dragonflyinnovates · 7 months
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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dragonflyinnovates · 8 months
Your sixth most recent emoji is how your guardian angel feels about you
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dragonflyinnovates · 8 months
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Cardigans are posted and available for preorder!
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dragonflyinnovates · 8 months
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Giveaway time! Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting Secret Confessions to a Sage~ 🩷🌸
3 Winners will get: 1 PRINT of their choice + 1 of EACH sticker below! (I'll ship for free internationally, so all are welcome!)
How to Enter: Follow, Reblog, and Like this post!
Ends on Nov 13!
Thank you, again! 💕
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dragonflyinnovates · 10 months
bro big companies on websites like eBay and Poshmark need to learn a bit of subtlety. Like dear CEO, no I will now be buying your perfectly captured modeled leather jacket, that is sized perfectly and has perfect lighting. I will be buying from mariaj445 because her lighting is shit, the size is ambiguous, and she is doing her very best to keep her face out of the photos. i trust mariaj445, she has my best intentions in mind
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dragonflyinnovates · 11 months
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Reblog to make him lose another 200 billion, like to make him lose 1 billion
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
100k notes and i'll @ my crush on this post
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
people be like: oh no! don’t take classes in the morning 😡😡😡 you won’t wake up you’ll be too tired 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
and im like ma’am I am paying for this education 100% by myself, and if i have classes in the afternoon/evening my brain will just do a: BIG TASK later can not function until then
and guess what? The laundry will never get done
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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dragonflyinnovates · 1 year
A dog that acts like a teen with anxiety disorder 😭
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
Proof of Allegations
Quick question on Andrew Tate’s arrest, has any official proof been released yet? If so, would people be so kind as to link sources, I have been wading through hundreds of articles and can’t find any actual reports of what he’s done yet.
I have a friend that supports some of his ideals, and he has yet to see “any reliable proof,” that he’s a sex trafficker. I would love to prove that he is, and have tried, but don’t have the sources to back myself up. Any links to articles are victim statements would be very helpful ✌️
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
One day I hope to have a house, and I will fill it with all the things i love. I will put stickers on my cabinets and paint ghosts on my walls for Halloween. And when Christmas comes around and I do not wish to paint over them yet, I will give them santa hats and adorn them with holly.
And one day, when my friends children come over, and get crayon all over the walls, I won’t be mad, because it will show how full of life my house is, and just how many people loved it.
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
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Dratini chocolate truffles filled with Oreo and chocolate ganache 💙
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It's kind of amazing looking back at how far I've come since its first Pokémon GO Community Day, what a fun journey it's been!
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
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So; to join you need to reblog it and comment your favorite legendary ! 1st place will get to pick any of them; same with 2nd place with the other two left and 3rd will get who will be left behind ! I FORGOT TO ADD DATE: THIS WILL END AT 30TH OCTOBER !
Must be following me to join in; new comers are welcome !!!
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
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My plate is finished! By far one of my favorite pieces I’ve done recently.
Alolan Ninetales are such majestic creatures, I would love to see one turn up at the center at some point.
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dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
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Zorua, the Tricky Fox Pokémon.  It changes into the forms of others to surprise them. Apparently, it often transforms into a silent child.
Happy Halloween everyone!
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