#But really im just so comfortable and happy rn i dont know why?
stinging-metal · 1 year
Yall ever just get hit with the sudden love for life, realizing how happy your friends make you and how comfortable you are. Feeling safe, and content with who you are? I did.
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catwrites9 · 3 months
I saw you wanted request. You can choose either Tara or Sam. T or S break up with Reader to protect them during the Ghostface attacks but then they realize it was a mistake and not helping so they try to get R back
It’s A Bad Idea, Right?
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
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Warning: Violence, cussing, not proof read, change of pov, a bit of angst but a happy ending, idk what else
W/N: IM BACK GUYS, I’m rn just finishing my old asks and then I’m going to work on new things and get back into writing I’m happy to be back.
It starts off like any other day, you go to your classes, see your friends but something’s off. Tara’s acting weird the whole time, even when you try to ask her how she is or what’s wrong she just says she’s fine…. It’s now night time in New York and a perfect Thursday night for the weekly horror night. You get dressed and start heading to the apartment. But the whole time you feel like your being watched. The dread fill your stomach like it always use to. Your mom then calls you, this can’t be good.
Tara’s pov
“I just can’t let her be in danger because of me” I said to the group. Ghostface is back and I can’t let just let my girlfriend get hurt because of it.
“Tara this has to be the stupidest idea you’ve ever came up with, she’s been nothing but the best girlfriend to you and I mean she was able to protect herself against the random frat guy I mean come on be a big girl and just tell her what’s happening and give her the choice to leave”Mindy said annoyingly while trying to find a movie
“I just think it’s the best option so that she stays as far away from me” This has to be the best choice right.
“For once I think I’ll have to agree with Mindy even though I was skeptical of your girlfriend at first it’s just going to put her more in risk by leaving her alone” Sam said
“Then what after, after you break her heart you’ll just beat ghost face and go back to her like nothing” I stayed silent at Mindy’s words.
There’s a knock at the door….
Your pov
I knocked and waited for a response as Chad opened it hugging you but as you entered the apartment the air was tense. Something is wrong.
“Hey guys, what movie are we watching?” You said trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey, can I talk to you really quickly?” Tara said, her body language was off.
“Yeah” You walked towards her room with her.
She shut the door”We need to break up”
“We have to break up, I'm sorry”We both start tearing up.
“What do you mean Tara, why”
“We have to break up it’s for our own good”
“What did I do Tara, what, why why are you doing this”
“IT JUST FOR OUR OWN GOOD”She yelled at you everything getting silent the chatter in the living room stoping.”DAMN IT LISTEN IT'S FOR OUR OWN GOOD”
“why..” I said almost as a whisper, she thought for a moment while crying.
“BECAUSE I DONT LOVE YOU” she yelled. The shock of the moment as even the cars outside went silent. You broke down into tears as you rush out the house everyone having a sympathetic look as Mindy, Sam, and Anika all had the saddest looks and Chad started heading towards Tara’s room.
Tara’s pov
I stayed in my room. why did I say that. I do love her, what’s wrong with me. Chad entered to comfort me but I wasn’t having any of it. I entered the living room just wanting to find my Keyes to leave the house.
“Your not leaving Tara” Sam said while holding up my keys.
“Wtf Tara” Anika said looking back at me from the kitchen table.
“What come on guys I did my plan she’ll be save now and she can’t be hurt by me anymore.”
“Tara that was the stupidest idea even you know you’ll never have her back ever again” Anika yelled getting up from the couch.
“Tara” “Not now Sam” “No you know what I’m done with this gentle parenting thing what the fuck where you thinking I mean she was the best thing for you and even you you break it off now she’s still has a chance of getting chased by ghost face because she was already seen with you Tara”
“No…. She’ll go back home probably to see her mom”
“How do you know that Tara” Sam made the best point how do I know that ghostface will just not follow her.
“It’s a bad idea,right? Right Tara I mean she’s now alone and vonerable to ghost face” I stayed silent as everyone left.
Your pov
You couldn’t understand what you did wrong. She didn’t love me?? You went into your bed and cried. The outfit you wore to her house still on you with the memories with what happend that night forever reambered with what was suppose to be a normal movie night. You cried for what felt like house until your phone rang with a no caller id. fuck… You ansered it know who was going to be on the other line.
“Would you like to play a game it’s called Sam or Tara” The voice you dreaded the most Ghostface. You imideatly got up and ran through your door, knowing you only lived just a block from Tara.
“What do you want from me”
“To Pick Sam or Tara”
“What if I don’t”
“Then they both die, a lose lose. Come on this should be easy for your ex or Sam, such a near and dear friend of yours that knows your secret.” Your heart dropped. How does ghost face know that? You heard cry’s of them both.
“What if I give up Myself”
“It doesn't work like that”
“Think of it you leave Sam and Tara and you get me and that will then lead some people into New York and they’ll fall into your trap”
“Tempting but no” you climbed up the stairs to their house running to their door which is open.
“You have 5 seconds”
“Times up”
Ghostface stabs Sam, while not realizing you hung up the phone they go for a stab to Tara as you tackled Ghostface. Being able to stun them and you got up and flipped the table on them. You grabbed a pocket knife from Sam and cut her hands and you go for Tara but being tacked back from Ghostface. Sam tries to uncut Tara’s hands and Ghostface punches you multiple times each blow making you more light headed. You grab a book from beside you as you smash it against their head making almost a gunshot like noise. You got up holding your head as your hearing slowly came back. You see the sisters yelling and pointing. At that moment you felt a knife through your shoulder as you looked to your left and saw the ghost face getting up. There’s two of them great.
The second Ghostface digs the knife into you, twisting it. The sharp pain subsides as the adrenaline takes over your body seeing the first ghost face going towards the sisters. You elbow the Ghostface behind you in the ribs as they hunch down in pain as you push all your strength into hitting their head on the wall next to you, knocking them out. You shoulder check the other one over the couch as the sisters help you push it over them. You run out the apartment together as you all run down the stairs into the cops.
Now in the hospital you and Sam are right next to each other, Sam being in worse condition than you, as Tara is sitting on the chair in front of you as the group is outside due to only family being able to come in.
“I’m sorry” it was all Tara said as you looked confused.”I do love you I mean fuck I love you with all my heart I’m so sorry for what I said I was just trying to protect you from this whole situation”
“Tara it’s ok I get it, I’ve done it before, I just wish you told me why so I could have explained everything I already know what was happening.”
“What do you mean” before you could get a word of my mom walks in Sydney Prescott though she isn’t your real mom she stepped in after both your parents were killed from ghost face.
“Mom, you shouldn’t be here Ghostface can get you” You said said while hugging her
“Your moms Sydney Prescott” Tara said while drawing your attention back to her.
“Yes Tara, this is why I wish you would have told me no matter what I would have been included, especially with my mom, and that’s the secret ghost face we were talking about. And yeah Sam already knew because of that whole interrogation she did to me when we first were dating.”
As time passed Sam went in to undergo surgery as it’s only you and Tara left as your mom went to stay with Sam.
“I’m so sorry I should have told you”
“It’s fine Tara really and I mean if your ok with it we can get back together, really I understand what you were thinking I’ve thought the same”
“Yes, will you Tara carpenter be my girlfriend”
“Of course” you kissed as if nothing ever happened.
“Does this mean that we have to change our anniversary”
“I don’t know hopefully no I can’t remember dates well”
“Tara, shut up” you said while kissing her again.
A/N Hope fully you guys liked this give me any feed back and also I’m open to requests from people from my masterlist.
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elliereject · 6 months
ifhy .1
* in which ellie’s obsession relationship with you begins to sour as your romance with your new boyfriend seems to flourish. it seems she’ll stop at nothing to ensure your happiness, (which you’ll find with her, obviously) even if it means hurting you in the process.
* lowkey obsessive ellie, (I LIKE EM’ A LITTLE CRAZY!), angst + comfort (next chapter(s), infidelity, unrequited feelings yet also mutual pining (just read it like, idk idk I forgot how to do these),lmk if I missed anything!
* im back, ok not really this has been rotting in my drafts forever and I was reading it back and I was like damn I lowk cooked with this. It’s unfinished as of RN but this is only 1/3 of the fic im just splitting it up so u don’t have to wait months,,for it..like my other fics..DONT ASK ME ABT THOSE, cuz I don’t got an answer. IN THE MEAN TIME ENJOY THIS! <3
* mdni (but like if u do wtvr, nothing crazy happens in this chapter)
wc ~ 1.6k
pt. 2 here
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Ellie Williams fucking hated you.
Surprisingly, she didn’t at first. In fact, she was in love with you, bordering infatuation.
She had seen you for the first time at the local bookstore before the semester started, you were flipping through a book about time and relativity with a concentrated look on your face. She smiled to herself when she saw you push up onto your toes to reach for another book but to no avail. She took this as an opportunity to walk up to you and reach over your head to grab it, making sure to flex her lean, tattooed arm before placing it in your hand.
Her jade eyes locked on yours and your face heated immediately, you mumbled a “Thank you.” Before scurrying past her to the checkout.
Imagine her surprise when on the first day of classes, she walks into her astrophysics course and sees you, doodling in your notebook with that same concentrated look on your face.
Of course, she sits next to you, flashing that charming smile that has sweat gathering at your hands. She tells you her name then asks for yours and learns about your major, favourite course, and how you’re staying in a little apartment just outside the campus before more students and your professor filed in. You didn’t know why but you just felt so comfortable telling her things, She laughed at your corny jokes and made even cornier ones, and she admired the doodles that covered your notebook and the little duck pen you used.
You didn’t want to speak too soon, but it was safe to say you were harbouring a tiny bit of a crush on her.
Ellie on the other hand, was completely ready to admit it. She felt her love for you grow each second she was around you. Your smile quite literally felt like the sun shining upon her, your laugh made her want to drop her studies of space to pick up stand-up comedy just so she could make it her job to make you laugh. In her eyes, everything you did was perfect. Her thoughts were completely consumed by you, you, you.
And for a few months, things were amazing! You had been introduced to Dina and Jesse and even spent Halloween hanging out with the trio watching horror movies and eating each other's weight in candy. When the holidays rolled around you and Ellie, along with the others, cozied up under some blankets and made fun of cheesy Hallmark movies while she tried her hardest not to interlock her hands with yours even after your pinky brushed against hers for the sixth time.
During finals, Ellie and you organized designated study days that usually ended in giggling at stupid memes on each other's phones or late-night food runs. Of course, there were lingering touches and flirtatious glances here and there but you were too shy to act on it and Ellie would rather die than make you uncomfortable so she kept you just at arm's length. Besides, she knew you were too timid to approach anyone else, so in a way she had you all to herself.
Then, you met him. Some motherfucker whose name she didn’t care to remember. However, she did remember the innate feeling of anger that surged through her body when you gushed to her about him and how he was a history major and the way his glasses framed his face perfectly and whatever the fuck else you found interesting about him.
She nodded and laughed and smiled along with you when you would drone on about him but would excuse herself to the bathroom to tend to the crescent-shaped wounds in her palms from digging her fingers into them so hard.
She tried her best to not show these negative emotions to you because she knew how much you didn’t like when she got mad but fuck was it hard. Especially that one night when you were out with him and you hadn’t replied to her texts in over 5 hours. Man did her drywall take some damage that night.
And when you finally did reply you had completely disregarded her message and went on to boast about the time you had and how gentlemanly he was. All she could do was reply with a dry “sounds like fun🙂” before she went back to throwing a tantrum around her room and tormenting that poor wall…she’d have to remember to buy some spackle before the end of the semester.
Then, there was the time she trekked over to your apartment with some pizza for a surprise movie night and saw the bouquet placed in front of your door. She set the box down to pick up the flowers and read who it was from, her body reacted before she could rethink. She tore the flowers from the beautifully wrapped packaging and stomped on them over and over and over until all that was left were broken stems and tattered petals.
Thankfully, you got home just a few minutes later and missed her outburst. You gasped when you saw the smashed flowers and asked her what had happened, she shrugged and lied easily, claiming it was like this when she got there. She let out a breath when you shook your head and sighed, saying it was probably your next-door neighbor who had always been a bit of a grouch.
She had genuinely thought she was doing a pretty good job of hiding her true feelings for both you and him but it was when you gleefully announced that he was officially your boyfriend she knew she was done for. You squealed and pulled her in for a hug but it felt like her heart had shriveled up into a clump of black coal and woosh like magic, her love for you had turned into something twisted, something possessive.
It was when you invited her over to your apartment to eat dinner with him that she had started considering the idea that you knew she had a crush on you and you were just fucking with her emotions for fun.
How could you start dating, let alone seeing some random ass motherfucker when she was right here! She knew she could treat you better than he could even dream of, she knew everything about you and she’d make it known to you how perfect she was for you, one way or another.
That night at dinner she sat uncomfortably as you fluttered around your tiny kitchen, adding last-minute touches to the spaghetti you made and despite the grumble in her tummy it felt like she had no appetite when she watched the hungry way he looked at you, as if you were a juicy steak and he was a starved wolf.
Once you were finished plating the food and placing it on the table you sat down eagerly and tried your best to mediate the obvious tension.
“Soo uh, Ellie, you’ve been really into watercolour recently right?” You beamed.
“Uh-huh.” She said dryly, twirling her spaghetti around her fork.
“Oh that’s cool, you know watercolour as an art form has been around since Egyptian times! It’s funny to think that like—Cleopatra was painting with water and grapes or something!” He spoke and you giggled like it was the funniest joke in the world. She shot you a look that said really? because she knows she could make a joke that was way funnier, and would expel your real laugh.
“That’s cool. You know how to shut the fuck up?” She mumbled into her bite of spaghetti.
“Sorry?” He asked and you gave her a sideways glance.
She smiled tightly and swallowed before answering, “Just said that’s cool!”
Dinner dragged on as he droned about the history of the Renaissance or fucking Christopher Columbus, she didn’t actually know, she tuned him out. After you cleared the plates, you ushered them into your cozy living room for a movie and when you excused yourself to the bathroom she plopped down on the couch next to him, subtly pulling out her switchblade.
“So, Kevin—“
“Actually my name—“
“I don’t give a fuck what your name is, matter fact I don’t give a fuck about you in general. What are your intentions with ★?”
The man tensed up as Ellie expertly spun the blade around in her fingers.
“Uh—I mean, she seems cool and dating her has been pr—“
“Cool?” Ellie scoffed, “She’s fucking perfect, and I hope you know whatever you have going on with her right now? It won’t last. Soon she’s gonna see you for the limp-ass motherfucker you are.”
He was taken aback, “What?—I’m sorry, did I do something to offend you?”
“Your whole existence offends me.” She rasped, inching her blade closer to his neck. “She’s not meant to be with you.”
He furrowed his brows, “You like her, don’t you?”
Ellie rolled her eyes, “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
Before he could reply you were back from the bathroom and she slipped her blade back into her pocket and got up with a firm grip on his shoulder.
“What were you two talking about?” You asked as you grabbed a bag of chips from your small coffee table and tore into them.
“Oh you know, girl talk.” She smiled, digging her blunt nails into his shoulder. Translation: don’t say a fucking word.
You rolled your eyes playfully like you even had a clue of what was going on, “He’s not a girl, dumbass.”
She shrugged, stepping away from her previous seat to plop down on the other small sofa.
The rest of the night proceeded relatively smoothly, your boyfriend had been so shaken up by Ellie’s words that even with you sitting next to him he kept his distance with worried glances toward Ellie now and then. Ellie crunched on her popcorn happily and watched the movie with a satisfied smile and a chipper aura.
— ★
🤔 shall I put out the second part? only time (and interactivity! 💝 pls don’t let this flop) will tell!
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vamp4kaulitz · 3 months
Bill k. X Reader w/ Thunder thighs? HC pls,or imagine whatever you want really (DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED,YOU NEED SLEEP,YOU NEED TO EAT,AND MAKE SURE YOU READ ENOUGH FANFIC)
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pairing: bill kaulitz x gn! reader
hika🕷️:: TYSMM FOR THE REQUEST MLLL!! I will make sure I’m taking care of myself, I love you smm💞!! sorry i haven’t been posting- i lowk dont know what to write😢. lol it’s 2am rn. psa 6/21; yes i am black and im aware i wrote this on Juneteenth.
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i feel like bill is a thigh guy and he would LOVE your thighs sm. i mean he would always have this hands on your thighs, he would just be the touchy lil guy he is.
he’d definitely help rub coconut oil on them<3 this man loves helping you out, especially because he loves feeling your soft skin.
if you feel insecure about them, he would reassure you and kiss all over them. bill would kiss and nip at your thighs, whispering praises.
if you ever decided to get rid of them by working out, he’d be a bit but he would always be there to support you(such a good boyfriend)
would DEFINITELY use your legs as pillows. bill would stuff his face between your things 24/7. if not, he would rub and kiss them without a care in the world.
if someone points out your thighs in a negative way, best believe this man is THROWING HANDS!! how could someone talk about his precious baby like that? especially in front of him? hes not letting any insult go unheard.
“the fuck did you just say? why don’t you mind your own fucking business and leave them alone!” he shouted at them loudly, not caring who looks.
“say one more fucking thing and i will knock your teeth out.” he spat and grabbed your hand and walked away<33
if you ever ranted on how you hate your thighs, he’d be right by your side, listening to you. he would comfort you no matter what.
“i just hate my things, they are so annoying..!” you sobbed out and bill hugged you tightly.
“im sorry you feel that way baby. your unique, always remember that okay?”
NSFW (skip if uncomfortable)
oh gosh where can I even start? he would leave all types of hickeys all over them.
while eating you out, he would push them apart and squeeze them while he worked his way with you, demanding you to not close your legs.
“keep these beautiful legs spread for me, liebe.”
oh my gosh SIT ON HIS FACE PLSS. he downright begs for it, not caring if he seems desperate, that’s because he is.
“please please please schatz i want you to sit on my face!!” he whined as he begged and begged.
“but my thighs bill- what if they squish you or run out of breath?” you pouted. he didn’t care if he couldn’t breath after.
after some convincing you’d give in. he was like a happy kid who’s parent got them what they wanted from the store.
“fine fine fine! ill sit on your face, you happy?” you groaned and he smiled so widely. “i promsieee it’ll feel so good!” he said excitedly.
you didn’t put your full weight on him because you were scared of squishing him with your thighs. you lowered yourself on him, but not fully.
“i said, put your full weight on me.” he said and gripped your thighs and pushed you down on his face. you moaned loudly as his tongue skillfully moved against you, his tongue piercing feeling so so good.
You came so hard that you could’ve sworn you saw stars. You pulled off his face and he wiped his mouth and smirked.
“told ya you’d like it.” he teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
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hika🕷️:: i wrote this in one sitting goodbye..also requests are finally open sooo send me your horny stuff you lil goobers!! remember NOT to cross my rules!!
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Hiya!! Love your work so much😆
I was wondering if you’d write something where the paladins (especially keith hehe) have to go to a formal event like a gala to bring the coalition together (??) and how they’d ask y/n to be their date and/or how they’d react to y/n in their formal attire?? (maybe even add Matt too if you feel inspired) Thank youuu 🫶
Brooooo stoooppppp I am so weak for this idea holy shit 😩 And you are my first non anon request so THANKS FRIEND 🥹 I went with my three fav paladins 💙❤️💚AND Mattie boy 🧡Also I love writing with emojis, sorry not sorry. ENJOY DARLING~
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He waits until the last minute to ask you, let’s be honest. Like a day before the event, he’s sitting beside you in the training room, trying to catch his breath when he goes “So that thing tomorrow. Wanna go together?” And you’re like 😏 “Are you asking me to be your date?” And now he’s like 🙄 “Shut up before I change my mind.”
It’s silent for a second but he’s staring at you. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” “Yes, Keith. I’ll be your date to the gala.” And he’s bright red in the face now.
He tries to act all cool and mysterious as you both leave the training deck and go opposite ways. As soon as you’re out of sight, he’s SPRINTING to Lance’s room.
He’s so fucking annoyed as he spends hours trying to memorize and properly recite pick up lines to Lance as practice.
He also totally does not steal a bottle of cologne from Lance’s bathroom before he leaves.
The morning of, he finds Shiro for wardrobe assistance. Big brother Shiro totally cleans Keith up, giving him a more semi-formal look. Keith thinks he’s too cool for a coat and tie. Shiro also convinces Keith to pull his hair back into a low pony tail.
He decides he’s just too nervous to meet you at your room so he kinda just sits on his bed for a while, fully dressed and smelling great and waiting for you.
Finally you step into his open door way, instantly catching his attention. He stands quickly, almost stumbling over his own feet as he approaches you, admiring your look for the evening.
“OH WOW. Oh…Uh…sorry. You look really nice.” You look so nice he’s stressed out about it like wtf why are you so gorgeous? He thinks you’re sooooo far out of his league.
“I like your hair pulled back like that.” You smile at him and he thinks he might just spontaneously combust rn.
He keeps his arm linked with yours as you walk together to the front of the castle where all the guests are.
Once there, you mostly hang out together or with the other paladins. You’re both kind of shy and you find comfort in being together. You’re like the two emo kids at prom who just stand against the wall and complain about the lame music.
At some point, you two disappeared from the party. Allura and Shiro are like Hello? Where did they go? Shiro wanders outside to look for you only to find you both laying on your backs in the grass right outside the castle’s front entrance, staring up at the sky. He smiles as he hears you laughing at something Keith said.
“Im serious! Lance told me to say ‘even in zero gravity, I’d still fall for you’.” “BOOOOO that’s a terrible line!” You laugh up to the dark night sky.
His hand moves slowly to the side until it meets yours. When you feel the touch, you link your pinky finger with his and look over at him. He’s still staring up at the stars as a smile grows across his face.
He was so worried about disappointing you tonight, he just wanted to charm you. But he didn’t need pick up lines or fancy clothes to make you smile. Just being his normal self seemed to make you happy.
You guessed it…Lance is going all out for you.
The morning that they are told about it from Allura, he’s literally interrupting the whole meeting to ask you to be his date.
Freaking cheese ball gets down on one knee, takes your hand and kisses the back of it softly. When he looks up at you, he’s got that flirty smirk on his thin lips. “Would you, (Y/N), make me the happiest man in the universe and be my date to the coalition gala?”
You: 😍🥵🤭
Lance: 😘😏😎
Everyone else: 🤢🫣🙄
Obvi, you say yes with dreamy eyes and a goofy smile on your face.
You thought it was cute that he asked you even though you’ve been dating for a while now. You just assumed you’d be going together anyways. What a sweet boy~
While you’re feeling fine about the whole thing, Lance is freaking out. He’s digging through his clothes looking for something fancy to wear, he’s doing double face masks, he’s forcing Pidge to smell different colognes and help him pick the best one, he’s practicing his slow dance AND his salsa skills. Keep in mind, the gala isn’t for another week but he needs to get prepared NOW!
“There’s not even gonna be music, idiot. It’s a gala, not prom. When are you two even gonna have the chance to do the lift from dirty dancing?” “SHUT UP, PIDGE! IT’LL HAPPEN!!!”
He just wants to impress you so bad. It’s his top priority at the moment.
The night of the event, he’s freshly showered, dressed for the gods, smelling like a whole bath and body works and he’s sitting in your room keeping you company while you get ready.
“Lance, the gala doesn’t start for another 4 hours. Why are you- nevermind. Forget it. You look great.” And he gets so excited at the compliment.
He watches as you get ready. He’s not as talkative as he usually is.
“You okay?” He nods with a dopey grin on his face. He’s just admiring you, that’s all. A compliment leaves his mouth like every 5 minutes as you continue to get all dolled up.
He follows along side you all the way there, his hand is in yours and it’s SWEATY. He’s so nervous.
Once you’re there, his attention span is that of a gold fish. He’s so excited and chatty and asking people questions and he never fails to introduce you to everyone…every single person…S E P A R A T E L Y. He just wants to brag.
“This fine little honey right here…yeah, all mine. I know what you’re thinking, how’d I get so lucky? I ask myself that every day.” What a sap omfg
He notices you’re looking less than happy, kind of tired. Your social battery is at like 5%. He can tell you need a break.
As you’re standing beside Allura, listening to her talk to an ally of the coalition, Lance grabs your hand and pulls you away. You’re running behind him just to keep up with his long legs.
“Where are we going?” “You’ll see.”
THIS MF SET UP FAIRY LIGHTS AND MUSIC AND CANDLES IN HIS ROOM. BRO IS LITERALLY SUCH A HOPELESS ROMANTIC I CANT DEAL WITH IT. That’s why he came to your room so early. He didn’t wanna risk you coming in to his room and seeing everything.
You might think this is so extra but if Lance is anything, it’s extra. He takes any chance he can to make you smile and feel special. He’s so sweet, it’s disgusting.
“I just really wanna dance with you, (Y/N)…” “You did all this…for me?” He nods with a shy smile, bitting his lip as he watches for your reaction. You’re over the moon, your smile uncontrollable now.
So you dance together for a couple songs. He gently caresses your back as he sways with you, occasionally letting his hands roam to your hips. At this point, his cheeks hurt from how hard he’s smiling. It’s cute and sweet and innocent and you’ve never loved him more.
Bc they’re too shy for that romantic shit.
They’re like “Who else would they go with? I’m not worried.”
They assume y’all are going together bc you’re obviously more than just friends.
They will get dressed up nice for you tho. They know everyone else will be dressed up too but they secretly WANT to make you swoon over them. Like plz feed their ego.
They actually go to Hunk for help with their wardrobe. Hunk is the best wingman to ever exist, change my mind. Also, they are really unsure whether they want to wear something more masculine or more feminine and they really trust Hunk with the topic of their gender identity.
“Hey, you guys ready?” You pop into Hunk’s room, all dressed up and ready to go.
“Almost! Hunk is just helping me with the zipper on-“ Once Pidge lays eyes on you, the little gears in their head stop completely. It’s like everything else faded away as they looked you up and down. You’re so angelic, wow oh wow.
“Aww, Pidge! You look stunning.” Aaaaand you broke them. You’re gonna have to turn them off and restart them.
“Uh yeah, you’re good now.” Hunk assures and nudges Pidge back to reality. “Go.” He whispers as he ushers them to move towards you.
You walk together in complete silence, your arm linked with theirs. Finally, they speak up first.
“Are you nervous?” “Yeah, are you?” “Yeah…” “I hate parties.” “Me too.”
So together you devise a plan: you’re gonna sneak around and pull silly little pranks on people and just eat all the food you can get your grubby little hands on.
And you do exactly that. You’re both having so much fun! You’re laughing so hard you’re snorting. You’re far from nervous now.
Pidge is the best at breaking you out of your shell and making you feel comfortable. You can be your true, authentic self around them. They are your best friend first and your ✨partner✨ second.
After a while, you two sneak off to their room to play video games. The food was good and the pranks were hilarious but you had both had enough.
As soon as the door shuts behind you, you’re both ripping off your uncomfortable fancy clothes and changing into pajamas.
You’re sitting beside them, watching the loading screen for the game. It’s taking a while…
“So…what do I have to do to get you to stare at me like that again?” Pidge whips their head around, watching you with nervous eyes. They take a deep breath before they speak. “I always stare at you like that. You’ve just never noticed.” “AAAAWWWWWWWW REALLY?!”
Forget the video game. CUE THE CUDDLEFEST!!! 💚💚💚
Matt literally goes like this: 😌👉🏻👈🏻 “Hey…uhm hey…wanna be my date to the gala tomorrow?” *blushies*
And you’re like “Matthew, we’ve been dating for 8 months.” “Yeah, so?” You sigh heavily. “Yes, I’ll be your date, you dork.”
He doesn’t go to anyone for help with anything. Man is so confident and he knows you love him no matter what he looks like.
But of course he cleans up for you. He dresses up all formal and uses mouth wash like 10 times. He puts on so much lotion. He got some from Lance bc his hands are always so dry. He just wants to hold your soft hand in his own soft hand, ya know?
He’s waiting outside your door for a while, giving you privacy while you get ready but being right there for you when you’re done.
Once your door slides open, he turns and now he’s looking at you like he just won the lottery.
“HOT DAMN, YOU ARE SO FINE! What did I ever do to deserve you? Oh my god, you’re so perfect. You are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, did you know that? I swear, you are so precious-“ “Maaattttt, stooooopppppp.” You’re blushing so hard rn and he LOVES IT.
He walks with his arm around your shoulders, chatting with you about who is attending the event tonight and the importance of it all.
You sort of follow him around most the night, not doing much of the talking bc you’d rather listen to him talk.
He is so intelligent, just like Pidge. He uses words so big you cant even begin to imagine what half of them mean. He was so smooth with his words, the way he could spit facts about anything and everything without a second thought took your breath away.
At some point, you lost him in the crowd. He was busy, he was working to protect the universe. You understand. This is more than just a party.
You wander outside for some fresh air and a break from all the loud banter. Matt is meeting you out there within minutes.
“Hey. You alright?” He rests a hand on your upper back, rubbing his thumb back and forth between your shoulder blades. “Yep! Just…need a break.” “Yeah, I get it. It’s overwhelming.”
He turns and looks over his shoulder before he waves, a big smile on his face. “Oh hey! Yeah, this is (Y/N), my partner. The one I was telling you about.” He’s introducing you to an ally of the coalition who he’d just met earlier this evening.
You can’t help but smile, your heart pounding in your chest. He was talking about you to someone here tonight? What was he saying? Did he just call you his partner??? You’ve never actually heard him call you that. You’re so blushy and flattered and happy.
After a brief meeting, the visitor leaves you two alone. You pull Matt into a hug, squeezing him as tight as you can.
“You know I love you, right?” “Yes. You know I love YOU, right?” “Yeah, I know.” “Good, don’t you ever forget it.” You can decide who said what. Either way, y’all are so in love it’s not even funny.
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divinelolita · 1 year
i wanna laugh and i wanna laugh rn😪
its been so long(literally a few days) since i sent smthhh
ill boost u bae dw
mk so the whole band(um seperate fic duh) with a bf who be freakishly nice n shit(i feel like ivd sent this bf dont expose me if i did) like if a band member accidentally hit him in the face he would say sorry and say some dumb shit like "im so sorry i shouldn't have been in the way of your elbow. " like what💀💀
or if someone was trying to confess or smth he'd be like "i really don't want to hurt you but no." maybe even as a band memeber is right next to them
and arguments with this mf is probably hell like if it was a band members fault he would accidentally make them think it wasn't and it was his(sometimes its on purpose but they figure it out later) OFC these r examples use what u want🧍🏾
teehee i have an essay to write but ummmmm that doesn't matter rn 😇 uhh also if it's bad sorry idk what's going on with me
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・He's so confused how you can be nice all the time
・He really does try to be nice but he just snaps sometimes omg 💀
・He wonders when your breaking point is
・Like if he turns around carrying something and wacks your fucking face he's so confused why you're not YELLING at him
"Yeah and then- *WHACK* -OH SHIT M/N I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY?! -"
"No, no Bill I'm fine! It didn't hurt that much."
・He just stares at you with his jaw dropped low, slowly nodding to himself
・Or like if he knocks something over and you apologize for it
(I've done that so many times...)
・Reassures you it's not your problem 🤞
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・nahh you got him FUCKED UP bae.
・He doesn't understand how you can be so nice, I feel like he's a brutally honest mf 💀
・If your in public and somebody is being rude to you and you're just kinda standing there, still staying calm???
・He's just looking at your features trying to find ONE small piece of anger or frustration
・I feel like y'all are couple opposites.
・Like he'd obviously have a soft spot for you 🤗 but he doesn't see the reason to be nice to others when he knows it's not his fault
・Arguments with him oh my god...
・If you keep apologizing and saying it's your fault he eventually sits next to you to comfort you, assuring you everything's okay.
"It's not your fault, M/N. I promise.."
・You'd somehow warm him up a bit, he barley notices himself becoming more kind and carefree.
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・was his color green or blue omg i can't remember
・He's...so confused.
・Like if he accidentally smacks you with his elbow and you aren't crying or cursing
"I'm okay! It just stung for a second haha..!"
・He gets you but he doesn't.
・He just can't see himself being so giddy and happy and nice.
・Anger turns into confusion in arguments, why are you so mad at yourself?
・Loves you so fucking much though, always reminding you that you are amazing and didn't do anything wrong.
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・He understands you so much oh my god, he just loves you even more now.
・He'd also try to keep you from blaming yourself.
・Like if he knocks something over and you apologize.
"Oh shit I'm sorry I should have moved it-"
"No honey you're fine, I should've looked where I was going.."
・Very slightly confused on how you never snap, how you always keep calm
・He wishes he could be like you bae 💔💔
・In arguments he just tries to calm himself and you down, actually sitting down and talking about how you both feel
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kumezyzo · 1 year
hellooo! can you write something about breaking up w bf!sapnap?
im not joking when i say i got two seperate asks for this. and im all for it. i made sap seem like a huge asshole in this btw. like, so insanely shitty that its almost out of character/it probably is.
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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it built up slowly over time. once the honeymoon phase had passed, you two were comfortable. and then you two needed a break. he needed breathing room and you need to reevaluate where you wanted this relationship to go. when before you could see yourself marrying him, growing old with him, having a family with him, now you just saw his flaws.
he didnt know why but he felt bored. it hurt him to admit to himself. and it hurt even more having to tell his friends about it. the same friends that had grown to love you and you had grown to love aswell.
"you're... bored?" dream asked his best friend, looking at him like he was crazy. "of a person?"
nick winced as he heard it out loud for the first time. he looked at george who looked at him in complete concern.
"it sounds worse when you put it like that..." nick responded. he rubbed at his eyes.
"it was that bad to begin with," george said shaking his head.
during the break, you felt as if you two had broken up. and the longer it went on, the more he acted like you two actually had. and it really solidified it when he started talking to other people.
you didnt think he was doing it seriously. maybe it was just to make you jealous, maybe he did stoop that low. but then you saw how how george and dream were just as confused as you.
he really did try to hide it from you. from everyone. but no ones perfect.
"nick, who are you texting?" dream asked over his shoulder, startling him. he looked at dream with wide eyes.
"what the fuck are you doing?" he asked defensively. you looked up from where you were sitting at the kitchen island to the other two on the couch. he glanced at you before looking back at his best friend.
"i was just trying to scare you..." dream said walking towards you in the kitchen confused. he had gone upstairs to get his laptop to show you something. "but really, who were you texting?"
"your mom, thats who,"
when you found it he was talking to someone, you couldnt help but feel terrible at the idea that he had already gotten over you.
you walked into your old shared bedroom, nervously avoiding eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. he looked at you blankly as you stood there with your arms crossed, trying to find words to say.
he was sat up in bed, looking up from his phone at you. "...whats up?"
"we can agree we're not together anymore? like... this isnt gonna work out, right?" you continued to stare at your socks as you waited for the heart breaking answer. but you couldn't hold it in and looked up to see his face.
he looked small and deep in thought. he glanced down at his phone screen and back up at you.
"why are you thinking about it?" you ask offendedly. "im asking to make sure we're on the same page here. it wasnt an actual fucking question."
your words rang through the air. he sat there, hearing them play over in his head. it was like he was suddenly understanding the situation. he replayed your relationship, remembering how much he loved you. how happy he was.
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im sorry if this seems all over the place. this idea was a lot more elaborate in my mind. but i didnt wanna make it longer. sorry...
if you want a longer version, it would take a while for me to get it out. im gonna be super busy for a while so domt expect as frequent uploads. im also in a lowkey bad mood rn so... im sorry if this is kinda dry. -nony
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baby--b4t · 5 months
hey snookums it’s me again :3 I have another minific or bot idea that i’m just leaving here because my ideas are spilling out of my head like soup rn :p
dottore (somehow) being trusted to babysit pantalone’s little, and he just doesn’t know what to do at all. “you want a beer?” “he’s four!!”/ref
the sillies I lub them :3
PLEASE KEEP SENDING ME LITTLE IDEAS LIKE THIS (this goes for everyone !!) these ideas help me with my writers block and give me inspiration for other stuff (*^▽^*) I DID KINDA GO OFF TOPIC WITH THIS ONE but its still silly stuff with dottore :3
(minific under the cut)
"Why am I being put in charge of someone with the mental capacity of a child?" Dottore grimaced as he cleaned off one of his counters. He had planned to start on a new experiment today, but it was clear that was going to have to be put on hold for the time being.
"Oh please, dont sound so disgusted by it." Pantalone replied, setting you down in a nearby chair. "I just need you to watch them for a little bit while I attend a meeting. Everyone else is away or busy at the moment. A couple hours is all I ask, Dottore."
Dottore was clearly not the happiest about the situation, but he understood. He let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Fine! But if that little parasite messes with any of my equipment and breaks something, I expect better equipment to replace it with." He grumbled, turning to set a box of flasks aside.
Pantalone smiled slightly, setting down your bag he had packed for you.
"There are snacks, toys, an extra pacifier, and a change of clothes in there for the little one. Oh! There are also a few comfort items in case they start having a meltdown. Take care not to lose those, would you?" The man explained as he gave you a gentle hug. "Now, you be on your best behavior for Dottore, alright darling?"
You whined and tried to keep Pantalone with you, but he left you with Dottore in the end. He knew you would be upset, you always were when he left, but he reassured you he would be back very soon. Dottore watched you for a moment, not entirely sure how to care for someone as vulnerable and innocent as you.
"So... What is it that Im supposed to do with you, parasite?" He asked, leaning on a nearby counter as he seemed to study you. "Do you need fed or something?"
You reached into the bag Pantalone had packed for you and pulled out a small stuffed animal. Dottore tilted his head quizzically.
"A toy? Hm..." He thought for a moment, debating on just putting you on a makeshift leash somewhere until Pantalone came back. Play time wasnt really something he wanted to participate in. He wasnt at all fit to handle such childish things... But he couldnt lie and say he didnt find it intriguing.
"Do you play with it? Like a doll or puppet?" Dottore crouched next to the chair you sat in. You shook your head at him and hugged your stuffy close to your chest.
"Ah, I see. Is it like a companion to you?" Dottore smiled slightly, looking more creepy than happy. That somehow made you giggle. You tried to hide your face a little bit in hopes that he wouldnt see you, but it was fruitless.
"What? Whats so funny to you, parasite-" Dottore frowned slightly, trying to look at your face as you continued to try and hide away from him. The way he spoke and seemed frustrated seemed rather funny to you as well. The giggles wouldnt stop coming out of you no matter how much you tried to suppress them.
After a bit of pestering, Dottore finally just picked you up to get your attention.
"I didnt think looking after you would prove to be... So exhilarating." He mumbled, walking over to a more cleaned out area to keep you for the time being. Be stopped in his tracks as he heard you mimicking him, or what he thought was mimicry. You were just trying to repeat the word 'exhilarating' and figure it out and Dottore took that as you trying to poke fun at him.
Dottore sat you in a small corner with the blanket Pantalone brought you with. He chuckled as he plotted trying to get revenge for your 'mocking', feeling as though being a bit silly at a time like this wouldnt hurt.
"Well, well, well.. A misbehaving brat, hm? I know what will fix that behavior quickly." Dottore smiled once more, moving his hands to your side to try and tickle you. That was the start of a nearly twenty minute tickle battle between the two of you.
Dottore finally admitted defeat and was sat in the corner he originally put you in. He crossed his arms over his chest, pouting slightly.
"Im the adult here. Why do I have to sit in the corner?" He questioned, leaning against the wall slightly. You yawned and babbled something in response to him, but it was all gibberish to the man. He sighed and pulled you close to himself, settling you on his lap.
"Youre yawning so that must mean youre tired, right? How about we play a quieter game that ends in you falling asleep, hm?" Dottore suggested as he moved some hair out of your face. You perked up, reaching into your bag and pulling out a simple story book.
Dottore furrowed his brows under his mask for a moment. He didnt want to read a childrens book, but the pleading look on your fave made him cave.
"Give it here-" He grumbled before opening the front cover. You had shifted a bit, holding your stuffed animal and being covered in your blanket nicely. Dottore made sure to support your body with one arm as he held the book with his other.
"Once upon a time..." The man began to read the story aloud to you, his voice quieting slightly. He felt you starting to relax in his embrace, getting comfortable for your nap. He had no more than finished the story before realizing you fell asleep.
"Well that didnt take long." Dottore mumbled, trying to speak softly to make sure he didnt wake you up. He adjusted the two of you a bit, leaning comfortably against the wall with you all snuggled up in his lap. It wasnt long before he found himself dreaming alongside you.
Pantalone came back into Dottores lab after the meeting, expecting to be met with chaos and tears. The man was worried that Dottore would end up being a bad babysitter or that you couldve gotten into something. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the two of you cuddling, but was a bit confused as to why you were cuddling in a corner.
You sat in Dottores lap, playing with one of your toys as he was still fast asleep. Your naps were quick and easy, so it wasnt surprising to see you were awake after only about an hour of sleeping.
"Well, look at that. You wore poor Dottore out, didnt you sweetheart?" Pantlone chuckled as he reached down to pick you up. He cradled you in his arms, planting a small kiss on the crown of your head.
You looked back down at Dottore, thinking for a moment before trying to throw down your blanket to him. Pantalone saw your efforts and smiled.
"Should we tuck him in so he can finish his nap?" He asked as he set you back down so you could cover him up. You pulled the blanket up further on him, up to his shoulders, before tucking your stuffed animal in with him.
"Such a thoughtful little dear." Pantalone praised, gently ruffling your hair.
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
Goodbye? I don't think so. I hope not. A very, very long rant about storage (🙄), simblr and whatever the fuck else I go on about for a few paragraphs. Skip to the end at the gold text for a more.... "definitive" answer. Especially if you want to skip the nitty gritty and sappy wappy.
i dont know what to do anymore, I freed up 18 GBs of space it all managed to go down the drain in literally an hour, Im moving my blender things to my external HDD, because that alone is 20 GBs (because of Scene sizes), I just hate to free up the space because I dont want it to go right back down. This all sucks cuz I really really enjoy being on Simblr, but sims 4 just continues to be a nuisance, whether its actual problems or its storage problems, it just always finds a way, every year, to get me to suddenly decide that im retiring until my next bout of Sims 4 hyperfixation. I love all of you guys and I love seeing how you all enjoy my work, and what I do, and I love seeing your stuff, you all make such amazing creations, granted if I stopped playing TS4, it wouldnt mean I have to stop interacting on simblr, it just wouldnt be the same. A pattern I notice anytime I start a social media platform, is that something always finds its way into completely demotivating me from posting, whether it's just literal lack of motivation, depression, realizing a project is too vast for me, storage problems, it's always something and it's always when I finally get comfortable or happy on a platform, especially after making friends, not that im saying my friends are one of the reasons I leave, thats far from it. I REALLY dont wanna take a break from Sims 4, I really really genuinely wanna start posting my story (W.A.S), but I'm not like a Sims 4 youtuber, I can't remain dedicated to one game, I play other games, I wanna play the Witcher games (or at least try to play them, I kinda suck rn), I wanna finish Detroit become human, I want to 100% Beyond two souls (and DBH), I wanna finish Disco elysium (started and never fucking finished 💀), I want to play Baldur's Gate 3, I mean, I purchased it at full price and I can't even play the game??... 😮‍💨 You get the point. At this point I wouldn't consider this a "goodbye," note, not... necessarily? I just get so frustrated having no storage, not to mention the fact that I need storage to literally do the stuff I do, like make edits, make poses, make renders, so the fact that I can't even do that, is just like... what's the point of even having Sims 4 anymore at that point? But I don't wanna leave simblr, I don't want to stop creating. It's funny, as I write this, I continue to give myself more and more of a reason to leave, the only real thing that's stopping me is just the fact that there's so many nice people here, I know that if I stopped playing the sims 4, I'd probably move onto another game (BG3................,,,,,..) and leave tumblr, or, at least leave Simblr. Which as I (think) said before, that's sad, I'd be sad, I'd miss people like Lori (groovetrys) and Lauren (miralure), June (circusjuney), Jade (gamyrmaiden), Anna (holocene-sims), butter (buttertrait), Fae (acuar-io), Verco (vercosims) and god, so many others, and sorry to break the atmosphere suddenly, but as I'm writing this, I'm listening to "In another life," from Everything everywhere all at once and it's making this very emotional for me, so if it gets sappy I apologize.
And I guess to be... insanely honest, as much as I want to release my story (trust me, I REALLY want to), I'm slowly beginning to realize more and more how not-easy it's gonna be to make scenes, writing it is fine for me, its just setting up the scenes feels like i'm forbidden to a life of staring at a bunch of words (pose names) trying to figure out what's what, where is what, what to do, where is where, who is who, who is what, how is what, how and why, need I continue. Storytelling is so insanely important to me, I believe that despite how little I read and despite how terrible of a student I have been, and despite how poor my literature skills are, that storytelling is still so important, fuck it, poetry has been such an inspiration for me, but I don't fucking know how to write poetry?? I can barely understand poetry at times, but it's still all so beautiful to me, the concept and the fact that people use metaphors so meticulously to create an allegory for something beautiful, or traumatic or sad, like in not so berry, the concept of an ocean being alexanders "love," and cataleya drowning in it, and her realizing she's drowning in his "love," but when she wants to leave, she really wonders if she actually wants to leave, to conceptualize and create this awful relationship in the means of an ocean is so... well, not beautiful in a reality sense, but in a technical/literary sense, it's beautiful, it's expression, and THATS what im passionate about. Remember what I said about getting sappy? Yea, sorry about that. After a while, I wonder what good repeating myself does, I've said about 5 or 6 times that I don't want to leave, yet here I am, with the mouse over the uninstall button like an idiot about to press the big "DON'T TOUCH" button, perhaps it's the idea that after repeating myself over and over again, that maybe I'll make up my mind, do I do a coin flip? I never listen anyways, I always continue to flip until it lands on what I like. So... why am I still writing? To be honest, I should've stopped by now, but you can only stop a dam so much before it all comes out. I do this with my friends, when I'm sad, I pour my heart out until it's a repetitive and overcooked version of "I'm sad." I write paragraph after paragraph and I literally could've just said "I don't have storage. Considering leaving simblr," and the same message would've gotten across, and I apologize, if you're still reading this, for making such a lengthy post, but I couldn't quite help spilling a bit of water everywhere, although I guess now my little puddle of water has become a flood. I use metaphors a lot, I apologize... again.
So what does all this bullshit that I typed out mean?
I don't know. I wonder the same myself, I'm fighting a battle more fierce than the one I had with my period last week, "Do I uninstall Sims 4 so I can have more freedom, and enjoy more content? or do I continue this rigorous battle of needing storage for the sake of a tumblr page, my enjoyment for writing and other shit I do in the sims 4?" I cannot say I will take a hiatus, because I will procrastinate, and I will forget completely about posting, and tumblr in general. I do still, at the very least, want to release my Official Teaser for my story, whether it be my last post or not, and at the very least, I want to introduce you to the characters, whether it be my last post(s) or not. Not to mention the fact that I want to continue sharing about Roo even if it's not about sims 4 anymore, I mean hell, I haven't even finished off the Leo and Roo part of his timeline.
For an INCREDIBLY watered down answer on whether or not this is goodbye, I say to you, not in this moment, not definitive enough for you yeah? Well, that's the thing, I don't have a definitive answer, you could fucking tear apart this entire college essay mat-pat style, and still not have a definitive fucking answer, and that's because I don't, sorry to all the people who don't want to listen to me rant or who want a clear answer, but I just don't have one. I've been known to make impulsive and on the whim (when I'm really emotional) decisions, and this is a situation where I don't want to do that, because I care about what I have here with ya'll.
If this ends up being one of my last posts, I bid you all adieu, I love you all, and I thank you so so so much for the laughs, and for the mutual connection we may or may not have had, I do not know if I'll make any actual posts for the next few days as I consider my decision, I will float around of course and continue reblogging this and that, and commenting and liking, etc etc. There's also a chance I may wake up tomorrow and look at this and think I was just being overly emotional about this stuff, and that now I look like an idiot, which is the case 9 times out of 10.
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
ok so
anonymous bc no way am i showing my url on this Jhshsheheh
so like all my friends at school. they seem. so much more mature than i am???
like even the ones who are younger than me. they're already thinking about partners. and dating n stuff. like some of my friends already have partners
but i. just am not interested in that rn??? and sometimes i feel like there's. something Wrong with me. yk
like im year 9 but. i feel like i should be thinking about this and it feels like im not mature enough that i don't want to worry abt that now
- 🐉
there is nothing wrong with you. listen to me. there is absolutely Nothing wrong with you.
it is perfectly normal to not be interested in romantic relationships, i wasnt at your age and im still not. i am in a platonic relationship with my best friend, mostly because it comforts us both to know that no matter what happens we will not be alone. even if all of our other friends get into romantic relationships and prioritise them over friendships
desiring a romantic partner does not make you more mature than anyone else. having a romantic partner or a partner of any kind is not a requirement for happiness, fulfilment, or maturity.
focus on what You actually want. ask yourself what would make You happy, what would make you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life. set aside these notions of what we are Supposed to want, of what it is ""Normal"" to want, and focus your attention on yourself. this is your life, and you owe it to yourself to follow your own path.
i think it would help you to research aspec identities, especially aromantic ones, and talk to aromantic people about their experiences. you might not be aromantic! alloromantic people can still have no desire to be in romantic relationships, and that is perfectly fine and normal. and likewise aromantic and arospec people can want to be in romantic relationships despite their lack of romantic attraction. what i think researching this community will do for you is show you that romance is not the be all and end all of human beings. it is not a requirement for existing and being happy.
i think even progressive parents can fall into this trap of telling their kids "when you grow up and get a girlfriend or a boyfriend" or "when you get married to your spouse", and like, yea its great that they arent assuming you will be straight, but they are still placing the expectation on you to Want a romantic relationship and that you will have one no matter what. and that doesnt have to be the case!
your "happily ever after" does Not have to involve riding off into the sunset with your One True Love, it can in fact be a freezeframe of you and your best friends jumping into the air together and pulling silly faces!
idk this is. a long and rambling answer to what was a fairly simple question but. this ask hit me very close to home. i know how you feel. i felt Exactly the same way when i was your age. i felt wrong and broken and different and i didnt understand Why everyone was so excited about dating and kissing and relationships. so. im telling you what i wish someone would have told me.
take a deep breath. and let go. you dont need to have it all figured out Right Now. you can in fact just enjoy life as it happens! you dont have to know exactly what you want at this age. you can figure it out as you go. you have So Much Life ahead of you to learn and grow make mistakes and change your mind and figure things out and just. live.
the world wont end if you never want a romantic relationship. life will go on. you will find out what Really matters to you. and thats the beauty of being alive! please do not force yourself to do anything you dont Really want to do, just because thats what it feels like you're Supposed to do.
you are unique and beautiful and so so alive. you are doing just fine, and im so proud of you. you belong here.
you are loved.
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honeekyuu · 21 days
i love these prompts so im asking a lot sorry not sorry happy self ship friday
pre: 2, 6
general: 8, 9
love: 2, 10
domestic: 2, 8
MOLLYYYYYY LETS FUCKING GO IT'S SUNA DAY (it's always fking suna day lets be fucking real)
self ship questions!
pre 2: What was their first impression of each other?
suna and i met on move in day first year,,, he was screaming "if you break my shit ill fuck your mom" down the hall at atsumu as i coming around the corner with my cart of plants. we made eye contact and i said "my mom??" i immediately thought he was funny but he avoided me for like a week bc he was embarrassed. i had to keep making 'your mom' jokes until he cracked because he was being weird
pre 6: What was their "flirting stage" like?
looking back im like pretty solidly convinced the flirting stage started in like second year, but im just an idiot and didnt realize it until our situationship started a year later. lots of us staying up until 2am playing mario kart alone in the dorm lounge or in his room. lots of him texting me memes and tiktoks and taking random pictures of me and sending them to me when he'd see me on the quad but i didnt see him,,,, making faces at each other across classrooms,,, lots of his hands brushing thighs and elbows and me hugging him goodnight,,,, wow i was a stupid fuck back then lmao
general 8: Who takes the lead in social situations? How are they around each other's friends?
me. me me me. 100% me. we are both introverts but hes the WORSE introvert. people think hes a standoffish rude terrible fuck because he cant keep eye contact to save his life and is always on his phone in social situations. when he first met my friends i had to do major damage control but once they got to know him they realized hes just shy and now they make fun of him for it. "oh i'd ask suna but i dont think hes on this plane of existence rn" "suna i need your opinion and i need you to speak it in words please" ,, that kind of shit. his friends are the miyans and we were all in the same dorm for two years so there were no issues getting to know them lmao
general 9: Who gets jealous easier?
i was gonna say me but it's him. i get jealous SUUUUPER easily but more often it's like,, insecurity not jealousy lol. 90% of the time it's me being insane ab smth that isn't even happening and him being like "wow, youre being insane ab smth that isnt even happening!". but any time literally any guy he doesnt know tries to say smth to me, suna appears like a cryptid and stands there until the interaction is over. brother could be asking me for directions and a cold chill will pass over me as my bf emerges from the ether to linger behind me.
love 2: What are their primary love languages?
mine is words of affirmation and quality time without fail. i NEED this man to tell me he loves me because every four seconds im like "so you dont like me??" and he just sighs in exhaustion. and i feel like,,, even in the fwb stage,,,, if i went too long without seeing him i would get really insecure,,, but also HIS love languages are physical touch and quality time, so we never went more than like a DAY without seeing each other lmao. and hes a manhandler,,, brother just manhandles me when he gets clingy and im left to deal w it, he has no fucking clue how strong he is
love 10: What do they like best about each other?
i like how reliable he is. he is so steadfast and unwavering about basically everything, to the point where, if im feeling insecure, hes like "literally why would you ever think that? you already know how i feel, it has not changed once". it's a little frustrating bc hes stubborn, but also i feel like him being reliable as a fucking rock helps build my confidence to do things out of my comfort zone with him. and i think he likes that im fucking insane and overthink/overshare so open about my feelings!! hes really bad at expressing himself vocally, but hes gotten a LOT better at it in the years we've known each other and now hes basically perfect at just speaking his truth lmao. i think it's bc i talk so much ab my feelings that hes figured out how to do it too
domestic 2: If they get married, who proposes, and how do they do it? Would they change their surnames?
ohhh we're not married, but hes said out loud in extremely blunt terms that he'll be the one who proposes. i asked if he wanted me to propose and he said "HEEEEELLLLLL NO!!!!! I WANNA DO IT" so,,,, ig he's doing it ?? i dont think ill take his name though, he says he likes my name the way it is.
domestic 8: Who kills the bugs in the house?
him. he does. him. i would give the spiders the house if they asked for it.
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
no idea why u’d know better than i do but i’m thinking about changing my name to october or morte (french for death my mom does not like this one Lol) and i need a second opinion like my friends are too broadly supportive 4 me to trust them i guess
idk like i’m getting it legally changed soon (tboy reasons) and i’m just not sure it’s just a white boy name i chose really quickly after coming out rn i dunno im just torn
sorry if this is weird to ask i guess i’m asking cuz ur name is cool and you seem worldly and like honest :/
hope ur having like a nice day sorry again lol
dont be sorry!!! first of all congrats thats super exciting <3 i think both of those are really awesome tbh if i met someone with either of those names first thought Would be oh fucking cool. i think that whatever you do the first most important thing is that youre happy with it! i hate to say this also but realistically think a bit about your chosen field as well and weigh the benefits of sickass name like october against that being your name professionally (in some cases that might not matter ie if youre going into any creative field! and ideally it wouldnt matter for any fields and i hate to be like ohhhh appease Society but its worth thinking about for yr success n safety ! ). i think morte is more of a Name name because it would be said like mort which is i think an established name (derivative of mordecai or morton in some cases?). but october is very very cool and you could always shorten that to like. oc or toby or something else if you also wanted to have a more simple and “normal” sounding shorthand name.
BUT this all being said. you can always have your new legal name be whatever white boy name you chose as long as you like it, and still have october or morte as a nickname! i get that it might feel like a copout, but lots of cis people have fun nicknames like that too, so its very normal, yk. at the end of the day its all about your comfort and what will help you thrive so just try to listen to yourself and feel out what it will be like to live in that name for five, ten, fifty years. AND remember you can change it again, legally or not, so nothing is forever and if it changes later thats fine too! this is just the first hurdle: to get rid of a name you never chose and replace it with one you did, which will be better no matter which one you opt for right now
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quodekash · 1 year
its 1pm and im finally well-rested enough to watch last nights episode of abaab, wish me luck (im rly excited for more threezo pls gimme more threezo) 
im eating a pomegranate while watching so my commentary may be slightly limited 
i just accidentally sprayed pomegranate juice everywhere 
this is my first time eating a pomegranate and im sitting on my bed 
i have a towel on top of me just in case and im glad i have it 
otherwise my funky hufflepuff blanket would look like a crime scene rn 
anyway back to the show 
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awh :[ 
comforting kiss 
im gonna cry 
“its not a company owner and an intern. its just you and me.” GHEIBRHGERH THATS SO PERFECT and also makes me feel better cos i was still feeling a little weird about the power imbalance/age gap so yay 
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THE ARM THE HAND ON THE ARM LOOK AT THEM AAAAAAATYFYTUUVJ (ft jacks perfect hair on the left) 
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ah shoot 
wait hang on 
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what the hell 
ive been wondering whats in that folder since day one
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ohhhh okay its a groupchat 
props to that one person for saying its none of your business 
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i nearly dropped my pomegranate 
why was i surprised to learn he has a mother 
a lot of people have mothers 
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thats exactly what she said, isnt it? 
bc theyre actually in a drama 
its gonna cut to a scene of her saying exactly that 
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damn i was wrong 
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damn then i guess im going to jail 
my hands are covered in pomegranate juice this feels like a murder 
hey, does pomegranate juice wash off? 
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HAH, SUCKS TO BE YOU (checks notes) oregano? 
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i do love that and that’s very sweet, but bro needs his coffee 
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already at two kisses and were not even halfway through the episode. if only tinngun could live up to their standard. 
(this is mostly a joke, im just really salty because tinngun COULD have kissed SIXTY-SEVEN FREAKING TIMES and they DIDNT and no i will not shut up about this i spent way too long combing through the show counting every single time they didnt kiss to not mention it every single time any characters kiss. shameless self promo here)
no wait hang on what the hell 
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“drunk or not, i love you” i see now why that line was significant 
and also the slight breakup foreshadowing earlier 
i understand it now 
they wont break up tho bc (i pull out a sword) i will not allow it 
(just kidding) 
(i dont have a sword) 
(if i did have one tho i would absolutely take it out of its sheath right at that moment) 
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they make me happy 
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oh yay we get some tub time!! i cant wait to learn more about him so that i can pick him apart and do a character autopsy on him to find out how he works! 
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is he speaking from experience? tub, what do you have going on in life? what have you gone through? tell me all about it :] 📝📝
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is it texas chicken or is it kfc? 
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ilysm three 
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RIGHT????? he gets it 
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i love them so much
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something good better happen 
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(eret son of eret voice) is tha’ who i fink i’ is? 
it might not be 
if anyone knows who plays this man, pls lemme know 
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sir do you have the technical skills for this 
i know hes the head of a game developing company thing but the actual physical insides of a gameboy are an entirely different thing, right? 
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i was waiting for the thoop situation to come up again 
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the MOOD that this is-
i have finished my pomegranate and can confirm that the juice does in fact come off of human skin, which is nice bc i looked like id murdered someone 
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and how are you gonna do that, gun? 
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idk man, i reckon id appreciate you as my big bro 
yayyy that was really good, a little bitter at times but really sweet overall. 7/10, would try again 
oh and the episode was also really good 
huge lack of threezo tho 
theyd better make up for it next week 
still good tho 
bye bye everyone! have a good day!! 
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transfemlogan · 10 months
Texting Headcanons
Patton: using emojis 24/7. Literally every text will have some sort of emoji, even if it doesn't fit the original message. Texts like a dad & a mom combined. Uses grammar occassionally. Usually types in all caps, because he doesn't know how to turn them off. Sends the laughing emoji when he laughs at something. Prefers talking in person if he can.
Roman: uses emojis occassionally. Types in caps when he's excited. Uses capital letters when necessary and never any time else. Shorten words and uses popular acronyms. Says "ROLF" and "LMAO" when he laughs at texts. Uses the sparkle emoji constantly. Loves to facetime. Double texts like CRAZY
"Helloooo~ ✨️✨️ romans here!! A REMINDER for all of u 2 tell me what u thought of the script ASAP bcus thomas NEEEDDS it by tmrw!!!!"
Virgil: shorten every word ever even if its not readable. Types in all lower case with 0 grammar. Sends 💀 or "lol" when he inhales through his nose at something. Keysmashes when he finds something really funny. Prefers to text above all else & will cry if you try to call him. Spelling mistakes all over the place. Hard 2 tell if something is supoosed to be an acronym or if its a mistake?
"im not rding ur stpjd script roman also twll thomas not 2g2 that dumb party on sat or i swear 2 god ill bloqk all of u ok bye also hi pat"
Logan: proper grammar all of the time. Probably ends his messages with "sincerely, logan" (he knows theyre not letters or emails, but he can't help himself.) Says "that was funny" when he finds something funny (very rare). Prefers in person communication or calling, as he is usually busy working and can't text if he's using his hands. Doesn't use emojis ever & finds them so so stupid but will SOMETIMES use the heart emoji if he's comforting virgil or trying to be nice. Learns about tone indicators after virgil tells him & now he uses them all the time. Will start to let loose if he's comfortable around you. Looking at his msgs with virgil is almost like an entirely different person.
"Hello, all. I have read your script, Roman, and will be sending you my edits soon. I find it to be very long and wordy and full of mistakes. /neg You are lucky you have me to help you. Also, Virge, I'll try to get Thomas to not go to that party /srs, as he has many responsibilities that day, such as: cleaning his room, recording, and doing his laundry. Here is a link to my plan for next week. Please let me know if there's any complaints. Sincerely, Logan."
(Virgil: thnk u L . m not reading ur plsn ethr
Logan: Hi Virgil. That is alright. I'll just let you know next time we "hang out". Sincerely Logan.)
Janus: also texts all lower case & never uses commas but does use periods. Loves to use ":)" and "<3" (<- in a mean sarcastic way most of the time). Doesn't express laughter anytime anywhere. Prefers facetime or in person communication. Doesn't text often. Also doesn't respond often. Will leave you on read, he has other things to do. Uses tone indicators only if he is personally texting logan and no one else. Will sometimes not even respond to what you said in the first place.
"oh of course logan let's have thomas work all the time and never ever get any rest. sounds very healthy :). roman i read your script. hi patton".
(Roman: aand jan? What did u think??
Janus: Read 2:43 pm)
Remus: sends nudes in chat. And the most random gore vids he can find. Types in all caps willingly. Sends very strange emojis that dont match up with anything. Responds lightning quick but also ignores everything you say in order 2 send what he wants 2 talk abt so it doesnt even matter. Homestuck speak. Has never read homestuck.
"H3Y0 🦿🍒🛝😝 CHECK OUT TH12 PHOTO I JUST T00K RN. (Sends a dick pic)"
- Virgil has left the group chat -
Logan: Hello, Remus. That does not look very healthy. We should send you to a physician to get that checked out. Sincerely, Logan.
Janus: read 2:48 pm)
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whyispaflsoaddicting · 4 months
its fucking stupid how i cry for no reason at all, its kinda just really dumb how i become sad even when nothing happens. its shameful.
i dont know whats up with my mind. i suck sm. this sucks sm. i hate my own mind.
i wish i could commit suicide without feeling painful. i wish i had a reason to cry. i wish i could cry without feeling ashamed.
maybe im just really sad. i try to be happy, i try to make myself feel better by looking at things that make me happy (catolya, temnolya, pafl…etc.) but it doesnt work. it never works.
i feel like i need to be happy in times like this, especially bc i have no reason to be sad. all my friends are awesome, my parents are perfectly normal, everyone in my life is great most of the time, and the people that fuck me up, they dont even do that bad of things, and arent that bad most of the time, just occasionally say things that hurt me. i have no reason to cry.
its shameful and it hurts.
dont think im some edgy 10 year old, no im better than that, i promise. dont make fun of me for crying for no reason. thats no way to treat someone whos actually so sad rn. please, i know youre better than that.
ive cried sm today. ive cried for no reason and ive been sad the whole day. i wish someone would tell me its alreight. i wish someone was by my side rn. i wish someone was comforting me and letting me cry on their shoulder rn. i wish my friend was here. i wish my friend wasnt so far away. i need him. i need him rn.
everyone will laugh at me if i cry here in vietnam. everyone will make fun of me for crying for no reason. i hate this. i hate this. i hate myself.
i will never know why im so so sad. i will never find out whats going on inside my brain.
all i can do is vent.
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I just finished yan brother and im dying at imagining precious baby sis getting into the memes again somehow on her cheap ass burner and now she's snapping at big bro calling him "submissive and breedable". Also Bunny was so !?!??! Amazing???? Ngl i dont trust a pretty man AT ALL and i dont trust no smooth mf who gets touchy on the first date like he knows me or sumn. reader needs to watch her back heheh!!! Also him 'guessing' her name jdkskls what the HECK bro, mans is a walking 🚩🚩🚩 (just the way we like em 😳) im trying to decide my fave oc of yours but its tough 😮‍💨. I looooove your writing though! Also pls make sure you take breaks, ur posting soooo much so frequently so pls also make sure ur taking care of urself!!! Happy holidays 💞💞💞 (can i be 🐰 anon pls? I promise it doesnt have to do with Bunny, its just my thing jdskks)
Hi bunny emoji anon i just got around to answering this ask cause i had a stroke of luck where i had some inspiration to work onthe 3rd yan bro installment
I also workineg on the next part of Bunny the pretty boy, just veryz busy these days prepping with uni and all, and rhe fact that not a lot of people seem to be interested in my Bunny fic kinda like made me "eughhhh..." And i go on to greener pastures like Language Barrier
Not saying attention and praise is all im writing for, cause yan brother is extremely popular like hell , i got around 120 asks rn and at least 100 of them are asking me to update yan bro p3 in one form or the other.
I think its cause yan bro was made when i was in a dark place to cope, thats why its extra tasty, Bunny was made when i was relatively okay so its less yummy and less popular with the readers... So Bunny doesn't have that flavourful spice to it, pretty unseasoned and I gotta admit that too, hard to keep going when im not strongly comforted by Leveret
But anyways, pretty sure big bro will thoroughly investigate why you're calling him that, leading him to find your burner phone and leaving you gadgetless. Though, at times he kind of found it endearing ONLY if you're past 18 though. Younger than that? Yeah no, you're grounded and getting lectured
Ah yes Leveret the man who simply refuses to elaborate further after dropping an acid bomb, rabbit man my beloved, i kinda do have like a point in that story where i wanted to go, but its going to take a while before that happens
Damn i am gobbling up ur essay asks they r so good, they ere some lovely motivation generators. I really gotta thank u for reading my crap ❤️💕 i appreciate it <3
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