking where we are." he shuts off his phone, putting it in his pocket.
"mm. okay. lets go home." you sigh.
toji takes one last drag from his cigarette before throwing it away and putting it out with his foot. Then he wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer to him and kissing you deeply on the lips. "parting gift?" he smirks.
you laugh. "whatever, daddy."
"let's go home now, sweet girl." he rolls his eyes, laughing as you pepper kisses over his face. "and remember..." he adds on, his voice a smooth murmur. "our little secret." he holds out his pinky.
"your little secret." you whisper, twisting pinkies into a small promise, unfolding for better or worse?
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hii i was so lazy writing this (took me a whole damn month) (more like two) but i had to get this out i lobe bodyguard!toji so so so muchhhhh 🙁🙁 (not enough to not be lazy)
reminder that fiction is not reality and don't base off sexual relations w/ smut or p-rn. things are exaggerated and they are fantasies. just an fyi because i gen feel so icky when i write darker content (smut) and how it could impact people who read it... just make sure that there's always consent, you're vocal about boundaries, and you feel safe.
reblogs appreciated i love u guys 🤩
༝༚༝༚ indy
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- cross posted on ao3- miniminari (linked if i actually posted it LMAO)
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Pre relationships, Steve becomes chauffeur for the fruity four. There’s an unspoken agreement that Eddie gets shotgun and Nancy and Robin sit in the back.
After Robin and Nancy get together, they’re always super cuddly in the backseat. They think they’re being super subtle when they “sneak” kisses, but Eddie and Steve make eye contact and roll their eyes every time.
Eventually, Nancy and Robin up the PDA to an unbearable point - especially for Eddie and Steve who are painfully single.
At a red light, Nancy and Robin are “quietly” giggling with their foreheads pressed together, “sneaking” kisses every few seconds.
Steve glances over to Eddie who is annoyedly running his hand over his face, and Steve finally breaks. “Okay, you two, maybe cut the PDA down three levels before you kill me and Eddie.”
Robin makes eye contact with him in the rearview mirror, glaring at him. "It's not our fault you two are lonely. Besides, we’re not that gross.”
“Not that gross?” Steve huffs out in disbelief. He catches Eddie shaking his head then notices the light is green. As he hits the gas, Steve asks, “Eddie, would you like to help demonstrate what their version of ‘not that gross’ looks like?”
Eddie head snaps up and Steve can see his big grin out of the corner of his eyes. “I’d be honored.”
Eddie leans over the center console and rests his head against Steve’s shoulder, stroking up and down the side of his arm. “Oh, Stevie, you’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. I’m so glad that I met you.”
Steve’s heart skips a beat, not realizing they would be using their names instead of the girls’. But he has a point to prove so he digs through his memory for the worst line he’s heard from Robin or Nancy.
“Eds, baby, have I ever told you how your curls drive me crazy?” He asks, gently grabbing at Eddie’s hair, recalling the awful memory.
Eddie kisses his cheek and stage whispers, “How much longer do you think we’ll be in this car?”
“Too long, baby, too long,” Steve says, stopping at a stop sign. His eyes flicker to the mirror where Robin and Nancy are sitting, faces bright red.
There are no cars around, so he turns to Eddie who is way closer than he thought. His heart flutters as he continues the bit, “Sweetie, have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?”
“They’re nothing compared to yours, sweetheart. I could stare into them for hours.” Eddie grabs a piece of hair and pulls it in front of his mouth, staring into Steve’s eyes.
Steve has the sudden realization that Eddie really does have beautiful eyes. He recalls the exact memory that they’re referencing and what happens next.
Steve swallows and asks, “What would you say if I told you I think I’d die if I didn’t kiss you right now?”
Eddie’s eyes widen slightly and his gaze flickers down to Steve’s lips. He stutters, “I- I would say… you- you’d better kiss me right now then.”
Steve makes eye contact with Eddie and raises his eyebrows, asking if they’re really about to do this. Eddie nods slightly.
Steve and Eddie lean in at the same time, gently kissing each other.
It should end there. It really should. Especially since Robin and Nancy had only “sneaked” a peck.
But one of them, or both, deepen the kiss. Maybe it’s because they’ve been single for a while, but, more likely, it’s because they both finally got the excuse they needed to cross that line.
“Okay!!” Robin yells.
“We got the point!” Nancy adds on.
Steve and Eddie break away immediately and settle into their seats. Steve realizes that he’s still at the stop sign and quickly drives away.
He looks up to find Nancy and Robin in the backseat sitting a few inches away from each other for once. They’re still staring at each other but actually whispering for once, eyes darting between him and Eddie every few moments.
Eddie’s knee is bouncing rapidly as Steve approaches the Wheeler residence. “Well, ladies…” Steve says breaking the awkward sort of silence.
Everyone is still for a moment, but then Nancy opens the door.
“Thanks for the ride, Steve. Uh, have a good day,” Nancy says nodding at him with an awkward, tight smile.
Robin salutes the pair and stutters out, “Have- have fun!”
Even after the doors slam shut, Eddie and Steve can hear Nancy say, “‘Have fun?’ That’s what you had to say?”
“I panicked!” Robin defends herself.
Nancy laughs and grabs Robin’s hand, tugging her inside her house.
Steve backs out of the driveway and makes his way to Eddie’s trailer.
“So…” Steve says.
“So,” Eddie agrees.
They sit in silence for a few moments.
Eddie suddenly asks, “You think they’ll stop?”
Steve laughs. “Maybe for two days. But after that…” He cringes.
“What if…” Eddie trails off.
“What if?” Steve prompts.
“What if we… did that bit again?” Eddie asks then rushes to add on, “To get them to stop again.”
Steve hums and nods. “We could- I mean should. Yeah, we should. That’s a good plan.”
An awkward silence falls between the two again.
Eddie breaks it again. “Think we should practice?”
“Yes! I mean sure. That’s cool.” Since when did he lose his ability to flirt and turn into Dustin instead?
Eddie smiles and reaches over to rest his hand on Steve’s thigh. Steve swallows hard and rests his hand on top of Eddie’s.
Besides that, they remain silent the rest of the drive. Every so often, Eddie squeezes Steve’s thigh while Steve traces circles on his hand.
Steve pulls in front of the Munson trailer and parks. Eddie removes his hand from Steve’s thigh. They both don’t move.
“Hey, Steve?” Eddie asks sounding slightly nervous.
“What if we practiced that last part again?”
Steve looks at Eddie with his eyebrows raised. Eddie stares straight ahead, knee bouncing, fiddling with his rings, and eyes wide as if he didn’t mean to actually ask.
“Hey, Eddie?”
Eddie reluctantly looks at Steve.
Steve takes a deep breath. “What if we did that last part for real this time?”
Eddie blinks. Steve doesn’t breathe.
Eddie nods.
Steve leans over the middle console this time and cups Eddie’s face, gently pulling him into a kiss. Eddie kisses him back, smiling against Steve’s lips.
Eddie pulls back and giggles. “We’re going to be worse than Nancy and Robin.”
“After everything they’ve put us through, I sure hope so,” Steve replies, laughing along with Eddie and kissing him again, glad that he no longer needs an excuse to.
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oracle-of-dream · 3 months
Dinner with Friends
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Minors DNI
Summary: Being married to one of the richest men in the country has benefits. He loves you so much that he'd move the sun if it made you happy. But he'd also run over someone if they think they could make you happier than him.
Warning: Top Male Reader, Bathroom Sex, Bottom Winwin, Husbands, Jealous Winwin, Rich Winwin, Possesive Winwin, Creampie, Denied Orgasm, Blowjob
Wordcount: 2.3k
You were sitting in your room, deciding which ring to wear to match your outfit when you heard the front door open.
"Baby! I'm home~" Your husband called out to you from downstairs.
"I'm in the bedroom," You called back.
You kept looking through your jewelry as you heard his footsteps echo through the house. Each drawer in your jewelry box had been filled with beautiful rings as a gift from your husband. Winwin always liked bringing you things when he knew he'd done something to make you upset. As much as you protested about spending so much on you, there was no way you could ever refuse such gifts.
Your husband stepped into the room, his footsteps clicking against the hardwood floor.
You turned to see him followed by one of his assistants with shopping bags. You pointed at them, "What's all this, Winwin?"
"I remembered we're going out for dinner, so I bought us some matching outfits!" He cheered as his assistant placed each bag on the bench inside the closet.
"We are not going out for dinner. I'm going out with my friends from school. We've talked about this, Winwin."
"But–What if I'm not sitting with you? I'll just be at another table!"
"Sicheng. You said you'd let me go to this dinner without you." You kissed his hand, "I know you want to go, but you sometimes get possessive. I don't want you to scare my friends. It's just dinner and I'll be back before you know it."
Winwin deflated at you using his real name. He loved the nickname you gave him and that only you called him that. All his work companions, assistants, and even family members call him by his first name. "But what if I get lonely," His eyes welled up with tears.
"Sicheng! You are not going to cry into having your way this time. I'm putting my foot down about this."
Winwin wiped away his tears as his face hardened, "Well, you still need the chauffeur with you. And one of my assistants, as agreed."
You sighed, "I was hoping you were joking about that. There's no way it'll be a normal dinner with one of your men following me."
"You can't suddenly change our deal! Let's negotiate about not having the assistant go, I'm open to it."
"What's the offer?"
"I go instead."
You shook your head, "Not a chance. The assistant can come with me, but has to stay in the car."
"I arrive late to dinner, so I'm not there for the whole time."
"No. The assistant can come into the restaurant but has to have a seat on the other side of the restaurant."
Winwin threw his hands up, "You're impossible!"
"I'm not, you're just crazy."
"I'm not crazy!" He shouted at you.
You raised an eyebrow, "Are we seriously shouting about this now?"
Winwin sat down on the bed, "N-No, baby. I'm sorry..."
"Let's continue talking nicely."
"I really want to come with you!"
"I know, but you get to be too much sometimes."
"I'll tone it down."
You cocked your head to the side skeptically.
Your husband got on his knees in front of you, "Really! I will, I promise. No nonsense. Just a normal couple."
You knew he wouldn't budge on not going, or he'd pout when you'd come back home. You let out a heavy sigh, "Fine. Show me the outfits you picked out for us."
Winwin cheered as he leaped into your arms, smothering you with soft kisses, "Thank you, baby. You're too good to me!"
You were way too good to him. But if it was enough to keep him happy, and he'd at least try to be civil then you hoped things would go nicely.
The first five outfits were way too over the top. Gucci, Prada, and YXL from head to toe. It was just Winwin's taste, you knew he meant nothing by it. But none of your school friends knew you were married to someone so rich, and none were rich themselves. You needed something more lowkey.
You talked Winwin down to a matching black and brown set of clothes. You had a light brown cardigan with black stripes, a black T-shirt, and black slacks. He wore light brown plaid shorts and a black cropped coat that showed his toned stomach. You wore silver rings while he had a silver necklace and had a manicurist paint his nails.
After getting ready, Winwin called for the driver to take you to the restaurant. But you'd already called a taxi.
"Why are we taking a taxi? We already pay our driver to take you places."
You rubbed his head, "I know, but my friends take taxis. None of them have drivers, and you remember I told you I want things to be normal. This is normal for people who don't have drivers."
Winwin nodded dutifully as he climbed into the taxi, which you held the door for him. The driver took you straight to the restaurant, and Winwin quietly looked out of the non-tinted windows downtown. He'd driven through here multiple times since the business building was nearby, but he never had the time to relax and see everything he was missing. You watched him point out things that dazzled him like a child.
As you arrived at your destination, you opened the door for your husband and led him in to meet your friends. They were already seated since Winwin had taken a long time getting ready.
"Everyone, this is my husband, Sicheng," You introduced him to the group.
Your friends kindly greeted him, and Winwin was shy–clinging to your arm.
Dinner was going well. The table ordered a group-style meal and decided to split the bill evenly. You could feel Winwin squirm in his seat as you told him not to show off, meaning he couldn't offer to pick up the entire bill and tell everyone to order what they wanted.
He was doing rather well, after warming up to them, Winwin would occasionally ask a question or make a joke. But that flew out the window the moment you were involved...
One of your friends, another man, complimented your outfit, "You look so cute, just like in school."
Winwin's hand slid to your thigh under the table, squeezing it gently, "He doesn't tell me about school. What kind of kid was he?"
You tried to turn the conversation, "Guys, I–"
"Oh, the cutest! He was probably the favorite in our school! It was an all-boys school, but he got confessions constantly."
You chewed on your cheek as you felt Winwin's hand bare down on your thigh harder.
"Really!? Well–He is pretty cute, hm?" Winwin pinched your cheek as he laughed with your friends.
Another friend chimed in, "Yeah, even I asked him out at one point, but he turned me down flat out. Said I was like his older brother!"
Now you're fucked.
Winwin was getting playful with your friends, but not in a good way. He smiled, "Oh? So he rejected you, that must've stung. I know he's a catch, but I'm taking good care of him. Better than–"
You slapped his thigh, and a loud pop sounded from under the table, warning him. But Winwin instead took it up a notch, "What!? I am taking good care of you! They know you live at my house right? The one I pay with my money, from my company?"
"Winwin, that's enough."
"I don't think it is–Why don't I buy you all dessert? To show you all how good I treat you, y/n. I'll buy you whatever you want, as much as you want, just point at it."
Your friends took up a menu while you glared at your husband for breaking his promise.
"Don't be mad, babe, they want me to remind them I'm better. Just look at them. I can take care of anything, big or small," Winwin cupped your bulge under the table as he emphasized "big". He winked at you, as his hand tried to undo your belt.
You grabbed his hand and whispered, "Sicheng, stop it!"
"Make me," He whispered into your ear, trying sure to blow into it.
"You're getting out of hand."
"Then maybe you need to help me get straightened out," He moved your hand to cup his cock which was rock hard. Winwin grinded into your hand, while your friends were still distracted with what to order. Winwin's thighs squeezed around your hand as he softly started moaning, letting his eyes roll back as he rutted into your hand.
You pulled him out of his chair and stood up, "I'm sorry, Winwin needs to go to the bathroom. Feel free to order whatever you guys want, we'll catch up."
Winwin smiled lazily as you dragged him into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Luckily it was a single-person bathroom so you could yell at him alone, but Winwin wasn't very concerned about what you wanted.
"So you can spend all the money, but I can't?"
"You know that's not what I wanted to do."
"And what's up with the guy who used to have a crush on you, and mentioning it in front of me!? He was testing me!"
"No one is testing you, but you are testing me, Sicheng."
"So what if I am," He crossed his arms with a smirk.
"What can I do to make you behave? I want this night to end nicely, please."
Winwin pretended to think before he took your hands and placed them on his ass. "I want you to cum in me, right here and now. To help me remember you're with me. And you're not going anywhere."
"And then you promise to behave?"
He nodded, "If you do that, I'll behave."
You rolled your eyes as you fiddled with your belt, trying to remove it.
Winwin removed it with one finger. "What's the rush, what about foreplay?"
"We can't be gone too long, there are others still at the table."
Winwin pouted, "Can't I suck it, just for a little? Just to make it wet?"
You relented as you watched your husband sink to his knees. He licked down your stomach until his teeth caught your underwear. He pulled them down while looking up at you, his hands taking care of your pants. Your cock jumped out and landed on his face, which made his body twitch in excitement.
"I'm always too happy to see you," He whispered to your cock as he kissed your tip.
Your hand found his hair, tangling into it, "Just to get it wet."
"Of course, but I'll stop when you pull me off. You can tell me when it's wet enough."
Winwin's dark eyes locked with yours as his lips parted around your length. You watched as inch after inch disappeared into his mouth, his face full of happiness as his Adam's apple shifted showing how deep he was taking you. He let his nose rub against your stomach, holding himself down as he swallowed you entirely.
You leaned against a wall to keep your balance, your hand lazily gripped onto Winwin's hair as he bobbed his head. His dark eyebrows shifted under his blonder hair that swept into his face, he was questioning you.
"It... not wet enough," You moaned.
He winked at you as he picked up the pace, from tip to base as his hands worked your balls. Winwin was an expert when it came to you, he could make you cum in five minutes or less if he wanted to, and once he had control then he wouldn't let it go without a fight. You were like clay in his hands as he sucked, squeezed, and licked your cock like candy.
"Oh, fuck, fuck," You moaned as you felt that familiar feeling bubble in your stomach. You snapped out of it, if you came now then Winwin wouldn't stop until he drained you completely. It's happened before.
You pulled on his hair tightly, and a loud moan ripped from his mouth as it was no longer full. Your chest heaved, "It's fucking wet enough."
Winwin smirked, "Are you sure?"
You nodded, "Just turn around already."
Your husband complied, pulling his shorts down and presenting himself to you. He must've been fingering himself the whole time he had you distracted since you slipped into his hole with ease. You filled him to your hilt, getting more desperate moans from him. You were already close to finishing because of the blowjob, all you had to do was cum inside...
You held Winwin by his waist, fucking him without mercy or pace. However hard and fast your body gives it.
Winwin shouted your name, loudly, between moans.
"Oh, y/n, fuck yes! Fuck me, harder!" He demanded as he slammed his hips in time with your thrusts for more impact.
Your body tensed as you hugged Winwin tightly, your mouth in a large "O" as you came, painting his insides. You stopped, catching your breath and wiping the sweat away.
You pulled out immediately, "Okay, we're done."
"What?" Winwin turned to look at you, "I didn't cum yet."
"That wasn't the deal. That's your punishment for misbehaving, and if you're good for the rest of dinner then I'll make sure you cum twice tonight."
He considered your counteroffer, "Three times."
"Whatever, done. Let's just go."
You put your clothes back on, wash your hands, and straighten your looks before leaving the bathroom. The other guests look at you with strange looks.
Winwin shyly smiled, "Maybe I was a bit too loud."
"You think?"
You returned to the table, the air was tense as the food was delivered. There wasn't as much conversation, no questions, and no jokes. After the meal, you apologized to your friends and took a taxi back home.
Winwin ran upstairs, "I'll see you up there! Three times!"
You groaned.
Tonight was going to be a long night...
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pahtoosh · 5 months
mind reader
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[image ID: a distraught Sebastian Stan looking at a sheet of paper. the paper has three sections. the first has three boxes labeled "yes", "no", and the last one with ellipses. the second one has three boxes labeled "please", "hugs", and "kisses". the last section has scribbles. the first section is in black and white and uses a mature font, while the second section is colorful and uses a playful font. /.end ID]
wc: ~1000 words
warnings: crowded mall. reader goes nonverbal. fluff
a/n: this was requested by @valetim09 ! thank you so much for your patience <3 I also want to add that everyone has a different experience with going nonverbal. this story is a reflection of my own. if anyone has a different experience and would like to share, I'd love to listen so I can write something different next time!
pairing: mafia!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: Bucky takes you to the mall and you go nonverbal.
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“Just one more store okay? You’re doing so good for me, bubba.” Bucky praised. 
You took a deep breath, a difficult feat while your Daddy had you speed walking across the mall. He led you to a store full of bath and shower products. The storefront was brightly decorated for the holiday season, twinkle lights dangled behind animal statues posing with bottles of soap. This display would normally have you tugging on Bucky’s sleeve, begging to take a look, but today it was just another addition to your overstimulation. 
“Okay we just need to grab washcloths, lotion, and the bubble bath set for your little friend.” He squinted at the list.
“Sweetheart, which scent did you want to get for them? We’ve got bubblegum and blueberry written down but they’re also crossed out.”
He looked to you for a response but figured you might be distracted by the display shelf in front of you. 
“It’s okay, we’ll just get both. Let’s keep moving.” He darted back and forth between aisles, trying to gather everything as quickly as possible. Your daddy was so distracted, he didn’t notice how overwhelmed you were getting. All the different, potent scents in the store were no help. For the moment, the only thing you could do was hold onto Bucky’s sleeve with one hand and use your other to cover your nose. 
It took Bucky a while to find the items. By the time you finished checking out and walked back into the mall, it had gotten significantly more crowded. Ever the strategist, your daddy held all the shopping bags in his vibranium arm so he could wrap his other arm around you and move both of your bodies as one to a faster exit. 
He let out a relieved exhale once entering the parking lot. “Oh man, that crowd was crazy, wasn’t it?” Bucky loosened his grip so he could look at you. You were clearly listening, but didn’t respond. 
He looked at you curiously. “What happened to my little chatterbug?”
You simply tugged his shirt and pointed to the car. 
“Okay, we’ll go home, baby. I know that’s what you’ve been wanting.” Bucky looked both ways before stepping off the sidewalk and walking to the car with you. 
He helped you buckle into your seat and placed the shopping bags in the trunk before sitting in the driver’s seat. Some days Bucky would have a chauffeur so that he could sit in the backseat with you, but today was not one of those days. 
After making sure it was safe to go, he wasted no time before pulling out of the lot and driving home. Bucky wanted to ask you if something was wrong, but he knew you’d be more comfortable discussing it at home. He settled for softly playing your favorite music and glancing at you in the rear view mirror once in a while. 
When you reached the house, one of Bucky’s employees put away the shopping bags as he led you upstairs. 
“You doin’ okay, baby?” He asked, holding your hand as you two walked towards your room. 
You shook your head. 
“Can you use your big kid words and tell Daddy what’s going on?”
You shook your head again. He helped you sit on your bed while he stood in front of you. 
“Okay then,” Bucky said, placing a hand on his chin. He looked at you carefully, as if he could tell what you were thinking if he just looked hard enough.
“Are you feeling extra tiny today?”
You shrugged, still looking up at Bucky unblinkingly. 
“Did something happen at the mall?”
You shrugged again. 
“Let’s try something new, sweetheart.” He went to your desk and picked up a crayon and a sheet of paper. “Can Daddy use these?”
You nodded. 
Bucky crouched down at your desk while he wrote on the paper. As with everything he did, he looked completely focused. His concentration face was a familiar sight when paired with the large oak desk in his office, but it looked a little silly and out of place with your bright, plastic table. The only seats available were a few floor cushions. He settled for sitting on the floor as to not mess up your cushions with his “outside pants”. You craned your neck trying to see what your daddy was up to. You could just barely make out a few letters before he was finished. He drew a few more lines, then handed you the sheet of paper with a hard book underneath and a new crayon. 
“Daddy made some ‘buttons’ for you, okay. You press this one to say yes, this one for no, and this one for I’m not sure. This spot is for you to make your own buttons. And this spot is if you want to write more. Does this help?”
You pointed at the “yes” button. 
His eyes lit up, then he complimented you for being such a fast learner. 
“Can you tell Daddy why you aren’t speaking right now?”
“Mall. Too much,” you wrote. 
“You got overwhelmed at the mall, bubba? And now talking is too much?”
He let the crease in his brow deepen before taking a breath and relaxing his features. “I know we were supposed to have dinner with Natty and your little friends today, but how about we push those plans to another day? We’ll have a quiet night with just us. See if we can calm this baby down.”
You gave him a small smile. “Yes.” Then you created a new button. “Please.”
Bucky chuckled. “Even when you’re not speaking you’re still the smartest, most polite baby in the entire world. Can I give you some kisses?”
He peppered your face with kisses until you were giggling and smiling so hard it hurt. You took things easy for the rest of the night, just watching tv, eating the dinner Bucky made, and listening to him read a book. You kept the button sheet that Bucky made in a special folder in case something like this happened again. After you added two new buttons labeled “cuddles” and “kisses” of course.
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sturnioloshacker · 9 months
midnight guardian - a vinnie hacker short
a/n: requested by anon!
summary: vinnie reacts to his gf walking alone at night after a party
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being the strong-willed and independent woman she is, y/n believed in her ability to handle any situation. her boyfriend vinnie, on the other hand, was a caring and overprotective boyfriend who worried about y/n’s safety at all times. knowing that she’s at a friend’s birthday bash and insisted on walking home alone had vinnie stressing. as the time hit 1am, y/n made her way around the house to say her goodbyes and started her walk back to vinnie’s house. the party had taken place in a neighbourhood just a few blocks away, where the streetlights were known to be dimly lit. balancing her heels and clutching her purse tightly, she confidently embarked on her journey.
meanwhile, vinnie was anxiously pacing back and forth at home. he had been glued to his phone, constantly checking for any messages from his girl. every sound outside made his heart skip a beat. unable to control his worry any longer, he grabbed his coat and car keys, knowing he needed to be by her side. the car slowly makes it way around every corner and down every street, observing the road in front of him for a glimpse of y/n. making a right turn, he finally finds y/n. y/n’s head turns to face the car that has been following her, only to notice it’s vinnie.
“baby? what are you doing?”
“it’s 1:30 in the morning and you’re walking out here alone!”
“vinnie, there’s only one more block before i reach yours, just let me walk the rest of the way!”
“wrong. It’s two blocks. now get in the car”
“don't vinnie me. get in the car, please. i don’t want you getting hurt or getting into trouble”
with a sigh, y/n gets into the passenger seat. facing the window, y/n watches the lights go red as vinnie comes to a stop. vinnie turns to look at the girl next to him, grabbing her hand and softly squeezing it to get her attention. making eye contact, y/n notices the boy’s glossy eyes. had he been crying? the light goes green as vinnie speaks up.
“i know you’re confident enough to do things on your own but i hate it”
“what? why? i’m fine!”
“i know you’re fine but I’m not! it kills me, it eats up inside knowing that you could get hurt or get in trouble or something really bad happens to you and i’m not there to protect you”
hearing those words had y/n speechless. she knew vinnie was overprotective but not like this. what if something bad happened to her? vinnie wouldn’t be there to help her and protect her. 
“i understand, my love, and i’m so sorry. i’ll make sure from now on that you’re my chauffeur everywhere i go”
“that can be arranged”
eventually, they arrived home, hand in hand, feeling closer than ever. they realised that their contrasting viewpoints could coexist. love, after all, sometimes requires a willingness to understand and compromise. from that night on, vinnie and y/n made a pact to strike a balance between their desire to keep each other safe and their respect for each other's independence. they vowed to discuss their concerns openly, finding solutions that nurtured trust and preserved their individuality.
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totaly-obsessed · 10 months
My Smart Girl
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Ella Toone x reader fic
-> Ella's girlfriend has just finished Exam season and she treats her to a much-needed self-care day.
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Be a student - they said.
It will be fun – they said.
And while you loved what you learned, being very passionate about languages and communications, you currently hated your life. It was Exam season. Five exams in a single week is your life currently. Or as you and your peers liked to call it – Hell.
Studying day in, day out. On top of that working and somehow surviving.
Your girlfriend of two years, Ella, was currently off-season, having just come back after the loss in Australia. She had been devastated but having time off and spending time with friends, family and you helped her to continue. The Manchester United player was incredibly grateful for you and your never-wavering support as her wag.
With you now needing her more than ever, she took pride in being your wag. She cooked for you, brought you coffee, massaged your tense shoulders and she was always there, in case you needed her.
The brunette was currently squinting at the sun while leaning against her car. Today was your (hopefully) last exam and she wanted to be your personal chauffeur.
Ella was nervous. She had planned an exciting day for you, and couldn’t wait for you to be done. The sun felt nice on her face, having spent so much time inside, being by your side – so she basked in it.
Closed eyes, relaxed eyebrows, the whole deal.
“Are you sleeping?” You sounded tired as your voice ripped her away from the sunny beach in Ibiza.
“Nah. I’d never.” With a cheeky smile, she pulled you into her arms, burying her face in your neck. “How did it go?”
Your facial expression gave your uncertainty away before you could answer. “Meh.”
She chuckled as she pressed a kiss to your hair “Always so descriptive.” With gentle hands, you were pushed off her, so that the United player could open her passenger door for you.
“C’mon, then ma lady. Let’s go!” After giving her a sweet kiss on the corner of her mouth you took your usual place. Ella rounded the car and just seconds later the two of you had taken off, leaving your University behind you.
“You won’t believe it!”, a gentle smile graced the brunette's face as you started going off about this dude in your course. Her hand gently laying on your thigh squeezing it every now and then. “- And then he just took my pen!”
“No, he didn’t!”
“Yes, he did!”
A soft pinch was delivered to your side, “Well did ya tell him that ya girlfriend is a famous Footballer?” You couldn’t help but laugh, throwing your head back against your headrest.
“I don’t think he would be intimidated by you Els. But don’t worry I got it back -  I even told him off!”
“Prod of ya baby.” You weren’t one to confront your problems, usually having Ella at your side for that.
When your girlfriend took a left instead of your usual right turn, you got confused. “Baby I think you-“
The mischievous smile on her face made you swallow your words. “Ella, where are we going?”
“Excuse me, Missy! Who is Ella? Should I be worried?” Now it was Ella's turn to laugh, the brunette pulling up to a big complex.
“C’mon then lovie.” You were still staring at the building while your favorite brunette had already opened your door, taking you by the hand and gently pulling you out of your seat.
“What is this Ella?” This time she didn’t say anything to her name.
“Thought you deserve some relaxation, so welcome to your spa day!” Tears brimmed in your eyes threatening to fall. “Nuh-uh baby. None of that! Let's get you prim and proper, huh?”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Nearly 130 minutes later the two of you saw each other again, having separate treatments. Although Ella has booked you the same package, she wasn’t able to get a session for two, so the both of you had some quiet time. Your skin had never felt so soft, and your neck could finally move again.
A full body massage, an Indian head massage, a salt scrub, a spa facial, and ear candles. It was a whole lot of relaxation, and while the ear candles felt weird at first, you were suddenly able to hear colors.
The both of you were now sat in the footballer's car again laughing about how Ella had moved too much so that her masseuse had told her of multiple times.
“Alright – I have two more stops for us lovie!” Wide eyes looked at her, making Ella laugh even more.
“Well, I wanted to spoil you to death. I am so proud of you.”
“We don’t even know if I passed Els…”
“Doesn’t matter. You gave it your all – you studied so much.” Just a couple minutes later you were at a place you knew very well – Ella’s hairdresser.
It was a nice contrast to the spa – you were with your girlfriend singing along to upbeat music and laughing a lot with Immy, the nice girl who did your hair.
“You got so much love Little Jeannie and you take it where it strikes and give it to the likes of me…” The United player was currently belting ‘Little Jeannie’ by Elton John, directly in your face, when Immy turned your chair around so that you could see yourself.
“Look at you, Honey! Fresh as new!” Ella loved your hair, it was so incredibly soft and for the entirety of the next car drive, she kept petting it.
In a good mood, she pulled you into the next building.
“Ella! Back already?” A team of women sped around the corner, excited to see why she was back, three days after having her nails done.
“Nah not for me. For the Missus.” The name got you to blush, averting your eyes while the girls squealed in glee.
Your girlfriend was having a great time, watching you be so overwhelmed. Two girls were doing your nails (each one hand) while another girl styled and dyed your eyebrows. The fourth girl was on her phone showing you options on how to get your lashes done.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
After three hours of being pampered, gossiping, and exchanging numbers with the girls, you were finally back home.
In your shared bed Ella tugged you close to her. “Thank you El’s. Don’t think I’ve said it yet.”
The footballer smiled, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth, lingering there for just a second.
“Anything for you lovie… I am so proud of you – my smart girl.”
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Fake It Till You Make It
Chapter Three - First 'Date'
The Princess of Monaco is wild and out of control. She needs to stop being in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons. Charles Leclerc has had a spot of bad press since his very public break up. He needs some good PR. What better way to fix their problems than to pair them up?
Series Masterlist
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Party Princess's Potential Prince
F1 fans are always delighted to see the Party Princess and her year's of friendship with Fernando Alonso. Every Monaco Grand Prix the two greet each other like old friends.
They were seen embracing upon the Princess's arrival to the paddock. Most fans thought nothing of it. It was normal for the pair. Ever since she first met him at ten years old.
Although interactions between the Party Princess and Alonso have been nothing but platonic, some if us are left to wonder if there is something more going on?
Princess Y/N is known for the string of lovers she had. Here at The Monaco Press, we have been lucky enough to interview some of these lovers. When asked for a comment, several of these lovers agreed that their is a high likelihood that the Party Princess has found herself a much older man.
The Monaco Press will bring you the latest on this story as it unfolds.
"Why the hell are you in my apartment?"
Prince Henri walked around the apartment. No matter how large he knew it was, the mess and the clutter made everything feel so much smaller. He kicked away a dirty, sparkly dress. "Can I not come and visit my baby sister?"
"You could have given me some warning," she said as she picked up the dress and the clothes that surrounded it.
Henri shook his head. "Get dressed. We're going out to dinner."
But she sat down on the couch instead. Henri rolled his eyes and stepped over the mess, walking into her bedroom. "Hen, piss off," she called over her shoulder. "I don't want to go to dinner with you."
A dress hit the back of her head. She grabbed it from the back of the sofa and held it out in front of her. It wasn't like the normal dresses she found herself in in the middle of the night, which were far too short low cut. It was black, went down to her knees, and covered up her arms.
"Seriously? Henri, I'll look like a nun."
"I don't care. Do I need to get you shoes as well?"
She glared and marched past him, into her bedroom. She slammed the door shut, quickly got dressed and ran a brush through her hair. She grabbed some flats that matched the dress and pulled them on.
When she was finished she opened the door and stepped out. "Jewellery," Henri said, turning her back around and pushing her into her room.
Her jewellery was all expensive and gorgeous. She picked out some stud earring that, although they didn't look like a lot, were worth more than her rent. Her necklace was simple, too, and she didn't bother with bracelets. Checking herself in the mirror, she walked out of her room. "Good enough for you, your highness?" She asked with a mocking bow.
Henri offered her his arm. She reluctantly took it and followed Henri out of her apartment.
It was a surprise to find no chauffeur waiting for them. Henri opened the car door for her before slipping into the drivers seat. "I've booked out the entire restaurant," he said as he began driving through the streets of Monaco. "Don't leave until you've given him a chance. Please."
"Wait, him?" She suddenly cried. "Henri, I thought we were going for dinner! You can't just set up a date for me and not tell me!"
Henri tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "I can and I have," he said.
She huffed as she sank down into her seat. "Who is it?"
"Charles Leclerc."
Charles Leclerc. She had only met him once before. He and his brother were meeting the Monaco family for some super formal interview. Charles had looked at her for most of the interview, and constantly brought up his girlfriend. It was big headed of him to assume she wanted him to the point where he mentioned his girlfriend every five minutes and she'd decided then that she didn't like him.
Henri slightly turned his head towards her while still keeping his eye on the road.
"Why have you set me up with Charles Leclerc?"
Henri shrugged his shoulders, and she could have strangled him. "You need good PR and he needs good PR. It just makes sense."
For the rest of the journey to the restaurant she was silent. She didn’t want to talk to Henri, not when he was such an ass.
When he parked up outside of the restaurant, she still didn't move. "Y/N, come on," Henri huffed. "Stop acting like a child," he said and opened his car door.
If there were paparazzi around, they definitely saw her getting dragged out of the car by the future king. "Henri! Stop!" She cried as she tried to fight her brother off. But he was bigger and stronger than her.
Her had her inside of the restaurant and sat down at a table in no time. She scowled, arms folded over her chest as she stared at the empty seat across from her.
"You have my permission to do whatever it takes to keep her here," Henri whispered to the hostess as he left the restaurant.
Keeping her there meant serving her drinks and bread. Twenty minutes later, the black Ferrari with the white and red stripe appeared.
Dressed in a black suit, Charles walked into the restaurant. He looked incredibly handsome, but that wasn't what she was thinking when she saw him.
"You're late."
"Sorry about that, chérie."
"Don't call me that," she spat as another drink was placed in front of her. "You know this isn't a real date, right? You know Henri only set this up so that we look good."
Charles nodded his head. "I'm aware," he said, playing with the rings on his fingers.
"Then why are you here? To waste my time?"
Charles shook his head. Taking his wine glass, he lifted it to his lips and took a quick sip. He placed it back down and cleared his throat.
"Your brother and I have been talking," he began. "Because of my recent trouble with the media after a messy break up, and because of your constant PR blunders and messy nights out, Henri and I thought it would be a good idea if you and I 'dated'. That way we could pull the media's attention away from our fuck ups and onto our seemingly perfect relationship."
She let out a dry laugh. "Do you really think that'll work?"
Charles shrugged his shoulders. "There's only one way to find out."
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something just outside of the restaurant window. "Let me prove it to you," he said, reaching for her hand with a blissed out smile on his face.
When she saw the flash of a camera, she placed her hand in his and painted a practiced smile on her face. Her laugh, too, was practiced, perfected after years of unwillingly being in the spotlight.
"Do you think it'll look like too much if I drove you back to your apartment after this?" Charles asked as the food was placed in front of them.
She rolled her eyes and just hoped the paparazzi didn't see. "Nothing is too much for the party princess," she spat.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minkyungseokie @formulaal @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @avg-golden-retriever
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Empty Diamonds (Sukuna x Reader)
Author's Note: Hey pretties! This is just adding on to a request I received involving an older mean husband Sukuna. I have more ideas for this concept so if anyone is interested let me know. :)
Warnings: toxic relationship, age gap, choking, nsft, bruising,
Original post
Sukuna turned 40 this year. 
And that came with a lot of complications ranging from his joints becoming more stiff to having to get up to piss in the middle of the night more often.
The biggest complication he currently had to deal with was you. He glanced over to see you leaning back in your seat, looking at the buildings the car whizzed past. Your manicured nails tapped agitatedly against your designer handbag. 
Spoiled brat. 
You were just trying to keep your head above water. 
Being the wife of Ryomen Sukuna came with a plethora of troubles. 
Poor little rich girl. 
Your husband would embarrass and demean you both in public and private and you’d swear you’d leave him. 
But then he’d pull you back in. 
Drowning you in designer clothes, decorating you with fine jewels. Whisking you away to a private villa in the south of France or buying a gourmet restaurant you had mentioned liking so you could eat there whenever your heart desired. You couldn’t part with the lifestyle Ryomen provided for you. 
He was a businessman with a gruff exterior and while you secretly hoped he would shed it for you, you knew it was wishful thinking.
When the chauffeur pulled up in front of your house you told him thank you, giving him a sweet smile. A smile that your husband immediately noticed. He followed you out of the car and inside. The maid stood by the door. 
“Welcome home-”
“Get out,” he barked.  
The old woman did as she was told, knowing the man of the house was best left alone when he was in a mood. 
You shot him a glare which he only returned tenfold. 
“Do you have to be such a brute?” you hissed. 
“I pay her salary,” he griped, storming past you and up the stairs.
You sighed and trailed behind him.
You were only 28, but you felt so much older. 
Another reason you found it difficult to leave Sukuna? 
It came to you when he ripped off your designer dress and tossed you on the bed. Your diamond necklace rattled against your skin as your husband crawled over you and wrapped his hand around your neck. 
“Do you want the chauffeur to fuck you?”
You refused to break eye contact with him, matching the scowl on his face. “Why darling? Would that bother you?”
His grip on your neck tightened, accompanied by the growing ache in your legs.
So he fucked you, long and hard, the way he knew you loved. 
It was laughable really. 
His wife, an esteemed member of high society, moaning and clutching onto him like a cheap whore. He’d make you forget about the chauffeur, about any man you had ever fantasized about. 
When it was over Ryomen left, telling you he’d be back in a few hours. 
Once the haze of your orgasm wore off you were left feeling empty and a little foolish. 
You unclasped your diamond necklace and dumped it in your nightstand drawer. Then you lifted yourself out of the bed and made your way to the bathroom to shower. Once the water was hot enough you stepped in and scrubbed yourself clean. You caught a glimpse of yourself through the glass shower door in the bathroom mirror. 
Placing a hand on your stomach you examined your side profile. 
Of course the pressure of having an heir weighed heavily on your mind. It was an unspoken requirement of this marriage. Sometimes you wonder if a baby would make you feel more fulfilled, give your life purpose. 
But the pragmatic side of you pushed such thoughts away. 
You didn’t want to bring a child into this world to be parented by Ryomen Sukuna, loveless and cruel. You’d never forgive yourself for putting a child through that. No, this was a burden you’d shoulder alone. 
When you finished you shut off the water and dried yourself off. As you did your skincare you thought of the bruising on your neck that would show up soon. You almost scared yourself thinking of what a lovely decoration they’d make, more beautiful than the most expensive diamonds. 
Maybe you were just as twisted as your husband. 
The End. 
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leahsgirl · 5 months
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celebration night | alex greenwood x reader
based off this request except i kind of went off script a little, only a short 1.3k for because its currently 4am right now - hope you enjoy!
mentions of anxiety (only briefly), suggestive language, smut sort of??
it was times like these, where you were sat in the back of a car, dolled up to the nines, when you wondered how you ended up with your girlfriend.
the two of you was en route to another awards ceremony that would be celebrating her (and her teammates) contribution to the footballing world.
you was her plus one of course, having dragged you to a couple beforehand over the course of your relationship. you weren't exactly the biggest fan of these events considering you was a very introverted person with an almost constant pit of anxiety in your stomach, but you knew how much they meant to Alex and what kind of girlfriend would you be if you weren't there supporting her?
when you first met her, at a club match you went watching for your childhood friend chloe, you already had a massive crush her. what you didn't expect was for the blonde to offer getting drinks sometime when kelly introduced you and the rest was history really.
so yeah, back to the present where you, a bartender, was keeping a strong grip on your football sensation girlfriend's hand, trying your best to keep your nerves under control. "i'll say it once i'll say it again; how do you do this all the time? how do the nerves not knock you sick?"
the older girl chuckled, "nerves turns into adrenaline - and adrenaline helps me play better." stating it simply and turning her head to press a light kiss on your temple. "you'll be fine baby; you always have me remember?" alex was aware of how your thoughts could spiral to the point of no return, how you would psychoanalyse certain situations and how you anxious you could get when in big groups like tonight will be. she knew exactly how to calm you down and for that you was thankful.
the car now pulling up outside the steps that lead to the building, a chauffeur opening the door for the blonde and you, alex got out and once again held her hand out for you to take. there was a few paparazzi/photographers outside behind the rope fences calling out your girlfriends name. "alex! alex!" "alex! whose the girl with you?!" "over here alex." after a few shots you was ushered inside where the place was already buzzing with people.
they'd gone for all white and gold decorations you gathered, having noticed the balloon arch mixed with the two colours, as well as white decorative roses scattered around in bunches and a champagne tower slap bang in the centre. you never understood the point of them if you was honest, the glasses are far too dainty to remove from the pyramid and just one accidentally nudge to the poor thing and it would come crashing down.
"y/n, alex, hiya." turning around to the familiar voice you see lucy, one of the blue-eyed girls national teammates. you liked lucy, she was one of the girls you clicked with the most when visiting alex at her european and world cup tournaments. "oh my god i feel like i haven't seen you in ages" you say as you went in for a side hug. "its only been two months y/n, has alex over here been boring you that much?" the brunette smirked while your girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully.
"she's been keeping me busy actually, last week she forced me to learn how to rollerstake for no reason." its true, the thirty-year-old was always convincing you to do the stupidest, most cheesy stuff but you don't mind. In fact, it's probably one of your favourite things about her seeing this goofier side compared to the more serious and reserved ones the fans got.
"don't act like you don't secretly love it." she said crossing her arms over her chest while you just giggled in response and pecked her lips. "i do sweetheart don't worry."
after some mindless chatter with the barcelona player, staff came out to escort people to their seats. the set-up was tables of six and you was happy to find out accompanying you on your table was mary, lucy, ella and her boyfriend joe.
complimentary alcoholic beverages were being given throughout the night which you indulged in as you watched the awards being presented one by one.
alex was up for some sort of team award if you remembered correctly, not exactly understanding the drabble of words she was saying when she first told you the news, you think its eleven people getting the same award or something if you took anything from the conversation. what you did know is that she had to go up against international players which makes the award even more special if she is to win.
the night dragged on as you listened to speech after speech after speech. eventually, the time had come for 'FIFPRO Women's World 11' "that's it." you thought to yourself as the man read the title of the honour, now recalling alex telling you about fifa's women starting eleven.
"now introducing your women's starting eleven team!" the massive sliding doors opened up, revealing the ladies one by one. An overwhelming sense of pride engulfed you as you watched your partner stand on stage in her very sexy suit (if you do say so yourself) with trophy in hand. with a quick few lines from each girl, they made their way back to their seats. standing up, you beamed at alex and placed your hands on her cheeks "i'm so so proud of you." she leans in and kisses your lips, smudging your red lipstick slightly.
"you in the mood for celebrating later?" parting away from your lips, she whispered in your ear. you could see her eyes filled with lust which meant only one thing. offering to get out of there, alex and you say your goodbyes to your friends/her teammates. To be honest the ceremony was dying down anyways so it was only a matter of time before you actually did leave.
as soon as your front door closed hands grabbed your waist and pressed you onto the wall. lips attached to your neck, biting and sucking at the skin as you gave in to the quiet noises of pleasure before they found your mouth once again.
the kisses were sloppy and eager as the defender swiped her tongue across your bottom lip gaining entrance into your mouth, tongues in a fight for dominance.
she stopped. dragging you by the hand into your bedroom and pushing you onto the end of the bed. this time, she snaked her hand under your top, reaching up to massage your breast. "you're beautiful you know that?" alex watched in amusement as you tried to stay quiet while she pressed her knee up against your centre. "tell me what you want princess."
literally just the words she was saying was enough to send you over the edge if you let it. "i want- i want you lower." the breathlessness in your voice made the blonde smirk, complying with your wishes. she made her way down to your pants menacingly slow, undoing the button and sliding the silk material off until they were disregarded somewhere in the room. "can i just say, I'm practically naked and you're out here still in your suit." as much as you loved the suit, you'd much rather be seeing her toned abs right now.
taking the hint, she quickly thew the outfit off, now hovering over you in just her black lingerie. "better?" she asks and you nod, shamelessly raking your eyes down her whole body.
the man city player busied herself with tracing patterns up your thighs, getting dangerously close to your centre without actually touching it. "alex please."
toying with the elastic on your thong she looked up at you. "please what? i want to hear you say it." the lust was practically oozing out of her mouth right now. slotting her hand under the mesh material of your underwear she repeated herself, "say it y/n."
your brain was going into overdrive from the teasing she had given you; your chest heaving. "alex..please fuck me already."
she caught your lips in a passionate kiss. "good girl."
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slutfactory · 1 year
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HAKKAI SHIBA DRABBLE — gn!reader ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ [not requested]
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌warnings,, car sex(?), handjob (giving), pet names (baby/doll), edging, implied voyeurism.
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ author's note,, THE KING HAS RETURNED. also hakkai is my sweet bby boy i love him sm it's unreal.
<65O words.
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“geez. couldn't even wait until we got home.” you whispered to your boyfriend, making him shudder a little, feeling your warm breath tickle his ear. “naughty boy. what if the chauffeur notices? the partition may be rolled up, but i'm sure he can hear you moaning like a little whore.” hakkai whimpered in response, bucking his hips into your fist. he didn't know why, but the thought of being caught turned him on even more—that combined with your hands on him; he could lose himself–
“shiba-san? are you alright back there?”
hakkai snapped out of his momentary trance, now making eye contact with the driver in the rearview mirror through the now halfway lowered partition. there wasn't enough light passing through the tinted windows to see his expression in the mirror, but you could. his face was beet red, probably wondering if he had gotten caught. even if that were the case, hakkai would try to lie his way out of it. as he did. “i'm okay. i just uh.. have a bit of a stomach ache. r-roll up the partition, would ya?”
“if you say so.” the chauffeur replied, rolling the partition up as he was told.
you chuckled. “that little act of yours was adorable, doll.” you began pumping your boyfriend's cock in time with his pathetic thrusts. he slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the startled cry that threatened to slip past his lips. “let's see how long you can keep it up.”
with how you were spoiling him with your hands, he probably wouldn't last much longer. you knew this, but teasing hakkai was too entertaining. it was cute how he tried not to cum, despite his body betraying him, begging for release. you slowed your pace to a stop and released your grip on his shaft, knowing full well that he was close. he gave you a pleading look, which you pretended not to notice.
“y/n, please—” hakkai whined between ragged breaths. he leaned against you. “i want more.. please let me cum– nh-.." as much as you wanted to play with him, you couldn't resist him in this state; you often wondered if he knew that and acted accordingly. but he wasn't the best liar so that perished the thought—after all, he was a model, not an actor.
you sighed softly. “well since you were a good boy and begged without being told—” your hand once again held hakkai's twitching length in a firm, but gentle grip. hearing him gasp softly at the sudden touch, you smirked, but only for a second. “i guess i should reward you, hm?” continuing at your pace from earlier, you began stroking him again. he probably got sensitive after being edged, since he was squirming around more than he was before, biting his lip to hold back his voice. “mm.. ‘kai. kiss me.”
without a moment's hesitation, hakkai did as he was told. he immediately melted into it, moaning into your mouth, feeling your tongue dance against his. as it was he could already barely breathe, but now you were stealing it from him, making him drool and pant like a dog for the few short seconds you allowed him to take a breath. “mgh– ‘m cumming–.. ” he mumbled into the kiss before he once again started thrusting into your fist.
it wasn't long before he came, his body lightly spasming as he shot thick ropes of cum onto the back of the driver's seat and his own body. his vision faded in and out and he struggled to steady his breathing. you always thought hakkai looked beautiful—a broken mess after an orgasm.
“you've made such a mess, baby.” your eyes shifted toward the slightly lowered partition. you could just barely see the driver's flushed face in the mirror—and how only his left hand rested on the steering wheel. “but maybe you weren't the only one.”
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luv you lol thx for reading <3 also this was pretty long for a drabble lol
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jjuwuni · 4 months
caught in his web ; choi yeonjun ch. 3 | LIVING ARRANGEMENTS
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pairings — yeonjun x afab reader
genre — smut (lots of it so minors dni please), fluff, angst, college!au, friends to lovers, drama
word count (for this chapter) — ~2.6k
summary —  You thought you’d be immune to Choi Yeonjun's charms, turns out you were completely, utterly, shamefully wrong. 
And what’s worse? He’s your new best friend's boyfriend.
Wanna hear something even worse than that? His dad and your mom are dating.
MOA University: An educational institution created for the 1%. The elite of the elites. Those who are to inherit large multinational companies, take oath in office, and represent Korea's future in business and politics. This is where it begins.
warnings — almost-stepbro!yeonjun but not really since your parents are in the early stages of dating, kinda slow burn yes, black haired!yeonjun, bad boy yeonjun, all of you are trust fund babies, all the tubatu's make a cameo and are in the same friend group, might reference some other 4th gen idols, alcohol, drinking, drunken mishaps, lots of sex, profanity - lots of it, yeonjun is a menace but he's so cute wtf i'm screaming, jealousy, making out etc. minors dni istg! i'm watching y'all..
A/N: BACK WITH ANOTHA UPDATE ! this one is pretty inch resting hahah so i hope you guys have fun ! as always lmk what you think of it 🤗 always love hearing your thoughts and pls let me know if you want to be added into the taglist ^^
current taglist : @soobadooba , @flowerbe0m , @lix-stray , @beomtese , @yxnjvnnie , @healingpage , @hihello-pinky , @kazscara , @bibibun , @txtistheloml , @jungwonismybias, @boba-beom, @jwnghyuns, @a-l-i-y-a
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Fixing your jacket over your ensemble for the day, you quickly head down the stairs and into the kitchen for a bite or two of some PB&J toast. And as you sipped on some scorching hot tea, you couldn’t help but rethink the past events that occurred the past few weeks. 
For one, Yeonjun was true to his words, thankfully. He didn’t show up the whole weekend, and judging by an exchange of messages you and Soobin had, he and the other guys went on a hiking trip to Jeju, as well as some weekend fun by the beach. 
Your mom was nowhere to be found as expected, as it was Fashion Week in Italy, and so she would definitely be gone for a while. 
You wondered what kind of peculiar events awaited you that day as you sauntered out towards the circular driveway of the house, waiting for the driver and your usual ride to park up in front of you and finally take you to school. 
You were busy catching up on all the notifications from your phone and refreshing your instagram feed on your phone when the sound of a boisterous, revving engine sound caused you to look up. 
It was a black Bugatti - the limited edition kind. 
And you knew instantly who it belonged to. 
Stepping back a few paces as the car made a smooth turn around the driveway, you were greeted by Yeonjun’s cheeky face as soon as he rolled down the passenger seat window. 
“Your ride today, ma’am.” He said, lips quirking into a provoking smile.
You stood there dumbfounded as per usual, mouth forming a small ‘o’ shape. It took you at least ten seconds more before you were able to string words together,  “Wha- But- The driver..” 
“Told him he could take the day off. I’ll be your chauffeur today, princess. Now hop in or you’ll be late for class and we know you don't like being late.” 
And you hate it knowing he’s right. 
You hurriedly slip in the passenger seat and strap yourself in, huffing out a breath of air and looking back up at him, trying to keep a stern face through it all. “Fine. Drive away, Choi.”  
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The car ride was quiet at first, but you and your big mouth just couldn’t stand the awkward silence. “So, how was Jeju?” 
“How did you- Oh-” Yeonjun said, pausing a while. “Soobin told you?” 
You nod once, “Did you have fun?” 
“I guess so.. It’s always a fun time with the guys, plus Kai is back so it was cool.” 
“Really? Mister Hyuka himself?” My eyes widened at the mere mention of the name, “He’s back from Switzerland? Waaah.. That’s awesome. I have to say hi later on today then.” You rambled on, hellbent on filling the awkward silence. 
Hyuka was the son of the Vice Prime Minister of Korea, which entailed that he was to get the best education there is as he planned to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue politics in the future as well. 
“Yeah, he’s about to move schools so he’s just finishing up his courses in MOA U before going to Law school overseas.” Yeonjun added, one hand on the steering wheel while the other rests on his thigh, sneaking glances at you every now and then.
After about a minute or two, the car entered through the gates of your University. You usually get dropped off in a parking lot and you hang around there before your classes start, chit-chatting with your friends.
As soon as the Bugatti pulled up towards the space, you could see both Yeonjun's friends and yours huddled around another luxury car. 
“Oh, he must be here today too.” You said ecstaticly, it was obvious that his homecoming called for a reunion of sorts. 
All of your friends’ attention though shifted over to Yeonjun’s noisy and flashy car. As mentioned before, it was a limited edition, only about ten are made every year, so it's normal for people to do a double-take whenever it passes.
It not only had a cool-looking exterior but it was also built for those drag racing types. 
You could hear their surprised gasps and see how astonished they were as you got out of the car. 
“Hey guys,” You greeted everyone with an awkward smile, not really sure what to say, you just worked on walking up to the youngest male in the group and welcoming him back with one of your tightest hugs. “Hyuka, good to see you~” 
The handsome guy ruffled your hair as soon as you both pulled away from the contact, “Great to be back y/n, even if it's just for a while. You’re looking as wonderful as ever. Oh- But- Why did you come with Jjunie hyung?” He asked a question that was probably on everyone’s minds. 
“We live together now.” Yeonjun did the talking, his tone almost announcing and his voice loud enough for the whole school to hear, saying it like it was just some random occurrence (which made you scoff, to be honest). 
“WHAT?!” The group collectively replied, some in a surprised tone, others amused. 
“Tsk...” You let out a frustrated expression, “His dad, my mom, remember?” You tried to give the simplest explanation, pointing to him and you alternately. “I don’t know, they’re renovating their place or something so my crazy mom decided to invite them to stay over.” 
“But babe-” Chaewon interjected, glancing behind my shoulder where Yeonjun stood, almost as if you were transparent. “I thought you were going to let me ride your new Bugatti first.” 
“Ah sorry, Chae.” He replied in a half-assed pleading tone as if knowing he’d get away with it no matter what he said. “It’s just- the driver decided to take a day off and y/n's mom asked me if I could bring her to school.” He tried to explain. 
This prompted you to look at him with a confused expression, I thought he asked the driver to take the day off? So it was my mom who wanted us to drive together to school the whole time? He could have just said that. What’s the truth? 
Before you were able to process things any further, the school bell rang loud - causing the group to go your separate ways and head to first-period courses.
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When that little dweeb Yeonjun suggested we’d have a house party in “his” house for Hyuka's return (literally he called it his home and it was annoying, to say the least), you couldn’t say no.
And so, after school that day and with everyone finishing their classes, you found yourself entertaining the whole group at the estate. 
“Nice place y/n..” Hyuka told me as he walked further into the huge receiving room. 
“Why thank you!” You said, cheekbones raising. “My mom’s big on interior decorating. And- yah- you two!” Something from your periphery caught your eye, as you see Beomgyu and Taehyun fighting for the remote control of the sound system, amid a wrestling match on the couch.
“If you break anything, you’re buying it.” You joked around. 
After an hour, everyone was engaged in their own thing. The boys were fooling around out back in the pool area, and the girls were huddled around your mother’s workshop in her office- looking at her different mood boards and potential designs for her new line. 
But for one reason or another, you couldn’t find Yeonjun. He wasn’t in his room, and you know this because you checked a few times. 
There was one room that was quite hidden in the estate, and you then wondered if he had managed to discover it. 
You trekked over to the music hall on the far side of the second floor of the house. And as you were nearing it, you could hear the soothing melody of the piano resonating in your ears.
The sound grew louder as you neared it, and as you opened the door to the music room, there he was, in front of the piano. 
His eyes were closed as Yeonjun seemed immersed in the music he was playing. 
And at that moment you saw something different in him. It wasn’t his manly side, nor his childish one- no. 
It was something entirely different. There was a vulnerability to this. 
That alone drew you in, you took light steps across the room and towards the grand piano as if hypnotized by his music. 
It’s been a while, but you knew the piece he was playing.
And so, picking up the violin from the stand at the other side of the room as quietly as you could, you started to play alongside him. His playing halted for a few moments as soon as he heard the sound of the violin weaving into the pianos, he then turned to check where the sound was coming from. 
You flashed a small smile as your gazes met, nodding towards him and urging him to continue. 
And that he did, and for a moment or two you were actually getting along well- all thanks to the music you were creating. 
As with all good things though, the song came to an end. And you readily put the violin down atop the piano. 
“I didn’t know you could play that well, y/n.” He said with a grin. 
You took your seat beside him in front of the piano, laughing a little. “Yeah well, mom made sure I was well-versed in a lot of instruments. But hey- I didn’t know the bad boy of MOA U knew how to play, too.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, it seems.” He replied, nudging me with his elbow. 
“You’re right.” You agreed without hesitation, “I don’t think I can ever read you. I’m usually good at that, you know? I’m a very observant person.. But, with you, ah- You are a puzzle, Choi Yeonjun.” 
“Would you... like to solve me?” Yeonjun asked in a teasing manner. But even though that was the case, you honestly couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.
But as you looked into his clear eyes, you could see that defenseless side that you saw a few moments ago once more. And you hated how it made your heartbeat pick up in pace.
“I think I would actually, only if you let me.” You said, not knowing if it was the three flutes of wine before you stumbled into the music room doing the talking at that point. 
“I-” He seemed taken aback by your answer because you’ve never heard him stutter like that, but he managed to break out into a grin nonetheless. “I’d like that..” 
Suddenly, there was an air of tension between you two.
It was so thick, almost to the point where no one could break it. You had so many thoughts running in your head so suddenly. 
Has this kid’s charms actually gone through me? 
Am I developing some sort of weird… crush? 
But our parents, and Chaewon… 
Unbeknownst to you until that point though, your heads were merely inches away from each other- with his face oh so dangerously close to yours.
And there you were able to marvel at how damn attractive Yeonjun really was. 
You had a sudden yearning- something you've never felt before around him. You wanted to feel how his cheeks felt against your palms and imagined how soft his lips would feel against your own.
You couldn’t take it anymore, it was either you lean in or back out.
There were only two choices. 
But you chose the latter. 
Clearing your throat, you stood up from your seat and slowly paced back. “We.. We should probably head back. It’s Hyuka’s party, we shouldn’t miss it.” You said, and before he was able to decide for himself, you found yourself darting out of the music room like the coward that you were.
Was it a smart decision to do what you just did? Perhaps.
But was it something you regretted? The short answer would be yes as well. 
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"Looks like you're having it rough, y/n.. More so than usual." Giselle pointed out as you sat across her from the table of the cafe that the following morning. 
You let out a sigh, "You're right about that. I'm having a really weird experience right now." 
Giselle was someone you met in High School. At the time, your mom decided not to enroll you in any prestigious arts High School of any sort, but wanted you to be as normal as possible and live out the most normal life I could. 
And so with that thought in mind, you studied in a private all-girls school. It was lowkey, and you were sheltered for a good bit of time. This also explains why you met everyone in the circle you have now so late.
All of them: from Soobin to Yeonjun, and even Chaewon and the other girls, have known each other since they were all kids. 
Giselle was one of the few friends you made there though back in your younger years, and though she wasn't on the same societal circle as you, you two got along really well and became best friends who still keep in constant contact with each other. 
There's actually a benefit to her not being in your current circle- because then you get to talk to her about all the problems I'm facing in MOA U. And she can do the same, considering that you don't go to her university.
"So what's up, buttercup? Want to talk about it?” She asked childishly, it was one of the things that endeared you to her. 
You laughed heartily, "Mm.. I don't even know where to start." You let out a sigh. 
"Okay so when you texted me to meet, you said something about your mom? Maybe we can start from there and work your way towards everything else." She suggested while stirring the contents of her teacup, and you obliged without much second thought. 
"Okay so.." You paused to take a sip out of your iced coffee, "Mom's seeing someone now. And if you ask me, they're taking it too fast.. Like, increasingly fast. Borderline crazy almost. She has him and his son living in our house." 
Giselle's eyes widened with shock, "Really!?"
"Yup, and the worst part is.." You paused for a moment or two as if you needed to build up the moment even more. "The guy she’s seeing is... Choi Minjun." 
Your friend's palm slapped over her own mouth as she gasped, "W-what! Choi Minjun? As in the Choi Minjun of the Choi Group of Companies?! Then.. Then that must mean, you're living with.."
"His son, yes." You said with a groan. 
"Oh wow." Your friend grew silent for a while, as if she was trying to process it. "Okay so, how is it? Like living with him and such. I heard he can be handful - at least, based on what I read on social media." 
Sucking in your lower lip and piecing your thoughts together, you then spoke. "I don't know. I was always quite nonchalant about Yeonjun, you know? The minute I saw him the first time and how all the girls were going gaga over him, I knew he was some stuck-up rich kid who only cares about getting girls and flaunting his wealth." Your voice trailed off.
"...But?" Giselle added as if knowing what you were going to say next. 
"But.." You took in a sharp breath, "He is all that, yes. But I can't help but think he's more than what he shows to people. I saw this .. thing in his eyes last night. A kind of vulnerable side to him I wouldn’t have guessed existed, and frankly, it scared me. More than his bad boy image can ever scare me, to be honest.”
"And you're scared you might fall for him in the midst of this.. complicated arrangement, huh?" 
Your eyelids shut tightly as you took another swig from the coffee. 
Though you found yourself nodding not long after. 
"Well, my advice is.. Follow what your heart says. Don't deprive yourself of happiness, y/n.. No one deserves that." She said so casually like you just didn't confess that there is a possibility that you could finally be giving in to the hype around a certain guy who happens to be living with you. 
"I- I guess.. But.. But it's too early to tell. I just want to get this out of my system and I thought you're the last person who will judge me for it." You affirmed. 
It was true, if you told any one of your university friends about this, it'd probably reach either Chaewon or worse, Yeonjun himself and you definitely don't want that happening. 
Like, ever.
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