#But what do I know 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
readingismyhobby24 · 2 days
Linked Universe Links as Things Me and My Siblings Have Said
Alternate title: Me and My Siblings (mostly me) Being Overly Dramatic
All three of these conversations are from yesterday, by the way.
Wars: why does my stomach have to hurt so much after I eat a cream cheese bagel?!
Legend: oh, I don't know, maybe because you're LACTOSE INTOLERANT?!?!
Wars: well, you'll never guess what I did.
Twilight: Let me guess, you injured yourself again.
Wars: *gasps* how dare you assume such a thing! I can't believe that you would just assume that I injured myself again! How dare you! That is such a crazy assumption! Like, why would you even think that?
Twilight: then what did you do?
Wars: I injured my arm...
Twilight: ...🙄
*Wars in the kitchen attempting to make food with one hand because his other arm is injured, but he's failing miserably*
*Wind standing next to him watching the whole thing*
Wind: man it must be so hard only being able to use one hand. Like, I can't imagine that.
*Wars giving Wind a confused look because Wind's hand is in a literal cast*
I'm not sure if anyone will find this funny, but I thought I'd post it anyways. I just stuck the Link that I felt like fits my siblings overall, so the Link might not fit the exact quote I put them in, but all well 🤷‍♀️
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dizzyduck44 · 3 days
Content creators are cutting off their noses to spite their face
Tonight as I lie in bed, I’m reading. (Lucy Worsley’s “Jane Austen at Home” if you must know). For the last few years bed time has normally been YouTube videos or instagram scrolling. More often than not F1 related.
As a Lewis and Lando fan I accepted long ago finding Lewis friendly content was hard, but there was at least lots of Lando content out there.
During the “Dando” years of McLaren there was good content if you could ignore the Daniel crazies (fans who’s god like bias goes beyond reason or reality). However now, with his second Aussie teammate on the bounce (this one people really want to believe is the driver he will be in 5 years, now), the Max fans trying to process their disbelief, the Lewis fans looking for anyone to retaliate at (because apparently it’s an eye for an eye), George fans who mock Lando because George does it (they skip the point they are actually friends and Lando gives as good as he gets) and recently Ferrari fans (I can only assume overtaking Charles and being closer to a title that he is 🤷‍♀️), Lando hating seems to have become a global sport.
And content creators, some who fall into one of the above categories (P1, Tommo), some jumping on the bandwagon (WTF1, CameronF1, FormulaBone). Some who apparently have beef with Lando for god knows what reason (Aldas) are playing up to this.
Literally there is one F1 content channel I would go out of my way to watch, Josh Revell and even he has had a pop (albeit half his content is comically admitting how wrong he was, Sir Lancelot aside).
Even The Race who, whilst their news report are generally unbiased, their race reviews have become hyperbolic personal opinions based on who they dislike.
I know I won’t be alone with this, Sergio, Logan and Carlos have been getting it all season. But I’ve actually found myself unsubscribing and ignoring people’s content because of their sudden Lando pile on. If I don’t engage, they won’t make money off me.
And if others are doing the same, I can’t help but feel they are willingly pissing off one of the largest fan bases in F1 and hitting themselves in the bank balance for it. I struggle to see the logic.
Because here is the thing. This will pass. And those casual viewers will drift away. What are they going to do from December to February with no F1 and subs down? They will find a new punching bag but the Lando fans won’t be coming back.
There really are the big 5 in F1, the drivers who bring the fanbases, sell the merch, inspire the crazies; Lewis, Max, Lando, Charles and I would say Checo. (I think Lando took Daniel’s spot 😬). If you have pissed off the fans of 4 of those drivers already I really hope you have a back up career available.
I’d rather read than tolerate or support most of the BS being put out recently. Because if your issue is someone grew up and at the first chance at a championship they refuse to be an arse, I can safely say I wouldn’t make time for you in real life. I sure as hell don’t have to online.
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itsangelicasworld · 2 days
Y'ALL I HAVE A MANIFESTATION SUCCESS STORY🤭🤭!! So one of my dogs had an ear infection. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time nor money to take her to the vet, and it was a really stressful situation. But I decided, "what am I worrying for? I can literally just manifest it away." AND SO I DID! All I did was listen to a subliminal, affirm for a minute or two, rejected the 3D, and had faith that my 4D wouldn't fail me. And wow, what do you know? It worked. Her ear infection is entirely healed and went away within a day, when these infections don't clear up on their own without professional treatment. It's that easy y'all🤷‍♀️
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lukolabrainrot · 2 days
Hoping that we'll get the annual Polin start-of-filming photo from Nic and Luke.
I'm imagining a similar pose with the last-shooting-day pic posted by Nic but it's Luke behind her instead, his hands are around her waist, and his head is resting on Nic's. Also hoping for a "Hey, Mrs. Bridgerton" comment from Luke.
I will die if that happens. (Of course, this is my delulu talking but a girl can hope, right?)
What are people's thoughts??
Do you think we'll get a Polin post this year? Do you think we won't because they might be getting ready to announce their own relationship??
Atp, I really don't know what to expect 🤷‍♀️
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
I need to start screenshotting posts i like but anyways
There was one where color tried to get nightmare to learn what mortals need, that at first they didnt have a kitchen so they had to eat while they were out terrorising people.
Just stuff like that, n just generally being bad. Ripping the heart out of a childs chest infront of their mother, forcing someone to eat their pet etc.
Like nightmare is horrible yk
And yk how some people say he does that because of trauma, he doesn't know better and allat.
Okay so take ALL THAT, and let them learn nightmare can love, he has loved, he had a spouse and a friend group, he knows what mortals need, he knows what to do when they are sick he has taken care of his sick spouse before etc.
Basically im just thinking about their reaction when learning nightmare knows their needs, has felt love before etc. But he does it because he can, and it makes him happy (dude is def a sadist after them 999 apples ykyk)
Like obviously its also a fear of being vulnerable and stuff and needing to be the one in power because not being that scares him because villagers decided to hate on a 6 year old, but also he can just be cruel and sadistic 🤷‍♀️
I also feel it’s important to realize that there are those who don’t feel love, or describe themselves as loveless, and has never or would never do half of anything that nightmare has done.
but ultimately, i feel the ones who’d have an issue with it morally off the top of my head are swap, dream, color, delta, cross, epic. possibly many more but that’s my first thoughts.
killer definitely wouldn’t care about it. It’s the least of his concerns. hes too busy surviving nightmare to care about if the man is capable of love or not. he’d only care about it in Stage 2 if it means he could manipulate those emotions in his favor.
i have no doubt that the fawn response is something deeply ingrained in killer—whatever hes had to do to either survive, avoid inconvenience (stage 2) and pain (stage 1), or just whatever will get it over quicker or will make nightmare/chara leave him alone faster.
;would be interesting to explore how killers trauma responses would play out in the context of his dissociative disorder/stages. Especially in the context of one sided killermare where killer has to play his new role as nightmares lover. at most he’ll find small, easily deniable ways to inconvenience, annoy, anger, or upset nightmare. just because he can.
Murder and Horror, i find a little harder to say mostly because neither are exactly free from “sin” themselves so to speak, but they also arent killer; who has lived in this type of environment for years. killer does not have things like shame, anger, embarrassment, guilt, pride, morals, things like that—hindering him, he will do whatever he thinks he must. any emotions like that are greatly suppressed and dissociated—even in stages such as stage 1 where they’re very intense.
i can see this actually being something killer struggles to actually unpack and allow himself to feel in therapy—any anger or hatred towards nightmare or chara. i can see a lot of emotional outbursts from stages 1 and 3.
this is because killer has learned that emotions are dangerous, and wouldn’t get him anywhere. murder’s entire thing is fighting back in an endless loop against his human, and horror refused to be sacrificed to help his AU, fought back, and then went even further by destroying the core, lobotomzing alphys, and then leading Snowdin into eating humans seemingly just to spite Undyne.
I doubt they’d care at all if nightmare is capable of love or care or not, they’d probably not like him regardless. and whereas killer is unable to even really hate nightmare due to the danger surrounding such emotions (especially in stage 2, although im sure he’s very capable of despising nightmare in stage 3), horror and murder definitely could hate nightmare. which would mean their negative emotions are directly making nightmare stronger lmao.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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tietensgo · 1 year
Thoughts on the Karl Jacobs thread
Market share may be good for the company, but it’s not necessarily good for you, the customer. I think Karl could do better in being aware of these types of nuances in the future.
On Apr 4 Karl replied to the Twitch Support Twitter account with some thoughts about their announcement that they were going to implement sponsored streams on Twitch.
Karl, in a four-tweet reply thread, stressed that he was “wildly unimpressed” and called the implementation a “malicious and manipulative bandaid solution”,  arguing that Twitch should not implement sponsored streams, and should instead focus on growth and market share over profitability. This seemed odd to me, that Karl would suggest that a company as large as Twitch was misstepping by trying to do something so egregious as turn a profit. But it appeared I was in the minority, going by the overwhelmingly favorable replies and quote tweets.
So I made this post. Just to present another way of thinking about this issue :)
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Is growth and market share a good thing for a company to hold? Sure, for the company. In fact, increasingly the attitude of startup companies is to ignore profits for longer and longer time periods so they can get exactly that- the lion’s share of a market/user base (think Amazon, Uber). However, we have to remember two things:
There is a real cost (money, and people) to doing business this way
The monetary debt that is racked up has to come due at /some/ point, and users often pay the price
1: The cost of growth - regular companies without large pockets are unable to compete with growth companies, going out of business and leaving all the power in the hands of a few giant corporations
Amazon notoriously operated at razor thin (to nonexistent) profit margins for years. They /purposefully/ sold their merchandise for less than it was worth, operating at a loss specifically so they could put competitors out of business. Diapers.com, Zappos, nearly Barnes & Noble, likely several others that were too small to be mentioned - competitors gone, absorbed, or maimed. Uber purposefully used introductory pricing, lowering their fees to make their inroads into the market, cannibalizing Yellow Cab. All for the sake of growth. Amazon kept its edge by copying real products from real hard working people and making rip-off versions so that they don’t have to do any development work and instead can capitalize on the success of anyone that comes along.
THIS is how growth works - get big, and get big fast, and eff the poor guy who is in the way, even if their product is /better/. (Even if their product is priced the way it is so they can afford to pay their employees!!)
And if this seems too abstract (companies compete all the time, so what?), it’s real to you - the more growth tactics put competitors out of business, the more power the few companies left will hold. And they don’t always use it well.
Have you ever tried to get a hold of Instagram or YouTube if someone falsely flags your post/video? The recommended method (known by large creators as well, even though they have representatives to help them get around it) is not to go through the company’s appeal process, it’s to go to Twitter and AT the company! Ticketmaster, which holds 70% of the ticket market, implements service fees on top of the ticket price (some which go to the venue, some which they take as profit) - and these can be pricey, but if you want to see major acts, you’re stuck!
Market share may be good for the company, but it’s not necessarily good for you. The more power a single corporation has, the less they have to pay attention to any individual customer’s needs, so you’re sol if you have issues with how they treat you - they have a million more users waiting to replace you.
2: Growth companies rack up costs that have to be paid back, and these costs are often passed on to the customer
Growth companies lose money on their products through introductory pricing, (and paying employees and buying server space and and and) but they can’t stay making no profits forever for (at least) two reasons:
a - unfavorable business conditions and
b - competitors with bigger pockets.
A - Not too long ago, a virus no one saw coming impacted the entire world, closing 700,000 businesses in the US alone. These businesses went under because they had no money. It might be ‘annoying’ that Twitch is introducing sponsored streams, but these streams bring in money to help keep the doors open in case any unforeseen events happen in the future. It’s good for Twitch to be profitable, it’s like having a savings account of funds to dip into in bad weather times.
B - Growth companies have to fight /other/ growth companies. Netflix was happy putting Blockbuster out of business... until it met Disney+ and Amazon Prime and HBO Max and and and. Twitch was happy without sponsored streams... until Kick and YouTube decided to push for streaming. These growth companies are fine making no money as long as they’re the biggest fish - they can always milk their users for money later. But the moment they find a competitor who can steal their users and put them out of business, suddenly the scramble is on for cash.
Where does the cash to keep the doors open come from? In some way, shape or form, the user generally has to pay for it. Either they do what Uber did and bring prices back up once they want to turn a profit or they do what Netflix is doing and introduce an ad-based tier/no password sharing, or they do what YouTube did and introduce ads or what Twitch is doing and kill the 70/30 split for their favorites and introduce sponsored streams - eventually all of these companies have to stop eating loses and make a plan for profitability, and that price hike or decline in the user experience will always come after (sometimes years after) they have lured in enough users with introductory rates that no one can meaningfully complain.
So what do we do? And what does this mean for what Karl tweeted?
I think we need to slow the roll with the growth tactic stuff. Profitability is not a bad word (see: Apple). It (generally) means you have a good product/service/idea and it’s selling well. What is ‘malicious and manipulative’ might actually be the way growth companies do business, putting competitors out of commission through unfair pricing. Having to turn a profit might actually force them to /compete/ in the marketplace instead of undermine it.
I think Karl is coming from a good place in trying to speak up for the users and creators of the site, who might get annoyed at having to sit through a sponsored stream or annoyed at having to do them. And that’s fair! We need that kind of advocacy, goodness knows Twitch has issues (low discoverability on the platform, for example). He talks about wanting to keep Twitch from ‘exploiting its creators’ and stop ‘massive layoffs’. That’s great! (You know what might stop massive layoffs? Profits)  But the way to do it is not, in my opinion, to subscribe to flawed business methodologies that result in the consolidation of power in the hands of a few corporations at the expense of users.
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I think what Karl could focus on is advocating that the creators and those who work at Twitch should see a larger percentage of the profits that the company makes. It might be easier to do a sponsored stream or sit through one when you know Twitch is handing over 70% of the revenue to the creator, or that Twitch is using the revenue to support well paid employees and not lay them off in hard times! I think Twitch could consider including creators in the decision making process of the platform whose influence they help to build. Honestly, I actually think Twitch should even look into whether its business model fundamentally is sound when it can be so easily replicated or poached (*ahem* Kick/YouTube *ahem* Ludwig). These are all tough questions that need to be asked.
But it’ll take time to figure them out. And I think it would be nice if Twitch gets a little bit of our support and patience in addition to our skepticism as they try to figure it out.
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wyrmwright · 5 months
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bro he does NOT want to hear you practice your villain monologue
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Title: The Tradition of You and Me
Pairing: Alex Turner/Miles Kane
Summary: One summer, Alex and Miles watch the Euro Cup together. It becomes something of a tradition. Tags: Fluff, Smut, Developing Relationship
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
so a couple of months ago @daddy-long-legssss made this post about miles and alex watching the euro cup together in miles's mr bridger designs and... well, this happened. it was meant to be a short drabble fic, but it's me, so naturally feelings got involved and it's now 4,000+ words 😅
i know it's been taking forever for me to post the next chapter of four walls (i'm so sorry, it really is SO nearly there, but it probably will still be about a week before it's actually ready for posting), so i thought i'd share this in the meantime! i hope you enjoy, if you feel like it then feedback would absolutely make my day 🥰
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intricate-ritualz · 3 months
edwin is stronger than me bc personally i wouldn’t have the heart to be in an eternal situationship. “you’re the most important person in the world to me” “we have literally forever to figure it out” WHAT DID U MEAN BT THAT..GOD JUST TELL ME NO DONT GET MY HOPES UP W THIS COSMICALLY BONDED PLATONIC(?) SOULMATES SHIT
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whereismyhat5678 · 11 months
Okay, so I watched Digital Circus FINALLY because I have been seeing it EVERYWHERE-
I thunk to myself, why not give it a shot 🤷‍♀️
Caine mostly since he’s.. like the PERFECT sociopath there is and HIS DESGIN- I’M DEAD FOR THIS MAN-
But I also have to give credit where it’s due, I LOVE POMNI 💖💖💖💖💖
SHE DESERVES THE WORLD- Poor thing is terrified out her mind I NEED TO HUG HER STAT- SHE NEEDS A HUG ASAP 🫰🫰
Anyways, I’m gonna draw Caine soon (I still need to learn how to draw him-) but for now you can have this adorable ass jester Pomni 😌
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Because we’re talking about a very anxiety written clown that may have a panic attack at any given second- LETS PAIR HER WITH ANOTHER ANXIETY WRITTEN CLOWN THAT MAY HAVE A PANIC ATTACK AT ANY GIVEN SECOND-
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They both need hugs, they both need comfort, but MOST OF ALL, they need each other 🤝
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douwatahima · 4 months
as someone who's been doing fandom stuff for over twenty years, i think one of the most important lessons you can learn is not everything is for you. we're all nerds on the internet, banding together because we feel at least a little unhinged about our favourite shows/movies/ect. there's going to strong opinions any way you slice it, and other people's opinions won't always align with yours. maybe someone is obsessed with a character you don't like or a pairing that makes no sense to you, but that person still has as much of a right to be in the space as you do. that doesn't mean you have to interact with those ideas, i'm a big proponent of blocking whoever or whatever you need to, but you don't get to tell them to stop just because you personally don't like it.
obviously, there are cases where this doesn't apply. if a take is super racist/homophobic/transphobic or someone is using their personal headcanon to harrass others, then absolutely that's something that should be addressed. but if it's just something harmless that irks you personally, you need to understand that that is a you problem and not a them problem. and, quite frankly, if you can't come to terms with that, maybe fandom isn't for you.
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oh-noplss · 7 months
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my DD & haley 👫🐶
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mrehkka · 7 months
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This is a Zim who's universe-hopped (perhaps a zim that made it out of the ZimVoid?) and ends up finding an earth that is zim-less so he sticks around. Dib isn't around anymore in his home universe so it caught him by surprise
Dib is still on his zim-is-sus kick... but he's noticing some differences. Which honestly just makes him more suspicious of him lmao
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faunandfloraas · 23 days
"Seungmin would be SO hot if he got muscle like, can you imagine?" You would be hotter if you shut your mouth but we can't always get what we want so <3
#the amount of times ive seen this exact comment or sentiment over the past 6ish months in particular#truly pissing me off <3#like first things first- hes already handsome so if you dont see that... its fine. we all have different tastes but also be quiet <3#but like we know first hand from him that he isnt particularly interested in the gym and working out#hes not a changbin. its not his thing- he goes to keep up stamina for live shows#and the fact hes been very specific in saying so any time anyone mentions him working out and going to the gym is so like......#its kinda obvious that hes doing a polite 'please dont hassle me about getting bigger' so he makes sure to always go Its For Endurance#and yet i still see this and also. um theres other members who are muscley so why does seungmin also have to follow that route?#like if you want muscle theres people you can go look at... but also half these people cant even identify actual healthy muscle#vs. someone being so skinny that they have no fat on them and somehow think thats real muscle so like lol#its been so specifically the past half a year tho like whats that about why#its really one of those be quiet im so tired#well on the otherhand i was so stressed about my doctors appointment but now annoyance took the worries place so 🤷‍♀️#like its funny how X should lose weight comments are recognised for being shitty but the 'x should totally change his physique' is chill tho#like if seungmin organically of his own accord ever becomes a muscle bro bc /he/ wants that than for sure i'll be like Woo go seungmin !!#but only if he wants it. not the fans being annoying not bc of staff or beauty standards not bc of the other guys
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lesbians4yoohyeon · 2 years
imagine one night when el & max are having a sleepover, max looks at the clock and says "it's 11:11!!" and el is like "yes? i am here" visibly confused with the little confused look she does and they sit there for a second just staring at each other until max giggles and explains what 11:11 is to el. then one day all the party is together hanging out in the wheelers basement, el gets up off the couch, excitedly exclaims out of nowhere "it is me me time!! you need to make a wish everyone!!!" and everyone is just like ???? until mike is like "what are you talking about?!" with his hands thrown up in the air and max facepalming. then el is like "it is time to make a wish. 11:11? do you know it?" and everyone ahhhs in realization while max just sits there facepalming, her face as red as a tomato before she gently pulls el's arm to have her sit back down next to her. then el is sitting there confused looking around, then whispering to whispering to max "did i say something wrong?" and max whispers back "no, no. everyone is just... boring. that's all." and el ahhs in acknowledgement, going back to sitting shoulder to shoulder with max as if nothing happened.
(after that, wherever el is, she always checks if it's 11:11. when it is, each time she says "it is me me time!! make a wish everyone!!")
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wolke17 · 16 days
I wish we had more ppl talk about geto’s radicalization as a former child soldier instead of boiling his entire character down to being gojo’s depressed ex. but whatever ig
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