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logicalcalamity · 2 months ago
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A redraw of when Dave got Caledfwlch, to use as proxy art for a human soldier token in my Homestuck proxy commander deck.
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gawrkin · 6 months ago
Excalibur in the Welsh Tradition
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From Encyclopedia of Mythological Objects, by Theresa Bane
Below is an excerpt of the original text and a translation describing Llenlleawg's slaughter of Diwrnach:
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Swung it in a circle" Hmmmmm. I looked at some other translations:
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The Mabinogion, by Gwyn Jones
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The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales by Patrick K. Ford
It does seem like Excalibur has the capability to destroy an entire army
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Preiddu Annwn
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Dream of Rhonabwy
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tournamentstuck · 2 months ago
On review, this tournament seems a bit convoluted. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
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!! Freshest Artifact To Get Into Hands With Intent Of Harm !!
This is the masterpost for the tournament! I will be linking each individual poll underneath as the tournament goes on.
Propaganda is welcomed and encouraged! I will reblog any and all that comes my way.
Due to the size and diversity of weapons in Homestuck I have divided the tournament into pools. This is so we dont have two swords or two hammers or two assault rifles for the finals so on so forth. To keep track of pools with more than one round of brackets, these pool-brackets will now be called Acts. If a Pool doesn't have more than one Act it will not be refereed to with one.
--Round One Pool One Act OneCutlass of Zillywair VS Occam's Razor
Bec Noir's Body Sword Thing VS Human Pornography Sword
Caledfwlch VS Snoop Dogg Snow Cone Machete
Shitty Ninja Sword VS Unbreakable Katana
sord VS Bait and Switchblade
Scarlet Ribbitar VS Regisword
Royal Deringer VS Ancestral Awakening Sword
Saber Rattle VS Caledscratch
--Round One Pool Two Act One
MSPA Standard Issue Pistol VS Doc Scratch's Magnum
Calliope's Magnum VS Flintlock Pistols
Flintlocks of Zillyhau VS Golden Pistols
Fin's Fiveshooter VS Twin M9 Berettas
--Round One Pool Three
Jade's Newspaper VS Diamond Droog's Newspaper
--Round One Pool Four
Suitarangs VS Sollux's Throwing Stars
--Round One Pool Five Act One
Quills Of Echidna VS Thorns of Oglogoth
Thistles Of Zillywich VS Needlewands
Cue Needles VS Knitting Needles
--Round One Pool Six
Equius's Fists VS Roxy's Fists
--Round One Pool Seven Act One
Ψdon's Entente VS HIC's Double Trident
Meenah's Double Trident VS Brainfork
--Round One Pool Eight
Clubs Deuce VS Table Leg
--Round One Pool Nine
White Wand VS Empiricist's Wand
--Round One Pool Ten Act One
Broken Caledscratch VS Broken Royal Deringer
Broken Scarlet Ribbitar VS Broken Caledfwich
--Round One Pool Eleven Act One
Sledgehammer VS Warhammer Of Zillyhoo
Pogo Hammer VS Wrinklefucker
Pop-A-Matic Vrillyhoo Hammer VS Claw Hammer
Fear No Anvil VS Telescopic Sassacrusher
--Round One Pool Twelve Act One
Battlespork of Zillywut VS Skaia War Fork
Junior Battermaster's Bowlbuster Poking Solution 50000 VS Red Skaia War Fork
--Round One Pool Thirteen
Kanaya's Chainsaw VS Demonbane Ragripper
--Round One Pool Fourteen Act One
Fiduspear VS Jousting Lance
Cigarette Holder VS Daggerlance
--Round One Pool Fifteen Act One
Registickle VS Homes Smell Ya Later
Sickle VS Clawsickle
--Round One Pool Sixteen Act One
Green Sun Scepter VS Walking Can
Dragon Cane VS Gold Scepter
Black Scepter VS Spear Cane
Cast Iron Horse Hitcher VS Bull Penis Cane
--Round One Pool Seventeen
Con Air Bunny VS Liv Tyler
--Round One Pool Eighteen
Claw Gloves VS Action Claws
--Round One Pool Nineteen Act One
Ahab's Crosshairs VS Girl's Best Friend
Black Rifle VS Green Sun Streetsweeper
Harpoon Gun VS Proton Canon
Laser Gun VS Hunting Rifle
LE's AR VS Crockercorp Appearifier Rifle
Gold Rifle VS Blunderbuss of Zillywigh
Mom's Rifle VS Blunderbuss
Previous Rounds Below The Break!
there arent any yet lol
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moon-touched-vn · 9 months ago
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Arthur (armor)
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negreabsolut · 9 months ago
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La Dama del llac dóna Escàlibor al rei Artús. Dibuix d'Alfred Kappes; 1880.
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clancarruthers · 2 years ago
THE SWORD OF RHYDDERCH HAEL   ‘Dyrnwyn (‘White-Hilt), the sword of Rhydderch the Generous: if a well-born man drew it himself, it burst into flame from its hilt to its tip. And everyone who used to ask for it would receive it; but because of this peculiarity everyone used to reject it. And therefore he was called Rhydderch the Generous.’   The Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain I draw…
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conceptofjoy · 7 months ago
i still think dirk is an american scottish and or welsh guy. he doesnt know it but dave was close to getting it which is why alpha dave thought it was funny to name him mf DIRK. he dodged the silly accents accusations by a hair’s breadth
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look inward bro
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ceaselesssong · 1 year ago
I ran out of tags
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I’ve created a Homestuck Family Tree.
Some observations:
- Harry Anderson is both Yiffanys cousin and Uncle, and while he’s not Technically dating Tavros the whole affair verges on incestuous, as Tavros is Harry’s Uncle. Not that incest is much of a problem in Homestuck. But.
- Through a few leaps in logic, Jade is siblings with a Sword, a Cat, and Doc Scratch.
- I have no idea how to categorize Calliopes relationship to Doc Scratch. She’s sort of… part of him. If Doc Scratch inherits unclehood from Hal, would he inherit siblinghood from Caliborn.
Now, time to tag all 53 characters
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a-cat-in-toffee · 1 year ago
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ofglories · 6 months ago
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He wonders what it would be like to talk to swords.
Not that it would help with Caledfwlch. The sword and him are one and the same, one soul split into two beings. And all that.
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tournamentstuck · 2 months ago
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negreabsolut · 1 year ago
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Escàlibor, per Sylvester0102. [font]
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ecto-biologist · 2 months ago
Call me caledfwlch the way I'm a useless piece of shit
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tlaquetzqui · 2 months ago
What flattery could Sauron and the Ring use to manipulate him that wouldn’t just get met with “duh, I know”, though? It couldn’t even use “everyone will know how great you are” because Sonic would say “Oh they will soon enough without your help, ✌️Precious✌️, I just haven’t bothered showing them.” (I feel it’s clear Sonic would make air quotes every time he refers to the Ring by Mairon’s name.)
The only tack I can think of Sauron being able to take is “defeating me wouldn’t really count unless you give me my Ring”. Which Sauron might not be childish enough to expect—does he seem like the kind of person who would anticipate Goku healing Cell to make the final fight better?
Also…“Hey what do you say, Gwaihir, Gandalf (love the wardrobe upgrade by the way, buddy): want to help the Knight of the Wind ride again?” It’s not like this would be his first rodeo with a dark lord. The desire to prevent things and people from passing away, Sauron’s main trap for both Elves and Men, is even involved! (“Sounds pretty lame!”)
Sonic the Hedgehog (sustained speed of 767 MPH) could have made the journey from the Shire to Mount Doom (1718.5 miles) in just over two hours. But also he famously loves rings, so he almost assuredly would have found the thrall of the Ring far too powerful to resist. Tails would have had to shoot him
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meraki-sunset · 1 year ago
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🌻Meraki's arsenal🌻
This started as an excercise for dinamic poses using some references and giving my trollsona diferent hairstyles, but i ended up using it as a way to show a bunch of axes she has.
Some are based of canon weapons, like Ahab's crosshairs (Eridan's gun), caledfwlch (Dave's sword), Ancestral Awakening Sword (Vriska's sword), Thorns of oglogoth (Rose's horroterror wands) and The legendary Zilly Weapons.
If the names are stupid you already know it's because i speak spanish👍 (tho names of things in homestuck are kinda stupid anyways)
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gawrkin · 2 months ago
On making a Welsh version of the entire story of King Arthur:
No Lancelot and No Affair. PERIOD. And absolutely no compromise or cheating on this one: you cannot turn anyone else (coughBediverecough) into a Lancelot analogue. You must sacrifice the Love Triangle completely - no "duty vs. love" drama. You're going to have make do without that conceit. You must exercise your own creativity and forge a different dramatic conflict for Arthur and Gwenhwyfar, if at all.
Supplementary to the above: Divorce is legal.
Arthur is at the forefront. Sometimes, Cai, Gwalchmai and Bedwyr is the focus of a particular adventure, but Arthur is a Man of Action, who often outdoes his own warriors. And in particular, he may not even be a King - he may even just be a military chief (Wleddig, Ameraudur or Dux Bellorum), freeing him up to rove around.
Giants, not fairies, as the primary supernatural race Camelot interacts with. Next to that, Saints and Deities come afterwards.
Note that Queen Guinevere herself is the daughter of a giant.
On the legal side: Celtic Law is Tort Law - a weregild system is at play, known as Saraad (Insult/Honor Price) and Galanas (Injury/Homicide Price). Livestock as a measure of wealth. Inheritance system is Gavelkind (although tribal politics may come into play. See Tanistry).
Emphasis on Poetry, Song and Poetic Speech. Englyns are recommended. Bards as serious authority figures.
Be liberal with the supernatural. Mystical items are always fought over and Knights have cyneddf, or mystical abilities.
The Grail Quest has to be whole sale rewritten and given a new mythos: it's either "The Raid on the Otherworld" where the story is about the capture of a mystical Cauldron (Preiddu Annwfn). AND/OR. It's the Peredur version of Perceval, involving a Severed Head instead of a Grail - Maybe its Bran the Blessed himself! - and possibly a battle with the "Nine Sorceresses"
Exceptions to the "No Affair" rule: Medraut and Melwas. The former requires commitment to Traitor!Guinevere and the latter ends with Arthur winning and taking back Guinevere, whether Melwas lives or not.
The Fall of Camelot - There 3 options for how it should unfold without Lancelot: a) defaulting towards Historia Regum Britanniae's version of events. b) the Gwenhwyfach feud. And c) Non-Traitor Medraut ending. The first, similar to the No Affair exception, requires commitment to Traitor!Guinevere. The second involves establishing Gwenhwyfach as a character in her own right. The third and last is the most difficult: the writer must concieve a sufficiently satisfying third party as an opponent for Arthur and Mordred for a tragic last stand.
No Incest. Medraut remains Arthur's Nephew.
No Villain!Morgan
Optional for the above: Iddog Cordd Prydain as an instigator for the hostilities between Arthur and Medraut
As an extention of the "No Lancelot" rule, No Lady of the Lake and No Galahad either.
Arthur assumes the throne through normal means - No Sword in the Stone or Sword from the Lake. Kings Lot and Urien are allies all they way. Excalibur/Caledfwlch is part of a set of Three Holy Weapons, the others being Rhongomyniad and Carnwennan.
Exceptions to the "No Affair" rule: Edern ap Nudd as Guinevere's lover. Highly unrecommended, either for potentially establishing a Love triangle (defeating the whole purpose of removing Lancelot) and for potentially resulting in Arthur's early, non-Camlann death.
Trystan and Essyllt potentially do not end in tragedy (Total omission of Brittany, Isolde White Hands and the Black Sails motif) (Writer's choice). Although Mark could still treacherously kill them both, ala Prose Tristan.
King Mark as potentially Conomor the Cursed.
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