#Jungle hijinx
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the-iron-shoulder · 1 year ago
omggggggg fam insaneintherain is making VGM again!!!
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bananabraiined · 2 years ago
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favorite colour(s): Periwinkle, Scarlet, Goldenrod
favourite flavour(s): Sour, salty, savory, sweet, spicy
favourite genre(s): Sci-fi, Thriller, Action-Adventure
favourite music: Reggae, Hard Rock, Jazz
favourite series: Animorphs, Remnants, various Book and TV shows.
last series: Major Crimes, Rizzoli & Isles.
last movie: None atm
currently reading: None atm
currently watching: Providence.
currently working on: None atm.
Tagged: @timid-plumber
Tagging: My mutuals. Steal it from me, LMAO
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nintendometro · 1 month ago
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Bird Bashing Jungle Hijinxs 'Donkey Kong Country' Super Nintendo Support us on Patreon
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smallmariofindings · 8 months ago
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Original concept layout for the beginning segment of Jungle Hijinxs, the first level of Donkey Kong Country (note DK's treehouse on the first screen), drawn on sticky notes during the game's development process.
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vintagerpg · 5 months ago
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The other Midkemia Press publication I was missing was Heart of the Sunken Lands (1983), which is, I think, the company’s final offering. That’s a damn shame.
This is a pretty vast wilderness setting, ripe for exploration. The earlier companion book, Jonril: Gateway to the Sunken Lands, was designed as a hub from which expeditions depart and the prosperity of the city implied a great amount of wealth that was awaiting extraction from the jungle. And its true — gemstones, exotic wood, animal specimens, honey and more await explorers, as do a plethora of creature and mysterious tribal groups.
The Sunken Lands are dense, magically mutable jungle and the book basically takes the random tables of Midkemia’s city projects and applies them to a jungle hex crawl. A few bespoke locations are included in the mix, including the temple complex of the antagonistic People of the Pit (who created headless zombie thralls by feeding heads to their god), but for the most part, you’re rolling on nested tables several times to find out what exactly the players have come across. There’s a frankly massive number of possible encounters. Lots involve monsters and combat. Others are more tranquil, like encountering the peculiar species of butterflies. Oh, and the four-armed, purple ogres are just called Purples, which I love.
A lot of the richness of this book is down to its author, Rudy Kraft, who notably worked on both Griffin Mountain and Snake Pipe Hollow for Chaosium (and precious little else, alas). There isn’t quite the level of mystery or social interaction as, say Griffin Mountain, but there is more to work with here than your average hexcrawl. I really like the number of commercial activities players are offered (even if they are, you know, destructively capitalistic). Logging and mining seem like fun logistical problems in this environment, instead of a slog. And those activities will inevitably put players in contact (and at odds) with the locals. From there, hijinx. Its a good formula.
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allykakamatsu · 3 months ago
Deep Jungle Hijinx
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Aka, Sora's having fun while Riddle is loosing it more than usual-
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submalevolentgrace · 11 months ago
people will be like what music are you listening to, and i have to be like
well i am always listening to wendy carlos's 1986 microtonal synth album 'beauty in he beast' and soaking it in, you know it bothers me somewhat that she's really only remember for her film soundtracks, but also i've also been stuck on insaneintherain's one man big band cover donkey kong country jungle hijinx that quotes 'sing sing sing' and if i'm not mistaken also references the yooka-laylee casino level, although that's possible because y-l was referencing benny goodman in the first place and--
wait where are you going
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cwgames · 1 month ago
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Jungle Hijinxs
"Donkey Kong Country Returns HD"
Nintendo Switch
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xbuster · 2 years ago
The Mario movie had a great song that incorporated the Donkey Kong Country theme and Jungle Hijinx but they cut it for Take On Me???? This movie’s crimes keep stacking.
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tyrorexdmzapp · 1 year ago
I created two new tracks based on Donkey Kong Country Returns, intended for a certain future project. These tracks are based on a certain idea- what was DK Island like prior to the kongs arriving, and the era in which the Tiki Tak Tribe were dominant? The first song, "Tiki Jungle Jaunt", is a non-DK replacement for "Jungle Hijinx"'s first half. Meanwhile, the second song, "Tiki Jungle Depths", is the same for the elongated second half of "Jungle Hijinx", as heard in DKCR.
These songs were composed in LMMS.
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illustrious-rocket · 2 months ago
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD: 1-1 Jungle Hijinxs
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Jungle Hijinxs Bonus Rooms - Donkey Kong Country
Hello my friends! It's your friend Alex The Super Nintendo Gamer! Today guys, I'm going to show you how to find all of the bonus rooms in Jungle Hijinxs. Have a great day and God Bless you, my friends. 🥰
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smashlawlai · 6 months ago
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Here’s a Super Smash Bros. Lawl moveset for Crash Bandicoot from the Crash Bandicoot series:
Reveal Trailer:
The trailer begins with Mario and Pikachu racing through a jungle-like environment, evoking the Jungle Hijinxs stage. As they approach a wooden crate, it suddenly shakes and bursts open with a flurry of Wumpa Fruit. Mario and Pikachu exchange confused glances before the iconic sounds of Crash Bandicoot’s spinning attack echo through the jungle. Crash bursts onto the screen, spinning wildly and knocking both characters away. The screen flashes: "Crash Crashes the Party!"
Crash is a chaotic and energetic fighter, utilizing his iconic moves like the Spin Attack, jumps, and Wumpa Fruit to overwhelm opponents. He excels at fast-paced combat with a balance between close and mid-range abilities.
Neutral B (Spin Attack):
Description: Crash performs his signature spin attack, dealing damage to anyone in his immediate vicinity. The longer the button is held, the longer Crash spins, but he’ll eventually get dizzy if the attack is held for too long, leaving him vulnerable.
Inspiration: The Spin Attack is Crash’s most iconic move, used to defeat enemies and break crates in the Crash Bandicoot series.
Side B (TNT Crate Toss):
Description: Crash throws a TNT Crate forward. It bounces once and remains on the ground for a few seconds before exploding. Opponents can trigger the explosion by standing near it. Crash can also trigger it early by hitting the crate with a Spin Attack.
Inspiration: Based on the TNT Crates found in the games, which explode after a countdown or when triggered by Crash’s spin.
Down B (Aku Aku Shield):
Description: Crash summons Aku Aku, his protective mask ally, who temporarily shields Crash from damage. Aku Aku will circle Crash for a few seconds, making him invincible for a short period, similar to the effects in the Crash Bandicoot games when Crash collects an Aku Aku mask.
Inspiration: Aku Aku serves as Crash’s protector in the games, giving him temporary invulnerability.
Up B (Jetpack Jump):
Description: Crash activates his jetpack from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, propelling himself upward with high velocity. He can move in any direction for a short period, and any opponents hit by the jetpack’s exhaust take damage.
Inspiration: Crash’s jetpack levels from Crash Bandicoot 2 are used here as a recovery move, offering a mix of control and offense.
Final Smash (N. Brio's Mutant Transformation):
Description: Crash drinks a potion, and suddenly transforms into a large, hulking mutant version of himself, similar to Dr. N. Brio’s transformation in the original Crash Bandicoot. In this form, Crash becomes significantly larger, dealing massive damage with his punches and stomps. The transformation lasts for several seconds, after which he returns to normal.
Inspiration: This is based on the boss battle with Dr. N. Brio, where he mutates into a giant monster.
Up Taunt: Crash pulls out a Wumpa Fruit, tosses it in the air, and catches it in his mouth before giving a big grin.
Side Taunt: Crash does his signature dance, spinning around and doing his goofy arm movements, ending with a thumbs-up.
Down Taunt: Crash pulls out a crate and smashes it with a spin, causing Wumpa Fruit to scatter around him.
Victory Poses:
1. Victory Pose 1: Crash stands on top of a pile of crates, laughing and performing his dance while Aku Aku floats around him.
2. Victory Pose 2: Crash breaks open a crate to reveal a gem inside, holding it up triumphantly as the camera zooms in.
3. Victory Pose 3: Crash rides on the back of Polar (his polar bear buddy), charging toward the screen before jumping off and striking a pose.
Defeat Pose:
Defeat Pose: Crash lies on the ground, flattened, with stars spinning around his head in a dazed state, mimicking his death animation from the games.
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lady-zephyrine · 6 months ago
Once thing I still liked about Donkey Kong Country Returns is how they took Jungle Hijinx and made the second part of the song its own thing (because it really DOES sound like it's own thing)
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smallmariofindings · 1 year ago
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Top: in the data of Donkey Kong Country, an unused early version of the script can be found, which refers to the level Jungle Hijinxs as "Jungle Japes".
Bottom: interestingly, this name, while scrapped in Donkey Kong Country, was used 5 years later for the first world of Donkey Kong 64.
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specternabbermaiori · 10 months ago
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Jungle Hijinxs - Donkey Kong Country
Got more limited palette art! This time, we got Donkey Kong in the jungle. The mighty jungle. And I tried to match the proportions of the 3D models used to render the sprites in Donkey Kong Country 1.
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