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negreabsolut · 9 months ago
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La Dama del llac dóna Escàlibor al rei Artús. Dibuix d'Alfred Kappes; 1880.
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gameotheque · 8 months ago
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Ok so I lied about saving my orbs, I wanted to see if I could nab Rearmed Sonya (notably the unit I wanted the most from her debut banner and the only one I didn't get). My efforts finally bore fruit 💚
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valentinemesis · 1 year ago
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rhajat + arcane caliburnus
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fehtism · 1 year ago
Resplendent Soren will finally be available tomorrow! How would you build the spooky boy? I don't play PVP so I don't need him to be meta powerful but I want him to reach his maximum potential.
hello ! thank you for your ask. always happy to answer questions about soren he's one of my faves
i've cooked up two builds for him since he has workable speed and res stats though you shouldn't try to maximize both at the same time.
first is a build maximizing soren's res stat...
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arcane caliburnus will be shown in both builds due to the lack of a arcane green tome more optimized for faster builds. this build shows arcane caliburnus refined for additional visible resistance. arcane caliburnus provides -1 special cd, extra special charges per hit, and a guaranteed follow up attack.
blazing wind as an aoe special takes advantage of the visible atk stat provided by still water 4 and still water 3 sacred seal. aoe specials only take into account pre combat (visible) attack stat so any in combat bonuses from a skill like atk/res finish 4 won't count towards the aoe damage.
still water 4 increases visible atk and res by 7 while decreasing def by 5. you can't run anything other than still water in the A slot for this build. still water 4 is available on quite a few units (including some in the standard pool) however if you don't have it as fodder you can use still water 3 until you get it.
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still water 3 is available on teatime tailtiu who is currently in the ephemera manuals (you will need to upgrade it to 5 star). teatime tailtiu is also in the grail pool.
special spiral 4 in the b slot combined with the special charges from arcane caliburnus allows soren to loop his aoe special and special spiral 4 has full damage reduction piercing when special triggers. special spiral 4 is available on ascended ced, citrinne, and rearmed ophelia. other options for b slot skill include mag. null follow up or atk/res tempo 4. for a cheap option that lacks damage reduction piercing but still allows for looping aoe specials you can run special spiral 3 for the -2 cd after combat effect
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special spiral 3 is available on ninja male corrin combat manual in divine codes 4
atk/res ploy can be inherited at the same time as arcane caliburnus from rearmed sonya (who is currently running on the emblem marth banner) and relies on soren winning a visible res check again opponents within 3 rows and columns centered on soren. for every foe with less than soren's res +5 (with this build any foe with less than 66 visible res) will be inflicted with -7 atk/res, ploy status, and exposure.
ploy status disables many visible buffs and the exposure status causes foes to take +10 damage per hit.
still water sacred seal is required to increase visible resistance and attack.
next for the speed build...
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with his resplendent stats and speed refined arcane caliburnus he has a very respectable speed stat that can be further stacked with skills.
flare is the special of choice due to the healing it provides. other damaging specials may deal more damage than flare since flare's damage increase is based on opponents resistance stat. flare is only on brave soren (in the standard pool) so other options for the special slot include low cooldown specials like glimmer, moonbow, or ruptured sky.
atk/spd finish 4 is a great skill for extra healing when special triggers as well as stat stacking on both player phase and enemy phase. if you lack atk/spd finish 4 you can run atk/spd ideal 4 which is available on the free 5 star m!alear and in the divine codes.
the B slot skill for this build is VERY flexible. mag null follow up (can be inherited at the same time as flare) provides the full null follow up effect as well as half damage reduction piercing. spd/res tempo 4 will be a great option when it inevitably releases as it will provide full tempo and half damage reduction piercing.
the b slot skill shown here, spd preempt 3 is essentially vantage against ranged foes however instead of it triggering based on an hp threshold it triggers based on whether or not soren outspends the foe. it's a really fun option and if you don't care too much about the meta then you don't really need damage reduction piercing.
if you still want to run spd preempt and have damage reduction piercing you can outsource it from either legendary camilla's b slot skill or legendary alear's support.
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speed preempt 3 can be acquired from the brave byleth combat manual in divine codes 3
time's pulse 4 in the c slot can be inherited at the same time as mag null follow up and flare from brave soren. it allows soren to loop specials and deal more damage by doing so. other options for c slot skill include atk/spd oath 4 and times pulse 3
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atk/spd oath 4 is available on the m!shez combat manual in divine codes 4
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times pulse 3 is available on ascended ishtar in the divine codes 4
hope this helps ! if you can't get arcane caliburnus you can use tea tailtiu's inheritable tome refined for whichever stat is needed : )
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twisted-in-underland · 1 year ago
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“I don’t want to attend class today *sigh* but alas father will be upset if I don’t go.”
All credit for the og sprite belongs to the Twisted Wonderland team and Yana Toboso! The info template belongs to @unfinished-projects-galore here on tumblr!
Other Morrigan outfits: Royal Sword Academy | Village of Miracles event | other school outfits
(More info and a bonus image under the cut)
This was a character I was debating on posting but I love how this came out so imma post them! I used Lilia’s sprite as a base and lengthened his pants, I really liked the details on his uniform pants but didn’t like the length on Morrigan.
Some general information on Morrigan;
They are half fae, half human. It’s belived their mother was a Raven fae.
I kind of wanted to play into that by mimicking the holographic nature of Raven/crow feathers. It’s a little hard to see but instead of making the hair highlights just blue or something, I tried to make it a blue/purple/teal gradient!
Morrigan is also wearing Raven feather earrings, their hair just covers them 🤧
Morrigan is the twisted version of Morgan Le Fay /Morgana from both Sofia the First and Arthurian Legend
Morrigan is genderfluid and has no preference of pronouns given they will change their physical form whenever they want
Originally their name was just Morgan/Morgana, but I didn’t want to just reuse the exact name. When I was looking into similar names I saw that researchers have tried to link The Morrigan and Morgana. Ngl I like the spelling of Morrigan, it looks more magical to me
Morrigan was born in the Kingdom of Swords but was cast out of their kingdom when they were little alongside their younger brother Archer (my Arthur inspired oc) when their uncle usurped the throne.
Morrigan and Archer were separated when they were being sent out of the kingdom. Morrigan would later be found and cared for by Crowley. Archer would be found by Ambrose but is generally looked after by a friend of Ambrose’s
Morrigan’s birth name is Morrigan Caliburnus, though they go by “Crowley” because they were raised by Crowley
Because the siblings were so young, they didn’t know of the other’s existence until Archer began attending RSA.
Morrigan ignored Crowley for two months after finding out about Archer because they were upset that Crowley and Ambrose hid this from them.
Morrigan said they were over the situation pretty early on, but wanted to bully Crowley a little.
Because Crowley seems to love vacationing, I imagine him and Morrigan traveled a lot when Morrigan was young.
Due to this, Morrigan didn’t watch a lot of tv as a kid. They were too busy exploring the towns and cities they would visit.
Morrigan befriended Vil when they were kids. Like Jack, Morrigan didn’t know Vil was a child actor when they met because they didn’t watch TV
When Vil and Morrigan were kids he often mistook Morrigan for a girl because of their more feminine appearance. B/c Morrigan doesn’t take to much stock in how they are viewed gender wise, they never corrected Vil.
Morrigan likes to tease Vil because when they met again at NRC, when Morrigan was a freshman, Vil didn’t recognize them right away.
Morrigan also befriended Silver when they were kids. They had taken one of Crowley’s magic mirrors and traveled to Briar Valley because they were bored.
They ended up meeting Malleus and the others through Silver.
Back then Morrigan thought Malleus and Sebek were “weird” but said that’s what made them interesting to be around.
Morrigan was gifted a small magic mirror by Crowley when they were 16. It was mainly so that Morrigan would stop stealing his mirrors.
The mirror is a small handheld one, think Eve’s mirror from the Descendants movies. The only difference is that Morrigan’s can create portals to places in Twisted Wonderland
Morrigan is in the same class as Harry and Riddle, though didn’t really befriend/interact with them until after Riddle’s overblot
Morrigan is sometimes called lazy because they often don’t like attending classes. In reality they have a really odd sleep schedule and will sometimes stay up for hours exploring campus or reading up on ancient relics leaving them exhausted.
The only reason Morrigan regularly goes to classes even when tired is because Crowley would likely throw a fit if they didn’t.
Morrigan is skilled in magic across the board (they are in Daisomnia after all) but excels in ancient curses. They also love to study ancient relics and artifacts.
Like Malleus, Morrigan founded the “Study of ancient relics” club, though is currently the only member. The activities of the club are pretty self explanatory.
Morrigan is often seen as an intimidating figure like most Daisomnia students. Tack on their relation to Crowley and most stead clear of them.
Because they often wander around campus alone and like to look into ancient relics/spells/artifacts/etc a lot of students who don’t know Morrigan are put off or creeped out by them
However, to those who know them, Morrigan is a friendly and generally good natured person. They have a mischievous and sarcastic personality and are known to tease people they’re close with. It’s kind of like their love language in a way.
They’re pretty charismatic and seem to be friendly to most people they meet when they actually socialise. They enjoy good gossip and can usually be seen gossiping with Rook, and occasionally Harry.
Overall Morrigan is just vibing most of the time lol. They’re just goin with the flow for the most part
Morrigan does, however, have quite a temper and can hold grudges (or appear to hold grudges) for a long time. Their anger usually is rooted in worry for their friends and loved ones; they can be quite protective.
Like I mentioned earlier, they became quite upset when they found out Crowley was hiding the truth about their past/family.
They even ignored Crowley for two months, and while they don’t necessarily hold a grudge anymore they are still a little bitter about it.
Morrigan also seems to hold some animosity or disinterest towards Neige LaBanche, though it seems to be rooted more out of worrie for Vil than anything Neige actually did.
Morrigan has also shown some sense of vanity. While they don’t necessarily care how people view them in regard to gender, they still take pride in their appearance. I like to think this is a trait a lot of Raven fae share to some degree.
One of their pet peeves is when people touch their hair without asking, especially if it’s Crowley
I think that’s all for now. I had something else I wanted to add but I can’t remember what it is. I’m sure it’ll come to me at some point.
Feel free to ask questions about any of my OC’s! As of right now I’m still debating on if Morrigan and Archer are full or half siblings.
Also here’s a bonus picture for Morrigan! I liked how their hair turned out but the blazer covered it 😅. You can also see the earrings and the gradient in the highlights a little better!
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swishysword · 1 year ago
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Tilesets used:
Starlight Furnace - Hercynian Lowlands
Lazarus - VTT Sci-Fi Tactical Map
On FoundryVTT, using Grapejuice Isometrics.
This week on Saturday lancer, the party began their dragon hunt on Caliburnus. They'd need to trek through the wilderness, using their skills to avoid riling up the forest too much while approaching their prey. They opted to take the river path, and ran into the Metal Men.
While previous Cynthia seemed to have made a good impression on them, at the sight of Ea (Ria's mech), they were sent into a frenzy and started attacking the party.
Mission deets under cut:
Mission // 005
Dragon Hunt
After the tense mission on Ulone Fortuna Wing decides to travel first to Cephus for vacation, and then to Caliburnus once Dandelion's curiosity of the oddities regarding Arianna's home become too much to bear. Caliburnus is an incredibly dangerous world, and simply leaving the settlement necessitates being in a mech suit lest one perishes.
Driven to seek answers, the party requests a chance to hunt a dragon as Arianna has mentioned them before, and Maeve grants them the right—but no more than that—to drive off Tiarna Dóiteáin who has nested close enough to be a risk. Arianna hopes to speak with the other Cursed Ones in order to find why Ea has gone silent, but before that they must succeed in hunting the Lord of Fire…
Find the Lord of Fire's resting place.
Drive the "dragon" off.
Wildly varied local flora and fauna, likely primarily biological units.
Though the locals and Arianna are familiar with the wildlife, that does not necessarily translate into Scan-quality knowledge.
Potential encounters include: Metal Men, Centaurus, Ironbeaks, Steel Crackers, Furnace Flowers, Shambling Trees, Vine Men, Luring Snappers, Rolling Clickers, Web Swarmers, Strangling Waters, Living Flames, Moving Forests, and Dragon Scales.
Environmental shielding (On Ria)
Boosted Servos
Special Conditions
Living World: At the start of every Round, roll 1d6. On 4+, the location of every character that moved last Round is targeted by "Living Thorns", which activate at the end of the current Round.
Choking Miasma: Areas around fungal terrain count as Hard Cover, but units within them cannot draw Line of Sight outside of them. These areas are designated by Purple measurement templates.
Hostile Flora: Ending a turn in soft cover granted by plants deals 1 AP Kinetic damage. Any attempt to clear out plant-based soft cover must deal a minimum of 5 damage in a single attack, otherwise the cover is unaffected. Fire/fire-effects from attacks or abilities do not spread, unless explicitly stated by it.
River Path
The Great Tree that Làirig Dhrù rests upon condenses much of the local rainfall, converting it into flowing rivers leading down. Following this flow allows for quick traversal, assuming you're willing to risk the dangers involved.
Primary Objective: Defeat all enemy units.
Secondary Objective // 1: Allow a Metal Man to summon a Moving Forest, then defeat it. (0/1)
Reward: x1 CORE battery As a rule, even the most hostile of flora seem to respect the Metal Men. Likely due to their inedible nature, and tendency to care for them.
Special Conditions
Torus: Moving into one of the Torus's hexes immediately causes that unit to be randomly teleported to one of the other Torus hexes.
Enemy comp for this map includes:
Metal Men, who are Tokolosh (Field Guide to Mfecane) Veterans with a special ability to affect both Biological units with tech attacks and spend a Full Action to summon Reinforcements. Their gimmick is to Lure players out of hiding, slap them with Death Clock to force a player to maintain Danger Zone. This combos with—
Ironbeaks, who are Nosferatu (Lancer Enhanced Combat) that primarily hunt high heat targets. While not mandatory, I played them as predator animals mostly focused on hunting down high heat (both player and enemy), so they mostly hover out of combat and only swoop in when someone hits the Danger Zone. The Bite to absorb heat, then attack repeatedly with Talon once exposed. +Heat Seeking to make their targeting priorities clear. Slightly customized with the Monstrosity's +Winged.
Furnace Flower Seedlings, who are Stormcallers (Field Guide to Liminal Space) with the Turret Template (Maximum Threat) +Fixed. Their job is to mostly be a long range nuisance on the other side of the river, forcing players to deal with them or slowly get burned and impaired.
Spear Roots, who are Monstrosities with +Natural Camouflage and +Burrower. They only activate when someone is within LOS and Sensors, and then will target whoever they think is the weakest. Mostly just a hassle.
Vine Blights, Monstrosity Grunts with the Revenant Template (Maximum Threat), whose gimmick is being able to survive dying once (unless overkilled enough to remove the wreckage). Low risk but demanding two actions across two Rounds to put down for good.
Vine Men, Barricades with the Horror Template (Dustgrave), but really just for a custom trait called +Living that turns them Biological. Comes with +Drag Down to be a threat to the team's Nelson.
Walking Forest, a Brute (Lancer Enhanced Combat) Veteran with a renamed +Grafted Weapon who job it is is to be a big scary meatshield.
Had to call it at the top of Round 4, we rolled Living Thorns going off every Round. Burst 4, attack roll for 4 AP Kinetic damage Hull Save vs Prone, miss halves damage and no Prone. Not supposed to be huge damage (and the attack roll means our Saladin's abilities can help reduce damage or risk), but makes a constant pressure on the players when it goes off. You can only ever be attacked by a single Living Thorn no matter how many aoes you are in.
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quivthearcher · 1 year ago
Funny Myths and Legends facts I learned
1. King Arthur's famous sword in the stone's name is actually not Excalibur
-> The earliest version of the sword was first called "Caledfwlch" from the old Welsh Epic "How Culhwch won Olwen" it was later latinized by Geoffrey of Monmouth into "Caliburnus" then finally "Excalibur" by the french.
Heres where it becomes funny, stories in the subsequent years of the Vulgate-Cycle(a series of romances chronicling the Arthurian legends) despite usually the one to use the name "Excalibur" interchangeably with "Caliburn" and its various different spelling actually had stories depicting them as separate swords(Merlin and Merlin The Continuation).
Its unknown exactly why Arthur switched from Caliburn to Excalibur, one of the most famous reasons that we have is that Caliburn at some point in time broke and was replaced by Arthur going to the Lady of the Lake to receive Excalibur.
2.Lancelot was in fact not an actual part of the original legends
-> Lancelot is probably the most famous character of the whole Arthurian Legends alongside the Wizard Merlin, Witch Morgana/Morgan, and the Titular King Arthur, but did you know he was actually not originally apart of the original Welsh Legends?
Lancelot despite being one of the most prominent members of the legend only joined the Knights of the Round in the French version of the legends.
First Appearing in writing in an old "Lancelot, Knight of the Cart" in the 12th century he was already written out as having great passion and love for Guinevere, Arthur's Queen, and as a powerful knight of equal prowess to Arthur.
It isn't until the Vulgate-Cycle that Lancelot's story would become synonymous with the Arthurian Legends with his exploits being an important part of expanding the Legend's mystical sides with him fighting 2 dragons, and being raised by the lady of the lake(coining his name "Lancelot Du Lac"/"Lancelot of the Lake").
Heres the best part
3. Despite Lancelot's most prevalent stories being about his love for Guinevere and how it led to the fall of King Arthur, he was actually not the one who originally had this role in the story.
->The role of the Traitorous Queen's lover was none other than the son of Arthur Mordred!
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whencyclopedes · 8 months ago
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Excalibur es la espada del Rey Arturo en la obra fundamental de sir Thomas Malory, La muerte de Arturo, publicada en 1485. La espada fue presentada originalmente por Geoffrey de Monmouth en Historia de los reyes de Inglaterra (1136) como Caliburnus (o Caliburn) y desarrollada aún más por escritores posteriores antes de que Malory la inmortalizara en su obra. La espada, desde su primera aparición, es un arma poderosa en manos de un guerrero hábil y conserva esa reputación en cada historia que la presenta.
Sigue leyendo...
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sunshinemoonrx · 2 years ago
I've been thinking about the original folkloric Arthur
Not a king, not a knight, but a great hunter and a humble soldier.
I'm not really an artist but I spent all yesterday filled with the urge to draw this version of the character, so here's a post that's 50/50 doodles and historiographical rambles about him.
I wanted to do scenes depicting the feats this earliest 9th-century Welsh folklore describes him doing, so first I needed a design for the guy.
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Notes on my choices and historicity:
-These earliest local Arthur legends are recorded in an appendix to the Historia Brittonum (c. 830), where he is referred to as simply "Arthur miles" ("the soldier"), a protector-figure in south Wales. The name Arthur is thought to derive from the Latin "Artorius", so I've just written it here to create a consistent Latin version of the name and title. That doesn't mean it was his "real name"; there probably wasn't a specific real guy. Some have floated a 2nd-century Roman general named Lucius Artorius Castus as the "real king Arthur", but there's a 600-year gap between his life and any mention of Arthur, so that's extremely unlikely.
-The visuals are a mix of historic (he wears a tunic, a mail shirt and a cloak with an early medieval brooch) and the kind of anime boy that appeals to me personally. I can't tell you why I was so sure he had to be black-haired, it just felt right. I tried to avoid depicting him as too elite a warrior; I imagine the necklace was obtained as plunder from a raid. For his build, I wanted him to have some mass but not to look like a modern gym bro, and that crashed headfirst into my predilection for messy twinks, and I ended up drawing him (and the other characters here) with kinda "curvy anime babe" proportions, I guess, lmao
-The 10th-century Annales Cambriae say that at the battle of Badon, "Arthur carried the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ for three days and three nights on his shoulders and the Britons were the victors". This is probably referring to to a shield design, but I thought it'd be fun to interpret it as a back tattoo. The practice is attested as being practiced in the north of Britain from a 786 synod in Northumbria. The English clergy weren't fond of it and actually tattooing a cross isn't attested until the crusading era, plus from a modern perspective the vibes of a guy with just a big Christian tattoo are a bit questionable, so I decided to pair it with something else. Earlier Roman accounts of Briton tattoos mention animal shapes, and Welsh legends often depict people or their souls becoming birds (early modern Cornish folklore even held that Arthur survived in the form of a bird), so I went with a wing-pattern.
-The precursor to Excalibur, Arthur's sword Caledfwlch ("hard-cleaver", Caliburnus in Latin, Calesvol in Cornish) isn't magic yet, and his spear and dagger are given equal prominence, so I depicted it as the kind of straight sword common at the time, derived from the Roman spatha design.
-One of the two prior stories recorded in the HB is Arthur's fighting and killing his son Amr ("fab Arthur", "son of Arthur", is my translation into Welsh); I drew Amr in a half-tunic/half-dress because, again, I just kinda wanted to
The other story involves Arthur hunting the great boar Twrch Trwyth (Troit/Troynt), so that was the next thing to design:
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This is very cool to see referred to this early, because the hunt of the Trwyth is the climactic set-piece of Culhwch ac Olwen (c. 1100), the most complete Arthurian tale we have from the period after the Historia Brittonum transformed him from a minor local figure into a magical warrior-hero for all the Britons and centrepiece of Welsh legend, but before Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae further began his transformation into the chivalric king popular in France and across Europe.
In Culhwch, Trwyth is a king who was turned into a boar by God as punishment for his sins, so I came up with a human design as well as a big pig design. The king in question was probably intended as a Briton, but I thought it would be fun to depict him as a Saxon, Arthur's enemies in the HB, especially as Saxon warriors often wore boar-crests on their helmets. I did one take with a mostly historic boar-helmet, and one more fantastical, almost like a boar-themed Kamen Rider helmet, as if rather than becoming an actual boar he became this more fearsome but still humanoid warrior.
I also made his sword slightly asymmetrical, to mirror the seax knives that gave the Saxons their name. Their actual main battle swords were straight, but I thought it was a fun touch for this magical tyrant.
As for the boar-form design, I like depicting monsters with sketchy outlines, like they aren't fully solid creatures of this world.
And that's how we get our first scene proper!
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The legend recorded in HB says that when Cabal (Latinisation of Welsh "Cafall"), Arthur's dog, was hunting Troynt (Trwyth), he left a paw-print in a stone, which Arthur then assembled a cairn under, and if the paw-print stone is ever removed, within 24 hours it returns to the mound. (Cafall is also featured in the version of the hunt in Culhwch!)
Anyway, I can't really draw animals that aren't big scary creatures, so I didn't want to draw an actual dog. So since I'd already turned Trwyth into a guy, I figured why not just turn Cafall into a guy too? Plus, I get to draw a guy in a collar with a dog-tail and a little fangy. So win-win, really.
I also wanted to draw a version with the human Trwyth, and I figured I'd combine that with the story of Amr, and just do a page of swordfights:
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"...on fatal field / we fended our lives, as the ranks clashed in battle / and the boar-crests rang..." -Beowulf
The Amr (or Amhar) story relates that Arthur built a tomb for his son, and that every time it is measured it comes up as a different length.
The fact this is such an early story is also very interesting, because one of the most famous parts of post-HRB chivalric Arthur is the killing of his son Mordred. Early Welsh references to Mordred (Medraut or Medrawd) portray him entirely positively. I do wonder if when Mordred became the more famous son of Arthur the story of Amr got folded into his, but we don't have evidence to do more than speculate.
I also now realise that my human Trwyth looks a lot like a Ringwraith, and honestly the more medieval lit I delve through the more moments of "oh that's why that bit of Tolkien is like that" I have.
Those were what I originally wanted to depict, but in doing them two more ideas occurred to me. One was depicting the Arthur of the Historia Brittonum itself (not just the pre-existing folklore it recorded), this local hero plucked into a much grander stage, cast as a pseudohistorical general leading his people against the Saxons.
This one came out very "edgy teenager on Deviantart", but fuck it, kill the part of you that cringes and be free, right:
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The title comes from one of the medieval Welsh "triad" texts, each one a short line listing the "three great X of the Isle of Britain" to help bards remember. Arthur is referred to in many of them, here as one of the "Three Red Reapers of the Isle of Britain". I thought that was a good fit for his war-hero portrayal here. Also I tried moving the cross-tattoo lower down to make it sluttier.
HB's Arthur is an interesting middle ground. He's leading the Britons as a whole, but he still has one foot in his humble origins. He's named as Dux Bellorum, "battle-leader", and it's specified that the kings of the Britons were under his leadership although he was less noble than them. It's only somewhere between the grander Welsh legends that sprung up after this and the HRB that he would get upgraded to king.
For the final picture, I was inspired by a much more recent piece of Breton verse, a 19th-century gwerz (ballad) telling of Arthur arriving in Brittany (on account of being king of all Britons) to slay a dragon and getting help from Saint Efflam. The core story, though, is remarkably consistently preserved from the Vita Euflami, the original saint's life written around 1100. I was captivated in particular by the verse in the gwerz where Arthur announces himself:
Me zo roué ar Bretonet Artur an terrub lessanvet Deut aman deus a Lannion Evit tistruji ann Dragon.
I am the king of the Britons/Bretons Arthur, known as the terrible Come here from Lannion To destroy the dragon.
For one, the way the lyrics flow in the Breton just kinda goes hard, but the bombastic tone and the length of time the story was transmitted across brought a scene vividly to my mind, inspired by the persistent story of Arthur's prophesised return: Modern travellers in the Breton countryside being set upon by a dragon, only for Arthur to miraculously appear with this declaration, defeat the beast and vanish, his original task as hunter and protector fulfilled once more.
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So I drew that! Once again, I like sketchy impressionistic monsters. Also, I think the people in the back are lesbians, but that's less of a conscious decision and more just what happens when you ask me to draw two people.
And that's what's been occupying my mind for the past few days! There's a couple more things I could do. Cai and Gwenhwyfar (precusors to Sir Kay and Guinivere) are characters I'd love to whip up designs for, and there's a bunch of really wild scenes in Culhwch. But that'll only be if I'm still feeling this specific creative energy.
Thanks for reading!
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inprogresspokemon · 5 days ago
Thank you for all the great name suggestions! There were many good options to choose from, and ultimately I am going with Cyrobax (cryogenic + back + axe) suggested by @severebagelmakerpeach, @gladdygirl18 (went with it for the first one though!), and @ryugamugenandcrew, who also suggested Calibaxus (Caliburn/Caliburnus, the Latin name for Excalibur + back + axe).
In addition to many good ice-themed names, there were also some great backstab/backlash puns by @cellar-whales that I ultimately didn’t go with, but thought were really clever and wanted to shout-out. Thanks all!
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#996.5 - Frigibax inhabit forests and rough, rocky regions, capable of venturing beyond cold mountain ranges thanks to a unique ability that keeps these Ice-type Pokémon cool. Their triangular dorsal fin absorbs heat, which is converted into ice energy, enabling them to cool their surroundings. The hotter the environment, the more energy they can store. When sufficient energy is accumulated, Frigibax can freeze the air around them, forming sharp ice blades on their face and dorsal fin. As they mature into Cryobax, and later, Articbax, their legs grow stronger, enhancing their attack capabilities.
#997.5 - Capable of stronger physical feats than their previous evolution, Arctibax will attack their opponents with the icy blades on their dorsal fin by preforming an impressive front flip in the air. As they grow and mature into Calibaxus, they add more sharp ice to their body, serving both as protection and offensive weaponry. Calibaxus' axe-like dorsal blade grows with them, becoming a deadly weapon. A fully-grown Baxcalibur can spew cryogenic air from their mouthes that is so cold, it can instantly freeze even liquid-hot lava.
Named: Frigibax - Cryobax - Arctibax - Calibaxus - Baxcalibur
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negreabsolut · 1 year ago
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Escàlibor, per Sylvester0102. [font]
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fehtism · 1 year ago
Hi! Could I ask about Spring & Winter Bruno builds please? :)
I already have them built but I am no expert and feel there could probably be improvement 🤔
hi ! thank you for your ask
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starting off with winter bruno he wants to be a far save armor which is a highly competitive role. i don't recommend taking him into aether raids but he's very usable in arena.
armored floe provides a res based damage increase and the crucial unpiercable damage reduction.
kestrel stance 3 provides the -1 special cd per attack on enemy per hit effect. if you have guard support you can also run atk/spd unity which turns stat debuffs into buffs.
savvy fighter 4 provides the full null follow up effect assuming he wins a speed check (i believe it's if his speed is greater than foes speed -10) and also provides damage reduction. he does not want to run any other fighter skill because the effects of something like special fighter already exist on arcane caliburnus.
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you can inherit savvy fighter 4 and kestrel stance 3 from fallen anakos at the same time by getting savvy fighter 3 from the valentines lucina combat manual in the divine codes 4.
atk/spd far save helps him further speed stack while he far saves. atk/spd far save and armored floe can be inherited at the same time from brave corrin.
the squad ace BS seal (acquired from doing squad assaults) grants a visible +3 atk/spd but also +5 hp which increases his bulk. he isn't tied to this deal though and can run atk/spd form or mystic boost 3.
this build only requires two units to be foddered (and a combat manual) making it very efficient.
as for spring bruno ...
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i had a Hard time finding something for him to do. he has an extremely awkward stat spread with a very high defense stat and nothing to do with it. as a staff unit it's not like he can deal damage with bonfire and with dazzling staff 3 in base kit it's not like he's taking hits very often.
this build is a more supportive role and tries to get him to speed stack since there isn't any point in stacking other stats.
first is seaside parasol+ which is available on summer l'arachel who is currently running on the 7th anniversary special focus 1 banner. this is the best inheritable staff as there isn't any sort of arcane staff and should be refined with the wrathful staff effect. it inflicts the guard status on nearest enemies within 5 spaces, grants atk/spd +5 in combat, and debuffs foe's res in combat based on four times the amount of visible debuffs on the foe.
return+ is the preferred staff assist due to its ability to act like reposition which is generally the most versatile movement assist. you can also use ascended elincia's rescue+ instead since this build requires you to fodder an ascended elincia anyways.
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return+ can be inherited from a sara combat manual from divine codes 3
lights restraint is arguably the best offensive staff special and it provides more guard support by inflicting the guard status on foe and foes within 2 spaces after combat. it's also only 2 cd.
C duel cavalry allows spring bruno to score /okay/ in arena. not great by any means but if you want to use ur faves in arena... even if you're not using him in arena +5 hp and +2 to all stats is still pretty nice. unfortunately C duel cavalry is only available on groom saul who is not in the standard pool of units. another option for an a slot skill since groom saul is limited is atk/spd catch 4 which is inheritable from quite a few units in the divine codes
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the cheapest way to get atk/spd catch 4 from the divine codes is the summer dimitri combat manual from divine codes 4
dazzling shift would be better as dazzling far trace however that is only available on halloween flayn and almost feels like a waste... dazzling shift can be inherited from ascended elincia at the same time as lights restraint and the pre requisite fodder is already in his kit. it is simply a tier 4 version of dazzling staff in tier 4 skills are required to score in arena.
inf. speed tactic allowed spring bruno to be even more supportive to his allies beyond inflicting guard. inf. speed tactic provides both spd+6 and full null follow up to infantry allies (assuming the amount of infantry allies on the team is 2 or less). other options for c slot skills include any joint drive skill (preferably joint drive speed)
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inf. speed tactic can be inherited from the brave chrom combat manual in divine codes 4.
the blade session seal is simply the only way he can hope to acquire enough speed to double enemies.
hope this helps !
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proditoreques · 7 years ago
@caliburnus said: what if she gets a stocking full of coal for christmas
               -infinitely sniggers in the background-
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It was said that you could hear her screams even in the furthest regions of the Northpole. Santa had to replace 15 elf's that day...they were far FAR too scared to continue working for some reason.
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aeronotch · 7 years ago
🌟 (If I may?)
Send me a 🌟 and I’ll use a random number generator to generate a Christmas themed starter!  5. Park + 5. Sing
Even in this world, snow fell, matching that of the season. The usual green layered scenery was lined with white, even the oddly cheerful man resting on a snow dusted log. The King of Knights might not have been able to see just what he saw, but she would be able to hear the lightness in his tone as he sang.
He leaned back in his seat, hands pressed against either side. Snow fell from his hair at the act, and he seemed wrapped up in his song. Others might not be able to see them, but the May King was enjoying the company of the whimsical tones of the fae.
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geooricle · 5 months ago
You're not seeing things. The "bad" Death Gard think he's weird because he has a butler/squire. Nathanial Garro is literally the One True King of England, according to author interviews. Libertas is Excalibur (CALIBURNUS REX -> ..LIB.R.SX REX remaining written on it), that's why there's that weird scene in Saternine where Falkus Kibre couldn't pull it out of the floor.
40k is not subtle at all about having the British class system being an intrinsic law of reality, that's why Orks talk like football hooligans, the Imperial Guard are all cockney, and anyone high up in the Imperium have BBC accents. Remember, its not just a parody of fascism in general, its specifically a parody of British fascism. That's why everything is done in the name of an almost-dead powerless corpse on an ornate golden throne.
on the topic of Britishness in Horus Heresy novels specifically related to class...
may I present Saul Tarvitz and Nathaniel Garro
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redshrouded-blog · 7 years ago
I, too, would like some treats.
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gives saber a basket filled with homemade sugar candies, all coloured in oranges and reds for the halloween festivities. 
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