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INGREDIENTS: (Per a dues persones) 5 grapadets d’arròs basmati 400 g de verdures per saltar (ceba, porro, pebrot verd i roig, carlota) 1 llanda (launa) de cloïsses rosades 1 puntadeta de curri (si és molt coent, no hi posarem el pebre) 1 puntadeta de pebre negre 1 cullerada sopera d’oli d’oliva de Beneixama 1 gotet d’aigua PREPARACIÓ: Posem a bullir l’arròs, el coem, el colem, el rentem i el…
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It took me to process the teaser (believe me I am still processing) but I have so much to say.
First I would like to talk about the ✨colors✨
The colors! Oh My Rao! for so long I was craving the bright colored Superman movie. I wanted colors that would hurt my eyes and capture my heart and Gunn gave us that.
There have been talks that since it was just the teaser they might brush up more, I wouldn't mind that. Just make it more golden tinted.
Again the perfect choice! I know it's presumptuous but when I saw him stumbling through the crowd as Clark with his clumsy hands and curly hair with contrast with a brightly colored Superman suit having the lil curl and saving children. I KNEW I KNEW I FOUND MY CLARK/SUPERMAN. HE IS SO GONNA NAIL IT.
We didn't see Rachel much in action but I have had the pleasure of knowing her through other interviews and some other media. She talks so fast and she has that "ENERGY" to play Lois. So I know she is gonna be THE LOIS LANE. MY WIFE. MY LOVE 😭😭
Thanking Gunn again for giving her the purple outfit.
I felt the connection between them and they are gonna give me heart attacks (I am already having mini ones through these pics/teaser). The flying together moment! making out in the kitchen! staring deep into each other's souls while the world is ending! Stares while working at the planet! Giving each other hugs and being each other's hope during tough times! GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT ALL TO ME.
And we already know there is no "2 people love triangle" so we would have other aspects of their relationship.
Simply one of the best decisions to include him cuz we never had him on the big screen. That cape🥹 he just warmed my heart. My smile was so big when Superman whistled for him (can't get that whistle out of my head, I feel things) and he came running.
Our hero Krypto 🥰 nothing should happen to him! And that's a warning!
Lex Luthor
He hates Superman so much that we can feel him loathing. We all know Nicholas is gonna be great as Lex given how well he played the psychos before. And that shiny bald head gave me flash blindness🫡
There are also talks that there are gonna be Ultraman and Grodd(I like to think of Mallah)
Other ICONIC heroes
Mr Terrific is looking really terrific.
Hawkgirl can slay me anytime.
Guy Gardener and his bowl cut. That's it!
Debut of Metamorpho.
Fortress and Kelex
We are gonna get the actual crystal like fortress🤧🤧 just like Krypton atmosphere.
Also Kelex!!! he better be alright too.
Other thoughts
We are gonna get the entire daily planet crew!?!!!!
This kid is representing us. How much we need SUPERMAN!
The score
That "Superman superman" I can't get that out of my head. I randomly throughout the day start chanting superman's name...
That John Murphy's theme inspired by John Williams is fire 🔥🔥🔥
I am so happy that Gunn decided to make everything so comic-like/colorful yet feels so real and attractive. I missed these early 2000s vibes of fun movies.
I FELT a strong sense of HOPE while watching the teaser. Don't know what's gonna happen when I watch trailer and movie??
Mark my words : lives are gonna change, history will be created, souls and hearts gonna heal, we will have something to forward to everyday! I am so ready!!!
#superman#clark kent#lois lane#my rant#superman 2025#david corenswet#rachel brosnahan#lex luthor#nicholas hoult#james gunn#dc#dc comics#mr terrific#edi gathegi#guy gardner#nathan fillion#hawkgirl#isabela merced#metamorpho#anthony carrigan#jimmy olsen#skyler gisondo#cat grant#steve lombard#ron troupe#the daily planet
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#llagostins #llagostinsdevinaròs #llagostins #tapas #cloisses · · · #paella #paellas #comidaespa #catering #paellastascadelatorre #paellasparallevar #paellas2016 @baraodashashtags #paellasetapas #paellavalenciana #cateringccs #food #paellalove #paellasvalencianas #paellaenvivo #comidasana (at Arrosseria Andorra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO1z0njNnte/?igshid=1m17yzgektu0z
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I've been tagged by @some-nerd-actually , I tag @meeps-beech , @cloiss and @coffeesbrother
RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun! Age: 19 Biggest fear: me, myself and I Current time: 00:40 Drink you last had: orangeade, wish it was Monster tho Everyday starts with: checking my phone and if home alone - cigarette Favourite song at the moment: all of The Rasmus, fangirling so much ❤️❤️❤️ Hometown: Ciechanów In love with: my dearest gf Megan ❤️ And Lauri Ylönen, fangirling again ❤️ Jealous of: people who have amazing collections of retro consoles, computers and games, especially those ones having Magnavox Odyssey Killed someone: I wish I could Last time you cried: I think about two weeks ago Middle name: don't have any Siblings: nope One wish: world peace. Realistic: be a good game designer/programmer and have enough money to spoil my Princess and to collect 'em all, including Action 52 and E. T. Person you last text/called: Princess 😍 Questions you’re always asked: "Did you do the chores?" Reason to smile: Fav songs, retro gaming, not sucking in LoL, my Princess, good tv shows... Whole lotta things Song last sung: Apocalyptica feat. Lauri Ylönen - Life Burns (Burnout: Revenge soundtrack; both song and game highly recommended) Time you woke up: 10:00 am I guess Worst habits: smoking and picking my fingers. Right now they huge fucking bloody mess X-Ray you’ve had: 3 times I think: once my palm, idk why, then my back (Quasimodo for life) and once my foot, but it didn't help stupid doctors and they didn't help me Favourite food: Polish food is the best. And pizza. And pasta. And McDonalds. And Subway. And... Zodiac sign: Cancer (will bite you biatch)
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#cloisses #almejas #petxines #canpaco #palamos @ladycerberus (at Restaurant Can Paco ( Palamós))
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INGREDIENTS: 1 paquet de fideus del nº 2 1 ceba tomàquet brou de peix 1 sepia escarmarlans o gambes musclos cloises oli d’oliva Preparació: Tallem la ceba ben petitona i la posem a sofregir en una cassola amb una mica d’oli d’oliva, quant esta ben dauradeta hi afegim el tomàquet i deixem que es cogui una miqueta, després hi afegim la sepia i la deixem coure a foc baix, i tapem la cassola,…
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Ingredients: 1/2 quilo de petxines (cloïsses, escopinyes, tallarines, etc.. ) 2 cullerades soperes de tomàquet FREGIT 50 grams d’ametlles torrades, triturades Un raget d’oli o un parell de cullerades soperes d’oli 2 grans d’all picats ½ vas de vi blanc Julivert al gust Preparació: Col•loqueu les petxines dins l’estoig ( o dins la cassola que anirà al foc ), aboqueu per damunt la resta…
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Cloïsses amb vermut
Ingredients: Un kilo i mig de cloïsses Una ceba Tres grans d’all Un got de vermut blanc Un gotet de fumet de peix Julivert Oli Sal Elaboració: Renteu bé les cloïsses i poseu-les en remull o en sal i aigua freda, uns 15 o 20 minuts. A continuació, escorreu-les i reserveu-les. Poseu sis cullerades d’oli en una cassola a foc baix i fregiu-hi els alls i la ceba, tot picat molt fi, sense que es…
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Ingredients (2p): 2 supremes de 100 gr. de llobarro 200 gr. de cloïses all, ceba, julivert secs 1/2 gotet d’aigua 200 gr. de tires de pebrot del piquillo sal Maldon i pebre Elaboració: En una paella amb 4 gotes d’oli es fan les supremes de llobarro a la planxa. Es retiren al plat i es posen les cloïses a la paella a foc fort, se li afegeix l’aigua, l’all, la ceba, el julivert, el pebre. Quan…
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INGREDIENTS: 250 gr. de cloïses 500 gr. de montgetes blanques . ( Les podeu coure a casa o comprar-les de pot. Si les féu a casa heu de tenir en compte no coure-les massa, donçs després han de tornar a bullir una estona) 1 ceba ratllada 1 all picat 1 cullerada de salsa de tomàquet 50 gr. d’ ametlles torrades i picades 1 fulla de llorer 1/4 de pastilla d’ avecrem de peix PREPARACIÓ: Posem les…
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Pasta a la marinera
Ingredients: (per 1 persona) 70 grs de pasta seca 60 grs. de tomàquet natural triturat 1/4 d’all 1 culleradeta oli alfàbrega fresca 30 grs. de calamar tallat 200 gr cloïsses 6 tomàquets cirera Preparació: en una cassola saltejar el calamar amb una culleradeta d’oli. Afegir el trosset d’all triturat, el tomàquet i les cloïsses. afegir també els tomàquets cirera. Deixar coure a foc lent 5…
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Bacallà a la Koskera
Ingredients per a 4 persones: 8 talls de bacallà (si pot ser del morro) 16 cloïsses 8 espàrrecs verds 2 ous 2 grans d’all ½ copa de vi blanc Aigua Julivert, sal i oli d’oliva Preparació: Temps estimat: 40 minuts Primer de tot, poseu les cloïsses en un recipient amb aigua i una mica de sal. D’aquesta manera deixaran anar la mica de sorra que puguin portar. A continuació, poseu els ous a bullir.…
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Spaghetti alle Vongole
Ingredients per a 4 persones: 500g de spaghetti Barilla 3 llaunes de cloïsses o escopinyes 2 grans d’all 4-5 bitxos oli d’oliva verge extra una copa de vi blanc julivert picat Preparació: Temps estimat: 20 minuts Primer de tot bulliu la pasta durat 6-7 minuts. Ha de quedar molt al dente perquè després s’acabarà de coure amb el suc de les cloïsses. Escorreu la pasta i reserveu-la. Mentrestant…
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Sarsuela de peix i marisc (rap, calamars, gambes i musclos)
Ingredients per 4 persones: 1 kg rap* 200 gr gambes (unes 20 de petites)* 400gr. calamars* 250 gr. de musclos de roca farina de blat o farina de blat de moro, cigró etc. sal (atenció se n’hi posa molt poca) pebre oli d’oliva extra verge aigua o fumet de peix *opcional: cloïses, gambes llagostineres, sèpia o altres tipus de peix (amb lluç o rosada també surt molt bona! o combinant diferents…
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INGREDIENTS: 1Kg de cloïsses 1 ceba grossa 3 tomàquets madurs 1 cullereta de cafè de pebre vermell picant 2 culleretes de pebre negre ½ vas de vi blanc oli sal PREPARACIÓ: S’obren les cloïsses amb dos dits d’aigua en una olla tapada. Mentrestant a la paella s’hi sofregeix la ceba tallada petita i quan es transparent s’hi tira el tomàquet, passats dos minuts s’hi afegeix les cloïsses obertes i…
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