#Carlos eiene
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This week's Tune for Tuesday, "Down the Rabbit Hole" by Carlos Eiene & Darren Malley, is a jazzy little number used as the theme for a character and her stage in Skullgirls. The series has had an insane number of ups and downs over the years, but between the characters, artstyle, music, and overall presentation, I'm happy it's stuck around. And since Skullgirls is pretty much one of the closest things we have to a Darkstalkers spiritual successor, it seemed like a fitting way to end off October. Have a Happy Halloween this Thursday, everyone!
#youtube#Down the Rabbit Hole#Carlos Eiene#Darren Malley#Skullgirls#Skullgirls 2nd Encore#Black Dahlia#Tune for Tuesday#insaneintherainmusic
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Bani-chan is the only animator on this and omg did they do amazing!!! tobt fox, itoki hana and all the musicians involved made such an incredible piece....
#itoki hana#bani-chan#toby fox#kataoka yasuhisa#noel sawdin#carlos eiene#marcy nabors#insaneintherain#omg#its#so#pretty#music#music gush#Youtube
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omggggggg fam insaneintherain is making VGM again!!!
#Insaneintherain#Carlos eiene#vgm#video game music#Donkey kong#donkey Kong country#dkc#video#dk jungle swing#Jungle hijinx#Ohhhh man I missed him#Youtube
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#leighton night#leighton grey#brian wecht#carlos eiene#game grumps#ninja sex party#leighton night youtube#Youtube
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Absolutely beautiful. The Greatest Living Show Itoki Hana & Toby Fox Noel Sawdin, Carlos Eiene Art/Animation by Bani-chan
#Toby Fox#Itoki Hana#Bani-chan#The Greatest Living Show#art#animation#animated music video#stunningly beautiful and haunting collaboration#macabre#long post
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Todays rip: 02/01/2024
Bidoof's Big Band
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby
Ripped by Monkeylordz
There's always such a sincere feeling I get when I'm reminded of just how much SiIvaGunner is driven by its community. Sure, it's status may to outsiders look a bit imposing, a monolithic-in-size music arrangement channel with 600K subscribers and a now eight-year history of ripping....yet, it's not ran by executives, not ran by anyone aiming to appease stockholders, not ran with a vision so narrow that it'd exclude anyone from doing what they love whilst contributing. And I feel a huge part of that communal aspect the channel has is the clear respect its creators show toward other creators on YouTube. Put simply, Bidoof's Big Band is nothing short of a four-and-a-half minute loveletter to the music arrangement channel InsaneInTheRain.
If you listen to video game music on YouTube, its damn near impossible to not have stumbled upon InsaneInTheRain's vast library of jazz arrangements. Carlos Eiene has passion for music flowing through every part of his body, and is likely an inspiration for many smaller artists who work closer to the VGM side of music. It should thus perhaps not come as a surprise that he's collaborated with SiIvaGunner a few times in the past, doing jazz arrangements for the channel alongside wolfman1405, such as Countdown for the King for Another Day Tournament. These few instances were but small guest appearances though, a wink and a wave from a fellow creator before going their separate ways.
As it turns out, the SiIvaGunner team would find a very personal way to thank him later on, both for his contributions to the channel and his contributions to music YouTube in general. Akin to rips like Banjostruck and Kirby Joins the Circus!, what we have with Bidoof's Big Band is an incredibly authentic, near 1:1 accurate recreation of InsaneInTheRain's cover of the same source track the rip uses, Route 201 from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum. Effectively, its the bouncy, jazzy, lively re-rendition, featuring the original game's distinct set of instruments.
The result is an incredible arrangement in so many ways, yet most important on all, it succeeded at catching InsaneInTheRain completely off-guard. To quote the comment he left on the rip's YouTube upload - "I think this is seriously one of the most incredible honors you can give to a musician… nearly cried while listening to this. Thank you.". Six Seasons into SiIvaGunner, it may have been easy to miss that the team of creators have long since proven they're so much more than just shitposters looking for collaborators, or that they only occasionally put out genuine hits when they need to. Creators like Monkeylordz were never under any obligation, not under any sort of event or commemorative occastion whilst making Bidoof's Big Band, or the other InsaneInTheRain tribute rip he'd done a year prior in Season 5. Because SiivaGunner's rippers are but people like you and me - and I think we as people just like that feeling of making others smile.
Happy 2024, everybody.
#todays siivagunner#season 6#siivagunner#siiva#Monkeylordz#pokemon#pokemon music#insaneintherainmusic#insane in the rain#jazz arrangement#jazz cover#pokemon dppt#pokemon gen 4#pokemon sinnoh#pokemon games#Youtube#Bandcamp
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So... I recently played a lot of a certain game and I feel so emotionally invested that I really have to mention it.
I rarely get the urge to rant nowadays (as one might have noticed) but this just really hit home when I didn't expect it to.
I'm talking about Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane.
YES, it is an Ace Attorney clone. And YES it does have striking similarities but it's story and characters function in a MUCH different way than Ace Attorney does.
Its setting is probably the most different. It involves magic and yes while it does seem weird to put magic in a game that involves a lot of logic, trust me, it makes sense.
You're placed in a world where aristocracy/monarchy rules the kingdom of Wyverngarde. The playable character is Tyrion Cuthbert who is a very young defense attorney who takes up a murder trial as his first case. The defendant is a young girl and the victim a part of her family. Sound familiar? TRUST ME the story gets MUCH MORE wicked later on.
You're facing leaders of noble houses and trying to correct the injustice that this faulty system has. Nobles always kind of get away with crimes by pulling some strings whereas the common folk have to pay for those crimes.
The involvement of magic is pretty simple. Magic leaves traces at crime scenes which lets you assume which spells were used. Each spell has certain physical laws that they work under such as gestures, incantations, durations, and other restrictions. Each person has a spell compendium that tells you what kinds of spells they know.
It really isn't that complex, but the story does have everything you can ask for. Dramatical twists, confrontations, character development, supernatural creatures and beings, evil masterminds, and MY favorite... ACTUALLY GOOD ROMANTIC SUBPLOT.
It's a fantastic game with a playtime of roughly 30 hours and I was really excited that insaneintherainmusic was involved in making the soundtrack for this game.
If you don't know them, they're the ones responsible for a lot of good Pokemon remixes. It's worth checking out for sure!
#rant#tyrion cuthbert#ace attorney#video game rant#I know I'm not that active please bear with me xD
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a small challenge presented to me and now unto you: when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of your favorite songs and then send this ask to 10 people or your favorite followers :)
this was SO hard lmao. thanks for the ask!!
Pistols & Paces - Shayfer James i love shayfer's music because he walks the line between grim melancholy and ever-resilient hope, his songs both larger than life epics and deeply personal reflections. this one in particular always reminds me of my first dnd campaign which lives forever in my heart.
Pollyanna - MOTHER (Carlos Eiene, FamilyJules, Adriana Figueroa & Sab Irene) i love the mother series very much and i've been listening to adriana in particular since i was little baby des. this song is contagiously joyful, and the arrangement brings so much more to an already great piece.
Steady, Steady - The Crane Wives the rhythm like a galloping horse, interspersed with the soft determination of the chorus—it tells the story of leaving behind the expectations of marriage not for lack of love, but for spirit that refuses to be bounded. also it just hits different as a gay transmasc
Falcon in the Dive - The Scarlet Pimpernel (Terrance Mann) i love broadway villains, i love the french revolution. this musical is an adaptation of one of the worst novels i've ever read, and i love and hate it so much. this song i just love though. my man's YELLIN, the composition and the singing are both so GOOD, YEAH
Descole's Theme - Professor Layton last specter is perhaps my favorite game of all time, and descole my favorite villain. his song is perfect for him, triumphant and eerie and beautiful and SO over the top. plus the moment you first hear it, when this shadowy figure you've gotten hints of throughout the game finally appears, and yet you're still only just able to pull together an understanding of who he is from scant clues... chefs kiss
#shayfer james#earthbound#the crane wives#the scarlet pimpernel#professor layton#bwaaagh i love music#i love my nerd nonsense
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i'm probably cheating here but my favorite jazz tune...s are insaneintherainmusic's jazz covers of videogame music by far! Skullgirls, Deltarune, Zelda... he's also done full album covers and longer compositions like The Jazz Videogame Medley (here in a single video with complete score and commentary, my preferred viewing experience), the officially Toby Fox approved Undertale Jazz album and, of course, we canNOT forget the FOUR HOURS OF POKÉMON DIAMOND AND PEARL MUSIC!!! a life savior and good friend for long bus rides <3
although nowadays he's more focused on following his own path in the music department, as you can see with his original compositions and the two videogame OSTs he's already composed himself (with others)!
can't recommend him enough! Carlos Eiene is simply an excellent musician, composer and music lover <333
reblog and tell me of one of these things:
your favourite unsolved mystery
your favourite jazz tune
your favourite recipe
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The Greatest Living Show /Toby Fox & Itoki Hana
※ This video contains graphic imagery and is not suitable for children or sensitive individuals.
Artbook and music are available here:
MASTERING - Kataoka Yasuhisa
VIOLIN - Noel Sawdin
PIANO - Carlos Eiene @insaneintherainmusic
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I’m losing it over The Greatest Living Show right now the music video is STUNNING??? And the music is just. So fucking good????
Bani-Cham did SUCH a good job on the animation, so much effort and love was put into it holy shit!!!
And Itoki Hana’s voice is just perfect for the song!!!
Noel Sadwin is a great violinist and and Carlos Eiene is a great pianist!!!!!
Toby of course did a wonderful job making the music!!!
I’m. In AWE y’all. In AWE!!!!
#I’m going to think abt this for the next while actually#like holy shit#THIS IS#SO FUCKING GOOD#crying over how much I love this FR!!!!#leon/toni’s musings
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Um! Okie!
Relationship status: single lesbian
Favorite color: Purple!
Song stuck in my head: Ashley's song. Thanks @kt100. :P
Last thing I listened to: Forward by Carlos Eiene
Last thing I goggled: Star wars jedi survivor file size (on a related note, wtf respawn)
Favorite food: ice cream!!!
Anything I want right now: a girlfriend that will hold me close
Tagging @tardisman14 @v-the-raven
tagged in this post by @theequeersdeservebetter. finally getting around to my drafts today lol.
Relationship status: single
Favorite color(s): green
Song stuck in my head: Keep You in Line by Jamie Berry
Last thing I listened to: currently listening to To My Knees by Two Feet
Last thing I googled: the dog show my coworker is in
Favorite food: ramen (but the kind with eggs, veggies or kimchi, and chicken or beef if i'm in the mood for it)
Anything I want right now: a car that works
tagging (no pressure!) @dinosaurguts and @extemporary-username
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This week we have a bonus cover! I worked on this arrangement of Rito Village with my friend Carlos Eiene!
I hope you enjoy!
I post a new video every Friday: YouTube | Twitter | Soundcloud | Patreon
#rito village#breath of the wild#zelda music#zelda cover#insaneintherainmusic#carlos eiene#alex heflin#music
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sorry @hinako-supremacy it got really long and i realized it needed to be its own post so here's my existential crisis ramble about jazz and pokemon
im listening to Carlos Eiene, aka insaneintherainmusic on yt, and his music makes me so nostalgic. he became popular for doing pokemon jazz covers (and a few other games like undertale) when he was in highschool and college. meanwhile i was in 6th grade when i found his channel and it changed my taste in music and me love swing and jazz to this day. in new years of 2022 he announced that he was gonna quit doing covers (after like 8 years of doing them) since copyright is a pain and he wanted to do his own original music and become a professional game composer too. i was really sad but also soooo proud cuz like??? his stuff is amazing??? and its like watching ur childhood friend fulfill their dreams and its so heartwarming. he released his first full original album and its called '' insane in the rain'', named after his channel asjhkhkdjfhsdakfh. i listened to one of the songs (same name as the album) and its a very uplifting song that really feels kinda like a "we did it. we finally made it and i couldn't be more proud" and when i heard it i wanted to cry dkjshfksdjhfk??? it captured exactly how it felt seeing him move on and realizing how much time had past. i finished middle school and high school and his music helped take me to where i am today. i was proud of him, but i was also proud of myself too!! we've both grown to reach the place we've always wanted to be. pokemon music inspired him to improve his skills and become a professional composer in the exact same way that pokemon inspired me to become both a graphic designer and videogame analyst!! and we couldn't have done it without pokemon!!
anyway i remembered this song this morning. and a few days ago, there was a commemorative video that showcased that we've hit 1000 pokemon!!! i think the two together really made me realize how much pokemon has been in my life. my birthday is in 2 weeks, which will roughly mark around 15 years since i first discovered pokemon. admittedly i was really young but i still remember watching the diamond/pearl anime on tv and being both amazed and confused since i didn't watch the episodes in order. so much has changed since then: ive grown attached to other games, got new hobbies and greatly improved in old ones, ive become a dad (/joking lol), and ive gotten rid of my gender. but nothing really changed at all. playing legends arceus on the switch felt the same as playing leafgreen on my GBA SP (aside from the obvious difference of actually being able to read). the desire to explore the world and catch them all is still there.
sometimes i wish i could meet my past self. i do occasionally wonder what they'd think of me. in highschool i used to think they'd be disappointed, but now? i think they'd like college Sumi. im studying art and videogames!! plus i never let go of who i used to be. i think kindergarten me would be proud, and i think im proud of them too. life is good and, for once, i think everything will be ok :)
#long post#im not putting this under a read more cuz L#read my post boy /nf#SORRY IM EXPERIENCING ''5D CHESS + TIME TRAVEL'' LEVEL OF EMOTIONS RN#ITS PROBABLY THE LACK OF SLEEP#sumi's late night rambles#sumi tunes lore
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tracks that i think are underrated off of video game soundtracks i like (note: i dont have a specific standard of underrated, it kinda depends. basically its just if i don’t feel like people talk about / use a song too often. sometimes its loosely based off of spotify plays if the albums on there. idk it’s whatever im going to talk about songs i like) (spoilers for sonic 2 / adventure 2 / mania, cave story, undertale, a hat in time, celeste, and phoenix wright: ace attorney. its song titles and a little bit sometimes i talk about what happens with the songs but just in case anyone doesnt want to see it)
White - Cave Story
to hear this in game you had to speedrun the sanctuary and get a certain time, so for a long time i never heard this song but goddamn its good and i wish it were more easily accessible
It’s Raining Somewhere Else - Undertale
it’s undertale so of course it’s still fairly well known and it’s also a fairly important story moment but i feel like as someone who doesnt engage much with fandoms at all really its a pretty underrated bit as far as wider recognition goes. really most songs in undertale could be labelled underrated compared to megalo or hopes and dreams or whatever but i like this one
Supporting Me - Sonic Adventure 2
its the theme for when shadow fights the biolizard. it’s so moody and the vocals are distorted so nicely i love it. plus storywise, its the song for shadows first step taken to help the rest of the cast stop the space colony from crashing on earth, so it’s a significant moment of character development for shadow in the game!
Picture Perfect [Remix] - A Hat in Time
this one is unlockable, so you might not have heard it ingame, but they got Carlos Eiene (insaneintherainmusic) on sax for this, and its a jazz arrangement of the song. its a bit lower energy than the original but i think its great
Death Egg Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
the song that gets cut off immediately because there’s no level before the silver sonic fight. a shame! because it’s a damn good tune! it’s hectic, it’s sorrowful, honestly I think they should have just made it so you fight silver sonic to this song.
Golden Ridge (Golden Feather Mix) - Celeste
in love with a ghost did an amazing job on this track. the echoey chiptune sounds and the reverb vocals are incredible. great to listen to during the b or c sides of this level
End (Credits) - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
a beautiful somber reprise of the motif from Trial Begins, I had never heard the end credits music from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney until I played the game for myself, and it was really good. musically speaking it’s not too different from Trial Begins, a different key and tempo as well as a few melodic differences, but it still hits excellently for the ending of AA1.
Blossom Haze (Press Garden Act 2) - Sonic Mania
one of the best songs on Sonic Mania’s ost. the best part of sonic mania was the original content and this track is no exception. the chorus with the piano and xylophone (i think?) is fucking exquisite, and so is the synth melody leading up to it.
#vgm#sometimes songs are just really good and i need to talk about them#i ought to also make a post about just underrated soundtracks in general i think
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this is going to get a little long and rambly and pretty personal, so read at your own risk.
I want to talk about reclamation. Specifically, I want to talk about reclamation of things you loved that you associate with people you are no longer in contact with or had falling outs with.
For me, this specifically relates to my last serious relationship and my relationship with jazz music. I played sax in high school and I adored jazz music. In my last two years of high school, I played with and befriended the entire senior jazz troupe, many of whom were crazy-bonkers-talented guys who became my good friends. The next year, I dated one of them. We dated for almost 8 months and jazz was something that we shared so intensely in our relationship because we met because of it, we both loved listening and playing, and we would listen to it constantly. Plus, he was studying it in university.
Anyways, our relationship ended about a month before I set off for university myself and it was a pretty ugly split that resulted in hurt feelings and blocked social media shit. Personally, I think I’m still emotionally scarred by how everything got messed up, but one of the most frustrating things was that I lost my love of jazz when we split because that was something I had so strongly associated with him. It was an awful realization when I figured out that listening to jazz made me angry instead of happy because all I could do was see what it used to mean to me.
I’m still working through all the stuff that happened emotionally, but it took me almost two years to finally be able to decide that I was going to change something. I stumbled upon a few musicians on YouTube (who I will link at the bottom of this rant) who played jazz covers of video game soundtracks. This was wild to me. I loved video games. I loved (and was desperately trying to love again) jazz so I just started listening.
Since then, I’ve thought a lot about what jazz means to me and how vindicating it has felt to be able to listen to it and feel good again. I was so terrified for so long that I was going to have lost that part of me forever just because of something that was about a year of my life. It’s been painful to work on reclaiming my love of jazz, but in the last few weeks I’ve finally started to feel like myself when I listen to it.
I wasn’t ready to reclaim that a few months ago. I still get sad when I think about it sometimes, or angry, but it’s something I’ve had to tell myself that I need to do because I love it. Reclamation isn’t an easy process. It takes time and work and emotional support. But, it’s been so important for me in the healing process.
It took me two years to get here and, I have to stress, THAT IS OKAY. It’s okay if it takes longer, or even if you can never reclaim something fully. But, to me, it’s been vindicating to know that jazz is something I can have for myself again. I haven’t played my sax in two years, but I’ve been playing piano again, so it’s a small start. Reclamation is hard, but it feels good. I love jazz and I’m going to keep working to rejuvenate this part of myself and to make it mine again.
This got too long and rambly, but basically, I wanted to just extend a hand to anyone struggling with stuff like this because I get it. It sucks for a long time, but it’s important to remember that these things made you happy and that they could again if you worked at it.
To anyone who read this and wants to talk, just drop me a message. To anyone who read this and wants to know about my musical reintegration into the jazz world, please check out Carlos Eiene (insaneintherainmusic), Sab Irene (Sab Irene) and Adriana Figueroa (adrisaurus) and more on YouTube.
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