#Buy Stationary Online
anisecandy · 2 years
In the mids of searching for an internship your gal got employed fulltime, so I suppose y’all will have to say goodbye to the fanarts and I’ll have to say goodbye to my sanity
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nabeelarasheeda · 1 year
The best place to purchase office supplies online is in Dubai
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Online shopping has been incredibly popular in recent years, particularly in the UAE. Now, many businesses are also choosing to order their supplies online. In this article, we shall examine the advantages of buying office stationery online in Dubai.
Numerous options
Numerous office stationery options are available online compared to physical locations in Dubai. This is so that they can stock a wider variety of goods because online retailers do not have the same space restrictions as physical stores. A variety of goods, such as pens, paper, envelopes, files, folders, staplers, and more, are available from internet retailers. Also, a variety of brands and products that could not be offered in physical locations are available online, making it simpler to obtain exactly what you require.
2. Easy to compare prices
You can quickly and easily compare costs and product attributes among different online retailers, enabling you to choose the best place to buy your supplies. Finding the finest offers is much simpler, and you can be sure that you are receiving the best deal possible. For example, if you are looking for printer prices in Dubai, you can easily get a list of online suppliers and their prices and select one that suits your budget.
3. Environmentally friendly
You can reduce your carbon footprint by buying online instead of driving to stores. Also, a lot of internet retailers sell environmentally friendly office supplies like recycled paper and biodegradable pens that can lessen your influence on the environment.
4. Convenience
When you buy online, you can easily locate the required goods, place your order, and have them delivered to your house or place of business within a few days. There is no longer a need to waste time driving to physical stores, looking at merchandise, and waiting in queue at the register. The time it frees up can be used for other crucial duties, this can be especially beneficial for firms with hectic schedules.
5. Easy return/exchange
In case you end up with the wrong or defective product via online shopping, the process of initiating a return or exchange is quite simple. Upon receiving the request, the retailer will arrange for a pickup or provide a return shipping label.
6. Better savings
The overhead expenses of physical stores, such as rent, utilities, and staffing costs, are not present in internet stores. Online retailers can sell their goods at lower prices as a result, passing the savings along to customers. You may save even more money by taking advantage of the discounts and promotions that many online retailers offer.
7. Payment options
Several payment methods are available in online retailers in Dubai, including credit and debit cards, online bank transfers, and cash on delivery. This gives firms the flexibility to choose from various payment preferences or constraints Also, some internet retailers provide payment plans or instalment alternatives, making it possible for companies to buy the essential office supplies they need without exceeding their budget.
8. Simple buying process
You can register for an account and store your billing and shipping details if you buy office stationery online. This saves the time and effort needed to finish the checkout process and makes it simple to restock supplies. Some online businesses allow you to preserve a list of commonly purchased things which makes ordering more convenient.
9. Personalised recommendations
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are widely used by online retailers in Dubai to provide customised product recommendations based on previous purchases. You may learn about new and pertinent goods you had not previously considered. Also, several online retailers have loyalty programmes that give discounts and exclusive deals to customers based on their past purchases.
10. Secure transactions
Advanced security procedures are frequently used by online retailers in Dubai to safeguard the financial and personal data of their patrons. This entails steps like using secure payment gateways and encryption. Furthermore, trustworthy online merchants frequently employ a specialised team to keep an eye out for fraudulent activities and make sure their website is safe and up to date. Businesses that worry about online security and fraud can rest easy with such measures in place.
When you buy office supplies online, you may focus more of your time on other daily duties related to running a business. It's also among the best techniques to lessen the difficulty and worry that buying can frequently bring. Since it can be done from the convenience of your home or workplace, online shopping is convenient.
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terpia · 1 year
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starseneyes · 4 months
Heart-Warmed and Teary-Eyed: Kindness Matters
I have a P.O. Box that I check once a week. Right now, I mostly use it for letter correspondence with my friend @always-coffee—a tremendous published poet and beautiful human I met by chance online.
Monday she said she mailed her latest letter. So, I stopped by the Post Office on the way home from dropping the kids at school on the off-chance it made it through USPS faster than normal.
I found no letter inside, but a flyer from the Post Office saying they were holding something for me that wouldn't fit in the box. I wondered if Ali had sent a letter that was too tall (because she has such amazing stationary). I had no idea what was about to happen.
I glimpsed the package as they pulled it from a cabinet and wondered what on earth Ali sent me. That was not a letter.
Then I saw The Golden Notebook Bookstore label and knew it was something @neil-gaiman related.
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For those who don't know (normal people who don't follow Neil on social media, for example), that is the local bookstore near Neil's home in New York. He periodically signs books for them that are sold with zero markup.
I am a fan of Neil as a writer, but also as a human. I don't follow many celebrities—a side effect of my set-kid youth—but I did follow Neil last year during the WGA Strike. Been a fan of his for ages, and Neverwhere is my favorite book.
Ali knows all this, and I just knew she had done something sneakily sweet.
I rushed home with a smile on my face, trying desperately not to set off the speed-trap on the road back. Let me tell you, driving speed limit when excited is not easy for me!
When I finally whipped into my driveway and sprinted into my house, I carefully opened the package (more excruciating slowness) and tried not to cry happy tears when I saw what was inside. Wrapped tenderly in bubble-wrap rested... a book.
What You Need to be Warm is a poem Neil wrote that features illustrations from some of the best artists in the industry. That in itself is wonderful. But the mission of this little book is what is so amazing.
See, the sale of every copy supports UNHCR—the UN Refugee Agency. This book literally helps people when you buy it.
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I have wanted to buy a copy for ages, but you all know I thrift and buy books secondhand. I didn't want to do that with this book.
I wanted to buy it outright to ensure the maximum amount of money went to support the cause. So, I have been waiting until we were a little more stable so I could buy it full-price, outright.
Thanks to Ali, I have a copy that was purchased outright (so it helps people in need) and it is signed!
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Yes, it's a signed copy with pen bleed on the opposite page, and all.
I would never do something like this for myself. You all know I am woefully practical and doing things for myself isn't second-nature. I’m working on it, but it is slow coming reprogramming a lifetime of behavior. So gifts like this... oh, they mean everything.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude that such a kind soul would do something like this for me. Thank you, Ali.
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sadad22 · 2 years
Here You Can Get Products Such As Shop Online Waste Bin,Buy Online Tuff Tray, Get Online Clip Frame, Get Online Sketch Pad, Shop Online Chihuahua Dog Mugs, Shop Online Valentine's Day Mugs & Many More Products. All Of Your Questions Will Be Answered.
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astrogre · 7 months
What gifts to buy for each Venus sign
Christmas is among us, my favourite season and time of the year. Venus is the planet of love, by nature it can display what we like to receive from others but if you don’t know their Venus or the house it’s in you can try to look at the persons Sun sign instead but Venus is ideal.
A gift based on their:
Sun sign will make them feel seen and like you know them well, it will be a gift they may appreciate
Venus sign is all they’ve ever desired it’s the pinnacle of their ideal gift. Especially as Venus represents how we like to receive and experience love
Aries/ 1H Venus
Gym membership, running shoes, thrill seeking experiences like tickets to bungee jumping, rock climbing, a skydiving event, gym outfit, tickets to their favourite artist, tickets to festival, cool lighter, archery classes, tickets to sports games, a shirt with their teams logo or merch from their favourite artists, scissors set, cooking tools, hair styling products like hairspray, hair dye, Fitbit/apple watch, knives set, sports gear, heavy bass headphones, tickets for those room smashing experiences, take them clay pigeon shooting, family destroying board games like Risk or Catan, diy tattoo kit, diy piercing kit, theme park tickets.
Aries Venus are by nature thrill seekers, Aries is ruled by the head and has 1st house influences, they can certainly appreciate something that ignites passion, they are impulsive and quick by nature to pursue what they desire. They need gifts that match their decisive nature and to let out that pent up energy they have in them, I honestly think experiences are the best for them. Or a box of hair dye for their impulsive moments
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Taurus/ 2H Venus
Hire a chef or take them to a really good restaurant for a 5 course meal that serves orgasmic food and has impeccable visuals/atmosphere OR you can even arrange a 7 course homemade meal with the finest of recipes! , fine jewellery adorned with a gemstone, culinary experiences, cooking classes, kitchenware, go to fragrantica.com and find a high quality perfume to give, premium home decor, art, antique items, antique furniture, comfortable cosy clothing, hot water bottle, gardening tools, plants, selection of seeds for their garden, diffuser, essential oils, desserts like baklava/ferro rocher, luxury goods, wellness retreat subscription, day at the spa, tea set, comfy velvet winter pillows and bed sheets
Oh my Taurus natives, they know how to break a bank for Christmas and if not they can enjoy luxury on a budget! They enjoy the finer things of life of course Venus ruled, they know how to induge in pleasures and satisfaction. Due to the earthy influence they have a green finger and a natural affinity with plants and gardening, they may love flowers or want to grow plants themselves. Taurus venuses are rather easy to gift, if you know them they usually have a vice, it may be sleep, food or pure laziness, get them something according to their vice and they will treasure it.
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Gemini/ 3H Venus
Really cool stationary, Spotify subscription, comedy show tickets, books from their favourite genre, a notebook, Grammarly subscription, cards against humanity board game, Duolingo subscription, multiplayer games, home kit recording studio, language learning stuff, calligraphy classes, kindle, portable car charger, Bluetooth speaker, karaoke machine, suitcase, travel accessories, a musical instrument, sealing wax kit, creative hobby supplies, microphone, podcasting equipment, audio editing software, a car, vr headset, Nintendo online subscription, Netflix/HBO/youtube/crunchyroll subscription
Gemini rules communication, short journeys and social engagement. Blessing these natives with tools to enhance their pleasant hobbies will make them swoon in gratitude, if you want to get them something make it engaging and whimsical. These natives are ruled by mercury and always welcome something that requires the mind.
Cancer/ 4H Venus
A cooking set, baking set, comfort food, commission artwork of the family, family photos, some really nice home decor, a keepsake/musical box adorned with velvets and soft materials that will store sentimental objects, a locket necklace, family recipe book make a recipe book of all their favourite foods and some foods you know they’d like, soft fluffy blanket, the family heirloom, hand crafted quilt, hand painted ceramic mug, animal crossing game, sims 4 game, games relating to the home, bring and fly in family that are far away as a surprise and cook their favourite meal together, household utilities, lush bath products, a personal chef for a day, a personal butler for a day, custom family tree art, ancestry DNA kit (please be careful though once you use them they keep your data and if they get hacked your information is out there), home movie night, comfy slippers and pyjamas, family board games, this christmas make them Christmas dinner this time.
Cancer rules the home and there’s nothing more appreciated by a cancer Venus than things that remind them of this. They are by nature expressive and nurturing, this time let them be pampered!
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Leo/ 5H Venus
Hair care products, gift card for their favorite store, make them an edit no joke like a TikTok edit that makes them look really cool, one of those light up mirrors or a pretty handheld one if they don’t have one already, book them a photoshoot together if they don’t like the camera maybe post them on your social media and show affection for these bold natives, theatre tickets, bold sunglasses, luxury watch, good jewellery, VIP experiences like backstage passes or reservation to exclusive invite only restaurants, designer clothing that is a prestigious brand they love, commission style artwork, make them a playlist of songs that reminds you of them, fine wine, personalised fragrance creation that allows them to create their own signature fragrance, personalised makeup makeover, hire a stylist for them
A perfect gift for Leo’s need to have an element of self expression, luxury and incorporate their personality that garners attention from peers. They need a gift that makes them feel special, something tailored specifically for them that cannot be gifted to anyone else. Personalised gifts do well either this placement too. When I think of these natives I just think of that Meghan Trainor music video “Me Too” watch that and you’ll get their vibe.
Virgo/ 6H Venus
Skincare products, a blender for smoothies, lots of cleaning products, multi purpose aesthetic storage containers, Quora or chat gpt subscription (these guys like to be well informed), give them scientifically researched bath products that have all that vitamin breakdown qualities, make them a notion template to help them plan, quality office supplies like a desk organiser or chair, practical fitness gear like a yoga mat, a fitness tracker, get them a personal nutritionist, tailored meal prep services, bookshelf organiser system, a stylish briefcase, home office makeover (BUT PLEASE GET THEIR PERMISSION FIRST), online course subscription, digital subscription to news feed, you can never go wrong with practical things, an ikea haul, Costco membership, minimalist decor, multi vitamins, a precision watch, set of labelling and sorting tools, a neat tidy chess board, get them a nice little pet, honestly for some reason whenever I think of Virgos I think of matcha. Get them something matcha based.
Virgo Venus natives need gifts that resemble their routine and organisation, they can be rather difficult to purchase for since they have such a specific taste in mind. Gift cards are practical for them but they really need something that allows them to be more prepared. Take them out for comparison price shopping like say if you want to get them a sofa tell them you’ll take them out to Costco, Amazon, ikea, and compare the best ones. They are also very clean and efficient.
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Libra Venus/ 7H Venus
Trending Make up like the fenty hot chocolit heat lip gloss, Korean skincare products, beautiful piece of art, a wedding ring 😏, bouquet of flowers, take them to a beautiful botanical garden, fashionable accessories like a silk scarf, books and courses on design, take them to a couples romantic date, a couples workshop, write them a love letter, museum date, tickets to an art exhibition, fine dining, an astrology synastry reading, if they’re single set up a blind date with someone who you KNOW they would like (make sure they’re handsome/pretty), couples retreat, love coach Patreon subscription, pottery/painting classes, relationship podcast subscription, relationship psychology books, fine fragrance/cologne
Libra is ruled by Venus and 7th house, all things related to love beauty and pleasure align with this native, even if they are single they have a natural gift for delving into relationships. Make sure that whatever gift you give them it is pleasing and sensual
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Scorpio/ 8H Venus
Intimate gifts, a psychological crime documentary playlist like Epstein island documentary or YouTubers who speak of renowned cult leaders, personalised astrology reading, a dark seductive fragrance, dark artwork, dominance and submission guide book, shadow work journal with a lock on it, dark poetry and literature, escape room adventure tickets, monopoly game, dungeons and dragons game equipment, bdsm accessories, personalised erotic art, leather/latex clothing, bonding activities, empowering books like 48 Laws of Power, martial arts training, taxidermy, personal development workshops, intense workout equipment like a punching bag, chess, daggers, locks on their door or for their belongings like installing a lock for their drawers, buy them a ring camera and subscription, wine tasting experience
Give them something sultry and deep, it has to be psychological and empowering. They are not impressed by superficial gifts that mean nothing to them. They really like gifts that allow them to explore their nature and the darker aspects of existence.
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Sagittarius/ 9H Venus
A scratch off map that allows you to scratch off countries you’ve been to, a surprise holiday where you take them abroad, Duolingo subscription, a wanderlust journal for them to document their experiences, passport accessories, an electric guitar, drums, take them to a fireworks display or do one at home for them, a telescope, a drone, binoculars, philosophical books or religious books based on their own beliefs and religion, running shoes, horse riding in the sunset experience, musical instruments, motivational and positive affirmations book or make some for them yourself, a book collection of all their motivational and positive messages they have said, a compass, pay for their tuition for a course they’ve always wanted, traveling stuff like suitcases, pillow for travelling, a portable flask, a disposable camera, a Polaroid camera, a tent, tickets to a cultural festival, hiking gear, skiing gear, camping gear, sketchbook, a donation in their name
Sagittarius Venus and 9H venuses love the concept of exploration whether it be in the mind or physically, the best gift you could give them is one that allows them to take in so much culture, information and experiences.
Capricorn/ 10H Venus
Customisable credit card (CUCU is a good site for this), a nice power suit like business attire, vintage pocket calculator, cufflinks or a tie, formal shoes, pay for their CV to be analysed by professionals in their industry, elegant timeless clothing and jewellery, make them business cards, get them a corporate slave (an assistant will do), pay for business class flights for their next trip abroad, project management courses, tickets to Ted Talk event, take them to and big them up at networking and entrepreneurial opportunities, a sleek desk, submit their work for trophies and awards, quality furniture, Starbucks or their fave coffee place gift cards, a fountain pen, personalised desk name plate, professional photoshoot, designer accessories like a Swiss watch, leather wallet, cheque book, pay for a professional calligrapher to design their signature, time management software
Our sweet cap Venuses and 10Hers need their professional acknowledgment, give them anything timeless and a way for them to better themselves. They love being the best of the best so give them things that support their ambitions.
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Aquarius/ 11H Venus
A 3D printer, high tech phone, a gamer console, smart home device like Alexa, chat gpt subscription, AI art pieces of them, rubix cube, VR headset, bespoke one of a kind art piece, tickets to a science technology conference or musem, networking events, phone case, futuristic home decor, membership to an niche club their interested in, mini indoor garden like a plant terrarium, pay for an astronomy stargazing experience for them, alt clothing, goal setting journal, a camaraderie for their friendships can be a bracelet for an example, tickets to a unique workshop according to their niche interests, video editing software, a unique invention prototype for the industry their interested in say if it were cars then a mini Tesla or something, volunteer together, design software, film festival tickets, social cause merchandise, unique fashion piece, astronomy kit, an AI boyfriend or girlfriend, take them a Ted talk.
Always remember the specific niche interests of these natives they like things that are very niche and so sometimes asking them is actually the best thing to do. But make sure it’s something they’re passionate about not all of these natives live tech but they certainly are innovative.
Pisces/ 12H Venus
Seashell necklace, watercolour paints, fantasy book collection, their favourite mangas, handmade artwork, stained glass window art, dream interpretation book, flowerpedia book, vinyls, yoga mat, contact lenses, tickets to their favourite artist like mitski or the sort, create a playlist for them that’s about fantasy and imagination, they might like Disney consider taking them to Disneyland, windchime, subscription to mindfulness app, astrology book, go to the aquarium together, windchimes, art supplies, a dream journal, sound healing instruments, pay for their spiritual retreat, zen garden decor, a mystical music box, water fountain, take them to a mesmerising body of water, prayer mats, diary, write them a heartfelt letter of how amazing they are, take them to a nature retreat, wearable art
Dreamy imaginative gifts would be perfect for these people, they need gifts that allow them to appreciate their escape world where they have a reality that’s just better than here. Give them things that are as beautiful as their inner world.
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
another list of ways i’m adding luxury to my life because i deserve to be comfortable
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sleeping on a featherbed in addition to my mattress (game changer for your night’s rest)
investing in high quality nail polish (chanel, louboutin, etc., which costs half as much as going to the salon and painting my natural nails at home. i have beautiful strong natural nails that can grow very long and i am pretty skilled at nail painting, so this is an option for me. if your nails can’t do the same, i suggest still going to the salon. for me personally, i don’t like being at the salon for hours and having someone touching my hands the entire time.
i said yesterday that i wasn’t planning on drinking alcohol unless it was for a special occasion— but i only plan on drinking high quality wine or champagne only
using personalized stationary
buying fresh flowers whenever needed— even if they are flower delivery and i send myself a couple dozen red roses and chocolates because… why not?
stop buying mass-produced art pieces and find a local artist and commission their work which would be completely original.
buying high quality lingerie and wear matching sets underneath my clothes— making it a daily thing and normalizing dressing nice from beneath
adding a water filter to my shower for a more fresh and clean environment rid of any harsh chemicals, detergents, etc.
getting high-end candles for a lovely smell at home (there is definitely a difference in quality when it comes to candles and you get what you pay for)
when ordering online, select the “gift wrapping” option to treat myself a little more.
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cocoabeloved · 9 months
❛ ♡ WELCOME !! ☕ ୧
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↳ જ⁀➴ 🏹 。˚ “i want to do something splendid before i go into my castle--something heroic, or wonderful--that won't be forgotten after i'm dead. i don't know what, but i'm on the watch for it, and mean to astonish you all, some day. i think i shall write books, and get rich and famous; that would suit me, so that is my favorite dream.” — JO MARCH, LITTLE WOMEN <33 (my absolute beloved!!)
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││↳ 🖇️ ⵌ . HI HELLO!! i'm 4teen, and a hopeful romantic - this is my blog (aka daily dose of cats, coffee and cynicism) but honestly you can consider this as my personal messy online diary which mostly consists of casual brainrots, miscellaneous shit, random incoherent thoughts or rambles, angry rants, online oversharing or any current hyperfixations or obsessions i have at the moment!! <33 my brain is NATURALLY prone to chaos and always all over the place (sorry for your sanity). i'm also INCREDIBLY self-indulgent, sentimental, full of suppressed rage and can become unhealthily attached to fictional characters!! :)) 📄
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╰┈➤ [BASIC INFO] -> black • 🇸🇱/🇬🇧 • UK • student • INFJ, 8w7 • scorpio • virgo rising • slytherin • casual swiftie • major coffee addict (me 🤝 lorelai & rory over being insane over coffee) • PROUD FEMINIST • avid reader • CAT LOVER • sunset & sunrise enjoyer • sacred moonchild • autumn/summer stan • philosopher at heart • major english & history lover • middle child • lalala girlie <33 (methinks) • sylvia plath enthusiast • relate to 'chosen last' by sara kays more than i should • cinephile • HARDCORE MUSIC JUNKIE • olivia rodrigo supporter • self-diagnosed pinterest whore • legally married to spotify • fashionista & lipgloss lover • penelope featherington kin • red nails enthusiast • midnights & rep girlie!! • stationary shops adorer • freddie mcclair apologist FIRST, human second ♡ • probably (NO DEFINITELY) mentally unstable? • professional perfectionist, overthinker & teenage girl-er 25/8 • suffer from an EXTREME case of gifted kid burnout, exam anxiety & identity crisis (so hey that's super fun!!)
╰┈➤ [MAJOR INTERESTS/HOBBIES] -> true crime ➝ music ➝ reading ➝ playlist-making ➝ philosophy➝ media/character analysis ➝ video essays ➝ english literature ➝ greek mythology ➝ dancing ➝ reading ➝ poetic cinema ➝ defending my beloved characters ➝ deep intellectual conversations ➝ greta gerwig films ➝ arts & crafts ➝ FASHION ➝ sleeping ALL day ➝ online shopping but never actually buying anything? ➝ researching random shit on the internet ➝ photography ➝ skincare ➝ crocheting ➝ cooking & baking ➝ studying ➝ writing in planners/organising journals ➝ going to stationary stores ➝ board games ➝ girlblogging ➝ maladaptive daydreaming ➝ scrolling on pinterest/tumblr for unhealthy amounts of time ➝ making moodboards ➝ etc. (but i also DESPERATELY want to learn the electric guitar because it's def the best instrument to ever exist?!)
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╰┈➤ 🎧 [ARTISTS] -> taylor swift, lana del rey, olivia rodrigo, gracie abrams, conan gray, sabrina carpenter, beabadoobee, maisie peters, mitski, cigarettes after sex, sza, brent faiyaz, dominic fike, beyonce, reneé rapp, ABBA, julia michaels, melanie martinez, tv girl, marina, doja cat, the smiths, fleetwood mac, nirvana, rihanna, ariana grande, adele, lorde, mac demarco, phoebe bridgers, avril lavinge, boygenius, laufey, suki waterhouse, fiona apple, clairo, billie eilish, madison beer, tate mcrae, steve lacy, kali uchis, girl in red, lizzy mcalpine, arctic monkeys, radiohead, mazzy star, coldplay, harry styles, the neighborhood, roar, alex g, pinkpantheress & more!!
╰┈➤ 📖 [BOOKS] -> (ok so one thing you should understand is that i've never actually read half of these before but ANYWHO these are books i'm hoping to read in the late future so i guess they still count?? so consider this as my reading list. i'll cross them out once i've finished them!!)
better than the movies | agggtm | percy jackson | the hunger games | osemanverse | book lovers | i kissed shara wheeler | the seven husbands of evelyn hugo | daisy jones & the six | the bell jar | the atlas six | girl in pieces | the inheritance games | six of crows | we were liars | these violent delights | acotar | if we were villains | it ends with us | normal people | people we meet on vacation | ice breaker | where the crawdads sing | you deserve each other
╰┈➤ 🎬 [TV SHOWS + FILM] -> dead poets society. the virgin suicides. black swan. eighth grade. gilmore girls. bridgerton. derry girls. little women (2019).. barbie (2023). anne with an e. the breakfast club (1985). the perks of being a wallflower. tsitp. the edge of seventeen. thirteen. heartbreak high. ten things i hate about you. girl interrupted. gossip girl. heartstopper. clueless. legally blonde. [2000s chic rom-com teen girlie movies have me in a severe life-threatening chokehold, send help] etc. and MANY MORE 🫶🏾🫶🏾
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ִ ࣪ ⟡ ִ ۫ ִ 🕯️ ── ꒱ ◠ 🎹 ۫ ִ ۫⊹
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ꪆৎ | 🎀 currently reading agggtm, (re) watching derry girls and listening to ttpd (t.s)
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╰┈➤ DNI - racists, terfs/radfems, AGEISTS, proshippers, ableists, ED-promoting blogs, pedophiles, bigots, empty blogs (y'all might be bots or smth), gaylors/kaylors, ceffy shippers (BIASED), mean girls, zoophiles, joe alwyn haters, anti-palestinians, misandrists/misogynists, antisemitics, fatphobes, islamophobes, homophobics, transphobes, xenophobes, etc. and ANYONE ELSE who fits into that majority → 🚪
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╰┈➤ MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED!! - @catastrxblues, @sparksssflytv, @youronlymagnolia, @svnflowermoon, @i-miss-you-im-sorry, @stvrlighhttt, @halucynator, @nqds, @alltheliars, @tooinlovetothinkstraight14, @diorgirl444, @stvrlighhttt, @urgirlnextdoorr, @girlfailing, @shefollowedthestars, @wntrrdoll, @weeping-in-the-willows, @skeelly, @reminiscentreader, @isitoversnowtvs, @jewelledmoths, @moonanditstars, @french-toadt, @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies, @christmasslights, @urapocolypticcrush, @cottoncandywhispers, @lost-in-reveriie, @folklore-girl, @betteroffnowthatwedonttalk, @theladyinwhite13, @iwanttomarrynoahshaw, @emailsicntsend, @someones-name-insterted-here, @astraeasparrow, @evermore-4-life - ILY TO THE MOON AND TO SATURN 🪐 (let's all get married and live in the forest together fr)
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┕ » • » i’d love to make more friends, feel free to ask or message me!! inbox is always open - PLEASE come say hi, i literally don’t mind at all! ꒱ྀི « ━━━┙
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↺ ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤ↻ ☆
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Stop holding back. Be ambitious.
One time goals
Finish my personal website asap
Stockpile collagen pills/powder for the rest of the year
Stockpile skincare
Ask my boss about putting my products in his store. HE SAID YES
Save 5K (Finally)
Get new business cards (serial business owner)
SMILE eye correction surgery 5,500$ October 2022!!!!!
Buy a violin!!! (A gift to myself, I'm looking for a specific type)
Braces 3,325$
Find a gel nail machine that I actually like
Buy new clothes and foundation/concealer/mascara (I'm going through a VS model bimbo phase 💖)
Write up a Partnership agreement for bookstores and small businesses
Create a presentation for partnerships (May need to take 2 business trips to secure my spot in my home town.)
Write up a consignment agreement
Update 5 and 10 year goals. Renew those plans and redo my 2.5 year plan to be more reflective of what I CAN do rather than WANT to do.
Create a Freestyling/networking stationary set
All my long term businesses planned out and set for 3-5 years.
Execute my 5K a day plan (aka start) YAY
Update my resume
Continue 4hrs a day!
Language (Start learning, buy a course or make a course myself)
Music (Start learning)
Career (1 textbook on my own time, 3 online courses, 2 certifications then Harvard)
Gallon water a day
Eat Fruit salad, Salad, or a Smoothie (1 per each meal)
Eat 3 meals a day
Workout daily (3x active, 4x rest day)
Follow my skincare routine
Once I've moved
Actually be at one business event per month: 100$ a month budget
Go freestyling weekly (50$ limit)
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darlingillustrations · 4 months
I feel like I should be panicking more. My rent is due in one week, my landlord isn't friendly, and I have no one to ask for help. And yet? I have an eerie sense of calm about it.
I know the calm that happens when you are not actually calm but panicking and your body is helping you survive. This isn't that kind of fake calm. I am sleeping at night. I'm not snaping at my kids. I am *at peace.*
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(Read more for musings about the economy, my spiritual mindset in the midst of it all, and some Mary Oliver poetry.)
Five years ago? I would be panicking and staying up late working long hours and burning myself out. But now? These days I'm working full days, then stepping back and cooking meals or working on projects for my kids. It feels more stable this time. I feel like I've matured.
I got a report in my email yesterday which showed that retail sales in January plunged 0.8% from December, far worse than the consensus forecast for a decline of just 0.2%, and the largest monthly loss since March 2023. On the one hand, it made me feel better that it's not just me. On the other hand, it sucks that lots of other people are struggling, as well.
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Still, I make the time to meditate every morning. Still, I pull out my poetry books and take my life advice from Mary Oliver. In the poem One or Two Things she wrote:
One or two things are all you need to travel over the blue pond, over the deep roughage of trees and through the stiff flowers of lightning--some deep memory of pleasure, some cutting knowledge of pain.
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You don't need to have all the answers. You just need to put one step in front of the other.
Last year when I launched my wholesale business, I drummed up over 1000 leads. I'd pick a city and use google maps or yelp to search for gift shops, stationary stores, coffee shops... anywhere that I thought might want my work... and I took the time to write a personal note to each and every one of these businesses. This month I decided to check back in with them again, and so many of the businesses are now closed or their email addresses no longer work.
Having exhausted these leads, I sat at my computer yesterday with the knowledge that I needed to wait on people to get back to me, that the wholesale leads were out of my hands. And that I still did not have money to pay my landlord. Not once did I fear I would join the list of closed businesses. I did not despair.
Instead, I turned to my first joy. I went back to the sales history on my website and found my very first customers from back in 2016 when I launched my web shop. I emailed them, each of those first customers, sending personal emails. I did not ask them to buy anything. That wasn't what I needed. I asked how they were, what they have been up to, where their lives have taken them.
I was searching for that deep memory of pleasure, that cutting knowledge of pain. One or two things is all we need, after all.
And I got one email back.
This woman was the first person to ever buy an art print in my online shop--a honeybee boy painting--and it is still hanging in her stepson's room, nearly 8 years later. She shared pictures of her new baby, and I shared the pictures with my kids. This woman had sent me many emails over the years, asking for life advice or encouraging me on a hard day. She shared that she didn't realize her emails had made such an impact on me.
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Funny how none of us truly sees how impactful we are to those around us. Funny how life keeps going on, whether we worry about it or not.
In One or Two Things, Mary Oliver also wrote:
For years and years I struggled just to love my life. And then the butterfly rose, weightless, in the wind. "Don't love your life too much," it said, and vanished into the world.
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I want my character to be defined not by what I do when things are easy but by how I carry myself when things are hard. And I do believe things happen for a reason. Maybe the line between delusion and faith is very thin, but the universe has shown me time and again that it's had my back. I've been in worse scrapes and still came out ok.
If you've read this far and you want to help me get through the next week, you can buy something from my shop or support me on Patreon.
And if you've read this far but you are in a similar boat, don't fret. We will find our way through the fires. one. step. at. a. time.
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coqxettee · 1 year
How to be like
🧁 Cat Valentine 🎀
Tips on how to be like the cutest, pink, sugar frosting girl in the whole wide world.
Cat Valentine!! 🍭💖👄🌸🍰💝🍥
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MORNING: ☀️ Start every day with a positive attitude! Cat is fun loving, free spirited and sweet. Wake up and put on your snuggliest, pinkest, fluffiest pyjamas! Snuggle with a stuffe in bed for a while and read a book/check your phone to wake you up 💘
Try and always be in your own world. Cheery and optimistic as possible 💘
Eat sweet, sugary cereal for breakfast! I imagine cat likes lucky charms and have it with some chocolate milk! 🌈
Have a shower and use the sugariest, sweetest shower gel, body lotion and products you can find 🧁 We want to smell like a cupcake all day long, so make sure you use a body cream, hand cream, body sprays/perfume and a lip balm so you radiate cotton candy energy all day 💘
WARDROBE:🎀 ANYTHING pink! Floral print, denim jeans, pink zip-up hoodies, flats & pumps, floral dresses, pink mesh skirts, peplum tops, pink tanks, cardigans, tracksuits, anything with frills and lace, babydoll dresses and anything that gives a soft, vintage, feminine feel! The list is endless! 💘
HAIR: 🎀 Section your hair into a side part and twist the two pieces you have sectioned behind your head. Fasten with small hair pins/small claw clips. (Cat uses those exact ones!) Lastly, using a curling iron, tightly curl the ends of your hair. Lots of tight, springy ringlets! Finish with hairspray and your done! Easy Cat Valentine hair 💁🏼‍♀️
MAKEUP: 🎀 A full face of the cutest makeup you can find! Go heavy on the blush and add a line of eyeliner to your lid. Use glittery eyeshadow if you have it and use pink, sparkly lip gloss on your lips! 👄💖
Have a cute school bag/stationary/supplies. Never be afraid to customise and make everything look adorable and PINK 💗
Listen to pink, bubblegum pop-music! Put your earphones in and listen to some 2013, girly throwback music. Ariana’s album “Yours truly” is great for this, and so is her song “put your hearts up” she once said in an interview that she feels that if Cat had a single, it would of been “put your hearts up!” 🎶💗
Eat sweet, sugary things! 🍭🧁🍓🍰 Cat looooooves sugar. Especially Bibble! There are loads of “Bibble inspired” recipes online made with popcorn, but if you are in the UK, you can also buy “Rainbow Drops” from any food store! They are basically Bibble and they are soooo sweet and crunchy. They are also colourful too! 🌈 Cat loves candy, sugary breakfast cereal, ice cream and red velvet cupcake! Always carry around candy with you and offer it to others when you can! 🍭🌈💖
Carry a stuffed animal around with you. You don’t have to do this ofc, but even if it’s a cute little keychain to your backpack or bag! 🐰💘
Wear cross body bags/purses in the shape of animals or cute things. Clip a bunch of cute keychains and badges to them to customise them and make them yours! 💘
Have a cute phone case and add a cute phone charm too! Organise your phone layout and have something pink and sugary/something that makes you happy as your lock screen! 💘
Always wear cotton candy/sweet scented perfumes and body sprays so you smell like a sugar girl allllll day long 💘
Cat Valentine Activities: Watch kids cartoons, colour in colouring books, read fairytales, go to the beach, go to a dessert shop, sing, sew, study, go to the fairground, and spend time with friends! Have fun everyday and don’t be afraid to bring out your inner child. Cat is all about healing her inner child 💘
Have a pink colourful room! Cat’s room is AMAZING. Even though it’s split in half with Sam’s, she has everything she loved scattered about. Pink, glitter, sweets, stuffed animals, rainbows and more! Add some of these into your own room to give it that Cat Valentine feel 💘
Collect stuffed animals! Cat has a HUGE collection, she also has a lot of the “TY beanie baby’s” and unicorn plushies! She even gave them names and birthdays🤣💘
NIGHT: 🌙 It’s time to unwind after a long day of being ditzy and adorable. Have a relaxing bath/shower using your favourite scented products and get into a fluffy onsie! Cat has candy jammies! 🍭 Warm up some hot coco or milk to help you relax. Chill out and watch a comfort cartoon show/movie, read a book and snuggle up with your stuffies. Drift off to dream happy, sugar frosting dreams 🌈💖🍭🌸🐰
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And there you go! 🍭💖
I hope this was fun to read! I mainly wrote it to get my thoughts out and because I love the character. Cat is a great character to take inspiration from because she is so cheerful and has her friends best interests at heart, therefore she is so fun and lovely to be around. I hope this post helps you radiate her ditzy, cutesy energy at the very least 🎀💖🍭🐰🌸🌙🌈💘
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ioniansunsets · 9 months
✖School AU! Khada Jhin✖
✖Jhin Khada as a Student✖
✖ Word Count: 635
✖ Tags: One Sided Pining > Dating
- A model student. Has 4 afterschool clubs. He's a painter in Art Club on Mondays. At Archery club on Tuesdays. In Drama Club on Wednesdays. A Pianist and Violinist at the school's string orchestra on Thursdays.
- A quiet and cool guy, people are amazed and afraid of him. (Who handles 4 clubs and still has time to study?) He's an Art Major, enjoying the fine arts in all forms, but anything with the human form draw him in the most (sculptures, portraits).
- A loner that enjoys having his lunch alone and club activities alone. He doesn't have any friends or is part of any clique. Devoted to his clubs and his studies.
- Classy and neat. His uniform is always crisp. His stationary packed away neatly. (He uses a 4b pencil). His skin also surprisingly smooth, he has a four step skincare routine.
- Not really the kind to care much about others and their opinions, he is aloof in the sense of he is here for himself. To enjoy his art to his lofty goals and finish what is needed of him of school.
- If you were to confess first, it would have to be in a romantic letter in his locker or four roses on his table with a note. Something artistic and beautiful to catch his attention or he wouldn't even consider.
- As you confess your affections to him after school and after his club activities, he would smile coldly, neither smug nor affectionate. " I will consider this." He exchanges his contact details with you.
- He would put in a little effort, replying as you talk to him. However, privately on his end he would do his own research about you, what clubs were you in, who were your friends, how were your grades, what were you like online. Only if they pique his interest or satisfy his expectations will he finally start putting in effort.
- If he confesses to you first, it is because he noticed you in the audience, you were beautiful and always watching his best work, who were you? An interest into an obsession, he would confess with chocolates and a poem on your desk, inviting you to meet him after school at 4pm on the roof where he waits playing the violin to serenade you with.
- When he does fall for you though he falls HARD. Waiting for you after class. Watching over you around school. Buying you gifts, leaving post-it sketches of you in your textbooks. Bringing you out on fancy dates. An interest now Obsession. You were as important to him as his art now.
- If you were to watch him do his club activities after school, his cold heart would melt, if you can appreciate his various forms of art and understand him you would be perfect. All he wants is someone to support his endeavors.
- After a while he would affectionally call you his muse, paintings inspired by your beauty, his music and acting more passionate when you're in the audience. You inspire him. Even more so if you were an artist yourself, critique each others work, doing duets or collabs. He loves just how much you spark his creativity.
- He may be obsessive but he is undeniably romantic and loving. A loving touch as his adjusts your hair, making sure you are always perfect. A soft kiss in the empty halls late after club as he sends you home to make sure you're safe. Anniversaries and special dates all celebrated with romantic dates and personal gifts. A reassuring hug to comfort any of your troubles. " I love you y/n" sweet whispers between class.
- When the time comes to graduate he would have already told you his school or work goals, hoping you'd either follow him or support him if you can't.
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monstress · 1 year
hii. if u dont mind, could u please share that "change of attitude" towards journaling? i feel like i really need that.. since i myself changed my attitude towards drawing and have been much more productive and happy doing it this last year. however Writing About Myself its another beast completely.. hope u r having a nice day! 🍃
hope you're having a lovely day as well! anyways as i was typing this up, what starts as a small tidbit has gone off the rails so i suppose this is my blanket advice as a newbie in journaling:
the materials!
choosing the titular journal aka notebook:
soft vs hard cover - i didn't realize this is SUCH a deciding factor until much later. most people prefer soft covers since journals can get massive with use but it's very subjective. be tactile - if it just don't feel right in ur hands, it's not gonna be something u reach out for when u have free time.
size - the most common sizes are A5, A6 or regular aka travelers notebook. you have to think abt who you are as a writer. do u have a large handwriting that takes up pages and pages? do you like space or are you overwhelmed by a blank page? do you travel a lot and do u want something unobtrusive in your bag? choose something that will reasonable work as a part of your daily life.
paper texture - paper that is smooth to write in are a great source of pleasure. notebooks with 100gsm paper is a good benchmark.
price - pleaseeee do not break the bank to purchase a fancy notebook. an expensive notebook can become an unloved one. you'd be too stressed to ensure every entry is perfect and pretty enough and the notebook eventually becomes too intimidating for you to fill in. check out your local hypermarket or online stores for quality notebooks. moleskins are overrated--in my country, they are v v expensive so don't feel pressure to buy a certain stationary just bc you see them often on ig/tiktok like my journal cost me approximately RM10 (USD2.34) and my new one w 100gsm paper cost me RM17 (USD4) like affordable options are out there!
build a connection with your notebook - listen...this sounds strange but having an attachment with your journal and making it inviting as possible is a great source of motivation. personalize it: add stickers, doodle or paint the cover. get a fabric/pvc cover to keep it clean if you'd like (you can add lil papers/stickers on ur actual notebook cover before putting on the pvc cover! very cute and easy)
and your pens:
again: less is more! use any relatively cheap pens you like - be it for the ink or smoothness. if you want to journal a lot, expect to lose a few pens during traveling or just around the house lmao
for fans of darker inks like me, i use Uni-ball Signo Broad, M&G R3 retractable gel pen and my favorite: Faber Castell RX Gel Pen 0.38mm - which cost like RM1.49 (i dont wanna convert - it's change money in america)
final note: i don't use fountain pens so i'm afraid i'm not well-versed enough to advise in that department but i deeply respect (and a little in awe) of journallers who use them 🫡
the tenet!
purpose: what do u plan to use the notebook for? daily journal? art journal? planner? all three? it's your life! live deliciously! since i have a 9-5 job, i know i can't keep up with more than one journal so i've been using mines as a diary and i dump my daily activities/thoughts/reviews of all kinds of media i'm currently obsessed with and it fills up quick!
don't be too hard on yourself: if you missed a day or two of journalling, it's fine - take it back up. write down anything memorable you'd like in the past few days. if you come across a certain blank page your brain is blanking to fill, perhaps after a previous dark entry, skip the page. skip two pages if needed. don't be scared of blank pages. if it needs to be blank, let it be.
it doesn't have to only be words! add stickers, dried flowers, receipts, ticket stubs, other ephemera you collected in the day. be artful! go crazy on page decoration!!
if there's anything you take away from this post, it's this: if you truly want a journal that is used up quickly, do not have plans to share it on social media. personally, i find once you are in the mindset of sharing your journal for an audience's consumption, you get worried whether it's "aesthetic" enough or is it too boring or too ugly or too dark or that you don't upload regularly enough. social media can be inhibiting your creativity or motivation to journal like let your animal brain ruminate in private! stay free from the shackles of responsibility!
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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Daily Check-in September 7th, 2023 🎀
Today was...not the most productive day for me if I'm being honest. When I'm using my Ipad to video call my boyfriend, I can't take notes like I want to, so I end up feeling like I'm behind on my homework. I'm genuinely thinking about buying a second Ipad to keep my personal life and academic life separate. I have a 2nd Ipad, but it's with my boyfriend, 1000+ miles away. My university sells one online for 300$ USD so I might buy it when I get paid next week.
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - leftover burritos with taco bell Diablo sauce
Lunch - spicy ramen with shredded fiesta blend cheese
Dinner - McDonald's
Snacks - one mint choco chip yasso bar, two cups of coffee with creamer
Not my healthiest eating day but I have been incredibly stressed so I turned to easy, greasy comfort food though all its done is upset my stomach. Tomorrow will be better.
🩷 Personal Habits/Goals I Achieved -
nightly skincare routine
studied Japanese for 10ish minutes
took out my bedroom trash
made a workout plan for the week
made a goal setting plan for working out
got in touch with one of my two assigned registered dietitian mentors
got my three week grown acrylics soaked off professionally
I'm hoping to implement the workout routine tomorrow, but I want to take it slow ish because I'm still recovering from a back injury and whiplash from last week so fingers crossed I don't irritate the injury! Also, I'm super excited to be a dietitian mentee. The one dietitian I'm in contact with currently is absolutely the sweetest!
🩷 Academic Achievements -
finished my Fitness For Health and Sport module 3 notes
posted my discussion post and one classmate response for the same course
completed and passed the module quiz for the same class
completed and passed my Food Fundamentals Chapter 5 Quiz
planned for the next few upcoming days
My job has me scheduled for ~35 hours Friday thru Monday, so I am going to be so tired this weekend, but I need the money because I have rent to pay, I want to buy a Genki 1 & 2 Textbook and Workbook + Answer key & hiragana/sentence chart (and some other resources), I want some more stationary, and I need to buy more groceries soon. I am also planning to buy another Ipad, and add some language app subscriptions to my arsenal of language resources for my lazy days.
🩷 Song of the Day - TT Japanese vr by Twice
I love that there are so many Japanese versions of kpop songs that I absolutely love, so this way I can passively listen to the language while enjoying music! There's also a ton of J-pop songs I'm currently in love with. Some of my favorite j-pop artists are liSa, Kenshi Yonezu, YOASOBI, Fuji Kaze, Suda Masaki, Ado, etc.
I did not workout today, I did not do morning skincare, and I did not make my bed. I am planning on getting back on track tomorrow. I appreciate this platform and my followers who help me want to stay on track. I appreciate all 300+ of you <3
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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sadad22 · 2 years
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                              Buy Online stationery
Buy Online Clear Plastic Storage Box , Shop Online Stackable Container , Swing Buy Waste Bin, Pouring Lip, Grass Grids, Marker Pens, Buy Online Sketch Pad, Get Online Stud wallet, Shop Online Markers, Get Online Envelopes, Buy Online Books Buy Online Grass Grids, Get Online Buckets, Shop Online Small Mixing Tray,  Buy Online Flexi Tubs, Get Online Waste Bins, Shop Online Large Mixing Tray :Buy Online Chihuahua Dog Mugs, Get Online Chihuahua Dog Mugs, Shop Online Valentine Day  Mugs Buy Online Plastic Muck Tub, Shop Online Fluorescent Flash Cards, Buy Online White Storage Bucket ,Buy Online Flexi Tub, Buy Online Waste Bin, Buy Online Fluorescent Stars, Buy Online Fluorescent Flash Cards Shop Online Workshop Storage Boxes ,  Get Online Animal Feed Container, Buy OnlineSwing  Bathroom Waste Bin, Shop Online Bathroom Kitchen Bin, Buy Online Vanity Bin, Get Online Recycled Dustbin, Get Online Multi-purpose Storage Container, Get Online Kitchen Garden Storage Box, Buy Online Kitchen Garden Bin, Get Online Animal Feed  Storage Container
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beebfreeb · 10 months
*crawling towards you and bleeding out* .. hey where can I buy cute stickers online do you know where I can find stickers and stationary I want th
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