#Care Plan Benefits
pleasantvinehomecare · 11 months
Elderly individuals are as diverse as any age group. Each of them, especially those under home care in Pennsylvania, carries unique needs, preferences, and life stories.
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snurtle · 9 months
I've been thinking about the templars lately. they were promised honor, virtue, told that they would be charged with protection of the innocent... And then those same people are systemically exploited and abused, abuse others because they're taught to regard everyone else as either sheep who need to be lead or potential threats. Never equals, except in their brothers/sisters-in-arms. They act as the guard-dogs and military arm of an entirely different organization that they're only a functionary member of but have no governing say in. Even the chantry aren't their equals- they function as the templar order's supervisors! And all this isolation and closing of ranks ends in disability, addiction, death, and abandonment by the system they spent their bodies in service of.
To top that off, retaliations against them just confirm the paranoia they were taught to embrace. It's probably a long hard road to get out of that hole.
Like, listen. the dichotomy of mage vs templars is a satisfying and easy one, but the system is tearing them apart too. have you ever heard of a retired templar?
at the end of it, mages and templars need to unite against the real threat. the chantry.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
TSAMS EPISODE analyzation: Solar is back
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Hey, this is a new thing I'm gonna do on here where I analyze and theorize on things that happen in TSBSCU (The Security Breach Show Cinematic Universe). Today's episode: Solar is back.
🎶Guess who's ba... you get it. Solar's back.
Our favorite techie is back and...
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He looks just like how he does in thumbnails! 😲 I'm so stinkin' happy! He looks so good! I thought this would translate well in vrchat, BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO LOOK THIS GOOD! Like dang! Props to the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja this looks so good! I always did love her designs for Solar. So, Solar wakes up and is obviously confused. One minute, he's home with Sun and Moon getting Thanos-ed by Ruin, and now he's in some strange lab he's never seen before. Thankfully, Solar is a smart guy and decides to try the computer and calls Moon. Now, if I was in Solar's place, I wouldn't be so smart, and I probably would panic and do something dumb like walk out onto the surface of the sun 🙃 Moon comes and picks up Solar and tells him "Oh ya the Moon you knew turned evil and tried to kill our sister also I'm not the Moon you knew, I'm the Moon you use to know."
Moon, give him a minute! He was literally only alive for 2:39 seconds. Moon give him a breather first! Anyways, Solar obviously doesn't believe him cause. Why would anyone believe that someone they've known for so long just went nuts and tried to kill his sister and has been replaced by his oldself.
Moon takes Solar home. Solar reunites with Sun and Jack. Jack yells the loudest, "FATHER!" He can and then runs to him like a golden retriever, and that is so STINKIN' CUTE!
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Okay, anyways past how cute this is.
Sun breaks it to Solar that...ya.. Moon went bonkers and now goes by Nexus and to kill Earth, and of course Solar doesn't take it well. The Moon he knew. The Moon, who was his friend. The Moon, who was his brother. Turned evil and tried to kill Solar's sister... ya. He's gonna need a few days to recover from that.
Lunar and Earth are gonna be SO HAPPY when they find out Solar's back.
Now, before I get to the theorizing, let's take a look at Solar's new design and some clever design decisions in Solar's design.
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Face is now more expressive, and he isn't stuck with a permanent grin, which I didn't have a problem with, but I like how expressive his face is now.
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He's got some SKINNY ARMS! Eclipse made him so skinny and I find that hilarious.
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There is now a metal plate over where the wires are on the back of Solar's head. Clever! Now, if Solar ever gets into a fight, no one can pull any of the wires on the back of his head for an advantage, which is a major design flaw in Sun and Moon, the robots meant to be around literal children who like to poke and pull everything they touch. Seriously, what stops someone from yanking the wires on the back of their heads and defeating them instantly. Moon pulled one of the plugs on Ruin's head to turn off Ruin's vision, so this was a smart design choice by Eclipse and the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja
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I guess Eclipse sewed Solar some new pants and ran out of felt. I don't care if that's not what happened. This is what I think happened. THIS IS MY HEADCANON NOW!
Lastly, Eclipse gave him socks, and we all know why AS A FORM OF TORTURE cause everyone knows wet socks are a form of torture. That is my headcanon on why he gave him socks. (That does sound like something he would do just to spite Solar)
And lastly
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He sit. I love the body movements on Solar, like the little point he does at his feet is just wonderful I don't know why but I love the little movements they do in this show like Earth's little 👉👈 she does. I love it. It's tiny details like this that makes the show feel more real. You know?
And now on to the theorizing.
Here's what I think will happen next on with Solar's character on TSAMS.
We will inevitably get a Solar confronts Nexus in vrchat episode.
So, I have three ideas on what will happen next
Idea #1 Solar decides to see for himself despite everyones warning and finds away to meet uo Nexus either physically or with holograms of something point is Solar will confront Nexus, and they get it to an argument about what Moon did and Solar will be desperately trying to reason with his brother, asking him to come back and maybe they can fix this whole mess but Nexus will refuse and Solar will leave heartbroken and will tell Nexus as he leaves. "I'm so disappointed in you." To which Nexus will probably have a mental breakdown and may start to regret what he did.
Idea #2 Solar confronts Nexus they get into a whole argument about what Nexus did they fight and as Solar is about to leave Nexus captures Solar and is gonna keep him captive and either use him as bait for Sun and Moon or keep him hostage until he sees things Nexus' way.
Idea #3 they get into a fight, and Nexus, in a fit of rage, kills Solar. <- This is the least likely idea.
Idea #4 Solar decides to stay with Nexus. Not to help him with anything, no. But to keep an eye on him. Make sure Nexus won't hurt the family in any way and maybe to save Nexus from himself. Basically, solar becomes Nexus' Jiminy Cricket, trying to sway Nexus from the side of evil and it may lead to a similar thing to idea #1 or #3
Now, onto the biggest question we still have...
How does Solar being back benefit Dark Sun?
I thought Solar wouldn't actually come back, that the machine would malfunction and release a ton of negative starpower into the world, which would make the Astrals come to earth faster. But instead it actually worked! Solar is back but now how does this help Dark Sun?
Theory #1 Solar coming back will force Nexus deeper into this dark life cause Solar will reject what his brother has become and abandon him and that will cause Nexus to become even worse and go full villain if he wasn't already before.
Theory #2 Solar being back will force Sun out of the family spotlight. Allow me to explain. Solar will have everyone's attention for a while and Sun will probably feel left out cause Earth and Lunar will be spending all their time with him, Jack will want to spend time with Solar now too and he may take Dazzle with him so she can properly meet Solar and Sun will start to feel like he's losing everyone and that all he will have is Moon cause eventually they will all move on. Lunar may die or become a god and have to leave them all, Earth has her own life and stuff she probably wants to do. Maybe she'll start her own daycare away from Fazbear or something, and Dazzle may even "move on" one day leaving just Sun and Moon and I think Solar being back will cause Sun to start having those fears that one day everyone will leave him. Now, I'm not saying Sun doesn't want to be with his brother, but we all know Sun is still dealing with all the trauma Moon inflicted on him and we know one day something or someone will cause Moon to slip and do something that hurts Sun physically or emotionally and this may push Sun into the grasp of Dark Sun. I think whatever Dark Sun is planning involves pushing Sun away from his family and maybe turning Sun into second Dark Sun. Solar may be the catalyst for Sun abandoning his family, like how his death led to Nexus abandoning the family. Hopefully, though, this part of the plan will fail, but seeing as how Dark Sun's plan has been working pretty well so far, I think this part might actually happen.
I hope you all liked this and the theories I came up with. Let me know what you all think.
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still-got-no-idea · 11 months
hi. i'm not going to be formal about this. i stockpiled the evidence and the proof. i have more information that you need about sssniperwolf, and i'll display it here
her far more horrid actions from videos she's deleted are going to go in their own separate area in this post. mostly because it is fairly triggering content that shows that she is, potentially, a predator.
to start off, here is this video and this video
these are from two youtubers that are greatly respected and are known to very resourceful in these sorts of accusations.
here is another video, however i don't know the guy so keep that in mind. it seems fairly accurate, but i don't know a thing about him.
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i cannot confirm this, but this is a potential motive behind these actions. do not take this as any sort of fact. it is just speculation.
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this is partially accurate. each state handles it differently. the state here is california. here are a few of their laws regarding threats.
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i, personally, would say someone showing up to your house and taking a picture in front of it would be reasonably terrifying.
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a bit more insight into california's laws on this.
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there is also this. yes, there are several videos on this. i recall hearing about this.
here's a video that seems fairly well done and thought out. she was usually in controversy, yet this is still bigger than that. this also goes into her ghosting a child with cancer.
at this point, there are going to be some heavy topics. such as predatory actions towards minors. please keep that in mind and feel free to not continue after this point.
now, from what i can tell this video don't seem fake at all.
you cannot tell me that asking minors to twerk for you is not predatory behavior. shane dawson (or onision, i forgot) did it, and look how that all ended. both are known predators, and are known to groom children. it is, absolutely, predatory for a grown adult to ask a child to do anything of that nature.
this video is more about everything in general, including asking the children to do inappropriate acts
so that's all i've collected. there is a lot more, trust me. there are articles about her being arrested in 2013. i just don't have the energy or time to continue this post. so stop harassing the people i care about. here's you're proof and evidence, either believe me or don't.
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silviakundera · 9 months
I just love those Story of Kunning Palace novel snippets where Jiang Xuening gets to display that ruthless determination isn't something she left in the past life. Nooooo don't plot insurrection with XW noooooo you're too sexyyyyy
Xie Wei had already read the secret letter, and asked her calmly, "Tomorrow I will leave for the border, can you go with me?"
Jiang Xuening looked at him. "What are you going to do, sir?"
Xie Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "If you don't know what to do, why did you come today?"
Jiang Xuening didn't speak.
Xie Wei said, "The Eldest Princess is not dead. When the war starts next spring, she will become a hostage, which will put the dynasty in a dilemma. The court's money and supplies are just beginning to move, and preparations are still urgent. They will never go to war in advance to save someone. You want to welcome the princess back, or welcome back the princess's coffin, it's all in this thought."
Although it was indeed expected, when Xie Wei said these words, Jiang Xuening still felt her heart tremble, and there was a feeling of being caught in the torrent——
Is there any way to welcome back the princess instead of her coffin?
She was full of emotions, closed her eyes, and clenched her hands tightly.
Xie Wei suddenly laughed. "Scared?"
Jiang Xuening gritted her teeth. "How could that be!"
Xie Wei was the big winner in the end, and now that Yan Lin is full of wings, even if he raises an attack in advance, there may not be no chance of winning! What's more, how could she just watch the princess be given to death?
She promised.
Hold that piece of homeland and welcome her back to the homeland!
Jiang Xuening slowly opened her eyes. "I promised the princess that I will not miss the appointment. But sir, have you really thought it through?"
Xie Wei's smile faded, he looked back at her, and said slowly, "I will not break my promise."
I don't lose faith in people either.
When Jiang Xuening heard these words, she was a bit dazed, because she didn't know who Xie Wei had made any promises to. Until a picture emerged from the vague memory, together with the voice that was almost forgotten by her in the past, it rang in her ears.
"When will the iron hooves of the Central Plains break through the Yanmen Gate and bring Her Highness back?"
"Soon, soon."
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scalpelsister · 4 months
what if i lost the will to live like. as a joke. what then.
#i am fine ftr im just. exhausted haha#NOT to overshare about my personal life too much but my dog is dying. my horse is being given back to his og owner this summer / fall.#my dads kicking me out in two years (in favor of his girlfriend and her kids bc he would rather live w them!!!)#his alcoholism is driving me crazy bc hes treating me like absolute shit and berating me constantly#and stealing from me 🙃#ive lost my healthcare benefits + now have to either raw dog therapy out of pocket or loose my therapist#a therapist that took me a year of being on a waiting list to get in w btw#and idk i just genuinely feel like a loser rn like. im a 23 year old unemployed fat virgin who plays video games all day like. 🧍#where is this going for me. what is the point of it all. in two years im going to be fucking homeless on top of all that#unless some miracle happens bc as is i am too disabled to work.#im just reaching a point where i deeply dont care anymore. whatever happens happens im done fighting it#and ik its the abandonment issues talking here but knowing my dad is planning on abandoning me. 👍#thats two for two on parents leaving me. my entire family has at this point so like truly i cant trust any relationship#like if my PARENTS find me that unbearable. and my best friend who knew me my entire life thought so. then truly every relationship#i ever have is on a fucking timer like. idk if any besties r reading this im sorry i promise this is in no way a dig at yall#bc you guys do really make me feel loved and secure in a way no one else has but. id be lying if i said i wasnt still scared#anyways enough oversharing#i really am fine and safe rn btw like. at minimum u guys r stuck w me until arc*ne season 2 comes out 😂#my post
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coochiequeens · 20 days
Men continue to having trouble grasping it's not kids most women object to, it's having kids with men who want the benefits of having a family but leave the downside to the mothers
By Nesrine Malik Mon 2 Sep 2024
JD Vance’s comments on Kamala Harris reflect a stubborn debate in supposedly progressive societies
A woman without biological children is running for high political office, and so naturally that quality will at some point be used against her. Kamala Harris has, in the short period since she emerged as the Democratic candidate for US president, been scrutinised over her lack of children. The conservative lawyer Will Chamberlain posted on X that Harris “shouldn’t be president” – apparently, she doesn’t have “skin in the game”. The Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, called Harris and other Democrats “a bunch of childless cat ladies miserable at their own lives”.
It��s a particularly virulent tendency in the US, with a rightwing movement that is fixated on women’s reproduction. But who can forget (and if you have, I am happy to remind you of a low point that still sticks in my craw) Andrea Leadsom, during the 2016 Conservative party leadership election, saying that Theresa May might have nieces and nephews, but “I have children who are going to have children … who will be a part of what happens next”. “Genuinely,” she added, as if the message were not clear enough, “I feel that being a mum means you have a real stake in the future of our country, a tangible stake.”
It’s an argument about political capability that dresses up a visceral revulsion at the idea that a woman who does not have a child should be vested with any sort of credibility or status. In other comments, Vance said that “so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children, that really disorients me and disturbs me”. He appears so fixated on this that it is almost comical: a man whose obsession with childless women verges on a complex.
But his “disorientation and disturbance” is a political tendency that persists and endures. It constantly asks the question of women who don’t have children, in subtle and explicit ways, especially the higher they rise in the professional sphere: “What’s up with that? What’s the deal?” The public sphere becomes a space for answering that question. Women perform a sort of group plea to be left the hell alone, in their painstaking examinations of how they arrived at the decision not to have kids, or why they in fact celebrate not having kids, or deliberations on ambivalence about having kids.
Behind all this lies some classic old-school inability to conceive of women outside mothering. But one reason this traditionalism persists in ostensibly modern and progressive places is that women withdrawing from mothering in capitalist societies – with their poorly resourced public amenities and parental support – forces questions about our inequitable, unacknowledged economic arrangements. A woman who does not bear children is a woman who will never stay home and provide unremunerated care. She is less likely to be held in the domestic zone and extend her caregiving to elderly relatives or the children of others. She cannot be a resource that undergirds a male partner’s career, frailties, time limitations and social demands.
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2:29Oprah Winfrey takes a swipe at JD Vance during surprise Democratic convention speech – video
“Motherhood,” writes the author Helen Charman in her new book Mother State, “is a political state. Nurture, care, the creation of human life – all immediate associations with mothering – have more to do with power, status and the distribution of resources … than we like to admit. For raising children is the foundational work of society, and, from gestation onward, it is unequally shared.”
Motherhood, in other words, becomes an economic input, a public good, something that is talked about as if the women themselves were not in the room. Data on declining birthrates draws comment from Elon Musk (“extremely concerning!!”) . Not having children is reduced to entirely personal motivations – selfishness, beguilement with the false promise of freedom, lack of values and foresight, irresponsibility – rather than external conditions: of the need for affordable childcare, support networks, flexible working arrangements and the risk of financial oblivion that motherhood frequently brings, therefore creating bondage to partners. To put it mildly, these are material considerations to be taken into account upon entering a state from which there is no return. Assuming motherhood happens without such context, Charman tells me, is a “useful fantasy”.
It is a binary public discourse, obscuring the often thin veil between biological and social actualisation. Women who don’t have children do not exist in a state of blissful detachment from their bodies and their relationship with maternity: a number have had pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions and periods. A number have entered liminal stages of motherhood that don’t conform to the single definition from which they are excluded. A number extend mothering to various children in their lives. Some, like Harris herself, have stepchildren (who don’t count, just as May’s nieces and nephews didn’t). A number have become mothers, just not in a way that initiates them into a blissful club. They experience regret, depression and navigate unsettlement that does not conform to the image of uncomplicated validation of your purpose in life.
But the privilege of those truths cannot be bestowed on creatures whose rejection of the maternal bond has become a rejection of a wider unspoken, colossally unfair contract. Women with children are handed social acceptance for their vital investment in “the future”, in exchange for unrewarded, unsupported labour that props up and stabilises the economic and social status quo. All while still suffering sneeriness about the value of their work in comparison with the serious graft of the men who win the bread.
On top of that, women have to navigate all that motherhood – or not – entails, all the deeply personal, bewildering, isolating and unacknowledged realities of both, while being subject to relentless suffocating, infantilising and violating public theories and notions that trespass on their private spaces. With that comes a sense of self-doubt and shame in making the wrong decision, or not being as content with those decisions as they are expected to be. It is a constant, prodding vivisection. That, more than anything clinical observers feel, is the truly disorienting and disturbing experience.
Nesrine Malik is a Guardian columnist
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ivygorgon · 6 months
Pass H.R. 6270, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act!
371 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
I strongly urge the Congressmember to support and help pass H.R. 6270, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna of California. This bill helps states test universal health plans that could be a model for a national plan - a Universal, Simple, and Affordable (USA) plan. A USA plan will drastically reduce administrative overhead, freeing billions of dollars for our health care and general welfare. With your support, states can save money and provide health care for all their residents. How H.R. 6270 moves us toward health care that is universal, simple, and affordable (USA): Mandates that participating states guarantee healthcare coverage for at least 95% of residents in the first 5 years, thus reducing the uninsured and underinsured populations to less than 5% (currently 30% in most states). Requires any state-based plan to have benefits equal to or greater than those received by beneficiaries of federal healthcare programs. Allows states to cooperate on multi-state plans. Section 1332 of the ACA does not. Enables states to integrate Medicare funds into a state plan. Section 1332 does not. This is critically important for equity. Please work to pass this bill, and then get to work passing Medicare For All. Nothing else will fully solve our healthcare crisis.
▶ Created on April 8 by Jess Craven
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
honestly the thing that pisses me off about darkl!ng fans is how they act like he's anti-monarchy!! he literally isn't lmao, he only dislikes the lantsovs because they're anti-grisha.
he never has anything to say about the actual concept of monarchy itself and yet people act like he's against the whole thing because it's a corrupt system
in fact, in the books, the position of darkl!ng is quite literally an inherited title that gives him control over the second army - I know they got rid of that in the show (they shouldn't have done that imo, because it highlights his greed and hypocrisy) but watching people act as if he's against the monarchy when he benefits from an inherited title is..... honestly hilarious tbh
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What a pleasure it was this week meeting with Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Devoted Health Ed Park, together focusing on continued positive outcomes for our #seniors in Ohio.
Devoted Health's Ohio HMO plans received a 5 out of 5 Medicare Advantage (MA) Star Rating for 2024. This is the second year in a row that Devoted's Ohio HMO plan has received a 5 Star rating.
These plans include: Devoted CORE Ohio (HMO), Devoted GIVEBACK Ohio (HMO), and Devoted PRIME Ohio (HMO).
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ are plans that have the highest possible quality rating from Medicare.gov.
His determination to dramatically improve the health and well-being of aging Americans by caring for every person like family, while offering a world-class service experience is contagious.
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earl-grey-love · 1 month
I'm so excited for Barbs' birthday next week 🤭 I'm glad they added the bday event stories back! Also I've managed to save up for both the card gacha and my in-game money to take advantage of the sale for upgrading his cards 🥰
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sunliteve · 2 months
mid-night me: I cannot think of the worst thing hiyori could dream into existence :( morning me: voice gone >:)
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imflyingfish · 3 months
I gotta be less hard on myself. Annoyingly i know that my best work comes from when i am hard on myself. But i keep stopping myself from doing things i want to due to perfectionism. Annoying.
#atm i feel like im just chasing interest after interest after interest#ive been working on my mimecraft base a lot but i have. complex feelings about the base atm#im happy with it and its paradise.#its too paradise that it makes me unsettled#which is nonsense its my place and my build#but i feel a lot of pressure to make it perfect#even though I and vee are the only ones who go there and i dont really care about the likes on my posts anymore#it still makes me feel. odd.#i love the work though i love the style and i love using it as a means to imagine a better world#atm im really enjoying just spending time on the server hanging out with vee#but i get into my own head a lot about the base#its not even just the base im talking about everything but the base is the example#i built a bit of a weird interior today i just went crazy with the terracotta and the plants and a pool of water#and i keep thinking on if it was the 'right' thing to do#and if i will be able to complete it properly to a high enough standard#it also doesnt help that ive improved over the course of the last 2 years in building#so now my house looks off and weird and theres trees that need to be taken down and paths that are over textured#but i find the process of doing it and the feeling of completion really deep and important#i dont know. i feel like im constantly in a battle of pushing myself to be better but limiting myself at the same time by having fun or sthn#i feel like i should be making youtube videos or at least prepping to#but i havent because i cant figure out how to organise mods and its freaking me out. theres just loads of excuses stopping me#i dont know.#the annoying thing is pushing myself creatively has resulted in massive benefits for me lately creatively#partly i think why im feeling odd with the base atm is because ive suddenly gone for being barely able to play an hour a night to having all#the time in the world so its created a sudden influx in development#idk. this is rambly#fish talks#i want to download a minec@ft map and remove the suburban housing to replace with higher density properties becsuse ive been watching too#much socialist urban planning videos again and c1t1es skyl1nes just isnt cutting the cheese rn#thats the wrong saying. fandoms censored to avoid crosstagging
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icharchivist · 4 months
also i think it's really funny how Cait Sith managed to infiltrate our crew and now just had to lay low to properly spy on us and the very first thing that happens once he joins is 1) Barret gets framed for murder, 2) we all end up in jail about it.
i mean it's one way to prove you're loyal to your new cause and all but they really immediately dragged the poor little meow meow (literal) into hellish situation.
I want to imagine that Reeve was like, sighing in relief in front of his computer about his crazy plan working only to get a pick of stress the next second because "are you fucking kidding me". Help him.
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likeyua · 1 year
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@dragonflytehanu thanks for the ask <3
Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
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I already wrote a bit about Akachi here. To add: despite her being a Faithless (she doesn't hide it), people usually notice she always wear a necklace with the holy symbol of Eilistraee. The jewel was passed down to her from her mother Ardul'ylene (it was originally of her grandmother Esmerelle), when she decided to abandon her faith in the Dark Maiden: it has no religious meaning to Akachi. For her, it is simply a treasured memento of her family, a reminder that no matter where she is, her family is always with her.
Another fact about Akachi is that she is named after a Chosen of Myrkul. At first she wasn't happy when she learnt this; but she changed her mind after her parents narrated to her the story of the man, what he did and why (basically, they told her about the events of Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer). She's proud of her name and a sure way to greatly anger her is to insult her for it.
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Kidis is my Dark Urge oc. She's a drow bard, playing her violin whenever she can because it temporarily soothes her growing unease about her violent urges. At first, she thought that her violent impulses & loss of memory were a symptom of ceremorphosis, but when it became clear that they aren't, she simply decide to ignore them, hoping (wrongly) that they will go away on their own. This is her usual way to deal with the issues she face. She also cares a great deal about her reputation, wanting to be unremarkable and forgettable as possible: the less people she has to interact with directly, the better.
3. Has your Character been using their illithid powers?
Akachi: only to rescue Shadowheart on the nautiloid and to read Astarion's mind when he tried to bite her. The latter event caused her to never use the powers for the rest of the game: she felt so awful after doing it because she violated someone else's mind and she loathes when it is done on her (and she will feel worse when she will learn about Astarion's past). She did it instinctively, thinking he was attacking her, but after Astarion left, she vowed to never doing it again and tried to apologize to him for it the next day.
Kidis: she is less careful about using them. She thinks that using them in order to avoid fights and to obtain useful information from enemies is acceptable.
24. Was your illithid tadpole empowered by anything in Act 1? If so, how does your Character feel about that?
No. Absolutely not. Neither Akachi nor Kidis use other tadpoles to empower their own. Why give more power to the source of your problems?
27. Who ended up in your Character's most used party?
Akachi: the main party for act 1 is Astarion/Karlach/Gale. Astarion is always in the party (initially because she doesn't trust him and wants to keep an eye on him, after she comes to enjoy his company), Gale is the one swapped out when I need another companion for their quest (only for gameplay reasons) and Karlach because she and Akachi get on well immediately (this won't last, though, because they will fall out in act 3 over how to deal with a certain npc).
Kidis: Astarion is always in the party as usual. There's also Lae'zel because Akachi didn't recruit her and I want to see her story. The last party member, for now, is Shadowheart.
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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spiraling again
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