#yes this does mean that Lancelot was an OC
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quivthearcher · 1 year ago
Funny Myths and Legends facts I learned
1. King Arthur's famous sword in the stone's name is actually not Excalibur
-> The earliest version of the sword was first called "Caledfwlch" from the old Welsh Epic "How Culhwch won Olwen" it was later latinized by Geoffrey of Monmouth into "Caliburnus" then finally "Excalibur" by the french.
Heres where it becomes funny, stories in the subsequent years of the Vulgate-Cycle(a series of romances chronicling the Arthurian legends) despite usually the one to use the name "Excalibur" interchangeably with "Caliburn" and its various different spelling actually had stories depicting them as separate swords(Merlin and Merlin The Continuation).
Its unknown exactly why Arthur switched from Caliburn to Excalibur, one of the most famous reasons that we have is that Caliburn at some point in time broke and was replaced by Arthur going to the Lady of the Lake to receive Excalibur.
2.Lancelot was in fact not an actual part of the original legends
-> Lancelot is probably the most famous character of the whole Arthurian Legends alongside the Wizard Merlin, Witch Morgana/Morgan, and the Titular King Arthur, but did you know he was actually not originally apart of the original Welsh Legends?
Lancelot despite being one of the most prominent members of the legend only joined the Knights of the Round in the French version of the legends.
First Appearing in writing in an old "Lancelot, Knight of the Cart" in the 12th century he was already written out as having great passion and love for Guinevere, Arthur's Queen, and as a powerful knight of equal prowess to Arthur.
It isn't until the Vulgate-Cycle that Lancelot's story would become synonymous with the Arthurian Legends with his exploits being an important part of expanding the Legend's mystical sides with him fighting 2 dragons, and being raised by the lady of the lake(coining his name "Lancelot Du Lac"/"Lancelot of the Lake").
Heres the best part
3. Despite Lancelot's most prevalent stories being about his love for Guinevere and how it led to the fall of King Arthur, he was actually not the one who originally had this role in the story.
->The role of the Traitorous Queen's lover was none other than the son of Arthur Mordred!
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 11 months ago
To answer your questions from the last ask,
Yes of course he loves his brother, in fact he loves ALL his brothers(and by that I mean Mordred's brothers but Mordred is the favorite). Also I read somewhere that Arthur and Guinevere may at least have had daughters so I'm throwing them into the unending mix of children as well. As for Galahad, he's on ice with him even if he's not Guinevere's kid.
Y'know I've thought of giving him a unique name but uh, I ended up naming him Lleullyn....(Lleuad + Llyn *looks away in shame*)
Guinevere conscripted a Fay to help magically make a magic baby boy appear in her womb and he pops out giving off like, 97 different bad vibes but the Fay quickly hides it away lol.
As for repercussions, I mean it's a black magic boy who's true form is a bunch of meddled together human parts. So like Jennette, his appearance is a lie but unlike Jennette I don't want it to be that people just gravitate towards him. Lleullyn is just naturally charming, I don't want Mordred to end up loving him because of magic. He's gonna have to love his brother at his most eldritch if he wants to love him at his most angelic.
Also yeah Mordred is gonna be blonde.
I meant Lleu actually. What is Lleullyn appearance? Does he look just like your twp version of Lleu with freckled dark skin and black hair/dark eyes?
Lleullyn...I like that. It still allows us to shorten his name lovingly to "Lleu". I've gotten attached to the name Llacheu too. Is there a story behind the combination of the names Lleuad and Llyn? Lleuad means "moon" and Llyn means "from the lake" in Welsh. From the second name alone I would conclude that Lleu was fathered by Lancelot du Lac even though he was made from magic. Did Lancelot assist Guinevere with her plan which would make him the father in a way? Did he sacrifice something and as a result of that sacrifice Lleu inherited some traits from him? Like I said I can't believe that kind of magic doesn't require a price. They are creating life from nothing which must be an offense against god. Which brings me to the question how does a religious zealot Lancelot feels about that? It's possible that the trauma of having been raped by Elaine changed him and his attitude towards black magic changed since he's been ruined anyway both by Elaine and his affair with Guinevere. He's about to be replaced by Galahad soon anyway, there's no point in holding on to his old code of honor. Could the baby making of Lleu be partially motivated by his desire to see Elaine's plan foiled and have Lleu beat Galahad as the best knight in the world?
The name Galahad is derived from the Welsh “Gwalchafed” (“falcon of summer”) which would make Galahad the summer to Lleu's spring and Mordred's winter. Now the only missing oc is someone associated with autumn and we have the four months completed.
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that-cunning-witch · 2 years ago
All of this... except for two.
History hates lovers: History *hated* lovers. Past tense. We're just talking about it now bc we can now look at the past with a different societal view/lens. History doesn't hate lovers nowadays (for the most part). No need to shit on that one song y'all. Chill. Also some people argued by saying "sure old historians were Christian men but that doesn't mean"-- yes it does. Old Christian male historians hated everyone and everything that wasn't Christian and white. Take a look at anything that isn't Christian and 10% of the paper will be actual information and the remaining 90% is them dunking on how "primitive" and "stupid" these people are (cough cough polytheists).
Lancelot is a fanfic OC: I think OP was more offended on a personal "heresy" level than an actual historical level. It's not exact but it's a close comparison that is somewhat valid. Sir Lancelot was a later addition and looking at how he was characterized in the beginning, yeah... there's a reason why he's viewed like this. More specifically, he gives off Gary Stu 2013 Fanfic OC vibes more than anything. He was written in by another dude in his take on Arthurian folklore/legend. The whole "he can't be a fanfic OC because he was used as propaganda" makes no sense. He can be both lmao. If you wanna get mad at anyone, get mad at OSP for making this hot take popular. TLDR this is a valid comparison but don't boil down Lancelot to nothing more than a fanfic OC, he is indeed far more than this.
Quick comment/fun fact about mummy unwrapping parties of the Victorians: they actually would make paint out of the mummies! "Caput Mortuum", "Egyptian Brown", or "Mummy Brown" specifically. For uh, obvious reasons, this color is recreated without grinding up mummies anymore. (if anyone has any gripes about this please take it up with my professor who has a PhD in ancient Egyptian archaeology, ty).
People on this website will really mock anti-vaxxers and flat earthers for ignoring scientists and getting their alternative facts from facebook, and then turn around and insist they know more history than historians and more archaeology than archaeologists because they read an unsourced tumblr post once
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beautifulsnake2162020 · 2 years ago
The Vitulation Cycle: An Arthuriana fanfiction (King Arthur x OC and Arthur x Guinevere x Lancelot) CHAPTER 8: DAENARA PART II
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction I do not make any money from this. Cultist Simulator elements belongs to the Weather Factory, House of the Dragon/Game of thrones elements belongs to George RR Martin and Arthuriana while generally regarded as under the public domain, it comes from the culture of Britain.
Chapter 8 - Daenara Part II
"Only you three are here?" Arthur asks as all of you dine in the dining room as you are amused by his surprise by how the plates and platters of dishes floated in.
"Don't worry Valzȳrys (Husband), the dishes ignore you and know where to land. A privilege living in a palace of mages and magic."
"Issa kepa (Yes father), it is only the three of us living here. You're the only one who is not magical who has made it passed through the door."
"Daeron haven't you been listening to Vereena? She said that only members of our family may pass through after giving their blood to the triangle things on the door."
"It's called the blade and chalice Ayrmida." You quickly correct her as you fill your goblet with ice water. The air here was too hot and humid for any heated beverages.
"Why is it called that?"
"You can ask Vereena or Oxenburg tomorrow. Now stop stalling and eat your salad."
"But muña I'm looking for the shredded cheese first."
"Daeron please give your mandia (older sister) the condiment dispenser for the cheese."
"Skoro syt (Why)? She could just think about it and make it float to her."
"Daeron, she just came back from outside." You say it in a tone that leaves no room for argument. He does so though evidently annoyed that he has to do what you say.
"I guess you could see who inherited your dislike for parental guidance." You tease Arthur who couldn't help but chuckle.
"You're mistaken, I did follow sometimes. I did not like that my father wanted me to be something that I'm not."
"Issa (Yes), exactly." You both chuckle even harder.
"Kepa (father), will you only be bringing muña (mother) to whomever is asking for our blood? Can Daeron and I come too?"
"Hmm who is looking for me?" Arthur becomes uncomfortable.
"Arthur what is it?" You take his hand in comfort.
"There's plenty of things that I need to explain to you. To all of you." He takes a drink before he begins.
"Do you remember that I was running away from my home when you met me and Morgan?"
"Of course." You say encouragingly.
"That job - that duty was being the heir to my father Uther Pendragon. He was the former King of our kingdom which I have now named Camelot."
Your eyes open wide.
"You're that Arthur?" You say emphasizing "that" in an astonished voice. All this time you've heard wonderful things about the new King of Camelot. You had hoped that the day would come when the mages would allow your family to visit the new golden city. To learn that your Arthur was the same Arthur who now rules over Camelot...you would think you would be used to how the hours would play with your life but this was unexpected.
"You've heard of me?"
"Issa kepa (Yes father), everyone has been talking about how you've improved Camelot and there are several who wanted to move there. The daughter of the Inn's owner that we stayed in is actually saving money to move there."
"Wait - does this mean Ayrmida and I are..." Your children's eyes glimmer in excitement.
"Wait riñotī (children), let your father finish before you start making plans. Go on Arthur, you were saying?"
"Simply put I was tasked to find 'the Grail' by the Fisher King since he is running out of it. Then I was tasked to find it by a magical being. He gave me some clues pointing me here and also some clues on the chance that it might be you."
"Such as?"
"Our wedding goblet."
The hairs on your nape stand straight as you hear this.
"How? I heard from the mages that it was one of the treasures that was taken from our commune."
"So that's how it got lost. I was visiting the lady of the lake from Avalon when she gave it back to me. It was offered to her by a worshipper seeking help from her."
"What's a wedding goblet?" Daeron asks in interest. No doubt it is another artistic endeavor he would want to explore. He had already been reading books on pottery making and have been waiting to try his hand on it.
"It's a goblet that is used in the last part of a Valyrian Wedding. It's the part wherein the newlyweds drink from it after their blood is placed with either water or wine."
"I think it's romantic."
"How could blood drinking be romantic?!"
"It's like drinking each other's essences and becoming one."
"So that's why you like vampire love stories."
"Why are you being such a baby?! It's just blood."
"You're the artist why do I have to explain all of this?!"
"Riñotī (children)." You say in a warning tone to avoid an argument from continuing. You give Arthur an exasperated look at Arthur as he looks at you sheepishly.
"As I was saying, after I retrieved our wedding goblet I received the last clue which lead me here to you. Along the way I met Ayrmida."
"And then muña, Oxenburg sent me a message in my dreams that I need to come back here immediately because it was an emergency. He tricked me muña, once I left directions for kepa, Oxenburg met me when I left the Inn and made a portal to put me back in here!"
"Ayrmida we've already talked about this. I asked him to watch over you since this was your first time travelling alone." You say as calmly as possible.
"But - but - but I was doing fine without using any of the magic jewelry the mages gave me."
"You let her travel alone?" Arthur asks in concern.
"Ayrmida has a talent for sneaking out. I'd rather have her travel with someone watching over her from afar and with my supervision than her sneaking out on her own and all of us frantically searching where she is. Also the mage Oxenburg wasn't the only one watching over her, I've assigned at least three other mages to watch over her."
"But what did I do wrong that made Oxenburg use a portal to put me back in here?"
"Tala (daughter), I don't think it is something you did that made him return you here." Arthur says gently and soothingly. You were pleased that he was starting to sense how argumentative Ayrmida could be.
"I believe it is because of me that made them return you here."
"But I thought you were looking for muña?"
"I was looking for the Grail whom I was guessing to be your muña. And because you are my daughter you are one half of me and as some would say the fruit of my blood. I'm guessing that the mages had sensed that I was getting close to you and did not want the surprise to be spoiled."
"Vaoreznuni kepa (Sorry father), Ayrmida loves exciting things. One of the things she hates is being still. She needs to keep moving. I've tried so hard."
"If you knew I like to move around then why ask me to be a model?"
"Because none of the other mages are here long enough and muña was resting and you know I couldn't disturb her."
As they continued to argue you lean in closer to Arthur.
"Let's continue this conversation after they go to bed." He nods at you, his eyes showing a seriousness that you thought would live only in your memories.
You remember your heart breaking when you woke up in the infirmary of Doethineb arall with Kyrelle delivering you the news that Arthur could not be found and that after the riot there was a huge fire that killed plenty of the rioters.
"I remember I wanted to immediately go back to the village to try to find you. I know I saved you before I was stunned from behind. But then Kyrelle reminded me that I was pregnant and that I cannot afford to allow my worries to overcome me. At first I didn't listen to her, and then I almost lost them." You lead him to the greenhouse filled with greenery and fresh produce. It was one of your favorite places in this palace that has been your home for twelve years.
"Was that why you sent me on a hunt?"
"Yes, I had my suspicions but I did not want to get your hopes up if in case it was just my imagination. While you were away Kyrelle examined me and confirmed that I was pregnant."
You two sit on a couch as the stars in the night sky shined. It was probably midnight but you didn't feel tired. A common after effect of resting for a whole day after donating blood. It was your first donation this month, the next blood donation would come from your monthly bleed using the blood cup.
"I was so excited for you to return - to tell you we were going to be parents. Only for them to be your last gifts to me after I was told that you had probably died in the fire after the riot." He holds your hands in comfort.
"When my advisor Merlin told me that you were dead and immediately brought me back to prepare me to be the next ruler I wasn't able to mourn you properly. Only that I couldn't allow your last act before your death was healing another mortal wound. I devoted myself to my work with you in mind. It was only recently that I had allowed myself to mourn for you and finally admit how much I missed you and that I haven't accepted that you were gone." Before you both knew it tears were being shed from both of you once again. Your heart was healing through the pain.
"I thought I mourned you after I gave birth. But I could not help but tear up missing you whenever they would ask where you were and how you died. I managed to tell them several stories without simply crying through. Eventually Daeron suggested the possibility you might be alive, but I was too exhausted to entertain any hope. After all it was easier to always be in the present with two children running around. But I couldn't help but wonder maybe if we had not left would you still have been with us." You let out a sad chuckle.
"It turns out we are too similar. I'm not the same woman Arthur. I love you, I still do. But I know you have a Queen now and I'm not naive in thinking that you came back simply for me and our children. You are here for my blood as the only Targaryen who is still donating blood to the mages because everyone else is in hiding and it would be too dangerous for them to do so while trying to blend in." He brushes a hand to wipe your tears away.
"I don't know what deal you've made with the mages here Daenara. But if it is alright with you, I would like all of you to come back with me to Camelot."
"But don't you have a Queen?"
"Guinevere is infertile."
"Arthur." You steady your voice and your emotions. You were a mother now and you wouldn't permit anyone to use your children. It was why you gave blood twice a month so that they wouldn't draw blood from either Ayrmida or Daeron.
"I'm sure you have good intentions, but I will not allow my children to be used as pawns in your politics. I'd rather have us stay here than them to be used in court."
"Daenara I want to be a part of their life."
"And I want that as well, but if it will come at the cost of them being used then I will not allow it. They are safe here, and even if Ayrmida likes sneaking out every now and then I'm at least assured of her safety from the mages here."
You notice the sky starting to brighten, the sun is about to rise.
"Maybe we should sleep on it?"
"Issa (Yes), I'll show you to your room." Both of you are drained and maybe a good rest would give you a better perspective.
After a dreamless rest you wake up to clashing sounds. That's strange, the type of combat the mages practiced were more on spells. Or at least that's what you've heard and seen since the warrior mages would practice outside the palace. You get up and you see Arthur teaching Ayrmida and Daeron how to fight with wooden swords. It made you smile to see them bonding.
"Now attack me Daeron." Daeron moves to attack and Arthur blocks it with ease.
"That is how you block. And if you do this." Arthur easily deflects Daeron's attack and steps back.
"You could put enough space between yourself and your opponent."
"May I try kepa?!"
"Later Ayrmida, switch places with Daeron so that he may see how it's done." As he continues to instruct them you could tell Ayrmida and Daeron were approaching it differently. Daeron was seeing it as a new art to master and create. A skill to be devoted to creation and destruction. He prefers to keep practicing until each stroke was sharp and beautiful. Always the artist as ever. Ayrmida was seeing it more as another tool to carry around to use. A skill to remove obstacles, to keep her mind sharp, and her energy used up. She was focusing on how to make things more efficient, her practice was more on muscle memory.
You could also see Arthur adapt to how each of them learn. He was gentle but stern yet encouraging to both. With Ayrmida after noticing she was searching for the most efficient way, he guides her to mastering the basic strokes before introducing some ways to make things that would give her an advantage. With Daeron who was focusing on the form and beauty of the strokes of the sword, Arthur makes sure that Daeron knows the more non-lethal moves and more on defensive measures.
Once they take a break they finally notice your presence.
"Muña did you see that? Do you think the mages would let me have an actual sword?"
"You're too young Ayrmida." You say as you summon a towel and wipe the sweat off of her.
"Oh muña, Kyrelle is here. She's in the dining room waiting for you."
"Kirimvose (Thank you) Daeron. Arthur have you met her yet?"
"Yes, she was surprised seeing me here." He says as he drinks from a water goblet.
"Why don't you three take a shower first? Riñotī (Children) show your kepa where the showers are."
"Alright muña." "Issa (Yes) muña."
"Oh and Arthur, just mentally think of new clothes while the ones you are wearing are being washed."
"That simple?" You chuckle at his question.
"It's a magical place valzȳrys (husband), almost everything is possible. now go on, jagon (go)."
As expected Kyrelle was here to examine you after you've recovered from donating blood through the syringe.
"While we're alone I feel as your friend and physician I should inform you that I'm concerned of Arthur's presence here."
"Why? Did you know he was still alive?"
"No - but then again I didn't know he is the same Arthur who is the King of Camelot."
"What concerns you Kyrelle? Is it because he's the King?"
"No, it concerns him being a non-mage in this place is what concerns me." This was new.
"It means that there is a chance that the mages here could potentially do more...extreme experiments now. Especially on your children."
"That...that can't be true." You whisper worriedly.
"It is. Why do you think I insisted I have mandatory visits to you every time you donate blood?"
"But why would they want to experiment on them now that their father is here?"
"Since their father is here, they are thinking that you two might make another one or two which allows them to experiment on the twins."
"I thought this was supposed to be a safe space for us? This was the only other place aside from Doethineb that no possible witch hunter could find us."
"Daenara times are changing. It was the best decision back then but now that it won't be long for the twins to grow up it is only a matter of time before the mages here would want to persuade you to allow them to be experimented on. You're the main source of reliable Targaryen blood we have right now. Of course they will want to conduct some experiments on your children. To do what I don't know."
"Can't I use being their only source of Targaryen blood to prevent that?"
"That's also why they will want to experiment on them. With Arthur here there is an expectation that you two will make more as replacements for what could possibly happen."
"What could happen?" Arthur asks from behind you as he takes a seat beside you.
"Where are they?"
"Daeron wanted to work on his drawing that Ayrmida had to be the model for. I figured this was a conversation that is on serious matters."
"It is, kirimvose (thank you) Arthur."
"Biarvose (You're welcome). What were you two talking about?"
"Arthur please tell me you're planning on taking your family back to Camelot. Your presence here has made them more likely for more extreme experimentations."
"How? That was never my intention."
"It has, because you are here there is an expectation that you and Daenara would make more babies and that opens up the possibility that the twins might be used to be experimented on."
"How come it hasn't happened for the twelve years that we've been here? If they wanted me to have more children for experimentation why can't any one of them just deliver their seed and just use a syringe to put it in me?" Kyrelle gives you a sullen look.
"What I'm about to tell both of you is one of the hidden secrets of the magical community. This situation has become dangerous and you must know why."
"What is it then?" Arthur asks urgently as he takes your hand and your fingers rub the back of his.
"The reason why no mage here has ever attempted to put their own seed to produce children is because all the mages here are infertile."
You feel yourself become frozen at this revelation.
"In the magical community, there is a common observation that happens when mages begin to truly be powerful beyond measure. The more powerful you become, the closer you are to immortality. The closer you are to immortality, the more infertile you become. Reproduction becomes useless when you are going to live forever. Or at least for a very long time if that is not the case."
"Oh my...is Merlin?"
"He's not the most powerful, but he's close to the bare minimum. Why do you think he doesn't have children? And if he does, they were made when he wasn't as powerful. It's why he can afford not to give a damn about what goes on with the magical community. This place is owned and operated by mages who are at the same level as he is who has an interest in the Targaryen blood. And unlike Camelot wherein Merlin and Morgan are there, this place has at least ten mages operating and maintaining it. In truth I'm only staying here to make sure they don't do anything to Daenara or the twins."
"Can this place send messages?"
"Yes - but the mages would be easily able to intercept them. You'll have to have it additionally coded to make it look innocent."
"Hmm." Arthur thinks as the twins enter the dining room.
"Kyrelle I'm ready for my check - up!" Daeron says as he sits beside Arthur and Ayrmida sits beside you.
"That's good Daeron. Anyway Arthur, Daenara, think about what I've said. But know that I am on your side. But for now it's safe to temper your trust in the mages of this place." She says before Daeron and Ayrmida leads her to their bedroom for their monthly health check.
"What are you thinking ābrazȳrys (wife)?" He asks you softly. Even after all these years he could tell when you were being anxious.
"I don't know if what she said is truly the case or if Kyrelle just wants to think of the worst case scenario to protect us. I had known the mages here think of me more as a resource than a person. I did not care as long as the twins were safe and we were protected from any witch hunters. But now I'm frightened Arthur, it seems as if everywhere we go, there is danger lurking about. Have I become cowardly?"
"No - Daenara you are not a coward." He says as he now holds both of your hands and rubs them to calm you down.
"You're frightened but you are being careful. That's far from being a coward. I'm not leaving here until you want me to leave."
"But Arthur your kingdom!"
"Camelot is in very capable hands. I've personally made sure of it before going on this quest." You give him a pointed look.
"I may not know enough about ruling a kingdom, but I do know that if you stay away long enough either a usurper may want to take advantage of your absence. Maybe your Queen might find a lover and betray you while you are here with us." He takes a breath before moving closer to you.
"I...there's more that you should know about...and I hope...I understand if you won't like it."
" Skorion issa valzȳrys (What is it husband)?"
"My Queen and I have a shared lover, Lancelot. The three of us are each other's lover."
"When I brought up the chance that you could still be alive and could possibly be the Grail I was assigned to they are both fine with your arrival in Camelot. They both welcome you and accept that we still love each other...if you'll still have me that is." It was then you notice that his eyes were more vulnerable than before.
"I'm also not the man I was when I married you. And I understand if you don't want to remain married to me. But I want you to know that I still love you. Guinevere and Lancelot have helped me be in love again and they have accepted me for still loving you. If you are not comfortable with it then I understand. But no matter what happens I will protect you and our children."
"I'll...I'll have to think about this Arthur. I still love you, I really do. But Ayrmida and Daeron comes first to me now."
"Of course."
Looking back you were still in shock. Of what you didn't know. Polyamorous relationships were accepted in your culture of the commune. Your own mother had two husbands, the second one being your father. Since she was the one who was born in the Targaryen bloodline it is they who adopted the Targaryen name. Upon further reflection you realize your shock was more that Arthur had told of his lovers about you. Ever since you've learned that he was the ruler of Camelot, your mind had begun preparing you for a probably icy reception. True your marriage to him happened first. But you could imagine that his court may not consider it valid for not complying with the wedding standards of Camelot's culture. After all who would want to know that their queen was only the second wife to a woman who didn't know she married a king?
Still if what Arthur says is true and that his lovers were willing to welcome you as another of Arthur's loves...well you're not still not sure of what would happen. After all Camelot's culture prized monogamy while in your culture as long as there was consent from the first spouse then a person could marry as many people as they desired. But in reality it ended around four people at most.
You don't know how long it was since Arthur arrived. But then again time seemed to stand still here.
You just noticed that maybe a significant amount of time may have passed that your family - now including Arthur - developed a routine. Breaking fast, combat training, the midday meal, then any other activities for the rest of the day. Daeron would be in his art studio, Ayrmida would be either with you in the library or would be in the music room dancing to the melodies of enchanted music. She inherited that from you, while Daeron had inherited your more contemplative traits. You soon notice that Arthur's favorite room was the greenhouse. Running a kingdom must have taken it's toll on him as he now takes the time to rest amidst the life giving greenery. And everyone knew you were either in the library or in the magical yard riding your horse in times when you feel the need to get some fresh air.
Sometimes of course Daeron would ask either you or Arthur to pose for his artwork - much to Ayrmida's delight since she disliked being so still while awake. Sometimes you and Arthur would be seated close together either in the library or under the stars in the greenhouse. Sometimes Ayrmida would drag both of you - and if she was lucky, her twin - to the music room so she would have an audience for one of her made up performances. Sometimes the four of you would stay in the dining room after the dishes was cleaned up so Arthur could teach them how to properly play chess - a board game that also puzzled you and finally there was someone willing to finally show how it is actually played.
Soon it wasn't odd that after dinner all of you would gather in either yours or Arthur's bed for more stories. Arthur begins sharing stories of what it's like to be king, what Lancelot and Guinevere are like, funny stories about his knights of the round table. By that point you found yourself comfortable simply sleeping beside him again. When you woke up in his arms again and seeing Daeron snuggling towards him as Ayrmida was in your arms, your heart breaks at the thought of them losing their father again.
Perhaps it was worth the risk of stepping outside of this place. Things were going to change once the four of you reached Camelot. Arthur would be busy with his duties as a King and would not have the same time that he now has to be a father to Ayrmida and Daeron. But it was also clear that Arthur was doing his best to makeup for the lost time being your partner and their father.
Then one day Oxenburg decided to visit you. Whenever he visits it means there is a serious conversation. Arthur has not met him yet and the moment you've learned that Oxenburg was coming you ask Arthur to keep the twins occupied.
"I don't like wasting time Daenara so I will get straight to the point. The mages and I are concerned."
"Concerned about what?"
"Arthur, your husband is now back in your embrace and yet you two have not mated nor have discussed about adding to your family."
"And why should that concern the mages here?"
"Don't play the simpleton with me. The more Targaryens there are the more Targaryen blood can be given to the magical community. Everyone here knows that despite you being a regular donor the demands of the community are more than even you can handle."
"Then I don't understand why your resources couldn't be devoted in helping my family and relatives come out of hiding? Surely there must be a way to get blood from them while being discreet. We've done so for two centuries at least before everyone was forced into hiding from the witch hunters."
"Our numbers are not enough. The Targaryens are not the only ones being hunted down by the witch hunters. Mages, vampires, werewolves, the fae, all of us are being hunted down. Which is why it is easier to have you reproducing once more."
"You can't be serious Oxenburg!"
"I am. My former student screwed things up because of the orders of Uther Pendragon and divided you two. And so I fixed things up by making a way to bring your husband back to you."
"What...what do you mean?"
"With some help I made the circumstances to bring him on a quest here. I was hoping once the two of you got over the initial shock of realizing that the two of you were alive, you two would start making children again."
"How - how could you? We are different people than when we first got married and he is a king now!"
"Which is why once I brought Ayrmida back here and once he had entered upon magical ground we have made time stand still for the rest of the world outside. This would allow both of you to naturally grow closer again and resume your marital activities."
"That's not how marriage works Oxenburg."
"And don't you forget that it is only because you and your children possess a valuable resource that you are still allowed to be here. If you've changed your mind then by all means pack up and go, but no place out there will ever be as safe as when you were living here with us and the only price we asked is for you to give blood twice a month."
"If that were the only price then you shouldn't be asking this from me. You say you are a direct person but you also want to begin taking blood from my children!"
"They are not babies anymore. If we start them early then it won't be as scary for them. We'll just be taking a small amount then it gradually gets larger."
"I did not begin giving blood till I was fourteen."
"That was when your large Targaryen family were regularly giving us blood. Right now you are the only sole donor unless you allow the twins to begin donating blood. And we were hoping that by reuniting you with your husband that new Targaryens will soon be born."
"When I agreed to give blood twice a month it was on the conditions that my children would not be harmed and we would be protected from the witch hunters."
"This won't harm them, we'll make sure they will be as comfortable as possible."
"You are missing the point Oxenburg! You are not doing anything to my children."
"Well then, it seems if you don't want your children harmed then you better start seducing your husband. I didn't make up the Grail quest to get him here for nothing."
And with that he leaves.
"Daenara? Is everything fine?" Arthur asks as he sits beside you.
"Where are the twins?"
"They are napping right now. What's wrong?" He steadies you as he holds your face and presses his forehead against yours.
"Darling, Daenara what is it?"
"Kyrelle...she was right. Arthur there is no Grail quest!"
"Daenara breathe, calm down. What do you mean there is no Grail quest?"
"Oxenburg - he made all that up and made the circumstances to make you come here. There is no Grail at all! He wanted you here because he wanted us to make more children so that there will be more sources of Targaryen blood."
You could see the astonishment in his eyes, and then anger.
"Arthur, how long do you think we could leave here?"
"We'll need to consult with Kyrelle first. I don't know enough about this place aside from what I've learned from all of you."
"Or we could just go my way." Ayrmida says as she walks into the room.
"I thought you were napping?" Arthur asks.
"I tried but I couldn't fall asleep. But it's actually really easy to get away from here."
"Oh how?" You ask hoping your voice was calm.
"Just don't use magic or do anything that makes magic happen. I was able to go to the woods using the large side window."
"That's how you've been sneaking out?"
"Issa, and the mages keep focusing their magic on the doors. And so I make sure to move really slowly until I reach the woods where there's no magic."
From then on you became thankful for Ayrmida's ability to sneak out unnoticed. What had previously brought you grief and worry now brought you joy and hope. Discreetly you four begin packing what you may need for the journey to Camelot.
Then once everything was prepared you take one last look at the place you've lived in for the past decade of your life.
"Are you ready?"
"As long as you are here with us, I am." And it was then that you gave him a kiss on the lips for the first time in a long time.
Amidst the night Arthur is first to exit from the window, then Daeron, Ayrmida and you. With Ayrmida and Arthur leading, you all walk slowly until you feel the magic no longer abundant and you are in the woods. Once you've reached town Arthur buys two horses from a stable hand. One black stallion and one white mare, and Ayrmida riding with Arthur and Daeron riding with you. And then the four of you begin your journey to Camelot with your horses running at a steady pace.
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insomniac-jay · 3 years ago
Male Hero OCs: Body Types
One of my biggest gripes with BNHA (and superhero comics overall) is the lack of different body types among the characters, especially among the men (also why Fatgum and Sir Nighteye are my beloveds). To combat that, I decided to do what Hori could never with my own OCs.
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Akio is rather small compared to some of his peers like Chargeman, standing at 5'10. But he's got plenty of might.
Ya boi got some muscle on his arms because of his powers and some on his legs from playing soccer a lot as a kid.
But when it comes to the rest of his body, he's got an athletic body type, so he's not buff but not skinny either. He's got a toned stomach with some abs but they ain't visible.
He still retains this body type post Sports Festival even with the workouts and training he's done, but he's bulked up a little.
Listen. Chargeman is built like a fucking tank, okay? I mean, he's standing at a whooping 6'9".
He's got a bodybuilder build, which is fitting because my guy is a hero, a wrestler AND a trainer. Not to mention he's chucking and throwing around guys both in and out the ring so he needs a build like that.
Despite being every gym bro's wet dream, Shukara refuses to subscribe to diets. He would rather die than give up his favorite foods for the boiled atrocities gym bros make.
And he's got the endurance of a brick shithouse. Like, his endurance is on the same level as Powerflow's (Marco Castillo-Delgado).
Phoenix Knight
Lancelot is just as tall and strong as Chargeman is standing at 6'5" but not as built like his peer. Instead, he has a simple muscular mesomorphic body.
This comes in handy since he's wearing fucking iron armor as his hero costume. Not to mention all the intense training his father put him through.
However, post Sports Festival his body does change from mesomorph to endomorph. Is he still fucking strong tho? Yes he is.
Now Marco. He's a fucking beast. For starters, he's probably the shortest of my male OCs at 5'5 and he's fat. Like, big stomach, got made fun of in school during gym class fat.
Marco may be big, but he hits like a fucking wrecking ball. He is an absolute unit. Not to mention he's fast as fuck and has a high level of endurance.
Many people find it odd that even though he's a boxer and he does daily training, he's still fat. But in his eyes that just makes him even more of a threat.
Sol has an average body type, he's not too skinny but he's not muscular either.
He's no pushover in a fight, but only gets physical with opponents on his level of physical prowess.
Someone once made a joke about him being the only normal guy and that stuck to him like a magnet.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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sunflowers-and-snowdrops · 4 years ago
ramble about your favourite fic?
oh! that’s a wild ride i have so many. im reading like 2 long form fics atm, 1 is currently being updates and one is already finished. they are so well written and just wow!! but if i have to say my ultimate favourite fic at the moment then it would be The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle on AO3 and its sequel which is just INCREDIBLY GOOD. like??? ahhhh!!! the writing is great, the description is amazing, the characterization is done so well and the OCs are awesome characters, and ITS A SLOW BURN. The plot is super interesting and its brilliant. so if i had to choose then that would be my current absolute favourite fic. (Okay so this is a really long post so... well this a warning i guess)
There’s a bunch of other ones that are great so i’ll talk about those as well. did i mention CaffeinatedFlumadiddle??? their fics are just SO GOOD. like??? Salt of the Forsaken?? that was hilarious!! Exceptionally Exceptional??? that was a brilliant fic and i love that they focused on hunith because we didnt really see her that much on the show and this fic just makes up for that perfectly. Hunting For Dignity?? Cheers and Spirits??? YES. OH i cant forget Fool Me Once which is actually a really cool concept to explore imo. basically Uther isn’t a huge asshole in this one?? i mean he still kinda is but like its just chaotic and the relationship between uther and merlin is kinda odd because he keeps trying to find out ways to kill him and merlin is just done because he cant die and is immortal. i guess they sort of bond over that and wanting to keep arthur safe and like its a strange relationship but im living for it.
Usually uther is awful in practically all the fics ive read but there are some which sort of like make him kinda good?? like?? i mean hes still an asshole just less of it. like in About Merlin... (by LadyAuroraPendragon on AO3) Uther is still an asshole and hes against magic but like??? he ships them??? ahahhaha and everyone does too. its such a great fic. we got a wingman uther in there. A WINGMAN UTHER. uthers all like “why are so bad at flirting/courting? just tell him that you love him already JEEZ” and the funniest thing is that he thinks they’re together because of that scene in the black knight episode where merlin says that they have a bond and then he assumes that they are together and LITERALLY nothing can convince him that they are not together and its great lmao. 
Okay so ive been rambling for a veryyyy long time so I’ll just say two last things and finish off ahahha. On AO3 there’s another fic writer that I absolutely ADORE. their name is AeonTheDimensionalGirl and my goddd their fics are BEAUTFUL. LIKE??? THE WAY THEY USE THE WORD CARIAD?? OH MY GOD ITS JUST PERFECT. Their whumptober series is excellent and they use the word “cariad” which means love in welsh and its just SO amazing and heartfelt and ahhhhh. Some of my favourites include Watch you breathe in, watch you breathe out which is a fic based on the ep “servant of two masters” and how it would have switched, like instead of merlin being possessed or bewitched by the nathair, it was arthur who was trying to kill him and its just so good. super angsty but it has a happy ending that makes my heart melt.
The fic?? Off the record??? is just??? PERFECT? i absolutely love that it was from Leon’s pov that was a really interesting way of viewing it and i LOVED the hc that arthur sorta has some kind of magic (bc he was born out of magic) but it ONLY appears when merlin is fatally injured/dying and hsajdbjsbhudhbedb i thought it was great omg. Another fic written by them called Looking After You had such a good enemies to friends to lovers arc like *chefs kiss*. I also really enjoyed To Worship the Powerful (and destroy the weak), Uther’s Bane, and Et Tu, Merlin? because they were such good whumptober fics. 
did i say two last things??? okay i lied, it was three. anyways, last but not least (because i gotta stop rambling or this post will extremely long) the fics Chains Of Secrets and I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) are some of favourites because in chains of secrets its what would have happened if uther said that merlin had magic (if he wasnt cut off or IF ARTHUR ACTUALLY HEARD WHAT HE SAID AND DEDUCED IT FROM THAT) anyways i think its a great magic reveal fic, set in one of my favourite episodes “the death song of uther pendragon” so i think its just neat. 
hilariously, the fic  I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) is also based on that episode. i have a fondness for it okay? Its basically where Arthur blows the horn of cathbdhah again but gets transported to another world where Ygraine never died and ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. LIKE THE DESCRIPTIONS??? THE CHARACTERS?? its amazing and i reread it alot. anyways arthur goes into that world and he has to find a way back to his own. in the fic balinor lives, lancelot and gwen had a KID. oh and merlin was a ROYAL which was just awesome. all in all its a great fic :D
So that is the end, or i will literally go on forever. sorry this is such a long answer ahaha, i really tried to make it shorter but just gave up in the end. I hope you enjoyed that?? i did and i thank you anon, for letting me ramble! If anyone wants to read the fics ive mentioned, then you can find the links below! enjoy :D
The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Salt Of The Forsaken by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Exceptionally Exceptional by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Hunting For Dignity by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Cheers and Spirits by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Fool Me Once by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
About Merlin... by LadyAuroraPendragon
Watch You Breathe In, Watch You Breathe Out by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Off the Record by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Looking After You by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
To Worship the Powerful (And Destroy the Weak) by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Uther’s Bane by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Et Tu, Merlin? by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Chains Of Secrets by magicdoses
I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) by WingedWolf121
For Want Of A Nail by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf                      
(I didn’t manage to talk about For Want Of A Nail or Merlin’s Knight but i think that they are both amazingly well written fics so im recommending it anyways.)
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horngryeyes · 5 years ago
Ok Im actually super curious about how you feel abou the gods as characters? Because I briefly thought about it when o first saw tbi but Im not really pagan so I didnt really come to a conclusion
thank you for asking i actually kinda wanted to talk about this but didnt know if people cared lol. anyways a little basic information abt me - im omnitheist and that means i believe ALL gods exist if people actually believe that they do (yes, if theres at least one person that genuinely believes spaghetti monster actually exist, then i am sure that it does). second of all i am no authority paganism and only speaking of my own experience (that is quite small). BUT i have opinions and i am going to make them known
up until recently i felt like it was disrespectful to treat gods as your ocs - especially that modern pagans didnt do stuff like the christian church did (with the narrative “if youre christian then you can suck it up and sit still when people use god as an antagonist/make them into a character”. and that was a thing i believed before i ‘converted’. im not sure how to explain this well but like, if church killed people for not being christian then i can sit down and shut up while people make fun of god. people dying and me being uncomfy are not comparable)
but then i saw this post. i think its a really beautiful post from a really smart person and you should read what she wrote about this subject, but if you dont want to - tl;dr: those beings are literally gods. people made them into characters in order to spread their stories and thats exactly what the gods wanted
and that changed my stance on this. because like, theyre literally gods. if they didnt want this to happen they could just not make this happen
sure, i still roll my eyes when people call hera a bitch or make zeus into a fuckboy (because gods are not one dimensional. and honestly if you write them as characters and they end up one dimensional thats a character problem, not a deity problem) but i understand that when you write stories about something (whether thats loki, jesus or lancelot) you have to expect that people will retell the stories to their liking
tl;dr: if gods didnt want this stuff to happen, they would make it not happen. and when you write stories about something, you have to expect that people will retell the stories however they see fit
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noemitenshi · 5 years ago
Empty ways can cloud your eyes (Weeping Monk x OC (female, male, non-binary)) | Chapter 2
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Well, actually that’s not exactly how the line in the fic goes, but I have no idea how to make my own gifs... . Anyway, here is another short chapter. And I know I said the fic is only two chapters long, but turns out I have a third one. So, yay!? I’ll post the third chapter probably sometime in the next two days, depending on my internet access. As before, this chapter is unbeta’d.           
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - ao3
Chapter 2
Predictably, the monk was back in the church at dawn. He walked briskly to the altar and knelt before the cross. This time, his mind was blank. He fixated the cross until his eyes burned with tears. Was he hoping for a sign or punishing himself?
“You came back!”
The monk let his gaze linger, acutely aware of the wetness on his face. Then he straightened his spine and looked directly into familiar brown eyes.
“You told me to.” He paused, however not long enough to allow for a reply. “You know who I am – and still… .” He trailed off, uncertain of how to voice the question, afraid of revealing too much. Was the truth already spreading? The truth of his bloodline? Should he bring it up? As a warning? (As a punishment?) Would you have let me come back, knowing this?
If so, what does that make you? A traitor? Betraying holy ground to… .
“Yes. I know who you are.” The words, though softly spoken, hung heavy between them. The monk pressed his lips together, a muscle jumping in his cheek. “You clearly seek God’s guidance; it is not my place to turn you away.” Again, the words were almost whispered. And still, the monk sensed a resolution in them that surprised him. “It is for Him alone to reject you.” The monk blinked.
An onslaught of objections coursed through his mind, mostly in Father Carden’s voice. Of how one needs to be worthy of God. Of how one cannot expect even the smallest mercy and still needs to give everything. Of how tainted he is. Of how grateful he should be that he is allowed to play a small part in His plans. The monk swallowed them all down, unwilling to meet kindness with anger.
“My name is Chris. I am helping Father Matthew with whatever he might need and I am learning the scriptures.” Chris said uneasily into the silence. The monk inclined his head.
“I am… .” He trailed of and pressed ground his teeth. Son, Father Carden used to say. The gray monk, the weeping monk, others called him. Lancelot, that hateful name he’d told the boy. Chris looked at him expectantly. The monk let his shoulders fall and his gaze went back to the cross.
“I can’t just call you – monk.” Chris started out teasing but stumbled over the title. The silence grew uncomfortable.
“Lancelot.” The name felt foreign on his tongue.
“Lancelot.” Chris repeated carefully, tasting every syllable. The monks gaze wandered to the kind face. Expecting… judgment? Hearing his name, after so long, made him feel bared to this stranger. Still, he could not stop looking into those kind eyes. The monk wondered at the thoughts swirling behind them. Judging him. “Ah. Can I – uh – help you, maybe? I mean, if you want to... talk? Or maybe not. Would you like something to drink? Or eat? I mean, I already told you I am learning the scriptures, so if you wanted… .” Chris walked back and forth with every new idea, directionless. The monk followed the movements with his eyes and shrugged, finally. Chris’ cheeks reddened. “I’ll leave you to it, sorry! I’ll be over there if you… well.” Gesturing to an adjoining room, Chris beat a hasty retreat.
“You could read to me, if you like? The scriptures.” Now it was Chris’ turn to be startled. The monk was gesturing tentatively at the table littered with ancient texts. Chris almost didn’t notice the bloodied prints on his palms – and unbidden the image of the monk kneeling in front of the cross, balling his fists at their first meeting came to mind. Chris vividly remembered the wet streaks almost concealed by the monks markings as he first turned in Chris’ direction. The monk snatched his hands back and was holding himself unnaturally still.
Chris made a vague gesture towards a chair and began to speak. The monk closed his eyes and sought solace in the holy words.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 years ago
Pairing: Saeran Choi/Lila Lancelot (OC) 
Description: Saeran and Lila thought that they could escape from Paradise and leave everything behind that had brought them together in the first place. The Savior refused to allow this to happen. She would twist up their love for one another and put it to better use for the greater good and for the sake of paradise. All they had to do was submit. 
Based on Saeran's 3rd Bad Ending. 
"Saeran... or Ray... please... come back...!" Lila whimpered. 
Her arms curled tightly around her torso as she sat in the corner of her room. It was dark and all she had known were these four walls ever sine Saeran had left her behind. 
It had been so long since he promised that he would save them. Was he going to come back? Had he been lying when he said that he would help? When he said that he was going to protect her and Ray? When trembled underneath her fingers as she held his face in her hands and cried.
She thought it would only be the last time she saw him for a few days.
Not weeks, or months.
No matter how much she cried and screamed for help, nobody would come. She was trapped in this room with no way out. Her messenger was useless and she could speak to nobody at all apart from Rika and... she didn't want to do that. She really didn't want that. Yet, these four walls were all she had and when the door opened for the first time in weeks, she found herself staring at the woman with golden curls.
She looked sympathetic for once and clicked her tongue as she took in how disheveled Lila had become. Rika sank down to her knees in front of the girl and rested a hand against her shoulders for a second as Lila trembled. As scared as she was, she had not been around another person in such a long time. It had been exactly as Rika had planned and to see her in such a place almost made her smile broadly.
It had been a child’s play, to say the least, like taking candy from a baby. Nothing more, and nothing less than that. All it took was a little yank of an arm behind one's head until they begged for mercy and lamented, pushing their limit for pain until they eventually cracked and had no choice but to submit and accept their fate. Sure, there was always a hint of trepidation and hesitancy from those who didn’t know what was good for them at first, but she was quick to break them of these awful habits.
It only took a bit of this, a dash a that, a sprinkle of such the right amount of applied pain, and when you wrapped it all up in a delicate bow, it was just right again. Saeran had been falling on a fool’s errand. Why would he ever think that he was made for the outside world? Certainly not, she knew him better than that.
He had not survived and flourished there, no, no.
He had spent his childhood miserable and lost until she had found him and taken him to the safety of the walls.
It had been the doing of that girl.
Whenever something seemingly started to go wrong in her divine plans the issue always led back to Lila. She had gotten in the way and caused far too much trouble to warrant any good feelings. A part of Rika wanted to throw her away and try again, but the kindness in her heart was too big for her to do such a thing like that.
Why ever should she throw any somebody who had the power to sway Saeran AND Ray?
That would be a waste of something that could provide far too much good in her quest to redeem him in the holy light that could only exist here in Magenta.
Self-reflection was important and Rika was glad she stopped for a moment to think about what would be best done to fix this mess.
She was surprised that the idea didn’t occur to her sooner. She could use her just as she used Saeran, just as she had used Ray.
Once Rika decided that her devil had given her the best path to follow, she went through with it. Ray had thought that he was going to be leaving for good, but, as a matter of fact, he would be sleeping for quite some time. Just as long as it would take to break the spirit of that pathetic princess.
It took time, of course.
It always took a bit of time and effort to figure out the best way to make someone crack. Lila had already been pushed to her limits by Saeran as he had spent weeks toying with her feelings and emotions for the sake of a thrill, and that left her in quite the vulnerable state.
She had thought that Saeran had finally abandoned her once and for all when he never came to find her after so wholeheartedly telling her in the dead of night that they would escape.
Oh, she feared that it had all been a cruel trick played on her expense. That he dangled her freedom and the freedom that she had wanted for him and Ray out on a string only to leave her gasping for air like fish out of water on the way to market… just to see how she would break.
Her heart was heavy and her tears were close to drying out after so long of being scared and alone.
The pitiful fact was—
Lila would not give up on that boy easily.
It was her fatal flaw, her hamartia, the one thing that left her vulnerable.
Even when the rest of the world had given up on her and she should have given up on belief and faith, she never let herself give up on the boy that had shown her so many feelings and experiences.  From the fondness that Ray had given her to the delicate hesitation that came from the nervous Saeran.
Rika could see it in those eyes of hers. The childish devotion that was tied to like an anchor sinking into the deep sea. She almost pitied Lila. She had seen that look in her own eyes at one time when she was a different person.
The fact that she had been broken and thrown about like a ragdoll was her fault, she should have known better than to love somebody. What did that feeling earn her? Nothing but torment and yelling and screaming and suffocating in a room to learn her lesson.
Love… hah…!
It’s such a shame that when you think you have that and the person judges you and casts you aside when you reveal your truest self. Love is powerful and it can ruin a person in a matter of seconds if matters get to that extent.
It’s daunting when someone looks upon you for the first time with such faith that you do not know what to do with yourself. Giving yourself to someone who does not know what that power and faith could give to them. This was something that Savior knew very well and she understood the devil in her Saeran.
That was why Saeran couldn’t bear to look at that poor thing in the eyes because her blind devotion terrified him to the brim. Something believing in him for once in his miserable life? In a way that his Savior did not? Oh, he could have never been ready for such a thing, not even Ray could handle a thing directed at himself.
Blind devotion can be such a beautiful thing. He was not ready to feel on the receiving end of those feelings, nor was he ready to do what needed to be done to use that power to the fullest level that he could. That was why he was led astray. It was why he had failed. It was why neither he nor Ray could do what she planned for them.
They misunderstood what true power was.
Rika realized that when she spoke to the broken doll for the first time, and she could see it reflected her eyes. She saw something that she could have never seen in the awful traitorous man that cast her aside like garbage when she revealed her true nature to him one fateful afternoon. Something that her devil relished and found sheer satisfaction from, deliciously so.
Devotion without any fears.
True… blind… devotion.
Lila may have been tired, and her body may have been very weak… but she refused to give up on Saeran or Ray. It put a wrench in the plans of paradise in the past but that did not mean that it couldn’t be useful. This level of belief was something that could be perfect. This should be used for better means, Rika knew.
Rika e could work with this, she could twist this narrative so wonderfully, she could benefit from this, most of all, paradise could benefit from this. The cogs and gears were turning in the back of her head as her devil whispered such beautiful darkness into her ears. Yes, yes, this was something that she could use to take them all down.
She could see why her dear, useless, pathetic, childish Saeran had fallen for Lila. She could also see why this nervous, terrified, shivering porcelain doll had sought out comfort from him.
“You miss him, don’t you? Poor thing, abandoned because he didn’t know what was good for him, right?” She cradles the poor girl’s face in her hands. Lila is listening to her every word because there was nothing else left for her to do. “It’s okay. You can be honest with me. I of all people know what it feels like to love someone who forsakes them.”
She had been locked tightly in this room for such a long time. Rika had made sure of that. After she had taken Saeran back into her bosom, she knew that he needed time to pray and repent for his clear misdeeds against paradise. His punishment would be to sit in a dark corner and take his elixir until his lungs burned and pleaded for the end. Lila, on the other hand, would be used as Rika saw fit and neither Saeran nor Ray would have a say in what happened to their pitiful toy. It was quite lovely to see the way the light left this girl’s eyes day by day by day. Saeran had promised that he would come back and that they would escape together, did he not?
When Lila had first pleaded with her after she hadn’t heard from Saeran that first day, begging to know if Saeran had been taken or not. Rika did not tell her the truth. Saeran is gone, no one can find him, I am afraid he must have run off and left you behind . It was for her own good. She had to learn that she could not take something that belonged to someone else.
How far was she willing to go for her belief in them?
“He just said he would come back. I believed him. No, I believe him, but he’s still not back and it's been so very long,” Her voice is quiet, so very quiet and tired.  “If he… if he left without me… that’s okay… right? As long as… as long as he’s safe, I don’t... It shouldn’t matter what happens to me, right? I just want Saeran to be safe.”
Lila started to shake her head at that notion that sprang into her head. Her dry eyes found the will to let a few tears go free despite how dehydrated she was. She choked back a heavy sob and held herself as tightly as she could.
It isn’t much comfort and she’s on the brink of losing it , and her feet are so close to the ledge that she’s mere seconds from falling.
That’s just what Rika wanted.
Rika nodded her head as if he understood those feelings and where she was coming from, her sharp eyes were softened on her form. “That’s alright. I get it. We both wanted the same thing for him, you know? I wanted Saeran to be safe, as well. But, he left me behind too.  Sure, our intentions were a little different but we both care about that poor boy, right?”
“Yeah,” Lila mumbled. “Let’s say that.”
She watched, and she waited. Rika could find no sign of attitude or ill-meaning in those words. Long ago, the girl would have fought with her for saying such a thing and pushed her away with such heated vigor. But it appeared as though that her will had been so thoroughly broken down that she didn’t or couldn’t fight anymore.
If they agreed, that made matters much easier to contend with.
Rika smiled, and tucked a stray hair from Lila’s face, “You must be wondering why I came to see you today after all this time. Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t mean to. There is much business to take care of and I can’t relegate everything out without Saeran here. I come to you with my proposition, my dear. Don’t look so down, princess. I won’t let you rot away here.”
Lila lifted her gaze from the ground and looked dead into Rika’s eyes. She was scared and hopeful but as much as she was craving safety, she was also nervous about listening to anything that Rika may have had. She was looking for a hidden meaning under those words but she would not find what she was looking for tonight.
The pitiful princess had no energy to fight back. She knew that she was a sitting duck and it would be better to submit then it would be to fight back. She didn’t reply to which Rika expected. It mattered not. What mattered now was that she said what needed to be said.
“What would you say if I told you that I had a way for you to be with Saeran?” She asked. “Would you be interested?”
“Isn’t he gone ?”
“He’s never really gone,” Rika replied. “You must know that, my dear. As much as he wants to rebel against me, he knows that he can’t survive out there without me, or without you .”
“What does it matter? He clearly doesn’t want anything to do with me,” Lila muttered. Her voice was bitter, and it was lovely to hear such a sound for the first time. “It doesn’t seem to matter what I want. If he’s okay without me, then that’s okay. I won’t… let it bother me. He deserves to be happy. If he’s far away from this place, good. I'm as good as dead anyway. No matter what I do, he's not going to come back for me.”
Rika paid no mind to that fact, she only continues to speak her mind and let the words flow out one by one. “I assure you he isn’t happy at all, Lila. How could he be happy knowing he left behind his precious princess? I've been thinking... You just wanted to be able to be with him without anyone separating you. Isn’t that what you want?”
Lila looked down. She wasn’t saying but it was very obvious what she wanted. It had always been so clear and predictable to read her expressions. Like an open book that could tell no pathetic lies at all to anyone. She wanted him. She wanted to be with him.
“I realize… I may have acted hastily in my past decisions, and I regretfully may have made a few mistakes in my actions. I know you might be quite hesitant to trust me, but I’ve realized that to fix things I need to start with those that I have… well, hurt the most recently.”
“Sounds funny coming from, well, you,” Lila mumbled. Her bitter voice was exhausted and tired of fighting all the time. “All you’ve ever done to Ray and Saeran is hurt them. I don’t see why you would just… change.”
Rika chuckled. It was a soft, delicate sound. “I’ve changed, I promise you that. When Saeran… and I spoke before he left, I realized what I had been doing was rather extreme, and how badly I had hurt the two of you. He put it into perspective for me.”
“I love that boy like he’s my own… and I messed up. I only wanted to protect him,” She continued as she let go of Lila. ”I overreacted. I was scared of losing him. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m only human. We make mistakes. This place is supposed to be a paradise for those who have suffered, not a place where suffering occurs to people.”
Lila was quiet. Her eyes set on the ground.
Rika only watched as Lila fiddled with her hands on her lap and tried to think of a way to avoid this. She would find nothing, the Savior knew, and this was the right time to finally enact everything that she wanted. ”I should have been protecting both of you, and those precious feelings you shared from the start. I wanted to help, but my help wasn’t the right kind of help. So, I want to fix this. I want you to and my dear Saeran to be happy here. This could really be a place where those who have been hurt can come to seek comfort. But, I can’t do it alone. I need both of you. You both have shown me something I forgot long ago in the past. Will you give me the chance to fix it? I promise I will make things better if you do.
Rika's touch on Lila lingered, and her green eyes fluttered underneath thick eyelashes. "If not for me, for Saeran. I can’t stand that he may be sad or hurting. Doesn’t he deserve to be happy… don’t you deserve to be happy? Give me one chance to prove to you and Saeran that I can make amends."  
She could ignore Rika and shut her eyes. Yet, her will was so very tired. She was desperate, as much as she wanted to push back, there was no point in hiding things anymore. Saeran was seemingly gone from her reach and she would gain nothing out of biting back. She didn’t have anything to do. There was nothing but this and if she didn’t give Rika a chance, then she could be sitting here in this toy box until she took her final breath. At the very least, if she agreed to this, then she could see the outside world again. That was what Rika counted on and that was what she wanted from the start.
Saeran… Ray… she missed them.
She wondered how they were doing, and if they had gotten away from Magenta. Or if they were hiding out somewhere from this place. By what Rika was saying, it sounded like they could have been nearby or still in contact with this place. She needed to know. She needed to talk with him. She needed answers. She wanted to see him again, to see them again. She would do anything to feel his arms around her body again. Her heart ached without him.
Lila was just… tired.
She was tired of fighting and she was tired of seeing these four walls and nothing more around her at all hours. There was a window but that window was mocking her every time she looked at it with tired eyes. She was starting to lose her mind piece by piece. All she wanted was to be able to go back to the start. Saeran had been right when he said that this toy box was going to be the worst ever punishment that she could face. Now he was gone.
She wanted Saeran back. She wanted Ray back. But, they were gone and she could do nothing but cry and crawl at her arms. It hurt, it hurt a lot, and although that quiet voice in her head was telling her to run and to keep fighting back...she just submitted herself.
Lila submitted.
Her hesitation slowly wore away like a rope about to snap, then she nodded her head. “Okay. I’ll… trust you,” she finally cracked. "I'm so tired. I can't do this anymore... I just want the pain to stop... I don't want to be alone anymore... please... as long as he's okay... I want him to be okay..."
Rika clasped her hands together and smiled so broadly. Her hand brushed against the top of Lila’s head as she sat there like a very good girl. So quiet, so obedient. Even as Lila started to sob and cry like a pitiful child, she held the poor dear close as she planned the future for this precious thing. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. I promise you won’t regret this. You and Ray… you’ll be so happy together very soon. You'll never be alone again. I'll fix everything for you, Lila. You know that I'm always good at helping others find their perfect place. Don’t worry, I will show you the way to embrace your beautiful future ahead.”
It would hurt a little... but it was for their own good.
“Oh, dear, it looks like you need a bit of sprucing up before the prayer starts. Let’s just fix this up for you, Ray,” she patted down his hair and made sure to carefully tame those messy locks underneath her fingers. She then removed the few wrinkles from his garment. “There, now you’re looking like a real Savior.”
He was quiet. What was he supposed to say here? There was no point in opening his mouth and saying anything against his Savior. He was wearing his own variation of her ceremonial robes. She had made it for him, and he was… happy… to wear it.
She had insisted that he needed to make things official and although there was hesitance in his heart, he obeyed every word and order that she gave to him. He let her fiddle with him as if she were trying to ready a child for their first school photo the morning of. He was used to her doing that and fawning over him. He slowly nodded his head in response once it clicked for him that she was speaking to him.
“...Thank you, my Savior,” he said. He had no choice, otherwise. There had been no hope of escaping from Magenta, no matter what he did or how hard he tried to fight back against all he had ever known. Losing was inevitable.
Why had he thought that he would be able to do that? Neither he nor Saeran had expected to be captured when they tried to escape. Wait… was he even Ray? That name didn’t feel quite right but the other name didn’t feel right either. He wasn’t sure who he was anymore as she would call him whatever she saw fit. Was he Ray? Was he Saeran? Was he neither or was he both of them? He was becoming something new due to his Savior’s dedicated hands.
It mattered not who he was, or what name that everyone wanted to use to call him. He would respond to everything and anything as long as it meant that he was doing the right thing. The universe wanted him here, and everything always brought him back to her. If this was to be his existence, then he had to accept it from now on.
He didn’t dare think of those thoughts now.
Escape… fighting back … it all made him feel sick.
The only reason that he found the will to keep his body standing was that somebody was holding his hand. It was clammy and it was cold, but it was the touch of her hand that gave him the strength not to die on the spot. She had stayed locked up so tightly in that room waiting for someone to rescue her and she never gave up.
He could not die and leave her behind to suffer in this place. She was dedicated to him with every fiber of her soul, and he was dedicated to her being and her safety. Lila was holding onto his hand so tightly that it felt as though she would disappear if she didn’t hold onto him.
Times like this, his clarity would swim back to the forefront of his brain and he could recall what had happened to them. How he had spent weeks chained up in the dungeon with nothing but darkness and elixir to keep him company until he repeated the words that the true Savior wanted him to breathe into life.
How he refused to do it over and over again for the sake of the woman that believed in him so strongly that she would withstand his verbal lashing as the struggle over what was truly strength rang heavy in the back of his head.  
Paradise existed .
It was in this place. He forced himself to believe it even though his numb body cried at him for allowing this to happen. Why else wouldn’t he be able to leave? Why else wouldn’t Lila be able to leave? Clearly, they were meant to be here. This was the only way that he and Lila could ever be together.
It was their only real option.
It was this, or endless days of solitude until they died. For her, he would do anything, and for him, she would do the same. Days… weeks… months… who knows how much time passed them by since they had tried to escape. The elixir and the training tended to blur the memory of those who were too far deep into it.
He had no idea how long it had been, or what exactly had been going on outside of what they were going through. Did it even matter? Nobody was going to save them and they couldn’t save themselves, so submitting to the numb and foggy haze of the elixir was the only thing that they had the option to choose.
He was numb all the time, now.
She was numb, too. Gone from her eyes was the light that had once glimmered and sparkled, the same eyes that had both fired him up and made him feel alive. The eyes that had made Ray fall into a state of hopeless infatuation and the eyes that made Saeran angry that they could stay so kind to a monster in front of her body.
There was a whisper of the old person inside of them but it would always be extinguished before she could crawl out of the darkness. Her light, fading in and out as her faith became warped into a twisted variation of itself. He would see it when she squeezed his hand in her own and prayed for salvation at his side.
“My Savior,” she sank to her knees in front of him. Those brown eyes were not like the ones that he had seen in her bedroom late in the night as they whispered their final goodbyes. No, in these eyes were a kind of devotion you would revere a God with. “I am gracious to be allowed in your presence once again. I know I led you astray, but she has shown me the error of my ways. I hope to be worthy enough to be near you in the future.”
Saeran could only look down at the girl in front of him with petrified eyes. What had happened? Lila was never like this. She was not supposed to be like this. Her face reminded him of Ray. How he longed to please others but he feared punishment. How he looked upon Lila as if she were a Goddess incarnate when she gave him her hand.
His breath began to quicken, and his head snapped up to look in the direction of Rika who had her hands placed delicately in front of herself as if she were innocent.
“What did you do?” he tried to demand, but his voice cracked and held no trace of the anger that had once fueled him. He sounded like a scared child again. He wanted to recoil from Lila’s touch but he had missed her so much that he couldn’t shake her hands from his body. “What did you do to her?!”
“I fixed her for you,” Rika told him with a smile. “You see, it finally occurred to me that paradise could really prosper with someone in charge that has a loyal follower that looks so sweet, so easily swayed are the masses when there is a pretty girl that believes so strongly in her faith. She won’t fight you ever again, and she’ll do any little thing you ask. She’s always been devoted to you.”
She took a few steps forward but not too close to break the illusion that the young girl had upon him. She gestured to Lila, “I realized my mistake when we spoke last, my dear Ray. It was wrong of me to let you play with the girl first. I’ve corrected all of her ugly light. She’ll never fight you or the whim of paradise ever again. Isn’t that what you wanted?
Saeran’s pulse began to accelerate as he looked back at Lila. It was true. She had been dressed up extra special by the Savior for him. Like a believer, but the colors were reversed. White, she was bathed in white like the angel that she had always been but this… this wasn’t right. This looked exactly as Ray had always envisioned.
Her clutching at him with blind devotion in her eyes, smiling, not putting up a fight, and staying as close to him as she could ever be. How they could spend every day in paradise like this, forever happy and safe from the pain of the world outside. Was this really what he wanted? Was this really what he wanted to do to Lila from the start?
It brought no happiness to his eyes.
Only fear and misery.
“My Savior,” Lila’s quiet voice spoke again. His vision snapped back onto her own and he was left looking at Lila with nowhere to go. She quivered, and tears began to flood her vision. “Aren’t you happy that we’re together again? I… I understand if you’re disappointed in me. I did so much wrong. I tried to ruin our paradise. Please, forgive me… I’ll do anything.”
It felt like he was living a nightmare and this nightmare was wrapping its hands around his throat minute by minute.
“I promise… I promise I’ll never fight you again. Whatever you want, ask for it from me and I will do it for you. I am here for your happiness… our happiness…. I understand now what you wanted for us and I promise I’ll never go against the will of paradise,” her voice was desperate. “Please, my Savior, stay with me. Let’s stop fighting against this. I want to make you happy... please... I understand if you wish to not see me after my actions. I know I was stupid... foolish. But, I'm better now. She helped me become the person you always wanted me to be. Aren't you happy? Please, don't look so sad... I thought you would be happy to see me. I don't— I don't understand."
Her voice was panicked, and the tears that coveted the corner of her vision was far too much for him. "I'm perfect now. We can be get together forever... like we always wanted if that's what you want from me. I'll do whatever you want. Please. Just say it... say something. If you don't wish to see me, tell me... I need to know... I need to know... please... please..."
“Yes, Ray,” his Savior echoed her words. “Stop fighting the truth. Aren’t you tired? Lila was so very tired of fighting it. So, she accepted paradise into her heart as you always craved. You wouldn’t want your precious follower to cry any more tears for you, do you? She’s already spilled so many. You’re hurting her by denying her dream of being with you. Isn't this what you always wanted? You wanted a pretty little follower that loved you blindly.”
The only thing that remained of this memory was the sounds of his own anguished screams.
If he suffered, she suffered.
At the very least… they had each other in this misery to hold onto. Saeran clutched her hand just as tightly when Lila held onto him. He could not bring himself to look at him because he knew if he saw her eyes, he would see the ghost of his mistakes. She would be looking at him as if he were her everything and desperate for his praise. What this truly what he had wanted? It mattered not now... this was what he had, and this is what he would live with until he died.
No escape from paradise.
The only choice was to accept it and embrace the devil. A part of him did not believe what he was being told but the smarter part of him knew that he could never fight against it, so he did what he knew best, submission to the absolute darkness.
Rika smiled at him. “You’ve done so well lately, my children. Both of you have finally found your true potential, and today is the day we share that glory with everyone. I can’t believe things have finally come together the way that they were always meant to. It took a while for this to come to fruition, but the fruit of your labors will benefit all the believers from here on out.”
Her vision slid to the side where the other important person for this paradise was. She reached out and brushed her fingers against Lila’s chin. “I’m just glad you could finally see our side of things, dear, after all that fighting and nonsense you spouted. You truly have become something lovely. Your loyalty is something to admire, isn’t it?”
“Yes, of course,” Lila whispered, a quiet voice trembling as she did. Saeran couldn't stop himself from looking at her as she gazed at Rika, like a frightened kitten. “I am happy in paradise. I have never been happier than I am when I am with my Savior. I wish others could see how happy we are and join us.”
If only he had been strong enough to protect her from the start.
But, he would be what she needed now as he had failed to do it in the past. No matter how much it hurts or stings... what she wanted, he would become it. Her Savior, her protector, her light, her soul, her everything. Saeran would not fail her again. If they were together, that was what mattered. They had this. This was the only option left for them to take. If they refused to comply, they would be separated and surely left to die in the dungeons alone.
He would not leave his Believer to suffer and rot alone.
Not again.
Never again.
“Your unwavering faith will help inspire those who resist the darkness onto the true path to salvation, once and for all. Paradise awaits so many under this new rule, I can’t wait to see how many we can save from misery,” Rika spoke with glee in her voice. She couldn’t wait to see how things would play out from now on, delightfully so. "The believers will see it, they will see with their own eyes just how strong paradise can be. It can bring together the darkest of hearts and show them their true potential."
Lila nodded and then looked back down to her feet, quiet and submissive once again. The only reason he knew that she was still with him was thanks to her fingers interlocked with his own. The numb feeling remained but the Savior and his Believer were ready.
It was only a matter of time now. Rika had taken a step back from her role as the Savior and quietly slid into the shadows behind her two precious children. She was using them for their own good. They understood that. The two of them would become the face of paradise and if anything were to go south, they would take the blame in her stead as she left to rebuild paradise all over again. The Savior, and his most loyal believer… a match made in paradise and no one could deny it.
This was a paradise that Rika could stand behind. She would show the world what true darkness was and how real love was. This would show that traitor and his leeches. This would prove to that horrible man that all of her whims were for good.
V would regret the day that he fought against Rika’s darkness.
She was going to show them all through these two and their idyllic love.
Her hands rested against their shoulders briefly, “Now, it’s time for you to grant them the witness of your presence.”
“Oh, he’s here!” Rika watched as Saeran took his seat on the poppet in front of everyone and all the believers watched with fascination.
The murmurs began to quiet down as he raised his hand to silence them, and Lila took her place at his side. Her hands politely poised in front of herself as she smiled at the crowd. Her eyes did not meet that smile  but it mattered not. All that mattered was that the world could see how much she believed in that boy, and she would not abandon him.
Saeran began to speak, and those words captivated the crowd with ease. He had always been such a good boy. He had learned very well in the past. “Poor souls who seek salvation, the eternal paradise awaits you here at Magenta. The outside world is a pit of defilement. We must cleanse the corrupted world, and that is why our pasts are scourged with darkness. Darkness and light will always be with us. We will all soon become the light of salvation.”
“Liar, you’re not the real Savior!” a believer spoke up from the back of the room as he rose from his seat and pointed at him, ”We want the real Savior! Why isn’t anybody saying anything about this? Are you just acting like she doesn’t exist? Where did the Savior go?!”
Lila’s eyes trained on the sound of the voice. She shook her head at him as if sighing at a small child who was throwing a tantrum, “There is no Savior but the one that you see before you,” her voice was gentle and her tone was direct. All those who saw her knew that she lived and breathed those words.
“That isn’t the Savior!” the man lashed back at the two in front of the room, both Lila and Saeran as they stood amongst the sea of people. “He’s just the errand boy of the real Savior! A crybaby that does not know what to do! He’s done nothing for me! This man is not the woman who saved me and I refuse to accept this! Why aren’t any of you talking about this?!”
“He wishes to save all those who suffer in the cruel outside world. He saved me when no one else would.  I would be out there lost, hurting, suffering, miserable if he had not found me and shown me the light,” Lila stood her ground as she spoke. ”He only wants to save all of us, and I have witnessed it myself time and time again. My Savior is a just man who has always been here for the lonely and weak. Why would you ever insinuate that there has ever been anyone but my Savior?”
Rika pursed her lips from her spot in the shadows as she watched her children enact their paradise upon them all. She knew that there may be trouble from those who didn’t know any better. But, they could be taken care of with ease, no worries at all.
Nobody would fight the law of paradise.
Those that did would be rightly punished and born anew in the blazing fire of Mint Eye. “Security? Take away that traitor,” she said, quietly.
“Because that man is not my Savior!” the believer spat. He started to march forward to prove once and for all that Saeran was not the real Savior. However, before he could even get close to reach the poppet, he was held back by the guards. That unruly believer was removed from the room in the blink of an eye. It had to be done.
Saeran showed that he felt bad for that poor believer, but he continued with his word.
As he should do, the calmness in the center of the storm was the sign and mark of a very strong leader in the middle of a wildfire. He nodded, and looked back among the faces of the believers,  “I do not fear change. I do not fear blame. We only seek to look ahead and build a paradise for all. I only wish to deliver the words of salvation to all.”
Rika could see as a glimmer of the old Saeran peeked through but disappeared just as soon as it had arisen when Lila pressed her hand against his shoulder to steady him. “The authorities, the everyday society, culture, and media, they all seek us out. That means they agree we’re right. The Mint Eye has never been more powerful, and we will be even more powerful tomorrow. We will bring salvation to every corner of the world.”
“You have seen it yourselves, come to us and we will protect you from any more pain, that is the paradise we create for ourselves. Have faith in my Savior, our Savior, for tomorrow, our power grows its hold,” Lila said. Her voice was stronger than it had been moments prior and it couldn’t have been better than this. “For eternal paradise.”
“For eternal paradise,” Saeran echoed. His weary expression gave nothing to the sea of people in front of them but Rika knew that he had finally submitted, once and for all, to his fate as the Savior and his fate with Lila at his side as he had always wanted.
The crowd erupted into a lovely chorus of cheers and cries of hopeful folks who could and would be saved. The rest of the world was next, and Rika could not wait to see it happen.
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fatefulones · 6 years ago
is there someone your muses has a crush on, but who you don’t actually have a ship with? (And I mean all muses.)
(Since I have 22 muses….quick fire round!)
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As of now, yes she does have a crush on a few people, but she’s insanely good at hiding facts like this, I won’t go into details here however because that may take a while, needless to say she has a crush on other goddesses
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No, there is no one that Medea has a crush on at the moment, ok that’s a lie, she has a slight crush on a Ritsuka
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Artoria, just…Artoria, be it Saber, Lancer, Ruler, Alters, just Artoria in general, he’s very Artoria-sexual it seems. 
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There is a universe where he is slowly developing a crush for one of the staff members (Estelle) but since it’s Anderson…I wouldn’t call this a crush just yet. That aside, nope there is no crushes for him.
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Holy shit. Well here we go, there is a universe where she is already in a relationship with an OC (Beelzebub), but that aside, she has a slight crush on Sanson, as well as a few other smaller crushes here and there
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Ushi has a huge crush on Nobunaga, mostly due to the positive interactions between the two in the past. That aside, she also has one for a Male Musashi, and one for an OC (Kosa).  She also has a crush on a Ritsuka.
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So far, she just has one for a Theseus OC, that’s really about it for Boudica at this point in time, but who knows, that could easily change. 
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Helena has a crush on no one at this point so there is not much to put here.
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Guan Yu has a crush on a Rider Nero, but aside from that there isn’t much else that comes to mind with her, though she does find some other servants attractive.
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Gareth used to have a crush on Lancelot but doesn’t anymore, right now she has no crushes. 
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Altera has a crush on a certain Berserker OC (Trieu Thi Trinh) and a slight one on Hakuno, aside from that, nothing else from her. 
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Cleopatra…I don’t think there is much else to say about Caeser because this is pretty obvious. 
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Sieg has three crushes at the moment, maybe four, he has one on Astolfo and another on Jeanne. The two others are a master oc (Theo) and Jalter. 
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Hakuno…just, right now it’s just Hakuno, again not much else to say about this. 
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Nobukatsu doesn’t really have any crushes at the moment, sure he finds some of the other servants attrative in general but no outright crushes.
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She has a crush on an Ushi Gozen for some reason, it’s weird but also cute. Aside from that, nothing. 
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No crushes for Beowulf yet, but who knows? That might change.
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No crushes for Tristan yet either, but he is a tough nut to crack so it might take him a while to develop one
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No crushes for Fionn yet either
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She’s too much causing mischief anyway so just hasn’t developed any more crushes, though she does retain one for Odysseus.
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It’s really, really hard for Lovecraft to develop crushes, but not impossible, as of now however, he has none. 
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Xolotl has none, he hasn’t really interacted with many muses at this point so it makes sense. 
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And Master Zaire has too many crushes to list honestly. 
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spiderdevitt · 8 years ago
The Hardest Mistakes - Chapter 3
Synopsis: Greydene had a difficult upbringing. Born in the UK and adopted by American parents, her life in the system hasn’t been ideal. She was brought to the US at a young age and at 18, joined the Statesman, a spy organization in Kentucky. The rules were too much and she goes rouge, becoming an assassin. Her first job? Protect royalty with help from the Kingsman and her Uncle, Harry Hart.
Tags: Drama, Action
Author’s Note: Chapter 3 is here!!! Leave some feedback, reblog this, share it, love it, all that. I also have this posted on my FF.net account, which is linked on the page in my bio. If you’ve seen my small updates, I’ve been so busy and quite under the weather recently but I did my best to give you something and hopefully I can continue on soon. If you’d like to be tagged, LET ME KNOW!
Main Characters: OC, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin, Harry Hart.
Tag List: @ratthewmiddle @sunnyb99
A shake of turbulence woke me as the plane passed through a screen of dark clouds. I let out a long yawn and stretched in my seat, my arm hitting the suitcase next to me. Remembering the dress and the other contents inside, I looked at my watch and saw that we'd be landing in a little under an hour. I picked the suitcase up and went to the back of the plane to the surprisingly large bathroom. The room was also a cream color but had marble details, a toilet in the corner, a shower and a large sink. Closing the door behind me, I placed the suitcase on the counterspace and began to strip down from my clothes.  
I decided to take a quick shower before we landed. I smelled like sweat and dirt and couldn't consciously go into a party in that manner. As a Statesman, we were always told to look the part or we'd get caught. That mentality would work here as well. I quickly conditioned my hair and lathered some soap in my hands to run over my body. I let the soap and conditioner wash away under the hot water and relaxed there for a few moments, inspecting the marks on my body. That fucking chase at the tracks fucked my left leg up and there were black and blues everywhere from the way I handled the bike. I'd need to make sure the slit of my dress tonight was adjusted to the right side. I shut the water and stepped out of the shower, taking a towel and patting myself dry before wrapping myself in the soft, white fabric.
Opening cabinets in the bathroom under the sink, I was finally able to find a blow dryer. I plugged it in and did a quick semi-dry of my hair, making sure that it was still slightly damp to style the hair pins in more securely. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and began wrapping it into a more sophisticated looking bun, hooking the ends of my hair with the four hair pins, each donning a single white pearl. I pulled some baby hairs down to make the style look a little more messy-chic and began deciding on the style of the black gown.  
The dress itself was customizable. You could design it to look any shape or any way, and when synched with the pearl accessories, the black fabrics inner magnetism would turn it into a full body suit. I decided on a one shoulder look with a slit on the right side to cover my bruises. Putting on a fresh pair of undies and a strapless black push up corset that I had found in the suitcase, I started the fabric on my right shoulder and let it go over my midsection and fall down. I pinned the dress on my left side and let the fabric fall in the places I needed it to. I took what looked like a garter but was really a weapon holster out of the case and slid it up my right leg, just above where the slit ended. Rummaging through my clothes, I took my gun and my knife from my inside pockets and placed them in the slights on the holster and draped the material over.  
Last was the pearls. The pearl earrings, which were disguisers to make sure my weapons were undetectable went on first. Next was the bracelet, which had a built in taser on the biggest pearl. When the button behind it was pressed, the taser would fire. Lastly, I put on the necklace which controlled the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Sighing, I rummaged through my jacket pockets again and took out a red liquid lipstick and dressed my lips with it, feeling like the look was now complete, and passable. I took the heels out of the case, packed everything from what I previously wore into the case and left the bathroom.  
"Nice of you to join us!" One of Vance's men said as another ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.
"I can only assume he gets sick when flying?" I responded, sitting back in my seat to put my heels on.  
"Yes, he does. He was in there most of the time while you were sleeping." the man stated. "Now, as for the rendezvous point after this party..."
"I don’t intend to have one. Everything I have is in this suitcase. I plan to plant the suitcase in a secure location, go into the party and do what I need to do." I stood up, making sure my heels were tight enough. "I will find these people your boss seems to be associated with and I will figure out my way from there. I'm more of a solo worker."  
"We have orders to-"
"And now I am giving you new ones. Sound good?" I said as I sat back down and buckled myself in as the plane landed.  
I sat at the head of the Kingman table, sighing as Merlin and his girlfriend Ginger walked into the conference room. Lancelot was to my left and Harry was to my right. Ginger took the tablet from Merlin and began typing things as I took a sip of my tea and looked down at my watch. A picture of a young woman with pale skin, bright red hair and brown eyes showed up on the screen with her stats. Five feet tall, twenty-three years old and... a Statesman?  
"What's all this about?" I questioned putting my cup down. Ginger put on her glasses and looked around the table.  
"This is Greydene... Brooks. She's listed as a Statesman but yesterday evening went rouge and ran from the premises. She was a friend of mine." She began, looking back up at the monitor. "Grey was very rebellious as a Statesman. She's incredibly trigger happy but she's also a genius. She's been a Statesman since she was eighteen years old and has the best hit record in the past fifty years and-"
"So where are we going with this, Ginger?" Harry asked, folding his hands on the table. Ginger seemed flustered and looked at him.  
"I believe she's on her way to London. I've been led to believe she has some business here to tend to, and there is a strong possibility she will be at Eggsy's mission space tonight." Ginger continued before she looked at me.
"You are not meaning to tell me that this girl is going to try to kill my girlfriend at this party, I hope." I sighed, looking around the room. My fuckin' luck, being in a relationship with a princess.  
"No, I don't believe that. But I will say that it is your mission to bring her back here for questioning. I must know what is going on before the Statesman group gets a hold of her. She'll be killed." She responded in a quieter tone.  
"Hang on, my mission? Don't I make the missions now? You lot made me be Arthur after we found out Harry was alive. Why can't I choose anyone else to do this?"  
"Because you'll already be there, Eggsy. Being Arthur is a great responsibility. Sometimes, you'll just need to take on two missions at once. The missions are simple. Kill the person who is after Tilde and then pick this girl up." Merlin interjected.  
"Pick this girl UP? Tilde will have my head."  
"Well then you chose a shitty time to have a girlfriend, mate. Especially one who knows your real profession." Lancelot said without a thought.  
"Rox, really?"  
"Enough." Harry interrupted. "Eggsy, this needs to be done. If this is coming up on our feed, it means the Statesman group wants up involved. Find her and bring her here." He sighed and got up, leaving the room. I looked back over at the picture of the woman on the screen and shook my head.
"Alright. Tell me about her, Ginger."  
Arriving at the party, I used my phone to scan for any easy entry points into the place. The right-side entrance was unmanned and led to the far hallways from the party. I could stash my things there, walk out and walk back in as a partygoer. I walked across the street with my case in hand and down the ride side alleyway. It was dark, quiet and narrow. I quickly took one of my pins out of my hair and began picking the lock on the door, finally getting it open on the third try. I put the pin back in my hair and slowly snuck my way in. Taking my phone out again, I scanned for the closest, but most out of range area where I could get my things. There was a door right down the hall that was unlocked but close enough to the ballroom.  
I hastened to the room and opened the door to look inside. It looked like a bedroom and had a window with easy access to escape if things went wrong. I placed my case by the door, took my clutch back which carried a cell phone, the party invitation, an extra knife and an extra gun and turned to leave the room. I closed the door behind me and exited the way I came, luckily not coming into contact with anyone on the way. I walked out of the alleyway and waited on one of the two the lines to get in, taking the invitation out of my clutch and the envelope.  
The line moved quickly and soon I was close to the front. I turned and saw everyone moving as a car arrived and two people got out. A man got out of the car in a perfectly tailored navy blue suit. His shoes were black and he wore black, thick rimmed glasses. His hair was short and well kept. He helped a woman, who was tall and beautifully blonde get out of the car. She was matching him with a navy blue gown. They walked up, the man walking on my side of the line.  
"Ah, Mr. Unwin. Princess Tilde. How lovely of you to arrive." The guard said. I studied the man's features as he spoke to the guard. He cleaned up rather well. "I'll need your invitations, if you please." The guard continued.  
"Ah, right. They're here somewhere." Unwin said as he checked his pockets. As he went to the inside pockets, I noticed a ring on his finger. It had the symbol Vance showed me back in New York. I made a mental note of it and looked away, waiting with my invitation. He handed his in and off he and the woman went. I handed mine in two people after and made my way in.  
The ballroom was lit by a gigantic glass chandelier in the middle of the room. People conversed in groups and you could tell they were according to class, if that was even still a thing. I walked further inside where a man asked if I'd like a drink. I asked for a Malibu Cranberry and waited for his return. If I didn't already stick out like a sore thumb, my drink order would have made it worse. I sipped from the straw as I walked through the ballroom, pretend mingling and waiting. And waiting. And waiting.  
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host for the evening, Prince Andrew!" Someone who sounded more like a town crier yelled. The ballroom jolted to applause and I followed suit. Prince Andrew. Why on earth does that sound familiar?  
"Thank you all so much for coming. As you all know, twenty-three years ago I was appointed to take on a stronger role in England and I have been proud to say that I haven't let you down since." His audience applauded. "We're flourishing as a country, our trades from our ports are strong and the Queen is in pure bliss of our growth. Tonight, we celebrate another well wished year!" Prince Andrew boasted. Isn't he the guy I'm supposed to protect? Maybe that Unwin guy has something to do with it.  
I looked around the room to see if I saw the man from earlier, and when I caught sight of him, I noticed he had caught sight of me. He was staring directly at me, and noticed that I had caught him, but didn't budge. I looked around the room and back in his direction but he was gone, the woman by his side sipping a glass of wine. The room began bustling and I noticed him passing people slowly through the crowd. As he passed a man, I noticed him slip something in the man's drink and make his way out of the crowd. An old Statesman trick when we were undercover at parties. Poison the bad guy through his drink. The man, who was incredibly tall and overweight took a sip of the drink. I looked at the Unwin man and noticed him with a pen in his hand and as he clicked a little bar, the man with the drink began to fall.  
"Well, isn't that just fucking clever." I mumbled to myself as I placed my cup down on the table and began to walk away. I knew what I was dealing with and needed to know further.  
I walked down the hallway in the direction of the room I had put my bag in. The hallway, which was empty earlier this evening was now lightly guarded. Three guards, all spaced out evenly. One on the far end, one by the door I broke into and one by my room. I walked forward and felt a presence behind me. I turned my head slightly and saw Unwin following in my peripheral. I walked over to the room and the guard moved forward.
"Can I help you miss? The party's that way." He sternly mentioned.
"Ah, yes. See, I know the party is that way, but I have a small thing to take care of in the bedroom, if you don't mind." I smiled, faking a British accent. "You could join us if you'd like." I remarked as Unwin came closer. I turned to look at him, his eyes wide.
"That won't be necessary madam." The guard blushed and returned to his post. I opened the door and ushered for Unwin to come in, and he followed soon after.  
Walking further into the room, I took a pin out of my hair and when I heard the door close, I forcefully flung it at the door, hitting the lock in place. Unwin jumped back and looked at me, brushing himself to make sure I didn't hit him or graze his suit. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.  
"What? Don't like a little privacy?" I did my best to seduce in the fake accent.  
"Pr-privacy is fine." He cleared his throat. "I don't do things like this without a name though, love." I smiled, and looked down at the space between us. I slowly closed the space, moving my lips to his ear.
"I hardly think that'll be necessary. You already know my name."  
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insomniac-jay · 3 years ago
Modern!Hero OCs
What kind of jobs would our beloved heroes have in a Modern/No Quirks or Powers AU?
Stormchaser: Sorami would work as either a weatherman for a popular news station or a member of her family's company. Either way, she's a girlboss. If anyone has any other suggestions for her, please let me know.
Chargeman: Shukara would definitely still be a wrestler. Still full of pride, still full of confidence. That is simply the life for the God of Fighting. But when he's not wrestling, he is a celebrity personal trainer.
Demoman: Akio is a construction worker because that's the most fitting for him. While he tries to stay focused and do his job, he sometimes gets lost because of an alluring woman named Kuroneko.
Splendor: It should be obvious. Joou is obviously a businesswoman and a powerful one at that. Running two of the country's most successful businesses and having plans to expand her family name into other fields can be quite stressful on Mrs. CEO, but luckily she has her husband to soothe her.
Power Lady: When she's not training for or competing in the Olympics, Chikara is a fitness instructor and part time personal trainer. Hell, she might even be a semi popular fitness influencer (mostly bc wlw are attracted to buff women and she happens to be one).
Jack Frost: I could honestly see Yukito working as a private investigator. He probably specializes in investigating organized crimes and criminal enterprises.
Superstar: Hibana keeps the same secondary careers she has in canon. I imagine she's a frequent guest on Present Mic's radio show and maybe opens up her own nightclub so she can perform her new songs there.
Phoenix Knight: I see Lancelot either being a blacksmith, an engineer, or a mechanic. Anything that has to do with tools and building since that's a huge hobby of his. Or he can be an art teacher at an elementary school, maybe even the one his children go to.
BeatSonic: Another who gets to keep their canon secondary career. Kokoro is more of a freelance DJ, but that doesn't mean they're cheap. Pay them a pretty penny and they'll put together the most stim inducing track you'll ever hear.
Persephone: Sakura does two things: she manages her family's flower shop chain and she's a successful restaurateur that specializes in plant based dining. Her restaurants are very popular among vegans.
Queen Amazonia: Merida is a gym teacher. Yes it does bring back PTSD flashbacks bc her asshole of a dad was a gym teacher but she's not going to repeat history. Yes someone has mistaken her for a bodybuilder and yes she gets hit on by milfs during parent teacher conferences.
Helios: Sol is either a lawyer or Yukito's partner. Either way, it's something in the field of law that isn't a police officer (unless it's a police themed stripper lol).
Selen: I could see Phoebe as the following: an online influencer, podcast host, and TV show host. Idk it just fits her and I would listen to her podcast.
Eos: Akemi is definitely a criminologist who is tired of capitalism and people trying to hit on them even after they've stated their aroace.
Miss Order: Arisa is also a criminologist who wants to make the world a better place and wants to help others as best as she can.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @labgoth @pizzolisnacks @elflynns-horde-of-stuff
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