pink-pkmn-trainer · 4 days
i really like seeing the mikus from around the world, but even though i wanna design a canadian miku i'm scared i'll fuck it up somehow and everyone in canada will hate me 😔
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wingedjewels · 1 year
Morning reflection by Georgie Alexon Via Flickr: This photograph of an American Avocet was taken just outside of Calgary, Alberta, Canada Females are similar in appearance to males but with a shorter and more upwardly-curved bill, male bills are longer and straighter. They are the only avocet with distinct breeding and non-breeding plumages. During the breeding season, the feathers turn a rusty orange color, but in the winter, they are grayish white. I believe this is a male but please correct me if I am wrong. -Recurvirostra americana
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orionsbite · 4 months
The face of a man who knows how to spell
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starwolfafton · 3 months
I'm sure the fireworks are annoying for some. But genuinely, can't relate. I live in a small province(PEI!!!!) and we don't really do fireworks lol. I've only ever seen fireworks like, once
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zef-zef · 7 months
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France Jobin - #F6E36B From France Jobin - Hues (SUPERPANG, 2021)
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seancamerons · 1 year
omg so i know wasaga beach in real life doesn't have a friggin' school called wasaga junior high or wasaga high, don't tell me i just googled to find out.
i mean seriously, what school sean cameron would've went to if he existed in their hometown? research for fics let me tell you, a rewarding experience lmfao! obviously a public school, state run, maybe no extracurriculars, perhaps underfunded, all money goes to like sports and he's not a super jock but maybe did do a little bit of sports like wrestling which he did even do at dsc, basketball too or even because he had to or someone kind of wanted him to 'succeed' or perhaps it was his social worker. could've been a bus kid. if it was a good school i doubt he'd been sent to toronto or attended degrassi while living with tracker. the school geographically i assume, it wasn't close but it wasn't far. couldn't walk there, his parents probably didn't have a car that worked well enough, financially strapped, hungry, not a good place most likely.
by in contrast, the locals like the poguelife of outer banks and the kooky shoobies for reference. haves and have nots. who has a summer home? who day trips? if sean lived in wasaga he likely had odd jobs around, whoever would hire a teenager pretty much so little mom and pop shops, ice cream or water ice window or stand, maybe waited tables but lost his temper with a mean shoobie customer who will leave at the end of the summer anyway quit. not great with confrontation.
is this type of thing a thing? will i make it a thing in this fic? absolutely. when do i ever not explore backstories and such? i wanted sean to talk or show what his time was like for the time in wasaga. a missed opportunity in early season 6 or let's face it ever. with context clues, throwaway lines in episodes painting the picture and throwing stuff like that around i tell a story. a snippet. a word and grab inspo from these types of things. it's fun. that's another of the many reasons i love to write. i love creating worlds within worlds. weaving words with action, diologue and symbols and obviously lots of romance.
for elementary birchview dunes elementary or worseley elementary for upper grades, byng public school not sure.
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forestduck · 2 years
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lahilden · 3 months
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Craigdarroch Castle is located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Wealthy coal baron Robert Dunsmuir built the Victorian-era Scottish Baronial mansion in the late 1800’s. Dunsmuir died before the castle was completed, and his sons finished the castle. Upon widow Dunsmuir’s death, the castle was sold to a land speculator who divided the estate into buildable lots. He then raffled the castle to the residents of the parcels. The winner, Solomon Cameron, mortgaged the castle for other investments that unfortunately failed. Craigdarroch Castle became the property of the Bank of Montreal in 1919. The castle was restructured to serve as a military hospital until the 1970’s. Currently, the castle is owned by the Craigdarroch Castle Historical Museum Society. The castle houses furnishings from the 1890’s, and numerous stained-glass windows that are documented by The Institute of Stained Glass in Canada. There’s intricate woodwork, which includes a prefabricated 87 step grand oak staircase built in Chicago, Illinois. The exterior boasts Romanesque arches, recessed entrances, rows of windows, and cylindrical towers with conical capstones.
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 5 months
Listen/purchase: Onto Adventure pt. 2 (demo) by Wyrd Gnome
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Onto Adventure pt. 2 (demo)~by Wyrd Gnome .    
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blondebombcutie · 5 months
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babakca · 8 months
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More Test on the street of Toronto - Younge and Bloor. Jan 2024 Film Mission
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westernclock · 1 year
India and Canada: A Delicate Balance in Managing Khalistan Concerns
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India and Canada, two diverse and culturally rich nations, share a history of diplomatic relations that have often been influenced by various factors. In recent times, one significant concern that has garnered international attention is the Khalistan issue. In this article, India and Canada's relations with regard to Khalistan are discussed in detail along with their efforts to preserve a delicate balance.
Understanding Khalistan
The search for a separate Sikh state, known as Khalistan. It has been a source of conflict over many years. The Sikh abroad, particularly in nations like Canada, where a significant Sikh community resides, has played a role in the desire for Khalistan. This sensitive topic has led to worries about prospective separatist movements and how they affect bilateral ties with India- and Canada.
Canada's Sikh Community
There is a sizable Sikh population in Canada, and many of them openly support Khalistan. This dynamic poses a unique challenge for Canadian politicians, who must balance the interests of this powerful group. Canada's foreign responsibilities, especially preserving good relations with India.
India's Concerns
From India's perspective, The Khalistan problem is seen as a challenge to the sovereignty of India. The Indian government has made it clear. it views the Khalistan movement as a separatist one with possible security implications.
Diplomatic Challenges
Managing the Khalistan issue in diplomatic relations between India and Canada is undoubtedly a sensitive task. Canada has to address the issues that the Sikh community is worried about. while also respecting India's sovereignty and fears about secession. Canada has tried to achieve this delicate balancing act through a number of different approaches.
Bilateral Engagements
To address the Khalistan problem, both countries have taken part in high-level meetings and diplomatic measures. To stop any extremist actions connected to Khalistan, these contacts have included discussions between leaders, intelligence exchange, and collaboration on terrorism activities.
Educational and Cultural Exchanges
Canada has supported social and educational connections between its Sikh population and India. These conversations attempt to increase mutual understanding and conversation.  while lowering the likelihood of politicization or support for separatist groups.
Challenges Ahead
Notwithstanding these initiatives, problems still exist. Canada is still trying to figure out how to strike the correct balance between defending free expression and thwarting support for secession. India is also on high alert for any potential return of activities connected to Khalistan.
  Concerning Khalistan, the relationship between India and Canada involves a delicate balancing act between assuaging the worries of the Sikh population in Canada and defending India's sovereignty. While addressing the difficulties brought on by the Khalistan issue, both countries understand how important it is to keep close diplomatic relationships. Continued communication, teamwork, and a dedication to sustaining common principles of peace and stability will probably be necessary for these connections to succeed in the future.   Read the full article
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For those of us on the east coast, we’re experiencing smoke & haze from wildfires in Canada, unlike anything in recent history. Third Pod from the Sun  talked w/ statistician Dan Cooley about using math & stats to explain relationships b/t climate & fire
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where-are-the-pixels · 3 months
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Just remembered I’ve never posted it on tumblr 🤯🤯🤯It’s the face family
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theborderupdates · 2 years
Skill-Based Immigration _ A Fair Trade or a Long Con?
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All but a few of the wealthiest countries have immigration guidelines that take into account the skills of potential immigrants. Such preferences are so normalized among the public that few would question them. While skill preferences seem great on a superficial level, they are deeply unfair and troublesome at the international level. This migration process transfers the few skilled workers from many developing countries to the few most developed countries, allowing the rich nations to get richer at the expense of everyone else.
Since the 1960s, rich countries have widely adopted skills-based immigration policies to replace policies based on race or nationality. While such changes have eliminated the most explicit forms of discrimination, immigration policies continue to discriminate along gender, ethnic and class lines.
Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's Data About Immigration
According to the Canadian government’s department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, men were the majority (75%) of those granted employer-specific work permits in the period between June 2019 and March 31, 2020. The reason behind this is twofold. For one, women in “sending countries” usually lack equal access to education due to local gender inequalities. For another, “skill” as a concept is gendered; the type of work women do is often perceived as less skilled.
There may also be ethnic disparities in education access. For example, China and India, two of the world’s biggest “sending countries,” both suffer from great ethnic inequalities in education access.
Education, which is the most important factor in determining whether one is “skilled” or not, also reflects one’s economic background. Rich children have access to better educational opportunities and are therefore more likely to succeed at a higher level. Many rich countries also have explicit preferences for one’s economic status by offering “golden visas” to wealthy individuals.
While it is unrealistic to expect rich nations to fix the problems in the countries from which their immigrants originate, the blind acceptance of the status quo in these countries is tantamount to approving the existing injustice, one that barely aligns with the values of liberal democracies.
Skilled Immigration in Term of Healthcare
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Besides the blatant unfairness, skill preferences also lead to a devastating trend known as the “brain drain,” which hurts sending countries. Brain drain refers to the migration of highly educated and skilled individuals out of a country, resulting in a loss of human capital and the potential for economic growth. Africa loses around $2 billion annually from brain drain in the health sector alone. At the same time, more than one million people in Africa die every year due to a shortage of medical treatments.
From a utilitarian perspective, brain drain is almost certainly a bad reallocation of resources. A doctor in a low-income country could save way more lives compared to a doctor in a rich country, where medical resources are already comparatively sufficient. Brain drain has also stifled economic activity in poorer countries. Without a pool of professionals, it is impossible for low-income countries to catch up with wealthier countries, which further deepens international inequality.
Benefits of Educated People
Most people would consider education a public good; an educated populace benefits all members of society. It is for this reason that taxpayers fund public schools, from primary schools to universities. However, when educated people leave their home country to work somewhere else, they choose their own well-being and that of their family over all the taxpayers who have invested in their education. This essentially makes poorer countries subsidize the education of rich countries, for which they get little in return.
At an individual level, only allowing the skilled to immigrate is also philosophically dubious, if not indefensibly bad, from a utilitarian standpoint. In almost all countries, even those under the terror of war, those with skills are doing relatively well compared to other citizens. The chance to migrate to rich countries is, of course, a precious opportunity. Such opportunities should not be given to those who need them the least. This is even worse if we take into account that the departure of the well-off will make those who are suffering face even greater hardships.
Effect of Skilled or Unskilled Immigration on Rich Countries
Admittedly, as many critics of my view would argue, skilled immigrants have helped rich countries like America a great deal. This is most definitely true. However, it is important to note that unskilled immigrants also contribute greatly to society. Secondly, such a view is the result of a tunnel-visioned view of policymaking. While America benefits, those nations that people leave to go to America are left severely deprived. Often, the sending nation’s limited taxpayer funds have raised the few highly talented individuals. For them to then leave for America not only stunts economic prosperity, but actively drains growth and discourages investment in self-made innovation. Rich countries directly benefit at the expense of the hard work of the many whose living standards are already low.
Some would also object to my view based on the ideal that freedom of migration is a basic human right. However, the ideas presented above have no relevance to the number of immigrants that countries should take in. In other words, removing skill preferences won’t change the number of admitted immigrants. Paradoxically, if freedom of migration is a basic human right (which I wholeheartedly agree with), then all humans should have the same extent of such freedom, regardless of whether they are skilled or not.
Immigration To Rich Countries Help Economically
Some may also point out that sending countries may stand to benefit in some ways from the brain drain. For example, immigrants working in rich countries often send money back home to their relatives and friends. Such acts, called remittances, have a positive impact on the economy. However, considering the fact that unskilled immigrants actually send back more compared to their skilled counterparts, this cannot justify skill preferences. Furthermore, skilled immigration creates reliance on both sending countries and rich countries. For example, America relies heavily on Filipino nurses; such reliance would put America’s health care system at risk if there were any major changes in the Filipino education system. Skilled immigration has also made some sending countries overly reliant on remittance income. In the Philippines, for instance, remittances comprise nearly 10% of the country’s GDP. It should be noted that the Philippines is only a major sending country because of the skill preferences set by rich countries.
What is the alternative policy, then? If rich countries will take the same number of immigrants, they should prioritize those who need help the most: those fleeing the horrors in Ukraine and Myanmar and those facing the worst economic hardships. Besides, rather than the discriminatory practice of skill prioritization, we should create equitable policies that take into account other countries’ economic developments, prioritize family reunification and create a lottery-like system to ensure this life-changing opportunity is equitable for all.
Source: https://www.michigandaily.com/opinion/skill-based-immigration-a-fair-trade-or-a-long-con/
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climbkashmir · 2 years
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Route to kargil from kishtwar jammu https://www.climbkashmir.com/book/warwan-panikhar-kargil-trek9n10d/ Visit www.climbkashmir.com #clilmbkashmir #warwanpanikharkargiltrek #warwanvalley #hiking #trekking #camping #backpacking #adventuretravel #hiker #trekker #trekkie #hikinglover #mountainlover #adventureseeker #luxurytravel #kashmir #usa #uk #london #cananda #victoriabc #canadatokasmir #poland #warsaw #thailand #singapore #malaysia #hingkong #indiantravelblogger #photooftheday (at Kargil, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CphuVD4pbSi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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