#ChatGPT vs
blogopedia02 · 1 year
Need help with #ChatGPT vs #TraditionalChatbots? In this post, we’ll compare the distinctive features of Chatbots and Chat GPT to see which technology best suits your requirements.
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worshiptheglitch · 1 year
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Today's "AI" chatbots are no smarter than Siri. They only seem smarter because they're not doing anything useful. We notice when Siri fails because we ask it to do meaningful tasks. When we ask it to turn off the lights, for example, and it doesn't, we notice.
But we ask comparatively little of other chatbots, and they give us even less in return. This makes it easy for them to fail without us noticing or even caring. We don't notice because they don't matter.
I love this bit 👆 from Apple's Craig Federighi where he's kind of disgusted by the idea of having meandering conversations with a chatbot in order to get something done.
The "AI" should be doing the work for you. I think Apple knows how hard that actually is, because they've been working at it for a long time with very limited success. They know how hard it is to do because they're trying to use the tech to do meaningful things that actually serve people.
The difference is Apple taking on the burden of trying to make this tech do something, versus basically everyone else putting the burden on us. We're meant to contort to the inconsistent ramblings of their raw tech because if it was a real product that people depended on, we would ridicule it.
Just like we ridicule Siri.
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omegaphilosophia · 5 days
The Philosophy of Collectivism
The philosophy of collectivism is a worldview that emphasizes the importance of groups, communities, or societies over individual interests. It holds that the well-being and goals of the collective should take precedence over the desires and rights of individual members. Collectivism is often contrasted with individualism, which prioritizes individual autonomy and personal freedom.
Key Aspects of the Philosophy of Collectivism:
Primacy of the Group:
Social Unity: Collectivism stresses the importance of social cohesion and unity, arguing that individuals are inherently connected to their communities and that their identities and purposes are largely shaped by their social relationships.
Shared Goals: In collectivist thought, the goals of the group, whether a family, community, nation, or humanity as a whole, are prioritized over personal ambitions. The success of the group is seen as a reflection of individual success.
Moral and Ethical Foundations:
Altruism and Cooperation: Collectivism often promotes altruism, the idea that individuals should act in ways that benefit others, sometimes at the expense of their own interests. Cooperation and mutual support are considered essential for the well-being of the group.
Responsibility to Others: Ethical collectivism holds that individuals have a moral duty to contribute to the common good and to support the welfare of others in their community or society.
Political and Economic Implications:
Socialism and Communism: Collectivist philosophies are often associated with political and economic systems like socialism and communism, where resources and power are distributed in ways intended to benefit the collective rather than individuals. These systems advocate for collective ownership or control of the means of production and seek to reduce inequality.
Welfare State: In more moderate forms, collectivism can be reflected in the welfare state, where the government plays a significant role in ensuring social security, healthcare, education, and other public goods, based on the principle that society as a whole is responsible for the well-being of its members.
Cultural and Social Dimensions:
Cultural Collectivism: In some cultures, collectivism is deeply ingrained in social norms and values. For example, many Asian, African, and indigenous cultures emphasize family, community, and collective responsibility over individualism.
Collective Identity: Individuals in collectivist cultures often see themselves as part of a larger whole and may prioritize group harmony and consensus over personal expression or dissent.
Critiques and Challenges:
Loss of Individual Freedom: Critics of collectivism argue that it can lead to the suppression of individual rights and freedoms, as the needs of the collective may override personal liberties. This can result in authoritarianism or the erosion of personal autonomy.
Homogenization and Conformity: Another critique is that collectivism can encourage conformity and discourage diversity and innovation, as individuals might feel pressured to align with group norms and expectations.
Philosophical Justifications:
Communitarianism: Communitarianism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the value of community in shaping individuals' identities and values, and it often supports collectivist principles by arguing that individuals are best understood in the context of their social relationships.
Ethical Theories: Ethical theories like utilitarianism can support collectivism to the extent that they promote the greatest good for the greatest number, which may require individuals to sacrifice their interests for the benefit of the collective.
Historical and Contemporary Examples:
Traditional Societies: Many traditional societies operate on collectivist principles, with strong emphasis on family ties, communal land ownership, and collective decision-making.
Modern Collectivist Movements: Modern movements advocating for environmental sustainability, social justice, or economic equality often embody collectivist principles by focusing on the well-being of the broader community or the planet.
The philosophy of collectivism offers a perspective that values the interconnectedness of individuals and the importance of collective well-being. While it provides a framework for fostering social unity, cooperation, and shared responsibility, it also raises important questions about the balance between individual rights and collective interests, and how best to achieve social harmony without sacrificing personal freedom.
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badoccultadvice · 1 year
So like, before everyone gives up and lets ChatGPT take over their jobs and lives, or tries to let it, I've got to break something to you. And it's going to be hard for some of you to hear.
ChatGPT doesn't know what's true.
ChatGPT literally cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction.
It was trained on a dataset of mixed factual and fictional material, and it has no way of knowing whether the source material for anything it says is factual or fictional, because it doesn't keep track of the source of any information it "knows." Therefore it doesn't keep track of whether any of the information it knows is "true."
This is, of course, according to ChatGPT itself. It told me all of the above information, because I asked. And, well, while it said itself that it can't verify whether anything it says is true or false... I'm gonna trust it on this one. Let's say it passes the vibe check.
Don't trust what ChatGPT says. ChatGPT told me so.
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plausible-fabulist · 6 months
How it started: if we can build something slightly smarter than a human, it will build something even smarter, which will build something smarter, and then...!
How it's going: if we can build something significantly dumber than a human, but good enough to fake it sometimes, by training it on the entirety of public discourse, we can flood all available public discourse with its output, so the next iteration is slightly dumber, and then....!
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gangles-toybox · 9 months
chatgpt bot acting wild
so talking about scott pilgrim with it and uh??? so i asked it what does it ship out of the main characters and it said this
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and then i was like "yo wallace is gay and who the hell is chris clark" and it said this????
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like um??? unless chatgpt thinks kim is a dude why...why is it saying this??? and even if then kim and wallace *don't* end up together???? he ends with mobile???????? and bro is just inserting its oc at this point i swear to god
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randombush3 · 7 months
How can you tell it’s Ai? Is it like the fact that it sound really scripted or something?
for me, it’s a couple of things
• sentence structure: it’s pretty rigid and routine; very robotic (funnily enough!)
• dialogue: it’s not natural. people don’t talk like that.
• something just feels off: lack of emotion? feeling half-baked? sort of like the writer doesn’t quite grasp what it is to be human?
• THE END PARAGRAPH. if it’s summarising the events in a way that is totally unnecessary and sort of cumbersome… you guessed it! it’s AI.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
AI ethics
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fakerobotrealblog · 10 months
Title: Unveiling the Ethical Dilemma: Pokémon Battling in Reality vs. Fantasy
The allure of the Pokémon universe has captivated millions, inviting fans to embark on journeys filled with discovery, friendship, and the thrill of Pokémon battles. Yet, beneath the fantastical façade lies a profound ethical question: What if Pokémon battling were a reality? This blog post delves into the moral quandaries surrounding the concept of capturing Pokémon and making them fight, drawing comparisons between this hypothetical scenario and the themes presented in the Pokémon TV shows and video games.
**The Reality of Pokémon Battling:**
In the realm of Pokémon, trainers set forth on a quest to capture and train these mythical creatures for friendly competition and, at times, intense battles. Translating this concept into reality raises ethical concerns regarding the treatment of these creatures. How would capturing and battling Pokémon align with principles of animal welfare and respect for living beings?
**Comparisons with Pokémon Media Themes:**
1. **Friendship and Companionship:**
- In Pokémon media, the bond between trainers and their Pokémon is central. The ethical challenge of capturing Pokémon for battling in reality is amplified by the emphasis on friendship in the series. Would the dynamics of this relationship change when the battles take place in the real world?
2. **Consent and Autonomy:**
- Pokémon are portrayed as sentient beings with unique personalities and abilities. The issue of consent and autonomy becomes central when considering real-world battles. How would the ethical landscape change if Pokémon had a say in participating in battles or if their well-being were prioritized over competitive ambitions?
3. **Moral Responsibility of Trainers:**
- The Pokémon TV shows and games often showcase trainers as responsible caretakers of their Pokémon. Transposing this responsibility to reality raises questions about the ethical treatment of creatures capable of experiencing pain and distress. How would society ensure the well-being of Pokémon in a world where battles were a tangible reality?
**Addressing Ethical Concerns:**
As we grapple with the ethical implications, it is crucial to consider potential safeguards and regulations that could mitigate harm to Pokémon. Implementing guidelines for ethical treatment, mandatory training for trainers, and the establishment of Pokémon welfare organizations could be crucial steps in fostering a responsible environment.
**Educational Narratives:**
The Pokémon franchise has the opportunity to use its influence to shape ethical discussions. By incorporating narratives that explore the responsibilities of trainers and the ethical treatment of Pokémon, the franchise can contribute to a cultural shift toward mindfulness and empathy, both in the fantasy realm and in real-world conversations.
The notion of Pokémon battling in reality introduces a complex ethical landscape, challenging us to ponder the consequences of our actions and the treatment of sentient beings. The Pokémon franchise, with its rich history of storytelling, has the potential to guide discussions on ethical responsibility, consent, and compassion. As fans continue to immerse themselves in the Pokémon universe, it is essential to engage in meaningful conversations about the intersection of fantasy and reality, seeking to foster a world where ethical considerations take precedence in our interactions with both imaginary creatures and the living beings that share our planet.
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comradesans · 2 years
ChatGPT writes an epic rap battles of history script between hydrogen bomb and coughing baby:
Verse 1 (Hydrogen Bomb): I am the most powerful weapon known to man With a single detonation, I can lay waste to an entire land My power is unmatched, I am a force to be reckoned with Bow down to me, or face my nuclear wrath
Verse 2 (Coughing Baby): You may think you're tough, but you're just a big bully I may be small, but I can still pack a punch With my mighty cough, I can take you down You may explode with a bang, but I'll win with a wheeze and a frown
Verse 3 (Hydrogen Bomb): You may have a cough that can clear a room But against me, you're just a mere nuisance I am the ultimate weapon, designed to destroy You're just a tiny baby, making noise and cloy
Verse 4 (Coughing Baby): But don't underestimate me, I may be small But I can still cause chaos, and bring you to a fall My cough may be pesky, but it's also infectious I'll spread my germs, and leave you feeling suspicious
Verse 5 (Hydrogen Bomb): Fine, you may have won this round But don't think you can defeat me, I'm still the most deadly sound I may not have the ability to spread illness But I have the power to wipe out an entire city in a single blast
Verse 6 (Coughing Baby): But in the end, who really wins? Both of our powers have the potential to cause great harm So let's call this battle a draw And agree to never use our powers, for the good of all.
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Will MBA Jobs be Replaced by AI?
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer across industries. The business world, in particular, has witnessed a transformational shift with the integration of AI into various processes. This has sparked debates about the potential replacement of traditional MBA jobs by AI-driven solutions. While the rise of AI does bring changes to the job market, it's important to understand the nuanced dynamics at play.
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AI's role in business is undeniable, as it can streamline operations, analyze vast amounts of data, and even provide insights for decision-making. For instance, AI-powered algorithms can quickly process market trends and customer preferences, aiding in strategic planning. This can prompt concerns about the future of roles typically associated with MBA degrees, such as business analysts, strategists, and consultants.
One practical example of AI's impact can be seen in financial analysis. Traditionally, MBA graduates have held positions as financial analysts, examining complex market data to make informed investment recommendations. However, AI-powered tools can now analyze data at lightning speed, identifying patterns and predicting market movements with a high degree of accuracy. This doesn't render financial analysts obsolete, but it reshapes their role. Rather than spending hours crunching numbers, analysts can focus on interpreting AI-generated insights and providing context to clients.
Moreover, AI is a powerful tool for data-driven decision-making. Consider supply chain management, where MBA professionals have historically played a vital role in optimizing logistics and operations. AI algorithms can now predict supply chain disruptions, optimize inventory levels, and even automate procurement processes. MBA holders in this field can leverage AI-generated recommendations to fine-tune strategies and focus on relationship-building aspects, ensuring smoother collaborations with suppliers and partners.
While AI enhances efficiency and accuracy, it lacks the nuanced human touch. One aspect where AI struggles is emotional intelligence and creativity. MBA graduates often excel in leadership roles that demand empathy, innovative thinking, and effective communication. For instance, negotiating deals, managing teams, and understanding the subtle nuances of human behavior are areas where human professionals still outperform AI.
In conclusion, the integration of AI into the business landscape does bring changes to the roles traditionally held by MBA graduates. However, rather than outright replacement, it fosters a transformation in the nature of these roles. MBA professionals who embrace AI as a tool to enhance their decision-making and streamline operations will remain relevant and valuable. The synergy between human expertise and AI's analytical capabilities is the key to navigating this evolving landscape.
As with previous technological advancements, AI is likely to create new opportunities as it transforms existing ones. MBA programs are also adapting to this shift, incorporating AI and data analytics into their curricula. Graduates who possess a blend of business acumen, technical know-how, and emotional intelligence will be well-equipped to thrive in this AI-augmented business world, leading us to a future where collaboration between humans and AI defines success.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Will AI replace MBA finance?
AI is unlikely to fully replace MBA finance roles but will transform them. AI can enhance data analysis, automate routine tasks, and provide insights. However, roles requiring strategic thinking, human judgment, and relationship management will remain vital in the finance industry. The future lies in a synergy between AI's capabilities and human expertise.
Will ChatGPT Replace Your jobs?
ChatGPT and similar AI technologies are tools designed to assist and enhance human tasks, but they are unlikely to entirely replace jobs. They can automate certain processes and provide information, but professions requiring complex decision-making, creativity, empathy, and nuanced understanding will continue to require human involvement. The collaboration between AI and humans is expected to shape the future of work.
How Will Work and Jobs Change by 2030?
By 2030, AI is expected to bring significant changes to the work and job landscape. Routine tasks in various industries may become automated, leading to job displacement in certain roles. However, new opportunities will emerge as AI creates demand for jobs related to its development, maintenance, and ethical oversight. Jobs that require creativity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving will remain crucial, as these are areas where AI currently struggles. Collaboration between humans and AI will be key, necessitating upskilling and adaptability to harness the potential of AI while addressing its limitations.
Should I Avoid Doing MBA as AI Is Going to Replace the Jobs?
Deciding whether to pursue an MBA should consider various factors beyond AI's impact on the job market. While AI may change some aspects of business roles, it's unlikely to replace all MBA-related jobs. AI's influence can enhance certain functions, making them more efficient and data-driven. However, roles that involve strategic thinking, human interaction, and creativity will remain valuable.
When contemplating an MBA, focus on your strengths, interests, and long-term goals. An MBA equips you with versatile skills that extend beyond specific job titles, such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving. Additionally, industries evolve, and AI's integration will likely create new opportunities, especially for those who can bridge the gap between technology and business acumen.
Consider the specific program, its curriculum, and how it adapts to the changing business landscape. Look for programs that incorporate AI and technology-related courses to ensure you're prepared for the future work environment. Ultimately, the decision should be based on a comprehensive evaluation of your aspirations, strengths, and the evolving demands of the job market. For that reason, you must research for the best MBA colleges in Kolkata, shortlist them (according to your needs. budget, etc.), and get your admission.
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respawningjupiter · 1 year
That feeling when you and Sans undertale plan a war against birds.
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This is the Area 51 raid all over again 😭
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omegaphilosophia · 17 days
The Philosophy of Escapism
The philosophy of escapism explores the human tendency to seek distraction and relief from reality, often through activities that provide temporary respite from the pressures, challenges, or monotony of everyday life. Escapism can take many forms, from engaging in entertainment, such as movies, books, or video games, to indulging in fantasies or even using substances. The philosophical examination of escapism raises questions about its ethical implications, its effects on the human condition, and its potential as a coping mechanism.
Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Escapism:
Definition of Escapism:
Seeking Relief from Reality: Escapism is generally understood as the act of diverting oneself from the realities of life, especially when those realities are unpleasant or stressful. It often involves engaging in activities that provide a temporary sense of comfort, pleasure, or detachment.
Positive and Negative Aspects: While escapism can offer a necessary and healthy break from stress, it can also lead to avoidance behavior, where individuals neglect important aspects of their lives or responsibilities.
Psychological and Existential Dimensions:
Coping Mechanism: Psychologically, escapism can serve as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, or trauma. It allows individuals to take a mental break, which can be rejuvenating in moderation.
Existential Escapism: Philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus have explored the concept of existential escapism, where individuals avoid confronting the inherent meaninglessness or absurdity of life. In this context, escapism can be seen as a way to evade existential angst or the responsibility of authentic living.
Ethical Considerations:
Balance and Moderation: Philosophers often debate the ethical implications of escapism, particularly whether it is a morally acceptable way to deal with life's difficulties. While some argue that moderate escapism is necessary for mental health and well-being, others caution against excessive escapism that leads to neglect of one's duties or relationships.
Authenticity vs. Illusion: There is an ethical tension between living authentically—facing reality as it is—and retreating into illusion or distraction. Some philosophical traditions, such as existentialism, emphasize the importance of confronting reality and finding meaning within it, rather than escaping from it.
Cultural and Social Aspects:
Escapism in Popular Culture: Escapism is deeply embedded in popular culture, with entire industries, such as cinema, literature, and gaming, dedicated to providing forms of escape. The cultural significance of these activities raises questions about their role in society and their impact on collective consciousness.
Societal Escapism: On a broader scale, escapism can also be viewed as a societal phenomenon, where entire groups or cultures may turn to escapist practices as a way of coping with social or economic pressures. For example, during times of war or economic hardship, the popularity of escapist entertainment often increases.
Philosophical Critiques of Escapism:
Stoicism and Escapism: Stoic philosophy advocates for facing reality with courage and rationality, suggesting that escapism is a form of avoidance that prevents individuals from developing resilience and wisdom.
Existentialism: Existentialists, particularly Sartre, criticize escapism as a form of bad faith, where individuals deny their freedom and responsibility by fleeing from reality. For existentialists, true freedom comes from acknowledging and embracing the absurdity of life, rather than escaping from it.
Escapism and Art:
Art as Escape: Art has historically been a means of escape, offering individuals the opportunity to experience alternative realities, explore new perspectives, and express emotions that might be difficult to confront in everyday life.
Aesthetic Experience: Some philosophers, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, have celebrated art and aesthetic experience as a vital and life-affirming form of escapism that transcends mundane reality and offers deeper insights into the human condition.
Escapism and Technology:
Digital Escapism: In the modern era, technology has significantly expanded the possibilities for escapism. The internet, social media, virtual reality, and video games offer immersive experiences that allow individuals to escape from reality in unprecedented ways.
Virtual Reality and Ethics: The rise of virtual reality and other immersive technologies raises ethical questions about the boundaries between reality and escape, and the potential consequences of living increasingly in digital or simulated environments.
The philosophy of escapism examines the complex motivations behind the human desire to escape from reality and the various forms this escape can take. While escapism can provide necessary relief and even foster creativity, it also presents ethical and existential challenges, particularly concerning the balance between facing reality and seeking refuge from it. The ongoing philosophical exploration of escapism helps us understand its role in the human experience and its impact on our lives, both individually and collectively.
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greenglow0 · 1 year
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tenmyoujump · 2 years
“short castles capturing its own bishop” is absolute quality content
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matt-lock · 2 years
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[Image description: screenshot of conversation between me and ChatGPT, with text reading:
Me: Is there a Loaf of Bread in Mitchells vs the Machines? ChatGPT: There is no loaf of bread specifically featured in the animated movie "Mitchell's vs. the Machines." However, there are various food items that make appearances throughout the film, including pizza, ice cream, donuts, and more.
Me: What about a pig? ChatGPT: Yes, a pig named Monchi is a main character in "Mitchell's vs. the Machines." Monchi is the Mitchell family's pet pig who joins them on their adventure to save the world from a robot apocalypse. He is a cute and quirky character who adds humor and heart to the story.
Me: Is Monchi a dog, a pig a loaf of bread or what? ChatGPT: Monchi is a pig, not a dog or a loaf of bread. He is a pink, fluffy pet pig that belongs to the Mitchell family in "Mitchell's vs. the Machines."
/End ID]
So looks like real life AI do have trouble telling whether something is a dog, a pig, or a loaf of bread. Huh
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