#ruben dias fic
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fans are assholes | r. dias

summary: fans compare your pregnancy to fellow wags, leaving you to feel not so good.
notes: as requested! i don’t think i specified that it was twins but it still works. dad!ruben has to be my fav genre 🤪 i hope you all enjoy, some very cute at moments 💘 let me know what you all think! <3
IT WAS MATCH DAY, and although you were feeling rough like you had done the last 7 months, you had promised your fiancé you would make it to today’s knockout game rather than watching from home. he wanted you to support from the stadium, but he also wanted to get you out of the house too.
you were 32 weeks along and feeling very heavily pregnant.
yeah, it’s all fun and games when dating a tall man until you have to grow his unnecessarily large children.
all you wanted to do was lie down and moan this entire trimester, having nothing but a hard time with this one you were growing. you’d had every bad symptom imaginable, from the nonstop sickness and heartburn, to back and hip pain, difficulty sleeping and sore boobs, and now in the final stages you were experiencing braxton hicks, so yeah - all you did want was to lie down and whine. more than ever, you just wanted to stay in the comfort of your own home and nest.
“—you’re not even nesting though! you’re sitting here watching tv all day! get up and get ready!” rúben had said to you just yesterday morning after you’d told him you were too busy nesting to grab a coffee with him before training.
“mama, i think you should go tomorrrow . .” another sweet voice said from the sofa, glancing sympathetically in your direction.
your sweet boy, elias, didn’t want to offend you and make you feel like a slob, but he really wanted you both to go to his papa’s games. with school, you didn’t allow him to go to any late night matches which were always the majority, but tomorrow’s kickoff was 3:30pm and when he pitched the idea, you felt awful for feeling like you’d deprived him of some fun memories.
you really didn’t want to go, but your baby boy deserved it. he’d been working so hard in the last weeks of school and rúben would agree that you needed to take him - he wanted you both there just as much but he also knew not to tell a pregnant woman what to do - he wasn’t the one carrying an 8lb baby around in all summer.
“you nearly ready, baby?!” you called from your room, trying your best to look acceptable for today’s outing. you couldn’t remember the last time you’d done your makeup and styled your hair so neatly, baby dias was really kicking your butt that you hardly had any energy after a shower, let alone doing your makeup and hair.
you really needed them out so you could go back to your old self.
you didn’t remember pregnancy being this hard with eli. with him, you were able to get through the rest of school with him growing in your belly! taking notes and listening in class. sure, you had sickness and a sore back but that was really only at the start and at the end. given, you were younger and full of energy.
eli came along in the last of your teen years but you wouldn’t change anything for the world, same with rúben. he blamed that baby boy for being the reason he pushed himself so hard to get where he was today. he was such an easy pregnancy, and an easy kid.
being honest, you felt more unprepared for this new baby as a grown adult than you did as a teenager back in 2016.
with a few thuds across the landing and a solid jump at your bedroom door, you turned to see your 8-year-old all ready holding two thumbs up. with a man city kit on and trainers, he looked like rúben more than ever. seriously, if you got a photo of rúben back then, it was like looking at eli with a slightly different haircut. it scared you so much. “ready!”
traffic was always bad no matter what time you left, but you got there in one piece and already left eli with one of your closest friends and bernardo’s wife, ines, while you had to run to the bathroom even after such a short journey. jeans were longgg out of the equation so you’d gone with some loose, white trousers to go with the blue football shirt, hoping they didn’t wrinkle too much but still looked good with the outfit. “you are glowing!”
“no, it’s probably just my highlighter,” you pointed to your cheekbone as ines laughed cheerfully.
“no! you look amazing, what are you talking about?! i have missed you!” she couldn’t help but hug you again. “you’re ready to pop!”
she felt your bump and you huffed a sigh, pulling your sunglasses down, “i know, it feels like it.”
you didn’t really like being out this far along, not because you were afraid, but you were at that stage were you were starting to feel gross. like, you looked like a whale no matter what you wore or styled yourself to look like. realistically – you were one of the most beautiful pregnant women the internet had saw. truly, you may have felt like an elephant, but you were still posted on WAG accounts, getting shared by millions of women who begged they could only look as good as you when pregnant or better - envied you for still looking so hot while suffering the struggles of pregnancy.
how?! 😭❤️
life’s not fair!!!! 😫
what��s her secret?!!! 😍😭🙏🏼
but you could have gotten a thousand comments like that . . but all it took was the one bad one.
fucking hell, keep her inside 😂🫣
who is that??
a lot of the time you didn’t care because you knew how the internet worked, and you know the majority were sad-little-pathetic-football-fan men. they barely impacted you.
when it was women on the other hand . . .
“i just can’t believe one woman would say that to another woman,” you tilted your phone to show ines the replies. “what happened to the whole ‘girls help girls?’” you had to put your phone down before you ended up on a gossip page for arguing with people in your comment section.
“it’s always down to jealousy, babe. they hate you ‘cause they ain’t you,” she pointed, the same thing you had told her when she got her first negative comment, and you smiled at her attempt of making you feel better. she was such a good friend.
the internet was a weird place. your life was a weird place, you didn’t think there’d be a day people hated you for simply being with a person. you found it weird paparazzi followed you around when rúben was the famous one. you found it weird there were accounts dedicated to you when you didn’t do anything. it caught you off seeing people notice every little thing about you or knew things you forgot you’d explained. it did add a little bit of pressure knowing you were being watched and most likely compared to other beautiful WAGS. you’d be lying if you didn’t say you’d put on makeup in fear you’d be posted all over those news articles and WAG accounts.
you forgot how stressed matches made you until kickoff, two minutes in and already overthinking how this would go down. rúben had your heart fluttering nontheless with how he ran up and down the pitch, giving orders all sweaty and even repping the captain band for a bit. it made you feel real good about your baby daddy.
“come on, pa!” your son would shout when a bit of a ruffle would occur, his father speaking passionately to the ref with frustrating hand movements.
the halftime whistle blew and you let out a breath, fanning yourself as your body relaxed for a small moment. 0-0. “ma, i need to go to the bathroom.”
“me too, let’s go!”
perks of dating a footballer? renting out their own box for friends and family - including the private bathroom. no queues around hereee.
walking through the rows and steps, you couldn’t help but feel eyes pinned to you. ines would tell you because you’re a WAG of a player (you regret ever educating her on that term) but really you felt like it was because you looked like a whale making her way through the stands.
eli convinced you to do a lap of the stadium just once to ‘stretch your legs’ when really it was something he always liked to do as he believed it ‘made halftime pass quicker’. so hobbling around with few staff members recognising the kid (or rather seeing the clear evidence he was a mini rúben) , you strolled around the packed building, trying to squeeze past football fans, getting stopped once for a picture.
“thank you so much!”
“no worries at all,” you waved to the two girls, shooting them your kindest smile. they were so lovely, and even complimented you for ‘pulling off pregnancy so well’.
“you’re sLayiNg” eli mocked them, taking your hand.
“shut up,” you tutted. you appreciated being told you were still slaying.
the 8-year-old suddenly bolted to a familair security guard in a neon vest who was delighted to see the boy. “my man!”
you didn’t bother rushing over, you were out of breath as it was and decided to just lean on the wall while elias got his quick catch up, waving at matt instead. halftime was almost over. you should be heading back now.
“—not the best one though.”
“—no, sasha is definitely the best wag.”
i swear, the word ‘wag’ triggers you like nothing else.
you tried not to look around, but to your left, you could make out two bodies mingling with each other. both wearing light blue tops with stylish jeans and trainers, the two girls waiting outside the bathroom, trying to talk quietly between then in a mumbled manner.
you were a mum - you had mastered your hearing to hear the grass grow.
“–but sasha’s not pregnant?”
“–but if she was, she’d have a cute bump, not . . ”
their silence had you believe they’d glance in your direction, and it took every bone in your body not to stare dead on at them with a smile to let them know you heard every word - but you didn’t. you played oblivious and stayed watching eli, a forced sweet smile on your lips.
“–foden’s girl always has a cute little bump too!”
“–oh my god, yes. she’s stunning.”
“–he’s stunning too, to be fair.”
“eli, come on son!” you wanted to bang your head on the wall not wanting to endure the conversation anymore. now you’d tune in, you couldn’t tune out.
“–ok. bye matt! see you later,” he didn’t waste a second to return to you. “see you soon, buddy!”
you waved at matt and led him through the crowds, not meaning to hold his hand so tight until he pointed it out. “ow, ma, you’re hurting me.”
“sorry baby.” you didn’t sound sorry but you felt utterly hot and bothered. and not in the good way.
for some unreasonable reason, a small line of carts drove through the halls, and you stood against the wall as they passed by, holding your son by his shoulders. you could hear a small utter of whispers from your side but refused to turn your head. you really needed to fucking sit down.
“—dias’ girl! look at the size of her!”
“–rob that’s so mean! she’s pregnant!”
“WOW!” eli stole your attention as he almost stepped out in front of a last minute one zooming by. you smiled, and quickly manoeuvred him on your way.
“keep going, keep going,” you shuffled behind him in the stands, but stopped amidst a waiting line as someone caused hassle. your foot kicked something. “oh i’m so sorry!”
you accidentally tapped your foot to a lady’s handbag, but she smiled and waved you off. “you’re alright, don’t worry!” shortly adding, “i’m not surprised!” glancing to your belly.
it wasn’t malicious, but it was about to be the last straw of some floodgates. “ha! i know . . I’m like a whale.”
“how far along are you?” her friend asked.
“about 7-8 months,” you smiled sweetly, ignoring the fact they didn’t assure you that you didn’t look like a whale. thanks.
“oh wow!”
“i know,” you fake laughed. why wasn’t this line moving?
“is it twins or just the one?”
you tried to stop your eye twitching. who in the right kind said that?! was that . . a backhanded compliment?! what that even a compliment?! or was she genuinely asking in a stupid and nosey manner? “no, but it feels like it,” you fake laughed, and they did too. twats.
“oh my! you’re so big!”
“he or she will be a big boy or girl,” the other corrected with her pint in hand, knowing her friend’s words had just flown out of her mouth.
“yeah . .” you were done with this conversation but you didn’t dare be rude. thankfully, the line moved, and they waved goodbye. “congratulations!”
“thank you!” you replied, turning back around, mouthing absolute knobheads.
“mum, i don’t think you’re a whale,” eli’s hand patted your own that rested on his shoulder, bringing you back down to earth.
your heart thumped and although he didn’t look at you, your heart melted to a puddle as you squeezed his shoulders and ruffled his hair, knowing you’d embarrass him with a kiss. “thank you baby. you’re always to sweet to me.”
and he was. you actually . . wanted to cry. shock.
“hey!” ines greeted. “where’d you guys go?”
you only shook your head and nodded to you son who was standing again, ready and recharged for more yelling. you felt ines squeeze your hand and you looked at her, “are you ok? you look . .”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you dabbed your eyes and put your sunglasses back on. “just . . stupid stuff, and then e said something really sweet and i just,” you held your heart which made her laugh and reassure her for the time being. “ok, but . . you can tell me, y’know?”
“just being emotional,” you said the obvious, making her laugh as you leaned into her for support.
you would tell her later, but right now, you were going to use the rest of the game as your excuse to start screaming.
the game ended on a win. you saw rúben briefly when the players walked around and applauded, and eli mirrored his excitement and happiness, waving and calling to him as he spotted you guys. he was ecstatic you could make it.
it was after 6 by the time you got home and settled. you were about to order food when you second guess your options, today’s events replaying in your mind:
look at the size of her!
sasha would have a cute bump.
you’re so big!
you knew you were pregnant but there were far nicer things to say to a pregnant lady. what a bunch of assholes.
instead, you cooked some carbs up for eli and made yourself a seperate dinner, feeling the need to watch what you were eating now - you’d be giving birth soon and all those pregnancy cravings didn’t just leave when the baby came. you weren’t silly - you weren’t going to deprive yourself of food, but maybe they had a point - why wasn’t your bump considered cute? was it hard to tell you were pregnant? what were you doing differently?
you were on the verge of calling sasha and asking her what she put in her green smoothies when the door opened.
“meu amor?”
“in here champ,”
something rúben didn’t expect to see what you lying on the couch with a salad balanced on your bump, and you munching away like it was a 5-star dish. “what’s this about . . ?” he smiled sceptically, dropping his bag to the floor.
“what’s what?”
“that.” he nodded to your plate.
you shrugged. “took a notion for it.”
“for . . a salad?” he clarified, looking down at you, entertained in some sense.
your craving for the last 5 months had been anything with chocolate frosting on it. rúben had watched you talk yourself out of buying a tub of it on its own because you knew if was weird and would have to bake go use it.
to be fair, the salad was tasty, and you were enjoying it but . . at 7 months pregnant? rúben tilted his head. “where’s eli?”
“is his room.”
“he had salad too?”
“he had pasta and garlic bread.”
now he knew something was up. you? not eating garlic bread? italian in general?
someone had said something to you.
he looked at you concerningly, but he was too afraid to ruin the peaceful moment. you seemed calm. he had won a game and you were in a good mood today. baby boy or girl mustn’t be giving you too much trouble so that was a win in itself. so he just leaned down and kissed you lovingly. “hi.”
“hi,” you smiled, pecking him three more times before he rose again. “well done today.”
“thank you,” his hand touched your belly for about two seconds before you swept it off smoothly with your own, squeezing it instead. you smiled up at him again, “love you.”
he kissed you again trying to hide his confusion – but something was up. you were being odd. “love you too.”
and he left and headed for eli’s room, leaving you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before slouching again and continuing with your dinner.
the rest of that evening, rúben was correct. you weren’t yourself.
your mind was somewhere else, and your head wasn’t out of your phone. constantly scrolling, you had overanalysed every picture captured of you today and tried not to nitpick. reading comments. comparing yourself. he wondered what you were doing.
but everyone else did have small bumps. everyone’s looked so cute. they didn’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they wanted or slack with self-care. they still wore tight clothing. they still looked gorgeous. you began to compare yourself to all these other wives and girlfriends on the page, wondering how on earth they looked that good.
ummmm, ‘cause maybe they’re 12 weeks along and you’re triple that?
the next morning, rúben kissed you in the kitchen before leaving. “what’s that?”
“that,” he nodded to the drink in your hand.
“a smoothie?”
“for breakfast?”
“well yeah,” you furrowed your brows, and he immediately shook his head, pulling that judgemental, disapproving look you sometimes wanted to punch. “no, no, come on, don’t be silly, now,” he almost laughed, “you need to eat something proper.”
“it’s a smoothie, it has everything i need in it?”
“y/n, make something to eat. you’re almost 8 months pregnant for crying out loud,” he looked at you seriously. he didn’t want to sound like he was scolding you or making you feel stupid but you knew he was worried about the lack.
overprotective rúben had always been a constant in your relationship but when you were pregnant — phew, “you got my baby in there.”
“–and he or she is looked after, it’s a healthy drink—”
he took it from your hand and kissed your cheek in the process, taking it with him to training with a smirk, “stop being lazy and cook.”
you were furious. you were actually annoyed that he had taken the drink himself and didn’t find it funny. he kissed eli’s head and the door closed, and you were left highly irritated.
you couldn’t see eli shrink, but he did, looking wide-eyed at the table as he considered his dad a brave brave man in that moment to do that to you - considering the look of your face.
and as a pregnant woman with her emotional struggling to stay in check - you lost it as they all blended together once eli was dropped off at school, sitting in a car park of a café you regretted going too now that you sat with your decaf latte and triple-choc muffin. the frustration quickly turned to tears as you had a moment, eyes in your hands, thinking over everything the last couple days.
yes you were pregnant, but was there a need to be that big? were you even that big compared to others? were you really that bad to look at? that unflattering? did it even looking like you were pregnant? the loose clothing probably didn’t help, but who wanted to wear tight clothing? pregnancy was hard - it was hard to glamourise it all the time!
you’d never cried over looking bad the first time you were pregnant, maybe once or twice when a pair of jeans didn’t fit or you couldn’t reach your shoelaces, but never over the way you felt about yourself. you actually were starting to feel disgusting, and it was embarrassing because you let randomers make you feel this way!
. . and then the pathetic-ness turned into anger because why were people such assholes?! how can they not keep an opinion to themselves?! making you feel bad about your baby!
. . and then the anger turned to guilt because your sweet little baby was just trying to grow and be healthy and you were upset over it. tears again.
you didn’t know how to fix it. the damage was already done, you had a month left, there was no going back now with salads and smoothies, you yanked your paper bag with your muffin off the floor, eating your money’s worth. rúben subconsciously popped into your head as he was probably eating some fruit salad or nutritious sandwich at this time.
oh rúben. you wished he was here but you also knew you wouldn’t want him near you at the minute, not when you weren’t feeling yourself and you had people in your comments telling you he was on his way of replacing you.
he would call you stupid, but rúben just wouldn’t understand. he wouldn’t get being on the other side, the built in competition that automatically comes with being a woman, more than ever with this lifestyle he had given you. one where you’re compared left right and centre with a certain standard to achieve.
you bet every handbag you owned, he’d screw his face up and go ‘are you serious’ if you told him your issue. he knew you were above anyone commenting stupid things on your posts and found it immature of you in a way if you did take those things to heart - i mean they were nobodies! jealous nobodies! but that’s easy for him to say, his comments are flooded with never ending support, guys praising him for his talent, physique and hard work and most girls telling him to hurry up and leave you. spamming with flame and tongue emojis, thirsting over your man just the way you did, only boosting his ego more which rúben did not need.
so you just felt silly, and picked at your muffin, accepting your were going to be a whale wag.
you felt like a slob when you got back home, staying on the couch after cleaning, and then crying except you were watching a movie to blame it on that.
you still couldn’t get comments out of your head, i mean what was an ‘expired wag?!’ or a ‘busted oven?!’ what did that mean? and why always the skull emojis?!
scrolling once again through photos of comparison, you scrolled onto a beautiful pic of your beautiful bestie, ines, and straight away phoned her. “hey.”
“hey! what’s up! what’s going on? why do you sound you out of breath?”
“why do you think?” you laughed.
“girl are you crying again?!”
and you started talking. you had to get things off your chest and you needed ines to make you feel better, to assure you and let you rant, and she happily did, after all, you’d always been there when she was having a moment.
“–what did rúben say?”
“nothing, i haven’t told him anything. he’ll just tell me i’m being ridiculous.”
“he won’t!”
“ines, he would, he’s not like bernardo. rúben’s harsh!”
“so are you! which is why i can’t believe you’re still crying over this!”
he was harsh in the good way, in the same way you were. you were both practical. real. realistic. you picked each other up and told each off when you were being ridiculous. pulled each other out their asses. brought you back down to earth.
but you just needed comforted at this current moment by your girl.
as you continued to chat and laugh more than you thought, the front door opened without your acknowledgment and rubes stepped through. freshly showered after a long morning of training, he instantly heard your voice rambling over the phone. he took notice of the tissue also crumpled on the floor by the door (you’d been carelessly tossing them for dramatic effect) and paused after he thought he’d heard a sad sniffle. he closed the door quietly and crept near the living room.
“i can’t help it, i do just feel . . blegh,” you felt like you were being ridiculous but you couldn’t help it. “like, why does everyone keep making a big fuss about it? am i really that massively huge or am i just not liked?”
he heard another woman’s laughter on your phone and recognised her as soon as she began talking to you, “y/n, i promise no one is making a fuss of it, it probably just seems in your face all the time because you keep going back to check. i promise the world is not broadcasting you,” ines chuckled sweetly, which followed your sad laugh also.
“well the wag world does!”
“y/n!” she laughed, “you’re overthinking it. i promise you have nothing to worry about. the only person who’s opinion should matter to you is rúben’s and everybody knows he has you on a pedestal!” rúben found himself smiling. he’d always been a fan of ines. “he’s called you his wife since you came to manchester! he’s always been proud to show you off, you look good - you look amazing! people are just saying that stuff about you to make themselves feel better.”
“mm, i guess,” you sniffed, holding your forehead. “i don’t know, it’s just been getting to me . . and i’m not saying to rúben because he’ll tell me i’m being stupid. i wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaving an hour earlier in the mornings to get away from me. it’s not like my looks can make up for my psycho-ness anymore,” you joked.
“y/n!” she tried not to laugh. “though, pregnancy psycho-ness is definitely real.”
it is, rúben mentally agreed also, though his heart still sank further as he heard you talk about yourself in such ways. he didn’t want to call you ridiculous but come on, you were pregnant! didn’t they all count as compliments to a pregnant lady?!
“it is,” you let out a sigh, “i wouldn’t want to be around me either, just this big angry rhino walking around the house,” you laughed together, “he goes to a paris event on friday anyway, he’ll get a break and have plenty of french models to—”
a clear of a throat had you whipping your head to the door, seeing rúben’s hard stare. your mouth went dry. “uhhh, ines i’ll call you back.”
you felt bad hanging up as she was speaking back, too shocked you’d been heard rambling for the last couple minutes. or probably longer! how long had he been standing there?!
“french models?! french models, y/n.”
“rúben, it’s not in context—”
“oh i heard the context, i heard everything,” he came in the room, not one spot of happiness found on his face. he was fuming. you could tell, and disappointed too, you felt like eli getting told off by him, throwing yourself back into the couch as he stood with that gruff, intimidating look, hands shoved in his pockets.
“you don’t get it—” you could already feel the tears welling in your eyes, though a pit of frustration was brewing in your chest hot and fast. this was going one of two ways.
“what don’t i get? you don’t tell me what’s wrong when i ask you!”
“‘cause you wouldn’t understand!”
“ok but what i do understand is my wife accusing me of what? getting to pick which ‘french model’ i want to take home next week?”
now your face fell flat, realising how ridiculous and cruel that sounded. you shouldn’t accuse him of that kind of stuff.
“rubes, i just—” your mouth felt dry again. tears brimming again, you could feel how hot they were. the words were on the tip of your tongue but you didn’t know how they were gonna come out.
“what is it? tell me,” he pushed, eager for you to actually get out what you wanted to say so he could help sort it. “i’m here to listen.”
and you did, you unleashed it all. “people are assholes. your fans are assholes. i’m sorry but i cannot believe the stuff people have no issue saying to other people - pregnant people at that! as if the 9 months aren’t hard enough, i have this mob of men and women on my back, judging and critiquing my every outting. i can’t do it anymore, it’s actually ruining whatever self-confidence i have left!” the tears were streaming as you began your rant, choking down sobs as you moved your hands, a fury behind all the sadness.
rúben crouched down, wanting to be nearer as you let it all out. “every day, every hour, i have someone online, reminding me off how big i am, how unflattering my paparazzi pic is, how whale-like i am! how hard it’s gonna be to shift this baby weight! i’m getting put in competition with every other pregnant wife and girlfriend of your teammate and showed how much better they pull it off! how gorgeous they look all the time! how their bumps are ‘cute’ and small and ‘suits them.’ i heard it myself at your game the other day! it’s like they’ve never seen an un-photoshopped pregnant woman before!” you met his eyes, realising you were probably being silly and that there were bigger problems in the world. “i just feel disgusting, rúben. i never felt like this with eli, i was in this perfect little bubble but this time so different. i don’t want to leave the house when i know a monstrosity of photos are getting taken of me, pointing out every flaw. i don’t have a cute, small bump! i do look like a whale! i can’t dress sexy! and i get what people are saying when they say it’ll be a bit before you can look at me again ‘cause god knows—”
“shh,” he quickly silenced you, placing a finger to your lips. his brows were furrowed as yours did, fed up of hearing you ramble about all the bad things about yourself. he felt pain in a way. he just couldn’t believe you actually thought these things about yourself. “wha— . . . are you being serious?”
“OH MY GOD!” you threw your arms up. see!
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, meu amor,” his big hands softly caressed your legs in front of him, along your smooth thighs to stop you from exploding again, “i’m sorry. it’s just . . i . . it annoys me that you let these things get to you, these random, strange people that you don’t even know. you take their opinion over mine. so mine doesn’t matter, it doesn’t count?” he looked you deeply in the eye, “how does that make sense? explain that to me.”
your head hit the cushion as you groaned but rúben held your hands comfortingly. he didn’t want to make you feel stupid, but he wanted to hear your thought process. “to me, it’s like . . you have the choice of walking into a room full of all these people who hate you, and you know the hate you, after being in one full of people you love . . and you go into the hateful one and are surprised that all these people are saying all these bad things about you when you could have just left it alone and focused on the lovely ones - from people who matter to you! who are actually in your life! do you understand?”
you nodded along, entranced by his eyes and how they were able to ground you alone. “you know that i think you’re the best thing in the world. you know i would love you if—” he thought off the top of his head, “you had 10 extra toes. a third eye. if you had a cow nose. elf ears!” your hair slipped silkily through his fingers, “you know i think you’re the most beautiful woman ever even dressed in a trash bag. i would still love you if you did wear trash bags. if you had a cow nose. if you weighed the same as a cow. if you weighed the same as a baby cow,” you broke a chuckle at that. “i’ve loved you through our ugly teen years, when i shaved my hair and your eyebrows were stick thin,” you laughed more as he let out a breath of relief, “i loved you when with vomit down your shirt and your hair dyed that weird colour—”
“rúbennn . .”
“what? and i loved you when you had eli in your stomach, and he was big baby,” his hand touched your belly, moving it in the same motion he always did because that’s when he got to feel the small kicks of this baby dias. “i loved you even more even when i saw how he came out,” he shot you a wildered look.
you facepalmed, dragging your hand down dreadfully at the thought of having to relive that moment all over again in over a months time.
his features turned as his thoughts turned sour, “why are you letting stupid fucking people affect you?”
“i don’t know . . i guess ‘cause so many people are saying it i . . it must be true to some extent—”
“seriously, rúben. i don’t have a cute, small bump. ines and rebecca are always such sweet—”
“Y/N! have you SEEN the size of bernardo and phil next to me! is it any wonder they’re small! their child comes out the same size as them!” his hand shot out with passion.
now your head was in your hand with muffled laughter, caught off guard by his statement. “seriously! seriously, now you’re supposed to be the smart one,” he tried to look at you, that loving smile shining your way as his heart sang at the sound of you laughter. “you’re shocked that me, that we, have big babies . . that ines has a much smaller bump than you . . are you serious? that rebecca has a smaller bump than you? rebecca, phil and elway stacked on top of each other wouldn’t even reach the height of me!”
“rúben,” you laughed, feeling an actual blush of embarrassment coat your face at how stupid he’d made you feel, but in a good way.
he was so right. what were you thinking?
“i’m like, the biggest guy on the team! sorry i didn’t realise that was gonna be a problem for you,” you lightly hit his shoulder to wrap up the sarcasm, still giggling. he looked at you from the floor, his hands still on you, on your leg on bump — the bump that he did make look small next to his hand. “and please remember you’re a month away from giving birth, you’re supposed to be a healthy size. and i been going to training an hour earlier ‘cause i know when this one comes along, i’ll not want to go as much and i’ll want to stay with you both. i’ll start working on my dad bod . .” he felt the small, subtle movement happening inside, but he could feel them if he kept still enough.
“you’d look good with both.” you rolled your eyes.
“and you’d still look better. y/n, you’re not a whale. please stop saying that,” he finally crept to his feet, climbing on the couch on top of you, leaning his arm behind your head. “you are the most beautiful-est woman to me and no-one, NO-ONE can convince me otherwise. you’re my standard of perfect, of gorgeous and sexy and all the rest of it. i’ve found you sexy before this baby, during this baby, and after this baby — i still get comments of people telling me how ugly i look when you’re next to me! you bring my value down!”
his arm wrapped around your neck while the other threw itself over your bump, shifting and snuggling into the sofa more comfortingly, you relaxed alongside him, the tears no trickling down but with good reason behind them as you were shocked to find your love growing even more for rúben when you thought it was impossible. “i don’t know what comments you’re seeing because all i see are the ones calling you a milf, and it takes too much time to try and report them all.”
you held his hand at your shoulder, his lips kissing your cheek repeatedly, over and over again. you knew how much he loved you. “yeah, you’re right. fans are just . . assholes.”
“fans are assholes,” he agreed, stroking your cheekbone, “. . don’t listen to them. you think i listen to everything they say about me?” he perked a brow.
sometimes! you wanted to say but knew better. it was rhetorical question, and you knew his sweet intentions.
“alright? i don’t so why should you? you’re hot stuff babe,” he looked at the side of your face, inspecting every little freckle and faint scar, he just wanted to never stop kissing you. “i love you the way you are. eli loves you for the way you are, and this baby,” he rubbed circles on your belly, “he or she is going to be so unbelievably lucky when they see who they have as their mam. i know it’s not the smallest bump but i think it’s the cutest i’ve ever saw, with my baby girl or boy in there,” he kissed the size of your stomach. he grew more and more excited each day as he got a day closer to meeting who was inside. he couldn’t wait. “. . who they get their good looks from and skill and personality - well, i mean i would like to take some credit for the both of those ‘cause i mean their daddy is pretty c—”
you playfully jabbed his side, making him laugh. “yeah, he’s the hottest one on the field,” you glanced at him, kissing his cheek.
one thing about him, he’d always blessed you with beautiful children.
“yeah, and their mum is coolest one at the school pick up,” his lips trailed along your cheek to your jaw, the slight scruff of his beard tickling you. “you’re the biggest milf to walk the planet–”
“rúbennn,” you chuckled, blushing at his words whilst trying to push him away.
“i’m serious,” he proceeded, peppering kissed down your neck, “and she’s coming to paris with me for the weekend so she can outshine me like she does at every event she comes to.”
you laughed at that, smiling dreamily as he proceeding to love on you.
“and eli?”
“elias gets to stay with his favourite uncle who owes a favour,” he winked.
“hmm. ok.”
“and i’ll give her a reason to cry if she starts thinking like that again,” he whispered in your ear.
your heart slipped a beat. “oh yeah?”
“ohh yeahhh,” he nodded, standing to his feet, not before a loud ‘smack’ echoed the room as he mimicked what your poor backside would get if you kept up that kind of behaviour. “see you upstairs, mama.”
you blew your hair from your face, heart thumping, your hands slowly crept up to your adorable little bump where you caressed it gently as he headed for upstairs, whispering softly, “you are soo lucky he’s your papai.”
your heart raced as he peeled his hoodie off, back muscles staring right at you as he headed for your room, you felt your insides begin to sizzle.
— but you were even luckier he was your husband.
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Jacked and Kind - Rúben Dias

ᥫ᭡: pairing: Rúben Dias x reader
ᥫ᭡: request: Rúben doing the "boy who's jacked and kind" trend and being very smug about it. Based on this request
ᥫ᭡: a/n: Finally, a Rúben fic with many to come. I has so much fun writing this. Like, have you guys seen this man? He was made for this trend!!!!
navigation | request guidelines

The golden light of the setting sun shone in your living room, adding to the already cozy atmosphere. It was one of those evening where you and your boyfriend spent doing absolutely nothing. Rúben had come back exhausted from training, so the two of you had settled into each other’s arms on the sofa.
You were scrolling through TikTok, like always, until you stumbled across a TikTok of a couple doing the “boy who is jacked and kind” trend. Intrigued, you went on the sound to see more videos. Beside you, Rúben looked up from his own phone, to see why the same audio was playing over and over.
“What are you up to?” he asked a bit suspicious.
You tilted your phone towards him, showing him the latest trend. “We have to do this.” you insisted.
Rúben leaned closer, “You want me to do that?"
“Obviously,” you said, already on your feet. “You are made for this - ‘Jacked and kind’, that’s literally you.”
“Are you questioning my strength?” he smirked, clearly amused.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the grin on your face. “So, are you doing it, or are you scared?”
“Scared? It’s like you don’t know me at all.” he said, this competitiveness ignited.
Rúben gets up as you prop your phone up on the vase of a nearby cabinet. He stretched his arms, showing off, to tease you some more before stepping closer behind you.
“Don’t you dare drop me!” you warned him before starting the TikTok.
“Never.” he reassured you.
As Sabrina’s song echoed from your phone. Rúben came up behind you, and secured his arms around your thighs. He lifted you effortlessly off the ground and onto his shoulder like you weighed nothing. Your hand gripped his other shoulder for balance, laughter bubbling out of you. Rúben grinned smugly as he showed off his guns for the video.
To be honest, you were enjoying this more that you would have liked to admit.
When the recording ended, he set you back onto your feet. Both of you walked over to the phone to see the end result and you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as you watched your boyfriend lifting you like you were the lightest thing in the world.
“See? Perfection.” he said with pride.
You quickly pressed your lips together faking disappointment, as an idea popped in your head. “Hmm… it’s off beat. We didn’t get the timing right. But it’s okay.”
His eyes darted from the video to you. “No no no, I don’t do things okay.”
“Seriously it’s fine” you tried to play it off by reassuring him. “No one will notice.”
“Give me your phone” he was not having it. He took it and set it up again to retake. “We are redoing this.”
You couldn’t contain the grin that made it’s way onto your face from excitement. The truth was, you loved watching him show off his strength, and being lifted like that made you feel giddy. Like a teenage girl with her celebrity crush.
Rúben however caught up quickly on what you were trying to do. “... you little shit.”
“Huh?” you asked, faking confusion.
“We weren’t actually off-beat, were we? You just wanted an excuse for me to lift you again.”
“No…” you lied, slightly blushing at the fact that you got caught. “I said it’s okay but you insisted.”
“Oh, so I’m the problem now?” he teased, “Come here…”
Before you could protest, his arms were around your thighs, as he lifting you in the air again.
As the recording ended, he put you back down to watch the video. He crossed his arms and looked at you expectantly.
“Jacked and kind indeed.” you thought out loud, not hiding your admiration.
He leaned closer, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. “Only for you,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.

taglist: @httpsdana

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Since Ruben got himself a new puppy I need to read fic with Ruben being jealous of new addition to the family. The puppy won’t leave his girlfriend side even for a night sleep and being really protective of her when Ruben around
Man-to-man~Rúben Dias

・❥・prompt list
・❥・masterlist -> part 2
・❥・who I write for
Rúben stepped into the house after an exhausting match, dropping his keys on the nearby table. He kicked off his shoes, placing them on the shoe rack.
He called out for his girlfriend, but didn't hear anything in response. When he stepped into the living room, he saw her sitting there, a book in hand and their new addition to the family, Zazu the little brown ball of fur, curled up on her lap while she scratched behind his ears.
“Now that's betrayal. I called out for you and you didn't answer” He said, making her look up at him surprised.
“you're here? how was the match, honey?” she asked, watching as he dropped down next to her.
“you didn't watch it?” his voice was a bit disappointed, making her quickly shake her head.
“I did, but this little one distracted me a lot. didn't you baby?” she cooed the little puppy in her arms.
Rúben scoffed, making her raise an eyebrow but she didn't question him.
“Can we go to bed please? I just want to relax” Rúben pleaded, tugging on her hand.
“of course, let's go” as soon as she got up, Zazu was already sprinting to the room.
Rúben opened his mouth to speak up but stopped when y/n laughed, picking up the pace of her steps.
Rúben let out a sigh, following his girlfriend and the little thing who seems like he's been replacing him.
When he got to the room, he saw Zazu curled up in his spot, while y/n was giggling at the little puppy.
“oh absolutely not” Rúben shook his head, stepping closer to the bed.
“what?” y/n asked him, confused.
“he has to sleep in his own bed, simba never sleeps with us in bed” he reached out, holding the little puppy in his hand, only for him to squirm out of his hand and dart back onto the bed. This caused y/n to laugh at the annoyed look on Ruben's face.
“listen here little guy, let's have a talk, man-to-man” Rúben said, pointing his index finger at Zazu who was looking up at him with wide eyes.
“she is my girlfriend. I cuddle her, I feed her, and I…” he looked up at her, before leaning down to whisper in the puppy's ear. “you know…do other things to her” he whispered, making y/n burst into laughter.
“So you're gonna be sleeping in your bed tonight” Rúben said.
Zazu let out a whimper as Rúben held him again to place him outside the room. When he did, Rúben got in bed, pulling her closer to place her head on his chest.
“how cute is it for you to be jealous of that innocent thing” she teased, making him roll his eyes.
Before he could reply, Zazu was on the bed, but this time he curled up on Rúben's chest next to y/n's head.
Rúben let out a sigh, before smiling slightly.
“see he loves you too” she said, scratching the dog's head as he fell asleep.
“he better love me. I was the one who brought him here” Rúben joked, making her chuckle.
She leaned up, pressing a kiss on his jaw as he traced shapes on her back in a soothing way.
“don't worry you'll be my number one always, if you keep on feeding, cuddling, and ‘doing other things to me’” she mimicked his words earlier, making him laugh, the rumbling of his chest as he laughed making Zazu let out a whimper.
“sorry baby” y/n said, pressing a kiss on the puppy's head.
“one for me too” Rúben said, leaning down to kiss her. She smiled against his lips, kissing him once again before they settled in bed, ready to unwind.
my taglist: @barcapix @paucubarsisimp @spidybaby @mxryxmfooty @n0vazsq @joaosnovia @ilovebarcaaa @f1lover55 @jajajhaahaha (lmk if you want to be added!!)
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dad!ruben plissss🥹
You ask and I deliver😌 However, I'm sorry if this not what you wanted nor expected, did this at 3am😭 sorry. Let me know what you think, please!
O Meu Pai -R.D3
Summary: Vitória is daddy's little girl and her daddy, Rúben, loves her

"Toya, c'mon baby" You spoke lightly "C'mon we've to get you ready para irmos ao aniversário da avó Bernadette!" (so we can go to grandma Bernadette's birthday!)
"Are you and Pai matching?" You smile nodding
"And so are you, dear" You kiss your babygirl's four years old hair before getting out of her closet a light blue dress to match outifts with you and your six years husband, Rúben.
You listen to her sing some children's songs as you got her clothes on her, as soon as you turned around to grab her shoes a knock on your door came in.
"Como estão as minhas meninas?" (How are my girls, doing?) Rúben asks pecking inside the room "Meu Deus!" (My god!) He gasps "You are so pretty!"
"Pai!" Vitória yelled in your ear as you were putting her shoes on
"Don't yell in mamã's ear, baby" You tell her with a small smile getting behind her to do her hair
"Sorry, mommy" She said softly kissing your hand.
You smile looking at Rúben who has a loving look on his face, whenever he tells you "Sorry" he gives a kiss on your hands or cheeks and your daughter picked up on it.
"No worries, baby" You kissed her cheek too and start working on her hair.
"Vitória, did you get your present for avó Bernadette?" Rúben asks, sitting next to her
"I did! I did a drawing for her!"
"Where's is it? Let me put in the bag so we don't forget about it"
"Right there!" She lifts her arm and points to her small table.
Rúben gets up from the floor and goes to her table to grab the drawing she made, you see the smile on his face and instantly smiled to yourself. You finished her ponytail and secured the small braid you did at the side.
"Vitória, baby. Why don't you go to the living room and play for a bit with Simba and Nala?"
"Is everything alright?" She asks seeing her dad silent
"Yes, babygirl." You say "I gotta talk to daddy really quick"
"But make it quick 'cus we're going to be late!" She says before getting out of her room.
"Just like her dad" Rúben laughs softly "Everything good?" You get up and stand right next to him
"I just can't help but think our baby's growing so fast. She used to draw the big and happy sun at the side of the paper, now she does it on the middle!"
"She's still young, Rú" You giggle "Also, she's learning that the sun comes out from one side and hides from the other, maybe she drew this in the early afternoon?"
"Or maybe she's just growing up?"
"Well, that's life and it's cyrcle" You kiss his shoulder "You're still going to be the man of her life, always. You know it, right?" He nods
"Until she gets married"
"No. You'll still be" You shake your head "But there's a long way until that happens. So let's enjoy her and her early life before she turns 18, starts brining guys home and wants to do a piercing"
"That will not happen!" You laugh kissing his lips
"You're cute. C'mon, grab the drawing and let's go. We'll be late if we stay here and missy Vitória Y/L/N Dias, doesn't like being late"
"She really doesn't"
"I'm telling you, just like her dad" He wraps his arm around your waist, pull you closer to him and kisses your lips softly
"You look gorgeous"
"And you look extremely handsome, love"
"My wife picked this outfit for me"
"She's a fashionista" You whisper before kissing him once again
"Mãe! Pai! Hurry up, we'll be late!" You open the door from her room as you both went out
"Toya, come on babygirl! Let's get to grandma's!" Rúben says before you hear a small "Finally!"
°°° °°° °°°
"A mãe e o pai estavam a demorar muito tempo!" (Mom and Dad were taking too long!)
"Guys" Iván, your brother in law says looking at you and at Rúben "Keep it in your pants"
"Jeez, we weren't doing anything!" You reply "We were actually talking about Vitória's boyfriends?"
"Do you have boyfriend's, Vitória?"
"No! They are little ugly monsters who will only infect me!" She said before running to her dad's legs
"That's right, baby" Rúben says, you give him a look but he doesn't act on it
"Boys will not infect you, Toya" Beatrix, one of your in-laws, says with a small smile
"Either way! I don't wanna be contaminated" Toya says nuzzled in her dad's shoulders, her small arms wrapping around his neck
"Jesus Christ" You mumble to yourself before taking a deep breath
"That's my girl!"
"Rúben!" All of you scolded him as he opened his eyes and mouth
"My daughter, my ways to evite her heartbreak"
"Filho" (Son) Joao, Rúben's dad, says softly with a small smile "You're just like me"
"Like father, like son" Bernadette says making you all laugh.
"Hey, Vi" Carolina asks "Want for me to paint your face?"
"No. Pai"
"C'mon, minha filha" (my babygirl) "I bet you'd look pretty with a pretty drawing and some glitter on your cheek. Would you like that?" She nods
"But I want to cuddle with you, pai"
"You behave like a good girl with your tia and then we will cuddle while watching some cartoons and eating some food mamã and avó did, what do you think?"
"Yes, please" Rúben put her down watching Vitória run towards her tia and then laughing with her.
"I think she's too spoiled by you" Your voice comes in through the now empty living room
"Nah, I don't think so" Rúben smiles "She's just my babygirl"
"And you're her pai. She definitely preferes you over me"
"That's not true" You give him a look and after some silence he answered. "She's just a daddy's little girl, that's normal"
"She is"
"I love it"
"I know you do"
"I love you"
"And I love you too, Rú" You smile
"Can we start practicing for a sister or brother for her?"
"You want another one? Right now?"
"I do" He nods "You?"
"I do" He smiles getting closer to you so he can kiss your lips "How do you think she'll react to a sibling?"
"Mad because you are hers, I'm hers and nobody else's"
"We will have to explain that to her" You nod
"But let's wait 'till baby is in the oven" You mention your tummy "once that happens we can start planning everything"
"You're getting lucky as soon as we're getting home" You laugh blushing. Thank heavens you were the only ones in the room.
"Mãe! Pai!" Toya's voice gets closer "Look at the bee, tia made!"
"You look so pretty!" Rúben says impressed "So you're the queen bee, right?"
"I'm princess Bee, mãe's Queen Bee and you're King Bee, pai" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and a kiss to her dad.
"That's correct, love" Rúben kisses her non-draw cheek. "Ready to cuddle for a bit? What do you want to watch?"
"Barbie Princess and the Pauper!"
"You always know my favorites, don't you?" Rúben asks underneath his breath as he gets into the couch finding a nice and comfy spot
"That's why I ask for them, they're our favorites!"
"We need to sing our hearts out!" Toya laughs shaking her head
"Pai, this isn't our house to yell"
"Well, I'm sorry. But we can't watch a Barbie movie without feeling it at it's fullness"
"You're right, pai; so let's sing it then!"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
#gadriezmannsgirl replies#gadriezmannsgirl writes!#ruben dias#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias imagine#ruben dias fic#ruben dias one shot#portugal nt#manchester city#man city#football players#football players one shot#football fanfic#football players x reader#football players imagines#ruben dias x you
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never let me go | ruben dias
💐 synopsis: As a newlywed couple, you and Ruben are deeply in love and spend an intimate emotional night together in a coastal villa. tags: honeymoon night, smut but make it cute and passionate (written in 2nd person but no mention of yn) | (around 3k words)
The bedroom door creaks open, and you step inside, still holding the hem of your dress to keep it from brushing against the floor. The room looks like it’s been waiting for you both all night. The villa is quiet except for the waves. You can hear them breaking against the rocks below, a steady rhythm that feels like it’s syncing with your heartbeat. The air smells of salt and the faintest trace of citrus from the grove you passed on your way in.
Behind you, Ruben steps in shutting the door behind him with a soft click. He’s loosened his tie, his white shirt slightly wrinkled from hours of hugs and laughter and dancing at the wedding party, but somehow, he still looks immaculate. Just the sight of him is enough to send a wave of warmth through you, the kind that starts low in your stomach and spreads all the way to your fingertips.
You turn to say something – maybe a joke about how exhausted you are from dancing, or how your cheeks still ache from smiling too much – but before the words can form, he’s already closing the space between you.
“Wait,” he says, his voice teasing as his hands settle on your waist. In one swift motion, he lifts you off the floor. You let out a startled laugh, your arms flying around his neck.
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” he says, his smile widening as he steadies you in his arms.
His fingers shift slightly, holding you tighter. Then he leans in closer, his forehead almost touching yours, and his voice softens.
“With my beautiful wife.”
The words hit you square in the chest, and you’re not sure how to hold all of it – the tenderness, the certainty, the love. Your grip on him tightens instinctively, your fingertips brushing against the warm nape of his neck.
“Your wife,” you repeat, almost testing the weight of the words, and they come out so quiet they barely make it past your lips. But he hears them. Of course he hears them. “That still feels weird to say.”
“Get used to it,” he says, then he leans in, his lips brushing against your ear. “You’re mine now.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I’ve been yours long before today, Ruben.”
He tilts his head back slightly, a playful gleam in his eyes. “True.” He pauses. “But now I get to say it officially.”
“Officially, huh?” you tease. “I think you’re just excited about the title.”
“I mean, it’s a pretty good title,” he says, his voice low and thoughtful, as though he's seriously considering the weight of the word. “Wife has a nice ring to it.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully. “You’re ridiculous.” But the smile spreading across your face betrays you, and the entire moment feels too perfect to be real. It’s like you’re floating, suspended in this bubble of joy that you never want to break.
Ruben leans in again, this time pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering just long enough to send a flutter through your chest. “I’m just happy,” he says quietly.
“I know.” You rest your head against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat matching the rhythm of the waves outside. The sound is calming, familiar, grounding you in this moment, but inside, your heart feels like it’s ready to burst from the sheer intensity of everything you’re feeling. You want to hold on to this, to him, forever.
“I’m happy too,” you add, your fingers tracing small, absentminded patterns along his shirt. The words feel too small to describe everything that’s swelling inside of you – the love, the yearning, the certainty of him being everything you ever needed.
He tightens his arms around you, his hand resting on the back of your neck, and you feel the warmth of his palm against your skin. You look up at him, eyes meeting his with a hunger that neither of you can hide.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, the words rough, full of a hunger that sends a heat through you that has nothing to do with the warmth of the room. He leans in, his lips catching yours in a kiss that’s deep, urgent, filled with all the things you’ve been trying to hold back all night.
Your hands slide down his chest, pulling at the fabric of his shirt as you arch against him, feeling the heat of his body pressing into yours. The kiss breaks for a moment, both of you gasping for air, and his forehead rests against yours, breaths mingling as the room spins.
“I need you,” he says, his voice thick with desire. His hands slide down your back, pulling you closer, the space between you shrinking as if the two of you can’t get close enough. You feel the rush of his breath against your skin, the desperation in his touch making your pulse race.
“Then take me,” you whisper, your voice barely audible but charged with everything you want. His eyes darken and in one smooth motion, he lays you gently on the bed.
Ruben hovers over you, his eyes roaming your face as if he’s memorizing every detail. “You have no idea how much I want you,” he says, his voice even rougher now, but still filled with the same adoration that makes your chest tighten with affection.
You tilt your head back, your hair spilling across the pillows, and reach for him again, your hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt, pulling him down to you. You need him just as much, feel the ache of it in every inch of your skin, every beat of your heart.
And then he’s kissing you again, deeper this time, the desperation in his touch matching your own. His body presses against yours, hot and heavy, and you can feel the way he’s trying to keep control, but you can also feel the way he’s unraveling beneath your touch. You pull him closer, your hands sliding underneath his shirt to feel the warmth of his skin against yours.
Ruben pulls back for a second, and his hands move to the zipper of your dress. His fingers are clumsy, a bit too eager, fumbling with the fabric like it’s something he’s never seen before.
"Hold on," he mutters, trying again, but the zipper doesn’t budge. You can't help but laugh softly, a little nervous giggle that catches him off guard.
"You okay?" he asks, his brow furrowed in concentration, his hands still working on the zipper.
"Yeah," you chuckle, lifting your arms so he has more room. "You’re gonna have to work for this, huh?"
He laughs too, shaking his head. "Apparently, yes." His face softens with a smile. He gives up on the zipper and moves his hands to the straps, trying to slide them off your shoulders, but the dress won’t cooperate. The whole thing is tangled now, your arms awkwardly raised, your whole body stuck in this massive, elegant piece of fabric.
You both sit there, slightly breathless. Ruben shifts on the bed, leaning back with a deep sigh and letting out a laugh that sounds more from disbelief than frustration.
“Okay,” he says, voice breaking with a half-laugh. “This is ridiculous.”
You lean back against the bed, unable to hold back your laughter anymore. “I told you it was complicated.”
He shrugs with a grin.
You sit up, trying to find a way to untangle the mess of fabric, and he watches you for a second, both of you smiling at how absurd the whole situation is. The tension that was there a few minutes ago has eased, replaced by an ease that only comes when you're with someone you trust.
After a few more moments of playful struggling, Ruben finally manages to slip the dress off your body with a triumphant sigh, leaving you in nothing but the delicate white lingerie you’d bought specifically for tonight.
You sit up, feeling exposed but free, and Ruben takes a moment to just look at you. His eyes are full of admiration, as if he can’t quite believe that you’re here with him, in this moment. There’s no rush in the way he looks at you, just pure, unfiltered affection.
"God," he murmurs, almost to himself, a slight awe in his voice. "You’re perfect."
You feel the heat rise in your chest, the flutters in your stomach, but it's not nerves or embarrassment this time. It’s love – love that feels so big it could swallow you whole, but in the best way. Ruben reaches for you, his hands gently cupping your face as he leans in, pressing a slow kiss to your lips.
When he pulls back, he looks at you for a long moment, his forehead resting against yours. "I don’t want to rush this," he whispers. "I want to remember every moment of tonight."
You nod, your breath hitching. Ruben’s hands are gentle, almost reverent, as they move over every inch of you, he’s not rushing – every touch, every kiss, every bite, it all feels like he’s savoring you. His lips finding every spot that makes you shiver, his teeth grazing over your skin like he’s marking you, claiming you in the most tender way possible.
His lips trace the curve of your neck, and then his teeth nip just below your ear. You gasp, your body involuntarily arching into him, but he doesn’t hurry. He moves lower, his lips finding the soft, sensitive skin of your collarbone, then your shoulder, trailing kisses all the way down your arm. When he bites lightly on the inside of your elbow, you can’t suppress the moan that escapes you, the sensation tightening everything inside of you.
He’s taking his time with every inch of your body, moving from one part of you to the next, his lips leaving behind a trail of heat in their wake. Your skin feels on fire, the sensation of him against you so intoxicating that it’s nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Your breath comes faster, your heart pounding in your chest, and despite the way his touch makes you feel completely undone, you can’t help but want more. You need more.
“Ruben…” you murmur, barely able to catch your breath. Your voice cracks with the desperation you feel deep inside, your body pulsing with the need for him. “Please…”
He pauses for a moment, looking up at you with that same adoring, almost possessive gaze. His lips are swollen, his chest rising and falling just as rapidly as yours. But he doesn’t speak. He just studies you, the desire in his eyes nearly suffocating in its intensity. And then his mouth returns to your skin, moving lower, his lips kissing, biting, teasing, marking every inch of your body as if he’s trying to make it impossible for you to ever forget this moment.
You bite your lip, trying to hold it together, but it’s becoming unbearable, the longing inside you too powerful to ignore. “Ruben,” you beg again, your voice full of want. “Please… take your clothes off.”
The heat is building so quickly between you both that you can’t hold back anymore. He doesn’t need any more encouragement. Ruben moves quickly, almost impatiently now, but still with that careful tenderness. He unbuttons his shirt, tossing it aside without breaking his eyes from you.
He stands over you for a second, his body in front of you like it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. The smooth lines of his chest, the way his muscles shift as he moves, it’s enough to make your breath hitch again. His eyes flicker to yours, and then his hands are at the waistband of his pants, swiftly unbuttoning them. The anticipation, the waiting, makes your chest tighten with excitement, and your heart races as he steps out of his pants, leaving him standing in only his boxers.
Then Ruben leans down over you, his hands on either side of your face, his lips brushing over yours in the softest kiss. But it’s not enough. Not anymore. His hands slide down to your waist, the desire in his eyes is like fire, and you know he’s feeling it just as much as you are – burning with it, aching for it. You can’t stand the waiting anymore.
“Please…” you whisper, your voice trembling with the need that’s been building since he first touched you. “I can’t wait anymore.”
Ruben doesn’t need any more words. His mouth finds yours again in a kiss so full of hunger and longing, it’s like he’s trying to devour you, to take in every part of you.
His fingers rest at the edge of your mouth before gently slipping two of them inside, grazing your tongue in slow, deliberate circles.
“Is this what you want?” he asks, his voice shaken, but still trying to sound calm, controlled.
You can’t answer immediately, not with his fingers pressing against your lips, so you shake your head instead.
He chuckles softly, that familiar teasing smile tugging at his lips. “I thought you wanted to feel me inside of you, amor.”
Your heart races in your chest as he tilts his head, still smiling, before slowly pulling his fingers from your mouth. His touch lingers for a moment, then he lowers his hand.
“Okay, I’ve got a better idea. Let’s put them somewhere else,” he says, his voice low with intent.
He takes your hand, guiding it to help him, though you both know he doesn’t really need it. He’s still teasing you. He gently moves your underwear aside, pushing those two fingers, now dripping wet with your spit, inside of your cunt. His touch is slow, in-and-out, and you can’t help but shiver at the feeling of him finally as close as you want him, as you need him to be.
“Better now?” he asks, pride in his voice as he watches your reaction, a satisfied smile playing at the corners of his lips.
You nod, unable to hide the warmth building inside you. “Better,” you whisper.
His other hand, gentle, caresses the side of your face, his thumb brushing across your cheek – and then he kisses you. His mouth is warm and comforting against yours, you pull him a little closer, needing the warmth of him, the closeness, and he responds, his body pressing against yours as if to reassure you that he’s there, that he’s not going anywhere.
His free hand moves to your breasts, tracing your nipples, and you let out a soft sigh against his lips. For a long moment, you stay like that – wrapped up in each other, his hands all over you, inside of you.
The kiss deepens, and the tension between you builds, quiet but undeniable. You can’t help it. You’re burning for him, every inch of your body craving his touch. “Ruben,” you breathe against his lips, voice thick with impatience. You want him, need him, and you can’t wait anymore.
He pulls back just slightly, his forehead resting against yours, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Patience," he murmurs.
You shake your head, frustration mixing with desire. “I can’t. Please...” The words barely make it out before you’re kissing him again, harder this time, desperate for more.
The layers of clothes still left between you seem to vanish, almost without thought. It’s frantic but tender, your undergarments are now tangled up in the bedsheet, forgotten as you both move with a desperation that matches the intensity of the kiss. His body is pressed against yours again, both of you shivering, not from the cold, but from the need, the desire.
There’s a quiet moment when everything slows, and Ruben finally enters you, right when the rush of your heartbeats begins to sync with his. You’re finally with him in every way you’ve wanted all night. The space between you is gone, and you feel the weight of his cock settle deep in you, like everything is exactly where it should be. His hands trace the curves of your body, holding you close, and you can’t help but feel a deep, overwhelming sense of fulfillment.
It’s not just the closeness, it’s knowing you’ve reached this place with him, that all the moments leading up to this have led to this perfect connection. The feeling of being his, of being his wife, settles over you in a way you can’t quite explain, but it feels like the missing piece of something you’ve been looking for your entire life.
The sweat on your skin feels... beautiful. It’s a sign of how deeply you’ve shared this moment. The heat of it doesn’t make you want to pull away – it makes you want to stay wrapped up in it, in him.
You can feel your pulse under his touch, the rise and fall of his breath against your neck, and everything feels so perfect, so right. This is what you always wanted, and it fills you up, leaving no room for anything else.
You feel whole in a way you never have before, like you’ve become the person you were always meant to be – his wife, his partner.
You move together in a rhythm that feels both slow and urgent, there’s a shared intensity between you both, a connection so deep that it feels like you’re no longer two separate people, but a single, intertwined whole. The world outside the villa fades to nothing as you lose yourselves in the moment.
His touch, gentle but firm, holds you closer, guiding you as you respond to him, the tension building, slow and steady. The way his lips brush against your skin, his breath quickening as you do the same, it all pulls you deeper into this shared space, where only the two of you exist.
Your bodies are a tangled mess of warmth and movement, a perfect harmony of wanting and giving, and you both reach the peak together. When it happens, it’s loud, the culmination of everything you’ve shared. Your heart races, and his matches the pace of yours, as you feel everything around you blur. His arms tighten around you, and you bury your face against him, trying to hold on to the moment, the feeling of being so completely and utterly present with him.
#football fanfic#ruben dias#football fic#ruben dias fanfic#rúben dias#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias fic#ruben dias imagine#brightlightwrites
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Can you write about Ruben Dias praising you while you give him a blowjob? 🙏
This hits 🤭
Minors DNI!!
Word Count: 184
“You’re doing so good, baby.” Ruben moaned, his hand resting on the back of your head, pushing you down to take more of him in your mouth.
The tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, causing a gag to escape you, sending vibrations against him.
“Fuck, you take me so well.” The praise hit you straight in the core. You squeezed your thighs together. You stared up at him, his pretty brown eyes staring back at you.
“You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” He thrusted up, another gag escaped you. “Good girl.” You continued your movements, your hand reaching down to massage his balls.
You felt his cock twitch- which only meant one thing, his release was near. You hollow your cheeks, bobbing your head faster.
His head fell back against the couch cushion, groans leaving his lips. You didn’t stop until you felt the warmth of his cum on your tongue, swallowing every last bit.
He pulled you up from the floor. “You’re too good to me.” He smiled before kissing you.
“I know.” You smiled
#ruben dias smut#ruben dias#ruben dias blurb#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias fic#ruben dias one shot#ruben dias fanfic#ruben dias imagine#ruben dias x y/n#ruben dias fluff#ruben dias angst#ruben dias x you#football#soccer#football smut#soccer smut#footballer smut#footballer x reader#footballer x y/n#soccer x reader#footballer x you#football x reader#footballer blurb#footballer#footballer imagine#footballer one shot#footballer fanfiction#footballer fic#footballer fluff#fooball
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Ruben Dias (Manchester City) - Test
Requested: yes
Prompt: 4) Taking a pregnancy test
Baby Prompts
Y/n sat in the empty bathtub, her legs tucked underneath her as she stared at the little plastic stick on the edge of the sink. Her heart pounded so loudly she was sure it could be heard in the next room. The seconds seemed to drag on, each one heavier with anticipation than the last. Ruben leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest in a pose that might have seemed relaxed to an outsider, but Y/n knew him well enough to see the tension in his shoulders, the tightness around his mouth. He was nervous, too.
"How much longer?" She asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. Ruben glanced at his watch, then back at her. "Another minute or so." He said softly. He pushed himself off the counter and came to kneel beside the bathtub, taking her hand in his. "Whatever happens, we're in this together." Y/n squeezed his hand tightly, grateful for his presence. "I know." She said. "It's just- it's so scary."
He nodded, brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. "I know it is, but we'll handle it. Whether the test is positive or negative, we'll figure it out. Together." She looked into his eyes, finding strength in the calm reassurance she saw there. "Thank you." She murmured. The timer on Ruben's phone beeped, making them both jump. He looked at her, his expression a mix of hope and fear. "Ready?" Y/n took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's see."
Ruben reached over and picked up the test, holding it so they could both see the result. There, clear as day, was a little plus sign. Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat, her eyes filling with tears. "We're- we're having a baby?" She whispered. Ruben's face broke into a wide grin, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. "We're having a baby." He repeated, his voice full of wonder and joy. She clung to him, letting the tears fall freely now, a mix of relief, happiness, and a little bit of lingering fear. But as she felt Ruben's strong arms around her, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
"I love you." She said, her voice muffled against his chest. "I love you too." He replied, kissing the top of her head. "And I already love our little one." They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, letting the reality of their new future sink in. The uncertainty was still there, but so was the unwavering support they had in each other.
#football imagines#football#football blurbs#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias x you#ruben dias x y/n#ruben dias imagine#ruben dias fic#ruben dias fanfic#ruben duas blurb#ruben dias x female oc#football x you#football x y/n#football x oc#football x reader#football imagine#football oneshots#football one shots#football one shot#football fanfic
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ೃ࿐ summary : The moments spent with your family, they are the most precious in your life, a pure delight that bring solace to your soul. And on this specific Sunday afternoon, this one, you are poised to savor every bit of it.
ೃ࿐ words : 0,7k.
ೃ࿐ genre : mature. fluff. suggestive.
ೃ࿐ warning : cute daughter-father moments, sexual tension.
ೃ࿐ author's note : Despite my deep disdain for Man City (while I do acknowledge Pep's genius football philosophy), I must confess—I find myself particularly attracted to some players... and a certain 6’2 Portuguese center-back has managed to steal my heart. Ugh, what can I sayyyyy, what can I sayyyyy.
You were drawn by the soft, deep chuckles emitted by your husband, guiding you towards the entrance of the living room, where you discreetly pushed the door ajar.
There he was.
Dressed in his black Puma sweatpants and a simple, white undershirt, he was doing push-ups with your little daughter perched on his broad, muscular back. Her cheerful, high-pitched voice counted his progress as he effortlessly raised and lowered his body multiple times. You observed them tenderly: the pure joy and trust of your child blending with Rúben's extraordinary strength and patience. Home.
If he noticed you leaning against the doorframe, he said nothing... and you couldn’t help but admire his new three-day stubble beard, a bit more developed than usual, complementing his charming face.
Suddenly, he twisted to one side, landing on the floor while effortlessly lifting your excited little girl with his sturdy arms before gently placing her on his firm stomach. A timid chuckle escaped your lips at this heartwarming sight. But this gesture didn't deter him from maintaining a somewhat intense gaze that met yours, igniting a fire within you.
"Go play in the garden, princesa. I'll do a few more and then join you," he murmured, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. As his words prompted her to dash out of the room, flashing you a mischievous smile in passing, the room fell into an almost oppressive silence. Only Rúben's erratic breathing and the sudden accelerated beats of your heart seemed to animate the space.
He eventually raised himself from the floor, taking his sweet time to stand, his brown eyes never leaving your burning gaze for a second.
Rúben's smile took on a different shade as he crossed the room to approach you, leaving only a few brief inches between you. His arms, marked by the effort, found support on the wooden doorframe, not far from your head, asserting his dominance in height.
In the depth of his gaze, you discerned the glint of a tantalizing promise.
"You didn't have to stop, you know?" you innocently scolded, letting your right hand wander from his neck, to his left flank and to his hip. You made sure your nails lightly grazed his skin through the thin white fabric, intending for him to feel your provocation. As you did, you sensed a trickle of sweat dampening his shirt, clinging to his still-toned abs, evidence of his numerous push-ups.
In just a few seconds, his body responded. Engulfed in goosebumps that hinted at desire, Rúben's eyelids trembled, and his Adam's apple bobbed. Though your line of sight didn't reveal it, you were certain that his fingers fervently clutched the doorframe, evidenced by the emerging veins on his glistening shoulders.
He was on the verge of losing control. The mere thought elevated the corner of your lips into a sly smile, concealing the pleasure you took in this little teasing game. You must admit, you were very in the mood to play today. After all, Rúben simply had no business being so sexy on this delightful spring afternoon.
Your right hand, still placed on his hip, dared to venture even further beneath the fabric of his black tracksuit to bring him even more closer to you and explore the skin of his lower back and his firm bottom, leading him to open his mouth slightly, letting out a timid gasp.
Unable to resist the excruciating slowness of your caresses, he leaned forward, daring “Why? Do you want to keep watching?” he managed to inquire with an innocent tone, though mischief lingered within.
His alluring, plump lips so close to yours beckoned, yet you resisted the temptation they promised... at least for the moment. You knew what he expected from you at this moment, but you just wouldn't comply. You were far too determined to win this battle.
Nevertheless, the warm breath escaping his mouth was enough to slightly distract you. In that moment, you even forgot your somewhat disheveled appearance—your hair was in a messy bun, and you still had your apron on, still warm from the breath of the oven you had opened to check the crumb-topped salmon you were preparing.
This seemed not to bother Rúben, whose gaze remained just as fiery and thirsty. His fingers sought revenge, gently sweeping aside a loose strand of hair that had fallen during your observation, trailing across your cheek, your neck, before finally resting on your nape. Then his entire hand delicately settled upon it. Your eyes were nearly completely mesmerized by the movement of his lips. Ruben's voice became huskier and smoother. “Or maybe you want a turn too."
#neima’s writing#ruben dias#ruben dias fic#ruben dias x you#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias fanfic#Ruben dias one shot#ruben dias drabble#ruben dias imagine#premier league#manchester city#football x you#football x reader#man city#man city fanfic#football fanfic#football oneshot#footballer one shot#footballer fic#footballer x reader
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Love and Splashes

Pairing: Ruben Dias x reader
Plot: Rubén and Y/N bathe Simba and Zazu, amidst splashes, laughter, and sweet moments of connection.
Author's note: English is not my first language
It was a quiet afternoon at Rubén and Y/N’s house. In the garden, lit by the sun, a light breeze made the pool water ripple. Simba, the cream-colored poodle, and Zazu, the brown poodle, were running and rolling around in the grass after a little garden adventure. The result? Two fluffy furballs… completely filthy.
Rubén walked out of the kitchen with a mischievous smile, holding a big bowl of dog treats.
“Love, you know we adore them, but I think it’s time for a bath. It looks like they’ve decided to get a mud spa treatment.”
Y/N, sitting on a lounger with a book in her hands, looked at them with an amused smile. “Simba looks like a marshmallow that fell into a puddle. And Zazu… a chocolate truffle past its prime.”
Rubén laughed, placing the treats on the table. “I’ll get the bath kit. I’ll leave you with the hardest task: convincing them it’ll be fun.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in challenge. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got a foolproof plan.”
When Rubén returned with the shampoo, a giant towel, and a bucket of water, he found Y/N holding two treats, waving them in front of the dogs. Simba and Zazu, sitting like perfect angels, stared at her with hopeful eyes.
“See? A little psychology always works,” Y/N said with a grin.
The bath began. Rubén, kneeling next to Simba, started lathering him up gently, while Y/N worked on Zazu.
“Simba, stop shaking!” Rubén protested when the dog sprayed water everywhere, soaking his face.
Y/N burst out laughing. “Serves you right! Payback for all the times you stole his spot on the couch.”
“I don’t steal his spot. I share it. That’s different,” Rubén replied in an offended tone, splashing some water at Y/N.
“Oh, so you want to start a war?” Y/N grinned, grabbing the hose and aiming it at Rubén, drenching him from head to toe.
“Okay, okay, you win!” Rubén shouted, raising his hands in surrender. Simba and Zazu, feeling like accomplices, started barking happily, as if cheering for Y/N’s victory.
When the two poodles were finally dry and smelling fresh, they curled up on the patio cushions. Rubén walked over to Y/N, who was sitting at the edge of the pool, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“You’re adorable when you laugh like that. Even if you did declare war on your poor husband.”
“You’re adorable when you let me win,” Y/N replied, gazing at him lovingly.
“And Simba and Zazu? I’d say we have two little accomplices in this story.”
They looked at their dogs, who were now sleeping peacefully, unaware of the chaos they had caused. In the end, the garden was a mess, but the love and laughter between them made the moment perfect.
#football fanfic#football imagine#ruben dias#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias imagine#manchester city#ruben dias x you#rubéndias x y/n#ruben dias fic
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Hi, I just read your Miami fic and it was awesome! If your requests are open, could write more Rúben smut, where is making love you to during your anniversary night, him being really gentle and end up with cockwarming until morning xx
Anniversary | Rúben Dias Imagine

Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben have soft anniversary sex.
Warnings: Explicit smut, oral sex (f receiving), explicit talk, unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, use of pet names "baby", "babe", "princesa", size talk just for a sec, google translated portuguese
AN: Thank you so much. I loved this request, I just had to deliver <3 They have sex in the morning, I hope this is okay with you :) enjoy x
Word Count: 2 143 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Your eyes opened slowly as you were dragged out of your dream. You felt fingertips gently trailing up and down your bare spine, the touch a familiar one.
Rúben laid next to you in bed, though he’d been awake for a while. The noise coming from the raging storm outside had stirred him out from his own sleep. He enjoyed laying in the dark, listening to the storm and tracing shapes onto your skin. He loved to feel the movements of your steady breathing under his touch, it brought him comfort that nothing else could.
Your eyes adjusted to the dark, watching lightning flash behind the sheer curtains. You had no idea what time it was, the storm making the sky pitch-black.
“Good morning, meu amor.” he spoke in his deep, husky morning voice. You rolled over to face him, offering a sleepy smile. He leaned in and kissed you slowly. Nothing about this morning was rushed. You and Rúben were in your own little world.
Your fingers went into his soft hair, deepening your kiss.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get home earlier last night.” Rúben apologized softly when the two of you split for air.
“It’s okay, amor.” you said quietly, letting him slot one of his legs between yours.
Rúben had gotten caught up at the Etihad Campus the night before, filming content for the City youtube channel, and you were already in bed when he’d finally returned. He had managed not to wake you as he climbed into bed and you were just happy to wake up to him in the morning.
His lips were back on yours then, his hand on the small of your back pulling you closer to him. He had stripped down everything before getting in bed the night before and you hadn’t bothered to get dressed after a bath.
It was all skin-to-skin contact, warm and soft, as you sleepily made out in bed. You sighed quietly into Rúben’s mouth and he smiled against your lips.
“Happy anniversary. Eu te amo.” you whispered softly as he kissed your neck and he hummed against your skin before pulling back to look at you.
“Happy anniversary, princesa. Te amo mais.” he said, rolling you over so he was on top of you.
You shuddered as thunder shook the house, rolling through the city. Rúben smiled gently down at you and you exhaled deeply as he kissed down your body.
“You’re so beautiful.” he hummed against your skin, making you blush at his sweetness.
“It’s dark.” you giggled quietly.
“I know what you look like.” he defended himself as his tongue pushed out from between his swollen lips, flicking over the perked bud in the center of your breast while his long fingers knead and twist the other. You tilt your head back, your eyes fluttering closed as your jaw falls slack, panting breaths filling the quiet between the two of you. When he scrapes his teeth over your sensitive skin, your breath comes out as a moan and you can feel his lips curve into a smile against your breast.
Rúben’s knee disappears from between your legs, leaving your damp, throbbing center with nothing to push against, and you whimper slightly. “Shh..” he murmurs against your skin and shifts his body so that he’s on his knees in front of you, pressing his mouth to your sternum, down your stomach as his fingers grab greedily at your hips.
When he looks back up at you, eyes hazy and heavy with lust, bright red spots appearing over your skin where he’s mouthed at your body, hair mussed from his fingers, Rúben can’t stop himself from letting an eyebrow slide up, a smile forming on his lips.
When he leans back into your body, his lips fast and sloppy now as he presses wet, open mouthed kisses to your stomach and hips, you let your head fall back against the silky pillow and your fingers ghost up to curl in his hair. Rúben’s hands slide behind your thighs, gripping the swell of your ass before he tugs you, to the edge of the bed. You jerk forward, grateful for the closeness he has created as his shoulders press in between your thighs.
“Rúben- ” you whisper and you realize it’s the first word either of you have spoken in a while amidst the sounds of moans and panting.
“Shh, babygirl.” he says, taking your face in between his hands. He brings your face to his, pressing a gentle kiss against your mouth “Let me love on you.” he pulls back from your lips and his hands slide to your shoulders to gently push you back against the bed. Rúben’s head dips and you feel his warm mouth pressing against the top of one thigh, then the other. When his hands grip your knees, sliding your legs farther open, you feel your heart racing in your chest with anticipation.
Rúben’s facial hair tickles where it comes in contact with your thigh as his mouth trails down the inside of your thigh, pressing a gentle kiss where the skin dips between the swell of your thigh and your sex. When he replaces his lips with his teeth, biting suddenly and harshly, your thighs try to come together, closing around his head as you gasp. You relax your muscles as his teeth ease and he pulls back slightly to run his tongue over the indents he’s left behind in your skin.
You push a hand into his hair, pushing the bangs back and digging your nails into his scalp as his head dips to the other thigh. Rúben replays the same touches, biting and soothing your soft skin on the other side, and you feel your chest rumble with a moan as you think about the matching bruises you’ll be sporting on the insides of your thighs for the next few days. His fingers slip in between your folds, sliding through the slick arousal that he’s built in your core.
“Ohh, Rúben..” you whisper, not sure what you’re going to say - maybe, “you don’t have to.” or “please, just put your dick in me..now.” - but he cuts you off.
“Don’t speak.” he says, glancing up at you from between your thighs and you can feel his words against your throbbing centre. You hold his eyes with your own for a moment, seeing the glint of lust and passion in his, and nod slowly.
“Be my good girl.” he purrs, the words slightly muffled as he presses them into your slick lips and you feel a shiver running down your entire body.
With one last glance up at you, Rúben’s mouth presses to your core, parting your swollen lips with his fingers so he can slide his tongue from your throbbing hole to the swollen bundle of nerves above it. His tongue, wide and gentle, slides over your pussy, forcing you to roll your hips slightly over his face. His nose brushes against your clit with the motion and you gasp at the friction. Rúben takes this as a cue, bringing his mouth up to the sensitive bead and sucking it between his lips. He rolls his tongue over it then around as he suckles gently. Your fingers curl, scratching his scalp as you slightly force his face closer, desperate for more.
“Oh, God..” you gasp, your back arching slightly and Rúben’s hand disappears from where it’s been kneading the soft skin of the inside of your thigh. Two of his fingers are suddenly pressed against your hole, teasing before sliding in easily in your vagina. You feel him filling you, knuckle by knuckle, as he continues to move his tongue over your swollen bud.
Rúben’s fingers curl inside of you before he pulls back slightly, beginning to use his hand to thrust deep into the part of you that aches with how badly you want him, how badly you need him. His fingers slide against your walls, satisfying that part of your brain that’s been crying out for more. Amidst your own panting and whimpers, you hear him say something, mouth still between your legs and you push his head back from your thighs.
“What did you say?” you ask breathless as your chest expands rapidly, your cheeks hot as he looks up at you.
“I love you so much, baby.” Rúben says, and the look on his face is like he’s drunk “‘I’m so lucky..” he says again, fingers still thrusting in and out of you with each word “..lucky to know you..” he presses another kiss to your other thigh “..lucky to touch you..” his mouth is against your clit “..lucky to love you.”
He runs his tongue over it, to ghost over your sensitive bud, bringing it back between his lips, and this time he lets his teeth scrape gently over it right as he slams his fingers deep into your body. The feeling that’s been building in your core, the tightness that has had you writhing under his touch, suddenly peaks and your jaw drops open, your hips thrusting against his hand and mouth as your fingers grip his head.
Rúben’s fingers make smaller pushes now, gently guiding you down as he keeps his mouth in place, his tongue running over the pulsing swell in his mouth. Your muscles tighten around his fingers, gripping him as you spasm through your release. When your body finally eases, the muscles in your body loosen as your release washes through your body, Rúben pulls his hand away from you, sitting back on his heels as he wipes the back of his hand over his slick chin and lips.
Despite the storm outside, you felt safe with Rúben and you were melting in the softness of the moment.
“Ready?” Rúben asked, kissing your lips before settling between your legs. You reached your hands out to him and he intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing the backs of your hands.
“Want me to hold your hands?”
“Yes, please.” you nodded and he smiled in the dark.
Your breath caught in your throat as Rúben eased inside of you. He praised you for taking him in so well and you breathed as you adjusted to his cock. You never quite got used to how big Rúben was, despite your frequent sex life. Once he bottomed out, he stilled for a few moments to let the dull ache subside.
“I love feeling you stretch to take all of me in.” he hummed, and you squeezed his hands. His lips brushed over your cheekbone, pressing gentle kisses on your face.
“Rúbenn..” you moaned as he slowly rocked his hips, pushing all the way into you. His breathing grew heavier as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper.
You let go of one of his hands to pull him down to kiss him passionately as he continued to thrust into you. You were like velvet around him, every part of you so soft. You were addicting and Rúben was mesmerized by how perfect you were for him.
“Rú, I- I want- ” you were cut off with a gasp as the head of his dick brushed against your g-spot.
“Tell me, amor. What do you want?”
“I want to be on top.” you got out through whimpers of pleasure.
Rúben snuck an arm under you, holding you tightly against him, staying nestled deep inside of you. He moved to sit up against the headboard, your legs still wrapped around his hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning into his mouth as you rocked your hips against his, nearly crying out at the deeper angle.
“I love seeing you ride me like this.” he praised, reaching down to gently massage your clit, feeling your walls tighten around him. You kept your movements slow and steady, the pleasure making Rúben’s head fall back. You kissed the column of his throat, his deep moan sending a wave of arousal through you.
“Babe, I’m so close..” you whimpered and he increased the pressure on your clit, making you cry out his name.
“Cum for me, baby..cum all over me.” Rúben breathed and a shiver rolled down your spine. You rolled forward as you came, squeezing your husband’s shoulders. Your breathing became uneven as your nerves sparked with electricity. The sight of you coming undone above him had Rúben spilling inside of you with a deep moan that echoed through your bedroom, mixing with a boom of thunder.
I love you’s were murmured in the dark, kisses pressed to your head as you caught your breath. You laid on Rúben’s chest, keeping him buried deep inside of you, even after you were done. You squirmed a bit at first, but Rúben rubbed your back lightly and your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being full.
#ruben dias#ruben gato dias#ruben dias fic#ruben dias imagine#ruben dias imagines#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias x you#ruben dias x y/n#ruben dias smut#ruben dias fluff#football imagine#football imagines
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rear view [ruben dias]
gripped onto a sliver of inspiration i felt and this came out...not proofread. warnings: 18+, masked!ruben, taunting, praise, one use of the word sl*t (affectionately, i promise), a lil rough to gentle...
the sound of your heels meeting the wooden floor is prominent as you stagger into your flat blindly. a hand splays, fingers fanning wide to feel along the smooth wall for a light switch. flick - nothing.
though obviously not a fluke, you flip the switch a few times more to ensure that you’re not being dramatic. air leaves your lungs in a smooth rush while you continue along the dark path to resume your wind down routine.
work has been absolutely brutal. long hours, sitting stationary for endless amounts of time until you tailbone feels battered, and not nearly enough pay to be quite frank. you needed a vacation, or a lobotomy - whichever provides the most instant relief and gratification.
“snoogs?” you call calmly for your cat.
she gets so shy sometimes, but she loves the dark. it’s her hunting ground and you’re a helpless little ferret. every day must be a mind boggling adventure for her fur baby. or maybe you’re romanticizing it too much, delirious from lack of proper rest.
“snooogss?” your voice is a sing song.
around the bend to the living room you go and let your ears perk up to lock in. while your mind is dancing between reality and imagination, what was that in the corner, you hear a rustle and sudden a fur ball is launching at your chest.
with an oof, you catch her and stumble backwards. the sudden halt you come to isn’t from a wall as you would expect, but a hard, warm body. their broad chest expands with a slow inhale and you slowly let snoog melt from your hands.
“hi, princess.” fingertips grip into your waist, and tension falls from your frame as you recognize the timbre and feel. it’s just ruben.
“h-hi…” you don’t know what to say to stay in character, so you try to keep it as simple as possible.
bringing up this fantasy of yours really did a number on him. it had only been two days since you disclosed it during pillow talk and look at him now, ready to be nominated for his oscar.
“i’ve been watching you for some time,” he reaches an arm around your stomach and reels you right up against him. “you really ought to wear more than cropped shirts and panties when you walk by the windows.”
a hand slides up your thigh, the edges of his fingers toying with your underwear’s seam. you begin to seep into his petting. ruben is in sync with you, his hips drop to catch yours and push them back up.
“or not, cause you look so fucking hot.” an open mouth kiss lands on your lower neck. “so pretty, babygirl.” he starts undoing the closures on your top. “so fuckable.”
you bite out a moan you had been attempting to stifle. that gorgeous accent pairing with those nasty words beckon you to respond. you push back into him, skirt bunching up, rasping.
his hands roam you wildly and dangerously. one cups your hot cunt, squeezing until he feels it throb against his palm. the other alternates between massaging your breasts that he pulls free of your bra.
“that’s what you wanna do to me, hm?” your brows meet as you turn your head.
“mhmm…” ruben grazes the fabric of the mask covering his face across your cheek. “come here.”
you’re dragged over to the sofa where he crashes down harshly, pulling you to sit on his lap with your back to his front. ruben’s burning touch is back again. he has your legs spread wide, using his thighs to keep yours open while he circles your covered clit.
“shit!” your head drops against his shoulder.
“listen to that,” he chuckles, spanking the ruined seat of your panties. “why’re you already so wet, angel?”
“i’ve been-” you swallow thickly. “waiting for you.”
that makes him growl, pulling at your panties until they dig into your flesh. ruben tosses the stretched out fabric to the side and teases your hole with two fingers. you buck into them hungrily.
“can you be good and take my fingers like this?” ruben thrusts them into your pussy to the knuckle and your eyes disappear. he doesn’t stop there, fucking them into you every time he asks, “like this, like this, like this?”
“oh, fuck…” your hips start to rock onto them for more friction.
“not an answer-”
you surge upwards to catch his lips between your own. it’s carnal and possessive and claiming the way your tongue rolls over his. your words fall down the rabbit hole into him in between deep breaths, yes i can be good, i can be good.
“i know you can. maybe you should close the curtains when you play with yourself, too.” ruben nips at your earlobe.
god, how is he so good at this? he’s never been shy with his words, much less when you have sex, but tonight is another level. if you had to guess, you would say that he’s certainly done his homework.
“need you in me…” you whimper.
“aww, look at you.” ruben swipes his free thumb over your bottom lip, dragging the skin slowly. “i need to feel you squeezing and shaking. then, we can move on.”
a gushiness fills the air as he fills you powerfully with his digits. you’re nothing short of a mess, legs trying to close on instinct and his forcing them open wider for the same reason. you grasp out wildly, hands eventually settling behind his neck where a bit of his hair peeks out of his mask.
“let it go, princess. just like that.” he laughs into your ear, curling and pumping relentlessly.
it feels more like you are the one getting let go of. the rope you cling to snaps and you’re free falling. terrified initially, but accepting and gaining pleasure from the weight pressing down on your tummy.
you scream with a filthy grin, fuck, you’re gonna make me sq-
and the weather changes right on cue. your hips lift just above his, one hand dropping to his thigh and the next flying to flick at your clit as you rain down. soft patters fall onto your helpless wooden floor. it creaks too with the force of ruben handling you roughly to face him.
“good fucking girl…” he praises, yet spanks you.
another scream that melts from terror to erotic erupts from your throat. he smooths where his blow lingers as you rut over his bulge, running his basketball shorts. not that he seems to mind with the way he’s pushing it up into you too.
“if you saw me touch myself, you’ve seen me ride dick before too, right?” now that you’ve cum, you’re no longer as needy as before.
ruben knows this about you and you suspect it’s the reason he decides to go about tonight they way that he is. the light is so dim in here, but you see his eyes glint mischievously. and he calls you a brat.
“gonna do me like that, huh?” he sucks your breast and reaches down to free himself. “show me, pretty girl. show me, fuck-”
his words end up in his throat as you swallow him whole. so snug and warm tucking into your walls, you sigh with content. you let yourself just feel him, hips circling slowly to get your bearings.
your stomach tenses as you lift up and down his cock. he swears lowly in portuguese, rubbing up your ass to your waist. his hands slowly leave your body completely to settle on the back of the sofa.
“come on, then.” he smacks your ass again. “fuck me like a little slut.”
you shake your head and laugh, ready to give it to him even more since he’s begging so much. your grip settles firmly over his corded shoulders and you get onto your toes on the floor. soon, you’re bouncing on it. the sound of your soaking cunt working his shaft steadily and your gasps and his groans-it’s already too fucking much.
“that’s it,” ruben marvels. “take that fucking cock.”
oh, he wants you to take it? you bring your feet up to the sofa, legs a big wider, and grab onto the back of his neck. your pussy grips him, tip to base, tucking and squeezing at the bottom to feel the way the slight curve in his cock presses right to that spot.
“oh, shit, baby.” he needs his hands to come back to control your movements.
if you continue doing that one, he’ll be planning a baby shower in a few months. which, let’s be real, you might end up doing anyway because there’s no way he’s pulling out tonight.
ruben thrusts up to meet you as you come down and you quiver around him. you’re so close again you can feel the rope fraying beneath your hold. full surrender is instant this time, you welcome the fall as he spurs you on.
your cries pierce the room and he’s hugging your lower back in a vice grip while he fucks you into senselessness. another unpredicted shower. you drip down his legs and want to apologize, but his awe and praise shut you off.
can’t believe this is all for me
ruben nestles your body to the sofa and joins you, pulling you face to face. well, face to mask. his eyes look so dark behind them as he drinks you in. mouthful gulps until you’re dripping down his chin.
you grab his jaw and kiss him as he sheaths himself in you again. the leg you have draping over his hips tugs him closer, opening you up some more too. ruben grabs your ass and spreads you out more so.
“yes…nice and deep.” your eyes cross.
“want me to cum, hm?” he tucks himself as far as possible. “right here at the back of your pretty cunt?”
all you can do is groan and nod furiously. if you could speak, though, you would say please, please fill me up. make it yours over and over again, please, i need to feel your warm cum in me.
ruben gets the message. he can see it in the way your eyes glaze over and your back bows into his palm. the way your bottom lips quivers and your grow several degrees warmer, steaming up his flesh as you squeeze and squeeze…
until he’s making good on his promise and shooting all the possible little additions to the diaz clan up your stream. you suck them in, hoping it’s helping and not hurting their efforts, but delighting in the feeling anyway.
ruben hums and lazily strokes into you. having had enough of the mask, you reach up and remove it, fluffing out his messy hair on the way down. his eyes are droopy as he stares at you.
“was that okay? are you alright?” he blinks slowly.
you grin with a light laugh, “i’m so good right now. you were incredible.”
his thumb strokes your cheek, “you’re so perfect.”
that’s one thing you’re never gonna argue with. you lay there for not too long before both drifting asleep in the same position. and when you wake up in a few hours, you meet him stiff and you’re ready to go all over again.
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can you do a Ruben fic where his fiancée (reader) gets him another dog for Christmas. Ik it’s late bc it’s past Christmas but happy new year 😭😭
New Addition~Rúben Dias

・❥・prompt list
・❥・masterlist -> part 2
・❥・who I write for
・❥・a/n: had to write this before new year. merry christmas everyone <3
The house was quiet, save for the soft crackling of the fireplace and the occasional jingle of Simba’s collar as he shifted in his spot near the Christmas tree.
Rain gently fell outside while the tree’s twinkling lights cast a warm ambiance over the living room.
y/n sat cross-legged on the plush rug, a tiny brown puppy nestled in her lap. Its dark eyes blinked curiously up at her as she tied a small red bow around its neck.
Simba, the white-furred guardian of the house, looked on from his perch by the fire, his tail wagging lazily. He seemed unimpressed by the newcomer but content enough to observe from a distance.
Rúben had left the house earlier that morning after the two of them had exchanged gifts.
She still wore the delicate gold bracelet he had given her, the small charm glinting in the firelight. But as thoughtful as his gift had been, she was certain her surprise would top it.
The sound of the front door opening pulled her from her thoughts. Simba perked up instantly, darting toward the door with a joyful bark.
“Simba! Meu menino,” Rúben’s familiar voice echoed from the entryway, warm and full of affection. (my boy)
She heard the shuffle of his boots being kicked off and the rustle of his coat before he appeared in the living room.
She quickly placed the puppy down in it's hiding spot, making sure it doesn't run away.
Rúben's cheeks were flushed from the cold, his dark hair slightly damp from the rain.
“You’re back,” she said, rising to her feet. Her tone was casual, but her heart was pounding in anticipation.
Rúben smiled as he stepped toward her, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her temple. “I’m back,” he murmured, his arms wrapping briefly around her waist.
His gaze flicked to the tree and the scattered wrapping paper left over from their earlier gift exchange. “Did you decide to open something else while I was gone?”
“Not quite,” she said, unable to keep the mischievous smile off her face. “I actually have another gift for you.”
His brows lifted in surprise. “Another gift? I thought we exchanged everything this morning, meu amor.”
“This one’s… different,” she said softly. “Sit down and close your eyes.”
He gave her a skeptical look but complied, settling onto the couch with Simba immediately hopping up beside him. “I feel like you’re up to something,” he teased, though his tone was light.
Ignoring his comment, she carefully picked up the puppy from its hiding spot, its small body squirming in her hands. She walked over to Rúben, her breath catching as she placed the tiny bundle in his lap.
“Okay,” she whispered. “You can open your eyes now.”
When Rúben’s eyes fluttered open, his expression went from confusion to wonder in an instant. He stared down at the little puppy, his lips parting slightly as he processed what he was holding.
“amor…” His voice was barely above a whisper. “You… got us a puppy?”
She knelt beside him, her heart swelling at the emotion in his voice. “i did” she said
“I thought Simba could use a little friend. And… maybe this could be the start of something bigger for us. Our family.”
Rúben’s gaze lifted to meet hers, his brown eyes shimmering with emotion. “You… you’re incredible,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “This might be the best gift anyone’s ever given me.”
The puppy let out a small yip, capturing his attention again. Simba, not wanting to be left out, nosed his way into Rúben’s lap, sniffing the new arrival. His wagging tail gave away his approval.
Rúben laughed softly, gently running his hand over the puppy’s tiny head. “Welcome to the family, little one,” he murmured, then looked at Simba. “And you, meu menino, you’ll help teach it the rules, won’t you?”
Simba barked once, a sound that seemed to say, I’ve got this.
As the fire burned low and the rain continued to fall outside, Rúben sat on the floor with both dogs curled up against him. He looked at his fiancée, his expression soft and full of gratitude.
“This is everything,” he said quietly, reaching for her hand. “You, Simba, and now…” He glanced at the puppy, a smile tugging at his lips. “Our little family.”
She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as her fingers intertwined with his. “It’s just the beginning,” she said softly, her heart full.
my taglist: @barcapix @paucubarsisimp @spidybaby @mxryxmfooty @n0vazsq @joaosnovia @ilovebarcaaa (lmk if you want to be added!!)
#football#football x reader#football imagine#football blurb#football one shot#footballer imagine#manchester city#man city#ruben dias fic#ruben dias x y/n#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias x you#ruben dias imagine#ruben dias fanfic#ruben dias fluff#ruben dias one shot#ruben dias#rúben dias fic#rúben dias
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Ok in honor of the new boyfriend selfie ruben posted, can u pls write something about him as a boyfriend. Like him being really needy to his gf, sending her silly pics like that when they’re away, and being very clingy and constantly needing affection from the gf when they are finally at home together
Here it is! Hope you like it, please let me know!😌
Needy, Cute and Manly Boyfriend -R.D3
Summary: He loves having your attention

You couldn't help but smile at your phone. Your 3 years boyfriend, Rúben sent you a pic of himself and your dog, Simba. You instantly replied with a quick "my baby's😍❤️. Love you both so much"
Soon Rúben sent another selfie, this one only of himself, at the bottom there was a text "What time you'll be home? I miss you"
You were going to reply but were interrupted by a call from you boyfriend, you quickly answered it.
"Meu amor" He said "I miss you"
"I miss you too, babe; but I still have another class to go, I'll be out in about an hour and a half, after that I'm all yours"
"You already are mine"
"Well yes but you know what I mean" Rúben chuckles
"Let me know, I'll pick go and pick you up"
"Thanks, Rú. But there's no need, Lisa can give me a ride home, you're pretty tired baby, have some rest"
"None of that. You said an hour and a half, right? I'll be there"
"You're so stubborn"
"Teimoso e tudo mas é assim que me amas" (Stubborn and everything but that's how you love me)
You smile nodding "That I do" You blow him a kiss "I need to go to class right now but I'll text you as soon as I'm done, handsome"
"You do that, bonita" (beautiful) He blows a kiss into the phone "Eu amo-te, amor"
"Love you too, baby. See ya later" and with that you hung up the call and entered your class.
After what felt like an eternity you went out discussing some points with your best friend.
"But it doesn't matter if we are different mentions?"
"I don't think so to be honest"
"And what about that neurology oratory? You're planning on going?" You nod
"Dr. Jones will do it and I think it will be good, you know? He's one of the best out here and it'll fantastic if I can do my internships in his hospital"
"You're good, you will do!" She nudges your shoulder
"We don't know about that, I need to be the first one in class"
"As if you aren't?" You gave her a look before she smirked "Prince charming's here for you" You turned around to see a very well known Ferrari and your boyfriend leaning up against the car with a cap on his head. "See ya, girl!" Lisa hugged you over your shoulders, kissed you cheek and let you go
"See ya, Li" You smiled at her before walking up to your boyfriend. "Hello"
"Hello, meu Amor" You quickly gave him a kiss on his lips, his hands went over to your waist pulling you closer "Let's go home?" You nod with a smile on.
He kisses your cheek before opening the door for you and helping you get in.
You push your backpack to the backseat and wait for Rúben to start the car.
"How was your day, querida?" (Darling) He asks, his hand going straight to your thigh
"It was good! We did a pop quiz, teacher told us to go out whenever we finished and at the end he gave us the results right there and then"
"How did it go?"
"Amazing!" You smile widely "I absolutely rubbed my full grade into his face"
"Is that professor the one you told me about?" You hum "What was his nickname? Doc. Mean?" You hum
"He's just awful" He laughs "And he looks exactly like Emmet Brown"
"The doc from Back to the Future?" You nod and Rúben squeezes your thigh laughing "He does look like him"
"Awful" You laugh with him as you watch how he changes the route to your house "You need to go somewhere?"
"We are going somewhere" He put emphasis to the we
"Where are we going then?"
"To get some burgers"
"You don't eat them"
"But you do" He shrugs "I can have a little cheat day"
"You having a cheat day?" Rúben looks at you during a red light "What did you do to my boyfriend?"
"No. What did you do to me? I never break a diet until you came around"
"So I'm at fault?"
"More or less, you love burgers and I love you. Having a burger once in a while won't kill me"
"It better not. I'll be a widow even before getting married"
"That's definitely something we don't want"
"Definitely not" You grip his hand with one of yours and hug his arm with the other "Can you also get me a?" -
"Double meat, double cheese burger with extra fries and a chocolate chip cookie? I know"
"I know you know... But I wanted-"
"An iced caramel mocha?" You look at him narrowing your eyes
"You know me"
"I have to, tu és a minha menina" (you're my girl) you smiled feeling him leaning over the console to kiss you quickly. He rolled down the window and greeted the worker before ordering.
A few minutes later, both of you were on your way back to your house, singing and humming along the songs on your shared playlist.
"Gonna take a quick shower, I'll be back in ten" You said as soon as you got inside, however Simba made it difficult for you, he wanted his attention. "You're my babyboy but you gotta let me go and take a shower, baby"
"Simba, I'm the only one who can jump on her!" You heard Rúben's voice inside the kitchen and then you heard the blender go on
"Dad's jealous. You're my baby" You kissed his fourry face.
"Weren't you going to shower?"
"I'm giving my baby love"
"You don't need to give Simba that much of love, you can give it to me"
"Are you jealous of a dog?"
"Pufff!" He gave you a look "Obviously yes. I'm supposed to be the only one you give your love and attention to"
"You are. But also is Simba" You kissed the dog's head once again
"Nonono!" His cries made you laugh "Simba, get off!"
"He likes the attention way too much"
"Even I do if it's yours!" You break in laughter
"You know I'll give you all my attention after I shower and eat?"
"What are you waiting for to do that?" He asks making you laugh more
"You are so jealous of your dog"
"I am!"
"Please don't take it in the wrong way but you're so needy, I love it"
"I'm not needy"
"És tão giro" (You're so cute) You said in between giggles
"Sou um homem viril, não sou giro" (I'm a manly man, I'm not cute)
"You are both, actually"
"Go take a shower, I'll set something up so we can watch while we eat and you love on me"
"Sounds like a deal" Rúben smiled before turning around to the kitchen "Hey" You call him as he turns
You grab his hand and pull him down so you could kiss his lips softly "My needy, cute and manly boyfriend"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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cookies -r.dias
warnings: not intended for minors + some spelling/grammar errors
a/n: idk what compelled me to write this but enjoy

whisking batter, soft incoherent noises in the background, you’re buried deep into your thoughts. the ovens preheating, the dough is ready to be made it into cookies, and Ruben dias is just arriving home from practice.
he’s not quiet with his arrival, he never is, but that’s what makes him unique. he turns down the long hallway and into the kitchen to find a beautiful sight; you in a red lacy nightie.
the smell of brown sugar and the sweetness of chocolate chips seems to fade into the back of his mind while another sense comes into the forefront of his mind: pleasure. it’s not one of the six senses, but damn it should be with the way his cock is pulsating in his athletic shorts.
he doesn’t say a thing, and he doesn’t need to. just presses his palm against your ass, thumb strumming the intricate details of the lace. a soft hum escapes your lips, you bend your body into a forward fold, back straightened, hands pressed into the cold granite counter. he takes this as a sign of consent, dropping his pants down to his ankles.
his two thumbs on each cheek, he spreads them with not even a lift of his finger before entering. you’re not sure if it’s all of him. to be fair, it never is, but with tonight’s sighting he’s sure to see what you can take making him feel such a way.
your eyes shut, heart thumping against your chest, you feel his cock pumping inside you, each stroke becoming more powerful and aggressive as he digs deeper.
no words are exchanged, just heavy breathing. he watches your fingers turn white, your grip is becoming loose against the counter, his cock dripping in your wetness as he inches himself further inside until you’re babbling words that just aren’t even anything. he chuckles to himself, your bodies are like one, he can feel your clit trembling at his touch, your legs shake with each earth shattering movement.
you’re sure you’ve come by now, but that doesn’t stop him. not even the sound of the oven up to temperature, not even him breaking a sweat stops him. it’s not until he finally comes that pulls back, and steps away.
“you up for some cookies?” you muster up the words, they slide soft off your tongue as you turn around to face him. your tits are fallen out of the cups, your face is glistening with sweat and somehow that makes his cock wet all over again.
“I could eat,” he pauses for a second wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, “but I really only want to eat you.” his fingers dig into your hips, he slides you up onto the counter and spreads your legs up over his shoulders.
the slightest touch of him sends your head slamming into the cupboard, a moan escapes your lips as he tongue cleans your inner thighs. he’s good with everything, but his tongue is the hottest part of him. the burn of his cheeks against your skin, the hot breath that fills you up, and the softness of his tongue, it could all send you overboard.
his tongue inches inward, expanding your folds and your entrance. you feel the need to clamp around him, claim him as your only source of energy, but your body shakes. you can’t get a grip on him and he just keeps exploring further into he’s hit your clit once again. the spot washes you with pleasure, your body shakes like it did before, and his face is covered in you. every inch.
“dessert is served.” you breath outward, it’s heavy and uneasy,you watch him lick himself clean like s man hungry for more.
“better than cookies.”
#ruben dias#ruben dias x you#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias x y/n#ruben dias smut#ruben dias fanfic#ruben dias fic#ruben dias one shot#ruben dias drabble#ruben dias imagine#football smut#football imagine#football fanfic#football fic#football x you#football x y/n#football x reader#football imagines#football fluff#football oneshot#football drabble#manchester city#man city#football one shot#footballer x you#footballer x y/n#footballer one shot#footballer x reader
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phrase 29 & scenario 30 w/ ruben dias?
You got it 👍🏽
Minors DNI!!
Word Count: 321
“Doing so good, baby.” Ruben praised, his fingers buried deep inside your cunt, your juices dripping down his hand.
Your eyes were squeezed shut, thighs trembling as you did your best with keeping them open for him.
Ruben leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “Wanna cum on my fingers or my mouth?”
“B-both.” You whimper, moving your hips as his fingers work inside of you.
He looked up, a smirk spread across his lips, “yeah?” His movements began to slow.
“Like this?” He smiles, leaning down, his fingers part your folds, his tongue licking along your slit, teasing your entrance before moving up to your clit, sucking gently as his fingers curled inside of you.
You gasp, throwing your head back into the pillows. “Yes, oh yes!” You cry out, bucking your hips.
Your hands resting on the back of his head, pushing him further in between your thighs.
“Does this feel good?” His brown eyes peek up at you from in between your legs, the squelching noise becoming louder as his fingers move faster.
Nodding your head frantically, another cry escaping you as his fingers brush against your sweet spot over and over again.
Your eyes roll back, breathy moans leaving your lips as your back arches. “So good, it feels so so good.” You moan.
Ruben placed his arm across your lower stomach to keep you in place as you began to squirm.
“Ruben, please.” A whimper fell from your lips as your legs started to shake again, trying your best to hold back as the knot formed in your stomach.
He knew you were close, just by the way your walls clenched around his fingers - “I know, baby.” He murmured, his tongue circling your sensitive bud, pushing you over the edge.
“Oh god- oh fuck!” You cried out, back arching as your orgasm took over, his name falling from your lips over and over again.
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Ruben Dias (Manchester City) - Wrap It Up
Day 17 of Christmas
Prompt: Wrapping a Gift
25 Days of Christmas
Y/n and Ruben sat side by side on the floor of their cozy living room, a fire crackling softly in the fireplace, and Christmas music playing in the background. The warm glow of the lights from the Christmas tree cast a soft light across the room, highlighting the dozens of gifts piled around them. “Alright, are you ready?” Ruben asked, his dark eyes gleaming with competitive energy as he eyed the roll of wrapping paper in front of him.
Y/n smirked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Oh, I was born ready. But don’t get too cocky, Ruben. You might be good at football, but I’ve got years of present-wrapping experience.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “We’ll see about that.” They’d set up a challenge: Each would pick three gifts from the pile, wrap them to the best of their ability, and then the winner would be crowned the Christmas Wrapping Champion. The stakes? The loser would have to cook Christmas breakfast the next morning.
Ruben reached for his first box, a small, square one. Easy. He grabbed his favorite plaid wrapping paper and set to work, cutting out a piece with precision. Y/n watched out of the corner of her eye, trying to focus on her own gift—a large, oddly shaped one that looked like it might have been a stuffed animal. She huffed as she fumbled with the paper, trying to make sure it didn't crinkle too much.
“This is child’s play.” Ruben said smugly as he folded the edges of his wrapping paper perfectly. His hands worked quickly, folding, cutting, and taping in neat, seamless movements. “Don’t get too comfortable.” Y/n muttered, biting her lip as she finally managed to secure the edges of her gift. It wasn’t as smooth as she’d like, but she knew she could make up for it with the ribbon. She grabbed a gold one and tied it in a perfect bow, smirking at her own creativity.
“Done!” Ruben announced proudly, holding up his first wrapped gift, perfectly square with not a single piece of tape visible. Y/n raised an eyebrow, trying not to let her nerves show. “Not bad,” she admitted, glancing at her own work. The gift might not have been as clean, but it was festive, and the bow added a nice touch. “But I’m not done yet.”
She grabbed her next gift; a cylindrical one, which was always tricky. Ruben’s confidence only grew as he started on his second gift, a long, narrow one that was much easier to handle. He worked quickly, folding the edges neatly, while Y/n wrestled with her wrapping paper, trying to get it to sit evenly around the awkward shape. “You know-” Ruben said with a playful grin. “There’s no shame in admitting defeat. I mean, you could always just make me breakfast now and save yourself the trouble.”
“Ha! You wish.” Y/n shot back, finally managing to secure the last piece of tape on her gift. “I’m just warming up.” They both worked in silence for the next few minutes, the competitive tension rising as they raced to finish their last gifts. Y/n was on a roll now, her fingers flying as she wrapped her final present, a perfectly rectangular box that allowed her to show off her skills. She used silver paper this time, adding a big red bow to finish it off. When they both finished, they sat back to admire their handiwork.
“Okay, let’s judge.” Y/n said, standing up to survey the gifts. Ruben’s gifts were near perfect, neat edges, flawless taping, everything symmetrical. It was clear he’d taken his time with each one, and Y/n had to admit, they were impressive. But her gifts had personality. Sure, they weren’t as smooth or pristine, but they had flair. The mismatched bows, the colorful paper, and the little personalized name tags she’d added gave them a festive, cozy feel. They both stared at each other’s pile for a moment before Ruben crossed his arms, a grin on his face. “So, who’s the winner?”
Y/n chewed her lip, pretending to think it over. “Well… yours are very neat, I’ll give you that. But mine have character.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Ruben teased. “Alright, fine, I admit yours look like they were wrapped by a professional.” Y/n said with a mock sigh. “But you have to admit mine are more fun.” Ruben chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright, I’ll give you points for creativity. But neatness is kind of important, too.”
“Hmm, let’s call it a tie then.” Y/n suggested, a mischievous gleam in her eye. “A tie?” Ruben raised an eyebrow. “You just don’t want to lose and make breakfast tomorrow.” Y/n laughed, leaning closer to him. “Or maybe I’m just trying to get you to cook with me.” Ruben grinned, pulling her into his arms. “Alright, fine. We’ll make breakfast together. But next year, I’m coming for the win.”
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