#Cavalli Class
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i love going to school and learning not useless things per say but definitely niche things. like no i do not know how to change a tire but i can tell you the difference between the primo zanni and the secondo zanni as stock chartacters in the commedia dell'arte
#can you tell i have an assignment for this fucking class due at 9#i can tell you sooooo much about the commedia dellarte's influence on early italian opera i can tell you SO MUCH ABOUT CAVALLI'S IL GIASONE#i need to be back in my iliad class tbh. i love spending an entire semester on 1 (one) piece of media#portal of rambling
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They also queried Jensen's assumption that for blacks and whites similar socioeconomic status meant similar environments:
Black schools are well known to be generally less adequate than white schools, so that equal numbers of years of schooling certainly do not mean equal educational attainment. Wide variation in the level of occupation must exist within reach occupational class. This one would certainly expect, even for equivalent occupational classes, that the black level is on average lower than the white. No amount of money can buy a black person's way into a privileged upper-class white community, or buy off more than 200 years of accumulated racial prejudices on the part of the whites, or reconstitute the disrupted black family, in part culturally inherited from the days of slavery. It is impossible to accept the idea that matching for status provides an adequate, or even a substantial, control over the most important environmental differences between blacks and whites.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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Annakaisa, 33
“This outfit is an accidental ode to one of my oldest friends. I got the cropped Adidas track pants from him about 15 years ago and bought the corset when visiting him in London last fall. The thrifted Cavalli Class hand bag is my favorite at the moment.”
13 August 2023, Flow Festival
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Sono un trentacinquenne e sono di sinistra. Come per i miei coetanei e per le generazioni successive, l’ideologia è stata ereditata o plasmata sui canoni di un secolo passato. Da quando sono nato, gli unici esponenti del PD o dell’Ulivo ad aver conquistato Palazzo Chigi sono stati dei centristi spostati a sinistra per necessità o per sopravvivenza politica. Due volte Romano Prodi (più di trent’anni di Democrazia Cristiana), Enrico Letta (Democrazia Cristiana e poi Margherita), e Matteo Renzi (Partito Popolare Italiano, epigono della DC, Margherita e adesso di nuovo al centro). Sono stati traghettatori per breve tempo anche Massimo D’Alema, figura di spicco del tafazzismo di sinistra, e Paolo Gentiloni, tra i fondatori della Margherita. Tecnicamente, da più di trent’anni abbiamo una sinistra fantasma o simulacro e, di conseguenza, diverse generazioni di elettori che non hanno una vera e propria rappresentanza politica e che si sono presentati alle urne per non far vincere gli altri (spesso Berlusconi) o non si sono presentati affatto, come dimostra l’astensionismo galoppante.
Forse, riformulando l’incipit, è dunque giusto dire che sono un trentacinquenne e sono di sinistra per sentito dire. Per anni, il centrosinistra è sopravvissuto per inerzia autoproclamandosi erede dell’esperienza di Enrico Berlinguer, ma in modo improprio. I fasti di quell’epoca, quando i comizi del leader del Partito Comunista Italiano erano seguiti in piazza da folle oceaniche, non solo non sono stati replicati nel presente, ma hanno subìto il tradimento di chi ha mollato la classe operaia e in generale i ceti meno abbienti. Il centrosinistra, e in particolar modo il PD, adesso sta tastando con mano il mancato riciclo elettorale. Gli ex comunisti che dopo il 1994 hanno continuato a votare a sinistra per tentare di arginare l’ascesa berlusconiana, ovvero gli anziani che nei decenni scorsi presenziavano alle sempre più sguarnite feste dell’Unità, adesso non ci sono più e i loro figli – o ancora meglio nipoti – si possono dividere in due schieramenti: quelli che hanno mantenuto un’identità di sinistra pur senza ritrovarla nei nuovi rappresentanti e quelli che hanno chiuso il libro di Storia, lasciandosi magari ammaliare dai cavalli vincenti del momento, spostandosi dal Movimento Cinque Stelle a Salvini e Meloni con la leggerezza delle banderuole. Tra i membri del primo schieramento c’è proprio chi per anni ha continuato a votare a sinistra tappandosi il naso, per il classico paradigma del male minore, e chi alle urne ha preferito le spiagge, consegnandosi alla disillusione.
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In nome dei followers Manuel avrà 5 anni per sempre.
Non ho mai espresso giudizi su fatti e persone, ma stavolta no.
Non se ne può più.
Questa tragedia ha come colpevoli tante persone, in realtà tutti.
La famiglia in primis.
I Genitori classe 1970.
Quaranta e cinquantenni che non han saputo nemmeno inculcare nella testa di questi giovani scollati dalla realtà il senso del pericolo, l’etica, la morale.
Genitori giunti sul posto della tragedia hanno esclamato “tutto si aggiusta basta che non vi siate fatti nulla”.
Poi c’è la società, quella finta democratica perbenista.
Quelli che han permesso che vivere la vita e vivere nel meta verso fosse la
stessa cosa.
D’altronde cosa vuoi che sia tenere incollati bambini a schermi per 5/8 ore al giorno, altrimenti “non posso far niente” no?.
Altrimenti al ristorante non puoi mangiare in pace no?
Una società che a furia di inutili lassismi ideologici ha abdicato figure e ruoli come educatore - genitore, insegnante, prete al nulla di influencer, YouTuber, tiktoker…
L’unico Dio, soldi e potere.
Uno degli assassini ha dichiarato “gli daremo un pacco di soldi ai genitori e tutto torna a posto”.
Il merito della mia generazione è quello di ritrovarsi figli che vivono in una bolla di dissociazione cognitiva dove tutto è possibile.
Dove guidare un mostro da 650 cavalli per 50 ore drogati fa parte delle sfide della vita.
Com era la storia “legalizziamola?”..ecco qui la prova, si muore anche con le canne.
Avete mai guidato un auto che raggiunge i 100 orari in 3 secondi?
Mocciosi che passano dalle auto 50 a mostri solo per il gusto di poterlo fare, di poterselo permettere, diventano roulette russe solo perché possono.
Tutto è concesso in nome di followers, questo è il nostro fallimento, questo abbiamo permesso.
Tutto è acquistabile, tutto, vita inclusa è parametrabile ai soldi.
Hai la Smart? Sei un poveraccio…
Lavori? Studi? Sei uno sfigato…
Ammazziamo un bambino? Si continua a filmare, vuoi perderti la disperazione di una vittima?
“Tutto si aggiusta”.
Beh certo, in questo paese che corre ai ripari solo quando ci sono i morti, che tutela carnefici, che promuove l’ignoranza sacrificando la meritocrazia, in questo paese videogame, tutto si aggiusta.
Basta mettere il gettone giusto come in una sala giochi e tutto ritorna come prima.
Spero con tutto il cuore che non vedano più la luce del sole questi miserabili e tutti quelli che han permesso che questa tragedia accadesse, compreso i followers.
Svegliatevi e recuperate l’educazione dei vostri figli, ne va del vostro e del loro futuro.
Se questi elementi per i bambini diventano esempi da seguire il problema è molto molto serio.
Svegliatevi prima che sia troppo tardi.
Pensate non vi riguardi?
Facciamo un esperimento:
Prendete il telefono dei vostri figli, andate in IMPOSTAZIONI E POI TEMPO DI UTILIZZO e li vi renderete conto di quanto vostro figlio sia lontano dalla vita reale.
Luigi Leonardi
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Princes et princesses
Il était une fois des enfants qui jouaient aux princes et princesses. À chaque récréation, c’était la même histoire. Les petits garçons se mettaient dans la peau des princes charmants et valeureux chevaliers, des redoutables sorciers et dangereux dragons. Les petites filles devenaient les princesses en détresse qu’il fallait secourir. Inspirés par les contes que leur narrait leur maîtresse, le jeu finissait toujours par un mariage heureux entre le prince et la princesse et beaucoup d’enfants. Mais un beau jour, une petite fille, qui se lassait de plus en plus de jouer les demoiselles en détresse, proposa à ses camarades d’inverser les rôles. Son amie qui s’imaginait très bien en dragon terrifiant approuva tout de suite son idée, de même qu’une autre petite fille qui se voyait déjà dans le rôle du chevalier cavalant au galop avec son fidèle destrier. Les petits garçons n’étaient pas en reste. Eux aussi trouvaient l’idée amusante et n’étaient pas contre un peu de changement. En prenant les rôles d’une Belle au bois dormant ou d’une Princesse au petit pois, ils pourraient au moins se reposer avant de repartir en classe. Mais l’un d’entre eux était surtout très content de pouvoir enfin essayer une de ces splendides robes à volants que revêtaient les princesses. Quelques mètres plus loin, leur maîtresse les regardait s’amuser et tardait à les rappeler en classe. Elle voulait assister à l’envol de cette princesse, qui venait de refuser la main du prince, sur le dos de son dragon avant de les ramener dans le monde réel. Ce n’était pas quelque chose que l’on voyait tous les jours, elle ne voulait pas manquer ça. Mais surtout, elle se réjouissait de leur audace et de cette facilité qu’ils avaient à renverser les codes sans même réaliser qu’ils étaient en train de le faire. Il y avait quelque chose de pur et d’innocent dans leur manière de s’amuser et de se représenter le monde qui suscitait l’admiration. Une belle leçon pour toutes ces grandes personnes qui restaient convaincues que les plus belles histoires devaient toujours finir par le baiser d’un prince charmant à une belle princesse endormie.
#my art#my post#illustration#art#illustrator#inclusion#princesses#the dragon prince#fantasy#magic#magician#witches#witch#artist#artwork#artists on tumblr#art tag#art style#illustragram#illustrative art#illust#tumblr draw#drawing#life#my writing#children#childhood#writing#writers on tumblr
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Roberto Cavalli
Italian fashion designer who used exotic animal prints, embossed leather and distressed denim to create his flamboyant clothes
As Italian fashion went global in the later 20th century, it diverged into two schools: the sensuous, soft in silhouette and touch, and the boldly sexual, flamboyant to the eye. The first, and lasting, head of the sexy school was Roberto Cavalli, who has died aged 83.
The material bases for both schools were the nation’s specialist textiles and leather firms: for Cavalli, they delivered figured and lamé leathers, garments printed after sewing so that no seams interrupted a design, and many fabrics with his emphatic prints. These featured animal-skin motifs, Renaissance and Baroque brocades, or, natural-world details derived from his digital photographs.
His aesthetic was hectic, blingy, and sold across classes and cultures: those from palazzos could don it ironically, while those for whom it was streetwear appreciated Cavalli’s celebration of blatant heterosexuality.
From the late 1990s, he expanded worldwide through clothes, shoes and accessories for women, men and children to homewares, perfume, a credit card, and cafes – in his native Florence, he bought the exclusive Caffè Giacosa and Cavalli’ed it.
He sailed the Mediterranean in his purple yacht, and was mobbed in his Manhattan store, but his emotional core locale remained Florence. His mother, Marcella, was the daughter of a painter, Giuseppe Rossi; his father, Giorgio Cavalli, a mining engineer, was shot in 1944 with 91 other civilians by German soldiers in reprisal for a partisan attack.
Postwar, Marcella scrambled by as a coal dealer, then as a dressmaker who hand painted her creations. The boy’s childhood was hard – he stuttered – but after much pleading, he studied at Florence’s Istituto d’Arte (1957-60), although never sat his final examination.
Instead, he earned money. His mother’s painted dresses inspired him to widen the idea to a mechanical process. He travelled to study Como’s many high-end textile firms, and began to print ready-to-wear sweaters for Mariuccia Mandelli��of Krizia, who shared his fancy for simulated wild-beast pelts, and then for Hermès. Soon he had a studio, employees, a longed-for Ferrari and enough money to impress the banker father of Silvanella Giannoni; Cavalli claimed it was to win her hand he had achieved so much this young. They married in 1964, and had two children, Tommaso and Cristina, before divorcing in 1974.
Cavalli’s breakthrough to his own clientele came in 1969, when he gatecrashed a party for the shoe designer Mario Valentino, and mentioned to him that he could print on leather. He couldn’t, but the next day worked out a technique using supple glove kid, and returned with samples. Cavalli showed his new wares, sewn into garments, at the Paris Salon du Prêt-à-Porter in 1970. People gawped, but did not buy.
What did sell was his next inspiration. At that time, only brutal wear and laundering faded, abraded and distressed denim – the big industry that would become stone- and sand-washing, bleaching and shredding denim had not been invented – and any embellishments were crude. Cavalli ordered a container of dirty worn-out jeans from a US prison, and washed, cut and patchworked the pieces with leather and printed textiles for a collection shown in the Pitti Palace in 1972. The arte povera materials had been collaged with Italian craft skill and an artist’s eye, and appealed to the well-heeled in the last phase of Boho-hippy-rock-chick chic.
Cavalli went retail with his designs through boutiques, opening the first, Limbo, in St Tropez, and built up an international following. As a high-living celebrity, and a divorcee with loud enthusiasm for beautiful women, he was a judge at the 1977 Miss Universe pageant, where he did not vote for Miss Austria, Eva Düringer, 18, to win, as he wanted her for himself. After finishing her education, she followed him to Florence, where they married in 1980; she became his model, business manager, and mother of Robert, Rachele and Daniele. They divorced in 2010.
Cavalli retained close control of the manufacture of his clothes, proud of the skills used, and disapproved of licensing deals and production off-shoring in Italian fashion as it internationalised at the end of the 70s. He resented the 80s fashion preference for what he called “minimalism”, but was more accurately a temporary supremacy for the sensuous school, exemplified by Giorgio Armani’s unstructured tailoring for women, plus a desire to moderate overt sexiness.
The Cavalli label retained clients – rock doesn’t give up on its own – yet he stopped showing his collection, and in 1993 intended to close the factory and beg union help to re-employ its workers.
He was persuaded to a comeback show at Milan Fashion Week, and attributed his triumphant second career afterwards to his inspiration to add Lycra to denim to create stretch jeans. (Not a new idea – Irene Sharaff had denim experimentally woven with Lycra for the dancers’ jeans in West Side Story, 1961.) Cavalli personally distressed a pair, printed a snake entwining a leg, and displayed them on the perfect rear of his favourite model, Naomi Campbell.
During Cavalli’s years of retreat, Gianni Versace had taken over much of the remaining custom for Italian-originated sexiness, but Versace designs, especially his prints, had a mad Roman emperor stridency never seen in the work of Cavalli, whose leopards and tigers were for cuddling and stroking, not gladiatorial combat.
Even before Versace’s death in 1997, Cavalli was in the ascendant again, in demand on red carpets, on stage on Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, and on screen – a giraffe-skin print – on Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City: he opened boutiques and cafes around the world for his sex-is-fun, Latin-culture-orientated, clothes that suited the mood of excess is success. He was the first Italian designer to create a collection for H&M, a sell-out in 2007. His company closed in 2014, but was relaunched a year later, with little input from Cavalli himself.
In 2002, tax police inspected Cavalli’s extravagant house and estate outside Florence, including the purple helicopter he piloted, and charged him with evasion for claiming expenses for the property as work premises rather than a private home. Cavalli was found guilty and sentenced to 14 months jail, but a superior court annulled the verdict.
A son, called Giorgio after his father, was born to his partner, Sandra Nilsson, a model, in 2023. She and his six children survive him.
🔔 Roberto Cavalli, designer, born 15 November 1940; died 12 April 2024
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Discover Damac Cavalli Estates, an exclusive collection of luxury villas in Dubai, designed by Cavalli. Experience opulent living with stunning interiors, world-class amenities, and serene surroundings in the heart of Damac Hills. Your dream home awaits
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DAMAC Bay by Cavalli: Redefining Luxury Waterfront Living in Dubai
DAMAC Bay by Cavalli is a luxurious waterfront development in Dubai Harbour, blending elegant Cavalli-inspired interiors with breathtaking ocean views. Offering world-class amenities like infinity pools, private beach access, and a state-of-the-art fitness center, it epitomizes opulent coastal living. Perfectly located near Dubai's iconic landmarks, it redefines modern luxury and sophistication.
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2025 Blessings to you and your loved ones.
[Warning: Dangerous tea with carcinogenic engine oils, brand name FITNE Herbal from the Netherlands, is being sold in Hellas.]
[210 shampoo, shower gel and cosmetics recalls in December – Containing dangerous chemicals, Schwarzkopf, Palmolive, Nivea, PANTENE, Just Cavalli, Avon, Jean Paul Gautier, Desigual, Roberto Cavalli, Clinique, Enrico Coveri, Chanel, Prada, Perlier, Rocco Barocco – Sergio Tacchini, Dove, BOROTALCO, Garnier, L’OREAL, Neutro derma. These are just some of the cosmetics listed as unsuitable for use]
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Roberto Cavalli Class Milan Saddle Crossbody Bag Black.
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Discover Luxury Living at Damac Bay 2 by Cavalli: Waterfront Elegance in Dubai
Damac Bay 2 by Cavalli is a prestigious waterfront development in Dubai, offering luxurious residences with stunning views of the Arabian Gulf. Designed by the renowned Cavalli brand, it features world-class amenities, elegant interiors, and an unparalleled lifestyle.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Class by Roberto Cavalli black dress with silver polka dots size USA 14.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cavalli Class By Roberto Cavalli Red Python Bootie.
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Are branded homes a better investment for property buyers?
When it comes to luxury real estate in Dubai, branded residences have become a prominent choice for discerning investors. But how do they stack up against non-branded luxury properties? Let's explore the branded residence market in Dubai, its performance, demand drivers, potential downsides, brand importance, financing options, exit strategies, and the risk of market saturation. For those considering buying property in Dubai, understanding these factors is crucial to making informed investment decisions.
How does the branded residence market in Dubai compare to other global luxury destinations?
Dubai's luxury real estate market has soared, placing it among the top global cities for branded residences, alongside London, New York, and Miami. London attracts the global elite with names like Mandarin Oriental and Four Seasons. New York boasts iconic brands such as Ritz-Carlton and St. Regis, drawing a diverse, affluent clientele. Miami appeals to Latin American and North American buyers with fashion-linked real estate brands like Fendi and Armani.
Dubai stands out with its vast international investor market and a variety of luxury brands from hotels, fashion houses, watchmakers, and car manufacturers. Six Senses, Rixos, Cavalli, Versace, Franck Muller, Bentley, and Lamborghini are just a few of the brands that have established a presence in the city. This variety highlights Dubai's commitment to unparalleled luxury and unique living experiences.
How do branded residences perform compared to non-branded luxury apartments?
Branded residences typically outperform non-branded luxury apartments in long-term value retention and rental yields. These properties are affiliated with luxury brands, ensuring high-quality construction, top-notch finishes, first-class amenities, and effective maintenance, which help maintain the investment's value over time. They command higher rental yields from tenants seeking exceptional lifestyles and amenities. Effective property management in Dubai is essential for preserving the value and appeal of these high-end investments.
For example, a one-bedroom unit at Armani Residences in Burj Khalifa rents for AED 250K annually, compared to a similar unit in Burj Vista that rents for AED 150K. Similarly, a two-bedroom unit at Atlantis, The Royal on Palm Jumeirah rents for around AED 600K per year, while a comparable non-branded unit in Oceana rents for AED 350K annually. The premium associated with the Armani and Atlantis brands translates into significantly higher rental yields and resale values.
What are the primary demand drivers for branded residences amongst investors?
Investors are drawn to branded residences for the prestige and assurance associated with luxury brands. These properties offer quality construction, prime locations, first-rate amenities, and higher rental yields. Branded residences also provide a sense of security, retaining their value even during uncertain times due to the enduring reputation of the associated brand.
Additionally, branded residences offer the convenience of using the property for short periods while generating rental income, providing a dual-purpose investment. The brand's prestige enhances tenant appeal, ensuring steady demand and higher rental yields.
While branded residences offer convenience and services, are there potential downsides for investors?
Despite their allure, branded residences come with potential downsides. Initial purchase costs are typically higher, and ongoing service charges for maintaining exceptional amenities are considerably higher than those for non-branded properties. There may also be restrictions on property use and renovations.
The brand association itself can be a risk; any negativity related to the brand could impact property values and demand. Branded residences appeal primarily to high-net-worth individuals, which can limit the pool of potential buyers and lead to slower resale times or difficulty finding tenants during economic downturns.
How important is the brand name itself to investors?
The brand name is crucial in the branded residence market. Brands with a strong global reach and renowned reputation for luxury and service excellence offer a compelling value proposition. Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, and Mandarin Oriental are highly sought after by investors for their exceptional experiences and global presence.
What financing options are available for branded residences?
Financing options for branded residences in Dubai include mortgage options from local banks, private financing, and equity release. Some developers may offer direct financing options, including post-handover payment plans. However, pre-completion finance may not be available for properties still under construction, with developers typically offering handover plans during the various phases of the build.
What are the exit strategies for investors in the branded residence market?
Investors in branded residences can leverage local real estate companies specialising in luxury brands to market their properties to both local and international buyers. Private sales within one's network or community, selling through the developer, or via the hotel pool are also viable options. However, challenges may arise due to economic climate, market demands, and brand reputation.
Is there a risk of market saturation in the future?
The growing number of branded residence off plan projects in Dubai raises concerns about market saturation. Intense competition compels each development to outshine its predecessors, offering more amenities and technology. However, renowned brands with strong reputations are likely to sustain their value. Government initiatives supporting international investors and prime locations will also play a crucial role in balancing supply and demand.
Branded residences in Dubai offer significant advantages in terms of value retention, rental performance, and prestige. However, potential investors should weigh these benefits against the higher costs, potential downsides, and market conditions to make informed investment decisions. Let Exclusive Links, an expert real estate agency in Dubai, help you with this decision.
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