tomboymikayla · 28 days
The worst fucking time to be a Sonic Fan:
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biolizardboils · 3 months
"If you managed to avoid this era of Sonic, consider yourself lucky. Because I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy to have their favorite franchise in that kind of state."
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lividowly · 8 months
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Buttercup in the Sonic Adventure 1 Artstyle
Drawn Mid January 2024
(Special thanks to Chaomix for making an SA1 art style tutorial)
Scroll down in this post to see the progress of this art style and background
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cold-fire-yo · 6 months
Do you agree?
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sonicfangamebot · 10 months
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'Burgerman Adventure 2' (2021) by @chaomix (SA2 Mod) https://gamebanana.com/mods/329453
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noeggets · 5 months
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trying to incorporate every headcanon i have for Sonic that this isn't even Sonic anymore almost
i've been calling this "my Sonic" cause every since i deep dived into the part of the lore i never knew about i've had so many ideas about Sonic's up bringing the "Sister Sonic" thing is what drove the nail through my coffin, my sonic is not a bounty hunter tho
also the other Sonic who is Manic and Sonia's older brother is my friend's sonic i guess you could say, his name is Savage he changed his name to that, that's why i said "was"
ALSO if you don't believe me fighters had a 8th chaos emerald it was orange
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another thing is i watched this really good video about chaos emeralds you should watch it too, i agree on there being more then one set of chaos emeralds just watch all of Chaomix's videos i like them they are funny
ALSO again, if you don't know what "Sister Sonic" is look it up it's interesting at least i think it's interesting
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beevean · 3 months
Honestly what annoys me more about the fandom's reaction to Chaomix is that the main talking points haven't changed. Only the context around them did. It's still "2010 sonic bad" and "sega bad" except now it comes with an addendum of "they bad because they tried to appeal to those reviewers and journos". Which sucks because it would be a legit point on it's own but it's being used as a smokescreen for some to still hate on the games while presenting it like they are defending them.
I will bet everything I have that in a decade the "Meta Era" will gain new appreciation exactly the same way as the "Dark Age".
The Dark Age used to be despised for multiple reasons. It had some objectively flawed games back to back, for sure, but part of the backlash was also due to the Classic fans being the majority of the fandom, being very unhappy with the direction of the franchise. A lot of nowadays beloved Sonic games used to be laughingstocks.
Sonic Heroes? A janky repetitive mess that did not follow up to the masterpiece that was SA2 because it was too kiddy, and we're so tired of Sonic's Shitty Friends.
Shadow the Hedgehog? Not only it was OW THE EDGE, but it was legitimately seen as an affront to everything Sonic stood for, shilling a creator's pet that had long overstayed its welcome.
Sonic '06? One of the worst games of all time. Nearly killed the franchise, and maybe it should have. Buggy and rushed in a way that was unacceptable for an anniversary game and the next gen game. A shitty ass story full of holes with damsels in distress that make out with animal corpses.
Sonic Unleashed? The Werehog was fucking stupid and once again spitting on everything Sonic stood for, and we're so tired of cinematic stories! (yes the complaint that the intro was too long was a real complaint)
Sonic and the Black Knight? Sonic with a sword was fucking stupid. No one cared about the story.
The beginning of the Meta Era was exactly what fans wanted back then. Colors was seen as Sonic's comeback for things like not having an intro cutscene, having a "saturday morning cartoon" story with only Sonic and Tails and none of the Shitty Friends, having Eggman as the final boss instead of yet another monster, and sticking only with the "good" parts of Unleashed. Read its Funny page on TvTropes, and you'll find many of the jokes that nowadays are used as proof that Pontaff were hacks and Flynn was so real for making fun of them both in IDW and in Frontiers. It was seen as Sonic's glorious return because finally, at long last, Sonic was going back to his Classic roots.
But now? Now those same Classic fans grew older and even more disillusioned with the franchise, so they left, and they were replaced by the Adventure fans, now old enough to be heard. Now Heroes is a cute game, with much better level design than shitty games like Forces. ShTH is secretly deeper than people gave it credit for, and Shadow is cool again, and at least characters do stuff, unlike in Forces. Sonic '06 was full of ambition, unlike Forces where they didn't even try. Sonic Unleashed can pretty much compete with SA2 as a masterpiece. SatBK has a wonderful story that truly gets Sonic, unlike Forces where everyone is stupid and lame.
See a pattern?
Hell, even things like Eggman as a final boss is getting backlash now. I've seen people praising Frontiers' The End because of this. Eggman as the final villain got stale again. These are the Adventure fans who grew up with Eggman getting swatted away or teaming up with Sonic, and liking it.
(I'm an Adventure fan too, but funnily enough, Colors was the first game where I ever liked Eggman precisely for keeping him as the main threat lol)
It's a cycle. The 2010s were the era of "the 2000s sucked, we want to go back to the '90s when Sonic used to be good". The 2020s will be, and already are, the era of "the 2010s sucked, we want to go back to the 2000s when Sonic used to be good". I am eagerly waiting for the videos named "Sonic Forces was not that bad, you guys were just mean". It will come. Just like '06 used to be reviled and mocked to death and now it has gained respect, the same will happen to Forces. Just like Forces is now seen as "unserious" and apologetic, the same will happen with Frontiers and its "I'm sorry we sucked, we'll do better next time" tone. Just like Pontaff were seen as a breath of fresh air and now they are seen as the people who ruined Sonic, the same will happen to Flynn. You'll see.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
YouTubers / YouTube channels I watch
(or that I used to watch but will lost anyway cuz of nostalgia)
Adrenaline Dubs
Albert Clips
AlbertsStuff Archive
Alex Bale
al jokes
Apollo and Frens
Behind The Meme
bill wurtz
bo en
[Brii Studios UwU]
BumbleKast Highlights - Unofficial
Call Me Kevin
Chao Abuser
Cheesy Hfj
Cinema Therapy
Corporate Tom
Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Danny Gonzalez
Dean Schneider
DJ Cook
Dutchess Celestia
Elise Ecklund
Etymology Nerd
ExJW Panda Tower
Explore Lucid Dreaming
Faline San
Flamingo Reuploads
Flamingo Shorts
foster on the spectrum
Frank James
Frank Wattkinson
Gayer Things
I can't sleep
Ice Cream Sandwich
Jay & Sharon
Jelly Jess
Kaitlyn Flames
Katherine Lynn-Rose
kevin james thornton
KLR Productions
Lady Cuddles Meow
Let Me Explain Studios
Lewis Hancox
liam miller
LilyTrescot MSP
Lumity Fan
Matt Rose
Nerdy Arty
Oh my god we killed kenny we're bastards
Prince Ea
Queer Chameleon
Respectable Rick
Riri Bichri
Sarcastic Chorus
Silly Author 🤪
Sonic David
Sonic the Hedgehog
Spilling The Milk
Tails is disappointed in your recent decisions
Tales of an Enigma
Terrible Writing Advice
The Film Theorists
The Food Theorists
The Game Theorists
The Land Of Boggs
Therian Territory
Toni Baloni
Tony Turner
Trevor Brighton
Tweek & Craig Are Gay
Tyler Vitelli
Wowza Dawg
Your Favorite Martian
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fantasiac · 17 days
just saw Chaomix's CD timeline placement and thought I'd share my crackpot theory
warning, this contains time travel plotlines and so will be confusing
so, Sonic CD can't be placed on an in between of Sonic 1 or Sonic 2 or anything, because Sonic CD *is* Sonic 1
so Sonic 1 still happens, Sonic meets Eggman and foils his plans, Sonic 2 happens, Sonic learns the Spindash and Eggman builds Mecha Sonic MK 1, then Sonic 3&K happens, Eggman makes Mecha MK 2, then after 3&K Eggman creates time travel technology and decides he's going to wipe Sonic from the timeline entirely, he also learns from all his mistakes and finally makes Metal Sonic, who she sends back in time to Sonic 1, which also scatters the Time Stones through time and space locking Future Eggman in the future, but Present Eggman gets sent a message "you're our only hope" style giving him blueprints to Metal so he can repair damages if needed, aswell as other machines like badniks and the prototype Metal Sonics, and the time travel technology, which might have gotten corrupted or something, so present Eggman tried to replicate the time travel technology and failed to set a real time destination, only forwards or backwards in time an undisclosed amount of time
So Eggman from Sonic 1 stops polluting the area in Sonic 1 and moves to Little Planet as orders from his future self (green hill I still Eggman and sonics first meeting, but sonic chases him down to little planet instead of marble zone), and he takes over little planet with ease creating generators and keeping the wildlife in check with holograms of Metal Sonic, Sonic CD Happens on top of Sonic 1 resetting the Classic Timeline, it is implied to be this way I'm the games because alot of the stages are repeats of Sonic 1; Spring Yard Zone is Collision Chaos, Starlight Zone is Stardust Speedway, etc cetera.
now this timeline reset fixes the issue of Sonic 1 having 6 Chaos Emeralds because the new first things to find is the Time Stones, so the events of Sonic 2 and 3&K still take place, but the ones we play are the original versions, there are variants of them that use CD as a Sonic 1, but we don't play them, then Sonic Mania happens, Sonic Mania is built on the Sonic CD timeline, which explains why Metal Sonic is a big villain in it and the Mechas aren't even mentioned, also Generations pulls from the CD timeline because variations of 2 and 3 still happen, and then after that Sonic Superstars and Sonic and the Fallen Star happens (fallen star takes place before supstars)
also Eggman having the blueprints to the mechas lets him reference Mecha MK 1 in superstars without breaking the timeline and he still builds Mecha MK 2 for Sonic 3 as a backup for stealing the master emerald, not wanting to waste Metal Sonic on it as he knows in his heart Mecha will probably be destroyed, this lets Scrapnik Island happen without breaking things (scrapnik is much more important than digital deluxe Mecha Skin in Superstars, i have no idea why I put it first)
I hope this made sense to someone, it probably didn't, it's 3 am and im tired
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fernsnailz · 9 months
how do i start learning about sonic lore? like ik theres the games but it seems like there is a lot more lore behind it than just those, and it seems very interesting
i mean if you're just interested in "lore" then i think the best way to learn about stuff is to find sonic fans that do lore deep dives lol. sometimes you can find stuff on youtube, i think chaomix's channel has some good stuff and goes into topics beyond just "sonic game explained." but most of this information just comes from the games themselves, the lore might not be that interesting if you don't know the characters or stories of the games.
but if you're completely new to sonic and are trying to find a way to get into the series in general, then i usually recommend the IDW sonic comics to start with! the first few arcs give a pretty good introduction to most of the core characters, i suggest reading through the metal virus arc at least. the comics aren't perfect, but it's a good start.
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underneath the cut is the roster for the now-defunct sonic obscurity opposition. it contains 120 characters, along with a maybe and a probably not list taken directly from my notes when sorting through submissions. it is my hope that anyone who would have been invested in this poll reads them, and perhaps finds some appreciation for them.
Saffron Bee (Archie)
Society Max (Fleetway)
Shortfuse the Cybernick (Fleetway)
Blockhead Bill (Fleetway)
Speedy (Tails Adventure)
1999 (Fleetway)
Da Bears (AoStH)
Zonic the Zone Cop (Archie)
Prefect Charyb & Prefect Scylla (Chronicles)
Humpty (AoStH)
Ifyoucan (Underground)
Grimer (Fleetway)
D-Fekt (Boom)
Ari (SatAM)
Hawk (Sonic X)
Johnny (Rush Adventure)
Mello Bee (Archie)
Has Bean (Mean Bean Machine)
Princess Alucion (Sirène)
Eric the Echidna (StH in the Fourth Dimension)
Relic the Pika (Archie)
Captain Oe (Archie)
Demo Duck (Dark Mobius Bean) (Archie)
Melody Prower (Archie)
Teri-Lu (Archie)
Iago the Echidna (Archie)
Brock the Echidna (Archie)
Dr. Quack (Archie)
Bartleby MontClair (Underground)
Pseudo Sonic (Archie)
Amadeus Prower (Archie)
Gae-Na (Archie)
Komi-Ko (Archie)
X Robot (Archie Sonic X)
Meringue the Rabbit (IDW)
Cyrus (Underground)
VerticAL and HorizontAL (Archie)
Mari-Su (Archie)
Wynmacher (Archie)
Rosie Woodchuck (Archie)
Vermin the Rat (Fleetway)
Bog Beasty (Underground)
Chomps (Underground)
Farrell (Underground)
Penelope the Hedgehog (AoStH)
Lucas (AoStH)
Filch (Fleetway)
Harpio (Fleetway)
Leaf (Fleetway)
Mello (Fleetway)
Simpson the Cat (Fleetway)
Old Sonic Clone (Fleetway)
Tufftee (Fleetway)
Lightmare (Fleetway)
Knuckles the Echidna
Cat (SatAM)
Aerial & Athena (Archie)
E-100 Lambda (Archie)
Ichneumon the White Mouse (StH and the Silicon Warriors)
Gaz and Del (Fleetway)
Mom with a Gambling Addiction NPC (Adventure 1)
Lumina Flowlight (Shuffle)
Princess Bee (Archie)
Hershey St. John (Archie)
Echo the Shark (Archie)
Cinos the Anti-Sonic (StH and in Fourth Dimension)
Rob o' the Hedge (Archie)
Juanita the Chameleon (Archie)
Marta the Echidna (Archie)
Liza the Chameleon
Bivalve Clam (Archie)
Duck "Bill" Platypus (Archie)
Griff (SatAM)
Barney the Chameleon (Archie)
Katella (Aosth) - Special request to use this specific image: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/c/c8/Katellaheart.png/revision/latest?cb=20160407210139
King Peter - (StH in Robotnik's Laboratory)
Colonel Percy Granite (Fleetway)
Hobidon (Sonic X)
Rhygenta (Archie)
Molly (Sonic X)
Ron (IDW)
Arctur the Dragonkin (StH and in Fourth Dimension)
Practice Robot (Fleetway)
Ash Mongoose (Archie)
Walt Wallaby (Archie)
Ebony (Fleetway)
Bimmy the Echidna (Archie)
The Narrator (LEGO Commercial)
Emperor Sleetus (Underground)
Luke Periwinkle (Underground)
Bellok (Underground)
Captain Squeegee (Underground)
Duke of Velcronia (Underground)
Mindy LaTour (Underground)
Lucinda (AoStH)
William Le Duck (AoStH)
Baby T (SatAM)
Dove (SatAM)
Nicholas O'Tyme (SatAM/Archie)
Heavy and Bomb (Knuckles' Chaotix)
Nerbs (Archie)
Lah the Ghost (Unleashed - Night of the Werehog)
Akhlut the Orca (Archie)
Karen (Stone's Ex Boss) (Sonic 2 Pre-quill)
Rava the Destroyer (Sonic 2 Pre-quill)
Nestor the Wise (Chronicles)
Radar the Echidna (Archie)
Kanewisher the Echidna (Archie)
Catweazle (Archie)
Snailbot (Sonic 2)
A.D.A.M. (Archie)
Alexis Acorn (Archie)
Megan Acorn (Archie)
Arthur Mongoose (Archie)
Avery the Bear (Archie)
Aypex (Archie)
Bagbar Beeblebrox (Archie)
Barney (Archie)
Bertha Kintobor (Archie)
Friday the Parrot (StH Adventure Gamebook 5: Theme Park Panic)
Sonic the Human (Sega Hard Girls)
Thunder the Pasha (Archie) - It's not really a character is it?
The Freedom Team (Beta SatAM) - They're a whole team and also unreleased
Mecha Sonic Model No. 29 (Sonic the Fighters) - I think there was a popular youtube video about this character. Maybe Chaomix.
Galaxina (Sonic X) - May be obscure, haven't finished sonic x, but seems like she wouldn't be
Jimmy and Jilly (Fleetway) - two in one and also i'm very tired
Mr. Yuji Naka (ShtH05) - Not a character, only referenced in one voice line.
Evil Duck (SatAM) - Not real
Skull That Says "SEGA" (S3&K EU Ads) - Not really a character? We'll see.
Masado and Miwasco (Up on the Green Hill (Masado and Miwasco version)) - While they have done official work, I can't tell if this song is licensed.
Segata Sanshiro (Sonic R Ad) - Isn't a part of the world, just beats up some kids and holds up a SEGA Saturn
Dave the Intern (Boom) - Popular
Tikal the Echidna (Adventure) - Extremely popular and prominent within the source material
Ian Jr. - Popular
Manic the Hedgehog (Underground) - Manic
Elias Acorn (Archie) - I haven't gotten that far in Archie but this guy is literally a king and Sally's brother
Orca - Iconic? Also an animal with no unique characteristics.
The Cow in the Triple Trouble Ad - An animal with no unique characteristics.
Dodon Pa (Team Sonic Racing) - Important Character in TSR
Santa Claus (AoStH) - That's Santa Claus
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tomboymikayla · 3 months
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ninjapotatohead · 1 year
J's reviews never threatened Pontaff
Premy never threatened Pontaff
chaomix never threatened Pontaff
LS Mark never threatened Pontaff
KingK never threatened Pontaff
"J's Reviews never threatened Pontaff"
Yeah, he did. Especially in his (frankly shitty) video that he supposedly now regrets posting.
"Premy never threatened Pontaff"
Check his Twitter during 2014-2018.
"Chaomix never threatened Pontaff"
Course he didn't; he was too busy complaining about Sonic's quills.
"LS Mark never threatened Pontaff"
1 decent guy out of like a thousand entitled brats doesn't inspire confidence.
"KingK never threatened Pontaff"
You're reeeeaaally stretching here.
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randomthefox · 3 months
Sonic "fans" must have really either never played the 2010s games or watched too much sonic boom/Sonictubers (mostly both) because I remember always hearing that knuckles was made an idiot in the 2010s even though knuckles was not an idiot in those games. The last time I remember he got tricked (iirc) was colors DS . He was a competent leader in forces and the only reason operation big wave failed was because of infinite and the phantom ruby. (people would say it failed because he thought of it in a minute and a half )
If anything the "Knuckles is an idiot" thing started in Sonic X.
And yeah they clearly haven't actually played the games they're complaining about. They're just thoughtlessly regurgitating opinions they heard some youtuber say. Which is why I was so annoyed by all the twitter discussion about chaomix new video where everyone was going "OMG WHY DID YOUTUBERS HATE SONIC SO MUCH BACK THEN!?" like biiiitccch they STILL hate Sonic and YOU'RE AGREEING WITH THEM because they're talking about Colors - Forces shut the fuck up you fucking hypocrites.
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cloned-soldier · 10 months
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So I was watching a Video from Chaomix about How much property damage Sonic causes in City Escape.
I showed it my Sis and jokingly said that I'm 90% sure that's actually why G.U.N. was trying to catch Sonic and the reason why he was in the helicopter at the beginning of the story was because of the property damage during Speed Highway in Adventure.
Then I mentioned how high Eggman's Bills must be because of all the material used for his robots, machines, Egg Carriers, the Death Egg, etc. How can he afford it??? xD
This must be another reason why he hates Sonic so much.
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dotchr · 1 year
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unnamed red panda sonic oc/fan design i drew out of prompts a chat bot gave me... totally wasn't inspired by that one chaomix video, lol.
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