#except monaca hates izuru
haunted-xander · 2 years
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Chiaki was relieved to finally get to sleep at home again. The walk from Towa city to the apartment complex was long and included stealing an abandoned car, as well as Izuru carrying the trolley with Nagito and Monaca inside with his bare arms while walking on ground so covered in rubble it's a miracle it was walkable at all.
Once they'd gotten inside, the first thing Chiaki did was head into the bedroom and flopping down onto the bed. Despite how tired she was, she felt far too dirty to fall asleep right away. Izuru walked inside carrying a sleeping Monaca, and gently laid her next to Chiaki on the bed. "You will need to shower before going to sleep, Nanami."
"Mmm. Don't wanna."
Chiaki knew she was just being petty again, but she really didn't feel like dragging herself up so soon after having laid down. Izuru seemed less than pleased. "...Fine, I will assist Komaeda in washing himself first, then I will make you shower. I will drag you in there myself if necessary."
"Will you strip me too?"
"...If necessary."
"Hm okay. I'll let you do that then. Less I gotta do the better."
"...So childish. How boring." Accepting his fate of having to manually wash two grown people, Izuru left the room and presumably got started on helping Nagito shower. Chiaki however, felt herself growing drowsier by the second until she fell asleep.
The sound of something being dragged inside woke her up. She felt rested after her sleep, even if it had been interrupted in the middle by Izuru waking her up for a shower and having moved to sleep on the couch to let Monaca have some space for her first night. Now, Chiaki sat up from the couch, realising her previous human pillow Izuru had been replaced with an actual pillow. Making sure not to disturb Nagito sleeping on her lap, she tried to look around to see what the commotion was.
Izuru walked in from the door, dragging a wheelchair inside with him. He noticed she'd awoken and locked eyes with her for a second before returning to dragging the wheelchair. She noticed him heading towards the bedroom, presumably to let Monaca into it.
Nagito was still sound asleep.
Some time later, Izuru came out alongside a grumpy Monaca, who was now seated in the wheelchair. "G'morning. Looks like Monaca-san can start moving around herself now. That's good." The girl in question started smiling and wheeled herself towards the couch. "Good morning, Big Sis! ...Huh? Is Mr. Servant not awake yet? ...Did Mr. Stalker do something?" She turned around to glare at Izuru. "...I did nothing. He is simply exhausted"
"Hmm, Monaca doesn't believe you! Mr. Stalker is definitely suspicious!"
"Hm, actually, I saw him put something in the water he made Komaeda-kun drink before sleeping... I think." Chiaki had assumed it was the usual medicine, as Nagito probably hadn't been able to take them while working in Towa City, but maybe it wasn't. "So Mr. Stalker did do something!" Monaca wheeled closer to Izuru and lowered her voice, "...You better hope Mr. Servant wakes up soon, or I'll torture you in the worst way imaginable. I'll cut you up, digit by digit, limb by limb, I'll rip out your teeth and tear out your eyeballs before strapping your remaining head and torso to a stretcher and watch as your body rips itself apart."
Chiaki felt a shiver run up her spine at Monaca's threat, suddenly very glad the little girl seemed to like her. Izuru, on the other hand, was completely unfazed. A tense silence filled the air.
"...Hey hey, I'm hungry, can we have breakfast already? What's on the menu today, Kamukura-kun?" She decided to break the atmosphere by appealing to their stomachs. ...And her own. She was very hungry. "...I will see what we have." And with that, Izuru disappeared into the kitchen.
"Hmph. Why is Mr. Stalker cooking, he can't be trusted." While her dark expression had vanished, she was still clearly unhappy with leaving Izuru to do anything on his own. "...Well, I can't cook, and as you probably already know, neither can Komaeda-kun. Unless you want to cook yourself, you'll have to eat what Kamukura-kun makes."
Monaca paused at her reply. "...Ugh, fine. But if he puts anything weird in the food I'll kill him."
"Okay. I don't think he will, though." A thought suddenly entered Chiaki's head. "...Hey, Monaca-san. Would you like to take a bath? You're probably dirty, right? ...And you could probably do with some new clothes, too. I think I have some clothes in your size..."
"...Why do you have children's clothes in your house. There are no children here. Do you have an illegitimate child or something?"
"...I'm 21. I'm not old enough for kids. ...Not your age, at least. Besides, I've been very careful with protection. Having kids when the world's like this would be bad... probably."
"...Who would you even have sex with? It can't be Mr. Servant, he doesn't like girls, and it better not be Mr. Stalker."
"...Anyway, Do you want that bath?" Chiaki tried to get the conversation back on track. "A bath would be great! Monaca's tired of all this dirt meow." ...She's meowing now? "Okay then. I'll go find some clean clothes for you. ...Tell me if you need any help, okay? The bathroom's right over there." Replying with a smile, Monaca went off and entered the bathroom.
Only now remembering the man sleeping in her lap, Chiaki carefully tried to shimmy herself from under Nagito's head, replacing herself with the pillow Izuru gave her once she was free. She went into the bedroom's closet and searched for fitting clothes for Monaca. she found a skirt resembling the lower part of Monaca's usual dress, a white, collared, sleeveless shirt, and a pair of socks the same color as the skirt. Figuring this would be a bit too cold for her, she searched around for any long-sleeved shirts or hoodies to add to the outfit. Althought she wasn't looking for it, she found some child-sized underwear. Oh, right. She'll need to get clean panties too... How lucky. I hope they fit.
After a few more minutes of searching, she found she had no long-sleeved shirts or hoodies in Monaca's size. From the bathroom next door, she heard Monaca call out, "HEY, BIG SIS! I'M DONE! CAN I GET THOSE CLOTHES NOW? I DON'T WANT TO WALK AROUND NAKED!" Chiaki decided she'd look for something warmer later, and grabbed the clothes as she walked to the bathroom.
She knocked on the door before announcing herself, "Hey, I've got your clothes here. Can you open the door a little so I can give them to you?" Without replying, Monaca opened the door just enough to outstretch her arm and opened her hand expectantly. Chiaki placed the clothes into the girl's arm and watched as it swiftly retreated back into the bathroom and the door slipped shut. She decided to see if Nagito had woken up yet and walked into the living room.
"Ah, Good morning, Nanami-san! Are you helping Monaca-san? How kind of you! You must be the most hopeful kind of person to help such a pitiful little girl!" Nagito greeted her the moment she walked in. "Oh, you're finally awake. Good morning."
"Say, how's little Monaca-san doing? I hope she hasn't been causing any trouble for you!"
"...You sound like a parent."
"Ah, do I?"
"Yep. Totally a parent."
"Who's a parent?" Chiaki hadn't noticed Monaca get out of the bathroom, but now she was wheeling herself towards Nagito, wearing the clothes Chiaki handed her. "Good morning Big Bro! Monaca was beginning to wonder if you were gonna sleep forever! ...Hm, but since you woke up, I guess I can't kill Mr. Stalker after all... What a shame. Oh well! At least Big Bro is fine!"
"...Please don't kill Kamukura-sama. I like him very much and would prefer having him around! ...And besides, if he dies we won't have anyone to cook for us!"
"Hmm... Okay! But only because Monaca doesn't want to starve to death. Or eat more of the disgusting filth you tried to make for us." Chiaki smiled at their easy banter, their interaction reminicent of siblings. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun, isn't it a bit too cold in here to go around pantless? I know your old pair was ruined and all, but you should probably grab some of Kamukura-kun's for now." Nagito's pants had been thrown away yesterday, as Izuru had deemed them beyond fixing on account of the tearing and old, stained blood covering it from the thighs down.
"No. You're not allowed to."
"...Why not? You don't want him to have pants?"
"I don't want him to have Mr. Stalker's pants. They're probably itchy and stuffy and have the insides covered in poison ivy."
"Ahaha, you sure have an imagination, Monaca-san! I often share clothes with Kamukura-sama, so I can assure you that there is nothing of the sort inside!"
"Ew, you share clothes with that guy? I won't allow it! From now on you're not allowed to wear any of his clothes. And that's final."
"...Aha, whatever you say, Monaca-san. No pants for me today, I suppose." Having accepted his fate, Nagito grabbed the blanket that had fallen off the couch when he woke up, and placed it back on top of himself. "...Oh, that reminds me. I was trying to look for a warmer shirt for Monaca-san earlier, but didn't have any in the correct size."
"I don't mind a big hoodie. Just give me something, my arms are cold."
"...Alright, I'll grab a few and we'll see which ones you like the best." Chiaki went back into the bedroom and grabbed a couple hoodies, quickly returning with them in hand. "Okay, I've got a couple hoodies here. Let's try them!"
With that, she first handed Monaca a near-black blue hoodie with orange on the hood's inside and white, sharp 'teeth' coming from the hood's opening. "...It looks stupid. I don't want it."
Next was a large black hoodie with poofy, cuffed sleeves, a crooked cat tail in the back and large cat ears on the hood. "Hm. Cute but too simple. I don't want it."
Then, a yellow-ish green hoodie paired with a leather jacket. "Ew, why is the hoodie neon green? And I hate wearing leather. I hate it. No."
Lastly, a light pink hoodie with bunny ears, a bow on one ear, a cartoon-ish bunny face on the hood, and white patterning on the ends of the sleeves and ears. "...It's far too cutesy and detailed. It makes Monaca think of Kotoko-chan. Hmm... I like it! I'll take this one!"
"Oh Monaca-san, you look adorable!" Nagito got up and walked behind Monaca, holding her shoulders. ...And what's that on his left hand...? "...Komaeda-kun? What... happened to your hand?" The skin had more color than Nagito's usual pale complexion, and yet looked far less alive than he did. Additionally, it had perfectly manicured red nails on the tips, uncharacteristic of Nagito. "Ah, that. My apologies, I must've forgotten to inform you. You see...
I took Junko Enoshima's arm for myself."
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hazy-edits · 3 years
[𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭...𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐞.]
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Hi there, I'm Mod Haze, but you can also call me by my kins, as well as most nicknames.
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I have pretty bad anxiety, so I will apologize way too much. Please don't get angry over that.
I am a beginning editor, so please don't expect too much [/lh].
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Mikan Tsumiki
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Monaca Towa
Nagisa Shingetsu
Kotoko Utsugi
Kaede Akamatsu
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Mukuro Ikusaba
Chiaki Nanami
Junko Enoshima
Mikan Tsumiki
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyoko Kirigiri
Nagisa Shingetsu
Izuru Kamakura
Tsumugi Shirogane
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[𝘣𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴... 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯.] - mod chatting
[𝘪'𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦𝘴.] - self indulgent
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wuffy-chuffs · 4 years
Redoing my pregame hcs for Shuichi, Kaito, Kokichi and Gonta because I don’t like the old ones
Doesn’t know how to talk to people
“I meet someone, I talk about Danganronpa, they leave”
Just straight up a nervous wreck
Danganronpa is a form of escapism for him and he heavily romanticised it in his head to the point it became an unhealthy obsession
Fantasises about murder and death in general
Wouldn’t act on said fantasies outside of a kg
Comes off as creepy
Most people avoid him but some pick on him
Has pretty good grades
Raised by a single mother
Generally has a good home life
Kyoko kinnie
Contrary to popular belief, Sayaka is his waifu
Avid reader, loves murder mystery novels
Definitely wrote his own fangan at some point
Joined Danganronpa because of his love of the Series
Favourite Characters: Kyoko, Sayaka, Syo, Sonia, Mikan, Nagito, Monaca
Least Favourite Character: Ruruka
Comes off as a major asshole
Internalised homophobia hours
Raised by his grandparents because his parents lost custody of him
Poor but has a good home life
Grandmother is sick and they struggle to pay bills
Drinks and smokes despite being underage
Skips school a lot so has bad grades
Fell in with the wrong crowd
Had a part time job but got fired
Steals from kids at school
Likes gardening and flowers but is embarrassed about it because “it’s gay”
Joined Danganronpa for the money to support his grandparents
Favourite Characters: Leon, Mondo, Hiro, Nekomaru, Akane, Masaru
Least Favourite Characters: Byakuya, Hifumi, Mahiru, Nagito
Doesn’t have many friends because he’s shy
Is bullied
Has trouble paying attention in class and has bad grades because of it
Parents are verbally abusive
Considers himself useless and lets people take advantage of him in attempts to be useful
Dead named and misgendered at home and in school
Hates himself for being weak but also hates the world for not allowing those who aren’t strong to thrive
Resents authority
Steps on bugs because he enjoys having power over something weaker than him
But also if a bee flew near his face he would cry
Daydreams about being the leader of a criminal organisation
Has a plushie collection
Joined Danganronpa to become someone powerful
Favourite Characters: Celeste, Chihiro, Mikan, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Jataro
Least Favourite Character: Haiji
He’s a loner
Not really out of choice, people are just too scared to talk to him because of his stature and rbf
Comes off as apathetic, but he’s scared to talk to people
He is cold towards others though
“No one care me”
Just kinda disillusioned with reality
Often takes things literally
Has trouble focusing but still has good grades
Except in languages, partially due to his dyslexia
“Fuck school, I’m going on a hike”
Neglected at home from a young age so learned to fend for himself
Compassionate towards all animals
And extremely good with them too, even wild ones
Still loves insects but he’s not passionate like he is in game
“Did you know that the “fluff” on those “fluffy” caterpillars are actually spines filled with deadly toxins? :)”
Has definitely nursed a baby bird back to health at least once
Occasionally brings strays home. Parents aren’t home most of the time so they don’t mind
Exercises to get his mind off things
Joined Danganronpa to become someone worth caring about
Favourite Characters: Chihiro, Sakura, Mukuro, Peko, Gundham, Hajime, Izuru, Toko (UDG), Nagisa
Least Favourite Characters: Hiyoko, Haiji, Kurokuma
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home-of-chaos · 4 years
I saw your blog, i see you like danganronpa- uh- idk- can you maybe- tell me some of the things you like about danganronpa? Or anything about your danganronpa stuff maybe? 👉👈 ~ anon ♡
Oh I have so many aus for Danganronpa. I absolutely love the games and art for it (tho I cant draw the characters well.)
I loved most of the games but the remaining survivors for v3 was pretty disappointing cause I didn’t really like Maki or Himiko. Maki was too aggressive and made me feel really uncomfortable and Himiko was generally boring and tiresome to listen too. (No hate for the people who like them though.)
I genuinely loved all the protag choices for each of the games and how different they were to eachother. I appreciate they didn’t have them act the same way but gave them different backstorys and morals and I love that they all didn’t value hope in the same way. Makoto saw it as the key to defeat despair once and for all, Hajime didn’t give a shit about it, and Shuichi rejected it.
Now to ramble about aus :D
So I have like twenty aus for each game so I’m just gonna vaguely explain a handful that I favor.
Hajime Kamukura- this is an au where the experiment somewhat failed on Hajime. He kept his memories of everything. The Scientists thought the projected had failed and tried to kill him and start on someone else which led to Hajime killing them and running out. See, the experiment hadn’t been a complete fail, Hajime now had all the talents in the world. After returning to find his two best and only friends dead because of some Ultimates, Hajime’s blossoming hatred for the academy that had betrayed him only grew as he realized the Reserve Course would never be treated equally to the Ultimates. He saw the abuse they had to put up with daily and decided to take down Hope’s Peak academy once and for all and abolish the so called title of Ultimates
Dead but Not- THIS IS A VERY DARK AU WITH DARK THEMES! This au follows the events that happen in THH but Junko didn’t kill the blackens, instead, she locked them away until she was called out but the remainder of the students as the Mastermind and then released the Blackeneds back to them. But she also returned the dead victims. But now the victims were modified and altered to obsess over different things. Hifumi loves Violence and Destruction, Chihiro loves Death, Taka loves Pain and Suffering, Sayaka loves Addictions, Mukuro was still Despairful, and Sakura was supposed to crave destruction but it failed to happen. She’s the only one from the victims with morals. The school is now a maze like structure. The remaining students must find all the blackeneds and escape alive before the modified victims find and kill them all.
Hinata triplets- au where the different versions of Hajime (Hajime, Izuru, World Destroyer) are all siblings, triplets in fact. WD and Izuru were taken into Hope’s peak academy and made into what they were in the anime, WD was a killing machine, best shooter in the world. A perfect Assassin and Izuru was made into the Ultimate ultimate. They were also made to forget about eachother. WD went rouge and escaped and Izuru was broken out by Junko. Eventually the run into a destraught Hajime, claiming to be their brother. Now they have to work with Hajime and regain their memory and take down the academy before to takes them down.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse- Hajime is thé entity known as The Apocalypse. He has made four innocent people into his horsemen. No one knows where he came from or what his motives are but they do know the one thing he wants and it’s to watch the world’s slow destruction. Nagito Komaeda is the Horsemen of Death. Mikan Tsumiki is the Horsemen of Pestilence. TeruTeru Hanamura is the Horsemen of Famine. Chiaki Nanami is the Horsemen of War.
Postgame- this au takes place two years after the events in THH which was just a terrifying VR simulator show. They all live in a small city/town per request of Makoto who wanted them to stay in touch and close together. (Also thé great Tragedy still happened but Makoto and Junko managed to work together and help the remnants return to a somewhat normal way. They live in the town/city too) Pregame v3 cast also resides in this small city/town.
Lovegame- au where, instead of Despair, Junko was obsessed with love and trapped the cast of THH, V3, and SDR2 in the school in a game of Love and would give them each a somewhat romantic task per day and if they failed, they’d get punished (basically the execution except it wouldn’t kill ya, just hurt a HELL of ALOT)
Roommates- it’s just follows the lives of Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura, and Nagito Komaeda if they were roommates together. Just a pro-komahinanami au
I am a Robot- Izuru save Chiaki instead of watching her die but now she’s a cyborg. (Part human, part robot) cause some parts of her were beyond saveable. Now she must work together with Izuru and a reluctant Servant to free her class from Junko and the despair that controls them.
Loyal Servant- Remnant au where you follow as Servant. See, Komaeda didn’t fall to despair like the other’s when watching Chiaki die since he’s used to seeing the people he cares about, die. But he plays along, acting like he did. He won’t let Chiaki’s death go unavenged. Servant plans to kill Despair at its roots. Future Foundation is too busy being hypocritical and killing eachother so Servant takes it apon himself to end it all. He will turn the Remnants against eachother and cause them to kill eachother, he’ll manipulate Monaca into destroying the Warriors of Hope and then herself and then take down Junko. All while seeming like a simple, mindless servant.
I got more but those are my main ones.
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clueless909 · 6 years
odd numbers for the dr ask game :)
hhhh oh no help okay ily froot
1. Favorite Game
Super Danganronpa 2, no question... I would die for that game. Best characters and best story, no question. AND THE PLOT TWISTS??? amazin
3. Favorite Antagonistic Character
I’m not exactly, 100% sure what this means. Mastermind characters (Izuru, Junko, Mukuro, etc) or the Foils (Togami, Komaeda, and Kokichi)? In any case, I love Junko the most out of any mastermind character ever (Tsumugi is... Probably my least favorite sorry to her fans) and Komaeda will probably always be one of the best written characters in the Danganronpa franchise who offered so much more to the obnoxious foil along with the BEST trial of Danganronpa: (2-5).
5. Best Girl?
Unfair question, okay? I love (almost) all the girls! My favorite of all time is Ruruka Andou, though followed closely by Sonia Nevermind, Mikan Tsumiki, and Ryoko Otonashi
7. Favorite Class Trial from All of the Games?
2-5. That trial is SUCH a journey and I loved every second of it. Except for the fact that it just gives people a reason to cry that Chiaki was too pure and didn’t deserve to die.
9. Least Favorite Class Trial?
Hmm... I’m gonna say 3-3. If ONLY for the fact that there was such a missed opportunity with two killers in one trial and that Kiyo could have had to stay with the rest of the students freely despite committing murder! Otherwise, it was just kind of weird and the motive was absolutely bizarre.
11. Favorite Cast?
DR2 has my favorites but also my least favorites. I love Sonia, Mikan, Peko, Mahiru, Gundham, Twogami, Fuyuhiko, Komaeda... But I hate Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Teruteru. Overall though, has my favorite characters of any of the games (or other media)
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
Oooh boy. Okay so Despair Side was a literal, actual train wreck. From advertising the “prequel” of DR2 and then having the anime be fanservicey, random nonsense which retconned both how the class became despairs and that Chiaki was a person before being an AI to having many episodes which were not even focused on the DR2 cast but instead perfect human Chiaki and how sad it was that she got killed :((( Also Twilight Case got just... Ruined because they made Sato be the “true villain” while Natsumi isn’t to blame at all which wasn’t the case in 2-2 and made the whole thing just... Stupid. It also made Chisa, someone with a lot of potential, a Mary-Sue teacher who was obnoxious to watch and everyone loved her for no reason (just like Chiaki).
Future Side was stupid but much more enjoyable in my opinion because at least the characters acted like themselves. The only thing I consider canon about this entire anime series (including Despair side) is the new characters introduced. I love you Ruruka.
15. Your absolute OTP?
I would be dead without Sondam. Ruruka/Izayoi is also great though
17.  Do you have an OT3? Which one?
Not really, but if I did, it would probably be Fujisaki x Oowada x Ishimaru because I like both Fujisaki x Oowada and Oowada x Ishimaru though Fujisaki x Ishimaru isn’t really... anything to me...
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
DEFINITELY Ruruka. All I hear about her is that she’s a bitch and the worst. I really disagree and think people give her way too much crap because they think Seiko is just a precious girl who did nothing wrong (though I do like Seiko, don’t get me wrong).
21. Favorite voice actor?
Oh my gosh, no question, honestly! Natalie Hoover, English voice of Sonia. She is the SWEETEST person! My old friend (hate them now lol) got her to sing me happy birthday in Sonia’s voice for my birthday! I couldn’t believe it but she was just amazing.
23. Favorite Mascot?
Haha, that’s such an unfair question! Monokuma, no question. He’s just the best and he’s a staple of Danganronpa. The others don’t have a chance besides maybe Monomi!
25. Least Favorite Mascot?
All the Monokubs. Period. I hated every scene with them and just wanted them to shut up. Sorry but I just couldn’t stand them! Monodam and Monotaro were the least hateable though but they were all kind of a package deal.
27. Least Favorite Execution?
Mikan’s. Forgettable, stupid, and she wasn’t even herself when she died.
29. Which character should have survived in your opinion?
Ruruka because she just lost everything and had so much room to grow and become more self-reliant and atone for her mistakes. Also because it made the whole Class 76 arc kind of pointless? They did the same thing with Ishimaru and I believe he should have survived as well.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
That’s... Kind of an awful question LOL but I don’t think any V3 characters should have survived because it honestly skewed the message. I’m happy that Maki is alive, of course, but everything in the last trial was kind of just ignored.
33. Character with the best clothing?
Hmm... Probably Chiaki, honestly. The backpack and the hoodie are super cute. She has one of the best designs in the game but she just doesn’t have enough depth for me to enjoy her character.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
Just one? Let me list out a few LOL. Mikan, Sonia, Mahiru, Saionji, Kaede, Tenko, Miu, Kirumi, Hoshi. Characters who needed to get character development at all: Chiaki, Chisa.
37. Favorite Minor Character?
Would Ryoko count? Ryoko. If not, I rather like Taehime Uozumi and she’s pretty minor LOL
39. Smartest Murder Plan?
Mikan’s original Ibuki murder. Unfortunate that Saionji happened to walk in.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
To be honest, I didn’t think Celes would become a blackened because she was just so... Obvious? Like, when you talk to Celes, she just kind of has a typical murderess look to her AND she was the one who designed a bunch of safety rules. 
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
Dorky manipulative follower
45. Unpopular Opinion?
Chiaki is an underdeveloped character and was literally made in the image of Kodaka’s perfect woman so that fanboys could have a perfect waifu to jerk off to.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
Mikan and the Imposter are really really good friends and Mikan learns to hang out with nicer people and forgive herself and get better.
49. Favorite Mini-Game?
Panic-Talk Action! Good stuff
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Sonia Nevermind. Her introduction is tasteless and gross (because of Teruteru) so when I met her, I thought she was just going to be an idiot who got into situations that made me cringe. I really didn’t even like her until around Chapter 3-4.
53. Favorite Game End?
Danganronpa 1 because of how much mystery there was surrounding the outside world and whether anything Junko said was true and I didn’t know how they were going to survive out there or what they’d do! 
55. Favorite love hotel scene?
Kirumi’s gave her more depth and Kaito’s was just so Kaito that I enjoyed it a lot. So they’re tied imo.
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
Kaede. No question. She had so much potential and she seemed like such a strong interesting person with so much chemistry with the other characters. Also I like Komaru but I was hoping this female protagonist would have much less fanservice...
59. Favorite moment?
The end of trial 2-2. Peko and Fuyuhiko finally being able to come to an understanding of what they thing of each other and Fuyuhiko finally being able to get through to Peko that he loves her as a person, not as his “servant” was actually heart-breaking and hands-down my favorite moment of the series.
“I never wanted a tool! I just wanted you! Only you!”
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
Uh... I’ll just go with the thoughts I had when everyone thought the v3 crew were the kids of the other survivors. 
Shuichi - Makoto and Kyoko, Kirumi - Peko and Fuyuhiko, Kaede - Sonia and Gundham, Gonta - Nekomaru and Akane, Angie - Aoi and Hagakure (?), Kaito - Mikan and Twogami, Iruma - Togami and Fukawa
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
Intelligent soft-spoken detective
65. Who did you never expect to die but they died?
Saionji. I didn’t like her so I thought she would live forever. Chiaki as well because she’s the sweet angel but I was happy they had the guts to kill her off.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
Just one??? Junko for OBVIOUS REASONS such as I don’t want her to exist in real life at all.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
It’s between Sonia and Mikan... Sonia deserves to see all around the world in an environment that isn’t constrained so she can enjoy it. And Mikan deserves to go on a trip with friends and be happy :)
71. Character you can relate to?
Ruruka, which is probably why I like her so much. Ruruka has a lot of paranoia and is pretty distant from people but craves love and attention which sounds a lot like me. She also shares my birthday! November 20th!
73. Character who deserved better?
Mikan. Horrible, awful backstory and desperation to not be neglected is heartbreaking enough but then people go and see 2-3 and think she’s a lunatic when ANY CHARACTER would have acted the exact same way. They just didn’t see them do it so Mikan’s the crazy one.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
Pure but easily-manipulated
77. What do you think of the fandom?
There’s three sides I see: Really sweet and kind who have discussions but not arguments about characters and plot points, people who would defend their favorite character and opinions violently even when the other person is being civilized and not trying to start anything, and the ones who just want fanservice of the sexy big-boobed women. And I only like the foremost option.
79. Which character has the cutest design?
Chiaki. The best design in all of Danganronpa imo. The second would probably be Chihiro.
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
I’m pretty lucky but honestly? My boyfriend blows me out of the park in terms of luck so I’d say probably not. He could be though.
83. Least Favorite Chapter?
EVERY SINGLE 3RD CHAPTER. Killed off Celes in 1-3, my favorite character in DR1. Killed off Mikan in 2-3, one of my favorites of all time. Killed off Tenko in 3-3, my favorite girl (along with Maki and Kaede) in V3. They’re also very poorly written. Celes’s acting is atrocious, Fuyuhiko’s death was replaced with Saionji so her murder weapon wasn’t even talked about in the trial, and Kiyo so obviously killed Tenko it wasn’t even funny.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
I mean... I think anyone could be. Kodaka even says he tries to write the protag as though they could be anyone else (though I think he does a bad job there). I think I would be super scared and paranoid so I don’t know how great of one I would be but... Yeah.
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
Lovestruck loyal awesome
89. Least favorite Danganronpa 3 character?
Chisa. I despise Chisa so much I couldn’t even tell you. She has a great design but she’s basically an older Chiaki without the video games. Perfect motherly woman with the biggest boobs and skinniest waist who excels at all she does and gets tortured through no fault of her own because she was just trying to save others aw :( Characteristics? Loves Munakata and is a motherly figure who everyone loves and can do no wrong unless she’s brainwashed to.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
A fantastic mascot and really funny character himself! Cold-blooded but also hilarious. 
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
No. Next question.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
He was a great character! He was funny and charming and didn’t get super repetitive. I also think his past and the reasons for why he acts the way he does is spectacular but then again EVERY backstory in DR2 is fantastic.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
Chiaki x anyone (mainly Hajime or Mikan). I just... Don’t like Chiaki and seeing her with characters I consider actually good is... Bleh to me.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
Ruruka x Seiko. I hate that ship so much.
Mikan x Saionji. Don’t ship people with their abusers please...
Celes x Hifumi. She lied about being raped to get him to kill someone. Let’s not like this ship.
Mahiru x Saionji. Because I’m tired of Mahiru HAVING to be around Saionji and not being allowed to be her own character.
Mikan x Ibuki. Sexualizing Mikan? That’s ship material!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
yet another non-despair au
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xHcmTb
by danganronps
Danganronpa except everyone is living a happy life and being super gay
Words: 358, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi, Fukawa Touko, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Maizono Sayaka, Ikusaba Mukuro, Kuwata Leon, Kirigiri Jin, Fujisaki Chihiro, Oowada Mondo, Yamada Hifumi, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Celestia Ludenberg, Ogami Sakura, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Soda Kazuichi, Sonia Nevermind, Owari Akane, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Ultimate Imposter, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Saionji Hiyoko, Mioda Ibuki, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Tanaka Gundham, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Kamukura Izuru, Naegi Komaru, Daimon Masaru (Dangan Ronpa), Towa Monaca, Utsugi Kotoko, Kemuri Jataro, Shingetsu Nagisa, Hagakure Hiroko, Nakajima Kanon, Yukimaru Takemichi, Asahina Yuta, Samidare Yui, Otonashi Ryouko, Matsuda Yasuke, Madarai Isshiki, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg, Andoh Ruruka, Izayoi Sohnosuke, Kimura Seiko, Kizakura Kohichi, Mitarai Ryota, Yukizome Chisa, Munakata Kyousuke, Sakakura Juzo, Gekkogahara Miaya, Great Gozu, Bandai Daisaku, Umesawa Aiko, Kamii Tsubasa, Kurosaki Taro, Goryoku Tomohiko, Ikuta Kotomi, Kisaragi Karen, Hino Asukasei, Murasame Soshun, Kashiki Suzuko, Nishizawa Kiriko, Kubo Daiki, Yoko Shoji, Ichino Sosuke, Someya Ryouta, Amami Rantaro, Akamatsu Kaede, Hoshi Ryoma, Tojo Kirumi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashira Tenko, Shinguji Korekiyo, Iruma Miu, Gokuhara Gonta, Oma Kokichi, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Shirogane Tsumugi
Relationships: Everyone/Everyone
Additional Tags: everyone is trans au, or at least generally non cis, everyone is gay au, Mukuro Ryoko and Junko are triplets, Izuru and Hajime are twins and Izuru isnt emotionless, the school doesn't treat the reserve course like crap, Kanon Komaru Takemichi Yuta Izuru and Yui are in the reserve course, me giving the student council the talents and personalities they deserve, Polyamory, me giving Mikan and Iruma character development other then just fanservice, me??? still shipping kaemaki???? it's more likely than you think, syo: comes out, syo: WHAT THE FUCK WHEN DID I GET SO MANY GIRLFRIENDS, Daiya Owada is alive, Haiji Towa doesn't exist because i fucking hate him, Monaca Towa isn't the personification of Satan AU, SHSL Journalist Ryoko, SHSL Private Investigator Shuuichi, SHSL Adventurer Rantarou, I would literally die for Maki Harukawa: the fic, Trans Character, tenko being a useless lesbian, Gay Character, Lesbian Character, Nonbinary Character, Intersex Character, Genderfluid Character, Bisexual Character, Pansexual Character, Ouma: does anything, Maki: KILL BILL SIRENS, literally the weirdest fucking rarepairs ever what the fuck, like literally who the hell besides me ships Mukuro/Kanon??? who??? please help me, Korekiyo has a healthy non incestuous relationship with his not dead sister who's super gay, Chisa Yukizome is a lesbian and you're all cowards, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, selective mutism, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Academy AU, Kanon doesn't have a crush on Leon, me giving Teruteru Hanamura and Hifumi Yamada the character development they deserve, Celeste gets to keep her cat at the school because it's what she deserves, Ryoko and Yasuke are wlw and mlm solidarity, Takemichi has a gay panic in nearly every fucking scene he's in, Ruruka Izayoi Seiko Yasuke and Ryoko are all in class 78, Ruruka isn't manipulative and she and Seiko are gf's and Komaeda doesn't fucking get them expelled, Internalized Homophobia, me characterizing Kaito Momota better than Kazutaka Kodaka ever will in his fucking life, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Anxiety Attacks, AU where Yui and Kyoko were the same age in DR: Kirigiri, Izayoi being the bisexual icon we all need but don't deserve, Tsumugi being gay and a weeb
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xHcmTb
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