#And monacas watching and going
princescar · 3 months
I just remembered that Monaca convinced her father to mass manufacture Monokumas for "housekeeping". Obviously there was hidden intentions behind doing that, as they where just used for the apocalypse.
But, for TPYP, Junko has some of HER Monokumas and those Monokumas. They ARE housekeeping, they restock and deal with the corpses of her classmates. They take care of things because Junko isn't here and Ryoko is locked away.
To me, it's a lil "I love you" to Monaca.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 months
I went to the UDGxRaincode collab in Tokyo (twice!) I thought I'd share some pictures here.
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This super cute sign was outside! Good thing too, the restaurant was a little hard to find. (The only reason I, the ultimate v3 fan, am not going to the v3 event is because I won't be in Japan anymore when it starts). My favourite thing about going to these events is seeing the people who dress up or bring their themed itabags and plushies, and there were quite a few folks doing that here!
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The first day I got Komaru+Yuma fries and red meat set, it's hard to see but the bowl had a deep grey-blue cheese sauce which was pretty cool. On the right is the Servant!Komaeda+Hellsmile shortcake, and the drink was Yakou iced coffee. Genuinely really really good!!
I went back again because I messed up buying merch the first time. You could only buy merch when you ordered food, and the waiter would bring it to you as if it was food. It was actually really funny, watching them bring out just tons of packages on a platter for the people around me who were ordering like at LEAST 40 buttons at the same time. I think they were trying to guarantee their favourites and were going to resell the rest, probably at elevated prices...
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My limited Japanese did not help me realize this... Aw well, I wasn't too upset to get to go again!
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The second time I got the Monaca+Zilch icecream daifuku and matcha swiss roll cake. It was small but really good! The drink was a Nagisa themed "Caramel blue hawaii" which, I dont really know what that means? It was slightly carbonated, and I don't think I could describe the flavour. Despite not really liking carbonated drinks it was pretty good!
The front of the restaurant had a display for all the merch, so I took some pictures to share:
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A "Placemat" (poster) and coasters! The placemat came with the meal, the coaster proportional to how much merch you bought.
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Standees and buttons! The holographic buttons are rare and random, mixed in with the rest.
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The stickerset was the only piece of merch not blindboxed! It comes with one of all of them. And lastly the acrylic cards.
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These are the ones I managed to get! I feel super, super lucky, because Yakou is my favourite Raincode character, Jataro is my favourite Warrior of Hope, and Monaca is just really cool. Literally the only thing I would've wanted differently would've been to swap one of my Yakous for a Servant!Komaeda, but because there's one in the sticker set, I'm still super happy with how my luck ended up!!
No spoilers in the tags! I have not finished Raincode or UDG
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do-you-know-this-baby · 4 months
About the blog:
Here's a blog for people who play games, watch shows, read books and go "awww it's a baby" everytime a baby is on screen. For people with baby fever. For cute design enjoyers. We shall create a collage of fictional babies. I am ready for the realization that i'm the only one who finds this funny. I run the blog @do-you-ship-it-polls as well.
NO PEDOS!!!!!! otherwise Monaca and her gang are going to obliterate you. Please also DNI if you enjoy nsfw of lolis/shotas etc.
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Submissions rules:
Here's a graph to determine if they are a baby:
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But you can submit whoever you like if they have the right vibes.
Submit either through the form below, or my ask box.
Only fictional characters
Any form of media is ok, like anime/games/tv-shows/books etc.
Harry Potter, Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss are currently banned.
You can include information/propaganda with your submission if you'd like to add extra information. It can be as serious or goofy as you want. Just be nice.
That is probably all. Go submit!
and here is a queue, doesn't look great but fulfills the purpose anyway, right? if you see one you want to add extra info to, you can. btw me skipping over them at first doesn't mean they won't be added.
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theamityelf · 4 months
Hii I have an au idea. What if Makoto had been the one to be kidnapped instead of Byakuya? He heard Komaru was there and jumped at it instead of talking to his classmates and bosses first. I imagine since it's kind of agreed on that Makoto was the one who stopped Junko Enoshima the warriors of hope would have more of interest in him. Ultimate successor makoto core fr
Oooh, that's similar to my Komaegi UDG AU, but I love your focus on the Warriors of Hope. I feel like the version where Makoto is entirely stuck with them instead of wandering Towa City is absolutely an equally interesting route.
I would love it if as soon as any of the kids mentions Makoto killing Junko, he just perplexedly replies, "...Did you guys watch the broadcast? I begged her not to go through with the execution. I'm sad it happened, too!"
Monaca would probably just go, "Then it's Big Bro Makoto's job to make it right!"
Now, maybe I'm just optimistic, but I think Makoto can outwit these kids. The way I see this playing out is, Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko, and Nagisa are all either trying to teach Makoto how to be the new Ultimate Despair or just genuinely showing off to him what they've been up to. Which motivation it is depends on the kid, but the effect is the same: They each find themselves growing to trust Makoto, and they start to enjoy getting to be kids around someone they trust, more than they enjoy murdering people.
The fact that all of the kids except Monaca are becoming more and more focused on showing Makoto the cool sculpture they made or the new kind of ice cream they invented (they just poured maple syrup on an existing flavor) than doing the successor stuff or the take-over-the-city stuff would be a problem, but really Monaca's been trying behind the scenes to break Komaru the whole time, either to make her the successor still, or to use her suffering to break Makoto later, and Nagito has been kind of keeping an eye on both developments to see if Makoto would get through to Monaca before Monaca breaks Komaru.
I think Makoto and Monaca would both surprise each other. She's surprised that she actually does want him to be her big brother, and he's surprised by just how far she'll go to make him despair. Everyone she lets him get attached to is a new person to potentially harm to bring him closer to despair.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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The survivors of the Killing School Trip didn't all wake up immediately. Their minds had to reconnect to their bodies properly and accomodate for the new memories they gained during the program. They all woke up slowly, and each in their own degrees of distress.
The day after the program's shut-down, Sonia woke up. Her eyes were glazed over as Chiaki helped her out of the pod, barely comprehending the world around her. By the time she'd been carried out of the pod room and into the open world, Sonia had finally collected herself enough to speak,
"...Nanami-san... It is you... is it not? The real you... the one I attended classes with, the one who... did everything for us. Our class rep. That is you, correct? I... am so very sorry for everything. I- no, we have caused so much trouble for you, and yet you stay here and assist us, saved us. I do not have the words to express my gratitude in full. ...Thank you so very, very much." Sonia's voice cracked as she could no longer keep her tears from running down her face, feeling the despair and hope all at once.
Chiaki patted her back comfortingly as she let Sonia cry it out. "...It's alright. I'm just happy to see you back to being yourself again. I missed you all so much, I would do anything to bring you back. ...And I did. You're back. And the others will come back too, eventually. I'm sure of it." Chiaki felt tears welling up in her own eyes as well.
Happy tears, for the first time in a long, long while.
Two days after, Fuyuhiko woke up. Unlike Sonia, who woke up as composed as she could be, he woke up screaming. The moment he was out of the pod and had regained the ability to move, he clutched at his lost eye and rushed over to stand by Peko's pod. He immediately leaned over it and cried as he looked at her unconscious face. "Peko... I'm so sorry, I never should've let it go this far. I-I couldn't stop it and I... I almost gave up. You gave your life for me and I almost threw it away like it was some fucking broken toy. I'm sorry, Peko, I'm so, so sorry..."
They weren't able to move him for hours.
It took three more days for anyone else to wake up, but when the day came, Kazuichi and Akane woke up at the same time. Kazuichi broke out into loud cries the moment he was out of the pod, having a hard time dealing with the weight of his actions as a Remnant and the still fresh memories of the Killing School Trip.
Akane on the other hand, woke up completely silent. Chiaki had expected her to start yelling and run around aggressively upon waking up, but instead she calmly walked over to Nekomaru's pod and stared blankly at his sleeping face.
She didn't make so much as a sound until the next day's breakfast.
After five more days, Izuru -or Hajime, whichever it would be- still had yet to wake up.
As much as she hated to admit it, a part of Chiaki was beginning to loose hope. She started to spend more and more time hovering over his pod, each passing day making the helpless feeling in her chest grow stronger.
At this rate, she would start to despair.
"...Nanami-san, Monaca-san. I have brought you some food. As you both skipped breakfast, I believe it would be best for you to eat now. Komaeda-san and... Hinata-san would want to see you in proper health." Sonia, sweet, caring Sonia, had made it a habit of bringing them food whenever they skipped meals to sit in the pod room. Even if Chiaki was hardly in the right mindset to appreciate it fully, she was truly grateful for the kindness.
"...Thank you, Sonia-san. I'll make sure to eat it. ...Sorry for skipping so many meals."
"No no, it is quite alright. I understand what you are feeling. ...Part of me wishes to watch over Tanaka-san as well, but... he would not be happy to see me in such a state. I am sure he would wish for me to take care of myself while he is... absent. ...I believe that Kuzuryu-san and Owari-san are of a similar mindset. They wish for those dear to them to wake up and see them thrive, to see them overcome the grief over losing them." The princess' words were solid, steady. She had absolute confidence in her statements. Chiaki was a bit jealous of that confidence.
Not long after Sonia had left and Chiaki had finished eating did she heard the soft hiss of a pod opening.
Izuru -or Hajime, she still had no idea which it'd be- was finally awake.
She jumped up and immediately rushed to the pod's side, eagerly awaiting the moment the man opened his eyes and looked at her. The man seemed to take a moment to gather himself, as he grumbled and squirmed before finally opening his eyes and revealed a mismatch of red and golden-green.
His eyes immediately glanced over to Chiaki, and a relieved yet tired smile showed on his face. "Nanami, it's you... you're really here. I missed you so, so much." He barely got to sit up before Chiaki launched her upper body at him and hugged him tightly around the neck. "Hinata-kun, you're finally awake...! I've been waiting so, so long for you! I missed you so much, Hinata-kun! I-I was almost beginnign to lose hope of you ever waking up, but here you are...! You're... finally here..."
Her voice trailed off as her eyes welled with overjoyed tears, the heavy feeling in her chest dissipating immediately.
"W-woah, Nanami...! I didn't know you could squeeze that hard! I-I missed you a lot too!" After a while of flailing his arms about, he finally hugged her back and held her so tightly she almost felt like her bones would break.
She didn't mind one bit.
It took a good long while for the tears to stop, but they still held each other close. The newfound silence didn't last long, as Hajime quickly spoke up again, "...Man, I need a haircut. How the hell did I deal with all this hair for so long!? I know Izuru Kamukura doesn't have feelings or whatever, but surely even someone like that would get annoyed by all this damn hair dragging about!"
Chiaki couldn't help but giggle at his frustration, finding the hair the least troublesome change he went through. "It's alright. I'll help you cut it. I'm not a hairdresser though, so I can't promise it'll be perfect. ...Or maybe you can do it yourself? You should still have all those talents... probably. There's probably an Ultimate Hairdresser up there somewhere."
"Yeah, I think so... But I don't really like dealing with my hair myself, so I'd much rather you do it. I don't care if it's perfect, I just want it short again. Ugh, even as Kamukura I hated dealing with my hair myself, it was always you or Komaeda that brushed and washed it. Stupid hair. Brushing it is so-" Hajime suddenly went quiet, not wanting to say the last word.
'Izuru' isn't completely gone it seems. Although the old personality of 'Hajime' was more prominent, traits of 'Izuru's' personality shined through.
Such as the problem with boredom.
It didn't matter, thought. Chiaki loved both 'Izuru' and 'Hajime' all the same, so it made her happy to know that 'Izuru' still lives on as a part of Hajime now.
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I just gotta say, I really love your work~. Anyway~ can I you do yandere Sonia nevermind and yandere Peko pekoyama dating their darling headcanons? I gotta say I really think sonia has a lot of yandere potential
Very interesting for you to be picking some of the nicher yanderes from the ones I've allowed.
So sorry for how late I am to answer asks, I had a lot of family over then caught COVID (for the third time how am I still alive) so I have either not had much time or have not been in the mood to write until today. I really want to get this request done so this post is more general but I hope you still enjoy.
Mod Monaca
Yandere Sonia Nevermind and Peko Pekoyama dating their darlings headcanons
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Sonia as a yandere is an interesting case because the relationship she wants with you is extremely contradictory to how she handles her obsession with you.
Her wish is for you two to have a romance similar to what she sees in the Japanese romance films she watches yet she also wants you to be able to be with her in Novoselic as her partner which means learning the numerous languages she knows and being taught about the military.
Now Sonia isn't ridiculous, she's been trained to be a member of the royal family ever since she was little so she won't expect you to be at her or her family's level immediately and will often cut lessons short as she wants to spend time with you. It's not like you need to be on her level to be by her side, just enough that you can stand next to her since she'll handle the rest.
You're essentially just a figurehead that stands next to the soon to be queen of an absolute monarchy. It's not all bad as ruling a kingdom is something that takes years of experience and just one wrong move can make you hated by thousands so having the Ultimate handle all of it is a bit reassuring but you're stuck just sitting around and looking pretty until Sonia comes over to spend time with you as the servants of the palace keep their distance from you as Sonia can be quite jealous and doesn't like anyone monopolizing your time except her so everyone in the palace is polite and courteous with you but the distance is clear.
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Peko as a yandere doesn't believe she can actually date you. She believes that the only relationship meant for you two is that of a master/servant with her as the loyal servant who won't let anyone come near you.
She isolates you from your peers, insisting that they are threats. The only people she backs off on isolating you from are family members you have a positive relationship with, Fuyuhiko and any childhood friends. She'll force them to get away if they try to get you away from her but she'll let them stay if they decide not to question Peko.
Don't expect much support from Fuyuhiko in this situation, in this scenario he's her best friend and supports Peko going off and doing her own thing. He is completely blind to just how messed up you and Peko's situation is and will always be willing to listen to her side before yours.
Despite Peko claiming to be nothing more than your humble servant, she maintains a lot of authority over your life. She firmly believes that she knows what's best for you and will do what she deems is the best way to keep you "safe" even if it upsets you because it is her sworn duty to protect you as your tool.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 1: #I8 vs #I1
#I8: Magical girl club gets silly and depressing
In her everyday life, Yuuna Yuuki is a hero. As proof, she is in her middle school's Hero Club, where she does her best to help others and bring a smile to everyone's face.
But Yuuna, always up to any task, is about to become an even bigger hero. Mysterious destructive forces called Vertexes begin threatening the world she loves, and the Hero Club is called upon by a strange phone app to save it. Along with her best friend Mimori Tougou, as well as sisters Fuu and Itsuki Inubouzaki, they must transform into magical girls in order to battle the Vertexes.
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#I1: The 86 are forced to fight someone else’s war.
According to the Republic of San Magnolia, their ongoing war against the Giadian Empire has no casualties—however, that is mere propaganda. While the silver-haired Alba of the Republic's eighty-five sectors live safely behind protective walls, those of different appearances are interned in a secret eighty-sixth faction. Known within the military as the Eighty-Six, they are forced to fight against the Empire's autonomous Legion under the command of the Republican "Handlers."
Vladilena Milizé is assigned to the Spearhead squadron to replace their previous Handler. Shunned by her peers for being a fellow Eighty-Six supporter, she continues to fight against their inhumane discrimination. Shinei Nouzen is the captain of the Spearhead squadron. Infamous for being the sole survivor of every squadron he's been in, he insists on shouldering the names and wishes of his fallen comrades.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#I8: Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero (Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru)
I adored this show from the moment I watched it because throughout it all, it’s hopeful. These girls go through a lot. A LOT. A lot of horrible, horrible things, and yet they bounce back. These girls bounce back pretty much every single time and do anything to help their friends do the same. To me, that is insanely inspiring.
The cast of characters here are also insanely compelling. They feel like actual, real friends—doing things together, hanging out, comforting each other and laughing with them all the same. This point I feel helps that sense of hope this show has absolutely.
The character designs in general too are absolutely breathtaking, and are nothing like I’ve ever seen from any other magical girl anime. Also, one last thing: this show’s soundtrack is done by MONACA. MONACA is also known for doing the first two NieR games. Take that what you will :)
Trigger Warnings: Flashing Lights, Self-Harm, Suicide
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#I1: 86 (Eighty-Six)
The characterization and character development in this show is amazing. It also has a very good depiction of survivor’s guilt/mental health, which you don’t see a lot. The animation is great and the soundtrack is done by Hiroyuki Sawano, who’s amazing and it’s one of the best soundtracks for a show ever.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Racism, Suicide.
A main subject of the show is racism. Active war, lots of violence. Character acts without regard for their life, so suicide was included. Child abuse relates to the backstory of a character.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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sexycornenthusiast · 2 months
hey gang i'm back for another long ramble about an anime game but i feel obligated to put it below a cut bc it's 500 words long and about sketchy treatment of underage girls in media and implied csa (bc it's danganronpa so horrible things have to happen) etc etc but. I actually think Kotoko's character presentation could've worked as an okay bait and switch if the writers had been willing to fully commit and that makes what they actually did with her so much worse.
There's this phenomenon everyone notices but is expected to pretend doesn't exist where if you watch enough anime, it's (unfortunately) almost an inevitability one of them will be weird about underage girls, and Danganronpa is a game that eats sleeps and breathes anime, for better or for worse. If you're already immersed in the weeb culture of fanservice episodes and "FBI, open up!!" jokes and 500 year old little girls, Kotoko's few lines of icky broadcast dialogue are barely a blip on the radar to the desensitized mind. The history of the medium primes you to think of it as background noise that won't go anywhere and just "look past" it for the sake of the good content.
But then at the start of chapter 3 they go, "No. This fucked up thing happened to her and she's not okay, and the way she acts is a reflection of that". Which is... kind of good actually, and true to life in a horrific sort of way, and you thought you were getting a gross tropey character but you're actually getting a character who's visibly deeply scarred. A basic subversion of expectations, yes, but a compelling one because of how uncommon it is.
And that makes it feel even worse that the narrative goes out of its way to re-sexualize her, to undermine the switch by giving back the bait. It's almost like the developers were genuinely afraid of alienating the ""lolicon fans"" in their audience, and it's fucking cowardly and gross for a game that's supposedly trying to be a serious examination of childhood trauma. Because God forbid the audience have to sit with the systemic harm done to this little girl for even a second without being prompted to laugh at it. God forbid someone might decide to think about the way the media they consume treats said little girls. GOD fucking FORBID she be given the same respect and validation her male teammates get for their pain, that would be the end of the goddamn world.
Every other kid character gets their backstory laid out in the open for the audience to sit with and that's it. No non-committal back and forth, no trying to shove it back into the box or cover it up with someone's fetish material. The three boys (monaca is complicated and I have no idea how I feel about her) are allowed to be messed up by their traumatic experiences without the game bending over backwards to mock them for it. She isn't. That One Section ruins the entire chapter and there's literally no reason for it to be there other than as a cruel joke at her (and honestly also komaru's) expense.
That's why I'll never say this game is good, no matter how much I like it. I can overlook poorly designed gameplay in a story-based game. I can't overlook this. She deserved so much better, and it's obvious that some people on the development staff really cared and I wish they hadn't been undercut the way they were.
in conclusion she deserved to kill her parents and they should've let her kill haiji too and i will be her number one supporter until i die
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zeroshine · 4 months
The main Tiro ??? For drdd AU
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Got the most greatest idea for these guys
I think these guys should be a the main tiro in this au like the training tiro (in drv3) but very different, like them trying to find out the Mastermind for the killing game and I think that will help their friendship lot.
How they meet up: I don't really but I got a idea, monaca will def meet these two first after she meets the warriors again.
Hironobu koemi: I think she will meet him first when she wakes up, he be waking her up first of all like "wake-up wake-up we are kidnapped here". As for him as he survived a killing game and as the antagonist in the past killing game he would know about the warriors hope past you know killed a hole half of a city or town?? he probably won't use that against them because he already knows that Monokuma will do something about as for the mastermind he doesn't know who it is because monokuma didn't tell him (he knows why monokuma didn't tell him that would ruin the fun for the game) if you do make him the important part of the game he would be involved in let of things that will happen in the game but he would be in the back and watch while things happen.
Moriyo Tsuyoshi: for her i fr don't know what to do with her, I guess she will just hang around with monaca and help her round with things in the killing game and herself (if you have anything ideas for my girl you can do anything) but she will be important to help find the mastermind. How she meets monaca + hironobu she will be the second person to meet them.
for the angst for the three of them :video
how I would tell about the video I guess monaca is getting more comfortable with them and almost finding the mastermind as the charters go along both will die (your choice how they die) I think that will help monaca character development 🤫
PS: I don't have a name for this tiro so you can name them
So thanks for reading this😈
Video pictures:😃
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moongeonight · 11 months
A punishment for You! Part 2
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Part 1 here! ➡️ A punishment for You!
Summary: After he lost Masaru's challenge, now Nagito will have to endure all the warriors of hope and their teases...
A/N: Well first of all I'm sorry for the delay heh, second... today is my birthday yay!
"yeah enjoy the break... for now, Remember you didn't win the challenge hehe" masaru said leaving the room, he leave nagito in the middle of the room still tied up with his thoughts.
Oh men... they will have no mercy on me right?
That's what nagito thought when he hears the faint noise of footsteps approaching, He could already hear the other children talking between eachother.
This was going to be trouble...
Masaru returns with the other Warriors of Hope in the room.
"Ok, Servant! you still alive? How was the tickling? And I can see how tired you are and I have to say that I am impressed! You lasted more than I expected!, but now, the moment of truth! Who wants to be the one who tickles our pathetic Servant?"
Masaru said while both Jataro and Kotoko raise their hands while Nagisa seemed to have been forced to come and Monaca just watched smiling.
"Ahhh..." Nagito's eyes widened at the sight of the children, He could already see his predicament getting worse by the second, The chains on his collar were rattling against one another.
"Heh... So Y-you're really all gonna tickle me again huh?" he says with a nervous chuckle.
"That's exactly what's going to happen Servant!" Monaca says with a a little sadist smile on her face.
"Now, Nagisa, I know you aren't too excited, But you have to participate! Don't go easy on him Nagisa... Don't forget you have to torture this demon just like we do with all of the others." Monaca said addressing Nagisa when she saw that he did not want to tickle him.
Nagisa didn't want to participate in this since it was too "childish" for him, despite being a child himself, but since Monaca ordered it he had no choice but to accept.
then Nagisa goes without emotion to Servant and begins to attack his sides directly where Masaru had left him, He used his fingers, poking in one direction after another, making multiple quick pokes, Seeing that Nagisa had now started, Kotoko also excitedly began to tickle him but with a feather on his neck.
"Ah! HaahaHahahha!" Nagito's eyes widened again as he was tickled around his armpits. His body began writhing in the chair, he could feel his body moving with each poke that Nagisa gave him.
He felt the feather touch his neck and he began to shake more as it tickled, he was trying his hardest not to laugh, but it just seemed impossible.
"Ahahaha-wahahahait!... Nohoho! hahah...hahahaha!" Nagito voice was loud and high pitched, and his laugh had a slightly embarrassed tone to it.
"mm you know I thought adults weren't ticklish" Kotoko said amused.
"Look at him! he's a grown man but one feather on the neck is enough to make him laugh!" because Monaca commented, the other Warriors begin to laugh.
Nagito looked up at the four kids, each one laughing at his situation and teasing him. He didn't want to care, it was better than being punished with punches... even tought he was still embarrassed.
"Pleahahahasee! Thihihis is toohoho much! Hahahaha! Stohohop!"
masaru also decides to go tickle nagito again, While Kotoko continues to tickle him with the feather, masaru attacks nagito's neck with his entire hands and fingers, all at the same time making his neck become completely red.
"Heh, look at his face! He's becoming red!" Masaru laughed.
"It's so strange to see him like this... Normally he always has a calm smile" jataro mentioned.
Nagito was now a bright shade of red and his neck was starting to get a little sore from the constant irritation. He giggled loudly now, not even trying to hide it. his face was probably the color of a tomato.
"Hahahaha! P-plehehehease go easier on mehehe!!"
"Don't make me laugh! A demon like you deserves to be tortured by us!" Masaru says and continues tickling nagito's red neck without even taking a breath.
"Monaca! Don't you want to join us?" Kotoko said Noticing that Monaca was just watching smiling.
Monaca was still smiling and said "Oh don't worry, I prefer to watch how you tickle him! It's a very funny scene"
she said with an innocent smile but deep down she was sadistically enjoying this while The other 4 children continued to tickle him non-stop.
Nagito's laugh became uncontrollable. It was no longer soft and quiet, his eyes start tearing up, He began to kick and thrash, his hands desperately fighting against his restraints in an attempt to break free.
"P-PLEHEHEASE! HAHAHAHA! I'M SORRY! I'm sohohorry for makihihing the pancakes wrohohong HAHAHA!" he said, his voice sounding less genuine in his desperation.
"You're begging to stop?... You're begging to us, children? What an adult you are, to make you beg like this..."
Nagisa said as he kept tickling, not making nagito's situation any better and the other 4 began to make his eyes water by tickling In his armpits and his sides.
"He's starting to cry? Heh, You are crying because of us? A mere bunch of kids? Pathetic..."
Nagito's begging for mercy was genuine, but he also was embarrassed about it. He didn't want to beg, it was a position he never wanted to be in but he would do anything to get the tickling to stop. He felt it was pathetic.
"HAHAHA! P...please STOHOHOP! I'll do anything, Anything just stop! There's gotta be something else you can do right!? PLEAHAHAHASEE!!"
"Hahaha... You know what? I think you're right. There are other things we can have you do to get your punishment!"
Masaru says as he lets nagito have some air to breathe, but not completely stopping the tickling.
"But you know what, Servant? You'll still get punished! Maybe we'll take you down to the sewers and throw you naked in the water... Or we'll lock you in a room without food! What do you think of these fun punish-"
Monaca cuts masaru's words "Please keep tickling him!"
Monaca clearly wanted them to continue, she loved seeing her servant like this, embarrassed, something other punishments wouldn't make him feel, the other children nodded and simply continued, Kotoko with the feather that she had in her hand now she tickled his nose to make him sneeze and bother him.
Nagito was relieved to have air, he could breathe again and think.... for a few seconds he tried his hardest to not sneeze, His eyes were watering, his nose was itching and a few seconds later He sneezed and let out a loud.
"Hahaha... Aaaah! ACHOOO!"
He tried his hardest to not sneeze but it just sounded adorable, He looked away, embarrassed.
The Children began to laugh when he sneezed, even nagisa laughed and it didn't help nagito's situation, since if he was trying to hold his sneeze, now he also had to hold his laugh.
"Hahaha! That sneeze was so cute!" Jataro said while tickling Servant's belly, making nagito suffer even more.
"Aww... He's so ashamed of himself for sneezing, how adorbs!" Kotoko commented.
Nagito was so embarrassed. This was making him extremely uncomfortable and the fact they were talking about his sneeze made him even more embarrassed. He kept trying to hold in more sneezes and giggles, but of course that only made things harder for him.
"H-HEY... S-STOHOHOP HAHAHA! NOT M-MY BELLY HAHAHAHA!..." He said, trying to hold back his laugher While he thought how could he convince them to let him go, he said out loud the first idea that occurred to him.
"W-WAIHIHIT! I have a deal for all of you! HAHAHA! PLEASE LISTEN TO MEHEHE!"
"Hmm... A deal? Go on, Servant!" Monaca said smiling" Jataro, Kotoko and Nagisa kept tickling nagito's belly and sides.
"Oh? What could this be?" Jataro said curiously.
"I hope it's a good deal or you will receive more punishment, I mean more tickles!" Masaru said.
Nagito didn't speak at first, as he was trying to catch his breath, but when he was able to speak he said.
"Uh-Well... You see, I know you're all having fun with me but... How about this... You free me from this chair and I bring you an adul- a demon from the city so you can have fun with him... What do you think...?"
Monaca After hearing that she felt intrigued by this proposal, her eyes widened and she smiled more saying.
"Oh, Servant... You're actually brilliant, I think we actually should accept your proposal, don't you think?" She turned to face the other kids who who simply shrugged their shoulders while agreed with Monaca.
"Fine! Servant you have yourself a deal! we will free you and you will go find a demon for us!"
Nagito looked surprised at them, he didn't think they would actually agree to do what he said.
He couldn't believe his luck... they actually agreed! It was too good to be true, but he'll make the most out of it, at least he could have some freedom for now.
"That's.. awesome! I promise you won't regret it. I'll bring you guys a demon for you to play with!" he said excitedly.
"Well, now that we all have an agreement, why don't you get us a demon like you promise... or you may face another punishment" monaca said with a slightly threatening aura.
the children untied Servant letting him go when Kotoko nodded "yeah! bring a ticklish demon! You have an hour, so hurry up.!"
Nagito nodded, knowing what kind of punishment he could get if he failed the deliver.
"A..alright! I'll bring back a demon for you to play with! I won't disappoint you!" He says, giving a nervous smile.
Nagito then exits the room quickly, it wouldn't be that difficult to find an adult, he just had to look in those makeshift hiding places they make and then he would have to trick them a little, although... Even though he has never cared too much about that... He felt sorry for who would be the next children's poor victim...
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Komaru Naegi VS Katie Mitchell [Danganronpa Survivor VS The Mitchell's VS The Machines]
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Leona: Komaru Naegi!
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Hifumi: Katie Mitchell!
Leona: The world is under attack and the robot invaders are taking over! But don't worry! These two unlikely teenage heroes are going to step up, fight for and with their families, and take back humanities world!
Hifumi: But when the odds collide, which one of these average teenage girls is gonna come out on top?
Leona: He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Hifumi: Komaru Naegi's life was completely ordinary in every way. Average home, average family, average education...
Leona: Other than the fact that she could see ghosts, but we don't care about that...
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Hifumi: In a typical day with Komaru and her family, her mother would always watch the same talk show at lunchtime, and her dad wouldn't shave his beard on Saturday when he didn't have to work. Her brother was a Hope's Peak student and life was as casual as it could be...
Leona: But then everything changed the day the world she knew...crumbled! Starting with a mutual killing between students of her brothers school, the chaos and tragedy spread until the people around her started disappearing.
Hifumi: She kept telling herself that everything would be okay, but when she was still in middle school and a group of unidentified men broke into her home, took her away from her parents, and imprisoned her in an apartment building in Towa City, she realized how hopeless it all was.
Leona: For one and a half years, Komaru remained confined in her apartment, with no interaction with the outside world besides the food given to her every day by her kidnappers. "Defying" her captors and pounding on the door was her morning ritual. Clearly she didn't learn the first time...
Hifumi: The Future Foundation came to rescue the captives, but on the day they did, Towa City got swept into an apocalypse, and Komaru ended up right at the center of the problem. The Demon Hunting Game hosted by the villainous Monaca Towa, Junko Enoshima's protégé, and her posse of vengeful children began, beginning a war between the abused kids and the egregious rebellion of adults. 
Leona: After falling out of the Warriors of Hope's airship, Komaru landed on the rooftop of a hospital building. She saw Monokumas coming after her and cowered, hoping someone would help her. Her prayers were answered in the form of an unlikely ally, and an even more unlikely new best friend.
Hifumi: That would be none other than Toko Fukawa, AKA the Murderous Fiend, Genocide Jack, who snuck into the city and teamed up with Komaru to survive and fight the Warriors with the intention of rescuing Byakuya Togami, whom they had captured. 
Leona: Together they explored and fought their way through armies of Monokuma's, with Toko armed with her taser and her serial killer alter ego armed with scissors...and Komaru armed with what would become her signature weapon: The Future Foundation Hacking Gun.
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Hifumi: Developed by the Future Foundation with the intention of destroying the sentry Monokuma's plaguing the world. Shaped like a Megaphone, the Hacking Gun fires electromagnetic waves that contain programming codes that hack the target mechanism upon contact. Because of this, the Hacking Gun is limited to using on Machines, like Monokuma or the Warriors of Hope Robots. While it is demonstrated that objects like Toko's taser can also be hacked, most of the Gun's effects are not applicable to non-machines.
Leona: But Komaru since the events of Ultra Despair Girls discovered a way around it. The Future Foundation developed a piece of tech called the Synchro-Discs, which automatically snap onto opponents when they make contact, and make biotic lifeforms susceptible to the Hacking Guns effects...Yowch!
Hifumi: Yowch is right! Because Mrs Komaru is capable of doing more than just shooting and destroying this tech. Provided she has the ammunition, the Hacking Gun can do a variety of things with a variety of different bullets; it's most basic offensive feature being the Break Bullet. Komaru launches a blue orb that explodes when it comes into contact with an enemy.
Leona: Then there's the Burn Bullet, another offensive function that does less damage than the Break Bullet but can be fire at a mush faster rate, and gives the opponents the sensation of...well...burning!
Hifumi: A mid-range electric field fired by the Paralyze Bullet has the ability to shock enemies upon contact. Additionally, it can spread if a foe is on the water. If Mrs. Komaru isn't careful, though, this could even include her.
Leona: The Knockback Bullet is an offensive function that has little range and damage, but with enough power to blow enemies and projectiles a good distance away from Komaru. She can also use it to FLY ROBIN FLYYY~
Hifumi: Not "fly" more like propel herself in the air. Then there's the Dance Bullet. An assist feature that renders the opponent defenseless and unable to fight by making them dance.
Leona: The Link Bullet is an assist function that allows Komaru to temporarily gain control of a single enemy. The Bullet looks like a rainbow colored heart, and THAT...is adorable!
Hifumi: The Move Bullet is the Hacking Gun's most basic assist feature. In addition to using it to activate machinery, Komaru can use it to weaponize her surroundings by activating things like a car that collides with her adversaries.
Leona: And last but not least is the Detect Bullet, which works like a flashlight that Komaru can use to look through walls and highlight important objects.
Hifumi: Many a Monokuma and many a machine have fallen to the hands of Komaru Naegi and her itchy trigger finger, and with many an obstacle in her way, Komaru and her partner fought through Towa City, experiencing much trauma and death until they finally reached the mastermind herself. And it was here that many truths came to light...
Leona: The abductors, Ultimate Despair, planned for her and the other hostages to commit suicide together. The 78th Class students, including Komaru's brother Makoto would then see this and use it to persuade them to murder one another. This did not happen, however, because the Mutual Killing Game ended before the motive could be used due to Junko Enoshima's execution.
Hifumi: During the Tragedy, the Towa Group's Monokuma Units were employed as killing machines. In addition, Monaca started producing helmets with Monokuma themes that had the power to brainwash their wearers into becoming submissive slaves for her schemes; by distributing these to different kids, she established the Monokuma Kids.
Leona: And all of the chaos...The Despair...The Murder...The Death...Destruction...Every horrible, terrible thing the sidekick of the Ultimate Despair did...was for one...twisted purpose...
Hifumi: As it turns out, her REAL intention was to send Komaru into a state of such insurmountable Despair and force her to murder every Monokuma Kid that served under her, in order to transform Komaru into "Junko Enoshima II". A war between Future Foundation and Towa City would also result from the murder of the Monokuma Kids, and Monaca very nearly succeeded. Komaru chose to smash the controller and put an end to the madness after Monaca played a video of her parents' deaths in a torture chamber.
Leona: Luckily, Toko was not only able to take the controller off of Komaru, but managed to snap her out of her despairing chance with a loving whack to the face! But in the midst of all this moral chaos, things took a terrible turn, when Big Bang Monokuma attacked!
Hifumi: Towa Group created Big Bang Monokuma, a massive Monokuma kaiju, as a covert weapon to protect the city. But the robot Shirokuma controlled by Junko Enoshima's AI reactivated it to try and kill EVERYBODY. It was in this standoff that Toko Fukawa asked Komaru the big question. Who did she want to save between the adults and the kids?
Leona: To which Komaru told her that she wanted to stop the fighting altogether, and protect and save both from the tyranny of the Towa leaders. Komaru then wiped her tears and confidently battled the giant robot with Toko, eventually taking it down after a long, drawn-out battle. After defeating it, the Big Bang Monokuma's head blasted off into the sky, splitting a large cloud formation and landed upside down on the body!
Hifumi: Let's analyze this feat very quickly just so we can get a scale of how incredible this feat is. Danganronpa Survivor confirms that the energy contained within Big Bang Monokuma is tantamount to about 2 Nuclear Fusion Reactors. It can smash people around with it's giant scepter, blast bolts of lightning, charge and smash it's way through skyscrapers and drop down a Mega Monokuma Bomb that wipe out anything near it! And with their powers combined, and using their special combination attack, the Hope Bullet, Mrs Fukawa and Mrs Komaru were able to take down this tyrant, by themselves, and destroyed it!
Leona: So how strong was the Hope Bullet that was created with the combination of Komaru's hacking gun and Toko's taser? 
Hifumi: When the size of the sky split is compared to the size of the head, and the kinetic energy required to displace so much water vapor in a split second is calculated, the energy exerted here equals around 2.3 megatons of TNT, which is comparable to the yield of a hydrogen bomb.
Leona: However, as impressive as that is, and while Komaru and Toko have used this ability since, it doesn't actually work without BOTH of them being present. And since we're only allowing minimal outside help for both sides, Toko won't be present for this fight. Which means that at the most, Komaru would only be yielding about half the power on her own.
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Leona: After the battle was over and Byakuya had been saved, Komaru told Toko and the Future Foundation that she decided to stay at the city, having finally gained confidence in herself after she made her first decision by herself on protecting both the adults and the children, and remained a hostage as to not spark a war involving the Remnants of Despair. And from then on, the Super Dangerous Sisters would get into a lot more hijinks and battles!
Hifumi: They would go on to take on even more opponents, facing down Monaca Towa again, then later her brother Haiji Towa, as well as Organization Zetsubou's Narumi Osone. All the fighting caused Komaru to lose her left leg through torture, and a lot of her sanity and patience, but also her cowardice.
Leona: And hey! She married Toko and adopted a badass little girl too! Never say life is ALL bad! But to round this off, let's go over some physical feats and abilities!
Hifumi: Komaru can keep up with and tag Mrs Fukawa, who can keep up with Sakura Ogami, who can travel from Japan to Prague in an instant. Komaru may have been faster than light from the start, as she was able to avoid a point-blank shot from the hacking gun when Mr Togami fired it. Even if she's not AS fast, and these calculations are an exaggeration, she was also able to dodge lightning from Big Bang Monokuma's attacks, and her reaction speeds are parallel to that of Narumi Osone, as the two fought while falling down an elevator shaft.
Leona: Not to mention she's also escaped a collapsing subway station, can easily outspeed Monokuma units, has dodged shots from a sniper rifle, and used her hacking gun to deflect incoming missiles!
Hifumi: In terms of physical capability, she's not experienced in hand to hand combat and isn't the most powerful puncher, but she is able to hold her own in a physical brawl with her brother, Makoto, who we've already scaled, and the same applies to Narumi Osone.
Leona: In general though, without her hacking gun and gear, she's in a pretty rough spot, especially since Komaru herself isn't the brightest bulb in the box, at least compared to her fellow protags. Her intelligence is average at best and she's not great at coming up with complex plans on her own, even 
Hifumi: But what might be her most impressive feats are her incredible durability and survivability skills. Despite claiming to be a pretty average girl, even before her current peak, Komaru Naegi has taken hits from Big Bang Monokuma, several very powerful Monokuma units, and the Warriors of Hope's robots, as well as surviving Narumi Osone's rocket-powered attacks.
Leona: She's also survived a pretty visceral helicopter crash with not many scratches, and has tanked a train crash, missiles, sniper shots AND the collective explosion of ALL of Monaca Towa's Monokuma's, which was strong enough to completely collapse the top of the little shit's tower!
Hifumi: Assuming that the top of the tower is high as the average storey, the explosion took place in a room the height of about 4.3 meters. And based on our calculations and observations, the diameter of the explosion was around 14.35 meters, making the total mass of the explosion around 26.943 Kilograms of TNT.
Leona: With Toko by her side, Komaru has taken on every enemy that's come her way. She defeated all of the Warriors of Hope, aided in the rescue of many adults and children alike and saved Towa City time and time again. Guess heroism and the power of an average person saving the world runs in the family, huh?
Hifumi: I wouldn't be so lenient. Makoto is Makoto...and Komaru...is Komaru.
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Leona: Katie Mitchell's life was completely ordinary in every way. Average home, average-Wait a second...!?"
Hifumi: But certainly a NOT-so average family life.
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Leona: Katie Mitchell is a quirky, aspiring, talented young filmmaker from Kentwood, Michigan, who had just been accepted into film school in California at the time the story begins. But despite being a mostly average, slightly kooky family, home life wasn't all it was cut out to be.
Hifumi: Rick Mitchell, Katie's technophobic and nature-obsessed father, did not see eye to eye with her and her dreams. The family feared their relationship would be permanently strained after Rick broke Katie's laptop the night before she left, following an argument over one of her earlier short films. In an effort to stop this, Rick chose, much to Katie's chagrin, to cancel her flight to California and instead take her, her gregarious and loving mother Linda, her dinosaur-loving, socially anxious younger brother Aaron, and the family dog/pig/loaf of bread, Monchi, on a cross-country road trip to her college as a final experience together.
Leona: Dang, things really are tense around here; it'd be a miracle to believe that a simple road trip would fix all of it...It needs something a little bit more...Some sort of trial that the family can work together and bond over like a...like a...!
Shows scenes of the PAL MAX robots crashing down and tearing up the town and kidnapping people.
Leona: Robot revolution!? Yeah, that works!
Hifumi: Unfortunately for the Mitchell's, the psychotic and deranged AI interface PAL had other plans for them, as well as the rest of humanity. Declared obsolete by her creator, technology entrepreneur Mark Bowman, and ready to be replaced by a line of helper robots, PAL commandeered all of the company robots in order to abduct people all over the world and launch them into space!
Leona: After avoiding capture at a roadstop café in Kansas, and allying themselves with two adorably awkward defective totally-humans Eric and Deborahbot 5000, the quirky, dysfunctional Mitchell family suddenly became humanity's unlikeliest last hope.
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Hifumi: But with the rogue AI being able to take control of any piece of tech that was synced with her, the Mitchell's were going to have a hard time. Fortunately, Katie was able to snag herself the arm cannon of one of the PAL MAX robots, and gained all of it's abilities.
Leona: Aside from a very potent laser blaster that's predominantly used to destroy infrastructure, the Robot Arm Cannon is also equiped with a tractor beam that can grab objects, keep them in stasis, and levitate them in the air! Like the GMod Phys Gun! And when one of these robots like Eric or Deborahbot are by her size, Katie can ride on the back of them like a surfboard, allowing her to fly up to several thousand feet in the air!
Hifumi: Speaking of which, we should probably clarify something here. During the Mitchell's final battle where Eric and Deborahbot helped them against PAL's army, they themselves did not fight the robots, only serving as transportation. Thus, for this fight, we will be allowing Katie to use the robots for this purpose, not counting it as outside help or assistance. They naturally won't be able to fight with her, but it's really not that different from how Courage the Cowardly Dog was able to use his Computer in his fight against Scooby Doo.
Leona: Katie, very much unlike her father, is also a computer genius! She's shown to be incredibly smart, strategic and intelligent, and she was able to figure out that Eric and Deborahbot were defective as soon as she got even the slightest hint. She can work out tech very easily, like how she was able to use the functions of the robot arm seconds after attaining it. She's also capable of...minor toon force I guess?
Hifumi: More specifically, Katie as a filmmaker and somewhat conscious of her own world being a film, is capable of Entertainment and Digital Materialization. She can bring to life and wield the worlds created by various forms of entertainment, films in her case, into reality. However, these powers are limited by Katie's own imagination/creativity, and...she can't really use these to fight, only to make dramatic scenes way funnier.
Leona: The Mitchell's plan was to use a kill code embedded in the PAL MAX robots memory to shut down PAL and all her robots, so they headed to a mall in eastern Colorado to upload it, but...SURPRISE! The mall was FILLED with PAL chip-enabled appliances that tried to stop them...including this GIANT! FUCKING! FURBBYYYY!
Hifumi: The battle was hard fought, and during it, Katie was able to show off that she was more of a badass than anyone gave her credit for. She was able to dodge drink cans moving at the speed of bullets, strong enough to break reinforced glass, and she moved with such strength and accuracy, she snared a speeding drone with a fishing rod and threw it directly into a small microwave. She also dodged a laser blast fired by the Elder Furby...Because...Furby's can...fire lasers...Yeah...
Cut to scene of Katie screaming "Why would someone build that!?" as her family are attacked by the Elder Furby.
Leona: Yeah, don't think about it too hard. I mean...It's a giant-ass furby. That much makes the realism clear.
Hifumi: While trapping and defeating the Elder Furby, the Mitchells accidentally destroyed a PAL router, rendering the hostile devices inoperable but preventing the upload of the kill code. While traveling to Silicon Valley to upload the kill code straight to PAL, Linda told Katie that she and Rick had once lived in a mountain cabin with Katie, because Rick had always wanted to live there, but had given up on the idea.
Leona: Only after PAL manipulated the Mitchell's and kidnapped Rick and Linda did Katie find out why. After watching some recordings on her camera that Rick had filmed when she was a child, she realized that Rick gave up on his dreams so that Katie could live a normal life as a normal kid. Meanwhile, Rick reflected on his own actions after watching one of Katie's videos that reflected his strained relationship with his daughter.
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Hifumi: Reenergized, Katie and Aaron crashed back into PAL Labs headquarters, only to be apprehended themselves. Katie defended the idea of saving humanity by pointing out to PAL that despite their differences, her family would always be connected, despite their hardships.
Leona: PAL didn't accept this reasoning and proceeded to drop Katie from the top of her lair, really high up, but Katie was saved by Rick and the robots, and the two were able to put their differences aside and KICK TOTAL ASS!
Hifumi: Despite being what would basically be several thousand feet in the sky, both Katie and Rick were able to keep pace with and avoid PAL's upgraded security robots, which were far stronger and far more deadly. The young movie geek was able to dodge lasers, blades that moved lightning fast, and react in time to snare them with her arm cannon and destroy them one by one!
Leona: These robots were able to move from one side of the screen to the other in what we calculated was 180 milliseconds, or 0.18 seconds, and assuming the close relative distance is right (we're honestly getting a bit metaphysical with this) that should but them at speeds of about 246.212 miles per hour
Hifumi: As the Mitchells banded together to fight the rest of the robots, Katie ultimately destroyed PAL by tossing her into a glass of water...and somehow managing to survive, for the most part, the entire collapse of the floating laboratory. The humans were freed and the robots were all deactivated, with the exception of Eric and Deborahbot thanks to their malfunction.
Leona: Hooray! A few months after the uprising, Katie and her family arrived at her college as she shared one last goodbye with them, finally coming to terms and accepting her weird home for what it was. 
Hifumi: Later, she went to Washington, D.C. with them on another road trip, accepting the Congressional Gold Medal from the government to express their gratitude to the eccentric girl and her equally eccentric family, for stopping the robot apocalypse and sparing humanity a life of torment.
Leona: Oh...She's not JUST some eccentric girl...SHE's a MITCHELL!
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!
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The setting sun serves as the background of a destroyed city, as a girl clad in a red jacket rides atop a flying robot, high above the wreckage. Katie Mitchell, in one hand, holds a replica of the robots arm like a weapon.
Eric: Slovenly Girl. May I ask what it is we're doing here? I believe this path takes us towards the robot oppressors, not away from them.
Katie: I told Aaron I'd come back to get his favorite dinosaur doll. 
Eric: We are going back for a doll? Is that really worth it?
Katie: So worth it. That thing's important to him. He won't be able to sleep without it, and even then, it-
Katie: ERIC!?
Katie's speech to her robot ride is interrupted as Eric suddenly gets blasted in the face by a flash of blue code! It doesn't immediately destroy him, but he and Katie fall to the ground, with Katie having to drop and roll along the top of a building, while Eric faceplants and collapses on the edge of the building, just barely falling off.
Katie: Who da what da wha!?
Katie lifts her head and sees Komaru Naegi propels herself to the rooftop parallel, coming to a sliding stop. Katie immediately zeroes in on her metal leg.
Katie: Woah...! Winter Soldier girl...!
Komaru: Winter Soldier's got a metal arm, not a metal leg. Whatever! This area was supposed to be evacuated of civilians hours ago! Those guys are coming back, so get the hell out of here!
Katie: Ma'am, I'm not trying to be rude, but I've been through this before with way worse odds. I appreciate the help, but I just gotta go grab something and I'll be on my-
Katie tries to hurry to the edge of the roof to retrieve Eric, but Komaru propels herself onto the rooftop with her hacking gun and stands in her way, holding her arms out and blocking Katie from advancing.
Komaru: Are you deaf!? If you stay here, you're going to diiiiiiAAAGH!?
Komaru feels her body freeze in place, leaving her immobile. When she looks up, she sees Katie snaking her up and using the arm cannon to keep her still and lift her up. Katie tosses Komaru away, her face displaying discontent.
When Komaru lands on a nearby roof, he sees that Katie has picked Eric back up and is now riding on him.
Komaru: Why can't it ever be easy!? HAGH!
Katie: Huh!? GUAGH!
Komaru launches herself forward for a high-speed kick with her hacking gun, but Katie is able to block and raise her arm to deflect her back. Katie believes she has warded off the Little Sister of Hope when she lands back on the rooftops of the skyscrapers, but then she feels something hit her in the back.
Katie: WOAAGGH!?
Komaru leaps off the building and hurtles forward, hitting Katie with a knockback bullet that propels her and her craft skyward. Katie looks behind her back to see the synchro-discs stuck to her.
Katie: Discs...? Wait...did she put those on me so she could shoot me with that gun of hers?
Komaru: HYAGH!
Katie: Gagh!
Komaru: HRGH!?
Komaru tries to attack Katie from behind while she is preoccupied, but Katie spins around and shoots her with the blaster on the robot arm. Komaru uses her hacking gun to avoid the blast in time, rolling onto the roof. After that, Katie aims with the blaster and starts firing at Komaru, who deflects the bullets with her own before moving closer, blasting herself up into the air as Katie starts to gain altitude.
Katie: Make sure you catch me!
Katie disconnects from Eric and lets herself fall back to the ground far far below, with Komaru giving chase. The two girls show their skills at shooting and dodging each other's shots as they engage in a shootout. 
Komaru: Dangit...! I'm trying to HELP!
Katie: And I APPRECIATE that! But I've got a family to look out for!
Komaru charges again after being pushed back, only to be caught in Katie's tractor beam once more. Then, she is launched straight toward the ground after being whirled around in midair. The overlay shows dramatic hand-drawn explosion effects to emphasize Katie's hit, despite the fact the damage on the Ultra Despair Girl is fairly minimal. Katie laughs and lands carefully back on Eric's back as they start flying away.
Komaru: Gah...Why is it ALWAYS kids!?
Komaru huffs out this dialogue as she reloads her Hacking Gun and blasts herself into the air again, running on the rooftops after Katie. The moviemaker only notices Komaru catching up when she's right on top of her.
Katie: gUaAgHaGhAaGhAhGhAgHaGhAgH!
Komaru approaches Katie from behind and uses a Paralyze Bullet to shock her at point blank range. As Katie is jittering about in pain while her muscles tense up, the screen suddenly freezes to focus in on her petrified face.
Katie (internally): You know what this scene kind of reminds me of?
The scene switches to a YouTube video of a gibbon monkey screaming hysterically. With "Youtube Poop"-style editing, the scene quickly cuts back and forth between Katie and the monkey screaming. Then, Katie's face is superimposed on that of the gibbon, and vice versa. It's the kind of video that could only be made by an artistic teenager who has recently purchased editing software.
Katie (internally): Yeah, it's not as funny when it's happening to me...
The fight resumes abruptly as Komaru leaps in legs first, attempting to smash Katie into the wall. However, now that she is certain of what the discs do, Katie flings off her jacket and overcomes her paralysis. With a quick thinking move, she grabs hold of Komaru with her Tractor Beam and throws her through the wall, with both girls flying into the building and flailing around like cartoon characters as they navigate the obstacles inside until they emerge on the other side.
Komaru grabs onto the edge of the building while Katie grabs Eric's hand, and the two girls spin around to blast each other, when all of a sudden, the sound of a phone ringing interrupts them.
Komaru: Huh? Oh! S-Sorry, I've gotta take this!
Katie: Huh!?
Komaru: Yeah-uh-hold on, I'll be just a minute...
Katie pulls herself up onto Eric, crossing her arms as she sits down and patiently waits for Komaru to finish her phone call.
Komaru: Toko? Yeah, it's ok, I'll be back soon...This random kid is messing with me...No, she's NOT kicking my ass...No...Yes...Huh? Wait, I thought YOU said you were gonna go pick her up? The city's KIND of being destroyed you know?
Katie: ...
Komaru: No, no, it's ok, don't worry. I'll pick her up and take her home, then I'll get back to work...What? Yeah, no problem. Yes...Low fat milk? Yeah, sure. Okay, love you too. Bye~"
She hangs up.
Katie: You have a kid?
Komaru: Family, am I right?
Katie: Being an adult sounds like it sucks...
Komaru: It REALLY does...I'm good now though!
Komaru gives Katie a thumbs up and the two immediately get back to fighting. After dodging her opponent and running around her, Komaru leaps to try to shoot Katie once more. Katie ducks and tries to snare Komaru yet again, but this time the Naegi anticipates her move and turns in midair to block Katie's Tractor Beam with a Link Bullet.
Katie is given a fright as Komaru's hacking gun syncs with her weapon, and causes it's beam to fire on Katie herself. Katie becomes immobilized, causing her to fall off Eric's back and onto the destroyed road below.
Katie: Ugh...HEY!
Komaru: DANCE!
Eric: Huh!? Oh...Oh dear...! Oh no...! My hands are in the air like I just do not care!
Katie: Ah...Ahaha...AGH!?
Eric tries to land on the road to grab Katie as she gets back up, but Komaru jumps in and shoots Eric with a Dance Bullet. Eric starts dancing uncontrollably and reacts to it about how you'd expect, unable to control his own movements as he boogies down. Katie gives a slight grin of amusement at it, but immediately snaps back to the moment when Komaru shoots at her again.
With Katie's transport out of commission, she's forced to run along the pavements and dodge Komaru's shots while firing back some of her own. Komaru and Katie keep exchanging gunfire and dodging the other's blasts as they dash across the city between the buildings. Komaru slows down as they turn a corner and realizes they've arrived in the parking lot of a supermall. This gives her an idea. But Katie also receives one of her own.
Komaru: YAGH!? 
Katie: Woah!? Phew...WAAGH!?
The first to move is Katie, who uses her Tractor Beam to lift and toss a parked car at Komaru. Komaru, however, falls and slides beneath the incoming car, narrowly avoiding being crushed into dust! Then she takes aim at two of the cars in the lot and fires a Move Bullet. As Katie leaps to avoid the first one, the second one hits hard, propelling her in the direction of Komaru, who catches her by the collar of her shirt and applies another Synchro-disc to her forehead. However, Katie raises her cannon and tries to shoot Komaru in the stomach before the girl has a chance to react. But then...
Komaru: You won't be needing THIS anymore!
Komaru & Katie: GUGH!
Before Katie can shoot Komaru, Komaru raises her Hacking Gun and shoots Katie's cannon with a Break Bullet, which completely destroys it. There's an explosion which results in Komaru being thrown onto the bonnet of a car, and Katie being thrown through the supermall window. Katie is slightly pained, but ignores the feeling and begins to panic, as she is now defenseless...Or so she thinks...
Katie notices a tool store out of the corner of her eye as she considers her next move. In the overlay, hurriedly drawn arrows labeled "CONVINIENT" point in the direction of the store, while a hand-animated lightbulb dings above Katie's head. While Komaru gets to her feet and trudges into the store holding her weapon, she flees inside to hide.
Komaru hurries through the mall until she comes into the main area, seeing no sign of Katie around her.
Komaru: Ok kid, you can come out! Your tech's been wrecked and now you're out of options! Just give up!
Komaru: Huh!?
Komaru: NO!
Katie: Hyagh!
Katie drops down from the level above brandishing a fishing rod, and to Komaru's horror, the moviemaker throws the line forward and snags Komaru's Hacking Gun! She then flings the Hacking Gun into an abandoned kitchen appliance store, where it lands inside a microwave, and subsequently EXPLODES, taking the store with it! Katie smugly drops the rod and dusts off her hands.
Katie: Who's out of options NOW? -AGH!?
And just like that, the shootout becomes a FIST FIGHT! However, both girls' limited knowledge of hand to hand starts to show. Katie ducks under Komaru's uncomfortably heavy right hook attempt to punch her. Katie then begins repeatedly hitting Komaru with her hands, but the Ultra Despair Girl is able to evade her blows.
Komaru: GRRRR!
Katie: GRRRR!
The two girls keep punching and kicking each other in an endless cycle until all of a sudden Katie enters from the left and begins to punch Komaru in the shoulder. After blocking, she begins to strike repeatedly with her elbow, knocking Katie out of her reach.
When Komaru tries to rush in for a follow-up, Katie hurls her shoe at her face.
Katie: HAHAGH! DOH!?
Komaru retaliates, hurling her metal leg in her face.
Thus...this random cartoonish back and forth continues until Komaru and Katie are both completely debilitated. Their punches and kicks slowly devolve into the two of them just brainlessly slapping each other. 
Komaru: Huuaagh...Huuaagh...Huuaaaaagh...
Katie: Haaaah...Haaaah...Haaaaaah...UGH...! GRAAGH
Komaru: AHAGH...! GRAAGH!
Komaru & Katie (slow-motion): OOOOOOOOOOOOGGGHHH!
An hand-drawn animated overlay pops up again as Komaru and Katie land possibly the weakest final punches on each other as they can, featuring several stock image explosions that slowly fill the screen until it's covered entirely, reinforcing the lazy hits as SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than they actually are. Komaru and Katie then both fall backwards, lying flat on the ground. Both of them are gasping for breath, completely exhausted.
Komaru: This...is the stupidest...thing...ever...!
Katie: I've...seen...stupider...! Haah...Oh!
Katie hangs her head back and as she does, she suddenly sees a familiar looking dinosaur plushy sitting on top of a bin.
Katie: Oh, so THAT'S where he left it...
Still devoid of strength, Katie gets up and approaches the dinosaur doll, grabbing it and picking it up. Komaru also pulls herself to her feet, but then the ground around them starts to quake. The girls' screams are barely audible as they use their last bits of strength to avoid the falling debris as the mall's roof collapses. When the camera pans out, a massive Monokuma and a number of PAL MAX robots can be seen hovering over them.
Komaru: SEE!? THIS was what I was trying to warn you about!? You seriously flew all the way back into the jaws of death just to get a stuffed animal!?
Katie: Wouldn't you do the same for your family if they left something precious behind?
Komaru: ...
Katie: ...
Komaru: Touché Capitano...I guess we're both losers here...
Katie: I've learned that it's ok to be that way. 
Just as things look bleak, Komaru and Katie suddenly hear some shouting above them as the sound of a helicopter draws near. Some familiar faces of the Future Foundation poke their heads out and drop down two packages, with each of the girls catching one. Komaru gets a new Hacking Gun and Katie gets a new Robot Arm Cannon. At the same time, Eric returns, accompanied by Deborahbot5000, and the two land next to the Mitchell and the Naegi.
Komaru: We can pick this up another time...How about whoever takes out the most robots wins?
Katie: Bet!
Katie and Komaru jump on top of Eric and Deborahbot5000 respectively, and the two robots launch both girls into the fray!
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Leona: Wait...what? Wait...HUH!? But...WHAT!? But you-!? But she-!? WHAAAT!?
Hifumi: Let's...break this down...
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Hifumi: Let's start by talking about both geeky girls innate powers and abilities, to which they...don't have much. Katie does have her overlay editing, but that has never been used in a combative scenario and is really just a figment of her imagination. Similarly, Komaru may have mechanical limbs and implants, but the leg has been stated numerous times to just be a really well-made prosthetic, with no special abilities.
Leona: Yeah, they're both a bit weird and geeky, but they're also both basically total normies that don't stick out on their own. So in a situation like this, the battle would come down to tech and weaponry.
Hifumi: Between the Hacking Gun and the Arm Cannon, their respective weapons, Katie Mitchell's was the more deadly of the two. The Arm Cannon CAN fire off super-powered energy blasts that blow up buildings and create huge explosions and property damage.
Leona: With that being said, the cannons are specifically designed to destroy infrastructure to help the robots TRAP humans. The robots never actually fire their weapons AT their human victims, and instead capture them using their Tractor Beams. And even putting that aside, assuming they DID fire at humans, it's unlikely that even with it's power, it would be able to stop Komaru!
Hifumi: Komaru has survived explosions and energy blasts from Narumi Osone's gauntlets, which DEFINITELY STRONGER than Katie's cannon, and she's tanked explosions stronger than even that. If Komaru was hit dead on with the cannon, it would hardly hurt her, much less kill her.
Leona: But Katie had more than one option of putting Komaru down, like using the cannon's Tractor Beam to hold Komaru in place, and toss her around like a human ragdoll until she succumbs.
Hifumi: But therein lies Katie's biggest setback, being the Hacking Gun's abilities to destroy and disable tech with it's various truth bullets. Basically, most of Katie Mitchell's arsenal could be countered with Komaru's bullets alone. Even if destroying them was a tedious possibility, she could use the Dance and Link Bullets to render her robot transport inoperable for a while, and could use the Synchro-Discs to damage Katie directly herself.
Leona: But in a normal situation, this wouldn't be a surefire way to win EITHER. Katie is very adept when it comes to tech, and if she was able to figure out that Deborahbot and Eric were defective through one interaction, it wouldn't take her long to figure out what the purpose of the Synchro-Discs are and how they function, which would give her multiple ways to counter them. And while Katie possesses an arsenal of tech-related equipment and weapons, Komaru really just has the Hacking Gun and Synchro-Discs. If Katie could disarm or destroy Komaru's weapon, which was very possible with her own tools, she could render Komaru mostly vulnerable, earning her the win.
Hifumi: Therefore, fight really comes down to their own stats, and whose are greater, but as it turns out...They're BASICALLY the same with only a few minor exceptions! The first is that of the two, Komaru is the more physically capable and experienced fighter of the two. If it came down to a physical brawl, Komaru outmatches Katie in terms of confrontation fisticuffs.
Leona: BUT not enough that it would give her a clear advantage! Komaru is adept with handling a Hacking Gun, but isn't physically powerful enough to match someone like Genocide Jill, so without some sort of hacking tech at her disposal, she's kind of a sitting duck. Katie on the other hand, despite not having as much experience, is FAR more intelligent and FAR more calculating and cunning than Dekomaru over here. She's fought against armies of robots that are far stronger than she is with little guidance, so with that in mind, physical prowess didn't hold much of a sway over her.
Hifumi: In terms of physical stats like strength and speed, the two characters who Komaru and Katie can be compared most closely to are Toko Fukawa and Linda Mitchell respectively, but in the end, it can really only be done so in terms of speed. While Ms Fukawa has been training to cancel it out, each character's inner strength is only brought out through external circumstances. Fukawa is only heavily dangerous when she switches into Genocide Jill, and Linda Mitchell only goes on a rampage when Aaron's safety is put in danger.
Leona: Speaking of speed, in a confrontation like this, it's probably the most important thing to bring up. If Komaru and Katie's tech can counter and destroy each other, the fight really comes down to who can win a quick draw.
Hifumi: Both Komaru AND Katie have fought and battled HUNDREDS of enemy machines at once, being able to avoid their attacks and keep pace despite their opponent's incredible speed, and both have shown an unmatched reactionary feats that go into the realm of above relativistic. 
Leona: Like how both are capable of dodging objects that fly at bullet-speed, and how both have taken on giant opponents with faster than light attacks, which they were able to dodge; Big Bang Monokuma for Komaru and the Elder Furby for Katie. Komaru was also able to react so quickly and accurately that she could dodge and counter Narumi Osone's rocket-like blasts, and Katie could perfectly snare a speeding drone mid-flight with a fishing rod. Effectively, this quick-draw scenario...doesn't have a definitive victor either.
Hifumi: Lastly is durability. Komaru can take hits from Big Bang Monokuma and the robots used by the Warriors of Hope, survived a helicopter crash, AND the collective explosion of all of Monaca's robots.
Leona: And KATIE has ALSO tanked a giant explosion that blew up a car park, survived being tackled by PAL MAX robots, and withstood the destruction following the collapse of the PAL Labs headquarters!
Hifumi: Even if it's shocking to think about, it seems that with a few tiny exceptions for BOTH SIDES, in every single way, Komaru Naegi and Katie Mitchell can match each other blow for blow for BLOW!
Leona: Which essentially means that if we were to put them against each other about 100 times, their final win/lose score ratio would be almost exactly 50:50!
Hifumi: All in all, Komaru and Katie were both incredibly tough opponents with tech-savvy skills and strong family values. They were both strong, fast, powerful, and yet had no means of ever sweeping the rug out from under the other.
Leona: I guess you could say they both girls had a ferocious bark and an even more ferocious "byte!" ...Get it? Like...Like terabyte?
Hifumi: Yes, YES...! Ugh...I get it...!
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Next Time:
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Sometimes, the most unassuming young lady can make for a great hero. Even the youth have the power to inspire others and give them the determination they need to push through the most trying times. These two mysterious, fervently adorable cuties with amazing skills, always keep fighting, despite the inevitable and certain stare of death right in their faces!
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catgirl-catboy · 6 months
I'm not sure how many you have answered already, but for the Fandom Based Ask Game 🎀💕📞🤍
If you think I have only one of these per fandom, you are wrong!
🎀 a ship others like but you don’t?
DR- Naegami. They're too aspec for me to vibe with it, I'm sorry.
AA- Wrightworth, because I only like them when they're toxic af and the fanon removed anything that made them intersting to me. Also Trupearl.
HS- Erisol and Fefsol. If you're not going to acknowedge the toxic dynamics at play, what is even the POINT?
OP- Marcoace. That age gap is a solid yuck from me. You do you though.
Madoka- Kyoko and Mami. Boring! Only holy quintet ship I'm not all over.
💕a ship you’d defend with your life?
DR- Gonta wasn't tricked and Ougoku isn't as toxic as you think it is! If you have issues with Ougoku, you should also have issues with a bunch of other ships most people have no problem with!!! Stop infantilzing Gonta!
AA- Gumworth. Age gap? Boss/employee? Its not like GUMSHOES CANON LOVE INTEREST ALSO HAS THE SAME PROBLEMS!!
HS- Dirkjake. Stop demonizing Dirk here and start demonizing Jake.(only half kidding.) He has gotten away with it for too damn long.
OP- Zonami. They are not mlm wlw solidarity, they are dating and part of the polycule! (also sex repulsed Ace Nami >:) )
Madoka- Kyosuke x Hitomi. More of a Kyosuke apologist kind of deal, but I'm tired of people bashing either of them!!! Kyosuke is a teenaged boy coping with a career ending disability. He doesn't owe Sayaka anything. While in violation of the bro code, Hitomi had no idea about Sayaka's problems, and is entitled to ask out who she wants. (Also, her joke about Sayaka's sexuality makes me wonder if she really knew the depth of Sayaka's feelings.)
📞 a character others dislike but you don’t?
DR- Monaca Towa. The writing did her so dirty, since there's a crapton of textual evidence she suffered the same treatment as the other Warriors. Everyone talks about how she faked a disability, but not how badly she got injured where her family would buy that they paralyzed her, and never got it checked out by an actual doctor. Also she's related to Haji.
AA- Wendy Oldbag. She's funny as hell and I love her.
HS- Equius. Honestly, I side with him in the act 5 meowrails conflict. His concerns that Nepeta is hanging out with the wrong crowd is 100% correct. Is he a bit controlling about discussing it? Yes. But he's 13 and I promise you I'd be worse in this situation.
OP- Don Kreig. How can people say he's a bad villian, when he has one of my favorite fights in the entire East Blue? He's lowkey way more entertaining than Kuro, OPLA should have cut that one instead.
Madoka- Kyubey. Evil bastard man. give me more info on his species, please!!!
🤍 a fandom you’ve only recently discovered?
It takes time for me to get into a fandom, but my most recent fandom is Madoka Magica. If you're curious to what I might join next, I'm currently watching 100 girlfriends, but not really vibing w it.
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death-door · 5 months
Dangonronpa V3: Pregame Headcannons:
My Headcannons, so please enjoy
🔎Shuichi Kirigiri (Saihara)(FTM - He/Him)🕵️‍♂️
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Kokichi, Mikan and Kotoko
Best Friends: Kokichi, Rantaro, Kaito, Maki
A very shy individual, and would rather read detective books in the library
An inspiring detective because of Kyoko, and would follow her advice, viewing her as a role model
A very observation boy, he pays attention to every detail in a location or a person
Got into Dangonronpa due to the mystery aspect but wasn't aware of Kyoko and Celeste's involvement
Would get bullied often, which resulted in low self esteem
Dangonronpa made him go down an unfortunate spiral, which made him obsessed with it to escape his own reality
🗡️Maki Kuzuruyu(Harukawa)(FTM)(He/Him)❣️
Parents: Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu + Peko Pekoyama
Sibling: Ryoma
Best Friends: Shuichi, Katio
Works part time as a caregiver, despite his appearance
Blunt but caring
Was often stayed away from due to his mob background, which can make him very lonely
Has a affection for stuff animals and toys, it gives him comfort
Not an assassin level fighter but is a martial artist, normally does self defense
Owns a cat he named Snowball
Surprisingly, Maki has a fear of blood, which makes him incredibly dizzy and sick
Was never a fan of Dangonronpa, but watches it with Shuichi.
Entered Dangonronpa accidentally after trying to get Shuichi out
🔮Himiko Nevermind (Yumeno)(She/Her)(Fae/Faer)🪄
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Gonta
Best Friends: Tenko, Angie and Ryota
An inspiring magician, often doing it in talent shows
Has a wand collection, starting with a small stick she found in the backyard
As a young fae, she started to speak like Gundham, which in turn worried Sonia
Fae has many of spellbooks
Would spend her time reading fairytales rather than studying
She wasn't into Dangonronpa, it made her sick for her stomach when she watched one episode
But it got popular and thought it could help with her magician talent
🧭 Rantaro Hinata(Amami)(He/him)🥾
Parents: Hajime Hinata + Nagito Komeada
Sibling: Monaca
Best Friends: Shuichi, Korekiyo(Boyfriend/lover), Miu, and Ryoma
Often be dismissive to other people other than family and friends
Major PTSD from the 52nd killing game that he has nightmares and would rather stay up at night
Despite that, he does keep in touch with old friends from 52nd
Knows Nagito favors him(it wasn't much of a secret)
Knows how to handle Monaca at her worse
Gets carsick and seasick easily
Has major survivors guilt from his killing games, especially finding out who some of the participants are
🎹 Kaede Naegi(Akamatsu)(MTF)(She/her)🎹
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kiibo(Twin Brother), Kirumi, and Nagisa
Best Friends: Kokichi,Tenko, Miu
Only learned piano because of Byakuya
Diagnosed depression but keeps it a secret from friends
Is a major Makoto but has her Byakuya moments (as Makoto calls them)
Often protective of her younger brother
Often watched Dangonronpa, but not obsessed
Became obsessed when her depression hit
Joined for personal reasons which she never admitted
🎾Ryoma Kuzuruyu (Hoshi)(He/him) 🎾
Parents: Peko Pekoyama + Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu
Sibling: Maki
Best Friends: Gonta, Rantaro, Shuichi, Korekiyo
Next in line for the Kuzuruyu Clan
Doesn't care much about his height, even though his younger brother outgrew him
Favorite food is candy, so it's not often that he has candy sticks
Is actually a major flirt and every girl would swoon for him
Has a fear of bugs, but keeps it in for Gonta
Has a great singing voice
Likes Dangonronpa for it's story and characters mostly
Joined as a contest winner
🕸️ Kirumi Naegi (Togo)(She/her)🕸️
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede, Kiibo, and Nagisa
Friends: Angie, Tenko, Kaede
Has a major fear of heights, and refused rope climbing because of it
She also hates spider, they just freak her out
Gets very emotional when it comes to sad movies
Is so indecisive, can't make decision to save her life
Babysits with Maki
Is not a great lair
One of her habits is stress cleaning
Never understood Dangonronpa but watched it with Kaede if asked
Followed Kaede to Dangonronpa auditions and found herself kidnapped and stuck
🎨Angie Ogami (Yonaga)(They/them)🎨
Parents: Aoi Asahina + Sakura Ogani
Sibling: Akane
Best Friends: Kirumi, Tenko, Himiko, Korekiyo, Ryota, Tsumugi
President of the Art club
Gives their art as presents in every occasion
Also part of the Drama club and is the art director
Their bed is full of big animal plushies
Is into mystery and finds them very interesting
Got into Dangonronpa for mystery and would often guess who kills or who dies, which is why they won a lot of bets
Entered the audition to be in the mystery
💪 Tenko Ishimaru (Chabashira)(She/they)💪
Family: Mondo Owada + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki
Siblings: Kaito, Chiaki and Ryota
Best Friends: Angie, Himiko, Ryota, Chiaki
President of her Akiido Club
Stammers when incredibly nervous, mainly around crushes
One of the smartest of her classes, mainly due to Taka's teachings
Has to keep Kaito out of trouble
Would enjoy a nap under the sun
Never got into Dangonronpa and actively refused to
Unfortunately, Kaito was into it and she had to drive him to the auditions and was kidnapped for her bad words of the company
🎭 Korekiyo Nevermind (Shinguji)(He/She/They)🎭
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundam Tanaka
Siblings: Gonta and Himiko
Best Friends: Rantaro(Boyfriend),Miu, Angie, Shuichi, Ryoma
Hates speaking, would prefer sign language than actual words, with Rantaro and Miu translating
Is a A+ student
Has diagnosed anxiety and has pills for it
Has a great relationship with their family members
Can be often seen in the library, alone and studying
Her introduction to Dangonronpa was mediocre, just another television show in a mess of television shows
Joined for the second time but barely remembers why. He gains headache if he tried
Was he a part of the 52nd killing game? Maybe so
🔧Miu Soda (Iruma)(MTF She/her)🧫
Parents: Kazuichi Soda + Ibuki Mioda
Sibling: Jataro Kemuri
Best Friends: Kiibo, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kaede
Was inspired by Kazuichi
Learned Sign Language for her mom, who is hard of hearing and her best friend who refuses to speak
Still can be dirtied minded but is not on a uncomfortable level
Overprotective of her younger brother, Jataro
Lets Jataro paint her new inventions at times
Has her own lab(her treehouse) to make new inventions every day
Somehow not tired all the time
Is the President of the Robotics Club
Never got into Dangonronpa
Found out about the Dangonronpa Contest from Rantaro and promised to go with it
🐞Gonta Nevermind (Gokuhara)(They/Them)🐝
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Himiko
Best Friends: Ryoma, Kokichi, Miu, Rantaro
Is closest to Gundham with their love for animals and by extension, insects
Can be mistaken for a innocent person, but that's not the case
Always have a notebook of each insect they discovered
Doesn't remember names so they does come up with names based on insects
Always wears sandals, something that fits them
Dangonronpa is not something they do not watch and never will
Had no choice but join Korekiyo and Himiko to the Dangonronpa Contest, mainly as a guide or protector
🎲 Kokichi Kirigiri (Ouma)(He/Him)🍇
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Shuichi, Mikan, and Kotoko
Best Friends: Rantaro, Kiibo, Miu, Gonta
Only does white lies, mainly for to protect people's feelings
Part of the Student Council (His D.I.C.E)
Would fight bullies as some sort of justice for victims
Good at playing cards games
Besties with Gonta and would call them Big Butterfly
Is incredibly intelligent, but plays dumb often
Has complete disdain for Kaito and makes it clear
Found out about Dangonronpa from Shuichi and has no opinion until he found out about Shuichi's..... idea
Tried to stop him
☄️Kaito Ishimaru(Momata)(He/him)🚀
Parents: Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki + Mondo Owada
Siblings: Tenko, Chiaki and Ryota
Is a major dick, there's no wrap around it
Everyone knows to stay away from him and he's somehow proud of it
Boasted about being incredibly popular, without much of a consequence
Some of his reputation was ruined by Kokichi
Does have a good side to him but it's rare to find
Is still massively into space and astrology
Gets lectured by Tenko often
Got into Dangonronpa when it first aired their new season and got into it ever since
Went into the Dangonronpa Contest for massive popularity points
🙄Kiibo Naegi(K1B0)(They/them)🤖
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede (Twin Sister), Kirumi, Nagisa
Best Friends: Miu, Rantaro, Kokichi
Has major body dysphoria due to be born without legs
Got back into walking around 5, after finally getting more confidence
Wears prosthetic legs now
Incredibly sarcastic, without a fault
Has a odd rivalry with Nagisa
Best Hope Child
Never got into Dangonronpa
Went after Kaede along with Kirumi but got kidnapped
🪡 Tsumugi Kuwata (Shirogane)(She/her)🧵
Parents: Sayaka Maizono + Leon Kuwata + Mukuro Ikusaba
Sibling: Masuru
Best Friends: Rantaro, Korekiyo
Has a lung disease that made her frail, which leads to coughing fits
Part of Drama Club as a designer
Got into fashion because of Junko Enoshima
Adores her younger brother and refused to let her see her sick. Always tried to give him a great childhood
Dabbled in dancing for a bit
Knows self defense
Mukuro made sure that Tsumugi never saw Dangonronpa and actively banned it, which Tsumugi never minded but it did get worse when she met Junko during a mall trip
Was forced to two killing games, especially when Junko threatened her family. The Mastermind role tested her integrity and love for story
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theamityelf · 7 months
Okay, I was asked which canon DR characters would serve as animatronics to the DR protags in the FNAF AU, which opened up a new world to me, so let's do this:
First of all, Komaru. (The other protags will get separate posts.)
Komaru I think would have the Warriors of Hope as animatronics. She's in a Security Breach type setting, which is already fun because she could either be (as the original premise suggests) the security guard or (as the game Security Breach suggests) a random person who isn't supposed to be in the Pizzaplex after hours. Maybe a scenario where Komaru is just a rando in the Pizzaplex and Toko is the Security Guard trying to get her out of the building despite the malfunctioning animatronics.
(For the record, in another branch of the FNAF AU, Toko is FNAF 3. She passes out from a ventilation error and Syo demolishes Springtrap, the end. 🤣)
If Komaru is the security guard, then her objective isn't to leave but instead to help the animatronics fight off whatever virtual presence is hacking their system and making them act violently toward everyone, including her.
Narratively, Masaru is the Chica equivalent, in that he's the first threat Komaru faces. I'm going to say he operates similar to Foxy from the first game, in that he's the fast one of the group. He's the one you need to either be paying attention to or have really good reflexes. Once he's rebooted and back to his normal self, he goes around dismantling STAFF bots to make Komaru's job a little easier, in that she no longer has to evade them. He has star-shaped shades and he still has his red hair. If all the animatronics are animals, he's a rabbit.
Jataro stations himself in the security office so he always knows where everyone is. He doesn't attack by himself, but he plays blaring music from the loudspeakers in whatever room Komaru enters, so the other animatronics always know where she is hiding. (This is why Komaru probably reboots him either first or second. He is really bad for her stealth, and because he stays in the security office, it's easy to find him. Ironically, it's almost like he's playing FNAF against her.) He's the least popular character in-universe, so he wears a Masaru mask from the gift shop. The Pizzaplex is full of unsold plushies of him that have had their heads ripped off by either Jataro himself or Kotoko. If all the animatronics are animals, he's either a tortoise or a groundhog.
Kotoko operates similar to Monty, in that she's the bruiser of the group. Where Masaru is fast, Kotoko is strong. She can pry elevator doors open, throw tables, and stuff like that. Komaru is just running through the atrium and Kotoko is lobbing STAFF bots at her. I'm going to say she's highly susceptible to music, and specifically lullabies. It's impossible for Komaru to reboot her before Jataro, because she needs Jataro to play a lullaby in order for Komaru to even approach Kotoko. Her branding is very pink. If all the animatronics are animals, then she's a coyote.
Nagisa is the Freddy equivalent, in that he's the animatronic who is helping from the start, but he has a different mechanic than Freddy, in that he will act against Komaru when the other animatronics are watching, so not only can't he be used against them, but he is in fact dangerous when they're around. If all the animatronics are animals, he's an owl.
Monaca is interesting, because I could see her taking on the role of Gregory in a way. Maybe Komaru finds her in the Pizzaplex and is like "Little girl, where are your parents? You shouldn't be here alone after hours?" But when she tries to approach her, the animatronics attack and Komaru later finds out that Monaca was the one who hacked their system. Maybe Monaca is living in the Pizzaplex to escape her awful family and is using the animatronics to protect herself so she can't be made to leave. Or maybe Monaca is also one of the animatronics who was hacked, and she's the last one who needs to be rebooted. If she is an animatronic, and if the animatronics are animals, then she's gotta be a cat.
Nagito is the Daycare Attendant. Sun and Moon, Hope and Despair, c'mon. Sometimes he's accompanying Komaru through the Pizzaplex cheering her on, and sometimes he's siding with the other animatronics and putting obstacles in her path.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Chiaki was relieved to finally get to sleep at home again. The walk from Towa city to the apartment complex was long and included stealing an abandoned car, as well as Izuru carrying the trolley with Nagito and Monaca inside with his bare arms while walking on ground so covered in rubble it's a miracle it was walkable at all.
Once they'd gotten inside, the first thing Chiaki did was head into the bedroom and flopping down onto the bed. Despite how tired she was, she felt far too dirty to fall asleep right away. Izuru walked inside carrying a sleeping Monaca, and gently laid her next to Chiaki on the bed. "You will need to shower before going to sleep, Nanami."
"Mmm. Don't wanna."
Chiaki knew she was just being petty again, but she really didn't feel like dragging herself up so soon after having laid down. Izuru seemed less than pleased. "...Fine, I will assist Komaeda in washing himself first, then I will make you shower. I will drag you in there myself if necessary."
"Will you strip me too?"
"...If necessary."
"Hm okay. I'll let you do that then. Less I gotta do the better."
"...So childish. How boring." Accepting his fate of having to manually wash two grown people, Izuru left the room and presumably got started on helping Nagito shower. Chiaki however, felt herself growing drowsier by the second until she fell asleep.
The sound of something being dragged inside woke her up. She felt rested after her sleep, even if it had been interrupted in the middle by Izuru waking her up for a shower and having moved to sleep on the couch to let Monaca have some space for her first night. Now, Chiaki sat up from the couch, realising her previous human pillow Izuru had been replaced with an actual pillow. Making sure not to disturb Nagito sleeping on her lap, she tried to look around to see what the commotion was.
Izuru walked in from the door, dragging a wheelchair inside with him. He noticed she'd awoken and locked eyes with her for a second before returning to dragging the wheelchair. She noticed him heading towards the bedroom, presumably to let Monaca into it.
Nagito was still sound asleep.
Some time later, Izuru came out alongside a grumpy Monaca, who was now seated in the wheelchair. "G'morning. Looks like Monaca-san can start moving around herself now. That's good." The girl in question started smiling and wheeled herself towards the couch. "Good morning, Big Sis! ...Huh? Is Mr. Servant not awake yet? ...Did Mr. Stalker do something?" She turned around to glare at Izuru. "...I did nothing. He is simply exhausted"
"Hmm, Monaca doesn't believe you! Mr. Stalker is definitely suspicious!"
"Hm, actually, I saw him put something in the water he made Komaeda-kun drink before sleeping... I think." Chiaki had assumed it was the usual medicine, as Nagito probably hadn't been able to take them while working in Towa City, but maybe it wasn't. "So Mr. Stalker did do something!" Monaca wheeled closer to Izuru and lowered her voice, "...You better hope Mr. Servant wakes up soon, or I'll torture you in the worst way imaginable. I'll cut you up, digit by digit, limb by limb, I'll rip out your teeth and tear out your eyeballs before strapping your remaining head and torso to a stretcher and watch as your body rips itself apart."
Chiaki felt a shiver run up her spine at Monaca's threat, suddenly very glad the little girl seemed to like her. Izuru, on the other hand, was completely unfazed. A tense silence filled the air.
"...Hey hey, I'm hungry, can we have breakfast already? What's on the menu today, Kamukura-kun?" She decided to break the atmosphere by appealing to their stomachs. ...And her own. She was very hungry. "...I will see what we have." And with that, Izuru disappeared into the kitchen.
"Hmph. Why is Mr. Stalker cooking, he can't be trusted." While her dark expression had vanished, she was still clearly unhappy with leaving Izuru to do anything on his own. "...Well, I can't cook, and as you probably already know, neither can Komaeda-kun. Unless you want to cook yourself, you'll have to eat what Kamukura-kun makes."
Monaca paused at her reply. "...Ugh, fine. But if he puts anything weird in the food I'll kill him."
"Okay. I don't think he will, though." A thought suddenly entered Chiaki's head. "...Hey, Monaca-san. Would you like to take a bath? You're probably dirty, right? ...And you could probably do with some new clothes, too. I think I have some clothes in your size..."
"...Why do you have children's clothes in your house. There are no children here. Do you have an illegitimate child or something?"
"...I'm 21. I'm not old enough for kids. ...Not your age, at least. Besides, I've been very careful with protection. Having kids when the world's like this would be bad... probably."
"...Who would you even have sex with? It can't be Mr. Servant, he doesn't like girls, and it better not be Mr. Stalker."
"...Anyway, Do you want that bath?" Chiaki tried to get the conversation back on track. "A bath would be great! Monaca's tired of all this dirt meow." ...She's meowing now? "Okay then. I'll go find some clean clothes for you. ...Tell me if you need any help, okay? The bathroom's right over there." Replying with a smile, Monaca went off and entered the bathroom.
Only now remembering the man sleeping in her lap, Chiaki carefully tried to shimmy herself from under Nagito's head, replacing herself with the pillow Izuru gave her once she was free. She went into the bedroom's closet and searched for fitting clothes for Monaca. she found a skirt resembling the lower part of Monaca's usual dress, a white, collared, sleeveless shirt, and a pair of socks the same color as the skirt. Figuring this would be a bit too cold for her, she searched around for any long-sleeved shirts or hoodies to add to the outfit. Althought she wasn't looking for it, she found some child-sized underwear. Oh, right. She'll need to get clean panties too... How lucky. I hope they fit.
After a few more minutes of searching, she found she had no long-sleeved shirts or hoodies in Monaca's size. From the bathroom next door, she heard Monaca call out, "HEY, BIG SIS! I'M DONE! CAN I GET THOSE CLOTHES NOW? I DON'T WANT TO WALK AROUND NAKED!" Chiaki decided she'd look for something warmer later, and grabbed the clothes as she walked to the bathroom.
She knocked on the door before announcing herself, "Hey, I've got your clothes here. Can you open the door a little so I can give them to you?" Without replying, Monaca opened the door just enough to outstretch her arm and opened her hand expectantly. Chiaki placed the clothes into the girl's arm and watched as it swiftly retreated back into the bathroom and the door slipped shut. She decided to see if Nagito had woken up yet and walked into the living room.
"Ah, Good morning, Nanami-san! Are you helping Monaca-san? How kind of you! You must be the most hopeful kind of person to help such a pitiful little girl!" Nagito greeted her the moment she walked in. "Oh, you're finally awake. Good morning."
"Say, how's little Monaca-san doing? I hope she hasn't been causing any trouble for you!"
"...You sound like a parent."
"Ah, do I?"
"Yep. Totally a parent."
"Who's a parent?" Chiaki hadn't noticed Monaca get out of the bathroom, but now she was wheeling herself towards Nagito, wearing the clothes Chiaki handed her. "Good morning Big Bro! Monaca was beginning to wonder if you were gonna sleep forever! ...Hm, but since you woke up, I guess I can't kill Mr. Stalker after all... What a shame. Oh well! At least Big Bro is fine!"
"...Please don't kill Kamukura-sama. I like him very much and would prefer having him around! ...And besides, if he dies we won't have anyone to cook for us!"
"Hmm... Okay! But only because Monaca doesn't want to starve to death. Or eat more of the disgusting filth you tried to make for us." Chiaki smiled at their easy banter, their interaction reminicent of siblings. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun, isn't it a bit too cold in here to go around pantless? I know your old pair was ruined and all, but you should probably grab some of Kamukura-kun's for now." Nagito's pants had been thrown away yesterday, as Izuru had deemed them beyond fixing on account of the tearing and old, stained blood covering it from the thighs down.
"No. You're not allowed to."
"...Why not? You don't want him to have pants?"
"I don't want him to have Mr. Stalker's pants. They're probably itchy and stuffy and have the insides covered in poison ivy."
"Ahaha, you sure have an imagination, Monaca-san! I often share clothes with Kamukura-sama, so I can assure you that there is nothing of the sort inside!"
"Ew, you share clothes with that guy? I won't allow it! From now on you're not allowed to wear any of his clothes. And that's final."
"...Aha, whatever you say, Monaca-san. No pants for me today, I suppose." Having accepted his fate, Nagito grabbed the blanket that had fallen off the couch when he woke up, and placed it back on top of himself. "...Oh, that reminds me. I was trying to look for a warmer shirt for Monaca-san earlier, but didn't have any in the correct size."
"I don't mind a big hoodie. Just give me something, my arms are cold."
"...Alright, I'll grab a few and we'll see which ones you like the best." Chiaki went back into the bedroom and grabbed a couple hoodies, quickly returning with them in hand. "Okay, I've got a couple hoodies here. Let's try them!"
With that, she first handed Monaca a near-black blue hoodie with orange on the hood's inside and white, sharp 'teeth' coming from the hood's opening. "...It looks stupid. I don't want it."
Next was a large black hoodie with poofy, cuffed sleeves, a crooked cat tail in the back and large cat ears on the hood. "Hm. Cute but too simple. I don't want it."
Then, a yellow-ish green hoodie paired with a leather jacket. "Ew, why is the hoodie neon green? And I hate wearing leather. I hate it. No."
Lastly, a light pink hoodie with bunny ears, a bow on one ear, a cartoon-ish bunny face on the hood, and white patterning on the ends of the sleeves and ears. "...It's far too cutesy and detailed. It makes Monaca think of Kotoko-chan. Hmm... I like it! I'll take this one!"
"Oh Monaca-san, you look adorable!" Nagito got up and walked behind Monaca, holding her shoulders. ...And what's that on his left hand...? "...Komaeda-kun? What... happened to your hand?" The skin had more color than Nagito's usual pale complexion, and yet looked far less alive than he did. Additionally, it had perfectly manicured red nails on the tips, uncharacteristic of Nagito. "Ah, that. My apologies, I must've forgotten to inform you. You see...
I took Junko Enoshima's arm for myself."
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
What You Have Tamed: Chapter Two
Summary: Life in space is not as Monaca Towa imagined it.
It’s boring, and her supplies don’t last long enough, so she can’t get far enough out to find aliens at all.
Worst of all, when she comes back for supplies, she keeps running into Servant.
Why won’t he leave her alone?
Chapter Rating: M for implications and discussions of past child abuse, as well as implications of past abuse. Fic Rating M for implications and discussions of past child abuse and abuse, as well as general Danganronpa reasons.
If you have trouble with the content in UDG, then this fic is not for you, as it is expected to address the abuse the Warriors of Hope went through.
previous chapter
Monaca gets into the habit of alerting Servant of her supply list as soon as she passes the first satellite.  She still explores space, of course, because if she just spent her time hovering around Earth, then some brand new government or other would try to shoot her down with missiles or something like that.  Just because she doesn’t know what the new governments are like – or what parts of the globe they’ve taken over – doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what they’re like.  If they perceive a threat, they’ll attack, even if it truly is no threat.  Especially if it’s some unidentified object floating around in space.
At least, that’s what all those movies Big Sis Junko loved said, anyway!
Sometimes, Monaca lies flat on her back, stares up at the ceiling of her space van, and regrets not bringing her huge poster of Big Sis Junko with her.  It would certainly make that empty space look better than all the metallic ribbing does.  But, then again, that ribbing would keep the poster from lying flat, and Big Sis Junko would look weird with all of those stripes running through her.  Maybe she should see if she can find some of her smaller photos and make a collage?  Like how other people do with roses and stickers and that sort of thing?
But she can’t exactly ask Servant to go through her old headquarters for pictures, can she?  Even if she wants all of her old photos of Big Sis Junko, she’s not sure the room where she kept them even still exists.  Haiji would have destroyed it by now, if he found it.  Besides, hadn’t the airship collapsed?  Exploded?  Something destructive?  She’s not sure exactly what happened to it in the end; she only remembers being crushed beneath the weight of the chunk of ceiling, passing out, and then waking up later to find Servant carrying her on his back.
(Luck, maybe.  Just like it was luck that her spine hadn’t truly, finally, been broken beneath that huge concrete chunk, like it was probably luck that he’d been able to pull her out of the wreckage mostly unscathed in the first place, completely on his own, with only that one hand able to do much of anything.
But Monaca doesn’t like to think about luck.  It’s a variable she can’t control, and so, she can’t account for it.
Won’t account for it.)
The first time Servant shoes up with supplies, Monaca makes sure to go through all of the bags to make sure that everything is there just as she asked.  He gives a look over her space van, rubbing the back of his head with that shining metallic arm, which seems suspicious, but he doesn’t say anything about it.  Instead, he pats the hood of the van, calls it a serviceable vehicle, and walks off.
He also trips over the edge of the roof, but when Monaca calmly walks over to see if he’s gone all splat on the sidewalk below, she catches the flicker of his bland, faded forest green jacket outside of a now quite broken window before it disappears entirely.  There’s a flag pole next to the window.
What a stupid thing.
Every now and again, when she’s really bored, Monaca pulls herself up, wraps herself in her Monokuma hooded blanket, turns all the lights out, and watches one (or more) of those old horror space movies Big Sis Junko liked.  Once, she binged all of the Alien movies straight through and then covered her mouth with an old shirt to make sure nothing crawled into it while she slept.  She still doesn’t quite understand all of the movies; one of them is especially confusing – she likes HAL and Dave, but the rest of the movie is so hard to follow that she doesn’t enjoy it (which, to be honest, is probably why Big Sis Junko liked it so much) – and yet….
Sometimes, it feels like Big Sis Junko is actually with her again.  Whether Monaca feels like she’s sitting on her lap again with Big Sis Junko’s arms wrapped around until she points at the screen with an exclamation – “See?  That’s what makes it so great!  Don’t you see my vision, Monaca?” – or it’s Big Sis Junko lounging on her side while stealing unpopped popcorn kernels from the popcorn bucket and cracking them with her back teeth, yawning – “This is so predictable, but the practical effects?  Fan-freaking-tastic!” – or even Big Sis Junko hunched over on her stomach with her head propped in both of her hands, eyes gleaming with ideas – “Can you make Monokuma do that?” – as though Monaca couldn’t and then grinning and cackling when she says that she can – “This is going to be the best!  The absolute best, Monaca!”
Then Monaca beams.
…up until the moment that she remembers it didn’t matter – doesn’t matter.
That Big Sis Junko’s plans went wonky the moment she let herself be locked into that school.
That she’s still….
Then Monaca pulls her notebook from its hiding place beneath her pillow and continues brainstorming her new project.
The third time Servant shows up with supplies, Monaca is almost into the dark void before she realizes he’s crammed some of the bags with vegetables and fruits – things she definitely did not ask for.  She video calls him almost immediately, waits while it rings and rings and rings, and then, convinced that he is ignoring her, hangs up completely.
There’s not a lot of time for him to try to return her call, especially not with the Monokumas suddenly put on full blast.
(It’s not that Monaca doesn’t like fruit.  She does!  …sometimes.)
The fourth time, Servant doesn’t even have supplies because Monaca didn’t ask for any.  Instead, she throws the rotten vegetables and fruits at his face, completely uneaten, and rockets back off into the sky.
(A few moments later, Monaca lands on the other side of the country, hacks into the video feed to prevent it from catching her, and snatches fresh apples, pomegranates, and – after considering it for far longer than she’s considered most of her food choices – three bags of raspberries.)
Pomegranates and apples are both forms of forbidden fruit, and blue raspberries are a lie.
At least, that’s what Big Sis Junko used to tell her.
Of course, when Big Sis Junko told Monaca all this, she would often have a pomegranate split straight down the middle the way some people split oranges.  She would hold half out to Monaca and grin with mischief when Monaca took the fruit and ate all of the seeds she could.  More often than not, Junko would finish hers first and then snatch a few seeds from Monaca’s half, but sometimes Monaca wouldn’t even make it through hers before stealing some from Junko’s.
Junko always beamed when Monaca did that, although Monaca never understood why.
Now, sitting up in space, splitting another pomegranate in half (and carefully not slicing her thumb open the way she did last time – Monaca should be able to use whatever knife she wants!  Even a cleaver!  In fact, she didn’t slice her thumb open!  The knife bit her!  And she’d thrown it into one of the van’s walls as punishment!  (And then rethought that and been very glad that the handle hit the wall instead of the sharp edge.  Suffocation is not a fun way to die; she knows, not from personal experience, but from seeing other people’s personal experiences))—
A whole pomegranate is too much to eat on her own.
Monaca sets the other half next to an insignificantly small construct she’s been fiddling with and waits to see if it will eat any.
Servant doesn’t need to know what Monaca wants her supplies for, and fortunately for her, he never asks.
Sometimes, though, Monaca is sure that he’s piecing some of it together.
She’s just not sure she cares.
“You didn’t put any more of that icky stuff in Monaca’s supplies this time, did you, Servant?”
Servant trades the new cloth bags full of supplies for the empty ones from the last drop.  “You’re a growing girl, Monaca.  You need to eat more than just—”
“Monaca! Did! Not! Ask! For! Your! Opinion!”  Monaca sets the full bags just inside her van and then immediately starts going through them, just as she did that first time, scowling when she finds healthy food hidden beneath the supplies she actually wanted.  She throws the first tomato she finds at Servant’s face.
However Servant’s luck works, he isn’t able to dodge it, and tomato juice splatters a bright, blinding red against his fluffy white hair.  He doesn’t even flinch.  “You really want to stunt your growth?”
Monaca throws another tomato at him.
Servant sighs and moves over to the bags.  “Here,” he says.  “I know where I hid everything.  Let me help you.”
As he goes through the bags one by one and takes out a lot of extra food, Monaca examines each item in turn.  “What did you think Monaca was going to do with tomatoes anyway?  You’ve been inside her van.  She doesn’t have a stove.”  She grimaces.  “And uncooked tomatoes are disgusting.”
“They’re fine with a little salt.”
“You’re disgusting.”  Monaca sticks her tongue out at him and then crosses her arms.  She sits halfway inside of her van, feet dangling outside of it, legs more than long enough to reach the ground but stretched out and crossed at the ankle.  Last time, Servant brought her a pair of brand new brown boots with black fur at the top, a zipper on the side, red laces – nearly identical to Big Sis Junko’s, but without the heels.  She still doesn’t wear shoes when she’s in space – what’s the point, when her van is just fine without them – but she’d stared at these for quite a while after finding them and made sure to put them on when she arrived on Earth.
Monaca taps her heels together a bit like Dorothy, only she doesn’t have a home to go to anymore.  “You really thought Monaca would eat those plain?”
“You really don’t have a kitchen in there?” Servant answers Monaca’s question with one of his own.  “How do you cook anything?”
“Microwave.”  Monaca gives a half-hearted shrug.  She doesn’t want to say that she never learned how to cook.  What would be the point in that?  She doesn’t have a kitchen.  Everything she needs is prepackaged.  She’s fine.  Obviously.  “What did you mean about stunting my growth?”
Servant rocks back on his heels, hands on his legs.  “Would you like a kitchen?”  His gaze doesn’t move to the van, focuses fully on Monaca, even as his head lowers just enough to acknowledge her superiority.  “I have a friend who could modify your van to allow for one.”
“No!” Monaca exclaims all at once, eyes wide, hands instinctively clenching into little fists.  “No one else knows about Monaca!  No one!”  She grits her teeth together, cheeks flushing with her anger.
“He was a friend of Enoshima-sama’s.”
Monaca shoots Servant a look.  He knows better than to say Big Sis Junko’s name in her presence, even if he says it with such respect.  But by now, Servant has returned to going through the bags, which means he misses the sharp look.
It also means that Monaca can stare at his metallic arm without his notice.
The last time she’d seen him before she went into space, Servant hadn’t had an arm like that.  He’d had a normal arm.  She hadn’t ever seen him use it; in fact, it just dangled at his side with a huge striped mitten covering it.  But he’d had it.  Somehow, in the time since he’d saved her and she’d returned, he’d traded that arm for this one, all metallic and robotic.  But not robotic.  Not artificial intelligence.  Somehow able to connect directly to his brain and act just like a normal arm, even though a normal prosthetic—
“Big Sis Junko’s friend.  Did he make your arm?”
Servant continues going through the last bag, but the tiniest hint of a smile betrays him.  “He had a hand in its creation, yes.”
Monaca nearly laughs.  (Puns remind her of Big Sis Junko.  The pain of it keeps the childish laughter from breaking out.)  “Fine,” she says, turning her gaze away, nose in the air, before Servant can catch her looking.  “I will meet this…this friend.  Big Sis Junko’s friend.”
With a little hum, Servant leans back from the bags.  One of the empty bags from the last set of supplies is now full nearly to overflowing with all of the things he’s removed.  The last one, though, he holds aloft: a bag of raspberries.  “I wasn’t sure whether I should take these, or—”
Without a second thought, Monaca snatches the raspberries out of Servant’s hand.  She presses her lips together, cheeks puffing out, and then stuffs them into the nearest bag.  “Monaca wants those.”
“Of course,” Servant murmurs with a fond smile.  “Of course.”
Monaca’s not a great artist.
Everything she does is more technical schematics.  She was the head of Towa’s Robotics Division, which means robots are what she does best.  Robots and sales and monetary gain, but really, it’s the robots she cares about more than the rest.  In fact, she’s always been taking things apart and putting them back together again – better, stronger – with a voice, with a personality.  That’s why her mama was always so annoyed with her, after all; she’d find Monaca taking something apart and flail and yell and kick at her, then throw all of the pieces away before Monaca could finish fixing it back up.
Of course, Monaca would take the pieces out of the trash later and play around with them until she created a little friend for herself.  The first time her mama found one of her little friends, she smashed it under the flat of her shoe.  Then she chided Monaca about how she could really hurt herself if she kept playing around with electronics.  She could be killed.
Monaca hid her friends after that.
Not that it mattered.  Her mama abandoned her with her no-good lousy rotten sperm donor and his family shortly after.
She doesn’t usually wonder what happened to the robots she’d left behind, but….
Those aren’t good memories.
(Big Sis Junko always thought Monaca’s little friends were ingenious.  That’s why she’d asked her to help design the Monokuma servants, after all; she’d said Monaca’s brain was just right for creating fun little robots who could be super destructive if they needed to be.  That she could make something fun.
Of course, Big Sis Junko brought Monaca some initial specs and let her play around with them to her heart’s content, too.  She’d never been mad when Monaca took them apart and put them back together again.  In fact, she’d been excited.  She always wanted to hear about Monaca’s new ideas, always wanted to see them in action!
These are good memories.)
The point is that Monaca’s not a great artist.  Even when she sketches out her designs ahead of time, they can be incredibly hard for other people to follow.  She doesn’t always put down exactly what she intends, and she doesn’t necessarily give a full-on sketch either.  Her schematics aren’t for other people!  They’re for her!  And she uses bits of shorthand she can follow, even if no one else can.
Besides, it’s not like anyone else is going to look over her schematics in space anyway.
Monaca tugs her lip between her teeth and stares down at her newest sketch.
Maybe, if she asks nicely, Big Sis Junko’s old friend will add a room for inventing, too.  She’s going to need a lot more space.
Monaca takes longer than normal before returning to Earth again.  She stretches her food for as long as it can last; she stretches her water for longer.  It isn’t that she’s afraid.  At least, that’s what she tells herself.  It’s that every adult she has ever been around has wanted to use Monaca for their own purposes, even Big Sis Junko, who she loved.  Sometimes, she thinks she’s learned what Servant wants, even though he’s been weird lately.  But whoever Big Sis Junko’s friend is…she doesn’t know.  She has no idea.
That doesn’t scare her, exactly, but it certainly doesn’t make her want to see him.
…even if she does want to know more about the construction of Servant’s new metallic arm.
Despite this, despite knowing that she very easily could land wherever she wants without notifying Servant of her approach (even if that means risking his stupid luck), Monaca still notifies him as she draws closer to Earth.  She keeps the tremors out of her voice; she’s always been very good about that, except when she thought it would help her.  But Servant isn’t trying to hurt her.  Probably.  And to let him know that she is afraid (she isn’t!) in such a visible, auditory way would….
Showing fear means showing weakness.
Only Big Sis Junko can see her at her weakest.
(Even if Servant did pick all that glass out of her foot.)
Servant replies by giving Monaca a new place to land, instead of relying on his luck to find her, as they have been up to this point.  He gives her coordinates, and Monaca plugs them into her Game Girl Advance – she’d modified it maybe a little bit in her boredom, and by modified, she means made better.  It still does everything a normal GGA does, but now it does other stuff, too.  (She didn’t need a special robotics room to play around with that.)
Monaca peers at the coordinates, at the map her GGA displays.  She doesn’t know where this place is; it looks like it’s in the middle of nowhere, which makes her even more uncertain.  But she goes anyway.
Besides, if Servant tries anything, she’ll just fly off again.  That’ll be fine, right?  Right?
The van floats down slowly but surely to a landing pad built onto what appears to be an otherwise completely deserted island in the middle of nowhere.  Ocean, as far as Monaca’s tired eyes can see.  If it were sunny out, it would be sparkling – blinding – beneath the sunlight, but given that it’s dark….
Sure, it makes the ocean dark and terrifying and treacherous, but Monaca is used to what looks like nothing more than a black void engulfing her, sparkling through with glimmers of light.  This way, the island looks more like a planet in an expanse surrounded by stars.  Before space, she might have looked out on a sky unpolluted by light and felt something like a sense of awe, but now she’s so used to that sort of thing that she doesn’t even look up, that she yawns as she steps out of her van.
There’s no one here.
Monaca glares around her, cheeks puffing out.  Normally, it doesn’t matter what time she shows up; Servant is always ready and waiting for her, partly because his own special brand of luck hasn’t let him escape.  Maybe this time it’s letting him sleep or whatever because they had an agreed upon spot ahead of time.
Or maybe she landed at the wrong spot.
Monaca pulls her Game Girl Advance out from her pocket and checks it again.  No, no, this should be the spot.
Unless Servant lied to her.
Unless this really was all just a creative ruse to get Monaca to land somewhere where he could—
Her heart doesn’t sink.  She doesn’t grow cold.  In fact, part of her thinks she probably deserves this, for letting him convince her to come here in the first place.  She knew better than to trust any stupid stinking adult.
Monaca turns on the heels of her fluffy Monokuma slippers (just because she should wear shoes doesn’t mean they have to be shoes) and stalks back to her van, hands clenching and unclenching, elbows so straight they might as well be locked, shoulders hunched forward.  Although she wants to run, she doesn’t.  If it’s a trap, it’s a trap, and if she’s stuck, she’s stuck.
It’s just as she steps back into the door that she hears him, calling for her.
“Monaca!  Hey, wait!”
She glances over her shoulder and glares at Servant.  “You! Made! Monaca! Wait!”  Her stomach tightens, and that boiling bolt of fear barks out through her lips, louder, harsher.
Not that she cares, or anything.
Servant walks out of shadows, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  There’s no one else with him – no secret old friend of Big Sis Junko – and there’s nothing with him either – no bags, no supplies.  He’s not even fully clothed, in Monaca’s opinion; all baggy sleep pants and something like an unzipped hoodie but with the sleeves cut off.  His metallic arm stretches up to his shoulder, but where it’s connected with his kin is covered by the fabric.
What’s even the point of leaving so much exposed if Monaca can’t see the one thing that actually interests her.  Ugh.
“I didn’t—”  Servant yawns, covers his mouth with that metallic hand, and makes a soft sound.  “Sorry.  I thought you would—”
“You! Didn’t! Think!”  Monaca stomps down from her van and over to Servant, emphasizing each word with a stomp.  “Monaca! Lives! In! Space!  She doesn’t adhere to your…your stupid human time!”  She glares up at him, pushing herself up on her tiptoes to get as in his face as possible.
He smells like coconut oil.
She scrunches her nose.  “Were you tanning?  Under the moon?”
Servant chuckles.  “No, I….”  He rubs the back of his neck, huffs, and then glances over his shoulder.  “Why don’t you come inside?  We’ve got a nice little—”
“Come inside?”  Monaca’s heart leaps in her chest and not in a pleasant way.  Her throat closes.  She forces her words to be evenly spaced, to not be tight.  To not show her panic.  “Monaca’s not staying—”
“Big Sis Junko’s friend isn’t going to be able to add a kitchen that quickly, Monaca.”  Servant looks down on her, but even though it’s not in a condescending way, it still forces her heartbeat to skyrocket.  “Surely you knew that.”
Monaca doesn’t say anything.
Servant starts to set his hand on her shoulder, and Monaca flinches away.  Her fingers twitch, relax.  “You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable—”
“You…you want Monaca to stay…to stay alone in some…some island house with two…two grown men?  All by herself?”  Monaca can’t help it; she screeches, barks, loud in her fear.  Of course, she stands her ground.  Instinctively, she reaches into her pocket for her mini control, to push the button that will set her Monokuma servants into attack mode, to force them to protect her.
“No, no, no, no!”  Servant backs away from her, both hands in the air in front of him, defensive.  “You won’t be alone!  We—”
“You told someone else about Monaca?”
That is worse.
That is a betrayal.
Servant wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, just Big Sis Junko’s friend, to help with the van, and now he’s told someone else.
Monaca bites her lower lip hard to keep from crying.  It doesn’t work – tears still spring useless to the corners of her eyes, and she feels them trickle down her cheeks – but she tries anyway.  She turns away from Servant and starts to stomp back to the van.
“Only the person who loved Enoshima-sama the most in all the world,” Servant says, voice hushed.  “Not as much as you, of course,” he says just as quickly afterward, trying to cover up what must be a mistake.
Monaca whirls back to him at his words but stays where she is, eyes narrowing.  No one loved Big Sis Junko as much as she did.  No one went to the lengths she did to make her successor.  No one even tried!  So no one—
“Her girlfriend—”
“Big! Sis! Junko! Didn’t! Have! A! Girlfriend!”  Monaca stamps her foot once, but there isn’t that same satisfying thunk to it that there normally is.  Doesn’t matter.  It still feels good.  “Monaca would know about her!  You’re lying!”
Servant shakes his head.  “I’m not—”  He yawns again, holds up a finger.  “I’m not lying.  Junko didn’t tell you everything, Monaca.”  He sighs and crosses his arms, glancing away from her.  “She didn’t tell anyone everything.  You know that.”
Monaca grits her teeth together.  She does.  Know that.  Of course, Big Sis Junko didn’t tell her everything.  She’s a kid, and Big Sis Junko was….
She wasn’t an adult, not really, because all adults were evil, and if Big Sis Junko was really an adult, she would have been evil, too, and she wasn’t.  She might have been older than them – might have been older than Monaca – but she was still just a kid.
And kids keep secrets.
Big Sis Junko might have kept this from her.  It’s not…it’s not like Monaca ever asked or…or anything.  And it’s not like…it’s not like she’d ever…like she would have ever felt comfortable around…around another….
Maybe Big Sis Junko meant to tell her and just didn’t because Monaca wasn’t ready to know.  Maybe she was waiting.  Maybe she would have told her, if she’d lived past—
Monaca wipes the tears from her eyes.  “F-f-fine.”  She hates the stutter, hates the uncertainty of it.  “Monaca will…Monaca will stay here.”  She stamps her foot again.  “At her van.  Until…until Big Sis Junko’s girlfriend comes to get her.  When she…when she wakes up.”  She tugs her lower lip between her teeth, sucks on it.  Maybe she should say something else.  Maybe she should do something else.
Monaca presses a button on her mini control, and two Monokuma servants detach from her space van and leap into position on either side of it.  They giggle – a sharp Puhuhuhu!~ that reminds her of Big Sis Junko.  (It is still her voice, after all, even if it’s been distorted for the drones.)  Then she passes between them and back into her van.
They’ll protect her while she sleeps.
Servant and Big Sis Junko’s friend and Big Sis Junko’s girlfriend won’t force themselves through them.
She hopes.
Monaca doesn’t sleep.
Monaca can’t sleep.
She lies on her back on the floor in her space van and stares up at the ceiling and not for the hundredth time regrets losing her pictures of Big Sis Junko.  She’s tried to draw her – once, twice, a thousand times, maybe – since going into space, and every time she’s tried (and hasn’t needed the sketches for specs), she’s pasted them up there.  A million different expressions, a million different examinations, a million different Junkos in a million different childish attempts at art smiling at her, grinning at her, beaming at her.  There are other expressions, too: Junko in pain, Junko upset, Junko laughing, Junko frustrated, Junko rambling, Junko sad (although she’d had to be creative with that, since she’d only seen Junko like that once, and she’d never seen her cry) – all of those expressions, but Monaca always focuses on the ones where it feels like her big sis is proud of her.
None of them are well done.  She knows that.  None of them really capture the true essence of Junko Enoshima.  But, if she’s honest, her original collection of pictures hadn’t done that either.
A lot of them are specs.  Covered with a hundred and one other notes, diagrams, comments, equations, notes, and tidbits.  Monaca has run through those in her mind over and over so much that she’s memorized them, trying to catch flaws, corrections.  She scans them again, fingers interlaced together and cupping the back of her head.
Then she pushes herself up and starts taking them all down.
When Servant arrives early in the morning with two others, Monaca doesn’t move.  She remains on the little step into the main body of her space van, bare feet curling into the plush red velvet carpet her Monokuma servants rolled out for her at her request, while a single trash bag of the stuff she wants to keep with her sits on the wooden landing pad next to her.  Two of her Monokuma servants stand on either side of her, framing her like silent sentinels.  She curls her arms around her knees, rests her head atop them, and presses her control again.
The Monokumas let out a Puhuhuhu!~ in unison, harmonizing with each other.  That only happens when there are two or more of them together, and even then, sometimes their laughter is intentionally discordant.  Sometimes they laugh in a round, one starting halfway through the other’s laughter, and go back and forth until something stops them.  It’s really a toss-up what they do.  Today, they harmonize, and Monaca regrets not having more of them set up, not having so many parts to the harmony that it would be overwhelming, not just to the three people walking toward her but to her as well.
The last time Monaca was left anywhere with nothing but a trash bag of valuables to her name was when her mama abandoned her on her sperm donor’s doorstep.  (Neither of them wanted her, but at least her mama hadn’t intentionally broken her.)  When Big Sis Junko took her and the other Warriors, there’d been no time to go back to take anything with her that wasn’t already at the school, and in all honesty, she hadn’t wanted to take anything with her anyway.
Big Sis Junko gave her a new life.  Why would she want to take any of her old scraps with her?
Monaca waits to see if Servant or his companions flinch at the sound of the Monokumas’ laughter, as though that would be an indicator of something, an indicator of anything.  The girl to Servant’s left – Big Sis Junko’s girlfriend – trips at the sound, and Servant immediately reaches out to steady her before she falls, his metallic arm gleaming in the sunlight.  Why Big Sis Junko would want someone so clumsy—
(Don’t be jealous, Monaca.  She chose you, too, remember?)
She doesn’t look up as they approach, instead fiddling with the control in her hand.  Flipping it one way or the other, twisting it, turning it.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t see them, doesn’t take the newcomers in.
Servant’s still Servant.  He’s still got that shredded hoodie on, but he’s exchanged his sleep pants for light blue swim trunks covered with a floral pattern so shining white that it makes his hair look dirty.  The boy to his right – Big Sis Junko’s friend – is wearing a black beanie in tropical weather, which means he’s an idiot.  Sure, sure, it cuts a nice contrast with his hot pink hair, but it’s still a stupid decision.  Worse, although he’s got a full neon green jumpsuit unzipped at the top with its arms tied about his waist, he’s wearing a black wife beater, which.  Black is just going to make the heat worse, you absolute buffoon.
(Even worse, Monaca got most of this fashion knowledge from Big Sis Junko, which means the idiot should know all of this and is just ignoring it.  She has very strong words about this.  Very strong words.)
And then there’s the girl.
Big Sis Junko’s girlfriend.
Who actually seems to have paid attention to Big Sis Junko’s advice, unlike the idiot on Servant’s right.
Her hair, the same color as a fading bruise (and Monaca is so used to the color of fading bruises), would probably be just past shoulder-length if it was down, but it isn’t, pulled back instead into a high ponytail to keep it away from her neck.  A flowing, semi-transparent shirt covers both a white bikini top and pink shorts the same shade as Big Sis Junko’s hair but lighter; the shirt has a brighter design that’s apparent even with its transparency – equally floral to the one on Servant’s swim trunks, but with flowers the same bright pink as the other boy’s hair but threaded through with white, with deep forest greens – tropical, tropical, tropical, but thin enough to not hold the same heat that idiot’s black tank-top does.
The closer they get, the more Monaca sees, and her eyes widen at the scars interlaced along the girl’s left arm – circular cigarette burns, slices, gashes – and when the girl approaches Monaca first of all of them and crouches in front of her, she sees smaller, thinner white lines along her waist.  (She shouldn’t be able to tell, under the thin fabric of the layered, flowing shirt, but she can.  She has some of the same.)
Before the girl can even say anything, Monaca glances up, meets eyes the same color as her hair, and asks, “Who hurt you?”
The girl smiles, a soft and broken thing, and reaches out for Monaca’s hands.  “May I?”  When Monaca nods, she places her hand over hers, and it’s just as soft as her smile.  “I’m…I’m Mikan,” she says.  “M-M-Mikan Tsumiki.”  She forces the words out, an emphasis on the first syllable of her last name as though she’s spitting it out, but not in, like, a mean way, or anything.
Mikan stammers the way Kotoko did in private, when she wasn’t putting on a performance, the way Masaru did the first time they met, whenever he had to speak with one of their teachers.  The way they’d spoken before Big Sis Junko found them, anyway.  Before she’d filled them with pride and hope and love.
“Big Sis Junko’s girlfriend,” Monaca says, half a question and half a statement, searching the other girl’s eyes.
“Y-y-yes,” Mikan admits, her cheeks flushing with…with something that might be shame but might also be a stifled longing.  “I-I was, y-yes.”  She turns away from Monaca to Servant and the other boy.  “And…and that’s Kazuichi—”
“Call me Kaz!” he interrupts, flashing them a big smile and a thumbs up.
But before Monaca can say anything to him, Kaz approaches one of her Monokuma servants and runs his hand along its metal body.  “Towa bots aren’t as good as the ones I made Junko, but they’re tough, yeah?”  He frowns.  “Miss the furry body, but mass production can’t really do the same thing that a highly specialized creature does, huh.  And it’s not like these were made for that.”  He raps a knuckle against it.  “Pretty sound for mob control and mass destruction.”  His head tilts to the side, and he meets Monaca’s eyes with an appreciative smile.  “Ya did good, for a pipsqueak.  Real good.”
The faint praise makes Monaca’s heart beat a little faster, and it makes her stomach clench with anxiety.  She licks her lips and turns back to Mikan, not ignoring Kaz, but putting off that interaction for just a little while longer.  “Monaca,” she says, finally.  “Monaca Towa.”  Her gaze drops to Mikan’s waist again, and she nods at the scars.  “I have those, too.”
“I know.”
Monaca startles.
“Junko-sama told me.”
Monaca’s head pops up, and she meets Mikan’s eyes, searches them for the barest trace of a lie, and finds nothing.  Her cheeks grow warm.  “She told you about me?”
“Mm.”  Mikan nods, but her gaze shifts away.
“Did she say something bad?”
Mikan bites her lower lip and then turns back.  She brushes strands of Monaca’s green hair back out of her face, tucks them behind her ear.  “Junko-sama said a…a lot of things.”
That’s true enough.  Big Sis Junko did say a lot of things, and now she won’t say anything else ever again.
Monaca pushes herself up and gestures for one of her Monokuma servants to grab her trash bag full of things.  She finally turns back to Kaz and says, “You can take him apart, if you want.  Make him better.  Monaca won’t mind.”  It’s the barest hint of a hesitation before she spits out, “Peasant.”
Now Kaz flinches.  He reaches up, pushes his black beanie half back, and does not turn to her.  “Really like talking like Junko, don’t ya?”
Quit saying her name like that like you know her.
Like you were ever worthy of her.
But Monaca shrugs, keeping those words to herself.  They wouldn’t matter to him anyhow.  “If it walks like a duck and it looks like a duck, then—”
Mikan’s voice is soft, so much softer than Monaca’s is, and yet she silences her easily.  (Because Monaca wants to listen to her, the same way she’d always wanted someone to listen to her.  (The same way Big Sis Junko had, eventually.))  She takes Monaca’s hand in hers, interlaces their fingers, and gives it a gentle squeeze.  “W-w-we’re going to be sharing a…a cabin.  Is…is that okay with…with you?”
For a moment, Monaca considers.  She presses her lips together.  (Servant hasn’t said anything since appearing again, and that worries her.  She doesn’t know why.)  Then she squeezes Mikan’s hand back.  “Okay.”
As Mikan leads her away, to the cabin they’ll share, Monaca pauses.  “Wait.”  She glares back at the idiot.  “Don’t touch Monaca’s van until she gets back, peasant!”
“I’m not a fucking—”
Monaca ignores him and turns back, glances up at Mikan.  “Okay,” she says, trying not to be afraid.  “Monaca’s ready.”
(Mikan is clearly not ready.  But that’s okay.  Monaca’s already certain that she likes her.  Big Sis Junko chose her, too, after all.  Why wouldn’t she like her?)
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