#yandere slashers
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months ago
What is the nicest thing the Bowers gang has done to ballerina reader?
The nicest things yandere bowers gang have done for ballerina reader
Warnings: physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, manipulation, violence, sexual abuse, mental illness (unspecified), stick and poke tattooing, pregnancy mentions, self harm, eating disorders
I do not In any way intend to glamourise or romanticise any of the themes mentioned. I write about them purely for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not see these actions as normalised and seek to replicate the actions or relationships
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Henry does care about you, in his own sick and twisted way
But he does care about you and in his own way he does love you
He lets it show in the rarest of ways, and only on special occasions
And while he’s an abusive and selfish bastard, he’s also observant to a T
He notices small things about you that he’d never repeat to anyone that he noticed
He notices what your favourite flavour of something is or what your favourite song is when he looks in your eyes and notices them dilate
He may be the one who knows you the most because of how insnared he is in your life
And he will always notice when something is wrong with you, except from the usual reasons
You’re spending longer hours at the ballet studio, even when he warns you and punished you multiple times for it
But you even offered for them to come with you to the ballet studio and watch you if that’s they needed to do
You allowed them into your sanctuary, something you had fought against so vehemently before
You claimed that you had to keep going, that you had to be perfect
Henry assumed that you’d just gone into one of your moods, so he humoured you and spent time in the ballet studio with you instead of forcing you home
He watched as you forced yourself through dances, he watched you sweat and pant and work through your part so aggressively that you were coming off as more of a mad queen then a graceful swan
He watched in curiosity as your feet bled, your legs twisted, your back contorted and your bones creaked like an old cellar door
Blood leaked out of your ballet shoes and caused droplets to gather on the floor beneath you as you pirouetted through the pain
Henry decided it was time to call it quits when he called to you but you ignored him, something you never did as you continue to dance even after he turned off the music
Henry called again and again before walking towards you and grabbing your arms firmly but you fought back desperately, surprising Henry with the wild look in your eyes
Your usually dead eyes and crushed spirit were alive but not in a way that signified life but in a way that showed forced reincarnation
Henry shook you and demanded you to stop but you just screamed and cried that you couldn’t
You hysterically ranted that you had to be perfect, you had to be better than everyone, you had to be the best
You cried over how a girl who had recently moved to Derry had outshined you in your classes, it didn’t matter in your head that she was years older than you, you had always been the best and you can’t be replaced
Ballet was the only thing you had control over, the only thing you held power in by being the best there is, the only escape from the torment of the bowers gang and their cruel antics
And someone had taken over your sanctuary
Henry, confused on how to comfort you, just held you until you had cried yourself into exhaustion
He took you to your home and cared for the wounds on your body as you laid there half asleep, just like you had done for him so many times
He left you to sleep as he thought about what to do next
He couldn’t have you continuing on this path, you’d self destruct before he’d even have a chance for his plans of marrying you and popping out kids
He couldn’t have a mad woman for a wife, he needed his pretty little ballerina back to dance when he turned the music box key
He stalked the girl you had talked about for a few days before finding a good opportunity
He decided it was time to call the other boys, knowing he’d need their help
He ambushed her dressed in a black Halloween mask before tying her to a tree
He grabbed a sledgehammer from belch’s care and brought it down harshly on the girls ankles and knees, ensuring she’d never dance again
He left the girl tied up and he and the bowers gang decided that whatever happens to the girl happens, none of them would lose sleep over it
That night he crawled into your bed with your asleep figure, moving your head to lay on his chest as he caressed your face with a gentleness that was foreign to him
He decided he wouldn’t tell you when he noticed how your spirit had improved since the girl had stopped dancing, knowing the information would only make you believe in silly notions of guilt
And he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea, he did it for himself and not for you
That’s what he told himself anyway
Vic criss:
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Vic had punished you pretty badly one time, he had given you burns up your thigh that had sent you to the doctor for pain killers
This small ‘hiccup’ has made it so you couldn’t dance for two weeks, a prospect that made you sob in the hospital bed and refuse to eat for two days
And that’s when vic noticed that he had unfairly punished, he assumed you had snuck out alone but Patrick later revealed that he had taken you out for the night
That realisation had filled vic with an unfamiliar sense of guilt and remorse as he looked at your sunken in features and the bandages around your thigh
He volunteered to be the one to take care of you after the doctor visit, knowing being on the pain medication would leave you out of it most of the time
He helped you bathe, forced you to eat and drink, helped you change bandages and entertained you with a unique gentleness you hadn’t felt in a while
But even that didn’t stop the constant worried looks you’d give him, wouldn’t stop the fear that you held for him
He wasn’t used to being the most feared, that spot usually reserved for Henry or Patrick, he was used to being one of the ‘better’ ones who you’d reach to to avoid spending time with the ‘worse’ ones
He begged your drugged up state for forgiveness and the state had made you honest as you spewed venom about him never feeling the pain he inflicted on you
That gave victor an idea
He sat you down in your medicated state down beside him one day and showed you his tools
He had confided in you that he had a fear of needles ever since he was a child, but that he wanted to repay you for the pain he caused
He wanted you to stick and poke a tattoo of your choosing onto his shoulder, and he would sit still, endure the pain and never tell the others who had done it to ensure you never received a punishment
Your drugged up mind didn’t even hesitate at a chance to hurt your abuser, picking up the tools you needed
Five long hours victor sat still as a statue and endured his fear and pain while you worked on his shoulder before you finally finished
You had passed out pretty much instantly as you laid back on the couch and victor didn’t have time to look at his newest tattoo before shoving his shirt on and helping you to bed
Part of him even secretly hoped it would become infected so he could show you how much pain he’d endure for your forgiveness
Once you were in bed, victor removed his shirt and readied himself for whatever was on his body forever
He expected something crude or something humiliation but to his surprise he found when he lifted his shirt, a small swan
A darkened thought entered his mind at the sight of it
You had marked him just like he’d marked you
The dark part of Victor liked that
Patrick hockstetter:
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Patrick loved your body
Well, loved is a loose term when it comes to a psychopath
A more suitable description would be that your body sexually satisfied Patrick greatly
You had the perfect figure in Patrick’s eyes
And when that figure started changing, it upset Patrick greatly
One of the workers at the ballet studio had made a few crude comments on your figure, and that had sent you into a frenzy
It was a pattern you had followed since you were small, someone makes a comment and your do anything in your power to make it untrue
Someone claims your too big, you’ll do anything to show them your not
Your methods however were extreme to a worrying extent
You wouldn’t eat for days and when you did youd throw it all up or use laxatives to make sure you couldn’t gain anything from it
It had caused extreme changes to your body, your once healthy figure had become malnourished
A change that Patrick did not like, finding you much less attractive
As I’ve stated multiple times, Patrick’s obsession is rooted to his sexual attraction to you and it angers him greatly when someone changes you
You were his plaything and if you weren’t pretty anymore, well that just looks bad for him
He sat with you every mealtime for weeks and forced the food down your throat but he recognised he could only do so much, the minute he stopped youd go back to your destructive ways
So Patrick decided that he’d get rid of the root of the problem
Disposing of a body was easy to him and the others by now, digging a shallow grave in the junkyard for the nameless worker of the ballet studio who had insulted you
Without the insults present you eventually started to eat properly again with ‘encouragement’ from the boys and slowly you gained your figure back
This pleased Patrick greatly and he made sure to make you repay him for his act of kindness, despite never telling you what you were repaying him for
Even Patrick’s acts of kindness revolved because of his selfish desires
What did you expect?
Belch Huggins:
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Belch had always been the sweetest to you, always treating you gently unless commanded otherwise
That’s why you had felt comfortable enough to confide in him that you had done something very bad
You had hurt someone, very badly
A girl from your school who had harassed you daily whenever the boys weren’t around you
She had followed you on your trek down to the lake, calling you all sorts of names and pushing you around
As if you didn’t face enough abuse in your life, she added to it with her cruelty and something snapped in you
She had gotten in your face, eerily similar to how Henry had many times
When she had gone to grab you, it brought back memories of Henry’s abuse and fear filled your body
In an act of fight or flight, you had given her a firm push
She had fallen down the hill and hit her head on a rock, laying unconscious as you stared in horror
You had called belch in a frenzy, rambling on about what you had done and how much trouble it would get you in, there’s no one who would let a criminal be a ballerina
Belch drove to you immediately and held you once he saw you, listening to your explanation of what happened
He checked the girls pulse and found out she was still alive, and in that moment he made a decision
He couldn’t have you going away, his little ballerina who had such high hopes for her future wouldn’t survive in a juvenile facility, they’d eat you alive without a second thought
Him on the other hand? He was built to survive with his large build and strength, and who would the police believe is more likely to have committed a crime
A pretty little ballerina with no previous record, or the big brute with many accusations and charged on his record?
He commanded you to go home and gave you a final kiss on the forehead before sending you off
He ran to the pay phone and called for an ambulance who took the girl off to hospital, and when the police questioned him on who did it he admitted false guilt to spare you the blame
The girl had a slight concussion and her memory of the crime was distorted, so she couldn’t deny his presence which was enough for him to be arrested
His father found him a good lawyer with his copious amount of money and the lawyer managed to get belch away with only three month of juvie and six months probation
He went down for your crimes and he did it happily
When the other boys asked him why he did it, he simply told them that the girl had pushed him too far and shot you a look
He came out of juvie just fine and fit into his routine quite happily when he saw you at his side again
He never told anyone about what really happened, not even the others
He knew they would blame you for his temporary imprisonment but why should they? You were his goddess, why shouldn’t he make sure no one could besmirch your name and defend your honour
He kept your secret happily as he held you close to him in your bed
What’s one more secret between him and his goddess?
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Thoughts? :)
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chezzywezzy · 7 months ago
Yandere Michael Myers (1/3)
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Word Count; 3.7k
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I rolled onto my side, hand slamming down on the alarm. A groggy yawn escaped my lips. Daylight cascaded past the curtains. Normally, I’d loiter a little longer, but it was my first day at a new job, and I was carpooling with Irene, a sweet neighbor and mother of four with whom I became acquainted.
So, I stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom, going through my morning routine with extra care. I was tired, but despite that, motivated. After all, it was my first job straight out of college after having received my nursing degree. Sure, the job would probably be more intense than most… but my parents wanted me to return home.
I finished up a thin layer of makeup and got dressed. I supposed that I wouldn’t need to be all flashy since I’d be wearing a nursing outfit upon arrival, but I still wanted to leave a good impression on my new boss, Samuel Loomis.
I took my time eating breakfast. I was quite nervous, but I knew things would go smoothly. Sure, working at a sanitarium could be unsafe, but even the most dangerous members of society deserve to be treated with humanity. 
It was approaching half-past-eight, so I zoomed out the door. Irene was parked out front and I walked up to the car. I opened the door, greeting,” Hey, Irene!”
“Good morning, Y/n,” the black-haired Asian woman greeted. 
We headed through Haddonfield. The radio was turned to a minimum. We made some small talk on the drive, eventually exiting the main town and venturing through some forestry. We eventually approached the Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. I fiddled with my bag.
The guards let us through the front gate after confirming our identities. Irene parked near the front of the dismal grey building. All of the barred windows were off-putting. It must’ve gotten cold during the winter. 
“I hope you can last,” Irene sighed. “This job can be… stressful. It depends on who your assigned patients are, though. Mine are fairly nice, but some of our coworkers have experienced violence. And infrequently, death.”
Shivers rolled down my spine. I mustered no reply. We went to the front desk. “Hi, sir. I’m a new employee. Where am I supposed to go?” I asked the attendant, leaning against the counter.
He sent me a small smile. “I’ll call Doctor Loomis. He always insists on showing new employees around himself.”
He reached for the phone and pressed a button, calling for Doctor Loomis. Meanwhile, I sent Irene off since she had more pressing matters. 
A middle-aged man emerged from one of the doors a few minutes later. I recognized him immediately, as his book was incredibly popular, even today.
“Hello, sir!”
The man sent me a warm grin. “You must be Ms. L/n. There’s no time to waste. Let me show you around.”
“Great! Thank you for this opportunity, sir.”
A tour began. I was shaking in my boots, but hardly from the circumstances. I felt more at home in the sanitarium than in any other place, but I was determined to make a good impression on her new boss. The tour seemed almost redundant; it was as though I hadn’t been thoroughly introduced to the map in my pocket already.
“I have a patient that I’d like you to take special care of. Of course, there will be others, but this one… needs someone with such a sunny disposition such as yourself,” Dr. Loomis explained. “I’m sure you’ve heard and perhaps grown up with the stories of this particular patient: Michael Myers. He is a renowned serial killer.”
“Yes,” I replied chipperly. “I’m looking forward to meeting him.”
“Good, because you are going to right now.”
The abruptness took me aback. Anxiety attempted to curl against my insides, but I didn’t allow it. We halted in front of a door that was far sturdier than the others; the door looked fresh and new, which told a story all of its own. Dr. Loomis withdrew keys from his pocket and inserted one. I couldn’t help but gulp.
The door squeals open. I anticipate the deadpan stare as the man and I make immediate eye contact. I had only heard of his strange mask, but never had I seen what he actually looked like: brown, tussled, and overgrown hair. A sharp jawline. Bright blue eyes. Broad and tall. Everything that, under normal circumstances, would make a girl’s heart flutter. But mine was still. He sat in a perfect posture on the bed, and thick metal cuffs gave him little to no freedom with a chain stuck in the wall. 
“Michael. This is Y/n, your new nurse. I hired her to attend to — almost exclusively — your needs. I hope you two can get along. Ms. L/n?” Dr. Loomis introduced, ushering me in.
I grinned, trying to shake off the nerves. “Hello, Michael. I look forward to helping you out. Take it easy on me while I get used to the job, alright?”
“Very good. Now, Ms. L/n will get your lunch medication.”
I was startled but eagerly nodded, having already been shown and trained the how of it all. “Yes. It was wonderful to meet you, Michael.”
As Dr. Loomis and I exited, I felt his gaze glued to me. It was rather unnerving.
Ten minutes later, alone and armed only with my alarm, cell key, and medications, I returned. I took a deep breath. Little did Loomis know, but I had a vague history with Michael Myers. Although we never spoke, he had been in my kindergarten class all the way to when he went on a murder spree. I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew me, too.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t want to work at this specific sanitarium, even though it was my dream job. However, due to parental pressure, I was urged not to leave the area. Coincidentally, this was the only place hiring. Michael Myers was old enough that my parents didn’t bat an eye when I mentioned where I would be working, so it all fit together perfectly.
I entered the room with the small metal tray. Michael hadn’t moved an inch. His eyes bore into me — or perhaps beyond me — and his fists were still clenched in his lap. “Now, although I’m new,” I began,” I’m sure you know the drill. A few pills and a shot.”
I approached warily. Michael did nothing but blink. I sat the tray down on the bedside table, my moves calculated. I grabbed the styrofoam cup of water and handed it to him. He downed his pills with ease and took the shot like a champ. It put me on edge how still the man was. I carefully sat on the bed next to him.
“Although I was advised against breaching the five feet of the chain’s length, I hope you won’t mind. I just… wanted you to get to know me a little since I’ll be working closely with you.” His gaze flitted toward me, cold. “I just recently graduated from nursing school with a specialization in psychiatrics. I was born and raised in Haddonfield, the same as you. And this kind of job is my dream job since I believe that even criminals deserve care and to be treated as humans. So, Michael, I hope you understand that I will do my best to ensure you are well cared for, even in these conditions.”
As I expected, there was hardly any indication he had heard me at all. I stood and nodded. “Anyways, I believe it’s time for lunch. I’ve heard you aren’t allowed to eat with the others, but… I’m hoping I can change that.”
And change that I did. Dr. Loomis was surprised by Michael’s supposed ‘obedience,’ which had been there from the start. By the time he allowed me to take him to the cafeteria, I had been working there for two months. And although I watched closely, I had hardly noticed any changes in his behavior. My coworker, Irene, convinced me otherwise. With the dangerous stunts I’d been pulling proximity-wise, it was shocking that I had yet to end up like the others.
I wasn’t one to play dumb. I knew that Michael had the highest kill count with the nurses. With giant hands and a large body, he could easily overpower me, but the encouragement I’d gotten from my superiors kept me going. And today was major progress.
Guards clutched at his elbows as we walked down the sanitarium halls. I frowned slightly, knowing that if Michael wanted to do anything, he certainly could, cuffs or otherwise. I walked slightly ahead, having been entrusted with the keys to the cuffs. Although Michael would be somewhat separated, Dr. Loomis believed this to be major news for Michael’s rehabilitation — and now, the doctor was supporting me in risky endeavors.
I grabbed lunch for him as the guards settled him in the corner of the cafeteria. Eyes from the other patients were stuck to me, as I’d only been vaguely introduced. I. Mainly worked with Michael, although I covered a shift for the nurse who works with Marcus — and I understood why she called off so often.
Marcus was an interesting subject. He was a serial rapist, and it showed. Despite his history, Dr. Loomis often had female nurses working with him. And when I did, he did nothing but spit cruel, perverse cat calls at me. I heard a familiar whistle and knew it had come from his general area. I wasn’t surprised that the serial killer made me more comfortable than the rapist.
I returned to Michael with his food. His eyes bore into me, and I smiled. “Now, Michael, I had to pull many strings for this. I hope you appreciate this, but I’m allowed to remove your cuffs for a more comfortable eating experience.”
Michael's eyes flickered to his hands and back to me. I noticed his lips twitched, too. Progress, I chanted in my head. This was progress.
The guards took the handcuffs and held them tightly. They were trained to assess everyone and everything as a threat. Michael was slow and calculated, rolling his wrists. He then took his fork and ate. A sense of intrigue fell over the other patients, and some of the other nurses had their eyes glued to Michael’s form. They were waiting for a freakout that wouldn’t happen, either because Michael was making progress or because he wasn’t dumb enough to plan a breakout in this environment.
Mealtime passed without a hitch. I spent the entire time saddled up beside him. My job felt meaningful as I sat with him. When it was time for him to be escorted back to his room, I told Michael I would see about more comfortable handcuffs for him. Exiting the cafeteria was without hitches, minus a loud holler from Marcus, to which I couldn’t help but notice how Michael’s hands clenched.
When he was safely back in his cell, I decided to try another risky maneuver; I set him free from his restraints and sat beside him on the bed. Michael was still; he always was. I cleared my throat, beginning my typical speech of positivity.
“I know it probably seems silly to you, Michael, but I’m quite proud of you. I’m glad you’re challenging expectations here. You’re really making progress, whether you admit to it or not, and I thank you for that.”
Or so I thought. That night, my landline awoke me from a deep slumber. I thought nothing of it, deciding I wouldn’t be a pushover and pick up another night shift at work. However, the ringing persisted. And when it stopped momentarily, it came again.
I rolled out of bed. My hair was disheveled, and my purple silk pajamas — a gracious housewarming gift from my mother — were crumpled and twisted slightly. I shuffled downstairs, the ringing getting louder the closer I grew. I finally made it to the phone. 
“Hello —“
“L/n, you need to get down here right now! It’s an emergency —“
“Dr. Loomis, what —“
“He’s gone on a rampage. Twelve nurses are dead, and so are five patients —“
“I’ll be right there!”
The line went dead instantly. My mouth no longer felt dry. I was fully alert, although some sleep persisted in the creases of my eyes. I dashed upstairs and pulled on my earlier clothes, which lay scattered on the ground. With that, I made it to my bright blue buggy and drove to my endangered work site.
I’m not entirely sure what motivated me. I thought the police would better handle the situation, and it felt as though all of my efforts had been reduced to nothing. Something had set him off. But I wasn’t a therapist. I shouldn’t have crossed that boundary of trying to give him opportunities.
I pulled into the parking lot.
The moment I exited the car, I heard screaming. Several police cars were parked in front of the sanitarium's entrance. A group of police officers was huddled, but even they seemed worried. I pushed past despite warnings to remain outside. I dashed through the entrance. I followed the sound of the screams. 
And upon entering the prisoner hallways, I found her. My dear friend and coworker, Irene. She lay in the middle of the hallway as a twitching, bloody mess. A weapon had clearly been used: the handcuffs. Her head was bashed in, but there was also bruising around her throat. She’s been bashed and choked to death.
The halls were eerily silent. All of the cells had been unlocked. Some of the patients’ corpses were scattered. All of this destruction… was done by one man.
What had I done? What part of Michael had I unlocked?
I skulked down the hallways. Where were the guards? Where were the police? Where was anybody?
I passed by deceased coworkers as I skulked carefully down the hallways. Occasionally, some of the corpses released dying breaths, but I was certain I was following the blood. And then, as I glanced at the floor, I noticed the smears stopped and bloody footsteps began. The feet were large, and the shoe prints belonged to prisoner shoewear. I gulped, recognizing that the footsteps went straight toward the cafeteria entrance. Worst of all, if Michael discovered the back exit for the cafeteria staff, he would be free.
The doors were wide open, and one was even off the hinges. I stood in the entrance. It was pitch black inside, although the lights sometimes flickered on and off. The footsteps seemed to fade out very quickly into the cafeteria. 
I gulped and took a step back. What was I thinking? That I could confront him? The man was a mammoth and a maniac. I was just the nurse who supported his development. He probably hated my guts, despite what Dr. Loomis thought.
None of the bodies belonged to Dr. Loomis. So where was he? And where was Michael?
I wasn’t left wondering for very long. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed some postils gleaming from the hallway to my right. The police were here, and I was nothing more than bait. No wonder they let me through so easily. Shivers rolled down my spine, and I took two steps into the blackness of the cafeteria.
As the lights flickered on, I saw him. He was holding the corpse of Marcus, that damned patient. I didn’t feel too bad about him, but I was shaking in my boots as the body fell to the ground, and Michael’s gaze turned directly toward me.
His expression had not changed from that of any other day. Cold. Calm. Empty.
And as though he was gliding, he made a beeline toward me. So many questions about his escape flashed through my cranium, and all I could do was freeze in place. A scream remained silent in my throat as I put my trust in the police to be right behind me. My fists clenched, and I opened my mouth just as Michael was a few feet away from me.
“Michael, stop!”
He did.
That made my heart drop to my stomach. However, I realized I did hold some power. I was waiting desperately for the police to enter and intervene, but they were waiting. I decidedly didn’t want them to and took a step back. Michael tilted his head, unblinking. He stayed frozen in place. A plastic knife with the handle broken off was in his bloodied hands, and I noticed some gelatin goo was sticking to the tips. His jumpsuit was drenched and sprayed, as was his face. His hair had never looked more tussled. And even without smiling, he had never seemed more gleeful.
“Michael, what… what is happening? Why did you… do this?”
Before Michael could even think, shuffling footsteps came from behind me. My jaw dropped as an arm suddenly looped around my waist and pulled me away. But Michael just stood standing still as gunshots drilled into his chest. And then, finally, he dropped.
“Ms. L/n, I understand —“
“No, Dr. Loomis, you don’t,” I pleaded, my aggravation present. “Michael is alive and detained. Something I did set him off, or he was planning it. Nothing I can do will help. I refuse to return to work. I am quitting, effective immediately.”
Dr. Loomis, from behind his work desk, suddenly banged his fists into the desk. “L/n! I know it’s been hard on everyone, but we need you here. We’ve lost twelve nurses. The nurse-to-patient ratio isn’t adding up. The sanitarium is overrun and, if even for the short term, we need you here. I know what we went through was hard, and what happened here can’t happen again.”
“But it will. Does anyone even know how he escaped?” I quipped snappily. “He never even managed to escape his handcuffs. He didn’t need to. So who’s to say it won’t happen again?”
“Because he is being sent away to a sanitarium called Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. It has a high level of security, far better than ours —“
“Good. But that doesn’t mean I am capable of returning to work. I am leaving now, Dr. Loomis.”
With an exasperated expression, Dr. Loomis grasped at the air where I once sat. I didn’t glance back as I exited the office. And I didn’t spare any moments to analyze my surroundings until I was in my car on the road heading far, far away from the sanitarium.
My parents, having finally connected the dots about my job, had been scared shitless. Luckily, it was summer, and the Haddonfield High School was hiring for a new biology position. I was planning to apply to keep things rolling. Deep down, though, I just wanted to ditch this town and escape the parental pressures I was forced into. It was a little late for that, though. The damage had been done.
For class that day, I had been gracious. I put on the Charlie Brown Halloween movie and sat at my desk. I couldn’t help but notice that as most kids were either passing notes, doodling, or watching, I had one student whose eyes were glued to the window. Laurie had her pen stuck in her mouth as she adamantly stared out.
Suddenly, Laurie looked rather alarmed and made direct eye contact with me. “Ma’am?”
“Yes, Laurie?”
“Can - can I go to the bathroom?”
I paused, glancing out the window for myself. A car was driving away. “Yes, Laurie, go ahead.”
Some of the kids snickered, to which I sent a stern glare. I went back to grading papers, instead getting lost in thought. Teaching was hardly my calling. I was a natural stutterer in the wrong element and did not enjoy disciplining undisciplined children. I also felt that it was dull to go back to the basics, which I would probably end up doing year after year with no change. I knew I had a lot of liberty and the job paid well, but it wasn’t like my time at the sanitarium, with doubled paychecks and a routine that wasn’t up to me. However, I promised my parents to stick around until a better job opportunity popped up.
The movie credits were suddenly rolling, and a student alerted me from my position. Laurie had rejoined the group at some point. I flicked off the television. 
“Well, since I’m everybody’s favorite teacher, and it’s Halloween, why don’t you all just head out early? Class dismissed. Don’t cause any ruckus. I’m looking at you, Tommy.” 
I sent a friendly grin, and the students whooped and hollered. Laurie only glanced away from the window and began packing her things. Laurie was a good student: studious, communicative, and attentive. Perhaps movie days just weren’t her style. Several students came up to talk to me in a line after class, wishing me a happy holiday or asking about grades. Laurie slunk out of the classroom quietly.
After the classroom had been evacuated, I sighed, and out of morbid curiosity, I wandered over to Laurie’s seat. I was taken aback as I recognized that the car from earlier had returned, but even more disturbing, a tall figure with a white mask and brown hair loomed over the vehicle. He made direct eye contact with me.
My brain began processing so many horrors all at once. I hadn’t thought about Michael specifically in months, but it all came flooding back. His history… but it was also Halloween. And no news had come to me about Michael’s escape. Not from Dr. Loomis or the papers.
Regardless, I stumbled back, blinking at the masked figure. We maintained a long, steady eye contact. Even when a man walking his dog strolled on the opposite side of the street, I knew the masked figure���s gaze remained glued to me. 
It couldn’t be Michael. It was a creepy Halloween prank…
I steeled myself and wandered back to my desk. I hurriedly packed up, abandoning the biology tests on the desk in a flurry. Prank or otherwise, I was thoroughly disturbed and wanted to escape that man’s gaze.
When I glanced out the window one last time, the car and man were long gone.
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slashed2death · 8 days ago
Hii! I hope this is okay to ask, but do you have any hcs for slashers and their s/o's who are sensitive to loud noise? Like people shouting, loud music/partying, fireworks; etc. S/O covering their ears or shaking a bit cause the loud noise is just too much for them? It could be cause of past trauma with loud noises or their ears just being a bit on the sensitive side! How do you think the slashers would react/comfort them? I hope that makes sense :'') Currently so obsessed with RZ Micheal and Thomas Hewitt, you can include any of the other slashers too if you want!! :D
hi hi!!! of course id be happy to write this! i find myself experiencing similar issues so this is largely based off my own experience. added some of my comfort slashers (hannibal and jason) as well!
warnings: mentions of panic attack/ptsd/undisclosed past trauma. general warnings for murder/violence (not inflicted upon reader ofc) if i forgot anything please let me know <3
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- you typically don't have to worry about loud parties or things of that nature with michael. he isn't the sort to throw a party like that, for obvious reasons
- but lets say your 'friends' peer pressured you into going to one.
You didn't want to be here, but when you agreed your supposed friends had promised it was just a small get together. Nothing to worry about! Things wouldn't be too loud, so you thought maybe you'd have a fun night out, right?
But you were wrong. So very wrong. The music was so loud and overstimulating - you'd managed to lock yourself in some random bedroom wher the music and laughing wasn't a bit muffled. Back sliding down the door, you cover your ears and feel a few stray tears go down your cheeks. You should never have agreed to this. You should have just stayed home with Michael. And lord knows the taller man wanted you too. It took forever to convince him it was just a small get together for your friends birthday; you wouldn’t be gone for too long. You promised him you would be okay.
In your panicked crying you hadn't noticed the music stop, or the screams of terror that turned to silence. The panic attack too strong for you to really perceive anything other than your stress. That is, at least, until the door behind you swings open.
You quickly wipe your eyes, glancing up to see your boyfriend in all his bloody glory.
Covered in blood, he stares down at you, lightly tilting his head. You don't really care though, rushing toward him and enveloping him in your arms as you cried into his chest. It takes a second for him to register that you're hugging him before he slowly, yet protectively, wraps his arms around your smaller frame.
"Y-you were right Michael-" You sobbed out, "I-I shouldn't have gone... t-they made me feel like I had to go b-but-" Your sobs are cut off by his grip possessively tightening around you.
"Can we go home...?" You look up at him, large (E/C) eyes glancing up into the seemingly empty holes of his mask. He slowly nods, picking you up and walking out the house, keeping your face hidden in his shoulder so your eyes avoided the bloodshed.
- safe to say he's not letting you go out to a party ever again.
- the night afterward is spent with you huddled into his side watching a horror movie as you fall asleep.
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- there aren't really any crazy parties or fireworks where the hewitt's residence is.
- but that doesn't mean it doesnt get loud!
- anytime a new victim strolls through, things get quite loud and messy.
It was summer, sunlight pouring through the windows of the kitchen as you lightly hummed to yourself. At the moment you were doing your chores; that of which were assigned by Luda Mae. Normally she would be here helping you, however she had to take care of some business back at the gas station. The house was quiet, safe for the tunes flowing out of the radio sitting on the counter. That was, until the front door slammed open, loudly hitting the wall and startling you.
You flinched so hard you dropped a plate, but did not have much time to react before a man you'd never seen before comes barging into the kitchen screaming obscenities as he ran from what you presumed to be your boyfriend.
"HELP- FUCK HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" He exclaims, grabbing you by the shoulders. You freeze up; his loud voice and the previous loud thumps of his footsteps reminding you of... unpleasant moments from your childhood. You try to free yourself from his grasp, only for his expression to turn angry and his grip to tighten.
"YOU'RE ONE OF THOSE FUCKING KILLER FREAKS TOO AREN'T YOU?! I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL-" His voice is cut off, however, by an axe being thrown and landing itself in the back of his skull. His grip loosens from your shoulders, fortunately. Unfortunately his larger frame, now deceased, falls ontop of you. You scream, starting to hyperventilate as tears start pouring from your eyes.
As quickly as he fell, he is pulled off of you. You're gently pulled up and escorted into the living room. Thomas sits you down on the couch before cupping your cheek in his palm. He runs his thumbs under your eyes, wiping away any stray tears before pulling you into his chest until your breathing starts to even out.
Once you calm down a bit more, you relax into his arms.
"Sorry Tommy... I didn't mean to freak out so bad- He just scared me so much," You say, looking up at him before he shakes his head as if to say Don't apologize.
- after this incident, thomas does his best to keep you in your shared bedroom whenever a victim is near. he does everything he can to keep you away from any and all murder business the family participates in.
- if you do ever have any panic attacks, trust and believe the larger man will be there to bear hug you into calming down.
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- jason does everything he can to keep you away from any trespassers looking to party.
- he views you as an angel- something pure and innocent. he doesn't want them to taint you in any way.
- if, however, you do get caught up in some of their unsightly activities, jason is there to take care of it.
You smiled as you sat on the dock, basking in the warmth of the sun as the calming sound of the water beneath you lulled you into a relaxed state.
Jason was doing his rounds, making sure no trespassers had encroached upon the camp. He knew you'd be here, as you so often were. You'd made it a habit to read by the docks.
Your peace was short lived by the sounds of whooping and laughter, music emitting from a loud radio as a group of teens ran toward the dock, presumably to do things you knew Jason would not approve of.
You start quickly packing away your things, trying your best to get out before they reached you or noticed your presence. Before you can make a break for it, an aggressive and presumably intoxicated male grabs your arm roughly.
"Where ya goin' pretty thing? Not gonna have some fun with us?" He says with a smirk, you try to get your arm back but his grip tightens.
The music is blaring now, causing your heart to race even more. What makes it worse is some of the guys in the group are whistling at you and making crude comments.
They're expecting a response it seems, yet you can't quite get the words out of your throat. You'd never been good at any kind of confrontation, and apparently you trying to pull away wasn't enough of a response.
Theyre laughing at your attempts to get away- so loudly, and the music is too loud, and it feels like the world is spinning around you, and its too much-
Then suddenly the man is torn off of you, machete portruding through his chest. He doesn't even scream- just gargles on his own blood as he limply falls to the ground. The two other males try to run, only for two throwing axes to meet the back of their skulls. The girl holding the radio has her face slammed into a tree repeatedly. The radio is crushed. The only sounds now are the waves gently hitting the shore and cicadas crowing in the grass.
You don't even realize you fallen to you knees crying until Jason gently scoops you up in his much stronger arms. He's caged you into his broad chest, shielding you from the grotesque scene behind him. Between the sounds of nature and the gentle footsteps he took toward your cabin, you had tremendously calmed down.
"Thanks for saving me, Jay," You say, nuzzling your head closer to his chest.
- he'd do anything to keep you safe.
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- most days in the lecter household are calm and quiet, just how you like it. hannibal knows of your fear and past trauma, and takes great care to make your shared home a safe environment.
- he takes your safety rather seriously, you've got this man wrapped around your finger, as he does with you.
- but once a patient got rather ballsy.
It was mid-afternoon. You had come to Hannibal's office to surprise him with lunch. He'd been getting a bit overloaded with work as of late, both with patients and the FBI. It started to put a strain on how much you saw him. You figured he would appreciate the gesture.
You get out of your car, grabbing the small containers of lunch from your backseat before locking your car doors. Approaching the double doors to his office, you feel in your stomach that something isn't right. But you reasoned with yourself you were just being paranoid, after all you'd experience anxiety like this before.
Walking into his waiting room you hear muffled yelling and a crash, before the doors to his office are slammed open and a man comes storming out, still yelling obscenities.
He roughly shoulder checks you as he storms out, slamming the doors to the building behind him. All the chaos triggers a panic attack to form in your chest as your breathing quickens. Your hands shake so much you drop the containers of food you had brought in. Walking out of his office, Hannibal quickly notices your shaking and anxious figure and rushes toward you.
"My dear, come sit down," He coaxes you to one of the chairs in his waiting room "There we go, dearest," He smiles gently as you look up at him; tears rimming your lash line.
"Breathe with me," He says, placing his hand on your shoulder as he takes a deep breathe with you. Then releasing his breath as you shakily breathe out. He makes you repeat the process until your breathing has calmed down. His hand reaches up to gently lay against your cheek, and his thumb brushes away the stray tears left on your face.
"There, much better. May I ask what brought you here, my love?" He asks gently, eyeing the now discarded food containers on the ground before he smiles at you again.
"Were you trying to surprise me with lunch?" You nodded shakily, and his smile grows.
"Don't worry dear, I won't let this moment go to waste. And don't worry about that man, you know how much I detest the rude,"
- that night you had pig for dinner.
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onmyyan · 1 year ago
Kiss the goat
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A/N: Horror isekai? Horror isekai, here's part one of the Scream chapters, unedited, hope you like cuz it was so much fun writing
Pairing: Yandere Poly Ghostface x reader
It was such an odd sensation, you don't think you'd ever truly get used to it, no matter how many times it washed over you.
It was always the same, tranquil lull, and it always started in your lower tummy, like this wave of ice cold water suddenly replaced all the blood in your veins.
Whenever you first 'woke up' somewhere new, that damn feeling was always the first thing you noticed, and the only warning you'd get.
This time though, something was different. There was this mix of fear, confusion, and awe tossed in with the lull because you clocked your location immediately.
Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum
For a moment all you could hear was the the blood pounding in your eardrums, slowly , as you forced yourself to breathe, the surrounding noises faded in, at first it was just the chatter of a busy school, then you noticed the shuffle of feet dragging on concrete, with your heart pounding furiously against your rib cage, you pinched your thigh through your baggy blue jeans and began walking, focusing on forcing your feet to move, rather than the millions of other thoughts buzzing through your skull. Why? Well because there you stood, dropped right before the soon-to-be infamous Woodsboro High.
As you walked amongst the crowd of people there were a few things you noticed immediately about yourself, at least this version of yourself, which seemed to change with every new plot you were forcibly thrown in.
The jeans you wore were loose fitting and well loved, small holes in the denim here and there  gave you a typical 90's degenerate vibe, the soft cotton of the band T-shirt you were in felt comfortable against your skin, around your waist hung a oversized burgundy flannel with accents of mustard yellow, the fabric looked old and smelled of weed, a sigh rolled through your chest at the familiar smell, it was a bittersweet reminder of your life before this insanity began.
Glancing down at your outfit made you breath out a sigh of relief, at least you dressed better in this one. In the small shirt pocket, you felt a book of matches, the scratchy texture of telling you what it was without needing to pull it out, good to know.
Shaking your head you try your best to look as bored and uninteresting as possible, you've found these things were best tackled from a stealthy perspective. As you finally enter the school, the second you step through the open doors, there's this intense, hair-raising feeling that washes over you, everything in your gut is saying run away, turn around, but you don't.
Instead, you swallow the fight-or-flight instincts and continue your pace as if you hadn't noticed the predatory stare on you. It didn't surprise you, after all, the self-proclaimed directors of this twisted movie were bound to notice a new player being introduced so suddenly, you just hadn't yet gotten used to the uneasy feeling of being in the presence of a murderer.
Or in this movies case, murderers.
The stares you received from the rest of the student body helped to distract you from the heavy stares burning into you, as you leisurely walked down the halls people either mean-mugged you or ignored you, it helped to get a better feel for the role you'd been assigned, depending on how well you played said role was going to determine whether or not you ended up on the kill count.
For now, you kept it pushing, your hands resting comfortably in the pockets of your jeans, your right hand, which you only now noticed was covered in rings, brushed against the cool touch of something small and metal, you quickly pulled out the object to reveal a switchblade, the handle a glossy white with a simple heart scratched into the surface, quickly you tucked it back where you'd found it.
The grin that had stretched across your face as you traversed the halls was downright wicked, in your mini search you'd also come across a crinkled class schedule and a pack of gum. Curious (e/c) eyes diligently scanned the face of every student that passed, searching for any clue as to when exactly you'd popped in, having a clear timeline in mind made these things run so much smoother.
Casey Beckem gave you that answer in the form of a cliché shoulder check as she rounded the corner. She made a point to dust off the area that had touched you, and her scoff of 'Watch it freak.' made a snort leave your nose, god you loved the 90s, even the bullying was better.
Considering she was still amongst the living, you gathered this was before the start of the movie, fantastic. You pushed forward, far too wrapped up in your building excitement to pay any mind to the very dangerous man you'd caught the sight of.
You found your first class a few minutes early, thankfully the school's layout wasn't too hard to navigate, you were intent on taking proper inventory and prepping as well as you could. The teacher took you in with a surprised noise, clearly judging your character on your appearance.
You'd gotten pretty good at handling your, particular situation, so good in fact you'd begun to relax a little. Taking a seat by the window in the back felt very final girl of you, the thought making you giggle to yourself. Whatever entity responsible for isekaing you into this movie flashed between a real asshole and a slightly smaller asshole with each reincarnation, this time it looked like they were feeling nice as you started with a weapon. 
Your inner workings were put on an abrupt pause as Randy Meeks burst in through the door earning a glare from the otherwise silent teacher. The bright-eyed male made a beeline for you, his expression was akin to a puppy who just had its bone taken away.
"What the Hell San Francisco? I spent the last 15 minutes running around like some mook looking for ya'." he paused to sit down at the desk directly on your right. "You ask a guy to show you around then ditch em'? Cruel, undeniably cruel." You learned pretty quickly to just roll with it whenever someone from Canon spoke to you.
"My bad Meeks, I'll make it up to you." At this, the energetic man rolled his eyes, now leaning even closer. "Oh yeah? Meaning what- you'll actually take me up on my offer instead of responding with that cold familiar brand of cynicism? C'mon, it'll be funnnn." He trailed off in a whine. "Whoever told you begging was an option for you lied." You laughed, shaking your head at the way he visibly deflated.
You kicked your faded black Converse all star's on the back of the seat before you, legs bouncing as you allowed yourself to ponder your answer, the nervous habit had developed sometime between this movie, and one of your earlier incarnations and subsequent deaths.
This was a little more complicated, see the omnipotent fuck who put you here liked to screw with you, very much into the concept of seeing you mix with whatever plot that laid before you, so much so that anytime you fought against whatever scenario you were thrust into in any way you died horribly. The first time you'd been plopped into a movie was the original My Bloody Valentine,- a chill ran through your body like a punch to the gut at the thought, yeah you'd come a long way since then in terms of working the system but nothing was set in stone.
You figured whatever this offer from Randy was, would no doubt tie you into the plot, knowing better than to fight the waves, you pretended to think about it before shrugging. "Sure. I'll bite." The simple statement had him shooting out of his chair to fist pump before quickly falling back in his seat.
"Yessss-okay it's super easy, I spend my time rewinding the utter garbage the general population consumes on a daily." He was practically buzzing in his seat as he spoke. "Once in a while, the boss leaves for an extra long lunch break and I get to watch whatever I want- Child's Play, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street- you name it I got it." The redhead spoke proudly, leaning back against his chair with a self-satisfied look.
"You should be a salesman Meeks." The male bristled beside you, a tinge of red on his cheeks. "Yeah yeah, whatever Frisco- don't come crying to me when you don't have anyone to sit with at lunch." He teased, leaning over his desk, you smile toying with the ring on your hand, popping your neck with a sigh you took a second before responding, "Oh god, how will I ever survive sitting alone, whatever will I do." you spoke in a dead tone making the male at your side pout.
"You're cold (L/n), couldn't even pretend to care about my threat huh?"
You looked over with a teasing grin, "Course' not- I'm not a liar Randy.", it was then and only then that you noticed the tall Blonde unashamedly staring you down from the door.
Stu Macher had made his appearance earlier than expected but you didn't sweat it, or the almost hungry look he was giving you. Nope, not sweating at all. Instead, you quickly averted your eyes, praying he hadn't caught your stare.
He had, naturally.
The taller male nearly took up the entire door frame, he looked a lot more intimidating in person. The playful look on his face was all the more haunting the more you thought about who he really was underneath it. What he was hours away from doing.
Randy, feeling the sudden rise in tension, refused to be left out, and tried to not so subtly block Stu's vision of you by standing up and not so casually sitting on his desk, his back to the future killer. "Anyway Frisco', I don't want you mixin' in with the wrong crowd okay?" He made a point to flick his eyes back towards the now pouting blonde, "Bad company makes for bad times. Just stick with me I'll show you the ropes." He made sure to mutter that last part, his expression drenched in fear for the briefest moment.
Before you could respond Stu had rather aggressively climbed his way over a few desks to plop into the seat in front of you.
His dimpled grin was rather infectious.
"Now that's no way to talk about your friends Randy." He almost seethed out his name making the shorter male curl in on himself like a rabbit, he turned to face you with flare.
"Hi, there hot stuff- Stu Macher, bad company." He took your hand in his much larger one, completely enveloping your own, the tension was broken by the comical handshake, how hard he shook it up and down dispelled all previous bad vibes, his devious little grin only grew at your response, "Hi Stu, I'm (Y/n). Worse company."
"So whatcha' running from in San Francisco? Girl's like you don't just show up outta nowhere for no reason." He didn't even try to hide the way he was checking you out, his half-lidded eyes eagerly drinking in every inch of the alluring stranger before him.
"Who says I'm running big guy? I might be the one doing the chasing." Maybe teasing a soon-to-be serial killer wasn't the smartest move, but you just couldn't help it, he leaned his head into his palm, the wide toothy grin promising nothing but trouble. "I think I like you- come sit with us at lunch."
"You askin' or telling?" You met his heated gaze with a cold indifference that only fueled the ever-growing fire burning in his belly. The larger male quickly fell to his knees from his seat on the chair, bringing his hands together in a dramatic motion, "Pretty pretty please hot new kid come sit with meee." The laugh tumbling past your lips was real, you quickly ushered him back to his seat, "As nice as ya look on your knees- this is embarrassing please get the hell up I'll sit with you."
He backed off with a victorious grin not knowing you'd just lied through your teeth, there was no way in hell you'd willingly put yourself in Billy's cross hairs, Stu was unavoidable apparently, but Billy? You'd hold out as long as you could, when lunch rolled around you managed to convince Randy to eat on the roof, and used the friendly conversation to get more information out of him.
It was during this conversation you discovered in this world, whoever you were, was Randy's new neighbor.
After the school bell had rung for the final time, you made a point to linger around Randy, usually, when you spawned in one of these things the plot was well into swing, but this time you were here early, and the change in routine felt all the more dangerous.
Thankfully, Randy came to your rescue, you tuned back into the conversation just in time to hear him say,
"-if you even want to that is- we'd mostly be watching the classics." He finished nervously glancing to and from, you managed to space back just in time to greet him with a half smile and a shrug. "Lead the way, Meeks."
"It's so cool how you live next door- when you told me at first I thought you were yankin' my chain." He said bouncing his way down the road.
Randy had stumbled home with sleep in his eye sometime around midnight, you weren't too worried for the guy as you knew they hadn't started their spree yet.
That was until the phone rang. 
For a moment all you did was stare. You knew who was on the other end it just didn't make any sense. 
Swallowing the thick ice cube of fear suddenly in your throat, you caught your breath as casually as you could.
As if on autopilot your hand scooped up the house phone, you surprised yourself with how calm your greeting was.
"Hey there sweet thing- you're up awful late aren't ya?" You tried to look as casual as you could, steadily making your way to every door, and securing each entrance, but it was hard to ignore the twinge of accusation in his tone.
"You're up too.." Was what you managed to get out, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Hm, that's fair. What were you up to? Have some fun with your boyfriend?" The last word sounded harder than the rest, with no humor in his tone, almost as if it was said through gritted teeth, like whoever spoke it spat the word out.
So he was definitely watching you, your mind racked with the best answer to keep Randy from harm's way.
"Just watching some scary movies with a friend- you like em'?" You asked leaning against the island in your kitchen. "Oh, honey- you've got no idea." Before you could respond he continued, "I will see you later gorgeous." and then he was gone
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yanderes-galore · 5 months ago
Billy Loomis (Scream) maybe With a friend darling (platonic) 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
I'm not even sure if he'd be that good of a friend.... I did what I could though.
Yandere! Platonic! Billy Loomis Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder, Forced companionship.
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It's hard to say if Billy genuinely cared for any of his friends.
I personally would argue he's simply using others for his advantage, like he did with Stu.
He seems to be a narcissistic man set on revenge and plans on manipulating whoever he can to do that.
He seems to have trouble discerning fiction from reality.
Which is the reason he follows horror tropes during his murders.
Being friends with him, without even making him yandere, is problematic at best.
I imagine you'd have to be a friend he thinks highly of.
Like, maybe a childhood friend he used to go to all the time?
Your parents often watched him and you, especially after what happened with his parents.
This connection may make Billy less likely to target you for his schemes.
If he cares for anyone, it's you.
You probably didn't pick up on Billy's tendencies until high school.
Even then he knows how to hide it.
Billy knows how to mask his murderous intent.
He just seems charismatic, friendly, and caring.
You think he loves his girlfriend and he certainly seems to care for you.
What Billy likes to do with you is watch horror movies, of course.
You listen to him ramble about all his favorite scenes and are constantly given horror trivia.
He only ever seems to want to hang out with you alone though.
You once offered to invite Stu or Billy's girlfriend to just watch movies.
Only for Billy to give a stern 'no', like you said something offensive.
I don't doubt Billy would manipulate his obsession.
Childhood friend or not, he knows he can get you to listen to him if he speaks to you right.
I think he still plans on using Stu to enact his murder plot...
But he can manipulate you into supporting him, too.
Billy knows you've always felt bad for him since you two were young.
He can weaponize your pity.
If you start noticing his weird behavior, he'll play the victim card.
Oh, he's just been struggling lately, he's just stressed...
You wanna help him get better, don't you?
Billy would probably never kill you.
He could care less what happens to Sidney or Stu...
Yet he wants you alive.
He cares about you... To an obsessive degree, actually.
Billy is downright possessive of you as his friend.
That's why he values your free time together.
When he's not manipulating his girlfriend, he's knocking on your door with a smile.
He's still your dear childhood friend during the day.
Sure, he's needy at times, but you two have had a past with one another.
Sometimes you need to go watch horror movies to clear your head with Billy.
Plus, it's nice to see Billy ramble about all the gore and tropes.
You wonder if he likes it too much at times.
Then there's night.
At night, Billy's wearing the Ghostface costume and lurking in the night.
He'll lurk outside your window, watching you and your parents as he blends in with the shadows.
Sometimes his costume even has blood... a grim reminder of his past hunts.
You'd be oblivious to Billy's stalking.
As childhood friends, he likes it when you rely on one another.
In fact... He wants to be the only one who matters in your life sometimes.
He's lost everything in his life... but you haven't.
I would NOT put it past Billy to murder your parents, other friends, or lovers.
He probably would like the power he'd hold over you, creating a bloody mess as Ghostface...
Only to comfort you as Billy.
He's intense like that.
He'd be all concerned like you once were for him.
He'd hold you close, coo over you, never let you go.
Like he didn't commit such atrocities himself in order to make you attached to him.
You wouldn't even know it's him until Stu's big party.
As people are being picked off left and right... you grow increasingly concerned for your safety.
Even more so if Billy really did go through with murdering your loved ones... probably with Stu.
It isn't long before Billy does the one move that will break you.
He knows it will too.
He's always been a pretty messed up kid.
As Ghostface, he may corner his childhood friend into a room.
He's covered in blood, a feeling he's quite used to.
By the time you're backed into a corner... He removes the mask...
And he watches the fear collect on your face... The sadness soon after...
It almost hurts to see you so distraught.
You've done so much for him and he repays you in blood.
He sees you crying, but he doesn't feel bad.
Really... all this murder simply brought you closer in his eyes.
You'll have no one else to turn to except him.
Once he murders Sidney, He'll make it the perfect crime with Stu.
You won't say a thing, Billy won't let you.
Why would you? Then you'd lose him too.
I don't doubt Billy's actions would corrupt you to the point of needing him.
He's gotten rid of all your other loved ones and friends.
Now he has you in a tight grip, threatening you that he's the only one you need.
If the murder party plot didn't go over well and Billy was going to die?
I don't doubt he'd kill you too so you'll forever be his friend.
As said before, Billy would not be a good friend...
But he doesn't care what you or anyone else thinks...
Now you'll be friends forever... Even when dead.
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woeswrites · 1 month ago
Yandere Billy Loomis Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere themes, Obsessive behaviors, Murder, etc.
Notes: It's Billy's turn :). Not very well edited :(
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Billy is and always will be a little quirky with that angsty guy persona he has going on. All of his feelings for you are strong, but he isn’t one to outright profess and/or display them, especially not early on. It doesn’t help that you're both guys. He doesn’t enjoy the unwanted attention
On the other hand, if were showy about any feelings you harbor towards him, he wouldn’t mind it. It might not seem like it from his outward appearance, but he feels all warm inside when you initiate contact with him/say something in the realm of sappiness. He thinks he is able to hide it well, acting all stoic-like, but his slight change in demeanor to being a bit shy and the gentle blush across his cheeks definitely give it away
Despite it not being his thing, he still has his own ways of being clingy. He’ll reach out a lot; text, AOL, and call if he hasn’t heard from you. You might even be passed a note during class on the off chance he’s not seated close by.
He’ll also want you to share clothes. You’re closets will practically be swapped once you get together. It’s the closest thing to PDA that the two of you could actively partake in. It’s just an added bonus that he gets to smell you all day.
Billy’s affection tends to hint towards his desires. He’s not usually all over you, so the change is noticeable. A sudden uptick in cuddling or kissing and you can bet he’s trying to get your pants
Billy's a closeted gay guy in the 1990's of course he wants to be the top. You topping him wouldn't even be apart of the equation as far as he is concerned. Sure he might like men, but taking it up the ass? That's a whole other level of gay to him. Sure, he's thought of it. Maybe even gotten off to imagining it before... But it would be cold day in hell before he would feel vulnerable enough for something like that.
Once he had realized that he had feelings for you he would alter the Ghostface plans. Sure he was attracted to you since he met you. Who wouldn't with your looks? But genuine feelings like this were rare for him. He found that he could make an exception in his meticulous scheme for you.
A large part of Billy's manipulation game with Stu has to do with the power he holds over him. Knowing how well that has worked out for him so far, he would likely do the same with you. Instead of being an outsider on the whole ordeal Billy would make sure you were included in the killings. Maybe not as a third Ghostface but there were plenty of ways for you to help out.
There is no way you could leave him as a new accomplice to his serial murders. It's either Billy or prison as far as you're concerned.
At the main event Billy would make sure you'd be included. And, well, Sidney would get pretty suspicious if she was the only one being hunted and chased, so of course you would need to use some of your acting skills. But there is no need to worry, Billy would make things easier for you. There's no need to pretend to be hurt if you actually are!
Billy would hunt you down himself, making sure to get you somewhere all alone in that party and catch you off guard. Things would be a lot harder if you had known this part of the plan going in, so he and Stu would keep it to themselves.
He would make sure not to hit anything important, you wouldn't be dying on him that easily, but he would definitely be leaving a mark or two. He would pin you to the wall and explain everything he is about to do to you. Coyly whispering something under his mask about how this was just to make things believable for Sidney and the cops, nothing else. But the bulge shoved up against your thigh told a different story.
He'd stab into you as shallow as he could will himself. Finding it hard not to get too ahead of himself. But your cries and blood would most likely get to him. He'd slice a few streaks down your abdomen and try his best not to grind down onto you as he watched the blood hurry to fill in the gap your skin once filled.
Luckily for you he has other things to do. After enough time he'd be forced to leave you. Your blood coating him as he made himself focus on the plan.
Being slumped over in one of the house's backrooms is a great spot for you anyhow. You'd be out of his way, unable to stop anything going down, and once the cops got there you'd be cleared of suspicion, a win-win in Billy's eyes
But now that he's got a sneak peak at you all vulnerable like that, it's not like he can just forget about it. He'd definitely need to play with you more after this would thing was done and over with.
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thestarfishinjootsoffice · 1 year ago
hi ^^!! I wanted to know if you could do hcs or something about yandere hannibal w/ a anxious chubby reader who don't eat properly mainly because of they desire to lose weight bc of beauty standards and so he kidnaps they to take care "properly" being that an excuse to hide his obsession? please <3
Ohh shit 😳🤭🤭
Warnings: hannibal gaslighting/manipulating you, mention of eating disorder, he kidnaps you and stuff, he's insane and typical unhealthy yandere behavior. And him friend zoning you 😐.
Relationship: yandere, romantic
Yan! Hannibal x anxious! Chubby! Reader
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Your proness to being so easily influenced by things such as beauty standards just makes him think even further that you can't survive without him. That you need him.
He's often observing you in slight pity and the absolute need to just feed you himself. More often than not he's tired of making meals with ingredients explicitly for your liking only to have you take a singular bite and take no more. In between having you praising him with sweet words he hasn't never heard before, but it's different when it comes from you. All because you're on a so called strict diet on a weight loss journey.
Hannibal isn't a man to give up something simply because he couldn't have it the first few tries.
He loves your body, curves and how they look in clothing when you wear clothing that are little tighter than what you'd usually wear. Spending sleepless nights sometimes wondering how you would feel when his hands are caressing your face, roaming around your stomach, gripped tightly on your plump thighs...
He's so well aware of how wrong these feelings are. But he couldn't control it...
He wouldn't outright exploit your insecurity since it would be a problem if you were worrying about your weight and it affected your life more than it already has. He just wants you to be dependent on him.
So the day you wake up on his bed, confused and scared. He wants you to understand in a way that you won't view him as just a sick person, and weirdly you do.
Believing that he is doing this all because he is truly concerned for your wellbeing and doesn't want you to possibly have an eating disorder. He is doing all this sincerely because he is your dear friend and he cares deeply for you.
And also because he has absolutely no problem doing what he always did with his victims for so many years to you if you didn't comply. You know how he is.
Eyes watching intensely at every detail of your being while he spoon feeds you a dish that he knows you'll like. It's healthy anyways so why would you deny it?
Always confirming you with the idea that he is doing this for your sake, nothing more. He has to properly take care you because he knows you can't by your own. Just let him do what he does, he promises you don't have to worry about anything else or the damn beauty standard.
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dollepins · 1 year ago
kiss me, comfort me
kevin khatchadourian x reader. fluff, kisses, reader is afraid of the dark. might be a little ooc because it’s my first time writing for him. very short, 0.4k words.
warnings — none, unless the dark triggers you i guess? but it’s really nothing, and i use a curse word or two.
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kevin, of all the things he did understand, did not for one second comprehend how someone could be afraid of something as simple as the dark. the logic did not add up, in his opinion. darkness is natural; the sun sets and moon takes its place, humans turn off their lights and drift to sleep.
why does that scare you?
you honestly didn’t know why you told him. all he did was smile a bit and poke fun at you, but when he turned away, you couldn’t help but feel it in the pit of your stomach—how stupid you were. how silly. why would you ever go to him for comfort when he barely ever offers it to you anyway? you bite the inside of your cheek.
maybe you thought there were monsters in the corner of your room sometimes. maybe it was just irrational and dumb, with no reasoning to back it up other than a simple cliché.
either way, you knew that later, when he turned the lights off to lure you both into sleep’s grasp, the teasing would begin once more. well, you thought.
your eyes were shut tight for a moment after the room encased itself in black, and after a moment you felt the weight of the bed shifting and kevin’s slender hands pulling you closer to him. it was easy for you to allow him to pull your back flush to his chest. this was your routine every night, but it felt different now that your secret was out.
kevin’s words—his words that, usually, never carry an inch of sympathy—possessed a certain protectiveness to them now. worry, adoration, whatever you’d like to call it. still, you heard a raspy, “you okay?”
your eyes snapped open. is he really concerned? or is this an elaborate trick?
“i’m fine. jus’ sleepy, kev,” and it was the truth, but not fully. the darkness was still scaring the shit out of you, but being in kevin’s arms added to your drowsiness made things a little better. you were calmer, not as tense.
his hum thrums through your ear and to the rest of your body. “okay. i’m here with you, you know?”
he says it quietly, almost unsure. it sounds foreign to you because you almost never witness him so— hesitant. your breathing slows a little as you begin to get the picture. he is offering you comfort. despite not completely understanding the concept, he wants to give it to you.
instead of choosing to respond directly, you sigh contently and say, “g’night.”
you’re happy when he presses a light kiss to the top of your head and says it back, even gentler. “goodnight, honey.”
— ( dollepins # 2023 )
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gulnarsultan · 1 year ago
Yandere Landry Family
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Your life turns upside down shortly after you're accepted to Blackmore University. Ethan and Quinn meet you after the loss of Richie. They both immediately develop obsessive feelings towards you. They stalk your social media accounts. They secretly observe who you are friends with, where you go, what you do. Wayne soon realizes the strangeness of his children. Before long, Wayne develops an obsession with you, just like his children. The sole purpose of all three now is to make you a part of the family. The first person to befriend you is Ethan. You don't suspect it because of Ethan's attitude. Later, Quinn joins your life as a friend. They make other friends and people stay away from you. Most of the time you are invited to their house and have a sleepover. They organize beautiful gifts and parties on special occasions. They don't leave you alone when you need to go somewhere. In a way, you are like their brother. You soon realize their obsession with you. You're trying to get away from them. They realize it immediately. They will do anything to make sure you don't leave them. They may resort to threats, blackmail, bribery, manipulation, kidnapping and even murder. From now on, you will be a part of their lives whether you want it or not.
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hyunjin-amore · 1 year ago
Unraveling the Mystery of the Dark Trio's Reign
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🔪Dark Billy x Top male reader x Stu 🔪
Summary: Dark Billy, M/N, and Dark Stu, the enigmatic members of the Dark Trio, set out to frighten their victims and instill fear in the small village of Woodsboro. They push their victims to the brink while confronting their own problems through cryptic messages and a perverse game of survival. But as reality and fantasy blend together, they unleash a dark force that devours them and permanently damages the town. This terrifying story should serve as a reminder of what happens when one goes too far into the dark.
A mysterious group known as the Dark Trio once resided in the sleepy little village of Woodsboro. They were Dark Stu Macher, a tall, lean young man whose sly smile belied his sinister nature; M/n, a fearless and fiercely intelligent man renowned for his extraordinary deductive abilities; and Dark Billy, a mysterious and brooding figure with penetrating blue eyes.
Billy had a notorious reputation for coercing others into doing his evil actions. Anyone may be drawn into the depths of his deranged psyche by his eerily alluring aura. His charismatic demeanor and charm drew in a lot of women, especially to him. They had no idea how much evil was hiding behind his alluring eyes.
The Dark Trio decided to carry out a scheme that would chill the whole town of Woodsboro on a chilly and rainy night. Fearsome thunder and lightning erupted as Stu Macher and M/N convened at a remote cottage tucked away in the woods. They were aware that by combining their intelligence and Billy's cunning to produce an event, they would terrify their victims and send the entire town into a state of terror.
Their objective was to send fictitious letters purporting to be amicable communications to the most well-respected residents in Woodsboro. The cryptic messages in these letters would alert M/N to an impending peril that they should take care of. The Dark Trio would prey on their victims and drive them insane by taking advantage of the anxiety and confusion these letters would create.
M/N created a perverse game for their victims with a type of imaginative ingenuity. His goal was to test them to the brink and reveal their darkest vulnerabilities and phobias. The three made the decision to hold a gruesome game of survival and imprisoned their victims in a maze-like home outside of town. They would either have to solve puzzles and face scary obstacles, or suffer horrifying outcomes.
The Dark Trio noticed as the game went on that their original thrill was evolving into something far darker. They started to lose themselves in their own psychological suffering as the distinction between reality and fiction started to blur. They faced their own anxieties head-on and realized they had let their own dreams loose on themselves. It was the memories of the women Billy had exploited in the past that tormented him in particular. As their ghosts wandered the mansion's hallways, they mumbled their complaints and plotted retaliation. He began to doubt his sanity, as his charm was ineffective in the face of their rage. As all of this was going on, M/N's ability to conclude from evidence was critically tested as he attempted to piece together the connections between the victims and Woodsboro's mysterious past. His gaze quickly slid into the shadows as the town's dark past came to light, exposing a string of gruesome killings that alluded to something darker.
It was evident that the Dark Trio had unleashed something far more deadly than they had imagined, as the game came to an end that was horrific. Dreams became vivid as the mansion changed into a macabre playground where the lines between life and death were hazy and shadows came to life.When the trio faced the demons they had awoken, it was a final encounter.
They battled for their lives, frantically attempting to outsmart the evil force that had taken possession as the mansion collapsed around them. They had unintentionally let go of something far bigger than they could have ever anticipated in a bizarre chain of circumstances, and the cost was more than they could have ever imagined.
The town of Woodsboro will eternally endure the consequences of their dark trio's heinous crimes. The once-thriving town was broken and forever altered, a daily warning of the dangers of diving too far into the darkness that exists within all of us. And the legends of Billy, M/N, and Stu Macher would live on in the town's collective psyche, reminding everyone of the horrors that can be unleashed with a touch of visionary talent and a twisted mind.
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bella-goths-wife · 8 months ago
How the yandere bowers gang protects you
Warnings: sexual assault, revenge porn, physical abuse, murder, gore, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, manipulation, fucked up dynamics, forced relationships, MDNI
I do not intend to romanticise or normalise any of the themes I write about, I use them simply for entertainment value and do not encourage the replication of these actions!
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Henry bowers:
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You never really expected any aspect of Henry to be protective
You assume the hands that lay countless bruises on your skin to be the ones to shield you from the ruthless touch of others
But below the surface, there’s a part of Henry that yearns to hide you away from the ugliest parts of the world
Even if he himself is one of the ugliest aspects of your life
He pushed that part of himself down for the sake of keeping his composure while correcting you
He can’t go soft on you and allow disrespect now can he?
But there was always a firmness in the rule of never visiting his home
You assumed it was because he was embarrassed of you and didn’t want you to meet his father, when in actuality it was quite the opposite
But belch had dropped you off in a hurry at Henry’s when the rest of the group was out of commission and he had to get home quickly, and you couldn’t avoid the bowers residence
You knocked on the door only to be greeted by Henry’s father, who stared at you leeringly and suddenly you felt like a lost lamb backed into a corner by a rabid dog
Oh, how much did Henry’s gaze replicate his fathers in certain lights
When Henry saw the scene of his father looking at you with the look of an overjoyed dog at the sight of fresh meat, his mind couldn’t stop but to wonder about his mother
Suddenly, he felt like that helpless child watching his mother squirm and scream no as a the male embodiment of terror beat her and ripped her clothes
He felt the urge to run to you, to hide you in his chest and stroke your hair that he loved so much all while reassuring you that everything was okay
Like he wanted someone to do to him when he was a child
But instead, he responds in the only language that he could speak with his father as he yelled at him while pushing him away
He positioned himself in front of you as he purposely angered his abuser in order to distract his wandering gaze to you
He screamed at you to go home, allowing you to be alone for the first time in months out of desperation
You returned to your home and oddly enough, you couldn’t remember how to act normally in your own home
Your life was a constant performance of survival, how were you supposed to act while the curtain to your theatre were momentarily shut?
You just sat for hours on the couch and listened out for the next command or for your next warning and reprimand
For hours, just sat as still as a statue with tense shoulders as you awaited the next performance
You eventually went to bed around the same time that the boys would, much later then you did before them but for some reason their schedules had merged with yours and overtaken your thoughts
Henry entered your home a few hours before sunrise and creeped into your room
He was battered and bruised as he looked down at you in your bed, you couldn’t help but think about all the times he had left you in a similar state to try and ease your misplaced sympathy
You assumed he’d punish you for your rule break, but he just slowly climbed into your bed and laid his head on your chest
He commanded your hands to stroke his hair and for you to reassure him
Small tears escaped his eyes and wet your shirt as he commanded you to tell him that he was nothing like his father, that he was a better man
The lies felt like acid on your tongue as you reassured him quietly until he fell asleep
Henry was too far gone to ever understand that he didn’t break the cycle, he replicated it perfectly
Patrick Hockstetter:
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You had been weird lately, Patrick had noticed
You had always been mopey and sad, but lately you were downright depressed
You neglected your personal appearance as you refused to eat or care for yourself in any way
This had caused Patrick’s attraction to you fade slightly, and that would not do in Patrick’s eyes
His sexual attraction was the only real feeling he felt, and it was his one true connection to you in terms of outside of his obsession
So Patrick decided to do some digging
He had found that some girls from school had been harassing you daily for the last few weeks during the few times you were without them
They had taken your clothes when you were changing in the ballet studio and had ruined the clothes you had handmaid, leaving you in only a towel
Luckily belch lended you his shirt but your humiliation lasted for days
The harassment didn’t stop there, they would put sharp tacs in your ballet shoes, loosened a balancing pole so that you’d fall when using it, called you all sorts of names
Now Patrick didn’t particularly care about your general well-being, as shown by his abusive and enabling behaviours
But when something affects his attraction to you, then it becomes a problem for Patrick
And you being in this depressive mood definitely affected his attraction, so Patrick took matters in his own hands
He decided to use what he knew and slept with each of the girls, roughly and painfully but with consent which was a curtesy he never offered you, before taking pictures of them on his camera and having the pictures developed
After a night of his usual forceful abuse, he showed you the pictures as some sort of twisted aftercare
The photos made you feel physically ill as you asked him why
He claimed he was protecting you, that those girls wouldn’t bother you now
All a lie, his motives were completely selfish
You cried at the pictures and he assumed you were jealous, so he assured you that he’d fix it
The next day he spread the pictures across the school, forcing the girls to isolate themselves out of humiliation
Patrick assumed the problem was fixed now and told you that you owed him
Despite the heavy guilt in your gut, you couldn’t help but find enjoyment in the fact the girls presence was no longer constant
Victor criss:
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Victor was an observant guy, especially when it came to you
He memorised everything he could about you
He knows your routines, your preferences, your anxiety’s and your expressions
And he knew the minute that one of the male ballet teacher helped you stretch by grabbing at your thigh, that you were extremely uncomfortable
At first he tried to brush it off as a misreading of the situation, simply not knowing enough about a ballerinas strict routine
But he definitely did not misread the situation when he came to pick you up one afternoon and saw you cornered by your teacher with a look of absolute fear on your face
You practically ran to vic and held on to him tightly as you lead him out the building, something that only confirmed your fear as you usually repulsed away from his touch
He prodded you for answers but you became snappy with him and as he was about to reprimand you, he saw the tears that were close to streaming down your face with any more pressure
Vic was enraged
who was this piece of shit to touch you? Does he not know your owned? Does he not know your bowers gang property? Did he not realise that you were victors property?
Vic’s mind is made up as he drops you off with belch before making his way back to the ballet studio
He used your teacher as a pin cushion as he used his switch blade over and over and over until vic finally felt he had gotten his message through
He cut the hands off individually before skinning them and keeping the bones and hiding them away
He informed the rest of the bowers gang and they helped him stuff the body with rocks and watched it sink to the bottom of the river, never to be found again
They didn’t question him, they didn’t question his brutality, they just helped him clean up his mess
The same as what he’d do for them
Vic never told you what happened to your ballet teacher, but you inferred it from the context clues of the bones under his bed and the hidden away bloody clothes
All he asked for in return was a kiss and to be able to hold your hand without you looking sick
You tried your best
Belch Huggins:
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There’s something surprisingly soft in belch’s protection
He’s the biggest in the group and most assumed to be violent, but he’s the softest out of the boys
His protection can range from small thin to big things
He expresses his protection in many different ways
He covers the side of the table if your grabbing something from underneath it, he walks on the side of the sidewalk closet to the road, he holds you hands or your clothes in public places to keep track of you
He even protects you in the gang sometimes by positioning himself slightly in front of you in a group setting, taking the blame for your mistakes and distracting the others from your actions
But there is always going to be a dark side to belch
And that dark side was brought out specifically by some drunk grabbing at you harshly on the walk home, not knowing belch was with you
Belch felt iron hot fury in his veins as he looked at the scene of this drunk bastard grabbing you so hard it could probably bruise your skin
Your a goddess in belch’s eyes, a slice of heaven bestowed upon earth and something he can indulge in and hopefully on day overdose on
And to see this drunkenly ignorant fool dirty your perfection with his disgusting touch? Well it set off a reaction in belch that he hoped you’d never have to see
He bashed the man’s head against the pavement over and over again as he felt every scream of pain was retribution for him disgracing the religion of you that belch follows so piously
The crunch of the mans broken nose against the floor brings belch back to reality as his eyes shoot up and meet your horrified gaze
You had seen belch commit violent acts before, you had been a victim of those acts many times
But those were all on the orders of Henry’s, this time was different
This act was committed with free will
Belch hurriedly tried to explain himself and begged you to not be afraid
You swallow your fear and horror as you hold his bloodied hands in yours and belch only looks down at you with practically heart eyes
You assumed that if you rejected him the violence would turn on you, and all though you were wrong belch was too blinded with awe to understand that
In his eyes you had just accepted the most ugly part of himself, proving that the pedestal he had placed you on was correct and you were the angel on earth that he thought you was
In your eyes, you had just dodged a possibly painful punishment
In reality, you had just tamed the beast with a gentle giant underneath the surface
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years ago
Camp counselor darling and slasher yan? 👀
Fire crackles in the pale moonlight. Figures cower behind a tree stump as a shadow rises from its amber flames, beckoning the braver of the group to draw closer as its voice drops to a grumble.
"It's said that in this exact forest - right where you're all sitting, is where those hikers met their end. On what had been a quiet, peaceful hike until then, the group suddenly began to hear whistling from the trees. A bird's call some would claim, but none of them could argue the strangeness of it all. The sound was a constant as they moved on, switching directions and even allegedly playing right in the leader's ear. A chilling drone that drew further when brought into question- like whatever was watching them was enjoying their increasing fears. They say if you listen closely - you can still hear it-"
The shadows purses its lips in a would be bone rattling hum save for the giggle they're unable to keep in. Still - the call works in favor of their narrative; teeth chattering from more than just the cold.
"The group collectively ruled to write it off as the sounds of the forest, but the deeper they traveled, the louder it grew... and louder... and louder.... until...it fell from the trees."
A hand slips discreetly into its pocket and over the flames - the fires quickly consume the salts and burst in a fiery, devilish red.
"The severed head of one of their members... missing their tongue!"
The screams of the campers reach all the way back to the main hall as you laugh maniacally- drinking the sweet cries of your victims for as long as they'd play along. With a playful shove from behind, the tarp dropped over your shoulders fall into the arms of your fellow teammate as they shake their head with a chuckle.
"Quit telling ghost stories before lights out. We want them to actually sleep when we get them indoors."
"Aww, come on - they earned it. Clean up their mess on time and majority of what you see here won the tug of war game earlier. That counts for something - right?"
You glance back at your audience who all agree on the notion. It was nice to have some people on your side. Really, you couldn't imagine a better way to spend your summer. Your fellow council was a blast, and groups like those seated around you loved the stories and games you came up with. There honestly weren't any issues at the camp - until your last story about man eating spiders left a camper with a fuzzy blanket restless.
Your teammate stifles their grin and tucks the tarp under their arm, clasping their hands over their mouth as the address the campers. "Alright, lights out in ten. Make sure you have all your belongings or we will take them for ourselves. Stick to the buddy system and get back to your cabins.... that means you too, Y/n."
You wave them off, crossing your legs over one another as you sit in the dirt. "Yeah, I know. I'll head it once the fire dies."
The campers gather their things and wave their goodbyes.
"Bye, Y/n."
"See you in the morning, Y/n."
"Can't wait to see what you got next!"
"See you!" You wave everyone off, warming your hands at the fire as everyone leaves. Eyeing the supplies someone had forgotten, you search around for a stick and roast the remaining marshmallows over the embers as the passing breeze snuffs the roaring sparks. You zip up your jacket as it bites - leaning back to watch the moon as it ducks behind the hanging trees. One by one, lights around the camp go out - a soft hum enduring as the whir of electrics drains out. A branch snaps behind you.
"Dawn? You back already?"
Silence...but still, faintly- breathing. You laugh, sandwiching the marshmallow between two crackers. "I know you're here. I can hear you."
Weight shifts behind you. You look back to see, but the branches and haze of night obscure your sight of the silhouette in the trees. ".....I like your stories...."
"Thanks.... but you're not Dawn.... Lewis, that you? I told you I'm not interested, but you're still welcome to sit by the fire."
" 'fraid not.... I'm not from your part of the woods. Is this.. Lewis giving you problems, Dear?"
"Nah, just a flirt... Who are you then."
Silence - followed by the dying pops of the fire. "Just passing by. Live up the creek a few miles down and fancy a stroll now and then. Didn't know the camp wad reopening so soon and overheard one of your stories a couple nights back. You're a whole lot nicer than the group they brought in last year.... cuter too."
"You sure you're not Lewis?... You're welcome to come back and listen another time if you like - if you're just passing by again."
The smile in their voice is indisputable. "I'm sure we'll be seeing alot of each other, Y/n... I can almost guarantee it."
"Right, hey - it's getting kinda late so I have to go. There's still some marshmallows in the bag you can have if you want." No response. You take it as a yes anyway and leave the bag out for them as you throw what remained of your smore into the pit. You stand up, leaving to grab something to put out the fire and the charred remains of your dessert. A figure steps from the shadow and completes the first task for you - picking up your half eaten smore and dusting off the ash as they lowered their mask. A hum at the sweetness of the treat pitches into a soft whistle as the figure disburses back into the trees.
You exit the main hall, water bottle in hand and head back to the pit site - stopped by none other than your teammate from before.
"Hey, Y/n- you seen Lewis anywhere? He said he was going to check out some noise he heard and hasn't come back yet."
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slashed2death · 12 days ago
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hey there! names vermillion and i write slasher x reader fics/headcanons, etc. openin up my requests here so i can write some more! would love to hear any and all ideas your heart desires. below the cut are who i write for and rules for requesting. if youre interested in a diff character not listed, feel free to ask if ill write for them anyway! i dont bite. happy requesting <3
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who i write for...
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will do!
nsfw/most kinks
yandere/dark! slashers
headcanons / blurbs / oneshots
dark subjects (such as mental health concerns, ab/u/se, etc- i will NOT romanticize it. but i will write for victims of such- if im not comfortable i will let you know, but most things are on the table here.)
x reader content (obviously)
poly relationships
pretty much anything honestly.
wont do!
super unsanitary kinks (watersports and things of that nature.)
EXPLICIT noncon (will write dubious though)
ships only. this is a x reader blog.
ill likely add more to this later!
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please state whether you want reader to be male/female especially for nsfw works. if not stated i typically write for gender neutral readers. for nsfw, i write for both afab and amab folks! just specify please <3
please state whether you want headcanons, a oneshot, blurb, etc. otherwise ill revert to headcanons.
do not interact with this blog if you are not an adult! please and thank you. i am a grown dude- and my content is mature. i will block ageless/under 18 accounts.
do not interact if you are any form of bigoted; this is not a safe space for you. this is a queer/trans/poc friendly blog as i am all of the above.
i am particularly fond of yandere & hannibal nbc requests... mueheheheh
happy reading <3
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years ago
Yandere Alphabet - Stu Macher
TW: Toxic relationship, stalking, mentions of suicide (not detailed), mentions of murder, kidnapping, obsessive behavior, controlling behavior
A/N: Please inform me if I did not tag something correctly. Please know the difference between fictional and reality. While fictional, these types of relationships are extremely toxic, especially in real-life. If your relationship is showcasing these toxic behaviors, please seek help from someone to get out safely. Reblogs are heavily appreciated!!
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Stu is very affectionate towards his darling and is not afraid to show it. It can be pretty intense, but it's only because he can't contain it all inside or he will explode.
Have you seen how he was with Tatum in the movie? It would be exactly that and more.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Stu is not afraid to get messy for his darling. Does that mean he needs to kill a few people? That doesn't matter to him, he's only showing that he can protect you and it's simply an act of love from him!
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Between Billy and Stu, Stu would treat you the same as he would before kidnapping you as his goofy self. He would still make jokes and silly actions if it means getting you to smile. If he mocks you, it's only because he's being playful. If you were genuinely upset and crying for him to let you go, he would try to comfort you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Besides you simply spending time with him? No, Stu wouldn't really make you do anything you didn't want to do. He might be a little pushy, but he would eventually back off if it starts bothering you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
In comparison to Billy, he is very open about himself and his feelings for you. Sure, before he abducted you, he had to hide his yandere tendencies. However, now that you were finally home with him, he wouldnt hold back anything from you. He can be very vulnerable, if something is bothering you, he would tell you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would honestly feel very hurt if you tried fighting back. I believe that Stu would be a little bit of a delusional yandere. Of course you wanted him to take you away and keep you to himself? You just didn't know it yet.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He finds it very entertaining to watch you try to escape him, especially when he first kidnapped you. Seeing you run and cry out in fear, fight back when he finally pinned you down and your failed attempts at escaping your new home. After you've settled in though, he would expect you to simply follow rules and obey him.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Again, it was your kidnapping. Seeing your friend's lifeless eyes staring into your own and your boyfriend standing over them. Blood staining his clothes, you could see the smile slip and quickly chase after you. After the reveal that he was the one that killed off your friends was shocking and you cried from being foolish enough to trust him. He might even have Billy help him with kidnapping you as well and Billy would not be gentle.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to grow old with you! He genuinely believes that you are his soulmate! Marriage, maybe a few children, he wants that with you. He wouldn't have it any other way, as long as you comply.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Stu can become very jealous. However, he doesn't lash out, he would probably sulk about it for a while. As ghostface, simply killing his rivals is his new coping mechanism.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's very playful with his darling, constant jokes and harmless teasing. He's not afraid to show his affection in public and doing random displays of affection like randomly dipping you or twirling you. He'll randomly pull you in kisses that leave you completely flushed.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Stu would stalk you, but he makes it pretty obvious. However, you might see it as something innocent like a boy having a crush and he simply doesn't know how to act. Yet, you don't realize that he's been stalking you as you walk home and putting anonymous love letters in your locker. That's when he lets some of his deeper desires come forth.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not at all. You wouldn't even know there was something different about him. However, his mask will slip a little, eyes holding something a little more sinister. We've seen how in the movies he can go from laughing and smiling to become the complete opposite.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He doesn't give out severe punishments. It honestly depends on what you do. However, he'll take away rights when you break his rules. You managed to get outside without him, your banned from your daily walks with him. You tried contacting someone online, you're not allowed on the computer, etc.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Stu would take some rights. For example, you weren't allowed to be around sharp objects, so you wouldn't harm yourself! You would never intentionally harm him! He wouldn't allow you to walk outside without him and limited access on the internet. And phones are off-limits. He's very watchful.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
For you, Stu is very patient. When you were first brought home, he gave you space while you adjusted to your new living situation and gave you a few rules that wouldn't overwhelm you. After a week, his patience will slip a little but always remind himself that you simply need time.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Stu would try his absolute hardest to find you and bring you home if you managed to escape. However, if he was unable to find you or God forbid you died, he would not be able to move on. He wouldn't even be able to continue existing. He can't live in a world where he doesn't have you. He would kill himself.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
At times, he has moments where he starts to think that maybe you were right. He doesn't regret killing your friends, in fact it thrilled him, yet he will start to think maybe he shouldn't have kidnapped you. However, those thoughts are quick to leave him. Stu is very trusting, if you simply follow his rules and obey him, he wouldnt mind taking you out for a walk. His property is very spacious, so he would allow you to go outside with him. No, he wouldn't let you go though.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I headcanon that Stu is a bit of a delusional yandere. Therefore, he doesn't see things as they naturally are and his obsession thay overcomes him when meeting you just ignites something in him that was dormant.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He would feel heartbroken and even a little guilty. He brought you home because he wanted to love, protect, and make you happy with him. Yet, it seems to only cause you pain. He'll talk to you about it, let you express your feelings through sobs. He would listen, but he wouldn't understand. He'll try his best to comfort you though.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Stu doesn't give out severe punishments like most yanderes. He would never starve you or deny you basic needs, he cares about you too much. You're his obsession.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Stu is actually pretty sensitive. Simply saying things about how you hate him and don't want to be around him would make him distance himself from you and sulk. He doesn't like people seeing how emotional he actually is and that would allow you some time to think of an escape plan but he knows. He always knows.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Oh, never! Stu values your safety and happiness, he couldn't handle it if he accidentally hurt you. The worst he's done was get you a little bruised when he pinned you down when you were first kidnapped.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Oh he is very expressive in his worshiping for you, he's equivalent to a lost puppy. He loves following you around and talking to you, you always make his day. He would literally kill for you if it meant winning you over. He would try anything.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Stu would pine after you just as long as Billy, perhaps even shorter. If you're not dating him by the six month mark, he's going to kidnap you. He's simply speeding up the process.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes, he would. Not through threats and violent outbursts, but through his personality. You'll eventually start to believe that what he did was normal because he's just a lovable person.
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@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @rottent33th @slaasherslut @strrvnge
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
could I request platonic yandere stu macher headcanons with a younger sibling? -🎂
I can do some small HCs, sure!
Yandere! Platonic! Stu Macher with Little Sibling! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Sadism, Manipulation, Violence, Blood, Murder mentioned, Stalking, Jealousy, Forced companionship.
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This is actually a scary idea.
Think about it, you always saw Stu as your playful and joking brother.
You never expected him or his friend, Billy, to be sadistic killers.
To think your brother committed such crimes behind your back is a disturbing thoughts...
Which is why Stu doesn't plan on letting you know the truth.
I imagine Stu would have some overly obsessive and protective qualities towards his sibling.
To the point he may even get overly jealous with you around other people besides him.
Maybe someone gets on your nerves at school or work?
Stu somehow manages to know about it, even if you didn't tell him.
Next thing you know, they're dead in quite the gruesome way.
That or maybe you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Stu shows distaste towards them, soon even doing away with them when he's had enough.
He takes his time to taunt them about you, claiming how no one can take his sibling away from him.
It's nothing romantic, don't read it wrong, Stu just feels you two have an unbreakable bond together.
He's overly obsessive about you as your older brother.
He definitely comforts you when people close to you start dying.
You hug him, rambling about how you're afraid you'll lose him too.
Stu responds by hugging back... whispering that he won't let that happen...
All with a grin on his face that you can't see.
He's possessive of his little sibling.
A lot of the blood he spills is for you.
Stu never plans on telling you that he and Billy are the Ghostface killers.
He does it in secret, all as a way to keep you to himself.
The only way you'd know is if you caught him.
Perhaps you walk in on something you aren't supposed to... Stu hunched over someone who "wronged" you in some way with a bloody knife in their gut.
He's covered in blood... crazed eyes flicking to you and your horrified expression from behind his mask.
He grins under the mask as you run off and he gives chase.
He won't hurt you... he's your beloved brother, isn't he?
So when he corners you, his touch is gentle.
Blood smears on your skin and fear eats at you as you stare at the killer in front of you.
Your heart nearly stops when he removed the mask... revealing your brother.
His smile never leaves his face as he pulls you in for a hug.
He claims he's been doing this all for you.
He also warns that good siblings will stay quiet about what they saw.
As blood seeps into your clothes... you nod aggressively.
You'll stay quiet about this... all for your brother...
This makes Stu smile softly.
Everything he does is to keep you safe and happy beside him, after all.
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woeswrites · 4 months ago
Yandere Stu Macher Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere themes, Obsessive behaviors, Murder, etc.
Notes: I realize I haven’t been active, like at all, but I am in college so it is what it is :p. BUT I am back with some Scream (specifically Stu Macher) content. They are extremely lacking in the yandere au department which is crazy to me, but especially when it comes to any sort of male reader. Like come on, they are literally so gay, but whatever. Anyways, hope none of you missed me too much, enjoy
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He is SUPER touchy-feely (even before you two are in a relationship). In a perfect world he would always be holding onto you in someway or another. In particular his favorite forms of affection are resting his hand on your thigh and laying his head on your shoulder while either sitting next to you or giving you a hug from behind. It has absolutely never occurred to him that you might value your personal space
He loves spending all of his time with you. No matter what it is he wants you by his side. Movie marathons, parties you weren’t invited to, shopping, etc. are all so much more enjoyable when he’s in your presence. He’s got some tactics to get you to come with when you aren’t as willing (mainly begging until you give in), so you don’t typically get much time by yourself.
Any alone time you get will be intermittently interrupted by constant calls of ‘I miss you’s, ‘I can’t stop thinking of you’s, ‘what are you doing right now’s, and ‘I wish you were here’s. It doesn’t really matter what you’re doing or how important, he’s a very persistent guy
Despite how possessive he is (and he is very possessive), he’s also very cocky and full of himself. He wants everyone to know just how big he scored with you. He’d usually not one to think his partners are out of his league, again he has a big ego, but that is completely different with you. He’ll tell about just everyone he’s talking to about you and, despite hating when others look your way for too long, will introduce you to pretty much everyone he knows. You’ll be completely ingrained within his social circle
He loves teasing. It’s practically one of his love languages. Any time you object to one of his odd habits he’ll just assume you’re doing the same back to him. He’s kind of delusional in the way that he will never believe that the two of you are not always on the same page
He’ll fully believe you are dating before you’re actually together. Once he found you he knew you were the one, so it just never crosses his mind you could feel differently. If he was dating anyone at the time that would immediately be over, no explanation given to the other party. In all likelihood the relationship would only ever become official if you asked him. That doesn’t mean much to him though. He’ll still have your aniversary date memorized; when the two of you first spoke for the first time, and expects you to as well. He’ll pull out all the stops (flowers, expensive jewelry with engravings, dinner, etc.). You don’t have to get him anything, not that even a basic store bought card wouldn’t make him absolutely giddy, he just wants to bask in your presence. Despite it being both of your day, he’ll use it to celebrate you almost exclusively. Anything you want you can have. And the night isn’t over until he’s thoroughly praised your body head to toe
Never once will he feel embarrassed or ashamed of his feelings for you. It doesn’t matter to him if society isn’t too kind towards two men, you both are much above them in his mind anyways. It’s not like it really matters either way, he’s so well off that people are still willing to stick around either because they actually like him or the fact that he comes with a lot of benefits like great parties full of alcohol
Even if he isn’t feeling jealous, hickies are a must with him. He’ll completely cover you in them, lovingly and absentmindedly tracing them with his fingers as he listens to you speak. He loves knowing that there is a physical thing linking you to him no matter how far apart you are. This isn’t one sided either, he wants the same treatment back. If anything, he kind of enjoys that a bit more, but he would never admit it. Your attention and actions being completely focused on him just makes him buzz in excitement. His favorite spot to receive them is on his neck so he gets the best results socially, but the spots hidden away are just as fun. If they aren’t your thing he’ll try and wager with you to give in. You want to go somewhere by yourself for the first time in a month? Okay, fine, but only if you really go in on his jugular
He’s very talkative. Not that that’s a suprise or anything, but he loves to talk with or even at you. He’s vocal in all aspects of your relationship including in bed. Dirty talk is his thing. He’ll whisper dirty talk in your ear when he’s in the mood, doesn’t matter if you’re in public. And when the two of you are going at it he’ll switch between praising, degrading, and claiming you as his.
He doesn’t care what role you like, top or bottom, he’s up for it. He just wants to be with you in every possible way and if you feel more pleasure giving or receiving he is onboard. And he isn’t secretive about it. He’ll tell anyone who will listen about how he rocked your world or you rocked his last night. Mainly it’s Billy who’s subject to this, but only because he’ll actually sit through the whole conversation
Speaking of Billy, he’s about the only person he wont feel jealous with you hanging around. He was the closest person in his life before you came along, and even though you are now his whole world, the connection with Billy is still there. This is especially evident considering that he is still planning to go along with the whole Ghostface plan
He would keep you out of the loop whether or not you are truly aware of his true nature. He gets a kick out of the surprise aspect of the whole thing and would probably even convince Billy into letting him mess with you a little. He wouldn’t take it too far, but calls and a couple encounters while he is in costume would definitely happen. He wouldn’t want to end up loosing you, so it wouldn’t go too far, but it would be a lie saying watching you cower while covered in blood wasn’t a sight he had gotten off to before
He loves killing. The thrill of the hunt excites him to no end. If someone were to do anything like get too close to you he would definitely take things into his own hands. A few unplanned killings would make their way into one of Ghostface’s series of victims on behalf of Stu (Billy was not too happy about that, but what’s done is done) Once you found out he was behind the mask this would only happen more frequently as he has no reason to be as secretive about it
He might have some dark thoughts about hurting you on occasion, but he most likely would never act them out, finding more enjoyment in scaring you than actually inflicting any pain. Plus, if you get injured you’re out of commission for some time and he wouldn’t take the risk of not being able to hold you. During the spree killings Stu would say things to purposefully scare you, getting the added bonus of being able to comfort you afterwards if you became shaken up about it
Billy was annoyed when he was told that they would have to work the plan around you making it to the end and escaping cuffs with them, but it all worked out. He realized it made things more realistic anyhow, with three people making it out alive and all corroborating the same story to police. Billy and Stu would make sure you stuck to your scripted recount of events
If things did go awry then he would just flee with you both, it’s not like he needed much else. And he’ll make sure you know that too. So if you want to keep some semblance of your normal life you might as well try and keep their secret hidden
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