#Case Management course
Study Community Services Diploma for Better Future
If you’re looking to kick-start a career in an industry that you know has opportunities to bloom, then the Diploma of community service is the right career for you. A Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) can help you advance your career in the community services field. Want to know more about the roles within this rewarding community services industry? Let’s read on.
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For a moment I thought Doumeki was going to mention that Kohane was worried about Watanuki and asked Doumeki to look after him - but instead he pivots to the thing I had completely forgotten about and mentions the balloon. 
How long ago was the balloon. Forever ago. It was from before Watanuki fell out the window. 
Balloon appeared in Chapter 50, which I seem to have read in 2017, and Watanuki gives it to Kohane in Chapter 58. So this balloon is seven years old for me. This balloon is the age of a small child. 
I suppose it’s not as extreme if you go by publishing date. Volume 8 was published in Feb 2006 and Volume 14 was Feb 2009. But that’s still three years!
Clamp really playing the long game here as if we would expect anything else at this point. 
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door · 1 month
i got my stitches out today, which means im no longer wearing a bulky bandage on my right hand, which means i can confess to the dumbest thing i did while i was trapped in it. which was to put it into a pot glove and confidently open the open to retrieve something only my hand was too bulky from the bandage so the pot glove popped right off and flew up and landed in the bottom of the oven. where it promptly erupted into flames
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sysig · 4 months
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A hero is only as good as his weapons, so make ‘em count (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Another idea smol and I are working on together :D Been a bit!#She came up with the concept on this one and I fell in love with it <3 She's very cool hehe#If you're familiar with the game Minit it has Something of a similar premise - not the same strict time pressure but yes on the time loop#Y'ever notice how in some games it seems like the wandering trader or traveling shop seems to come upon you rather than the other way around#:3c Hm ♪ Wonder how they'd know where you were gonna be :3c#The crux is that you play as the weapons shop owner and you're responsible for supplying the hero and his team with weapons!#Except the BBEG has gotten wise to how the hero keeps defeating him and it sick of it - so the shop owner is cursed to be in a time loop!#I love the concept <3 It sounds so fun to play in and there's still plenty of room to think about the mechanics and how it would be played#As well as the art design! :D#We threw around some character concepts - she's really into Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment so of course they had some influence in hers hehe#Only got the starting party for the moment but there are plans for a full team of 4 plus the shopkeep >:3c And various other NPCs lol#A lot of the gameplay would basically boil down to being a bartering simulator hehe ♪#Very RPG trade-this-for-that style quests - under a time limit! Hehe#Since it's the type of game that pretty much requires replaying sections time-loop-style it's all about how quickly you can trial and error#And then hightail it to where you need to be lol#I think we were also tossing around a nap mechanic to skip right to the time loop reset in case you mess up a run haha#I gotta get back to Majora's Mask at some point I swear#We still have a good bit of concept work to do on the art side of things - she's also been really into pixel art lately and I love pixel art#I also managed to pick up a full release of one of the RPGMakers :D So that's an exciting possibility!#I haven't learned most of its ins and outs yet but I do know About importing custom assets at the very least >:3c#Same with Novelty and I haven't done that yet either lol - all in due time! I hope!!
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
Anne's ability to hold the king off for seven years is part of her legend. The brilliance of her strategy was to cast herself in the role of the courtly lady, requiring Henry to play to perfect knight. Henry was nothing if not dogged in the pursuit of all the roles in which he cast himself—philosopher-king, warrior, even husband—and 'this persona of courtly lover...was fully formed in Henry and had been signaling...for an answering adept to come and lift its latch. In Anne, he had her: she was the mistress of Petrarchan contraries [...] the perfect [player] for the king's tender interest.'
Renaissance Prince: Elizabeth, Lisa Hilton
#henry viii#lisa hilton#'even husband'- that's all folks closing theme.mp3#so we see the relevant argument a lot that the seymours 'successfuly' replicated this which is kind of...yes and. no?#tl; dr it is really difficult to conceive jane managing to balance this tightrope for seven years (not to mention. three years thereafter#in a series of increasingly challenging circumstances)#(before edward vi is born i don't think their rise is comparable to the boleyns in the 1530s or the howards in the 1540s insofar as#the promotion of the queen-in-waiting's/queen's family members)#(it can be argued the seymours did maintain for longer bcus there was a plateau. in favour and rise. iyw. after edward vi's birth. or more#specifically: jane's death.)#is it possible? ig we don't really 'know' definitively#but considering anne was a successful intercessory agent even in her role as mistress#and jane was not even as queen. i...highly. doubt#there is of course the mystery of behind closed doors to be considered#(DID either of these women fully 'hold him off'? did they necessarily...want to?#but no pregnancies out of wedlock- well. elizabeth. ig. depending on who you ask- broadly speaking then#would suggest both did. and it's more likely in anne's case despite rumors for both bcus#seven years is a much longer period of time)#tl; dr the original quote is 'her blowing hot and cold was the perfect environment' WHICH#perhaps fits better for that argument- (they were the perfect players for those moments in time~ in henry's psyche as it were...#that by 1536 henry's tolerance for being 'challenged' by his lover had. worn pretty thin#however since we don't have anne's letters. i don't like summaries like that lol#we have no way of judging ourselves whether she was 'blowing hot or cold' or if henry was - maybe even willfully- misinterpreting her#whether they really were 'mixed messages' or henry was mixing them himself bcus they weren't what he wanted to hear#'my great folly' and all that. sooo.......
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early-october-skies · 2 months
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Me when we don't speak anymore by bears in trees
#lizzierants#had a sudden unplanned job interview today. i wanted to cry the whole time but managed to keep it together and now the anxiety has suddenly#caught up to me and it feels BAD the sudden thought of that what if my friends just dont actually like me and they like me purely because#theyre worried for what would become of me if they stopped being friends with me when purely of course id be fine eventually but i worry#that cause im on antidepressants people just think im automatically suicidal when something bad goes wrong which is not the case im doing#good i dont want to die but what if all my friends hate me what if this whole time i have loved them so so much and they just tolerate me#someday my friends will die and i had that i hate that someday we wont be friends even if its decades in the future i love all of them with#my heart that sometimes i feel it is overfilling i love them i love them and what am i without them i am everything i have ever loved i am#overthinking however i cannot stop this what if my own best friend is avoiding me? why am i thinking this? what evidence do i have to back#this up? nothing only for the fact my own brain feels as though i love people too much and they are uncomfortable with it i feel awful wtf#i have learned to keep my emotions from people because i dont want them to worry. i dont want people to do something or not do something bec#ause they think it will upset me i want people do do as they please i want to be open for my friends to share their issues i want to help#and im sitting here wirrying if they hate me so i turn here to shout in the void because the only person i know irl who follows me on here#most likely doesnt read these tags and if you are please ingore this i misjudged your terrible attention span also i love you very much#anyway a few weeks ago i realised my worst fear is no longer death. but the death of my friendship with my beloved friend. and thats fucking#terrifying prospect however if they were to be like yo i dont like you anymore id respect that decision and id be okay because their happine#is the most important thing to me and thats okay but i couldnt bare with the fact that they feel like they had to be ffiends with me because#they have to. i hate the prospect of them feeling trapped in a friendship theh dont want to be in. all the while i feel i cannot communicate#this to anyone because how would i go about it im very anxious i am shaking i am having a bad time very bad time actually im going to start#crying but its okay <3 crying is good for stress and health and its been a while since ive cried so maybe this will help me feel better <3#i will heal and ill be okay <3
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
At work today
*Phone call*
Me: [Company] This is Rae. How can I help you?
Person: *panicked question*
Me: Okay let me put you on hold while I review your account.
*puts student on hold and reads account*
*walks to manager's office where two of my managers are*
Me: The lord hates me
Managers: *fall over in laughter*
Manager 1, wiping her tears: What an entrance
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piived · 2 months
thought about David Wymack for too long and now I’m emotionally compromised in a Walmart parking lot
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fizzing-saturn · 4 months
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hes practically an oc at this point
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see sometimes I try and think about it all more logically. what if it was all happening to a friend. my friend!! you completely forgot to feed your kitten his wet food for five days? you haven't drunk water for a couple of days? you didn't shower or change your clothes for four days? you've only eaten two actual meals in the last two days? your average sleep in the last week is around five hours? my friend, you need help.
since it's me, I don't need help.
#most of it has been genuine forgetfulness/zoning out and 'oh it's 2am'#but like. last night i was lying awake hungry as anything bc all I had was dinner and not a great deal of that. if id been in a house on my#own i would've hopped up and got smth but i couldn't in case of disturbing grandma#(I have since purchased things that I will store near my bed that I can either take out of there#or leave them there for any such emergencies. if you call them emergencies. sometimes if i can't handle eating normally if i can't see what#im eating i can manage that - makes it less real somehow.)#honestly tho i am shocked by how immediately all my carefully created routines have fallen apart tbh#should i talk to my lecturer at uni who does the 12-2 class? to check she's ok with me eating in class? bc otherwise i will likely not eat#anything before dinnertime. probably skip breakfast#i don't know. i don't know anything. i love my course i love it so much and i don't know how i'll handle it#but i don't think i'd handle not doing it#idk im just so tired man#depression does a number on you frfr#okay that's it im turning on the heater finding some music and doing a lil dance. see if i feel better. maybe try a bit of hot water with#ginger or smth livening in it. i do want to try that. something to wake you up. ive been in a dead depressed limbo for five hours straight#and done nothing of use#tw ed#good news tho i find my anxiousness overall reduces the more depressed i am xD idk why lol#personal#puddleglum hours
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myname-isnia · 7 months
How awful of a decision do you think it would be if I didn’t sleep at all tonight
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
do you ever stop and assess your outfit based on how easy or difficult it would make things for you if an adventure began today?
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asaxophony · 1 year
Reminding all 5 people who follow me I have an artfight
You want to help me collect Killjoys so so bad.
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
people be like: oh no! don’t take classes in the morning 😡😡😡 you won’t wake up you’ll be too tired 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
and im like ma’am I am paying for this education 100% by myself, and if i have classes in the afternoon/evening my brain will just do a: BIG TASK later can not function until then
and guess what? The laundry will never get done
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
!!!!!! I FINALLY managed to map out the ch 16/17 outline for APWH!!! (16 and 17 because it's all thematically similar but it's gonna be literally seventy pages or something if it all goes in one chapter so we're breaking it up)
The good news about that, other than the fact that this part's been stumping me for ages, is that chapters 18 and 19 are MUCH clearer in my mind and have been planned out for a while.
Anyways i'm super tired but really excited about that
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yeleltaan · 1 year
//As is usually the case around this time of the year, I’m terribly busy with studies and it’s been hard for me to do things on the blog in the little spare time I have, I can’t focus very well.
It will pass soon, and hopefully after that I can resume the work of giving this blog a little more life. The itch to write is still there and I can’t wait to be free to scratch it.
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