#But there's no way she got to the victim while also being at the trail
princescar · 3 months
I just remembered that Monaca convinced her father to mass manufacture Monokumas for "housekeeping". Obviously there was hidden intentions behind doing that, as they where just used for the apocalypse.
But, for TPYP, Junko has some of HER Monokumas and those Monokumas. They ARE housekeeping, they restock and deal with the corpses of her classmates. They take care of things because Junko isn't here and Ryoko is locked away.
To me, it's a lil "I love you" to Monaca.
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baby-tini · 4 months
Bully Dabi🥵 he messes with you your whole life ever since you moved in the neighborhood. He makes sure you don't have any meaningful connections with friends from school so no one bothers you. It wasn't till University that it got kicked up a notch. He wasn't shoving into you or saying mean things anymore it was more sexual now. He grabs you around the corner of a classroom and makes you grind on him. While doing that he says the nastiest things in your ear. 'You always wanted this' 'wanted to ruin you for so long' 'wait till you see my cock you'll drool over it like the little cock slut you are' 'my cock slut' 'can't wait to see this tummy buldge from my cock'
TW- NONCON, victim blaming, sexual assault, bullying, verbal and physical abuse You had moved into the neighborhood when you were about eight years old, your dad had gotten a new job that payed way better then his old one. Being an only child, you never really had people to play with so, when your dad told you that there was a family across the street with kids your age, you were ecstatic. The kids were really nice to you, well, except the oldest, Touya or as all his friends called him, Dabi. He was always so mean to you. Tripping you, pulling your hair, spilling juice on your pretty clothes, you never liked Touya, he never gave you a reason too. So, you did your best to avoid him, you only came over to play with Fuyumi anyway, so, you would just be in her room playing dolls and having fun, until you had to go home. Now the bullying wasn't too bad as kids, it was more like an inconvenience for you. But in high school? That's when it started to get worse, the tripping turned into Dabi- as he now forced you to call him- pushing you into lockers and laughing when he sees the bruises on your shoulders and thighs. The hair pulling turned into him yanking you up by your hair as he called you mean names. You wanted to tell someone, you truly did but all the girls loved Dabi, that was apparent when he had a new one hanging off him everyday. Plus you didn't want your parents to move you to a different school, you had a lot of friends here. You especially didn't want to tell Fuyumi, knowing she'd tell everyone, it would be in good faith coming from her but, she really couldn't keep a secret to save her life.
Dabi being older then you by a couple years means he graduated and went to college first, giving you two years of peace, you didn't have to look over your shoulder or wear jackets all the time in order to cover the bruises he inflicted. You could have fun and joke around with friends without him staring you down from across the hall. It was the best two years of school you've had in your life, plus, Dabi moved into a dorm on campus with his friends Keigo and Tomura. So, you rarely saw Dabi around the neighborhood, except when he came home occasionally on weekends. But even then, you'd rather five- rarely seven- days of peace then none at all. It also meant you could talk to guys without Dabi threatening them or in most cases, beating them black and blue. It's the worst in college though, the years of peace in high school gone all too quickly as you start uni. Although, you don't have any classes with Dabi, so you rarely see him. After classes is a different story though, he's trailing after you, holding you hostage in empty classroom and calling you mean names as his bullying gets bolder.. more.. sexual. He's pinning you against the wall now, leaving hickeys and bruises on your neck, shoving his tongue in your mouth and probably the worst is when he pushes you on top of the desk to spread your legs and hump your cunt over your clothes. Then there was the time that Dabi had dragged you you into an empty classroom, calling you a slut because your skirt was too short for his liking as he laid you on the empty teacher desk and proceeded to pull your skirt up and take his cock out. He had you lay there as he rubbed the head of his dick over your clit, through your panties, making you beg for him to play with your pussy. "Feels good, doesn't it slut?" Forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist, he grinds into your cunt. Slapping your hands away when you try to hide your face and laughing when you start to cry. Pumping his cock a couple times, he runs it over your panties, making sure his tip catches your clit. Trying to look away from him doesn't work 'cause he'll just pull your upper body off the desk and make you watch him fuck your clit, his slit leaking beads of pre-cum, wetting the sensitive nub, his piercing catching on it so nicely. He'll switch from that, to pulling your underwear to the side so that he can slap at the little bundle of nerves and rolling it with his pointer and thumb.
"I don't know why you're covering your face, you were asking for it, wearing all the slutty clothes that you do." Dabi says the meanest things when he has you like this, he's never been soft while he touches you. Always bending you over the railing in the stairwell so that he can lift your skirt to rub your pussy with two fingers then he'll pull your thong tightly against your pussy, so that your lips peak out and he can grind against you. Or when you're leaving the building he'll pull you with him behind the school so that he can give 'daily hole checks,' as he calls them. He says he does them to make sure you're not whoring yourself out, seeing how tight you are by making you suck on his fingers so he can push them inside you. "Bend over bitch, I won't ask again, gotta make sure this pussy is just how I left it." If you're too slow doing as he asks, he'll push against the wall and pulling your ass towards him. From there, he'll pull your panties down, letting them drop to your ankles as he spreads your pussy open and literally stares at your pussy for minutes, pulling lips apart and pushing tip of his thumb inside, spitting on your clit and using his palm to spread it all over your cunt, getting spit on your thighs as he does so. If he deems that your pussy isn't how he left, whether his cum is no longer in you or you feel "looser" then he'll punish you. He makes you hold up your skirt from behind with your face squished against the dirty brick wall as he slaps your ass, hitting you so hard your eyes burn from the salty tears running down your cheeks. Telling you mean things as he carries out his brutal assault on your ass. "Don't start crying now bitch, if you weren't such a slut, I wouldn't have to hit you." or, "Did you really wipe my cum out of you? You ungrateful little whore." and, "Move away from me again and see what happens, I'll hit a lot fucking harder, try me." and of course, "You really think anyone'll believe you? Those bitches you hang out with would kill to be in your position, would beg to have my cock stretching them so full it bulges from their fucking stomach.
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Ghostface!Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: bottom!Nat, kinda dark reader, Mommy (R), smut obvi, mentions of face riding, hand jobs, breeding, little!Nat, praise, pet names, Nat is referred to as “bear” a lot, small angst, wrote this in abt an hour so it’s not that great :/, think that’s all tho :)
Screams echoed through the dark alley, and Nat cursed herself for not thinking to cover the victim’s mouth. Someone could hear, and with the news of the recent killings spreading, she didn’t want to risk finally being caught.
The blood oozed out of the man’s wound, and Nat smiled as she grabbed her camera. She examined her surroundings, making sure nobody was nearby before she took multiple photos, placing them in her pocket after making sure they were perfect for you. She sent a text your way, updating you on her completion before removing the mask and cloak, placing them in her bag while she placed a single headphone in, making sure she looked like a normal citizen and not a killer who just took away the life of an innocent man. You told her to be safe on her voyage home and received a quick photo of her grinning with a thumbs up, giving you all the closure you needed as you set up the bath. You ensured the water was hot so it would cool to an even temperature by the time she was home. You placed her favorite toys in the pile of bubbles and ventured into the kitchen, waiting for the oven to set off and to hear the twisting of keys to your shared apartment.
“Mommy? I’m home!” You heard a giggly Nat alert you, causing you to peek your head out of the room. She smiled when she saw you and tried rushing forward, only to be stopped by your voice.
“Ah, ah, what’s the rule with shoes in the house?” She looked down, noticing a small trail of blood she left on the floor. She rushed an apology and placed them on the rack next to the coat hanger, continuing her way to you and throwing her arms around you in a hurry.
“Mm, I missed you, bear.” You placed your hands on both of her cheeks, squishing the plush skin before leaving a quick peck on her lips. Her dimples shined under her large blush and you chuckled, placing one last kiss on her forehead before grabbing her plate of food.
“I know you must be so hungry after all your hard work today, I thought you deserved a little treat.”
“Breakfast for dinner? Oh, thank you, Mommy!” You knew it was her favorite, and while it was a bit of a hassle, you’d rather spend half an hour cleaning if you got to see her smile so large. She poured the maple syrup over her waffle before grabbing the whipped cream, only to be stopped by a hand.
“I think it’s best if Mommy does that for you, we don’t want you dirtying up your shirt, now do we?” You also knew she loved to go over the top with sweetness, whipped cream being one of those. While she deserved a lovely treat, it was best if she didn’t plow down piles of food and complain later on about stomach pain.
“Would you like me to cut your waffle for you, love?” She grappled onto your arm, resting her head on the soft skin as she watched your every move.
“Yes, please.” Her mouth felt empty, usually, she had her pacifier to soothe her in times of calmness like this. So, she took to biting her lip instead, a habit you’ve been trying to have her let go of.
“There you go. Why don’t you eat up and you can tell me all about your little adventure tonight, okay?” She nodded, instantly taking her fork and picking the piece she saw first. You sighed with contentment before taking the seat across from her, occasionally feeling her foot slap against your leg as she swung them happily.
“I even got a bunch of pictures for you!” She concluded her rant, reaching into her pocket where the Polaroids were stored.
“No talking with your mouth full, bear,” You reminded her, making her stop as she swallowed the nourishment before continuing. She placed each of them on the table, taking a sip of her apple juice before explaining each one.
“And guess what? I stabbed him, like, a billion times! I forgot to cover his mouth on accident, so I made sure to leave before anyone heard him or saw me.” You nodded along with her statements, standing alongside her as the two of you cleaned each dish.
“Now, baby, you need to make sure you’re being careful, I don’t want you to get caught.”
“I know, Mommy, I promise I’m usually really careful, but I got a little excited this time.” The man wasn’t a terrible person, but in her mind he was. He was your boss and had been setting unrealistic expectations for all of his workers, including you. This meant longer hours and more stress, which also meant less time that Nat got to spend with you. You tried making it up to her, and she didn’t blame you, but she knew this was the best gift she could offer you. After all, you do so much for her, you deserved a thank you.
“That’s alright, we’re just going to need to wait a little bit longer until we find someone, this time.”
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The two of you quickly finished the load of dishes, thankful that there wasn’t a lot. You led her to the bathroom, helping rid her of her clothing before she settled in the bathtub. She played with the toys, allowing her giggles to be presented instead of shying away. She was never appreciated in the ways you showed her, so being able to remove that ounce of fear she held felt undeniably relieving.
“Mommy, can I ask you something?” She asked in a low voice, clinging onto the towel you wrapped around her. You furrowed your brows but gave her permission, your worry only growing as her gaze faltered to the floor.
“Do you really think I’m good at this type of stuff?” She had been trained her entire life to kill, it was all she ever knew. She was of the highest rankings at such a young age, but the constant competition and downgrading she received failed to fill her confidence. All she ever wanted was to be good enough, and now that goal was even more important with you by her side.
“Oh, honey, of course, you are! I’m always so proud of you and your work, nothing will ever change that.” She sat on the edge of the bed, the cracked window causing goosebumps to erupt on her naked skin. You took the signal to shut it before returning, kneeling before her as you patched up a small cut on her knee. She eyed the Frozen bandaid with a smile, running her fingertip over the area before returning her gaze to you.
“But you don’t seem as excited about it as before, am I doing something wrong?” Her lips formed into a pout that she tried to hide, only to be exposed as you brought her face to meet yours.
“No, that’s not it at all. I’m so sorry, bear, I’ve been so stressed over work, and with the holidays coming up, I guess I’ve been neglecting you as a result. I’m so sorry, it was never my intent to hurt you.” She relished in the fact that the truth was now out and she could be at ease, but she felt saddened at your reaction. She didn’t want to hurt you, but now you were the one with a heavy heart.
“No, it’s okay! I- I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong, I’m not mad at you.” You rubbed her sides gently, taking the seat next to her as you wrapped your arm around her small frame. She rested her head on your shoulder out of instinct.
“You did so well tonight, I think I’m going to hang those photos up on the fridge so I’ll always be reminded of how talented you are.” Her legs rested on top of yours as she kissed your cheek in appreciation. You chuckled, doing the same to her while your hand rested on her thigh. You inched further, watching her shuffle impossibly closer to you as a result.
“You know what I think? I think that my girl deserves a little reward for just how well she did.” Your thumb made contact with her tip, the action bringing a shiver throughout Nat’s body. She grinned through a bitten lip, her cheeks turning a shade of red as you removed the skin from her teeth.
“You need to stop that, baby, you know I don’t like it.” She rushed a quick apology before a small gasp left her. She removed the towel from her lower half, only to see your hand now wrapped around her length, stroking a continued motion slowly.
“M- Mommy, that feels really nice.” You hummed, your eyes falling to the area of attention. You removed your hand, causing a whine of disapproval from your girlfriend. You shushed her, guiding her to lay on her back as she spotted her stuffed animal. It was a plush dinosaur that you got her years ago, she still cherished it. You pressed a kiss to her forehead before doing the same to the soft creature in her arms.
“Close your eyes, I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” She questioned when you stood in front of the door. You turned to look at her as you removed your shirt, exposing the black bra to her eyesight. They widened, her cock hardening even further before you closed the door behind you. She tried to follow your orders of sitting tight and closing her eyes, but the anticipation was so high. She wanted to know what you were doing, she wanted to feel your touch again. Her palm lowered down her body without realization, and she couldn’t hold back the whimper as she brushed over her balls. They were so sensitive, but you always said that was your favorite part about them.
“Natty, baby? Are your eyes closed?” She retracted her hand instantly, hoping you wouldn’t get a glance at her antics. You were never one for letting her touch herself, she suspected that wasn’t going to change tonight.
“Yup!” She heard the door squeak and had to fight the urge to look, but she remained how you wanted her, and she knew that pleased you when she heard small cooing.
“Aren’t you just the cutest little girl ever? Mommy is so, so lucky to have you, bear.” You ran your cool hands against her nipples, resulting in the buds hardening. She stifled a moan as you went lower, your fingers tracing over the same area she had just teased. She hoped you couldn’t tell, she never knew how but you seemed to know everything, especially when it came to her.
“I could just…eat you up!” Your hand enclosed around her cock, creating the same movements as you started earlier. She was grateful to have the return of your touch, but it wasn’t quite enough. Her hips thrusted with every stroke, her desperation being made clear to anyone who could see her.
“Oh, did you need something?” She whimpered when you came to a halt, your thumb collecting the pre cum from her drooling tip. You rubbed it over her bottom lip, letting her get a taste of the sweet nectar you grew addicted to.
“You, I…I want you.”
“But you have me, don’t you?” Your condescending tone brought her to quiver in excitement and fear.
“I need to be in you, Mommy…please?” You crooned, hovering over her length and letting the head tease your folds. You moaned, rubbing your clit in small circles. You continued until she couldn’t bear it anymore and finally let yourself soak in the pleasure, and allowing her to feel your warm walls clenching around her.
“Fuck, my little girl is so big, can barely even fit.” You groaned, interlacing your fingertips with hers. She seemed content with the praise and let her hips follow your movements, hoping she was doing it correctly in order to make you feel good, but that was quickly proven by your high-pitched moans.
“Right- right there- ah! Don’t stop, baby, don’t you dare fucking stop!” You leaned your face down, admiring the fact that she continued to comply to your request even in a state of such arousal.
“You can open your eyes now, bear.” She fluttered them open, blinking twice as she came to register the sight in front of her. The mask covered your face, the black paint looking into her eyes and she suddenly felt like someone else. She was no longer the killer, she was the victim.
“You like the mask? Yeah? Good, I was hoping you’d say that.” Your pants caused your chest to heave, your breasts bouncing in her face as a result. She removed a hand from yours, using her digits to caress the soft peaks before wrapping her lips around one, then switching to the other. The coil in her stomach tightened with each clench and each thrust, her eyes squeezing shut as she forced herself to slow down.
“Don’t hold back, bear, I want to feel your cum so deep inside of me.” She looked at you one more time for permission, using your short nod as approval to let go. Her teeth bit down gently as a result, causing you to hiss as she hurried to explain herself. You cut her off before she could speak, and she found herself unable to do so as she painted your walls white. You let her ride out her high, finding yourself unable to care for the orgasm you threatened yourself into having. It was cut short, and Nat wasn’t going to allow that.
“Shh, shh, don’t worry about me, just fill Mommy’s pussy.” Your tight hole greedily accepted her, and your womb greedily accepted her seed. You felt so full, but you were nowhere near done.
“You see this?” You pointed the knife in front of her, she gulped in fear before it led into hunger. You led the weapon to your chest as you leaned back, drawing it from the bottom of the mask to your lower waist. You grasped her palm, placing the knife in her hand as you allowed her to sit up. When doing so, her cock maneuvered inside of you, bringing a shudder of pleasure from both of you.
“I want you to mark me, baby. I want every single fucking soul to know exactly who’s Mommy I am.” She smiled, letting the object slowly and barely seep into you, it was just enough to leave a mark but nowhere near as bad to injure you greatly.
“And I want you to tell me while you write just how much of a good girl you are, and just how much Mommy loves their little bear.” You pet her head, rolling your eyes to the back of your head as she continued. You felt your hips threatening to repeat from earlier but held off until she finished.
“There, all done.” ‘Owner of Natty Bear’ was sloppily written on your skin, the blood dripping down your side as you praised the younger female.
“Mm, you did so good, Princess. Now, I think Mommy deserves a little treat, as well, yeah?” She nodded happily. “Alright, lay down, Mommy’s going to ride that cute face.”
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widow's bite (1) || e. williams
summary: "...the dangerous Black Widow is to be approached with caution, as the Black Widow's bite can cause death. she encases her victims with silk, then kills with poison from her fangs."
you're a black widow. you're sent to kill Spider-Woman. something inside of you just can't do it.
warnings: smut in future chapters, ellie is 18 and reader is 19, dreykov being gross which is canon, mentions of suicide attempt, canon death (sarah), swearing maybe? probs more, not proofread cause i'm lazy
word count: 4k
a/n: soooo i got this request and although it took FOREVER for me to write it, i was so excited that i just had to make it a series...i SWEARRR i'll try to update regularly but going back to uni is kicking my ass a little. also, ellie is basically mcu!peter. some of the avengers may make appearances. tony isn't dead.
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You stood tall in front of the massive screen in his office. Videos of a girl in a red and black suit swinging through New York City illuminated your solemn features. At the top of the screen, there were only a few words: Spider-Woman: TERMINATE.
“She keeps coming so close to discovering our New York base,” Dreykov’s accent spread through the dark room. “I can’t have her getting in the way of my work. This is important.”
You nodded, eyes never leaving the screen.
“You will bring her body back to me. She seems to have some sort of abilities, abilities I can use to make you stronger. Better.” His thick hand slithered up your shoulder. “Do you copy?”
“I copy.”
His lips twisted into a sinister smile, his gross breath hot on your cheek. “Always so obedient.” He licked his lips.
He smiled, “You take off…” he glanced at his watch, “right now. I don’t want to see you again until she's dead,” he spat in your ear.
“Yes, sir.”
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"Hey! Come back, mister criminal!”
Faint thwips filled the air as Ellie swung past corporate building after corporate building, chasing some burglar who happened to try robbing Delmar’s when she was ordering sandwiches for her and Joel. He would have to wait. She was just lucky she had her suit under her clothes.
He booked it down the sidewalk, cash flying out of the duffle bag, throwing pedestrians to the side as he tried escaping Spider-Woman.
She grunted as she dodged semi-trucks and cars, bikers and typical New York tourists. She almost lost sight of him when he turned a corner, but she could still hear his laboured breathing.
She could sense that he had stopped, under the impression that he had thrown her off his trail. He was resting in an alley up against an apartment building. Climbing to the roof, she perched herself on top as she looked down at him, hands on his knees as he panted.
“Hey, man, I think you forgot this!” She yelled as she dropped next to him. Before he could react, she cocooned him in webbing and left him stuck against the wall.
“You got a pen by any chance?” She asked, to which she had to dodge a ball of spit directed at her head. “Should've guessed.”
She pulled her calculus notebook out of her backpack with one of her good pens and scribbled a note on it:
“This is the one that robbed the bodega. I think you should cut old Delmar a tax break for his troubles.
She called it into the station and webbed the note to the criminal, webbing his mouth shut too while she was at it.
As she walked out of the alley muttering “all in a day’s work”, she heard the faint pleas of a small child. Letting her heightened senses guide her, she swung until she found the source coming from an open window in a different apartment complex.
She slid the window open far enough to get inside, putting her hands out in front of her when the child noticed her and was frightened.
“No no no! Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman, not gonna hurt you! I promise,” she said, getting to the little girl's level. The girl’s eyes softened and she seemed to trust Ellie.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, lip trembling. “My sister…please help.”
“Okay, where is she now?”
The little girl pointed outside of her door, “The kitchen.”
Ellie took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m going to go help her. You stay right here, okay? Don’t move.”
Something inside of her told her that something was wrong. She brushes it off as someone else being in danger.
As she creeps out of the child’s room, she surveys her surroundings. It looked like a regular New York apartment, a little messy, but nothing her and Joel’s place hadn't seen. Everything was fine.
Until it wasn't.
She suddenly had difficulty breathing when you jumped from somewhere above and wrapped your legs around her neck, squeezing. You elbowed her head repeatedly.
She grabbed you by your hips and threw you off of her, gasping for breath. Her naivety still told her that you needed help.
Was it her naivety?
“Calm down, lady! I’m trying to help you!” she said, still gasping. She watched the girl scurry past her and over to you. “I thought I said—”
She stopped talking when she saw you hand the girl a twenty, eyes still trained on Spider-Woman.
Once you knew the child was a safe distance away, you attacked. His voice rang in the back of your head. No casualties. No witnesses.
You lunged at her, hands finding her throat.
“Woah, at least take me on a date first,” she remarked as she easily slid out of your grasp, jumping up to the ceiling and latching on. She webbed your left arm to the wall. You let out a grunt of dissatisfaction as you squeezed your fist, a blade coming out of your cuff and slicing through the web. It was installed in all of the Widows’ suits in case of capture.
“Oh. That's pretty cool, honestly,” she said as she dodged a bullet from your pistol, flipping down from the roof. You charged her again, this time taking out her legs and pinning to the ground. You threw a hook right at her jaw, to which she exclaimed “Ow!”, catching the next one with ease. Your eyes widened as she flipped the two of you over, pinning you underneath her.
“Look, I don't want to—”
Before she could finish, you had sent electric currents through your suit, effectively tazing her.
In her incapacitation, you were able to flip over again and pressure your knee against her neck. While she struggled for air, her legs flailed underneath her. She managed to knee you in the stomach, opening up an opportunity to throw you off her. You both stood up, ready to go at it again, both slightly out of breath.
“Are you gonna say something?” Silence. “Can you even talk?”
She lunged forward in an attempt to pull down the mask that covered half of your face, a piece of fabric resting atop the bridge of your nose. Before she could grab it, you grabbed her wrists, locating her web cartridges. You released another electric current, frying them.
She stepped back, trying to shoot webs, but to no avail. That's when she saw the text on the bicep of your suit: WIDOW-893. “Shit!”
You threw a swift kick into her abdomen while she was caught off guard and knocked her down to her knees. Her eyes widened as you threw punches at her face, too dazed to think of blocking. When she finally grabbed your fist, she could feel the blood from her nose leaking through her mask and could taste metal.
“You’re a Widow? Like Nat?”
You struggled to get your hand out of her grasp. Instead, you pushed all your weight forward and landed on top of her chest, pinning her arms.
You reached forward and slid your fingers under the fabric of her mask. She struggled underneath you, but you had her pinned and she wasn't going anywhere.
You basked in her struggle, slowly sliding the mask off her face.
“I was sent to kill you.”
“So you do talk. Wait—”
“And that's what I’m going to do.”
“Please don't take my mask off. Please. Please don't kill me. Oh god, I have so much to live for, please—!”
You slipped her mask off completely to be met with her perfectly curved and soft lips, her delicate green eyes, and her pretty freckles, her auburn hair messy from having it under the mask. Her brows furrowed and she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for it to happen. When it didn't, she slowly opened one eye, and then the other. She was met with you admiring her face, gaze raking over her features.
Your eyes were wide and seemed slightly glassy, and she couldn't help but wonder why they looked so distant. Why it looked like you were trapped behind them.
She realized you weren't pinning her down anymore. She loosened an arm slowly from underneath you and brought it up to the fabric around your face, gently beginning to tug the mask down.
Your cold grasp on her wrist stopped her. “Don't.”
“Why not?” She whispered.
You tore your gaze away from her, standing up. You turned your back to her.
Looking back at her once more, you said, “Because it will end badly."
You moved to leave through the window, but a thought stopped you briefly
The truth is, you didn't know what to do. It's like you had just gained free will, like she had broken some spell. You had thought you were operating on your own terms until now.
You'd been sent to take out powerful men, some women, usually old, usually established, usually somewhat corrupt. But when you saw the fear in the eyes of a girl your age, your body shocked you back into free will.
Your back still to the girl, you just shook your head and jumped.
She coughed as she pushed herself up off the ground and shoved the mask back down over her face, wondering if she'd ever see you again. If she'd ever find out who you really are.
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“This is WIDOW-893,” you said into your comm-link, talking to an obscure agent you'd probably never meet. “I need an extraction. I’m sending you my location now.”
Static sounded in your ear before a harsh male voice began, “Has the mission been completed?”
You elected to ignore the question.
“Has the target been eliminated?”
More silence as you hunted for a place to lay low for a bit.
“Widow, has the target been eliminated?!” The agent’s frustration was palpable in his voice.
You swallowed. “Negative.”
“What do you mean, negative? This mission was of utmost— Sorry? Yes, sir.” Some keyboard clicks. “She can hear you now.”
“893, why wasn't your mission completed?” Dreykov’s invigorated voice droned through the comm. You searched for an excuse that wouldn't get you terminated. Or worse.
“The target seems to have heightened senses. She was able to get the jump on me before I was in position. My identity was almost discovered so I was forced to retreat.”
Dreykov let out a pained sigh. Slowly, he said, “I’m only going to tell you this once, agent, so listen very carefully. You are disposable. The mission must proceed, regardless of your comfort. We can easily terminate you and move on to the next Widow. Copy?”
“I copy.”
“Now, if this happens again, I will have you terminated. You get a pass this time because you're one of the…finer specimens we have. You will not be sent an extraction. You will complete this mission in terminating Spider-Woman. Do not make contact until then,” he said, and you could almost feel his hands slithering up your back and around your neck. “And don't think you're not being watched.”
With that, the connection was severed.
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Ellie threw the soggy McDonald’s bag down on the kitchen table as Joel stood at the sink washing dishes.
“Couldn't get sandwiches from Delmar’s. Poor guy got robbed again,” she said as she began digging in the bag for her fries.
Joel turned around to give her a shocked look. “Someone’s gotta look out for the people in this city. Lord knows the cops ain’t doin' much,” he said, shaking his head.
“Well…Spider-Woman looks out for people,” Ellie said, tearing the waters. Joel never really sided with J. Jonah Jameson from that stupid news station, but he was never really for the “vigilante” either.
He sighed. “Look, Ellie…I know you think Spider-Woman is cool and all, and I think it's good that she looks out for the normal people of New York, but I think it's irresponsible. I mean, I’m sure she's got people in her life that love her and she’s puttin’ her life at risk seven days a week,” he said as he dried the dishes and put them away.
“Yeah but,” Ellie said through a mouthful of fries, “If you had that power, wouldn't you be responsible for using it for good?”
“Yes, I suppose. But with great power comes great responsibility, Ellie. And with responsibility comes an immense need for balance. Remember that,” he said, turning to look at her.
Ellie swallowed the last few fries as she took a moment to digest what Joel had said. She gave him a meaningful smile before he turned back around to put the last few dishes away.
She couldn't help but think about your “power”. Was it given to you, or forced on you? How did you become so skilled? You were her age, or at least not far off. She’d never met someone so close to her age who held such a huge responsibility. But was it really a responsibility if you were being forced into it?
She knew she'd probably never come across you again, so there wasn't really a reason to overthink it. Right now, she just wanted to finish her Physics homework and watch The Empire Strikes Back with Jesse.
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Weeks had gone by and every moment plagued your mind with thoughts of Ellie. Or rather, if you had it in yourself to kill her.
Your immense training in Covert Ops was indeed handy for situations like these. You shadowed Ellie almost 24/7. You followed her on her commute to her high school, which you noted to be Midtown. You surveilled her through the cameras you'd planted in all of her classes. You followed her after school to the alley where she'd leave her school stuff and switch to her second life. You climbed from building to building as you followed her web-slinging as closely as possible without being seen. You searched and searched for something to justify it, something to prove she's a bad person and deserves to be terminated. But nothing. Nothing when she helped old ladies carry their groceries inside, or rescue little girls' cats from trees, or stop lecherous men from harassing women on the street. Especially nothing when you spied through her living room window and saw her laughing with her dad every Sunday morning.
Three weeks after your first attempt at termination, you had stumbled across the perfect moment to investigate your target’s bedroom. She was at a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art with her class, and her dad was at work.
Around noon, you whistled as you climbed the stairs to the apartment, smiling softly as you find the right one. You knock for good measure, and when nobody answers you slide two bobby pins out from your hair when to pick the lock. Classic, but it always works.
When you open the door you lock it again from the inside so nothing would seem astray. You feel an uncomfortable, throbbing pain in your chest as you look around at the framed portraits of your target and her dad, lots from when she was young. One of her holding a medal in a soccer jersey. One of them at a planetarium together. One of them with a model dinosaur in the background, a hat atop its head, both of them grinning.
You creep through the hallway, looking for one room in particular. Opening the first door, you enter an office space. You decide it might be useful in gathering intel on her family.
You slide open a drawer of the filing cabinet labelled “records”. There seemed to be two sections, one for her father’s business, and one for their personal records. The latter had significantly less material. You slid out the folders and placed them on the desk, taking a seat in the chair.
The first folder read: ADOPTION RECORDS
You skimmed the papers and deduced that about five years ago, a man named Joel Miller (presumably the target’s father) and a woman named adopted a girl named Ellie Williams, but had fostered her long before that with a woman named Theresa Servopoulos, the word “deceased” in brackets next to her name. Anna Williams, her single mother, died shortly after childbirth and a woman named Marlene took her in. However, Marlene gave her up to a foster home once she hit school age.
Another folder read: MEDICAL RECORDS
Ellie had a long history of optometry visits prior to about two years ago, then they just suddenly stopped. There was nothing else really interesting in her file.
Joel, however, was a different story. Medical records that yellowed and flaked at the edges sat in his file from over 20 years ago. He was admitted for a self inflicted GSW to the head shortly after the death of his daughter, Sarah Miller. He was admitted to a psychiatric ward by request of his brother, Tommy Miller, shortly after.
Another file read: ELLIE’S SCHOOL RECORDS
It was evident that Ellie had excelled in school ever since she had settled in with Joel, specifically in the math and science areas. Her transcripts highlighted a bright 4.0 gpa. She had a bright future.
Now with a name for your target, you decided to search her room to gain some more personal intel. Tucking the files away and closing the drawers, you stalked out of the office and down the hall to what was Ellie’s room (the words “Ellie’s Room!” scrawled on a banner on the door making it painfully easy).
The door creaked slightly when you pushed it open. You were immediately hit with the vague sent of pine and mahogany. Dirty flannels and socks were piled in a corner or sometimes littered around the room. An empty ramen cup sat on her nightstand. Notebooks and textbooks filled with complex calculations sat open on her book. Her blankets were peeled back, revealing astronaut bedsheets. “Cute,” you thought.
The cracked open window let in a nice breeze. The light blue walls were littered in posters, photos, and banners. Next to a lesbian flag above her bed were photos of her and the two friends she was always with. Plastered around her room were covers of comics, something called Savage Starlight. There were silly math reference posters, Star Wars posters, and just about everything you would never expect from a crime fighting vigilante.
Her laptop was left open, and a few clicks and an easy password guess later, the screen unlocked to Ellie’s web browser. Her search history made your brows furrow. You expected to find “How to buy weed NYC” or “porn” at the very least.
Search: Is there more than one Black Widow?
Search: Natasha Romanoff history
Search: The Red Room
Search: Dreykov The Red Room
Search: Dreykov Russia
Search: Black Widow Assassins
Search: Natasha Romanoff Phone Number
She had been researching you. Hell, she hadn't done a very good job by the looks of it. And did she really think The Black Widow’s phone number was public information?
You grabbed a figurine from Ellie’s desk and toyed with it as you took a moment to think. Was it really worth taking the life of an innocent girl just for the sustenance of your organization? Was it even your organization? It's not like you could remember how you got there. It's not like you remembered your family, or your friends, or what it was like to have them… It wasn't so bad if you didn't really have anything to compare it to, right?
A soft pressure around your ankles made you look down. Silky webbing coated your boots.
“Sit down,” her voice came from near the window. You turned as much of your body as you could and watched as Ellie gestured to her desk chair. With no choice but to oblige, you sat. She webbed your arms to the armrests, not taking any chances.
She spun the chair to face her direction and then leaned back against the window.
“What do you want with me?” She inquired, green eyes searing into yours.
“I told you. My mission is to-”
“No. If you were going to kill me, I’d be dead already.” Good point.
You broke eye contact and looked around her room dramatically. “Cute room. I like the flag.”
“Tell me what you want with me,” she said, stalking closer to your chair. “I’m not asking this time.”
“What happened to the ‘friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman’ I met? Do you rest all your guests like this?” You quipped.
“Yeah? Well, forgive me if I’m not so friendly to the one who tried to kill me, has been stalking me for weeks, and broke into my apartment.”
You roll your eyes.
Her large hand wraps around your jaw, forcing you to look in her eyes.
“Roll your eyes one more time and see what happens,” she growls. “Now tell me.”
You jerk your jaw away and kick her in the stomach, enough time for you to effectively sever the webs around your wrists and ankles.
“Fuck, I forgot about those,” Ellie says under her breath as she webs her bedroom door completely shut and stands in front of the window to block your exit.
“Move,” you demand.
“Move. Or this won't end well for either of us.”
“Nah, I think I’ll just stay right here ‘till you tell me what you want with me.”
You charged her, attempting to throw her to the side and leap through the window she entered through, but she's stronger. She's like brick as she pushes you back.
“Just let me go. I’ve made up my mind anyways. I’m done with you.”
“No can do. I’m not in the habit of letting pretty girls who try to kill me go so easily,” she said, and you felt your cheeks heating up. She webbed the window shut and sat down in her bed, gesturing to her desk chair again. “Come on. I just want to know what your people want with me. Then you can go, I promise.”
You knew it wouldn't hurt to tell her. You'd have to go on the run from Dreykov anyways. Rip your tracker out and all. So you sat and watched as she reached into a drawer in her nightstand and pulled out a pack of peanut M&Ms.
“Want some?” She asked as she peeled it open. You shook your head and she shrugged. “More for me, then.”
“What do you want to know?” You asked.
“Start from the beginning.”
You cleared your throat. “I was given the mission to find you and-”
“No. I get that part, I’m not stupid. I want to know how this happened to you. And how I can help you out of it."
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sseomtada · 5 months
being [ruben dias]
so, how are you and ruben doing after everything?
warnings: 18+ | wc: 5152 | part: 8/8
a/n: literally didn't expect to write anything this year much less finish a fic?? if you read this entire thing tysm 💌
Some time had passed since that night at your place.
Even though it was an ordeal that could’ve upended everything for you, the effect it had was starkly the opposite. Sure, there were days where your chest ached and your mind got stormy. They were becoming less frequent though.
Your anger had managed to boil down to a simmer, but you still weren’t ready to have that conversation with your mom yet. After everything you’d been through, you just wanted to lean into all of the fullness that your current life had to offer.
Work had become something of a mad house again. Deals with brands like Carhartt and YSL Beauty, along with the continuing project of managing Erling’s personal branding kept the three of you on your toes.
That didn’t stop the conference room from turning into the occasional tribunal about your personal lives. You gave Cindy the rundown on your relationship with Ruben. How you’d known each other for ages, dated for a while, broke up for complicated reasons beyond your control and eventually found your way back to one another.
That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard! She cooed with clasped hands.
Aki gagged dramatically.
Her and Ruben’s friendship had began to mend. They spoke not long after she found out the truth. She expressed the same things that you did - what he was forced to do wasn’t fair. Aki also didn’t blame him for making her collateral damage. There wasn’t a world where they could’ve continued being friends after the fallout and she knew there also wasn’t one where he would’ve made her carry the burden with him.
When she tried to play it cool at the suggestion that you should all get together at your place, you hid your wide, knowing smile. You knew she missed having him around. Their bond was something she hadn’t found in anyone else during those years apart.
If you guys don’t hug it out, I’ll wrap you in the same blanket. You threatened as they stood awkwardly in each other’s presence.
Like two siblings who were forced to reconcile by their parent after a fight, they shuffled closer until they exchanged stiff pats on the back. You sneakily recorded the moment - or so you thought.
Hey, I see you! Get back here! Aki yelled as she chased after you.
Escaping the clutches of one was easier than evading the duo that boxed you in, ganging up on you like old times. She scooped you up from your arms while Ruben got your legs. You struggled but eventually conceded, letting your body turn into dead weight in their hold before you were tossed onto your sofa and pummeled with cushions.
Aki took a picture of your disheveled form, hair sticking up in several directions. Sweet revenge.
Ruben smoothed out the wild strands and peppered your face with kisses. His head was the next to fall victim to a flying pillow. He gasped with wide eyes at Aki who shrugged, do that on your own time. You chuckled and returned his gesture.
It was one of the best nights you had in a long time.
You and Ruben also finally got around to doing things like going out on dates in public. He started off by showing you his favorite spot to go when he wanted to clear his mind. The weather had warmed up, making a walk along some trails at the reservoir a comfortable excursion. He brought you an ice cream cone from one of the trucks at the car park, indulging in some as you took in nature.
Ever the romantic, he brought along a blanket and some snacks. You fought against the urge to feed the cute little birds that flitted about while he asked how far you’d made it down your travel bucket list.
I finished it last summer, you grinned.
When you first wrote it, there were only a handful of cities. At that point in your life you never could’ve imagined that you would be able to visit all of the destinations you dreamed of. So, you settled with aiming for only a few.
Let’s make a new one, he pulled out his phone.
You reclined on his chest as you told him anything that came to mind, even the most random choices that left him confused. In the calmness and serenity of your surroundings, you were lulled into a nap beneath his soothing strokes of your waist. When you got home that night, he sent you a screenshot of a booking confirmation to the first new destination.
The following date night found you getting all dressed up for a fancy dinner. As much as you liked staying in and being cozy with Ruben, you also thoroughly enjoyed the princess treatment. He never let you touch a door handle and made sure to pull out your seat for you.
Ruben gazed at you over the dimly lit table in a way that made you wonder if he was hungry for the food or something else. When he told you that you looked ravishing, your silent question was answered. Though he was visibly eager to get you out of your dress, he practiced patience.
To opt for a distraction, you decided to play a game with the other couples around you. Guess their jobs, how long they’d been together and if they actually get on well.
I would hate to be in the room when that guy finds out she’s only using him for an expensive meal, you whispered.
How do you know? Ruben’s mouth dropped.
She’s been texting this entire time under the table, you nudged your head towards the faint glow behind the linen.
Not everyone there was playing pretend. Beside you two being evidence of that, there was another couple on the other side of the room that were so obviously in love, it made your lips tug. Your eyes widened, shoes tapping Ruben’s as you saw the guy sneak a box out of his pocket.
They didn’t make a scene, her yes coming quietly with a series of excited nods before he slipped the ring onto her finger. When your bill came, Ruben asked for theirs as well. On the receipt, you both congratulated them on their engagement and wished them endless years of happiness.
In a way, you felt like you were writing that note as if it were a wish for your future. You and him had went through enough bumps in the road and derailments to last a lifetime. The only thing you wanted to experience now were moments like this - his hand enclosing yours, smiling lips dropping to your bare shoulder and you holding his head there for just one second longer.
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You woke up before your alarm, but didn’t feel exhausted.
A consecutive week of good sleep had been bestowed upon you. Whether it was due to having days that left you fulfilled or nights mostly spent cuddled up to Ruben, you’d take it. Last night was one of the few occasions you’d slept alone. He was off again on football duties, but stayed with you on video call up until it was time for lights out.
You took the opportunity the extra time gave to take a long shower and put on that sapphire two piece you had as an option for Erling’s launch party. It looked even better on you today. A slight tan had returned to your skin from basking in a rare sunny day on your boyfriend’s balcony.
The outfit helped you feel like the head of a company, which was what you needed going in to today. Things were doing well enough that you were finally in the position to expand. Cindy had shortlisted some candidates for receptionist and senior developer positions. Naturally, their finals rounds would be held by you.
You made a stop at your favorite cafe on the same street as your office. Along with putting in an order for you and the crew’s regular coffees, you got a box of assorted pastries with varying options in consideration of dietary restrictions - should the prospective hires want a treat as well.
That’s definitely her. MCFCWAGS just posted a picture on their story yesterday.
Your ears caught onto a whisper coming from the table by the window. As tempting as it was to fully turn around, you instead found a reflective surface in the form of an espresso machine to spot a group of teenagers.
She’s prettier in person, how annoying.
That made you squint, unsure of how to feel. Was that a compliment or the backhanded counterpart of one? It was so hard to tell with the unironic/ironic sense of humor Generation Alpha had.
I like that she’s not some thirsty influencer trying to get more followers by being with Ruben.
Someone said they actually grew up together so-
Your order was called, snapping you out of your eavesdropping spell - which perhaps was for the best. There was a simple reason you stayed away from blogs and pages about player’s personal lives: ignorance was bliss.
On your way out, you kept your eyes ahead despite seeing their gazes follow you in your periphery. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding once you were in the clear. Thank goodness they’d spotted you today and not that time you couldn’t be bothered to change out of your pajama bottoms.
“I would kiss you, but unfortunately I know where that mouth’s been.” Aki plucked her iced americano from the cup holder.
“Poetic as always.” You shook your head.
“Cheers, love!” Cindy beamed. “I’ve organized the CVs and notes from my previous interviews in the meeting room for you.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” You groaned appreciatively. “Wish me luck.”
Not long after you’d gotten through browsing the information laid out and finishing your drink, you began your rounds of interviews. The pressure was off on your end since they wouldn’t have made it here if they didn’t meet all the necessary criteria.
All you were interested in was hearing about them. How they preferred to work, any goals they had set professionally or personally and how working at Bana could help in achieving them. Also, any unique qualities, hobbies or experiences, no matter how irrelevant they sounded to the position. You wanted to surround yourself with people that you could learn from, no matter their background.
The good news was that the interviews flew by and went well. That unfortunately was also the bad news. It made an already difficult decision of having to choose only one of them per role even harder. You roped Aki in for objectivity since she didn’t have bias formed on a face to face basis.
By the time you’d came to a consensus, working hours had wrapped up. There was no need to go overtime. For once, you didn’t feel the urge to overachieve and push your projects ahead of schedule. Everything was moving right on track and that was enough. You were learning to be satisfied with that.
“Did you get Ruben’s message?” You asked Aki in the lift back up to your floor.
“Yeah.” She rolled her eyes and when she caught you waiting for the response to your unasked follow up, she plastered on a smile. “And yes, I’ll be there.”
One of the few things you had yet to do as his girlfriend was go to see him play in person. It wasn’t as if you were actively avoiding doing so, at least not in your eyes. You were just waiting to feel comfortable enough to step into a space where you’d only be seen as Ruben Dias’ WAG.
The reason behind why that made you feel a bit of pressure was still unclear, but you didn’t want to delay things any longer. Besides, Erling was pestering you about not taking up his offer from ages ago to give the Etihad a visit. You were approaching the upcoming debut of sorts with a two birds, one stone mentality.
When the weekend rolled around, you found yourself pulling on one of Ruben’s jerseys. A myriad of emotions spun through your mind. One part of you was blushing and giddy, pride swelling at having his name stretched across your back. The other made fun of you for being so cheesy, it sounded like your own mini subconscious Aki.
Hurry up, I need over-buttered popcorn stat.
You laughed at the text sent by your best friend and then clutched your growling stomach. That did sound like it would hit the spot in your intense ovulation cravings. Your purse was quickly stuffed with its essentials before you dashed down to the garage to meet her.
As tempting as it was to poke fun at her wearing a sky blue jersey of her own, although not sporting a name on the back, you kept it inside. She might’ve been the master at heckling, but couldn’t take a jab when she was expressing a bit of vulnerability in her own way.
Cindy was bouncing excitedly when Aki pulled up to load her into the car. She mentioned that she was in fact seeing John and that they were taking things slow. It was her first time attending a game as well, which also added to your reasons for finally mustering up the courage.
Settling into the stadium was a breeze. If there was one thing you wouldn’t complain about that your girlfriend status brought you, it was gonna be the VIP treatment. Aki finally got her popcorn (which you raided), Cindy was joining in with the crowd’s chants and you were busy keeping your eyes peeled for Ruben.
They spotted him as he emerged from the tunnel for team warmups. You blamed your upcoming period for the wetness gathering in your tear ducts. It was just such a full circle moment to be here, seeing him do the thing he’d always wanted to. You cursed yourself for letting your mind overthink and keep you away for so long.
Ruben was completely focused on hyping himself and his teammates up. To be honest, you were getting kind of jealous. Did he forget that you were coming today? Why were they getting all of his attention? You flinched as a stray kernel landed on your forehead.
“No long faces!” Aki did a gesture that told you to smile.
Luckily, you didn’t have to force one on her account. It seemed like her playing it cool act was out of the window then. She was very superstitious when it came to matches. No one was allowed to be negative - not even badmouthing the opponents, should karma be swift - until the final whistle blew.
Your smile turned into a full on beam once warmups were done and Ruben found you. He waved happily, blowing you a kiss to add to the collection in your pocket. It put you at ease enough to recline in your seat until the team came back out for the match start.
Ruben looked…so fucking good. Your gaze found itself falling into his strong arms and back, that jersey of his really doing him every favor possible in emphasizing his best features. Then there were those long, lean legs of his. And his firm ass -
Another popcorn kernel, judgmental glare on the other side of it. “Don’t make that face either.”
You untucked your bottom lip from your teeth and pulled at the neck of your shirt as you mentally smacked yourself. Trying to not fall into some jazzy background music, heavy sigh sound effect riddled daydream about Ruben was easier said than done.
Football was a fun sport, but it was personally not the most entertaining. You were only invested where he was involved. As long as he played to his standard, stayed healthy and won, you were a happy camper. When things didn’t go so well, you were there to be his shoulder to lean on.
Thankfully, the current match seemed to be going in City’s favor. The ball stayed mostly in the opposition’s half, but on the odd chance that it wandered to the home team’s back line, Ruben or John were there to snuff out any threat. Your mini erotic fantasies nearly returned when he made a clean sliding tackle. How did he manage to move so gracefully while literally throwing his body to the floor?
You shook your head to snap out of it just as the final whistle blew. Cindy and Aki stood to their feet, their arms pulling you into a hug that ended in your small huddle jumping together. It was refreshing to be with the girls outside of the office, and you had a sneaking suspicion that match days would be a regular for you three moving forward.
“We’re gonna grab some pints at a nearby pub, you in?” Aki did a shimmy.
“I have plans.” Your face scrunched, response earning you a round of boo’s. “I’ll be there next time and I’ll even pick up the tab for missing out tonight!”
“No taking that back, you know?” Cindy pointed.
You swore you would do no such thing before sending them on their merry way. They skipped happily, probably already contemplating how much damage they were going to do to your poor debit card.
Ruben texted you instructions on how to get to the player’s car park. The pass you had around your neck allowed you to navigate without being stopped or questioned. You were pretty sure that security knew what the player’s partners looked like though. Or rather, you were certain Ruben had shown them a photo of you at least. There were a few extra warm smiles aimed at you as you made your way around back.
“Perfect timing.” Ruben’s voice sounded from behind.
You spun around to see him closing the gap between you two. His arms circled your body as your chin tilted upwards, lips pursing in search for his own. He chuckled and met your request with a firm peck.
“I understand why you have so many obsessed fans now.” You sighed.
“Stop!” Ruben gasped, taking your hand in his.
“Okay, but seriously.” You laced your fingers together. “Watching you play was mesmerizing, awe inspiring, everything of the sort. I’ve never been prouder.”
Reducing him to blushing was one of your favorite things to do, especially because it was so hard to achieve. He was normally the one dealing out the sweet words that had you mentally kicking your feet. This time around though, you promised yourself that you’d return the favor of much as possible.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Ruben kissed your forehead and then your lips again.
You sank into the passenger seat after he opened the door for you to slide in. He ran around to his side and started up the car to get your seat warmer on. The nights were still a bit unforgiving despite the days not being too miserable anymore.
Ruben’s eyes kept darting to your torso. You thought that you were maybe painting him with your own brush when you caught him the first few times, but when his tongue darted to the corner of his lips, you were validated. He was definitely playing his own version of a sensual montage in his head.
“Careful, you might start drooling.” You warned playfully.
His deep laugh slipped out. “I can’t help it! You look so good in that.”
“Do I?” You bit your finger. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to cook breakfast in nothing but your jersey…”
That made him pick up the pace. A drive that already wasn’t too lengthy, the stadium visible from his balcony and all, went by even quicker than usual with your tempting words replaying in a loop in his mind.
Your lips were claimed by Ruben as soon as you both crossed his threshold. It was a desperate and dizzying kiss that spelled out the need to show you everything he’d imagined doing to you earlier. The same energy was returned, if not more so, from your end. You cupped the back of his head, tongue grinding against his urgently.
“I wanna ask you something.” He rasped after you pulled back.
“Ask later,” Your head shook as you dropped to your knees and tugged at his joggers. “This first…”
Any protest he might’ve had subsided rather easily with your hand wrapped around his cock. Ruben groaned, brows pinching at the sight of you knelt before him. You opened your mouth wide and took him as deeply as you could without pause.
That was the kind of mood you were in tonight. All you wanted to do was taste him, take him, make him feel so good that he begged you to stop - or not. Ruben saw it in your eyes that looked up innocently. A startling contrast to the lewd noises his length made while prodding into your throat.
You came up gasping for air. It was a rather quick intermission, your lips skimming along the side of his dick while your jerked him off slightly. You kissed his leaking tip and then you were sucking him off to the point of gagging once again.
“Fuck you’re so pretty like that, baby.” He ran his fingers through your hair. “Can you handle some more?”
You nodded rapidly, begging for him to use your mouth the way you knew he was hoping to from the moment you fell to your knees. Ruben’s palm rested flat against the back of your head before he pushed it forward slowly.
He had you locked in place, there was no way for you to retreat without him releasing you first. You hummed around his cock, relaxing your throat for him. Ruben bared his teeth as he moved his hips back and forth.
Hot tears ran down your cheeks while he fucked your face. You held out for as long as you could, fingernails biting into your palms to help your focus. If he wanted to see who would break first, you were hellbent on making it a very tortuous experience for him.
Your tongue flattened even more, spreading along the back of his cock and sliding side to side across the large vein. Just as you began to curl it slightly, Ruben yanked you off of him and back to your feet.
“Trying to make me cum?” He murmured.
“That’s typically the point of giving head, Gato.” You taunted.
It was a ploy to continue receiving this same version of your boyfriend. He could save the loving and romantic side of himself for the inevitable second round. Right now, you just wanted to be used by him until you were aching.
Ruben spun you around and bent you over the kitchen counter. You bit your lips as he made quick work of getting rid of your trousers and panties, arching your back so that he could see your soaking cunt.
“You’re lucky I need you so bad right now.” Ruben leaned over your body, nibbling your ear.
One of his hands slipped between your thighs to rub your clit in painfully languid circles. You pressed against him with a drawn out moan, eyes fluttering shut. Your hips had barely picked up the rhythm of his fingers before he pulled them away.
The rest of his name was cut off by a sharp inhale. He had thrusted fully into you, quickly and powerfully. Your walls trembled with the shock and only began to relax when he slowly started to rock his hips into yours.
Your hands searched blindly for something, anything to grip onto while your pussy got the same treatment that your mouth did earlier. They settled for the other edge of the counter, arms stretched above your head. Ruben found a steady pace with ease, going so deep every time he bottomed out that he had you on your tippy toes.
“Where you going, hm?” He circled your waist, pulling you flush against him.
Something between a laugh and a mewl left your mouth, “Fuck you.”
How was it that every time you made a plan to overwhelm him, it always backfired? Okay, it was definitely your fault that things didn’t play out the way you hoped on this occasion. You shouldn’t have riled him up, much less when he still had residual adrenaline pumping from his match.
You certainly weren’t complaining, though. Ruben had you a shaking mess in his hold in no time. You let your cries out, some floating into the air and the rest of them swallowed by him. Your legs turned to jello and were all but useless until you felt a hand come down hard on your ass.
“Shit!” You whimpered.
“Keep these open nice and wide for me.” Ruben chuckled.
He actually didn’t leave you much of a choice. One of your legs was lifted, bent knee propping up onto the counter. You muttered something about him just taking the piss at that point, your head dropping back to rest on his shoulder.
It felt like he was everywhere all at once. A hand toying with one of your swollen nipples, the other swiping some of your slick from your soaking core before two fingers dipped into your mouth. All while he fucked your cum back into you until his own was released, so much that you felt a hot trail run down your inner thigh.
Before even more mess was made in his kitchen, you both scurried over to the bathroom for a quick shower. He sat on the bench while you perched on his lap to wash his hair. Once you were done, you closed your eyes to let him do the same.
“That mouth of yours is…” Ruben shook his head.
“Hmm, let me guess.” You snuggled into the pillow. “It’s your favorite?”
His teeth softly sank into the back of your thigh and you yelped. The sweet version of him was back. He was so concerned that he was a bit too rough earlier. It lead him to kiss up your legs and back as you lied on your stomach.
“And people think I’m the cocky one.” Ruben nuzzled his face in your neck.
You couldn’t help breaking out into laughter. Not because his words were that hilarious, but because his beard was making the gesture tickle. You wiggled around to face him and cupped his cheeks.
God, he was so beautiful. Your fingers connected random lines between his freckles, ran down the length of his nose and traced the shape of his mouth. You’d never get tired of him watching as you marveled in his features.
“Oh!” You gasped. “What did you want to ask me earlier?”
Ruben peeled himself from your hold and disappeared out into the main living area. You sat up, bunching the sheets around your naked body in an attempt to replicate the warmth you’d just lost.
“Close your eyes.” He poked his head back into the room.
Unlike seemingly a lot of people, you loved surprises. There was just something so sweet about someone wanting to do an act or provide a gift, no matter how big or small, that would make their loved one happy.
You did as you were told and let your other senses take over. Ruben’s footsteps came closer until they seized, the bed sinking under his weight again. He took one of your hands in his, quickly placed a slightly sticky object into your palm and wrapped your fingers around it to form a fist.
“Okay, you can open them.” He whispered.
Your left eyelid lifted slowly and then your right. The hand resting in his own remained folded, shaking. It was obviously what your mind deduced it be to based on the size and feel, but seeing it was going to leave you even more wordless than you already were.
You let your fingers spread to reveal a ring.
Not just any engagement piece that was trending or gaudy, but one that held special meaning. You were taken back to the moment you were making vision boards with him on New Year’s in 2017. The company logo you wanted to intern with, pictures of southern Italy and your dream designer shoes made the cut.
What interested Ruben the most was the image of a ring. It wasn’t the most extravagant thing in the world, just a simple but elegant cut of your birthstone surrounded by tiny diamonds. You remembered blushing furiously, making light of its presence on your vision board by saying a girl can dream…
The exact ring was now sitting in the palm of your hand seven years later. It made you wonder if he had it this entire time, if he had gotten it shortly after that day and was waiting for the right moment that year to propose.
“I’ve never pictured my life with anyone but you. At each turn, in every corner of my mind and my heart, I always find you, Y/N.” Ruben stroked your wrist. “This might be sudden, but I just had to ask since I’ve been meaning to for so long.”
He confirmed what you were thinking, making your eyes weld with tears. On top of everything, he carried the additional burden and pain of being robbed of the chance to do this back then.
“What are you waiting for then?” You sniffed. “Ask me.”
Ruben took the ring and held it up, “Will you let me call you mine, forever?”
A laugh broke through your tears. You stuck your left hand out, wiggling your fingers in anticipation. It didn’t shock you that the ring fit perfectly given that your size hadn’t changed. Your ring finger moved up and down, testing the weight of its newest addition. It felt good, right. You grinned.
“Is that a yes?” His thumb ran along your knuckles.
“Yes,” You opened your arms. “Come here.”
Ruben pounced on you, kissing you all over. You surrendered to his seemingly never-ending pecks and compliments. You let go of past anger, hurt and miscommunication. Instead, you opened yourself up to make room for everything that was to come.
All of the moments that would make you proud to call Ruben yours. Forever.
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lambilegs · 13 days
Lee who takes care of you after she comes home really late from work one night after unexpectedly being asked to stay longer and you’re just absolutely beside yourself because you have anxietyTM and were convinced something terrible had happened when she wasn’t home when she said she would be and wasn’t answering her phone
lee comforting you after she unexpectedly returns late one night (angst + hurt/comfort)
awe :(( this is so sweet and angsty I'm in love (tysm for the request!! I loveee angst and hurt/comfort, so this was so tender to write :''))
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ✩₊˚🧸.⋆☾⋆⁺₊💤✧
when lee enters the elevator in the bureau, bidding a farewell to agent carter, she immediately sags against the wall, her legs nearly aching. she hasn't had such a packed, tight-scheduled day like this in a while. she got in, and immediately, was flooded with photographic evidence and documents that she had to spend hours pouring over and making notes of. she took a short, twenty minute lunch break, which consisted of making coffee, calling you and eating a quick granola bar. after visiting the library and spending hours on even more research, carter then asked her to stay back to visit one of the victims' homes with him. of course, she wanted, and needed, to say yes, curiosity burning in her to discover more about the recently deceased man and provide answers for his family.
but, she's now weary to the bone. the urge to yawn keeps swimming up her throat, mouth wet with the drool from it and eyelids heavy. she forces herself to remain upright, walking cautiously through the parking lot, eyes scanning around. upon entering her car, she leans her forehead on the wheel, sucking in a deep breath, trying to shake herself out of the exhaustion so she can focus on the drive home. after squeezing her eyes open and shut, she finally starts on her way home to you.
upon entering her cottage, an unsettling feeling washes over her. she checks her watch -- it's late, sure, but you're usually up at this time, doing some work of your own or on the couch, watching television. but, her home was eerily silent. she quietly locks the door, slipping her shoes off and neatly placing them on the rack, before venturing further.
she calls out for you, her chest beginning to tickle with nerves when you don't answer. she silently makes her way to her bedroom, door creaking as she pushes it open. "babe?"
her breath hitches when she sees the state of you. you're curled into her blankets, eyes teary, mouth tight with anger. when she steps in, you practically glare at her, and the sharpness of your stare is enough to have her freezing in place. "what is it?" she asks, voice hushed, the teeth of worry beginning to sink into her gut and sending her muscles contracting.
you sniffle, mouth quivering, and she feels herself frown. god, you look so distressed, and at once, both betrayed and immensely sad. the complications of such an expression has her unnerved, and she tenses up, waiting for your answer.
"do you remember what time you said you'd be home, lee?"
immediately, it clicks, the memory of her call with you making its trail through her brain. in the footsteps, she remembers her words, promising to be home by 7:30PM. when she had just checked her watch, it was 10:28PM.
her eyes shift to the ground, shame coursing through her at the broken promise, fingers thrumming on her thigh as she tries to formulate a response -- anything, really, it just had to be the right response. you deserve that much. "I... I'm sorry. carter asked me to stay back, and I couldn't say no."
"well, did he also ask you to not call me?" you ask sarcastically, your words containing a bite that she isn't accustomed to receiving from you.
"no, he didn't," she answers truthfully, though part of her suspects your question was rhetorical. "that was my fault. it slipped my mind, that I had promised to be home early, that I should've called you." her voice lowers, thick with shame at her own irresponsibility. "I'm sorry."
your face softens, eyes drinking up the way she avoids your gaze, the way her voice sounds so small, losing the natural straightforwardness it usually possesses, and the movements of her hands clumsy, folding in on themselves. "I was just so worried, lee. you said that this guy you've been investigating has a violent history, and has made threats to the FBI. and I..." you breathe in shakily, fresh tears beginning to well in your eyes. "I was terrified something had happened. I tried to reassure myself, but I couldn't do it. everything in my head was panicked and was moving a mile a minute. all the possibilities of what could've happened to you felt even worse than just saying them out loud. and, and you didn't pick up."
she nods quietly to your words, wanting you to have the space to express what her actions caused. she knew you dealt with anxiety, and was well-aware of how her being an agent could impact that. yet, still, she managed to screw up. what is wrong with her? guilt latches onto her gut and tightens its grip, and she feels her fingers, slippery and clumsy, continuing to fiddle. "I understand. I'm really sorry, baby. I promise, it won't happen again." when she looks up at you, your lips part at the sight of her eyes sheen with tears, eyebrows scrunched together in determination. "it won't happen again. I'm sorry it did, though. I know the circumstances, and it was messed up for me to forget to call you again. and I'm just -- I'm sorry." she feels a tear slip down her cheek, and her hand flinches to wipe it away before deciding against it, not wanting to draw attention to it in case you missed the sight of it in the dim lighting. "I've just been so caught up in work, and this case, and just got lost in it today. and I was so tired, and carter asking me to help him was just so rushed that I didn't get to even think, and..." she falters, realizing she's rambling, trying desperately to explain herself and make this up to you. but, she knows no amount of excuses will ease your hurt. only her promise to do better will. "I'm sorry."
she swallows down the urge to cry, wanting to remain focused on you. but, you're quiet for so long, and the silence of the room causes anxiety to unfurl in her, the sudden feeling making her shift.
finally, in her peripheral vision, she sees you move, and tentatively looks up to find you sitting up in the bed, arms stretched out.
relief flushes through her, as welcome a feeling as a gust of wind on a humid summer day. she immediately walks towards you, sitting down on the edge of the bed and burying her face in your neck, arms clinging to you, desperate to feel your touch, your forgiveness. "baby, I..." her words catch on a broken breath, the urge to cry choking at her.
"I know," you whisper, hands combing through her hair. "I was just so scared. I tried to call, but you didn't pick up."
"I'm sorry," she says, voice muffled against your skin. "I was out with carter, but I should've told you." her arms tighten around you, and through that motion, you feel the guilt whirling inside her, the love threatening to spill from her lips.
"yeah, you should've," you say, pausing as a small sob bubbles up in your throat, tears beginning to leak as you remember the anxiety that had plagued you just minutes ago.
she hears it, immediately pulling away to watch you, mouth clamping shut, worry creasing her temple, as you start crying again. for a moment, she just watches you, devastation gnawing at her from seeing how pained you are. she should've done better, she knows that now, but the guilt is ceaseless. she never wants to cause you such worry, such hurt.
her arms wrap around your waist, long fingers drawing gentle circles into your back, as you weep into her chest, soaking through her dress shirt. she silently lets some of her own tears fall, paying no mind to them as she strokes your hair and quietly listens to your broken words and croaking hiccups, murmuring apologies into your hair, which still smells fresh from your shower.
"I-I'm sorry, too, for snapping," you gasp out through your sobs. "I was just scared and anxious, and it made me antsy and upset with you, but I know it was an accident. I shouldn't have snapped, I'm sorry."
something inside her softens at your apology, the earnestness of your words enough to comfort her. you taking a harsh tone with her always feels unfamiliar and unsettling, and to hear you take it back helps her more than she'd like to admit.
after you calm down, the hiccups slowly beginning to subside, she combs your hair back from your sweaty forehead and damp cheeks. her eyes, wide and earnest, explore yours and you nearly shrink under the intensity of the gaze. the feeling is moulded into a sweet longing when she presses her lips to your cheeks, softly kissing away your hot tears. "what can I do?" she whispers against your skin, her touch so light and delicate.
you shrug, voice still raspy from your cries. "just, stay with me. and, I don't know, can we hang out?"
her eyebrows draw together, face firm as she gives you a hard nod. "of course. I want to." she pauses, eyes glancing to your lap as she swallows. "you know that, right? I want to be here with you."
you nod, not trusting your voice. everyday, she eagerly greets you upon her arrival at home, and even on days when she's weary and drained, her head immediately lays in your lap, face nuzzling into your thigh. you know she wants time with you. despite her quietness, her actions show that. the way she almost always keeps her promises as to when she'll return, her consistent calls when at work, your long talks before bed. you know it.
she holds you for the rest of the night, turning on one of your comfort shows when you admit still feeling uneasy in spite of her return home. she makes each of you a cup of tea, bringing it to bed, and carefully placing it in your hands. she rubs your back, whispering gently, "I'm here, I'm home," (the words ease her as much as they do you, the comfort and safety of having someone to return home to making her overcome with emotion and gratitude) pressing kisses to your brow. but, she doesn't rush you, she never does. she just stays near you, ready to wait however long needed, so long as it meant you could breathe easily.
when you both fall asleep that night, you immediately sink into a slumber, the exhaustion of the anxious night wearing you down. she watches you for a while, brushing her knuckles against your cheek, a protective urge surging through her to stay up in case you woke up, for she knows how difficult it can be for you to rest easy on such nights. but, as her eyes get heavy, she curls closer to you, her knees lifting in her usual fetal position of sleeping. your hand lays next to yours, and she cups them, quietly kissing your fingertips. when your eyes briefly flutter open, heavy-lidded and bleary, she smiles, her stomach feeling like it will burst at the sight. "wake me if you need anything, okay?"
you lazily grin, nodding into the pillow. "okay."
she pauses, eyes searching yours. "I love you, okay?"
"I love you too, lee."
with the quiet confession whispered and lost into the night, you both sleep, minds, at least momentarily, at ease from the assurance.
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blitz0hno · 2 months
This got long so TL;DR: Mikoto acts on autopilot ~%90 of the time, but I believe he planned (most of) his crimes. He has straightforward reasons that align with his actions, but appears purely unreasonable because of his mental state. Kotoko is very deliberate, but acts her most violent out of raw emotion. She appears calculating, but feels completely out-of-control despite her strong "heroic" front.
y'know it SEEMS cliche that John screams like a madman every time he fronts but gee horror tropes aside has Es considered that switching can HURT?? like a lot???? Like idk maybe feeling your body flood with adrenaline and being made to handle that shit the moment someone "pisses him off" is a little bit agonizing? Maybe having no idea what's going on until he can process the emotional flooding adds fear which really doesn't help???
Fuck mannnnn when you read between the lines, John and Mikoto are a REALLY good deconstruction.
... especially since he is contrasted mainly with Kotoko. I say this because I was just struck with an idea.
So KOTOKO, despite saving the girl being her primary objective, kicked her victim to death out of anger. At her core, despite all her ideals, she was not acting out of reason or necessity, however reasonable the actual action seems.
Given that prisoner pairs are meant to starkly contrast, that gives me my best reasoning as to why I defend Mikoto's innocent vote while also praying John DOESN'T disappear:
Despite how unreasonable and irrational John acts at first, there's a reason he reacts the way he does. And deep down, somewhere in his mind, MIKOTO knows the reason he did what he did. His motives are real, even if he doesn't remember carrying out such a "dream." This leads me to believe there were REALLY big reasons, and likely good reasons, for killing who he did.
A deliberate, maybe even carefully premeditated act would undeniably lead to the death sentence. His brain knows this even if Mikoto himself isn't consciously thinking of it. But a defense of randomly "losing control?" MAYBE he can keep surviving. Because all he was doing was surviving.
I believe that when one protects themselves, they protect others as well. Perhaps I am biased, but no, abusive people should not go unaddressed and uninterrupted. It's very very very implied that John and Mikoto went after people he felt endangered by. I went over this in my first "Double" analysis, but TL;DR I think the red herring John gave (which is funny cuz that phrase comes from tactics to throw DOGS off their trail) goes SO much farther thematically than I've seen talk about.
John has reasons that he does what he does, as does Mikoto. Systems are wired for survival. The lucky ones do well in academics and even many job environments because they are ALWAYS processing what to do next. Burnout is SEVERE because the brain is basically always "on alert," even when we're checked out. I can find clinically documented sources for this claim and I will if I make a video or something about this, but yeah it sure is an EXPERIENCE when it all comes crashing down. Trying to end a cycle.
As for Kotoko? She is literally portrayed to have a one-track mind. Her ideals and justice. But ironically? She killed out of raw anger and emotion, which is what the wolf at the end of Deep Cover represents. Despite having a very "normal" life overall, SHE is the one who truly loses all control of herself. SHE beats up the people who annoy her. Because it's grating, as she said in Deep Cover, to face the ugliness of humanity and NOT be able to escape your brain's response to it. SHE cannot "disappear" and forget her rage at injustice like Mikoto can. She is at the mercy of this uncontrolled rage and the resulting violence she allows herself to perpetrate. Repeating a cycle.
it's so brilliant. It's SO brilliant. They are the same. They couldn't be more different. Neither is a hero nor a monster. But they are heroes in SOMEONE'S, or arguably MANY people's eyes. And yet in both 009 and 010's cases, when we see their truest and most raw colors, we question EVERYTHING we assumed before.
Mikoto is not telling the whole truth when he says he doesn't get angry or remember anything. John straight-up lied to cover Mikoto's motives for doing so, and possibly out of his own genuine confusion. He is acting on instinct drilled in by traumatic events that the brain is using as reference; however, with how DID works, John is not going to know that. It's not his "job," the protection role he plays in the system , to know that. Yet there are reasons all the same. His BIG reason, which he calls out to Mikoto in "Double," over and over, was to SAVE Mikoto. Meanwhile, Mikoto is afraid of his actions, but presumably carried them out in order to stay alive. Whatever his "dream," he still wishes he could be seen as a good man despite what he presumably felt he had to do to survive. DID is the "sink or swim" disorder; it's literally about saving yourself and being protected from the emotions that come with it. Whether or not his reasons truly make sense is yet to be seen, but either way, Mikoto feels he cannot trust himself. He is cut off from emotions that would make him believe his reasons were "bad enough" to ACTUALLY warrant murder. That is why he split; to forget how bad it truly got. He has NO idea how protected he truly is.
Kotoko firmly believes that she is COMPLETELY honest about what she wants and what she wishes to do about it. She believes her anger is justified completely, and thus her actions must be justified as well. This reasoning allows her to be completely convinced that she is aware of and comfortable with her every choice. Her reaction to her own anger, leaving Lucky behind in that rage, and her reaction to the wolf in "Deep Cover" revealed her awareness and comfort to be a self-imposed illusion of strength. Her ideals are real and she fights for them, yet she's crossed so many lines that she's actually very afraid of what she's become. It's right behind her, isn't it? Something she cannot run from before it swallows her. And having picked apart every other person there? She is alone; but this fear isn't "strong," so she hides it away for the extraction machine to reveal to us as the audience.
Both are driven by larger-than-life emotions that can only come from raw existential anguish; emotions repressed until they explode. Neither are anywhere near what they seem to be on the surface. Both are unknowingly dishonest. Neither knows what to do about it.
I wanna say there's hope for them but you know. Superhell.
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baldursgrave69 · 8 months
Now We’re Even
Pairing: Astarion x fem!durge (named)
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: MDNI, afab!durge, feelings, oral sex, public oral
While writing this I was listening to: Mine by Sleep Token
Find me on Ao3 here
Happy Valentine’s Day :’)
Also I’m sorry Gale
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Agnes stood on the rooftop of the Elfsong Tavern, her eyes closed as she breathed in the cool evening air.
Something about watching the city as it slept felt familiar, it was the closest she got to feeling at home in Baldur’s Gate. Her long, black hair was down from her usual tight braid, it cascaded down her back and nearly reached past her backside. The rest of her party was taking a well deserved break in the tavern. She had slipped away, hopefully unnoticed, to spend some time beneath the stars.
While she didn’t really miss slumming it in the Wilds, Agnes did miss their old camps. It was nice to sleep in a bed for once, but nothing beat camping in the open, the crackling of the fire, the sounds of nature at night. Agnes let out a loud sigh, opening her eyes to look over the city.
“How did I know you’d be up here?” Astarion said from behind her, she hadn’t noticed him make his way up to the roof.
Agnes turned to him, a smile crossing her face. He came up to her, pressing a kiss to her lips as he wrapped his arms around her middle from behind. Agnes relaxed into his embrace, turning back to face the city.
“Something about being up here feels so familiar. I must have done this a lot. Before,” she said as he nuzzled his face into her neck.
“I like watching over the city, too,” he said. “Any time I had a free moment I would just stand in the moonlight and watch the city sleep,” he continued with a loud sigh.
“I wonder if we were ever looking at the city at the same time,” Agnes thought aloud.
Now that she knew who she was before, she wondered if they had ever crossed paths. Both she and Astarion stalked the city at night, looking for victims.
“Do you think we were ever in the same place?” Agnes asked, turning to face him.
Astarion’s expression dropped, his eyes darting to the ground. Agnes took a step back, studying his expression. He knew something.
“Astarion… what is it?” She asked cautiously as the vampire shifted under her gaze.
“Well,” he started, taking a step back. “Do you remember how, at the beginning, I could have sworn I knew you from somewhere?” He said, looking back up at her.
Agnes swallowed uncomfortably, she didn’t like where this was going.
“Oh, gods. Astarion what did you remember?” She said, watching him.
“There was a night at a tavern where I had been looking for victims for Cazador. I’d been watching this woman for an hour or so, trying to develop a strategy to lure her in,” Astarion stepped towards Agnes, extending his hand to hers.
She wavered for a moment before placing her hand in his.
“When I was ready, I walked over and sat by…” he trailed off, squeezing her hand.
“Oh no,” Agnes whispered, feeling sick to her stomach.
“I now know it was you. None of my usual flattery or flirtations worked on you, you were instantly combative,” he said with a chuckle.
Agnes looked at him with sad eyes, any interaction she had with him before the tadpole was surely not a good one.
“Did I hurt you” she asked, tears welling in her eyes.
“No, my dear. Though you did threaten to kill me,” he said, wiping a stray tear from her cheek. Agnes sighed, a half hearted chuckle escaping her lips.
“You held your dagger to my throat and told me if I moved you’d let me live,”
“That sounds right, honestly,” Agnes said.
“I refused to move. The way I saw it, you were giving me an out from centuries of torture,” he said, lacing his fingers with hers.
“Oh, Astarion,” Agnes said with a quiet gasp, leaning her forehead to his.
“You considered it, but then you pushed me out of the way. I don’t know what made you decide to spare me,” he said, pulling her closer
“I guess we’re even, then,” Agnes said, a grin on her face.
Astarion cocked his head to the side, unsure what she was talking about.
“I may not remember the first time we technically met, but I do remember the second time. And I remember you pulling me to the dirt and holding a dagger to my throat,” she said, her arms now wrapped around his neck.
“Hmm, while that is true, let’s not forget the night you spent tied up trying to slit my throat. Technically, you’ve threatened to kill me more times than I have you,” Astarion replied, his hands traveling down to her waist.
“How might we even it out, then?” Agnes asked, moving her face closer to his so their noses were touching.
“I could go for a little death. Figuratively speaking, of course, darling,” Astarion purred against her lips, pressing her body into his.
Agnes placed her hands on Astarion’s waist, spinning him around and pressing him against the railing of the balcony.
“That can be arranged,” she whispered, in his ear, her hand trailing down his waist to cup his half-hard cock.
Astarion moaned quietly as Agnes kissed his neck, palming his erection through his pants. His hands gripped the railing behind him as he let his head fall back. Agnes unlaced his trousers, wrenching them down to allow his length to spring free. She smiled, immediately sinking to her knees in from of him.
She looked up at Astarion, pumping his cock a few times with her hand before licking a stripe up the underside with a flat tongue. Astarion let out a groan as she took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around his head. Agnes languidly bobbed her head on his cock, a hand trailing up under his shirt and rest on the taught muscles of his stomach. Astarion pulled the bottom of his shirt up, watching as Agnes swallowed around his length.
“Gods, you’re perfect,” growled, pushing his cock to the back of her throat. Agnes braced herself against his thighs, taking him as deep as she could.
“Shit, someone’s coming up,” Astarion hissed, hearing the latch to the rooftops entrance rattle.
Agnes quickly jumped up, turning her back to Astarion with his cock still in her hand
“Gods that door is heavy,” Gale grumbled, making his way up to the rooftop.
Astarion’s eyes widened as Agnes began pumping his length in her hand, slowly and languidly as Gale made his way towards them.
“Hi, Gale,” Agnes said with a smile as Astarion braced himself against the railing, trying to keep himself composed.
“Is everything alright? I noticed you two were missing from the festivities,” the wizard said, blissfully unaware of what he had just stumbled upon.
“Yes, of course. Everything’s fine, right Astarion?” Agnes said with a smirk, swiping her thumb over the head of his cock.
“Hah, yes we’re fine,” Astarion breathed, his knuckles white against the railing behind him.
“Very well then,” Gale said, narrowing his gaze at Astarion who was trying to stifle a moan.
“Goodbye, Gale,” Astarion said through gritted teeth, eyes widening at the wizard.
Gale looked at him in confusion for a moment before realization hit him.
“Aah, well I, uh, should be going then,” Gale said, quickly averting his gaze and scrambling down the hatch off of the rooftop.
Astarion wrapped a hand around Agnes’ middle, pulling her flush against him.
“Downstairs, now,” he growled against her neck.
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williamaltman · 6 months
Ok so, I've been wanting to talk about the whole episode 5 recollection thing ever since we saw it on the previous trailers, and since there were more shots of it in the new one too I'm gonna take the opportunity...
So, in all the little shots we've seen, we have Louis going at Lestat. So I'm guessing the idea is that they're gonna make the """fight""" actually more of a fight and not just Louis getting beaten.
Personally, I am pleased with this, because I think it's basically the best way to deal with this whole mess. I never had an issue with Lestat and Louis "fighting". What I have issue with is how extremely violent it was, how Lestat actually seriously hurt Louis. If it had been just a punch or two (though that would already be domestic abuse) I wouldn't have been fazed, but his whole body was bruised and bleeding. There was a trail of blood when he got dragged across the street. He took months to heal. In their little "fights" (actually not sure if it's more than one) in the book, Louis was completely fine. Lestat never truly hurt him physically.
So, to sort of get into a writers mindset I guess, how could you "fix it"? Well, I don't think they could say it's a fake memory. I'm sorry but the idea that it was implanted by Armand for example is just ridiculous to me. I don't think it even makes much sense in the first place, but besides that, I hate the idea of just blaming Armand to make Lestat seem better. This black and white idea of one of them being the "bad boyfriend" and the other the "good one" that comes from both sides is NOT true to the characters imo, and I also think it's a shitty narrative to go with, storytelling wise.
Besides that, I'm not sure how else you could fully retcon it and say it was fake. I saw people theorizing that only the drop was fake, but again that seems to rely on the Armand fake memory theory, and I honestly don't think they'll retcon it since it was kinda the whole point thematically from what the writers said (that it's a parallel to Paul and that they were "very pleased with themselves" for it). And clearly the initial "fight" is not fake from the new shots we got. Obviously "Louis made it up" is not an option. I remember people talking about how it was from Claudia's POV, which I honestly don't remember whether that part was supposed to be from her diary or not, but even if that's the case the most that could do is establish that the details of the fall are messy because she wasn't there to see it, and that maybe Lestat wasn't so "triumphant" after it.
Lestat attacked Louis, just because he THOUGHT Louis wanted to leave with Claudia. He started it, which does matter imo (I don't think they can change that to it being Louis) and it was completely unequal. I know this fandom is lowkey plagued with gender role discourse, but Lestat, as a stronger vampire, has a huge advantage against Louis, akin to a man hitting his wife, but probably even bigger due to supernatural strength.
And that is to say, technically the main problems will probably still be there. Which is how it should be imo, cause after doing that they have to commit to it, at least to some extent. The idea should not be to fully exonerate Lestat, but to basically soften the blow (literally and figuratively) by adding some more nuance to it. The writers said themselves that they want Louis to be belieavable as a victim.
So, I'm guessing that what we're gonna see is Louis defending himself, getting some hits against Lestat, and that Lestat was hurt too, and maybe something new about the fall. Which honestly is gonna give me some peace of mind. I get why people don't like the idea of discrediting Louis' account of the event, and of how the fandom can turn on him if he's not some perfect victim... But there was (is) just something in me that can't fully ship Loustat as much as I did before with that having happened.
Like, for a while I have basically just chosen to ignore it as much as possible. I don't rewatch the episode, I skip it during reactions, I skip the beginning of episode 6 where we see how Louis is after. I have acknowledged it many times but more as like a meta thing that happened. I probably wouldn't say it's triggering, but it just crossed a line to me and I'm gonna welcome (almost) anything they do to make it less bad than it seemed, not because I want for Louis to come off as a liar or anything but just like... For my own relief, to kinda have a bit of weight off my shoulders when watching the show and shipping them? Obviously I don't know anything for sure and I might be wrong about some things I'm guessing, but not having it be so one-sided at least already helps a bit. (Please don't come here to say I'm a weak bitch who can't handle dark gothic romance or some bullshit like that. I've already talked about that back when the scene aired and if you think it's a simple as that you're probably just dumb and insensitive)
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
When villainizing Alicent backfires (or, how victimizing Rhaenyra can actively make her look worse)
Hi everyone! There's something I've seen happening a lot within the fandom that really frustrates me. Before anyone starts, this post is very explicitly pro Rhaenyra, and I'm going to be arguing that Rhaenyra is actually more intelligent than most people give her credit for. I've seen a lot of fans, in an attempt to defend Rhaenyra by villainizing Alicent, rob Rhaenyra of both her intelligence and her agency.
It's a pretty common criticism of Rhaenyra that she's not good at playing the game of politics, so I think it's interesting when fans who support her will go out of their way to make her seem like a helpless victim in situations where she's not only actively playing the game, but winning. I'm going to discuss one example of this and explain why it actually makes Rhaenyra look better, especially as a future Queen, to let her be antagonistic right back towards Alicent rather than pretending that she was only ever tricked or outsmarted.
I'm talking about the scene where Rhaenyra takes Joffrey to see Alicent right after giving birth. So many people claim that Rhaenyra was only acting here out of fear for her children, which does succeed in making Alicent look bad, but misses the genius of what Rhaenyra's actually doing. Alicent was trying to make a power play here; she was trying to rub it in the court's faces that Rhaenyra was repeatedly having children via an affair. Rhaenyra not only foiled this plan, but actively turned the tables against Alicent. So let's discuss further below the cut:
Rhaenyra does not go with Joffrey because she genuinely thinks Alicent will physically hurt him. At this point in time, pre-Driftmark, Alicent has literally never done anything to suggest she would physically harm a child, let alone a newborn. Stop acting like Alicent was planning on smothering him with a pillow or something equally ridiculous. It's not in Alicent's character (she's quite passive when it comes to violence), and Rhaenyra also doesn't have any information to suggest this.
Rhaenyra goes with Joffrey specifically to shift the court's attention off of Joffrey being a bastard, and onto Alicent being unreasonable. This is the DEFINITION of malicious compliance: She knows it looks bad if the court thinks Alicent demanded Rhaenyra personally bring the baby to her. She WANTS people to see her sweat, she WANTS them to see the trail of blood, and she wants them to think Alicent did this to her, rather than Rhaenyra doing it to herself. She also brings Laenor with her specifically to add to the public perception of legitimacy.
Alicent wanted Rhaenyra to come away from this looking like a shameful harlot, but Rhaenyra turned the tables and came away from this seeming like a hero and a dutiful stepdaughter who bravely endured the pain Alicent forced on her, while simultaneously making Alicent seem evil and unreasonable. This is a calculated political move to shift blame onto Alicent and to paint her as crazy. And from the reactions we get as Rhaenyra walks to and from Alicent's chambers, I think she succeeds.
There's one other example where I think Rhaenyra plays the game of politics against Alicent and wins, and where a lot of fans ignore Rhaenyra's intelligence in favor of trying to make Alicent look as bad as possible. It's the scene where Rhaenyra suggests the betrothal of Jacaerys and Helaena, which I'll talk about eventually since I got an ask about it. But basically: Rhaenyra made a proposal that she knew would look good on the surface but that she knew Alicent couldn't accept without endangering her children, ensuring that when Alicent turned it down she would look bitter and crazy. When I make the post, I'll link it here.
TLDR: If your favorite character's biggest source of criticism is her political ineptitude, don't go out of your way to dumb her down in the scenes where she demonstrates remarkable political intelligence. I promise it'll make your character look better if you allow her these instances of agency and competency.
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that-tmr-girl · 1 month
Punishment (Sonya x Harriet x Reader Smut)
To get out of the usual punishment, you take it a different way.
Threesome, fingering, oral (received and given), grinding, masterbation, face riding, overstimulation, submissive reader
You were always in some sort of trouble. Sometimes it was on purpose, and sometimes you were a victim of circumstance. While you’d like to say you only made things interesting, Sonya and Harriet would say you made their jobs stressful.
They would also say that there was something about you that drew them in. They couldn't help but find themselves staring and their minds wandering to places they shouldn't. Having you in their beds, taking off your clothes, touching you everywhere, kissing your body, fantasies that were better left unsaid.
Somehow, you managed to get in trouble twice in one week. It wasn't your record, but you were definitely getting sick of being in the slammer all alone.
You were full of pride. It was something else about you that captivated them.
That's why it was so interesting to see you with your hands clasped in front of you, on your knees, pleading for mercy.
They’d do anything to have you on your knees in a different way.
“Please? I’ll do anything to not have to go in the slammer?”You begged again.
Looking at each other, Sonya and Harriet silently asked if the risk was worth it. If you got grossed out and told people, or told people in general, the way they're looked at would completely change.
But you looked so damn nice begging.
“You will have to be punished one way or another. You know that, right?”Harriet asked.
“I know but just not the pit?”You repeated.
“Come with us,”Sonya said firmly. Standing up, you ignored the nerves as you did what she told you. Suddenly, you weren't sure this was a good idea.
They led you to Harriet’s room. She shut the door behind you before they sat on her bed, their eyes glued to you.
“Take your clothes off,”Harriet commanded.
“What?”You asked quietly, unsure if you heard right.
“If you let us have you tonight, you won’t have to go in the slammer. So are you going to take your clothes off or get ready for a night in there?”Sonya asked.
Feeling your breath hitch in your throat, you look down as you step out of your shoes. Leaving your eyes there, you avoid their lustful gazes as you pull your shirt over your head. With your face only growing warmer, you pulled your pants off, leaving you almost completely exposed.
“All of them,”Harriet urged.
Reaching behind, you unclipped your bra and let it fall to the ground. With shaky hands, you pulled on the hem of your underwear, staying silent and going still.
“You don't have to do this if you're not into it. You can go in the slammer. It doesn't bother us either way,”Harriet assured you.
“It's not that. I've just never done it with more than one person,”You admitted, unconsciously covering your chest.
“We’ll teach you everything,”Harriet promised, a smirk forming on her lips.
Tugging your panties down, you stepped out of them. Now completely nude, you chewed on your lip, a nervous habit that turned them on.
Quickly undressing as well, they then stood in front of.
“Head up, love,”Sonya commanded. Doing so, you look into her and Harriet’s faces.
“Back against the wall,”Harriet instructed. Listening, you move until you're pressed against it.
“The safe word is maze. The safe action is kicking your feet. If you want us to stop, just say it. We won't ask any questions,”Sonya explained.
“I understand,”You nodded.
“Tell us what she said.”
“If I want you to stop I say maze or kick my feet,”You recited.
“Good girl,”Harriet praised, trailing her hand down your stomach. Putting her hand on your jaw, Sonya made you look at her as they began.
Reaching her hand between your thighs, she traced her fingers between her slit. Squirming, your legs shook as she teased your opening.
“Be still,”Sonya ordered.
Letting out shaky breaths, your eyes shut halfway with pleasure until she abruptly stuck her finger inside of you, causing you to moan out for a moment. Putting her hand over your mouth, Sonya silenced your sounds as you pushed your hips deeper into her hand.
Adding another finger, Harriet watched your eyes roll back to your head as you felt intense pressure in your lower stomach. She went faster as Sonya put her hand on the side of the neck as she kissed your skin. Unable to hold back, your eyes completely shut as you came.
Letting go of you, they watched you breath heavily, your chest quickly falling and rising, and your liquids spilled down your thighs.
Grabbing your wrist, Sonya pinned your hand to your side as she connected her mouth with your nipple. As you moaned Harriet did the same, swirling her tongue around the bud. As Sonya’s teeth lightly grazed your breast you whimpered at the feeling. When the same feeling came to your other boob you let out a high pitched moan.
Going up your chest, they nipped and bit at your collarbone, leaving marks. Traveling to the side of your neck, they both harshly but down, making you cry out for a moment.
Taking her finger, Sonya plunged it deep inside of you with no warning. Still sensitive from your recent orgasm, you broke all over her fingers.
As she pulled it out, Harriet replaced the empty feeling with two of hers. She pumped them in and out as your liquids kept flowing. Only when you thought your legs were going to give out did she stop.
They weren't done with you yet though. Not even close.
Dropping to her knees, Sonya pressed her face into you, making you moan as you lightly tugged on her hair. Grabbing your waist, she pushed your pussy closer to her face as she sucked on your clit. Moving her mouth slightly down, she stuck her tongue inside you, swirling it around your soaked walls. She stared up at you, moaning and shaking with pleasure. Humming inside of you, she sent vibrations up your entire body, causing you to climax so hard you wore you were going to collapse.
Licking her lips in satisfaction, she collected your cum from around her face before standing up. Grabbing your arms, she pulled you over to the bed with her, Harriet following. Putting her hands on your shoulders, she stood you straight as she sat down.
“Knees, now,”Harriet whispered in your ear. Doing as you were told, you dropped to them at Sonya’s feet. Her legs were spread, putting you in between her dripping pussy.
Your face flushed as you looked at her naked body.
“Eat her out,”Harriet instructed.
Doing as you were told, you kissed and licked her clit, making her moan. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, she forced your face into her. Whimpering at her grip, you shut your eyes as you plunged your tongue deep inside of her. Laying on her back, she wrapped her thighs around your head as she pulled harder. Swirling your tongue around her walls, you felt her grow wetter in your mouth.
Moaning louder, she threw her head back as the knot in her stomach was unbearable. With her eyes to the back of her head, she bit down on her lip to avoid screaming your name as she came.
Opening your mouth, you collected as much as her liquids as possible before she pulled her legs from your face.
Grabbing you, Harriet threw you on the bed as she moved to the edge. Crawling on top of you, she trailed her thumb over her lip as she grinded her pussy against yours, making you gasp as gripped the sheets.
Crashing her lips against yours, she slipped her tongue into your mouth. Sliding it across yours, she sucked on your tongue as she plunged two fingers deep inside of you. Moaning inside her mouth, you pushed your hips up, increasing the friction for both of you. Going as fast as possible, she felt you tighten around her fingers as you grew closer. Squirming under her, you kept making sounds inside of her mouth.
Pulling away, she watched you start to break at her touch.
“Harriet, oh god, Harriet,”You whimpered.
Using her thumb, she started rubbing fast circles on your clit. You cried out in pleasure as you came on her hand.
She didn't stop though. She just kept going, plunging her fingers in and out and pleasuring your clit.
“Har-Harriet? I-I came?”You pointed out, shaking under her.
“I’ll stop when I’m ready,”She said simply.
Shutting your eyes, you panted as you desperately grasped at the blankets. With your head thrown back, you could barely even see as you quickly broke again.
Using her free hand, she opened your mouth. She swirled her hand that was still inside of you around, collecting your juices.
Pulling it out, she placed it on your tongue. Grabbing her wrist, you slowly licked her fingers, making her smirk at you before she got off.
“Watch but don't do anything,”Sonya ordered. Listening to her, you sat on the edge of the bed.
Grabbing her face in her hands, Sonya roughly kissed Harriet. Kissing her back with the same force, she shoved her tongue in her mouth as she pushed her on her back. Grabbing her, Sonya flipped her over so she was on top. Taking her hand, Harriet tugged on her blonde locks.
Whimpering, you squeezed your thighs together as you started dripping at the sight.
Taking her hand, Sonya ran her thumb over her nipple, making Harriet groan in her mouth. Using her other hand, she stuck two fingers deep inside of her.
Forgetting about the rule, you started pleasuring yourself to the sight of Harriet moaning under her. She was shaking as the knot in her core was getting worse. Her legs were fully spread, giving you a nice view of her soaked cunt.
Biting your lip at the sight, you sloppily increased your pace as she came, spilling over the bed. Doing the same, you let your liquid's run down your fingers.
Hearing your heavy breathing, Sonya turned to see you pulling your fingers out of yourself. She sucked on her fingers for a moment as Harriet sat up, spotting the liquids dripping down your legs.
Getting off the bed, they walked over and each grabbed one of your arms, shoving your back in the bed as they spun you around.
“That wasn't what I said to do,”Sonya reminded you.
“I-I’m sorry. I just-I forget-”
“We don't need apologies. We need you to listen to us,”Harriet said firmly.
“I will, I will,”You promised.
“No. You clearly can't.”
“I will. I promise I’m your good girl. I promise,”You begged.
“Good girls do what they're told,”Harriet said simply, crawling on the bed. Positioning herself above your face, she looked at you.
With your mouth already open, you gave her silent permission to ride your face.
Sitting down, she wrapped her thighs around your head as she grinded against you. Sticking your tongue in and out, you lapped up as much of her liquids that were falling around your mouth as you could.
Moaning even louder, she ran her thumbs over her nipples as she grinded a little faster.
Suddenly, you felt your legs being spread before Sonya shoved her fingers deep inside of you while sucking on your pussy. You couldn't help but moan, sending shivers up Harriet's pleasured body. Throwing her head back, she bounced on your face as your hips pushed up. Grabbing your thighs, Sonya kept you still as she added her tongue inside of you. As you screamed out in pleasure Harriet couldn't hold it anymore as she released all over your face.
Staying where she was, she had her head thrown back as she pushed herself against your mouth. With it wide open, you tasted all her liquids despite the way your legs locked up as you climaxed.
Taking a breath, Harriet sighed before getting off of you. In the meantime, Sonya crawled up your body. Pinning both your arms beside your head, she kept you captive as she admired you. Your body that was covered in marks, your parted lips coated in cum, your hair a tangled mess, and the dazed look of overstimulation all turned her on more.
Smashing her lips against yours, she forced her tongue inside your mouth. Doing your best to keep up, you frantically kissed her back despite the way you swore you were running out of air.
Shoving her pussy against yours, she roughly grinded on you. Pulling away, she watched tears fill your eyes as you made strangled sounds. Her grip on your wrist tightened as you pathetically pushed your hips up to increase the friction.
As she felt herself get closer she sunk her teeth into your neck, muffling her sounds with your skin. Letting out a weak whimper, your eyes shut against your will as you both came.
Still, she kept her teeth on you, marking you for at least ten seconds, before pulling away.
In so much pleasure you couldn't even move, you just laid there, eyes half back to your head as you panted.
Already dressed and sort of cleaned off, Harriet came holding two pairs of clothes. Grabbing the pair she recognized, Sonya slipped into a new shirt and fresh underwear before grabbing the extra shirt. Lifting your arms for you, she slipped it over your head and adjusted it to your body as Harriet pulled new underwear up your sore legs, fitting it around your hips.
Both of them crawled in on the other side of you. With the blankets pulled up, Sonya left her hands on your aching cunt and inner thigh as Harriet palmed your breasts. Both of them buried their heads in your neck.
With your eyes shutting and you already being knocked out, you thought about how you could get used to this kind of punishment.
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Hi!! This is my first time requesting but could you please make a Wednesday x male reader angst? The reader is an outcast but also a direct descendant of his family like Goody Addams.
wait so which outcast type should I take? Oh, I know!
I ain't seein' no male witches here!!!
Okay bro, hopefully this is going to be legendary!
Wait so that I understand it. You want me to write about someone who has a connection to his greatgreatgreat-something relative, right? If yes, then I'm writing it like that! I hope I got it right. If not, I'll just write it again.
Also I think I'm trying to make this more funny than angsty but we'll see. also you are going to be russian because I said so. Also because I can speak a bit of russian. Your name is Alek Ivanovich, to keep it simple. Okay?
Here's all the foreign words:
ai = y without w, tixo = quiet, cabaka = dog, ras = on, dwa = two, tri = three, chiteri = four, pyat = five, da = yes, ya ne xatchu = I don't want to, ti krasivaya = you are beautiful (when reffering to women), dusha = soul, eto kto? = who is this?, moy drug = my friend (when referring to men), blyat = shit
again, i did not proofread
"I'm a witch, Addams."
"What the hell did you do to my son?!", a nameless mother shrieked. You wore a hoodie, and your hair covered your face. Your hands were in your pockets. Your parents stood behind you. You sat on a wooden, too light coloured chair and next to you sat your bully- no, your victim.
"He was simply testing my patience, sooooo....", you trailed off and did jazz hands towards the fucker who dared to approach you. The guy himself looked like a failed experiment. One eye was bigger than the other, the mouth reached form one ear to the other, hair gone, nose like Voldemort and the rest of his body...well, let's not talk about it, yeah?
Your mother surpressed a chuckle while your father only sighed deeply. The headmistress herself was also dead serious, and you couldn't help but burst out laughing any minute. You were a weak man in situations like this. situations where it felt like being at a funeral and you not being able to keep your shit together.
"Mister Ivanovich, I hope you know how serious this situation is, because of where you peop-..."
You raised your eyebrows. Ooooh, what will she sayyyy~?
"Because of your family's heritage.", the woman stated, satisfied with her answer. You snorted. Your father slapped the back of your head.
"Ai, papa!"
"Tixo!", he only hissed and you mumbled something under your breath.
"My son, Alek, might be like this because of the puberty. You know how it is, dear. Boys fight all the time and-"
"This boy is not like the others, Mrs. Ivanovich, and I hope you know it. Alek is...special in his own way.", the curly haired woman started. She took a folder with a good load of papers from a drawer and gave it to your father.
"Alek is a good student at heart. But fights like this are sadly not uncommon. And your son is always involved in this."
You could feel the steam and heat radiating from behind you to your right, where your father stood. Hopefully he won't explode today...
Your mother was also taking a look, and that's when the other woman chimed in. "But what will happen to my dear Tommy!? Who's going to turn him back?!"
You smirked. "Relax, he's going to be back to his normal self when he gets his true love's kiss. You know, like in the fairytales." The woman looked like she wanted to kill you, but before that, you couldn't hold it anymore.
"BWAHAHAHAHH, you really thought about him having to kiss somebody?! Please, it's the 21st century!", you exclaimed while you wheezed and rung for air. Sparks were already flying around your father, and your mother patted her beautifully round nose. "A-Alek, please turn this poor boy back."
You sighed. "Mama, please, I'm having fun-"
"I'LL GIVE YOU FUN! GET BACK HERE, YOU CABAKA!", your father roared and a firework errupted in the headmistress's office. You were running away from your father, the headmistress was crying for help when the office caught fire and your mother sighed tiredly.
"ras dwa tri, turn back thee. chiteri pyat shest, stop this jest!", she mumbled, and everything got back to its original place. You got dragged back to your seat, your bully was back to his own self and ran away with his mom, and the office wasn't burning anymore.
The only thing which was not alright was your dad. He was still fuming. "What I wanted to say...", the woman sat down on her chair again after she examined her precious kabinett,
"was that Alek might be better off in another school. Nevermore, to be exact. There are people like him-"
"You mean outcasts?", you frowned. You had your fun, now you were serious.
"Alek...", your mother said and squeezed your left shoulder.
The woman behind the desk coughed to hide her embarrassment before continuing. "If you put it that way...then yes. And I'm sorry for you, Alek. You are one of the best students this little itty-bitty school has ever had. It's a shame that your peers like to poke at you."
"Evermore...wasn't it where we have met the Addams?", your father spoke suddenly, and you flinched.
"Oh my, da! We have to contact them! How long has it actually been since we last saw them? At your graduation?", your mother spoke and all of a sudden, everybody's mood lifted, yours excluded.
Wait, new school? What school? I hope it's not a boarding-
"And for your information, it's a boarding school.", the woman sitting in front of you said.
Why did I jinx myself?!?!?
"Papa, ya ne xatchu." "I don't care. Get in the car."
And right after you sat down, your father began speaking. "Why do you always have to make a mess, son?! Wherever we go, you use your magic to curse somebody! Stop it!"
"...yes.", you answered with a grumble.
"And that boy- what did he do to you?!"
"He was making fun of me.", but it was only half the truth.
"But you're still not allowed to use your magic, Alek!"
"He was pushing me to it!"
"What could he have done to make you use your magic?", your mother's calm voice called. You could clearly hear her sadness.
Your mother was a beautiful woman, who never failed to make friends in places she's never been before. She always managed to help you whenever you struggled with something.
And now, you felt like crying. you wanted her to hold you, but she was sitting next to your father and you were sitting alone on the other side.
"He...was making fun of us witches, of all the other outcasts or monsters- he was making fun of us unhumans!"
The ride was silent and suffocating then. your mother was stroking her round nose again, which you loved, but you got your father's boring straight nose.
"there was also another thing....", you began as you recalled being in a fever-, or lucid- like dream. You somehow got in contact with a person you admired. Dima Ivanovich.
He was the greatest witch you've ever found out about, and you dedicated your life to that man. He might have been a jerk, a klutz and always in for dangerous activities, but he also risked his life for defending his family, he treated his wife with the upmost respect and he tried his best to make life easier for the next generations.
"I got in contact with Dima Ivanovich."
Your mother's breath hitched and your father glared at you. "He told me to act. I would've kept my head down, but he lifted it. He also lifted my hands. I could feel his presence, papa! You should have-"
Was...was he for real?
"Sorry that he helped a relative in need of pretection and defense instead of money problems."
"What did you just say-"
"Seriosha, Alek, enough already!"
You hated when your mother yelled. "Dima had a good reason to step in and protect our poor son!"
He only looked out of the window.
"...Sooo, tell me about Nevermore. Or the people you met there.", you asked after a few minutes in hopes of getting at least some of the nonexistent background information you had about your parents. And to make the ride less boring and long.
Again, to your surprise, your father answered. Normally, it would have been your mother, with your dad nodding along, but oh well. "Nevermore is a magical place. Back in the days when I was your age, I was the sporty guy. We played football, exercised and sharpened our skills, and also had many events. Your mother and her best friend at the time, Morticia Addams, these two were the fencing captains."
"Oh, how I'd love to meet her again! I'm sure she'd be just as beautiful as she was when she was a teenager!", your mother gasped, and smiled.
"But mom, you are the most beautiful here!", you spoke, but she just shook her wavy locks. "No, no, son. I am not pretty. Just look at my nose, or my skin! I look like my own mother!"
"First of all, ti krasivaya. Second, baba yaga is also pretty. Otherwise, dad wouldn't have married you, would he?"
And also this time, your father said something. "I don't know why you are still so insecure. You are the most beautiful witch, the most beautiful woman and the most wonderful dusha I have ever met."
"Aww, Seriosha...that was good to hear."
"Yes papa, you should speak to her more often like that! and also teach me the art of flirting!"
For the first time this week, your father laughed. And it was saturday. You were proud of yourself.
"Sooo...this is it? Looks old in my opinion.", you said as soon as you stepped out of the car and stretched. Your mother was looking around and then she screamed. You and your father were ready to throw hands and cast spells left and right when all that happened was your mother running towards a woman with long dark hair in a tight black dress. The other woman was also screaming.
Why are women always yelling when they see a familiar face??
"Papa, eto kto?"
"Morticia Adda- GOMEZ, moy drug! Idi suda!", your father yelled and nearly floated towards a middle aged man who could loose some pounds.
Welp, guess it's just me then-
And there, you saw a girl step out of the -like your father's- old fashioned, black vehicle. Your dad's car was a dark wine red.
She had twin tailed, braided heir, and she was also not that thrilled to be here. She also watched the interaction, but with more disgust than curiousity. Both of your dad's were now dancing with each other, each in their traditional way.
Make a friend...
So, you strutted to her, but stayed a little more than five feet away from you. You didn't reach out your hand, for she didn't look like she'd like to even acknowledge you.
"My name is Alek Ivanovich. I guess our parents knew each other very well back in the day. what's your name?"
"My name is Wednesday Addams."
"Cool. Why are you here?"
"Attempted murder."
"What, you don't-"
"You didn't get the job done? Tsk, tsk, tsk."
And now, the girl gave you her attention. "Excuse me? Then why are you here?"
"I was experimenting with my bullies. Say, why did you "attempt" to murder somebody?"
'Did you say 'attempt' with a special undertone just now? Are you making fun of me?', she thought and her brows furrowed a little.
"They were messing with my little brother."
"Ah yes, nothing's more important than family. but why kill? Didn't you want to make them suffer a little?"
"I put two bags, each filled with a number of piranhas into the pool they were swimming at the time. Not enough, but still good when in school."
"Nah, I would've...I dunno, maybe cursed them that they'd have constant constipation...or, uh...turn them into unsightly things, like I did with my last victim..."
As you were deep in thought, Wednesday studied you. You were not like the other kids. You didn't give her a freaked out expression.
'You...are you trying to start a competition?' With the way you were making ideas on how she could've done it better, she felt a sharp pain in her pride.
But why did she feel like this? Why did she feel like she'd have to better her antics? Just because she spoke to someone who maybe understood her?
"What are you, Ivanovich?"
"I'm a witch, Addams."
The get-to-know with principal Weems, a tall and very---suspiscious looking woman, you and Wednesday had to part ways.
"Wait, can I get your phone number?" "I don't use phones."
"Aw, blyat. Then what do you use for communication?"
"My cristall ball." Ah-you remembered. Her mom gave her a suitcase with it inside. No, you didn't take a peek when she opened it.
"I have one too! Although it's so small that I can fit it into my pant pockets."
You relished the moment her eye twitched when you said pant pocket. She could only hope that her blazer and skirt had pockets.
But instead, she asked another question. "How did you make it so small?", and her eyes were a little big. You huffed.
"Magic. Bet you wish you could do it as well."
"Curse you."
"I did, and now I'm here."
"Hah? Oh, Addams, what's up?"
"Hide me."
"Wednesday! Come here!", Enid, Wednesday's roommate called and you could hear her squeaking sneakers in the hallway.
And with using your magic, you turned the girl behind you invisible. Enid arrived right after Wednesday was turned transparent.
"Do you need something from her?", you asked politely. Enid gave you bombastic side eye as she looked around.
Maybe it's her first time seeing a witch?
"Uh, no. It's just, Wednesday had removed the coloured stickers from her side of the room. Which I put on!"
"When it's her side of the room, then she can do whatever she wants. And you should know by now that she doesn't really like colours."
"Still, she should've asked me first! I could use them for something else, you know?"
"Yeah, understandable."
"Anyways, have you seen her?"
"I can sense her soul near us, but I cannot see her, Sinclair."
"Why do you have to talk like that."
"Because we are not a body but a soul. We have a body. We are souls living in bodies."
"...o...kay...? I...I'll look somewhere else.", and with that, she dissappeared.
Wednesday started speaking. "How long will this spell last?"
You could see her again. "When the affacted person starts speaking."
She stared at you for a long time and you surpressed a chuckle.
"There's something I wanted to ask you, Wednesday. Did you also get the feeling that Enid doesn't really like me? For whatever reason?"
"She doesn't like witches because she got dumped by one. I wonder why."
"Welp, sucks when she hasn't even fully become a real werewolf. Also did you pull those stickers away because you really didn't like it or because you wanted to spite her?"
(2.1k) "Weems said you'd be stopping by. So, what are you guys? Alto, soprano, or just loco?", Bianca said after you and Wednesday went to her choir group to maybe join.
The other kids giggled while you sighed out of your nose.
The person by the nearby piano which you noticed only now pressed a button and a tone was heard. Wednesday opened her mouth.
You heard nothing except some glass breaking.
"What was that?", Bianca asked.
"A tone only cabaki can hear, cool!", you complimented.
Wednesday allowed her mouth to lift 0.01 %.
"...and...and you, Ivanovich, what about you?"
At the siren's question, you started to sing Polina Gagarina's "Lullaby". Your voice fitted the song perfectly and you loved singing it.
After you were done, the students one by one started clapping, and in the end, everyone clapped. You were bashful, to say the least. Too bad Bianca was not having it.
"So you're one hell of a singer. Did you use some of your witch powers for that?"
Instead of wanting to punch her, you decided to bite back. "I could say the same to your 'Siren'-voice."
"Why, you little-"
"What happened here? I heard glass breaking, and then a beautiful singing voice!", Weems interrupted and you smirked at the short haired girl.
"Nothing,", she only hissed.
"Woah, these are some cool powers, Xavier!"
"Thanks man!"
"You guys are too loud."
"Oi, I'm just complimenting him-wanna be friends?"
"Sure, why not?"
Whoah, Xavier might be the second teenager in this school who actually respected you, the first one being Wednesday.
Wednesday was drawing what could be identified as a gilloutine, with Enid's head poking through the hole. The blade was halfway through and blood spurted out of Enid's neck. Enid herself had a terrifying expression.
If the real Enid saw this...
"Uh, n-nice work!" "You don't have to compliment me on everything, Ivanovich."
"Uh, okay!"
"How do you two know each other?"
"Our parents." "To be more detailed, our parents actually were friends and also attending this exact boarding school. And, well, they seemed to be pretty good friends. But I still don't understand this whole hyde thing, and one of our students being dead and then reappearing as if nothing happened."
That gave Xavier and Wednesday a little time to think, while you thought that you messed up the mood. again.
"Sorry for ruining the mood..."
"What? No, What you said was actually something to think over. Wednesday was there when the guy died, but him being there the day after? either someone's trying to mess with your head, or the person doesn't like you.", the artist said.
Wednesday only had another unreadable expression on her face.
"Um...can I take a picture?"
"Of your painting- Oh! Y-yours as well, if you're okay with it, Xavier!"
"Sure thing man."
"But Enid's getting killed."
"I like the strong colours-"
"It's mostly red-"
"And the way you could draw her face in detail is so pretty-"
"She's literally screaming in agony while she's getting beheaded-"
"I don't care, Wednesday. I like your work. Now can I take a pic or not?"
"...are you okay?"
"Are you?"
"Heheh.", Xavier chuckled while Wednesday only looked at you again.
Hey, how was that love? I wanted to make this longer because...I dunno. I just thought this could be nice to start with a sweet beginning and then the story getting darker, you know?
I will for sure do a second part!
Anyways, please write how that was and pls explain it to me again, but in more detail because I'm stupid :p
Read you in the next post!
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jackassbrainrot · 2 months
Inspo from Johnny x bam one (very good btw)
But like… feminized bam
Like turned on embarrassed fem
dude looks like a girl [knoxville x bam]
desc: Bam finds out first hand that New York City is where your wildest dreams come true
a/n: based very loosely on actual events, when Bam and Knoxville woke up in bed together with makeup on. made it slash again whoops. hope you like it! also the bar is so very imaginary I do not have the slightest clue about bars in NYC. think this is the longest fanwork I've ever written
warnings: smut, dirty talk, feminization, feminine pet names for a man, bam margera's canonically small dick, facefucking, anal sex
This isn't what Bam had expected when Knoxville invited him up to New York for a "fashion party". The night had started normally, though admittedly being more Knox's scene, a million new faces he had to make small talk with, slowly sipping at cocktails that would've been horribly overpriced if the sponsors hadn't taken care of that for them. He was trailing behind his costar like a lost puppy, trying to avoid mind numbing conversations by letting him do the talking, while he busied himself with his fruity little drinks and trying to understand what the fuck they were at a party sponsored by MAC cosmetics.
"Stop following me around like a lost child." Johnny gritted through his teeth, trying to keep his voice low as they walked through the crowd. "Man, I don't know anyone here, what do you expect me to do?" Bam retorted, sounding like a teenager whose parents dragged him to a family reunion he really didn't want to be at. As they were having their little argument, a familiar face emerged from the crowd.
"Finally someone I can stand." The petite woman said, embracing Knoxville before turning to Bam. "And you've brought a new victim to the cruel world of the entertainment industry." She joked, looking him up and down as if she was trying to recognize the much younger man. "Janeane, this is Bam, one of the guys I'm legally allowed to torture on set." The woman, Janeane, laughed, extending her hand to shake Bam's. "I'm Janeane Garofalo, and I'm whatever you two are." She explained her profession in such a roundabout way that the young man didn't quite understand, but he took her hand in his anyway. "I'm a skateboarder actually." He corrected Johnny's earlier statement, though it wasn't exactly wrong.
"Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, you two wanna get outta here with me?" Her question made Bam perk up instantly, which she noticed but waited expectantly for Johnny's answer. "I think I'm gonna stay for a bit longer, but you can babysit him for a while if you want." He half joked, wanting to get Bam off his back. "We'll be at Velvet on 27th!" Janeane yelled back at Knoxville as she dragged Bam toward the door. She told him the plan for the night as he lead her to his car, driving to her place so she could change before heading to Velvet.
When they arrived at her flat, she dumped her bag on the table, a myriad of makeup products fell from it. "What? It's not like they're going to miss it." She said when she saw Bam's eyes widen. "I'm not judging you, I just didn't expect it like, at all." He laughed, sitting down on his couch as she went into her room to change. "Help yourself, if you want." He heard her yell from her room, trying to resist the urge to do just that. He felt weirdly drawn to the pile, despite never really being interested in makeup aside from copying Ville Valo's eyeliner on rare occasions. Janeane walked out of her room, dressed in a less "industry party" outfit than before, sporting jeans and a tank top, her makeup reminiscent of grunge movement of the past decade.
"Wait, I've got a genius idea!" She exclaimed when she saw his gaze was locked on the makeup. "Can I do your makeup?" She asked eagerly, looking like she was going to burst out of her skin at any moment. "You sure I'm not gon' get beat up or some shit?" Bam asked, apprehensive but not fully opposed to the idea. "You'll be just fine at Velvet, I promise." She stuck out her pinky finger to him, which he mirrored, rolling his eyes but a smile crept on his lips.
Janeane got to work right away, pulling a chair out for him and collecting all the supplies she would be needing. Black eyeshadow, an eyeliner pencil, mascara, and a dark red lipstick she shoved into her pocket for later. She tightlined his waterline with the eyeliner the best she could with his whining and twitching. "I feel like you're trying to kill me." He said when he felt the pen poke his inner eye corner as she connected the top and bottom waterline at a point. "Stop being such a baby." She smiled, putting down the pencil and going for the eyeshadow to smoke it out a bit. "Blink." She said as she brought the mascara wand to his eyes, finishing the look.
As she finally moved away, Janeane admired her work. Bam looked absolutely showstopping, the dark makeup around his eyes making them look even brighter than usual, the icy blues looked like they could cool down the sun. "I think Knoxville's gonna fall straight on his ass when he sees you." She said, handing him a mirror to look at himself. He sat there for a moment, stunned, a "holy shit" leaving his lips as he moved the mirror around to look at himself from every angle. "Stop staring at yourself, let's go!" She pulled him up from his seat, dragging him out of her apartment and all the way to the bar.
Velvet was what Bam would call a haggard looking bar. The walls were lined with posters that were falling apart due to age, the leather upholstery was scratched and half of it was covered in permanent stains and the smell of smoke was burned into the walls forever. But despite all of that, he was enjoying himself, sitting in a booth with Janeane, talking on and on about anything and everything they could think of. Bam saw Janeane's face light up suddenly, waving someone, who he assumed was Johnny, over to their booth.
When he sat down next to Bam, his eyes widened under his shades as he noticed the makeup, heat going down to his crotch at seeing the skateboarder look so pretty. Janeane shot Bam a knowing glance before they all went on with their conversation. "I see you two had fun without me." Knoxville said, alluding to the sight that was making it hard for him to think straight. "You wouldn't believe it, man." Bam commented, smiling at Janeane before taking a sip of the beer in front of him. The conversation continued normally, apart from the fact that Knoxville was obviously stealing glances at the younger man behind his shades.
After a few rounds, Johnny was at the end of his rope, mind fogged with images of Bam under him, his eyeliner messed up from crying and his soft lips hanging open as moans fall from his mouth. "I think we should get going." He said, patting Bam's thigh, higher than would be considered normal, hoping he would get the hint. "Man, I can't drive home like this!" Bam whined, and the older man couldn't figure out if he was playing along or didn't catch his hint. "You can sleep in my hotel room, c'mon." He said, pulling a still whining Bam onto his feet. He hugged Janeane, saying their goodbyes, before she slipped the lipstick she'd been hiding in her pocket into his palm and winking, as she stepped away from him to hug Bam, whispering a chuckled "have fun" into his ear.
Johnny guided him to the door with a hand on his back, trying to hurry them along to the hotel. He hailed a cab, both of them sitting in the back seat, his hand resting on Bam's thigh as he whispered into his ear. "You have no idea what you're doing to me, darling." The low growl of his voice made the younger man shiver, blood rushing. "Tell me then." He kept his smug demeanor even though his breathing was uneven and he could feel blood rushing to his crotch. "I think pretty girls like you ought to be fucked real nice." Johnny let his accent slip, knowing it tends to have a positive effect when he's trying to get into someone's pants. Bam almost moaned at the words, surprising himself by being so turned on from being called such a feminine pet name. "You like it when I call you pretty, huh princess?"
Just as those words left his dirty, albeit gorgeous, mouth, the cab stopped and Bam scrambled out of the car, too embarrassed of his own reaction to let Johnny see it. The older man paid the driver and walked into the hotel as Bam trailed behind him. As they walked into the elevator, he felt himself being pushed against the side of it by the taller man. He leant down to whisper in his ear once again. "Don't think I didn't see you blushin' when I called you princess." He stood up straight as the elevator door opened, walking out of it and toward his room as if he didn't just cause all of Bam's blood to leave his brain and go to his dick.
Johnny enjoyed watching the usually coordinated pro skateboarder trip over his feet to get into his room as quickly as humanly possible. He slammed the door behind him before walking over to Bam who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do. "What is it, dalin', cat got your tongue?" He loomed over him, his tone mocking, moving a piece of hair from the boy's eyes before kissing him suddenly, making him whimper and melt into the kiss. Knoxville led the kiss, one of his hands in Bam's hair and the other on his hip as the other man clutched desperately at the hem of his shirt.
Pulling away from the kiss, the older man looked down at Bam with lustfilled eyes, his lips forming an evil smirk. "Do you want to be good for me, Bam Bam?" He watched him nod frantically, his usual cockiness gone. "Then be a good girl and get on your knees for me" Johnny sat down on the bed, watching Bam fall to his knees in front of him, eyes never leaving his. He pulled the lipstick Janeane gave him out of his pocket, uncapping it and admiring the color, a deep burgundy. He took Bam's chin in his hand, tilting it up so he could get the perfect angle, the younger man opening his mouth slightly to make the application easier. "Don't you look absolutely delicious." He swiped a finger over the kneeling man's bottom lip before putting the lipstick away.
"Would be a shame to ruin such pretty makeup, wouldn't it?" Bam only nodded in response, eyes glazed over with lust, not registering that the question was rhetorical. Knoxville loved watching him nod brainlessly to his words, knowing that he could get him to agree to anything his heart desired at this point. He unbuckled his belt, those beautiful blue eyes following his every move as he pulled his dick out. "So you gotta be really careful not to make a mess, princess."
Bam opened his mouth more, letting the older man push his dick into his mouth, leaving a burgundy stain over the entire length of it. Without warning, he started to thrust, hard and fast, making the younger man choke and try to push himself off but Knoxville's hand kept his head down, so he opted for digging his short black nails into his thighs. When he was sufficiently satisfied with the smudged lipstick and the stains that resembled ink covering Bam's face, he pulled him off by his hair, finally letting him breathe again. "My pretty girl." He mumbled as he pulled Bam onto the bed with him.
He pulled the skateboarder into another kiss, this time grabbing his dick through his pants, making him gasp and giving Johnny full access to his mouth. "You really are a girl, huh?" Bam blushed a color that almost matched his lipstick at the older man's cruel words, though he knew he was right. "Let me take care of you, princess." Bam moaned into his mouth, unbuttoning his own jeans and pushing them down to give Knoxville more access. He pushed his hand into his pants, collecting the precum on his fingers. "You're so wet for me." His voice rumbled against Bam's earlobe as the older man's hand traveled lower, circling his entrance before pushing a finger in, the precum being enough to slip it in easily.
Bam's moans filled the room as Knoxville fucked him with his fingers, slowly picking up the pace and filling him up more, until he felt he was ready. He flipped them so the younger man was under him, one leg thrown over his shoulder as he lined himself up, slowly sinking into his costar, moaning in unison. "So tight for me, feel so good, princess." They both lost themselves in the feeling, Bam's nails raking over Knoxville's back, as the older man thrust into him at an unforgiving pace.
The drag of Johnny's dick inside him made the younger man feel like he was on fire, his dick feeling like it was going to burst as soon as someone touches it. Johnny seemed to sense his thoughts, his hand coming down to his dick. He jerked him off with two fingers, furthering his humiliation as he came in seconds, making the older man laugh down at him as he continued to chase his high. "Yeah, that's my good girl, feels so fucking good" He kept rambling as he got closer to his climax, pulling out of Bam to cum on his face and chest.
They both collapsed on the bed, falling asleep in a mess of their fluids instantly, tangled together and half naked, with makeup on. If anyone had found them in the morning like that, it would've been all over the tabloids, but like this, it was only in Big Brother, because Knoxville couldn't resist calling Tremaine in the morning to tell him what state he had woken up in. Bam woke up, demanding that Johnny help him clean himself up and call room service.
"You really are a princess."
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Villain Or Victim, Chapter 7
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SHIELD and the Avengers were getting worried, there had been another three murders of very high up people from around the world. All the countries were beginning to really worry too and were preparing for war. The entire world was on high alert.
Loki had taken Echo out again for the three more special missions in the past week. She wasn’t sure whether the fact she was enjoying being out, running free and killing people was a good thing or a bad thing. Loki kept assuring her it was a good thing, because she was removing all the bad people from the Earth.
Though she just couldn’t shake the bad feeling she had deep within her, something telling her that what she was doing was wrong.
The others hadn’t been to see her much this past week, all they’d told her was there was a lot going on just now. But they were still working hard on sorting out a cure for her, they assured her of that.
‘I know I might sound mad… But the way these murders have been happening, it’s something that Echo could do.’ Steve said to the team one afternoon while most of them were in the lab, still working on her solution.
Loki was there too, in the background. His ears perked up, but he kept quiet and stayed focused on the task at hand that he’d been given by Stark.
‘I know what you mean. But it’s impossible, she’s not been out of the cell at all.’ Natasha said confidently.
‘The speed, agility of it all. The kills have been happening right on front of security, but they’ve been far too fast to give anyone a chance to react.’ Steve continued.
‘I’ve checked through the security cameras, she’s been in that cell during every murder.’ Tony said calmly. ‘Besides, how would she know who to go for? And why? It’s like someone is deliberately trying to start the next world war.’
‘She is smart, maybe smarter than we thought…’ Bruce trailed off.
Everyone turned to look at him. ‘You’re not seriously thinking she’s the one behind it all? The cameras don’t lie, she’s never left that cell!’ Tony said determinedly.
‘I just… I don’t know.’ Bruce shrugged. ‘But we are so close to getting this serum right, just another day or two and I think we will have it. Then we can keep her calm and let her out of the cell, if it works.’
Loki raised his head. ‘You’ve got it sorted that quick?’ He asked.
‘Yep. We don’t mess around, reindeer games.’ Tony smirked.
Loki rolled his eyes at his nickname from Tony. He finished off what he was doing, then got up and left the lab. Thor followed him out, after keeping quiet.
‘I know you’ve been going into her cell, brother… But please tell me you’ve not been taking her out of it?’ Thor asked as he walked fast to keep up with Loki, who was striding down the corridor with purpose.
‘Of course I haven’t. I’m not a fool like you, brother. She’s dangerous and needs to be kept behind glass, to be kept under control.’ Loki hissed at him.
Thor narrowed his eyes at him and nodded. ‘Good… I was just checking. But good news about the serum being close to ready, isn’t it?’ He patted Loki on the shoulder.
‘Yes… good news indeed.’ Loki grumbled in response, not looking delighted in the slightest.
‘What’s wrong, pet?’ Loki asked Echo that evening, he was in her cell spending some time with her.
‘I don’t know, really. I just keep getting a weird feeling inside me. I feel bad for deceiving the others in a way, that they don’t know what we’re doing.’ She said quietly.
Loki was sitting on her bed next to her, he shuffled back against the headboard and pulled her onto his lap, making her squeak in slight surprise.
‘You need to stop fretting about it… You are doing a good thing for the Earth.’ He nuzzled into her hair and wrapped his arms around her, a hand possessively over her abdomen, making her heartbeat quicken.
‘I know you feel bad for going behind the backs of the others, but it’s for the best. Until they can also trust you, it’s best to keep quiet… Now, how about that reward I promised you, for being so good and doing so well on your secret missions.’ He purred and his hand began to wander downwards.
Echo’s eyes widened, he had promised her a reward yesterday if she did well. But she didn’t know what said reward would entail. She was surprised when he began getting more intimate with her.
Loki could sense her excitement and shyness by her body language. But he nuzzled against her neck and pressed soft kisses upon her skin as his hand slid down inside her trousers and knickers, till he cupped her firmly, intimately.
‘Is this what you want, some release? Hmm? Do you want me to make you cum?’ He whispered into her ear, making her tremble.
Feeling his strong hand right there was sending her body and mind into overdrive. She was speechless, more so when his fingers began playing with her…
‘Come on, use your words pet. Do you want me to make you cum? Do you want to feel good?’ He purred in a seductive tone.
‘I… Yes, please.’ Echo stammered.
Loki chuckled wickedly and nibbled on her neck as his fingers worked their magic on her.
‘My good girl, you’re making me so proud. You’re incredibly talented and beautiful. And you’re mine, you belong to me, don’t you pet?’ He growled low.
Echo could only whimper and nod over eagerly in response, it was like Loki knew her body better than she even did, bringing her to new heights, just with his fingers. And she was so close.
‘And you’ll continue to make me proud, won’t you? You’ll carry on being my good girl. Helping the Earth…’
‘Yes! Loki! Anything, please!’ Echo cried out, her body began bucking up against his hand, desperately wanting to cum.
Loki grinned and nibbled on her earlobe as he whispered huskily. ‘Cum for me, pet.’
And as she always did with Loki, she obeyed.
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carefulfears · 1 year
you technically asked for this: please please please talk about scully & samantha (how scully loves her, their connection, etc etc)
(previous post on this here)
the thing about it is like…scully loves samantha in so many different ways. she has to, first and foremost, by nature of loving mulder the way she does. it comes with the territory. it’s a package deal: mulder and his trailing ghost, mulder and his quest, mulder and what “matters.” there’s no separation. he’s 3 people at all times: the man in front of her, the one in bellefleur, the little boy from the pictures with his baby sister on his back. there are no photos of mulder without samantha, none taken without her, none taken after her. and he tells scully why: “i’m still walking into that room. every day of my life.”
and i guess that scully doesn’t have to love her, but she does, because she loves that man in bellefleur who sat down and told her what matters to him. she also loves her job. she loves the work that they do. she loves being “on the side of the victim,” and chasing monsters, making discoveries. she’s cognizant and respectful of what’s at the center. there is a reason that they do this every day, and it isn’t because they get a kick out of little green men. she’s protective, she really doesn’t mess around, not when it’s this important. as early as miracle man in season one, every time anyone mentions samantha, she’s standing up. she’s on edge, she’s controlling. this is important, but it’s not to everyone.
they’re the same age. they were taken by the same people. endured the same tests. reading samantha’s diary, listening to her talk about how much she hated it, the way scully cried…she doesn’t remember this (or maybe she does) but penny northern told her once that she held her while she cried, after the tests. who held this little girl, just writing in her journal that she wanted her brother?
scully wrote a journal like that too, once, saved her testimony for that same person. in closure the way that she tells mulder to go get some sleep, and she keeps looking. when she finds the police report she tells him: “i got it, mulder. i couldn’t believe it when i saw it. it was like it was looking for me.”
she’s guided, just like missy guides. these sisters linger.
as the years go on, bill dies, then tena. csm is out hiding with the anasazis, or whatever he deems priority. there’s no one else there who knows, but scully does. scully knows that they spent their summers playing baseball. they argued over the television, called each other names. she broke her collarbone on the swing, she was 6. it’s forever his turn on their last board game.
“not fox. mulder.” she corrected her mother with a smile, she knows there’s one person who calls him that. (and still does, screaming in his head, in his dreams).
to most everyone else, samantha is a name in a file, a statistic in a project. but “dana k. scully” is 3 shelves down.
she’s a picture in a frame, a ghost in his head. words on tattered paper. she’s scully’s babies’ angel aunt, one of two, and jackson has her hair. maybe baby2 her eyes, or her smile.
scully is just as haunted, as mulder is, and she’s been closer than he could ever get. she understands more. but when it was her turn, someone held her, and she came back to a person that samantha could only write about. so they chase ghosts forever and ever, because they deserve to be sought.
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therealgchu · 4 months
Snippet Sunday - Seven Days style
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giving everyone a sneak peek into Day 6 for Snippet Sunday.
we're almost to the end. chapter 6 is 75% done; chapter 7 is finished.
read Seven Days from the beginning here on ao3.
my other fics live here on ao3.
tagging the coemancer crew, and anyone that has any fics they'd like to share.
sneaky peeky
“Funny thing about relationships. People assume the dominant one always has the power. But, that’s frequently not true. It’s the submissive one that usually does. I mean, so long as the relationship isn’t abusive.” He scratched his beard, realizing he hadn’t seen a mirror in six days, and wondered what a sight he must look. “With me and Lillian, people always thought that I was the one in control, I was a Coe, after all. But I wasn’t. It was Lillian calling all the shots. I’m generally an easy-going guy. I mostly didn’t care. But she cared about everything. All. The. Time. So, it was easier to just let her have her way. Then Cora came along. And I started caring.
“I’m assuming your Sam had a similar past as mine? Met Lillian while smuggling? She came in and saved his ass?” The woman nodded. “Yeah. I was pretty self-destructive at that age. Really, really fucked up. If you’re not a total idiot, you can actually learn a lot about yourself when you hit rock bottom, though it took awhile to figure it out. Like, I got really into some kinky sex. Just kinda let myself get used by whoever, however, when we partied. Realized later that it was me trying to punish myself. It was all of that self-hatred and loathing that got instilled by Jacob coming out. I was so outta control. But at the time, it felt like I was in control, that I had the power. It was a lie, though.
“Then Lillian came along, helped clean me up, set me right. But, I still didn’t have any power. I felt like I was always trailing in someone’s footsteps, Solomon, Jacob, and then Lillian.
“But Cora changed everything. She made me want to be a better person, a better man. Lillian…well, to be honest, Lillian didn’t have that much interest in being a mother. I mean, she loves Cora, but she ain’t exactly the maternal type. A lot of the time it was just me and Cora. I had taken more of a desk job so I could be closer to her. Lillian, though, never slowed down, at least once she went back to rangering.
“You learn a lot about power when you have a baby. With Cora I learned to take control. I had never felt like I was in control before, but I had to be with her. Had to be the parent. That was one of those things all the parenting books said: be the parent; take control. Honestly, it was really hard at first. But, I gradually learned how. It was also what led me to quit the Rangers and leave Lillian.”
Sam heaved a sigh, and then laid down on the cell’s floor, with his hands behind his head. “I’ve had a lot of time to think in here,” he said, “about where I came from, and where I’m going. All the choices I’ve made, good and bad. So often, you think you’re the victim, when you’re actually the one victimizing yourself.”
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