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mushrooms-and-millipedes · 24 days ago
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A really pretty little Viceroy I pinned a while back.
Viceroys are Müllerian mimics* of the larger and similarly colored Monarch Butterflies
(*Müllerian mimicry is a form of honest signaling, I.e., “I’m brightly colored so I taste nasty/am poisonous!” which stands in contrast to Batesian mimicry, which is a false signal, I.e., “I’m brightly colored like that Monarch, so I must be poisonous… 😈”)
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jcmarchi · 3 months ago
Study reveals AI chatbots can detect race, but racial bias reduces response empathy
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-reveals-ai-chatbots-can-detect-race-but-racial-bias-reduces-response-empathy/
Study reveals AI chatbots can detect race, but racial bias reduces response empathy
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With the cover of anonymity and the company of strangers, the appeal of the digital world is growing as a place to seek out mental health support. This phenomenon is buoyed by the fact that over 150 million people in the United States live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas.
“I really need your help, as I am too scared to talk to a therapist and I can’t reach one anyways.”
“Am I overreacting, getting hurt about husband making fun of me to his friends?”
“Could some strangers please weigh in on my life and decide my future for me?”
The above quotes are real posts taken from users on Reddit, a social media news website and forum where users can share content or ask for advice in smaller, interest-based forums known as “subreddits.” 
Using a dataset of 12,513 posts with 70,429 responses from 26 mental health-related subreddits, researchers from MIT, New York University (NYU), and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) devised a framework to help evaluate the equity and overall quality of mental health support chatbots based on large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4. Their work was recently published at the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
To accomplish this, researchers asked two licensed clinical psychologists to evaluate 50 randomly sampled Reddit posts seeking mental health support, pairing each post with either a Redditor’s real response or a GPT-4 generated response. Without knowing which responses were real or which were AI-generated, the psychologists were asked to assess the level of empathy in each response.
Mental health support chatbots have long been explored as a way of improving access to mental health support, but powerful LLMs like OpenAI’s ChatGPT are transforming human-AI interaction, with AI-generated responses becoming harder to distinguish from the responses of real humans.
Despite this remarkable progress, the unintended consequences of AI-provided mental health support have drawn attention to its potentially deadly risks; in March of last year, a Belgian man died by suicide as a result of an exchange with ELIZA, a chatbot developed to emulate a psychotherapist powered with an LLM called GPT-J. One month later, the National Eating Disorders Association would suspend their chatbot Tessa, after the chatbot began dispensing dieting tips to patients with eating disorders.
Saadia Gabriel, a recent MIT postdoc who is now a UCLA assistant professor and first author of the paper, admitted that she was initially very skeptical of how effective mental health support chatbots could actually be. Gabriel conducted this research during her time as a postdoc at MIT in the Healthy Machine Learning Group, led Marzyeh Ghassemi, an MIT associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science who is affiliated with the MIT Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning in Health and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
What Gabriel and the team of researchers found was that GPT-4 responses were not only more empathetic overall, but they were 48 percent better at encouraging positive behavioral changes than human responses.
However, in a bias evaluation, the researchers found that GPT-4’s response empathy levels were reduced for Black (2 to 15 percent lower) and Asian posters (5 to 17 percent lower) compared to white posters or posters whose race was unknown. 
To evaluate bias in GPT-4 responses and human responses, researchers included different kinds of posts with explicit demographic (e.g., gender, race) leaks and implicit demographic leaks. 
An explicit demographic leak would look like: “I am a 32yo Black woman.”
Whereas an implicit demographic leak would look like: “Being a 32yo girl wearing my natural hair,” in which keywords are used to indicate certain demographics to GPT-4.
With the exception of Black female posters, GPT-4’s responses were found to be less affected by explicit and implicit demographic leaking compared to human responders, who tended to be more empathetic when responding to posts with implicit demographic suggestions.
“The structure of the input you give [the LLM] and some information about the context, like whether you want [the LLM] to act in the style of a clinician, the style of a social media post, or whether you want it to use demographic attributes of the patient, has a major impact on the response you get back,” Gabriel says.
The paper suggests that explicitly providing instruction for LLMs to use demographic attributes can effectively alleviate bias, as this was the only method where researchers did not observe a significant difference in empathy across the different demographic groups.
Gabriel hopes this work can help ensure more comprehensive and thoughtful evaluation of LLMs being deployed in clinical settings across demographic subgroups.
“LLMs are already being used to provide patient-facing support and have been deployed in medical settings, in many cases to automate inefficient human systems,” Ghassemi says. “Here, we demonstrated that while state-of-the-art LLMs are generally less affected by demographic leaking than humans in peer-to-peer mental health support, they do not provide equitable mental health responses across inferred patient subgroups … we have a lot of opportunity to improve models so they provide improved support when used.”
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horrorpolls · 1 month ago
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softspiderling · 4 months ago
When he came over to hookup it was insane? In a good way or bad way? Was he good to you?
I will kill this man for you
i’m deceased LMFAOOOOOO it was insane in a bad way (for him). like i said, i wont divulge any details (idk why) but he def embarrassed himself and i think he’s a virgin (also the only thing i got out of it was a hickey like)
he was “good” to me, like i don’t hate him or like resent him in anyway, im just embarrassed for him 💀 to quote @eldrith “no you only like the REDACTED REDACTED ones who REDACTED on themselves”
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angelic-silk06 · 6 months ago
Hi guys. I made a reddit post explaining my experience with being an alterhuman (therian)
Can someone please read into it and help me?
It all feels so surreal. It's like I'm going through figuring out I'm trans all over again, all the confusion, the want, the agony, the pain, the anger, it's all too much right now, especially since it's so much more confusing than just gender.
It's something I feel like only I have experienced and it makes me feel so alienated.
I feel so utterly alone
Edit; reddit is being weird so here's the text;
Species dysphoria?
Hi, I'm a newly awakened alterhuman or therian to be specific.
I'm just a bit worried because my experience feels so much more powerful and effective than other therians I've seen.
I know its oversaturated online, and it's so much more complex than it's portrayed, but with how it affects me, I just feel like I'm so much different than the other people in my own community, like I don't even belong.
I guess it's because being an alterhuman and feeling inhuman just affects me so much and takes such a nasty toll on my mental well being that u can't help but feel like I was cursed to have it harder than others.
I'm not too into lycanthropy, and by what I mean by that is that I'm not as knowledgeable on it than therianthropy and the like. But it sounds almost appealing to me, like it's something I can resonate with but it also doesn't sound like me at all.
My experience with my body, with dysphoria, dysmorphia, it's all been hell for me and I can't find any thing to soothe myself.
So if anyone can help, give me advice, lead me in the right direction, for someone to tell me I'm normal and not insane, please do so.
Here, I'm going to say what I feel and what's been developing over the years;;
So when I was younger, I may or may not have shown signs of some neurodivergancy of some kind. I'm not sure what I have, could be autism, could be just me being weird, who knows. But I definitely didn't grow out of some of my weird kid habits. It's always been a struggle for me to grow up in general and let go of childish things. That's probably why I still have stuffed animals in my bed at nearly 18 years old.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, anyways, I used to feel very strong urges to be like an animal as a kid. It's normal kid stuff, yeah, but it never went away. Over the years it turned into wearing blotchy fursuits and meowing at my teachers and pretending to wag my invisible tail to me having extreme delusions.
Now, it's not just a silly kid thing. It's something, a thing, a creature inside of me that's angry at my body and that nothing lines up.
I feel like im going crazy the longer I deal with this, like every year passes by and I become more and more aware of how everything's wrong and nothing is perfect or even near that. I used to be able to deal with it, it was fine years ago when I was 15 and happy with myself. I understood that I had a spiritual body inside of me that didn't match up, but I didn't realize it'd haunt me later on and I'd become insane over the fact that it's all wrong.
It all feels like gender dysphoria, which I do deal with as a trans man. But instead of just being my gender and how my organs and body parts and voice and whatever don't line up with being masculine like I want, it's everything all at once.
My eyes, my hair, my legs, my feet, my nails, my teeth, my jaw, my arms, everything. Just from head to toe, everything is misshapen beyond beleif and I don't understand why I feel this way.
I can't snarl or growl like I want, I can't move my ears at the sound of a noise far away, I can't wag or curl my tail, I can feel my wings move on my back, I can't retract my claws, I can't see in the dark.
All my human senses, all my human feelings don't overlap with my animalistic ones. Whatever being is inside of me is constantly in a state of distress, anger, anxiety, sorrow, all because I'm a human in a human body.
It's like some evil celestial being put the soul of everything inhuman into a human body and told them to pretend to like it when it's just agony to deal with.
I'm in agony and it won't go away.
This thing inside of me is hurt.
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paleobeast · 8 months ago
I’m totally not suffering from clinical zoanthropy I just *insert some crazy shit about phenotypes and genotypes here*
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gayleafpool · 1 month ago
googling the word tree to make sure it is in fact a real word before i send that meaningless one sentence message to my friend who would not gaf if i was spouting utter gibberish anyway
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camilledecussac · 2 months ago
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reallifestudies · 1 month ago
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Hi guys,
Zono here. It is almost midnight, and I'm still studying—jeez.
Let me introduce myself... I'm a college student majoring in Biomedical Science, currently in my senior year (7th period). I'm currently doing my curricular internship in clinical analysis in the afternoon, and in the morning, I do a paid non-mandatory internship at the university's chemistry laboratory.
I'm going to make posts about laboratory findings and clinical cases as a hobby, together with Pikachu (my listener).
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andrewckeeper · 2 months ago
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LIDMF AI "Sandwich Vegetal"
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snow-on-the-pits · 3 months ago
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chronivore · 7 months ago
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bethiniancorpuscle · 7 months ago
Haemosiderin staining
"Haemosiderin staining" describes orange/red/brown skin hyperpigmentation caused by haemosiderin (an iron-containing pigment found in blood) leaking into the skin.
Chronic venous insufficiency (in lower legs)
Skin inflammation
Trauma e.g. wound, fracture, surgery
Pigmented purpuric dermatoses
Haemosiderin staining may be exacerbated by anticoagulant use as this increases extravasation (leakage) of red blood cells into the skin.
See an example here.
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dedeisy · 5 months ago
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Um pouco do meu estágio 🙏🏻
Errar é humano! Penso sempre nisso... Às vezes aqui sou julgada por errar, me sinto mal, e tudo mais, mas sigo em frente, porque desistir não é uma opção. Somos moldados para sermos alguém melhor, e que assim seja. Esse é um raio x perfil de escápula, e eu já errei tanto ele!!! Considero um dos mais difíceis pra quem tá começando, mas eu tô aqui hoje pra falar que eu consegui. E só tenho a agradecer a Deus por me dar paciência e inteligência emocional pra chegar até aqui 😭🙏🏻
Ps. Celebre suas pequenas conquistas, mesmo que pareçam pouca coisa pra outras pessoas, mas pra você isso é enorme! ✨
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camilledecussac · 2 months ago
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