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thiinka · 1 year ago
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Any real 2016 Tumblr oldies remember this visual novel?
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iftadwascool · 1 year ago
i feel bad for someone who's just waking up from a coma for the last ten years and wants to catch up on his favorite retro gaming youtubers
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severeprincesheep · 1 year ago
The Co-Optional Podcast Animated: The Biscuit Federation Pt. 1
TotalBiscuit continues his tale from his experience in the game "The Last Federation"
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captainbritish · 1 year ago
Ah yes, we have uncovered the cursed Banjo Kazooie cart featuring the signatures of two disgraced YouTubers. Some say if you play it while wearing a Sailor Moon costume you will be forced to start a scam charity and sue Mutahar for defamation...
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ratgill · 2 years ago
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years ago
I just hope OnlyFans has some kind of fake ID scan at least, or gets you banned if you try to fuck fans even if they’re adults again.
He wouldn't get banned because really, fucking of-age fans is predatory and hella sketch - but not illegal.
I do, however, hope they have some way of scanning ID's. In fact, I just joined a NSFW server on Discord and to gain access to the 21+ areas, I had to go through a verification process involving sharing photos of my drivers license with the non-relevant information blacked out. It took a grand total of like 30 minutes (and the vast majority of that was waiting for the people on the other end to do their verification process because it's not a 24/7 process).
If a discord server can manage it, so the fuck can a guy who just barely escaped a sex scandal once already.
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lukewholey-blog · 2 years ago
Thought of doing this Blog but not sure if I should due to how controversial it is as it’s about youtubers I used to like but not so much anymore. Its not a callout post or me going on about how much I hate this people, these people are just doing their jobs and I have the Utmost respect for those that are fans of these people and you have the right to still like them and their content. It’s just the stuff they do or the stuff they did that make me not be a fan of them anymore and hit ‘unsubscribe’. I wont link them their channels out of respect. If you like these youtubers and their channels that’s great. all the power to you. I thought it would be a way to get it off my chest and Explain why I don’t like these people so much anymore.  So without further ado here are my:
5. The Completionist
Man, this one is the most heartbreaking. Jirard was one of my favourite Gaming youtubers where he makes you proud to be a gamer. I did feel his reviews were best during the Greg era as Greg was the comedic foil to Jirard’s straight man. And even after the fallout and the episodes he was in were re-reviewed for ‘New Game plus’, they were still good. Sadly after December 2023 where he was exposed and accused of Charity Fraud, his team left and his reviews went downhill to becoming just..basic reviews. No in-depth list of things to do and collect to fully complete the game and his ratings were just meh. His fanbase has been split with those that still like Jirard and those that hate him and want him to go down. I still like Jirard and I hope he recovers from what’s going on but with the state of his channel it’s hard to say. I finally unsubscribed to him as he only uploaded 2 videos in the last 4 months. No update video or at least his finale review of Diddy Kong’s quest. I will check in on occassion to see if the channel might one day bounce back. 
EDIT: As of January 2025 his channel is now an abandoned Lawless wasteland with fans arguing amongst themselves about Jirard’s Scamming. One such user by the name of @Thelastdragon5551 took command and decided to troll and verbally abuse commenters who speak against Jirard in a childish way. They doesn’t support him, they’re’s just doing it for kicks and laughing at people who are angry at Jirard. If you comment on his videos. Be prepared to get a reply from this person. Also due to Youtube’s shitty report system they won’t do anything about it. 
4. Projared.
I used to like this guy from the early 2010′s as he was sorta part of the new wave of online Video game Reviewers along with Jontron & The Completionist (as well as Caddicarus later down the line). I liked his Video Game Reviews and is a big fan of Final Fantasy. Then there was this massive controversy that he was accused of some things ,and everyone turned on him wanting to see him fail. I’m usually an Innocent until proven guilty kind of guy so I wasn’t sure if he actually did those things but everyone believed he did. Then Projared came out with a video proving his innocence and although he was cleared of what he did, everyone then started liking him and was on his side again and was like “it’s cool man, we knew you were innocent the whole time”. What dissapointed me was that NOBODY was on his side when the allegations came out. Everyone wanted to see him face justice. So now even though he still does videos I now find it awkward to watch his stuff without being reminded of the things he was accused of doing. 
3. Top Hat Gaming Man 
Another Video game Reviewer I used to like and also he’s British as I like to support British youtubers. I also like his reviews of Handheld consoles and games. But I know he needed to make money so he had to appeal to the Youtube Algorhytmn and that is Clickbatey Rant videos which I hate. You know, the videos where people shit on the things you love due to opinions and try to piss you off. Being a nintendo fan myself I started to dislike his anti-Nintendo vids such as where he says the N64 was overrated and yeah I get the problems the N64 has but he makes it out as if you should be ashamed of ever liking or owning an N64 as if it was the worst Nintendo console ever (which it isn’t). And even his fans agreed with him. I understand the problems and dodgy practices Nintendo has done but I think you should have the right to enjoy Nintendo games and consoles.I think the video where he drew the line was that he says the graphics of the 2019 Link’s Awakening remake was awful. I don’t even get why anyone would find it terrible. So the graphics of Animal Crossing and modern Pokemon games get a free pass then? I know it’s his opinion but I found it to be a bit of an insult. I Don’t think he does those videos anymore and I have my respect for the guy and his work but I’m not into his stuff anymore. 
2. Mugimikey
I used to follow this guy from the early days of Youtube where he made Sonic X parody dubs and does really good voices of Sonic & Robotnik. But he really found his niche when he made Sonic Parody animations, and they were funny and disgusting. I liked his Robotniclaus videos and the Sonic Boom Parody set in a coffee shop. But then he only made animations based around one subject “Sonic Meets X” which I guess is to appeal to the Youtube algorhythm.  And I have to say it can get really mediocre if  it’s just ‘Sonic meets this character’ for 50 videos. But there was one I really didn’t like and that I felt he went too far in (which might be a bit hypocritical due to all the disgusting things Robotnik & classic Robotnik get up to in his animations) which was ‘Sonic Meets Mario’. Based on this erotic fan fic series called ‘sonic’s ultimate harem’ where Sonic brags to Mario about all the women he slept with. I know it’s satirical but I found it so awkward to see Sonic bragging about how he’s dating peach and he started groping and sexually abuse her in front of Mario. I do not like seeing Women being treated or touched like that in public and people seem to love it! So I no longer follow his stuff any more. I still check on his animations on occassion and he did do parodies on the second Sonic movie. 
1. Game Grumps
Oh boy, the big one. I used to love Game Grumps in the early-late 2010′s Especially during the Jontron era and the early Dan years. They were pretty much one of the last major Let’s play channels that are still around. The problem is that Arin is no longer remembered as an animator anymore which was what put him on the map in the first place and made the channel popular. Dan’s a great guy but he kinda acts like a confused Dad and both he and Arin are like a couple of boring old guys now. Also Arin hardly pays attention to the games he plays and in recent years they would play really mediocre indie horror games or rubbish simulator games. I was even put off by their clickbait titles where they don’t tell you what game they are playing, but they seemed to have stopped that. Also I feel their videos are too long and have guests on that nobody cares about (seriously who the hell is Wilbur Soot?) But I still respect the guys and still check in on them from time to time. I really like it when they play Visual Novels as it demonstates their voiceacting and I like their riffing too. But other than that they are pretty mediocre now and I can’t really stand how Arin can be so incompetent in playing certain games and trying to be ‘hip and cool’ as well. And I am so fed up with how they now mostly play Monopoly, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy & Mario Party over and over and over with the occasional unique game thrown in.  If you like these guys thats fine and I respect you for that. 
EDIT: Even though I haven’t resubscribed to their channel I still watch Game Grumps depending on what they are playing. They still play retro games on occassion but I mostly watch them on Weekends where they play Danganrompa V3. Most of the week they play either boring simulator games, The same game show games or rubbish Indie Horror games. 
So thats the end of my rant. I don’t really hate these guys I just think their content dont really appeal to me anymore. I respect you if you like them and enjoy their videos. I’m just expressing my own opinions. 
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swoopfish · 2 years ago
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To quote ProJared:
"This tree is trying to kill me.
Fuck you, nature."
It cracked me up the first time it happened.
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swamiswampy · 2 years ago
Just chilling on lunch eating homemade macaroni and cheese and watching ProJared talk about Final Fantasy V. Just trying to chill for a minute.
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heidiofans · 2 years ago
So, I watched a reupload of Jared's YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO video one day. And while I'll never agree with the nude blog, there's something I feel a lot of people overlook. In one of the screenshots he provided when talking about his blog only being for consenting adults, there was an ask that was like "i'm not drunk yet but i'd send you a tit pic" and he responded not by encouraging it, but by basically saying, "Hey, please don't feel like you have to do this for me, and don't do something you feel you're gonna regret. Be smart."
That single thing proves to me there was nothing predatory about what he did. Stupid? Yes. An imbalance of power? Totally. A recipe for disaster? Fuck yeah. But nothing about it screamed predation. If he was this awful guy everyone made him out to be, he wouldn't have turned down a tit pic in the respectful way that he did. He would've pushed for that shit regardless of consequences. So, I truly do think he meant it as a sex-positive space for his fans to feel comfortable with themselves, but it morphed into something destructive (and it also proves that sex positivity, like any form of positivity, can become toxic).
And before anyone comes in to say I'm some thirsty fan wanting some ProDick: I'm saying this not just as a multiple sexual abuse survivor, not just an online grooming and CSA/CSEM survivor, but as a survivor of literal sexual torture since infancy. I've been exposed to evil, sadistic, predatory behavior for decades, so I wouldn't be saying this about him if I felt he really was a horrible person.
Could he have cheated on Heidi? Maybe (though he alleged in an interview she cheated on him, and she's been caught lying multiple times, so come to your own conclusions). Could he have been a bad partner to Heidi or Holly? Maybe, but like he said in the video, breakups happen, and it's none of our business. You don't have to fuck him or date him or agree with all of his opinions on cancel culture or even be a fan to speak out against an exaggerated narrative.
Anyway, sorry the long ask. Just felt this was important to bring up because I really haven't seen anyone bring this point up.
Thank you so much for this perspective. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that you went through in your life, and I genuinely hope that you're doing well now.
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spookypartycrit · 9 days ago
You guys may be too young or weren't not ws terminally online as me, but I remember the case of a content creator that used a charismatic and arrogant persona to mask his doomerism, started to gain more and more of an ego after doing on-cam gaming streams and getting fanprojects, started not being afraid for falling to goonerbait on main, and ended up with his career on the gutter and seen by everyone, including HS friends, as a weirdo (*cough* ProJared *cough*).
Please I can not see a repeating of that. Please Eevee Michael-I-Guess go to fucking therapy.
😨 sophist anons have a special ability to flashbang me everytime i open tumblr
idk who micheal is sophist name is noah, however after remebering the projared saga i also agree sophist should take it as a sign of caution.
While i wholeheartdly belive well never see cosplay chatgoon cheating (it be my 3rd time seeing a fixation do that btw)
the doomer pipeline can fucking destroy you from the inside out. when everything is bad, there is no point in being good. nihilism can tend to make u feel smarter then others. more “happy” people. and i can see why it made projared into the uncaring asshole he turned into.
Theres also the case of people tending to think fans are wasting thier time. projared kinda fuck off attitude towards fan content was like that. “I didnt ask you to do that, you did it yourself” while true its still a gift and gifts made with pure intentions should be treated with kindness even if u dont care.
im 20 and was a skydoesminecraft kid. I saw how mental health and fam melts peoples minds. And yknow what really melts it? Blind postivity. Toxic postivity in the face of negativity just creates a null affect. honest critique with expectations to get better and willingness to sit through the journey to get better will help youtubers in the long run. and dear god please everyone atleast get a mental health evaluation you dont have to do weekly therapy but so many youtubers would be better if they had someone to talk too.
sophist wont become projared if the fans dont let him. if i wanted to watch a depressed doomer id watch yourpalross again
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hwasang · 1 month ago
Aaaand I've seen stress' comment now. Guess that confirms THOSE rumors.
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maripr · 2 months ago
Enjoying more or less all the sonic games I've been playing or replaying so far, but when I look them up, apparently all of them are responsible for "almost killing the franchise". Cartoon adaptations, the movies and, for some reason, snap cube fandubs are also accused of doing the same from time to time.
I have never seen a fanbase so insisting that a big franchise they love is dead despite the fact that it's still kicking and thriving flaws and all since the Yu-Gi-Oh player base 🫨 (but at least then I don't see anybody claiming that little kuriboh has the power to influence banlists or something).
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years ago
So Jared shared a bunch of links for April Fools as a rib on Youtube and Onlyfans was one of them (and not a joke).
Also shout out to Jared for finally getting out of that 888k subscriber purgatory with the new milestone of 887k subscribers.
You will never, ever be able to convince me that him sharing or talking about OnlyFans is a joke. He is the human personification of that "lol just kidding....unless...." meme that was floating around awhile back. It's gross, it's predatory and is a tactic frequently used by abusive people as a means of testing the waters to see how much they can get away with.
Hey, I guess 887k is a change *insert shrug*
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saltyfilmmajor · 3 months ago
I forgot all about projared oh my god
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heidiofans · 1 year ago
I check in on this blog now and then to see if people are still harassing Jared. And I'm disappointed but not surprised. For fuck's sake people it's almost been HALF A DECADE since everything happened. Jared just wants to live his life and not be bothered by this anymore. Dislike him if you want, I'm not his biggest fan; but stalking and harassment is never acceptable, ESPECIALLY when y'all always accuse fans of doing it to Heidi when most of us don't even think twice about her anymore.
I agree. As much as they complain about people not moving on, they're doing an awful lot of not moving on. :/
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