needykttn · 1 month
why do i have such a need to bite someone so hard i get to lick up their blood after
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snowshinobi · 2 years
I can now say I've drawn blood during a makeout sesh how much does this up my cannibalism cred
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
Ok I lied, one more Hazbin character ask.🙏
Thoughts on Lucifer, Carmilla, Rosie, and Adam?
I love love love him. Terrible dad tho! Lmfaoo
Genuinely think Charlie let him off the hook too easy for all the neglect imo. It's kinda weird how most of the fandom suddenly thinks he's a great dad. He's okay at best, tbh. Just because he has a gorgeous singing voice(Jeremy Jordan is the fuckin BEST man) and a silly personality doesn't mean everything's swell. I hope the second season further tackles this. I remember someone saying before that Lucifer resembled a dad who accidentally had a baby as a teen and doesn't actually know how to be a father and I haven't forgotten about how accurate that is. Still tho! Great character! I'm not even exactly mad about him being popular, just a little bothered by how he's viewed by most people. I hope the show has him do more than sing a musical number to EARN Charlie's forgiveness
I love her, even if the way her character is written is a little, um, how do I say it? Weird? Doesn't make sense sometimes.
Like how she's a demon Overlord who sells weapons but has a line that goes "I always thought that I would keep blood off my face". So does that mean she's never killed anyone before? Or maybe she swore off killing at some point? If she's only ever taken a life to protect her daughters, what sin did she commit to get her to end up in Hell, with her daughters no less. I have my speculations, but with how little we know about her, speculations don't change the fact that Carmilla is a strangely written character. She has some moments that are just questionable choices from the writers too. Like, how they had Carmilla point out how obvious Vaggie's nature is, making Charlie's feelings of betrayal look a little stupid on Charlie's part. Or how Carmilla sang to Vaggie that she should focus on love and not revenge, even though all Vaggie has ever thought about is protecting Charlie while never showing any signs of even thinking about getting back at Lute. Such a strange character. I hope she makes more sense next season when we get to see more of her, because I truly do love her. If this is never tackled though and I just happen to be overthinking, it's fine. I still like her anyways.
A really sweet lady for a, um, cannibal. I can never get behind the fact that she and the other characters eat people RAW though! No matter how beautiful she is, the hotness factor is knocked down as long as you don't clean, cook, and season your food, maam. Nasty.
I hope we see more of her relationship with Charlie though. People keep talking about how Carmilla and Vaggie are similar, but I feel we should talk about her similarities with Charlie too. Throughout the show Charlie is ridiculed and given no respect by her people because of her sweet nature and jolly disposition, but here Rosie is being all those things and yet has a whole town to lead! I hope them meeting is set up to have Charlie learn even more from her.
Oh man he vexes me lol I don't completely hate him, because he has some funny moments, and kickass songs, and the OG Broadway Beetlejuice voices him, but he's suuuuuch an asshooooole. He's not even the kind of villain that you still like to see and romanticize even when he's evil. At least to me. I think my brother explained accurately why. He hates Adam in fact, and that's because his attitude and personality is too accurate to incels that you can see in real life. I enjoyed him as the first season's villain, but I do NOT want him coming back somehow as a sinner like others want. I want him to stay dead. It's Lute's turn to be the new big bad. I still have Pentious if I want more Alex Brightman anyway.
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lonleydweller · 5 months
after finally watching Texas chainsaw massacre 1974, I must say that nubbins. Nubbins kinda hot...
Anyway! Can I have a thing for after nubbins got darling back and the family reaction to darling having tried escaping?
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Raaah tyy!! I'm glad you like enough for a part 2!! I will gladly write more for the feral gremlin man!!
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!Warnings!: spoilers for tcm 1974, mentioned injuries, violence towards darling, threats towards darling, cannibalism, sadism, swearing
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
The old, rickety, dingey screen door of the sawyer household slams shut with a groan. Your feet drag along the floor as you're hauled inside the house by Nubbins. Greeted by the all too familiar smell of rotting meat and iron. You can hear a voice shouting from the other room.
"Godammit boy! Did they try running off again? Huh? Is that what all this ruckus is about? I told you I'm already pushing it by letting you keep them here!"
You recognized it as the eldest brother of the three. A horrific trio. Bubba, Nubbins, and of course Drayton. While he appeared more normal on the surface, he was certainly no less insane as the other two. Simply wanting you dead and cooked. Which at this point may as well be an act of mercy.
"I- it ain't none of yer business! I- I've got it dealt w-with! Like I always do!"
Nubbins retorts as he shifts you around in his hold. Still with a vice grip. Arms snaked tight around your ribcage like a viper. Drayton swiftly appears in the doorway of the dining room, with his usual scowl on his face. Bickering back at his brother, gesturing at you angrily.
"They're disrupting the whole damn house! I tell you if you can't keep them in check I'm gonna-"
He's cut off by Nubbins barking at him, stomping his foot like a belligerent child.
"Y-you ain't gonna do nuthin! Yous ain't got the guts to do nuthin! You're just the c-cook!"
Drayton opens his mouth to speak again, but Nubbins cuts him off with childish mocking, blowing raspberries. He goes silent with a huff. Momentarily, everything is silent. There's a standstill. Broken by Drayton angrily grumbling out,
"Shut yer mouth!...just get them dealt with and get your ass down for dinner."
With that he stomps off somewhere else within the pigstye of a house. Leaving you with the rabid thing that was lugging you around. For a moment, there's nothing but silence. Stillness. A rarity. There was almost always blood curdling screaming, bickering, and squealing resounding throughout the house. You hear your captor mumble under his breath
"He don't know nuthin."
For a second he starts to head towards the stairs with you, then he halts in his tracks, perking up. An idea clicking in his mind. His thoughts are as rapid as his movements. He quickly hoists you up, rushing into the nearby living room. Kicking aside the bone scraps and feathers that litter the floor. Your body jolts as you're carelessly plopped onto the sofa. It creaks with the sudden impact. Nubbins quickly moves towards another doorway, but hesitates mid way. Stopping as he points at you
"Y- you stay put! I-ill be right back..!"
In a blink of an eye he darts off to wherever. Leaving you alone. A moment of peace that would only last for a few minutes at most. You can only stare blankly stare at the wall. At the old, dull, weak, washed out wallpaper. Wondering how you got to this point. What went wrong. Well, you knew what went wrong now. Foresight and all. You should have never picked Nubbins up from the side of the scolding Texas roads. You should have just left him out there to rot.
Who knew such a simple act, the simple deed of offering someone a ride would lead to.. this. It felt surreal. All because you decided to show some ounce of kindness, you're now stuck in this hellhole. A reality you're harshly reminded of as you zone back in, feeling the leather of the ghastly sofa beneath you as your hand drifts across it. You never could get used to the feeling of sitting on the disgusting piece of furniture, the leather another humans skin, the bones that built the frame from the same source.
Everything in this house was inhumane. The people. The furniture. The food. Your mind races with the same thoughts it has before. Going on a re-run. How long have they been doing this? How many people have they cannibalized? Would the cops ever find you? Were they even looking for you? What was even the likelihood in this part of Texas? How long have you even been here? Days, weeks, months? You've lost track of the days and nights, the calendar you had found was out of date, and you haven't seen a single clock.
You're dragged out of your train of thoughts by the sound of heavy thuds against the old wooden floorboards. Heavy footsteps. A figure moves into the doorway, along with the sound of a pig like squeal. The youngest. Bubba. Looming in the doorway, staring at you through the sagging skin mask that was affixed to his face. He tilts his head at you. You can't help but do the same.
If he really wanted to he could rev up his chainsaw and hack right through you, hang you up on a meat hook, then toss your remains in a icebox. Then you'd join the rest of the bodies. Squeals, grunts, and gargled noises emit from him. Even without solid words, the tone seeps through. Sad. Pitying. Perhaps the only reason he left you alone. Torturing you would just be kicking a dead horse at this point. You two just stare, and stare, and stare at each other. Only broken up by Nubbins skittering back into the room. Face souring a bit when he sees his brother.
"H-hey, I t-thought I told you I got this dealt with! Ain't you supposed to be helpin' s-set up dinner anyways? G-go help Drayton before he starts hollerin!"
He stammers out, passive aggressively shooing his brother away from you. He didn't like them being too close to you. Especially when it came to Drayton, he'd snap, shout, and throw fits if he came even relatively close. No threats of beatings from a broomstick dettered him. Bubba was allowed a bit closer without as volatile reactions from Nubbins. Bubba in the end slinks off somewhere else in the house, presumably wherever Drayton is. Now it was just you and him again.
In Nubbins hand you can see a roll of white cloth, slightly battered and torn. It didn't look absolutely horrid but it had certainly seen better days. It clicks in your mind, was it a gauze? Surprised they even had medical supplies. Even more surprised as he grabs at your leg, your knee jerk reaction is to to recoil, to kick, to yank your leg away. He just as quickly pulls your leg back towards him. Nails digging into your skin. He pouts
"S-stay still, I- I'm trying to help you! I can't do that if ya k-keep movin..!"
He starts to half hazardly wrap the bandaid around your leg. Wrapping up the major cuts and gashes, slowly the bleeding. The stinging feeling still hasn't left. You can feel the gritty pieces of dirt stuck in them. You can clench your jaw in dread. With your luck you'd end up with an infection. He finishes up patching up one leg, guaze snug around your skin. He fixes up your other leg just as quickly. Finishing off with some loose wrap around your torso. Layered on top of all your worse for wear clothing.
"..T-there! A-all better.. now ya won't bleed out on me or nothing like that."
He sounds proud of himself. As if he hadn't been the one to put the gashes and tears there, or maybe he just didn't give two shits.
"..I'd be better if I was at home."
You weakly choke out through a sniffle. Nubbins just parrots back your cries and mocks your sad expression, before retorting
"W-well this is your home now, and you ain't g-going no where!"
His feral giggling fills the room, along with his faint little snorts. You want so badly to punch the smug crooked smile off his face, but you damn well know you're not in the position to. His greasy hand reaches up, your body instinctively tenses, he gingerly grabs a few strands of your hair. Messing with it mindlessly between his fingers. Tugging lightly at random intervals. Your attention is caught by something in the corner of your eye, Drayton entering the room. His face twisted in a annoyed frown, his default expression at this point.
"Dinner's done."
He announces, causing Nubbins to take his focus off of you. Letting go of your hair. Drayton briefly glances at you before grumbling out
"Get them to the table.. Bubba's already brought grandpa down."
With that he disappears back into the dining room. Nubbins arms wrap around you, lifting you up off of the sofa, dragging you once more through the rooms and into the dreaded dining room. A lamp made of someone's face illuminates the room, plates and silverware set out on the table, abhorrent food made with human meat are served up, a chair made with human arms for the arm rests, then to top it all off the barely living head of the household sits at the end of the table. His chair like throne. Grandpa sawyer. 'The best there ever was' in their words. A man kept alive far past his prime. He looks like a mummified corpse.
The stuffy, humidity, rancid air fills your lungs. Your stomach churns with nausea. You can feel all their eyes on you as you're plopped down onto a chair. Right beside Nubbin's. You stare down at your plate, where odd looking sausage sits. This.. this was your dinner. This was your life. This was your home now. You just stare at your plate. You didn't want to eat it. You knew what it was. They all stare at you expectantly. It was either you eat your dinner, or they'd force you to.
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wifegideonnav · 10 months
we can argue about the ethics and impact of fanfiction forever and how we were all kinda fucked up by reading adult themed fic wayyy too early but at the end of the day it’s actually hilarious how much reading fanfic, esp from a young age, like. dramatically changes your perception of what’s a weird thing to write/read. “omg this movie draws parallels between sex and cannibalism” yesterday out of curiosity i read a fic where a guy cuts his immortal brothers head off and fucks his severed esophagus and they’re both really into it. and it was well written and faithfully characterized and funny and i guess if you have that fetish it was probably hot? my point is that i bet you on tumblr reading this are going “yeah ok that’s out there but eh.” show this post to your mom. i bet her reaction is different. how long do you think this post will be up before someone asks me for the link to that fic.
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the-cpu-system · 5 months
May I ask that you share your Bennister propaganda. I'm curious on what the hype is about ;0?
In the actual story there's really only 2 people that actually seem to care for Benny, right? Ellen and Gorrister. While Ellen is talked about more with interacting with Benny, Gorrister still does like a pretty decent amount !! Like he literally tells him a story thas so cute
Like of course Gorrister is apathetic and doesn't exactly seem thrilled to repeat AM's story but he still does, and with minimal complaining- and it's said this is a thing that happens several times, and I feel like that's just really cute tbh . Cus anyone of the group could tell the story but still Gorrister does each time. So like. Gorrister tells Benny stories. That's rlly sweet .
There's always that scene right before everyone else's death that doesn't exactly lend anything to my pro Bennister propaganda but like . It exists and I feel like I gotta mention it so. That happens but shh. Jus means they're a lil complicated/silly
They have these nice contrasts and similarities as well that I think are nice as a dynamic. Benny and Gorrister are both made as parodies of their former selves . Benny in the game was a war general, while Gorrister was anti-war, which also honestly can lend to something with Gorrister expressing that wish of joining the military so maybe he could've died like the rest and Benny (in some way) comforting him .
Leaning more into inferences and headcanons now, Benny was of very high regard before AM messed him up. Like, he was hot and really smart and had a lot going for him. If he had any bit of himself left (which it seems like there's at least a sliver of his original self in there with the fact he can have favorite stories, which are kind of a sign that your brain can still sort things out) I feel like he'd be absolutely humiliated about what he's become. I mean it is talked about briefly in his psychodrama. But Ellen probably just makes him uncomfortable. Like, there's no doubt he appreciates her, yeah. But I mean one he's forced to sleep with a woman, which probably has uncomfortability that seeps over into everyday life, and her help and friendship is a lot more humiliating and comes off as pity. I mean like a man of such high regard being spoken like he's a kid ?? Guh
But then there's Gorrister . He's someone who obviously does care for Benny some bit, despite the apathy. But, the apathy lend to a.more casual way of interacting with Benny and treating him normally bc he literally does not fucking care
I just think . They are very neat . :3. They have an interesting dynamic- and honestly it doesn't irk me like how Ted x Ellen does or kinda AM x Ted . Like aside from the whole.. cannibalism part.. they're generally unproblematic together and yea
Anyways Bennister :3
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For the character meme: beast wars dinobot
hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
How I feel about this character
Love Pink!
I think everyone's love for him was the reason why I decided to watch beast wars in the first place. And i almost quit the show after he died so i'd say i like him a normal amount (lie).
I have a love hate relationship with his design cuz its sooooo hard for me to draw like why did he do that he should have chosen something simpler. 
His mannerisms and how tall he is makes everything in the show 10 times more funny(to me). ohhhhh I'm fixed on his voice and vocal tics it really does make him stand out from the rest of the cast.
He’s so mean too, a hating ass bitch, I can respect that. He’d be the best fast food coworker (he’d still work at popeyes!!). And sometimes he be loud and wrong, like ok CLOWN.
How do I say this nicely? Making fun of him is my favourite thing to do. Also since he is the fan favourtie (am i correct in assuming this?) everyone makes fire ass art involving him. always a treat, he never let me down.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
A good fight would make him hooooorny.
Tarantulas - one, I just think it's funny and two, that one episode when he was complimenting tarantulas's hunting skills?? Can you imagine them hunting things together??? I need it!! Dinobot in his evil cannibal twins era <3
Tigatron - uhhh the solitude uhh the warriors bond the best slow burn ever. They are opposites and dont understand each other at all. LITERALLY Law of the Jungle ep is just: tigatron doesn't behave the way DB wants him to so Dinobot is thinking “ *snorts* i can fix him!!”. It’s peak to me…
Tigatron so calm and wholesome, and Dinobot is…NOT pfttttt  AHHH LIKE FIRE AND ICE FIRE AND ICE!!!!! They clash but go togetherrrrrr *sigh* who sees my vision 🥹
thats all my brain could come up with aack
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cheetor and Dinobot lol hi grandpa take his ass to hot topic 
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Dinobot would not make a good leader. He’s not emotionally considerate and does not have the skills to “think past the battle”. He can fight, anticipate an ambush, command some soldiers but that's pretty much it.
Actual diplomacy, or caring about the health of his teammates? HA! 
He constantly wants to abandon people, or overthrow someone, switching sides like crazy. Nigga never been loyal…and he likes to talk about his “honor”.
Now I really need some insight on what “predacon honor” is cuz wtf?? Rattrap was lowkey right, how could we trust him? 
I was sad when he died but ion really feel like he needs to come back, you know? You could kind of sense that there was no direction the show could take his character.
And getting rid of him was the logical choice. He a lil self destructive and got some issues (that's why I love him) but after a while it got repetitive for me. I don't think this show was equipped to handle the characterization they were building up to so him dying was kinda a good thing dare i say. 
He's a bottom 🏳‍🌈
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More predacon interactions that hint at what his life was like before they crashed on earth.
The lil nuggets we get are so interesting to me, I need to see how the dynamics were before he ‘betrayed’ them.
He knows these guys so well im so madddd i missing out on all the dramaaaaaaa
i also wanted him to interact more with rampage...i cant explain it but....there's something there that needs to be explored
Eat more people
be weird
be a freak
Nerd out tenfold about history
Should have killed silverbolt whaaaa who said that
Thats all i can think of off da top of me headdd, thanks for the ask @cybertron-after-dark 💜
sorry for typos!
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roxannepolice · 3 months
Re: your new meta post on dw, I don't really know how to articulate my thoughts properly, but I think it kinda comes down to... fans of the show wanting to make jokes or ideas that Sound Funny/Interesting, but don't actually make sense in terms of characterization or the show's philosophy. Like... when someone wants to make a joke about something stereotypical about an animal, even though it's not exactly true? Like the idea of praying mantises cannibalizing their mates, as an example. It's a commonly known pop culture idea that we know works as a metaphor for human relationships, even if it's not scientifically accurate.
People want to make jokes about the master having the hots for TLV doctor, even though in actuality the master wouldn't react positively, because it'd skew their entire dynamic and what attracts/repels them from each other. People think it's funny, or an interesting concept, or makes for good fan content ideas, or they just have their ship goggles on too tight. (Trying not to be too mean about this, here)
It's a fine line to walk to not be a buzzkill about fans doing this, because people should be able to have fun, even if the lack of coherent characterization and fanon-ification bothers me. Going with the praying mantis example, I try not to be too "um, actually" about scientific myths or old wives tales, either.
But for what it's worth, I think that staying true to characterization accuracy is really important for doctor who, compared to other pieces of fiction, because of the nature of regeneration and different actors portraying the same character. There has to be some level of consistency from the first to the latest, or it risks falling apart.
And... for better and worse, the show is written and run by fans nowadays, so all the things I've said about the fandom applies to the writer's room, too.
Anyway, I enjoy reading your meta and following you, you're very pragmatic and I appreciate the way that you care a lot about these sort of things. I don't know if people give you a hard time about it, but I wanted to say that I appreciate your posts, in case people do give you a hard time for not just going along with popular fan depictions of the characters :)
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Thank you, nonny, I really needed such reassurance today ❤️❤️ I wouldn't exaggerate that I'm getting a hard time over my takes, more that. hard time would be in a way better than no response. Like, I feel like a knight that's travelled a very long way over the seven lakes, and seven mountains, and seven forests only to hear that her lord is verily the fairest man to look upon. That's nice, now joust with me for fun! And of course I respect that not everyone is in the mood, but I also get the impression tumblr culture has developed a self-defence mechanism where, if you don't agree with something (particularly something as end of the day trivial as a tv show), you don't interact lest you get excommunicated, even though you actually want to discuss. Basically, I make a point of being open to discussion (in fact, craving discussion), because I would give a lot for such reassurance from others...
Anyway, yeah I see your point about how fandom making cases that don't necessarily work is fun, which is why I make separate posts about why I disagree (again, tell me I can discuss in the original post and I will sacrifice my first born to you). But there's also a level at which widespread fanons lead to even more detached from canon interpretations, and sometimes I just feel a need to say ok, stop there. Like, using your wonderful mantis metaphor, it's one thing when someone compares their partner to a mantis, either honestly or jokingly, and another when you read a full long post about how female praying mantises are the epitome of "natural", human feminity, either in a all-women-are-evil way or hell-yeah-girlboss way. At some point you just have to say "dude, that's not even how mantises work". But still, I do get the point.
Again, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts abd very kind words!
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thenixkat · 4 months
just poking at a bunch of stuff in the direction of good lords I hate these reboot runs how to fix them
just… things that need to go:
Jaime being uncertain of his future and angry/shouty all the time what the fuck was up with that
Ted clearly trying to live vicariously through Jaime. It's just ugh. As far as I know from what I read about the Birds of Prey stuff, Ted's fine with being semi-retired and support. ALso like he was a superhero for a good while pre-reboot and movie let him have had a solid career.
EVerything that was there to just set up a crossover that the writers cared more about. like have Ted with superpowered personal assistants but not literal justice league clones
things to include:
I like that Ted was paying Jaime for heroing/training. That's actually good.
Ted as a slightly neglectful parent of Bert (the ai) and Jenny
Dr. Reyes. Dr. Reyes bulling the local billionire to make the city a better place, pay for her kid's college funds. Pay for a clinic so the local poor metas can get healthcare
Fuck it keep Victoria as Ted's demi-villain sister and teh person actually running the Kord industries finances
I really like the idea of just superpowered people not having to be superheros or villains. I like the idea of Ted having a personal assistant with superspeed just make her a different character. And if he had her dress up in a costume (codename Tiger Beetle b/c come on) he has to pay her double overtime
things I want just cause I want:
let Ted be thick and ok with it. I dont think abs are sexy, none of my homies think abs are sexy.
Turn Ted into a werebug. How? I dont care, i just want that man to have some fangs and claws and a lil cannibalism cause that would be hot.
Let Ted be cool. Goofy but cool. lIke, let him snark and joke on Batman without being intimidated.
I dont know why but I kinda want to make Victoria and Jenny good with swords for some reason. ANd give them really cool magical girl bug themed suits. (blue morpho butterfly and common whitetail dragonfly respectively)
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double--cross-d · 2 years
Uhm... personality headcannons bc I can't keep them to myself. (No The One Who Waits bc I'm not to interested in him :/)
Leshy is about as chaotic as you'd think a god of chaos would be (IE VERY.) He can also flip on a dime from being very calm to fucking pissed at a follower. Kinda taught all his followers thst death is a-ok as long as it's over something you believe in, that way, he could follow older brother Kallamar's example and play favorites when sacrificing them without his cult knowing! Genuinely doesn't think what he's doing is morally wrong, Cannibalism, Mass Sacrifices, and having followers fight to the death is A-Ok. Was mostly treating the Lamb's crusade over his domain like a game, until he sent his boyfriend to kill them and he didn't return : / Admires his 3 older siblings a lot!
Arrogant and hot headed. Was the one who called on the genocide of lambs because it was the only plausible option. Claims she cares about her followers but also made all of them cannibals because, "There's always food if you're desperate enough." Puts on a caring guardian façade with her followers to lessen the chance of dissention, however if it does arise, a little murder always works! Would also fucking murder you if you hurt her siblings (or hit on her). Hates The One Who Waits with every fiber of her being for what he DID to her family, and refuses to let Leshy know that the one who blinded him was his brother.
His arrogance is arguably worse than Heket's because at least she tries to pretend she's a good person. He is very open about infecting all his followers with chronic illness, and proud of it. Plays favorites with his followers, the ones that are more devoted suffer less, and his favorites aren't even infected. Very cold and will loudly berate his followers if they do not follow his orders. Rules mostly through fear and tortures dissenters into loyalty. Played the, "I have anxiety, pwease be nice to me?" card when the lamb came round, though he still fears The One Who Waits and refuses to talk about him anymore. Surprisingly caring when it comes to the siblings, especially Heket (those are his fucking spare parts! (Twins))
Pre-brain damage Shamura and Post-Brain Damage Shamura act completely fucking differently.
Pre-Brain Damage: The twins learned it from the best! While they were very kind and caring when raising all their siblings, they were also completely focused on their domain of war. They'd preach to their followers about the outside world being a dangerous place, and if any outsiders came in Shamura would control them to attack their followers to deepen their lies. Would often be violent and even kill their own followers for minor slip ups like takilng out of line (when there wasn’t a child in their care that is) but a ruthless leader is needed to defend them from the horrors of the outside world. Could be very condescending when answering questions (that they thought were simple ones, which was almost all of them)
Post-Brain Damage: Holy shit did their methods do a fucking 270. While now they focused more on their domain of knowledge (bc it was harder to fight once they were almost killed) they still preach about the outside world (aside from communities who've accepted the old faith) being dangerous. Their arrogance is almost nonexistent, and they'd probably be fond of discussing books over a cup of tea. Although most dissenters are still executed, they're more willing to re-educate dissenters if they aren't too far gone. Respects their siblings more, and is more willing to assist with their troubles past simply offering advice. Also have I mentioned that all of their followers are brainwashed from being mind controlled so many times? Yeah that's something that happened.
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mobiused · 2 years
mobiused my train got delayed and im really bored would you be willing to talk about vivi for a bit if that's ok
I had a dream about Vivi the other night basically she invited me to hang out but then it turned out to be kind of a date or something and she was like "Mobi there's this really cool chocolatiers that I wanted to go to" and I was like aww cute let's go so we linked arms and went I think we were in like Belgium maybe. Okay so when we got there it was like a Yo Sushi have you ever been to one? With like the conveyer belts and everything except the conveyer belts was around a massive pool with people swimming in it and I was like erm Vivi are you sure this is a chocolatiers and she was like Don't question me. So I didn't. and there's like little cute chocolates on the conveyer belt so my concerns were temporarily dissuaded. But then as we got our table suddenly this horrific sound happened and there was an explosion of blood in the pool and like it didn't exactly splatter everywhere (like not on us) but you could see the viscera everywhere and I was like Okay vivi what the fuck is this place. And she was like It's a cannibal chocolatiers ^__^ Look here comes the waiter and the waiter came with the waiver and idk i was too starstruck from being on a date with vivi to question it and just signed it and she was like Yayy now we get to play. Vivi play what. Play what. And so after we sign it shes like cmon now its our turn to get in the pool ^__^ and well I wanna see vivi in a swimsuit so .. I get in the pool . With vivi who looked really hot may I add. And we have the rules explained to us. It's like russian roulette with 6 people in the pool and one of us gets exploded and our blood sucked up from the pool (not sure how this really works in a practical sense? wouldn't it be like really dilute?) and if you survive you get to eat the cannibal chocolate which is apparently the best in the world and worth the whole nearly getting killed thing. And now I'm kinda scared shitless... and there's a timer counting down and i'm like bro vivi we're gonna freaking die or get covered in the blood and guts of a random stranger and honestly I'm not keen on all that. Like i like my viscera as much as the next guy but when it's real life its a little bit scary! And vivi is just like laughing her ass off about how worried I am shes like babes don't sweat it its gonna be fine think about how good the chocolate is gonna taste *drool emoji* and shes like splashing me and shit and trying to play around in the pool (she looked really cute tho to be fair) and I'm like trembling and shaking like please stop trying to waterbend I'm this close to peeing myself and shes like aww okay come here and gives me a hug (realistically this wouldn't be very feasible as its kinda hard to stay afloat if youre not sculling) So when the countdown gets to zero, the guy in front of us gets blown up and he gets EVERYWHERE. Like it's disgusting. I won't go into detail. And i'm like... shaking and vivi is like Awww is mobi scared of the dead body's guts getting everywhere? 😂😂 Wow cringe and I feel quite emasculated. (Isn't this kind of a common theme in my dreams? Not the emasculation but I mean loona laughing at incredibly graphic gore... yeah whats that about) And then the guy (the boss?) is like yay you guys won get the fuck out the pool so we can collect his blood so we get out the pool and dry off and they usher us round but I still feel sick from like an adrenaline overdose and I'm shaking still and I'm like Vivi... I don't think I want to eat this chocolate... cuz like. Okay I like black pudding I've had blood sausages before I'm not against eating food with blood in it like I'm mature. But human blood.... and I mean like i'm even a goth so like i'm not adverse to like vampire adjacent yandere nonsesne like if it was my lovers blood maybe itd be okay like you know how some people have vials of their partners blood like its a little weird but you know i'm always open to new experiences. But like this is dead pool guy killed in pool explosion blood. And I nearly peed myself and I'm sure other people probably did pee themselves like it doesn't even feel that hygen-
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So i'm fully not sure if any of these guys got some love yet BUT any of these can be answered for Apollo, Herc, or that one hot reaper
🪞 - what would your character do if faced with an evil doppelganger? would they run away, fight? is the doppelganger a reflection of their inner fears?
🕰 - what would your character do if they were stuck in a time loop?
🫁 - would your character cannibalize someone? would it be for survival or because they like it? is it for religious reasons? something else? (i've gotta know, i'm not sorry)
💀 - is your character afraid of dying? if so, how far would they go to cheat death?
Andi, you are one of my best friends on this hellsite. I'm sure you know this. But you really forgot his name? For shame, Andi, for shame, lol.
🪞 - what would your character do if faced with an evil doppelganger? would they run away, fight? is the doppelganger a reflection of their inner fears?
OK, so, I decided to answer this one for Hercules. I think it depends on whether faced with an evil doppelganger in the dream world or the real world. In the dream world, he feels invincible and would probably try to fight it. After all, he's strong and big and tough, why wouldn't he? But in the real world? With those artificial muscles stripped from him, and as he really is? He would run, without hesitation. It's not likely to be a reflection of his inner fears, although it may mock him for them, remind him of just how alone he's always been and always will be.
🕰 - what would your character do if they were stuck in a time loop?
Kinda just picking and choosing who to do these for as I please, so! If Apollo found himself stuck in a time loop, he'd likely try to force one of his prophetic visions to try to figure out how to escape. This is, of course, a terrible idea, and he should not do that. It's either going to fail or torment him with all the possibilities of how the loop could go. Once he realizes that's a bad idea, he's likely to spend a good amount of time trying to act like everything is fine. More time isn't a bad thing, right? Right? By the time he actually gets out of it, he's likely to be a traumatized mess of a man. Michael is gonna have a real problem to fix.
🫁 - would your character cannibalize someone? would it be for survival or because they like it? is it for religious reasons? something else?
Herc would only do it out of desperation for survival. And honestly? He might puke about it the first time. Hercules likes to think he's tough, but uh. He's really not. He's really really not. It would likely haunt him for quite some time.
💀 - is your character afraid of dying? if so, how far would they go to cheat death?
And since you were actually able to remember his name on Discord, I'm doing this one for Isa. And yes, he is. Absolutely terrified of dying, because for Isa, dying means not existing at all anymore. It's the end of the line, no more chances. He doesn't show it often because there's very little that could kill him when he was alive and even less now that he's become a reaper, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. He would kill if it meant never having to worry about dying again and yet, that's not what'll save him. He can't wrap his mind around the fact that all of his go to ways of handling situations are just pushing him closer and closer to that little edge, and so whether he likes it or not, he's actually sabotaging himself. Guess he's lucky there's someone who believes in him and is willing to vouch for him still being able to change.
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 12~
shen qiao: I'M ON A BOAT I'M ON A BOAT TAKE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT THE MOTHERFUCKING BOAT yan wushi: hiiiiii 😈 shen qiao: hi 😩 OH MY GOD he stole shen qiao's tea!!! shen qiao looks SO DONE with him lmaooo OH LOOK it's the suffering masses AGAIN!! HELLO EVERYONE!!! (part ii) PARKOUR!!! actually i'm suprised they haven't decided to eat the man who fell off his horse. it's what i would have done lol (for legal purposes this is a joke. birb does not engage in cannibalism. usually.) did did chen gong send shen qiao a box full of food THAT'S. A BIT WEIRD. U COULD HAVE JUST SAID SORRY, MY MAN. or at least delivered it fast enough to save the lil orphan girl ;A; AWWW SHEN QIAO'S CRYING ;A; FECK IM GONNA CRY TOO ;A; POOR TINY CHILD, SHE DIDN'T NEED TO DIE 😭😭😭 o-oh my goodness. who. who is. who is this??? he's choking my poor bai rong but. but he's so STYLISH, he so EYE-CATCHING. i do not like him but. he kinda. hot. 👀 BABIES!! MORE LIL BABIES!!! OHHH THE LIL BABY IS THE ONE FROM BEFORE, AND HE'S NOW A SECT MEMBER, GOOD FOR HIM!!! he's so CUTE, he so sweet and polite omg ;A; yan wushi: how dare u introduce me as ur friend. i'm OBVIOUSLY ur future husband >:( shen qiao: friendzoned :) shifu putting on airs, his tummy immediately making a liar of him lmfao 🤣 yan wushi: i can't stand the sight of joy or the sound of children's laughter, brb i must break the forest D:< oh damn the old man is kinda…..hot when he's angy and suffering???? 👀😳🥵 WAIT NOT NOT LIKE THAT well ok. exactly like that lol 🤣 OH!! our new friend with the white hair is called sang jingxing!!! he has a funny voice, and a very prominent chin!! useful for telling everyone apart lol 'we are destined' UHHHH WHAT????? WOW UH. OK THEN 😳 shen qiao is very secure in his conscience, i appreciate that about him!!! what a good boy :D shen qiao: we're friends, right? yan wushi: >:) shen qiao: …..friends, RIGHT?? oh. well i guess i guess the old man is just kidnapping him then. all right. WAIT IS THIS THIS SMELLS OF BETRAYAL YAN WUSHI U WATCH URSELF!!! >:V when they say 'infatuated' they mean 'qi deviation' right??? otherwise this conversation is,,,,,,,not what i thought 😳 poor shen qiao, everybody betray him ;A; I AM FED UP WITH THIS WORLD! UR TEARING ME APART, OLD MAN!! sang jingxing: so can i have ur boytoy or yan wushi: yeah sure, he's all urs >:) PERFIDY!! TREASON!!! LIES AND SLANDER!!! yan wushi: wait before u eat him. i wanna psychologically terrorise him first sang jingxing: oh ok, i'll wait. *backs off* yan wushi: now, what was i saying?? OH RIGHT. let me shame u for being a good person, bc it's UR FAULT that i can't be bothered to treat u with respect and kindness!! if ppl weren't so STUPID i wouldn't be able to hurt them!! it's easier to blame the victim than the perpetrator after all!! and if u didn't want me to betray u, u shouldn't have worn ur robes so short >:) shen qiao: u disappoint me :( yan wushi: lol as if i care. BYE BITCH~~~ ahhhh, NOW sang jingxin will kill him! poor shen qiaaaaoooooo ;A; aww he's such a good guy, who could ever hurt him?? he just believes the world is a kind place!! always giving ppl second chances!! i love he, my poor sweet shen qiao ;A; UH yanwushi was able to ''''implant evil spirit in ur body''''' is that is that a euphemism bc that's a bit weird 👀 NO!!!!! SHEN QIAO!!!! MY BOY!!! DON'T LOSE HOPE!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! U ARE THE GOODEST BOY!!! IT'S WORTH BEING NICE!! IF U CAN HELP ONE PERSON AND MAKE THEM SMILE, IT'S WORTH IT!!!! AND U ALREADY HAVE SO DON'T GIVE UP BBY OH MY GOOOOOOOOODDDD IS HE DOING A HEROIC SACRIFICE???!?!!!! NOT THE CLIFF!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S FUCKING CRYING AS WELL????? HE'S SUCH A GOOD PERSON OH GOD OH FUCK I CAN'T HLEP HIS SHIFU TEACHING HIM ABOUT NUANCED THINKING AND SAYING HE'S THE CUTEST?????? SSTOP DON'T TOUCH ME I'M RLY VULNERABLE RN 😭😭😭
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smileysuh · 2 years
Omg "Sapiosexual" is so good! Thank you! There's so many funny parts that made me chuckle. I want to slap myself for not reading it earlier. I liked the teaser but didn't want to read a long fic for a while. This fic fits a big fantasy of mine so well. I was pretty immersed into it. Only thing that made me laugh was how much smart is considered sexy to her tbh lol. I kinda like a smart man but not this much lol Sugar daddy with contracts. The nicknames he calls her. I like how you rotate between the different nicknames he calls her. The dialogue is also done well so the nicknames don't feel repetitive. The dirty talk is so good. Him praising/complimenting her omg. Size kink. I love that reader is a simp for him. Her zoning out. Him knowing that she's horny. He is too but wants to wait for their contracts to be signed omg. There's hints of him also feeling that way. The times when took shaky breaths because of her omg. He's such a kind gentleman who's also confident in a cocky but hot way! I love that. Seungkwan being there for the first call made it funny. His excitement lol. He was also a cockblock though >:/ Learned something new with the quirofilia thing. I was like "oh? they like hands ok." And then got so flustered at him wanting to control how her nails look. I like the dom controls some aspects of your appearance thing but didn't know there are specific words for it. I've read a fic where the dom made reader get a tattoo and that was hot. I like the pacing. The torturous wait for the smut was so good. Seungkwan was so funny. "You’re so overwhelmed- in the best of ways- that you hardly even hear Seungkwan’s voice in the back of your mind screaming ‘hannibal the cannibal, bitch!’" LOL this was such a surprise to read in the middle of the smut. Omg ok I thought he was being too soft and nice. But then he pulls her hair omg yes. “Do whatever your heart desires, and if you get tired, let daddy know so he can take over again.” OMG! "Death by psychologist cock." And now I'm laughing again lol. The choking part! It's so cute that she falls in love after a week. Did she already have feelings when she called him her boyfriend early on omg?! I got kinda scared with Bora asking how they met. But she technically found out by herself so it's ok?? lol “Daddy,” you both say in unison, and then you’re lurching for your phone." Seungkwan casually calling him that here. Noo lol Her kneeling while waiting and him liking it ahh. Omg I like that she's giving him a massage. Haven't seen this in a fic before. And it ended quickly ok lol Oh ok I thought he left for work for part 11. Aww the breakfast banter is so cute. Both of them having daddy issues lol “Many men of science that I’ve heard of tend to lean towards atheism.” “Maybe I used to, but then- let’s just say, I found an angel, and my world’s been flipped upside down ever since.” Cheesy but I'm blushing omg. Ahh and the teaser for the Patreon fic means they got married and want to have kids omg. "Semi-bondage" Ahh I was a lil sad that there wasn't spanking and bondage in this fic but oh well.
this ask has me on the floor- holy HECK-
let me tell you tho- 'the torturous wait for the smut' ORIGINALLY- IT WAS GONNA ONLY HAVE ONE SMUT SCENE ON THE FRIDAY, BUT CHEOL CHANGED HIS ENTIRE SCHEDULE (and the fic) JUST TO GET HIS DICK WET ON A TUESDAY IM-dkljladjslajkdklajklasdkl
i adore you- thank you a thousand times for sending me this- it's like a live reaction and im LIVING FOR IT!!!!
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sapiosexual cheol has me in a headlock and i had to make it everyone's problem
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
Metalhead curly headcannons pls
(+ purly)
now i am no scholar when it comes to metalheads so pls do not hate me if i say something wrong that doesn’t go w metalheads im trying my best here🙏🏽
right off the bat i’m gonna say that whenever curly picks pony up w her car and pony opens the door, u can hear the speakers absolutely fucking BOOMING but curly turns it down for the sake of pony and just pats the passenger seat all calmly just smiling like “:D”
also this has nothing to do w them being a metal head it’s more of curly being,,,,,well curly but i feel like they would have a plastic skeleton just,,,,in the back seat,,,,buckled in,,,,
ANYWHO curly was rlly only introduced to heavy metal bc his dad was into it kinda, like he would play music from heavy metal bands and that’s how he got into it, fun fact: tim was and still is kinda into it but not rlly, at least not as much as curly, and yknow what????fuck it maybe angela’s a lil into it too
like their dad would b blasting metal music in the car and they were just there in the backseat vibing to it
the subgenres curlys mostly into is black metal and death metal, maybe also thrash metal and power metal?????idk but YEA
OHOH OKOK i feel like curly is rlly into metal music bc she feels like her anger is matched w the music and so she can do what she has to do and process it better👍🏽
favorite bands are slipknot, metallica, omen, attacker, and paradox
he has posters of the bands/albums he likes on his bedroom wall (pony actually drew some of them for him as a lil gift :D)
as a joke, curly started playing ‘i c//m blood” by cannibal corpse and pony was absolutely alright w that, not up his alley but that’s ok it’s just a song, but then he really started listening to it and by golly was he never the same again, dw yall he’s livin
honestly pony and curly don’t have the same music taste like at all, but they don’t mind listening to the others music from time to time
curly designs his own jacket n what not, and pony helps from time to time trying to find patches n pins n what not for curly to put on it :)
ppl r like really scared of curly bc of the way they dress and to b fair he is a lil standoffish but that’s just bc they’re them, like if ur cool enough they’ll talk to u but not bc they think their better bc they’re a metalhead that’s just bc they’re like that LMAOOOOOO
curly brings pony to concerts as dates 🤭🤭
knows how to play the guitar and candy and WILL play it for pony sometimes stfu it’s canon now
does not CARE if it’s hot out she WILL keep on the leather JACKET, gets like a million “aren’t u hot in that” comments in one day
sometimes when pony and curly go out pony literally has to BEG curly to not go outside w it cause it’s gonna b like 90 degrees
eyeliner abilities r absolutely fucking insane omg
like even angela asks for help w hers
everyone thinks curly goes absolutely insane listening to metal but honestly he’s pretty chill, he’s literally just,,,,,wiggling around, if he’s sitting he has a lil smile and is swaying side to side
if curly had a dollar for everytime he was called goth, emo, and or a devil worshipper he’d b rich
honestly, pony was called a devil worshipper ONCE bc he bought this inverted cross and pentagram necklace for curly as a gift and he just had to rock w it
but curly enjoyed the gift so doesn’t matter 🫶🏽🫶🏽
curly had rlly cool graphic t-shirts that’s honestly all i wanted to say
sometimes pony and curly go to music stores to check for albums, half the time pony shows curly albums that aren’t rlly metal music, but he’s trying his best and yknow what, that’s all that matters
alrighty that’s all i got but it was a fun ask to answer so if u got any other ask i’m on it g🙏🏽🙏🏽
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
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Summary: When Dean finally finds Castiel in Purgatory, their reunion is all consuming.
Pairing: Dean x Castiel Rating: 18+ Warnings: Non Con/Withdrawn Consent, Major Character Death Tags: Destiel, hint of Denny, Lovers to Enemies, Erotic Cannibalism kinda… IDEK ok Word Count: 1,102 Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Leviathan!Cas | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Lovers to Enemies Fic | @spndeanbingo - Rough Sex
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The sight of the angel by the stream is euphoric. Thrilling, incandescent. Dean doesn’t know when he turned into such a fucking pussy but seeing Castiel again feels like being whole. Cas has been an extension of him since he put that goddamn brand on his shoulder four years ago. And even though the scar isn’t there any longer, Cas had marked Dean in other ways. Deep, invisible ways Dean never intended to admit to, but recognises in himself now, with Cas standing stoically and bedraggled by the water’s edge.
“Cas!” Dean laughs as he pulls him into a hug, one the angel doesn’t return. “Damn, it’s good to see you.” He makes himself let go and pulls back to look at Cas more closely. “Nice peach fuzz,” he pokes at Cas’s unkempt beard, raising his hand as if to run his fingers across it, but then remembers Benny and lets his hand drop. There was a lot that had gotten complicated since they’d been separated in this hellhole.
“Thank you,” Cas responds in his grumbly timbre, and Dean can’t help the smile that comes to his face at finally hearing his voice again after so long. And to hear him speaking sanely again, back to his old grumpy, wooden self. Dean’s missed this Cas. Now they can finally get out of this god forsaken cesspit of crazy and creepy.
Except Cas doesn’t want to go.
“Cas, buddy, I need you,” Dean admits with a breathless laugh, the closest he’s ever come to saying what he really wants to say. Cas’s expression drops, forlorn in his convictions.
“Dean,” Cas shakes his head, but Dean doesn’t let him finish.
“And if Leviathan wanna take a shot at our ass, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before, we can do it again.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Cas protests.
“Let me bottom line it for ya. I’m not leaving here without you, understand?” Dean isn’t taking no for an answer goddammit, not after how long it took to find him, not after everything else. Cas pauses, takes a deep breath, considering.
“I understand,” he nods gravely, and Dean breathes a sigh of relief, pulling him in for another hug. He hears Benny scoff behind them but decides he doesn’t care enough to break away. Cas tucks his head against Dean’s shoulder, his new beard scraping roughly against his neck. Dean shivers in his grip, but reprimands himself. Now isn’t the time.
As if Castiel had read his mind, and it isn’t the first time Dean’s wondered if Cas can do that, Cas pulls out of the hug and kisses him. He grunts in surprise against the angel’s lips, greeted with an onslaught of tongue and fervour reminiscent of what Dean could recall of Cas kissing Meg against the wall of that grimy warehouse. Dean remembers feeling incredibly conflicted about that, simultaneously jealous and turned on. Experiencing it put him on a whole new plane. For an angel who was still a fucking virgin so far as Dean was aware, the guy knew what he was doing in the tongue department. He could hear Benny trying to talk to them but his mind was far too distracted to discern any of the words.
Suddenly Cas pulls back and Dean is left staggering, staring blindly at the angel, who is panting hard and staring back at him.
“You two done yet?” Benny grunts, arms crossed over his chest, clearly unimpressed, and if Dean’s reading it right, just a touch jealous. He’s flattered, really, that he’s so desirable. Dean grins sheepishly at the vampire, with a shrug of his shoulders as if to say ‘well, can you blame us?’, and Benny rolls his eyes back.
“No,” Cas grunts, and both Dean and Benny turn to him. It takes Dean a moment to realise that Cas was answering Benny’s question. “No we’re not done yet.”
The breath is knocked clean out of him as Cas pulls Dean down to his knees and shoves him roughly back onto the bank of the stream, climbing over him and kissing him again, fierce as ever.
“Jesus Christ,” Dean hears Benny groan somewhere behind them. “Come find me when y’er done.”
Dean tries to grunt out an agreement but it turns into a moan as Cas’s fingers fumble down his chest and land on his jeans. Cas isn’t careful with the clothing, and Dean’s not inclined to care about that right now, though he may regret it later. He reaches down to get Cas stripped out of his garments too. The trench coat comes in handy as a blanket to lay down so he doesn’t get mud up his ass.
It’s rough; messy. Just like everything else in Purgatory. Dean is wide open, vulnerable as he’ll ever be, but even in a place like this, he still feels safe. This feels right.
The pain of Cas pushing in is dulled by the pleasure of the angel’s hand on his cock, pumping him roughly in his spit-soaked palm. Dean’s eyes squeeze shut against the onslaught of sensations, too overwhelming, and he lets himself go, losing himself to just another primal urge that seems to be all he can cling to in this place.
“Fuck, this was worth it,” Cas grunts above him, and Dean groans in agreement. This was absolutely worth the wait; Cas filling him up, finally being inside of him, not just near, not just touching, not just scarring, but actually inside. Part of him.
“God, Dean,” Cas groans, thrusting harder, hand dropping from Dean’s cock as he chases his own pleasure, arms dropping to either side of Dean’s head as he falls forward. He fucks into him without mercy, Dean’s hips banging into the ground with every push, and even though Cas isn’t jerking him off anymore, this new angle is getting something inside him that’s pushing him over the edge.
“Shit, Cas!” Dean moans, punching his hips back, trying to force the angel back inside him. “Fuck, gonna cum.”
“Almost,” Cas hisses through gritted teeth, breath hot and sharp against Dean’s ear. Then in a blinding rush of heat and pain, everything is over.
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Cas straightens up, pulling out of Dean’s body with a relieved sigh. He cracks his neck, shrugging away the tension and ache in his muscles. He’ll be refreshed soon enough. Dropping the obsidian blade back to the ground he stretches his mouth wide and roars as his teeth sink into his prey, devouring from the head down.
Other Leviathan frowned on it, but he always thought it was more fun to play with your food first.
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