#Castlevania DLC
yore-donatsu · 2 years
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Just a dream 🩸🦇
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somerandomg33k · 2 months
"Can I kill Dracula?"
I love Castlevania. Sadly, with how it's publisher is like, the only way to get good Castlevania games now is with a different. Like having the Dead Cells' developer Motion Twin creating a Castlevania DLC. Best chance for more awesome Castlevania is playing someone's else game. Oh well. But Dead Cells is great too. And I am trying to raise money for my friend in need. Come and join me.
(!13+) Dracula in Dead Cells is hard | !freepalestine | !fundraising for !Johanna | !retweet | !AMA
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louzathame · 1 month
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Alucard and Dracula doodles:
I’m seriously hyped for this update. I haven’t really played DBD for awhile but I’m totally not getting back into it again because the Castlevania DLC - it’s a perfect excuse.
I’m very out of practice and i’m still waiting for my computer to stop buggering up so I did these while I was waiting. So yeah, enjoy these silly doodles. It’s gonna be nice seeing another fatherly bond of Dracula with Alucard lmao.
Are you just as hyped as I am? :)
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silenthill2ps2 · 2 months
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richter maria and leon don't look now but there's an ugly bitch next to you
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wicker-dragoon · 1 year
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Old bobby dedcells body pillow, let me know what other body pillows you awful lot would suggest me to draw hehehhe
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
Having made it to the Dracula dialogue in Dead Cells, I love several things about it.
Prisoner still has no voice grunts, meaning Dracula is reading Prisoner's internal monologue somehow- not implausible, he is Dracula.
This apparently does not throw Prisoner, who is used to not being able to talk to people
He is THAT offended by Richter being imprisoned. he does not know who Richter is and keeps referring to him as "that blue guy" but he is furious that Dracula would imprison someone "worth saving" like that (hm, Prisoner, do you have some predictable and obvious trauma considering how many of the level flavortext talk in significant detail about prison brutality?)
Prisoner remarks he does not see himself as "much of a human anymore" suggesting he sees himself as formerly human, which makes his soliloquy in the sewers a little bit sadder.
It's very funny that Prisoner is pretty consistently shorter than any non-child humanoid he meets. I don't think he's actually under 5ft as depicted by the Everyone Is Here update, but the guy's definitely rather compact. Which makes Dracula's comment of "pick on someone your own size, or slightly bigger," when he's siccing an Elite on you very funny.
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bluestarrob91art-blog · 9 months
Games I beat in 2023.
I just wanted to draw something for each game I beat in 2023. In requote from my main post, I leave a comment or two on each game.
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ignix191 · 2 years
Dead Cells Return to Castlevania
I can't help myself so here's a fanart of the thumbnail on the latest @StockeTepes Dead Cells Stream with the Castlevania DLC
Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9kFXLT_LLI&t=9s
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nintendocafe · 2 years
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania DLC - Nintendo Switch
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doodlesdreaming · 2 years
I. AM. HYPED!!!!!
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Also that's gotta be the longest run Bobby had...until the universe said nope! X'D
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somerandomg33k · 2 months
"Dracula! Dracula! Dracula!"
Love the Castlevania DLC in Dead Cells. But I haven't even faced Dracula. Back to playing more Dead Cells because the game is great and the DLC is great. And I am trying to raise money for my friend in need. Come and join me.
(!13+) Kill Dracula in Dead Cells? | !freepalestine | !fundraising for !Johanna | !retweet | !AMA
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nm-mattuz · 1 year
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soulful-rodent · 1 month
*Sippppps tea*
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So does Konami get a cut from this?
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hansungkee · 2 years
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The First 2023 Art.
After Mother Brain's Final Defeat, The Video Land's Peace Will Come at Last. The three Heroes was Return to Inkwell Isles. Music : Ending theme of Konami Wai Wai World If Knows Captain N, Duke, Princess Lana was Freed After Destroyed The Source was Mother Brain and Metroid... The three Ding Dongs Might doesn't Knew After Returned Inkwell Isles About it.
Cuphead(C) StudioMDHR Donkey Kong,Kid Icarus, The Legend of Zelda (C) Nintendo Castlevania, Wai Wai World (C) Konami Megaman (C) Capcom Captain N (C) filbarlow, DiC Entertainment
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winterdebts · 1 year
“why don’t you just read the wiki” uh I plan to how do you think I’m going to make my 100% very comprehensive in-depth lore document :/ I still need to play the games thoufh or else I’ll be forever unfulfilled
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guess-im-here · 2 years
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Second monitor time babey
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