#ai vs artists
scipunk · 3 months
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Hardware AKA MARK 13 (1990)
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You know how I know that AI will never be able to create like a human? Whether that be painting or writing or film-making?
Because no computer, no algorithm, no matter how good, can tell a story like a human can.
Shakespeare wrote his most famous tragedies from the mire of grief from losing his son to the plague. Oscar Wilde's "A Picture of Dorian Gray" had such overtly homosexual themes that the book was literally used against him when he was on trial. The shock and horror of 9/11 inspired My Chemical Romance to come together and capture the sense of disillusionment of young people at the time. Hozier today writes his songs expressing what it means to be an increasingly fascist world while still holding an enduring love of humanity. Arthur Miller wrote "The Crucible" using the witch hunts as a thinly veiled allegory to criticize McCarthyism in the 50s, a play that did, in fact have him persecuted for "contempt of congress". An entire period of Picasso's art was noticeably influenced by the suicide of his friend, but he also had other works that were inspired by his various love affairs.
If you still think AI could eventually create like that, you're missing the point. You think it's about skill, you think it's just about craft. We're aware that AI can learn any skill, excel at craft. But a story isn't the words you use, or the events that happened; a story is the person that tells it and the beauty they felt that they share with you when you experience the art. Because art itself isnt about the perfection of its presentation, its the messiness of the human experience. Your AI has no life, it has no story, it can make as many esthetically pleasing works as you want, but it cannot make art.
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sssstimetocome · 3 months
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🍎 ai art redraw
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vladsobaka · 6 months
🦾AI vs Artists✍️
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So this is AI art made by TuwaLG
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And this is my work.
I know that I already lose this one. 😑
Because I'll be honest, it looks worse than original. I need at least a couple of years to work with such powerful art.
After all, the ai generated this in how much time? 5? 10 minutes? And from absolute zero. And all I did was just brazenly steal it.😔
But in fact, in the process of drawing this work, I learned a lot of new things.🧐
I highlighted the new features for myself and just had a good time working on this art. Therefore, I have gained experience that will help me in the future. 💪
So who won at the end?🤔
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brainbleedo · 7 months
AI needs to be stopped.
This is going to be very different to my usual posts, i understand if you're not interested and I can't stop you from not reading this but I cannot understand how important it is that we regulate AI and it's useage. Even if you don't read my post, please do your research, please.
AI vs Artists
AI is being developed from the work of artists, artists who put effort and passion into their work are having it stolen and used to develop an algorithm that will destroy their livelyhood. Your art is not safe.
I cannot emphasize this enough, like it or not, your art is not safe. I'm not going to tell you to stop posting your art, but beg you, learn how these things work. Learn the current laws around ai, push for further restrictions and for companys to be held accountable, talk with other artists, fight back against ai.
We have hit a point where it's make or break, frankly I don't believe the art industry, especially the digital art industry, will ever be the same. You cannot outright ban the use of AI generated images, even regulations are temporary because what happens when ai really figures it out? When there's no strange blip or extra finger to give it away? When the two are practically indistinguishable?
There's alot more I can say about AI and how devastating ai generated media is going to be, and make no mistake it will be devastating, ai has and will continue to ruin the lives of many people.
This is not a joke, this isn't something that will sort itself out or burn itself out, you need to act now and do whatever you can if not for others then for yourself because you are not immune to AI and it's consequences and by the time you realise that it may be too late.
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retroamaraceleste · 4 months
Sensual Frieren
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Based on an AI image I found on internet, I must said, it's impressive the quality of the lighting that AI can made and the details, but while you recreate them you can see the "mistakes".
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ulti997 · 2 months
Artists, Hear me now! AI art is fucking fine and there’s nothing wrong with it, Stop being retarded for Fuck’s sake! It’s irritating 😑
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Btw, I’m not saying all artists are dumb (I love artists and their art) What I am saying is the artists who hate AI art and think it’s the spawn of satan are dumb, not artists in general
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cataly-ely · 2 months
There is something poetic about the fact that AI art can't seem to get hands right. Yet handprints on walls are some of the oldest art we have.
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scout985 · 1 day
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here’s what I think of AI @newyorker
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mrlogicforeve · 12 days
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My good friend of mine on a discord server decided to make a oc for me that he was consider to be made from a Ai generated but they decided to make a cousin named Duncan LoveFace who is Douglas's Cousin.
And I have made doodles of him as well.
Plus note, I do use AI only for when I come up with making OCs for a character design I want to imitate with and even clothing designs.
I’m neutral with AI.
Discord is TherFren
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sideburnguru · 3 months
My hot take on the AI vs creativity debate. For context I'm a filmmaker and mess around with all creative aspects of bringing something to the screen.
It's the same argument with automation. Growing up in the 2010's you couldn't go long without being asked to consider whether robots replacing human jobs was ethical or not. Short answer was no, since it's replacing unskilled labour and would lead to millions of people around the world losing their income. But back then the jobs in question were specifically unskilled labour, something NON INTELLIGENT.
The first wave of AI being creative as I remember it was the shitty generation of landscapes and around 2020 ish. Same thing as today where it would create images based off of prompts, but it was really shitty and would only barely resemble what you had in mind, and couldn't even do anything specific. It was closer to a gimmick than anything.
The second wave in my memory was when Nvidia and a bunch of companies made software that could generate landscapes based off of prompts or some unique software with brushes and stuff. The stuff was, all things considered, usable and decent looking.
And the third wave is what happened as soon as chatGPT came into existence, and the modern debate. The weird thing is that (as far as I remember) people weren't raising hell during the first two waves. It was only until after the art became good and the technology became able to understand more advanced prompts did we complain. We recycled the arguments from automation because it was essentially the same thing, but now there was an argument that AI art has "no soul".
That last argument really stands out, because I genuinely don't believe a majority of people have what I consider a soul, not even creatives. I think it's something that has to by the individual through discovering and defining their meaning of life. Yet, even the soulless are asking for AI to be limited or stopped being developed because it may stifle their creativity or employment prospects.
How I see it? Knowing that it could very well prevent me from being able to make a living from doing the thing I've decided to dedicate my life to? I say bring it on. I think this is the defining struggle of creatives of our generation, to be able to prove their worth against frankly superior soulless artists.
Want to be employed for being creative? If you can't beat AI then you probably weren't going to make it too far anyways.
Want to express creativity for yourself? No one's stopping you, create your magnum opus.
I know about AI being trained on existing artists art and how it's going to just further the evil capitalist machine but as it is this is where I stand.
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bigfrozenfan · 7 months
This documentary is about the harms of GenAi and how it scrapes, exploits and abuses artists.
Info text to this video: "Generative AI can be called many things depending on your point of view: machine, thief, tool, medium, collaborator, muse and even artist. In this video I will try to find answers for a lot of complex things and I will attempt to judge this technology with an open mind. In the last couple of weeks I spoke to many amazing artists and scientists about my mixed feelings of generative AI. Join me to hear their thoughts, my advice to creators and predictions on what’s to come. This video is NOT monetized. I didn't make this video to profit from it. I put a lot of effort into making it and hoping to bring more awareness to this issue. I really appreciate if you can share it with your friends/followers!"
Below this video on YouTube you'll find more links to videos and websites about this topic.
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Why Artists are Fed Up with AI Art:
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
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I don't think AI's will match human creativity until they're frighteningly close to sentient, and by then we'll be having a much bigger problem addressing their rights and the ethics of forcing a sentient entity to perform slave labor. Senioritis is a beast but the art industry has done been f*cked for ages so you might as well do whatever brings you joy. Granted I'm saying this as an ex-designer and an (as yet) unsuccessful comic artist who lives in corporate housing behind a barn. My best art work the year after I graduated came about from having a boring office job where I spent my days stuck in a tiny bank vault, supervising a printer.
When I first tried to break into illustration I got instantly K.O.'d in the marketplace by photobashers and guys from island nations selling traced Disney art. AI is just one more hurdle like all the others. Won't be the last.
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Mirror of the soul
Stroke after stroke, the image was coming to life. It didn’t look quite right yet – too flat, without highlights nor shadows to  emphasise shapes and features – but nothing did, at this stage. There were mistakes and fumbles here and there, but less than there had been when they started out and none too drastic it couldn’t be reworked.
It was a flawed piece. It was beautiful nonetheless.
It was theirs – an expression of their deepest feelings, the true eye of their soul. Like looking into a lake and seeing themselves in the water. Slightly distorted, picture modelled by water and air, paint and brush, but still, unmistakably, them.
Click after click, the image was coming to life. One prompt after the other, one picture chosen over another, ideas coming to life from mere few words and choices.
The images were not perfect – but they did not care. They were pretty enough, eye-catching, cute or provocative. They looked real.
And if it looked uncannily like another… who cared, right?
People would still click on it, avid for their next dopamine input, and clicks were money.
The artist set out to work.
Somewhere, multiple someones got their art stolen.
And nobody cared.
I'd like to add that not every AI artist is like this. AI can be a wonderful tool, but it is built on stolen pieces of art and texts, artists and writers who did not agree to have their art used for this purpose and whose creativity is now used by the big corporations who created the AIs in the first place!
I am not against people commissioning art to AI. What I do not like is big corporations stealing from artists and using AI to undermine them. Writers in the USA are striking - and for good reason. But if big film industries can use AI to write even while they are gone... why should they pay them better?
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hirotheinkling · 11 days
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ariesdatabase · 16 days
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So I tried a little bit of Art Challenge myself where I tried remaking the entire AI generated image using my own artstyle.
Will be uploading the speedpaint version soon.
This is Week 1 of the AI vs Artist Challenge
Travelers © AriesDatabase10
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