#hopefully my lilligant one will turn out just as well!
dragonflyinnovates · 2 years
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My plate is finished! By far one of my favorite pieces I’ve done recently.
Alolan Ninetales are such majestic creatures, I would love to see one turn up at the center at some point.
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echoeternally · 4 years
If Machamp Survives...
By selecting Machamp as part of the Hero’s Second Wind poll, these are scenes that will be included for him.
Brief descriptions and scene titles will be included below!
Fair warning: There is some content dealing with death below as well.
Second warning: This post is long to depict several developing scenes!
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Machamp’s Survival
This scene depicts the direct events that lead to Machamp escaping from his near death experience, arriving in a cave with mysterious healing properties.
Machamp, sadly, does not arrive alone.
Gasping, Machamp lurched forward, and coughed as he steadied his breathing. His eyes widened as he spun around, scanning the cavern around him, while his lower arms touched at his body below. No stab wounds.
“They can’t just be gone,” murmured Machamp, still searching the cave around him. “How did we end up here?” He blinked and smacked his head. “We, duh. Alakazam must have…hey.”
He spun around and spotted Alakazam on the land. His smile faded quickly, however, as he watched Alakazam clutching at his chest.
“No.” His eyes widened as he swam through the water. “Hang on, Alakazam!”
Forcing himself up on the nearest land, Machamp hurried over to Alakazam, as his partner collapsed. Machamp scooped him up and held him close.
“No, no, no…Alakazam, come on!” Tears lined Machamp’s eyes. “I’m ok, look! See?” One slipped from his eye as Alakazam’s body went limp in his arms. “Come on, please…I’m only here because you got me here…” He choked. “Why did you have to Teleport so much…?! Why did…why did I ever…? …Don’t leave me…”
... ... ...
Machamp’s Return
This scene sees Machamp returning to his friends, Chesnaught and Greninja. While they’re thrilled to see him, they’re confused about him coming alone.
“Hey!” Machamp beamed his usual smile, resting his lower arms on his hips and waving with his free hand. “How’s everything been?”
I blinked at him, and twisted around to look at Greninja, who gawked ahead at our friend. He smirked as I turned back and took a step over to him.
“You…you’re…alive…?” He nodded as I picked up my pace over to him. “I don’t believe this! Machamp! Is it really you?” My arms launched around him, and he laughed, hugging me back. “How are you here?!”
“Long story, involves me getting un-stabbed a bit,” joked Machamp. He pulled back, still beaming to me. “But yeah, here I am!”
“It’s so great to see you!” Greninja hurried over and hugged him quickly. He jumped back and glanced around. “So, where is…?”
Machamp’s smile disappeared instantly, and Greninja fell silent. I shifted my attention between the two as Machamp deflated. I caught his gaze as he lingered over my hand, with Greninja’s cupping it.
“What happened to Alakazam?” I should’ve held back on asking, but I was curious.
“It’s, uh…it’s just me.” Machamp lowered his head. “Alakazam didn’t…he’s dead.”
... ... ...
New Friends, Old Wounds
Chesnaught introduces Machamp to his friend, Lilligant, and they catch up a bit while learning about one another. Another friend of Chesnaught’s drops in, but is a little less warmly welcomed.
“This is my friend from back home, Lilligant,” I introduced. “Lilligant, this is Machamp, my friend from the Iceberg Empire.”
“Nice to meet you!” She bowed her head to him. “You look very strong!”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Machamp chuckled. “Anyway, pleasure to meet you too! You’re pretty!”
“Thanks! ...I get that a lot too, ha.”
“Of course you do!”
“Lilligant’s become a proficient dancer and mage too,” I expanded.
“Oh, Chesnaught, don’t tell him that.”
“Why not? That sounds great!” Machamp beamed to her. “If you’ve got talents, you should flaunt them!” He folded his lower arms. “Feel proud of what you can do. If you’ve got someone else in your corner, so much the better, but you’ve got to own what you can first.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet. And smart too!” Lilligant bowed to him. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome!” He sighed. “Just looking out for friends that remind, uh...well, Chesnaught’s friends!” Quickly, he turned to me, before I could comfort him. “Greninja mentioned that you two went to one another’s hometowns before coming here, right?”
“How’d that go?”
“Well, I think he liked my family. Folks at the Lotus Lake were pretty nice.” I rubbed behind my head. “As for his father...I’m not sure what to feel. Or, maybe what not to feel, honestly.”
“Ah, that doesn’t sound great. Hopefully you can win him over!”
“Somehow, I’m not sure he’s the type for that,” I murmured.
“Nonsense! You’re really great at gaining anyone’s heart,” determined Machamp. “Trust me, the Iceberg Empire went through loads of growth thanks to you. I’m sure you can get through to him too!” Machamp cracked his knuckles. “If you need any help though, I’m free enough for it!”
“Uh...thank you?” I nervously laughed. “Um...I’m not sure how Greninja would feel about that though.”
“Pretty sure I can get his permission.”
“And I’m pretty sure he’d grant it, but I really don’t think that’s the right way,” I assessed.
“Thank you so much, Machamp!” Lilligant gently touched his arm. “You have no idea how much I try getting those points across to Chesnaught.” She winked. “I’m glad he was in good hands up by you guys.”
“Ha, he was with me, and I was with him!” Machamp grinned. “Chesnaught and I became great buddies, after all.”
Lilligant soured immediately upon hearing Bisharp’s voice, and we all turned to him. He walked from behind a tree across the meadow.
“Chesnaught certainly picks stalwart companions,” Bisharp noted. He offered a hand to Machamp and looked across to him. “Like Lilligant, I’m glad to hear it. Name’s Bisharp.”
“Good to meet you.” Machamp reached over for his hand, but Lilligant grabbed at his. “Um. What is it?”
“She and I don’t particularly get along,” mumbled Bisharp.
“That’s because you’re a fairweather friend, and left Chesnaught alone after he came out with Greninja,” snapped Lilligant. “You were supposed to be his best friend.”
Machamp withdrew his hand and narrowed his gaze on Bisharp, while I stepped between the three. Bisharp lowered his head and turned aside.
“It was a stupid call on my part, I freely admit to that,” confessed Bisharp. He turned back to face me. “Whatever it takes, I’ll keep apologizing to you, Chesnaught. And I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
“Still waiting for you to prove that,” icily demanded Lilligant.
“No, Chesnaught, she’s right,” chimed in Machamp. He glared at Bisharp. “Maybe you should go. Find some other time to apologize.”
“So I shall.” Bisharp turned away. “Take care, then. Good meeting you.”
“Wish I could return the sentiment,” snapped Machamp.
I sighed and scratched my head, as my two close friends fumed watching Bisharp disappear.
... ... ...
All Too Familiar
After a battle, Machamp is approached by Incineroar, who reminds him of another acquaintance that cost him precious time with Alakazam.
“Brawny, hold up!”
Machamp squeezed his eyes shut as Incineroar hurried over to us. He placed his hands near his fiery hips and grinned to Machamp as he eyed him up and down.
“Seeing you battle is second only to seeing you at all,” complimented Incineroar. “If you’re free for the upcoming performance night, maybe you’d like to share a table with me, huh?” He beamed and winked as I covered my face with my hand. “How about it?”
“…You sound almost like him.”
“Listen, thanks for the offer, but I’ve got a slight grudge against flirty and muscular Fire Types,” spat Machamp.
“Yikes, that’s a bit on the nose,” complained Incineroar. “What’s wrong with my Type?”
“Sorry, it’s just…” Machamp groaned and rubbed behind his neck. “Bad history with a guy that cost me precious time with my…my…” He quietly stared off into the sky, not even flinching as I placed my hand on his back.
“Ok, ok, I get it.” Incineroar held up his hands and took a step back. “Can’t change the crap you’ve been through.”
“No one can…”
... ... ...
Under the Rain
During their ascent of the Mountains Monarchy, Greninja finds Machamp in a vulnerable moment, and tries to comfort him.
“Greninja?” Machamp hastily brushed at his eyes. “Ha, uh, hey!” He forced up a faulty grin. “What brings you out here?”
“I came to check if someone came back.” He shuddered as I rested my hand on his arm. “I wasn’t expecting that to be you.”
“Ah...ha, well...” He hesitated and his lips wavered. “I was, I just...”
“It hasn’t changed for me either,” I confessed. “I know it’s different for you, but I still miss him terribly.”
“...Uh, I should be crying on Chesnaught’s shoulder, not yours.”
“We’re both your friends, Machamp,” I reminded him.
“...Gods I miss him.” His expression fell and tears lined his eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about him. I keep trying to bury it, at least for now, but I...I miss him all of the time...”
Thunder boomed overhead, but that didn’t matter to us. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me close. For his sake, I tried to hold back on my tears, while his flooded out as the rain started. Neither of us were strangers to water, after all. Slowly, his grip eased from around me, and I pulled back as his arms fell.
Twisting around, I watched as Charizard soared over to us. He touched down and slipped beneath the overhang.
“The rain’s supposed to pick up,” he cautioned. “We should get inside!” Charizard blinked and studied Machamp. “Hey...you ok?”
“I...might be...”
... ... ...
Vow of Vengeance
Confronting his would-be killer, Garchomp, Machamp vows retribution for Alakazam and intends to finish the dragon.
Garchomp shook his head and stumbled back, swiping blindly. He blinked himself back into an empty gaze, as his eyes barely focused on Machamp, who lowered his fist.
“This time it’s just me,” called Machamp. “He died trying to save you, and died saving me.” Pulling all four of his arms back, either to his waist or behind his back, Machamp kept his glare trained on Garchomp. “But you know something? I never wanted to save you at all. Deep down, I knew we should’ve killed you then and there.” Swiftly, he withdrew his blades, pointing them all at Garchomp. “So this time, I’m going to make good on that, and be sure to put you down, once and for all.”
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(Remember, these are scenes in development. However, this is what you can look forward to upon selecting Machamp’s return for the stories!)
(Head back to the poll here!)
(Still not sure or want to read more? Check back here!)
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