#Cause Bruce is like Cass doesn't need a break
jalapainio · 3 months
Bruce and Cass are so not good for each other in the Batgirl (2000) run and I'm all for it. There's one scene where Bruce is talking to Cass, and he's like “Remember when I let you risk your life all alone bc you thought you needed to? Can you return the favor?” And Cass is like “Father figure, I gotchu."
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jaewritesfic · 2 months
Melon!AU Part 3
The creature's surprise surprises everyone else.
“It understands English?” Dick asks with a thoughtful tone lacing his voice.
“Or recognizes the motion of the wave as something benign,” Damian proposes, tense as a live wire as he keeps eagle eyes on Cass below.
Cass raises her hands, and though she does so slowly no amount of surprise keeps the creature from restarting that odd, piercing warning sound.
“Don't be afraid,” she says slowly and clearly, her hands moving to sign the words as she speaks. “I'm a friend.”
Despite there being no iris or pupil to be found in those glowing eyes, the way they dart back and forth between her hands and her mask is clear to see.
It doesn't stop growling, but it does shift uneasily. 
Cass's hands move to sign without speaking.
Do you understand me?
Nothing, save for the flicking of bottomless eyes.
“Do you understand me?”
The creature twitches, like being asked such a thing is a surprise. It takes a long moment - as if the question must be some kind of trap - before its head jerks in a jittery, hesitant nod.
More than one person's breath catches audibly over comms.
The set of Cass's shoulders softens in a way that telegraphs a smile, one that can't be seen past her mask.
“Nice to meet you,” she says with her voice.
Knows English but not sign, she says with her hands.
Smart girl. With that knowledge she can sign to the Bats without the creature realizing her hands are saying anything different than her mouth.
As soon as nice to meet you spills into the open air, the creature stops growling. For something with such an inhuman, blank face it telegraphs shock and confusion loudly.
Actually, it…it's almost like Bruce can feel those things himself, like something brushing against the base of his brain. It's disturbing and fascinating all at once.
Perhaps the feelings of dread and disturbance being near it causes is more than just fear of the unknown.
If it can project its own feelings, can it also sense theirs? Bruce isn't sure how he feels about that idea.
“Are you hurt?”
Definitely guarding chest. Bleeding.
“Bleeding?” Tim asks. 
“Chest hurts?”
Bleeding green.
“It's bleeding the Lazarus water?” Tim hisses. 
“I'm sorry,” Jason's voice cuts in on comms. “Your creature is bleeding what now?”
“Unconfirmed, but the color is similar,” Bruce says.
Jason is on standby, gracious enough to be patrolling a little further than his usual to cover the gaps while they deal with whatever this is.
Gracious is actually a stretch considering the choice words he'd had about the request when asked. Still, the protests had been more routine than truly venomous.
Bruce suspects he's mostly displeased with not being on site if his siblings need him in the face of a total unknown.
“Do you need help?” Cass's voice rings out softly again.
Doesn't want to admit injury.
“A doctor?”
There are flinches all around as that finally gathers a marked reaction, and a negative one. The sound is like nails on a chalkboard, like a million light bulb filaments breaking and fizzling out. The cadence is odd, almost like the creature is trying to speak.
“No doctor! Okay, no doctor. It's okay.”
Afraid. Terrified.
The sound stutters out again, that odd feeling against the base of Bruce's skull and the wide eyes of the creature projecting confusion and disbelief over the easy acquiescence. 
This is not an entity that expects to have its desires or fears cared about. Bruce has a bad feeling it's an expectation borne from experience.
Once again, he thinks with a sick feeling about the fact that he hadn't stopped to consider the creature might be reasoned with until Cass stepped in.
“Can I come closer?”
The creature whines as if it's a frightened stray, not a shadowy nightmare. Its claws click against the pavement in a manner that feels distinctly nervous. 
“Please? I won't hurt you.”
Tired. Can't go for much longer and knows it.
They all watch closely as the creature's eyes flicker up and towards the line of police cruisers and officers at the very end of the alley, then back to Cass.
Its claws keep clicking. 
The pool of green below it might be bigger, or it might just be the new knowledge that the substance is like blood messing with Bruce's nerves.
“I'm coming over. Slow. I won't hurt you.”
Weighing their options. Either me or cops. Knows that too.
True to her word, Cass moves slowly.
The creature's tail lashes and it grumbles its unrest, but it doesn't snarl like before and it doesn't lash out even when she's certainly close enough for those long spindly arms to reach.
Cass sinks to her knees just feet from it, posture intentionally open. Carefully, she offers another wave and a pleased, “Hello. See? All okay.”
Bruce's heart seizes. For just a moment, the wide glowing eyes angled to look up at Cass read as painfully young. Like a frightened child.
“You need help,” Cass almost whispers, hands laying on her thighs in plain sight. “No doctors, I know. But maybe a safe place? Come with me?”
Surely the comms have never been so silent as they are while Cass turns her hands over and extends them, like she's inviting the creature to place its own in her palms.
“Keep you safe. I promise.”
For a long few moments, the creature is so silent and still it may well have frozen in time.
Then there's a mourning keen that nearly buckles Bruce at the knees and the creature is moving. 
Instead of taking her hands, it drags itself forward and grabs at her to a chorus of panicked shouts on the comms. So quickly nobody has time to react, it's dragged itself up to cling to her shoulders and bury its face in her neck.
The shadowy frame trembles when she holds it in return.
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
What's your favorite person of Bruce interacting with his kids?
Wayne Family Adventures Bruce has my whole heart.
But if you mean in fanfiction then it would be
Dick - "Please get down from there. you're not an adorable nine year old anymore. The chandelier is going to break!"
Jason - "Have you heard that my Jason is the top of his class at Gotham University? He's on the way to being valedictorian. Jason, stop shushing me, I'm right"
Tim- "I beg of you, do not become a supervillain at this slightest inconvenience. Tim, you just need to take a nap, have some water, and eat something"
Damian: "Every time I'm called into your school, it's because you hit someone, bite someone, or you caused the teachers to unionize. "
Cass: "Look, I know we both don't like Galas, but that doesn't mean you can vanish as soon as the doors open. Cass, sweetie, you need to make friends like me- I have friends! I have loads of friends! Of course, the Justice League counts. Why wouldn't they!? "
Steph: "I invite you into my home. I feed you, clothe you, and give you a roof over your head every other weekend when you're not at your mother's and you repay me by slapping my other guests with white gloves? No, the rich don't challenge each other to duels anymore!"
Duke: "Duke, son, stop organizing protests over parking fees and daycare prices. I know their unfailingly high, but this is not going to work. Why dont we just start our own daycare and- What do you mean Eat the Rich!? YOU'RE RICH NOW"
Jarro, Terry, Helena, Carrie, Harper, Cullen, Maps and unknown Wayne clone: I have done nothing wrong ever in my life
Bruce in tears of joy: I know this, and I love you
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 5
Danny slid in through a sliding glass door, soaked to the bone and practically salivating at the smell of whatever the butler guy-Alfred, his name was Alfred-had in the oven.
"Master Damian, would you like a towel?" Danny nearly jumped when the man spoke, "Yes, please." Danny replied without thinking. Alfred raised an eyebrow before Danny hurriedly corrected his posture, "I mean, that would be lovely Pennyworth. Thank you." He managed to slap on a pretty convincing 'Damian Wayne' accent if he did say so himself but the butler didn't look convinced.
Danny silently chastised himself. If he wanted this to work out he needed to be convincing! Luckly Alfred didn't really question it and just went to go get him a towel.
Aka: Damian Wayne runs away at the beginning of summer break and homeless and starving Danny Fenton shape-shifts and takes his name and place.
Featuring: Alfred knowing something is up but not entirely sure what
Tim fully convinced Damian has been replaced Pod Person style but no one believes him
Bruce thinks Damian is making a bid for independence, especially since he's refusing to patrol with anyone and doing it solo (in reality Danny doesn't have any Robin training and he knows everyone will notice the difference)
Jason finds Dannys hidden stash of stolen food and survival supplies and thinks Damian believes they're gonna kick him out of the family or something and is bing extra nice and offered him a place to stay if things got too rough between him and Bruce. Danny accepted as Damian but was crying inside cause he knew this offer was for Damian and not him
Cass was in Hong Kong so Danny didn't have to worry about her but Talia caught wind of a second Damian acting as Robin and confronted him alone on a rooftop on night
Steph just thought Damian was maturing and becoming nicer
Damian himself had run away to the Kent farm and occasionally having adventures with Jon, unaware that any of this was happening
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
okay, but if Tim is heavily parenting Bruce, then how does he treat everyone else??? Like, yeah, siblings, but does he also have moments where his need to parent shine through? Do they ever notice?
Tim has some wacky relationships with the Bats. He doesn't necessarily put labels on his relationships and tries not to let other people's relationships with each other affect his relationship with them too much. Here's how he would define them if he was pushed:
Alfred is both Tim's equal and an authority in his life. They both parent Bruce, but Alfred will tell Tim he isn't allowed to patrol when injured. He will tell Tim to go to bed and to knock it off with some actions. Tim is still a teenager and does make some stupid decisions (kids have a harder time with impulse control due to brain development). In return, Tim will ask Alfred to take breaks and help him when needed. Alfred has more power and respect, but they usually work together to help the household.
Tim does see Dick as an older brother and allows himself to be treated as a younger brother. Because Dick is independent from Bruce, this is easier.
Barbara is in a similar position to Alfred. Tim will defer to her judgment, but they work together to keep the Bats running. Tim does more of the emotional work, Alfred does more of the physical care work (cooking, cleaning, etc.), and Babs does more of the vigilante support. They will help the others in their areas, but they do the majority of their own fields.
Cass is Tim's sister. Tim kind of sees it like they have different dads and usually mentally blocks out that her dad is his son. Cass understands in a way Dick doesn't (cause Dick also doesn't know), so it's easier in other areas than it is for Dick.
Steph is Tim's platonic soul mate.
Jason was Bruce's son until after the BruceQuest. Because Jason attacked Tim, Tim refused to have a personal relationship with the man. He was his son's son, not Tim's brother or grandson. After Tim and Jason started getting along, he started to see him as his little shit of a grandson.
Damian was on a similar boat to Jason. After the BruceQuest, Tim started to see Damian as his nephew (or as Dick's son).
Duke is Tim's friend, but he's starting to see him as a brother as well.
Those would be the more rigid definitions Tim would assign if he gave them thought, but he typically let's the vibes be and allows the others to make decisions on how their relationship is defined.
But yes, he does accidentally slip into parenting them. I imagine, if the batkids found out how he truly feels about them, shit would hit the fan (so to speak).
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aingeal98 · 9 months
I think there's a misconception among some fans who mostly get their characterisation from ao3, that the reason Cass and Jason wouldn't get along is that Jason kills people and Cass hates murderers. And like. You're 50% right but the key context being ignored is that Cass would literally fight to defend the right of a serial killer to live and change like she believes desperately in second chances no matter how far gone the killer is. She'll knock a man out and break his hand so that he can never shoot and kill someone again but if she sees someone feel bad about their kill or even like. Hesitate to hurt a child. She is all over that like she will fight the world just to save this one kind of shitty assassin and give them a second chance at life where they can do better.
Whereas Jason believes that sometimes there are bad people that are simply too far gone, too much of a force of evil hurting and draining actual innocents. And the best way to deal with scumbags like that is a bullet. He feels that some people don't deserve to live, and he's comfortable ending their lives. Judge, jury and executioner. Because no one else is going to kill these people and they deserve to die so that they can never hurt any victims again.
Of course all of this is kind of irrelevant in current canon since dc basically skipped over the reconciliation and development and went yeah Jason is a batfam member and he doesn't kill anymore. So currently in canon none of this conflict of ideals is likely to be addressed. But a lot of people are interested in writing fics that actually detail the steps of reconciliation which is great and I love those fics. I've just also noticed a trend of fumbling a little when it comes to Cass.
Because the root cause as to why they wouldn't get along is not just because Jason kills people. If Jason was a random crime lord Cass would probably try to help him get free of Gotham and start over somewhere else. Killing people and having conflicting emotions about it is the easiest way to get Cass willing to be your number one sponsor at murderer rehabilitation anonymous. It's Jason being someone personal to the family, and someone who believes that some deaths need to happen, as long as the person is sufficiently repulsive enough to Jason. Or even just as a means to an end to prove a larger point, if they're pathetic and evil enough. That's what would make Cass see red, because she projects herself on every single killer and Jason dismissing the possibility of redemption for them, writing them off as deserving of death, clashes fundamentally with not just everything Cass believes in, but also her whole sense of self. Of course it's not that deep for Jason like he's not going to believe Cass should die because she killed someone as a child. But for Cass is simply IS that deep and you throw in the fact that they're both Bruce's kids and yeah. They can maybe be civil in a room together with the family right up until one of them actually talks. Because like 99% of what they could say is guaranteed to touch a nerve for the other.
It's like: Damian says something hilarious and rude towards Jason and Jason jokes about that time he shot him and Cass immediately connects that with him not feeling bad about shooting Damian and starts grilling him as to why. Because Damian's Bruce's son? Or because he's a killer? Or just to get to the rest of the family? And Dick, Duke and Tim are so tired like Alfred cooked a nice meal can we all just eat pie for one night without having to listen to you two go at it.
Tim: I've literally shot you before do you think maybe we can cool it on fighting about Jason's personal ethics tonight. Because generally that ends with me in pain even if I do nothing but sit here.
Cass: You shot me with consent. Different.
Jason: How are you even more obnoxious than Bruce? Do you ever get tired of being so exhausting to be around with your bullshit righteousness?
Cass: If you're tired I can knock you out. Nice nap for you and fun for me.
Dick: And that's ten minutes in a room together before any threats of physical harm start flying around! Great job you two, a new personal record.
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raineydays411 · 2 years
My Fathers Daughter pt8
The Dinner
summary: It's finally time for the dinner you've been dreading since your arrival, awesome. At least you get to know some of the bat family better than before
Also I forgot if I put the ages for these characters if I did and anyone could tell me that would be awesome.
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When you first arrived to Gotham, you weren't really sure what to think.
Like yeah, you knew it was gonna suck cause you were moving in with the woman who deserted you and your father, causing you to grow up faster than you were meant to and giving you trust issues.
And sure, Gotham seems to have some sort of disaster literally every single day of the week.
But at this point, you really would rather chance it with the clown or whatever than sit through this awkward ass dinner.
Everyone eyes shoot to Bruce, who cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence everyone was eating in.
"Y/n" He starts, causing you to groan internally. You were tired of being in the spotlight, especially when you knew half of this family doesn't fuck with you .
"I know I've said this before, but I know how hard sudden life changes like this are. If there's anything you need to be comfortable please let me know. This is your home now too."
You smile slightly, but before you could say anything Damian interrupts you
"Tch, father you say that as if she's a part of this family. We all know shes not."
"Damian, enough." Christine says sternly, " You've been difficult the whole day. Leave your sister alone."
"Oh please Mother, she's no blood of mine nor yours" he says absent minded
This was your chance.
"Well she actually pushed me out so..." You say taking a sip of your drink. You relished in the reactions from around the table
Jason snorted so hard his drink spilled
Dick looked disgusted and amused at the same time.
Tim looked disgusted but thats cause Jasons snort water managed to splash him from across the table. But the best reaction was from Damian and Cass. They just looked straight up angry.
Angry at the thought of their mother pushing you our of her cooch. Which was the most hilarious thing to you.
"How dare you speak about our mother like that? Have you no respect?"
"Dude, I'm gonna be honest I cannot take you seriously while you talk like an Asgardian. Get with the century Tiny Tim."
Another snort comes from Jason, " You know what kid, you're alright with me"
"I'm nineteen." You deadpan
"You look like you're twelve" Jason snarks
You pause for a bit before saying, "I'll tell you what you look like but you won't like it."
"Okay children, enough." Christine says, " Y/n, how do you like the room?"
"It's... very Addams family chic." You say, not really trying to be rude, " But if I'm being honest it's gonna take some getting used to."
"Well, you have free reign to decorate it anyway you'd like." Christine says, " In fact, we can make a day out of it!"
You physically have to stop yourself from cringing, " Um, yeah.. that sounds interesting, Or i can just order everything off amazon, no hassle."
" Oh it's no bother, it would give us some time to catch up" Christine says excitedly, " Oh we can make it a girls day, you and me!"
You feel someone glaring daggers into your head, as you turn you make eye contact with Cass.
Oh great, another Damian.
"Um.." You were never good in uncomfortable situations. Usually you would signal to your dad or Pepper and they'd find a way to get you out of it.
Even if you were good at navigating through uncomfortable situations, you doubt that anyone would know that to do in these circumstances.
"I mean some of the stuff I can only get online anyways so.." You say awkwardly.
You see Christine deflate and then more glares from the peanut gallery. Honestly its starting to get old.
" You know if you two keep glaring at me, your face will get stuck like that. " You say sarcastically, " Honestly doesn't it hurt to have such a sour face all the time? You're gonna get some crazy frown lines"
But before either Damian or Cass could respond, Bruce stood with a " Okay then! Y/n, how about you take my credit card and get whatever you need online, then your mother will take you AND Cass shopping"
Oh, this was a rich dads way of saying shut up.
"Great a whole day with Wednesday and Morticia." you mutter as Alfred takes your barely touched plate, " Thanks Lurch."
Alfred looks semi amused at the comparison. At least he appreciates your wit.
"Hey" A voice calls to catch your attention, it was Jason.
"I'll take you to your bedroom while Alfred cleans up, don't need you getting lost."
You look at him suspiciously, but take his offer wanting to be alone.
"If you kill me, there's gonna be a lot of pissed off superhero's on your ass." You say following him out of the room.
"Trust me princess, I'm not the one you have to worry about killing you." Jason scoffs.
"Yeah the little ones look like they might stab me in the shower." You say with a wince, " What did i do to them anyway?"
" Trust me its not you." Jason says, " They are the the easiest to be around, there's a wall there." He gestures to his heart.
"But if I'm being honest, finding out about you has been a shock to all of us." He says," I honestly thought Ma couldn't have kids."
You snot cruelly, " Yeah well finding out about all of you hasn't been easy for me either."
"I bet. You know, most of us haven't had much luck with mothers or families. That's why we're here."
"I have a family. A pretty good one too."
"I'm just saying I understand why you'd be angry. I was for a long time. I think sometimes I still am." Jason says before stopping, " Well here we are. If you tell anyone I told you that I'll deny it and they'll believe me."
"Thanks." You simply say, " It's nice to not hate one person that lives here."
And with that you go into the your room and close the door.
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supershot73199 · 3 months
Hey everyone here is chapter 4 of my Dawn's Big Daddy story. This is the actual Gala from a few different characters perspectives.
I'll also put it under the read more
Jason Todd usually hated going to galas but tonight might just be the best he's ever been too, and it's all thanks to his baby sisters new paramour. This man who made his sister so happy was attending the Gala in a dress, especially since he looked better in that dress than many of the rich bitches that would try to cause trouble for his sister.
Honestly the two were sickeningly sweet, almost like gomez and morticia and it was hilarious how mad it made the high society stiffs. Jason stifled s laugh as Danny clearly said something that the socialites were offended by and he smiled like the cat who caught the canary.
This continued with the socialites getting more visibly upset and Cass getting more amused until a cheerful laugh came from across the ballroom.
Damian had Dawn standing on his feet while they "Danced" together. Seeing Damian interact with the little girl definitely showed that he was Bruce's kid more than any declaration of being "The Blood Son" ever could.
There was a sudden chill that had Jason turning back towards Cass and Danny their posture had changed from dopey in love to glacial wrath, from the rapidly paling face of one of the more racist leech that exist in Gotham high society they must have said something about Dawn and Damian.
The rich prick quickly rushed off dropping a hastily written check into one of the staffs waiting hands. Cass and Danny watched them go before returning to their Addams family act as they went to the dance floor though Jason could see the icy rage still in their eyes.
Tim was used to galas having been in high society all his life though he doubts he would ever enjoy them. He and Bernard were schmoozing with some of the investors for Wayne Techs newest project when his sister and her boyfriend start dancing.
Tim narrowed his eyes no matter how much he looked he couldn't find any history on Danny or any of his family, it's like he's a ghost. He didn't like his sister being so close with an unknown no matter how nice he seems.
"Stop glaring at your future brother in law. You're being overprotective." Bernard said as he bumped shoulders with Tim.
"I'm not overprotective I just don't like that we don't know anything about him." Tim defended.
"Look babe, we both know that is just an excuse because you don't want to admit you are worried about someone breaking Cass' heart. But look at them he adores her." Bernard gestures to the couple who have their eyes locked on their dance partner adoration clear to see.
"Just because he seems like he adores her doesn't mean he can't hurt her. Besides there are plenty of people with mind control abilities in the world who says he hasn't been brainwashed. That's why I won't give up until i find what he's hiding." Tim responded as Bernard sighed.
"Have you tried asking him?" Tim snorted at that.
"Oh please like that would work."
The night was coming to an end and Barbara was about to hit Dick.
He was moaning and groaning about how "that harlot is corrupting my poor innocent baby sister look at him in that dress hanging off of her" all damn night.
"If you don't stop whining about Cass falling in love I swear to God I won't be the only one who needs a wheelchair!"
She finally snapped.
"I'm sorry Babs but she's my baby sister."
Barbara sighed "I know but look how happy they are. Doesn't Cass deserve someone who makes her smile?"
The two watched the dancing couple for a few more minutes until the song ends. With the songs ending this one particularly annoying trust fund baby approached the couple and asked to cut in. Dick was about to jump up as this particular brat has harassed Cass before. However before he could take more than a step Danny had said of course before taking the man's hand and pulling him into a dance while he had a look of bafflement on his face.
Cass made her way towards the two vigilantes with humor clear on her face.
"I don't think he will bother me again." She said as she reached the table.
"What do you think Danny will do?" Barbara asked.
Cass looked at the two before responding. "He's unnerving him triggering his fear responses without doing anything else. Rich will be paranoid but otherwise will be left alone.
Barbara and Dick looked at each other before looking back to where Danny and Rich were dancing and it seemed like Cass was right about Danny somehow freaking him out if the way his eyes were darting around were any indication.
As the song ended Danny clearly gave an expected farewell while Rich all but ran away looking over his shoulder as he did. Danny after walking over to the table pressed a soft kiss to Cass cheek.
Barbara couldn't help the warm feelings bubbling up in her chest as she struck up a conversation with the pair of lovebirds.
Duke Thomas was many things, the only Meta on the team, the only dayshift hero, Hal Jordan's self proclaimed worst nightmare, etc, but one of his own personal favorites was Cass least likely to be beat up brother if only because he knew how to mind his own damn business. Despite that he couldn't help but be intrigued by the newest additions too her life.
Danny and Dawn looked rather unique to his power granted sight. Dawn was the easiest of the two to figure out her aura strengthening her body and vice versa, while not confirmed he assumes that she's a Meta with some unique energy manipulation power. (Duke would later look back at this and decide it was a pretty close guess.)
Her father though? While initially very similar to Dawn, Danny's power seemed too radiate out of him often covering people around him, if it wasn't for the fact that the energy very clearly does not actually enter anyone Duke would have been worried there might have been mind control involved.
As he watched the happy couple he enjoyed the way Danny's aura seemed to dance around Cass coating her almost like her cape does in her suit. He also looked at the energy that seemed to coat his daughter, resting on her like a warm hug or beloved blanket.
It was then Duke finally realized what the aura was seemingly doing. It was radiating safety in a unique way to each person it touched. The aura around Damian looked almost like what Duke would describe as respectful armor.
Duke gleefully watched and cataloged the way it interacted with people. When he noticed one of the more drunk guests started trying to cop a feel on a waitress. But before he could do more than take a few steps he saw a tendril of aura reach out and cover the girl right as Danny called the drunk out.
Duke only listened to the ensuing verbal smackdown with half an ear much more interested in the way the aura was behaving. It was honestly giving off what Duke could only describe as brotherly protection keeping the bulk of its energy on the side of the waitress that was nearest to any patron.
Duke really hopes Danny comes around more often, this aura show might just be Dukes new favorite use if his power. (OK second favorite cause fucking with Hal Jordan will always come first.
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sparkypantaloons · 7 months
Sometimes it's too much, Gotham. Too much putting his body on the line for a city that can't and won't change.
Bruce imagines what his life could have been, what his children's lives could have been, if things had been different.
Sometimes it's too much. Gotham. Too polluted, too populated, to poor...
Morally poor, he should say. The money's never been more than a means to an end for Bruce and he's never cared who has or hasn't got it. Even if he knows that's evidence enough of how out of touch he really is. To not be, and never have been, the levels of desperate so many of his fellow Gothamites have. Are. But he can't change that now. Not after a lifetime of more money than he could ever hope to spend (and God knows he's tried).
And it's not that he thinks poverty equals moral corruptness. Of course not. But God, if it doesn't cause a rot that's hard to escape. An agony deep in the bones, like an atomic bomb. Almost a century since, but still poisoning the ground and the air and the lives where it fell.
It's too much, sometimes. Gotham. Decades of putting his body, his heart, mind on the line for a city that doesn't change and can't change and... Won't.
Part of his Brucie-rich-boy-bit has always been a pretend man of the people. 'Billionaire spotted on Chicago's L-train', a picture of him in $5,000 jeans, throwing a peace sign on the platform at Quincy. 'Bruce Wayne joins the commute on Bangkok's BTS Skytrain' sunburned and sweaty and grinning like a moron. Public transport is easy when you don't need it. The delays, the overcrowding, the cost. All part of the big adventure when you're rich and famous.
He's deliberate in his appearances. Shows up too big to be allowed and always lost. Asking fellow travellers for directions and breaking every unspoken, local rule. Stopping at the bottom of escalators and standing on the right and never having his ticket ready at the barriers... but he's deliberate in his anonymity too.
He's ridden the New York subway and Shanghai's metro and Vienna's U-bahn more times than he can count. Undercover, trailing marks and tailing suspects, slipping past local police and resident gangsters alike. Just another nameless face in the crowd.
But then there's the times he's just there as himself. Times he rides the lines as Bruce. Not the billionaire, not the Bat. Just Bruce. Grey Ghost fan, hates mushrooms, loves dinosaurs. Father, friend, son. Just another traveller amidst the millions. Nobody wanting anything from him, nobody talking to him, nobody even noticing him. It's freedom unlike any he's ever known.
It makes him wonder what his life might have been. If he hadn't been born in the South Wing's master bedroom of Wayne Manor. What his children's lives might have been, if their father had just been a man, and not this man.
Dick for sure, Olympic medallist. There's no doubt. Even without the money and the training and the classes, his boy was destined for greatness. Gold medals and podiums and adoration. Coaching and teaching and leading. And, Bruce fancies, probably the ESPN correspondent for major competitions. Team USA coach. International Olympic Committee. Whatever Dick wanted; in any life there's nothing he couldn't do.
Cass, Bruce likes to think, would have been an architect. If she'd ever been afforded a normal life, ever been given the tender love and care she so deserved as a child. She reads people with ease, drilled into her as it was by Cain; a skill as crucial as its learning was cruel. But given a normal life? Architecture, Bruce is sure. The way she navigates space, the way she uses it and understands it. What better way to make a life than creating in the space she so fully inhabits? Designing structures that change the way people live, challenge how they think. She'd have been glorious.
Tim, on the other hand... Tim. If Bruce thinks about him too long the guilt starts to set in. His brilliant boy, just next door; alone for so long. Bruce was intimately familiar with the experience, though at least he'd had Alfred when he'd been young. If only he'd just paid more attention, he could have— anyway. In another time, one where Bruce rides the subway and to work and Tim doesn't spend the first decade of his life by himself, surely he'd be some fintech billionaire wizz kid by now. He'd have created a Facebook or eBay or Venmo. But better. Kinder. Richer probably than Bruce, now. And he'd still ride the metro next to his old man.
Damian, Bruce's youngest, sweetest boy. Who knows what Damian could have been, in a life where Bruce and Talia kissed each other goodbye every morning and sweet dreams each night. He's a gentle soul, really, fierce as he is. Shows it in his affection for animals. Gives them the tenderness he never had as a child. Who knows what he could have been in a life filled with light instead of shadow. Warmth and love instead of the League's relentless dark. A scientist maybe, or an astronaut. A teacher, a vet, a nurse. Whatever he wanted. A gardener, a piano tuner, a cab driver. Happy, whatever it was. And safe in the knowledge he was loved.
And then... and then, Jason. Bruce thinks of his second son the most, as he rides the rails. Takes the Bakerloo south from Marylebone and the Tanamachi west to Hirano. What Jason could have been, if things had been different. It doesn't seem fair to dwell on it. To imagine the darling, sweet boy who had been Robin as anything but. To disrespect the incredible fucking gift he's already been given of a second chance, by imagining it as any different. So instead he thinks that Jason would still be Robin. Still Red Hood. Still saving people, still putting himself on the line to make the world better. Even if Bruce didn't love the way he did it, he still loved Jason. Gods did he love him. It's too much, sometimes.
Gotham. Sometimes she's too much. But most of the time, most of the time she was everything. His home, his children's home.
To see the sun rise from the east corner of the clocktower with Cass and swing between the crumbling art deco blocks of Coventry, Dick by his side. Racing down her labyrinth of alleyways and side streets with Tim and even negotiating her sewers with Damian. And Jason. Just seeing Jason's face, scowling at him though it usually is, as he waits outside the Collins Street station for Bruce to arrive.
"Your late." He grunts, as Bruce climbs the steps of the subway. He looks at his watch irritably. "If we miss brunch, you're paying."
"Of course," Bruce says, a warm hand on Jason's shoulder as they begin to walk. "Anything for you, chum."
She's too much, sometimes. Gotham. But most of the time? She's exactly where he wants to be
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frownyalfred · 8 months
How much violence do you think Batman should be able to get away with and still remain a hero or vigilante while also not losing his characterization?
There are times where no lives are in immediate danger and he only needs to get information but then he just casually breaks bones, effectively torturing someone. Like in the videogames Telltale Batman or the Arkham games' verse or even the movies and comics where he dishes out way more violence than necessary. That scene where he threatens to crush a guy's head with the Batmobile and actually has the car start rolling over his head, cracking it slightly. Or the interrogation of Eli in the Telltale game where Batman can pretty much brutalize and torture an already frightened criminel if the player so chooses. Or the comics, where he sometimes says he enjoys hurting criminals and sends them to the ER without a second thought.
Also, do his kids know just how brutal Bruce can be on a Tuesday just cause he feels like a criminel deserves it? After a patrol, he'll reprimand them for breaking someone's collarbone or if he thinks they took it too far even though he does that all the time. It's not like the Batkids never do it themselves, but when they do, they're mostly in extremely emotional states and not a cold clinical mindset. One could argue Jason and Cass are exessively violent too but, well, Jason is an anti-hero (or villain) and Cass is still learning how far is too far.
And if the kids didn't know/realise, what would happen if they saw a recording of Batman absolutely dismantling a criminal in a detached sort of way (maybe a rogue maybe not, whatever would be worse ig) and then having to reconcile that that's the man who's like a father to them.
It's a very interesting question, and I suspect you'll get a different answer from everyone you ask.
My take is that it comes down to two things: intention and likelihood. Bruce's line for injury/torture/death sits somewhere between probably won't kill them or cause grievous injury and could cause death or grievous injury.
Throwing a guy off a high-up roof isn't just likely to kill someone, it was likely intended to do so. As we see in Batman Begins, you can throw someone off a (low) roof and not kill them, without the intention of killing them, and without the high likelihood of the act killing them.
Breaking a man's leg for information probably won't kill him, but it could! The break could be done wrong, or heal wrong, and cause a blood clot that killed the man. But was breaking the man's leg intended to kill him? Was it done with full knowledge that the break would likely result in death? Is that something a reasonable individual can even evaluate on their own?
The argument can be made that hitting someone in the head could result in death. So is Bruce risking his no-kill rule on a technicality when he punches people into walls? Does dying from a complicated TBI years later count?
I find the branding example in BVS a fascinating discussion of this point. Bruce doesn't kill the men he brands, but he effectively sets the men up to be killed in prison. Is it the same? Does he intend for the brand to kill the men? Does he have knowledge of the likelihood of death as a result of his brand? Does Lex's meddling actually change any of that when it's revealed later?
The third thing I haven't brought up but that you did is Bruce's enjoyment/active participation in all of this. Does he hurt people because it's effective? Is it ever gratuitous? Is he detached from the suffering he causes, viewing it as a means to an end? Does Gotham play by different rules -- i.e., is torture and grievous bodily injury ever acceptable in Gotham when it wouldn't be in other cities? Is Bruce a man willing to do what it takes at the end of his rope, or is he a man who resorts to violence when there are still other viable options? Somewhere in between?
I do agree that, with the addition of Robins and other family members, the violence likely tones down unless absolutely necessary. Hurting people shouldn't be enjoyable, but it is downright painful for some people (not Bruce) to witness firsthand.
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
what do you think are the Batfam’s enneagram types? Specifically Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Damian, Barbara and Steph, And anyone else you think important (l think Dick is mostly a type 2 and 1. Haven’t looked into the others yet) I’m asking because I think knowing a character’s personality type (OC or not) can help you write them in character, and I know a personality test probably isn’t going to fit them 100% just like real people but it could be a great guide
Ennegram Chart source
Bruce is a 5 no doubt.
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I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. The description is a checklist of his personality traits.
Dick is 1, 2, and 3.
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I would say 3 is his overarching personality, 1 is a secondary/support of the main one - 3 - and 2 is the other half of his personality. The thing about Dick is that he feels an almost pathological need to keep succeeding, keep doing better, and break every limit. It's not for anyone else, it's for himself because he doesn't feel like himself if he's not perfect. All of 1, 2, and 3's traits
Jason is an 8.
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Ever since his Robin days, Jason has always been more on the willful side. As in, I want to do my own thing. Deal with it. And after coming back as Red Hood he wasn't initially self-confident but he's grown into it. No one can influence him to do anything and he's ready to throw hands if someone pushes too much.
Tim is a 5 or 6.
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Smart, genius boy detective obviously (he's no isolated tho) so that explains 5 but Tim leans more towards 6. He's loyal to the cause and he's very responsible. But he's also a huge cute dork who's always on the look out for something that is off and he's always worried and thinking about what's wrong and what could go wrong. He's mainly a 6 with a little bit of 5 added in (perceptive, innovative, sometimes secretive).
Cass is a 5.
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Cass and Bruce are identical. The way they think and act, Cass is a like a Batman 2.0 but better.
Steph is a 4.
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DC really wants her to be a 7-
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But I wrote a whole essay on why she's not a 7, but a 4 instead. She's not self-absorbed in the "I only love myself" way, she more of a "How can I constantly improve myself" type. When something bad happens her mind can get really down in the dumps about it but she tries her best to be positive - she's not withdrawn but expressive, dramatic, and temperamental definitely.
Dami is 3 or 8.
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The achiever was instilled in him by his mother to constantly work to be the best at whatever he tries and now it's just a part of his personality. He's very self-conscious. 8 because like Jason, he does what he wants when he wants. No one can tell him what to do (unless it's Dick but gosh Bruce really tried).
Duke is 9.
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Duke is extremely strong-willed but he does it in a nice way. He works towards heroism and every action he takes, it's aimed at helping people. He has a very strong sense of right and wrong and nothing will stop him from doing what is right. That being said, he gets along with everyone and is very easy going and caring, it's just that he won't compromise his morals for it. He's very loving in like a familial way.
Barbara is an 8.
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Dominant. She has a strong need to be in control at all times and know everything and when something gets in the way of that control, she gets very angry and persistent. She's confident in her abilities and makes decisions in which no one can influence her. She knows what she wants and she will get it whatever may come.
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fancyfade · 2 years
NGL I do love pre 2011 batfam all having such different internal motivation around killing (and if they agree it's never OK, the why it is not OK is different for people).
Like Bruce has rules that he tries to follow. these are for many reasons, some to keep himself in check, some because if the entire point of Batman is that no other family is torn apart him killing people is literally defeating that point, it reads as generally ideology based. and I think that Bruce's character traits in the 70s or 80s where even if he doesn't kill people he isn't super distraught if they die is kind of interesting and it's a shame the writers dropped it. tho IG it could also be character development. (should note: he also has accidentally killed people but doesn't blame himself for it in some 80s comics like son of the demon)
Cass's rhetoric is based on her compassion and perfectionism and just. it's wrong period. no one deserves to die, and since she always has to be perfect, she always has to be able to save everyone even people who are trying to kill her. i feel like even if there was a case where someone had to kill someone else in self defense, cass would never view that as acceptable for herself because she should always be able to solve everything perfectly.
babs is sometimes vocally anti-killing people but i think it's fucking fascinating that she is also shown as being willing to potentially kill someone pretty often (at least pre new 52 when they removed 95 percent of her personality). not wanting to be faced with the prospect of being a victim again, she lures thinker into a trap with the intention of killing him. even after she's gotten more solid footing, she still is willing to kill to protect other people (she starts getting ready to snipe black mask when she thinks he will kill someone who was working for her in no man's land, before helena as batman shows up) and she is willing to authorize huntress to use lethal force to protect tim.
and tim's rhetoric for not killing people is very 'becuase bruce said so'. no seriously like (link) his rhetoric for a lot of what he does as robin is based on following The Rules ™. who made the rules? Bruce. and if he breaks the rules he feels unworthy. it would've been cool if the writers had acknowledged this way they wrote him so he could develop his own moral code, but I'm not sure they did in what I read. generally bruce was right because he's batman, so tim following bruce's rules for the most part is tim being right. no need to think of it further
dick is very anti-murder in ntt because heroes don't do that ™ and he seems less so in later comics. like he beats himself up a ton for nearly beating the joker to death but in later nightwing issues he's fine with people getting hit by ricochet when they are shooting at him and it is unclear if he maybe causes this guy to get hit by lightning, which kills him (but he had to do it to save a baby). i guess like with tomasi's run on nightwing and late new earth continuity, he just seems in general unconcerned with the whole debate and like. he doesn't use lethal force b/c that's not what you do, but he also doesn't let himself get too concerned about it, and when he was in NTT it was very much just. those are the rules (like tim)
damian's rhetoric starts out opposite from everyone's because killing your enemies is just what you do. like not even out of malice if writers are keeping anything consistent from the original LoS/LoA goal it should be to save people/the world. and he evolves from there. post R:SoB, fter his character arc, he seems to be one of the more anti-killing members of the batfam, probably behind cass, and a lot of it is based in the belief in people to change and his own feeling of guilt and empathizing with the people they fight because! Why was I any different from them? (he does not accept that he was a kid as a reason for why he should be held less responsible). and it's not just a case of 'not killing people b/c they are like me' he often tries to get them to reform. cass does this too.
and you have helena who is portrayed in batfam comics as like. having a super high body count but its fucking hilarious if you read her solo b/c she really doesn't. and she does kill 2 people in her solo, a lot of the time it seems to be based on even if they are a bad person and by her rhetoric they deserve to die, how she is feeling when it is going down. like she was going to rescue one of the guys responsible for killing her parents before he said something indicating he was intending on using her or something that triggered her (I can't remember the exact dialogue) which like what an IDIOT. and she also killed a serial killer, but i believe she felt personally responsible for the serial killer since she had inadvertently provided him with the means to escape from prison and failed to stop him before. i feel like even if she goes in a situation thinking "I am definitely going to kill this guy" she does not always do it, and frequently she can lean to leniency barring external circumstances. but she doesn't consider herself as someone who considers killing automatically wrong, even though there isn't a ton of things different from her situation than from dick or babs's, both of whom who have either been ready to kill people or been unconcerned if people they were fighting died or both.
and then obviously you have jason who is very pro-murder (i'm only going w/ pre flashpoint continuity b/c that's the one i've read more of), who does not care if people who aren't 100% deserving to die by his standards are killed by him (he kills drug dealers w/o giving them a chance to follow his rules to intimidate people or b/c he has no need of them after consolidating his power, he poisons people he can't control who he is poisoning in prison, causing many people to die -- both of these written by winick, generally regarded as the 'good' pre FP jason writer), because he is acting from a place of trauma and pain but believes that if he can control crime correctly he can 'fix' things -- but his reasoning is very based on his own personal experiences and not in compassion for others, or at least the people he allegedly is helping are very abstract and not real for him. and like. it's an interesting character trait because LOTS of batfam members' motives aren't really even tied into compassion when talking about not killing (dick's aren't, tim's aren't, babs's aren't), and some also have their personal experiences highly motivating them (babs, cass, damian).
i realize that steph is not on here but she is also like. really changing based on the writer (so do the others, but her evolution felt harder to track). i feel like pre batgirl-ing, she definitely feels some people deserve to die and might kill someone in anger if they reminded her of her dad and no one stopped her. batgirling, her writing is different, the writer wants to portray her as a little 'softer', more based on hope, but the writer does not actually show us how she changed, which is frustrating.
anyway i just think they're all so interesting and i love them
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jon-cantlain · 6 months
what is your opinion on each of the Wayne's?
oh that'll be good
bruce is a bit slow and i never understand what he's saying when he goes on about some rich stuff, but he's cool to my dad and always gives me candy
dick is awesome he always shows me cool tricks and acrobatics shit when I'm there and he knows all of my secrets, so if we ever stop being friends I'd have to wipe his memory
jason is cut off but in a good way, he's like the emotionally unavailable teenage sister i never had
tim is kind of annoying sometimes but he's a great friend when needed and is very smart and knows how to fix almost everything
damian is my best friend so of course I'll say he's amazing although sometimes he doesn't get my jokes and i gotta stand there waiting for him to just not laugh at all
cass is cool, she's all quiet but is very sweet and i know she'd beat anyone's ass if needed
steph is like that single aunt that's always around for the food and alcohol, but i like her she's fun
duke is chill, he always has some nice stuff to say and never gets mad at me for breaking his stuff. or maybe it's cause dick takes the blame every time
alfred is like that ancient creature that everyone knows is real but doesn't know why or how, so we'll obey him otherwise who knows what that old fella is capable of
conner is my stepbro but he's also dating tim so ig that makes him a wayne too. he's a jerk when he's awake, but he's still my bro and I'd do anything for him
bart is dating connor and tim and tbh idk much about him just that he always looks like a caffeinated squirrel
roy is cool but i get the feeling he's up to some criminal stuff like jaywalking
wally gotta be the most normal guy there, maybe one day I'll wake up and find out that he's a government agent undercover or something
barbara is not a wayne but shes always in the gd manor so she either works there as tech support or shes cursed to never leave
and now there's ric.. don't know him that much yet but he's with duke, so how bad can he be?
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Halloween prompts no. 17
Danny had to borrow Pandoras box to fight and seal away a giant evil space monster. After defeating it and sucking it up into the box, he takes the time to nerd out about fighting a space monster in space, not only that but another dimensions space! That opens up so many questions about other space anomalies such as wormholes and-
Unfortunately for him he failed to consider two crucial details.
1. The box does not judge what is good or what is evil. Thats the boxs users job.
2. The sun is close by.
All it took was Danny waving his wands around in his excitement from talking to himself for the boxs lid to open up just a crack.
Then the sun was gone.
Danny felt himself go pale. Knowing the people and creatures of Earth (and potential aliens from Mars) required the sun to not, ya know, freeze to death, he panicked hard and pulled all his power to teleport then entire solar system into the Infinite Realms.
Having such a sudden massive drain to his energy right after a taxing fight caused phantom to pass out from exhaustion and he was dragged into a hiding place by the little blob ghosts who were familiar with him and wanted to repay his kindness.
Meanwhile the people of Earth and Mars were wigging out like there's no tomorrow. Thier atmosphere was in tact but a odd green force field was around each of the celestial bodies, preventing anyone from leaving. Thankfully it kept most of the monsters from whereever this place was from entering either. Well, all but these tiny little blobs. But they seemed rather harmless and mostly just stuck to people seemingly at random.
Batman, however, wanted answers and started with inspecting the little blobs. He discovered that they tent to group in places where traumatic events happened and on people who have unresolved trauma or deeply negative emotions. Needless to say his family is swarmed constantly. Damian keeps feeding them snacks, Tim has taken to wearing a pseudo space helmet equipped with an automatic windshield wiper so he could see (he gets swarmed constantly and by far the worst), Jason had run from the swarms at first but has slowly come to except them. Then he found out a group of them had killed the Joker after the clown killed on of thier own and now Jason loves them, Dick somehow managed to convince them to hold little flowers and he made a flower crown using thier squishy moldable little bodies. Cute. Duke has to wear sunglasses all the time because these things make his eyes hurt, Cass surprisingly only has a small following, Steph has them in her hair all the time wether she wants to or not, Barbara has some playing on her wheelchair and and clinging to her arms and Bruce...well let's just say its hard to be intimidating when you're covered in tiny squishy balls of smiling creatures that squee happily at every movement. If he puts on his cowl some will race to the top of his head between the bat ears and claim it as thier nap spot before the others can. They're like children.
The Justice League come together to discuss this issue and how to solve it. They debate on either they should break through the force field to see what the outside is like, but that idea is quickly scrapped due to the giant monsters and the fact they don't know if the force field is whats keeping the atmosphere in tact or if it would be effected if it was broken.
No one on the JL or the JLD knew what this place was, how they got here, or how to get out, but normal people were suddenly able to see things like ghosts and demons which is leading to whole new crisises.
Superman really doesn't like how similar this world looks to the Phantom Zone and he needs to be careful since this place has no sun
Danny does eventually wake up over a week later and has GZ food and water basically shoved in his face by his little friends. The thing about blob ghosts was that they were basically the clean up crew of the place. They absorbed negativity and neutralized it before releasing it back into the area. Many ghosts kept them as pets due to making them feel better and helping them overcome trauma.
Danny really loved the little guys and was currently sticking some onto himself while trying to give himself a pep talk and go ask Pandora how to return the sun to its proper place so he can start figuring out how he was going to send an entire star system back to its home dimension. He doesn't even know how he brought it here in the first place!!!
All Clockwork would say is, "All is as it should be."
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I severely need Tim to get hit by The Clench a second time. I need him to cough blood and bleed from all orifices. I need him to get back on that medical bed and wrapped with a whole bunch of bandages. I want Tim to be on the verge of hopelessness because he doesn't believe he would make it. I want Bruce to be so firm in his denial, everyone believes his words as truth, making Tim super bitter on the inside but feeling touched that he actually cares. I want Tim to be on the verge of death, and Jason and Damian doing their utmost best to find a cure for Tim, but there's not enough time and their best doesn't feel like it's enough and. I need Dick to be his original, unhinged, rageful self on the warpath for whoever had the wonderful idea to give his baby brother The Clench a second time. I need Cass breaking bones and putting people on the verge of death because she's scared and angry and no one can stop her, not until her little brother is safe. And why Tim? Why not any other character? *grabs you by the face and squishes your cheeks* Because that boi is my blorbo and things need to happen to him
Tim barely survived the Clench with a fully functioning immune system. I doubt he'd survive a second dose... but that could be part of the angst.
Maybe he survives because Bruce already has the cure on hand, or maybe Ra's al Ghul releases a different deadly disease to take out Tim.
For Tim, I don't think slowly withering away in bed is something he can handle. He's meant to be up and helping others. He'd be so frustrated with his failing health, his constant sleeping (which loses a ton of time), and how his family hovers around him. He feels miserable (pain, fever, shaking limbs, vomiting, etc). He just wants to feel okay again. He wants his family to stop looking at him like that. He doesn't have enough energy to reassure or help them.
Tim is clenching the bed sheets as another family member sits by his bedside and confesses their regrets in case this is it. He hears the distinct pitches, tones, and defense mechanisms as they apologize for past transgression. With the way Tim's voice keeps sputtering into coughs, he can't interrupt or absolve them. He wishes they wouldn't do this.
He had forgiven them long ago.
Damian, a kid who's seen so much death, shouldn't be so shaken at Drake's frail figure. The sight of the person he's just starting to accept as his brother shouldn't cause the younger one's hands to shake. Tim has always been fallible (Damian has seen it when he pushed Tim off that dinosaur), but he's never been so defenseless and weak. The youngest Wayne can hardly leave his post at Tim's door or bedside.
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purpleprincessonfyre · 7 months
OUAT AU - I Gave My Blood, Sweat and Tears For This
Characters: Liane St James, Cassandra Sean, Belladonna St James
Mentioned: Bruce Banner, Melissa Wallace, Alexander, Rochelle Romanoff-Felton
Location: Fighter-Town, Cursed Modern Day
IB: Once Upon A Time, You're On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift
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"You did what?"
"Cass you've been saying for years that he doesn't treat me right. It's almost all we talk about!"
"Yeah but I didn't expect you to-"
"Wow so you tell me to stick it to the man and then when I actually do, you freak?"
Liane sighed, sipping her tea. Cassie stirred her tea busily, trying to get her head around it, her gaze landing on Liane's bandaged nose every so often.
"He really hit you?"
"I hit him back. Pushed him over his desk."
"Okay I lost it but can you blame me?"
Liane questioned. Cass just lowered her head and sipped her tea. Everyone knew Liane could lose her temper, she just hadn't really done it in a while. She could be pretty volatile when she lost it. She had a history of breaking things, screaming and generally just going a little mad. But Cassie had never seen Liane get violent. It was not her style. Cassie very delicately tried to change the subject as she drank her herbal tea.
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"So are you still gonna be a lawyer?"
"Of course just...on my terms. I'll be my own boss. I'll be fine."
"Well I'm here if you need me, you know that."
"Oh I know. But I'll be alright. Bella will keep babysitting, I'll find clients..."
"You don't have to do this alone."
"Don't worry Cassie. I'll get by."
Liane relaxed into her chair and reached into the fruit bowl for a snack pulling out a shiny red apple. She was a little confused since she hadn't remembered buying apples at the grocery store but maybe Cass had brought them. She plucked it from the bowl and raised it to her mouth when Cassie stopped her suddenly.
"Don't eat that!"
"What? Did you want it?"
"No I just....I uh thats wax. Its a wax apple I thought your fruit bowl was for decoration."
"Oh shoot! Damn." She put the apple down on the table, instantly seeing Cassie's shoulders relax as she did so.
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"You okay?"
"Yeah sorry its just I didn't want you to break your teeth or something."
"You're good hun." Liane smiled, finishing her tea as she saw the time on her watch, realising it wasn't long until school ended for Belladonna.
"Oh shoot, school let's out soon! I told Bella I'd pick her up. I should go, this has been lovely Cass but I gotta shoot off."
"Oh not at all, go right ahead I gotta do the books at the shop anyway."
"I'll talk to you later."
Cassie got up and slipped the apple into her pocket as she left the house, taking it towards the trash can and throwing it in. That had been close. She looked over her shoulder and checked no one had seen her before she headed down the road back to her florists shop. It was clear that Liane would need watching a lot closer for now.
Liane waved off Cass and shut the door to get ready to pick up Bella from school, getting in her car as she saw a bottle of apple juice sat on the front seat.  She didn't recognise the brand in anyway but it looked pretty fresh. She assumed it was probably Bella's and decided to leave it until she saw her. It was a little odd though as she thought about it. Maybe she'd left it this morning. That made sense.
As she finally pulled up at the school she turned on her tunes with the windows up, just waiting patiently for Bella to walk out. She was just nodding her head at first but as she got into it she was singing at the top of her lungs when Bella opened the passenger seat car door.
"Cause you got that James Dean, daydream, look in your eye and I got that-"
"Thing that you like and when we go-"
"We never go- Oh sweetheart! I'm so sorry!" She instantly turned down the music as Bella climbed in the car, aware she might be embarrassed by her.
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"Sorry sweetie I got caught up. Oh here's your juice."
"Thank you and I- what? What juice?"
"Oh yknow, this one. I figured you forgot it in the car this morning."
"That's...not mine."
"Oh well. Waste not want not." Liane uncapped the bottle and lifted it to her lips as Bella's eyes widened and she slapped the bottle out her hands and it flew out of the window onto the road.
"Where did you get that?"
"It was on your seat, kiddo."
"Don't drink things you find! Especially apple flavoured things..."
"Bella stop it-"
"What did you say to the Mayor?"
"I...I told him I quit. Hence my nose. But I got my own back I shoved him over his desk. He deserved it."
"Mom now he's got it out for you, he's going to poison you!"
"Enough! Enough with this fantasy stuff, I'm glad you worry about me and I know he's an asshole but he's not some evil king in a high castle! He's just a guy that has too much power that sucks. Okay?"
"Just- be careful."
Liane smiled, stroking Bella's hair kindly, kissing her forehead gently. As she drove out of the school parking lot, a thought did cross her mind as she headed back towards home.
"Why would you be worried about me eating something apple flavoured?"
"Well...the Mayor has an apple tree."
"Okay...and why is that bad?"
"The apples...aren't normal."
"I know there are tiny apples that you can't eat because they're for the birds. And cooking apples you shouldn't eat raw.
"Wait, so you think he juiced one of those bad apples, bottled it, wrapped it in a fake brand label, somehow broke into my car and planted it on your seat for me to find?"
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Bella rolled her eyes, tossing her braid over her shoulder. Liane chuckled and continued to drive as they reached the front of their house and saw a basket on the porch. A wicker basket with steam escaping from it. Liane immediately panicked, worrying something was on fire and rushing to open the basket. But when she looked closer she realised there was a steaming strudel inside, a gorgeous golden crusting coated in toasted brown sugar.
"False alarm! It's a strudel, Cassie probably baked today."
"A strudel? Does she normally drop food on our door?"
"Well, no but I guess she feels bad because of the- yknow quitting." Liane scooped up the basket and carried it inside as Bella followed quickly.
"Did she leave a note?"
"Uh...no. But it probably is from her-"
"Mom! Don't eat it!"
"Mom please don't eat the strudel!"
"I'm not gonna waste good food young lady."
Bella rubbed her eyes in an affected manner, really wanting to get her point across.
"I know you think everyone in this town is good and kind and nice but do you really know everybody? Like realistically how well do we actually know these people?"
"Pretty well I'd say since they trust us to watch each others kids and the parents trust you to babysit their kids."
"Just...let me have the strudel. I'll....feed it to the twins tonight. Just if you're gonna eat a pastry, get it from the diner. We can trust them."
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Liane considered, staring at the golden pastry then seeing the look in her daughters eyes. There was real concern there. She relented at last, leaving the strudel be.
"Fine. I won't eat it. But don't throw it out either. When does Rochelle want you?"
"5pm. She's gotta talk to Cole about something and needs me to watch the kids until she's back."
"Alright. Maybe I'll eat at the diner then since you suggested it."
"Yes. And please no moping. I know what you get like." Bella responded, packing up her bag for spending the night at Rochelle's House. Babysitting often meant sleepovers which also meant telling the twins more stories about their fantasy lives. Bella went to fetch some pyjamas, leaving her Storybook on the table by Liane's phone.
Whilst Bella was gone, Liane peeked inside the pages and saw an illustration of a blonde woman with large black horns, sweeping dark purple wings, a long trailing wispy dress and purple eyes. Her face looked incredibly familiar but she couldn't quite place it and something in her mind felt different as she looked at the image longer. As she heard Bella's footsteps though she closed it quickly, going back to her phone.
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"You need a ride?"
"I'll take my bike. I'll see you on Saturday."
"Alright sweetie, love you!"
"Love you too, be careful!" Bella called, clipping on her helmet and heading out the door. Liane sighed and waved her off at the window before grabbing her car keys and heading off to Bruce's Diner for a nice meal. She deserved this. And it did feel nice to get out of the house. She parked up and headed for the door, the warm lights feeling inviting as she stepped inside.
The little bell on the door chimed and Bruce himself raised his head from by the coffee maker and smiled at Liane as she walked in. She sat herself at the bar and waited for someone to take her order, just taking space to relax.
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"Hey Ms St James, good to see ya. What can I getcha?"
"Hey Melissa, uh what's the pie of the day?"
"Oh uh it's a fruit pie tonight. Is that okay?"
"That's absolutely fine. Uh in that case I'll have the pie."
"A slice? Or..."
"Melissa. Honey. A whole one thanks."
Melissa nodded and headed into the kitchen and went to go and put in her order as the door's bell went, alerting the staff to a new customer arriving. Liane turned her head and beckoned them over, smiling.
Thanks for reading! Watch this space for Part 2 to see who just walked in and see if Belladonna is right about Alexander.
Tagging: @jackiequick @gcthvile @rooster-84 @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @missstrawbs2001 @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh
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